Textbook of Cardiology (A Clinical & Historical Perspective) Navin C Nanda, HK Chopra
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Abciximab 39
reteplase stent study 727
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 300, 367
Abiotrophia defectiva 242
communications 274
ductus venosus 489f
immune response 224
tricuspid valve flow 490f
Abnormalities of tricuspid valve 558
atrioventricular connection 481
pulmonary valve syndrome 481
atheroma 582
idioventricular rhythm 343f
Acetylsalicylic acid 367t
Acorn Corcap device 661
immunodeficiency syndrome 82, 296
valvular dysfunction 78
Action potential duration 117, 343f
Active inflammatory destruction 233
arthritis 249
cor pulmonale 284
coronary syndrome 36, 55, 71, 81, 87, 88, 141, 367t, 534
infarction ramipril efficacy 165
infarction 5, 6, 8, 10, 65, 89f, 92, 94, 107, 121, 158, 244, 309t, 366, 439, 577, 596, 683, 717, 717f
infection 299
pericarditis 233
embolism 726
thromboembolism 247
rheumatic fever 76, 404
rheumatism 249, 251, 253, 255
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction 717
unexplained dyspnea 284
Adaptation of cardiac periods 352
Adenosine 117
deaminase 331
diphosphate 32, 109
myocardial perfusion imaging 521
Adenovirus 229, 233
Adipocyte role in insulin resistance 199f
Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisone 258
Advanced heart failure 750
Advent of sport aerobics 144
Age of cerebral protection 640
Ahlquist's report 116
Akira Endo and era of statins 190
Albuminuria 152
Alcohol septal ablation 217
A-lipoic acid 321
Aloka 880 color Doppler system 420f
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 162
College of
Cardiology 11, 71, 83
Chest Physicians 9
Heart Association 11, 71, 83, 142, 158, 195, 577, 588, 658
Society of Nuclear Cardiology 532
Amiodarone 50, 115, 117
Amlodipine 104, 105
Amount of blood sugar 316
Amprenavir 50
Amyloidosis 405, 535
Ancillary therapy 13
Androgenetic alopecia 405
and chronic heart failure 99
pectoris 21, 92, 101, 209
Anginal disease 140
Angiocardiography 432
Angioplasty for
aortoiliac occlusive diseases 641
infrainguinal peripheral vascular disease 641
Angiotensin 59, 65
converting enzyme 65, 73, 163, 203, 213, 225, 323, 408
inhibitors 23, 60, 81, 84f, 153, 163, 213, 613
II receptor 59
subtypes 61
receptor 59, 60
blockers 23, 59, 65, 152, 203, 408
Anglo-Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial-lipid lowering arm 52
Anitschkow's rabbits 182
mitral leaflet 457, 658
thoracotomy incision 657
Anterolateral myocardial
ischemia 514f
segments 514f
Anthracyclines 229
era 241
in cardiology 76
prophylaxis 241
Antideoxyribonuclease-B 77
and lipid lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial 52, 105
drugs 163
therapy 203
Anti-inflammatory drugs 77
Antinuclear antibody test 236
Antiobesity drugs 201
Antioxidant properties of lycopene 131
agents 31, 84
therapy 107, 109
Antipsychotics 230
Antistreptolysin O 77
movements and sentiments 298
policies 301
chemotherapy 331, 332
treatment 331
dissections 700
homograft 670
insufficiency 499
regurgitation 78
root dilation 659
stenosis 457, 481, 499, 660, 735, 737
valve 457, 669
regurgitation with surgical repair technique 659t
repair 658, 672
replacement 658
valvuloplasty 627
Aortocoronary saphenous vein graft 581
Aortopulmonary window 481
of cardiac MRI 495
software architecture 543f
ARB and
coronary artery disease 410
nephropathy 410
stroke 410
Arbutamine two-dimensional stress echocardiography 454
Arginine-glycine-asparate 38
Armchair treatment of MI 157
Arrhythmia 10, 22, 336
of sudden cardiac death 342f
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
cardiomyopathy 501
dysplasia 632
aneurysmal disease 697
blood pressure 318
natriuretic peptide 314
occlusive disease 699
Arteriosclerotic diseases 315
Arteriovenous fistula 650
Articular rheumatism 249
Artificial heart valve 669
Asia Heart Foundation Southern India Project 551
Aspirin 31, 36, 109
development 34t
in secondary prevention 84f
Assessment of
chest pain 12
ischemia 495
pulmonary regurgitation severity 566
Association of Heart Disease 250
Asymptomatic carotid atherosclerotic disease 132
Atazanavir 50
Atenolol 85, 117
Atheroma progression 22
Atherosclerosis 89, 180
cardiovascular disease 180
heart disease 310
A-tocopherol 132
Atorvastatin evaluation and infection therapy 56
fibrillation 292, 421f, 576, 608, 616, 645
ablation 645
and stroke 292
in WPW syndrome 354f
surgery 693
isomerism 481
septal defect 78, 271, 463, 463t, 496, 511, 626, 645, 711, 712
closure 647f
concordance with ventriculoarterial discordance 481
defect 559
discordance with ventriculoarterial discordance 481
ablation 616
tachycardia 631
pathway 631
septal defect 481, 713
valve anomalies 481
Atropa belladonna 116f
Atropine two-dimensional stress echocardiography 455
diseases 230, 402
disorders 230, 397t
endoscopic system for optimal positioning 657, 674, 692
external defibrillators 390
nervous system 342
tone and reflexes after myocardial infarction 349
AV nodal reentrant tachycardia 607
Azeotropic nitric acid 100
Azimilide 118
Azithromycin 78
Azol anti-fungal 50
Babylonian clay tablets 270
Bailey's atrioseptopexy 712
angioplasty 582
valvotomy 475
valvuloplasty 736
atrial septostomy 278, 467
pulmonary valvotomy 734
valvuloplasty 648
Bare metal stents 582, 591
Baroreceptor sensitivity 345t, 351, 352
Bazett's formula 346
B-carotene cancer prevention 132
Benidipine 104
neoplasms 505
PVC 357
Benzathine penicillin 77, 260
and heart failure 26
and left ventricular hypertrophy 26
distribution coefficients 19t
hemodynamic values 18t
in hypertension 23
therapy 24t
Bicuspid aortic valve 417
Bicycle ergometer two-dimensional stress echocardiography 450
Big chief of heart 274
Biomarkers of stress 312
Birth of
blood culture 239
polypill 80
Blade atrial septostomy 650
gelatin 101
oil 99
Blastocysts 740
Bleeding bowls 241
potassium efflux 117
slow calcium channels 117
Blood 148, 239
cholesterol 136, 136, 180, 191
clotting 326
pressure 73, 81, 105, 160, 367t
pumps 663
Body mass index 23, 367t
Boerhaave's aphorisms 252
Borderline lesions in coronary angiography 517, 517f
Bouillaud's endocarditis 238
Bourneville's disease 400
Brachial measurement 163
Bradykinin potentiating
factor 73
peptides 74
Brain 128, 153, 172t
death 706
heart connection 306
Branches of coronary artery 680f
Brazilian picture 376
B-receptor blockers 163
Bretylium 115, 117
British Hypertension Society Guidelines 178
Brock procedure 277
Broken heart syndrome 311
Bronchodilatation 16
Bronchospasm 521
Bruce's method of exercise tolerance testing 446f
criteria 632
syndrome 354
block 631
re-entrant tachycardia 634f
of His 337
Burden of
cardiovascular disease 163
heart failure 750
Burns 100, 283
Calafiore's left anterior small thoracotomy operation 656
antagonist 104
blockers 116, 141
blockers 152, 163
blocking drugs 105t
heteromeric complex 103f
Calf muscles 245
Canadian American Ticlopidine Study 35
Cancer 105, 283, 297
Candesartan cilexetil 62
Capsule's relation to adherence 264
Carbohydrates 157
abnormalities with normal four-chamber view of heart 483t
amyloidosis 220
arrhythmia 650
pilot study 117
suppression trial 116, 348
beta-myosin heavy chain 216
biomarkers 231
catheterization 597
and systolic murmur 215
in heart failure trial 344
endocarditis 78
infection 78
electrophysiology 605
enzymes and biomarkers 12
events with perindopril 84
function index 730
insufficiency bisoprolol study 27
irradiation 679
ischemia 365
magnetic resonance imaging 12, 743
masses 495
MRI at
3tesla 494
7tesla 495
