Textbook of Human Nutrition Anjana Agarwal, Shobha A Udipi
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Abdominal obesity 460
Abelmoschus esculentus 591
Absorption 85, 131
of calcium from food 237
of carotenoids and retinol 179
Acesulfame-K 52
Achras sapota 595
base balance 60, 250, 253, 314
systems in blood 319
production 253
rain 247
Actinidia sinensis 594
Activation of vitamin B12 278
Addison disease 249
Adenosine triphosphate 137, 138f
Adrenal hormones 208, 209
Advantages of mother's milk 390
Aegle marmelos 597
capacity 540
exercises 536
Air displacement plethysmography 165
Alanine 81
Albumin 62
Aldosterone 308
Alkaline phosphatase 267
cepa 586, 589
sativum 586
Alpha linolenic acid 109, 113
cruentus 587
dubius 576, 589
American Association of Cereal Chemists 44
American Dietetic Association 359
acid 56, 66t, 80, 639
metabolism 201, 220, 226
requirements 83t
score 75, 76
peptidases 85
Ammonia buffer 319
Amorphophallus campanulatus 585
Amylase rich food 394, 398
Anacardium occidentale 602
Anemia 72
Angiotensin-I converting enzyme 253
Animal and vegetable proteins 71
Annapoorna scheme 515
Annona cherimola 596
Anorexia nervosa 159
Anthocyanidins 529
Antibodies 58
Antidiuretic hormone 308
Anti-natriuretic peptide 296
Antioxidant 208
defense 274
function 271
Antithrombotic property 79
Antyodya Anna Yojna 515
Apium graveolus 589
Arachidonic acid 107, 109, 110, 112
Arachis hypogea 604
Arginine 82, 84
Asparagine 83
Asparagus officinalis 592
Aspartame 52
Aspartic acid 82, 84
Assessment of
body weight 170
nutritional status 434
Astaxanthin 527
ATP production 540
Autoimmune diseases 126
Avena sativa 574
Bacillus thuringiensis 504, 507
Balancing and stretching exercises 537
Basal metabolic rate 142, 147, 148t
Basic structure of amino acid 56f
Benincasa hispida 591, 592
Beta vulgaris 585, 589
Bicarbonate buffer 317
Binding proteins 59
Binge eating 160
Bioelectrical impedance analysis 165
Biotin 225
Bitot's spot 437
cell synthesis 217
clotting 236
coagulation 274
lipids profile 98t
mass 558
Blurred vision 300
composition 160, 419
fat 162
fluids 558
mass index 17, 165, 166f, 467
temperature 143
weight 167
bank 235
formation 197
mineralization 241
Boron 283
development 412
functions 255
campestris 588
oleracea 588, 589
italica 590
var botrytis 590
rapa 589
glabra 586
Breastfeeding 381, 382
Broca's index 170
Buchanania latifolia 604
Buffer system 242, 317
Bulimia nervosa 160
Butylated hydroanisoquinone 106
Butyric acid 107
Cadmium 285
Calcium 234, 312, 404, 483, 493, 501
supplements 240
Calculation of index of nutritional quality 350
Capillary blood pressure 296
Capsicum annuum 592
Carbohydrate 5, 25, 384, 553
based fat mimetics 128
content of food 40t
counting 478
group 360
loading 544
regime 38
metabolism 216, 226, 251, 278
acid 316
anhydrases 267
exercises 537
function 250
Cardiovascular diseases 109
Carica papaya 596
Carnitine 230
Carotenes 527
Carotenoids 178, 526
Carya illinoensis 603
Causes of
dehydration 298
hypertension 479
iodine deficiency disorders 442
vitamin A deficiency 436
division 267
membrane permeability 237
signaling 60
Cellular functions 26
Cellulose 36
based fat replacers 129
Cephalin 95
Cereal 568
and cereal products 668
Chain length 102
energy 136
influences 662
score 76
Chenopodium album 587
Childhood obesity 466, 468
Chloride 253, 312
Chlorine 252, 253
Cholecalciferol 187
Cholecystokinin 130, 158
Cholesterol 98, 99
content of foods 100t
Chromium 279
Chromoproteins 63
diseases 468
energy deficiency 17, 124
renal failure 482
Chylomicrons 96
Chymotrypsinogen 85
Cicer arietinum 589
