The Science & Art: Microincision Cataract Surgery (BIMICS & COMICS) Arturo Pérez-Arteaga, Luis Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
19 gauge Vejarano's irrigating chopper 84f
20 gauge
ophthalmic knife 126f
Vejarano's irrigating chopper 84f
25 gauge transcleral pars plana vitrectomy 167f
26 gauge Gimbel cannula 80f
27 gauge cannula 120f
700 micron irrigating and aspirating cannulas inside eye 218f
Abbott medical optics 53
Acoustic wave 20
Acrysmart lens 137f
Adhesion of pupillary membrane 166f
Advantages of C-MICS (1.6 mm) surgery 19
Age-related cataract 147
Air pump 116t
and gas forced infusion 115
of millennium surgical system 8f
Akahoshi combo prechopper 94f, 112f
accurus 600 56
infinity system 103
aspiration handpiece 56f
capsulorhexis forceps 54f
diamond knife 54f
irrigating stinger 55f
metal knife 54f
original finger nail MICS irrigating hydromanipulator 55f
chamber automated stabilization environment 91
dual-pump technology 92
phacoemulsification technology 95f
whiteStar settings 88f
Anesthesia 93, 110, 125
cataract 147
depth 183
formed with viscoelastic 220f
continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis 174
cortical cataract 147
polar cataract 147
subcapsular cataract 147
uveitis 183
vented gas forced infusion 4, 12, 205
system 115
tubing system of accurus surgical system 13
Artist rendering of ice pulse 90f
Aspiration 127
bypass system 104
cannulas 213f
in progress 213f
starting 213f
tips 208f
Astigmatism control with MICS 61
Balanced salt solution 4, 7, 103, 126, 133, 152, 204
Best choice in pediatric cataracts 204
cataract 198
surgery 5
cataract surgery 13, 19, 45, 47, 124
instruments 168
phacoemulsification 159
phaco surgical tools 75
phacoaspiration 5
prechop technique 194
refractive lens exchange 5
technique 148
0.7 mm irrigation aspiration system 116
irrigation 127, 127f, 208f
microincision phacoemulsification of cataract 168f
microincisional surgery 6
phacoemulsification 6, 34f, 126f
Biometry with IOL master 125
capsulotomy 41
diathermy 41
glaucoma surgery 41
intraocular microcauterization 168f
infusion 14
tool of millennium microsurgical system 13
of intraocular solution 12
Burst modulation 42
inside eye 141f
performing nucleus fragmentation 218f
bag 195
tension rings 156, 207
Capsulorhexis 28, 28f, 78, 125, 126f, 149, 174, 199
incisions 32, 32f
removal and intraocular lens 32
surgery 27, 116
Chamber automated stabilization environment 91
Change in axis of cannulas 142f
Charlie Kelman patented phacoemulsification 32f
rock hard nucleus 162f
technique 121f
Classification of lens hardness according to Moh's scale 27t
corneal incisions 32, 199f
lens exchange 41
CMP cool phaco 41
cataract surgery 5
cataract surgery 13, 34, 32, 17, 19, 35
phacoemulsification of cataracts 19
phaco techniques 34
phacoaspiration 5
Comparison of
dimensions 25f
energy modes 88f
needles from microflow 208f
system 102f
tip diameters 82f
Complete clean of capsular bag 219f
Congenital cataracts 215
curvilinear capsulorhexis 54, 206
irrigation 41
linear 42
transition of cataract surgery 52
micropulse button 38
micropulse phaco 42
aberration with MICS 62
edema 183
endothelial cell count 125
endothelium 9
wound burn 87f
completely removed 168f
irrigation-aspiration 30t
removal 109
Creating forced infusion 12
Cruise Control™ System 53f
Custom pulse for grade
2 cataract 108f
3 cataracts 108f
Deformation resistance 32
Detached descemet membrane 173
Developmental cataracts 215
Dexamethasone phosphate 128
Diagram of multiple fracture 28
blade for side port incision 148f
keratome 122f
Dilemma of sleeveless biaxial microphaco 38f
Dispersive viscoelastic protection 24
Dominant hand 700 micron incision 212f
Elschnig's pearls 211, 211f
End of phaco notice clear bag and clean cornea 144f
Epinucleus 109
mode 110f
Evolution of surgical techniques 3
Excessive anterior chamber deepening 173