occupational therapy 361
perforation 650
procedures 76, 78
rehabilitation 143
services 143
heart failure 615
therapy 613, 661, 662
therapy in patients with severe systolic heart failure 614t
therapy trials 614t
Society and Foundation 3
stem cells 739
tumors 501
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation 390
Cardiocutaneous diseases 396
Cardiomyocytes 740
Cardiomyopathies 456, 495, 500
Cardiopulmonary bypass 655, 710
Cardiorenal connectors 314f
Cardiotropic viral genome 233
and pulmonary rehabilitation 158
chest pain 235
disease 28, 31, 49, 80, 82t, 83t, 122, 131, 132, 156, 160, 168, 170t, 173, 175, 177, 180, 195, 296, 300, 360, 370, 380, 383t, 384t, 541, 750
dysmetabolic syndrome 195, 199t
epidemic and cholesterol wars 180
illnesses 99
infections 76
protection 62
system 76, 327
and liver 199
Cardioverter defibrillator 225
Carney complex 400
Carotid angioplasty 639
Carvajal syndrome 402f
Carvedilol prospective randomized cumulative survival 165
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 342, 354
Catechol-O-methyltransferase 535
Categories of medical information 542t
Catharina serafin 93, 94f
Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation 576
Catheterization techniques 277
Causes of hyperhomocysteinemia 380
Cefazolin 78
Ceftriaxone 78
Celiac disease 230
systemic lupus erythematosus 230
Cell 103
based clinical trials 743, 745t
membranes 371
transplantation 662
types with potentials for cardiac cell therapy 740t
Cellular membrane 252
blood pressure measurements 163
committee for food standards 377
nervous system 494
obesity 200
Cephalexin 78
Cephalosporins 230
Cerebrovascular accident 384, 367t, 592
Cervicothoracic denervation surgery 677
Chagas disease 229, 661
CHD in fetus 483, 484t
Chemical structure of
catecholamine and β-blocker 17f
sildenafil 393f
pain 360, 363
tumor 93
X-ray 235
Chlamydia pneumoniae 333
Cholesterol 81, 362
awareness survey 190
lowering medications 188
Cholesteryl ester transfer protein 371
Chordae 555
Chorea 249
Chromium 684
alcohol intake 380
heart failure 615
kidney disease 367t
myofascial pain 211
airway disease 297
pulmonary disease 512
sinoatrial block 337
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 247
total occlusion 595
vascular disease 599
Chronical distempers 209
Chronicle of hypertension 160
Chronology of development of thrombolytic agents 718t
Cilnidipine 104
Cinchona succirubra 113f
Cinnarizine 104
Circulating progenitor cells 740
Clarithromycin 50, 78
Classification of
antiplatelet drugs 107, 108f
cardiocutaneous diseases 397t
endocarditis 240
hypertension 171, 174, 175, 176t
tachycardias 631
Clindamycin 78
Clofibrate 188
Clopidogrel 109
aspirin stent international cooperative study 109
in unstable angina 36
circulation of man 88f
mitral commissurotomy 730
Clostridia 229
Clotted prosthetic valve 726
Clozapine 229, 230
Coarctation of aorta 476, 477t, 481, 497, 699
Coat hypertension 162
Coburn's suggested schedule 262
Cocaine 229
Coconut oil 187
Cognitive behavioral therapy 312
Cohnheim's assessment 93
Cold pressor test 447, 457
Collaborative atorvastatin diabetes study 52
Color flow
Doppler 557, 559, 563, 566, 569
imaging 566
Combination therapy 80
Comparison of ice catheters 645
blood count 236
thyroidectomy 678
Complications of intracardiac echocardiography 650t
Components of polypill 82
Computed tomography 494, 623
scan 285
Concept of
adrenoceptor 15
coronary care units 95
rheumatic activity 256
β-blockade 15
Concomitant cardiovascular 160
cardiac disease 274
block 490
defects 489
disease 78, 463, 480, 481t, 495, 496, 546, 547, 597, 710, 751
cardiac failure 221
heart failure 122, 165, 211, 283, 341, 367t, 613, 739
Connective tissue diseases 234
Conquering valvular lesions 278
Consequences of pulmonary regurgitation 567
Constrictive pericarditis 504
medical education 545
wave 472
Doppler 558, 560, 567
Doppler signal across pulmonary valve 473f
Contractile dysfunction 10
Contraction of myocardium 235
Contrast venography 245
Control of arterial pressure 150
Conventional Doppler ultrasound 417
Co-operative new scandinavian enalapril survival study 165, 213
Cor triatriatum 481
and peripheral artery disease and arrhythmias 28
artery 92
bypass graft 120, 124t, 141, 174, 518, 518f, 579, 581, 588, 684
disease 78, 84, 8789, 92, 93, 120, 124t, 180, 181, 189, 297, 307, 322, 340, 359, 361, 367t, 370, 374t, 380, 443, 457, 510, 522, 536, 546, 547, 597, 622, 655, 663t
disease with intake of trans-fats 372
stenting 640
surgery study 346, 360, 589f
atheromatous volume 23f
cameral fistula 471, 471t
care unit 95, 141
heart disease 49, 81, 81t, 130133, 135, 299, 325, 360, 380, 383, 384, 541
MR angiography 505
primary prevention trial 189
sinus 464, 648, 649
procedures 680
thrombolysis 366
thrombosis 89
vascular disease 359f
vasospasm 457
venous ligation 678
Coxsackie virus 229, 231
C-reactive protein 77, 131, 333
Creatine kinase 50, 231, 602
Cross-section of ascending aorta 485f
controversies and future direction 205
indications of statins 52
trends in fetal cardiology 486
Cut section of cardiac rhabdomyoma 483f
Cutis laxa 402, 403
Cyanose tardive 274
Cyanotic spells 272
adenosine monophosphate 109
guanosine monophosphate 393
Cyclosporin 50
da Vinci system set-up 674f
Daptomycin 242
functional capacity 141
of blood pressure 101
hypothermic circulatory arrest 699
transgastric view 557
vein thrombosis 5, 69, 95, 244, 283, 284, 726
Defects of cardiac septa 273
Defibrillators in nonischemic cardiomyopathy treatment evaluation 345
aortocoronary saphenous venous graft 623
valve diseases 241
Demonstrate tricuspid regurgitation 485
Density lipoproteins 183
Dental procedures 76
Deoxyribonucleic acid 131, 321
Depression and heart disease 308
Dermatomyositis 400f
Development of
antiplatelet agents 39t
blood tests 90
cardiology in India 3
cardiopulmonary bypass 710
clinical cardiac ultrasound 414
coronary angiography 90
current robotic technology 688
intravascular ultrasound 622
lovastatin 49
robotic cardiac surgery 689
safe and effective-cell tracking modalities 747
saralasin 61
streptokinase 717
systemic arterial hypertension 73
thrombolytic therapy 5
tissue valves 671
vascular grafts 700
venous thromboembolism 283f
Devices beyond balloon 600
Dextrothyroxine 188
Diabetes 156, 171, 360, 362, 535
mellitus 124, 172
and CVD 197
on diet 202
prevention program 201
Diabetic nephropathy 165
Diagnosis of
coronary thrombosis 94
deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 283
Tourette syndrome 733
tubercular myocarditis 332
blood pressure 176, 722
dysfunction 507
hypertensives 24t
tissue velocity 457
trans mitral velocity 457
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 457
velocity 123
Dichloroisoprenaline 116
Diet heart
disease 185
hypothesis 137
deficiency 380
fat intervention trials 137
intervention trials 186
Different classes of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitors 37t
imaging and communication system 542, 546f
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 450
Dihydropyridines 104, 105
cardiomyopathy 211, 224, 500, 535, 751
inferior vena cava 565
Diphtheria 229
Dipyridamole 37, 109, 365, 448
myocardial perfusion imaging protocol 519
transesophageal 448
attached storage 544
implantation of vessels into myocardium 680
renin inhibitors 163
Directional coronary atherectomy 578
Discipline of interventional cardiology 602
Discovery of
compactin 49
estrogen 326
streptokinase 5
Disopyramide 117
Disorders of
chest 140
keratinization 397t, 401
lipid metabolism 397t, 403
embolic protection devices 583, 640
