Practical Aspects of Pediatrics and Neonatology for Nurses Amar Mohanrao Taksande
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
distension 124
paracentesis 113, 117
surgery 152
tapping 117f
chest trauma 90
hemolytic reaction 133
polyneuritis 113
respiratory distress syndrome 154
Administration of
dialysate 151
oxygen 47
mask 74
nebulizers 78
Airway 60
Anthropometry 1
Aplastic anemia 107
Apnea 156
monitor 167, 168f
Arterial spasm 147
Aspiration pneumonia 123
Assist control mode ventilation 171
Assisted ventilation 48
fibrillation 150
flutter 150
Auto-disable syringes with fixed needles 32
Axillary temperature 66, 67f
Baby friendly hospital initiative 12
Bacille Calmette-Guérin 40
Bag mask ventilation 62, 62f
Bathroom weighing scale 2f
Benefits of breastfeeding 7
Bilirubinometer 158f
Bleeding disorders 109
Blocking of ETT 156
components 132
pressure 71
measurement in children 71
measurement in infant 72
transfusion 131, 132f, 134
and exchange transfusion 131
Bone marrow aspiration 107, 108f
needle 108
Bradycardia 123, 156
Breastfeeding 7
Breathing 61
exercises 88
Bronze baby syndrome 160
Calculation of
flow rate 23
fluid requirement 21
Capillary sample 104f
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 60
nervous system 113
catheters 139
lines 139
Cerebrospinal fluid 113
circumference 4
compression 44, 50, 63f
physical therapy 81, 88
bowel obstruction 23
myelogenous leukemia 107
renal failure 150
Circulation 63
Cirrhosis of liver 109
Cisternal puncture 116
Clearance of airway 46
Closed incubators 78
Clove hitch restraint 98, 99f
Cold light source 161, 161f
Colitis 124
Collection of
blood sample 105f
sample 103, 106
sputum 105
stool 104, 104f
urine 103
in male child 103f
Colostomy 125, 125, 152
Complete blood count 174
Complication of
IV infusion 20
restraints 99
surfactant delivery 156
Congenital gastrointestinal anomalies 23
Continuous positive airway pressure 56f, 172
Crib-net restraint 99, 99f
Crown-heel length 4
Cytomegalovirus 134f
Dehydration 152
Delayed immune reactions 133
Deltoid muscle 33
Detecto scale 1, 1f
Dialysate solution 151
Diaphragm driven 85
breathing 89
hernia with lung hypoplasia 154
blood pressure apparatus 72
thermometer 68, 68f
weighing scale 3f
Diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis vaccine 39
Direct Coombs' test 135
Disequilibrium syndrome 152
barrel colostomy 126
surface phototherapy 160f
Drainage of
lower lobe lateral basal 91f
right middle lobe
lateral segment 91f
medial segment 92f
upper lobe
apical segment 91f
posterior segment 91f
Dry powder inhaler 84
Dyselectrolytemia 152
Elbow restraint 98, 99f
Electrochemical sensors 166
Emergency drugs 44
Enclosure system 74, 78
intubation 52, 54f
tube 43, 44, 57, 58f
Enema 102, 123
procedure 124f
Epistaxis 123
Exchange transfusion 135, 136f
Expanded program on immunization 38
Expressed breast milk 10
External jugular venipuncture 146
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 154
Face mask 59, 59f
Fecal fistula 152
of low-birth weight neonates 15
tubes 44
venipuncture 101, 101f, 146, 147f
venous catheterization 142
Fluid tapping procedures 113
Flushing technique 72
Fowler's position 120
citrate-phosphate-dextrose blood 136
frozen plasma 133
Frog-leg position 101
Fumigation procedure 96
Gastric lavage 122, 122f
Gastrointestinal and genitourinary procedures 122
Gastrostomy feeding 16, 18, 18f
Gaucher's disease 107
Gavage feeding 15, 16
Glucometer 165, 165f
Graft versus host disease 133
Granulocytes 133
Haemophilus influenzae 38
Hand drying 95
circumference 4
tilt-chin lift 61, 61f
Heart rate 56f
Hematoma 147
Hematuria 111
Hemorrhage 109, 111, 113, 152
Hepatitis 109
A, C, B 134
High-flow system 74, 77
Human immunodeficiency virus 134
Hydrocephalus 113
Hyperthermia 160
Hypocalcemia in preterm infants 160
Hyponatremia 123
Hypoproteinemia 152
Hypoprothrombinemia 109
Hypotension 156
Hypoxia 123
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 107
Immunization 38
Incubator 162, 162f
Indian Association of Pediatrics Immunization Schedule 39t
feeding and fluid therapy 7
laryngoscope 44
Inflammatory bowel disease 23
Infusion pumps 169
devices 81
