Principles and Practice of Obstetrics & Gynecology for Postgraduates Narendra Malhotra, PK Shah, Hema Divakar, Saroj Singh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Abdomen 878
irradiation 973
bladder neck suspension procedures 590
circumference 201f
entry 1049
examination 311
hysterectomy 596, 1112
incision 337
and port placement 1067
metroplasty 757
Strassman’s operation 757
Tompkins procedure 757
muscle exercises 372, 373f
wall vessels 1083
Ablation of implants 1030
cardiac situs 246
cervix 926
colposcopy 914f
cytology 913f
labor patterns 311f
maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein 58
pelvis 1303
acquired influence 1304
congenital causes 1303
observations 1304
placentation 101
pulmonary venous drainage 259
uterine bleeding 511, 512t, 517, 1023
waveform 863f866f
in semen parameters 735f
of reproductive tract 512
ABO and Rh typing 231, 1231
Abortion 57
complications 466468
bleeding 468
early complications occur during operations 467
practices 460
procedure 470
rates 1041
related complications 463
role of ultrasound 467
Abruptio placenta 144, 403, 407
Abruption 403t
Absence of
ductus venosus 260
hirsutism 662
Absorbable polyglactin 553
Absorption of
carbon dioxide 1096
iron 69f
Acanthosis nigricans 662
Accredited Social Health Activist 15
ACE inhibitors 104
Aceto-white punctation mosaic atypical vessel 914f
Acid base abnormalities 1232
Acidosis 867
ACOG criteria for
hysterectomy for leiomyomas 536t
myomectomy 530t
heart disease 112
hemophilia 87, 88
immune hemolytic anemia 67, 81
causes 81
immunodeficiency syndrome 150, 354
thrombophilia 135
uterine abnormalities 880
Actinomycin D 956958, 982
Actinomycoses 597
Action of clomiphene citrate 719
partial thromboplastin time 164, 193, 958
protein C resistance 134
immunotherapy 1220
management of
labor 292
third stage of labor 340, 341
per vaginal bleeding 1309
Actual management of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 917
Acupuncture 368
cystitis 142
fatty liver 122
of pregnancy 122, 125
inversion of uterus 382
maternal hyperglycemia 1227
PID 557
pyelonephritis 143, 582
renal failure 144
respiratory distress syndrome 129, 427
tubular necrosis 144
uncomplicated cystitis 582
Acyclovir crosses placental barrier 183
Addison disease 730
Adenomatous polyps 1063
Adenomyoma 761
Adenomyosis 513f, 752, 761, 824, 825, 826f, 1031, 1298f
color 824f
Adhesiolysis 1343
Adhesion barrier 533f
for adhesion reduction 1038
therapy 972
Administration of
anti-D immunoglobulin 330
thyrotropin-releasing hormone 222
zidovudine 156
masses 195
mobilization and division of infundibulopelvic ligament 1050
Adolescent mothers 34
and hirsutism 690
secretion 678
stimulating hormone 678
cortex 690
dysfunction 634
suppression 667
virilism 689
Adrenarche 625
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 626, 665, 678
Adrenogenital syndrome 689, 1137
disease 182
hemoglobin 95, 96
ovary 624
stem cell 798
differentiation 798
plasticity and transdifferentiation 798
Adulthood cardiovascular disease 30
Advanced stage ovarian cancer 943
Advantages of
antagonist 722
breastfeeding 360
general anesthesia 401
GnRHa 721
hysteroscopy 1063
in utero magnetic resonance imaging 892
electrocauterization of ovarian surface 1038
myomectomy 532
lasers over laparotomy 806
non-scalpel vasectomy over conventional vasectomy 505
permanent sterilization 476
postnatal exercises 371t
prenatal care 5
radiotherapy in gynecological cancer 988
robotic surgery 1340
sonohysterosalpingography 883
donor oocytes 730t
umbilical cord blood 799f
of menopause 1112
of onset of menopause 1112, 1112t
related macular degeneration 645
Aims of genetic counseling 52
Alanine aminotransferase elevation during pregnancy 124
Aldosterone antagonists 104
Algorithm of diagnostic rules 513
denaturation test 408
hematin method 347
Allergic reactions 490
Allis tissue-holding forceps 1261, 1261f
causes and recurrent spontaneous abortion 194
thrombocytopenia 270, 319
fetoprotein 117, 980
thalassemia 96
major 80
minor 81
Alternative hypothesis 31
Alveolar bone and tooth loss 643
Alzheimer’s disease 1128
Amenorrhea 633, 634, 692, 726, 1115
Cancer Society Guidelines 1145
Heart Association recommendation for endocarditis prophylaxis 109t
Amniocentesis 180, 859, 1128f
on chorionic villus 189
Amnioinfusion 203
Amnion and
embryo 845f
yolk sac 848
and placental stem cells 800
cavity 845
fluid 179
embolism 380, 468
index 204, 239
volume 239
sac disparity 845f
Amniotomy 287
Amoxicillin 582
and recurrent spontaneous abortion 190
of amenorrhea 693
in renal system during pregnancy 141
of menopause 1113
Anatomy of uterine
perforations 467f
prolapse 542
Androblastoma 939
Androgen 729, 1113
excess in reproductive life 678
in polycystic ovarian syndrome 680
insensitivity 1137
metabolism 622, 623f
production in females 678
secreting adrenal tumor 683
Anemia 86, 129, 273, 1227
in pregnancies 67
causes 70
classification 67
diagnosis 70
management 70, 77, 78
prevalence 70, 71
prevention 71
treatment 71
signs 70
symptoms 70
Anencephalic fetus 1301f
Anencephaly 1301
during pregnancy 416
hysteroscopy in infertility 1059
in surgical procedure 468
Angelman syndromes 1129
Angiography 1308
arteriography 1308
uterine phlebography 1308
venography 1308
converting enzyme inhibitors 101
receptor blockers 101
Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 259f
Anovulation in androgen-secreting tumors 683
care 102, 209
corticosteroid treatment 214
detection of malformation 62
fetal surveillance 214
management 148
monitoring of fetal heart 234
screening for neural tube defect 60
fetal surveillance 240
fetomaternal hemorrhage 228
hemorrhage 395, 396t, 407, 426
prophylaxis 227
recognition 200
surveillance and fetal well-being tests 209
abdominal wall 1103f
colporrhaphy 590, 597
colpotomy 1073f, 1078f, 1087f
vagina 1052f
Anteverted uterus 1086f
Antibiotic 213, 582t
prophylaxis 338
Antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity 229
Anti-Ca 125
antibodies 1222
Anticardiolipin antibodies 166, 193
Anticonvulsive drugs 387
Anti-estrogens 667
clomiphene citrate 667
tamoxifen 667
drugs 104, 388
treatment postpartum and during breastfeeding 104
Anti-idiotype antibodies 1221
Anti-inflammatory agents 1039
Antinuclear antibody 89
antibody 137
syndrome 89, 90t, 135, 165167, 193
syndrome 168
prophylaxis and mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection 154f
regimens 156
therapy 157, 450
during pregnancy 155
in pregnancy 154
Antithrombin deficiency 134
Antithrombotic treatment of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in pregnancy 167
Antral follicle 624
count 713
Anxiety and irritability of menopause 1115
arch 249f
compression 386
dissection 389
stenosis 255
APC deficiency 134
Aplastic anemia 84, 87
management 84
Apparent failures of prophylaxis 229
Appearance of
feet on 3D-USG 879f
hands on 3D-USG 879f
Applications of
assisted hatching 809
genetics in modern obstetrics and gynecology 1122
immunotherapy in obstetrics and gynecology 1223
laser in gynecology 1335
Lugol’s iodine 928f
Appropriate management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1008
Aqueductal stenosis 279
AR and AD disorders 61
Arcuate uterus 516f, 819, 1312, 1313f
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region 913
Aromatase inhibitors 530, 573
Arrhenoblastoma 939
Arrhythmias 112, 260
Artemether 130
Arterial blood gases 1324
fistula 825f
malformations 420
Artery forceps 1261
Artesunate 130
donor 1277
husband 1277
wombs 794
Ascitic fluid 179
Asherman’s syndrome 190, 470, 487, 829, 829f, 1015, 1017, 1023, 1029, 1032, 1056, 1061, 1265, 1309
Aspartic acid 73
Aspermia 711, 734
Asphyxia 867
Aspirin 203
Aspirotomy 467
complications 467
Assessment of
cervix 842f
cornual pathology 1025
couple with infertility 708
fetal health 94
male factor through semen analysis 709
maternoplacental fetal unit 863
ovarian reserve 769
sperm morphology 710
tubal factor 714
Assistance in ART procedures 1018
hatching with removal of anucleate fragments 809
laser hatching 808
reproduction in endometriosis 575
technique 672, 675, 753, 755
technologies 710, 717, 768
Associated abnormalities requiring other surgery 1080t
Association of
antiphospholipid 166
low prepregnancy weight with IUGR 22
Asthenospermia 735
Asthenozoospermia 711, 734
bacteriuria 142, 581
hyperprolactinemia 657
Atovaquone 130
fibrillation 109
septal defect 54, 110, 115
septal defects 254, 254f
valves 250
Attachment of
Mackenrodt’s ligament 544f
uterosacral ligament 544f
causes of POF 727
disease 193
thyroid disease 686, 687
Autoimmunity in infertile women 688
Automatic endoscopic system 1054
chromosomal disorders 1124
dominant 54
mode of inheritance 1125f
recessive 54
trisomies 60
speculum 1259f
weighted self-retaining posterior vaginal speculum 1259
Zweifel combined cranioclast and cephalotribe 1269, 1270f
Auxiliary nurse midwife 9, 15
Axis-traction device 1267f
spatula 1284
wooden spatula 1265, 1265f
Azoospermia 707, 711, 734, 742, 772
Babcock forceps 1262
vaginosis 3
virulence factors 579
Bacteriological cultures 715
Bacteroides fragilis 557
Ball squat 49f
Balloon tamponade 349, 385
Bandl’s ring 311, 313
Bard Parker’s knife 1274
Barium enemas 1308
contraception 442, 451
contraceptive methods 438
cyst 909
gland carcinoma 909
signs and symptoms 909
treatment 909
body temperature 193, 672, 711
method 711f
cell carcinoma 909
Baseline breast cancer 467
emergency obstetric care 433
management of infertility 707
treatment of infertility 715
Basis of
immunotherapy 1219
superior vena cava 272
Basket of hormones 640
Benefits of
dancing during pregnancy 42
exercise during pregnancy 38
and malignant masses 941t
breast disease 1143
cystic lesion of ovarian and parovarian structures 830
ovarian cyst 513f
pelvic lesions 512
human chorionic gonadotropin 60
thalassemia 96
intermedia 98
major 81, 96, 97
minor 81, 97
Betterment of human race 1123
Bettocchi hysteroscope 1026, 1057
Bezold-Jarisch reflex 1227
Bicep curl 48f
Bickers-Adams syndrome 279
Bicornis bicollis 819
uterus 190, 757, 819, 822f, 1017f, 1312, 1312f
with single cervix 1296f
versus septate uterus 880
cornual block 715f
endometriotic cyst 1014, 1016
ovarian wedge resection 1033
polycystic ovaries 1017f
salpingitis isthmica nodosa 1315f
salpingo-oophorectomy 970, 994, 1000
tubal block 707
uterine artery ligation 1073f
Biliary tract disease 417
Bill’s axis-traction handle 321
Biochemical test of
seminal plasma 733
spermatozoa 733
Biological false positive-venereal disease research laborator 164
Biomedical waste 1192f
Act 1171
rules 1191
score in 30
minutes 239t
tests of fetal well-being 118t
Biopsies of puborectalis 546
defects 5
of vessel sealing devices 1084
Bishop’s scoring 290t
Bispecific monoclonal antibodies 1222
Bisphosphonates 1118
Bladder 547, 1103f
cycle 585f
flap formation 337
in gynecological cancer 993
innervation 586
mobilization 1068, 1077f, 1078f, 1085
muscles 585
sound 1263, 1263f
sphincters 586
Blastocyst assisted hatching 809
Bleeders coagulated with bipolar forceps 1100f
in obturator fossa 1100f
with bipolar forceps at vaginal angle 1101f
disorders 87
in complete and incomplete rupture of uterus 310f
Bleomycin 982, 1000
Blockage of cerebrospinal fluid 279
and blood component transfusion 1231
chemistry 1236
component therapy 1233
dyscrasias 636
hormone concentrations during female puberty 627t
indices in iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia 71t
storage 1234t
transfusion 94, 1231
urea nitrogen 957
volume 106
Blue-black implants in pouch of Douglas 1015f
hook and crochet 1270, 1270f
trauma 421
B-Lynch suture 386
Body mass index 382, 1038
Bolam rule 1175
Bolus technique 745
Labor Welfare Act 1173
Nursing Homes Registration Act 1173
Shops and Establishment Act 1172
anchors and needle suspension techniques 591
density 651
depression 956
examination 71
insufficiency 68
smear 82f
transplant 799
mineral density 572, 1117
shape abnormalities 858
myomectomy clamp 1275, 1275f
test 588
Borderline tumors 938
rating of perceived exertion 41t
scale of perceived exertion 41
adhesiolysis 1049f
disease 74
dosimetry in gynecological cancer 993
obstruction 418
BPP and
acidemia 239
cerebral palsy 240
Bradycardia 260, 848f
Braun’s cranioclast 1269, 1269f
cancer 419, 648, 1002, 1145t, 1146f
risk 648t
with estrogen progestogen replacement therapy 648t
development 626
discharge 1143t
engorgement 1147
lumps 1143, 1144t
Breastfeeding 449
and psychotropic medications 369
promotion 360
Breathing 380
Breech with previous cesarean section 333
Brenner’s tumor 837, 939
Bright light therapy 368
Broad ligament 1096f
Bronchopulmonary sequestration 276
colposuspension 1045
operation 546
Burst forming unit-erythroid 184
Butterfly stretch 46f
Calcified uterine fibroid 1305f
Calcitonin 685, 1118
Calcium supplementation 1117
Calculation of
maternal total blood volume 347t
thermal energy 1034
cervix 513, 1223
with pregnancy 413
drug 96
endometrium 966
initiation 648
of body of uterus 993
of cervical stump 993
of cervix 999
in gynecological cancer 985
of endometrium 1000
of ovary 995, 1000
of vagina 997
of vulva 902, 903t, 997
spread 997
treatment 997
stem cell 1135
therapy 1135
treatment 736
Cannula 1272f
Canvas of hormone therapy actions 643
Carbon dioxide 805, 902, 1106
gas 1018
insufflation 1104
lasers 806
Carboplatin 1000
Carboprost 342
Carboxymethylcellulose 1040
Carcinoembryonic antigen 1220
corpus uteri 993
endometrium 1135
in situ 610, 901
of cervix 413
of ovary 944t
of vulva 906, 1298f
activity 847f
arrest 390
arrhythmias 1082
axis 246
defects 59, 259
diameter 247f
disease in pregnancy 106, 108t
failure 422
malformations 273
murmurs 106
pacing after premature delivery 272
position 246, 246f
situs abnormalities 246
size 246
surgery 420
Cardiff breast score 1143t
Cardiomyopathy 115, 389
Cardiotocography 396
adaptation to pregnancy 106, 107t
disease 1116
drugs 107
used during pregnancy 109t
failure 424
system 399
Carvedilol 111
Case of
menorrhagia 518
vaginal bleeding 517
Causes for frozen pelvis 1048
benign and malignant growths 1048
infection 1048
radiation therapy 1048
surgery 1048
Causes of
adrenal androgen excess resulting in hirsutism 691
amenorrhea 634
anemia in pregnancy 67
antepartum hemorrhage 395t
azoospermia 737t
bleeding 348
cardiac arrest in pregnancy and puerperium 390t
delayed onset of puberty 694t
dietary habits 70
failure of immunosurveillance 1219
faulty iron absorption 70
hemolysis 81
extrinsic 81
intrinsic 81
immediate postpartum hemorrhage 346t
increased perinatal mortality and morbidity 399t
infertility in endometriosis 1030
intrauterine growth restriction 202t
deaths 431
mortality 7
menorrhagia in pubertal age 636
postpartum hemorrhage 346t
primary amenorrhea 694f
spontaneous abortions 162, 163
stress urinary incontinence 593
severe anemia 68
classification 978
structure of corpus luteum 671, 671t
Drug and Research Institute 453
nervous system 54, 109, 115, 180, 626, 642, 875, 889, 1124
disorders 634
manifestations 88
of fetus 889
obesity 115
suture of vaginal vault 1075f
venous pressure 381, 406
Cephalad sweep 248
Cephalexin 582
Cephalopelvic disproportion 313
Cephalosporins 143
edema 420
hemorrhage 320
palsy and late neurological sequelae 1152
vasculature 876f
Cerebrospinal fluid 1325
agglutination syndrome 470
assessment 208
cancer 419, 831f, 896, 930
in pregnancy 934, 993
cap 452