embolization 583
filter device 584
filtration 584
occlusion device 584
Dobutamine 365, 448, 455
atropine stress echocardiography 454, 457
myocardial perfusion imaging 522
stress echocardiography 451, 457
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 451
Docosahexaenoic acid 372
Donald Fredrickson and classification of lipoproteins 184
derived myocardial performance index 126
echocardiography 236, 433
features of aortic coarctation 477
interrogation 472
Dotter technique 599
apex beat and ejection systolic murmur 216
blind primary intervention trial 180
inlet atrioventricular connection 481
right ventricle 483
ventricle 481
vessel disease 592f
Down's syndrome 401, 401f
Drug eluting stent 578, 582, 590
Duct dependent
pulmonary blood flow 470
systemic blood flow 471
Ductal stenting 470
Ductus venosus 489
Dynamic cardiac myoplasty 662
Dyslipidemia 199, 199t
Dyspnea 235, 363
Dyssynchrony and cardiac resynchronization therapy 617
Ebstein anomaly 481, 487, 497, 559
of tricuspid valve 561, 561f
Echo of pulmonic valves 568
Echocardiography 241, 285, 365, 413
of pulmonic valve 565
Echo-dobutamine international cooperative 451, 457
Echo-persantine international cooperative 451, 457
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 402, 403
Ejection fraction 232, 457, 751
Elderly systolic hypertension 25t
Electrocardiogram 437, 457, 631, 727
diagnosis 631
QRS duration 346
transmission 539
Electrocardiograph device 549f
of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 353f
transmission 547
Electrocardiography 177
Electronic medical record 545
Electrophysiology of ventricular tachycardia 631
phenomena 239
protection devices 581
Embryonic stem cells 740
Emergency medical system 723
diastolic ventricular volumes 661t
stage diabetes 380
Endocarditis 239, 249
Endocrine steroid cardiopathy 311
Endocrinological disorders 398t
biopsy 229
fibrosis 219
in India 220
assisted coronary artery bypass 657
coronary artery bypass 657, 685, 693
Endothelial prognitor cells bone 740
Endothelium derived relaxing factor 393
interventions for aortoiliac occlusive disease 641
repair of aortic aneurysm 641
valve edge-to-edge repair study 660
Endoventricular patch plasty 661t
End-stage renal disease 314, 367t
Enhanced external counterpulsation 120, 127
Enigma of endomyocardial fibrosis 219
Enteroviruses 229, 233
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 285
and myocardial reperfusion 12
reperfusion 10
Epiloia disease 400
Epithelial internalization 264
Eptifibatide 39
Era of
cardiopulmonary bypass 712
electrocardiography 93
Forssmann and Cournand 597
randomized trials 613
Sones and Judkins 598
unlocking left heart 598
Erectile dysfunction 393
Ergometer exercise testing 444
Erythema marginatum 404f
Erythromycin 50, 77
Escherichia coli 45
Established vein graft disease 582
Estrogen 188
therapy 283
cooperative acute stroke study 589f
myocardial infarction amiodarone trial 348
society of
cardiology 157, 176
hypertension 176
Evaluation of
acute coronary syndrome 89
aortic valve stenosis 475t
atrial septum by transesophageal echocardiography 465
resynchronization therapy 457
transplant 495
coarctation of aorta 477t
coronary arteries 495
losartan in elderly study 65
myocardial oxygenation 495
Ewart sign 235
Excessive urination 209
Exclusion of intracardiac thrombus 648
capacity and NYHA class 350
induced mitral regurgitation 449
stress echocardiography 457
Exertional dyspnea 229
Experimental reproduction of endocarditis 240
External loop recorder 337
Exudative pleural effusion 237
Fabry's disease 221, 404, 405f
influencing prognosis 175t, 177t
limiting modern therapies in India 751
Fallot's tetralogy 28
False positive echocardiograms 236
Familial hypercholesterolemia 135, 182
Fan-shaped chordae 555f
Fatal heart attacks 188
acids 321
degeneration 92
diseases of heart 92
Felodipine 104, 105
Femoral artery 120
balloon dilatation 736
cardiac intervention 491
heart block 490
Fibrin split products 285
Fibromas 502
alcohol septal ablation 215
degree AV block 337
line β-blockers (atenolol) perform 25t
pass radionuclide angiocardiography 511
septal myectomy 215
echocardiography 487
tricuspid regurgitation and congenital heart defects 490
Five-chamber view of heart 484t
Fixed dosed combination pills 85
Flecainide 115, 117
Fleischner's sign 245
Flexible explosive 101, 421f
Flow convergence method 567
Fluoroscope 432
Foam cells 135
Folic acid 380, 384t
and drug administration 45, 74
standards agency 376
Foot pressures 149
Fosamprenavir 50
Fossa ovalis 643
Four-chamber view of heart 483t
Fragmin in coronary artery disease 70
Framingham heart study 23t, 185
Francis fontan 281f
Fraxiparine in ischemic syndromes 70
Free fatty acid 199, 527
Functional tricuspid regurgitation 559
Future of
balloon valvotomy 730
heart transplant in India 750
thrombolytics 717
Galderisi cardiovascular ultrasound 123
Ganglionic blocking drugs 163
Gangrene senilis 290
Gastrointestinal bleeding 105
Gaucher's disease 221
Gelignite 101
Gene therapy 97, 662
Genetics of dilated cardiomyopathy 212
German diabetes and dialysis study 56
Giant cell myocarditis 212, 230
Global cardiovascular disease 80
Gluconeogenesis 16
Glutathione peroxidase 321
Glycerin's nucleophilic oxygen atoms 100
Glyceryl trinitrate 101
Glycogenolysis 16
Goldstein brown and LDL receptor 182
Gonorrheal vaginitis 327
Grading of
pulmonary regurgitation 567t
tricuspid regurgitation 562t
TS 565t
Grading pulmonic stenosis 569
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 742
fluorescent protein 741
telepresence surgery system 690
Grönblad-Strandberg syndrome 403
Group streptococcus 76, 258
and coronary angioplasty 600
balloon 599
Hampton's hump 245
Headache 326
Health statistics in India 541t
Heart 104, 128, 751
and coronary vessels 87
attack 65, 89
block 336, 650
contractions 148
disease 142
of children 281
failure 29, 95, 124, 160, 172, 535, 536, 619, 661f
primary prevention 27
lung machine 279
outcomes prevention evaluation 84, 203, 384t
protection study 333
rate turbulence 345t, 349
transplantation 662, 663, 751
Heavy chain myosin 232
Hellerstein's original 142
Hematogenous route 332
Hematopoietic stem cells bone 740
Hemochromatosis 501
stress 224
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 456
Hemodynamically significant tricuspid stenosis 565t
Hemorrhagic stroke 290
Heparin 42, 68, 286
and thrombosis of veins 69
in cardiovascular disease 70
induced thrombocytopenia 70
Hepatic vein flow 562
Hepatitis C virus 229, 230
Hepatojugular reflux 235
Herbal tea 241
Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia 49
cholesterol 140
pressure 140, 199t, 326
cholesterol 136
coronary disease risk 171
density lipoprotein 17, 130, 173175, 177, 323, 362, 374
cholesterol 195, 367t
His bundle electrogram 606
Historic milestones in antiplatelet therapy 107, 108t
History of
ACE-inhibitors 73
acute coronary syndrome 87
AMI 92
angiography 625
angiotensin receptor blockers 59
antiarrhythmic drugs 113
aortic surgery 697
balloon atrial septostomy 626
beta-blockers 15
blood pressure
amplification 149
measurement 162
calcium channel blockers 103
fitness programs 140
imaging 432
interventions and future directions 597
rehabilitation 156
syncope 336
cardiorenal connectors 314
cardiovascular disease protection 321
catheter ablation 605
coil closure 629
coronary artery disease 92
deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism 244
development of angiotensin receptor blockers 408
device closure 628
drugs in acute rheumatic fever 256
endomyocardial fibrosis 219