therapy devices 81
Initiation of mechanical ventilation in neonatal lung disease 172
Insensible water loss 160
Insertion of central venous catheter 140
Instillation of
ear drops 30f
eye drops 29f
nasal drops 28f
Intensive care unit 94
bleeding 147
jugular catheterization 141, 142f
Intractable diarrhea 23
Intradermal injection 36f
Intramuscular injection 30, 34f, 35f
Intraosseous infusion 153
fluid therapy 21
infusion 19, 30, 31
injection 30
solution 22t
Jacket restraint 98, 98f
Jaw thrust 61
Jet nebulizers 85, 86
Jugular venipuncture 100, 101f
mother care 12, 14f
positioning 13
Knee restraint 99
Korotkoff sounds 72
majora 130
minora 130
Laryngoscope 58, 59f
blade 54
Laryngospasm 123
Leakage of fluid around catheter 152
Leucoplast 44
Leukemia 107
abscess 109
biopsy 109, 110f
birth weight babies 3
flow system 74, 75
Lower lobe
anterior basal 91
lateral basal 91
posterior basal segment 91
superior segment 91
Lumbar puncture 100, 114, 114f
Malaria 134
Mantoux test 37, 37f
Measure mid-arm circumference 5
Measurement of
chest circumference 5f
head circumference 5f
mid-arm circumference 5f
Meconium aspiration syndrome 154
Meningitis 113
Mercury sphygmomanometer 71f
Metered-dose inhaler 81
with spacer 81, 82, 82f
and face 81, 83
and mask 81, 83f
Method of
breastfeeding 8, 9f
expressed breast milk 10f
irrigation 126
nasojejunal feeding 18f
preparation of homemade oral rehydration solution 24
Mid-arm circumference 5
Modes of mechanical ventilation 171
breathing 62f
ventilation 61
Multiple injections 36
Mummy restraint 98f
Myelodysplastic syndrome 107
catheter 74, 75, 75f
continuous positive airway pressure 173
drops 27
prong 74, 75, 75f
Nasogastric feeding 16f
Nasojejunal tube feeding 16, 17
Nasopharyngeal catheter 74, 76
Nasotracheal intubation 54
National Immunization Schedule 39t
Nebulization 85f
Nebulizers 85
Needle placement 141
inhaler 88f
inhaler method 88
intensive care unit 94
resuscitation 43, 55
transfusion 134
Non-breathing mask 77f
Non-immune-mediated reactions 134
Non-nutritive sucking 11
Non-rebreathing mask 74, 77
Open jug method 87, 88f
mucus suction 44
polio vaccine 40
rehydration solution 24
temperature 65, 66
Orotracheal intubation 53
Osteomyelitis 147
Overexpansion of right lung 156
Overhydration 152
administration 74
concentrators 73
cylinders 73
delivery 57
hood 74, 78, 78f
source 44
tent 74, 79, 79f
therapy 73, 79
toxicity 80
Packed red blood cells 132
Partial rebreathing mask 74, 76
Parts of
incubator 162
laryngoscope 58
self-inflating resuscitation bag 57
flow meter 167, 168f
inspiratory pressure 170
Perforation of viscera 110, 111
Pericardiocentesis 113, 120, 120f
Peripherally inserted central catheters 142, 142f
Peritoneal dialysis 150, 151f
Peritonitis 152
Phototherapy 159
Platelets 133
Platform beam scale 3f
Pneumonia 154
Pneumothorax 110, 156
Poliomyelitis 113
Portal hypertension 145
end-expiratory pressure 170
pressure ventilation 43, 48, 56f
Postcatheter placement 143
Posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis artery puncture 149
Postural drainage 90
Premature infants 23
control ventilation 171, 172
support ventilation 172
Pressurized metered-dose inhaler 81, 81f
Prevention of sepsis 93
Procedure of endotracheal intubation 53
Protein-energy malnutrition 1
atelectasis 152
edema 90
embolism 90
hemorrhage 156
oxygen toxicity 80
venous return 145
oximeter 166, 166f
rate 69
Purified protein derivative 37
Pursed lip breathing 89
Radial artery puncture 148, 149f
Radiant warmer 44, 45f, 55, 164, 164f
Rate of compression 52
bleeding 124
procedures 101f
route 27
temperature 65, 66, 66f
thermometer 68f
Red blood cells 131
Reflectance photometers 166
Refractory hypoxemia 155
Renal biopsy 111
distress syndrome 154, 155
embarrassment 152
rate 70, 167
Retinal damage 160
Retinopathy of prematurity 80
Right middle lobe lateral segment 91
Role of nurse 6
before and after administration of injection 36
during exchange transfusion 138
in breastfeeding 11
in immunization 40
in nebulization 86
Rotahaler 84f
Routine immunization in India 38
Safe injection practices 31
Salmonella typhi 38
Salter weighing scale 2f
Scalp vein 101
Scan thermometer 68, 68f
