A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing Annamma Jacob
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure
Abdomen 453
breathing 601, 601f, 678
distention or swelling 689
exercises 600
hysterectomy 731
incision 767
pain 108
palpation 112, 114f, 115, 354, 375
peritoneum 398
pregnancy 264
striae 110
tightening 599
wall 211
bleeding 675
fetal heart rate pattern 498
menopause 746
bleeding 727, 689
discharge 689
Abnormalities of
early pregnancy 255
external genitalia 705
urinary system 534
blood group and Rh factor 109
incompatibility 543, 777
Abortion 142, 251, 255, 777
Abruptio placentae 285, 288, 356, 777
Absent uterus 703
Acceleration of fetal heart rate 160f
ovary 706
reproductive organs 50
Achondroplasia 534
Achrocyanosis 448f
Acidosis 777
Acne 244
immunity 544
immunodeficiency syndrome 8, 281, 283, 547
metabolic disorders 554
pneumonia 507
RVF 711
Acrocyanosis 777
Active liver disease 243
Acupressure 585
Acupuncture 585
endometritis 687
illnesses during pregnancy 350
inversion of uterus 423f
mastitis 437
pain 749752
polyhydramnios 292
retroversion of uterus 718
salpingitis 687
Acyanotic cardiac defects 529
Acyclic bleeding 680
Adenocarcinoma 734
Adenomyosis 740
Adenosquamous carcinoma 734
Adequate feeding 538
Adnexal fullness and tenderness 688
disease 676
glands 96
insufficiency 555
and disadvantages of regional anesthesia 583
of combined methods 360
of copper devices 238
of female sterilization 250
of forceps over ventouse 394
Aerosol foams 233
Afterbirth pains 223
Age of menopause 744
Albumin 777
Alimentary tract 76
Alkalosis 268, 777
Alleviation of leg cramps 163
Allis tissue forceps 660, 660f
Alpha-fetoprotein testing 127
Ambiguous genitalia 534
Amniocentesis 526, 777
and amniotic fluid studies 125
Amnioscopy 127
Amniotic fluid 68
embolism 291, 408
measurement 355
Amniotomy 777
Ampulla 49
Analeptic drugs 522
Analgesia 175
Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system 505
Androgen producing tumors 680
Android pelvis 42
Anemia 142, 192, 488, 623
Anencephaly 407, 529, 777
Anesthesia 175, 398, 580, 582
Anomalies of ovaries 705
Anorexia 678
nervosa 676
cycles 730
dub 679
Anoxia 777
care 561, 623
exercises 599
period 521, 777
visits 561
deaths 626
hemorrhage 285, 350, 360
fontanelle 81, 777
labial tears 177
vaginal wall retractor 662, 662f
Anteroposterior diameter
in different plane 40f
of brim 39
Anthropoid pelvis 42
Antibiotics 557
Antibody titers 777
Antihypertensive drugs 606
Apgar score 448f, 449
Apnea 500
of prematurity 506, 510
Appearance of
preterm newborn 486f
SGA newborn 486f
Application of
cup 394
vacuum extractor 394f
Appropriate for gestational age 778
Arcuate uterus 702
Arm recoil 469
Artery forceps 658
feeding 482
donor 722
husband 722
with donor sperm 721
rupture of membranes or amniotomy 359
Asphyxia 488, 493, 778
Aspiration 506, 507
for vaginal delivery 377
of cervix 357
of fundus 216
of neuromuscular maturity 468
of placenta 190
of uterine pain 217
breech delivery 378
reproductive technology 719, 721
Asthma 107
Athenospermia 722
Atonic uterus 191, 415
Atresia 526
Atrial and ventricular septal defects 510
endometritis 687
vulvovaginitis 691
Attitude of
fetal head 82
fetus in vertex 119
Auscultation 369, 376
of fetal heart sounds 116f
Auvard's weighted vaginal speculum 663, 663f
Auxiliary nurse midwives 6, 7, 12
Axis traction
devices 389, 667f
forceps 389f, 667
Babcock's tissue forceps 671, 671f
Babinski's reflex 465
Baby's lips in contact with areola 477f
Back pain 108, 598
infections 275
vaginosis 275
Bag and mask
equipment 457
for ventilation 458f
ventilation 458
Balanced anesthesia 585
Ballottement of fetus 99
retraction ring 384
ring 364, 365f
sign 468f
test 468
Barrier methods 233
abscess 690
cancer 737
cysts 742
Bartholinitis 690
body temperature 719
cell carcinoma 736
Baseline fetal heart rate 159
construction of forceps 388
human rights 231
life support 411
insertion of cord 71f
placenta 71
Benefits of breastfeeding 480
breast disease 244
ovarian tumors 693
Bicornuate uterus 702, 703f, 778
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and lymphadenectomy 731
Bilirubin 778
toxicity 537
Bimanual compression 193, 419
of uterus 419f
Biparietal diameter 82
Bipartite placenta 71f
asphyxia 502
canal 426
control 232
injury 380
of head 168, 170
of shoulders and body 168, 170, 373
trauma 501, 513
Bisacromial diameter 83
preinduction cervical scoring system 357
score 778
Bitemporal diameter 82
Bitrochanteric diameter 83
Bladder 215, 217
and urethra 745
care 153, 173
injury due to trauma 367
Blink reflex 465
Blond Heidler wire saw 401f
Blood 76
coagulation disorders 194, 351, 416
dyscrasias 109
glucose level 676
pressure 109, 151, 153, 159, 167
supply 4651
tests 109, 677, 689
vessels 191
volume 90
Bodily care of woman 162
of uterus 87
temperature 488, 500
Bones of vault 80
Bony pelvis 39f
Borderline ovarian cancer 728
Bottlefeeding 490
Bowels and gastrointestinal system 217
palsy 515
plexus injury 384
Bradley method 591
Bradycardia 778
Brandt-Andrews method 188f
Breaking of cord 420
Breast 50, 209, 215, 470, 473, 745
abscess 438
cancer 243
engorgement 224, 436
infection 432
malignancy 258
tenderness 678
Breastfeeding 236, 568
Breathing 178, 412, 500
exercise 599
delivery 508
extraction 378
hook and crochet 669, 669f
with extended legs 375
Bregma 81
cell 726
tumor 693
Brim of pelvis 39f
Bronchial asthma 243
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 509
Brow military attitude 119f
Brown fat 778
tendencies 109
teeth 162
Bubble test 787
Bulb syringe 666, 666f
Bulbocavernosus muscles 44
Bullus impetigo 499
Burns Marshall method 379
Burpingbaby 478f
Butorphanol 581
Calculation of infusion dose 357
Cancer 241
of cervix 733
of fallopian tube 738
of vulva 736
albicans 274
infections 548
tropicalis 274
Caput succedaneum 513, 514f, 779
Carcinoid tumor 726
Carcinoma 243, 730
cervix 680, 698
of endometrium and ovary 244
Carcinosarcoma 730
Cardiogenic shock 409
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 411
Cardiorespiratory system 109
Cardiotocography 355
and cerebrovascular effects 745
and circulatory problems 506, 510
system 461, 501, 745
Care of
baby undergoing exchange transfusion 542
bladder 213
bowel 213
breasts 213
Carunculae myrtiformes 46
Causative organisms 687, 690
Causes of
anemia 498
congenital abnormalities 524
convulsion innewborn 522
female infertility 717
infertility 716
intrauterine growth retardation 486, 492
neonatal deaths 623, 626
pain 580
pallor 498
pathological jaundice 539
perinatal mortality 625
physiological jaundice 538
postpartum hemorrhage 414
prematurity 487
preterm labor 346
primary amenorrhea 675
prolonged labor 360
respiratory depression in neonate 455
tubal pregnancy 262
vomiting 557
Central nervous system 77, 109, 501
abnormalities 529
disorders 506, 510
Cephalhematoma 392, 395, 514f, 517, 779
hemorrhage 374, 488
malformations 522
trauma 395
biopsy 700
canal 48, 387f
cap 233f
dilatation 139, 157, 779
dystocia 363
endometriosis 680
friability 688
hostility 723
incompetence 349, 388, 685
motion tenderness 688, 690
pregnancy 264
smear for cytological and hormonal study 699
stenosis 722
tears 428
Cervicitis 277, 690
Cervix 48, 89, 144, 208, 433
birth preparation 593
delivery 778
hysterectomy 399
ligation 250
section 396
Chadwick's sign 99, 779
Chancroid 271
Changes in
cardiovascular system 89
endocrine system 95
