Textbook of Anatomy (Volume 3) Inderbir Singh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figures, and those followed by t refer to tables
nerve 804, 891, 942
nucleus 879
meningeal branch 845
nerve 854t, 927
olivary nuclei 1088
phrenic nerve 874
Acoustic radiation 1117, 1125
of muscles of pharynx 994
of palatine muscle 979
of pterygoid muscles 774
Acute retropharyngeal abscess 829
Adenoidectomy 760, 997
Adenoids 992, 997
Afferent fibres entering
cerebellum 1078
Alae nasi 751
Alar ligaments 746
Alpha neurons 1038
Alterations in shape of rima
glottides 1003
complex 1108
nuclear complex 1112
Anencephaly 742, 805
Angles of mouth 751
artery 842
gyrus 1055
Ankyloglossia 794
cervicalis 873
subclavia 933
and middle cerebral
arteries 836
and posterior
ethmoidal branches 837
fontanelles 720
malleolar 960
spinal arteries 717, 1139
transverse temporal
gyri 1056
arch 716
atlanto-occipital membrane 745
auricular branch 847
belly of digastric 741
canaliculus 960
and middle cerebral
arteries 1137
artery 1137
cervical nodes 766, 830, 832
choroidal artery 1138
ciliary arteries 838, 940
clinoid process 733
commissure 1057, 1112
communicating artery 1137
corticospinal tract 1066
cranial fossa 732
and infratrochlear nerves 897
nerve 897
external arcuate fibres 1042
fontanelle 738
funiculus 807
horn 1128
inferior cerebellar artery 1140
jugular vein 863
limb 1063
lobe 1048
longitudinal ligament 745
median fissure 807, 1042
nasal aperture 735
nucleus 1101
perforated substance 1058
spinal artery 810
superior alveolar nerve 900
thalamic radiation 1116
tubercle 717
tympanic branch 844
vertebral muscles 819t
wall of middle ear 961
funiculus 807
sulcus 1042
in nasal cavity 738
in orbit 723
foramen 982
ligament 746
mater 795, 799
villi 800
Arcuate nuclei 1086, 1088
parieto-occipitalis 1055
temporo-occipitalis 1055
Arrangement of fascia in orbit 938
Arteria radicularis magna 811
of brainstem 1144
cerebral cortex 1141
vasocorona 810
Arteries 749, 765, 833, 864
cerebellum 1146
interior of cerebral
hemisphere 1143
of cerebral haemorrhage 1143
of Heubner 1138
of pterygoid canal 846
area for mandible 731
disc 776
facets 716
tubercle 731
Aryepiglottic folds 1000
Arytenoid cartilage 1000
fibres 1116
palatine artery 842
pharyngeal artery 825, 839, 840
tracts 1072
Association fibres 1037, 1063
Asthenia 1083
Asynergia 1083
Athetosis 1108
Atlanto-axial joints 744
and atlanto-axial joints 746
joint 716, 731, 744, 745
membrane 745
Atlas vertebra 716
Atrium 987
of infrahyoid muscles 817f
of masseter muscle 775f
of orbicularis oculi muscle 762f
of semispinalis capitis
muscle 821f
of splenius capitis muscle 821f
of suboccipital muscles 822f
Atypical cervical vertebrae 716
Auditory tube 730, 954, 958, 967
branch 843, 871, 909, 923
muscles 955
Auriculotemporal nerve 764, 768, 771, 903
Autonomic ganglia 1035
ganglia 1060, 1096, 1106
lamina 945
veins 1147
Basic structure of cerebral
hemisphere 1060
artery 850, 1139
plexus of veins 858
Basivertebral vein 811
Bipolar cells 948
Bitemporal heteronymous hemianopia 887, 1124
Biventral lobule 1050
Blepharitis 952
Blind spot 948
and nerve supply of
cerebral dura mater 799
and nerve supply of teeth 983
of brain 1137
of nasal cavity 987
of spinal cord 810
vessels 795
and nerves of eyeball 949
and nerves of scalp 749
and nerves of tympanic
membrane 961
of eyelids 754
of head and neck 833, 864
of internal ear 974
and joints of head and neck 715
of skull 743
cochlea 969, 971
labyrinth 954, 969
palate 727
Boundaries of fourth ventricle 1132
Brachium 1043
Branch in middle cranial fossa 898
carrying fibres of cervical
nerves 930
of auriculotemporal nerve 903
of basilar artery 1140
of cervicothoracic ganglion 933
of costocervical trunk 853f
of external carotid artery 839
of facial nerve 909, 910f
of first part of maxillary
artery in infratemporal region 770f
of glossopharyngeal nerve 919, 920f
of hypoglossal nerve 930
of inferior thyroid artery 853f
of infraorbital nerve in face 901
of mandibular nerve 771f, 901f
