Manual of Coronary Heart Diseases Kanu Chatterjee
Page numbers followed by ‘f’ refer to figure and ‘t’ refer to table.
Abciximab 122
Activated partial thromboplastin time 124
aortic dissection 83
coronary syndromes 67, 95, 143, 197, 225, 278
ischemic myocardial infarction 104f
MI with LV failure 315
myocardial infarction 51, 149, 225, 288, 328
pulmonary embolus 315
right ventricular infarction 303
tricuspid regurgitation 315
dinucleotide phosphate receptor antagonists 116
echocardiography 76
AECG See Ambulatory electrocardiography
Allergic reactions 169
Alpha-2 agonists 87
Alteplase 167
ECG monitoring 257
electrocardiography 234
Aminosulfonic acid 325
Amlodipine 114
Angina 5, 60, 62
Angina-2, treatment of 344
Anginal episodes, severity of 229
Angioplasty 344
procedures 344
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 199, 232
drug therapy 226
therapy 229
Antiarrhythmic drugs 264
Anti-ischemic therapies 317
Antiplatelet agents 115, 179
Antithrombin 124, 126
Antithrombotic agents 124
Aortic dissection 60, 173
evaluation for 162
Approximate cost per dose 169
APTT See Activated partial thromboplastin time
Argentine randomized trial of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty versus coronary artery bypass surgery in multivessel disease 346
Arrhythmias 19
treatment of 264
Arteriovenous malformation 173
Artery elasticity
large 6
small 6
Aspirin 115
resistance 116
Asymptomatic cardiac ischemia pilot 239
Atenolol silent ischemia study 229
Athersclerotic disease 338
Atorvastatin 235
versus revascularization treatment 233
Avascular tissue, zone of 67
BARI See Bypass angioplasty revascularization investigation
Baseline bradycardia 231
Beta blockers 113, 182, 227, 228
medical therapy 86
Bicarbonate 325
Bivalirudin 126
diastolic dysfunction 306
dysfunction 289
Blood pressure 6
control 114
management 209
mass index 6, 19
temperature, maintenance of 88
Bradyarrhythmias 312
Bradycardia 228
Bypass angioplasty revascularization investigation 345
C:T ratio See Cardiac:thoracic ratio
CABGS See Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
CABRI See Coronary angioplasty versus bypass revascularization investigation
antagonists 264
channel blockers 114, 115, 226, 228, 229, 264
biomarker 106
testing 102
causes of cardiogenic shock 284
cycle 291
death and nonfatal myocardial infarction, composite endpoints of 15f
index 277, 294
ischemic pain 61
rehabilitation 207, 208, 211
rupture 286
syndrome X 252
tamponade 286, 315
thoracic ratio 66
Cardiogenic shock 113, 190, 199, 279, 284, 285, 288, 291, 293, 294
bypass 324
resuscitation 173
causes of chest pain 82
disease, treatment of 15
disease 1, 5, 6, 17, 38
mortality patterns 39f
Carotid intima-media thickness 6
Cervical spine 60
Chelation therapy 246
Chest pain 59, 262
evaluation of 59
management of 59
Chest X-ray 66
Cholecystitis 60
coronary artery disease 225, 324, 342
surgical therapy in 324
diseases 44
obstructive pulmonary disease 113
Clarithromycin 228
Classic coronary artery disease risk factors 252
Clopidogrel 117, 118
hyporesponders 120
resistance 118
Coagulation system 98
Cocaine 149
Cold clammy skin 277
Combination therapy 232
Computed tomography 78
Confirmatory test selection in accelerated diagnostic protocols 83
Congestive heart failure 19, 114
Constipation 228
Continued medical therapy 199
angiography 163f, 187
angioplasty versus bypass revascularization investigation 347
arteriogram 251
arteriography 260, 261
artery 305f
bypass graft 16, 117, 158f, 161f, 166, 324,
surgery 230, 278
calcium 28
disease 2, 64, 95, 146, 225, 262
surgical management of 324
surgery study 236
death 5
disease 78
flow 227
heart disease 1, 5, 6, 17, 19, 38, 39f, 234
insufficiency 5
intensive care unit 102
revascularization 5
vasospasm 253
Costochondral junction 101
Costochondritis 60
C-reactive protein 2, 108, 256
Creatine kinase 68, 103
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate 111
Cyclooxygenase pathway 100