gastrointestinal system 92
maternal newborn nursing 9
metabolism 93
reproductive system 87
respiratory system 91
urinary system 92
uterine shape 87
Changing diaper in
sitting position 598f
standing position 598f
Chemotherapy 729, 733
Chest compressions 459, 779
education 588
preparation program 588
Chlamydia 547
infections 271
trachomatis 687, 690
Chloasma 779
Choanal atresia 509, 528, 779
Cholestatic jaundice 244
Choriocarcinoma 266, 731, 732
destruens 732
villi 66f
villus sampling 779
Chromosome 779
cervicitis 718, 742
debilitating illness 432
diseases 487
endometritis 687
glomerulonephritis 258
hepatic disease 676
hypertension 350
inversion of uterus 685
nephritis 350
infection 676
pain 688
PID 742
polyhydramnios 292
premenstrual pelvic pain 681
renal disease 676
salpingitis 687
exercises 600
failure 268
system 104
Circumvallate placenta 70, 71f
and cutting
cord 447
umbilical cord 181
of blood vessels 197f
Classical cesarean section 397
Classification of
abortion 255
hormonal contraceptives 242
inversion 423
maternal deaths 622
ovarian cancers 726
rupture 429
shock 409
Clavicle fracture 516
Clear cell endometrial carcinoma 730
lip 527
palate 509, 527
Cleidotomy 402
Climacteric 55
aspects of menstruation 55
features of
benign tumors and cysts of ovary 694
GTN 732
signs of
hypoglycemia 555
pneumothorax 509
respiratory problems 506
septic shock 410
Clitoris 45
Cloasma 244
tetani 433
welchii 433
Closure of
ductus arteriosus 78
venosus 79
foramen ovale 79
arteries 78
vein 78
Cluster testing 273
CNS hemorrhage 555
Coarctation of aorta 510
Coccydynia 603
Coccyx 38
Coitus interruptus 236, 237
Colicky pain in lower abdomen 695
Collection of pus in uterine cavity 687
Colostrum 779
Colposcopy 699
Colpotomy 250
Combination therapy 735
Combined pill 242
Commencement of breastfeeding 475
causes of reduced urinary output 502
infectious conditions 690
sites of endometriosis 741f
Commonly occurring syndromes 535
Community health centers 571
abortion 257, 257f
and incomplete rupture 429
hydatidiform mole 265
septum 704f
uterine prolapse 684f
Complications of
antepartum hemorrhage 142
benign ovarian tumors 694
breech presentation 380
cesarean section 399
forceps operation 392
hyperbilirubinemia 537
third stage of labor 414
treatment 731
Components of MCH services 572
Composition of human and cow's milk 483
Computed tomography 699
Condition of vagina 144
Condoms 233, 237
Conducting delivery 180
abnormalities 501, 502, 524
anatomic defect of penis 742
anemia 543
cardiac defects 528
elongation of cervix 718
hip dysplasia 532
hypothyroidism 554
infections 499
malformation 350, 718
of fetus 356
pneumonia 507
syphilis 278
Congested vulva 688
Congestion of vulva 167
Conjoined twins 407
Conjugation of bilirubin 779
Conjunctivitis 277, 499
Conservative therapy 421
Constipation 105, 225
Constriction ring 365
Contact bleeding 680
external fetal monitoring 151, 154
internal fetal monitoring 151, 154
positive airway pressure 511, 779
Contraception 222, 232, 283
Contraceptives 274
Contracted pelvis 371, 381, 384
Contracting muscle fibers 197f
ring 365
stress test 779
Control of
convulsions 522
hemorrhage 410
STDs 273
Controlled cord traction 188
Conventional systems 540
Coombs test 779
t-200 238
-7 238
Cord 354
clamp 666
knotting 72
length 191
looping 72
prolapse 374, 380, 404, 405
Cordocentesis 128
Corneal reflex 465
Coronal suture 80
cancer syndrome 730
luteum 52
Cracked and retracted nipple 437
Cramp 598
Cranioclast 668, 668f
Craniotomy 400
Cross-section oflactating breast 473f
Cryptorchidism 534
Culdocentesis 700
Culdoscopy 701
Curve of carus 171
Curved artery forceps 658f
Cusco's bivalved speculum 663, 663f
Cyanosis 498
Cystic fibrosis 527, 553
Cystocele 683
and enterocele 683f
and uterovaginal prolapse 683f
Cystoscopy 701
Cytomegalovirus 279
infection 546
Cytotrophoblast 63
Dangers of
induction 356
post-term pregnancy 354
prolonged labor 361
cervical dilators 664, 664f
long curved obstetric forceps 666
Data collection methods 16
Death of infant in nursery 632
Decapitation hook 669f
Decidua 88
basalis 63
capsularis 63
parietalis 63
vera 63
abdominal breathing 214
sleep 467
vein thrombosis 432, 439
Defective decidua 285
Definition of labor 133
Deformed pelvis 43
Degrees of
displacement 681
placenta previa 285
prolapse 683
resuscitation 455
uterine prolapse 682f
Delivering of posterior shoulder 180f
Delivery of
anterior shoulder 180f
baby's head 180
extended legs 380
head 398
after flexing head 380f
placenta and membranes 187
posterior shoulder in breech presentation 379f
shoulders 379
trunk 180f, 398
Depression 243, 244
Dermoid cyst 694
Descend of placenta 185
Describing uterine contractions 156f
Destructive operations 399
Detection of cardiac defects 528
breathlessness 412
pulselessness 412
Developing nursing care plans 24
Development of
comprehensive plan of care 122
embryo 64f
fertilized ovum 61, 61f, 63
fetus 72
maternity services 5
midwifery education in India 12
placenta 65, 65f
Diabetes mellitus with retinopathy 258
Diagnosis of
face presentation 372
fistula 708
HIV infection 282
IEM 552
menopause 745, 746
precancerous lesions 734
pregnancy 98
Diagnostic uterine curettage 728
Diameters of
brim 39
fetal skull 82, 82f
pelvic outlet 41f
Diaphragm 233, 234
Diaphragmatic hernia 510, 528, 780
Diarrhea 502, 678
in newborn 556
Diarrheal diseases 576
recti 603
symphysis 602
Diazepam 615
Diazoxide 609
Didelphic uterus 703
Dietetic causes of diarrhea 556
Different types of obstetric forceps 389f
Difficulties in forceps operation 392
Digestive system 102
Dilatation of cervix 139f, 780
maternal deaths 622
obstetric morbidity 624
Disadvantages of
domiciliary midwifery 566
third generation IUDs 241
Discharge planning 24
Discomforts of puerperium 223
Diseases of liver 243
in newborn 552
of amniotic fluid 292
of pregnancy 285
of uterine action 363
Disposable cord clamp 666f
Dissecting forceps 661
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 290, 519
Documenting nursing activities 32
care 565
midwifery service 565
Donovanosis 271
monitor 780
ultrasound 637
Double uterus 703
Down's syndrome 498, 502, 535, 780
retractor 662, 662f
towel clip 661, 661f
Drew-Smythe catheter 665f
Dropping down theory 285
Drugs used in
obstetrics 604
substance abuse 524
arteriosus 77, 780
venosus 77, 780
Duncan's mechanism 195
Duodenal atresia 503, 527
labor 780
uterine bleeding 680
Dysgerminoma 726
Dysmenorrhea 243, 688, 703, 740
Dyspareunia 108, 681, 684, 685, 690, 691, 740, 742, 780
Dystocia 780
Dysuria 108, 277, 688
first stage of labor 599
menarche 730
Eclampsia 390, 393, 780
Ectoderm 63
gestation 262
pregnancy 240, 262, 264, 688
leg or vulva 727
of extremities 143
of placenta 70
Edematous cervix 690
Edward's syndrome 535
Effacement of cervix 139f
Effects of gonococcal infection in pregnancy 276
defects 717
ducts 57
cesarean section 396
induction 355
Electrolyte imbalance 555
Electronic fetal monitor 8, 155f
Eliciting rooting reflex 465f
Embracing reflex 463
Embriotomy scissors 668, 668f
Embryo 64, 780
Embryo biopsy 526
Embryonal cell carcinoma 726
Embryotomies 399
Emergency cesarean section 396
Emotional immaturity 272
Empty uterus 193
Encephalocele 780
Endocervical infection 277
Endocrine disorders 554, 680
in puberty 743
of climacteric and menopause 744
Endoderm 63
Endodermal sinus tumor 726
ablation 678, 679
adenomyosis 679
biopsy 677, 679, 700