fetal cardiology 480
four-chamber view 480
transplant in India 750
transplantation 705
heparin and cardiovascular disease protection 68
hormone replacement therapy and heart 325
infective endocarditis and future directions 238
interventions for congenital heart disease 625
intravascular ultrasound 622
IVC filters 642
left main percutaneous coronary intervention 588
markers of sudden cardiac death 340
MRI 508
myocardial contrast echocardiography 436
nitrates 99
nuclear cardiology 509
oxidative stress 321
pediatric cardiology 270
peripheral vascular interventions 638
pulmonary embolism 283
restrictive cardiomyopathy 219
robotically assisted cardiac surgery 688
sildenafil 393
statins 49
stem cell therapy 739
stent use 630
and heart disease relationship 306
echocardiography 442
stroke in cardiac patients 289
surgery for ischemic heart disease 676
tobacco in India 298
ultrasound 413
valvular heart surgery 667
valvuloplasty 627
warfarin 40t
women and heart disease 359
HIV-infection 234
Holmium 684
Homocystinuria 404
Honolulu heart study 136
Hormone replacement therapy 325, 326, 363
and cancer 328
and heart disease 327
and stroke 328
and thromboembolic disease 328
aortic endothelial cells 131
heart 87
immunodeficiency virus 229, 296, 331
serum albumin 509
Hybrid procedures 478
Hydraulic systems 121
Hydrogen peroxide 321
Hydroxymethyl glutaryl-coenzyme 49
Hyperbaric oxygen 97
Hypercholesterolemia 80, 189
Hyperhomocysteinemia 387
Hyperkeratotic vascular skin lesions angiokeratomas 405f
Hyperkinetic heart syndrome 28
Hyperlipidemia 88, 156, 360
Hyperproliferative disorders 380
Hypersensitivity 229
Hypertensinases 318
Hypertension 28, 80, 156, 172t, 360, 362
and stroke 291
and target organ damage 160
Hypertensive heart disease 547
cardiomyopathy 78, 215, 350, 353, 500, 535, 649
obstructive cardiomyopathy 28, 216
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 470, 481, 491
dilated cardiomyopathy 212
orthostatic hypotension 28
Iliac artery aneurysms 641
Immune system 103
Immunoglobulin complexes 236
Immunological and infective disorders 399t, 404
cardioverter defibrillators 78, 221, 341, 615
defibrillators 341
Importance of
atrioventricular dissociation 631
epicardial reperfusion 10
Inadequacy of public health programs 261
Inborn errors of metabolism 399, 404
Incidence and management of cardiac-device infection 78
Increase of heart rate 101
council of medical research 4, 77, 220
defence service 550
hypertension guidelines 171
Indinavir 50
Induced pluripotent cell 740
Infective endocarditis 77, 238, 241, 404
gastric artery 656
vena cava 464, 605, 607
Infiltrative disorders 399, 405
Inflamed heart 250
Inflation of balloon 648f
Influenza 229
Infundibular stenosis 474
Inherited disorders of
collagen and elastin 399
elastin and collagen 402
Inhibition of
cannabinoid 201
insulin release 16
lipolysis 16
smooth muscle cell 578
Injections of penicillin 259
Inner wall of blood vessels 132
receptor in
adipocytes 198
muscle 198
resistance 199
Intact ventricular septum 737
Integrating indices of severity 567
Intensive care unit 750
communication 474
septum 643, 646f
cardioverter defibrillators 337
jugular vein 90
mammary artery 656
business machines 692
collaboration on endocarditis 242
maritime satellite 539
randomized evaluation 71
Interpretation of metaiodobenzylguanidine images 534f
Interrupted aortic arch 481
septal 457
septum 554f, 632
Intima-media thickness 132
Intra-aortic balloon pumping 661
echocardiography 236, 643, 646f, 649f, 650t
extension 502
intracoronary ultrasound 433
Intracoronary shunts and coronary occlusion 656
Intracranial hemorrhage 719
Intractable angina 751
Intraprocedure role of echocardiography 465
Intravascular ultrasound 478, 579, 590, 622
Intravenous immune globulin 233
Invasive coronary surgery 656
Irbesartan diabetic nephropathy trial 65, 165
Irreversible injury 10
cardiomyopathy 351, 751
heart disease 3, 71, 81, 83f, 101, 120, 310, 333, 382, 433, 495, 685, 744
lower extremity 8
mitral regurgitation 659
dinitrate 101
mononitrate 101
Isovolumetric contraction time 123
Isovolumic relaxation time 123
Isradipine 104, 105
Itraconazole 50
Jeremiah Stamler and American Heart Association 188
Jerky pulse 216
John gibbon with heart-lung machine 279f
Joint national committee on prevention 168
Jones criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever 258
Jugular venous distension 235
Kanyini-guidelines adherence with polypill 85
disease 78, 404
syndrome 404
Ketoconazole 50
Kidney 128
Kissing balloon technique 595
Knockout of insulin receptor in liver 197
Kuopio ischemic heart disease 132
Lacidipine 104
Lack of international recognition 4
Lactic acid dehydrogenase 237
Laennec's tube 147
Landline vs mobile transmission 549t
in aortic surgery 702
moments in development of surgery 712
trials across ARBS 66t
Laparoscopic surgery 689
Large blood vessels 153
Lazy sinus syndrome 336
anterior descending 457, 656, 677
atrial appendage 645, 731
bundle branch block 617, 717
heart syndrome 737
main coronary artery 588, 591
disease 591
stenting 591
ventricle end-diastolic diameter 736
ventricular 152, 219, 230, 311, 341, 613
aneurysmectomy 661, 661t
assist device 457
diastolic dysfunction 122
dysfunction 737
ejection fraction 65, 122, 225, 232, 343345, 367t, 511, 591, 613, 661
end diastolic pressure 447, 457
endomyocardial fibrosis 219
hypertrophy 122, 172t, 174
mass 123
mass index 123, 177
systolic dysfunction 224
Legacy of young branch 270
Leiomyomatosis 502
Leopard syndrome 396, 400f
Lercanidipine 104
Level of residual obstruction 472
Lidocaine 114, 117
Lidoflazine 104
Ligation of internal mammary artery 656
Light's criteria 331
Limitations of
echocardiographic imaging of duct 470
polypill 85
radial approach 595
Linezolid 242
hypothesis 135, 182
lowering therapy 95
Lipomas 502
Lipomatous hypertrophy of interatrial septum 503
Lippmann capillary electrometer 93
Livedo reticularis 401f
Liver cirrhosis or suicide 192
Long QT syndrome 342
Long-term ambulatory ECG recording 348
Lopinavir 50
Losartan intervention for endpoint 203
reduction in hypertension 23, 65, 165
blood cholesterol levels 192
density lipoprotein 81, 138, 173, 175, 177, 226, 322, 371, 374t
cholesterol 49, 180, 181, 367t
dose dobutamine echocardiography 451, 457
HDL cholesterol 172t
molecular weight 286
heparin 38, 43, 70, 225, 286, 722
triglycerides 16
Lowenbereg's sign 245
Ludwig's kymograph 147
Lung perfusion scans 285
LV end-diastolic volume 495
Lycopene in food 133
Lyme carditis 229
Macrolide antibiotics 50
Magnetic resonance
cholangiopancreatography 77
imaging 246, 494, 728
Mahomed's study 149
Main pulmonary artery 485f
Major clinical trials of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitors 39t
cardiac arrhythmias 751
hypertension 315
nephrosclerosis 316
pericardial neoplasms 505
tumors 503
Mammalian skeletal and cardiac muscle 103
Management of
coronary syndrome 90
myocardial infarction 718
arrhythmias 95
atherothrombosis 110
blood pressure 157
CDS 200t
end stage heart failure 662f
hypertension 312
pulmonary embolism 285
wide QRS tachycardia 635
Manidipine 104
Manifestations of
coronary artery disease 92
target-organ damage 170t
Marfan's syndrome 559, 699
Markers of sudden cardiac death 344, 345f
Mean pressure drop 565
Measurement of vena contracta 561
Measures of epicardial reperfusion 11
Mechanical scanning 622
Mechanism of
action of
dipyridamole 521
streptokinase 5
insulin resistance 198f
Mediastinal lymph node 330
Members of ARB class 408
Membranous septum 555f
Menopause 363
Mental stress-induced ischemia 309
