Clinical Assessment and Examination in Orthopedics C Rex
Page numbers followed by f refer to figures and t refer to tables
Abdominal reflex 76, 95
contracture 24
extension 114
in flexion 114
paradox 35
pollicis brevis 77
mobility 18
neurology 101
Achilles tendon 152
separation 28
stress test 38f
tests 29, 38
Active compression test 42
osteomyelitis 6
septic arthritis hip 122
contracture 24
in extension 114
Adductor tightness 24
Adhesive capsulitis 44
Adson's test 82, 82f
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 20
Advanced trauma life support 8, 17
Aggressiveness 5
obstruction 14
with cervical spine control 8
test 81, 81f
sign 117, 120
Alternative method of testing inversion 149f
American Rheumatoid Association 139
Anal reflex 96
Ankle 25, 150, 152
clonus 97
instability 162
jerk 76, 97
Ankylosing spondylitis 103
Antalgic gait 110
cord syndrome 107
cruciate ligament injury 139
dislocation of shoulder 43f
drawer test 131, 132f, 162, 164f
interosseous syndrome 81
knee pain 139
slide test 42
superior iliac spines 114
translocation test 39f
Apical vertebra 101
grinding test 133
method 111
Apprehension test 39, 40f, 134. 137f
Apprehensive sign 49
Arcade of Frohse 82
elevation test 82, 83f
length discrepancy 84
Arnold-Chiari malformation 101
Arthritis of acromioclavicular joint 28
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 162f
Assessment of
activities of daily living 22
distal radioulnar joint 62
dorsal wrist pain 61
instability 53
palmar wrist pain 62
radial wrist pain 57
rotational profile 135, 167
ulnar wrist pain 60
Associated bony injury 75
Asthma 1
Asymmetrical skin crease 120
Atraumatic instability 28
Attitude of limb 18, 74, 84
Auscultation 5
Avascular necrosis 121
Axillary nerve 84
Axon reflex test 85
Babinski's sign 23
Back pain in children and adolescents 107
Barlow's test 120, 120f
Barton's fracture 64
Biceps 85
brachii 36
load test 42
reflex 97
tests 29, 37
Bicipital tendinitis 41
club foot 161f
hallux valgus 166f
Blood test 122
Book test 78, 79f
Boutonnière deformity of fingers 67
Bow legs 136
Bowstring test 93, 93f
Brachial plexus 26
injury 83
palsy 26
Brachioradialis 80, 86
Breathing 8, 9
Brown-Séquard's syndrome 107
Bryant's triangle 117, 118f
Bulbocavernosus reflex 96
Bunnell's OK sign 77
Caison's disease 109
Calcific tendinitis 28, 41
Calf muscle hypertrophy 24
Camptodactyly 69, 70
Capener's sign 122
Card test 78, 78f
Cardiac tamponade 14, 16
boss 65
compression test 63f
tunnel syndrome 63, 81
Carpometacarpal joints 61
Cauda equina syndrome 102
Cavus foot 145
Central cord syndrome 107
Cerebral palsy 26, 100
spondylosis 106
stenosis 106
Charcot arthropathy 165
Check movements 91
Cheralgia paresthetica 82
expansion 92
injuries 14
tube intercostal drainage 15
Chiene's lines 117
Chronic osteomyelitis 6
Circulation with hemorrhage control 8, 9
Claudication pain 89
Clavicular fracture 28
Claw hand 69, 69f
Cleidocranial dysostosis 28
Clinodactyly 70
Club foot 161
Cobb's angle 100, 101
Coleman's block test 159, 160f
Colles' fracture 63
Common peroneal nerve palsy 86
Compartment syndrome 13, 19
Complete tear of rotator cuff 28
and distraction stress test 124
neuropathy 80
affecting hip 119
of skin and soft tissues 75
radioulnar synostosis 51
talipes equinovarus 161
Coracobrachialis 36
Coracoid impingement sign 37
Cozen's test 47, 47f
Cremastric reflex 96
Crepitus 18
Crossed SLR test 94
Cruciate ligament injury 139
Crutch palsy 82
Crystal arthropathy 139
Cubital tunnel 80
Cubitus varus 45f
Curved acromion 41
De Quervain's tenosynovitis 57, 58
Decreased systolic pressure 16
reflex 76, 97
vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 20
Deformity 18, 19, 29, 52, 74, 84, 101, 104, 142
Developmental dysplasia of hip 119
Diabetes 1, 143
Dial test 132
Diaphragm 85
Different types of hand grips 66f
Differential lignocaine injection test 63