cervical cancer 680
hyperplasia 679, 730
polyp 676, 679
sampling 700
tuberculosis 680
Endometriosis 244, 677, 723, 740
Endometritis 688, 718
Endometrium 48
Endosalpingeal damage 717
Endotoxic shock 409
Endotracheal intubation 459
Enema 147
Energy spurt 137
Engagement of fetal head 121f
Enlarged uterus 192
Enlargement of fetal abdomen 407
Enterocele 683, 698
Enzyme deficiency 538
Epicanthus 780
Epididymis 57
Epidural block 780
Epigastric pain 105, 268, 748
Epilepsy 107, 243
Epinephrine 780
Episiotomy 175, 215, 218, 781
scissors 665f
Epispadias 534
cancers 726
ovarian cancers 726, 728
Epstein's pearls 781
Erb's palsy 384, 515, 515f
Erectile dysfunction 717
Ergot derivatives 605
Erythema toxicum 472f, 499
neonatorum 781
Erythroblastosis fetalis 543, 781
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 698
Esophageal atresia 526, 781
Essential components of RCH program 650
Estimated fetal weight and fundal height 143
Estimation of bilirubin levels 541
Estriol level determination 127
Estrogen 53
replacement therapy 675
stimulation theory 138
Evaluation of
family welfare program 648
fetal well-being 154, 177
maternal well-being 151, 173
newborn at birth 448
pelvis 44
progress of labor 156, 177
uterus 196
Eviceration 401
Examination of
hips 468
membranes 190f
placenta and membranes 190
carbohydrate 556
infarct formation 70
Excessively long cord 72
Exchange transfusion 541
Excretion of bilirubin 537
Exomphalos 526
Expectant management 187, 355
Expected date of delivery 107, 142
Expulsion of placenta 185
Extension 372
cardiac massage 459f
cephalic version 376
chest compressions 413, 413f
genitalia 45, 144
monitoring 155f
OS 48
pelvimeter 112f, 669
rotation of
buttocks 378
head 168, 170, 371, 373
Extra placental bleeding 285
adaptation 445
instillation 259, 260
extended head 119f
to-pubis delivery 371f
bruising 374
nerve palsy 514
palsy 392, 515f
Factors required for fertility 716
Failed forceps 393
Failing lactation 438
tube sperm perfusion 722
tubes 89, 745, 687
Fallot's tetralogy 529
Falope ring 249
ring on fallopian tube 249f
Family planning 230, 232, 565, 568
program in India 232
Fascia 43
Fat-soluble vitamins 474
Features of
overfeeding 482
pathological jaundice 538
specific types of tumors 726
underfeeding 482
in sitting position 476f
methods 490
Feeling for nuchal cord 180f
condom 234, 234f
external genitalia 45f
metal catheter 670, 670f
sterilization 248
Femidom 234f
Femur fracture 516
Fentanyl 617
Fertilization 61, 62f
alcohol syndrome 558
axis pressure 140
blood sampling 128, 159
bradycardia 781
circulation 77, 78f
cortisol theory 138
distress 160, 781
evaluation procedures 128
health 231f
heart rate
acceleration 781
baseline 781
deceleration 781
variability 781
heart tones 142
hypoxia 380
lie 118f, 781
macrosomia 406
monitoring 781
organs 76
position 781
size 149
skull 80, 81f
surface of placenta 67f
surveillance 781
tachycardia 782
well-being 362
Fetoscope 127, 526, 670f
Fetotoxic drugs 619
Fetus 782
Fever 688
Fiberoptic light systems 540
polyp 695
tumors 692
uterus 244f
generation IUDs 237, 237f
pelvic grip 114
stage labor 361
abortion 386
classes 591
Flaring up of tuberculosis 432
Flexion 168
Fluid loss shock 409
Fluothane 584
Flushing curette 664, 664f
Foam tablets 233
clonic convulsions 522
migraine 243
Folic acid deficiency 288
Follicle stimulating hormone 695, 706
Fontanelle 782
Foot and leg exercises 599
Footling breech 376
Foramen ovale 77, 782
delivery 379, 388
marks 452f
Formation of
bilirubin 537
retraction ring 138f
spermatozoa 57
upper and lower uterine segments 138
Fothergill's or Manchester operation 685
Four types of pelvis 41f
Frank breech 375
Freidman curve 782
Frequency of micturition 740
Frequent and severe headache 747
bones 80
suture 80
Functional ovarian cysts 244
Functions of placenta 66
dominance 138
height during third stage 190
palpation 114f
Fungal infections 274
Furosemide 611
Galactocemia 553, 555
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 722, 723
Gastroenteritis 549
infections 549
malformations 526
system 109, 462
tract 502
Gastroschisis 526, 782
Gate control theory 585
Gene disorders 525
fluid pressure 140
nursing and midwifery 7
peritonitis 434
Generalized tonic contraction 364
Generative organs 45
Genetic disorder 524
Genetics and ovarian malignancy 726
and urinary symptoms 745
chlamydial infection 271
human papilloma 271
organ changes 744
bleeding 243
injuries or trauma 193
warts 281
Genitalia 450, 454, 470
abnormalities 675
fistula 707
system 103, 109, 502, 745
cell tumors 726
cells 725
German measles 281, 564
Germ-cell tumors 725
diabetes mellitus 782
period 782
trophoblastic disease 731
Giant vulsellum 401
Girls with Turner's syndrome 706
Girth of abdomen 353
Glucocorticoid therapy 347
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 553
Glycogen storage disease 555
Gonadal steroids 242
Gonadoblastoma 726
suppression 717
releasing hormone 53, 676, 679
Gonococcal infections 276, 548
Gonorrhea 271
Goodell's sign 99
Graafian follicle 52
Grading of placental abruption 288
Granulosa cell tumor 726
of ovary 679
Grasp reflex 464
Gravida 107, 782
Gravidity 782
Greater lips 45
Green Armytage's forceps 659
Group B streptococcus 276
Growth of fibroids 692
Grunting 782
Guidelines for sterilization 246
Gynecoid pelvis 41
Habitual abortion 257
Halothane 584
Haultain's operation 686
Hazards of arm 359
Head and shoulder raising exercise 601f
Headache 678
Heart disease 390, 393
Heartburn 108
Hegar's sign 99, 782
HELLP syndrome 782
Hematemesis 520
Hematoma 782
formation 194
Hematometra 703
Hematuria 520
Hemoconcentration 782
Hemoglobin 110
estimation 698
Hemolytic diseases of newborn 543
Hemorrhage 191, 384, 516, 623, 735, 782
disease of newborn 519
shock 409
Hemorrhoids 108, 225
Hemostasis 186, 196
Hemostats 658
Heparin sodium 616
Hepatitis B
infection 280
virus 548
breast ovarian cancer syndrome 726
nonpolyposis colorectal cancer 726
Herpes simplex virus 278, 499, 547
assimilation pelvis 43
fever 522
forceps operation 390
frequency oscillation ventilation 511
level of estrogen 730
resolution ultrasonography 526
rupture of membranes 360
Hilar cell tumor 726
Hip hitching 602
exercise 602f
Hirschsprung's disease 503, 527
History of
cholestatic jaundice in pregnancy 243
false pain 353
HIV infection 564
in pregnancy 282
Homan's sign 215, 219, 220f, 282
contraceptives 242
control of ovulation and menstruation 53f
cycles 52
treatment for dub 679
Hormone therapy 680
Hostile cervical mucus 722
Hot intrauterine douche 420
Hour-glass contraction 422
Hulka clip on fallopian tube 249f
chorionic gonadotropin 68
immunodeficiency virus test 110
papilloma virus 737
infection 734
placental lactogen 68
Humerus fracture 516
Hyaline membrane disease 507
Hydatidiform mole 265, 266, 386, 782
Hydralazine 608
Hydramnios 292
Hydrocephalus 406, 530, 782
Hydrochlorothiazide 611
Hydrops fetalis 543
Hymen abnormalities 704, 705
Hyperandrogenism 695
Hyperbilirubinemia 782
Hypercalcemia 556
Hyperemesis 267
gravidarum 267, 782
Hyperglycemia 555
Hyperlipidemia 243
Hypermenorrhea 679
Hypernatremia 555
Hyperpyrexia 350
Hypertension 107, 244
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy 623
Hyperthermia 500
Hyperthyroidism 675, 679
Hypertonic uterus 783
Hyperviscosity syndrome 493
Hypoactive bowel sounds 688
Hypocalcemia 523, 556
Hypoglycemia 493, 500, 554
Hypomagnesemia 522, 523