Death or disabling stroke 168
Deep venous thrombosis 195
Defibrillator placement 193
and lifestyle diseases 40
diseases 40
Deleterious impact of right atrial ischemia 307
Depression 228
Deprivation score 6
Diabetes 2, 51, 101, 105, 110, 196
management 210
mellitus 23
blood pressure 173
dysfunction 19
pressure elevation 314
Dihydropyridines 114
Diltiazem 114, 265
Dipyridamole 246
echocardiography 76
spect 76
Direct thrombin inhibitors 126
Dizziness 228
echocardiography 76
spect 76
stress echocardiography 77
Docosahexaenoic acids 18
Dopamine 318
role of 289
Double-blind atorvastatin amlodipine trial 234
Drug-eluting stents 329
DSE See Dobutamine stress echocardiography
Dyslipidemias 19, 192
Dysrhythmia See also Heart failure
EAST See Emory angioplasty versus surgery trial
Echocardiography 186
Edema 228
Ejection fraction 185f
Elective angiography 174
Electrocardiogram 102, 106, 149
test 70
Elevation depression arteriography 262
Emergency medical services 147
Emory angioplasty versus surgery trial 347
Endothelial dysfunction 19, 96, 263
Enhancing recovery in coronary heart disease 21
ENRICHD See Enhancing recovery in coronary heart disease
Eptifibatide 122
Erectile dysfunction 228
Esophageal spasm 60
Exercise electrocardiography 78
Exertional evidence of chest pain 260
Facilitated percutaneous coronary intervention 168
Fatal hypotension 112
Fatigue 228
Felodipine 114
Fibrin D-dimer 27
Fibrinogen 27
Fluorine-18-deoxyglucose 74
Framingham risk score 4, 5
calculation 64f
Gastroepiploic artery 338
German angioplasty bypass surgery investigation 346
Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitors 122
Graft patency 338
Hampton's hump 67
Headache 228
failure 5, 15, 190, 212, 228, 231
outcomes prevention evaluation trial 232
rate 227
Hemorrhagic stroke 5, 51
Heparin 124
High density
cholesterol 6
lipoprotein cholesterol 17
levels 11
High sensitivity
assay 108
C-reactive protein 6, 25
High waist-hip ratio 51
Homocysteine 2
Hyperhomocysteinemia 26
Hyperlipidemia 2, 22, 101, 105, 110
Hypertension 2, 19, 21, 51, 101, 110, 228, 277, 312
Impaired organ perfusion 277
Impella 294
Inequality index 54f
Infarct related artery 143
Infection and undernutrition related diseases 40
Inferior myocardial infarction 303
Inhibition of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis 199
Inotropic stimulation 317
Insulin resistance 19, 252
cardioverter 193
thoracic artery 326
graft 339
International normalized ratio 173
Interventricular septum 285f, 186f
Intra-aortic balloon 318
pulsation 291
pump 191, 282, 290
Intracranial hemorrhage 173
Invasive coronary angiography 80
heart disease 110, 225
stroke 5, 6, 173
Ivabradine 231
Jugular venous pressure 65
Kaplan-Meier survival curves 185f
Ketoconazole 228
Kidney injury 331
Kussmaul's sign 284
Lack symptoms of ischemia 212
Laplace's law tension 63
bundle branch block 65, 106, 159
main coronary 237
artery 331
apical ballooning
cardiomyopathy 255
assist devices 191, 290, 292
ejection fraction 327, 330
assessment of 183
function 341
hypertrophy 19
mass index 6
outflow tract
obstruction 228
thrombus 146
ultrasound 6
Length of stay 175
lowering therapy 233
management 210
Lipoprotein 2, 26
LMC See Left main coronary
Low density
cholesterol 6
lipoprotein 201
cholesterol 13
Low molecular weight heparin 124
dysfunction 228, 231
ejection fraction 183
hypertrophy 149
LVADs See Left ventricular assist devices
LVEF See Left ventricular ejection fraction
MACE See Major acute coronary events
Major adverse cardiovascular events 168
Malignancy, presence of 146
Malignant ventricular arrythmia 333
Mayo clinic risk score 333
Mechanical assist devices 318
Methamphetamines 96, 146
Microalbuminuria 6
Migraine headaches See also Raynaud's phenomenon
Mitral regurgitation 287
Morphine 112, 179
infarction 5, 6, 59, 109, 110f, 143, 173, 190, 199, 207, 270f
oxygen demand 289
perfusion imaging 74
revascularization 235
role of 235
Myocarditis 60