Mesenchymal stem cells bone 740
disorders 28
syndrome 124f, 195, 197, 199f
in Indian urban population 196f
status 202f
Methionine 380, 381
Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase 380
Methylglutaryl-coenzyme 182
Mexiletine 117
Miconazole 50
Microalbuminuria 172t
Microscopic cardiac rhabdomyoma 483f
four-chamber view 555
long axis view 557
right ventricular inflow-outflow 556, 556f
Migraines 326
coarctation of aorta 483
semilunar valves stenosis 483
tricuspid regurgitation 78, 560f
Minimal tricuspid regurgitation 555
Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery 658
insufficiency 499
regurgitation 457, 660, 669
stenosis 444, 457, 499, 660, 730
and stroke 291
valve 78, 667
repair 672
surgery 693
valvuloplasty 627
Mixed carotenoids 321
recording of pulmonic valve 568
stress echocardiography 444
Mode of action of ARB 408
fatty matter 92
structure of all-trans lycopene 130f
Monday morning headache 102
Monoamine oxidase 535
Monocyte cells 131
Monotherapy to combination therapy 164
Moricizine 115
Morphology of pediatric cardiology 277
Mortality statistics 541
Moses's sign 245
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 404
Mullin's dilator 733f
insync randomized clinical evaluation 615
oral carvedilol heart failure assessment 213
unsustained tachycardia trial 344
Multimode computerized tomography scan 728
Multiparameter device 549f
for primary health center 547
lentigines syndrome 396
muscular ventricular septal defect 711
neurofibromas of face 402
Multisite stimulation in cardiomyopathies 614
Multivessel small thoracotomy 657
Murray's external suturing 712
contraction 16
fiber 92
Muscular ventricular septal defect 467
Myalgias 229
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 331
apoptosis imaging 511
blood flow 436, 518f
contrast echocardiography 436, 454, 457
disease 481
function, systolic and diastolic 510
hypoxia imaging 511, 536
infarct imaging 511, 528
infarction 6, 10, 21, 31, 52, 60, 88, 92, 107, 114, 132, 137, 140, 170, 173175, 180, 217, 283, 359, 367, 383, 384, 457, 510, 521, 591f, 599, 632, 722
and breast cancer 130
and stroke 82, 291
trial 109
ischemia 55, 495, 521
imaging 525
metabolism 510, 527
microcirculation 583
muscle 229
opacification 437f
perfusion 510, 512, 514
imaging 516
scan 520
retroperfusion 680
stunning and hibernation 511, 528
T2 quantification 506
T2 signal intensity 506
Myocarditis 224, 229
Myotomy-myectomy 215
Myxomas 502
Nation's health care system 297
Cholesterol Education Program 180, 181, 190, 195
institute for health and clinical excellence 376
Natural blood channels 128
Nature of
atrioventricular 219
vein graft disease 581
Naxo's disease 402, 402f
Nefazodone 50
Neonate with critical pulmonary stenosis 474t
Neoplastic diseases 505
Nervous system 199
Neurochemistry of brain 318
Neurovisceral diseases 306
New York
Heart Association 345
trans-fat scenario 375
Niacin 188
Nicardipine 104, 105
rustica 297
tabacum 297
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 321
Nicotinic acid 188
Nifedipine 104, 105
Nimodipine 104, 105
Nisoldipine 104, 105
Nitrendipine 104, 105
acid 100
oxide 101, 102, 314, 381
Nitrogen 101
Nitroglycerin 99, 100102, 104, 457
tablets 102
Nitrolingual pump spray 101
Nitrospan 101
Nitrostat 101
Nivadipine 104
Non-angiotensin-converting enzyme pathway 61f
Non-cardiac surgery 22f
Non-insulin dependent mellitus 205
Non-invasive cardiology 411
Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction 534
Non-ST segment elevation 70
myocardial infarction 10, 107
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 109, 234
Non-tubercular pericarditis 505
Noonan's syndrome 401
ductus venosus 489f
heart 238
sestamibi myocardial perfusion scan 516f
sinus rhythm 421f, 634f
tricuspid valve
flow 490f
motion 557
Norwegian vitamin trial 384t
Nuclear cardiology procedures 510
Obesity 172, 199, 363
and cardiovascular disorder 209
and diabetes 140
and syndrome X 210
Obstructive disorders 497
Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery 684
One-dimensional echocardiography 413f
Opacifying myocardium 436
Open mitral commissurotomy 732
Operative treatment of angina pectoris 677
Optimal epicardial artery patency 12
anticoagulants 39, 286
D-sotalol 117
Organic anion transporting polypeptide 50
Origins of congenital heart surgery in India 713
Orthostatic hypotension 101, 338
Osteoporosis 326
Oxidative stress 321
Oxygen 101
infection 78
lead-induced severe tricuspid valve stenosis 565
catheter perforation 418f
transesophageal two-dimensional stress echocardiography 456
Paget-Schroetter syndrome 245
Palmoplantar keratoderma 402f
Panconductional disease 337
Papillary muscle 555, 561
Para-aminobenzoic acid 617
Parasitic infection 239
Paravertebral injection of alcohol in dorsal nerve roots 677
Parent-teacher association programs 261
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 22
left ventricular resection 661
perfusion 11
pressure of oxygen in arterial blood 284
thromboplastin time 70
Parvovirus 229, 233
Patau syndrome 399t
ductus arteriosus 78, 276, 469, 471t, 497, 511, 735f
foramen ovale 466, 643
visualization 646f
Pathogenesis of pulmonary embolism 283
Pathophysiology of atherothrombosis 107
Peabody's sign 245
dose dobutamine echocardiography 451, 457
filling rate 511
Pediatric cardiology 4, 270, 277
Penicillin 229, 230, 259, 260
and public health programs 261
prophylaxis 262
Penicillium citrinum 49
Pentasaccharides 44
annuloplasty 660
balloon aortic valvuloplasty 735
closure of ductus arteriosus 470
coronary intervention 10, 70, 109, 581, 590f, 591f, 595, 717, 744
intervention of vein grafts 586t
left atrial appendage occlusion 648
mitral valve repair 648
PFO and ASD closure 646, 650
saphenous vein grafts intervention 582
angioplasty 638
coronary angioplasty 141, 365, 577, 581, 594
renal angioplasty 640
transvenous mitral commissurotomy 730
techniques 732f
under TTE guidance 733f
valve repair and replacement 660
valvular procedures 647
ventricular septal defect 649
cyst 504
disease 547f
effusion 650
fluid analysis 237
friction rub 235
inflammation 504
injury syndromes 234
tumors 503
Pericardiocentesis 478
Pericarditis 233, 249
Perimembranous ventricular septal defect 469
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 224
and coronary tree 577
disease 21, 22, 367t, 736
occlusion 8
pulmonary stenosis 481
vascular disease 300
Persistent ductus arteriosus 481
Pet myocardial ischemia 510
Pharmacological stress perfusion imaging 518, 522
Phenytoin 114, 117
Pheochromocytoma 28
Pioneers in stress echocardiography 448t
Placebo-controlled heart-failure trials 27t
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 205
Platelet function 81
Polymerase chain reaction 230
in cardiovascular disease 80
trials 83t
Polyunsaturated fats 136
Poor ventricular function 95, 96
Portal hypertension 28
Positron emission tomography 221, 495, 510, 523, 525, 535, 743
Post heart-lung machine era 681
descending artery 656
mitral leaflet 658
Postmenopausal estrogen 364
Potassium nitrates 101
CMR correlates of heart transplant rejection 507
molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular effects of trans-fatty acids 371
Pratt's sign 245
Pravastatin in ischemic disease 55
Pre-cardiopulmonary bypass era 710
Pre-heart-lung machine 679
Predicting left ventricular 12
Predictors of diastolic hypertension 23t
Pregnancy induced heart disease 360
Pre-hospital thrombolysis 726
Premature ventricular contraction 342
Prevention of heart disease in women 367t
Previous venous thromboembolism 283