of maxillary artery 845f
of middle cervical
ganglion 932
sympathetic and
cervicothoracic ganglia 934f
of ophthalmic artery 837, 838f, 940
of pterygopalatine ganglion 899f
of subclavian artery 850
of superior cervical
ganglion 932
sympathetic ganglion 934f
of vagus nerve in neck 923
Bregma 720
branches 909
nodes 766, 830
Buccinator 741, 757, 761t
Buccopharyngeal fascia 993
Bulb of posterior horn 1064, 1128
Bulla ethmoidalis 987
Calamus scriptorius 1133
Calcarine sulcus 1057
Canal of Schlemm 945
Canthus 753
Capsule of temporomandibular joint 741
Cardiac branches 925
Caroticotympanic nerves 932, 962
branch 919
canal 731, 735
groove 734
sheath 828, 833
triangle 822, 824
of epiglottis 1000
of larynx 998
Cataract 952
Cauda equina 801
Caudate nucleus 1060, 1107, 1144
Cavernous sinus 799
Cell body 1033
artery of retina 837, 940
canal 807, 1127
nervous system 1033
vein of retina 859, 949
Centromedian nucleus 1098
cortex 1051
notches 1048
nuclei 1051, 1052f
peduncles 1051, 1078
Cerebello-cortical pathways 1082
Cerebello-reticular fibres 1079
connections 1081
fibres 1079
Cerebello-spinal pathways 1082
connections 1081
fibres 1079
Cerebellum 1148
and cerebral cortex 1082
angiography 1149
aqueduct 1056, 1127
concussion 806, 1065
contusion 806, 1065
cortex 1061
dura mater 796
laceration 806, 1065
Cerebrospinal fluid 795, 800, 1134
Cerumen 957
Ceruminous glands 957
branch 766
enlargement of cord 809
nerves 868
part of sympathetic trunk 931
plexus 870, 871f
spondylolisthesis 719
spondylosis 718
vertebrae 744
Cervicothoracic ganglion 931
Chalazion 952
Charcot's artery of cerebral haemorrhage 1072
Chorda tympani 771, 903, 909, 911
fissure 1114f
plexuses 800, 1131
of fourth ventricle 1134
Chronic retropharyngeal abscess 829
arteries 949
body 943, 946
ganglion 880, 942
glands 753
muscle 946
processes 946
ring 946
Cingulate sulcus 1057
Circadian rhythms 1104
fibres 946
sulcus 1055
Circulus arteriosus 1140
Circumolivary bundle 1089
Cisternal puncture 1135
Claustrum 1108
Cleft palate 980
Cleidocranial dysostosis 742, 805
nerve 917
nuclei 881
Collar stud abscess 829
eminence 1129
sulcus 1058
Commissural fibres 1037, 1063
of brain 1119
of fornix 1115
carotid arteries 833
facial vein 765, 860
Conchae 985
Concomitant squint 893
fossa 731
process 739
Cone of light 961
Confluence of sinuses 856
anomalies 864
hydrocephalus 742, 805
malformations 718, 742, 794
of skull 805
Conjunctiva 752
fornix 754
sac 752
Conjunctivitis 952
of cerebellar nuclei 1081
of cerebellum 1078
of ciliary ganglion 890f
of hypothalamus 1101
of inferior
colliculus 1094
olivary nucleus 1088
of otic ganglion 922f
of red nucleus 1094
of substantia nigra 1094
of superior colliculus 1094
of thalamus 1098
Constriction of pupil 933
Constrictors of pharynx 994
of cranial cavity and
vertebral canal 795
of orbit 935
of autonomic activity 1104
of endocrine activity 1104
Conus medullaris 807
Cornea 752, 945, 952
opacities 952
reflex 752
Corona radiata 1060
Coronal suture 720
callosum 1061, 1064, 1119
cerebelli 1048
striatum 1060, 1106, 1144
and internal capsule 1148
Corrugator supercillii 758t
Corticofugal fibres 1063
fibres 1118
tracts 1071
Corticopetal fibres 1063
Corticopontine fibres 1118
Cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway 1071
Corticoreticular fibres 1118
Corticorubral fibres 1118
fibres 1044
tract 1066
Corticothalamic fibres 1118
Costocervical trunk 850, 853
of central artery of retina 839f
of greater occipital nerve 869f
of maxillary artery 770f
cavity 719, 795
fossae 732
nerves 795, 803, 874
part of
accessory nerve 926, 927
internal carotid arteries 835
Cranium 719
Cribriform plate 803
of ethmoid bone 732
Cricoid cartilage 1000
Crista galli 803
Cristae ampullae 974
Crura 1043
Crus cerebri 1091
Cuneate tubercles 1042
Cyclitis 952
Dangerous area
of face 760, 866
of scalp 750, 867
Decussating fibres 1037
Decussation of pyramids 1042, 1044
artery 854
fascia and lymph nodes 813
lymph nodes 766, 831f
nodes 830, 832