Execution of sclerocorneal tunnel 127f
air pump with air filter connected 8f
forced infusion 5, 11, 15
roller clamp in millennium surgical system 12f
Final steps 201
aspirating process 213f
microcapsulorhexis 217f
fracture 28
scleral stopper in place 200f
step in collocation of scleral stoppers 199f
Fluidics and regulation of emulsification energy 20
Foot pedal control 105
Forced infusion 5, 7, 11
Frontal opening irrigating chopper 82f
Fuchs' dystrophy 183
Gas forced infusion 53, 116t
cannulas 140f
microvitreoretinal blade 119f
of phaco needles and size of incision 75t
hydrodissection 120, 189
hydrosurgery 189
nuclear rotation 189f
Goldmann applanation tonometry 125
cataract with reabsorbed cortex 151
lenses 29
molecular weight 135
myopia 159
speed vitrectomy 41
Higher order astigmatism 62
Hydrodelamination 140f, 217f
Hydrodelineation of posterior polar cataract 159f
Hydrodissection 29, 29f, 79, 116t, 140f, 152, 200
Hydrowave 20
cataract 147
senile cataract 147
Immature senile cataract 147
Implantation of intraocular lens 124
Incision 28, 28f, 52, 75, 93, 111, 148, 199
extracapsular cataract extraction 180
sites 126f
burns 171
edema 213f
Incomplete capsulorhexis 188
Inferior opening irrigating chopper 82f
Initial hydrodissection wave 217f
Injection of
capsule tension ring 162f
viscosurgical device 125
Intelligent phaco 104
forced infusion 5, 11, 15
gas forced infusion 115
cautery 167
floppy iris syndrome 156
lens 4, 9, 49, 52, 84, 145f, 151, 159, 173, 198, 204, 212
choice 95
implantation 201
injection with injector 128f
insertion 127
pressure 11, 53, 195f, 198
floppy iris syndrome 47, 116t, 163, 164f
trauma 183
Introduction of 700 micron irrigation 213f
Intumescent cataracts 149, 215
IOL implantation 31f
bombé 165
coloboma 163f
prolapse 116t
cannula placed behind nucleus 192f
chopper 83t, 116t
20 gauge 76f
administration set 12
aspiration 136f
choppers 81
Irrigator tamponading iris 164f
Jackhammer effect 24
Kershner's microrhexis forceps 134
Large iridodialysis and zonular defects 163
Lateral opening irrigating chopper 83f
hardness 27
iris diaphragm retropulsion syndrome 173
multiple phacofracture 29
opacities classification system 27
microphaco 133, 136f
position 135f, 189
technique 190
Maintaining positive intraocular pressure with irrigation 192
Malignant melanoma 163f
Management of incomplete capsulorhexis cases with biaxial approach 188
Mapping of footswitch 106
cataract 147, 160
senile cataract 147
Maximum phacoemulsification power 127
Mehta microrhexis forceps 134f
Metal blade 85f
Micro capsulorhexis forceps 19f
cataract surgery 5, 197
cortical aspiration 219f
epinuclear aspiration 219f
nuclear pieces aspiration 219f
phacoaspiration 5
posterior capsule cleaning 211
prechop technique 139
refractive lens exchange 5
cataract surgery 5
phacoaspiration 5
phacoemulsification 153t
Microcornea 163
Microincision 5
cataract surgery 4, 6, 14, 33, 42, 52, 124, 125, 204
instruments 54
phacoemulsification platforms 56
intraocular lenses 58t
Microphaco 6
Microphakonit 6, 116, 114, 117
22 gauge Vejarano's irrigating chopper 208f
irrigating chopper 114
needle tip 114
Microphthalmos 163
Microslim IOL 60f
Microtip 20 gauge 81f
Microutrata forceps 79f
capsulorhexis forceps 126f
intraocular lenses 57
with infinity surgical system 102
Middle micro-capsulorhexis 217f
Milky cataracts 215
Millenium surgical system 14
Mini flared tip 25
Miniflex IOL 61f
Minimally invasive cataract surgery 52
Modified phaco needle 19f
Morcher pupil expander ring 165f
Morgagnian cataract 147
Multi-mode phaco 41
Multiple nuclear
fragmentation 143f
pieces 143f
MVR blade 20 gauge 149f
Nanotip 22 gauge 81f
Natural clear cornea vejarano‘s microincision knife 76f
allows coaxial microphaco 35
puncture of anterior capsule 150f
Nondominant hand 700 micron incision 212f
Normal saline solution 183
cataract 147
fragmentation 191f, 193f, 194f, 218f
and endothelial cells 141f
