Essentials of Orthopedics RM Shenoy
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Fractures and Dislocations1

Fractures and dislocations are among the most common injuries seen in day-to-day practice. It is important to remember the following basic facts to understand these injuries.
  1. A force of considerable magnitude is necessary to cause these injuries (Unless the bone is already weak or the structure of a joint is already disturbed due to disease).
  2. The resultant failure pattern (deformation) is directly proportional to the nature, magnitude and direction of the force.
  3. It is possible to classify these failure patterns with certain limitations.
  4. The treatment protocol is based on the nature of the failure pattern and follows a definite path which is consistent, with minor variations.
  5. Healing is inversely proportional to the severity of the injury.
  6. Complications that develop with these injuries are related to the severity of the deforming force, the resultant failure pattern, the site and multiplicity of the injury.
  7. Though the terms ‘Fracture and Dislocation’ refer to the bone and joint pathology, one should always remember that in a skeletal injury, there is considerable damage to the soft tissue envelope that surrounds the bones and the joints i.e. periosteum, muscles, ligaments, tendons and so on. This soft tissue injury has an inverse relation to the normal healing process.
Fracture can be defined as a break in continuity of a bone or the loss of normal anatomical continuity of a bone.
Types of Fracture
  1. Depending on nature
    1. Closed or simple: The fracture site does not communicate with the exterior.
    2. Open or compound: The fracture site communicates with the exterior (Figs 1.1A to F).
  2. Depending on the displacements
    1. Displaced fracture.
    2. Undisplaced fracture
      • Incomplete fracture.
      • Complete fracture.
  3. Depending on the nature of the fracture line (Figs 1.2 to 1.8)
    1. Transverse fracture.
    2. Oblique fracture
      • Long oblique.
      • Short oblique.
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      Figures 1.1A to F: Classification of open fractures—based on the classification by Gustilo and Anderson.
      Criteria for classification: Extent of injury to skin, soft tissue, bone, vessels and the degree of contamination.
      Type I: Wound smaller than 1 cm in diameter, no skin crushing with no or little contamination. Fracture pattern is not complex
      Type II: A lacerated wound larger than 1 cm without significant soft tissue crushing or contusion, no degloving with moderate contamination.
      Fracture pattern may or may not be complex.
      Type III: An open injury with extensive soft tissue crushing and contamination, fracture pattern is single or complex. Injury is further subdivided into three types:
      1. Adequate soft tissue coverage of the fracture can be acquired at closure.
      2. Periosteal stripping is seen. Inadequate soft tissue coverage at closure. Hence, soft tissue reconstruction is necessary.
      3. Open fracture that is associated with vascular injury (or nerve injury or both) and that needs repair.
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      Figure 1.2: Fracture of radius and ulna. Note the transverse nature of the fracture line.
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      Figure 1.3: A short oblique fracture at the neck of the 5th metacarpal bone of the left hand.
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      Figure 1.4: A short spiral fracture of the tibia and the fibula, in the lower third.
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      Figures 1.5A and B: Fracture of upper and lower humerus respectively and comminution at the fracture site with many fragments of bone which are displaced.
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      Figure 1.6: An open segmental fracture of tibia and fibula with secondary infection and changes of chronic osteomyelitis. Bone resorption is seen at the fracture site. Both the fracture sites are showing features of nonunion.
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      Figure 1.7: Fracture of the head of the femur. This is a very rare injury and generally associated with a dislocation of the hip. In this case, there was posterior dislocation which was reduced. The reduction achieved is obviously not congruous.
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      Figure 1.8: An avulsion fracture of the base of distal phalanx. The resultant deformity is a ‘Mallet finger’. The patient is a goal keeper and the injury happened during a soccer match when he blocked a penalty kick. Avulsion force is exerted by the lateral slips of the extensor expansion.
    3. Spiral fracture
      • Long spiral.
      • Short spiral.
    4. Comminuted fracture: In this type, there are more than two fragments at one fracture site.
    5. Segmental fracture: In a single bone, fracture occurs at two different levels.
    6. Intra-articular fracture: A fracture that involves (extends into) the articular surface of a joint.
    7. Avulsion fracture: This is a fracture occurring due to a pull by a muscle, tendon or a 4ligament at its insertion to the bone, e.g. mallet finger, fracture of the olecranon process of the ulna.
