Textbook of Physiology for Nursing Students N Geetha
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Abducens nerve 356
constituents of urine 267
gastric movement 224
sounds 170
Abnormalities in
glucocorticoid secretion 306
menstruation 337
prolactin secretion 285
QRS complex 121
regulation of respiration 191
secretion of adrenal androgens 310
ST segment 121
Abnormalities of
ADH secretion 287
aldosterone secretion 309
arterial pulse 142
defecation 243
rate 121
sounds 132
hemoglobin production 58
learning and memory 433
parathormone secretion 299
taste sensation 462
blood group system 104
incompatibility 108
Absolute refractory period 29, 45
Absorption of
CSF 438
proteins 246
vitamins, calcium and iron 248
water and electrolyte 247
Acetazolamide 198
Acetylcholine 34, 37, 422, 429
Achalasia cardia 216
Achilles tendon jerk 372
base balance 53, 251
phosphatase 298
Acidification of bile 234
Acidophils 280
Acidosis 137, 140
immunity 83, 84
immunodeficiency syndrome 79, 88
reflex 213
Actions of
ADH 286
aldosterone 308
calcitonin 300
calcitriol 301
catecholamines 311
dopamine 311
estrogen 338
folic acid 69
glucagon 317
glucocorticoids 305
growth hormone 281
insulin 314
melatonin 289
oxytocin 287
parathormone 299
progesterone 339
prolactin 284
somatostatin 318
testosterone 330
trypsin 226
TSH 285
hypoxia and hypercapnia 197
mountain sickness 198
pancreatitis 227, 229
pyogenic infections 79
renal shutdown 109
Addison's disease 309
Addisonian crisis 151, 310
Adenohypophysis 280
Adequate stimulus 367, 376
Adiadokokinesia 410
Adipose tissue 275
cortex 276, 303, 303t
diabetes mellitus 305, 306
gland 303
medulla 276, 303t, 310
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 280, 285
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 172
Agglutination 104, 106
Agglutinins 104
Agranulocytosis 79
Albumin 55
Albuminuria 258
escape phenomenon 309
synthase 307
Alimentary tract 207
Alkaline phosphatase 298
Allergy 63
Alpha motor neurons 354
capillary membrane 178
dead space 176
sacs 164
stability 171
ventilation 176
Alveoli 164, 171
Alzheimer's disease 10, 434
Amacrine cells 448
Amenorrhea 337
acid 246, 276
peptidase 245, 246
Ammonia 260
Amnesia 434
Ampulla of Vater 225
Amygdala 424
Amylase 212
Anacrotic limb 141
Anal canal 241
Analgesia 390
Anaphylactic shock 151
Anarthria 432
Anastomosis of heart 156
classification of thalamic nuclei 391
dead space 176
Anaxonic neuron 21, 22
Anemia 70, 71
Anemic hypoxia 195
Angina pectoris 158
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 167, 309f
Angular acceleration 413
Anisocytosis 61
Anisotropic band 39
clonus 374
jerk 372
Anosmia 465
Anovulatory cycles 337
corticospinal tract 397
internodal tract of Bachman 115
pituitary 280
semicircular canal 413
pathway 384f
tract 379, 383
thalamic nuclei 424
white commissure 354
Anterograde amnesia 434
Anterolateral system 377
Antibodies 104
Antidiuretic hormone 286
antibody complexes 86
processing cells 85
body 190
impedance 136, 137
nerve 190
Apex beat 132
Aphakic eye 443
Aplastic anemia 79
Appendicitis 224
Aqueduct of Sylvius 436
Aqueous humor 443
Arachnoid granulations 438
arteries 255
veins 255
Argentaffin cells 237
blood pressure 142, 149
pulse 141
tracing 142f
Arteriovenous anastomoses 155
Artificial respiration 201
colon 241
reticular activating system 380, 387, 412f, 429
tracts of spinal cord 378, 379f
Asphyxia 194, 197
Aspirin 96
Astereognosis 386
Astigmatism 444, 446
Astrocytes 351
and ventricular muscle cells 44
contraction 132, 137
diastole 123, 124, 126
fibrillation 121
flutter 121
natriuretic peptide 103
systole 123, 124
node 114
valve 114, 131
cortex 458
nerve 457
pathway 457, 458f
radiation 458
Auerbach's plexus 208
Augmented unipolar limb leads 119
Auriculotemporal branch of trigeminal nerve 211
gap 143
method 143
Autocrine secretion 275
Autoimmune diseases 88
Autologous transfusion 108
Autonomic nervous system 166, 274, 349, 394, 421
Autoregulation 149, 256
in coronary circulation 157
AV node and bundle of His 115
Axoaxonic synapse 358, 390
Axodendritic synapse 358
Axon hillock 23
Axosomatic synapse 358
B and T lymphocytes 84
Bainbridge reflex 140
Baroreceptor reflex 139f, 147
Barr body 74, 325
Barrier method 345, 347
ganglia 350, 351, 404, 405f
metabolic rate 272, 293, 296
nuclei 404
secretion 212
artery 159
membrane 456
Basket cells 362
Basophilic normoblast 66
Basophils 78, 79, 280
Becker's muscular dystrophy 43
Bed wetting 430
Bell-Magendie law 353, 375
Betz cells 396, 419
Bezold-Jarisch reflex 140
Biceps jerk 372
pigment 233
salts 232
canaliculi 230
system 230
Bilirubin 59
diglucuronide 59, 233
Biliverdin 59
Binocular vision 446
Biochemical liver function tests 234
Biot's breathing 192
cells 448
leads 118
neuron 21, 463
Bisynaptic reflex 373
Bladder neck 265
Blastocyst 340
Bleeding disorders 97
brain barrier 107, 352, 439
coagulation 91, 93, 94
colloidal osmotic pressure 257
grouping 105
picture 70, 72
pressure 141, 144, 149, 251
reservoir 271
supply of
kidney 254
liver 230
testis barrier 329
transfusion 107, 108
urea 267
volume 102, 136, 137, 145, 251
cooling mechanisms 272
and blood 52
compartments 52f
heating mechanisms 271
temperature 63
Bohr effect 183
Bone resorption 297, 298
Botulinum toxin 36
Bound ribosomes 3
Bowman's capsule 253
Boyle's law 199
Brachial artery 143
Brain 350
death 427
tissue 159
tumors 427
Breath sounds 170
Broca's area 420, 431, 432
Brodmann's area 396, 419, 419f, 431
circulation 167
vessels 166
Bronchography 203
Bronchoscopy 166
Brown-Sequard syndrome 402
Brunner's glands 237
Buccal glands 210
Bucket handle movement 169
Buffy coat layer 62
Bulboreticular facilitatory area 398
Bulbourethral gland 327
Bundle of His 114, 115
Bursa of fabricius 80
Bypass surgery 158
Caisson disease 200
Calcarine sulcus 418
Calcitonin 300
Calcitriol 248, 300
Calcium 248
homeostasis 298
Calmodulin 48
Canal of Schlemm 443
Cancer 172
basket 167
circulation 154
fluid shift mechanism 148
hydrostatic pressure 100
osmotic pressure 100
permeability 100
surface area 100
Capsular hydrostatic pressure 257, 258
Carbaminohemoglobin 58, 184
Carbaminoprotein 184
metabolism 311
splitting enzyme 227, 237
Carbonic anhydrase 185f, 220, 220f
Carbonmonoxyhemoglobin 58, 195
Carboxyhemoglobin 58, 195
Carboxypeptidase 245, 246
cycle 123
depression 152
edema 101
failure 152
glands 217
index 134
murmur 133
muscle 43, 50
sphincter 217
Cardiogenic shock 150
Cardioinhibitory center 138
Cardiovascular system 112, 295
angiogram 159
body 190
Catabolism of hemoglobin 59
Cataract 443
Catecholamines 140
Cathode ray oscilloscope 28
Cauda equina 353
AV nodal delay 115
C wave 127
cardiac failure 153
Cheyne-Stokes breathing 192
cyanosis 196
iron deficiency anemia 71
negative intrapleural pressure 170
peptic ulcer 222
S3 132
stagnant hypoxia 195
vomiting 224
adhesion molecules 10
biology 1
cycle 6, 321
division 6, 321
mediated immunity 84, 86
of nervous system 351
Cellular immunity 84, 290
chemoreceptors 190
cyanosis 196
delay 375
influences on heart rate 138
nervous system 349
pulse tracing 141
sulcus 418
vein 230
Cerebellum 407
anemia theory 429
flow 159
vessels 159
circulation 158, 160
cortex 350, 351, 368, 396, 418, 419
gray matter 350
ventricles 351
Cerebrospinal fluid 436
Cervical ganglion 211
Chemistry of hormones 276
Chemokines 76, 88
Chemoreceptor 190, 365, 464
reflex 147
Chenodeoxycholic acid 232
breathing 192f
respiration 191
Chief sensory nucleus 354, 379, 381, 383, 385
of trigeminal nerve 382
Cholecystectomy 234
Cholelithiasis 234
Cholesteryl ester hydrolase 227
Cholic acid 232
tendinae 114
tympani branch of VII cranial nerve 460
Choroid plexus 436
Chromaffin cells 310