and posterior capsule 141f
embed with phaco needle 191f
fragmented 218f
held firmly with vacuum 192f
in lens salute position 140f
pulled with vacuum 192f
starting fragmentation with vacuum and irrigating cannula 193f
Occlusion mode phaco 41, 42
Ocular pressure 125
phaco technology 35f
Swiss technology 32
Olson irrigating chopper 133
viscoelastic device 148
viscosurgical device 110, 112
Optical coherence tomography 167f
Pars plana vitrectomy 7, 197, 201, 201f, 202f
Passive infusion 5, 10, 11
Penetrating keratoplasty 157
Performance of scleral tunnel incisions 199f
Peripheral iridotomy 166f
handpiece 4
instrumentation 35
multiple nuclear pieces 145f
needles 20, 80, 116t
and irrigating cannula 145f
selection 104
vitreoretinal platform 37f
Phacoemulsification 126, 152, 200
energy 167f
of nuclear pieces 194f
of segments 30
of subluxed cataract in anterior chamber 160f
Phakonit 3, 6, 116
and microphakonit 116t
Pinching infusion tubing 168f
Poiseuille's law 153t
mode with linear control of vacuum and flow 110f
of posterior capsule 219f
Polishing capsule 110
Polymethylmethacrylate 52
capsule 9
opacity 211
polishing 127f
rents 178
rupture 161
cataract 147
cortical cataract 147
polar cataract 147, 159, 215
subcapsular cataract 147
subluxed cataracts 160
vitrectomy 202f
Potential intraoperative floppy iris syndrome 165
Power modulation 53
Prechop with irrigating cannula and phaco tip 193f
Prechopping in micro-coaxial phaco 27
Pressurized infusion control of constellation surgical system 13
Presurgery ocular examination 125
Previous intraocular surgery 183
Pseudoexfoliation 161
Pull nucleus technique 194
Pulse modulation 42
Punctured posterior capsule 161
Quadrant removal 107
Radial keratotomy 157, 167
incisions 168f
lens exchange 47, 166
in post radial keratotomy 167
lensectomy with 700 micron system 215
Rigid polymethylmethacrylate 171
Ringer's solution 183, 184
Rock-hard nuclei 162
Sapphire blades
trapezoid 2.0 to 2.4 mm 85f
trapezoidal shape of 1.8 to 2.2 mm 85f
Scleral tampons 200f
Sclerocorneal incisions 32
Second step in collocation of scleral stoppers 199f
Sensitive phaco dynamics 124
Separation of both cannulas creating nuclear fragmentation 143f
Severe retinal degenerations 53
Shallow anterior chamber 172
Sleeve-less phaco technique 40f
Slim-shaft strong-bevel needle 33
Snellen chart 125
lenses 29
nucleus outside capsular bag 217f
Stability of anterior chamber 197
Standard 19 gauge phaco needle 80f
Starting micro-biaxial capsulorhexis 216f
Stellaris surgical system 14
Stripping pupillary membrane 166f
Summary of advantages of AMO technology 95
Surgical induced astigmatism 124
Surgically induced astigmatism 53
Suturing of atrophic iris using microincision intraocular forceps 169f
Switching hands 162
ThinOptx lens 137f
insertion 137f
Third step in collocation of scleral stoppers 199f
Tipping up nucleus in hydrodissection 135f
Titanium tip excellerator 39f
Torsional ultrasound and microincision cataract surgery 23
Transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy 197
knife with 0.91 to 2 mm 77f
metal blade 149f
Traumatic cataracts 215
Types of cataracts 147
Use of spatula 31f
Vacuum surge suppressor 177
Valve construction 116t
Vejarano's irrigating chopper 77f, 208
20 gauge with oval lateral holes 148f
22 gauge with rectangular lateral holes 153t
for phakonit 205f
Very shallow anterior chambers 166f
Vigorous hydrosurgery 139
cannula 10
entering eye 220f
removal 110
with linear control of flow 110f
Viscosurgical devices 54
Viscous-elastic material aspiration 30t
Visual acuity 125
Vitreous hemorrhage 201f
Wide capsulorhexis 140f
Wider phaco needles 20
Wound stability 32
Zonular dialysis 160, 160f, 162f
ZR-1000 IOL 60f
Chapter Notes

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fm1The Science and Art Microincision Cataract Surgery (BIMICS & COMICS)fm2
fm3The Science and Art Microincision Cataract Surgery (BIMICS & COMICS)