Note: Multiple fractures is the terminology used when many bones are fractured in an individual. This should not be confused with segmental or comminuted fracture (see above).
Deforming Forces
The deforming forces causing fractures can be classified based on impact as:
  1. Direct
  2. Indirect
Direct impact causes severe injuries, e.g. open fractures, comminuted fractures, etc.
Indirect impact causes less severe injuries. Forces that cause indirect impact are classified as follows:
  1. A bending force—produces a transverse fracture.
  2. A torsional force—produces a spiral fracture.
  3. A combination of both bending and torsional force—produces a comminuted fracture with a butterfly fragment/fragments.
Specific Types of Fracture
Greenstick Fracture (Fig. 1.9)
The fracture got its name because the bone breaks like a greenstick branch of a tree. Only a part (one side) of the bone breaks and rest of the bone bends. It is an incomplete break occurring in the bone and seen in children whose bones are more elastic, soft and pliable. There is no abnormal mobility.
Compression Fracture (Fig. 1.10)
It is seen in the vertebral column where in the height of the vertebral body decreases following fracture.
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Figure 1.9: Greenstick fracture of both, the radius and the ulna. Note the gross deformity.
Pathological Fracture (Fig. 1.11)
It is a fracture occurring in a bone with pre-existing pathology. The pathology softens the bone considerably and this soft bone yields to a very trivial trauma and fractures, e.g. malignancy, osteomyelitis, etc.
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Figure 1.10: A compression fracture of L2 vertebra. Note the decrease in anterior height of the vertebral body.
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Figure 1.11: A G iant cell tumor arising from the upper end of tibia with multiple pathological fractures due to thinning of the cortex. Pathological fracture is a late feature of a G iant cell tumor.
Stress Fracture (Fig. 1.12)
It is a type of pathological fracture due to unaccustomed stress getting concentrated on one part of the bone, e.g. March fracture seen in soldiers after a long route march.
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Figure 1.12: ‘March fracture’ at the neck of 2nd metatarsal. Note the healing response by formation of abundant callus.
Signs and Symptoms of a Fracture
  1. Pain and swelling.
  2. Deformity.
  3. Loss of continuity.
  4. Irregularity.
  5. Crepitus.
  6. Bony tenderness.
  7. Loss of function.
  8. Abnormal mobility.
(Abnormal mobility is a sign to be observed and not a sign to be elicited in a fresh fracture. It is very painful because the movement is taking place at the fracture site. It is the sure sign of a fracture and when present further examination to ascertain the presence of a fracture is unnecessary.)
Healing of a Fracture
Healing takes place in stages and over a period of time which is said to be a minimum of 4 weeks approximately. Four distinct stages are recognized (Fig. 1.13).
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Figure 1.13: Stages of healing of fracture.
1st Stage: Stage of Hematoma Formation
This is an important stage of fracture healing. As the bone fractures, the blood vessels are torn and hence bleeding occurs almost immediately. Hematoma acts as a vehicle delivering the required material for union and clearing unwanted material by a process of chemotaxis of cells. If this stage of hematoma is deficient as seen in cases of open fractures, healing is interfered with and fracture fails to unite.
(Hence open fractures are to be converted into closed fractures as early as possible to promote healing. Many a times this is not possible and the resultant nonunion is accepted and treated accordingly at a later date.)
2nd Stage: Stage of Cellular Proliferation
Within 8 hours of fracture there is inflammation subsequently leading to subperiosteal and endosteal cellular proliferation. These cells surround the broken ends of the bone. At the same time, the clotted hematoma progressively gets absorbed and new capillaries start infiltrating these cellular masses.
3rd Stage: Stage of Primary Woven Bone Formation (Soft Callus)
The proliferating cells which are mainly osteogenic and chondrogenic start to get incorporated into the fibrogenic matrix under the influence of bone morphogenic proteins (BMP), the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), thus forming primary woven bone. This bone is soft as it is not fully mineralized. This occurs during the 2nd and 3rd week.