compliance score 192t
cytology 1284, 1284f
encirclage 209
fibroid 830, 831f
florid condyloma 1006f
incompetence 191, 1314
intraepithelial neoplasia 449, 911, 923, 933, 986, 1008
length 854
punch biopsy forceps 1278, 1278f
resistance index 191
width 854
Cervicitis 513, 827f
of menopause 1114
uteri 932
delivery 125, 414
section 10, 120, 325, 335, 1151
rate for failed induction of labor 286t
concept in reconstructive surgery 755
trends in
cesarean section 335
maternal nutrition and interventions 18
operative technique of cesarean section 337
Chemoprophylaxis 130, 953
Chemotherapeutic agents 736
Chemotherapy 945, 973, 1000
schedules 982t
survival and safe
mother program 9f
motherhood 8, 11, 14
transmission of HIV 154
Chlamydia 737, 748
trachomatis 212, 217, 555, 578
Chocolate cyst of left ovary 1297f
Choice of
anesthesia 320
estrogen and progestogens in COC pills 447
radical or palliative treatment in gynecological cancer 985
Cholestasis 122
Chorioadenoma destruens 1287f
Choriocarcinoma 839, 879, 948f
Chorion epithelioma 1287f, 1288f
cavity 845f
fluid 844
somatomammotropin 114
villus sampling 52, 859, 1127, 1128f, 1130
failure 176
Chromopertubation 1014f
abnormalities 1123
of embryo 188
anomalies 243
defects 53
disorders 58, 59
advanced maternal age 59
prenatal diagnosis 62
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 147
disease 634
hypertension 100, 115
and pre-eclampsia 115
myeloid leukemia 90
myeloproliferative disorders 86, 90
pelvic pain 1013
disease 146
insufficiency 145
respiratory disease 985
Ciprofloxacin 582
Circumferential colpotomy 1087
Circumvallate placenta 403
Cisplatin 982, 1000
based combination chemotherapy 982
based neoadjuvant chemotherapy 934
chemotherapy 1002
sensitive tumors 982
Citrate intoxication and hyperkalemia 1232
Civil law 1150
Classes of hemorrhage 427t
Classification and
relative occurrence of precocious puberty 627t
scoring of myomas 534t
Classification of
cardiac diseases 252
diabetes 116, 116t
diseases 352
fetal scalp blood sampling results 303
forceps deliveries 320
hormonal therapy 641
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 100, 110t
intrauterine myomas 534t
malignant gestational trophoblastic disease 954
operations for stress urinary incontinence 590
postpartum collapse 378t
prepregnancy weight status 29t
various surgical procedures 550t
Clear cell tumors 836, 939
Cleavage stage biopsy 1130
lip 54, 1291f
palate 54, 1291f
Clermont-Ferrand uterine manipulator 1075
Clinodactyly 263
Clomiphene 674
citrate 672, 716, 717, 719
challenge test 713
dosage 717
human menopausal gonadotropin therapy 720
Closed perineal wound 908f
Clostridial gas gangrene 357
perfringens 357, 468
welchii 144
Closure of
subcutaneous tissue 338
uterine incision 338
visceral peritoneum and parietal peritoneum 338
and division of uterine vessels 1051
defects 346
Coarctation of aorta 256, 256f
Cobalamin 78
Code of medical ethics 1181
declaration 1181
Coelomic metaplasia 568
Coitus interruptus implies 445
Cold coagulation 919, 986
Collection of umbilical cord blood 800
Colon cancer 645
Color Doppler 232, 847f
assessment 862
in ectopic 846f
Colostrum 361
Colposcope 1285, 1285f
parts 1285
Colposcopy 913
Colpotomy 1073
estrogen progestogen for cardioprotection 645
oral contraceptive pill 447, 666
antibiotic sensitivities 581t
epithelial tumors 996
gynecological disorders 1132
pedigree symbols 56
regimens for ovarian carcinoma 1001t
health centers 11, 14, 16, 433, 929
mobilization strategies 15
blood count 3, 164, 957
hydatidiform mole 839, 947, 948, 949
mole 949f
after evacuation 947f
placenta previa 397f
transposition of great vessels 257, 258f
vesicular mole 1297f
adnexal mass 846f
echogenic mass posterior to bladder 894f
Complicated lower urinary tract infection 578t
Complications of
arterial lines 425
assisted reproductive technology 778
cesarean section 158
electrosurgery 1082
endoscopic surgery in gynecology 1095
external cephalic version 331
hysteroscopic surgery 1105
hysteroscopy 1027
induction of labor 287
intrauterine insemination 746
hysterectomy 1081t
surgery 1095
laparoscopy 1022, 1082
operative hystroscopy 1105
pregnancy 516
second trimester abortions 469
venous lines for invasive monitoring 425
Components of hysteroscopy 1056
Comprehensive emergency obstetric care 10, 433
Computed tomography 702
Concept of
combined testing plan 241
reproductive health 11
spectrum 634
Condoms 15, 438
Condyloma acuminata 1336
abnormalities 1150
adrenal hyperplasia 269, 681, 690
treatment 269, 690
and neonatal malaria 129
anomaly 1288, 1289, 1302f
bilateral absence of vas deferens 1136
complete heart block 272
treatment 272
cystic adenomatoid malformations 276
diaphragmatic hernia 278
heart disease 110, 243, 246t
infections 179
malformations 115, 115t
and genetic disease inheritance 53
thrombophilia and maternal venous thromboembolism 137
tubal anomalies 749
abnormalities 880
anomalies 756, 881f, 1032, 1311
Congestive heart failure 109
Conjoined twins 879, 879f
thoracophagus 1290
Conjugated equine estrogen 497, 643
Conotruncal defects 256
Consanguinity 62
Consequences of
premature ovarian failure 728t
coagulopathy 512
dysfunctional uterine bleeding 512
hypothyroidism 512
malignancy 512
pelvic lesions 512
pregnancy 512
Considerations in abnormal uterine bleeding 512t
Consisting of iron-folic acid tablets 15
Consumar Protection Act 1986
appeal 1252
application 1250
basis of complaint 1251
consumer 1250
agencies 1251
deficiency 1250
medical service 1250
National Commission 1252
power of consumer agencies 1251
procedure 1251
reliefs 1251
rights of consumer 1251
State Commission 1252
Contact hysteroscope 1026
Contraception 437
Contraceptive advice 95
Contraction stress test 237
Contraindications of hormone therapy 650t
Contributory causes of maternal mortality 8t
Controlled ovarian
hyperstimulation 672, 721, 743, 820f
stimulation 716
about vaginal fascia 544
in management of twin pregnancies 208
Convenient oxytocin regimen 287t
cytology 1284f
vasectomy 473, 50
Conversion of uteroplacental maladaptation to maternal systemic syndrome 101
Cooley anemia 97
T 380a 483
T in uterine musculature 1291f
banking 799, 800
gases for acid-base assessment 306
processing 800
transplant worldwide 800f
presentation 855f
Cordocentesis 180, 231, 859, 1128
block 1031
pregnancy 880f
Coronal vertebra 1301
Coronary heart disease 646
callosum 875f, 889f
cyst 831, 832f
of pregnancy 831
uteri 932
Correct urethral hypermobility 590
Corrected transposition of great vessels 259
Correction of
anemia 984
metabolic disturbance 681
tubo-ovarian relationship 1030
Corynebacterium parvum 1221
Costs of intensive care 422
Counseling in human papillomavirus 1008
Couvelaire uterus 405, 1291f
Cracked nipples 1147
Cranial abnormalities 874
Craniopharyngioma 634
C-reactive protein 213
Crigler-Najjar disease 280
Criminal law 1150, 1170
Criss-cross fibrosis 1025f
Crown rump length 843, 844
Cryocautery 1279f
Cryomachine 1279
Cryptozoospermia 734
Crystalloid solutions 1039
CT-MRI in obstetrics and gynecology 887
Cuff salpingostomy 752
Cul-de-sac obliteration 1051
Culture methods 180
concept of development of cervical cancer 911
management of fibroid 527
status of abortions 460
therapeutic approach 564
trends in
management of preterm labor 217
maternal nutrition 21
waveform 1020
Curved artery forceps 1261f
bivalved self-retaining vaginal speculum 1259
speculum 1259f
disease 682
syndrome 663, 682, 689, 690, 691
Cut-off values for anemia for women 25t, 26t
Cuzzi placental curette 1264, 1265t
Cyanotic congenital heart disease 110
adenosine monophosphate 622
breast pain 1141
Cyclophosphamide 957, 982
Cyclosporine 87
fibrosis 733, 1128
hygroma 59
Cystitis 582t
Cystocele 547, 548
and second degree uterine 541f
Cystoscopy 602, 1053
Cytobrush 1284
Cytokines 1221
and growth factors 522
diagnosis of dysplasia 912
grading of dysplasia 913
Cytological methods for detection of fetal cells in amniotic fluid 213
Cytomegalovirus 3, 148, 179, 181, 192, 362
Cytotoxic chemotherapy 999
Cytotrophoblastic cells 135
Dactinomycin with etoposide and cisplatin 959
Danazol 495, 572
Dani’s stitch 550
Dark nuclei 1006f
Daunorubicin 243
libido of menopause 1115
motility 735
intramural myoma 1014f
vein thrombosis 109, 136, 382
Deficiency anemias 67
Definition of
genetics 1122
hypertension in pregnancy 99
intrauterine growth restriction 199
maternal mortality 7
pre-eclampsia 100
premature ovarian failure 726t
Degree of renal impairment 145
on pregnancy 145
Dehydroepiandrosterone 625, 678, 689, 702
sulfate 660, 678,
hemolytic transfusion reactions 1232
pregnancy 228
registration of births and deaths 1167
complications 94
day and time 118
of fetal head 338
of fetus 234
Dense pelvic adhesions 755
Density-osteopenia/osteoporosis 699
Deoxyribonucleic acid 52, 76, 77f, 137, 783, 975
analysis 915
Deoxyuridine monophosphate 77f
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 439
Depression of menopause 1114
Depth of penetration of energy 1035
Dermoid 883, 894
cyst 838f, 979
Descending aorta 865, 866f
Desferrioxamine 97
Deterioration of cardiac disease 389
Determination of fetomaternal leak 229
Development of
antibody against tumor-associated antigen 1221f
puerperal sepsis 353
Device-associated nosocomial infections in ICU 428
Dexamethasone 808
Diabetes 238, 450, 1227
mellitus 243, 985
ketoacidosis 115
nephropathy 146
Diaphanous gene 1133
Diaphragmatic hernia 59, 246f, 274
Diastasis recti abdominis 372
Diazepam schedules for severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia 388t
and unicornuate uterus 757
uterus 1312
Diet and
exercise 117, 119
trace elements 637
iron 69
sources of iron 69
Diethylstilbestrol 191, 497, 636
Digital fetal Doppler 1271f
Digoxin 111
Dihydrofolate 77f
Dihydrotesterone 1137
Dihydrotestosterone 662, 678, 732
Dilatation and suction evaluation 467
Dilated hydrosalpinx 1014f
Dilute Russell’s viper venom time 193
Dimethyl sulfoxide 454, 777
Dimorphic anemia 78
treatment 78
causes of maternal mortality 8t
medical causes of obstetric deaths in developing countries 431f
ultrasonographic measurement of fetal lung length 214
Disadvantages of
antagonist 722
GnRHa 721
in utero magnetic resonance imaging 892
monoclonal antibodies 1223
permanent sterilization 476
sonosalpingography 883
using umbilical cord blood 800f
vessel sealing device 1091
Discontinuation of GnRH 573
Diseases associated with male infertility 733t
Diseases of
cervix 830
endometrium 825
myometrium 819
adenomyosis 819
benign conditions 819
benign tumors 819
uterine cavity 829
endometrial fluid 829
intrauterine contraceptive devices 829
Disorders of
adrenal function 689
coagulation 517
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis 692
menstruation in adolescent age 631
sexual differentiation 1137
thyroid function 685
Disruption of vesicovaginal 542
Dissecting forceps 1276f
Dissection of uterovesical peritoneum 1070f
Disseminated intravascular
coagulation 88, 382, 404, 469, 779
coagulopathy 124
Distal tubal
obstruction 761
occlusion 751, 1029
machines 1058
systems 1057
carbon dioxide 1057
Distribution of body mass index 29t
Division of
round ligament 1077f
uterine artery after suturing and medial coagulation 1072f
round ligament 1077f
tubo-ovarian ligament 1077f
round ligament 1086f
uterine pedicle after ligation 1073f
Dizygous twins 1132
based gene tests 1128
microarray technology 1129
follicle 625
fibroadenoma 1144
galactocele 1143
macrocysts 1143
trait 53
insemination 737
sperm insemination 742
husband 742
in female partner 742
wife 742
Dopamine 654
assessment of uterine arteries 102
blood flow indices 856f
flow studies 941
parameters 838
sampling sites in fetus 864
studies 204
ultrasonography in obstetrics 856
ultrasound 856
Dose intensity chemotherapy 1001
Dosimetry 992
dosage 992
energy and dose 992
rectal probe 992
target volume 992
outlet right ventricle 257, 258f
outline of uterine cavity 1311
set-up examination 400t
uterus 1016f, 1292f
vaginal double cervix 822f
Down’s syndrome 53, 60, 262, 263, 1124
Doxazosin 103
Doxorubicin 1000
myoma screw 1268, 1269f
retractor 1258, 1258f
Drawbacks of blood transfusion 75
Drew-Smythe catheter 287, 1267, 1267f
failure 448
for medical management 528
androgens 529
antifibrinolytics 529
GnRH agonist 529
GnRH antagonists 529
mifepristone 529
newer drugs 529
oral contraceptives 528
progestogens 528
resistance 1001
therapy 1142
bromocriptine 1142, 1143
danazol 1142
evening primrose oil 1142
tamoxifen 1143
treatment of severe hypertension 103
use in pregnancy and lactation 1150
arch 249f
venosus 857, 865, 865f
Doppler 204
Dumb-bell row 47f
Dummy transfer 774
Duplicated cervix 195
Duration of exercise 40, 41f
labor 297
uterine bleeding 512, 513f, 518
Dysgerminoma 837, 978, 980, 1002
Dysmenorrhea 632
delivery 405
fetus 3D image 871f
pregnancy failure 847
stage disease 414
Ebers papyrus 437
Ebstein’s anomaly 254, 255f
Echogenic intracardiac focus 263, 264
Eclampsia 387
Ectopia cordis 259
thoracic type 259
thoracoabdominal type 259
Ectopic pregnancy 57, 412, 490, 560, 562, 845, 880
Edward syndrome 53, 262, 265
Effect of
anemia on pregnancy 68
birthweight and adult weight on metabolic syndrome in women 30f
diabetes on pregnancy 116
dialysis on pregnancy 147
fibroid on pregnancy 524t
and labors 412
HIV infection on pregnancy 151
HT on breast cancer 649
invasive carcinoma on pregnancy and labor 413
malaria on pregnancy 129
menopause on female body 640f
ovarian tumors on pregnancy and labor 412
postmenopausal estrogen deprivation 1115
pregnancy and labor on
fibroid 412
invasive carcinoma 413
ovarian tumors 412
pregnancy on
anemia 68
chronic renal disease 145
diabetes 115
fibroids 524
HIV infection 151
malaria 130
microadenoma and macroadenoma 658t
renal impairment 145, 145t
renal replacement therapy 147
renal transplants on pregnancy 148
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 319
Eisenmenger’s syndrome 110
management 110
Ejaculatory dysfunction 772
Elective cervical cerclage 401
Electrical nerve muscle stimulation therapy 589
Electrocoagulation diathermy 919
CO2 insufflator 1019f
heart rate 223
monitoring 299301, 406
Electrosurgical loop 1278, 1278f
Elevated liver enzymes 122124
culture 775
fetoscopy 177
growth 845f
transfer 768, 774
Embryonal carcinoma 978
bradycardia 848
demise 848
stem cell 797, 798
bank 802
culture 797
contraception 440, 492, 496, 497
contraceptive 496
pills 494t
obstetric care 9
for reducing maternal mortality 430
in low resource settings 433
Provident Fund Act 1952 1172
State Insurance Act 1195
Encapsulated caseous ball 1016f
Encysted tubercular fluid collection 1016f
curettage 914
sample 713
Endocrine dysfunction 192
Endocrinology of ovulation 628, 628f
Endodermal sinus 978
tumor 978
Endogenital tuberculosis 1315f
adenocarcinoma 1298f
aspiration 514
biopsy 514, 514f, 673, 711
curette 515f
cancer 490, 974
carcinoma 828, 965, 971, 1298f
extended to cervix 966f
carcinoma limited to fundus 966f
fluid 828f
hyperplasia 827f, 828
myometrial cystic areas 826f
polyp 828, 1024f, 1313
tuberculosis 1025
tumor 828f
adenocarcinoma 967
carcinomas 1135
tumors 836, 839
Endometrioma 574, 755
Endometriosis 568, 574, 749, 834, 893, 1013, 1030, 1132, 1343
and cancer risk 574
and recurrent spontaneous abortion 194
medical treatment 572t
Endometritis 827f
Endometrium 712
of menopause 1113
polyp 513