Chromosomal disorders 325
mountain sickness 199
obstructive pulmonary disease 203
pancreatitis 229
Chylomicrons 247
Chymotrypsinogen 227
Cilia and flagella 5
Ciliary body 443
Cingulate gyrus 424
Circadian periodicity 428
Circle of Willis 159
Circulation of CSF 437
Circulatory shock 149, 195
Cirrhosis of liver 161, 233
Clarke's column 354, 385
Classification of
capillaries 154
neurons 21
receptors 365
reflexes 370
shock 150
Clathrin-coated pits 19
Clonus 374
Clot retraction 91, 95
Clotting factors 94
CO poisoning 195
CO2 narcosis 193
Cochlea 456
Coitus interruptus 346
Cold shock 150
Collecting duct 254
blindness 452
vision 452
Colostrum 343
Combined pill 346
Committed hemopoietic stem cell 66
Common bile duct 230
Common hepatic duct 230
heart block 121
section of spinal cord 401
Complex glands 209
Complications of blood transfusion 108
Components of cardiac conduction system 114
Composition of
blood 54
CSF 437
gastric juice 218
hepatic bile 231
pancreatic juice 226
saliva 212
Computed axial tomography 229
Concave lenses 445
Concentration of bile 234
Conditioned reflex 213, 434, 435
Conducting system of heart 115f
deafness 459
of nerve impulse 30
Congestive cardiac failure 150, 195
Conjugated bilirubin 59
Conn's syndrome 309
Consciousness 425
Constipation 243
Contents of eye ball 443
capillaries 154
murmur 133
Contraception 345
Contralateral hemiplegia 400
Control of
functions 424
nervous system 423
emotional and sexual behavior 423
endocrine system 423
equilibrium 409
food intake and water intake 423
heart rate 138
thyroid secretion 294
voluntary motor activity 409
Convex lenses 445
Cooley's anemia 59
Copper-7 346
Copper-T 345, 346
Cornea 442
angiography 157
bypass grafting 158
disease 158
blood flow 157, 158
chemoreflex 140
circulation 156, 157
albicans 336
callosum 351, 418
hemorrhagicum 336
nephrons 253
neuronal excitability 412
Cortically originating extrapyramidal fibers 398
Corticotropin releasing hormone 307
Counter current
exchange system 261, 262
multiplier system 261, 262
Course of pyramidal tract 396
Coverings of
brain and spinal cord 436
heart 113
Cowper glands 327
Cranial nerves 355
Craniosacral outflow 422
Crista ampullaris 413, 414
Cross section of spinal cord 353
Crossed hemiplegia 400
Crude touch 379
Crypts of Lieberkuhn 237
of small intestine 209
CSF pressure 438
Cumulus oophorus 335
disease 79
reflex 139, 160
syndrome 145, 306
circulation 155
receptors 366f
Cyanocobalamin 68
Cyanosis 194, 196
Cylindrical lens 446
Cystinuria 246
Cystometrogram 49
Cystoscopy 268
Cytochrome oxidase 195
Cytokines 87
Cytoplasmic division 8, 322
Cytoskeleton 4
Cytotoxic T cell 84
D cells 221
Dalton's law 178
Daughter chromosomes 7, 322
Deafness 459
Decompression sickness 200
pain 388
tubular glands 209
veins 159
Defecation reflex 243f
carbohydrate digestion and absorption 245
clotting 97
Deglutition 214
Degranulation 76
Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione 310
Déjà vu phenomenon 434
Dementia 434
Dendrite 23, 24
Dendritic spines 24
Dentate nucleus 408
Dephosphorylation 48
Dermatomal rule 389
of pain reference 389
Dermis 270
colon 241
motor pathways 395
tracts of spinal cord 395f
Destruction of RBC 65
Determinants of arterial blood pressure 145
Determination of PCV 62
Detrusor muscle 265
insipidus 287, 315t
mellitus 315, 315t, 316, 316t
Diapedesis 75, 76
Diarrhea 243
blood pressure 142
murmur 133
Dietary fibre 242
Digestion 207
Digestion and absorption of
carbohydrates 244
fat 246
food 244
nucleic acids 246
proteins 245
Dipeptidase 246
light reflex 452
motor pathway 395
spinocerebellar tract 378, 380, 385
Disaccharidase deficiency 245
Discontinuous capillaries 154, 155
affecting neuromuscular junction 37
of newborn 107
of small intestine 240
Disorders of
heart valves 114
skeletal muscle 43
temperature regulation 272
thyroid function 294
convoluted tubule 254
nephron 263
Distribution of cardiac output 134
Disturbances of protein digestion and absorption 246
Diuresis 260
Divisions of nervous system 349f
column pathway 377, 380
median septum 353
respiratory group 188
root ganglion 353, 374
sensory root 353
helical structure 40
oxalate 96
Down's syndrome 325
Down-Stroke catacrotic limb 141
method 202
respirator 202
D-tubocurarine 36
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 43
Ducts of
rivinus 210
wirsung 225
Dull aching pain 386
Dumping syndrome 223
Duodenum 236
Dural sinuses 159
Dysarthria 432
Dysdiadokokinesia 410
Dysgeusia 462
Dysmenorrhea 337
Ebner's glands 212
Edema 101
filtration pressure 99
hydrostatic pressure 99
osmotic pressure 99
Ejaculatory duct 327
Ejection fraction 126
Elasticity of vessel wall 146
properties of cardiac muscle 43
synapse 358
Electrocardiography 118
Electroencephalogram 426
Electrolyte and water balance 251
Electron microscopic structure of
cell 2f
myofibril 39
platelet 90f
Embden-Meyerhof pathway 183
Emmetropic eye 444
Emphysema 172
Emptying of bladder 266
End-diastolic volume 134, 136
End-systolic volume 126, 134
function 251, 290
gland 274276
pancreas 313
secretion 274
system 274
Endocytosis 19
Endogenous antigens 85
Endoplasmic reticulum 3
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 229
Endothelial cells 275
Enteric nervous system 208
Enterogastrone 221, 237
Enterohepatic circulation 59, 60, 232, 233
Enteropancreatic reflex 229
Enzymes of small intestinal juice 237
Eosinopenia 79, 306
Eosinophil 74, 78
Ependymal cells 353
Epicardium 113
Epidermis 270
Epididymis 327
Epinephrine 148, 310
Epithelium 207
Equalization of pressure 455
in biliary system 234
Erythroblastosis fetalis 107
Erythrocyte 61
sedimentation rate 62
Erythropoiesis 65, 66
Erythropoietin 68, 251
Estrogen 302, 338, 342
Excess growth hormone secretion 283
Excitation-contraction coupling 41, 47
and conducting system of heart 114
postsynaptic potential 26, 363, 364t
transmitters 364
function 53, 251
organ 270
glands 211
pancreatic acini 313
Exocytosis 20, 20f, 247
Exogenous antigens 85
Exophthalmos 296
Expiratory reserve volume 173, 173f
Exploring electrode 118
anal sphincter 242
auditory canal 454
genitalia 324
granule cell layer 419
respiration 163
urethral sphincter 265
pathways 395
tracts 398
innervation of gut 208
pathway 94
Facial nerve 356, 460
Facilitation theory 389
Facultative water reabsorption 259
Fallopian tube 324, 333
cuneatus 378
gracilis 378
Fastigial nucleus 408
Fat splitting enzymes 227
Fatigue 375
contraceptives 345
pseudohermaphroditism 325
cycle 334
system 332, 332f
Fenestrated capillaries 154
Ferrous sulfate 71
Fibrin degradation products 96
Fibrinogen 55, 94
Fibrinolytic system 96
Fibrosis of lung 172
Fibrous astrocyte 352
Fick method 134
Filling of bladder 266
Filum terminale 353
Fine touch pathway 382
degree heart block 121
heart sound 131
order neuron 353, 464
Flaccid paralysis 36, 399
Flagellum 329
Flexor reflex 373
Fluid connective tissue 52
Focal adhesions 11
Folic acid 69
Follicle stimulating hormone 280
Foramen of Monro 436
Forced expiratory volume 175
Formation of
CSF 436
lymphocytes 80
prothrombinase 94
thrombin 95
tissue fluid 99
Fourth heart sound 132
Fovea centralis 443
Frank-Starling's law 47, 136
of heart 47
Frontal lobe 418
areas 419
divisions of cerebellum and parts of cerebellum 407f
residual capacity 173, 173f, 174
Functions of
adrenal androgens 310
ascending reticular activating system 412
astrocytes 352
basal ganglia 405
basophils 77
bile salts 232
blood 53
capillaries 155
cell membrane proteins 2
cerebellum 408
CSF 438
eosinophil 77
gallbladder 234
hormones 276
hypothalamus 423
juxtaglomerular apparatus 254
kidney 251
large intestine 241
leukocytes 76
limbic system 424