4th Stage: Stage of Lamellar Bone Formation (Hard Callus)
Mineralization occurs and the primary woven bone is transformed into lamellar bone. This occurs between 3 and 6 weeks.
Lamellar bone is hard and is seen as a bridge or a cuff across the fracture site. It indicates an early stage of fracture union.
Stage of Remodeling
This stage is better not considered as one of the stages of fracture healing because remodeling takes place only after the fracture unites (heals) and takes months and years. Here, the body attempts to give the normal shape and strength to the fractured bone or in other words to restore its preinjured status. Remodeling is rapid in children and in growing bones, slow in adult bones and almost nil in osteoporotic bones.
Note: Healing of a fracture in a cancellous bone does not follow these stages. Cancellous bone heals by direct formation of osteoblastic new bone.
Factors Influencing Healing (Predisposing Factors for Delayed Union and Nonunion)
  1. Factors not within the control of treating doctor
    • Nature of the trauma
      • High velocity trauma.
      • Low velocity trauma.
    • Nature of the fracture.
    • Vascularity of the bone.
    • Age of the patient.
  2. Factors within some control of the treating doctor (failure to achieve these results in delayed and nonunion).
    • Proper reduction.
    • Adequate fixation.
    • Adequate immobilization.
    • Prevention of distraction.
    • Prevention of infection.
    • Maintaining adequate nutrition.
    • Adequate management of other comorbid conditions, e.g. diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, etc.
Management of a Fracture
The treatment begins at the site of injury. The first step is to apply a splint to the injured part. After this a thorough general and systemic examination is performed to look for other injuries such as vascular visceral and neurological. Visceral injuries when present may be life-threatening, e.g. liver laceration, splenic rupture, hemopneumothorax, etc. Early repair of these structures is of paramount importance. In polytrauma, maintaining the airway, breathing and blood pressure (by treating of shock and hemorrhage) is essential. A skilled paramedical team should be available to transport a severely injured patient to a specialized center where definitive treatment is instituted. Delay can be detrimental.7
Basic Methods of Treating a Fracture
  1. Immobilization in a cast.
  2. Closed reduction and immobilization in a cast.
  3. Open reduction and internal fixation.
  4. Closed reduction and internal fixation (with the help of C-Arm imaging).
  5. External fixation.
  6. Tractions.
All the above methods are practised and can be selectively employed to treat a fracture depending on the indication. All these methods help to enhance the biological process of healing by maintaining the anatomical alignment and providing necessary stability at fracture site. Every method has its own merits and demerits and is to be chosen carefully. Aim of fracture treatment is to minimize the confinement to bed, achieve union at the earliest and make the patient regain his activity as early as possible.
Steps of Managing an Open Fracture
Management of open fracture is an emergency and has to be carried out precisely. Apart from imparting primary care for the open wound, it is important to maintain vital parameters and attend other associated injuries (when present).
  • Patient is examined as a whole for other associated injuries, e.g. head injury, chest and visceral injury. His general condition is also ascertained.
  • IV fluids and broad spectrum antibiotics are administered for maintaining the vital parameters and preventing infection. At the same time blood is drawn for relevant investigations, e.g. Hb%, packed cell volume (PCV), blood group, HbSAg, etc.
  • Immediate care of the wound is given in the form of saline or clean water wash and application of sterile compression dressing to minimize oozing.
  • Immediate immobilization of the injured part is done with an appropriate splint.
  • If the patient is in a state of shock all resuscitative measures are employed immediately. Excessive bleeding is managed by blood transfusion. If blood is not available, plasma expanders are used as a temporary measure.
  • If shifting to a better center becomes necessary, patient is transported only after he is stabilized and in a well equipped ambulance along with a medical team.
  • Definitive management is carried out only in a well equipped center.
Definitive Treatment of Open Fractures
As soon as the patient is stable and fit for surgical intervention definitive treatment is instituted. Aim of treatment is to convert a contaminated wound into a clean wound and an open fracture into a closed fracture as early as possible.
  • Wound debridement is done under anesthesia by clearing all contaminants, excising all dead, devitalized tissues and contaminated bone upto clean bone.
  • The fracture is stabilized using external fixator or intramedullary solid nails as per indication.