carpal compression test 63
compression of nerve 75
Disability 8, 10
Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint 28
examination 19
symptoms 18
pulsation 128
ulna ballottement test 62
Distant site problems 5
Distraction test 99
Dizziness 104
Dominant hand 67
scapular nerve 83
subluxation of ulna 67, 68f
Dorsiflexors 154
Drop arm test 34, 35f
Dropped finger 67, 70
Duncan Ely's prone rectus test 25
Dupuytren's contracture 69, 70
Dural tension signs 92
Dysmorphism 75
extension 95
flexion 95
Eliciting patellar tap 128f
Empty can sign 33
End vertebra 101
Erb Duchenne palsy 26
Erb's palsy 74, 74f
Esophageal trauma 15
Evaluating collateral ligaments 49f
Eversion of foot 95
Ewing's sarcoma from pelvis 5f
Examination of
adjacent joints 19
ankle and foot 142
bone and
joint infection 6
soft tissue tumors 5
brachial plexus 84
cervical spine 103
elbow 45
hand 66
with lacerations 71
hip 109
individual nerves 76
injured patient 8
knee 125
overlying skin and soft tissue 18
peripheral nerves 74
rotational deformities 167
shoulder 27
spine 87
swelling 3
ulcer 4
wrist 52
Exposure 8, 10
Extension 92
catch 91
lag-knee 130f
of middle finger 82
carpi radialis longus 58
digiti minimi 61
digitorum communis 61
hallucis longus 95
pollicis longus 59
rotation recurvatum test 132, 133f
rotator strength test 34
Faber test 116f, 124
back syndrome 103
total knee replacement 141
Feeling joint line 129f
Felon 72
Femoroacetabular impingement 122
Fibromyalgia 106
Findings in
lumbar disk disease 98t
nerve root compression 107t
Allen's test 81
drop 80
flexion and extension 95
Finkelstein's test 58, 58f
First dorsal interosseous 78
Fixed flexion deformity 112
Fixity 4
Flail chest 14, 16
acromion 41
foot 145, 160
Flexed hip with normal knee gait 24f
Flexible flat feet 160
Flexion 91, 112
adduction test 38
radialis 58, 77
ulnaris test 78
profundus 69
superficialis 77
hallucis longus 95
pollicis longus 77
Fluctuation 4
deformities foot 146f
progression angle 169
Fourth and fifth extensor compartment 61
Fracture of
neck of femur 18f
proximal humerus 28
Froment's sign 78
Frozen shoulder 44
Full knee flexion-heel to buttocks 130f
Galleazi's sign 117, 118f, 120
Gamekeeper's thumb 64, 64f
Ganglion 61, 65
Gastrosoleus 95
Generalized ligament laxity assessment 134
Genslen's test 124
recurvatum 137, 139f
valgum 135, 137f
varum 136, 138f
Gerber's lift off test 33, 34f
Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath 70
Glasgow coma scale 10, 11t
maximus 94
medius 95
Gower's sign 25
Great toe 156
Grinding test 59, 59f
Guyon's canal 80
rigidus 164
valgus 164
Hamstring tightness 24
Hand infections 72
Hansen's disease 75
Hawkin's test 35, 35f
Heel bisector line 165f
Hereditary diseases 2
Heterotopic ossification 50f
Hoffmann's sign 97
Holstein Lewis fracture 82
Holt-Oram syndrome 65
Hooked acromion 41
Horner's syndrome 26, 84, 85
Housemaid's knee 137
Human bite 73
Humeroulnar joint 45
Humerus shaft fracture 82
Hypertension 1
Iliotibial-band tightness 24
Impingement tests 29, 35
arthritis 121, 139
arthropathy 143
spondylitis 103
Instability 28
tests 29, 38
Intersection syndrome 57
minus hand 69
muscles of hand 95
Inversion-eversion stress test 163
Irritability 151, 152
Jerk test of Hughston and Losee 132
Jersey finger 70
relocation test 40f
test 33
Joint sepsis 6
Keinbock's disease 62
Kirk Watson's test 54, 55f
Kliene's line 122
Klippel-Feil syndrome 28
palsy 26
paralysis 84
Knee 25
flexion deformity 25
jerk 97
Knock knees 135
Kyphosis 101
Lachman's test 130, 132f
Lasegue's test 93
cord syndrome 107
flexion 92
pectoral nerve 83
pivot shift test 49f
root of median nerve 83
Latissimus dorsi 36, 84, 86
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 121
Lesser toes 159
Levator scapulae 36
Level of
activity 109
injury 72
Lhermitte's sign 105
Ligament laxity tests 135f
alignment and length 143
length discrepancy 18, 19