Hyponatremia 556
heart 510
lungs 510
Hypospadias 534, 717, 783
Hypothalamus synthesizes 53
Hypothermia 488, 493, 555
Hypothyroidism 675, 679
Hypotonia 502, 555
Hypotonic labor 783
Hypovolemic shock 409
Hypoxia 501, 783
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 522
Hysterectomy 420
Hysteroscopic myomectomy 680
Hysteroscopy 679, 700
Hysterotomy 259, 260
Iatrogenic 351
Icterus gravis neonatorum 543
Identification of forceps blades 391f
Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 783
eminence 39
line 39
Ilium 37
Image of fetus in second trimester 636f
Immediate care of
baby at birth 447, 493
newborn 182
Immune system 222
Immunization 576
Immunotherapy 729
Impacted breech 380
Imperforate anus 503, 527
Implementing skills 30
In vitro fertilization 721
and embryo transfer 722, 723
Inborn error of metabolism 783
Incarceration of retroverted gravid uterus 269
Incompetent cervix 783
abortion 257, 257f, 386
placental separation 192
Indications for
cesarean section 396
induction 355
MTP 258
removal of IUD 241
stopping infusion 358
surgical interventions 688
Indications of
artificial feeding 483
forceps operation 390
maternal deaths 622
morbidity 624
Induced abortion 258
of labor 355
using prostaglandins 358
Inevitable abortion 256, 256f, 386
feeding 473
mortality rate 626
acquired after birth 549
of laparotomy wound 432
Infertility 685, 690, 695, 716, 730
Infralevator hematoma 428
Infundibulum 49
Inherited coagulation factor deficiencies 520
Inhibition of ovulation 243
Initial assessment of newborn 450
Injectable contraceptives 245
Inner cell mass 63
Innominate bone 37
Insertion of
cord 191
diaphragm 235f
Inspection of
abdomen 113, 114
bladder 200
cervix and upper vaginal vault 197
perineum 199
vulva 698
Instrumental deliveries 142, 521
Integumentary system 104, 221
Intense feelings 630
Intercurrent infection 432
Intermenstrual bleeding 680, 695
auscultation of fetal heart 151, 154
external fetal monitoring 151, 154
mandatory ventilation 511
positive pressure ventilation 511
genital organs 46
monitoring 155, 155f
OS 48
rotation of
buttocks 377
head 168, 370, 378
shoulders 168, 170, 371, 373, 377
Interpretation of cardiotocograph recordings 159
Intersex 534
Interval tubal ligation 250
Intra-amniotic instillation 259
Intracerebral hemorrhage 522
hemorrhage 392, 522
injuries 557
hyperemesis gravidarum 258
vomiting 268
Intracystic hemorrhage 694
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 721, 722, 724
Intranatal period 521
Intrapartal period 142
Intrapartum 381, 434
deaths 626
period 282, 783
adhesions 701
contraceptive devices 233, 237
death of fetus 357
fetal death 291, 350
growth retardation 492
infection 291
insemination 721, 722
instillation 259
fluid therapy 490
infusion 148
pyelography 728
Intraventricular hemorrhage 509, 518
Intubation equipment 457
Invasive mole 732
Inversion of uterus 423
deficiency anemia 244
metabolism 91
supplements to counter anemia 679
uterine bleeding 694
vaginal bleeding 732
Irving tubal ligation 249
Ischemic cerebral injuries 501
Ischial spines 41, 42
Ischiocavernosus muscles 44
Ischium 38
Isthmus 48, 49
IUCD in utero 676, 680
Jacquemier's sign 99, 783
Janani SurakshaYojana 653
Jardine's decapitation hook 669
Jaundice 488, 498, 537, 783
Jaw flexion 380
Justo minor pelvis 42
Kangaroo care 491
Kegel exercise 215, 599, 600
Keilland's forceps 667, 667f
Kelly's deep retractor 662, 662f
Kernicterus 522, 537, 783
Ketosis 268
Klinefelter syndrome 536
Klumpke's palsy 515
Knee rolling 601
forceps 657f
hemostatic forceps 657
Korsakoff's syndrome 268
Labetalol 607
Labia majora 45
abnormalities 705
Labia minora 45, 744
abnormalities 705
Lacerations of perineum 426
Lactation 473, 783
Lactose 474
Lamaze method 590, 783
Lambdoidal suture 80
Laminaria tent 387, 660, 661f
introducing forceps 660, 660f
Landmarks of
brim 39
skull 81
Lanugo 470, 783
Laparoscopic tubal ligation 250
Laparoscopy 677, 700
Laparotomy method 249
obstruction 509
strider 528
Lateral umbilical ligaments 78
Lax abdominal and uterine muscles 381
Lecithin 783
cramps 108
raising exercise 601f
Legal abortion 258
Length of
labor 107
pill use 243
previous labor 142
Leopold's maneuvers 112115, 783
Lesser lips 45
Leukemia 679
Leukorrhea 244
Levonorgestrel 740
intrauterine system 238f, 239
Lifecycle of graafian follicle 52f
arteriosum 78, 446
teres 78
Light amplification by stimulated emission 701
Limb reduction anomalies 531
Linea nigra 110
Lippes loop 237f
Liquor amnii 354
Liver 76
adenoma 243
Lobulated placenta 70
Local infections of vagina and vulva 274
Location of delivery 179
Lochia 208, 215, 218, 783
alba 208, 783
rubra 784
serosa 208, 218, 784
Long curved
forceps 667f
obstetric forceps 388
Loss of
appetite 727
muscle tone 745
abdominal cramping 261
birth weight baby 393
body mass index 675
forceps 784
operation 390
rupture of membranes 359
extremities 454
segment cesarean section 397
Lumbar epidural block 175
Lung 76
immaturity 506, 507
Luteinizing hormone 695
Lymph nodes 109
and hematopoietic system 109
drainage 46, 47, 49, 50
Lysozyme 784
Macerated fetus 381
Macrosomia 354, 784
Magnesium sulfate 614
Magnetic resonance imaging 700, 727
D 243
N 243
Malaria 350
condom 233
hormones 57
reproductive system 56, 56f
sterilization 246
Malignant hypertension 258
Malnutrition 676, 680
Malrotation of gut 503
Management in
antenatal period 382
intrapartum period 382
preoperative phase 713
Management of
bleeding 216
breastfeeding 475
cord presentation 405
delivery 378
early puerperium 212
female infertility 721
fetal distress 161
first stage of labor 147
fourth stage of labor 196
GTN 733
HSV in pregnancy 279
hypoglycemia 555
infection inbaby 544
infertility 720
jaundice 539
male infertility 721
obstructed labor 367
postpartum hemorrhage 193
post-term pregnancy 354
preterm labor 347, 348
primary postpartum hemorrhage 419
prolonged second stage 363
second stage of labor 173
septic shock 411
third stage
bleeding 417
of labor 186
unexplained infertility 721
uterine prolapse 685
Manifestations of
gonococcal infection in pregnant women 277
neurological disorders 501
uterine infection 352
removal of placenta 417, 418f
rotation of fetal head 391
Margulies spiral 237f
Mastalgia 244
Mastitis 784
and child health services 571
disease 525
in pregnancy 487
distress 363, 390
health care 572
idiopathic thrombocytopenia 499
indications 355, 390
morbidity 624
mortality 622
rate 622
pelvis 120
sedation 502
surface of placenta 67f
trauma 374, 381
vital statistics 622
weight changes 94
Matthew's Duncan method 185f
placenta 66
teratoma 726
grip 380f
maneuver 380
McRobert's maneuver 384
Measurements of
fundal height 111
fundus 199
canal in centimeters 40f
outlet 40
Mechanism of
labor 169f, 372
for left sacroanterior position 377
in occipito-posterior position 370
in right occipito-posterior position 370
with posterior rotation of occiput 371
normal labor 168
placental separation 185f
transfer of materials 68
Meconium 784
aspiration 507
pneumonia 493
ilius 503
staining in amniotic fluid 498
Medical termination of pregnancy 258, 386
Medications for neonatal resuscitation 460
Melanoma 736
Melena 520
Membranous sphincter of urethra 44
Menarche 55, 744
Mendelian inheritance 524
Meningitis 522, 550
Meningocele 529, 530f
Meningomyelocele 530, 530f
Menometrorrhagia 680
Menopause 55, 744
Menorrhagia 243, 677, 740
abnormalities 244
cycle 54
disorders 675