  • The wound is sutured in order to convert an open fracture into a closed fracture at earliest or a flap coverage is done primarily when feasible.
  • When not feasible a secondary closure is done as early as possible.
Severe grades of open fracture may go for nonunion and delayed union which are managed subsequently with secondary procedures such as bone grafting, distraction compression osteogenesis, etc.
Following are the complications that can occur after a fracture.
  1. Specific and local complications Early
    1. Associated nerve injuries.
    2. Associated vascular injuries (Fig. 1.14).
    3. Associated visceral injuries.
    1. Nonunion
    2. Delayed union
    3. Malunion
    4. Infection leading to osteomyelitis and pyogenic arthritis (as a consequence of open fracture or surgical sepsis).
  2. Systemic and general complications
    1. Shock and hemorrhage.
    2. Fat embolism.
    3. Crush syndrome.
    4. Pulmonary embolism.
A. Specific and Local Complications
When a fracture fails to show progressive signs of union at review, both clinically and radiologically, for a consecutive period of three months after the specified time expected for union, it can be defined as nonunion.8
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Figure 1.14: A femoral artery arteriogram showing injury to the femoral artery secondary to a badly displaced fracture of the lower third of the shaft of the femur (Vascular injury in a fracture is an emergency. Hemorrhage, shock and compartment syndrome is common. It has to be treated immediately to save the limb and the life of an individual).
Clinically, it is diagnosed by painless abnormal mobility. Radiologically, it shows rounding of the ends of the bones, sclerosis of the margins and poor callus. The fracture site is not viable and the biological response of union has ceased.
Delayed Union
A fracture is said to have gone in for delayed union when there is undue delay at union.
This is so because the attempt at union for some reason does not progress towards complete union or the attempt at union is not strong enough or adequate enough to progress towards complete union.
Clinically, it is diagnosed by painful abnormal mobility. Radiologically, it shows callus but, the callus formed is not adequate enough to bridge the fracture site and cause complete union. The fracture site is viable and there exists a biological response at the fracture site (but inadequate).
Note: Abnormal mobility is a sign to be elicited in nonunions and delayed unions. It can be elicited only in a case where implant has not been used or when implant used, has failed (loosening or breaking).
Malunion (Figs 1.15 and 1.16)
When a fracture unites in anatomical malalignment, it is known as malunion. Possible malalignments are angulation, rotation and over-riding. Single or uniplanar malalignment, is rare. Usually, there is combination of two or all the three malalignments.
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Figure 1.15: Lateral view of wrist and hand showing malunited Colles’ fracture with a classical ‘Dinner fork’ deformity.
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Figure 1.16: Malunion of a comminuted intertrochanteric fracture.
Note the neck shaft angle. It is reduced. Hence, there is coxa vara deformity at the hip.
(Left alone most of the intertrochanteric fractures unite in coxa vara. This happens because of the cancellous nature of the bone that is present at the fracture site).
Malalignment causes deformity. Angulation causes angular deformity, rotation causes rotational deformity and over-riding causes shortening.
Clinically, it is diagnosed by the presence of deformity with no abnormal mobility. Radiologically, it shows deformity and malalignment with adequate bridging callus.
Classification of Delayed and Nonunions (Pseudo-arthrosis)
Basically, fractures which do not unite and need a secondary procedure for achieving union are considered as the ones that have gone in for delayed union or nonunion. They show both clinical and radiological features of the same.
Depending on Strontium 85 uptake at the ends of the fracture, the vascularity (viability) is assessed and classified as hypervascular (hypertrophic) and avascular (atrophic). (Based on Description by Weber BG and Cech O; Pseudarthrosis, Berne Switzerland 1976, Hans Huber Medical Publisher.)
Hypervascular nonunions (true delayed unions) (Fig. 1.17A)
  1. Elephant foot type: Presents with exuberant expansile callus and the picture resembles the foot of an elephant. It is the result of movement at the fracture site before union occurs e.g. premature weight-bearing.
  2. Horse hoof type: Presents with little callus and picture resembles a horse hoof. Perhaps, this is the result of instability at the fracture site following inadequate reduction or fixation.
  3. Oligotrophic type: These are hypervascular but, are not hypertrophic and do not show callus.
They are considered to be the result of major displacement/distraction persisting after treatment.