vein 863
lingual vein 787
muscles of back 815, 820t
petrosal nerve 911, 932
branches 846
nerves 769, 771
Deeper structures in temporal region 769
Dental caries 984
Dentate nucleus 1051
Dentine 982
anguli oris 758t
labii inferioris 758t
septi 758t
supercillii 758t
Dermatome 1077
Dermoid cysts 751
branch 843, 930
fibres 1118
tracts ending in
brainstem 1071
spinal cord 1066
Detachment of retina 948
Diaphragma sellae 798
Diencephalon 1096
fossa 739
triangle 824
Dilator tubae 968
Diploic veins 859
Diplopia 892
of equilibrium 1083
of motor function 1071
of internal carotid nerve 934f
of oculomotor nerve 890f
of posterior auricular artery 843f
lingual veins 787
longitudinal fasciculus 1102
nasal branch 941
nerve root ganglion 808
nucleus 1038
rami of cervical nerves 868
ramus of
first cervical nerve 868, 869f
second cervical nerve 868
third cervical nerve 870
typical spinal nerve 869f
scapular artery 850, 854
spinocerebellar tract 1075
supraoptic commissure 1119
tegmental decussation 1069, 1093
vagal nucleus 1088
Dorsimedial nucleus 1101
nasi 751
sellae 733
Duct of cochlea 970, 972
Ductus reunions 971
Dura mater 795
Early development of brain 1059
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 880, 887, 1093
Emboliform nucleus 1051
Eminentia conchae 955
Emissary veins 860
Enamel 982
Endocranium 795
Endolymph 969
Endolymphatic sac 973
Enlarged lymph nodes 831
Enophthalmos 759, 933
Entorhinal area 884, 1109
Ependyma 800, 1127
Epicranial aponeurosis 748
Episcleritis 952
Epistaxis 988
Epithalamus 1105
Epitympanic recess 958
Erector spinae 820t
Ethmoid bone 721
air sinuses 990
infundibulum 737, 987
Eustachian tube 967
Exterior of cerebral hemispheres 1051
acoustic meatus 725, 954, 956
carotid arteries 838
ear 954
jugular vein 863
laryngeal nerve 924
medullary lamina 1097
nares 751
nasal nerves 766, 897
nose 751
crest 721
protuberance 720
strabismus 893
Extradural haemorrhage 807, 1065
Extraocular muscles 935, 936t
Extrapyramidal tracts 1070
Extrinsic muscles 787, 1002
of tongue 788t
Eyelids 752
Eyes and related structures 952
artery 825, 839, 841
colliculus 891, 908, 1091, 1133
nerve 764, 767, 908
nucleus 908
vein 765
cerebelli 798
cerebri 796, 797f
Fascial sheath of eyeball 939
cuneatus 1042
gracilis and fasciculus
cuneatus 1074
Fastigial nucleus 1051
cochleae 964, 965
vestibuli 964, 965
entering cerebellum 1079, 1080
leaving cerebellum 1079, 1080f
of optic nerve 948
of subthalamic fasciculus 1118
Filiform papillae 786
Filum terminale 801
Fimbria 1113
First cervical vertebra 716f
Flail joints 1083
Flexion of head 746
Flocculonodular lobe 1048
of middle and posterior cranial fossae 733f
of middle ear 959
of nasal cavity 987
Fontanelles 738
caecum 732, 786
lacerum 731, 734
magnum 727, 731, 734, 735
ovale 730, 734, 735
rotundum 735
spinosum 730, 734
Foramina of skull 735
Fornix 1115
Fossa incudis 962
Fovea centralis 948
of anterior cranial fossa 743
of hyoid bone 742
of middle cranial fossa 743
of posterior cranial fossa 743
of skull 742, 806
Frenulum linguae 786, 977
bone 720
branch 844, 847
crest 732
eminence 721
lobe 1055
nerve 895, 942
notch 721
operculum 1056
of maxilla 721
of zygomatic bone 721
sinuses 737, 988
thalamic peduncle 1116
Frontonasal duct 987
Frontoparietal operculum 1056
Functional components
of facial nerve 912
of glossopharyngeal nerve 920
of vagus nerve 925
of cerebellum 1082
of hypothalamus 1104
of reticular formation 1095
Fungiform 786
Gamma neurons 1038
Ganglion cells 948
somatic afferent
fibres 876, 913
nuclei 881
visceral efferent
fibres 876, 912
nuclei 880
Genicular ganglion 908
Geniculocalcarine tract and visual cortex 1123
Geniohyoid muscle 741
Gingivitis 984
Globose nucleus 1051
Globus pallidus 1144
Glossopharyngeal nerve 788, 791, 792f, 804, 918
Gracile lobule 1050
Great cerebral vein 856, 1147
arterial circle 949
auricle nerve 871
cornua 741
occipital nerve 868
artery 846
nerve 898
petrosal nerve 909, 911
commissure 807
matter of cerebellum 1051
Gross anatomy
of brain 1040
