Antibiotic Essentials Burke A. Cunha
Chapter Notes

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Overview of Antimicrobial TherapyChapter 1

Burke A. Cunha,MD Jean E. Hage, MD Paul E. Schoch, PhDCheston B. Cunha, MD Edward J. Bottone, PhD Demary C. Torres, Pharm D
  • Factors in Antibiotic Selection
  • Factors in Antibiotic Dosing
  • Microbiology and Susceptibility Testing
  • Other Considerations in Antimicrobial Therapy
  • Empiric Antibiotic Therapy
  • Antibiotic Failure
  • Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  • Pitfalls in Antibiotic Prescribing
  • References and Suggested Readings
Overview of Antimicrobial Therapy
2Despite the ability of antimicrobial therapy to prevent/control infection, prescribing errors are common, including treatment of colonization, suboptimal empiric therapy, unnecessary combination therapy, dosing and duration errors, and adding/changing antibiotic therapy for apparent antibiotic failure. Inadequate consideration of antibiotic resistance potential, tissue penetration, drug interactions, and side effects, limit the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy. Antibiotic Essentials is a concise, practical, and authoritative guide to the treatment and prevention of commonly encountered infectious diseases.
  1. Spectrum. Antibiotic spectrum refers to the range of microorganisms an antibiotic is usually effective against, and is the basis for empiric antibiotic therapy (Chapter 2). Antibiotic susceptibilities are a guide to predicting antibotic effectiveness in blood/well vascularized organs. In vitro testing does not always predict in vivo effectiveness (see p. 6).
  2. Tissue Penetration. Antibiotics that are effective against a microorganism in vitro but unable to reach the site of infection are of little or no benefit to the host. Antibiotic tissue penetration depends on properties of the antibiotic, e.g., lipid solubility, molecular size and tissue, e.g., adequacy of blood supply, presence of inflammation. Antibiotic tissue penetration is rarely problematic in acute infections due to increased microvascular permeability from local release of chemical inflammatory mediators. In contrast, chronic infections, e.g., chronic pyelonephritis, chronic prostatitis, chronic osteomyelitis and infections caused by intracellular pathogens often rely on chemical properties of an antibiotic, e.g., high lipid solubility, small molecular size for adequate tissue penetration. Antibiotics cannot be expected to eradicate organisms from areas that are difficult to penetrate or have impaired blood supply, such as abscesses, which usually require surgical drainage for cure. In addition, implanted foreign materials associated with infection usually need to be removed for cure, since microbes causing infections associated with prosthetic joints, shunts, and intravenous lines produce a slime/biofilm on plastic/metal surfaces that permits organisms to survive despite antimicrobial therapy.
  3. Antibiotic Resistance. Bacterial resistance to antimicrobial therapy may be classified as natural/intrinsic or acquired, and as relative or absolute. Pathogens not covered by the usual spectrum of an antibiotic are termed naturally/intrinsically resistant, e.g., 25% of S. pneumoniae are naturally resistant to macrolides; acquired resistance refers to a previously susceptible pathogen that is no longer susceptible to an antibiotic, e.g., ampicillin-resistant H. influenzae. Organisms with intermediate level (relative) resistance manifests as an increase in minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), but are susceptible at achievable serum/tissue concentrations, e.g., penicillin-resistant 3S. pneumoniae. In contrast, organisms with high level (absolute) resistance manifests as a sudden increase in MICs during therapy, and cannot be overcome by higher-than-usual antibiotic doses, e.g., gentamicin-resistant P. aeruginosa. Most acquired antibiotic resistance is agent-specific, not a class specific, and is usually limited to one or two species. Resistance is not related, per se, to volume or duration of use. Some antibiotics have little resistance potential i.e., “low resistance” potential even when used in high volume; other antibiotics can induce resistance, e.g., “high resistance” potential with little use.
    Successful antibiotic resistance control strategies include eliminating antibiotics from animal feeds, microbial surveillance to detect resistance problems early, infection control precautions to limit/contain spread of clonal resistant species, restricted hospital formulary i.e., controlled use of high resistance potential antibiotics, and preferential use of “low resistance” potential antibiotics by clinicians. Unsuccessful strategies include rotating formularies, restricted use of certain antibiotic classes, e.g., 3rd generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and use of combination therapy. In choosing between similar antibiotics, try to select an antibiotic with “low resistance” potential. Some antibiotics, e.g., ceftazidime are also associated with increased prevalence of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA); other antibiotics, e.g., vancomycin are associated with increased prevalence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE).