Editor-in-ChiefArturo Pérez-ArteagaMD Medical Director and Founder Ophthalmic Center of Ambulatory Surgery Centro Oftalmológico Tlalnepantla, Mexico Head Professor Neurosciences Department, School of Medicine Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico Co-EditorLuis Felipe Vejarano-RestrepoMD Medical Director Fundación Oftalmológica Vejarano Popayán Colombia Head Professor Surgical Sciences Department Universidad del Cauca Colombia Foreword Garg Ashok
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The Science and Art: Microincision Cataract Surgery (BIMICS & COMICS)
First Edition: 2012
Printed at
This book is dedicated to my beloved genetic and non-genetic legacy (sons and daughters) and to my medical students at the university; those lovely growing kids and young doctors, reaching at high speed the way to adulthood, with the hope and deep desire of their happiness.
I hope that you can be able to understand and live under the premise that ‘to know' is better and more valuable for the human, than living under the premise of ‘to have'. I hope that you can comprehend that the only thing that we can truly possess is the knowledge. That the knowledge gives a never-ending peaceful state; ‘to know' is a real pleasure. That no one really can obtain anything without giving what he knows to others. That a learned concept becomes sterile if it has not the ability to find a goodness application in the society that surrounds and involves us.
Vision, mission and knowledge conform the way to freedom.
Arturo Pérez-Arteaga
Iwant to dedicate my chapters to my family; my wife Mary and only son Pablo who always had to hold so many nights alone because of my dedication to Ophthalmology, to prepare my lectures and write chapters. I know that the life goes so fast but even I give my life for them. I also love my career and I have to take some of their time to it, even though they always give me their support and understanding and thanks of that I really feel and totally realize.
A very special dedication to my very good friend Arturo Pérez-Arteaga, and to the existing friendship between us. This surgical relation began with the Microincision Cataract Surgery since 2004 and thanks to our surgical techniques, our friendship became stronger. I want to thank him for the confidence that he had given in all our instructional courses and also in many books that we had written together; this is also true in this new outstanding book project of MICS surgery (Biaxial and Coaxial in one book). Even that I contributed with my knowledge, the big developer and executer was Arturo and I truly believe that this publication will be a success in the Ophthalmology world. Thanks my friend for your pure friendship and your confidence. I hope that the time that you spend working in this project, your family can be able to understand and forgive you. You are thirsty of new ideas. We need you…
Luis Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo
fm7Contributors fm9Foreword
Cataract Removal Technology has undergone rapid advancements and innovations especially in the last two decades. From modest and conventional surgical techniques in the early 80s, now it has become high-tech customized visual enhancement outdoor surgery with excellent visual outcomes. New Microsurgical techniques, foldable advanced aberration free lens implants, gel technology, refractive lenses and futuristic pharmacokinetics have completely changed the cataract scenario in the 21st century. With the advent of new MICS Techniques especially COMICS & BIMICS and foldable lenses, there is more speedy recovery, reduced risk of postoperative astigmatism and return to improved vision in a very short time. Individual eye tailored cataract surgery is now customized to eliminate dependence on glasses for distance, near and intermediate vision.