Endometroid tumors 837f
Endosalpinx 748
camera 1018
and monitor 1057
fetal cystotomy 275
gastrointestinal anastomosis 1020
cell adhesion molecule 135
derived relaxing factor 203
End-stage renal disease 141
requirements during pregnancy 22
sources 1058
bipolar versapoint 1058
mechanical energy 1058
unipolar 1058
Enhancers of absorption 69
Enterocele and rectocele 541f
Environment Protection Act 1986 1170
Environmental toxins 569
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique 193
Eosinophilia 183
Epidemiology of malaria complex 126
Epidermal growth factor 701
Epidural analgesia 1227
Epithelial tumors of ovaries 1307
Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor 947, 950
Equipment for intrauterine insemination unit 743
Erb’s palsy 115, 1151
Ergot alkaloids 341, 348
Erythrosedimentation rate 164
Escherichia coli 142, 217, 387
fatty acids 27, 368
obstetric care 10f, 14
thrombocythemia 90
Estimates of abortion prevalence 460
Estimation of gestational age 851
Estrogen 114, 493, 1112
and recurrent urinary tract infections 583
metabolism 621
progesterone combination 641
progestogen receptor negative 649
replacement therapy 589, 699, 1115
status 1117
therapy 367
Ethacridine lactate complications 469
failure of abortion 469
renal damage and death 469
Ethicon endosurgery 1020
Ethics of human embryonic stem cell research 802
Ethinyl estradiol 497
Etoposide 957, 982, 1002
European prospective cohort on thrombophilia 134
Euthanasia 1185
Evaluation of
amenorrhea 633
cases of amenorrhea 1015
cervical mucus 713
cervix 854
cholestasis during pregnancy 123
endometrium 817
heart 245
ovarian mass 838
PTL 219
stress urinary incontinence 587
Everting mucosa 752
Ex utero intrapartum therapy 278
thermal energy 1035
uterine enlargement 951
Excision laser conization of cervix 1335
Excision of ovarian endometrioma 1343, 1344f
breastfeeding 49
pregnancy 44f
for working women 50
Exocervical sample 713
Exogenous barriers 1040
Experimental therapy 95
Exposure of unethical conduct 1182
Extension of transverse uterine incision 337
Extensive endometrial growth 965f
Exteriorization of uterus for repair of hysterotomy 338
radiation therapy 988
radiotherapy in gynecological cancer 988
cephalic version 330
field irradiation 973
pelvic irradiation 973, 994
Extra-amniotic instillation of ethacridine lactate 469
Extravascular hemolysis 81
Facial abnormalities 872
Factors of
endometrial carcinoma 965
puberty menorrhagia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding 635
Faculty of family planning and reproductive health care 488
Fadrozole 530
abortion 469
forceps 325
negotiation of cervical canal 774
Fallopian tube 1096f, 1315
cannulation and recanalization 1061
of menopause 1114
recanalization 1056
False positive human chorionic gonadotropin 961
Familial and genetic factor 938
Family planning 10, 14
Fascial interposition 506
Fasting blood sugar 114
Fat deposition of menopause 1114
Features of robotic surgery 1337
Fecal fistulae 599
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 433
anopheles mosquito 126f
athlete triad 634
causes of infertility 707f
condom 452
insertion and positioning 452f
endocrinology 621
introduction 621
two-cell system 621
feticide in India 1229
genital infections 354f
oral contraceptive pill 447
evaluation of cervix 818
fallopian tubes 819
ovaries 818
pouch of Douglas 819
uterus 815
with TVS probe 817f
pill 453
pseudohermaphrodite 1137
sterilization 457, 473
Femur length 202f, 851
measurement 852f
Fenton dilator 1264, 1264f
Ferning pattern of cervical mucus 714f
carboxymaltose 74
gluconate and iron sucrose 73
Ferriman and Gallwey scoring system 666f
Ferrous sulfate 72
Fertility 748
awareness based methods 438, 442
preservation in endometrial cancer 974
abdominal circumference 853f
abnormalities abnormal quantity of liquor amnii 1301
oligohydramnios 1301
polyhydramnios 1301
abnormalities congenital abnormalities of fetus 1301
cranium 1301
soft tissues 1301
spine 1301
abnormalities extrauterine pregnancy 1301
abnormalities fetal death 1300
Deuel’s halo sign 1300
gas translucencies 1300
hyperflexion of spine 1300
Spalding’s sign 1300
abnormalities multiple pregnancy 1301
anomalies 849
arrhythmias 272
arterial circulation 856
umbilical arteries 856
uterine arteries 856
biometry biparietal diameter 852f
biophysical profile score 118
biopsy 858
bleeding diatheses 319
blood 179
sampling 231
sympathetic and parasympathetic control 861
ultrasonography 113
cells in maternal blood 1130
cervical hyperextension in breech presentation 1301
chromosomal abnormalities 1130
circulation 251, 252f
complications 317, 398
deaths amenable to prevention 237t
demineralizing diseases 319
distress 1227
echocardiography 243
electrocardiographic wave form analysis 305
endoscopic ablation of ureteral valve 275
expressions 874f
gene therapy 280
growth 21
restriction 136
heart 858
angles 247f
rate 237, 290, 400
hemoglobin 95
oxygen-binding capacity 396
hydrolaparoscopy 275
hyperglycemia 114
infections 179, 270
parvovirus B19 270
rate 180
therapy 271
insulin hypothesis 31f
loss 136
medicine team 268
morbidity with diabetes during pregnancy 114
movement and mimic 858
number 851
obesity 115
origin of disease hypothesis 30
ovary 623
indifferent gonad stage 623
period of oogonal multiplication and oocyte formation 623
stage of differentiation 623
stage of follicle formation 623
oxygenation 305
placental induced maternal disease 1130
ponderal index 202
pulse oximeter 305f
scalp blood sampling 302, 303
sex determination 1130
short-term risks 324
stem cells 799
fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion 278
fetoscopic laser coagulation 278
procedures 274t
therapy 274
surveillance 102, 117, 237, 241
tests 1151
therapy 268
transfusions 232
tumors 274, 279
umbilical vein sampling 177, 177f
venous circulation 857
umbilical vein 857
vesicocentesis 274
vessels study 856f
alloimmune thrombocytopenia 270
exchange unit 862
hemorrhage 228, 228t
Fetoplacental circulation 863, 864f
laser photocoagulation 277
neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet 210
Fibrin glue 1040
Fibrinolytic agents 1039
Fibroelastosis 260f
Fibroid 450, 521, 880, 893, 1031
subserous 825f
with pregnancy 851f
Fibromas 837
Fibromyoma 755
FIGO staging of
endometrial cancer 993
ovarian cancer 996
treatment 996
tumor markers 996
Fimbrial adhesions 1315
Fimbriectomy 475
Fimbrioplasty 752, 1031
stage of labor 290
trimester MTPs 462
essential basic procedure 462
medical methods 462
surgical methods vacuum aspiration 462
trimester pregnancy wastage 228
line agent methyldopa 103
trimester ultrasound 841
Fistula formation 309
Flat condyloma 1007f
Flavonoids 637
Flexible hysteroscope 1026
Florence’s procedures 1158
distention media 1058
in pouch of Douglas 1022f
management 384, 1224
in labor 1224
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 190, 1129
Fluoxetine 367
cannula 1267, 1267f
curette 1260, 1260f
Focus on emergency obstetric care 431
binding protein 1220
deficiency 26
anemia 76
Foley catheter 1309
technique 1312
Folic acid 26, 76
deficiency 78
anemia 76
Folinic acid 76
Follicle stimulating hormone 164, 193, 447, 621, 622, 628, 632, 636, 659, 681, 686, 719, 731, 768, 1033, 1112, 1134
assessment 884
cysts 831
stimulating hormone 654
Follitropin alpha 722
Food and Agriculture Organization 31
Forceps assisted deliveries 325
Foreign body in endometrial cavity 1015f
Formiminoglutamic acid 77
Fothergill’s operation 550
chamber heart 247f
quadrant amniotic fluid index calculation 855f
Fourth generation IUCDs 483
Fragile X syndrome 727, 1124, 1128
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin 71
dysuria syndrome 578
of exercise 42
Fresh frozen plasma 1234
Fumaric acid 73
Function of prepregnancy weight for height 20
Functional abnormalities of urinary tract 579
Functioning corpus luteum blood flow 832f
Fundal rupture 1292f
Fungating recurrent mass 907f
Galactocele 1147
Galactosemia 58
Gallstones 122
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 768
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 626, 701
Gamma-gluconyl transferase 123, 183
Ganciclovir 182
Gardnerella vaginalis 555
Garland sign 834f
Gartner’s duct cyst 1312
embolism 1060, 1082
insufflator 1018
Gastric reflux and aspiration 1082
disorders 73
failure 424
injuries 1084
side effects 73
tract 382, 395, 956, 1314
Gaucher’s disease 1128
Gender of twins 851
Gene 53
therapy 945
abnormalities 165, 1131
amniocentesis 1127
basis of polycystic ovary syndrome 660
bleeding disorders 88
causes of POF 727
counseling 52, 62, 113, 1123
and goals of prenatal diagnosis 55
and prenatal diagnosis for genetic disorders 58
case management procedure 55
for obstetricians 52
for principal indications 59
defect 54
disorders 5
factors and recurrent miscarriages 188
heterogeneity 53
in pregnancy loss 1131
of amenorrhea 1133
of female cancers 1134
of hydatidiform moles 948
of male infertility 1136
predisposition 568
scan 871
sonogram 262
sonography after first trimester screening 265
testing 209
fistula 595
malformation 1061
tract 346
trauma 349
Genitourinary fistula
conservative treatment 602
introduction 601
management 601
plan for treatment 602
repair 601
surgical treatment 602
tissue handling techniques 603
Genuine stress incontinence 587
Germ cell tumors 831, 837, 939, 943, 977, 980, 982, 999
of ovary 1002
age 199
of fetus 408
choriocarcinoma 950
diabetes 31f, 120t
mellitus 30, 116, 118, 120, 120t
hypertension 100
sac 565f, 844f
diameter 842
thrombocytopenia 87
disease 947, 949, 954, 960, 1002, 1223
disorders 839
neoplasia 947, 954t, 957, 958
tumors 997
weight gain 22, 28, 29
Giant cell tumor 977
scenario of maternal deaths 8f
view of cervical cancer 1009
Glomerular filtration rate 141
Glomerulonephritis 145
Gluconic acid 73
Glucose 1106
Glutamic acid 73
Glycosylated hemoglobin 116, 117
agonist 668, 675
antagonists 722
Goebel Stock Frangenheim operation 591
Gonadarche 626
Gonadoblastoma 939
Gonadotropin 674, 1112,
dependent precocious puberty 701, 702
independent precocious puberty 701, 702
releasing hormone 573, 672, 681, 701, 702, 716, 731, 732, 768
agonist 721
analogs long protocol 770
analogs short protocol 770
analogs ultrashort protocol 770
antagonists 770
therapy 667, 720
Gonorrhea 748
Grade extent of intrauterine adhesions 1061
Graft-versus-host disease 799
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor 959
Granulosa 939
cell tumors 837
Graves’ disease 268
Green armytage
cannula 1310
forceps 1263, 1263f
acceleration 115
chart 200f
impairment 368
restriction 115
Gynandroblastoma 939
laser laparoscopy 1336
malignancy 941
oncology group 973
cancer 984, 986
operations causing ureterovaginal fistula 598
surgical injuries 596
Gynefix 484
Gyrus main unit 1090f
Haemophilus influenzae 555
HAIR-AN syndrome 681
Halofantrine 130
Hammock hypothesis 587
Hammond’s clinical classification of gestational trophoblastic tumor 954t
Hamster ovum penetration test 734
Hand instrument of
10 mm gyrus with cutting blade 1088f
plasma kinetic energy 1089f
Harman and Baschat’s integrated fetal testing for IUGR 206t
ACE generation 1089
scalpel 1020, 1073f, 1077, 1077f, 1078f
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 268
Haywood Smiths ovum forceps 1272f
Hazards of hyponatremia 1225
Head circumference 201f
Headache 657
Heart disease in pregnancy 113
Heavy menstrual periods 489
Hegar dilator 1264, 1264f
HELLP syndrome 88, 123, 125
failure 424
malignancies 419
parameters in different anemias 87t
problems in pregnancy 86
Hematopoietic stem cells 799
Hemizona assay 734
Hemoglobin 9, 127
C 92
disease 92
F 96
H 95
disease 96
J 95
S 92, 95
transfusion reaction 94
Hemolysis 122
anemia 81, 82, 88
transfusion reactions 1232
treatment 1232
uremic syndrome 88
Hemophilia 319
complications of hysteroscopy 1105
cysts 833f
shock 384
changes in pregnancy 133, 133t
compression sutures 349
Hemoxygenase inhibitors 234
Heparin 203
cell 129
dysfunction 129
failure 122, 424
Hepatitis B
immunoglobulin 185
surface antigen 185
virus 122
breast-ovarian cancer syndrome 1134
hemochromatosis 1128
colon cancer 1128
colorectal cancer syndromes 1135
Hernias 419
simplex virus 179
virus 184
Heterotaxy syndromes 259
Hexamethylmelamine 1001
Hidradenoma of vulva 901
maternal intravenous immunoglobulin 273
rate intraoperative radiation therapy 933
grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 413, 929
performance liquid chromatography 95
active antiretroviral therapy 151, 153
magnified image of human papillomavirus 1004f
purified FSH 720
Hind water amniotomy 287
Hirsutism 666, 1134
Histogenesis of germ cell tumors 977
adults and adolescents 155
men 151
pregnant women 158
infection in pregnancy 150
negative female with HIV positive male 151
positive female with HIV
negative male 151
positive male 151
Hodgkin’s disease 360
Holoprosencephaly 59
Holt-Oram syndrome 243
glucose monitoring 116
uterine activity monitoring 208
Hopkins hysteroscope 1059
changes 1112
contraceptive 439
vaginal rings 456
events of menopause 1113
measurements 712
profile 715
tablets 451
therapies 640, 1000
treatment for osteoporosis 1117
from fetal life to childhood 625f
in natural menopause 1111f
in surgical menopause 1111f
releasing intrauterine contraceptive devices 450
theory 640
therapy 512, 729, 966, 974, 1115, 1146t
therapy 640, 651, 973
and recurrence in breast cancer survivors 649
regimes 641t
use improves breast cancer prognosis 649
Hot flash 1115
HPV testing 913
Hulka uterine manipulator 1266, 1266f
actrapid 118
chorionic gonadotropin 60, 629, 671, 674, 717, 843, 846, 947, 954, 979
assays 953
injection 674
measurement 952
cloning 784, 793
embryonic stem cells 797, 802
erythropoietin 75
immunodeficiency virus 129, 150, 179, 185, 354, 1161
and breastfeeding 361
infection 185
positive female 1246
test 1009
leukocyte antigen 194, 799
menopausal gonadotropin 672, 720
milk fat globulin 945
papillomavirus 923, 1004, 1008
deoxyribonucleic acid 1007f
DNA test 1006
induced neoplastic transformation 1005f
infection 1004
related cytological features 1006f
parvovirus B19 183
placental lactogen 948
reproductive cloning 795
rights 1185
stem cells 801
Huntington’s disease 1128
Hydatidiform mole 839f
Hydrocephalus 59, 279, 1301
Hydrops 59
fetalis 273, 1289f
Hydrosalpinges 753, 755
Hydrosalpinx 749
types 749
Hydroxyethyl piperazineethanesulfonic acid 771, 776
Hydroxyprogesterone 702
Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 643
Hyperandrogenemia 165
Hyperbilirubinemia 115
Hypercoagulable states 89
Hyperemesis gravidarum 951
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism 1134
Hyperhomocysteinemia 89, 134, 135, 137
Hyperinsulinemia 660, 681
and insulin resistance 165
Hypernatremia 469
Hyperprolactinemia 654, 683, 735, 1042
Hyperpyrexia 131
Hyperreactis luteinalis 831
Hypersecretion of luteinizing hormone 192
Hyperspermia 711
Hypertension 99
in pregnancy 99
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 426
Hyperthermia 935
Hyperthyroidism 268, 951
and menstrual abnormalities 688
treatment 269
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 109
Hypocalcemia 115
Hypoglycemia 115, 129
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 1134
Hyponatremia 1225
left heart syndrome 256
normal, menopausal uterus 821f
right heart 254
Hypospermia 711
gonadotropin-releasing hormones 719
pituitary 661f, 680, 681