Avascular nonunions (true nonunions) (Fig. 1.17B)
  1. Torsion wedge type: Seen when there is an intermediate fragment with poor blood supply. It unites on one side but does not unite on the other.
  2. Comminuted type: It is the result of many intermediate fragments with poor blood supply.
  3. Defect type: Seen when there is considerable bone loss.
  4. Atrophic type: Seen when small intermediate fragments are missing. The defect is replaced by scar tissue.
    (See the X-ray pictures— Figs 1.18A to G).
Treatment of Delayed and Nonunions
Standard Methods
Bone grafting
  1. Cancellous
    Cancellous bone grafting is the procedure of choice to achieve union as it is osteogenic. Cancellous bone grafting is done only after confirming good apposition of the ends of bone without any soft tissue interposition. Freshening the edges of the fractured bone is a must to induce bleeding and facilitate the vascularization of the graft.
  2. Cortical
    Cortical grafting is done to bridge the defect e.g. defect nonunions.
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Figures 1.17A and B: Types of nonunion (Pseudo-arthrosis) (A) Hypervascular type; (B) Avascular type(Courtesy: Based on description by Weber BG and Cech O; Pseudarthrosis, Berne Switzerland 1976, Hans Huber Medical Publisher).
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Figures 1.18A to G: Different types of pseudo-arthrosis based on the description by Weber BG and Cech O. Figure 1.18G shows a bone distraction (transportation) procedure in an attempt to salvage the limb, being carried out in a combined, both defective and atrophic nonunion, employing Illizarov methodology.
In delayed union with exuberant callus and when it is certain that movement taking place at the fracture site is preventing union, rigid fixation and immobilization alone may result in union.
To conclude, the role of cancellous graft is to induce osteogenesis and the role of cortical graft is to bridge the defect. Hence, when the need is osteogenesis only, cancellous bone grafting is the procedure of choice. When the need is to bridge the defect as well as to induce osteogenesis, both cortical and cancellous bone grafting (cortico-cancellous grafting) is the procedure of choice.
The procedure needs immobility at the site for the incorporation of the graft and the union to take place. Thus, internal fixation/external immobilization is necessary.
Sources of bone graft
  1. Autograft—from the same individual.
  2. Allo/Homograft—from the same species, e.g. bone bank, maternal fibula.
  3. Isograft—from an identical twin.
Source of cancellous graft: Iliac crest, excised ribs, excised head and neck of femur.
Source of cortical graft: Upper 2/3rd of the fibula, anteromedial tibia.11
Specialized Methods for the Treatment of Delayed Unions and Nonunions
  1. Distraction/compression osteogenesis based on the principle of Ilizarov: It has been proved by Ilizarov that controlled progressive distraction and/or compression leads to tissue regeneration. Procedures based on this principle are of immense use when the skin condition does not permit open bone grafting procedures (Figs 1.19A and B).
  2. Bone marrow grafting procedure: In this, bone marrow is aspirated and injected into the site of nonunion/delayed union. The aspirate may be injected as such before clotting or may be injected in a concentrated form with anticoagulants, obtained after centrifuging under aseptic precautions (Figs 1.20A and B).
  3. Implantation of bone morphogenic protein along with collagen sponge (bovine type-I) has been found to be useful in the treatment of delayed union and nonunion of long bones.
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    Figures 1.19A and B: (A) Nonunion of fracture shaft femur associated with shortening of the limb; (B) Procedure of compression/distraction osteogenesis.
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    Figures 1.20A and B: Union in a 12 weeks old ununited type III open fracture of tibia and fibula after 2 injections of bone marrow grafting at 6 weekly intervals.
    Recombinant human proteins such as rhBMP-2 and osteogenic protein OP-1 are available for commercial use. The osteogenic protein comes in powder form which is mixed with collagen in sterile saline solution to form a paste. This paste is then injected at the site of nonunion. The preparation induces bone formation by stimulating mesenchymal cells to differentiate into chondroblasts and osteoblasts.
Treatment of Malunions
Corrective osteotomy: In this procedure, the site of malunion is osteotomized surgically and the deformity is corrected accordingly. The alignment thus obtained, is maintained by internal fixation devices and appropriate external immobilization (very rarely by external cast alone). Immobilization is continued till healing takes place.