Myoglobin 68
Myopericarditis 149
National Cholesterol Education Program 6
Nausea 228
NCEP, third report of 5
Negative chest pain unit evaluations 84
Nelfinavir 228
Nephropathy 203
Neuropathy 203
Nifedipine 114, 265
gits 230
Nitric oxide 282
donors of 111
Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 68
Noncardiac cause 225
of acute chest pain 83
Noncardiac chest pain 63
Noncompressible vascular punctures 173
Nondihydropyridines 114
Nonfatal myocardial infarction 5, 6, 16
computed tomographic angiography 77
stress testing before noncardiac surgery 85
Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia 193
Normal coronary arteries 272
NSTEMI See Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
Nuclear perfusion See also Echocardiography
Nutritional counseling 209
Obesity 2
cardiomyopathy 19
Oliguria 277
Omeprazole 119
Onset of pain 61
Optic fundoscopy for retinal vasculature 6
Optical coherence tomography 98
Optimal medical therapy 241, 242f
Optimize oxygen supply-demand 316
Oxygen 178
supplementation 111
Pain 262
Pancreatitis 60
PCI after successful thrombolysis 174
angioplasty 234
intervention 117, 144f, 177f, 242f, 278
center 147
transluminal angioplasty 347, 348
myocardial 233
revascularization 235, 328
transluminal coronary angioplasty 16, 271
Pericarditis 60
control of blood glucose concentration 88
use of pulmonary artery catheters 89
arterial disease 5, 101
vascular disease 228
Phosphate 325
Physiologic rhythm 317
Planar thallium imaging 78
Plasma catecholamine levels 253
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 27
inhibition and patient outcomes trial 121
role of 98
Pneumonia 60
Pneumothorax 60
Positive troponin 105
Positron emission
tomographic perfusion imaging 74
tomography 78
Post-myocardial infarction
care 183
depression 198
Potential for acute coronary syndrome 145
Prasugrel 120
Pravastatin 235
intensive care monitoring 88
noninvasive evaluation of left ventricular function 84
resting 12-lead ECG 85
coronary intervention 176
LV failure 277
PCI See Thrombolysis
coronary intervention 291
intervention 144
Printzmetal's variant angina 266
Prophylactic intraoperative nitroglycerin 88
Proximal right coronary artery 305f, 313f
Psychosocial intervention 210
PTCA See Percutaneous coronary angioplasty
artery catheterization 289
capillary wedge pressure 277
edema 288
embolism 60, 83
hypertension 19, 60, 315
thromboembolism 19
Radionucleotide scintigraphy 260
controlled trial 17, 144f
intervention treatment of angina 346
trial 241
Ranolazine 227, 228, 230
Rasmussen score 6
Ratio of total cholesterol 6
Raynaud's phenomenon 96, 255
RBBB See Right bundle branch block
chest discomfort 195
dysrhythmias See also Cardiogenic shock
Reduction in
blood pressure 15
cardiovascular event and morality after first myocardial infarction 16
incidence of disease 3
Reflux 60
Regression 333
Relief of anginal symptoms 341
failure 333
impairment 338
Reperfusion 166, 316
therapy 317
Reteplase 167
Retinopathy 203
Revascularization 129, 187, 296
with pharmacological antianginal therapy, comparison of 236
Reynolds risk score 5
Rifampin 228
atrial contraction, compensatory role of augmented 307
bundle branch block 159
coronary artery 151, 304
heart mass obstruction 315
ejection fraction 184
infarction 190, 284
mechanics and oxygen
supply-demand 305
RITA See Randomized intervention treatment of angina
Routine coronary arteriography 261
Rupture of posteromedial papillary muscle 228f
RV infarction 303
Saphenous vein grafts 338
Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease 207
Seldinger technique 290
Serum creatinine 338
carotid artery stenosis 336
recurrent myocardial ischemia 110f
right heart dilatation 314
uncontrolled hypertension on presentation 173
Sexual dysfunction 228
Shock 333
Short-term graft patency 338
Sick sinus syndrome 228
liver disease 228
reduction in composite end point 15
Sildenafil 112
Single-photon emission 78
computed tomography 73
