Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology (With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide) Neelam Vasudeva, Sabita Mishra
Page numbers preceded by 'A' refer to Atlas and 'P' refer to plate number followed by page number.
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Achalasia 265
Acne vulgaris 204
Acromegaly 373
Actin 112, 113f
Actinin 114
Acute appendicitis 286
Acute pancreatitis 302
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 240
Acute rhinitis 227
Adenine 34
Adenocarcinoma 60
Adenohypophysis 367
Hormones, control of secretion of 371
Pars Anterior 367, P21.2 (p 369)
Pars intermedia 370
Pars Tuberalis 370
Adenoma 50, 60
Adenomyosis 358
Adipocytes see Fat cells
Adipose Tissue 75, P5.3 (p 76), 76f, A8
Distribution 75
Functions 77
Production 77
Structure 76
Types 77, 78f
Adrenalin (epinephrine) 383
Adreno-corticotropin (ACTH) 369
Aldosterone 382
Alopecia areata 203
Alzheimer's disease 28
Amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cell system 367, 387
Ampullary crests 423
Functioning 424
Anaemia 147
Haemolytic 147
Hypochromic 147
Microcytic 147
Anal canal 284
Anchoring junctions 15
Adhesion spots 15
Adhesive belts 15
Adhesive strips 16
Focal spots 16
Hemidesmosomes 16
Androgen binding protein 327
Aneurysm 215
Angiotensin 306, 312
Angiotensinogen 312
Ankyrin 146
Ansa nephroni 309
Antibody 152
Anticodon 37
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) see vasopressin
Antigen 129
Antrum folliculi 345
Appendices epiploicae 282
Areolae, in bone
Primary 101
Secondary 101
Arrector pili muscles 203
Arteriole 210, 216
Muscular 216
Terminal 216
Arteriovenous anastomosis 221, 222f
Artery 210, 211
Basic structure 211
Elastic 212, 213f, P13.1 (p 214), A13
Muscular 213, P13.2 (p 215), A14
Asthma 240
Astrocytes 173
Atheroma 215
Auditory tube 411, 413
Auricle 411, P23.1 (p 412)
Autonomic nervous system 162
Autoradiography 92
Axial aberrations 4
Chromatic 5
Spherical 5
Axon 164
Hillock 165
Initial segment 165
Myelinated 166
Unmyelinated 166
Axoplasmic flow 166
Bacterial pneumonia 240
Barrett's oesophagus 265
Basal cell carcinoma 195
Basement membrane 51
Functions 51
Basophils 150
Benign nodular hyperplasia of prostate 340
Bile 293
Biliary colic 298
Blood platelets 154
Blood Retina Barrier 399
Blood-testis barrier 327
Blood-thymus barrier 139
Bone 87
Elements comprising bone tissue 89
Formation, of 98
Endochondral ossification 99
Intramembranous ossification 98
General features, of 87
Growth, of 102
Matrix 91
Inorganic ions 91
Organic matrix 91
Types, of 92
Bony labyrinth 414
Bowman's capsule 306
Bowman's membrane 391
Bright's disease see glomerulonephritis
Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) 128, 142
Brown-schilder's disease 25
Brunner's glands 277
Canal of Schlemm 390
Cancellous bone 94, P7.1 (p 95), A10
Capillaries 216
Structure 216
Types 217
Continuous 217
Fenestrated 217
Carcinoma 50
Carcinoma of breast 365
Carcinoma of prostate 340
Cardiac muscle 120, P8.3 (p 121), A12
Differences, skeletal muscle from 120
Similarities, skeletal muscle with 120
Carotid bodies 385
Cells 385
Functions 387
Nerve supply 387
Cartilage 80
Components 81
Cells 81
Collagen fibres 82
Ground substance 81
General features 80
Types 82
Cataract 404
Caveolae 13
Amacrine 398, 408
Antigen presenting 160
Argentaffin 286
Bipolar 398, 406
Mechanism of firing 409
Bone lining 91
C-cells 376
Chief 268, 378
Chromophil 368
Chromophobe 370
Dendritic, of Langherhans 198
Endocrine 272
Ependymal 174
Fat 68
Ganglion 407