Hypothyroidism 268, 730
and infertility 686
and menstrual abnormalities 687
treatment 268
Hypovolemia 1227
Hypovolemic shock 404
Hypoxemia 88, 865
Hypoxia 867
Hysterectomy 468, 535, 608, 948f, 1065
complications 468
for classical scar rupture 1293f
for enlarged uterus 612
for placenta accreta 1293f
for rupture lower segment 1293f
of couvelaire uterus 1292f
with mole in situ 953f
with vaginal cuff 920
Hysterosalpingogram 715f, 1311f, 1313f, 1316f
Hysterosalpingography 714, 748, 750, 829f, 882, 1309, 1317
appearances 1311
Hysteroscope 1056
appearance of submucous myoma 534f
cannulation 751
guided septum transection 190
laser surgery 1336
lysis 761
metroplasty 759
procedures 1015
Hysteroscopy 516, 829f, 1023
in infertility 1056
complications 1059
in operation theater setting 1059
technique 1027
Hysterotomy 468, 1346
complications 468
Iatrogenic virilization 684
Ideal body weight 4
Identification of
adnexal mass 1015
congenital defects 1015
transformation zone 1285f
Identifying bowel injury 1052
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 346
Iliofemoral system 89
Illness severity scoring systems 423
Immature teratomas 837, 979
Immune thrombocytopenia purpura 86, 87
Immunosuppressive therapy 148
Immunotherapy 945
in antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 1223
in cervical atypias and cervical dysplasias 1223
in obstetrics and gynecology 1219
in recurrent pregnancy loss 1223
in septic shock 1223
Impact of
antiretroviral therapy on HIV transmission 152
cesarean section on perinatal HIV transmission 157
neonatal antiretroviral therapy 156
Impairment of hatching process 807
maternal and fetal complications 129
steps of laparoscopic cystectomy 765
Improvement of
dietary habits 72
female literacy status 72
sanitation and personal hygiene 72
In utero
hematopoietic cell transplantation 280
stem cell transplantation 802
transfer 223
In vitro
fertilization 718, 731, 1045
and recurrent mole 960
embryo transfer 741, 755, 768, 771
maturation 768, 777
Incidence of
induction of labor 285
low birth weight 20t
preeclampsia 194
spontaneous abortions 162
Incisional hernias 1104
Income Tax Act 1173
prolactin secretion 654
risk of preeclampsia 102f
semen volume 735
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 430
Medical Council Act 1956 1168
Penal Code 1150
scenario of maternal deaths 8f
Trade Union Act 1926 1173
Indications for
abdominal hysterectomy 611
antepartum use 227
blood transfusion 1231
cesarean section 158
conversion to laparotomy 1080t
electronic fetal monitoring 301
fluorescence in situ hybridization 1129
hysteroscopic myomectomy 534t
immediate delivery 400t
induction of labor 285
oocyte donation 776
polymerase chain reaction 1129
preimplantation genetic diagnosis 1130
starting insulin therapy in women 117t
tension free vaginal tape 592
Indications of
assisted laser hatching 807
blood transfusion 75
bone marrow aspiration 71
chemotherapy in carcinoma cervix 1000
diagnostic laparoscopy 1013
effectiveness of cancer therapy 941
laparoscopic hysterectomy 1066
large cone 919
prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling 55
reconstructive surgery 755
small cone 919
Indirect causes of maternal mortality 8t
Individual organ failure 424t
Induction of ovulation 719
Disputes Act 1947 1172
Employment Act 1946 1172
Infectivity of blood
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 1233
cytomegalovirus 1233
hepatitis 1233
human T-cell leukemia virus 1233
and bleeders coagulated with bipolar forceps 1099f
artery bleeding 1099f
vena cava 241
Infertility 883
evaluation 1013, 1023
bowel disease 87
disease of female genital tract 1306, 1307
acute salpingitis 1306
emphysematous vaginitis 1306
ovarian masses 1307
uterine tumors 1307
Infundibulopelvic ligaments 1050
Inhaled vomit syndrome 389
Inheritance of polygenic disorders 1126f
causes for thrombosis 133t
thrombophilias 136
Inhibitors of iron absorption 69
contraception 450
prostaglandins 342
methergin 291
oxytocin 291
Inlet defects 252
Inotropes 111
of intracavitary application 989f
of left blade 322f
technique for intrauterine contraceptive device 486f
Instrument tray for
McDonald suture 1276
MTP 1273
Instrumental vaginal delivery 318, 1151
Insulin 120
like growth factor 622
requirement in labor 119
resistance 660
syndrome 30
therapy 117
Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses approach 15
Integrating hypotheses 31f
Intensity of exercise during pregnancy 40
Intensive care unit 280
Interatrial septum 250
IUGR 201
type of precocious puberty 701
Intermittent auscultation 300
cardiac anatomy 247
iliac artery ligation 349, 386
conference on population and development 11
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
risk factor scoring system 955t
staging for primary carcinoma of ovary 944t
staging of carcinoma of cervix 986
Menopause Society 1112
nosocomial infection control consortium 428
Planned Parenthood Federation 8
Society of Gynecological Pathologists 966
Interperitoneal chemotherapy 945
Interpretation of
fetal heart rate recording 301
semen analysis 710
thyroid function tests 685
Interrupted aortic arch 256
septal defects 252
septum 250
hemorrhage 418
laser surgery 1336
Intracardiac route 233
radiation therapy brachytherapy 988
radiotherapy using afterloading technique 989
Intracorporeal suturing 1072f
of right uterine artery 1072f
of vaginal vault 1074f, 1075f
Intracranial tension 657
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 731, 772, 807
Intramuscular route 75
Doppler velocimetry 306
fetal monitoring 305
controversies 299
techniques 302
management 223, 283
chemotherapy 1001
transfusion 233
Intrastomal flow in polycystic ovaries 834f
adhesions 1031, 1313
contraceptive device 95, 438, 451, 454, 481, 481f, 485, 485t, 828f, 829f, 1009, 1306
death 135, 368
device 438, 494, 497, 518
disease 116, 120
fetal death 89
growth restriction 100, 115, 120, 135, 179, 193, 199, 199t, 238, 404, 1227
and fetal demise 137
fetuses 201t
growth retardation 20f, 1125
insemination 717, 741, 743, 745, 1278
cannula 1277, 1277f
synechiae 760
system 484, 485, 485t
irradiation therapy 972
progesterone 674
hemolysis 83
transfusion 233
fluid rates 316t
immunoglobulin 233, 234
infusion 75
pyelography 549
urogram 986
urography 580, 1307
Intrinsic IUGR 202
carcinoma 986
hydatidiform mole 839
mole 950
Paget’s disease 909
Iodine supplementation 27
Ipsilateral port placement 1068f
Iron 637
ammonium citrate 74
deficiency anemia 68
dextran 74, 75
gluconate 74
hydroxide sorbitol complex 74
polymaltose complex 73
dextriferron 73
sucrose complex 74
supplementation during pregnancy 71
therapy 72
Irregular rhythm 260
Irregularity of upper border of uterine cavity 1316f
Ischemic heart disease 104
Isoelectric focusing 95
Issues of reproductive and child health 11
Isthmic nodosa 1021f
IUCD removing hook 1265, 1265f
IVF and embryo transfer 1064
Janani Suraksha Yojana 15
Jarcho-Levin syndrome 54
Jones wedge metroplasty 758, 759f
Joshi’s sling 551
J-shaped incision 337
Justification of assisted reproductive technology 780
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 787
Kallmann’s syndrome 699
Kaolin clotting time 193
cannula 1272
double whistle cannula 1272
menstrual regulation syringe 1272
Kartagener’s syndrome 733
Kegel’s exercise 39, 371, 589
Ketoacidosis 1227
Khanna’s sling 552
Kidney tray 1262, 1262f
Kielland’s forceps 320, 1268, 1268f
Klebsiella 355, 559, 578
Betke test 230, 401
Klinefelter’s syndrome 1124, 1136
Knife holding positions 1275
Kocher’s clamp 1262, 1262f
Koh’s colpotomizer 1078
Koilocyte 1006f
and pubic hair of menopause 1114
majora 902
minora 902
Labor pain 294
Laboratory detection of antiphospholipid antibodies 166
Lactate dehydrogenase 77, 979
Lactational amenorrhea method 438, 443, 444
acid 73
acidemia 129
Laminaria tent 1274, 1274f
Landon bladder retractor 1259, 1260f
electrocauterization of ovarian surface 1033, 1034, 1036, 1038
electrocoagulation in PCOS 668f
excision 574
hysterectomy 1065, 1067
in frozen pelvis 1047
inspection 1018
ipsilateral technique 1087
myomectomy 531t
ovarian drilling 635, 1034
ovulation induction 1037t
presacral neurectomy 1053
salpingostomy 752
staging of ovarian cancer 945
sterilization 475
surgery 933
for ovulation induction in polycystic ovarian syndrome 766
for repair of pelvic floor defect 553
surgical procedure 972
tubal recanalization 751f
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy 616, 609, 972
Laparoscopy 882
Laparotomy 531t
intramural fibroid 1296
loop excision of transformation zone 933
assisted hatching 778
hysteroscopic procedures 806
in assisted reproduction 806
in endoscopy 805
in human reproduction 805
in management of fibroid 806
laparoscopic procedures 806
physics 805
safety 810
surgery of
vagina 1336
vulva 1335
tissue interaction 805
vaporization 919
Last menstrual period 470, 1309
first trimester placenta 853f
reactions in gynecological cancer 993
stage disease 414
Lateral umbilical fold 1096f
Latzko procedure for apical vesicovaginal fistula 605f
Law of Torts 1150
Le Fort’s operation 550
Lea’s shield 453, 453f
Leber’s congenital amaurosis 280
Leech Wilkinson cannula 1263, 1263f, 1310
adherent ovary with endometriotic implants 1021f
heart anomalies 255
medial umbilical fold 1096f
normal tubal ostia 1023f
pulmonary artery 249
round ligament sealed with ligasure 1091f
tubo-ovarian ligament coagulation 1069f
ureter after separation of adherent adnexa 1051f
uterine artery
cauterized with robi grasper 1091f
ligation 1071f
sealed with 10
mm gyrus 1089f
sealed with 5
mm gyrus 1090f
ejection fraction 111
hypoplasia 257f
outflow tract 248f, 250
Legal status of
induced abortions in India 461
medical methods of medical termination of pregnancy 501
Legalization of safe abortion in India 461
Leiomyomas 1132
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 1125
Leukemia 90, 360
Leukemoid reactions 90
Leukocytosis 90, 183
Levator ani nerve 543
Levonorgestrel 497
IUCD 450
ring 456
Ligasure of valleylab 1089
Light source 1018, 1057
halogen 1057
xenon 1057
Liley’s method 231
Limb 54
abnormalities 878
amelia 1302
hemimelia 1302
phocomelia 1302
symmelia 1302
Limitations of
3D-4D US 880
of laparoscopic myomectomy 532
punch biopsy 915
Limiting blood loss 760
Lipid cell tumors 939
Liquid based cytology 913, 1284f
Listeria monocytogenes 217
Lithium 243
Litmus test 213
Live embryo in adnexa 846
disease in pregnancy 122, 123f
failure 517
function 122
tests in pregnancy 123t
anesthesia 504
destruction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 918
Location of adult stem cell 798
Long-curved obstetric forceps 1267, 1267f
Longitudinal uterine folds 1311
cardiovascular sequelae of pregnancy-induced hypertension 104
complications hysteroscopy in infertility 1060
consequences of polycystic ovarian syndrome 669f
Loop electrical excision procedure 933
birth weight 368
density lipoprotein 104, 643
molecular weight heparin 112, 137
placental implantation 397f
placental previa 397f
platelets syndrome 122
risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia 955
fluids 1106
media 1058
voltage diathermy loop biopsy 915
back bridge 49
ball squat 48
butterfly stretch 46
feet together 46
leg extension 49
modified hurdler 46
pelvic tilt 49
segment cesarean section 118, 346, 385, 472
third prolapse 541
urinary tract obstruction 274
Lung defects 274, 276
Lupus anticoagulant 164, 166
follicular transition 629
phase defect 672
Luteinizing hormone 164, 622, 628, 636, 681, 701, 702, 719, 721, 732, 768, 1034, 1112
releasing hormone analogs 1003
Lymphangiography 1308
Lymphogranuloma venereum 597
Lymphokine activated killer cell 1222
Lymphoma 360
MacKenrodt’s ligament 543, 550, 552
Madlener procedure 475
Magicut 871f
salts 220
sulfate 387, 388
Magnetic resonance imaging 702
Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Unfair Labor Practices Act 1971 1172
treatments of intrauterine insemination 771
unit of ligasure 1090f
use of Ca-125 941
Making pregnancy safer 11
Malaria in pregnancy 126
and female sterilization 440
causes of infertility 708f
condom 451
factor in infertility 731
evaluation 732
regulation 458
pill 450, 454
pseudohermaphrodite 1137
sterilization 457
subfertility 772
vaccine 458
outlive females 24
Malformation with uncertain prognosis 60
Malignancy index 941
for malignant ovarian cancer 942t
Malignant changes in fibroid 826f
Maloprim 130
Management algorithm
for abnormal cervical cytology 917
for advanced primary tumor 905
for clinically
obvious groin nodes 905
suspicious groin nodes 905
for early cancer vulva 904
of anovulatory infertility 716
of recurrent cervical cancer 934
Management of
abruptio placentae 406
anemia 637
cancer cervix with pregnancy 413
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 916
early vulvar carcinoma 904
endometrioma 1030
erythroblastic baby after birth 234
gestational trophoblastic neoplasia 956, 961
high-risk metastatic gestational trophoblastic disease 958
human papillomavirus 1008
hydatidiform mole 953
hyperprolactinemia 654
hypertension in pregnancy 101
labor 289
massive hemorrhage 384
micropituitary tumors 657
obstructed labor 308
based on fetal condition 316
patients with
abnormal cytology 916
genetic disorders 62
placental site trophoblastic tumor 960
collapse 379
hemorrhage 345
primary amenorrhea 698
prolapse 547
recurrent disease 946, 973
rhesus alloimmunization 226
septic shock 387
severe anemia in pregnancy 72
sex partners 558
tubal factor 750
in infertility 750
vault prolapse 552
vulvar carcinoma 903
Managing hypertension in pregnancy 105
Manchester repair 550
Manifestations of
PCOS 662f
precocious sexual development 703
Manual vacuum aspiration 463, 465, 1258
syringe 1272
Marfan’s syndrome 110, 1128
management 110
Marginal hematoma 853
Married women of reproductive age 481
maxi with robi grasper 1089
pelvimeter 1270, 1270f
ovarian edema 836
postpartum hemorrhage 378
Mastalgia 1141
classification 1141t
Mastitis 1147
age and risk of abortions 163t
and child health services 16
cardiac disease 318
bony contraction 308
soft tissue obstruction 308
chromosomal causes 90
complications 129, 398
direct causes 431
scenario in developed countries 9f
scenario in developing countries 9t
watch 19f
diseases 243
exercises, yoga and dance therapy 37
Medicine Units 214
metabolism in normal pregnancy 114
hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia 148
intracranial hemorrhage 102
management 202, 203
bed rest 202
diet 203
L-arginine 203
parental nutrition 203
supplements 203
morbidity 115
mortality 7, 404, 430, 1152
epidemiological evidence 19
rate 13, 430
ratio 7, 11, 19f, 35f
nutrition 23
during course of pregnancy 20
oxygen delivery 426
phenylketonuria 270
treatment 270
alpha-fetoprotein 262
screening for Down syndrome 60
tachycardia 213
weight definitions 28
Maternity Benefit Act 1961 1172
Mature cystic teratomas 837
Maximum transferrin saturation 74
Mayo scissors 1276f
McCall culdoplasty 1075
tube 1074, 1078
vaginal tube 1084
McCune-Albright syndrome 702
McDonald technique 191
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin 86, 87
hemoglobin concentration 87, 93
volume 86, 87, 98
Mean gestational sac diameter 843
Measurement of
bone mineral density 1117
Ca-125 941
fetal circumferences 201f
uterus and volume of ovaries 818t
Mechanical heart valves 112
Mechanism of