Scissor 44
Secondary pulmonary infections 156
Segmental breathing 89
Seldinger technique 140
bag 57f
with face mask 44
resuscitation bag 57
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube 127, 127f
Septic arthritis 147
Septicemia 152
anemia 109
chest infection 152
Shock 109
Simple oxygen mask 74, 76, 76f
Sites of
intraosseous infusion 153f
intravenous infusion 19f
Sitting lumbar position 100f
Skin rash 160
Sniffing position 46f
Spinal compression 113
Spoon feeding 11f
Sputum collection 105f
Staphylococcus aureus 93
Steam inhalation method 87
Steps of
neonatal resuscitation 56f
venesection 148f
Sterile suction catheter 44
Stethoscope 44
Storage disorders 107
Subclavian vein catheterization 141, 141f
Subcutaneous injection 35f
puncture 116
tap 101
Suprapubic bladder puncture 128, 128f
Supraventricular tachycardia with decompensation 150
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 172
Syringe pump 169, 169f
Tactile stimulation 43
technique 47, 47f
Technique of
breastfeeding 8
chest compression 51
giving injection 34
intubation 52
resuscitation 44
Temporal artery puncture 149
Ten steps of successful breastfeeding 12
Tepid sponge 69
Tetanus toxoid 39
Thermometer 67
Thickness of subcutaneous fat 5
Thoracocentesis 113, 118, 119f
Throat swab 105, 105f
Thrombocytopenia 109
Thromboembolism 145
Thumb technique 51, 51f
Total parenteral nutrition 23
Transfusion procedure 132
Treponema pallidum 134
Tube feeding 15
Two-finger method 51, 51f
Tympanic infrared thermometer 68, 69f
Types of
colostomy 126
discharge 125
restraint 98
surfactant 154
therapy 155
tube feeding 15
weighing machines 2
Ultrasonic nebulizer 87
catheterization 144f
venous catheterization 144
Universal immunization program 39
Upper lobe
apical segment 90
posterior segment 91
catheterization 129
in female 130f
in male 129f
tract infections 130
Vaccine preventable diseases 38
Vein selection 147
Venipuncture 105
Ventilator 170, 170f
associated lung injury 172
parameters 170
fibrillation 150
puncture 115, 115f
tachycardia 150
tap 101, 101f
Vessel transillumination 162
Vital signs 65
Volume controlled ventilation 171
Volumetric pumps 169
Watery diarrhea 160
Wet colostomy 126
WHO technique of vaccine administration 35
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

AnthropometryCHAPTER 1

Anthropometry is the measurement of certain parameters of the human body. It is used not only to assess nutritional status, but to study the growth and development in young children and adults. Growth is a measure of physical maturation, signifies an increase in size of the body and its various organs. Thus, it can be measured in terms of centimeters and kilograms. Growth and development are the most distinctive attributes of children, which distinguish them from adults. The anatomical characteristics and functional maturity of organs at different ages affect the incidence and manifestations of diseases in children; childhood disorders can profoundly and adversely affect the growth and development of children. Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is the core health problem in children, which makes them vulnerable to develop a variety of infectious diseases perpetuating a vicious cycle of disease and debility. The main aim is to assess the physical parameters and to identify the deviation in growth and development.
Measurement of weight is the most reliable criterion of assessment of health and nutritional status of children. The weight may be recorded on a beam type weighing scale [Detecto scale (Fig. 1.1) with an accuracy of ± 20 g]. Electronic weighing scales for infants (± 1–5 g) and children (± 10 g) are preferred for their accuracy and convenience.
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Fig. 1.1: Detecto scale
The bathroom type of scale is very unreliable for children and should not be used. In field conditions, Salter spring machine is quite satisfactory because it is convenient to carry. The machine is hung from a hook or held by an attendant and baby is placed on the sling attached to the bottom hook. The weighing machines should always be cleaned with soap and water.
