Intrauterine Insemination Juan A Garcia-Velasco, Manish Banker, Nalini Mahajan
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An Overview of Intrauterine InseminationCHAPTER 1

Nalini Mahajan,
Shivani Singh
Inability to conceive though not a physically disabling disorder has far reaching psychological and social consequences. In many societies, it is still a stigma and invariably it is the woman who bears the social consequences of the couple's infertility. Since the advent of medical science treatments have been devised to overcome this condition but it is only in recent years that one has seen a great improvement in subfertility management. This is largely due to major advances that have taken place in reproductive research and technology.
Artificial insemination (AI) has been used for many years for a number of different indications, using either the husband's/partner's or donor sperm. It can be performed intravaginally, intracervically, intraperitoneally or intrauterine. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) remains the most popular technique. Artificial insemination is the first step in the ladder of fertility management, since it is practiced so extensively a thorough understanding of the underlying principles is mandatory to achieve good results. This chapter gives a brief overview of the indications, prerequisites, technique and determinants of success. A more detailed discussion will be available in the relevant chapters.
“Historically” the first scientifically documented homologous insemination in humans was by the Scottish physiologist and surgeon John Hunter in 1790. He advised a man with severe hypospadias to inject his seminal fluid into his wife's vagina with a syringe, this resulted in a normal pregnancy.1 In animals, the procedure dates back to the 14th century when it was used by Arabs to breed stallions. Subsequently in 1784, an Italian scientist Lazzaro Spallanzani performed the first successful AI in a dog. Spallanzani was also the first to observe that semen could be cooled and thawed successfully.2 2The pioneer in performing artificial insemination using donor sperms (AID) was Robert L Dickinson who conducted the procedure for the first time in the late nineteenth century.3
Insemination of a raw semen sample into the uterus lead to severe cramping, infection and allergic reactions hence its popularity was limited. The introduction of sperm preparation methods for in vitro fertilization (IVF), which removed the seminal plasma and debris from the semen, led to a renewed interest in IUI. Consequently, many physicians started performing IUI with washed motile capacitated sperm with better results.4
Intrauterine insemination involves the deposition of a concentrated pellet of motile sperms into the uterine cavity close to the tubal ostia, around the time of ovulation. Reason for achieving pregnancy is presumably an increase in the number of highly motile spermatozoa with a high proportion of normal forms at the site of fertilization. Sperm preparation aids in removing leukocytes and dead sperms which generate free oxygen radicals that reduce the functional capacity of the intact sperm.5 The use of washed prepared sperm for IUI resulted in a significant reduction in the side effects associated with the earlier use of neat semen for IUI.
Success achieved with the procedure and its inherent simplicity became instrumental in making it the technique of first choice among the assisted conception techniques. Tubal patency, of course, is an essential prerequisite to the use of this procedure.
Intrauterine insemination was developed mainly as a treatment for male infertility and till date this remains the major indication. Over the years, IUI has been promoted as the first line treatment for unexplained infertility, mild to moderate endometriosis and immunological infertility with reasonable success. Though used in tubal factor patients, the success is compromised due to damage of the tubal cilia. The absolute indications for this procedure remain ejaculatory dysfunction, severe vaginismus and cervical hostility. The main indications for “donor insemination” are gross male subfertility (azoospermia or severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia), familial or genetic disease such as Huntington's disease, hemophilia and also severe rhesus isoimmunization. The use of cryopreserved semen should be preferred for donor insemination to minimize the possibility of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus to the recipients.3
Table 1   Indications of intrauterine insemination (IUI) with husband's/partner's sperms
Female factor
  • Inadequate cervical mucus
  • Hostile cervical mucus
  • Immunogenic
  • Sexual dysfunction, e.g. vaginismus
Male factor
  • Mild oligozoospermia
  • Mild asthenozoospermia
  • Ejaculatory dysfunction
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Nonavailability of partner during the fertile period due to work or other reasons
  • Nonavailability of sperms due to prior radio/chemotherapy or vasectomy, use of prior cryopreserved semen for fertility preservation can be used for IUI
  • HIV/HBs Ag/HCV positive male partner, to reduce the risk of transmission to the female partner
Unexplained infertility
  • In combination with ovarian stimulation
(HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus; HBsAg: Hepatitis B surface antigen; HCV: Hepatitis C virus)
Table 2   Indications of intrauterine insemination (IUI) with donor spermatozoa
Male factor
  • Azoospermia or severe oligospermia (not willing for IVF or ICSI) after appropriate informed written consents
  • Severe inheritable chromosomal disorder in the male partner (after appropriate informed written consents)
Female factor
  • Single lady keen on becoming single mother
  • Same sex couple
(IVF: In vitro fertilization; ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection)
The indications for IUI can be divided broadly into two groups: (1) IUI with husband's spermatozoa (Table 1); and (2) IUI using donor sperms (Table 2).