Circulatory system 421
Circumference measurements 166
Citrulline 83
Citrullus vulgaris 595
aurantifolia 599
aurantium 599
fruits 599
lemon 599
reticulata 599, 600
sinensis 599
X paradisi 599
Classes of lipids 92t
Classification of
amino acids 65, 65f
anemia 448, 456
carbohydrates 26
fatty acids 106, 106f
flavonoids 530f
high blood pressure 480t
infants based on birth weight 400
lipids 91, 93f
minerals 233, 234f
nutrients 5
nutritional status 434t
protein 61
vitamins 177, 177f
xerophthalmia 437t
Clostridium botulinum 395, 656
Coagulation of blood 60
Cobalt 284
Cocos nucifera 604
Codex alimentarius commission 44
Collagen synthesis 200
Colocasia esculenta 585, 589
Colostrum 383
feeding 392, 393
protein 67
Complications of diabetes 475
Component of
bile acids 99
biological compounds 241
body fluids 290
brain lipids 100
cell membrane phospholipids 241
lipoproteins in blood 91
Composition of
body fluids 290
food 50
Compound lipids 94
Computed tomography 165
source of energy 91
vitamin A solution 441
Concentration of
electrolytes in blood particularly sodium 296
protein 296
Configuration of double bond 102, 104
Confusion 300
Congenital anomalies 444
linoleic acid 117
proteins 61, 63
Conjunctival xerosis 437
Connective tissue formation 274
Consequences of
anemia 455
childhood obesity 467
excess intake of
boron 284
carnitine 230
molybdenum 282
selenium 272
excess sodium intake 249
excessive consumption of fats and oils 126
excessive intake of
biotin 227
calcium 240
carbohydrates 43
choline 228
chromium 281
fluoride 277
folate 222
iodine 265
iron 262
magnesium 245
manganese 279
niacin 214
pantothenic acid 216
potassium 252
protein 72
riboflavin 210
thiamine 207
vitamin B6 219
vitamin B12 225
vitamin C 202
vitamin E 195
zinc 270
excessive of copper 276
high blood pressure 480
inadequate intake of carbohydrate 41
insufficient intake of fats and oils 124
iodine deficiency disorders 443
undernutrition 18
A deficiency 436
D deficiency 191
Controlled atmosphere 668
Copper 273, 449
dependent enzymes 274
Coriandrum sativum 588
scarring 437
xerosis 437
Coronary heart disease 126
Cryptoxanthin 185
Cucumis sativus 590
Cucurbita moschata 591, 603
Curcumin 530
Cushing syndrome 249
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba 590
Cyanogenic glycosides 580
Cyclamates 52
Cysteine 8284
Daucus carota 585
Deep frying 651
Deficiency and excess of inositol 229
Deficiency of
arsenic 283
boron 284
calcium 239
chloride 253
chromium 280
copper 275
essential fatty acids 116
iron 260
magnesium 245
manganese 279
molybdenum 281
niacin 213
phosphorus 242
protein 71
riboflavin 209
selenium 272
sodium 249
sulfur 246
thiamine 205
A 185
B6 218
D 190
E 195
K 198
zinc 269
Degradation of proteins 73
Degree of saturation 102, 103
Dehydration 298
Dental caries 468
Deoxyribonucleic acid 203
Derived proteins 61, 63
Dermatitis 213
body weight 170
ratio of potassium 251
Detoxification 201
Development of mammary glands 373
Dextrin 35
Diabetes 470, 482
Diagnosis of vitamin A deficiency 437
Diet and acid-base balance 322
fiber 43, 525
guidelines for
adolescent 414
adults 418
elders 422
Indians 337
lactating mother 387
pregnant mother 381
inadequacy 428
management of diabetes 476
modification 481
intakes 333
value 332
supplement health and education 533
Digestibility of dietary proteins 69
Digestion 266
and absorption of
carbohydrates 53, 53f
fat 129
LCFA 132f
of proteins 85
Digestive system 420
Dipeptide 57
Disaccharides 26, 30, 53
Distribution of body fluids 291f
DNA transcription 280
Docosahexaenoic acid 109, 112, 114, 216
Drug nutrient interactions 254