liver 231
lymph 100
lymphocytes 77
middle ear 454
monocytes 77
myelin 24
neutrophils 76
ovaries 333
pigment epithelium 446
placenta 341
platelet 91
pleural fluid 166
residual volume 174
reticular formation 411
reticuloendothelial cells 82
reticulospinal tract 411
saliva 212
skin 270
small intestine 237
spleen 81
stomach 217
surfactant 171
thalamus 392
thymus 290
tight junctions 10
vestibular apparatus 416
G cells 221
Gallbladder 234
Gallop rhythm 132
aminobutyric acid 363
motor neurons 354
Ganglia of peripheral nervous system 22
Ganglion cell 448
layer 446, 448
Gap junctions 11, 43, 358
Gas exchanging zone 165
emptying movements 223
filling movement 223
juice 218
secretion 221
lipase 219, 246
movements 223
mucosal barrier 221
and peptic ulcer 221
mucus 221
pit 217
Gastrin 220
Gastritis 222, 224
and duodenocolic reflexes 242
reflex 243
Gastroenteric reflex 240
Gastroesophageal reflux 216
Gastrointestinal system 293
Gastropancreatic reflex 228
Genesis of resting membrane potential 26
Geniculocalcarine tract 451
Germinal epithelium 333
Giant pyramidal cells 419
Gigantism 283
Glaucoma 443
Global aphasia 432
Globus pallidus and putamen 404
blood hydrostatic pressure 257
filtration 257
rate 257
Glomerulus 253
Glossopharyngeal nerve 356, 461
Glucagon 317
Glucocorticoids 198, 304
Gluconeogenesis 317
Glucose transporter 16, 245
Glucuronyl transferase 59
Glutamate 139, 372, 448
Glycated hemoglobin 58
Glycocholic acid 232
Glycogenolysis 317
Glycoproteins 89
Glycosuria 316
Goblet cell 209, 237
Goiter 285, 294
apparatus 3, 33
bottle neuron 361, 373
vesicles 3
Gonadogenesis 325
Graafian follicle 335
Grand mal epilepsy 427
Granulocytes 74
Granulocytopenia 79
Graves’ disease 295
Gray matter of brain and spinal cord 22
Growth hormone 281
and prolactin 68
and thyroid hormone 301
inhibiting hormone 282
releasing hormone 282, 283, 283f
pore 460
receptor cells 460
Hair cells 456
Hamberger phenomenon 185
Hartnup disease 246
Head's classification of aphasia 432
Heart 112, 275
rate 135
sounds 131, 131t
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke 272
Helicobacter pylori 222
Helper T cells 84
Heme-heme interaction 181
Hemianopia 451
Hemidesmosomes 11
Hemisection of spinal cord 402
Hemocytometer 64
Hemoglobin 57
and myoglobin 184t
anemia 70
disease of newborn 107
Hemophilia 97
A 97
B 97
C 97
Hemopoiesis 65
Hemopoietic function 238
Hemosiderosis 249
Hemostasis 90, 91, 93
Heparin 96
artery 160, 230
circulation 160
jaundice 233
portal vein 160
Hepatopancreatic duct 231
system 225f
deflation reflex 189
reflexes 189
Herring bodies 286
Heterometric regulation 136
of stroke volume 136
Heteronymous hemianopia 451
High fever 150
Higher functions of brain 431
Hippocampal gyrus 424
Histamine 77, 220
Histotoxic hypoxia 195
Holocrine secretion 237
Homologous chromosomes 5
Homometric regulation of stroke volume 137
Homonymous hemianopia 451
cells 448
semicircular canal 413
abnormalities in fetus 325
contraceptives 345, 346
regulation of menstrual cycle 338
Hormones 276, 347
affecting erythropoiesis 68
of abundance 314
of adrenal
cortex 303
medulla 303
of posterior pituitary 286
of thyroid gland 291
chorionic gonadotropin 330, 341, 342
immunodeficiency virus 88
Humoral immunity 86
Hunger contraction 223
Hyaline membrane disease 171
Hydrocephalus 439
Hydrogen ions 260
Hydrops fetalis 107
Hydrostatic pressure gradient 99
Hyperalgesia 390
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 196
Hyperbarism 199
Hypercapnia 137, 140, 192
Hyperglycemia 13, 283, 305, 315
Hypermetropia 444, 445, 445f
Hyperosmia 465
Hyperprolactinemia 285
Hyperproteinemia 56
Hypertension 144
Hyperthermia 272
Hyperthyroidism 295
Hypertonia 43, 395, 398
Hypocapnia 193
Hypogastric nerve 265
Hypogeusia 462
Hypoglossal nerve 357
Hypoglycemia 283, 317
Hypoparathyroidism 299
Hypoproteinemia 56, 258
Hypotension 145, 147
portal system 279, 280f
thyroid axis 294
tract 279, 280f
adrenal axis 307
axis 280
Hypothalamus 276, 279, 350, 423, 424
Hypothermia 273
Hypothyroidism 283, 294
Hypotonia 43, 395
Hypovolemic shock 150
Hypoxia 137, 140, 157, 194
Hypoxic hypoxia 194, 196
Icterus 233
Ileocecal valve 241
Implicit memory 433
Importance of
bile salts 232
blood grouping and cross-matching 106
conditioned reflex 435
negative intrapleural pressure 171
smell 463
TVC 175
ventilation-perfusion ratio 177
Incomplete section of spinal cord 402
light reflex 452
motor pathway 395
tract 378, 380
spinocerebellar tract 385
Indocarmine 268
Infant respiratory distress syndrome 171
cerebellar peduncle 380, 385, 407
colliculus 458
Inflammatory edema 101
Infrared rays 449
Inheritance of ABO blood groups 105
neurotransmitters 364
postsynaptic potential 363, 364t
Innate immunity 83
limiting membrane 448
nuclear layer 446, 448
plexiform layer 446, 448
pyramidal cell layer 419
Innervation of
lower urinary tract 266f
lungs 166
pancreas 225
salivary glands 211
urinary bladder 265
Inorganic constituents 54, 237
Insomnia 430
capacity 173, 174
reserve volume 172, 173, 173f
Insulin 302, 314
dependent diabetes mellitus 315
Intensity discrimination 368
disk 43
ducts 211
connections 1010f
tight junctions 222
arteries 255
veins 255
bile ducts 230
ducts 211
filaments 5
normoblast 57, 66
Intermediolateral horn cells 139f
anal sphincter 242
arcuate fibers 378
carotid arteries 159
granule cell layer 419
jugular veins 159
urethral sphincter 265
atrial pathways 114
pathways 114
colic 240
obstruction 224, 240
Intracellular canaliculi 220
Intracranial pressure 159
Intralobular duct 211
Intrapericardial pressure 137
Intrapleural pressure 170
Intrapulmonary pressure 171
Intrauterine contraceptive devices 345, 346
cholangiography 235
pyelography 267
Intrinsic factor of castle 69, 71219
Inverse stretch reflex 373, 374f
Iodide trapping 292
Iodination 292
Ion channels 2
Ionic basis of ventricular muscle action potential 44
cranial nerve paralysis and contralateral hemiplegia 400
medial lemniscus 462
deficiency anemia 70, 171
dextran complex 71
Irritation of throat 224
Ishihara's chart 452
Islets of Langerhans 225, 313, 317
Isotonic contraction 42
Isotropic band 39
Isthmus 391
IX cranial nerve 460
Jaundice 59, 233
Jaw jerk 372
Jejunum 236
Jugular venous pulse tracing 127, 127f
apparatus 254
cells 254
Juxtamedullary nephrons 253
Kernicterus 107, 439
Ketoacidosis 316
Kidney 251, 252
Kinesthetic sensation 384
Kinocilium 414
Klinefelter's syndrome 325
Knee jerk 372
Korotkoff's sounds 143
Kupffer cells 230, 231
Lacrimal gland 443
Lactase 237
deficiency 245
Lactation 343
amenorrhea 284, 344
Lactic acid 429
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 43
Lamina propria 207
Landsteiner's laws 104
intestine 241
lymphocyte 80
Laron dwarfism 284
Larynx 163
corticospinal tract 397
horn cells 355
part of posteroventral nucleus 382
spinothalamic tract 378, 379
Law of projection 367
Layer of
optic nerve fibres 446, 448
retina 446, 447f
rods and cones 446, 447
bundle branch 115
coronary artery 156
Leishman's staining 78f
Lesions of
basal ganglia 405
cerebellum 409
spinal cord 401
thalamus 392
Leucopoiesis 65
Leukemia 78
Leukocytosis 77
Leukopenia 78
Lignocaine 390
Limbic system 423, 424
Lingual lipase 246
Lippe's loop 345, 346
Liquor folliculi 335
Lissauer's tract 378, 379
biopsy 235
function tests 234
Location of
major endocrine glands 275f
olfactory mucosa 464f
right adrenal gland 304f
section of
eyeball 442f
kidney 252
tubules 39
Loop of Henle 253, 254, 259, 261f
Low-density lipoprotein 19
end of esophagus 222
extent of spinal cord and meninges 353f
motor neurons 396
respiratory tract 163
urinary tract 265
Lumbar puncture 438
capacities 173, 174
volumes 172