    The antibiotic Resistance Potential of each antibiotic is included in each Drug Summary (see chapter 11).
  4. Safety Profile. Whenever possible, avoid antibiotics with serious/frequent side effects.
  5. Cost. Switching early from IV to PO antibiotics is the single most important cost saving strategy in hospitalized patients, as the institutional cost of IV administration (˜$10/dose) may exceed the cost of the antibiotic itself. Antibiotic costs can also be minimized by using antibiotics with long half-lives, and by choosing monotherapy over combination therapy. Other factors adding to the cost of antimicrobial therapy include the need for an obligatory second antimicrobial agent, antibiotic side effects, e.g., diarrhea, cutaneous reactions, seizures, phlebitis, and outbreaks of resistant organisms, which require cohorting and prolonged hospitalization.
“Usual antibiotic dose” assumes normal renal and hepatic function. Patients with significant renal insufficiency and/or hepatic dysfunction may require dosage reduction in antibiotics metabolized/eliminated by these organs (Table 1.1). Specific dosing recommendations based on the degree of renal and hepatic insufficiency are detailed (see Chapter 11).
  1. Renal Insufficiency. Since most antibiotics eliminated by the kidneys have a wide “toxic-to-therapeutic ratio,” dosing strategies are frequently based on formula-derived estimates of creatinine clearance (Table 1.1), rather than precise quantitation of glomerular filtration rates. Dosage adjustments are especially important for antibiotics with narrow toxic-to-therapeutic ratios, and for patients who are receiving other nephrotoxic medications or have preexisting renal disease.
    Hepatic Insufficiency
    • 4Decrease total daily dose of hepatically-eliminated antibiotic by 50% in presence of clinically severe liver disease.
    • Alternative: Use antibiotic eliminated/inactivated by the renal route in usual dose.
    Renal Insufficiency (Examples)
    • If creatinine clearance ˜ 40–60 mL/min, decrease dose of renally-eliminated antibiotic by 50% and maintain the usual dosing interval.
    • If creatinine clearance ˜10–40 mL/min, decrease dose of renally-eliminated antibiotic by 50% and double the dosing interval.
    • Alternative: Use antibiotic eliminated/inactivated by the hepatic route in usual dose.
    Table 1.1   Dosing Strategies in Hepatic/Renal Insufficiency*
    Major Route of Elimination
    Most b-lactams
    Polymyxin B
    Ceftaroline fosamil
    1. Initial and Maintenance Dosing in Renal Insufficiency. For drugs eliminated by the kidneys, the initial dose is unchanged, and the maintenance dose/dosing interval are modified in proportion to the degree of renal insufficiency (CrCl). Dosing adjustment problems in renal insufficiency can be circumvented by selecting an antibiotic with a similar spectrum that is eliminated by the hepatic route.
    2. Aminoglycoside Dosing. Single daily dosing—adjusted for the degree of renal 5insufficiency after the loading dose is administered–has virtually eliminated the nephrotoxic potential of aminoglycosides, and is recommended for all patients, including the critically ill (a possible exception is enterococcal endocarditis, where gentamicin dosing every 8 hours may be preferable). Aminoglycoside-induced tubular dysfunction is best assessed by quantitative renal tubular cast counts in urine, which more accurately reflect aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity than serum creatinine.
  2. Hepatic Insufficiency. Antibiotic dosing for patients with hepatic dysfunction is problematic, since there is no hepatic counterpart to the serum creatinine to accurately assess liver function. In practice, antibiotic dosing is based on clinical assessment of the severity of liver disease. For practical purposes, dosing adjustments are usually not required for mild or moderate hepatic insufficiency. For severe hepatic insufficiency, dosing adjustments are usually made for antibiotics with hepatotoxic potential (Chapter 9). Relatively few antibiotics depend solely on hepatic inactivation/elimination, and dosing adjustment problems in these cases can be circumvented by selecting an appropriate antibiotic eliminated by the renal route.