beriberi 206
heat methods 645
Dual fortification 502
disorders 159
habits 463
patterns 463
Edema 71
shell 610
yolk 610
Eicosanoids 116
Eicosapentaenoic acid 109, 114, 216
Electrolytes 309, 319, 323
balance 250, 253, 307
in body fluids 302
of extracellular fluids 305
of intracellular fluids 306
Electron transport chain 139
Embryonic period 369
Endomorph 169
Energy 69, 376, 389, 402, 407, 412, 417, 493, 553
balance 141
consuming activities of cells 138
expenditure 141, 541
generating pathways 139
intake 153
metabolism 136, 241, 243, 255, 263, 274
Enhances calcium absorption 188
browning 632, 633
theory 168
Enzymes 58
Epinephrine 474
Ergogenic aids 552
Eriobotrya japonica 600
Erucic acid 109
Erythritol 31, 33
amino acids 65, 80
fat 162
fatty acids 111, 112
consumption of phosphorus 243
intake of
chloride and toxicity 254
vitamin A and toxicity 186
Excretory system 421
buffers 317
fluid 234, 290, 303, 305, 430
Faba vulgaris 590
affecting glycemic index 50
food choices 8f
malnutrition 19t
Fagopyrum esculentum 575
FAO classification of lipids 92f
Fat 375, 386, 389, 403, 407, 413, 418, 639
cell theory 167
exchanges 358
group 361
mimetics 128
replacers 127
soluble vitamins 177, 178
substitutes 128
acid 102, 375
metabolism 256
acyls 92
liver 72
nutrition 373
period 369
Fibrin 62
Ficus carica 597
Five food group plan 338
Flavanols 528, 529
Flavoprotein 63
Flexibility exercise 537
Fluoridation of water 277
Fluoride 501
Fluorine 276
Folic acid 219, 375, 449
and Agriculture Organization 1
choices 7
composition 50
economics 14
Exchange Lists of Indian Dietetic Association 354
guide pyramid 334
irradiation 511, 649
security 488, 518
sources of
biotin 226
boron 284
calcium 239
carbohydrates 39
chloride 253
choline 228
chromium 280
copper 275
dietary fiber 48
fat 122
fluoride 277
folate 220
inositol 229
iodine 264
iron 258, 259
magnesium 244, 245
manganese 279
molybdenum 281
niacin 212, 213t
pantothenic acid 215
phosphorus 242
potassium 251
protein 70, 70t
riboflavin 209, 210
selenium 272
sodium 248
sulfur 246
thiamine 204, 205
total folic acid 221
vitamin B6 217
vitamin A 184
vitamin B 223
vitamin C 201
vitamin E 195
vitamin K 198
zinc 268, 269
Forced expiratory volume 407
Formation of
acetylcholine 227
adipose tissue 26
blood clot 197
bones 189
eicosanoids 117f
hemoglobin and antibodies 215
important biological compounds 211
mature red blood cells 219
neurotransmitters 217
niacin 217
red blood cells 208
skeletal structure 234
thyroid hormones 271
Fortification 457, 496
folic acid 493
foods 361
Fructo-oligosaccharides 29, 33
Fructose 29
Full fat soy flour 582
Functions of
amino acids 84
arsenic 282
biotin 226
boron 283
calcium 234
carbohydrates 26
chloride 252
choline 227
chromium 280
cobalt 285
copper 274
dietary fiber 44
fluorine 276
folic acid 219
food 3, 4f
irradiation 512
inositol 229
iodine 263
iron 255
lipids 90
magnesium 243
manganese 278
molybdenum 281
niacin 211
nutrients 5
omega-3 fatty acids 113
pantothenic acid 214
phosphorus 241
placenta 370
potassium 250
protein 57
riboflavin 208
selenium 271
sodium 248
sulfur 246
thiamine 203
A 181
B 223
B6 216
C 200
D 188
E 194
K 196
zinc 266
Galactopoiesis 382
Galactose 29
aminobutyric acid 203
linoleic acid 110, 111
Gastrin 78
malabsorption 482
system 213
tract 53, 429, 451
Gene expression 189, 267, 563
Genetically modified foods 506
diabetes mellitus 381
weight gain 371
Globular protein or spheroprotein 62
Glucagon 78, 474
Glucocorticoids 474
amino acids 65
and ketogenic amino acids 65
Glucose 28
Glutamic acid 82
Glutamine 82, 84
Glutathione 78
index 49