of brainstem 1040
of cerebellum 1048
of cerebral hemispheres 1051
of medulla 1042
of midbrain 1043
of pons 1042
Gustatory nucleus 881
cinguli 1057
descendens 1055
faciolaris 1113
rectus 1058
Hair cells 974
Hard palate 978
Harelip 760, 980
Helicotrema 972
Hemianopia 887
Hemiballism 1108
Hemiplegia 1071, 1072
Herpes zoster 913
Hiatus semilunaris 737, 987
Highest nuchal lines 721
commissure 1115
fissure 1113, 1114f
formation 1113
Homonymous 887
fissure 1050
plate 728
Horner's syndrome 759, 933
Human osteology 719
Hutchinson's teeth 983
Hyaloid fossa 949
Hydrocephalus 1135
Hyoglossus muscle 741, 789
Hyoid bone 741
Hyperacusis 965
Hypermetropia 953
canal 734, 735
nerve 789, 792, 793f, 929, 931f
nucleus 880, 1088
triangle 1133
Hypophyseal fossa 733
Hypophysis cerebri 1057
nuclei 1100
sulcus 1096, 1129
Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system 1103
Hypotonia 1083
Incisivus labii
inferioris 758t
superioris 758t
Incus 958
Indusium griseum 1113
Infections of scalp 750
artery 845
nerve 771, 905
anastomotic vein 1146
articular surface 776
brachium 1093
cerebellar peduncle 1045 1051, 1080
cerebral veins 1146
colliculus 1093
cornu 998
fovea 1133
gyri 1055
sulci 1055
ganglion 919, 923
horn 1128
labial artery 765
medullary velum 1131
nuchal line 721
olivary nucleus 1042, 1045, 1086
ophthalmic vein 859
orbital fissure 724, 728
parietal lobule 1055
petrosal sinus 858
rectus 936t
sagittal sinus 796, 856
semilunar lobule 1050
striate veins 1147, 1148
surface of cerebrum 1057
temporal sulci 1055
thalamic radiation 1117
artery 851, 852
veins 861
Infrahyoid muscles 813, 816t
artery 846
foramen 721, 724
groove 724
and canal 900
nerve 766
crest 728
fossa 725, 769
Infratrochlear nerve 897
Infundibular nucleus 1101
Insertion of constrictors of
pharynx 994
Insula 1055
Intention tremor 1108
Interior of larynx 1000
Intermediolateral and intermediomedial nuclei 1038
acoustic meatus 734, 735
arcuate fibres 1074
capsule 1060, 1063, 1116, 1143
commissures 1116
artery 834, 1137
nerve 932
cerebral veins 1147
ear 969
jugular veins 854
laryngeal nerve 924
medullary lamina 1097
nasal branches 897
crest 735
protuberance 735
strabismus 893
structure of
brainstem 1043, 1084
medulla 1043
midbrain 1047
pons 1045
spinal cord 1033, 1037
thalamus 1097
vertebral venous plexus 801, 811
Internuncial neuron 1035
Interpeduncular fossa 1057
Intersegmental tracts 1039
Interthalamic connexus 1056, 1096, 1129
Interventricular foramen 1056, 1127
foramina 808
vein 812
Intorsion 937
sinuses and veins 858
venous sinuses 803, 855, 867
Intralaminar nuclei 1098
Intraocular lens transplantation 953
Intraparietal sulcus 1055
Intrinsic muscles 787, 1002
Iridocyclitis 952
Iris 943, 946
Isthmus 1057
Joints 744
of head and neck 743
arch 863
foramen 731, 735
fossa 731
tubercle 734
Jugulodigastric nodes 830
Jugulo-omohyoid node 830
Jugum sphenoidale 732
Keratitis 952
Killian's dehiscence 995
Klippel-Feil syndrome 718
Labyrinth 969
Labyrinthine artery 1140
Labyrinthitis 975
Laceration of tongue 794
apparatus 754
artery 837, 940
canaliculi 754, 756
caruncle 753
gland 754, 939
groove 723
nerve 895, 942
papilla 753
punctum 753
sac 754, 756
Lacus lacrimalis 753
Lambdoid suture 720
cribrosa 886, 944
fusca 945
terminalis 1057
Laminae 716
muscles of face 761t
paired sinuses 857
part of pharynx 993
prominence 998
Laryngitis 1004
Laryngopharyngeal branches 932
Laryngoscopy 1005
Larynx 998, 1004
and medial palpebral ligaments 753
atlanto-axial joints 745
corticospinal tract 1066
dorsal nucleus 1098
flexion of head at atlanto-occipital joint 746
funiculus 807
geniculate body 886, 1105, 1123
glossoepiglottic folds 786
grey column 807
lemniscus 1124
longitudinal striae 1113
masses 716
medullary syndrome 1145
artery 765
branch 842
occipital sulcus 1055
occipitotemporal gyrus 1059
orbital gyri 1058
posterior nucleus 1098
pterygoid muscle 769
reticular nucleus 1086
reticulospinal tract 1069
striate arteries 1143
ligament 776
ventricles 1127