In this new book The Science and Art: Microincision Cataract Surgery (BIMICS & COMICS) my dear friend Dr Arturo Pérez-Arteaga, in collaboration with Dr Luis Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo, has assembled an impressive collection of chapters divided in four sections to cover all aspects of MICS beautifully. Special feature is their line-up of famous international contributors who have shared their experiences regarding pearls and strategies of MICS techniques.
Section – I of this book is devoted to all important history and background of MICS.
Section – II deals with coaxial microincision cataract surgery, phacodynamics and surgical techniques step by step in a lucid manner.
Section – III includes biaxial microincision cataract surgery innovative techniques, phaco machine dynamics and special techniques like microphakonit by Prof Amar Agarwal and Tri MICS by Dr Jerome Jean-Philippe Bovet.
Section – IV is quite interesting covering newer techniques in COMICS and BIMICS by international masters along with management of complicated cases and futuristic innovations in MICS.
Dr Arturo Pérez-Arteaga and Dr Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo deserve to be congratulated for their stupendous efforts and excellent book on MICS. I hope this comprehensive book on MICS shall provide cutting edge knowledge about COMICS and BIMICS to ophthalmologists worldwide. I am sure this book shall undoubtedly benefit cataract surgeons to sharpen their surgical skills and knowledge. Finally, my kudos to editors, international contributors and publishers M/s Jaypee Highlights Inc. for bringing such a beautiful and well-timed volume on MICS.
Ashok Garg ms phd fiao frsm faims adm
Chairman and Medical Director
Garg Eye Institute and Research Centre,
Hisar, India
Brand Ambassador of Ophthalmology, WHO
Deputy Director General (Asia Office)
IBC Cambridge (UK)
Incoming President
Indian Intraocular Implant &
Refractive Society (IIRSI)
As many concepts in a lot of fields of medicine are changing, so is cataract surgery also constantly changing. Recently, innovations performed by important researches have moved this particular technique through new trends based upon decreasing the incision size. Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS) is a new concept developed during the last decade.
If well, the concept talks by itself regarding the reduction of the incision size. The term MICS has been used by some researches for many purposes and to name to various individual techniques, either coaxial or biaxial, during the time of evolution of these new trends. Some authors have utilized this term according to some particular measures of the incision size, while some others have utilized the term to some other kind of approach (e.g. biaxial). Currently, the term MICS is talking about incision size either in the biaxial or in the coaxial approach. Some terms, like Phakonit or Bimanual Cataract Surgery took importance when the techniques were created by the authors, have been reunited with the term MICS and are divided in coaxial or biaxial (COMICS or BIMICS), according to particular approach that the surgeon is using. In the coaxial approach, the irrigation is placed in the same handpiece that is in the aspiration, while in the biaxial approach, the irrigation and the aspiration are in different devices and so performed through different axis.
Interestingly, the most important discoveries of this movement of cataract surgery in the research of the smaller and smaller incisions occurred not in the incision size itself. During the process of decreasing the incision size, the most important developments happened in the field of the performance of phacoemulsification process itself. New trends appeared in the fields like instrumentation, phaco power modulations, phacoemulsification modalities and, in particular, the big improvement in the management of fluidics; since our particular point of view (and as you will see while reading this book, since the point of view of many authors) the key in MICS has been the changes in fluidics performance. While at the beginning of the process, the surgeons created a new way of fluidics management; with the increased number of surgeons performing MICS, the industry understood and new machines with improved fluidics were created. The main advantage of this process is located in the point of less tissue damage and so the decrease in the inflammatory response. The correct performance of MICS leads to the decrease of the postoperative inflammation; the decreased inflammation reduces postoperative complications and improves the visual recovery in time and degree.
If all is well, MICS keeps constant concepts, because these techniques have been developed by many authors worldwide, sometimes differences exist between the physicians in the performance of the surgery. When the surgeon finds that a particular technique is able to give good results in his/her patients, he/she keeps the changes, leading this way to a customized technique. That is why, currently, there are many ways to perform MICS; either coaxial or biaxial, the technique can be very different from one surgeon to another. There are differences in machines, instrumentation, settings, approaches, maneuvers, tools and ideas; even called MICS, two surgeons can perform the surgery in a very different way. The transition is continuous. The transition is something that we experienced and we are still experiencing.