and capacities 172, 203
Luteinizing hormone 280
Lymph nodes 100
Lymphedema 101
Lymphoblast 80
Lymphocyte 75, 78, 79
stem cells 80
Lymphopenia 79
Lysozyme 212
Macrocytic normochromic anemia 71, 72
Macrophage system 82
densa 254
lutea 443
Magnetic resonance imaging 203
Main sensory nucleus 385
Maintenance of blood pressure and osmotic pressure 53
Major parts of brain 350f
contraception 346
pseudohermaphroditism 325
reproductive system 327, 327f
sexual organs 327
Malpighian body 253
Mammillothalamic tract 425
Management of peptic ulcer 222
Mantoux test 203
Marey's law 139
Margination 75
peristalsis 242
reflex 402
Mastication and deglutition 214
Mature erythrocyte 67
arterial pressure 143
hemoglobin concentration 70
volume 69
Measurement of
arterial blood pressure 143
cardiac output 134
renal blood flow 256
Mechanism of
action of hormones 276
appreciation of
frequency of sound reaching ear 459
loudness of sound 459
cardiac muscle contraction 46
concentration of urine 261f
formation of bile pigment 233
humoral immunity 86f
micturition 266
muscle contraction 42f
production of
action potential in auditory nerve 457
concentrated and dilute urine 260
referred pain 389
relaxation of cardiac muscle 47
secretion of HCL in parietal cell 220
skeletal muscle
contraction 41
relaxation 42
sleep 429
smooth muscle contraction 48
speech 431
stimulation of
crista ampullaris 414
macula 416
thoracic expansion 169
urine formation 257
ventilation of lungs 168
geniculate body 458
lemniscus 382
longitudinal bundle 399
Mediterranean anemia 59
Medullary osmotic gradient 261
Megaloblastic anemia 70
Megaloblasts 219
and Auerbach's plexus 208
corpuscle 365
plexus 208
Menarche 326
Meniere's disease 416
Menopause 326
Menorrhagia 337
Menstrual cycle 334
Menstruation 337
Merkel's disk 365
Mesangial cells 258
Mesencephalic nucleus 385
Methods of artificial respiration 201
Methylene blue 73
Metrorrhagia 337
Microcirculation 154
Microcytes 61
Microcytic hypochromic anemia 71
Microglia 352
Microtubules 5
Micturition 266
Middle internodal tract of Wenckebach 115
Migrating motor complex 223, 224, 240
Mild anemia 70
ejection 344
reflex 287f, 288
secretion 343
Minipill 346
Minor calyx 252
Mitochondria 4, 23
cells 464
valve 114
Moderate anemia 70
Molecular weight of gas 179
Monocytes 75, 78, 79
Monocytopenia 79
Monocytosis 79
Monoplegia 400
Monosynaptic reflex 371
Monro-Kellie doctrine 159
Morning after pill 346
Motion sickness 417
areas of cerebral cortex 396
functions of nervous system 394
Mouth-to-mouth method 201
Movements of
intestinal villi 238, 240
large intestine 242
Mucosal blood flow 222
Muller cells 448
duct 325
inhibiting substance 325
Multipolar neuron 21, 22
Multiunit smooth muscle 48, 48f, 48t
dystrophy 43
of expiration 168
of inspiration 168
spindle 371
tone 394, 398
wasting 306
weakness 306
dystrophies 43
exercise 144
layer 208
Musculature of heart 113
Myasthenia gravis 37, 43
Myelin sheath 23, 24
Myelinated nerve fibre 30
Myelination 24
in central nervous system 24
in peripheral nervous system 24
of neurons 24
Myeloperoxidase 74, 77
Myocardial infarction 98, 158
Myocardium 113
Myogenic theory of autoregulation 149
Myopia 444, 445, 445f
Myosin 40
light chain
kinase 48
phosphatase 48
Myotatic reflex 371
Myxedema 294, 295
Nasal cavity 163
Natural immunity 83
Neostigmine 37
Nephron 253
cell body 22
deafness 459
control of respiration 187
system 293
Net filtration pressure 257
Neural control of endocrine glands 278
Neurocrine secretion 275
Neuroendocrine reflex 287, 287f, 344
Neurogenic shock 150
Neuroglial cells 24, 351
in central nervous system 352f
Neuromuscular junction 34
Neutropenia 78
Neutrophilia 78
Neutrophils 74, 78
Night blindness 450
Nissl granules 23, 33
Nitrogen narcosis 199
Nocturnal enuresis 430
Nodes of Ranvier 24
Non-hemolytic reactions 108
Non-hormonal factors 148
Non-insulin-dependent DM 315
Non-pitting edema 101
Nonsensory tracts 378, 380
Norepinephrine 148
Normal body temperature 271
composition of urine 262
hemoglobin content 57
range of blood pressure 143
RBC count 64
red blood corpuscle 61f
sinus rhythm 121
Normocytic normochromic anemia 71
division 7
membrane 5
pores 5
Nucleases 237, 246
Nuclei of brain 22
Nucleic acid-splitting enzymes 227
Nucleus 5, 23, 74
ambiguus 138, 188
emboliformis 408
globosus 408
gracilis and nucleus cuneatus 377, 382, 385
of lateral lemniscus 458
of tractus solitarius 188
parabrachialis 188
tractus solitarius 128
Nyctalopia 450
Obligatory water reabsorption 259
Occipital lobe 418
Oculomotor nerve 356
bulb 464, 465f
cortex 464
glomeruli 464
hallucination 465
mucosa 463, 465f
nerve 355, 463, 464
receptor cells 463
rod 463
tract 464
Oligodendrocytes 24, 352
Oliguria 150
Olivary nucleus 399
Omeprazole 223
Oncotic pressure 55
Oogenesis 333
chiasma 450
nerve 355, 450
radiation 450
cholecystography 235
contraceptives 345, 346
glucose tolerance test 317
rehydration solution 247
Organ of corti 456
Organic constituents 54, 226, 231, 237
Organization of
gastrointestinal tract 207
lymphatic system 100
Osmosis 17
Osmotic pressure gradient 99
Osteoblasts 298
Osteogenic cells 297
Osteomalacia 301
Osteoporosis 302, 306
Otolith organ 415
cortex and inner medulla 333
limiting membrane 446, 448
longitudinal layer 208
nuclear layer 446
plexiform layer 446, 448
pyramidal cell layer 419
cycle 334
hormones 338
carrying capacity of hemoglobin 181
dissociation curve of hemoglobin 182
hemoglobin dissociation curve 182f
Oxygenation of hemoglobin 181
Oxyhemoglobin 58, 181
Oxyntic glands 217
Oxytocin 287
cells 44, 223
tissue 46
Pacinian corpuscle 365
cell volume 62
red cells 107
Pain sensation 380, 386
Palpatory method 143
amylase 227, 244
function tests 229
insufficiency 245
islets of Langerhans 276
juice secretion 228
lipase 227, 247
polypeptide 318
Pancreatitis 229
Paneth cells 237
Papez circuit 425, 425f
Papillary muscles of heart 114
Paracrine secretion 275
Paradoxical sleep 428
Paralysis 399
Paralytic ileus 240
Paraplegia 400, 401
fibres 265
nervous system 422
preganglionic fibres 422
stimulation 137, 213, 422
system 421
gland 276, 297, 299
hormone 299
Parietal lobe 418, 420
Parieto-occipital sulcus 418
Parkinson's disease 405, 406
Parotid gland 210
gastrectomy 223
pressure of gases 178
Parts of
gastrointestinal system 208f
stomach 217f
Parturition 342
Patellar clonus 374
Patent ductus arteriosus 133
Pathway for crude touch 384f
experiment 435
theory of sleep 429
Peak expiratory flow rate 203
Pelvic nerves 265
abdomen 306
movement 238, 239
Peptic ulcer 222
Percentage saturation of hemoglobin 182
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 158
Pericardial fluid 113
Periodic breathing 191
chemoreceptors 190
cyanosis 196
nervous system 349
pulse tracing 141
resistance 145
Peristaltic rushes 240
capillaries 255
venules 255
Permanent method 345
Permeability of glomerular membrane 258
Pernicious anemia 69, 71, 219
Petit mal epilepsy 427
Peyer's patches 236
Phagocytic vacuoles 76
Phagocytosis 19, 76, 91, 352
Phantom limb 367
Pharyngeal stage of deglutition 215f
Pharynx 163
Phases of cardiac cycle 124t
Pheochromocytoma 145, 312
Phonocardiography 131
Phosphatidylcholine 1
Phosphatidylethanolamine 1
Photochemistry of vision 448
Photopic vision 448
Pigment epithelium 446
hypertension 145
rolling tremor 406
Piloerector muscles 270
gland 276, 289
thymus 289
Pinealocytes 289
Pinocytosis 20
Pituitary hyperglycemia 282
cells 86
layer 62
lipids 63
membrane 1
osmolality 103
proteins 54, 63
Plasminogen 96
Platelet 89
activating factor 89
aggregation 91
defects 97
plug formation 93
Pleural cavity 166
Pneumonia 195
Pneumotaxic center 188
Pneumothorax 166