  3. Combined Renal and Hepatic Insufficiency. There are no good dosing adjustment guidelines for patients with hepatorenal insufficiency. If renal insufficiency is worse than hepatic insufficiency, antibiotics eliminated by the liver are often administered at half the total daily dose. If hepatic insufficiency is more severe than renal insufficiency, renally eliminated antibiotics are usually administered and dosed in proportion to renal function.
  4. Mode of Antibiotic and Excretion/Excretory Organ Toxicity. The mode of elimination/excretion does not predispose to excretory organ toxicity per se, e.g., nafcillin (hepatically eliminated) is not hepatotoxic.
  1. Overview. In vitro susceptibility testing provides information about microbial sensitivities of a pathogen to various antibiotics and is useful in guiding therapy. Proper application of microbiology and susceptibility data requires careful assessment of the in vitro results to determine if they are consistent with the clinical context; if not, the clinical impression usually should take precedence.
  2. Limitations of Microbiology Susceptibility Testing
    1. In vitro data do not differentiate between colonizers and pathogens. Before responding to a culture report from the microbiology laboratory, it is important to determine whether the organism is a pathogen or a colonizer in the clinical context. As a rule, colonization should not be treated.
    2. In vitro data do not necessarily translate into in vivo efficacy. Reports which indicate an organism is “susceptible” or “resistant” to a given antibiotic in vitro do not necessarily reflect in vivo activity. Table 1.2 lists antibiotic-microorganism combinations for which susceptibility testing is usually unreliable.
    3. 6In vitro susceptibility testing is dependent on the microbe, methodology, and antibiotic concentration. In vitro susceptibility testing by the microbiology laboratory assumes the isolate was recovered from blood, and is being exposed to serum concentrations of an antibiotic given in the usual dose. Since some body sites e.g., bladder, urine contain higher antibiotic concentrations than found in serum, and other body sites e.g., CSF contain lower antibiotic concentrations than found in serum, in vitro data may be misleading for non-bloodstream infections. For example, a Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate obtained from the CSF may be reported as “sensitive” to cefazolin even though cefazolin does not penetrate the CSF. Likewise, E. coli and Klebsiella urinary isolates are often reported as “resistant” to ampicillin/sulbactam despite in vivo efficacy, due to high antibiotic concentrations in the urinary tract. Antibiotics should be prescribed at the usual recommended doses; attempts to lower cost by reducing dosage may decrease antibiotic efficacy e.g., cefoxitin 2 gm IV inhibits ˜ 85% of B. fragilis isolates, whereas 1 gm IV inhibits only ˜ 20% of strains.
      Table 1.2   Antibiotic-Organism Combinations for Which in Vitro Susceptibility Testing Does Not Predict in Vivo Effectiveness1
      “Susceptible” Organism
      H. influenzae, Yersinia pestis
      Klebsiella, Enterococci, Bartonella
      Polymyxin B
      Proteus, Salmonella
      Stenotrophomonas maltophilia2
      Mycobacterium tuberculosis
      Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
      Streptococci, Salmonella, Shigella
      Fusobacteria, Clostridia, enterococci, Listeria
      P. multocida
      1st, 2nd generation cephalosporins
      Salmonella, Shigella, Bartonella
      3rd, 4th generation cephalosporins4
      Enterococci, Listeria, Bartonella
      All antibiotics
    4. 7Unusual susceptibility patterns. Organisms have predictable susceptibility patterns to antibiotics. When an isolate has an unusual susceptibility pattern (i.e., isolate of a species is inconsistent with its usual susceptibility pattern) (Table 1.3), further testing should be performed by the microbiology laboratory. Expanded susceptibility testing may be warranted.