induction 251
regulation 251, 259
Menstruation 212
Mentum anterior position 373
Meperidine 617
hydrochloride 580
Mesenchyme 63
Mesoderm 63
Metabolic disorders 503
Metastatic disease 733
Methods of
childbirth preparation 589
contraception 233, 237
delivering after coming head 379
induction 357
placental expulsion 185f
ripening of cervix 356
termination in first trimester 259
tubal ligation 248
Methotrexate 259
Methoxyflurane 584
Methyldopa 607
Mid forceps operation 390
Midmenstrual bleeding 719
Milia 499
Miliaria 499
Milk production 210
Minilaparotomy 250
Minipill 242
Minor disorders in pregnancy 102
Miscarriage 631
Mismanagement of third stage of labor 192
Missed abortion 257, 386
Missing threads of IUCD 701
Mittelschmerz's syndrome 243, 677
Mode of
action of IUDs 239
transmission 282
Modern concept of family planning 231
Modification of cow's milk 483
Brandt-Andrews method 188
Lamaze method 591
Mongolian spots 452f, 784
Monitoring of fetal well-being 151
pubis 45, 744
veneris 45
Mood fluctuation 243
Morbid adherent placenta 422
Moro reflex 463, 464f
Moulding of fetal skull 83f
Mucinous cyst adenoma 693
Mucoid polyp 694
polyp of cervix 680
sucker 666, 666f
trap suction apparatus 784
Multifocal clonic convulsions 522
Multigravida 784
cu-250 238
cu-375 238
gestation 784
pregnancy 285, 349, 377, 404, 487
layers of uterus in pregnancy 89f
trauma 514
deformities 531
system 103, 221, 463
Mycoplasma hominis 687
Myometrium 48, 88
Naegle's rule 784
Narrow introitus 704, 705
cannula 511
flaring 784
Family Welfare Program 648
Rural Health Mission 654
Natural contraception 233, 235
Nature of food 490
Nausea 108
and vomiting 688
Necrotizing enterocolitis 493, 503, 550, 784
Needle holder 670, 670f
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 276
abstinence syndrome 557
asphyxia 384
death 384
infections 543
intensive care unit 8
mortality 626
period 784
pneumonia 549
supply 44, 46, 47, 4951
trauma 514
Nervous system 96, 104
Neural tube defect 407, 784
Neuroendocrine carcinoma 734
Neurogenic shock 409
abnormalities 509
disorders 501
system 463
Neuromuscular disorders 502
Neutral thermal environment 784
New Ballard scale 469f
in radiant warmer 449f
period 784
Nifedipine 609
Nitrous oxide 584
Nonlactating breasts 51
Non-metastatic disease 733
Nonpharmaceutical methods of pain relief 585
Nonrotation of occiput 370
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 677, 679
Nonstress test 785
Non-toothed dissecting forceps 661f
female pelvis 37f
labor 133
menstrual cycle 55
semen values 717
No-scalpel vasectomy 247
Nuchal cord 785
Nullipara 785
diagnoses for labor and delivery clients 752
postpartum clients 761
implications for menopausal conditions 746
interventions for women with menopausal conditions 746
process for client with
menstrual cycle disorders 678
pelvic infections 691
Nutritional deficiencies 564
Obesity 680
Oblique diameter 39
of amniotic fluid 160
during oxytocin induction 358
Obstetric and gynecological instruments 657
Obstructed labor 366, 374
Occipital bone 80
Occipito-posterior position 369
Occlusion method 248
Offensive vaginal discharge 734
Old-Ham's perforator 400f
Oligohydramnios 293, 377, 526
Oligospermia 722
Omphalitis 549
Omphalocele 526, 785
Once month pill 242, 245
sacrococcygeal joint 38
stage operation 386
symphysis pubis 38
Oophoritis 687
airway 412
ended vasectomy 248
airway 412f
of Bartholin's glands 46
Operculum 785
Ophthalmia neonatorum 548, 785
Ophthalmic infection 277
contraceptives 679
pills 242
thrush 470f
Origin of ovarian cancers 725
Ortolani's sign 468, 468f, 785
Osiander's sign 99, 785
Osteoporosis 244, 745
Outcomes of tubal pregnancy 263
Outlet forceps 785
Oval opening 77
Ovarian 679
agenesis/dysgenesis 705
cancer 725, 730
cycle 52
cystectomy 694
endometriosis 680
failure 723
hormones 53
hyperemia 680
Ovaries 49, 744, 687
shrink 745
bleeding 680
pain 677
Ovulation 52, 212, 785
Ovulatory dub 679
Ovum forceps 658, 658f
Oxygenation 511
Oxytocin 259, 260, 604, 785
challenge test 785
stimulation theory 137
Painful perineum 603
erythema 785
reflex 364, 464f
Pap smear 679, 734
Papillary serous carcinoma 730
Paracervical block 582
Parametritis 434
Parietal bones 80
mole 265
salpingectomy 248, 248f
septum 704f
Partograph 157, 158f
Parts of sperm cell 58f
Patau syndrome 535
Patent ductus arteriosus 510
Pathogenesis of retraction ring 365f
Pathological jaundice 538
Pawlik's grip 114f
abscess 688
adhesions 676, 681
and rectal examination 679
arch 41
brim 39
cavity 39
cellulites 433
endometriosis 676
examination 121, 143
floor 43
exercise 599, 600
hematocele 263
hematomas 428
inclination 40
infection 240
inflammation 387
inflammatory disease 240, 244, 677, 680, 687, 689
joints 38
ligaments 38
outlet 40
pain 598, 734
palpation 114f, 121f
peritonitis 434, 690
radiation therapy 730
tilt 215
exercise 601f
tumor 356
ultrasound 679
scan 679
Pelvimeter 669f
Pelvis 37
Penis 57
Pentazocin 581
Penthrane 584
Perception of pain 579
Peres reflex 466
Perform rescue breathing 412
Peridural anesthesia 582
Perimetrium 48
Perinatal mortality 625
body 44
integrity 175
pain 225
shave 147
tears 177, 426
Perineum 43, 433
Periodic lower abdominal pain 705
Peritonitis 433
Peritubal adhesions 717
Periventricular hemorrhage 518
fetal circulation 510
tachycardia 501
tachypnea 501
trophoblastic disease 731, 732
Pethidine 617
Phagocytosis 68
Phases of
disorganization 631
mourning 630
Phenergan 618
Phenobarbitone 615
Phenylketonuria 553, 785
Phenytoin 615
Phlebothrombosis 438
Phosphatidyl glycerol 785
Physiological jaundice 538, 538f
Physiology of
first stage of labor 133
lactation 209
second stage of labor 166
tubal pregnancy 262
Pierre Robin syndrome 528
fetal stethoscope 117f
stethoscope/fetoscope 670
Pinocytosis 68
Pituitary hormones 96
Placenta 354, 785
abruptio 785
accreta 422
circumvallata 70
in lower uterine segment 185f
marginata 70
previa 192, 285, 356, 381, 636, 786
succenturiata 70
abruption 291
bleeding 285
circulation 67f
dysfunction 786
hormones 95
infection 68
site trophoblastic tumor 731, 732
Plantar reflex 464, 464f
Plasma protein 91
Platelet count 699
Platypelloid pelvis 42
Plethora 498
Pneumonia 576
Pneumothorax 506, 509
kidneys 534
ovaries 695
ovary syndrome 676, 679, 692, 695, 730
Polycythemia 493
Polydactyly 531f
Polyhydramnios 292, 349, 371, 381, 384, 404, 526, 786
Polymenorrhea 677
Polyneuritis 268
Polyps 694
Pomeroy method 248f, 249
Popliteal angle 470
Port-wine stain 452f
Position of cervix 143
Positive pressure ventilation 458, 786
Positron emission tomography 700, 727
contraception 244
pill 242
spotting 688
Postconception methods of birth control 251
fontanelle 81
perineal trauma 177
rotation of occiput 370
Postimplantation changes in uterus 62
Postmaturity 350
Postnatal exercises 600
blues 440
depression 441, 786
exercises 214
hemorrhage 191, 414
period 786
Post-term pregnancy 353, 355, 786
Post-vasectomy scrotum 248f
Potter syndrome 535
delivery 786
labor 192, 363
Pre-eclampsia 142, 350, 390, 786
Pre-existing medical diseases 350
Pregnancy induced hypertension 497, 786
ejaculation 742
infant 786
labor 122
onset of contractions 105
rupture of membranes 137, 348, 357
separation of placenta 380
Premenopausal period 680
spotting 107
tension syndrome 243
Premonitory sign of labor 142
exercise classes 593
counseling 525
screening 564
period 786
Preoperative evaluation 731
for abdominal palpation 113