PO4 buffer system 263
Polarized state of cell 25
Polychromatophilic normoblast 66
Polycythemia 63, 64, 195, 306
vera 64
Polydipsia 316
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte 74
Polyphagia 316
Polysynaptic reflex 373, 374
Polyuria 316
Porphyrin 57
derivative 57
hypertension 161
system 279
vein 230
Postcoital pill 346
column pathway 377
semicircular canal 413
white commissure 354
Post-hemorrhagic anemia 71
Posthepatic jaundice 233
Postsynaptic inhibition 361
Postural hypotension 145
glycocholate 232
ions 260
leak channel 16f
taurocholate 232
Power stroke 42
Pre-Botzinger complex 188
Precapillary sphincter 154
Precocious pseudopuberty 310, 326
parasympathetic fibers 208, 355
sympathetic efferent fiber 355
Pregnancy and lactation 340
Prehepatic jaundice 233
Premenstrual syndrome 337
Presbyopia 444, 445
inhibition 363
membrane 34
adrenal insufficiency 309
amenorrhea 326
bronchi 164
hemostasis 93
hyperaldosteronism 309
hypertension 144
peristaltic waves 215
spermatocytes 327
taste sensations 462
visual cortex 451
Primordial follicle 334
Processing of
endogenous antigen 86
exogenous antigens 85
Production of concentrated urine 261
Progesterone 339, 342
Prolactin inhibiting hormone 284
Prolonged corticosteroid therapy 79
Prominent Q wave 121
Prostaglandin 222
Prostatic duct 327
Protein-splitting enzymes 226, 237
Proteinuria 258
convoluted tubule 254
tubule 253, 254, 263
of nephron 259f
Pseudohermaphroditism 310, 325
Pseudounipolar neuron 21
Psychomotor epilepsy 427
Puberty 325
and menopause 325
Pudendal nerve 242
artery 130, 130f
circulation 167
edema 171, 195
function tests 203
hypertension 144
ventilation 176
vessels 166
Pulse pressure 142
Pump handle movement 169
Pupillary light reflexes 452, 452f
Purkinje fibres 114, 116
Purpuric spots in skin 97f
glands 217
sphincter 217
decussation 397
pathway 395
tract 396
lesion 400
QRS complex 120
Quadriplegia 400, 401
Radioimmunoassay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 342
Radioisotope method 65
Rapid eye movement sleep 428, 429
RBC count 63, 64
Rebound phenomenon 410
inside respiratory system 189
mediated endocytosis 19f
outside respiratory system 190
and white skeletal muscle fibres 38t
blood corpuscles 61
cell indices 69
fibres and white fibres 39
Referred pain 389
Reflex 434
activity 369
arc 369, 369f
control of respiration 189
Refractory period 29, 30f
in ventricular muscle 45
Regeneration tube 33
Regenerative sprouting 33
Regional circulation 154
Regulation of
acid base balance 262
ADH secretion 286
blood pressure 146, 146f
Regulation of blood volume 102, 103
body temperature 53
capillary circulation 155
cardiac output 135
gastric juice secretion 220
growth hormone secretion 282
heart rate 138
iron absorption 248
prolactin secretion 284
renal blood flow 256
respiration 187
salivary secretion 212
secretion of
aldosterone 308
corticosteroids 307
glucocorticoids 307f
hormones 277
pancreatic juice 227
parathormone 299
testosterone 331
small intestinal secretion 238
stroke volume 136
Relaxation of smooth muscle 49f
arteries 254
circulation 256
diseases 101
function tests 267
hypertension 145
medulla 252
papilla 252
pelvis 252
pyramids 252
tubule 253, 254
vein 255
Renin angiotensin-aldosterone
mechanism 148, 308
system 309f
Reproductive cell division 323f
or meiosis 8, 323
bronchiole 164
burst 76
center depression 191
dead space 176
membrane 178
minute volume 176
passages 163
pump 136
quotient 180
system 163
zone 165
membrane potential 25
tremor 406
Reticular formation 350, 411
Reticulocyte 67
Reticuloendothelial cells 82, 100
Reticulospinal tract 395, 398
Retina 446
Retinohypothalamic tract 289
Retrograde amnesia 434
Reverse stress relaxation 49
blood group system 106
incompatibility 109
Rhodopsin retinal visual cycle 449f
Rhythm method 346
Ribosome 3, 23
Rickets 301
and left coronary arteries 156
bundle branch 115
coronary artery 156
Rigor mortis 42
Rinne's test 459
Riva-Rocci cuff 143
Rods of corti 456
Role of
ADH in concentrating urine 262
cerebellum in muscle tone 409
cortisol in stress conditions 305
iodine in controlling thyroid functions 294
limbic system in
consciousness, memory and emotion 425
sexual behavior 425
melatonin in sleep wake cycle 430
Sertoli cells 329
vitamin k in coagulation 95
Rostral ventrolateral medulla 139
Rough endoplasmic reticulum 3
Rouleaux formation 63
Rubrospinal tract 399
Safe period 345, 346
Sagittal section of brain 412f
Saliva 210
amylase 244
gland 209211
reflexes 213
secretion 210
Sarcolemma 39
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 39
Sarcotubular system 40, 46
in skeletal muscle 40f
media 456
tympani 456
vestibuli 456
Scavenger cells of nervous system 352
Schwann cells 23, 24, 351
Scotopic vision 449
Sea sickness 417
Second order neurons 464
active transport 18, 245
bile acids 232
hemostasis 93
hypertension 145
peristaltic wave 215
polycythemia 64
sexual characters in male and female 324t
spermatocytes 328
arteries 254
veins 255
Semantic aphasia 432
Semicircular canals 413
Semilunar valve 114, 131
Seminal vesicles 327
Seminiferous tubules 327
Sense of
smell or olfaction 463
touch 382
Sense organ of taste 460
aphasia 432
homunculus 381f
loss 402
neural deafness 459
tracts 354, 378, 379
unit 368
Septal nucleus 424
Septic shock 150
Sertoli cells 329
creatinine 267
proteins 267
anemia 70
vasodilatation 150
chromatin 74
determination 324
steroids 298, 304, 310
Sexually transmitted diseases 347
Sharp pricking pain 386
Sherrington's classification 365
Shift of oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve 183f
Shock lung syndrome 152, 195
Shwabach's test 459
Sialography 211
Sickle cell anemia 59, 62
Sigmoid colon 241
Simple mucous glands 209
nerve 139, 190
reflex 139f, 147
Sinoatrial node 114
arrhythmia 139
nerve 190
Sites of erythropoiesis 65
Skeletal muscle 38, 50, 50t, 147
pump 136
Skin prick test 203
Sleep 427
apnea 192
bruxism 430
spindles 428
Slow wave sleep 429
juice 237
movements 238
intestine 236
lymphocyte 80
Smallest of glial cells 352
endoplasmic reticulum 3
muscle 47, 50
Snellen's chart 446
citrate 96
dependent glucose transporters 245
glycocholate 232
potassium pump 18f
of gas 179
product 298
cell division 6, 321
fibers 266
Somatotropin 281
Spastic paralysis 399
Spatial summation 361, 363
Spermatogenesis 327, 328f, 329
Spermatogonia 327
Spermatozoa 328
Spermiogenesis 328
Spherocytic anemia 63
Sphincter of Oddi 225, 231
Sphygmomanometer 143
accessory nerve 357
cardio-acceleratory center 138
cord 353
lemniscus 379
segment 353
Spinocerebellar tract 380
Spinocerebellum 408
Spino-olivary tract 378, 381
pathway 387
tract 378, 380
Spinotectal tract 378, 380
Spinothalamic tract 378
Spiral ganglion 457
Spirometer 173f
Spirometric measurements 172
Splanchnic nerve 226
Spleen and reticuloendothelial system 81
Splenic pulp 81
Spontaneous secretion 212
Spread of cardiac impulse 116
ST interval 120
Stages of
asphyxia 197
coma 197
convulsions 197
degeneration 31, 402
erythropoiesis 66, 67f, 68
exaggerated breathing 197
nuclear division 322
reflex activity 402
regeneration 32
shock 151
spinal shock 401
Stagnant hypoxia 195, 196
forces 99
law 43
Steatorrhea 247
Stem cells 66
Stenosis 114
Stensen's duct 210
Stereocilia 414
Stereognosis 377, 386
Stimulus artifact 28
Stomach 217
and gastric juice 217
Storage of bile 234
Stress function of sympathetic nervous system 422
receptors 189, 238
reflex 371, 394
Strip test 342
Stroke volume 134, 135
Structure of
cardiac muscle 44f
cell 1
membrane 2f
chemical synapse 359, 359f
crista ampullaris 414f
ear 455f
eye 442
gastric gland in fundus of stomach 218f
gastrointestinal tract 208f