A comprehensive evaluation of the couple is mandatory before starting treatment. Clinical examination and the necessary investigations should be carried out. Discussion on procedure, pregnancy rates and complications 4should be a part of the treatment protocol. Counseling prior to starting treatment is important, especially when donor sperm is to be used. Couples should also be assured of complete confidentiality. Both partners should sign the consent form for AID. In India, it is very common for the husband or a member of the family to request that the wife not be told that donor semen is being used. This practice should be discouraged, as there can be repercussions later on in life, especially if there is marital discord.
Certain basic investigations must be carried out prior to IUI in all patients others are case and condition specific, e.g. polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, etc.
The basic investigations would include the following:
  • Hemoglobin: Anemia is common though not exclusive to the low socioeconomic group. Fad diets and obsession with “size zero” leads to nutritional deficiencies in even the well to do
  • Thalassemia screening: Thalassemia minor is prevalent especially in India (3–8%). Husband should be checked if wife shows a thalassemia trait. If both partners are positive for the trait then genetic counseling is required. The need for prenatal or preimplantation genetic diagnosis must be discussed before proceeding to IUI
  • Blood sugar: A random blood sugar testing is enough unless there is history of diabetes mellitus
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH): The prevalence rate for subclinical hypothyroidism in India is 11% in adult women and this is associated with increased antithyroid antibodies. Subclinical hypothyroidism is known to be associated with subfertility and recurrent pregnancy loss hence TSH evaluation should be done
  • Prolactin levels though not mandatory may be carried out as hyperprolactinemia is associated with oligoanovulation
  • Semen analysis: An abstinence of 48–72 hours is required. Sample is best collected in a sterile container on site or should reach the laboratory within 30 minutes of collection
  • Transvaginal sonography (TVS) done in the periovulatory period confirms the ovulatory status, gives an idea of the endometrial thickness and rules out any pelvic anomalies
  • Evaluation of tubal patency is mandatory. It can be carried out by ahysterosalpingography (HSG), or by a transvaginal sonohysterosalpingography (TVSHS) using saline or contrast media. In case of an abnormal HSG/TVSHS an endoscopic evaluation will be required. Hysteroscopy should always be combined with the laparoscopy as this gives a complete evaluation of the uterine cavity and tubes
  • Viral markers: Need to be done for both partners even if you are doing a donor insemination
  • Testing for rubella immunity should be carried out and patient vaccinated if she is nonimmune. Imagine the distress, if the patient conceives with IUI and then has to undergo an abortion if she contracts German measles.
Investigations such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) are dictated by age or a poor reserve seen on TVS. Though “endometrial biopsy” for diagnosis of ovulation has been abandoned since the advent of TVS, given the high incidence of tuberculosis in our country sending a strip of endometrium for culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and polymerase chain reaction testing can be considered in a selected group of patients.