for delivery 179
for labor 122
for operation 386
of feed 483
of mother for artificial feeding 484
Prepubertal stage 743
Prerequisites for forceps delivery 390
Presence of antisperm antibodies 718
baby 487
delivery 521
labor 346, 786
pregnancy 381
PROM 349
Prevention of
heat loss 449
infection 489
thrombophlebitis 219
trauma in newborn 521
obstetrics 561
services for mothers inprenatal period 561
cesarean section 142
tubal surgery 718
amenorrhea 675, 705
choriocarcinoma 726
dysmenorrhea 676
infertility 716
postpartum hemorrhage 191
radiotherapy 735
surgery 735
vaginal cancer 738
Primigravida 786
Primipara 107, 786
Process of
evaluating 32
implementing 31
Proctitis 277
Proctoscopy 701
Progestasert 239
Progesterone 53
only pills 679
releasing intrauterine system 679
withdrawal theory 137
Prognosis of artificial reproductive methods 724
Progress of labor 157
Prolactin 53
Prolapsed cord 786
labor 360, 786
pregnancy 353
rupture of membranes 498
second stage of labor 363
Promethazine 618
Prophylactic forceps 392
Prophylaxis 193, 416
Propranolol 608
Prostaglandin 259, 260, 606
induction 357
stimulation theory 138
Prostate gland 57
Protein 474
diarrhea 556
Protozoal infections 275
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 694
disorders 107
illness 258
Psychological disturbances in puerperium 440
Psychoprophylaxis 786
Pubertal changes in boys 743
Puberty 55, 743
arch 42
bones 38
ligaments 38
Pudendal block 175, 582
psychosis 441
pyrexia 432
sepsis 432
tubal ligation 250
Puerperium 432
atresia 529
embolism 439
hemorrhage 493, 509
Pulse rate 167
Purandare's operation 685
Purpuric rash 499
Pyemia 433
Pyloric stenosis 527
Pyoderma 499, 687
Quiet alert state 467
Rachitic pelvis 43
Radiation hazards 634
Radiotherapy 738
Raised intracranial tension 523
Rate of cervical dilatation 361
atresia 527
fistulas 503
infection 277
Rectocele 683, 698
Rectovaginal fistula 711, 735
Rectum 431
Recurrent abortion 700
Recurring headaches 105
fetal movements 105
libido 244
Reflexes of
eyes 465
mouth 465
Regional anesthesia 583, 786
Regions of
fetal skull 81
skull 81f
Relaxation in
lying position 597f
sitting position 597f
Relaxed perineum 683
Relaxin 54
Relief measures for
breastfeeding mothers 224
nonbreastfeeding mothers 224
Removal of
placenta and membranes 398
retained placenta 193
insufficiency 268
system 150, 462
and child health program 574, 650
morbidity 624
mortality 623
system 463
Repubertal stage 743
Rescue breathing 412f
disorders 498
distress syndrome 507
infections 549
stimulants 522
support 489
system 461, 499
Responsibilities of midwife 13
Restitution of buttocks 377
Restricted oral feeding 688
Resuscitate mother 193
Resuscitation 786
of newborn 455
Retained placenta 421
with hemorrhage 422
with sepsis 422
with shock 422
Retention of urine 685
Retinal hemorrhage 268
Retinopathy of prematurity 488, 787
Retracted nipple 437
Retraction ring 138
Retrolental fibroplasia 488, 509
and retroflexion of uterus 682f
of gravid uterus 269
of uterus 681, 682f
Retroverted and fixed uterus 742
Rhesus incompatibility 543
Rheumatoid arthritis 244
Rhythm method 235, 237
Rib discomfort 598
Ring pessary 670, 671f
Ripening of cervix 139
Risk factors for ovarian cancer 727
Ritgen's maneuver 180
Ritodrine hydrochloride 613
Role and responsibilities of ASHA 654
Role of
childbirth educator 594
midwife 442
in family planning 233
nurses in management of infertility 724
Rooting reflex 465
Rubella 281, 546
immune status 110
Rubin's maneuver 384
Rupture of
membranes 105, 140, 166, 167, 787
uterus 384, 429
ala 39
promontory 39
wing 39
Sacrococcygeal ligaments 38
joints 38, 39
ligaments 38
Sacrosciatic notch 41, 42
Sacrospinous ligament 38
Sacrotuberous ligaments 38
Sacrum 38, 41, 42
Safe abortion services 653
section of pelvis 47f
suture 80
Salpingitis 433, 718
Salpingo-oophorectomy 694
Salpingoscopy 701
Sarcoma 730
Scanty vaginal mucus 718
Scaphoid abdomen 787
Scar rupture and dehiscence 429
Scarf sign 470
mechanism 195
method 185f
Sciatic notch 38
Scissors 665
Scrotum 56
and third trimester 74
degree uterine prolapse 718
generation IUDs 237, 238
pelvic grip 114f
stage of labor 600
trimester terminations 259
abdominal ectopic pregnancy 263
amenorrhea 675
dysmenorrhea 676
fallopian tube cancer 739
infertility 716
postpartum hemorrhage 191, 194, 420
vaginal atresia 742
Selection of ASHA 654
Seminiferous tubules 57
Sensory deprivation 541
Sepsis 500, 623
Septate uterus 703, 704f
abortion 260
shock 409, 410, 690
Septicemia 433, 434, 690
Serous cyst adenoma 693
Serum tumor marker 731
asphyxia 500
diarrhea with dehydration 557
hypertension 243
pre-eclampsia or eclampsia 360
rhesus hemolytic disease 499
vomiting 747
disharmony 272
intercourse during late pregnancy 432
Sexually transmitted
diseases 8, 271, 497, 689
oncogenes 735
Shake test 787
Shirodkar's procedure 787
Shock 408
arc rotation 370
cord 72
curved forceps 388, 389
Shortness of breath 108
Short-term therapy 347
dystocia 382, 384, 406
traction 380
Signs of
cervical tear 428
fetal distress 161
obstructed labor 366
placenta previa 286
postpartum hemorrhage 416
retained placenta 421
Silastic rubber cup 395, 395f
Silicone rubber cup 395
Sim's double
bladed vaginal speculum 662, 662f
ended uterine curette 663
Simpson's perforator 668, 668f
Single room maternity care 787
Sites of
implantation in ectopic pregnancy 262f
perforation 400
vasectomy 248f
VVF 708
Six positions
in breech presentation 375
of face presentation 372f
Skeletal system 745
Skills of midwife 13
care 487, 491, 541
infections 549
rashes 499
Skull fracture 516
Sloughing fistula 431
Slow heart rate 778
cell carcinoma 734
family norm 232
Smell and taste 466
Sniffing position 787
Sodium nitroprusside 610
Soft tissue displacement 166
Sparse pubic hair 691
Specialized stromal cell
cancers 726
tumors 727
granules 247
granuloma 247
Spermatic cord 57
Spermatogenesis 787
Spermicid 237
Sphingomyelin 787
Spina bifida
aperta 529
occulta 530, 787
anesthesia 582
cord injuries 502
Spinelli's operation 686
Spironolactone 612
Sponge holding forceps 657, 657f
abortion 256
and traumatic rupture 429
breech delivery 378
recanalization 247
Spotting after sexual intercourse 690
Spread of GTN 732
Squamous cell
carcinoma 734, 736
lesions 736
Stages of
labor 133
pubertal development in girls 743
Staphylococcus pyogenes 433
Stepping reflex 465f
Steps of forceps application 392f
Stimulation of lactation 210
Stork beak mark 452f
artery forceps 658f
Mayo scissors 665f
X-ray abdomen 354
Strawberry mark 452f
Streak ovaries 705
Streeter's dysplasia 533
Striae gravidarum 787
Stripping membranes 360
Stromal cell cancers 726
Structural heart defects 510
Structure of adult female breast 50f
Subaponeurotic hemorrhage 517, 518f
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 518
Subdermal implants 245, 245f
Subdural hemorrhage 517
Subinvolution of uterus 436
Submucous fibroid 680
lobe of placenta 70f
placenta 70
Sucking and swallowing reflex 465
Sudden swelling/edema 105
Superficial vein thrombosis 438
Superior ramus of pubic bone 39
Supernumerary ovaries 706
Supine hypotensive syndrome 409
Supportive therapy 421
Suppression of lactation 210, 482
Supralevator hematoma 429
pressure 384
swelling 705
Surgical induction of labor 359
Suturing of uterine wound 398
Swaddle wrapping 477f
Swelling of
extremities 678
fingers and face 748
Symphysis pubis 190f, 373f, 384