Lippman test 38
bony tenderness 18
pain 88
flexors 77
thoracic nerve 83
limb 23, 94, 95, 97
nerve injury 86
motor neuron 23
subscapular nerve 84
LT compression test 55
Lumbar disc disease 99
Lunotriquetral instability 55
MacIntosh's pivot shift test 131
Madelung's deformity 65
Malignant spinal disease 102
Mallet finger 68
Malunited distal radius 64
Marfan's syndrome 100
Marginal osteophytes 121
Masquelet's ballottement test 56
Massive hemothorax 14, 15
McMurray's test 132, 133f
Mechanism of injury 17, 71, 125
and lateral rotation of hip 169
cutaneous nerve of
arm 83
forearm 83
hamstring tightness 24
pectoral nerve 83
root of median nerve 83
Median nerve 76, 81
Meniscal injury 139
Meralgia paresthetica 100
Meryon's sign 26
Metaphyseal blanch sign 122
Metatarsal region 157
Metatarsalgia 163
Metatarsus adductus 145, 163
instability 56
shift test 57f
of Lichtman 56
Midpalmar infection 73
Midtarsal joint 152
Mild effusion 128
Monosynaptic reflex arc 76
Morning stiffness 142
Morris bitrochanteric line 117
Morton's neuroma 163
Muffled heart sounds 16
Mulder's click 164f
spasm 18
testing chart 36t
wasting 24, 75, 79, 84
Musculocutaneous nerve 83
Myocardial contusion 15
Myositis ossificans 50
Nature of
injury 72
pain 2, 89
Necrotizing fascitis 4f
impingement sign 35, 37f
injection test 37
Nelaton's line 118f
Nerves 14, 71
Neurofibromatosis 100
Neurologic level in upper limb 37t
Neurological disease 143
foot 166
joint 165
Neurovascular status 3
Neutral vertebra 101
Night pain 89
Non-organic tenderness 99
O'Brien's test 42
Ober's test 25f
Obstetric palsy 26, 84
OK sign 77f
Olecranon bursitis 50, 50f
fracture 17
pneumothorax 14
Opponens pollicis 63, 77
Origin of tumors 6f
Ortolani's test 120
Osgood-Schlatter disease 141
Osmond-Clarke's test 134f, 137f
Osteoarthritis 120
ankle 163
knee 138
shoulder 42
dissecans 141
of navicular 162
of talus 162
Osteomyelitis 28
Osteonecrosis 139
Overall foot shape 145
Paget's test 4f
Pain 5, 27, 52, 88, 104, 109, 125, 142
Palmar subluxation of radiocarpal joint 67
Palm-up test 37
Palpable structures in elbow region 46f
Palpating annular ligament 47f
Palpation 3, 11, 13, 14, 152
of radial and ulnar styloid 53f
Paronychia 72
Partial tear of rotator cuff 28
clonus 98
glide test 134
rotation in standing position 134
tilt 137f
test 134
conditions 139
joint problem 38, 134
Pathological fracture 5
Patrick's Faber’ test 114
major 36, 95
minor 36
Pelvic injuries 16
Pen test 78f
Pes cavus 159
Phalen's test 63, 64f
Phannelstein's incision 16
Phelp's gracilis test 24
Piano key test 63
Pisotriquetral grind test 62
Pivot shift test 133f
Plane of swelling 4
fascitis 161
reflex 96
Pointing index 78f
Polysynaptic reflex arc 76
Popliteal angle 26f
cord 84
cruciate ligament injury 141
dislocation of elbow 49
drawer test 131
heel pain 162
interosseous nerve syndrome 82
load and shift test 40
stress test 41f
Post-traumatic contracture 69
Progression of
lump 3
pain 2
syndrome 81
teres and quadratus 77
Prone rectus test 25f
Provocative test 75
Proximal radioulnar joint 45
Pseudostability test 53, 55f
Pulled elbow 49
contusion 15
function 101
Pulsatility 4
Pump handle test 123f, 124
Quadriceps 95
active test 131
angle 134, 137f
tightness 25
Quadrigia effect 69
club hand 65
deviation of metacarpals 67
fracture malunion 60
nerve 79, 82, 84
tunnel syndrome 82
Radiating pain 89
Radiation 2
glide test 57f
instability 56
Range of movement 150152
Raynaud's phenomenon 82
Reagan's shear test 56
Rectus femoris tightness 25
Referred or overflow pain 88
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 72
arthritis 43, 160
nodules 51
Rhomboids 85
Rigid flat feet 160
Romberg's sign 26
ROOS test 82
Roser-Nelaton's line 117
Rotation 92
in extension 113
in flexion 113
of hip, torsion of tibia 25
Rotator cuff
disease 41
assessment 33
tests 29
Sacroiliac joint stress test 123