Since the success of IUI depends on insemination at the time of ovulation, determining follicular growth and rupture is basic to the procedure. The gold standard for detecting ovulation is serial ultrasound monitoring during the cycle, using a transvaginal probe. After a baseline scan on day 2 of the cycle the ovaries are checked for a dominant follicle on day 9 or 10 of the cycle. Subsequently, monitoring can be done more frequently and when the follicle reaches 18 mm or more an ovulation trigger is given. When the cycles are short, i.e. 24–26 days monitoring should start early. “Detection of the LH surge” can be done with urinary LH kits or by determining serum LH levels and IUI can be timed accordingly. Ovulation is considered to occur 28–36 hours after the beginning of the LH rise or 8–20 hours after the LH peak. For ease and accuracy of timing, an “ovulation trigger” is given with 5000 to 10,000 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which ensures ovulation at 36–40 hours.
The ideal sperm preparation technique is one, which allows recovery of the largest number of morphologically normal motile spermatozoa, free from seminal plasma, leukocytes and bacteria. The minimum concentration of motile sperms inseminated to achieve pregnancy is estimated to be 1 million/mL, though there is no threshold of sperm concentration below which pregnancy is impossible. The volume of media used to resuspend the final sperm pellet should be between 0.3–0.5 mL. Since the normal capacity of the uterus is between 0.2–0.4 mL using larger volumes may lead 6to a reflux of the inseminate through the cervical os. The two main sperm preparation techniques used are the “swim-up” and the “density gradient centrifugation” (DGC). The swim-up technique, is more widely used when sperm parameters are normal while the density gradient technique is preferred for a compromised sperm sample. Most of the published studies and systematic reviews show no difference in the IUI outcomes with the use of either technique,6 although a borderline benefit of DGC over swim-up technique was shown by a meta-analysis by Duran et al.7
It is very important that IUI be carried out using strict aseptic techniques to prevent infection being carried into the uterus. Additionally, take care to make the procedure as gentle and atraumatic as possible. Pelvic examination carried out beforehand to determine position of the uterus is very helpful. An acutely anteverted uterus needs a full bladder, but if the uterus is retroverted, a full bladder will push it back further. Prior knowledge of the direction and tortuosity of the cervical canal go a long way toward conducting a smooth procedure. Struggling with the catheter blindly causes bleeding from the cervical canal, blood and products of tissue injury are detrimental to sperm survival, fertilization and implantation.
Intrauterine insemination is done in a lithotomy or modified lithotomy position using a Cusco's speculum to expose the cervix. The external os is swabbed with distilled water or normal saline. An insemination catheter attached to a 1 mL syringe is used to load the prepared sperm sample. When loading the cannula it is important to remember that the inseminate should be drawn from the test tube straight into the cannula and not into the syringe, otherwise when injecting only air from the dead space of the cannula will go into the uterus. Do not touch the tip of the cannula at any time while loading or inserting. The cannula is passed into the uterine cavity with the tip just short of fundus and 0.3–0.5 mL of inseminate is injected slowly into the uterine cavity. Slow delivery allows the media to disperse into the endometrium and prevents a backflow. In case of difficulty in negotiating the cervical canal one can hold the cervix with a tenaculum, slight traction on the cervix helps to straighten the angle between the cervix and uterus. Use of ultrasound guidance often simplifies a difficult IUI especially if a false passage has been created in the cervix during a prior procedure.7
The catheter used to perform IUI should be of nontoxic material with minimal dead space. A semi-rigid catheter like the Gynetics® IUI cannula is easy to use. Makler's cannula is another interesting device, it is designed so that it blocks the external os, thus preventing backflow of the inseminate. Sometimes a metal cannula can be used to traverse a difficult cervical canal.
The proper timing of IUI after hCG trigger and the frequency of IUI are still under debate. Majority of published studies define the ideal time for IUI to be 32–36 hours following hCG administration. Regarding the impact of single versus double insemination most studies find no significant difference between the two while some find an improved pregnancy rate with double IUI.7 Ghanem et al.8 (2011) aimed to examine the association between the cycle pregnancy rate (CPR) and: (a) single IUI timed at 36 ± 2 hour post-hCG (pre- or postovulation); (b) the number of IUI (single or double) for preovulatory cases and compared them in different infertility etiologies, i.e. male, anovulatory and unexplained infertility. They concluded that “a single IUI timed post-ovulation” gives a better CPR when compared with single preovulation IUI “for nonmale infertility.” The overall CPR was significantly higher when ovulation occurred before IUI (11.7%) than when it did not (6.7%) OR [95% confidence interval (CI)] 1.85 (1.12–3.06) (P = 0.015). “For male factor infertility, a preovulation, double IUI gives a better CPR when compared with single IUI.” A Cochrane meta-analysis in 20109 found no difference among different techniques for timing IUI [detection of LH in urine or blood, hCG administration, combination of LH detection and hCG administration, basal body temperature chart, ultrasound detection of ovulation and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist administration].