Osteoclasis: This is a closed procedure wherein the malunited bone is broken manually, reduced, aligned and immobilized in an appropriate cast. This procedure is indicated in early cases of malunion in children whe re the soft bridging callus has just formed. Osteocla sis should never be attempted after consolidation of callus.
The summary of different methods of fracture treatment is shown in Flow chart 1.1.
Sudeck's Atrophy (Figs 1.21A and B)
Synonyms are Sudeck's osteodystrophy, r eflex s ympathetic d ystrophy, c omplex r egional p ain s yndrome, c ausalgia, s houlder hand s yndrome.
It is a chronic condition characterized by pain and stiffness in the extremity as a result of dysfunction of central or peripheral nervous system.
Pathogenesis is thought to be due to:
  1. Activation of pain pathways by the release of catecholamines, e.g. norepinephrine following injury.
  2. Exaggerated inflammation and immune response following injury.
Signs and symptoms
  1. Burning pain.
  2. Skin temperature changes (warm initially, cold later).
  3. Skin color and texture changes.
  4. Alteration in nail and hair growth.
  5. Swelling and stiffness of joints.
  6. Impairment of function of extremity.
Diagnosis is made by clinical signs, X-ray (shows demineralization) and nuclear bone scan (shows increased uptake).
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Flow chart 1.1: Modalities of fracture treatment.
*POP—Plaster of Paris
Note Infection when present should always be adequately treated before surgical procedures are carried out in fresh fractures as well as in nonunions and delayed unions.
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Figures 1.21A and B: A normally united Colles’ fracture with Sudeck's osteodystrophy. Note the severe nature of demineralization and rarefaction in the cancellous areas of the bones of forearm wrist and hand.
Treatment aims at reducing sympathetic overactivity.
Drug therapy is given using following drugs as per need:
  • Opiates
  • Anti-inflammatory analgesics
  • Antidepressants
  • Antiepileptics
  • Calcitonin
  • Corticosteroids
Interventional therapy as follows:
  • Physical and exercise therapy
  • Psychotherapy to relieve anxiety and depression
  • Sympathetic nerve block
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Intrathecal drug pump
B. Systemic and General Complications
Shock and Hemorrhage
Hemorrhagic shock: This is the most common complication of a severe injury. Inadequate oxygenation of tissues leads to a chain of events resulting in multiorgan failure and death.
Measures to be adopted include:
  1. Adequate oxygenation of tissues by maintaining the airway and administration of oxygen (important and to be employed in all types of shock).
  2. Replacement of lost volume by infusing saline/Ringer's lactate and blood.
  3. Immediate stoppage of bleeding.
Diagnosis of hemorrhagic shock is made by cold and clammy feeling of the body, hypotension (initially diastolic and later both systolic as well as diastolic), tachycardia, tachypnea and poor urine output. Loss of more than 40% of the blood volume will pose grave danger to life.
Neurogenic shock: This type of shock is commonly seen in spinal cord injury. The disturbance in sympathetic innervation causes decrease in the heart rate, dilatation of peripheral vessels and as a result fall in blood pressure. Monitoring the central venous pressure and infusion of plasma expanders help in the management of this difficult problem.
Cardiogenic shock: In a trauma setting, this type of shock commonly results from chest injuries, e.g. tension pneumothorax impeding venous return, myocardial contusion, etc. should be managed promptly depending on the underlying cause.
Septic shock: This type of shock is seen as a result of septicemia and usually occurs several days after the open injury as a result of septicemia.
It is characterized by increased warmth of the body, tachycardia, hypotension (little fall in systolic but marked fall in diastolic pressure) and tachypnea. Multiorgan failure is common. Septicemia with gram-negative organism may not increase the body warmth.
Aggressive antibiotic therapy along with all other supportive measures is essential for the recovery.14
Fat Embolism
In long bone fractures, there is always dissemination of fat globules from the marrow into the bloodstream. This can also happen from a spongy bone. At times, these fat globules block the capillaries of the pulmonary and the cerebral vessels causing fat embolism syndrome. The syndrome is more common in a young patient with multiple fractures.