Sage test 134
Saturday night palsy 82
Scanogram of chest wall 101
articular-nonarticular junction 59
pathology 59
shift test 54
ballottement test 56f
dorsal ligament 65
instability 54
interval 61
joint pathology 60
test 55
Scapho-trapezio-trapezoid joint pathology 60
Scheuermann's kyphosis 103
Schober's test 91, 91f
Schoemaker's line 117
Sciatic nerve 86
Scoliosis 93f, 100
Septic arthritis 28
Serratus anterior 85
Severity of pain 2
Shear test 55, 62
left leg 110f
limb gait 110
crepitus 44
dystocia 26
instability 43
sign 59
Signs of causes of secondary OA 121
Silfverskiold's test 25
Simmond-Thomson's test 162
Simple compartment pressure 13
Simulation test 99
Sinus tarsi 151
Skeletal system 71
Skier's thumb 64
Skin 12, 71
Skip lesions 5
Slide test 42f
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 121
Smith fracture 64
Snapping tendon 70
Snuffbox 59
Specific signs in median nerve palsy 78
Speed's test 37
cord injuries 107
deformity 100
dysraphism 24
infection 101
Spondylolisthesis 102
Spreading cellulitis of thigh 3f
Sprengel deformity 28, 107
Stability 150, 152
tests 48
Stable vertebra 101
rotational profile tests 167
tests 169f
Stiff hip gait 110
Stiffness 28, 52, 90, 104, 109, 125
Straight leg raising test 92, 93f
of abductor pollicis brevis 63
test 32
Stretch tests 92
Structural deformity 88
Subacromial bursitis 28
cyst formation 121
sclerosis 121
Subclavius muscle 83
Subscapularis test 33
Subtalar arthritis 163
Sulcus sign 38, 39f
branch radial neuritis 57
reflex 76, 95
Superior labral anteroposterior lesion 42
Supinator jerk 97
Suppurative flexor tenosynovitis 73
Supracondylar fracture 49
Suprascapular nerve 83
entrapment 83
stress test 33f
tendon 31f
test 33
Surface marking of spine 90f
Swan neck deformity 67, 69
Swelling 5, 28, 52, 68, 75, 125, 128, 142, 146
around knee 137
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 164
Tarsometatarsal joints 152
Tear of major vessels 15
Telescoping test 114, 116f, 120
Tendo-Achilles rupture 162
Tendonitis 64
Tennis elbow 47, 82
Tenosynovitis 28
Tension pneumothorax 14, 15
Teres major 36
painful arc 38
stance 144
abduction of hip 115f
active abduction of shoulder 32f
adduction of hip 115f
dorsiflexion 54
of foot 148f
elbow flexion 48f
eversion of foot 149f
extension of hip 119f
external rotation of
hip 114f, 119
shoulder 32f, 35f
for DDH 120f
internal rotation of
hip 113f, 114f, 119f
shoulder 32f, 34f
inversion of foot 148f
lateral flexion 92f
plantar flexion of foot 148f
rotation of spine 92f
trapezius 33f
TFCC test 60f
Thenar space infection 73
Thigh foot angle 169
and hindfoot forefoot 169f
Thomas test 24, 113f
Thomson's test 163f
outlet syndrome 82
pain 88
deformities 67
drop 80
Tibia varum 138f
Tibialis posterior 95, 153
insufficiency test 160
Tight tendo-Achilles 160
Time since injury 17
Tinel's sign 63, 75, 84
Toes sign 161f
Torticollis 28
Tracheobronchial tree injury 15
Transient synovitis of hip 122
Trapezius 36
instability 28
rupture of diaphragm 15
gait 110
test 111, 111f, 112f, 120
Triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries 60
Triceps 86
reflex 97
weakness 80
Trigger finger 70
Triquetrolunate ballottement test 56f
Trochanteric bursitis 122
Tuberculosis of hip 122
claw hand 79
club hand 53f
compression test 63
deviation of fingers 67, 68f
nerve 78, 80, 83
paradox 79
limbs 23, 95, 97
motor neuron 23
subscapular nerve 84
Valgus stress test 130, 131f
Various types of posture 87f
Varus valgus stress test 48f
disease 143
injuries 13
Violent trauma 88
Von Recklinghausen's disease 100
Waddell's symptoms and signs 99
Waiter's tip position 26, 74
chieralgia 57
sign 79
syndrome 82
Wasting of thenar muscles 63
Web space infection 73
Well leg raise test 94
dorsiflexion and palmar flexion 95
drop 74f, 80
synovitis 65
Yergason's test 38
Chapter Notes

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