    Table 1.3   Unusual Susceptibility Patterns Requiring Further Testing
    Unusual Susceptibility Patterns
    Usual Susceptibility Patterns
    Neisseria meningitidis
    Penicillin resistant
    Penicillin susceptible
    Vancomycin/clindamycin resistant; erythromycin susceptible
    Vancomycin susceptible
    Viridans streptococci
    Vancomycin intermediate/resistant
    Vancomycin susceptible
    S. pneumoniae
    Vancomycin intermediate/resistant
    Vancomycin susceptible
    b-hemolytic streptococci
    Penicillin intermediate/resistant
    Penicillin susceptible
    Imipenem resistant
    Imipenem susceptible
    E. coli, P. mirabilis, Klebsiella
    Cefoxitin/cefotetan resistant
    2nd generation cephalosporin susceptible
    Enterobacter, Serratia
    Ampicillin/cefazolin susceptible
    Ampicillin/cefazolin resistant
    Morganella, Providencia
    Ampicillin/cefazolin susceptible
    Ampicillin/cefazolin resistant
    Cefotetan susceptible; ceftazidime resistant
    Cefotetan resistant; ceftazidime susceptible
    P. aeruginosa
    Amikacin resistant; gentamicin/ tobramycin susceptible
    Amikacin susceptible; gentamicin/ tobramycin resistant
    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
    TMP–SMX resistant; imipenem susceptible
    TMP–SMX susceptible
    Isolates with unusual susceptibility patterns require further testing by the microbiology laboratory to verify the identity of the isolate and characterize resistance mechanism. Expanded susceptibility testing is indicated.
    Table 1.4   Susceptibility Patterns of Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) and Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL) Organisms*
    MDROs & ESBL Resistance Profiles
    Resistance Profiles
    • MDRO Acinetobacter sp. resistant to ciprofloxacin and amikacin and ceftazidime
    • MDRO Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to amikacin and meropenem
    • ESBL Klebsiella oxytoca resistant to ceftazidime
    • ESBL Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant to ceftazidime
    • ESBL Enterobacter sp. resistant to ceftazidime
    • ESBL Escherichia coli resistant to ceftazidime
    • ESBL Proteus mirabilis resistant to ceftazidime
  3. Susceptibility Breakpoints for Streptococcus pneumoniae. Because antibiotic susceptibility is, in part, concentration related, the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), formerly the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), has revised its breakpoints for S. pneumoniae susceptibility testing, which differentiate between meningeal and non-meningeal sites of pneumococcal infection (Table 1.5).
    Table 1.5   CLSI Susceptibility Breakpoints for Streptococcus pneumoniae*
    MIC (mcg/mL)
    Amoxicillin (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 2/1
    ≥ 8/4
    Penicillin (meningitis)
    ≤ 0.06
    ≥ 0.12
    Penicillin (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    ≤ 0.5
    ≥ 2
    ≤ 0.25
    ≥ 1
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    ≤ 0.5
    ≥ 2
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    Cefuroxime axetil (oral)
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    Cefepime (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    Cefepime (meningitis)
    ≤ 0.5
    ≥ 2
    Cefotaxime (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    Cefotaxime (meningitis)
    ≤ 0.5
    ≥ 2
    Ceftriaxone (non-meningitis)
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    Ceftriaxone (meningitis)
    ≤ 0.5
    ≥ 2
    ≤ 0.12
    ≥ 1
    ≤ 0.25
    ≥ 1
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    ≤ 1
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    ≤ 2
    ≥ 8
    ≤ 0.5/9.5
    ≥ 4/78
    ≤ 4
    ≥ 8
    ≤ 0.25
    ≥ 1
    ≤ 2
    ≤ 1
    ≥ 4
    CLSI = Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS = National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards) M100–S20 (2010).
  4. Summary. In vitro susceptibility testing is useful in most situations, but should not be followed blindly. Many factors need to be considered when interpreting in vitro microbiologic data, and infectious disease consultation is recommended for all but the most straightforward susceptibility interpretation problems. IV-to-PO switch changes using antibiotics of the same or other antibiotic class is best made when the oral antibiotic can achieve similar blood/tissue levels as the IV antibiotic. For example, IV-to-PO switch from cefazolin 1 gm (IV) to cephalexin 500 mg (PO) may not be effective against all pathogens at all sites, since cephalexin 500 mg (PO) achieves much lower serum concentrations compared to cefazolin 1 gm (IV) (16 mcg/mL vs. 200 mcg/mL).