Diagnosis of the fat embolism is difficult. But the following features developing after a fracture should arouse suspicion.
  1. Confusion and restlessness
  2. Increased body temperature and tachycardia in a patient who is otherwise normal and not in a state of shock
  3. Breathlessness
  4. Petechiae over the chest, back, axilla, the conjunctival folds and the retina
In severe cases of pulmonary embolism, there can be blood tinged frothy secretion which is coughed out by the patient. In case of cerebral embolism, patient may become comatose. There is no definite treatment for fat embolism except supportive measures of giving high concentration of oxygen and maintaining capillary perfusion. Low molecular weight dextran may help in maintaining capillary perfusion. If the oxygen saturation falls severely, intubation and ventilation is the treatment of choice. If there is blood loss and hemoglobin is low, blood has to be transfused. Good quality blood is essential for maintaining the oxygen saturation.
Crush Syndrome
First described by a British physician Eric Bywaters in the year 1914. It is a traumatic rhabdomyolysis occurring because of crushing. Also known as reperfusion injury, it occurs in those whose limbs are compressed for a long-time, e.g. limb trapped in a vehicular collision or buried in a land slide, etc. Such a limb is deprived of blood flow for quite a long period and the tissues release toxic metabolites because of cell death. When the compression is released and reperfusion occurs, myoglobin from the dead muscle and the toxic metabolites enter the bloodstream.
The flow of oxygenated blood through the damaged area causes formation of reactive oxygen metabolites resulting in further damage to the tissues. The resultant hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia and metabolic acidosis may cause cardiac arrest. Renal failure may occur when myoglobinuria is severe and blocks the renal tubules.
Management: Large amount of fluid infusion to dissolve the metabolites and simultaneous forced diuresis with the help of diuretics is the treatment of choice till myoglobinuria becomes negligible. Crushed tissues should be radically debrided and a tight compartment when present should be adequately decompressed. Dialysis may be necessary when renal failure is observed.
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary embolism commonly occurs in those patients who are confined to bed for a prolonged period after fracture. Elderly high-risk patients who present with major fractures are more prone to develop pulmonary embolism. Prevention by heparinization of blood with the help of low molecular weight heparin is the best measure employed in such patients.
Recent Concept of Fracture Healing
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is an evolving branch which tries to restore the normalcy from a diseased state, by analyzing the cellular and molecular responses. Thus, if fracture healing is analyzed, it is found that the healing process begins with inflammation. A series of events following inflammation, deliver to the site of fracture several chemical mediators, cells and growth factors (TGF), etc. This in turn initiates a chain of reactions which results in fracture healing (Flow chart 1.2).
Thus, after understanding the exact process of healing, these days, methods which are different from conventional ones have evolved. Bone marrow grafting, Stem cell injection alone or insertion of a scaffold mixed with stem cells, bone morphogenic proteins (rhBMP-2.OP-1) along with collagen are some of the methods currently practised. In the years to come, this concept is going to revolutionize the treatment of fractures and nonunions.15
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Flow chart 1.2: Schematic representation of the chain of events occurring at the cellular level which is responsible for the healing of a fracture.
Definition of Dislocation and Subluxation
When the two articular surfaces are totally out of contact, it is known as dislocation.
(Total loss of contact between the two articular surfaces).
When the two articular surfaces are partly in contact and partly out of contact, it is known as subluxation. Subluxation is also known as partial dislocation.
(Partial loss of contact between the two articular surfaces).
Types of Dislocation (Figs 1.22A to D)
  1. Traumatic
  2. Pathological, e.g. pyogenic arthritis
  3. Paralytic, e.g. poliomyelitis
  4. Congenital, e.g. DDH, congenital dislocation of the knee
Note: In a dislocation, the part which loses contact with the rest of the body is considered as minor segment. The position which this part, i.e. the minor segment occupies in relation to the major segment classifies the dislocation as anterior, posterior, medial, lateral and central.
When there is a fracture involving the articular surface of a joint or the adjoining bone, along with dislocation the term fracture dislocation is used to describe the injury (Figs 1.23A and B).
Traumatic Dislocation
For a traumatic dislocation to occur, the force should be of a considerable magnitude.