Haemopoietic stem 157
Horizontal 398, 407
Inner hair 419, 421
Lacis 314
Lymphopoietic stem 157
Macrophage 68
Mast 69
M-cells 277
Mucous neck 272
Myoepithelial 126, 252, 258
of Clara 235
of Claudius 419
of Hensen 419
of Merkel 198
of Muller 398
of Sertoli 325, 327f
Functions 327
Osteoprogenitor 89
Outer hair 419, 421
Oxyntic 268
Oxyphil 378
Paneth 274
Parafollicular see C-cells
Phalangeal of Dieters 419
Pigment 67
Plasma 70
Prickle 193
Schwann 166
Spermatogenic 325
Stem 272
Sustentacular see cells of Sertoli
Thymic nurse 139
Undifferentiated Mesenchymal 67
Zymogen see paneth cells
Cell contacts 13
Classification 13
Specialised 14
Unspecialised 13, 14f
Cell membrane 8
Structure 8
Functions 11
Cell organelles 18, 19t
Central nervous system (CNS) 162
Centrioles 28
Cerebellar cortex 183, P11.6 (p 185), A48
Afferent fibres 187
Efferent fibres 187
General features 183
Nuclei 183
Structure 183
Cerebral cortex 187, P11.7 (p 189), A43
General features 187
Laminae, of 188
Neurons, in the 188
Cervix 359
Chalazion 405
Cholecystectomy 296
Cholecystitis 296
Cholelithiasis 296
Chondroblastoma 86
Chondrosarcoma 86
Choroid 393
Chromatin 28
Euchromatin 29
Heterochromatin 29
Chromosomes 31
Autosomes 31
Diploid 31
Haploid 31
Sex 31
Significance 33
Structure 32
Chronic bronchitis 240
Chronic pancreatitis 302
Cilia 52
Functional significance 53
Structure 52, 53
Ciliary body 394
Cirrhosis 294
Cistron 36
Cleavage lines 199
Clitoris 361
Clot retraction 155
Clotting of blood 155
Cluster designation molecules 153
Coated pits 12
Cochlea 415, P23.2 (p 416)
Coeliac sprue 278
Collagen fibres 62, 63f
Chemical nature 62
Physical properties 62
Production 63
Staining characters 62
Varieties 64
Collecting tubule 312
Colon 278
Columnar epithelium 38, 41, P3.3 (p 43), A3
Description 41
Function 43
Location 42
Showing striated border P3.4 (p 44), A4
Comedones 204
Black heads 204
White heads 204
Communicating junctions 17
Compact Bone 94, P7.2 (p 97), A10
Confocal microscopy 6
Conjunctiva 405
Connective tissue 61, A7
Cells 66
Components 61
Different forms 72
Fibres 61
Functions 78
Intercellular ground substance 71
Connexins 175
Conus medullaris 181
Cornea 390, P22.1 (p 392), A25
Corona radiata 349
Corpora amylacea 337
Corpus luteum 350, 351f, 352f
Corpuscles of Hassall 139
Cortisol 382
Cortisone 382
Cretinism 377
Crohn's disease 278
Crypts of Lieberkuhn 274
Cuboidal epithelium 38, 40, P3.2 (p 42), A3
Description 40
Function 40
Location 40
Cumulus oophoricus 349
Cystitis 319
Cytokines 130, 152, 153, 154t
Cytoplasm 8
Cytoskeleton 26
Dark-field microscopy 5
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 382
Dendrite 164
Dense collagenous connective tissue 72
Irregular P5.2 (p 74), A7
Regular P5.1 (p 73), A7
Dental caries 244
Deoxycorticosterone 382
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 34
Basic structure 34
Depolarization 11
Dermal papillae 191, 192f
Dermis 198
Descemet's membrane 391
Desmosomes see adhesion spots
Detrusor muscle 319
Diabetes insipidus 373
Diphtheria 228
Discus proligerus 349
Distal convoluted tubule 311
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 126
Ductus deferens 335, P19.4 (p 336), A16
Duodenum 277, P16.6 (p 280), A28
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 358
External 410, 411
Internal 411, 413
Middle 411, 413
Echinocytes 146
Ectopia vesicae 319
Ectopic tubal pregnancy 353
Efferent ductules 328
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 79
Elastic cartilage 85, P6.3 (p 85), 86f, A9
Distribution 86
Elastic fibres 65, 66f