action of bispecific monoclonal antibodies 1222f
clotting disorders due to inherited defects 134
contraception 484
germ cell transformation 978
Meckel-Gruber syndromes 54
Medial coagulation of uterine artery 1072f
Median umbilical fold 1096f
Medical Council of India
Notification 1181
Registration 1188
disorders in pregnancy 65
fetal therapy 268
methods for first trimester termination 468
complications 468
methods of termination 468
negligence 1155, 1175
Termination of Pregnancy 11, 1018
Act 461, 465, 499, 500, 1164, 1196, 1245
treatment options for dysfunctional uterine bleeding 519t
abortion 501
and breastfeeding 362
associated with male fertility 736t
Medicolegal deficiencies in gynecological practice 1155
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 703, 974
Mefloquine 130
Megaloblastic anemia 26, 76f, 86
in pregnancy 76
Meig’s syndrome 837, 1307
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone 419
Melanoma 419
Mendelian disorders 58
inborn errors of metabolism 58
X-linked 58
Mendelian inheritance 53
Mendelson’s syndrome 389
cystic ovaries 832f
symptoms 1116
Menopause 725, 726, 1111, 1114
Menorrhagia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding 635
disorders 633f
in adolescent 631
function 692
irregularities 665, 685, 1118
physiology 511
causes 511
regulation 465
failure abortion 466
incomplete abortion 466
pelvic infection 467
trauma 466
Menstruation in adolescence 631
Mersilene tape 1276, 1276f
Metabolic acidosis 129
Metastases of carcinoma of ovary 996f
Metastatic tumors 838
Metformin 120, 196, 635, 665, 668
Methanol extraction residue 1221
Methods of
abortion 466
menstrual regulation 466
cervical priming 286
classification of premature ovarian failure 726t
conception in HIV-infected patients 150
evaluation of urethral support 588
induction of labor 286
intrapartum fetal rate monitoring 300t
overcoming tumor hypoxia 984
preimplantation genetic diagnosis 1130
sperm preparations 744
Methotrexate 956, 957
Methyl ergometrine 291
Methylprednisolone 808
Metroplasty 1032
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 67, 83, 123
Microcolpohysteroscopy 914
Microcytic hypochromic anemia 71f
Microeconomic cost 422
cancer 986
carcinoma 413
Micropapillary lesions 1007f
Microstaging systems of vulvar melanoma 908t
Micturition 585
reflex 586
Middle cerebral artery 240, 857, 864, 864f, 865f
flow 857f
Midpelvic arrest 325
Midstream urine 142
Mifepristone 495
anemia 98
dysplasia 913f
placental detachment 404
hypertension 102
male subfertility 1277
Miliary tubercles 1022f
Millennium development goals 11
Minilaparotomy for tubal ligation 475
Minimal endometriosis fibrosis 1015f
Minimum Wages Act 1172, 1195
Misgav Ladach method 338
Misoprostol 287, 342
Misplaced intrauterine contraceptive device 1023, 1024
stenosis 112
management 112
valve 250
defects 256
disease 1238
prolapse 107
germ cell tumor 979, 980
gonadal dysgenesis 1138
Mixter forceps 1268, 1268f
M-mode study 244
of fetal heart 244f
Mobile adnexal pathology 614
Mobilization of urinary bladder 1071f
Mode of
action of various tocolytics 221
causation of pelvic inflammatory disease 556f
transmission of various infections 179t
dysplasia 913f
placental detachment and hemorrhage 404
Modern management of
breech presentation 329
labor 289
Ferriman and Gallwey scoring of hirsutism 666t
lithotomy position 1067f
methods of biophysical scoring 240
technique for lower segment cesarean section 338
Molar pregnancy 951
Molecular effects of radiation 984f
Monitoring fetus 203
biometry 203
kick count 203
Monoamniotic twinning 210
Monoclonal antibodies 1222
Monodermal teratoma 979
Monophasic pill 447
Monozygotic twins 243
arrhythmias 243
nonimmune hydrops 244
Mood swings of menopause 1114
Morbid adhesions of placenta 349
Morcellator 1076, 1084
Morpholinepropanesulfonic acid 776
Morphologic parameters 838
Morphology of normal and polycystic ovary 680f
against anemia 85
of wandering with rotational forceps 321f
MR syringe 1272f
MTP set 1273f
Mucinous tumors 836, 837, 939
Mucopolysaccharidosis 1128
Mucosal fold in hydrosalpinx 762f
anomalies 190, 693
duct fusion 1027
inhibiting substance 713, 1137
structure in phenotypic female 1137
tumors 938
Multidimensional therapy 642
Multifactorial disorders 1125
Multilayered suture closure of defect 1346
Multimarker screening 60
Multinucleation 1006f
Multiphasic pills 447
gestation 238, 778
organ system failure 422, 424
pregnancies 274, 277, 851f, 960
rates 667
trials of instrumental delivery 322
Mumps 727
defects 252
ventricular septum 253f
Music therapy during pregnancy 43
MVA instruments 1273f
Mycophenolate mofetil 148
Mycoplasma hominis 217, 555, 578
Myocardial diseases 260
cardiac tumors 260
fibroelastosis 260
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 260
obstructed foramen ovale 260
premature constriction of ductus arteriosus 260
Myocardial infarction 111, 109, 383
Myomectomy 530, 759, 760, 1344
using Robotic system 1344
and endometrial calcification 826f
calcifications 819
Myometritis 826f
Nabothian cysts 830
Naked eye single tube red cell osmotic fragility test 98
Narrow uterine cavity 1024f
Nasal bone 850f
hypoplasia 264
Family Health Survey 13, 31
Heart and Lung and Blood Institute 29
Institute of
Child Health and Human Development 214
Health 30
Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 24
Population Policy 14, 461
Rural Health Mission 15
course of human papillomavirus infection 1005f
family planning 442
methods 443
history of cervical cancer 912, 1008
methods of
contraception 437, 451
family planning 442
Nature of
bleeding 408
injury 598
Nd:YAG laser 1336
Necklace sign 834f
Necrotizing fasciitis 357, 357f
Necrozoospermia 734
holder 1261, 1261f, 1276f
suspension procedures 591
Negative predictive value 895
Negligence under consumer law 1155
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 555, 578
Neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet 277
lasers 806, 1034
care 10
hypoglycemia 117
intensive care unit 861
admissions 779
facility 395
jaundice 115
ovary 624
problems 149
toxicity 369
Neosalpingostomy 1031
Nerve sparing radical hysterectomy 933
Neural tube defect 26, 54, 279, 1125
Neuroendocrine regulation of puberty 701
Neurologic failure 424
Neurological and emotional of menopause 1115
Neurotic disorders 366
Nevirapine monotherapy 156
New techniques of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer 753
New York Heart Association Cardiac Functional Classification 109f
Newer replacement of blood 1234
abnormalities 1147
discharge 1143
Nitrofurantoin 582
Nitroglycerine 220, 221
Nodal metastasis 974t
Nonabsorbable sutures 1282t
Nonandrogenic progestogen 665
Nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia 663
Noncommunicable diseases 18
Noncyclic breast pain 1141
idiopathic 1141
referred pain 1142
secondary 1141
Nondefined antigen-directed vaccines 1220
Nondysgerminomatous germ cell tumors 980, 981
Nonhemolytic transfusion reactions 1232
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas 420
Nonhormonal oral contraceptive pill 453
Nonimmune hydrops 179, 269
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 30
Noninvasive Paget’s disease 909
Nonpharmacological methods 348
Nonpneumatic antishock garment 386
Nonpractice of active management of third stage of labor 70
Nonpsychotic postpartum depression 366
Nonreactive nonstress test 330
Nonscalpel vasectomy 504, 506
steps 504
Nonspecific soft tissue tumors 939
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 636
Act 1039
Nonsteroidal contraception 446, 451
permanent 446
temporary 446
Nonstress test 118, 204, 237
Norethisterone test 634
Norfloxacin 582
and abnormal umbilical artery 857f
atrioventricular valve waveform 251f
body mass index 117
cardiac function 106
cervix 926, 928
after application of Lugol’s iodine 928f
colposcopy finding 914f
cytology 912f
differentiation pathways of adult stem cells 798
female pelvis 815
hemoglobin four stem cells 94
pelvic anatomy 1021f
placental vasculature on angiomode 870f
pregnancy 122
sonogram 847
sonographic appearance 842
spacious uterine cavity 1023f
spine 877f
transvaginal sonographic findings 843t
trophoblast 948
tubes and ovaries 1014f
values 1318
waveform 863f866f
Norplant 439
Nourishment status of children 33f
cord 854
translucency 53, 872f
Nuclear transfer for stem cells 801
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 155
Number of placenta 851
Numerical audit of obstetric and gynecology 1159
Nurse and lady health volunteers 15
Nursing home registration 1191
Nutritional anemia 86
O’ Conor’s abdominal repair of vesicovaginal fistula 606f
O’ Sullivan method 350
Obesity 28, 449
analgesia 294
fistulas 601
forceps 321, 322f
hemorrhage 426
hysterectomy for
placenta accreta 1294f
postpartum hemorrhage 1293f
ICUS 422
management 121
antepartum 121
breastfeeding 121
intrapartum 121
postpartum 121
ultrasound 841
Obstetrical abdominal operations 596
foramen ovale 260
labor 596
Obstruction of tubes 1314
Offences and penalties under
IPC 1165
PCPNDT Act 1166
Oldham perforator 1269, 1269f
Oligohydramnios 204
Oligomenorrhea 634
Oligospermia 735
Oligozoospermia 711, 734
Omental and bowel adhesiolysis 1049
Omphalocele 59, 1291f
Onset of puberty 700
donation 776
insemination 771
retrieval 773
complications 773
screening 771
Oophorectomy 613
fetal surgery 279
laparotomy 765, 766
bifida 280
canal defect 877f
Opening tube 752
Operative resectoscopy 1059
Optical density deviate 231
contraceptive 15, 493, 521, 572
combination pills 493
pills 439, 492, 497, 636, 681
glucose tolerance test 120
hypoglycemic agents 120
iron therapy 72
nifedipine 103
rehydration solution 360
Origin of
complete mole 948f
partial mole 949f
Osteogenesis imperfecta 319
Osteoporosis 1116
Outcome of obstructed labor 309f
and adrenal tumors 683
androgen secretion 678
artery ligation 349
atrophy 1041
biopsy 412
cancer 419, 896, 937, 940, 942
carcinoma 940
cysts 883, 894
dermoid 837
endometrial cycle 511f
failure 707
function 193
germ cell tumors 981
hyperstimulation syndrome 668, 674, 720, 833, 833f, 885, 1030, 1033
length 635
lesions 883
of endometriosis 826f
lymphoma 838
masses 849
neoplasms 831, 836
functional cysts 831
ovulation induction 1036
remnant syndrome 833
resistance syndrome 834f
serous cystadenocarcinoma 896f
sonography 830
stimulation 769, 771
and cancer 779
clomiphene 769
gonadotropins 769
stromal hypertrophy and hyperechogenicity 635
surgery for induction of ovulation 766
tissue cryopreservation 729
tumors 937
during pregnancy 411
vascular lesions 831, 836
ovarian torsion 836
venous thrombosis 836
vessels 836f
Ovary 623, 681, 712, 1096f
in childhood 624
of menopause 1114
with multiple follicular cysts 1298f
Ovulation induction 729
donation 730
forceps 1271
Oxygenation of fetus 865, 866
Oxytocin 286, 341
antagonists 221
Packed red blood cells 1233, 1233t
Paclitaxel 1000
Paget’s disease 902, 909
Pajot’s maneuver 326f
Palliative radiotherapy in gynecological cancer 985
Palmer’s point 1020
Parametrial phlegmon 358f
Paraovarian cysts 835f
Parental chromosomal abnormalities 1131
infusions in labor 1225
iron therapy 73, 74
Parietal peritoneum 1049f
Parkland technique 475
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 90
hydatidiform mole 839, 947, 949
mole 949f, 952
vesicular mole 1297f
zona dissection 807
Partograph recordings 312
Partographic documentation 289
Partography 292
Parts of cryomachine 1279
Parvoviridae 183
Parvovirus 180, 183, 243
Patau syndrome 53, 262, 265, 1124
Patent ductus arteriosus 110
Pathogenesis of
preeclampsia 100
premature ovarian failure 727t
β-thalassemia 82, 97f
Pathological anatomy of
anterior vaginal wall prolapse 540
posterior vaginal wall prolapse 540
prolapse 540
Pathophysiology of
fetal distress 861
polycystic ovary syndrome 1035
preterm labor 218
sickle cell anemia 93f
Payment of
Bonus Act 1965 1172
Gratuity Act 1972 1172
professional services 1182
Wages Act 1936 1172
PCPNDT Act 1230
Peak flow normal values 1331
Pedigree 53
charting 55
symbols 57
cellular tissue of menopause 1114
floor 372
dysfunction 546
exercises 372
infection 1310
inflammatory disease 485, 555, 560, 611, 708, 835, 835f, 1314
kidney 840, 840f
pain/pressure 524
tilt 50f
tuberculosis 1314
veins 89
Pelvimetry 1302, 1303f
Pelvis 712
Penetrating trauma 421
ulcer disease 417
ulceration 985
fetal cystoscopy 275
blood sampling 859
sampling 231
vesicoamniotic shunt 275
Perforation of uterus 992
Perimembranous defects 252
Perimenopause 1111
HIV transmission and route of delivery 157
morbidity rates 115t
mortality 238
Perineal closure 908f
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 111, 111f
Peripheral blood smear 76f, 80f
entry 1020
inclusion cysts 836
Peritubal adhesion 761
Periurethral injections 592
complications 593
materials used 593
procedure 593
Permanent methods of sterilization 472
Persistent fever 355
Perthes’ disease 1304
Pharmacological methods 348
of cervical ripening 286
Phenomenon of cytoadherence 127
Phlegmasia alba dolens 357
amenorrhea 692
anemia 67
in pregnancy 67, 68, 86
Physiology of
hatching 807
puberty 625
Phytoestrogen 1118
PID in
postmenopausal women 558
woman with HIV 558
Pifenidone 530
Pilosebaceous unit 690
Pinard’s stethoscope 1271, 1271f
Pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone 690
Piver-Rutledge classification of hysterectomy for cervical cancer 930t
Place of
induction of labor in modern obstetrics 285
supracervical hysterectomy 1076
Placenta 878
grading and location 854f
previa 397, 398t, 400, 402, 835
abruption 404
alkaline phosphatase 948
hemorrhages 854f
insufficiency 239
site trophoblastic tumor 839, 947, 950
sonography 853
abdominal radiograph 580
forcep 1263, 1264f
Plant compound pills 458
Plasmapheresis 233
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 660
Plasmodium falciparum attacking blood cells 126f
Platelet concentrates 1233
Pleural effusion 276
fetal surgery 276
Pneumogynecography 1309
Pneumoperitoneum 1306
related complications 1082
veress needle 1018
Polar body biopsy 1130
Policy on stem cell research 803
kidney disease 146, 1129
disease 717, 720
syndrome 634, 680, 766, 833, 1132
ovary 634, 635, 663, 663f, 719, 834f, 883, 884f, 1014f
syndrome 120, 165, 196, 659, 703, 966, 1030, 1033
Polycythemia 115
vera 90
Polyembryoma 979
Polygenic disorders 54, 59
Polyhydramnios 116
Polymerase chain reaction 52, 151, 176, 180, 227, 269, 778, 1007, 1126, 1129
Polyp 881
after saline infusion sonography 516f
on sonohysterography 827f
Polypoid filling defects 1311
Polyzoospermia 711
Pomeroy technique 475
Pompe’s disease 280
Postabortal insertion 485
insertion 485
test 713
colpotomy 1078f
intravaginal sling plasty 553
urethral valves 275
apical prolapse 548
vesicovaginal fistula 597f
Postimplantation effect 135
Postmenstrual insertion 485
Postmolar trophoblastic neoplasia 954
Postmortem cesarean delivery 426
issues 210
perineal trauma 1152
transfusion 270
management algorithm for endometrial cancer 972
radiation therapy for endometrial trial 994
vaginal irradiation 972, 994
Postpartum 118
blood volume 347
blues 365
collapse 378
depression 367
endometritis 830f
exercise 49, 371
hemorrhage 340, 346, 347t, 404, 426
hypertension 104
insertion 486
prophylaxis 228
psychiatric disorders 364
weight retention 29
Poststerilization 749
Post-term pregnancy 238
Post-therapy fertility 982