Around 97% of the pregnancies occur in the first four treatment cycles. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence fertility guidelines advocate for up to six IUI cycles for patients with unexplained infertility, male subfertility, cervical factor and minimal to mild endometriosis.10 If no pregnancy is achieved by the end of the fourth to sixth cycle, patients should be offered IVF.8
Intrauterine insemination is often combined with superovulation (SO) in women with ovulatory cycles and with ovulation induction (OI) in women with anovulatory cycles, to increase the effectiveness of treatment. The reason most cited for combining SO with IUI is to maximize the possibility of pregnancy by increasing the number of preovulatory follicles. Other reasons include correction of luteal phase defect and other subtle defects in ovarian function.
Drugs used for SO include clomiphene citrate (CC), letrozole (aromatase inhibitor) and gonadotropins.
A recent Cochrane review (2012)11 for “IUI in unexplained subfertility” concluded that there is evidence that IUI with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) increases the live birth rate compared to IUI alone [four randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 396 women: OR: 2.07, 95% CI: 1.22–3.50]. The likelihood of pregnancy was also increased for treatment with IUI compared to timed intercourse in stimulated cycles. One adequately powered multicenter trial showed no evidence of effect of IUI in natural cycles compared with expectant management.
An accepted practice in infertility treatment is that therapy is initiated with clomiphene and IUI, if unsuccessful couples move in a stepwise fashion to gonadotropin and IUI treatments and then to IVF. This progression appears logical as a review of literature report success rates of 1.3–4% for no treatment, 8.3% for CC/IUI, 17.1% for hMG/IUI and 20.7% for IVF.12
Gonadotropin use, however, is associated with a higher rate of complications in the forms of multiple pregnancy and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome,13 and a greatly increased cost. Their improved efficacy in terms of PR has also been questioned. Attaullah et al.14 conducted a study to assess the efficacy of oral versus injectable OI agents for unexplained subfertility. They concluded that there was insufficient evidence to suggest that “oral agents were either inferior or superior to injectable agents” in the treatment of unexplained subfertility and recommended larger trials. A review article by Reindollar and Goldman (2012) goes as far as to suggest that in future gonadotropin therapy for IUI would be viewed as a relic of the 20th century.15
The Fast Track and Standard Treatment Trial (FASTT) was designed to evaluate the role of FSH/IUI in couples with unexplained infertility, when 9the female partner was younger than 40 years of age.16 503 treatment naïve couples were randomized to either a conventional treatment arm (three cycles of CC/IUI followed by three cycles of FSH/IUI followed by IVF upto 6 cycles) or an arm that eliminated FSH/IUI from treatment—CC/IUI followed by IVF—the accelerated arm. CC/IUI was included in the accelerated arm because a pretrial computer simulation demonstrated that an immediate IVF arm would not be cost-effective because of increased rate of twins in IVF, adding cost. An analysis of the FASTT data demonstrated that for couples with unexplained infertility (including some with mild male factor), and a female partner under age 40 years, moving directly from CC/IUI to IVF resulted in a 40% shorter time to pregnancy that was statistically significant and a lower delivery cost. The per cycle pregnancy rates for CC/IUI and FSH/IUI cycles were not that different at 7.6% and 9.8%, respectively. In addition, 8% and 20% of pregnancies from CC/IUI and FSH/IUI, respectively, were multiple gestations. The conclusion drawn was that routine use of FSH/IUI did not add value to the infertility treatment paradigm.16
Use of COS in Endometriosis
Human menopausal gonadotropin/IUI is more effective than IUI alone for the treatment of endometriosis.17
Should We Use Ovarian Stimulation When the Defect is Clearly with the Male Partner?