Chemical nature 66
Physical properties 66
Production 66
Staining characters 66
Elastic tissue 74
Electron microscopy 6
Enchondroma 86
Endocardium 223
Endocytosis 11, 12f
Endometriosis 358
Endomysium 110
Endoplasmic reticulum 19
Rough 20
Smooth 20
Endothelium 210
Functions 210
Enterocytes 274
Eosinophils 150
Epicardium 223
Epidermal papillae 191, 192f
Epidermal ridges 192
Epidermis 192
Cells 196
Layers 193
Stratum basale 192f, 193
Stratum corneum 192f, 193
Stratum granulosum 192f, 193
Stratum lucidum 192f, 193
Stratum spinosum 192f, 193
Epididymis 334, P19.3 (p 334), A38
Functions 335
Epiglottis 229, P14.1 (p 230)
Epimysium 110
Epiphyseal plate 105
Epithelia 38
Characteristic features 38
Classification 38
Functions 38
Erectile tissue 342
Erythroblasts 157
Erythrocytes 145
Life span 146
Structure 146
Eustachian tube see auditory tube
Exocytic vesicles 23
Exocytosis 11, 12f
External acoustic meatus 411
Extrafusal fibres 119
Extrahepatic biliary apparatus 292
Extramedullary haemopoiesis 155
Eye 389
Eyeball 389, P22.2 (p 396), A34
Eyelids 404
Fascia adherens see adhesive strips
Fasciculi. 110
Fenestra cochleae 415
Fibres of Tomes 243
Fibroadenoma 365
Fibroblasts 66, 67f
Fibrocartilage 84, P6.2 (p84), A9
Distribution 84
Fields of Cohneim's 109
Filum terminale 181
Fissured tongue 251
Fissures of santorini 412
Flagella 54
Fluorescence microscopy 6
Fluorosis 92
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 370
Foramen caecum 247
Foramen of huschke 412
Fordyce's granules 242
Gall bladder 295, P17.3 (p 296), A30
Ganglia 177
Autonomic 178, 180, P11.4 (p 179), A44
Sensory 177, 179, P11.3 (p 178), A44
Gap junctions see communicating junctions
Gastric glands 267
Cardiac glands 267
Main gastric glands 267
Pyloric glands 272
Gastric pits 266
Gastric ulcer 272
Gastrits 272
Gigantism 373
Glands 56
Acinar 56
Alveolar 56
Apocrine 59
Classification 56, 57f, 58f
Compound 56
Endocrine 56
Exocrine 56
Holocrine 59
Merocrine 59
Mucous 57
of Krause 406
of Moll 405
of Wolfring 405
of Zeis 405
Serous 57
Simple 56
Structural organisation 59
Tubular 56
Glisson's capsule 288
Glomerular basement membrane 308
Glomerular filtration barrier 312
Glomerulonephritis 316
Glomerulus 307
Glomus 221
Golgi complex 21, 22f
Cis face 22
Trans face 22
Graafian follicle 348
in rhinoplasty 411
in tympanoplasty 411
Granular layer of Tomes 244
Graves' disease 377
Growth hormone 369
Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) 128, 142
Haemoglobin 146, 147
Haemolysis 146
Haemopoiesis 155, 156f
Formation of erythrocytes 157
Formation of granulocytes 157
Formation of monocytes 157
Formation of platelets 158
Haemorrhoids 286
Follicle, structure of 201, P12.3 (p 205) Shaft, structure of 201
Parts 200
Hairy tongue 251
Haversian canal 94
Haversian system 94
Atypical 101
Typical 101
Heart 223
Conducting system 223
Structure 223
Hepatic coma 294
Hepatic failure 294
Hepatic lobules 288
Hepatitis 294
Hepatocytes 292
Hepato-pancreatic duct 297
Herring bodies 371
Hordeolum see stye
Hyaline Cartilage 82, P6.1 (p 83), A8
Distribution 82
Hydronephrosis 316
Primary 378
Secondary 378
Tertiary 378
Hyperthyroidism 377
Hypoparathyroidism 378
Hypophysis Cerebri 367, A42
Subdivisions 367, P21.1 (p 368)
Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system 372
Hypothyroidism 377
Ileum 278, P16.7 (p 281), A28
Illumination 5
Critical 5
Kohler 5
Immotile cilia syndrome 54, 240
Immunoglobulins 129
Intercalated discs 122
Intermediate filaments 27, 27t
Interstitial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH) 370