Potassium titanyl phosphate 810, 1020
Pouch of Douglas 1096f
Prader-Willi syndrome 699, 1129
Preantral follicle 624
Precise and collision-free movements 1337
Precocious puberty 627, 700702
and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 860, 1164, 1245
care 3
care counseling implications 4, 5
age-related factors 4
contraception usage 5
drug usage 5
environmental challenges 4
fertility treatment 5
genetic screening 5
infections 5
lifestyle behaviors 4
medical disorders 4
nutrition and weight gain 4
visit 3
Preconceptional obesity 18
Preeclampsia 100, 146, 951
and eclampsia 100
and IUGR 1227
superimposed on chronic hypertension 100
Preeclamptic toxemia 120
Pre-existing medical disorders 94
and breast lumps 1145
and renal disease 141
plasma protein 265, 1127
progenitor cell 802
complications 94, 137, 779
in POF 729
in pre-existing renal disease 144
induced hypertension 135, 422
morbidity 90
nutrition surveillance system 34
outcome for women with PCOS 669
with ovarian cyst 850f
Pregnant blood volume 347
Pre-hormone therapy 650
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 189, 769, 777, 1129
Premalignant lesions 413
menopause 726
failure 725, 726, 727t, 729t, 730t, 1112, 1133
insufficiency 1133
rupture of membrane 354, 474
Premenstrual syndrome 687
Prenatal Diagnostic Technique 52, 841, 1151
Act, 1994 1165
Prenatal genetic diagnosis 1125
for thalassemia 1127f
Prentif cavity-rim cervical cap 452
follicle 628
scan 884
Prepregnancy 108
care 1
counseling 94, 101
iron 26
prevention of preterm birth 223
weight 28
gain 28
Prepubertal period 625
Presacral neurectomy 1054f
Presence of
endometrial cells 968
galactorrhea 195
polycystic ovaries 192
of carbon dioxide in arterial blood 426
transmission hypothesis 587
breech 333
deliveries 191, 470
labor 1226
milk 361
prelabor rupture of membranes 212
premature rupture of membranes 212, 403
Prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases 442
Prevent preterm labor 217
Prevention of
bilirubin encephalopathy 234
genitourinary fistulas 603
laparoscopic surgery 1095
mother-to-child transmission 159
parent-to-child transmission center 1246
perinatal human immunodeficiency virus transmission 185
PID 557
toxoplasmosis 184t
amenorrhea 692, 692f, 695, 726
antiphospholipid syndrome 193t
cyto reduction 942
dysmenorrhea 632
health centers 15
malignant tumors 996
ovarian insufficiency 725
postpartum hemorrhage 345
trocar injuries 1098
Principles of
antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care 13
assisted hatching 807
Doppler ultrasound 856f
management and dosage in gynecological cancer 985
microsurgical tubal anastomosis 762
ovarian reconstructive surgery cystectomy 765
Problem of
nursing and maternity home 1188f
overweight 28
research in recurrent spontaneous abortions 163
unsafe abortion 499
Procedure of
cordocentesis 859f
in vitro fertilization 718f
amniocentesis 859f
chorionic villus sampling 859f
transcervical chorionic villus sampling 859f
Process of oocyte formation 624f
Procidentia 1294f
Production of hemoglobin 92
Progesterone 114, 222, 712, 1113
IUCD 450
metabolism 621
receptor 1132
support 164, 674
Progestin 572
only pill 493, 494t, 497
replacement therapy 640
vaginal ring 456
evaluation of serial β-hCG assay 562
variables in endometrial carcinoma 970t
Progression of cervical dysplasia 915f
Proguanil with atovaquone 130
Prolactotroph adenoma 655
Prolapse with carcinoma cervix 1294f
after schauta operation 1294f
Promethazine hydrochloride 233
Promise of stem cell research 801f
oophorectomy 614
RBC transfusion 94
Prophylaxis 77, 144
Prostaglandins 286, 469
complications 469
cervical tears 469
hemorrhage 469
incomplete abortion 469
sudden maternal death 469
transverse rupture of posterior uterine wall 469
synthetase inhibitors 221
Prosthetics in pelvic reconstructive surgery 553
C deficiency 89, 134
S deficiency 134
Proteinuria 146
Proteus mirabilis 387
complex 1234
gene mutation 134, 137
mutation 134
Protozoal disease 126
Provident Fund Act 1195
Provisions Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1209
tubal occlusion 751
tubal pathology 749
Pseudogestational sac 846f
Pseudomonas 355, 387, 559, 578
Pseudo-ostia formation 1025f
Psoas hitch for ureterovaginal fistulas 607f
Psychologic sequelae 470
Pubertal events 700t
Puberty 625, 626, 700
and community health 1184
centers 11
concept 431
Pubocervical ligament 544
infection 354t
psychosis 366, 368
sepsis 352, 355
edema 129
hypertension 110
stenosis 255
thromboembolism 381
trunk 249
valve atresia with intact septum 254
venous drainage 250
Pulsatile intrauterine insemination 745
Purandare’s cervicopexy 551
Pure gonadal dysgenesis 1138
Purity of fetal blood sample 231
Purpose of Audit of Obstetric and Gynecology 1159
bladder downward 1078f
uterus in vagina 1074f
Pyelectasis 263
Pyridoxine deficiency 73
Pyrimethamine 130
Quadruple test 61
Quantitation of anti-D concentration 230
Quiescent gestational trophoblastic disease 961
Radiation therapy in gynecological cancer 984, 994
hysterectomy 1100f
trachelectomy 932
vaginal hysterectomy 932
Radiotherapy in ovarian tumors 996
alpha-fetoprotein levels 58
polypoid patches of chronic endometritis 1026f
Raloxifene 1146
Random growth hormone 684
Range of hysteroscopes 1056
Rapid fetal karyotyping 177
Rationale for
antepartum administration of Rh-immunoglobulin 227
clinical downstaging of cancer of cervix 922
Reasons for obstetric litigation 1149
Recent trends in management of recurrent pregnancy wastage 188
Recessive trait 53
Recombinant FSH 722
human parathyroid hormone 1118
Recommendations for
antiviral drug use during pregnancy 153t
delivery 332
neonatal antiretroviral therapy 157
Reconstructive surgery 756, 757, 766
for cervical defect 756
for uterine defects 756
in infertility 755
of ovary 765
Rectal wall laceration 1102f
Rectocele 547, 548
Rectovaginal fascia 542
Rectum 547
Recurrence of hypertensive disorders 104
aneuploidy and recurrent pregnancy loss 189
cervical cancer 933
molar pregnancy 960
ovarian germ cell tumors 982
pregnancy loss 165, 189, 193, 1023
spontaneous abortion 162, 163, 163t, 164, 188, 192194
vulvar cancer 906
blood cell 86, 87, 92, 228, 1225
substitute 1234
cell distribution width 70
ovarian reserve 728, 728t
semen volume 735
sperm concentration 735
Re-emergence of uterine packing 384
Reflux nephropathy 146
Regimen of zidovudine plus lamivudine 156
Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1167
Relevant genetic counseling 189
Removal of
Gartner’s cyst 597
lymph nodes 1100f
placenta 338
disease 74, 88
occurring during pregnancy 141
failure 129, 404, 424
system during pregnancy 141
transplant recipients 147
Repair of high vesicovaginal fistula 604f
Repeated abortions 470
and child health program 11
health 11
issues in HIV-infected women 150
performance 680
toxicity of antipsychotic treatment 368
tract infection 11
Resection of
rectovaginal nodules 1343, 1344f
submucous fibroids 1063
Resistant ovary syndrome 727
changes 416
distress 115
syndrome 214
failure 424
insufficiency 952
Resuscitation 347, 380
Rete cysts 831
Retinoic acid 243
Retracted nipples 1147
Retrograde urethral catheterization 275
Retroplacental hematomas 853
Retroverted uterus 1086f
Rett’s syndrome 1124
Rh isoimmunization 470
Rhesus 226
alloimmunization 232, 235
alloimmunized pregnancy 229
antibody estimation 230
genotype of husband 230
isoimmunization 273
titer 230
typing 231
Ribonucleic acid 15, 153, 181
Richter’s hernia 1104
Rifampicin 450
adherent ovary with endometriotic implants 1021f
angle retractor 1260, 1260f
atrium 249
inflow tracts 251
fallopian tube 1021f
salpingitis 1021f
heart anomalies 254
medial umbilical fold 1096f
normal tubal ostia 1023f
pulmonary artery 249
round ligament coagulation 1069f
sided dermoid 896f
tubo-ovarian ligament 1086f, 1089f1091f
coagulation 1069f
ureter 1079f
ureteric dissection 1079f
uterine artery 1089f, 1090f, 1096f
hypoplasia 255f
outflow tract 248f, 250
Rim of tube in anterior fornix 1087f
Ringer’s lactate 1226
Risk periods for maternal mortality 68
Road ahead of safe motherhood 11
Robert syndrome 54
myomectomy 1345f
radical hysterectomy 934
surgery 1054, 1337, 1340
system 1338f
Role of
amnioinfusion 215
cesarean section 286
chemotherapy in gynecologic malignancies 999
corticosteroids in POF 729
cystography 1308
employers 362
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 362
folate and vitamin B12 in DNA synthesis 77f
genetic counselor 54
glucose levels and maternal obesity 115
intravenous urography in gynecology 1307
judiciary 362
laparoscopic evaluation 616
nutrition in pregnancy 30
obstetrician and gynecologist 1146
plain abdominal radiographs 1299
second-look laparotomy 982
surgery in management of trophoblastic disease 959
tocolytics 214
tumor markers 979
various organizations in emergency contraception 496
voluntary organizations 362
Rosetting test 229
towards left shoulder 248
with forceps 320f
forceps 320
sweep 248
ligaments and utero-ovarian ligaments 1068
spermatid nucleus injection 738
Route of delivery 118, 210
antenatal prophylaxis 227
prophylactic forceps 546
Rubber ring pessary 1270, 1270f
Rubella 180, 243
infection 3
of fetal membrane 212
uterus 596
Rural health care
delivery system subcenters 15
system 15
in India 16
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 279
colpopexy 552
ligament 542f
Safe abortion
services 461
save lives 463
Safe motherhood initiative 8, 11
Sales tax registration 1195
Saline infusion sonography 516
Salpingectomy 752
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa 1314
Salpingolysis 761
Salpingo-ovariolysis 761
Salpingoplasty 761
fimbrioplasty 761
neosalpingostomy 762
Salpinx 1309
Sarcoma 909
Sarcomatous degeneration of fibroid 1295f
Save life of pregnant women 431
Scalp stimulation 304
Scalpel vasectomy 506
Scarring of uterosacral ligament 1015f
Schiller iodine test 915
Screening for
gestational diabetes mellitus 119, 120t
ovarian cancer 940
Scrotal filariasis 504
Seated shoulder stretch 46f
generation IUCDs 483
line agents
nifedipine 103
oral hydralazine 103
line chemotherapy 1001
look laparoscopy 1018
after tubal anastomosis 764
look laparotomy 945
stage of labor 291
trimester 117
MTPs 463
pregnancy losses 191
screening 60
amenorrhea 726
postpartum hemorrhage 350
testicular failure 733
estrogen receptor modulator 453, 528, 1118
fetoscopic laser coagulation 277
Sella turcica 657
Semen analysis 709, 710t, 732
abstinence 710
collection and transport 709
number of tests 710
sperm morphology 710
Seminiferous tubules 732f
Sentinel lymph node 934
Sepsis 426
Septal defects 252
Septate uterus 190, 757, 819, 822f, 823f, 1015f, 1295, 1312
Septic shock 354, 387
Septicemia 354
Septostomy 277
Sequelae of
medical termination of pregnancy 465, 470
PID 557
puerperal sepsis 356
platelet intrauterine transfusions 270
sonography 712
Serious hemorrhage 347
Serologic methods 180
Serous tumors 836, 938
of ovary 837f
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors 838, 939
creatinine level 148
ferritin level 70
free thyroxine 951
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 124, 958
iron levels 70
progesterone 566
levels 673
testosterone 683
thyroid-stimulating hormone 1118
transferrin receptor 71
Set-up of operating room 1339, 1339f
Several types of intrauterine contraceptive devices 483f
anemia 155
during labor 68
during pregnancy 68
during puerperium 68
fetal 68
neonatal 68
dysplasia 913f
liver disease in pregnancy 124t
oligoasthenozoospermia 742
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 746
placental detachment and hemorrhage 405
preeclampsia 101
Severity of
anemia in pregnancy 67
bleeding 408
cord 831, 837
determination tests 1186
hormone binding globulin 621, 679, 1035
linked chromosomal disorders 1124
ratio 1229
selection 1151
steroids 699
Sexually transmitted disease 11, 437, 451, 472, 485, 1008
Sharp and blunt curette 1265f
Sheth’s cervicofundal sign 611
cerclage procedures 191
cervical encerclage needles 1277, 1277f
posterior sling operation 551
Shoulder stretch 45f
Sickle cell
anemia 79f, 80f
beta-thalassemia 92
disease 79, 86
effects on pregnancy 79
management 80
treatment 80
hemoglobin 92
C disease 92
hemoglobinopathies 92
syndromes 94, 94t
trait 79
anterior vaginal wall retractor 1258, 1258f
speculum 1258, 1258f, 1276f
ovarian cyst 833f
postnatal exercises 374
sitting 374
walking 374
Simpson perforator 1269, 1269f
agent regimens for low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasms 957t
donor plasma 1234
overnight dexamethasone suppression test 682
treatment 143
defect 54t
disorders 1130
intrauterine fetus in transverse lie 1300f
ventricle defects 259
Sites of
endometriosis 570f
ureteric injury 598f
ambiguous 246
solitus 246f
Skeletonization of uterine artery 1085
Skin in gynecological cancer 993
and large bowel injury 1101
for gestational age 142, 199t
infants and preterm labor 368
musculoelastic spiral arteries 101
Smooth muscle tumor 522
Sodium chloride 1226
Soft tissue emphysema 1097
Solid benign tumors of vulva 901
Solitary dextrocardia 246
cell nuclear transfer 787, 801
technology 788
stem cell 798
self-retaining vaginal speculum 1259
speculum 1259f
Sonohysterography 829, 882
Sonohysterosalpingography 714
Sonosalpingography 882
Soonawala’s unilateral posterior sling surgery 551
Sources of folic acid 26
Spalding’s sign 1300f
Spatio-temporal imaging correlation 245
Spatula 1284
Specific types of renal disease 145
Spectrophotometric analysis of amniotic fluid 231
Spectrum of liver diseases 122
function tests 734t
nuclear DNA damage 1137
preparations 771
density gradient separation 745
swim-up technique 745
wash procedure 744
Spina bifida 1290f, 1301
abnormalities 877, 889
analgesia 1227
computed tomography 381
Spiramycin 183
therapy 183
Spironolactone analog 447
Spleen colonies 797
holder 1276f
holding forceps 1261, 1261f
cancer antigen 933
carcinoma 902, 1298f
intraepithelial lesion 1004
Stages of
carcinoma of cervix 987f
pubertal development 626, 626f
sperm production 732f
uterine prolapse 542f
Staging of cancer vulva 903
Standard assisted laser hatching 808
Staphylococcus aureus 387, 453, 559
Static group of uterine support 543f
Stavudine 155
Stem cell
research 797
Indian policy 803
International policy 803
without embryonic destruction 803
Stenosed cervical canal 1064
Steps of
laparoscopic hysterectomy 1067
vasectomy 505f
intrauterine insemination technique 746
myomectomy 532f
nonscalpel vasectomy 505f
salpingostomy 753f
semen preparation technique 744
subserous myomectomy 533f
common intraoperative complications 475
delayed complications 476
immediate postoperative complications 476
mortality 476
surgical approach 475
Steroid 209
hormones 637
Steroidal contraception 446, 447
Steroidogenesis 622f
Stethoscope 1271f
and digital fetal Doppler 1271
of erythropoiesis with recombinant erythropoietin 75
of spermatogenesis and sperm function 734
protocols and monitoring of cycle 742
Storage of blood 1231
Straight babcock forceps 1263f
Strassman procedure 196
of abdominal metroplasty 758f
Strategies of safe motherhood 8
ovary 1017f
plus streak 1138
Strength training exercises 47
incontinence 587
urinary incontinence 585, 587
Stroke 389
Stromal tumors 831, 837
chromosomal anomalies 189
malformations 60
Struma ovari 837
Study of genetics 1122
Styrene maleic anhydrite 454