Clinical diagnosis is simple because of the classical attitude and signs. Total loss of joint movement is characteristic and any attempted movement results in severe pain.
Any dislocated joint has to be reduced under anesthesia as early as possible. Delay poses difficulty in reduction. This is because of re-organization of muscles and soft tissue structures around the joint. Irreducibility under anesthesia with adequate muscle relaxation, indicates entanglement of the dislocated part in the surrounding tissues such as joint capsule, muscles and tendons and rarely vessels and nerves.
Following successful reduction, immobilization for a minimum period of three weeks is essential. This is necessary for healing of damaged soft tissues. Poor healing of damaged soft tissues increases the chance of recurrent dislocation and subluxation.
Complications of Dislocation
  1. Injury to the neighboring nerves and vessels, e.g. sciatic nerve injury in posterior dislocation of the hip, popliteal artery in posterior dislocation of the knee, etc.
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    Figures 1.22A to D: Different types of dislocations. (A) Traumatic anterior dislocation of the hip. (B) Pathological dislocation—secondary to tuberculosis of the hip joint. (C) Paralytic dislocation—secondary to post polio residual paralysis. Note a recent fracture in the thin femur. (D) Neglected developmental dysplasia of the hip.
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    Figures 1.23A and B: Anteroposterior view of the hip joint showing: (A) Fracture of the acetabulum with posterior subluxation of the hip joint. (B) Comminuted Intertrochanteric fracture with posterior dislocation of the hip joint. Both are fracture dislocations.
  2. Recurrent dislocation.
  3. Habitual dislocation.
  4. Avascular necrosis.
Pathological Dislocation
Pathological dislocation is a type of dislocation where the dislocation is the result of a pre-existing pathology. In this, it is important to ascertain whether the primary pathology that was responsible for dislocation, is still active. If it is active and persistent, e.g. persistent infection in a pathological dislocation due to infective arthritis, control of infection is achieved first before the dislocation is treated. The secondary changes that have occurred as a result of primary insult are treated by means of reconstructive procedures. These reconstructive procedures vary with respect to joint and age. They are categorized as joint replacement procedures, osteotomies and arthrodesis.
Paralytic Dislocation
In this, the dislocation occurs due to muscle imbalance secondary to muscle paralysis. Whenever possible, the paralyzed muscles are substituted with normal muscles by carrying out procedures such as muscle and tendon transfers. When not possible, e.g. in cases of long standing paralytic dislocation, procedures like osteotomy and arthrodesis are considered.
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Open Fracture Management
  1. Dedmond BT, Kortesis B, Punger K, Simpson J, et al. The use of negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in the temporary treatment of soft-tissue injuries associated with high-energy open tibial shaft fractures. J Orthop Trauma. 2007;21:11–7.
  1. Fischer MD, Gustilo RB, Varecka TF. The timing of flap coverage, bone-grafting, and intramedullary nailing in patients who have a fracture of the tibial shaft with extensive soft tissue injury. J Bone Joint Surg. 1991;73A:1316–22.
  1. Gustilo RB, Anderson JT. Prevention of infection in the treatment of one thousand twenty-five open fractures of long bones: Retrospective and prospective analysis. J Bone Joint Surg. 1976;58A:453–8.
  1. Gustilo RB, Mendoza RM, Williams DN. Problems in the management of type III (severe) open fractures; A new classification of type III open fractures. J Trauma. 1984;24: 742–6.
  1. Knapp TP, et al. Comparison of intravenous and oral antibiotic therapy in the treatment of fractures caused by low-velocity gunshots. A prospective, randomized study of infection rates. J Bone Joint Surg. 1996;78A:1167–71.
  1. Zalavras CG, Marcus RE, Levin LS, Patzakis MJ. Management of open fractures and subsequent complications. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89(4):884–95.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Sudeck's Atrophy)
  1. Oaklander AL, Fields HL. Is reflex sympathetic dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome type I a small-fiber neuropathy? Ann Neurol. 2009;65(6):629–38.
  1. Schwartzman RJ, Erwin KL, Alexander GM. The natural history of complex regional pain syndrome. Clin J, Pain. 2009;25(4):273–80.