The objective of this book is to demonstrate to the reader by many different ways to perform MICS by some of the most important surgeons in the world, and some applications of this technique to other fields also rather than cataract fm12surgery (e.g. refractive lens exchange). We have tremendous honor to have leaders and pioneers as the contributors of this book in the creation and development of MICS. The ophthalmic community recognizes their work and their knowledge. The reader will be able to notice the differences from one surgeon to another and will be able to decide the particular concepts that might incorporate to his/her surgical practice. The reader will be able to take again some forgotten ideas and mix them with the new ones in performing so a customized and useful technique for the benefit of his/her patients. It is not the objective of this book to find a final technique or a final conclusion in MICS; you will see that what is useful for one author may be useless for the other. In this book, the authors contributed concepts, ideas, knowledge and surgical experience for the goodness of our cataract patients; joining most of the current concepts in MICS.
The idea of working in a project like this was born during the years since we have been performing Instructional Courses at meetings like the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS). We have seen through this “window” how MICS was born and how MICS has been evolving during the last decade. We have had the honor that most of the contributors to this have been instructors in our courses. We have been professors but also we have learned from other professors, the audience and from each other. For this reason, we can qualify this project as a description of personal techniques. This book has not a specific sequence; the reader is able to go directly to the information through a particular author or through a particular technique. The concepts are reinforced with pictures and in the case of some authors with surgical videos that demonstrate the written concepts.
This book goes from basic concepts described many years ago until recent applications in MICS, like the very new Femto MICS technique. Definitively, this is not the end in MICS. This book is just describing what is happening now and the basic concepts that gave life to “what is happening now”. New concepts will be in the arena of the cataract surgery during incoming meetings and articles this year, maybe at the same time when this book is being presented. This is the history of the human knowledge, the addition of new concepts to what we have previously learned. But we believe that sometimes, in a particular moment, we have to stop and take some time to obtain a clear view to see where we are standing.
That was our idea…
Arturo Pérez-Arteaga
Luis Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo
My sincere acknowledgments to all the people who directly or indirectly have contributed to the realization of this book. Special thanks to the friends and professors who contributed for this project. They gave us their valuable time, knowledge, encouragement and friendship. It has been an honor to teach with you at the meetings, to learn from you and to have you here in this project. Thank you very much to all of you; it is tremendous honor to have in this book ‘plenty of stars'.
My personal acknowledgments to the publisher, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., in particular, to Shri Jitendar P Vij, Chairman and Managing Director, Mr Tarun Duneja, Director-Publishing, Mrs Chetna Malhotra Vohra, Mrs Samina Khan, and Mr Amitoj Singh, for their hard work in this project and for trust in ourselves.
To my dear friend Luis Felipe Vejarano-Restrepo, who agreed to be Co-editor of this project and to MICS, that gave us the opportunity to meet each other and to let grow a friendship between us and our families.
I would like to thank to the professors who contributed to my professional formation in my country and outside it Dr Jorge Newton-Sanchez (RIP), Dr Luis Perera, Dr Jack Dodick, Dr George Parariella, Dr Guillermo Lieja and Dr Enrique Ariza (RIP), but in a very particular way to my dear friend, master, professor and guide, Dr Amar Agarwal, for whom I do not have any words to acknowledge his warm support; thank you dear professor.
Thanks to my lovely parents (Lalo and Leo), who gave me life, education, love and determination, and to the beautiful members of my family (Martha, Mariana, Marifer, Jorge and Rosy), who give me love, comprehension and time to execute these ‘surgical' ideas.
I like also to thank to the people that conform my professional environment; to my patients who trust their sight in my knowledge and give me the enough motivation to become a better doctor; to my medical students, the generation that will drive the medicine when we would not be able to do it; to the people that trust in me at the University where I teach; to my team who work in my clinic, in the consultation area to Miriam Toral who expands my medical criteria with a simple sight; and at the OT to my surgical nurse Vianey Perez whose adequate and lovely contribution, mentioned at the right time, is a source of benefit to my patients. I like to thank all of you for your warm support; you are substantial part of this project.
Arturo Pérez-Arteaga