Intrafusal fibres 119
Irido-corneal angle 390
Spaces of the 390
Iris 394
Jejunum 278, P16.5 (p 279), A27
Junctional complex 17
Apparatus 313
Mode of action 314
Cells 313
Kartagener's syndrome 28, 240
Karyotyping 33
Keratin 196
Keratinocytes 196
Kidney 303, P18.1 (p 305), A 37
Blood vessels 314
Cortex 304
Medulla 304
Koilonychia 209
Labia majora 361
Labia minora 361
Lacrimal gland 405, 406f
Duct 361
Sinus 361
Lamellar bone 93
Lamina fusca 393
Large intestine 278, A29, 282f, P16.8 (p 283)
Acute 229
Chronic 229
Larynx 228
Cartilages 229
Lens 402, 403f
Capsule 403
Epithelium 403
Fibres 403
Leucocytes 147
Leukaemia 152
Light microscope 1, 2f
Components 1
Non-optical 2
Optical 1
Working of 4
Linea gravidarum 199
Lines of Retzius 243
Lips 240, P15.1 (p 241)
Liquor folliculi 348
Liver 288, P17.1 (p 290), P17.2 (p 291), A40
Blood supply 294
Functions 295
Microscopic features 288
Loop of Henle 310
Loose areolar connective tissue 72
Ludwig's angina 228
Lungs 232, P14.3 (p 234), A45
Alveoli 234, 235
Blood supply 238
Bronchioles 233
Connective tissue basis 238
Nerve supply 238
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 370
Lymph 128
Lymph nodes 131, P9.1 (p 132), A18
Blood supply 133
Circulation of lymph, through 133
Connective tissue framework 133
Functions 134
General features 131
Microscopic features 131
Cortex 132
Medulla 133
Lymphadenitis 134
Lymphangitis 131
Acute 131
Chronic 131
Lymphatic vessels 130
Larger lymph vessels 130
Lymph capillaries 130
Lymphocytes 70, 128, 151
B-lymphocytes 70, 128
Immune system, and 129, 152
T-lymphocytes 70, 128
Lymphoedema 131
Lymphoid tissue 127
Dense 127
Diffuse 127
Lymphokines see cytokines
Lysosomal glycogen storage disease 25
Lysosomes 24
Macula adherens see adhesion spots
Macula densa 314
Maculae 424, 425f
Magnification 3
Malignant melanoma 198
Bodies 136
Corpuscle see renal corpuscle
Mammary gland 361, 362f
Areola 361, 362
Lactating P20.7 (p 364)
Nipple 361, 362
Resting P20.6 (p 363)
Marfan's syndrome 79
Mechanism of hearing 426
Medullary rays 304
Medulloblastomas 175
Megakaryoblasts 158
Meibomian glands 405
Melanin 197
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) 370
Melanocytes 197
Melatonin 384
Membrane bound vesicles 23
Membrane of Bruch 393
Membranous labyrinth 414, 417
Saccule 417
Utricle 417
Menstrual cycle 355
Mesangium 308
Mesaxon 166
Metaphysis 106
Microcirculatory unit 222
Microfilaments 26, 27t
Microglia 175
Microscopes, types of 5
Microtubules 26, 27t
Microvilli 54
Functional significance 54
Structure 54
Mitochondria 20, 21f
Mitochondrial cytopathy syndromes 21
Monoblasts 157
Monocytes 151
Mononuclear phagocyte system 158
Cells 159
Functions 161
Motor end plate 117
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 253
Mucoid tissue 75
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) 127, 142
Mullerian inhibitory substance 327
Multiple sclerosis 167
Muscle dystrophy 113
Muscle spindle 118
Muscle triad 114f, 115
Muscular tissue 107
Types 107
Myasthenia gravis 118, 119f, 142
Myelin sheath 166
Composition 167
Functions 168
Myeloblast 157
Myenteric plexus (of Auerbach) 263
Myocardium 223
Myofibroblasts 67
Myoglobin 115
Myosin 112, 113f
Myxoedema 377
Naevocellular naevi 198
Nails 207, 208f
Growth, of 209
Structure 207
Nasal cavities 224
Olfactory mucosa 225
Respiratory mucosa 226
Vestibule 224
Nasal polyps 227
Nephron 306
Nephrotic syndrome 316
Nerve tracts 165
Nervous tissue A12
Neurilemma 166
Neuro-endocrine transducers 373
Neurofibrils 164
Neuroglia 162, 172
Types 172