cerebral type 337
coronary intervention 13
hypertension 23
myocardial disease 215
PCI 717
percutaneous coronary intervention 8, 595, 722, 726
prevention trials of aspirin 35t
Procainamide 113, 117
Progesterone 326
Progress in echocardiography 415f
Propafenone 117
Properties of statins 51t
Prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis 287
cardiac valve 78
heart valve 658t
and stroke 292
Protease inhibitors 50
Proteins 321
Prothrombin time 40
Prothrombotic state 205
Protozoal infection 229
Proximal occlusion device 584
Pseudoaneurysm formation 650
Pseudosinuses 658
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 403
Psoriasis 309, 406
and tricuspid valves 672
angiography 246, 285
annulus 554f
arterial hypertension 547
arteriovenous fistula 481
artery 554f, 569f, 710
anomalies 481
catheter 570f
pressure tracing 416f
systolic pressures 558
atresia 474, 481, 497
blood flow 470
commissures 554f
cusps 554f
embolism 5, 95, 244, 283
hypertension 512, 535, 751
and right heart failure 416f
infarction and hemorrhage 284
regurgitation 565, 568
stenosis 481, 568, 734
thromboembolism 8, 245
valve 565, 570
echo tracing 416f
stenosis 474, 734
valvuloplasty 627
vascular resistance 751
veins 464, 643
flow 464
systolic 124
regurgitation 568, 568f
valve 553, 567
implantation 649f
Pulsatile and nonpulsatile pumps 663t
pressure 151
wave Doppler 557, 560, 561f
Pulsed Doppler demonstration of various heart valves 486f
Pulseless electrical activity 341
Pulsus paradoxus 235
Purified protein derivative 236
Purkinje fibres 337
Pyroglycerine 99
Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 197
axis in frontal plane 632
complex of electrocardiogram 618
duration 342
Quantification of myocardial blood flow 436
Quantifying myocardial perfusion 438
Quinidine 113, 117
Radial artery 656
Radionuclide ventriculography 511
Ramipril 85
global endpoint trial 65
Randomized carotid endarterectomy 640
Rauwolfia serpentina 115, 115f
Reactions of different β-blockers 15
deoxyribonucleic acid 31
tissue plasminogen activator 286
Red blood cell 147
Re-emergence of beating heart surgery 684
Regional wall motion
abnormality 443, 457
score index 454, 457
Relative wall thickness 123
Renaissance period 270
angioplasty 640
vasodilator 60
aldosterone system 203
cascade 61
pathway 59f
system 62, 73
release increase 16
Requiring enormous energy 147
Resolution of
chest pain 11
ST elevation in ECG 11
Resting electrocardiograms 141
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 501
Reteplase plasminogen activator 7
Retinopathy 170
lymphatic 332
non-transseptal aortic approach 731
Retroperitoneal bleeding 650
and nonrheumatic valvular heart disease 76
carditis 256
fever 249, 250, 257f, 263, 275
and invasive gas disease 264
fascinates 264
heart disease 4, 76, 77, 249, 263, 292, 541, 730
in 18th century 249f
of heart 249
Rheumatoid diseases 230
Ribonucleic acid 321
and left heart catheterization 575
bundle branch block 338, 346, 617, 632
coronary artery 457
internal mammary artery 656
ventricle 272, 283, 413
function 474
ventricular 219
aneurysm 418
ejection fraction 511
endomyocardial fibrosis 219
infarction 418f
outflow tract 355, 427f, 647
pressure tracing 416
systolic function 472
Ringer's solution 316
Ritonavir 50
cardiac surgery 692
coronary artery bypass 693
valve surgery 673
Role of
ARB in hypertension 409
echocardiography in
catheter intervention 463t
congenital heart disease 463
exercise echocardiography 567
oxidation in pathogenesis of coronary heart disease 131
surgery in MS 733
thrombolytics for acute myocardial infarction 717
trans-fatty acids in cardiac arrhythmias 374
Rotational angioplasty catheter system 600
Routine electrocardiogram 510
RV outflow tract 553
Safety of ultrasound contrast agents 439
Sandergard's purse-string suture closure 712
Saphenous vein grafts intervention 584t
Sarcoidosis 221, 405
Sarothamnus scoparius 114, 114f
Saturated fatty acid 186
Saturation phenomenon 186
generation prosthetic valves 671
hand smoke and cardiovascular diseases 300
Secondary prevention of myocardial infarction 22f
Secundum atrial septal defect 481
Senile vaginitis 327
dilatation 467
leaflet of tricuspid valve 554f
remodeling 661t
Septolateral annular cinching 660
Serpiginous margin 404f
β-carotene concentrations 133
homocysteine 81
Sestamibi 515
pulmonary valve stenosis 735f
tricuspid regurgitation 560f
Severity of
stenosis 475
tricuspid insufficiency 560t
Short-term heart rate variability 348
Shrunken kidneys 152
and valve repairs 499
lesions 463, 496
Sick sinus syndrome 336
Sideris device 628
Signal-averaged electrocardiogram 342
Simple atrial septal defect 78
photon emission computed tomography 312, 437, 454, 457, 510
vessel disease 592f
Sir thomas bevill peacock 273
Sjögren syndrome 230
muscle 104, 199
myoblasts satellite cells 740
atrial septal defects 483
blood vessels of brain and kidney 153
ventricular septal defects 483
Smokeless powder 101
Smooth muscle 16
Sodium 101
Sorbitrate 99
Sotalol 117
Spectroscopy 507
St elevation myocardial infarction 726
Stable coronary heart disease 55
Staphylococcus aureus 241
Starvation diet 241
Statins in special populations 56
Stem cell therapy 97, 662
Stenting of saphenous vein grafts 582
Stentless valves 672
Stimulation of lipolysis 16
and thermogenesis 16
Story of single pump 279
Strawberry tongue 404f
infection 229, 249
tonsillitis 260
Streptococcus 240, 261, 263
equisimilis 6
mitior seu viridians 240
Streptokinase 5, 31
and cardiovascular diseases 307
and sudden death 310
cardiomyopathy 311
cardiovascular magnetic resonance 496
echocardiography 443, 457
induced cardiac dysfunction 311
Stroke 289, 300, 726
volume 457
Structure of
antithrombin binding site of heparin 44f
cis- and trans-fatty acids 371f
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction 71, 595
Studies of left ventricular dysfunction 165, 213
Subaortic stenosis and hypertrophied nondilated left ventricle 215
Subclavian origin 470
Subitaneis mortibus 292
Success story of sildenafil 394
Sudden cardiac death 340, 341
in heart failure 616
Sulfinpyrazone 109
Sulfonamides 229, 230
Sulfur trioxide 100
Sulfuric acid 100
Sulphadiazine 77
Superficial femoral artery 638
Superior vena cava 464, 485f, 496
Super-paramagnetic iron oxide 747
Supporting structure of tricuspid valve 555
Supraventricular tachycardia 605607, 631
Surgery for
aortic stenosis 668
heart failure 661
mitral stenosis 667
rheumatic fever 264
strategy to repower failing heart 662t
treatment of ischemic heart disease 677
Survival of myocardial infarction 726
Sutureless anastomotic devices for coronary artery bypass 657t
SVG disease 582
Sweep technique 483
Switzerland model 374
arteriovenous fistula 481
hypertension 160
lupus erythematous 380
sclerosis 230, 406f
vasodilatation 521
anterior movement 216
blood pressure 160, 168, 176
hypertension 23t, 152
velocity 123
Tachycardia 235, 634f
QRS narrow than sinus QRS 632
Tachypnea 235
Tailor made approach 356f
Takayasu arteritis 230
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 311
lesion revascularization 591f
of antiplatelet drugs 108f
organ damage 168, 174
Taxus and cardiac surgery 592
labeled glucarate 528
pyrophosphate 528
Teboroxime 516
Tecadenoson 118
Technetium-99m labeled annexin V 529
Techniques of
balloon pulmonary valvotomy 734
BAV 736
enhanced external counterpulsation 127f
PTMC 731
tricuspid valve dilatation 734
Telemedicine in cardiology 541
Telepresence surgery 690
and cardiac imaging solutions 551
solutions 551
Telithromycin 50
Tenecteplase 7
Tests for diagnosis of