In case of a severe semen defect, but more than 1 million motile sperm available after semen preparation and no morphological defects; IUI in a natural cycle should be the treatment of choice.18 With less severe semen defects, i.e. average total motile sperm concentration greater than 10 million, mild ovarian hyperstimulation with hMG has been suggested. COH should be reserved for patients with moderate semen defects. The maximum effect of IUI and the least effect of COH is seen in patients with the most severe semen abnormalities.
In “male infertility” a meta-analysis of trials19 showed that for “IUI versus TI” both in natural cycles “no evidence of difference” between the probabilities of pregnancy rates per woman was found (Peto OR: 5.3, 95% CI: 0.42–67). “No statistically significant” of difference between pregnancy rates (PR) per couple for “IUI with COH versus IUI alone” could be found (Peto OR: 1.47, 95% CI: 0.92–2.37). “For the comparison IUI versus TI both in stimulated cycles” there was “no evidence of statistically significant difference” in pregnancy rates per couple either (Peto OR: 1.67, 95% CI: 0.83–3.37). The authors concluded that currently there was “insufficient evidence of effectiveness to recommend or advise against IUI with or without COH above TI, or vice versa” in male factor infertility.10
Age of the Female Partner
Age is the most important predictor factor of IUI success among other female factors. This is due to the negative impact of age on ovarian reserve, oocyte quality, and also the higher probability of fibroids, tubal pathology and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) which can develop over time. In a retrospective analysis of the outcomes of 9,963 consecutive IUI cycles, Stone et al. showed that the pregnancy rates were 18.9%, 13.9%, 12.4%, 11.4%, 4.7% and 0.5% in the age groups of less than 26, 26–30, 31–35, 36–40, 41–45 and greater than 45, respectively.20 In older couples, there may be a further compromise in fertility due to a higher rate of sperm aneuploidies.
Cause of Infertility
In general, it seems that the best pregnancy rates after IUI were reported in patients with unexplained infertility and with anovulation. The per cycle PRs reported in anovulatory patients is 13%, unexplained infertility is 10%, tubal factor is 9%, male factor infertility (MF) is 7% and endometriosis is 12%.21 Dickey et al.22 reported cumulative PRs of 46% for ovulatory dysfunction; 38% for cervical factor, male factor and unexplained infertility; 34% for endometriosis; and 26% for tubal factor after four cycles of CC/IUI. After six cycles, CPRs were 65% for ovulation dysfunction, 35% for endometriosis, and unchanged for other diagnoses. Among patients with male subfertility, ejaculatory dysfunction had the highest pregnancy rates. Other factors that have been shown to negatively affect the pregnancy rates include endometriosis and history of pelvic infection, even if they do not cause obvious tubal damage.
Duration of Infertility
Prognosis becomes poorer for patients with duration of infertility more than 3 years. After 39 months, chances of conception fall by 2% every month. However, 40–65% couples will conceive spontaneously within the first 3 years.
Type of Infertility
Patients with secondary infertility fare better than those with primary infertility.11
Ovulation Induction Protocol Used
Though, controversial gonadotropin stimulation has an edge over oral agents in terms of IUI success.
Follicular Count
Intrauterine insemination with three follicles almost tripled the PR with respect to only one, OR equal to 2.89 (95% CI: 1.54–5.41).23
Sperm Parameters
Pregnancy rates decrease progressively with decrease in the motile sperm count ranging from 15.3% in the highest category (30 million/mL) to 3.6% in the lowest (< 5 million/mL) [OR lowest/highest = 0.20 (95% CI: 0.09–0.45)], with a statistically significant dose-response trend.23
Intrauterine insemination is a simple noninvasive, relatively inexpensive and a moderately effective first line of treatment in the subfertile patient. Careful selection and evaluation of patients is important to give good results. The maximum benefit can be expected in young women with patent fallopian tubes, mild degree of male factor infertility and no PID. Not much benefit is to be expected beyond three to four IUIs and the couple should be moved on to IVF after that.
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