load 51
Glycerolipids 92
Glycerophospholipids 92
Glycine 81, 84
Glycogen 38
stores 540
Glycolipids 95
Glycolysis 139
Glycoproteins 63
Goiter 444, 445t
Goitrogens 580
Grain structure 568
Grewia asiatica 601
Growth 267, 280, 366
and development 3, 263
and maintenance 223
hormone 474
promotion and monitoring 516
retardation 72, 437
Guizotia abyssinica 604
Hamper proper growth and development 468
Hamwi's equation 170
Headaches 300
Helianthus annuus 604
Helicobacter pylori 223
infection 260
Heme iron 257
Hemicelluloses 36
Hemoglobin 57
density lipoprotein 59, 91, 98
fructose corn syrup 29
glycemic foods 49
risk of adulthood obesity 468
Histidine 66, 81, 83, 84
Homeostasis 295
Homocysteine 225
Hordeum vulgare 574
influences 144
regulation of food intake 156
Hormones 58
genome 562
milk bank 387
Hydrochloric acid 316
Hydrogenated starch hydrolyzate 33
Hydrolytic rancidity 636
Hydrostatic weighing 165
Hypercalcemia 240
Hyperkalemia 311
Hypernatremia 249, 310
Hyperphosphatemia 313
Hyperplasia 367
Hypertension 479
Hyperthyroidism 482
Hypertonic solution 305
Hypertrophy 367
Hypoglycemia 477
Hypokalemia 311
Hyponatremia 310
Hypophosphatemia 313
Hypotonic solution 305
function 261, 271
system 420, 437
Impact of malnutrition 20f
fasting glucose 472
glucose tolerance 472
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins 91
large bowel function 44
Index of nutritional quality 350
Indian Dietetic Association 353
Indicators of
anemia 453
childhood obesity 467
Infantile beriberi 206
Inositol 229
Integrated child development services 435, 515
Inter conversions of amino acids 73
Interstitial fluid 291, 306, 307
Intracellular fluid 59, 290, 301, 309, 311
Intrauterine growth retardation 379
Iodination of tyrosine 263
Iodine 262, 500
deficiency 233
disease 441
disorder 233, 441, 445t, 446
Ion transport 244
Ipomoea batatas 584
Iron 254, 404, 493
absorption 200, 258f
balance 256
deficiency 449
anemia 449, 450, 452, 453
erythropoiesis 453
folate supplements 516
Isoflavones 484, 529
Isokinetic exercises 536
Isoleucine 66, 81, 83, 84
Isomalt 31, 32
Isometric exercises 536
exercises 536
solution 305
Juglans regia 603
Kangaroo care 401
Keratin 57, 62
Ketogenic amino acids 65
Kidney 320, 429
Kinetic energy 136
Kishori Shakti Yojana 517
Koilonychia 453
Kwashiorkor 432434
Lactation 143, 381
Lactic acid 316
Lactitol 31, 32
Lactobacillus helveticus 609
Lactose 30
intolerant 30
Lactuca sativa 588
Lagenaria siceraria 591
Lathyrogens 580
Lauric acid 105, 107
Lean body mass 161
Lecithin 95
Lepidium sativum 604
Leptin 157
Leucine 66, 80, 83, 84
Limiting amino acids 65, 66
Linoleic acid 109, 110, 111
Linum usitatissimum 604
Lipid 6, 89
content of lipoproteins 96f
metabolism 216, 226, 280
peroxidation 106, 637
Lipoic acid 231
Lipoproteins 59, 63, 96
List of free foods 362t
Long chain fatty acids 103, 108
body stores of iron 452
lipoprotein 59, 91, 126
polyethylene 668
glycemic foods 49
serum retinol 438
cholesterol in blood 45
reference nutrient intake 332
Luffa acutangula 591
Lungs 294, 319
Lycopene 185, 528
Lycopersicon esculentum 591
Lysine 66, 80, 83, 84
Macrocytic anemia 225, 448, 449
Macronutrients 5
Magnesium 243, 313, 484
Magnetic resonance
imaging 165
tomography 165
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program 517
causes of diabetes 474
sources of hydrogen ions 315
acid-base balance 248
water and electrolyte balance 248
Maintenance of
blood volume and blood pressure 248
life 3
membrane potential 250
pH 60
Malaria eradication 458
Maltase 53
Maltodextrins 129
Malto-oligosaccharides 33, 34
Malus sylvestris 593