graafian follicle 335f
hair cell 414f
iris 443f
juxtaglomerular apparatus 255f
juxtamedullary nephron 253f
motor neuron 22f
myosin 40
and actin filaments 41f
neuromuscular junction 35f
organ of corti 457f
ovary 333, 333f
oxyhemoglobin 58f
platelet 89
membrane 179f
system 164f
rod and cone 448f
sarcomere 39f
single smooth muscle cell 48f
skeletal muscle
myofibril 39
fibre 39
sperm 329
spermatozoon 329
taste bud 460, 461f
thin filament 40
uncoiled cochlea 456f
villus of small intestine 236f
Subacute combined degeneration 72, 219
Subcutaneous venous plexus 155
Subdural hematoma 427
Sublingual gland 210
Submandibular gland 210
gelatinosa of Rolando 354, 378, 379, 390f
nigra 404
Subthalamic nucleus 404
Sudden infant death syndrome 192
Summary of
carbohydrate digestion 244
protein digestion 246
synaptic transmission 360
cerebellar peduncle 350, 385, 407
colliculus 399
salivatory nucleus 211
anion 196
dismutase 77
Supinator jerk 372
Supplementary motor area 396, 420
Suppressor T cells 84
Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus 289, 428
Sustentacular cells 460
fibres 147, 208, 265, 421
ganglion 139f
nervous system 421
stimulation 137, 213, 421
vasoconstrictor fibers 147
vasodilator fibers 147
body 448
cleft 34
delay 360
facilitation 361
fatigue 360
inhibition 361
knobs 23
transmitters 23
Syndrome of inappropriate hypersecretion of ADH 287
Syntactic aphasia 432
and structure of hemoglobin 57
of aldosterone 307
of glucocorticoids 305f
Systemic hypertension 144
blood pressure 142
murmur 133
Tank respirator 202
Target cells 274
bud 460
pathway 460
pore 460
sensation or gustation 460
Taurocholic acid 232
Tectospinal tract 399
Temperature regulation 271, 423
lobe 418
summation 361, 363, 375
Temporary methods 345
bronchiole 164
button 34
cisterns 40
Testosterone 330
Tests of
coagulation 96
ovulation 336
pregnancy 342
nuclei 392f
syndrome 392
Thalamus 350, 391
Thalassemia 59
Thelarche 326
Theories of hearing 459
Thick and thin filaments 40
Thickness of respiratory membrane 179
heart sound 132
order neurons 378
Thoracolumbar outflow 421
Thoroughfare vessels 154
Thrombasthenia 92
Thrombocytopenia 90, 92
Thrombocytosis 89, 92
Thrombopoiesis 65, 91
Thymocytes 290
Thymosin 290
Thymus 290
Thyroglobulin 292
gland 276, 291
hormones 140
stimulating hormone 280, 285, 294
Thyrotoxicosis 145
Thyrotropin releasing hormone 284
Thyroxine binding globulin 293
Tidal volume 172, 173
Timed vital capacity 175, 203
fluid 99
macrophage system 81
Total lung capacity 173, 173f, 174
Tracheobronchial tree 164, 164f, 165f
Tract of Burdach 378
cuneatus 380
gracilis 380
Transitional epithelium 265
Transmembrane protein channels 16f
Transport of
carbon dioxide 184
gases 178
oxygen 181
thyroid hormones 293
colon 241
tubules 39
Trapezoid body 458
Travelling wave theory 459
Treatment of
Addison's disease 310
diabetes mellitus 317
hemolytic disease of newborn 107
pernicious anemia 72
shock 152
Triceps jerk 372
Tricuspid valve 114
lemniscus 382
nerve 356
Trigeminothalamic tract 382, 384
Triple rhythm 132
Trochlear nerve 356
True precocious puberty 326
Trypsin inhibitor 226
Tubectomy 345, 346
reabsorption 258
secretion 260
Tufted cells 464
Tumor suppressor genes 10
Tunica albuginea 333
Tunnel of corti 456
Turner's syndrome 325
Tympanic reflex 455
Types of
cell division 321
conditioned reflexes 435
diabetes 315
edema 101
gastrointestinal glands 209
hypertension 144
hypoxia 194
jaundice 233
learning 433
memory 433
muscle contraction 42
pain 386
secretion of hormones 274
superficial pain sensations 386
transport across cell membrane 15
white blood cells 74f
Ultrasound scan 203, 268
Undescended testes 330
Unipolar leads 118
Upper respiratory tract 163
Ureters 265
Urethra 252, 327
Uric acid 260
bladder 252, 265
tract 252
Uses of lumbar puncture 438
Uterine cycle 336
Vagal tone 138
Vaginal cycle 337
and glossopharyngeal nerve 388
nerve 356
Valves of heart 114
Vanillyl mandelic acid 310
Vas deferens 327
Vasa recta 255
defects 97
spasm 93
Vasectomy 347
Vasopressin 148, 286
drainage of heart 156
obstruction 101
tone 136
Ventilation perfusion ratio 177
cochlear nuclei 457
median fissure 353
motor root 353
posteromedial nucleus of thalamus 382
respiratory group 188
spinothalamic tract 378
diastole 123125, 130
muscle action potential 44
repolarization 120
systole 123, 124
Verbal aphasia 432
Vertebral arteries 159
Vertigo 416
apparatus 413
dysfunction 416
Vestibular membrane 456
Vestibulocerebellum 408
Vestibulocochlear nerve 356
Vestibulospinal tract 398
Vibration sense 377
pain 388
sensation 388
sensations 377
smooth muscle 48, 48f, 48t, 50t
Viscosity of blood 63, 146, 160
Vision 442
acuity 446
optics 444
pathway 450
pigments 449
Vital capacity 173, 174
Vitamin 68, 248
B12 68, 219
D 270
K antagonists 96
Vitreous humor 444
Voluntary motor activity 396
Vomiting 224
associated with pregnancy
von Willebrand factor 91
Wallerian degeneration 32
Wandering macrophages 82
Water reabsorption in renal tubule 259
Waves of ECG 119t
Weber's test 459
Wernicke's area 420, 431, 432
Wharton's duct 210
White blood corpuscles 73
Wintrobe hematocrit tube 62
Withdrawal reflex 373
Wolff-Chaikoff effect 294
Wolffian duct 325
X cranial nerve 460
X descent 128
X linked recessive trait 452
Y descent 128
Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of color vision 452
fasciculata 303
glomerulosa 303
of adrenal cortex 308f
reticularis 303
adherens 11
occludens 10
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

1General Physiology


Cell is the structural, functional and developmental unit of life. The term cell was coined by the British scientist Robert Hooke in 1665. There are about 100 trillion cells in the human body, the most abundant being red blood corpuscles (25 trillion). Cell biology is the study of cellular structure and functions.
An animal cell consists of a cell membrane or plasma membrane which encloses cytoplasm and nucleus. The cell membrane is very thin and can be seen under an electron microscope. Detailed structure of the cell is shown in (Fig. 1.1).
Plasma Membrane
Each cell is enclosed by a membrane called plasma membrane which separates intracellular fluid from extracellular fluid. It protects the nucleus and the organelles. It is a selectively permeable membrane which regulates transport of substances into and out of the cell. It allows some substances to pass through it and excludes others. The nucleus and other organelles are also surrounded by a membrane.
Under electron microscope, the plasma membrane is a three-layered structure, 8-10 nm in thickness. Phospholipids, cholesterol and glycolipids form the major lipids of the cell membrane. Phospholipids are phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The shape of the phospholipid molecule is roughly that of a clothespin. The head end of the molecule contains a phosphate portion and is relatively soluble in water and is called polar or hydrophilic end. The tail portion is relatively insoluble and is called nonpolar or hydrophobic end. The uncharged hydrophobic end resides within the depth of the cell membrane and the charged hydrophilic end is exposed to the ECF and cytoplasm (Fig. 1.2).
zoom view
Fig. 1.1: Electron microscopic structure of a cell
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Structure of cell membrane
The proteins associated with cell membrane are of two types: Integral proteins or transmembrane proteins span the whole width of the membrane and peripheral proteins are present on the surface of the cell membrane either on the inside or on the outside. Transmembrane proteins act as ion channels.