Neurohypophysis 371
Neuron 162
Structure 163
Types 168
Neutrophils 150
Nissl substance 163
Nodes of Ranvier 167
Noradrenalin (nor-epinephrine) 383
Normoblasts. See erythroblasts
Bag fibres 119
Chain fibres 120
Membrane 31
Lamina 31
Pores 31
Nucleolus 30
Nucleoplasm 31
Nucleus 8, 18f, 19f, 28, 29f
Numerical aperture 3
Occluding junctions 16
Oesophagus 263, P16.1 (p 264), A23
Microscopic features 263
Oligodendrocyte 166, 174
Oligodendromas 175
Onychia 209
Onycholysis 209
Oogenesis 346
Oral cavity 240
Organ of Corti 418, 419f
Osteitis deformans 94
Osteoblasts 89
Osteochondroma 86
Osteoclasts 90
Osteocytes 90
Osteogenesis imperfecta 79
Osteoid 98
Osteon 94, 96
Ovarian cycle 351
Ovaries 343, 344f, P20.1 (p 345), A46
General structure 344
Ovulation 349
Ovum 347, 350f
Oxytocin 371
Paget's disease of bone see osteitis deformans
Pancreas 298, P17.4 (p 299), A36
Blood supply 302
Endocrine 301
Exocrine 298
Nerve supply 302
Para-aortic bodies 385
Paraganglia 385
Parathyroid glands 377, P21.4 (p 379), A42
Structure 377
Paronychia 209
Parotid gland P15.4 (p 254)
Pars Posterior 371
Penis 341
Perikaryon 163
Perimysium 110
Periosteum 88
Functions 88
Peripheral nerves 169, P11.2 (p 171), 171f, A48
Structure 170
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) 162
Peroxisomes 25
Peyer's patches 277
Phagocytosis 11
Phagosomes 23
Pharynx 227
Pheochromocytes 382
Pineal gland 383
Cyclic activity 384
Microscopic features 383
Pinealocytes 383
Pinna see auricle
Pinocytosis 11
Pinocytotic vesicles 23
Pituitary gland see hypophysis cerebri
Planum semilunatum 424
Plasma 145
Plasmatocytes see plasma cells
Platelet plug 155
Pleomorphic adenoma 253
Pleura 238
Pneumocytes 236, 237f
Podocytes 308
Acinus 286
Canal 289
Hypertension 294
Lobules 289
Potocytosis 13f
Precapillary sphincters 222
Primary hyperoxaluria 25
Principal bronchi 232
Prolactin 369
Prostate 337, P19.5 (339), 340f, A39
Function 340
Proteins, synthesis of 36
Protoplasm 8
Proximal convoluted tubule 309
Pseudostratified epithelium 38, 44, 45f, P3.5 (p 45), A4, A5
Description 44
Function 45
Location 45
Ptyalism see sialorrhoea
Pulpitis 244
Purkinje cells 186
Purkinje fibres 223
Pyogenic granuloma 242
Rectum 284
Red blood corpuscles (RBC) see erythrocytes
Corpuscle 306
Tubule 309
Resolution 3
Microscope of 3
Rete ridges see epidermal ridges
Rete testis 328
Fibres 65
Tissue 75
Reticulo-endothelial system 158
Retina 394
Appearance in sections 399
Basic structure 396, 397f
Retinal detachment 402
Retinitis pigmentosa 402
Retinoblastoma 402
Rhabdomyoma 120
Rhabdomyosarcoma 120
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 35
Ribosomes 20
Rods 400, 401
Rouleaux formation 146
Round window see fenestra cochleae
Salivary glands 251
Cells 253
Innervation 259
Structural organisation 252
Saltatory conduction 167
Sarcolemma 108, 110
Sarcomere 112
Sarcoplasm 108, 111
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 111, 114
Sclera 390
Functions 390
Sebaceous glands 204, P12.3 (p 205)
Sebum 204
Secretory granules 23
Semicircular canal 415
Seminal vesicle 337, P19.5 (p 338), A38
Function 337
Seminiferous tubules 323
Sialadenitis 253
Sialorrhoea 253
Single nerve fibre P11.1 (p 169)
Sinusoids 218
Skeletal muscle 107, 108, P8.1 (p 109), A11
Blood supply 116
Contraction 114
Innervation 116
Lymphatics 116
Microscopic features 108
Organisation 110
Red 115
White 115
Ultrastructure 110
Myofibrils, structure of 111
Myofilaments, structure of 112
Blood supply 199
Functions 199
Nerve supply 199
Structure 191
Types 191
Thick 191, A21, P12.2 (p 195)