  1. 10Bactericidal vs. Bacteriostatic Therapy. For most infections, bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics inhibit/kill organisms at the same rate, and should not be a factor in antibiotic selection. Bactericidal antibiotics have an advantage in certain infections, such endocarditis, meningitis, and febrile leukopenia, but there are exceptions even in these cases.
  2. Monotherapy vs. Combination Therapy. Monotherapy is preferred to combination therapy for nearly all infections. In addition to cost savings, monotherapy results in less chance of medication error and fewer missed doses/drug interactions. Combination therapy may be useful for drug synergy or for extending spectrum beyond what can be obtained with a single drug. However, since drug synergy is difficult to assess and the possibility of antagonism always exists, antibiotics should be combined for synergy if synergy is based on actual testing. Combination therapy is not effective in preventing antibiotic resistance, except in very few situations (Table 1.6).
    Table 1.6   Combination Therapy and Antibiotic Resistance
    Examples of Antibiotic Combinations That Prevent Resistance
    Anti-pseudomonal penicillin (carbenicillin) + aminoglycoside (gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin)
    Rifampin + other TB drugs (INH, ethambutol, pyrazinamide)
    5-flucytosine + amphotericin B
    Examples of Antibiotic Combinations That Do Not Prevent Resistance*
    Aztreonam + ceftazidime
    Cefepime + ciprofloxacin
    Aminoglycoside + imipenem
    Most other antibiotic combinations
  3. Intravenous vs. Oral Switch Therapy. Patients admitted to the hospital are usually started on IV antibiotic therapy, then switched to equivalent oral therapy after clinical improvement/defervescence (usually within 72 hours). Advantages of early IV-to-PO switch programs include reduced cost, early hospital discharge, less need for home IV therapy, and virtual elimination of IV line infections. Drugs well-suited for IV-to-PO switch or for treatment entirely by the oral route include doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin, metronidazole, chloramphenicol, amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, quinolones, and linezolid.
    11Most infectious diseases should be treated orally unless the patient is critically ill, cannot take antibiotics by mouth, or there is no equivalent oral antibiotic. If the patient is able to take/absorb oral antibiotics, there is no difference in clinical outcome using equivalent IV or PO antibiotics. It is more important to think in terms of antibiotic spectrum, bioavailability and tissue penetration, rather than route of administration. Nearly all non-critically ill patients should be treated in part or entirely with oral antibiotics. When switching from IV to PO therapy, the oral antibiotic chosen should have the same spectrum/degree of activity against the presumed/known pathogen and achieve the same blood and tissue levels as the equivalent IV antibiotic (Table 1.7).
    Table 1.7   Bioavailability of Oral Antimicrobials
    Excellent1 (> 90%)
    Good2 (60–90%)
    Itraconazole (solution)
    Nitazoxanide (with food)
    Poor3 (< 60%)
    Vancomycin Acyclovir
    Cefdinir Cefditoren
    Nitazoxanide (without food) Fosfomycin
  4. Duration of Therapy. Most bacterial infections in normal hosts are treated with antibiotics for 1–2 weeks. The duration of therapy may need to be extended in patients with impaired immunity e.g., diabetes, SLE, alcoholic liver disease, neutropenia, diminished splenic function, etc., chronic bacterial infections e.g., endocarditis, osteomyelitis, chronic viral and fungal infections, or certain bacterial intracellular pathogens (Table 1.8). Infections such as HIV may require life-long therapy. Antibiotic therapy should ordinarily not be continued for more than 2 weeks, even if low-grade fevers persist (Table 1.8). Prolonged therapy offers no benefit, and increases the risk of adverse side effects, drug interactions, and superinfections.