vertebral muscles 814, 818t
wall of
middle ear 959
nasal cavity 736f, 985
Layers of scalp 748, 749f
homonymous hemianopia 887, 1124
recurrent laryngeal nerve 924
Lentiform nucleus 1060, 1107
occipital nerve 871
palatine foramina 728
palatine nerves 899
petrosal nerve 919
anguli oris 758t
labii superioris 758t
alaeque nasi 758t
palati 978, 979
palpebrae superioris 936t
denticulatum 802
flavum 745
Limbic system 1111
Limbus 945
insulae 1058
nasi 987
Linea splendens 802
artery 787, 825, 839, 840
branch 845
nerve 771, 790, 791f, 903
tonsil 786
vein 787, 860
Lingula 739
Lips and cheeks 751
Lobes 1052
Lobule 955
and short ciliary nerves 949
arteries 949
nerves 897
capitis 815, 819t
colli 815
Loose areolar tissue 748
Lower motor neuron paralysis 1071
Ludwig's angina 829
Lumbar puncture 801, 1149
Lunate sulcus 1055
nodes of head and neck 829
vessels 995
Lymphatic drainage 750, 955, 987, 1003
drainage of neck 831
drainage of tongue 792, 793f
of face 766
Macroglossia 794
Maculae 974
Main sensory nucleus 881
bodies 1057
nuclei 1100
peduncle 1102
foramen 739
fossa 725, 731
nerve 770, 804, 901
notch 739
Mandibulofacial dysostosis 742, 760, 805
Marginal mandibular branch 766, 911
air cells 958, 966
antrum 958, 966
fontanelle 738
notch 731
artery 770, 839, 843
nerve 804, 898
sinuses 990
tuberosity 727
vein and pterygoid plexus 861
accessory olivary nucleus 1086
and lateral
geniculate bodies 1057, 1098
olfactory striae 1109
forebrain bundle 1102
frontal gyrus 1057
geniculate body 1105
lemniscus 1044, 1074
medullary syndrome 1145
occipitotemporal gyrus 1059
palpebral branches 838, 940
muscle 770
plate 728
reticulospinal tract 1069
striate arteries 1143
surface of cerebral
hemisphere 1056
wall of
middle ear 963
nasal cavity 984
atlanto-axial joint 745
atlanto-occipital joint 717
dorsal recess 1132
glossoepiglottic fold 786
Medicolegal importance of teeth 984
Meibomian glands 753
Melanoma 953
Membrana tectoria 746
Membranous labyrinth 969, 972
branch 843, 923, 930
veins 859
Meninges 717, 795
and cerebrospinal fluid 801
in vertebral canal 801
branch 845
foramen 739
protuberance 740
tubercles 738, 740
Meriodonal fibres 946
Mesencephalic nucleus 881
nucleus of trigeminal nerve 1093
Mesencephalon 1059
Metathalamus 1105
Microglossia 794
and inferior nasal conchae 721
cerebellar peduncle 1042, 1045, 1051, 1080
cerebral artery 1138, 1141
cranial fossa 733
ear 957
ganglion 931
lobe 1048
artery 844
sinus 858
superior alveolar nerve 900
artery 847
vein 861
thyroid vein 861
Midline nuclei 1098
Millard-Gubler syndrome 1072
Monoplegia 1071, 1072
Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve 880
Movements of eyeball 935
of face 757, 758t
of larynx 1002
of mastication 772, 773t
of middle ear 965
of neck 813
of orbit 935
of pharynx 994
of soft palate 978
of tongue 787
branches 838
triangle 822, 825
Musculus uvulae 978, 979
Myelin sheath 1034
Myelinated axons 1034
Mylohyoid 741
branch 845
groove 739
line 739
muscle 741, 784
nerve 771
Myoclonus 1108
Myopia 953
cavity 735, 988
hemianopia 887, 1124
part of pharynx 991
process of frontal bone 721
septum 721, 735
Nasociliary nerve 897
canal 723, 738
duct 754, 757, 990
Nasopalatine nerve 899
Nasopharyngeal tonsil 759
and arteries
in cranial cavity 803
of scalp 749f
and vessels of orbit 940
of face 766, 767
of head and neck 868
of ordinary sensation 788
of taste 788
eyelids 754
muscles 789
tongue 787
Neuroglia 1033
Neurons 1033
of dorsal grey column 1038
of intermediolateral group 1039
smooth muscle and glands 878
typical skeletal muscle 877
in anterior part 1097
in intermediate zone 1101
in lateral
part 1097
zone 1101
in periventricular zone 1101
of lateral group 1098
pontis 1089
ambiguus 880
cuneatus 1043, 1084
gracilis 1043, 1084
of facial nerve 880
of lateral lemniscus 1124
of solitary tract 880
of trapezoid body 1124
of vagus 880
artery 825, 839, 842
bone 720
branches 843
condyles 731
nodes 766, 832
pole 1051
triangle 823
vein 863
Occipitalisation of atlas 718
Occipitotectal fibres 1118