Mangifera indica 597
Mannose binding
lectins 29
protein 29
Marasmic kwashiorkor 433, 434
Marasmus 433, 433t, 434
fatty acids 103, 108
triglycerides 265
fat soy flour 582
glycemic foods 49
of heat transfer 90
Megaloblastic anemia 225, 448
Menkes' syndrome 275
Mentha arvensis 588
acidosis 320, 321
alkalosis 320, 321
equivalent of task 147, 150, 151
stress 541
water 293
Metabolism of nutrients 267
Methionine 66, 80, 83, 84
Methods of fortification 498
Methylsulfonylmethane 247
anemia 448
hypochromic anemia 218, 448
Microencapsulation 561
Micronutrient 6, 69, 378, 407
malnutrition 426
Mid-upper-arm circumference 434, 435
Milk and milk products 605, 668
Milk exchanges 356
Minerals 6, 233, 378, 384, 386, 390, 413, 418
Mixed water and electrolyte depletion 298
Moist heat methods 643
Moisture content of commonly consumed foods 293
Molecular structure 61
Molybdenum 281
Momordica charantia 591
Monosaccharides 26, 27
Monounsaturated fatty acid 109
Moringa oleifera 588
Mucopolysaccharides 38
Mucoproteins 63
Murraya koenigii 588
Musa paradisiaca 590, 595
activity 250
and bone 558
contraction and relaxation 236
endurance 261
relaxation and muscle contraction 244
wasting 72
Musculoskeletal structure 59
Myristic acid 107
Nanosensors 561
Food Security
Bill 518
Mission 518
Horticulture Mission 518
Institute of Nutrition 353
Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program 446
Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 492
Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Program 459
Rural Health Mission 518
Sample Survey Organization 492
Urban Health Mission 518
calcium balance 482
energy balance 141
nitrogen balance 74
Nephelium litchi 600
fibers 91
transmission 215, 237
Nervous system 223, 421
dietary protein energy ratio 75, 76
protein utilization 75, 76
Niacin 211, 493
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 211
Night blindness 437, 438
balance 74
metabolism 278
Nomenclature of fatty acids 104
Non-carotenoid terpenoids 528
Non-enzymatic browning 632, 633
Non-essential amino acids 65, 81
Non-glyceride components 100, 102
Non-Governmental Organizations 439
Non-heme iron 257
Non-proteinogenic amino acids 66, 83
Non-starch polysaccharides 27, 34, 36
Normal muscle irritability 248
Normocytic normochromic anemia 448
energy 136
receptors 189
Nucleoproteins 63
Nutrient 4
density 349
requirements of adults 417
Nutrigenomics 562
Nutrition 3
and food habits 22
and health education 440
education 458
anemia 448
composition of complementary foods 394
deficiencies 423
requirements during
adolescents 412
pregnancy 374
preschool age 402
requirements of
lactating mother 385
normal healthy infants 388
school age child 407
Nutritious food 3
Obesity 47
in children and adolescents 466
Oleic acid 109
Oligopeptide 57
Oligosaccharides 26, 28, 33
Ornithine 84
Oryza sativa 571
Osmolality 296
Osmolarity 296
Osmolytes 303
Osmoreceptors 296
Osmosis 303
Osteoblasts 235
Osteoclasts 235
Osteocytes 235
Osteomalacia 192
Osteoporosis 192, 482, 483, 485
Overnutrition 18
Oxidation of iodide 263
phosphorylation 140
rancidity 636
stress 541, 542
Oxygen transport 255
Oxytocin 78
Palmitic acid 105, 107
Palmitoleic acid 109
Pancreas 429
Pantothenic acid 214, 215
Para-aminobenzoic acid 230
Parathyroid hormone 234
Peak bone mass 235
Pepsinogen 85
Peptides 78
and amino acids 525
Periconceptional period 369
Pernicious anemia 225, 448
Peucedanum graveolens 588
Phaseolus vulgaris 590
Phenolic acids 529, 529t
Phenylalanine 66, 80, 83, 84
hydroxylase 255
Phenylketonuria 80
Phoenix dactylifera 602
Phosphate buffer 318