deep venous thrombosis 284
pulmonary embolism 284
Tetralogy of Fallot 474, 481, 483, 498, 711, 713
palliation 277
Tetrofosmin 516
after stress injection 516f
results of
PTMC 732
total blood volume 734
studies of intravascular ultrasound 623
for rheumatism in early 19th century 255
of infections 76
Thiazide 85
Thiazolidinediones 205
Thienopyridines 35, 109
Thin layer of skin 93
Third degree AV block 337
Thomas Bevill peacock 273f
dimension of PS 570
echo in pulmonic regurgitation 568
echocardiography 423, 457, 565
generation of ventricular assist devices 663t
Thrikarana shuddhi 390
Throat infection 76
Thromboembolism 650
Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 36, 109, 111, 583, 719
flow 11
agent 45, 727t
therapy 96, 286, 726
in acute ischemic stroke 727
in acute pulmonary embolism 728
Thrombus 503
Thulium 684
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 236
Tick anticoagulant peptide 38
Tigecycline 242
line of landmark trials with ARBS 65
velocity integral 456, 457
Timeline of interventions of congenital heart disease 630
grading system for coronary 11t
myocardial perfusion grade 12
Tip of iceburg 340f
Tipranavir 50
Tirofiban 39
disease 230
and speckle tracking imaging 423
imaging 123
engineered heart valves 673
factor pathway inhibitor 70
plasminogen activator 7, 45, 726
synchronization imaging 618
TNF-alpha 225
Tobacco 296
and CVDS 303
Tombstone of Paget's views 275
Tongue 102
Torsade de pointes 341
anomalous pulmonary venous
connection 481, 713
return 498
arterial revascularization 656
artificial heart 662
blood volume 734
Toxins 229
Tracers of myocardial perfusion 523
Transapical aortic valve implantation 660
pulmonic valve implantation 649f
valve implantation 648
echo examination of tricuspid valve 555
echocardiography 236, 423, 463, 465f, 466f, 553, 563, 643, 660
stress echocardiography 449f
in Australia 376
in Canada 376
in United States of America 375
intake with coronary artery disease 373t
Trans-fatty acids 370, 374t
Transfemoral transvenous antegrade approach 731
basal short axis view 556
right ventricular inflow 556f
Transient ischemic attack 31, 107, 174, 521
Transitional devices 628
Transjugular transvenous antegrade approach 731
Transluminal extraction catheter 600
Transmural myocardial strain profile 457
laser revascularization 120, 683, 684
revascularization 579
Transplanted heart 506
Transposition of great arteries 483, 498, 711, 713
Transseptal puncture 645
and catheterization 650
Transthoracic echocardiography 562, 643
Trauma 283
Treadmill exercise
testing 443
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 447
Treatment of
a cute myocardial infarction 683
cardiovascular diseases 103
coronary disease 597
high blood pressure 168
hypertension 164f
obesity in early days 210
wide-QRS tachycardia with
irregular rhythm 635f
regular rhythm 635f
Trials of
cardiac resynchronization therapy
with defibrillator 615
without defibrillator 614
coronary artery bypass graft for left main revascularization 589f
intensive statin therapy 52t
statins with clinical endpoints 53t
tenecteplase 720t
and pulmonic valve disease 500
atresia 497
leaflets 553
regurgitation 490, 558
stenosis 562, 564, 564f, 733
valve 418f, 553, 557f, 562, 645
anatomy 553
disease 659
Triggers of
SCD 343f
ventricular arrhythmias 350
Trimetazidine 455
Trinipatch 455
Trinitrin 99
Triple vessel disease 592f
Tropheryma 242
Truncus arteriosus 481, 498
Tubercle bacilli 332
Tubercular pericarditis 505
Tuberculosis 229, 296
and atherosclerosis 333
and heart 330
and myocardium 332
and pericardium 330
in heart transplant recipients 333
of heart 330
Tuberculous pericarditis 331
Tuberous sclerosis 399t, 401f
complex 400
Tumor 400
markers 237
necrosis factor 230
Turner's syndrome 399t
T-wave alternans 340, 345t, 351
and three-dimensional echocardiography in non-coronary heart diseases 456
echocardiography 414f, 417, 433, 559, 562, 566, 569
stress echocardiography 445
with cold pressor test 447
Type D pattern and heart disease 308
Types of
ASD device used 629f
heart blocks 337
ice catheters and transducers 643
idiopathic ventricular tachycardia 633f
Typical atrial flutter 607
Ultrasound angioplasty 579
Umbilical cord 740
blood cells 740
Unfractionated heparin 38, 70
Uniaural stethoscope 147
United State Public Health Science Hospital 605
coronary arteries 598
right heart 597
Unprotected left main trunk intervention multicenter assessment 590
Unravelling coronary vasculature 576
angina 10, 31, 110, 534
arrhythmias 439
heart failure 439
Upper silesia in prussia 93
Urokinase 7, 31
pulmonary embolism trial 8, 45, 286
Use of tobacco 298
Valsalva maneuver 448
two-dimensional stress echocardiography 446
antihypertensive long-term use evaluation 65
heart failure trial 65
in acute myocardial infarction trial 65, 165
Value of electrocardiogram during sinus rhythm 634
diseases 238
repair 78
surgery 657
aortic stenosis 736
damage 238
dysfunction 78
heart disease 456, 495, 535, 673
lesions 499
pulmonary stenosis 471
regurgitation 497
stenosis 497
vegetations 238
Valvuloplasty 471, 647
bleeding and hematoma 650
circular stapling apparatus 682
headaches 101
Vaso-depressor type 337
Vasodilatation 16
Vasospastic angina 534
Vaughan Williams antiarrhythmic classification 117t
Velocity vector imaging in two-dimensional stress echocardiography 455
Vena contracta 557, 559, 561
width 567
blood of intact kidney 318
ligation and inferior vena cava filters 286
thromboembolism 283
Ventak-congestive heart failure 615
Ventilation perfusion scan 246, 285
assist devices 662
assist devices biventricular 662
left 662
right 662
total artificial heart 662
ectopy and NSVT 345t, 348
fibrillation 153, 340, 605
function 469
hypertrophy 632
septal defect 78, 467, 468t, 497, 712
device 469t
septum 413, 418f
tachyarrhythmias 650
tachycardia 340, 521, 605, 608, 631, 632
and fibrillation 310
wall thickness and systolic function 507
Verapamil 50, 104, 105, 117
Veratrum alkaloids 163
Vertical duct 470
early days 15
low density lipoprotein 183
in hyperhomocysteinemia 380
lesion on coronary angiography 517
wall 148
administration cooperative surgery study 589f
heart failure trial II 213
Vierordt's counter pressure 147
Vineberg operation 680
Viral infection 229
Virchow's triad 283
Viruses 229
Visualization of aortic stenosis jet 422f
B1 323
B12 380
B6 380
intervention for stroke prevention 384
von Willebrand factor 108
Wall motion score index 447
Walter reed army medical center 539
Warn about dangers of tobacco 302f
Wartime production rates 99
Water-bottle heart 235
Weight gain, salt and fluid retention 326
Wells and rheumatism of heart 252
West of Scotland coronary prevention study 52
Whipple's disease 229, 230
Wide pulse-pressure 25t
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 354
initiative 327
study 132
ischemia syndrome 363
Wood pulp 101
Woolly hair 402f
World health organization 3, 77, 195
Worth of steroid hormones 262
Xanthine oxidase 323
Xylocaine 114
Yphilitic carditis 76
Yttrium aluminum garnet 579, 684
Zeus system set-up 674f
Zinc 321
Zohman's program 141
Chapter Notes

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fm1Textbook of CARDIOLOGYfm2
fm3Textbook of CARDIOLOGY: A Clinical and Historical Perspective