Subchorionic hemorrhage 848
Subclinical hypothyroidism 686
and infertility 686
and menstrual abnormalities 688
Subcutaneous emphysema 1097
fibroids 195, 513f, 522, 760, 1297f
myoma 1024f, 1063
Subpulmonary defects 252
Subtotal hysterectomy 616
Succinic acid 73
Suction cannula 1268, 1268f
Sulfamethoxazole 582
Summary of various disorders 370t
Superficial intraperitoneal anatomy of anterior abdominal wall 1096f
Superior hypogastric plexus 1053f
Suppression of rhesus immunization/alternative therapies 233
Supracervical hysterectomy 1076f
Suprapubic arc sling 592
complications 592
Supravaginal elongation of cervix 1295f
Supraventricular tachycardia 107, 269
and atrial flutter 272
treatment 272
Surface epithelial
inclusion cysts 831
stromal tumors 831, 836
tumors 938
Surgery for
cervical cancer 930
uterine fibromyoma 759
blades 1274f
emergencies during pregnancy 415
management of
myomas 530
vulvar tumors 901
menopause 1113
principles of suture materials 553
Surrogacy 776
Suspicious of malignancy 926
Sutures 1280f
of right uterine artery 1072f
vaginal vault after hysterectomy 1052f
Swimming exercises 40f
Swyer’s syndrome 699
Symptoms of
anemia 637
fibroid 524t
incisional hernia 1104
premenstrual syndrome 1114
Synechiae 882
illness 634
infections 184
inflammatory response syndrome 104
lupus erythematosus 89, 636
nephritis 146
nephropathy 146
skeletal abnormalities 1302
Tachycardia 260
Tailoring therapy 650
Tanner staging 627t
among females 697t
for breast development 698f
for development of pubic hair in females 698f
Target blood glucose concentrations in pregnancy 116t
Targeted therapy 935
Tay Sach’s disease 5, 1129
T-cell-depleted bone marrow cells 280
Technique for
prenatal diagnosis 1127
retropubic bladder neck suspension 590
Technique of
colposcopy 1285
diagnostic laparoscopy 1018
genetic diagnosis 1129
intrauterine insemination 745
medical termination of pregnancy 496
vasectomy 504
Tenaculum 1262, 1262f
Tension free vaginal tape 592
Teratoma 979
Teratozoospermia 711, 734
Terbutaline 220
complications failed attempted abortion 468
of pregnancy 55, 268, 402, 460
Testicular feminization 1137
syndrome 699
Testis plus
ovary 1138
streak gonad 1138
Tetrahydrofolate 77f
Tetrahydrofolic acid 76
Tetralogy of Fallot 257, 257f
Thalassemia 5, 73, 96
syndrome 81, 98
Thalidomide 243
cell tumors 939
lutein cyst 951, 951f, 831, 832
Thecoma 837
Theories of female continence 587
cone and hysterectomy 920t
donor insemination 737
options for emergency contraception 497
vaccines 935, 1223
walled hydrosalpinx 749f
wide deep septum 1017f
Thin wall follicular cysts 832f
generation IUCDs 483
line agents thiazide diuretics 103
stage of labor 291
Thoracic aorta 857
Thoracoamniotic shunt 276
Threatened abortion 57
Three delay model system 315
Three dimensional
images of fetal face 872f
power Doppler 881f
dermoid 883f
of fetal limbs 878f
of normal uterus 881f
polyp 882f
Three making pregnancy safer messages 11
Three orthogonal-plane display of fetus 858f
Three vessel trachea section 249f, 250
Thrombi and hematomas 853
Thrombocytopenia 87, 88, 183
Thrombophilia 133, 138
and preeclampsia 138
and recurrent pregnancy loss 138
associated pregnancy wastage 136
in pregnancy 133
disorders 89
mothers 89
Thromboprophylaxis 137
Thrombosis 133
microangiopathies 144
thrombocytopenic purpura 88, 144
Thymidine monophosphate 77f
Thyroid 268
and adrenal disorders in gynecology 685
disorders 735
and infertility 686
and menstrual irregularities 687
in relation to gynecological surgery 688
dysfunction 192, 634, 686, 688
hormone 365
synthesis 685
stimulating hormone 268, 654, 685, 702, 715, 952
Thyrotropin releasing hormone 654, 685
Tibolone 1146
Timing of
delivery 118, 205
insertion 485
intrauterine insemination 743
planned cesarean section 158
puberty 626
sterilization 474
Tissue selectivity of
serms 643
tibolone 643
Tocolysis 209, 219, 330
Tomographic US imaging 869
Tone of bladder and cystometrogram 587
Tongue depressor 1260, 1260f
Tooth forcep 1264, 1264f
abdominal hysterectomy 973
fertility rate 35f
iron binding capacity 71
Towel clip 1260, 1260f
Toxemia 13
Toxic shock syndrome 453
Toxoplasma gondii 179, 183, 192, 271
Toxoplasmosis 183, 271
treatment 271
and rotation with forceps 320f
with forceps 320f
Traditional birth attendant 354
Training of
health care providers 379
traditional birth attendants 14
Transabdominal sonography 399, 854
probe 815f
cannulation of proximal tubal occlusion 764
hysteroscopic cannulation for proximal tubal occlusion 764f
tubal cannulation 751, 1031
Transdermal contraceptive patch 457
Transferrin saturation 70
Transforming growth factor
alpha 701
beta 644
associated acute lung injury 1233
reactions 1232
transmitted infections 1233
Transient tachypnea 115
Transitional cell tumors 837
Translocation Down syndrome 60
Transobturator tape sling 592
Transperineal sonography 854
Transplant theory 568
Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 1166
Doppler sonography 564
flow Doppler 842, 847
sonographic probe 842f
sonography 219, 516f, 815, 817f, 854
ultrasonography 191
ultrasound 663f
cervical ligament 543
vaginal septum with hematocolpos 831f
Transvesical transabdominal sonography 815
complications of hysteroscopy 1105
injuries 597
during pregnancy 421
Treat hypertension during pregnancy 102
Treatment of
antiphospholipid 166
breast lump 1144
carcinoma of cervix 992t
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia during pregnancy 920
early ovarian cancer 942
genitourinary fistulas 601
hot flashes 1115
infertility 667
ITP 87
low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion 917
luteal phase defect 673, 674
mastalgia 1142
menopausal woman 1118
menorrhagia and impact of advanced technology 1092
menstrual disturbances 666
myoma 534t
PCOS in adolescent girls 665
PID 557
preterm labor 219
puerperal sepsis 356
twin-twin transfusion syndrome 177
varicocele 736
worm infestation 72
Treponema palladium 192
infection 192
Trial of
breech 332
instrumental delivery 320
extension 48f
stretch 45f
Trichloroacetic acid 1009
Trichomonas 3
atresia 259
regurgitation 255f
valve 255
defects 254
Trimethoprim 582
Triple test 60
Tripled abortion specimen 1295f
Triploidy 265
Tripterygium wilfordii 454
Trisomic Down syndrome 60
13 265
18 265
detection 850f
knot pusher 1078
thread carrier for right
infundibulopelvic ligament 1070f
tubo-ovarian pedicle 1069f
uterine manipulator 1085, 1085f
and detachable colpotomizer 1085f
with vaginal tube 1085f
Trophoblastic tumors 947, 1307
Truncus arteriosus 257
T-shaped uterus 824t
anastomosis 762, 1045
for tubal occlusion 764
and ovarian microsurgery 753
and tuboperitoneal defect 761
and uterine fistulae 1316
factors in infertility 748
prevention 750
therapeutic 750
occlusion 1031
pathology 835f
polyps 1314
pregnancy 749, 1316, 1336
reanastomosis 751
ring sign 847f
spasm 1315
Tubectomy 440
Tuberculosis 449, 711, 749, 1304
Tubular cavity 1025f
arising from
extra-abdominal organs 411
nonreproductive organs 411, 414
reproductive organs 411
associated antigens 1219
during pregnancy 411
dysgerminoma 981
infiltrating leukocytes 1222
markers in ovarian germ cell tumors 980t
of newborn 279
promotion versus tumor initiation 648
Turner’s syndrome 262, 265, 727, 1124, 1134
Twin reversed arterial perfusion 277
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 208, 210, 269, 277
Two cell
system 622f
two-gonadotropin theory 680
Types of
anemia 70
cancer of cervix 986
fistulae 595f
fluid and distention media 1105
germ cell tumors 979
immunotherapy 1220
interrupted aortic arch 256f
intrauterine contraceptive devices 482
laser 808
nonobstructive Müllerian anomalies 757
obstetric audit 1159
pelvis 1303
android 1303
anthropoid 1303
gynecoid 1303
platypelloid pelvis 1303
placenta previa 397, 397f
premature ovarian failure 726t
radiotherapy treatment in gynecological cancer 988
ribonucleic acid 53
tissue specificity 1146t
truncus arteriosus 258f
anastomosis 762
microsurgical techniques 761
uterine anomalies 756
vaginal malformations 756
vulvar malignancies 906
patient of endometrial carcinoma 965f
sites of period pain 632f
ultrasonographic appearance of complete hydatidiform mole 952f
Ultrasonography machine 815f
and amniotic fluid 854
and puerperium 830
in congenital malformations 855
in second and third trimester 850
machine 842f
of uterus 819
artery 864, 864f
Doppler velocimetry 240
cord 853, 855f
blood stem cells 799
clamp 1275, 1275f
ligation/occlusion 277
Unclassified tumors 939
pregnancy 227
urinary tract infection 582t
Unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss 194
Unicollis uterus 819
Unicornuate uterus 190, 195, 824f, 1016f, 1311, 1311f
Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy 980
United Nations
Children’s Fund 130
Development Programme 130
Fund for Population Activities 8
International Children’s Emergency Fund 8
Unsatisfactory progress of labor 311t
bicep curl 48
dumb-bell row 47
incline dumb-bell press 47
machine press 47
pull down 47
seated shoulder stretch 46
shoulder stretch 45
tricep extension 48
tricep stretch 45
genital tract infection 555
respiratory tract infection 354
third prolapse 540
Ureaplasma urealyticum 217, 555, 578
Ureteral injury 1101
Ureteric catheterization 1050f
Ureterolysis 1343, 1344f
Ureterovaginal fistula 598
Urethra 547
integrity 587
pressure profile 588
Urethrocele 547
Urethrovaginal fistula 598
consequences of genital fistulae 599
prevention 599
for gynecological surgery 599
for obstetric fistulae 599
bladder 1103f
injury 1101
of menopause 1114
fistulae 595
incontinence 587
LH excretion 712
tract 395, 583
infection 93, 141
injuries bladder injury 1083
injuries ureteric injury 1084
obstructive defects 274
Urine chemistry 1327
Use of
cannula 1273
generic names of drugs 1182
maternal therapy 270
oxytocic agents 287
oxytocin 287
prostaglandins 287
ultrasonic components only 240
anomalies 776, 894
artery 102, 863, 1071
embolization 349, 535
ligation 349
systolic-diastolic ratio 94
curettage 564
damage 776
enlargement 195
fibroids 191, 1296f
fibroids uterus 612
injuries 1102
inversion 350
leiomyomas 521
masses 850
packing 349
perforation 489
sarcomas 995
septum 195
resection 1062
shape 819
size 819
stem cells 798
tamponade 348
tumors 1313
vessels 932
wall necrosis 469
Uterocutaneous fistulae 1316
Uterointestinal fistula 1316
index 635
ligament 1096f
Uteroplacental maladaptation 101
Uterosacral ligament 543, 1096f
surgery 1336
Uterotubal junction cannulation using terumo guidewire 1026f
fistula 1316, 1316f
pouch adherent 1021f
Uterus 1096f, 1309, 1316
and endometrium 818f
and vagina 98f
didelphys 190, 819, 1312f
of menopause 1113
removal 1077f
Vaccines 458
against human papillomavirus 1009
in cervical cancer 1223
assisted deliveries 324
delivery 324
extractor 322f, 1266, 1266f
system 321f
Vagaries of vaginal breech birth 331
Vagina 830
bleeding 399t, 951
breech delivery 332
closure and hemostasis 1052
colpoplasty 552
delivery 414
examination 312
hysterectomy 597, 608, 614, 971
malformations 755
pool sample 713
rings 455
septum 195
sponge 453
tubectomy 457
tuberculosis 597
closure 1074f
irradiation 972, 994
Vaginography 1309
Validity of antepartum testing 237t
Value of sentinel lymph node sampling 934
Vande Mataram Scheme 15
Vaporization conization 1335
Varicella 182
zoster immune globulin 182
zoster virus 182
Various androgens present in females 679
Vasa previa 408
abnormalities 889
cell adhesion molecule 135
endothelial growth factor 629
injuries 1098
thromboembolism 134
thrombosis 90
Vasectomy 440, 472, 503
procedure 504
sterilization of male 472
techniques 506
endothelial growth factor 779
intestinal peptide 654
closure 1088f
prolapse 552
causes 552
suspension with uterosacral ligament 1075f
Venereal disease research laboratory 3, 89, 743
Venlafaxine 367
circulation 858f
thromboembolism 86
Ventilation perfusion lung scan 381
septal defect 110, 115, 254
septum anatomy 253f
Veress needle 1019f, 1097
Verification of intracavitary insertion 992
Vertex-vertex twin pair 210
Vertical lower segment 337
Vesicles of vesicular mole 1296f
Vibroacoustic stimulation 304
Vincristine 982
Vintzello’s modification 862
Viral hepatitis 122, 125
and cirrhosis 450
Virilizing ovarian tumors 682
Virkud’s sling 552
Visual inspection
of acetic acid 923
with Lugol’s iodine 923
A 27, 637
supplementation 27
B12 78
deficiency anemia 78
C 637
E 637
Voluntary termination of pregnancy 57
von Willebrand
disease 87, 88, 517
factor 88
von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome 733
Vulsellum 1266, 1266f
Vulva and vagina of menopause 1114
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 901, 906, 1336
Waist-hip ratio 165
Walker-Warburg syndrome 54
Walking exercise 40f
Wedge resection of ovaries 766
Weight gain during pregnancy 19
Wertheim’s operated specimen 1296f
Westin scoring system 331t
blood cell 354
punctation 1007f
Whole abdomen irradiation 995
Widening horizons of operative laparoscopy 1045
Willett scalp traction forceps 1269, 1270f
William-Richardson’s operation 553
Women’s fatigue 33
Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 1172
World Health Organization
Classification of Endometrial Carcinoma 967t
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Male Sterilization 472t
Wrigley’s forceps 1268, 1268f
X-chromosome genes 1133
Xenon light source 1019f
mode of inheritance 1126f
recessive 54
XYY syndrome 1125
Y-chromosome microdeletions 195, 1136
Yoga exercises in pregnancy 39
sac 844
sac tumors 837
Yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser 806
Yuzpe regimen 493t, 494t
Zellweger syndrome 58
Zidovudine 155, 159
regimen 152t
Zona pellucida 808
macromolecules 808
Zoospermia 711
Zygote intrafallopian transfer 768
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

1Prepregnancy Care2

Preconception CareCHAPTER 1

Prakash K Mehta
(Chapter updated by Mohita Pengoria)
The health care offered before conception in order to optimize the outcome of a given pregnancy constitutes the preconception care. It is the preventive care for women of reproductive age and their partners, including assessment by history and physical examination, counseling, education and intervention. Achieving good health before conception helps women to have healthier pregnancies with fewer complications. The continuity of care and the close physician-patient relationship in primary care offers an opportunity for the physician to assess risk factors and to intervene and modify behaviors that increase pregnancy risk.1 Education of males is also important since they often influence health risks and behaviors in the female.2 Preconception care must begin at least 3 months before planning a pregnancy.3
Until 1941, the placental barrier was believed to protect the developing fetus from adverse exposure to environmental hazards. Studies of birth defects caused by rubella infection during pregnancy disproved this theory. Further progress toward protecting neonatal outcomes has included education and close management of insulin dependent diabetic women before and during pregnancy. This was later extended to various high-risk factors existing before pregnancy. The concept was then offered even to normal women as a primary preventive measure because it was realized that a woman's health prior to pregnancy is important for successful pregnancy outcome.