Types of Weighing Machines
The three types of weighing machines used commonly are:
  1. Spring balance type, e.g. Salter weighing scales (Fig. 1.2) and bathroom weighing scales (Fig. 1.3).
  2. Beam balance type, e.g. platform beam scale [for older children (Fig. 1.4)]; infant platform and Bar weight scale.
  3. Digital type (Fig. 1.5)/electronic type.
Techniques for Measuring Weight
  1. Before checking the weight, balance the scale by setting it at zero.
  2. Weigh the infants and toddlers nude in a comfortable room.
  3. Older children are weighed, while wearing light clothing.
  4. Cover a clean sheet of paper on beam balance between each infant's measurements.
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    Fig. 1.2: Salter weighing scale
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    Fig. 1.3: Bathroom weighing scale
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    Fig. 1.4: Platform beam scale
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    Fig. 1.5: Digital weighing scale
  5. Place the infant head slightly above the body to prevent them from accidentally falling on the scale.
  6. Take reading at eye level and record the weight on the chart.
Accuracy of measurement is essential to the reliable interpretation of growth data.
Formula for calculating the expected weight:
Weight in kg = (Age in years + 3) × 2.
Up to 2 years of age, recumbent length is measured with the help of an infantometer, while in older children standing height can be measured by stadiometer.
Infantometer is used to measure the length of infants. It is used for evaluating the growth of low-birth weight (LBW) babies. It is a horizontal board with a fixed head and moving foot end (Fig. 1.6).
Stadiometer is used to measure the height accurately. It is a simple device, which has a fixed wooden or aluminum height scale along with a sliding head platform (Fig. 1.7). The common practice of fixing a height chart on a wall and placing a ruler or a pencil over the head of the child, whose height has to be measured, is inaccurate. It is error prone and has often up to 5 cm difference when measured by different individuals.
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Fig. 1.6: Infantometer
Crown-heel Length
Crown-heel length is recorded on infantometer. The infant is placed supine on the infantometer and keep the vertex snugly touching the fixed vertical plank. The legs are fully extended by pressing over the knees and feet are kept vertical at 90°. The movable pedal plank of infantometer is snugly opposed against the soles and length is read. It is also useful to record the length of the baby from crown to rump (gluteal region or ischial tuberosity).
The child should stand with bare feet on a flat floor against a wall with feet parallel and with heels, buttocks, shoulders and occiput touching the wall. The head should be held erect, so that the child looks directly forward with the Frankfurt plane (the line joining floor of external auditory meatus to the lower margin of orbit) and the biauricular plane being horizontal.
Formula for calculating the expected height up to 12 years:
  • Length or height (inch) = Age in years × 2.5 + 30
  • Length or height (cm) = Age in years × 6 + 77.
The occipitofrontal head circumference (Fig. 1.8) should be measured with a non-stretchable fiberglass tape. The tape should encircle over the most prominent part of occipital and supraorbital frontal areas. Normal head circumference at birth is 35 cm. If the head growth exceeds 1 cm in 2 weeks during the first 3 months, hydrocephalus should be suspected.
The chest circumference is measured by passing the tape around the chest at the level of nipples.
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Fig. 1.7: Stadiometer
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Fig. 1.8: Measurement of head circumference
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Fig. 1.9: Measurement of chest circumference
The reading is recorded midway between inspiration and expiration in recumbent position. Do not press the measuring tape on the chest wall; it would compress the soft tissue underneath. The chest circumference (Fig. 1.9) is about 3 cm less than head circumference at birth. The head and chest circumference are almost equal by the age of 1 year.
To measure mid-arm circumference (MAC), place the tape firmly, but without compressing the tissue around the midpoint between the acromion and the olecranon. If the MAC (Fig. 1.10) is less than 12.5 cm, it is suggestive of severe malnutrition, while MAC between 12.5 and 13.5 cm is indicative of moderate malnutrition.
Thickness of subcutaneous fat is measured with Harpenden caliper over the triceps or subscapular region. Hold a fold of skin between thumb and index finger and measure the fat thickness. Normally it is 10 mm or more among healthy children between 1 to 6 years of age.
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Fig. 1.10: Measurement of mid-arm circumference
If it is less than 6 mm, it is indicative of moderate-to-severe degree of malnutrition.
Upper/Lower Segment Ratio
Lower segment is measured from symphysis pubis to heel, whereas upper segment is derived by deducting lower segment from the height (length). At birth the ratio is 1.7:1. With greater increase in length of the legs compared to the trunk, by the age of 10 to 12 years, the ratio becomes approximately 1:1.
Span is the distance between the tips of middle finger when the arms are outstretched. It is equal to height at 10 year. In earlier year, it is 1 to 2 cm less than the height/length.
  1. Explain the reason for carrying out the procedure to the parents.
  2. Handle the child carefully and in a playful manner.
  3. Take the measurement skillfully, accurately and quickly.
  4. Before measurement always set the machine at zero level.
  5. Note the correct reading in the paper sheet.
  6. Maintain a growth chart.