Editors HK Chopra MD Senior Consultant Cardiologist Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi, India Chairman, WHA, WWF Editor, Book on Heart Protection Formerly Editor, Indian Heart Journal Journal of Indian Academy of Echocardiography Vice President, JROP Institute of Echocardiography and National CSI Navin C Nanda MD Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease Director, Heart Station/Echocardiography Laboratories University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Director, Echocardiography Laboratory, The Kirklin Clinic University of Alabama Health Services Foundation, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Editor in Chief, Echocardiography Founding President, American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin
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Textbook of Cardiology: A Clinical and Historical Perspective
First Edition : 2013
Printed at
fm5Dedicated to
Our parents, teachers, families, friends and patients for their kind support and constant inspiration
fm7Contributors fm17Preface
The textbook provides an insight into the clinical perspectives of cardiology and at the same time dwells into the historical aspects highlighting the evolution of various discoveries, innovations and therapies in cardiology from their first introduction to the present. We salute and pay tribute to all the pioneers and fathers of cardiology who have served as a source of inspiration to all of us in the pursuit of not only excellence but also compassion in patient care. These masters have contributed enormously to the understanding diagnosis and management of various cardiac disease entities. It is interesting to note that some of these discoveries and innovations were completely serendipitous, while others resulted from relentless efforts and amazing perseverance and tenacity in the face of frustrations, failed experiments and ridicule from peers. Also, some of the previously discarded concepts and therapies have come into vogue again! Many of the advances in cardiology have occurred because of cooperation among basic scientists, pathologists, clinical researchers and bedside clinicians resulting in patient management based on sound basic investigations. Both bench research and clinical trials are ongoing and never ending leading to ever-changing diagnostic and management guidelines and decisions and preventive strategies which promise to provide the best in patient care. It is thus imperative to keep abreast of all the current trends, emerging issues and the newest advances and this book amply fulfills that need. All the chapters are written by experts, who are well-known in their fields and they have provided the most up-to-date available information. This book will, therefore, be of interest to not only practicing cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, pediatric cardiologists, cardiac anesthetists but also to fellows and residents in training and research institutions, medical students and paramedical personnel as well as medical practitioners of all specialties to whom it will serve as a useful reference guide.
The book is organized into several sections dealing with clinical cardiology, noninvasive cardiology, interventional cardiology, cardiac surgery and the future frontiers. The section on clinical cardiology begins with various chapters dealing with preventive, diagnostic and management aspects of coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. Epidemiology and risk factors, such as diet, physical activity, tobacco use, obesity, stress, homocysteine, dyslipidemia and hypertension and their interrelationships are described. Management issues including the role of agents like aspirin, statins, polypill, nitrates, carotenoid lycopene, beta blockers and calcium-channel blockers. ACE inhibitors and ARBS are extensively discussed. Evolving concepts in acute coronary syndrome and medical management of acute myocardial infarction are also covered with a full discussion of anticoagulants and antithrombotic and antiplatelet agents. Next, various types of cardiomyopathies, myocarditis and pericarditis are delineated in detail as well as a full coverage of antiarrhythmic drugs. Other chapters cover various facets of cardiac syncope, sudden cardiac death and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The pros and cons of the use of enhanced external counter pulsation technique are also given. Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and newer therapies in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension are also covered. Other important chapters deal with rheumatic heart disease, cardiocutaneous diseases, congenital heart disease and cardiac rehabilitation.
The second section of the book deals with noninvasive cardiology. The evolution of echocardiography as the most cost-effective noninvasive tool in cardiac assessment is described in this section which also covers stress echocardiography, myocardial contrast echocardiography, role of echocardiography in catheter interventions in congenital heart disease as well as echo evaluation of tricuspid and pulmonary valves. Other chapters deal with nuclear cardiology, cardiac magnetic resonance, computed tomography, fetal cardiology and telemedicine in cardiology.
The third section of the book deals with the important topic of interventional cardiology. Topics which are covered in this section include coronary intervention, left main percutaneous coronary intervention, interventions using the radial artery approach, intravascular ultrasound, saphenous venous graft angioplasty and peripheral vascular interventions. Wide QRS tachycardias, catheter ablation and cardiac resynchronization therapy are also prominently detailed. The use of intracardiac echocardiography in various interventions performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory is also included in this section. The next section deals with all aspects of cardiac surgery. Surgery for ischemic heart disease, valve surgery, aortic surgery, robotically assisted cardiac surgery, surgery for congenital heart disease and fm18cardiac transplantation are covered by well-known experts. The last section points to expected refinements and future developments in cardiology, such as stem cell therapy, newer thrombolytics, new frontiers in balloon valvotomy and cardiac transplantation and artificial hearts. There is no question of newer developments are occurring at a very rapid pace and crystal gazing into the future points to exciting prospects.
We are most grateful to all the well-known experts in cardiology and cardiac surgery who have taken valuable time from their busy schedule to contribute to this work. We are also most thankful to Drs Sambi RS, and Krishna CK, and Dianne Blizzard and Lindy Chapman from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA for providing valuable editorial assistance.
H K Chopra md
Navin C Nanda md
We express our gratitude and thanks to all our contributors for their help and support especially Dr S Padmavati, Dr Naresh Trehan, Dr SC Manchanda, Dr Savitri Srivastava, Dr U Kaul, Dr SK Parashar, Dr RJ Manjuran, Dr Ashok Seth, Dr Ramesh Arora, Dr VK Bahl, Dr Amal Banerjee, Dr PK Deb, Dr Santanu Guha, Dr OP Yadava, Dr Ravi R Kasliwal, Dr KK Aggarwal and Dr Rakesh Gupta for their constant advice and guidance.
We also express our thanks to the M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, including Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr Tarun Duneja (Director-Publishing) and Ms Samina Khan (PA to Director-Publishing) for their help, guidance and timely active intervention.
We also express our thanks to Soban Singh for working hard for helping in timely publication of this book.
H K Chopra md
Navin C Nanda md