Functions of Cell Membrane Proteins
  1. Integral proteins contribute to the structure of cell membrane.
  2. Some cell membrane proteins anchor cells to their neighbors or to the basal lamina.
  3. Some proteins function as pumps for active transport of substances, e.g. Na+-K+ pump.
  4. Carrier proteins transport substances down their electrochemical gradient, e.g. glucose transporters (GLUT).
  5. Ion channels permit passage of ions into or out of the cell when activated e.g. Na+ channel, Ca2+ channel, etc.
  6. Proteins act as enzymes catalyzing chemical reactions on the membrane surface.3
  7. Some membrane proteins act as receptor sites for hormones and neurotransmitters, e.g. acetyl-choline (ACh) receptor, insulin receptor, etc.
  8. Some proteins act as antigens and stimulate antibody production.
Cytoplasm consists of all the contents of cell between plasma membrane and nucleus. It is divided into cytosol and organelles. Cytosol is the fluid portion of cytoplasm containing water, proteins, lipids, solutes, etc. Organelles have characteristic shape and perform specific functions, e.g. centrosome, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, etc. (Fig. 1.1). Some organelles are bound by a limiting membrane and others do not have a limiting membrane. Ribosomes and cytoskeleton do not have limiting membrane.
Centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles. The centrioles are cylindrical structures, and each is composed of nine clusters of three microtubules arranged in a circular pattern. When a cell divides, the centrosomes duplicate themselves and the pairs move apart to form the poles of the mitotic spindles, which are made of microtubules.
Ribosomes are small granular structures which contain ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. rRNA is synthesized by DNA in the nucleolus. Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis in the cell. Ribosomes are of two types, free ribosomes present in the cytoplasm and bound ribosomes located in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Bound ribosomes synthesize most of the proteins that are secreted by the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum is made up of tubules and vesicles. Endoplasmic reticulum is continuous with the nuclear membrane. Two types of endoplasmic reticulum are rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) studded with ribosomes and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), which has no ribosomes attached to it. RER synthesizes proteins. SER is the site of synthesis of fatty acids, phospholipids, steroids, etc. Steroid secreting cells are rich in SER. In skeletal and cardiac muscle cells, SER is called sarcoplasmic reticulum from which Ca2+ is released during muscle contraction. SER is also the site of detoxification of drugs and poisons especially in liver cells.
Golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus is an organelle with secretory activity. It is present in all cells except red blood cells. It consists of flattened sacs called cisterns. Associated with cisterns are Golgi vesicles. The Golgi complex processes and delivers proteins and lipids to different parts of the cell. It also forms lysosome and secretory vesicles. The secretory vesicles bud off from the cistern into the cytoplasm and are finally exocytosed to the cell exterior.4
Lysosomes are membrane-enclosed vesicles filled with enzymes which are budded off from the Golgi complex. It forms the digestive apparatus of the cell. Lysosomal enzymes are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and then processed by the Golgi apparatus.
  1. There are about 40 different types of hydrolytic enzymes inside the lysosomes. They digest large molecules of proteins, polysaccharides, fats and nucleic acids.
  2. Lysosomes remove old and worn out cell organelles.
  3. Lysosomal enzymes released at the site of inflammation help to digest cellular debris, bacteria, etc. and prepare the area for repair.
  4. The granules of neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are actually lysosomes.
Peroxisomes are structurally similar to lysosomes, but they are functionally different. They are much smaller in size. They remove the highly toxic hydrogen peroxide formed in the cell and thus protect the cell. Peroxisomes in the liver detoxify alcohol and other harmful compounds.
Mitochondrion is a rod shaped structure with a diameter of 0.5 to 1μm. Mitochondria are called the powerhouses of the cell and are the sites of generation of ATP. It is covered by a double-layered membrane; the outer layer is smooth and the inner membrane is arranged in a series of folds called cristae. The cavity of mitochondrion is filled with matrix. Chemical reactions of cellular respiration occur in the matrix and cristae, catalyzed by enzymes present in these areas. Mitochondria contain their own DNA and so can replicate and increase their number. Mitochondrial genes are inherited from the mother in contrast to nuclear genes which are inherited from both parents.
Lysosomes degrade proteins delivered to them in vesicles which are phagocytosed from outside. Sometimes the proteins formed in the cytoplasm also need to be removed from the cell. Proteasomes are tiny structures in the cell that cause continuous destruction of abnormal proteins and unneeded proteins produced inside the cell.
Cytoskeleton is a network of different kinds of protein filaments present in the cytosol. It provides a structural framework for the cell. It also helps in the movement of organelles in the cell, movement of chromosomes during cell division and also helps in phagocytic activity. Three types of filaments contribute to cytoskeleton:
  1. Microfilaments
  2. Intermediate filaments
  3. Microtubules5
Microfilaments are the thinnest elements which are about 3-5 nm in diameter. They are composed of two actin strands that are coiled helically. It provides mechanical support and helps in the movement of the cell. Microfilaments help in muscle contraction, cell division, movement of phagocytes to the sites of inflammation, etc. Microfilaments also support microvilli of epithelial cells.
Intermediate Filaments
Intermediate filaments are thicker than microfilaments with a diameter of 8-10 nm. They are made up of fibrous proteins. They help to maintain the shape of the cell. They help to stabilize the position of organelles like nucleus.
Microtubule is the largest cytoskeletal component. They are unbranched hollow tubular structures composed of the protein, tubulin (α-tubulin and β-tubulin subunits). Centrosome is the site of formation of microtubules. Functions of microtubules are:
  1. They help to maintain cell shape and also help in the movement of secretory vesicles and mitochondria from one part of the cell to another.
  2. They form mitotic spindle and participate in the movement of chromosomes during cell division.
  3. They also help in the movement of cilia and flagella.
Cilia and Flagella
Cilia and flagella are motile processes of cells. Both have the same diameter but flagella are about 10 times longer. Cilia usually occur in large numbers on cell surface while flagella are usually limited to one or two per cell. Mucociliary transport seen in respiratory tract is a function of cilia. Movement of sperm is due to flagellar action.
Nucleus is present in almost all cells of the body except some cells like mature red blood cells. The functions of nucleus are control of cellular activity and production of ribosomes in the nucleolus. Usually, one nucleus is present in each cell but there are exceptions. Skeletal muscle cells have more than one nucleus. Nucleus consists mainly of the chromosomes.
A double layered membrane called nuclear membrane separates nucleus from cytoplasm. The outer membrane is continuous with rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nuclear pores are openings present in the nuclear envelope which control movement of substances across nuclear membrane (Fig. 1.1).
The nucleus contains one or more nucleoli whose function is to produce ribosomes. It contains the genes for ribosome synthesis. Nucleolus is not enclosed by a membrane and contains protein, DNA and RNA. It is the site of synthesis of rRNA. Nucleoli disappear during cell division.
Each human cell except gametes, contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. In a pair, one chromosome is contributed by the mother and the other by the father and they are called homologous chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of long DNA molecule coiled together in the form of a double helix to 6which several proteins are incorporated. This complex of DNA, proteins, especially histones and RNA forms chromatin.
Chromatin is made up of bead-like structures called nucleosome, which consists of double-stranded DNA wrapped around a core of 8 proteins called histones which help in the coiling and folding of DNA. Just before cell division, the DNA replicates and the loops condense to form a pair of chromatids which constitute a chromosome.
A multicellular organism begins its life as a single cell formed by the fusion of ovum and sperm. This cell by the process of cell division and differentiation transforms into the multicellular organism. Cell division and differentiation continues till the death of the organism. Cell division are of two types:
  1. Mitosis occurring in somatic cells necessary for growth and repair
  2. Meiosis occurring in the germ cells of the gonads involved in sexual reproduction
Somatic Cell Division or Mitosis
In mitosis, a parent cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells with the genetic constitution same as that of the parent cell, i.e. the daughter cells contain same number of chromosomes as that of the parent cell. The daughter cells will be morphologically and physiologically similar.
Cell Cycle
Cell cycle includes the growth and division of a single cell into two daughter cells. A cell normally divides after a certain period of its growth. The cell division takes place when the cell has grown to its maximum size. Each cell has two phases in its life cycle:
  1. Interphase
  2. Cell division or mitotic phase
The stage of a cell in between divisions is called interphase. During this stage, replication of DNA, centrosome and centrioles occur and the cell grows and prepares for cell division. The RNA and proteins necessary for the doubling of all cellular components are manufactured in this phase. The chromosomes are not visible in this phase. Interphase is divided into three phases:
  1. G1 phase (gap or growth phase) and G0 phase
  2. S phase (synthesis phase)
  3. G2 phase
G1 and G0 Phase
This phase occurs immediately after a cell division. Growth of the cell, metabolism and production of substances necessary for cell division occur in this phase. The duration of this phase varies in different situations. It is less in rapidly dividing cells like cells of bone marrow, germinal layers of skin, epithelium of gut, etc.