Thin 191, A21, P12.1 (p 194)
Small intestine 272
Cells 272
Microscopic features 272
Smooth muscle 122, 123f, P8.4 (p 124), A11
Blood supply 125
Contraction 124
Distribution 125
Innervation 125
Lymphatics 125
Ultrastructure 123
Variations in arrangement 125
Space of Disse 293
Space of Nuel 419
Spectrin 146
Spermatogenesis 329
Capacitation 333
Maturation 333
Structure 331, 332f
Spermiogenesis 331
Sphincter of Oddi 297
Sphincter vesicae 319
Spinal cord 181, P11.5 (p 182), A47
Spleen 134, P9.2 (p 135), A19
Circulation, through 136
Connective tissue framework 134
Functions 137
General features 134
Lymph vessels 137
Parenchyma 134
White pulp 136
Red pulp 136
Splenomegaly 138
Spongy Bone see cancellous bone
Squamous cell carcinoma 50, 195
Squamous epithelium 38, 39, 40f, P3.1 (p 41), A2
Description 39
Function 40
Location 40
Stereocilia 55
Stomach 265, P16.2 (p 268), P16.3 (p 269), P16.4 (p 270), A26
Microscopic features 266
Stratified columnar or cuboidal epithelium 39, 50
Description 50
Function 50
Location 50
Stratified squamous epithelium 39, 46, P3.6 (p 47), A6
Description 46
Function 48
Keratinised 46, A6
Location 48
Non-keratinised 46, A6
Stye 405
Sublingual gland P15.7 (p 257)
Submandibular gland P15.5 (p 255), P15.6 (p256), A35
Submucosal plexus (of Meissner) 263
Sulcus terminalis 247
Suprarenal glands 380, P21.5 (p 381), A41
Cortex 380
Medulla 382
Suspensory ligaments of Cooper 361
Sweat glands 205, 206f
Atypical 206
Typical 205
Synapse 175
Chemical 175
Classification 176
Electrical 175
Structure 177
Synaptic bouton 177
Synaptic cleft 177
Synaptic web 177
Taenia coli 262, 282
Tanycytes 373
Tay-sach's disease 25
Cementum 244
Dentine 243
Structure and composition 243
Types 244
Development stages 245
Enamel 242
General structure 242
Pulp 244
Tendon 73, P5.1 (p 73)
Testis 322, 323f, P19.1 (p 324), P19.2 (p 326), A39
General structure 322
Tumours 329
Tetraiodothyronine (T4) 376
Thoroughfare channels 222
Thrombocytes see blood platelets
Thymus 138, P9.3 (p 140), A20
Epitheliocytes 138
Functions 139
Hormones 141
Thymocytes 139
Thyro-calcitonin 377
Thyroid Gland 374, P21.33 (p 375), A40
Structure 374
Thyrotropin (TSH) 370
Tissue preparation, steps involved in 6
Tissue processing 6
Steps 7
Tongue 246, P15.2 (p 248), A22
Papillae 247
Taste buds 250
Tonsillectomy 144
Tonsillitis 144, 228
Tonsils 143
Lingual 143
Palatine 143, P9.4 (p 143), 144, A20
Pharyngeal 143
Tubal 143
Trachea 230, P14.2 (p 231), A33
Trachoma 405
Transcription 37
Transcytosis 13
Transitional epithelium 39, 48, P3.7 (p 49), A5
Description 48
Function 48
Location 48
Translation 37
Triodothyronine (T3) 376
Tubercles of Montgomery 362
Tympanic cavity 413
Tympanic membrane 413
Ulcerative colitis 286
Ureterocele 317
Ureters 317, P18.4 (p 318), A16
Urethra 321
Urinary Bladder 319, P18.5 (p 320), A31
Uriniferous Tubules 304
Uterine Tubes 353, P20.2 (p 354), A17
Functions 353
Uterus 355, P20.3 (p 357), P20.4 (p 358), A32
Endometrium 355
Myometrium 355
Uvea 391
Vagina 359, P20.5 (p 360), A24
Vaginitis 360
Valves of Kerkring 273
Varicose veins 219
Vasa vasorum 221
Vasopressin 371
Vein 218, P13.3 (p 220), A14
Valves, of 219
Venules 219
Vermiform appendix 283, P16.7 (p285), A15
Vestibular membrane (of reissner) 415
Vitiligo 198
Volkmann's canal 96f
White blood corpuscles (WBC) see
White line (of Hilton) 284
Woven bone 93
Xerostomia 253
Zellweger syndrome 25
Zonula adherens see adhesive belts
Zonula occludens see occluding junctions
Chapter Notes

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