Syncytiotrophoblast 63
Syndactyly 531f
estrogens 242
progestogens 242
Syphilis 271, 277, 350, 548, 564
Syphilitic placenta 70
Tachypnea 506
calcaneovalgus 532, 532f
equinovarus 532, 532f
Technique of breastfeeding 477f
Telangiectasis 787
Temporary methods of contraception 233
Tenaculum forceps 660, 660f
Teratogenesis 241
Termination of pregnancy 251
Testes 56
Testicular enlargement 743
Tetanus 522
protection 564
Tetralogy of Fallot 510, 788
Theca cell tumor 726
Thermal regulation 446, 462
Thermoregulation 788
Thick curd-like discharge 690
Thiopental sodium 584
Third generation IUDs 238
Threatened abortion 256, 256f
P's of normal labor 133
swab test 709
using methylene blue 708f
Thrombocytopenia 519
Thrombocytopenic purpura 788
Thrombophlebitis 418, 432434, 439
Thumb technique 459f
dysfunction 680
function tests 676
hormone replacement for hypothyroidism 676
Tight intrauterine packing 420
Timing for tubal ligation 250
Tocolytic therapy 788
neck reflex 464, 464f
uterine contraction and retraction 364
dissecting forceps 661f
distal end 657f
infection 522
syndrome 788
Torsion of pedicle 694
Torticollis 514, 788
brachial plexus palsy 515
hysterectomy 694
Toxemia 788
Toxoplasmosis 546
Tracheoesophageal fistula 509, 788
Tract infections 271
Transabdominal sonography 699
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 586
Transient tachypnea of newborn 506, 509
Transposition of great arteries 510, 529
color Doppler sonography 699
sonography 699
ultrasonography 636
Transverse perineal muscles 44
Traumatic hemorrhage in third stage 415
Treatment of
GBS colonization in pregnancy 276
infection 545
infective diarrhea 556
underlying pathology 523
VVF 709
Treponema pallidum 67, 277
Trichomonas vaginitis 234
Trichomoniasis 271
Trigger ventilation 511
Trophoblast 63
hermophroditism 706
labor 788
pelvis 38
abortion 263, 263f
disease or block 723
endometriosis 718
ligation 233f
mole 263
occlusion 233f
pregnancy 262
rupture 263, 263f
spasm 718
Tube feeding 490
cervicitis 680
endometritis 680
Tuberculosis 689
Tubo-ovarian abscess 688
vaginalis 56
vasculosa 56
Turner's syndrome 535, 705, 788
Two-finger technique 459f
Types of
antepartum hemorrhage 285
delivery 378
presentation 375, 375f
decelerations in fetal heart rate 161f
delivery 107
episiotomies 176, 176f
fibroids 692
general anesthesia 584
genitourinary fistula 707f
infections 687
inversion 686
IUD 237
IUGR fetuses 492
jaundice 538
neonatal convulsions 522
diagnoses 18
interventions 28
operations 397
pelvis 41
phototherapy 540
pills 243
placenta previa 286f
placental abruption 288
planning 24
spontaneous abortions 256
surgery 712
vulval cancer 736
Uchida method 250
Ultrasonic Doppler device 117f
Ultrasound 788
and color Doppler 677
scan 354
arterial and venous catheters 520
arteries 77
cord 69, 69f, 471
cutting scissors 665f
hemorrhage 520
sepsis 499
vein 77
vessels 191
Uneven swelling of uterus 732
Unexplained infertility 723
Unicornuate uterus 703, 703f
Univentricular heart 529
Unresponsive irregular uterine bleeding 700
extremities 454
inner border of
body of pubic bone 39
symphysis pubis 39
Ureter 707
Ureterovaginal fistula 710
Urethra 431
caruncle 680
infection 277, 742
opening 45
Urethrocele 683
Urethrovaginal fistula 710
frequency 108, 705, 750
infections 122, 550
tract 76
infection 106, 432
Urine 159, 450
testing 153
Urticaria neonatorum 499
Use of
condom 234
oral contraceptives 680
agents 189
drugs 201
partograph 157
ultrasound in obstetrics 635
Uterine 679
abnormalities 381, 702
action 138, 166
adhesions 388
agenesis 703
anomalies 487
cancer 729
contractions 159
curette 664f
dressing forceps 659
fibroids 192, 676, 692f
hyperplasia 718
inertia 192, 361
infection 434
over distention 192
packing forceps 659, 660f
partition 703
perforation 240
polyp 680
prolapse 682
relaxant anesthetic agents 192
sound 665, 665f
synechiae 680, 701, 718
tetany 364
tubes 49
wall 185f
Uterus 47, 207, 215, 216, 433, 687, 744
tubes and ovaries 50f
Vaccination and immunization 472
extraction 393, 788
extractor 393f, 667
Vagina 46, 89, 433, 744, 745
agenesis 704
atresia 698, 704
atrophy 691, 742
birth after cesarean section 390
bleeding 105, 108, 122, 142, 261, 266, 734, 748
breech delivery 521
cancer 737
contraceptive 235, 237
diaphragms 237
discharge 108
and scraping 699
erythema 690
factors 718
hypoplasia 704
hysterectomy 685
infections 122, 690
intraepithelial neoplasia 737
lacerations 392
malformations 704
orifice or introitus 46
rings 242
septum 704, 742
tears 427
tubal ligation 250
walls 46
Vaginitis 690, 742
Valve stenosis 510
Vandemataram scheme 653
Varicella zoster virus 547
Vasa previa 71, 403
Vasectomy 233, 246
operation 248
Vault cellulitis 685
Velamentous insertion of cord 71f
Venereal disease research laboratory test 110
Venous thrombosis 243, 438
Ventral suspension 465
Vernix caseosa 789
Vertex 81
deflexed head 119f
Very low birthweight infant 789
Vesicovaginal fistula 707, 735
Vestibulitis 742
athletic training 676
exercise 680
Visceral injuries 430, 516
Vision 466
disturbances 748
Vital signs check 471
Volpar paste 233
Volume of feed 480
Volvulus 503
Vomiting 108, 502
in newborn 557
von Willebrand's disease 679
Vulsellum forceps 659, 659f
Vulva 45, 426, 744, 745
Vulval infection 690, 742
atrophy 691
erythema 690
Vulvovaginitis 690
Warfarin sodium 616
Warning signs 498, 563
Water-soluble vitamins474
gain 678
and edema of legs 244
loss 211, 353
of placenta 191
Wernicke's encephalopathy 268
White blood cells 91, 698
Wiping baby's face and head 180f
Wolf clip 249
Wood's maneuver 384
Wound sepsis 685
forceps 389, 666f
outlet forceps 666
abdomen 354
examination 699
or blood stained discharge 691
white discharge 690
Yoga and meditation 586
Zavanelli maneuver 384
Zygote 789
intrafallopian transfer 722, 723
Chapter Notes

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1A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing2
3A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing
Annamma Jacob MSc (N) Formerly Professor, St Philomina's College of Nursing, Mother Theresa Road Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Principal, Graduate School for Nurses BNE, SIB, CMAI Nurse Supervisor, Suburban Medical Center, Paramount, Southern California, USA Assistant Director of Nursing, Al-Sabah Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Kuwait Sister Tutor, LT College of Nursing, SNDT Womens’ University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Junior Tutor, College of Nursing, CMC Hospital, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Principal Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain College of Nursing Millers Road, Vasanthanagar Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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This book has been published in good faith that the contents provided by the author contained herein are original, and is intended for educational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of information, the publisher and the author specifically disclaim any damage, liability, or loss incurred, directly or indirectly, from the use or application of any of the contents of this work. If not specifically stated, all figures and tables are courtesy of the author. Where appropriate, the readers should consult with a specialist or contact the manufacturer of the drug or device.