Phosphatidylcholine 227
Phospholipids 94
Phosphoproteins 63, 242
Phosphoric acid 316
Phosphorus 241, 313, 483
Phosphorylation 242
Photosynthesis 25
Physalis peruviana 598
Phytochemicals 7, 525
Pillars of food security 489
Pinus gerardiana 604
Pistacia vera 603
Pisum sativum var arvense 590
falciparum 260, 458
vivax 458
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 234
Polydextrose 46, 52, 129
Polyethylene terephthalate 665
Polyketides 92
Polyolefins 665
Polypeptide 57
Polyphenol 528
oxidase 633
Polyphenolic amides 529, 530
Polysaccharide 26, 28, 34
in animals 38
in plants 35
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 91, 109, 110, 110t, 525
Polyvinylidene chloride 665
Position of double bond in chain length 102, 104
energy balance 141
nitrogen balance 74
Potassium 250, 311
renal acid load 322
uses of nanotechnology 560
Pre-menstrual syndrome 111
Prenol lipids 92
Prevalence of
anemia 456
undernutrition 17
vitamin A deficiency 438
Prevention of
dehydration 299
thiamine deficiency 206
vitamin A deficiency 440
Prevents fatty liver 228
derived proteins 64
hemochromatosis 262
Production of energy 3
Prolamines 62
Proline 82, 84
Promoters of childhood and adolescent obesity 466
Promotes immune function 201
Prostate cancer 113
Protection of body 3
Protein 5, 57, 58, 375, 377, 383, 386, 389, 403, 407, 413, 417, 484, 554, 639
and amino acids 56
based fat mimetics 128
digestibility 74, 75
amino acid score 77
corrected amino acid score 75
efficiency ratio 75, 76
energy malnutrition 427, 428, 429t, 435
homeostasis 73
in food 67
metabolism 216
modification 256
sparing action 26
synthesis 251
turnover 74
armeniaca 600
avium 600
domestica 600
dulcis 602
persica 594, 600
Psidium guajava 596
Psychological stress 541, 543
Puberty 411
Public distribution system 328, 515
Punica granatum 596
Pure water depletion 298
Pyridoxine 216
Quaternary structure 65
Rajiv Gandhi
Drinking Water Mission 518
Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls 517
Raphanus sativus 585, 588
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana 518
Recommended dietary allowance for
adolescents 413t
adults 417t
biotin 226
calcium 238
carbohydrates 39
chloride 253
chromium 280
copper 275
dietary fiber 48
fats and oils 119
fluoride 277
folate 220, 221
infants 389t
iodine 263
iron 258, 259
lactating women 386t
magnesium 244
manganese 279
niacin 212, 212t
pantothenic acid 215
phosphorus 242
potassium 251
pregnant woman 375t
preschool children 403t
protein 68
riboflavin 209, 209t
selenium 271
sodium 248
sulfur 246
thiamine 204
B12 223
B6 217
C 201
D 190
E 195
K 197
zinc 268
Red blood cell 372, 448
formation 223
phytic acid 657
storage substances 656
Regulation of
blood pH 267
body fluid balance 59
iron in body 256
water balance 295
carbohydrates 27
starch 46
acidosis 320
alkalosis 320
and acidosis 321
Retinal dehydrogenase 255
Retinaldehyde 178
Retinoic acid 178
Retinol binding protein 59, 429
Ribes nigrum 601
Riboflavin 207, 449, 493
Ribonucleic acid 203
Rich sources of vitamin C 202
Rickets 192
Ripeness of fruit 50
Role of
calcium in muscle contraction 236f
carbohydrate in sports 544
fat in sports 548
food exchanges in meal planning 354
functional foods 524
interstitial fluid in electrolyte balance 306
kidneys in fluid balance 297
lipoproteins 97t
liver 86
micronutrients in sports 548
nutrients 375
protein in sports 546
vitamin D in calcium absorption 188f
water and electrolytes in sports 549
Rubus idaeus 598
Saccharin 52
Saccharolipids 92
Salt replacers 249
Sampurna Gramin Rozgar Yojna 517
Saturated fatty acids 105, 107, 107t