Occipitotemporal sulcus 1058
Ocular conjunctiva 752, 753
nerve 803, 887, 941
nucleus 879, 1093
Odontoid process 717
Oesophagus in neck 1006
bulb 803, 883, 1109
mucosa 984, 1109
nerve 874, 1109
receptor cells 1110
region and limbic system 1109
tract 803, 1109
trigone 1109
tubercle 1109
Oligodendrocyte 1033
Olivocerebellar connections 1080f, 1081
Olivospinal tract 1069
Opercula 1056
artery 836, 940
nerve 804, 895, 942
Ophthalmoscope 953
canal 723, 735
chiasma 941
and optic tract 1121
disc 948
nerve 803, 884, 941, 1121
neuritis 952
stalk 947
tract 886
vesicle 947
Ora serrata 946
cavity 976
diaphragm 783
oculi 757, 761t
oris 757, 761t
Orbit 722, 935
branches 899
fascia 938
septum 753, 939
sulcus 1058
surface 1058
Origin of buccinator muscle 762f
Oropharyngeal isthmus 976, 991
Ossicles of middle ear 958
Osteophytes 718
Otic ganglion 921
Otitis media 974
Palate 978
aponeurosis 978
bones 726, 728
crest 728
tonsils 996
Palatoglossal fold 786, 978
Palatoglossus 978, 979
folds 978, 993
sphincter 979, 991, 995
conjunctiva 753
fissure 752
Pannulus carnosus 813
Papillomacular bundle 886, 1121
Paracentral lobule 1057
Parahippocampal gyrus 884, 1059, 1109
of abducent nerve 893
of facial nerve 767, 915
of oculomotor nerve 893
of trochlear nerve 893
Paralytic squint 893
Paranasal sinuses 737, 990
Paraplegia 1072
Parasympathetic ganglia 1035
Paraterminal gyrus 1112
Paraventricular nucleus 1101
Parieto-occipital sulcus 1053
gyrus 1112
sulci 1112
duct 763
fascia 764
gland 760, 764, 854t, 909
nodes 832
flaccida 960
opercularis 1055
orbitalis 1055
triangularis 1055
Parts of
bony labyrinth 969
membranous labyrinth 970
Pedicles 716
Pelvic splanchnic nerves 1039
Pericranium 748
Perimetry 1123
Periodontal ligament 982
Peripheral nervous system 1033
Peritonsillar abscess 997
Perivascular spaces 800
Perpendicular plate 728
Petrotympanic fissure 960
Petrous temporal bone 908
branches 919
isthmus 991
nerve 899
part of tongue 786
plexus 924, 995
recess 992
tonsil 997
Pharyngotympanic tube 967
Pharynx 991, 995
Philtrum 760, 980
Phrenic nerve 873
Pia mater 795, 800
Pigment cell layer 947
Pineal gland 1057
Platysma 813
muscle 815f
Plica semilunaris 753
Poliomyelitis 1072
branches 1140
nuclei 1045, 1089
Pontobulbar body 1089
Postcentral gyrus 1055
atlanto-occipital membrane 745
artery 839, 843
branch of facial nerve 769
nerve 909
vein 862
canaliculus 960
cerebral artery 1139
choroidal artery 1140
ciliary arteries 837, 940
clinoid processes 734
column tracts 1074
communicating artery 1138
condylar canal 731, 734
cranial fossa 734
ethmoidal branch 897
external jugular vein 863
fontanelle 738
funiculus 807
horn 1128
cerebellar artery 1139
nasal branches 899
limb 1063
lobe 1048
septum 807
sulcus 1042
nasal apertures 728, 735
nucleus 1101
perforated substance 1058
ramus of lateral sulcus 1052
septal branches 847
spinal arteries 810
superior alveolar
artery 846
nerve 900
superior nasal nerves 899
thalamic radiation 1116
thyroid branches 840
triangle 823
tubercle 717
wall of middle ear 962
fissure 1048
nasal branches 847
sulcus 1042
gyrus 1055
sulcus 1055
Preganglionic neuron 878
Premammillary nuclei 1101
Preoptic nucleus 1100
Presbyopia 953
Pretectal nucleus 1093
Pretracheal fascia 828
fascia 828
muscles 815
Primary olfactory cortex 1111
Processus trochleariformis 961
Pterion 725
canal 911
fossa 728
fovea 739
muscles 769
plates 725
plexus 861
Pterygomaxillary fissure 728
fossa 898
ganglion 880, 899, 913
Ptosis 893
Pulp canal 982
Pulsating exophthalmos 867
Pyorrhea 984
Pyramid 962, 1044
Pyramidal tracts 1070
Quadrangular lobule 1050
Quadriplegia 1072
Radicular arteries 810
Raymond's syndrome 1072
Rectus capitis
anterior 815
lateralis 815
posterior minor 822t
laryngeal nerve 924
meningeal branch 837
Referred pain 1077
Reflex arc 1035
Refracting media 944
Region of atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints 747f
Regulation of sexual activity and
reproduction 1104
Renshaw cell 1038
formation 1044, 1047