A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing
First Edition: 2005
Second Edition: 2008
Third Edition: 2012
Printed at
5Editor's Remarks
A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing offers a unique opportunity to midwifery students as well as teachers, to assimilate an evergrowing body of scientific knowledge and to develop the technical and analytical skills necessary to apply the same into practice.
The book strives to provide the students with various aspects of midwifery to become competent and caring midwives. It includes the most accurate and clinically relevant information available, in a clearly written, visually appealing and logical format.
The book includes 12 sections and 71 chapters with an Appendix and exhaustive Glossary at the end. Each chapter is ending with a list of bibliography which are useful to find out detailed information. In addition, a number of diagrams, tables, illustrations and nursing processes have been presented, wherever necessary. The book is in simple language.
The current concept on Community Midwifery has been included, which stresses on Preventive Obstetrics and Domiciliary Care in Maternity Nursing. A detailed discussion on Primary Health Care, the Organization of Maternal and Child Health Programs and the Current Evolution of Reproductive and Child Health Programs is included which is of much use to the students to deliver Community, Maternal and Child Health Services.
I hope and trust that this midwifery textbook will be of a great help not only to midwifery students, but also to midwifery teachers, for study as well as for ready-reference.
With best wishes,
TM Krishnaveni PHN
Former Assistant Director
Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services
Government of Karnataka
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6Preface to the Third Edition
The goal of nursing education in general and midwifery education in particular is to prepare nurses/midwives who combine the highest level of scientific knowledge and technological skills with responsible caring practice. To that end we need to challenge students to identify and master the cognitive and technical skills as well as the interpersonal and ethical skills they will need to effectively nurse the mothers and newborns in their care.
The author has identified that addition of more information in certain topics and more chapters on Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing would further assist nursing students to expand their knowledge of maternal-newborn nursing and make the textbook more student and teacher friendly. Three more chapters are added in the midwifery section and eleven chapters in gynecological nursing section.
I am grateful to all the midwifery teachers who have given feedback on earlier editions of the book, which helped me to incorporate their suggestions in this third edition of the A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing.
I sincerely thank Mrs N Christina Jonathan, Lecturer of Nursing for her suggestions and assistance in preparing the matter and getting the photographs done.
I express my appreciation of the patient forbearance of Mr A J Jacob my husband who helped me to complete the work.
I am grateful to the team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. at Bengaluru branch and New Delhi for their prompt and high-level performance in getting this and other titles printed and published.
Annamma Jacob
7Preface to the First Edition
The book is the culmination of ideas of a nurse educator who has practiced and taught maternal-neonatal nursing in India and in the United States of America. It is the fulfillment of the often stated need among nurse educators and nursing students in India. Since long, teachers of midwifery have been relying on books written with an orientation for practice in the developed countries or those written by physician authors. As a midwifery educator, I became aware of the frustrations of students in trying to piece together the information from English and American midwifery texts or from physician-authored book. The former were too much indepth and generally oriented to conditions in the developed countries while the latter lacked nursing care aspects in order to plan and provide comprehensive care to maternity clients and newborns.
As the concept of nursing process has been incorporated into midwifery education, a chapter on nursing process is included to familiarize midwifery students to the appropriateness of using the problem-oriented approach with their maternity and newborn clients. With a few selected topics, the nursing processes that can be carried out are included which are hoped to serve as guidelines. In the chapter on drugs, nursing considerations are included with a view to foster the use of nursing process in drug administration. Pertinent information from other health sciences is included throughout the book, particularly as it relates to the childbearing and child-rearing periods in the life of the family and from preconception through the first six weeks’ postpartum.
This book is organized into 11 sections in logical sequence including all the units outlined in the syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council for Midwifery Course (INC syllabus, 1986). Additional information includes the chapters on Nursing Process, Childbirth Education and Preparation and the current trends in National Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Program. This book is written completely in the Indian context and in a simple style and easy to understand language for the benefit of Indian nursing students. Practicing nurses will also find the content understandable and useful. Advances in the field of obstetrics and practice of midwifery in the developed countries are included wherever relevant.
Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives. These tells the reader specifically what she or he should know after reading the chapter. The students can use this as a study aid. A large number of informative diagrams, tables and illustrations have been included. They have been designed to convey information in readily comprehensible form.
I sincerely hope that this book will greatly benefit the midwifery teachers, students and nurses practicing maternal-child nursing.
Annamma Jacob
One of the most pleasant parts of writing a book is the opportunity to thank those who have contributed to it.
I am deeply appreciative of Dr TM Krishnaveni, Consultant to the Government of Karnataka Institute of Health and Family Welfare Services, for the patient and wholehearted efforts in editing the book.
Special acknowledgment and thanks to Mr Joji George RN and Miss Aswathy Alexander BSc(N) who drew a many figures in this book.
There have been many people who have touched and shaped my life and beliefs in maternal-child nursing. I am indebted to Mrs Nesamoni Lazarus, my teacher at College of Nursing, CMC Hospital, Vellore, from whom I learned a lot and Mrs Phyllis Berg and Miss Chris Hamilton, Nursing Managers at Suburban Medical Center, Paramount, California, USA who have influenced me profoundly.
I am thankful to my personal friends and professional colleagues in the institutions I had worked and with whom I shared my knowledge and aspirations. The inspiration for writing this book came as a result of my association and involvement with my former students at LT College of Nursing, SNDT Women's University, St Philomina's College of Nursing and Graduate School for Nurses, BNE, SIB, CMAI.
My special thanks go to my niece Pinky Ann Thomas, nephew Pinku Cherian Thomas and brother-in-law Mr George K Cherian for their suggestions, support and assistance in ways big and small.
Finally, not least but most, I acknowledge my husband A J Jacob who encouraged me and worked with me tirelessly to complete this book and in whose honor I have decided to publish this book.