Cells that do not divide are permanently arrested in the G1 phase and is termed G0 phase. Neurons, heart muscle cells and skeletal muscle cells are in the G0 phase, i.e. they do not divide because they are permanently arrested in the G0 phase after birth.7
S Phase or Synthesis Phase
Chromosomes and centrosome replicate in this phase which is the longest phase. The original DNA molecule becomes 2 DNA molecules. Once a cell enters S phase, it is committed to undergo cell division.
G2 Phase
G2 phase is another period of growth of the cell. Centriole divides to form a new pair.
Mitotic Phase or M Phase
The cell division occurring in somatic cell is called mitosis. The daughter cells produced are quantitatively similar. This phase consists of two stages (Fig. 1.3):
  • Nuclear division
  • Cytoplasmic division
Nuclear Division
It consists of the following stages:
  • Prophase
  • Metaphase
  • Anaphase
  • Telophase
Prophase: This is the longest phase. The chromatin fibers condense and shorten to form chromosome which consists of two chromatids. The constriction that holds the chromatids together is the centromere. In late prophase, centrosome form mitotic spindle that gets attached to centromere. The centrosomes are pushed to the poles of the cell. The nucleolus disappears and nuclear membrane breaks down. The chromosomes now lie in the cytoplasm without any definite arrangement.
Metaphase: The chromosomes move towards the centre of the cell. The centromeres get arranged at the exact centre of the mitotic spindle and this part forms the equatorial plane. The chromosomes become visible in this stage.
Anaphase: This is the shortest phase. The centromeres split longitudinally and the two members of the chromatid pair move towards the opposite poles of the cell. The separated chromatids are called daughter chromosomes. The daughter chromosomes are pulled to the opposite poles of the cell by the contraction of the fibers of the spindle attached to centromere.
zoom view
Fig. 1.3: Somatic cell division where two diploid, indentical daughter cells are formed
8Telophase: The identical sets of chromosomes at each pole of the cell uncoil and form chromatin threads. The nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin mass, nucleoli reappear and mitotic spindle disappears.
Cytoplasmic Division
Cytoplasmic division begins in late anaphase or early telophase of mitosis. A slight indentation of the plasma membrane called cleavage furrow appears midway between the centrosomes (equatorial plane) and extends around the periphery of the cell. The plasma membrane is pulled progressively inward due to contraction of the actin and myosin filaments in the contractile ring. The contraction ring constricts the centre of the cell and ultimately pinches the cell into two (Fig. 1.3). When cytokinesis is completed, the cell enters the interphase stage of next cell cycle.
Reproductive Cell Division or Meiosis
The division of germ cells is called meiosis. It involves reduction in the number of chromosomes to half the original number. Male and female reproductive cells divide meiotically to form gametes which fuse to form a diploid organism.
Meiosis is divided into two stages (Fig. 55.1):
  1. Meiosis I
  2. Meiosis II
Meiosis I
Nuclear division of meiosis I is divided into:
  1. Prophase I
  2. Metaphase I
  3. Anaphase I
  4. Telophase I
Prophase I
This is the longest phase. The homologous chromosomes, one derived from each parent, pair along their entire length.
Individual chromosome of each pair splits longitudinally into two similar chromatids. Thus, each group which initially consisted of two homologous chromosomes becomes four chromatids (tetrad). Enzymes called endonucleases break chromatids into segments and the segments rejoin. During this rejoining, exchange of genetic material between chromatids occurs. This process is called crossing over. This is followed by separation of the paired chromosomes which is called disjunction. The homologous chromosomes separate. The nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappear. Spindle fibers originate from the poles.
Metaphase I
Spindle formation is completed and chromosomes get arranged at the equator of the spindle.
Anaphase I
The two chromosomes of each bivalent move along the spindle to the opposite poles. The diploid number of chromosomes is reduced to haploid number.9
Telophase I
The chromosomes at each pole form chromatin fiber. Nucleolus and nuclear membrane reappear and two haploid daughter nuclei are formed.
Cytoplasmic division is similar to that occurring in somatic cell division.
Meiosis II
This is similar to somatic cell division, but the two daughter cells are quantitatively and qualitatively different from the parent cell before meiosis I. This is due to reduction division and crossing over.
Significance of meiosis II:
  • Four haploid daughter cells are formed from a single diploid cell.
  • Each cell forms a gamete. The diploid number is restored when the gametes fuse during fertilization so that continuity of species is maintained. Thus, a constant chromosome number is maintained in successive generations.
  • Due to crossing over, genetic variation is possible.
Apoptosis is programmed cell death that is genetically controlled. It is a natural phenomenon. Apoptosis is responsible for the degeneration of many unwanted tissues like web in the fingers during fetal life. It is different from necrosis which is a pathological phenomenon. Inflammatory responses are not seen in apoptosis. No leakage of cell contents occurs and neighboring cells remain healthy. Whereas in necrosis, the healthy cells are destroyed, surrounding tissue is affected and inflammatory responses are present. Necrosis is referred to as cell murder where as apoptosis is cell suicide.
Changes in apoptosis
  • Changes in apoptosis may involve single cells or cluster of cells.
  • During apoptosis, the cells lose their contact with the extracellular matrix via the cell adhesion molecules.
  • The apoptotic cell becomes round or oval and the size decreases.
  • Fragmentation of nuclear chromatin occurs due to activation of nuclease.
  • Proteolysis of cytoskeletal structures occur.
  • Nucleus and cytoplasm eventually break up into small cell remnants called apoptotic bodies.
  • The apoptotic bodies are either phagocytosed by macrophages or are shed from the epithelial surface.
Significance of Apoptosis
  • In fetal life, apoptosis is responsible for the removal of webs between the fingers, and regression of Wolffian or Mullerian duct system in the course of sexual differentiation.
  • In females, apoptosis is responsible for the cyclic breakdown of endometrium leading to menstruation.
  • Rapid turnover of enterocytes of intestine is due to apoptosis of mucosal cells as they reach the tip of the villus.
  • Drugs used for the treatment of cancer induce apoptosis in the cancer cells.10
Applied Physiology
Abnormalities in genes that regulate apoptosis are associated with many diseases like autoimmune diseases, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease. Tumor suppressor genes produce proteins that inhibit cell division. Cancers are produced when tumor suppressor genes are damaged. Tumor suppressor gene called p53 on chromosome 17 is very important in preventing cancer. It also induces apoptosis in cells where DNA is abnormal. So, p53 is called guardian angel of the genome.
Cell junctions are contact points between the cell membrane of adjacent cells of a tissue. A group of proteins called cell adhesion molecules help to hold cells in their place in the tissue. The important cell adhesion molecules are integrins, cadherins and selectins. Cell adhesion molecules attach cells to the basal lamina and to each other. Some cell junctions provide channels for ions and molecules to pass from cell to cell.
There are two types of intercellular connections:
  1. Connections that fasten the cells to one another and to the surrounding tissues, which include tight junctions, desmosomes, zonula adherens, hemidesmosomes and focal adhesions.
  2. Connections that permit transfer of ions and molecules from one cell to another, e.g. gap junctions.
Tight Junctions or Zonula Occludens
Tight junctions connect apical margins of adjacent cells to one another strongly. They are made up of ridges, half from one cell and half from the other (Fig. 1.4). The ridges adhere so strongly that there will be no space between the cells at the tight junctions. They are seen in the epithelium of gastric and intestinal mucosa, urinary bladder, renal tubules and choroid plexus.
Functions of tight junctions
  • Tight junctions provide strength and stability to the tissues.
  • In the brain, tight junctions between the endothelial cells of cerebral blood vessels contribute to the effectiveness of blood-brain-barrier.
zoom view
Fig. 1.4: Intercellular connections
Zonula Adherens
Zonula adherens is located below the base of tight junctions and is a cell to cell anchoring junction. It contains the cell adhesion molecules cadherins.
Desmosomes are the junctions characterized by focal thickening of two adjacent cell membranes. At the thickened part, the intercellular space contains intermediate filaments and cadherins (Fig. 1.4). They attach cells to one another and are mainly seen between cells of epidermis and cardiac muscle cells. Desmosomes prevent cells from pulling apart during contraction especially in cardiac muscle cells.
Hemidesmosomes appear like half desmosomes and they anchor cells to the basement membrane and not to each other.
Focal Adhesions
Focal adhesions attach cells to the basal lamina. They are associated with actin filaments inside the cell and they play an important role in cell movement.
Gap Junctions
Gap junctions form tunnels that join the cytoplasm of two cells. Normally, the width of the intercellular space is 25 nm. But at gap junctions, the intercellular space narrows to 3 nm. They are made up of special transmembrane proteins known as connexons (Fig. 1.4).
  • Gap junctions permit substances to pass from one cell into the adjacent one without entering the ECF. For example, ions, sugars, amino acids and certain chemical messengers like hormones pass from one cell to another through the gap junctions.
  • Since it allows ions to pass from one cell to the next cell it helps in rapid propagation of electrical activity from cell to cell in certain tissues like cardiac muscle.