Sirolimus-eluting stents 349
Sleep apnea 19
Small reduction in total mortality 14
Smoking 105
depression 262
elevation 262
segment deviation 110
angina 225
ischemic heart disease 342
Statin therapy 87
St-elevation myocardial infarction 143
Stent thrombosis 145
Streptokinase 167
cardiomyopathy 253
myocardial perfusion imaging 73
testing with
imaging 75
myocardial imaging 72
Stroke 6, 15, 19
St-segment elevation myocardial infarction 277
Sudden cardiac death 6
Surveillance for perioperative MI 89
Syncope 228
Systemic fibrinogen depletion 169
blood pressure 5, 6, 173, 277
ventricular interactions, importance of 306
Tachycardia ensues 279
Tadalafil 112
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 149, 253
Tenecteplase 167
Thoracic surgeons, society of 336
Thrombolysis 179
in myocardial
infarction 108
risk score 69
ischemia IIIB 345
Thrombolytic agent, administration of 166
Ticagrelor 121
Tissue plasminogen activator 27, 167
Tobacco cessation 210
Total and cardiovascular mortality and cardiovascular morbidity 14
TPA See Tissue plasminogen activator
Transesophageal echocardiography, use of 88
Transient ischemic attack 5, 6, 120
Transthoracic echocardiogram 159
Treadmill exercise
blood pressure 6
stress testing 71
testing 260
Trials comparing coronary artery bypass grafting 347
Tris-hydroxymethylaminomethane 325
Troponins 68, 95, 103
Unfractionated heparin 124
Unstable angina 15, 95
Vasoconstrictors 96
Vasospasm 96, 149
arrhythmias 312
fibrillation 193
septal rupture 284
Verapamil 114, 265
Volatile anesthetic agents, use of 88
von Willebrand factor 100
antigen 27
Vulnerable 226
plaque 96
Waist circumference 20
Weight management 209
Wellen's syndrome 102, 103f
Westermark sign 67
White blood cell 256
count 2
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 149
Chapter Notes

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1Manual of Coronary Heart Diseases2
3Manual of Coronary Heart Diseases
Editor Kanu Chatterjee MBBS Clinical Professor of Medicine The Carver College of Medicine University of Iowa United States of America Emeritus Professor of Medicine University of California, San Francisco United States of America
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Manual of Coronary Heart Diseases
First Edition: 2014
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5Contributors 7Preface
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in much of the industrialized world and is rapidly progressing to achieve the same dubious distinction in the developing nations too. Prevention of CHD and its management remains the paramount objective as well as the subject of research in the field of cardiology.
This book has been designed for the readers seeking a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the disease entity. This richly illustrated title covers in detail the discussion focusing on our current understanding and the recent advancement that are happening at a fast pace in the field. It highlights the global burden of CHD and discusses in detail the risk factors for CHD. The title starts with the basic approach to a patient with chest pain highlighting the importance of history and physical examination in making the diagnosis. The pathophysiologic mechanisms and treatment of acute coronary syndrome are dealt with in detail. Various acute complications in CHDs and surgical management for CHDs have also been discussed. The new therapeutic modalities for the management of CHDs have also been covered. The book provides an easy-to-follow format, providing practical advice on how to diagnose cardiac diseases with a focus on hands-on therapeutic guidance for the clinicians.
Written by the world's foremost authorities, this title provides comprehensive coverage of current approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of CHD with additional comments and guidelines from reputed international bodies.
Kanu Chatterjee