of brainstem 1094
nucleus 1098
Reticulocerebellar connections 1081
Reticulospinal tracts 1069
Retina 944, 947
Retinitis 952
Retinoblastoma 953
Retinoscopy 953
Retroauricular nodes 766
Retromandibular vein 861, 764, 765
Rhinal sulcus 1059
Rhinencephalon 1111
Rhinitis 988
Rhombencephalon 1059
Rhomboid fossa 1132
Right recurrent laryngeal nerve 924
glottidis 998, 1001
vestibuli 1001
Romberg's sign 1083
of middle ear 959
of nasal cavity 987
Roots and divisions of trigeminal nerve 894f
Rostral spinocerebellar tract 1079
Rubrospinal tract 1068
Saccus endolymphaticus 971
Salivary glands 782
Salpingopalatine fold 992
Salpingopharyngeal fold 992
Salpingopharyngeus 994
tympani 964, 969
vestibuli 964, 969
anterior 814
medius 814
minimus 814
posterior 814
Scalp 748
Schwann cells 1033
Sclera 944
Scleral spur 945
Scleritis 952
Sclerocorneal junction 945
Sebaceous cysts 750
Second cervical vertebra 717f
olfactory cortex 1111
tympanic membrane 965, 972
fibres 790, 905
nerve supply 781, 782
Sella turcica 733
canals 954, 970
duct 970, 972
decussation 1074
disorders 1077
ganglia 1034
root of ciliary ganglion 897
lucidum 1057
pellucidum 1057
Seventh cervical vertebra 718, 719f
sinuses 857
sulcus 735
tympani 965
venosus sclerae 945
Soft palate 978
Solitary tract 1088
Somatic efferent
fibres 876
nuclei 879
Spastic paralysis 1071
Sphenoethmoidal recess 738, 986, 989
Sphenoid bone 725
fontanelle 738
sinuses 737, 989
Sphenomandibular ligament 771, 776
artery 847
foramen 738
Sphenoparietal sinus 858
Spina bifida 718
occulta 718
branches 851
cord 717, 807
ganglion 808
lemniscus 1075
nerve roots 877
nerves and spinal segments 808
nucleus 881
of trigeminal nerve 1042, 1043
part of accessory nerve 717, 804, 927
root of accessory nerve 809
segment 808
tract 1044
of trigeminal nerve 1042
Spine of sphenoid 730
Spino-olivary tract 1075
Spinotectal tract 1075
Spinothalamic pathway 1075
Spinous processes 716
ganglion 972
lamina 972
organ of corti 973
Splenial gyrus 1113
Splenium 1056
capitis 820t
cervicis 820t
Squamotympanic fissure 731
Squint 892
Stellate ganglion 931
Stereoscopic vision 1121
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 816t
Sternohyoid muscle 741
Strabismus 892
Straight sinus 796, 856
Stratum zonale 1097
medullaris thalami 1096
terminalis 1096, 1112
Striate arteries 1143
external carotid artery 840t
internal carotid artery 835t
superficial and deep to internal jugular vein 854t
Stylohyoid muscle 742
Styloid process 725, 731
Stylomandibular ligament 764, 776, 828
branch 842
foramen 731, 735
Stylopharyngeus 994
Subarachnoid haemorrhage 807, 1065
arteries 847
veins 855
Subdivisions of
anterior triangle 824
cerebellum 1048
grey matter 1037
hypothalamus 1100
haemorrhage 807, 1065
space 800
fold 786
fossa 739
gland 781
papilla 786, 977
duct 780
fossa 739
ganglion 791, 880, 913
gland 779
nodes 766
region and tongue 779
nodes 766, 832
triangle 824
muscles 821, 822t
triangle 823, 826
gelatinosa 1038
nigra 1047, 1091
nucleus 1106
region 1106
basilaris 1043
chiasmaticus 733
limitans 1133
sclerae 945
terminalis 786
and deep parotid nodes 766
cervical nodes 766, 830
contents of infratemporal fossa 769
fascia 748
lymph nodes 829
middle cerebral vein 1146
structures 768
artery 765, 768, 839, 847
vein 768, 861
anastomotic vein 1146
and inferior
labial branches 842
occipital gyri 1055
tubercles 998
belly of omohyoid muscle 741
artery 1140
peduncle 1051, 1079
cerebral veins 1146
colliculus 1093
cornu 998
dental plexus 901
fovea 1133
ganglion 923, 931
intercostal artery 854
labial artery 765
branch of vagus nerve 789
nerve 924
medullary velum 1043, 1131
nuchal line 720
ophthalmic vein 858
orbital fissure 723, 734, 735
parietal lobule 1055
petrosal sinus 798, 858
sagittal sinus 796
salivatory nucleus. 912
semilunar lobule 1050
striate veins 1148
thalamic radiation 1116
artery 825, 839, 840
vein 861
Suprachiasmatic nucleus 1101
Suprachoroid lamina 945
nerves 872
triangle 823
Suprahyoid muscles 782t, 783
Supramarginal gyrus 1055