A preconception visit should include:
  1. History including medical history, family's medical background, questions about diet and social habits, such as whether she drinks or smokes, past pregnancies, birth control use, medication and immunizations.
  2. General physical examination including height, weight, blood pressure, thyroid, dentition, heart, breasts and signs of asymptomatic underlying disease.
  3. Pelvic examination:
    • Infection identification: (1) signs of condylomata or herpes (2) vaginal discharge evaluated for Candida, Trichomonas, and bacterial vaginosis, cervical discharge culture for gonococci and Chlamydia
    • Cervical anomalies
    • Pap smear
    • Bimanual examination to rule out uterine and adnexal abnormalities
    • Ultrasound assessment in case of any clinical suspicion.
  4. Laboratory evaluation: Complete blood count (CBC), blood group, Rh type. Infection profile [venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL), rubella, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B surface antigen], blood sugar, urine analysis and in indicated cases hemoglobin electrophoresis and cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody titers.
Counseling Implications
Medical Disorders
Diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and hypertension are amongst diseases where it is worthwhile to bring the disease under optimal control before getting pregnant. In diabetes to prevent early pregnancy loss and congenital malformations, optimal medical care and patient education and training must begin before conception. This is best accomplished through a multidisciplinary team approach. The desired outcome of glycemic control in the preconception phase of care is to lower glycated hemoglobin so as to achieve maximum fertility and optimal embryo and fetal development.5 Acute complications, including history of infections, ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia, and chronic diabetic complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular disease, autonomic and peripheral neuropathy and associated thyroid disorders, need to be investigated. Diabetes management, including insulin regimen, prior or current use of oral glucose-lowering agents, self-monitoring of blood glucose regimens and results, medical nutrition therapy, calorie needs, diet and exercise, need to be discussed. Since the safety of currently available oral glucose-lowering agents in pregnancy is not well-established, women with type 2 diabetes who are taking such agents should be switched to insulin therapy for the preconception period and for pregnancy.6 Antihypertensive agents that are safe for pregnancy should be used. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, β–blockers and diuretics are preferably avoided.
Age-related Factors
Pregnancy in an adolescent girl encompasses problems in education, medical and social risks. Pregnancy in elderly encompasses another set of problems. Older women are more likely to have health problems, which could adversely affect pregnancy. In addition, previous gynecologic conditions or abdominal surgery may affect the mother's ease in carrying or delivering the baby. For couples in their 30s and 40s considering parenthood, a common concern is the risk of having a baby with a genetic defect. The risk of chromosomal anomalies increases from 1 in 1,300 at 24 years to 1 in 100 at 40 years. The patient needs to be counseled regarding the need for invasive diagnostic procedures when pregnancy establishes.
Nutrition and Weight Gain
A balanced, nutritious diet is advisable before conception and throughout pregnancy. Studies of the Dutch famine during Second World War revealed the vital need for good preconception nutrition to ensure healthy newborns. Maternal nutrition 90–120 days prior to conception is believed to be as critical, if not more, as the early pregnancy nutrition.7 Special attention is required regarding intake of calcium and vitamins, and must include a folate supplement. Folate has been shown to reduce the rate of neural tube defects arising in the first few weeks of pregnancy often before a woman realizes she is pregnant.8 Similarly, pantothenate may help in decreasing the incidence of cardiac anomalies.
Young women in the current times are depriving themselves of sound nutritional habits to meet social images of feminine beauty. Primary care attempts to address this problem through education and counseling. However, poor nutrition due to poverty may be the single greatest risk factor for many future mothers. The role of client advocacy clearly comes into focus when the connection between poverty and at risk pregnancy or neonatal outcomes is made.
A woman should attempt to reach her ideal body weight (IBW) before conceiving. Women who weigh less than 90% IBW have increased risk for preterm or low birth weight infants.
Women who weigh more than 120% IBW have increased risk for gestational diabetes or hypertension. Reducing obesity before pregnancy increases the chances of having a healthy pregnancy.9
Eating disorders may cause nutrient deficiencies that should be corrected before pregnancy. The woman must also be informed that vitamin excesses, especially fat-soluble vitamins, may be toxic and possibly teratogenic.
Lifestyle Behaviors
Counseling regarding a woman's social habits, such as tobacco and alcohol use, is another crucial part of a preconception visit. Discontinuing behaviors, which can be harmful to the developing fetus, including quitting smoking at least 3 months prior to conception is important. Smoking has been shown to influence fertility, cause miscarriage, low birth weight, preterm delivery and is considered a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome.
Birth defects and growth retardation are known risk factors with alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol beverages can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a pattern of birth defects that includes mental retardation, cardiovascular, skeletal and facial abnormalities.10 Lower birth weight has been associated with fathers who drank prior to conception and passive smoking is also harmful to the fetus. Hence, the father to be has to be involved in these lifestyle changes. Intake of caffeine containing beverages must also be reduced, as it may delay conception and increase risk of abortion.11 A discussion regarding illicit, prescription and over-the-counter drug use and understanding the harm is also important.9
Environmental Challenges
Studies of occupational hazards and their effects currently support a much larger environmental risk of birth defects. Hazard protection for the worker often fails to include the 5fetus.9 An example of this is the noise protection devices for workers exposed to high levels of noise. Testing of children exposed in utero revealed a threefold increase in development of a high frequency hearing loss greater than 4,000 decibels. The protective device the pregnant woman wears over her ears does not provide any protection for her developing fetus.
Another deficit is the safe levels of chemicals. Heavy metals like lead, copper and mercury, carbon disulfide, acids, and anesthetic gases can affect the developing embryo. With over 50,000 chemicals in the market, including household chemicals and insecticides, there are less than 100 animal studies to determine the effect of chemicals on human development. An adult's safe level of chemical exposure is believed to be five to ten times higher than fetal tolerances. Fetal vulnerability is due to a high rate of cell division and differentiation, a small relative size, a lack of enzymes to metabolize drugs, and a less efficient excretory system.12
Protection from radiation (X-rays and effect of electromagnetic radiation), including exposure to it by living near high tensions wires and by use of microwave ovens and video display terminals, needs to be discussed. Knowledge of the dangers of physical stresses and strains to pregnancy are also important. Modern amusement park rides can generate high negative G-forces, which cause shearing affects known to cause placental abruptions. The early pregnancy is largely protein embryonic cells. Proteins undergo great changes at increased temperature. Hence, tub bath and infrared heat exposure may be harmful.
Rubella infection can cause serious birth defects if contracted during pregnancy. If the patient is not immune to rubella due to a prior episode, she can be vaccinated before pregnancy, but pregnancy should be delayed for 3 months after vaccination.9 Toxoplasmosis can seriously affect the fetus. Serological testing to identify immunity is worthwhile in high prevalence areas. A pregnant woman can help to avoid contracting toxoplasmosis by not eating undercooked meat or handling cat litter before she becomes pregnant and during pregnancy. All women must be preferably screened for hepatitis B. Uninfected women, especially those at high risk (such as health care workers who handle blood), can get protection from this infectious disease by vaccination. Local infections must be identified and treated before pregnancy is planned. For example, treatment of condylomata acuminata by podophyllin is contraindicated during pregnancy and hence treatment has to be completed before pregnancy. It is particularly important to screen for and treat bacterial vaginosis since it is associated with an increased risk of premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth, and histologic choriomeningitis. Counseling of HIV-positive couples regarding pregnancy outcome, antiretroviral drugs, breastfeeding and long-term implications is extremely important.
Contraception Usage
Few couples are aware that birth control pills should be discontinued several months in advance of pregnancy to allow at least two regular menstrual cycles to occur before conception. Women who take oral contraceptive agents may gain excessive weight and have an increase in serum cholesterol. An intrauterine device should also be removed a few months prior to pregnancy. Limitations and failure rates of various contraceptive methods must be discussed with the couple.
Drug Usage
Medication use by adult population is extremely common.13 A review of data14 regarding 15,2531 women who delivered between 1996 and 2000 revealed that in 64% of women, a drug other than a vitamin or mineral supplement was dispensed in the 270 days period before delivery. This included category C drugs dispensed to 37.8% and category D drugs dispensed to 4.8% of women. Moreover, drugs which are absolutely contraindicated in women who are pregnant (category X) were given to 4.6% of study population. A planned pregnancy helps in averting problems due to drug usage.
Fertility Treatment
High rate of multifetal gestation in treatments incorporating exogenous gonadotropins and other associated complications and fallouts must be discussed.
Genetic Screening
Most couples do not require specific genetic screening before pregnancy. Information about background rate of birth defects needs to be given. However, some couples are at increased risk for genetic problems like thalassemia or Tay Sach's disease, because of a family history of inherited disease or because of their ethnicity or geographic background. Consanguinity, individuals with abnormal genetic test result and recurrent miscarriage also require genetic counseling. Prepregnancy counseling is quite important in educating couples and helping them make educated decisions about their risk for birth defects or genetic disorders.12
Advantages of Prenatal Care
  • Identifying the optimal time to try to conceive.
  • Explanation of appropriate testing and procedure options including risks, benefits and limitations.
  • The importance of getting adequate folic acid, iron and other nutrients both while trying to conceive and in early pregnancy.
  • The dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug use.
  • A discussion of the patient's medical problems and/or those of her partner and its management by team approach.
  • Accurate family and genetic history and identification of risk factors may reduce the incidence of birth defects.
  • Updating woman's immunization status.
  • A review of safe activities during pregnancy (e.g. moderate exercise, sex, travel) as well as unsafe ones (e.g. contact sports and first trimester travel).
  • Individual participation in health care. The woman can maintain control over her life during the process of conception and pregnancy. Protective environment at work and short-term transfer from job-deemed harmful to pregnancy may be planned.
  • Pregnancy planning allows women to optimize their reproductive future. The proportion of infants born with a health disadvantage is significantly lower if the pregnancy was intended than if it was mistimed or not wanted.
  • Patient support—facilitation of informed decision- making is available. Assistance in coping with psychosocial issues, education and coordinated patient care is possible.
  • Early and complete antenatal care becomes a reality because of the continuum of the care process.
Changing Dynamics of Responsibility
Realistically, although parents want a perfect baby, the physician cannot fulfill this goal every time. Preconception care shifts this responsibility back to the parents. Better reproductive outcomes may be achieved with increased education and intervention on many levels.12 Average first prenatal visit occurs 10 weeks after conception when most of fetal organogenesis has already been accomplished, greatly reducing chance for outcome intervention. Preconceptual counseling can help to increase the odds for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Preconception planning and a risk screening profile at the initiation of care helps the physician to define the client base by risk level and also the ability to pay for medical care.
Current Status
Many studies9,12 have found that performance is poor in providing preconception counseling. Deficiencies are noted in providing a healthy woman with information on rubella immunization and family planning or counseling on sexually transmitted diseases and safer sex. This warrants correction. The four components necessary for the successful practice of preventive health care including preconception care, that is, attitude, organization, appropriate knowledge and management skills, needs to be emphasized during the training of the residents in the field of gynecology.
Preconception care consists of three main components: (1) risk assessment, (2) health promotion and (3) intervention. Preconception care and early pregnancy care are excellent opportunities to modify the medical, social and behavioral risks on pregnancy outcomes and should be an integral part of primary care practice. Because over 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, it is imperative that all gynecologists think of themselves as preconception health providers. The benefits are not likely to be fully realized unless primary care physicians include preconception care as a routine intervention for all women of reproductive age in their practice. The need for such care is greater in hospitals that serve large numbers of poor women, since the women most likely to benefit from preconception care, are often those least likely to have access to it.
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