School Mid-day Meal Program 517
Selenium 270, 501
Serum ferritin 454
Sesamum indicum 603
Set point theory 168
Severe acute malnutrition 435
Shock absorber 91
Short chain fatty acids 103, 108, 532
lipids 92
proteins 61
Single nucleotide polymorphism 563
Small intestine 54, 130
Sodium 247, 309
imbalance 309
melongena 591
tuberosum 584
Solid foods 293
Sorbitol 31
Sound energy 136
Source of
carbon 26
eicosanoids 91
essential fatty acids 91
vitamin D 190
Soy protein isolate 582
Sphingolipids 95
Spinacia oleracea 588
Stabilizing glucocorticoid receptor 281
Stages of anemia 261, 453
Standardization of serving sizes and recipe 362
Stearic acid 105, 107
Sterilization 659
Sterol lipids 92
Stevioside 52
Storage fat 163
Strength building exercises 536
Stress 144
Structural component of cell membrane 99
Structure of
glycerophospholipid, sphingolipid and glycosphingolipid 95f
sterols 99f
adiposity 460
fat 163
Sucralose 52
Sucrose 30
Sugar alcohols or polyols 31
spring 247
toxicity 247
Sulfuric acid 316
Superoxide dismutase 106
Supports energy generation 211
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna 517
Synthesis of
carnitine 201
dispensable amino acids 73
fat and cholesterol 215
hormones 100
more polyphenols 658
neurotransmitters 201
proteins 73
taurine from cysteine 281
C 657
Syzygium cumini 601
Targeted public distribution system 515
Teen pregnancy 380
Texturized soy protein 582
Theory of thermogenesis 168
Thermal insulation of body 91
Thiamine 203
Threonine 66, 83, 84
Thyroid hormones 256
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 78
Thyroxine binding globulin 442
Timing of ingestion of nutrients 540
antioxidant capacity 644
body water 167, 290
dietary fiber 48f
energy expenditure 141, 146, 147, 152
essential amino acid 83
sanitation campaign 518
Toxicity of vitamin K 198
Trans fatty acid 119
Transcellular fluid 291
Transformation of amino acids 73
Transmembrane proteins 64
Transmission of nerve impulses 60
Transport proteins 59
Treatment of
anemia 456
vitamin A deficient
cases 439t
children 441
Triglycerides 93, 98
Trigonella foenum-graecum 588
Triticum aestivum 569
Trypsin inhibitor 580
Tryptophan 66, 80, 83, 84, 255
Types of
food packaging 667
gums 37t
nutrients 5f
physical activities and exercises 536
space food 557
Tyrosine 82, 84
3-monoxygenase 255
Undernutrition 15
Underwater weighing 165
United Nations Children's Fund 435
Unsaturated fatty acids 109, 109t
Urinary tract infection 437
Uses of
anthropometry 165
composition tables 339
groups 338
infant formulas 399
LIC tables 171
nutrient density 350
standardization 363
corymbosum 598
macrocarpon 598
Vacuum packaging 667
Vascular endothelial growth factors 78
Vegetable sources 122
long chain fatty acids 103, 109
low density lipoprotein 97
Virus proteins 64
Visceral fat 163
Vitamin 6, 378, 384, 386, 390, 413, 418
A 178, 375, 432, 449, 493, 499
deficiency 426, 438, 440
supplementation 439
and minerals 525, 554
B1 639
B12 222, 449
B2 639
B3 211, 639
B6 216, 375, 639
C 199, 432, 449, 493, 639
D 187, 499, 501
E 193, 432, 449
K 196, 484
deficiency bleeding 198
Vitis vinifera 601
Vomiting 299
circumference 166, 462
to hip ratio 166
Warm-up and cool-down exercises 537
and electrolyte balance 540
balance 292
imbalance 298
intoxication 300
compounds 500
vitamins 177, 199
Welling of brain 300
encephalopathy 206
syndrome 206
Wet beriberi 206
Wilson's disease 276
World Health Organization 15, 435
Xerophthalmic fundus 437
Xylitol 31, 32
Zinc 266, 432
fingers 268
Ziziphus jujuba 601
Chapter Notes

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