Suprameatal triangle 966
Supranuclear paralysis 915
Supraoptic nucleus 1101
branch 837, 940
nerve 895, 942
notch 721
artery 851
veins 863
nodes 832
space 828
Supratentorial compartment 797
Supratrochlear 766
artery 838, 940
nerve 896, 942
Suspensory ligament 949
Swellings 832
ganglia 1035
innervation of upper limb 933
root 942
trunk 825
Symphysis menti 739
Synchondroses 743
Syringomyelia 1077
Taenia thalami 1096
Tail of dentate gyrus 1113
Tarsal glands 753
Tectospinal tract 1069
Tegmen tympani 731, 734, 959
Tela choroidea 800, 1096
of fourth ventricle 1134
of third and lateral
ventricles 1130
Telencephalic vesicles 1059
and infratemporal regions 768
branch 766, 909
of facial nerve 769
fascia 768, 773
fossa 725, 768
lines 724
operculum 1056
pole 1051
region 768
surface 730
Temporomandibular joint 725, 744, 776
palati 978
tympani 965
notch 797
surface 1058
Tentorium cerebelli 796, 797, 1048
Terminal ventricle 807
facial nerve 915
glossopharyngeal nerve 923
of trigeminal nerve 906
optic nerve 886, 1123
vestibulocochlear nerve 918, 1125
peduncles 1099
radiations 1099
Thalamocortical fibres 1116
Thalamostriate vein 1147
Thalamus 1096, 1144
and hypothalamus 1060
Thrombosis in
cavernous sinus 867
sigmoid sinus 867
superior sagittal sinus 867
Thyrocervical trunk 850, 851
Thyroepiglottic muscles 1002
Thyrohyoid muscle 742
Thyroid cartilage 998
Tongue 784
Tonsil 1050
branches 919
crypts 996
sinus 993
branch 842
Tonsillectomy 996, 997
Tonsillitis 997
Trachea 1005
Tracheostomy 1004
Tracts of spinal cord and brainstem 1066
cervical vein 863
cutaneous nerve of neck 871
artery 765
branch 847
fissure 1131
ligament of atlas 746
occipital sulcus 1055
sinuses 857
sulcus 735
Trapezoid nucleus 1124
Triangles of neck 813, 821, 825f
of internal jugular vein 855, 860
of subclavian vein 856f
cave 798, 804, 895
ganglion 804, 895
impression 734, 895
nerve 766, 767, 804, 893
neuralgia 907
nerve 803, 891, 942
nucleus 879
elevation 992
tonsil 992
cinereum 1042
sellae 733
Tuberomammillary nucleus 1101
branch 919
cavity or tympanum 957
membrane 954, 959, 961
plexus 919
sulcus 956, 960
Tympanum 954
Typical cervical vertebrae 715
Unmyelinated axons 1034
Unpaired sinuses lying in midline 856
and lower buccal branches 766
articular surface 776
motor neuron paralysis 1071
Utriculosaccular duct 971
Uvula 978
Vagal triangle 1133
Vagus nerve 804, 923, 926
Vallate papillae 786
Vallecula 786
coat 943
layer 945
Veins 749, 765, 854, 866
draining eyeball and orbit 858
in head 859
of cerebellum and
brainstem 1148
of cerebral hemisphere 1146
of orbit 941
Venae vorticosae 945, 949
drainage of brain 1146
pressure 866
vasocorona 811
anterior nucleus 1097
aspect of brainstem 1040f
column neurons 1038
intermediate nucleus 1097
posterior nucleus 1097, 1099
posterolateral nucleus 1097
posteromedial nucleus 1097
rami of cervical nerves 870
spinocerebellar tract 1075, 1079
supraoptic commissure 1119
tegmental decussation 1069, 1093
thalamic peduncle 1117
thalamus 1106
white commissure 807
Ventricles of brain and cerebrospinal fluid 1127
Ventriculography 1136, 1149
Ventromedial nucleus 1101
Vertebra prominens 718
arteries 1138
bodies 715
canal 795
column 715
vein 863
venous plexus 795, 811, 812f
and nerves of larynx 1003
of face and parotid region 765
area 1133
ligament 1000
membrane 972
nerve 916
nuclei 881, 1088
Vestibule 969, 987
Vestibulocerebellar connections 1080
Vestibulocochlear nerves 804
Vestibulospinal tract 1069
Visual field and retinal quadrants 1120
Vocal folds 998
Vocalis 1003
Waldeyer's ring of lymphoid
tissue 997f
Walls of
orbit 722
pharynx 993
Weber's syndrome 1072
White matter
of cerebellum 1051
of cerebral hemispheres 1063
of spinal cord 1039
Wounds of scalp 750
Zona incerta 1106
Zonule 949
arch 725
branches 837, 909, 940
nerve 900
of frontal bone 721
of maxilla 721
foramen 721
nerve 769, 900
Zygomatico-orbital branch 847
Zygomaticotemporal nerve 769, 900
Chapter Notes

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