Table 1.8   Infectious Diseases Requiring Prolonged Antimicrobial Therapy
Infectious Diseases
3 weeks
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), syphilis (late latent), H. pylori, chronic prostatitis
4 weeks
Chronic otitis media, chronic sinusitis, acute osteomyelitis, chronic pyelonephritis, brain abscess, SBE
4–6 weeks
Acute bacterial endocarditis (S. aureus, listeria, enterococcal), chronic osteomyelitis4
3 months
Lung abscess1, melioidosis, bartonella
6 months
Pulmonary TB, extrapulmonary TB, actinomycosis2, nocardia3, prosthetic-related infections5
12 months
Whipple’s disease
> 12 months
Lepromatous leprosy, HIV, Q fever (SBE/PVE)
Microbiology susceptibility data are not ordinarily available prior to initial treatment with antibiotics. Empiric therapy is based on directing coverage against the most likely pathogens, and takes into consideration drug allergy history, hepatic/renal function, possible antibiotic side eefects, resistance potential, and cost. If a patient is moderately or severely ill, empiric therapy is usually initiated intravenously. Patients who are mildly ill, whether hospitalized or ambulatory, may be started on oral antibiotics with high bioavailability. Cultures of appropriate clinical specimens e.g., blood, sputum, urine should be obtained prior to starting empiric therapy to provide bacterial isolates for in vitro susceptibility testing. Empiric therapy for common infectious diseases is described in Chapter 2.
There are many possible causes of apparent antibiotic failure, including drug fever, antibiotic-unresponsive infections, and febrile noninfectious diseases. The most common error in the management of apparent antibiotic failure is changing/adding additional antibiotics instead of determining the cause (Tables 1.9, 1.10).
Table 1.9   Causes of Apparent/Actual Antibiotic Failure
Microbiologic Factors
  • In vitro susceptibility but ineffective in vivo
  • Antibiotic tolerance with gram-positive cocci
  • Treating colonization (not infection)
Antibiotic Factors
  • Inadequate coverage/spectrum
  • Inadequate antibiotic blood levels
  • Inadequate antibiotic tissue levels
  • Decreased antibiotic activity in tissue
  • Drug-drug interactions
Antibiotic inactivation
Antibiotic antagonism
Antibiotic Penetration Problems
  • Undrained abscess
  • Foreign body-related infection
  • Protected focus e.g., cerebrospinal fluid
  • Organ hypoperfusion/diminished blood supply
Chronic osteomyelitis
Chronic pyelonephritis
Noninfectious Diseases
  • Medical disorders mimicking infection e.g., SLE
  • Drug fever
Antibiotic-unresponsive Infectious Diseases
  • Viral infections
  • Fungal infections
Many but not all individuals are atopic
Patients have been on a sensitizing medication for days or years “without a problem”
Physical exam
Relative bradycardia (see p. 14)
Fevers may be low- or high-grade, but usually range between 102°–104°F and may exceed 106°F
Patient appears “inappropriately well” for degree of fever
Laboratory tests
Elevated WBC count (usually with left shift)
Eosinophils almost always present, but eosinophilia is uncommon
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in majority of cases
Early, transient, mild elevations of serum transaminases (common)
Negative blood cultures (excluding contaminants)
Table 1.10   Clinical Features of Drug Fever
Relative Bradycardia*
Temperature-Pulse Relationships
Appropriate Pulse Response (beats/min)
If Relative bradycardia pulse (beats/min)
106°F (41.1°C)
105°F (40.6°C)
104°F (40.7°C)
103°F (39.4°C)
102°F (38.9°C)
< 140
< 130
< 120
< 110
< 100
MRSA infections occur most commonly in hospitals and healthcare settings, e.g., nursing homes, dialysis centers but can occur in the community setting as well. MRSA infections are classified as hospital-acquired (HA-MRSA), community-onset (CO-MRSA), or community-acquired (CA-MRSA), which has implications for therapy (Table 1.11).
Table 1.11   Classification of MRSA Infections
MRSA Strain
Epidemiology & Microbiology
Hospital acquired MRSA (HA-MRSA)*
Strains originate within the hospital, have SCC mec I, II, III genes, PVL+ (rare), and elaborate several S. aureus toxins.
Resistant to most antibiotics. Only vancomycin, quinupristin/dalfopristin, minocycline, linezolid, tigecycline, or daptomycin are reliably effective.
Community onset MRSA (CO-MRSA)*
Strains originate in the hospital and later present from community, have SCC mec I, II, III genes, PVL+ (rare) and elaborate several S. aureus toxins.
CO-MRSA strains are have the same antibiotic susceptibility as HA-MRSA strains and should be treated as HA-MRSA.
Community acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA)*
Only MRSA infections “from the community“ presenting as severe pyomyositis or severe/necrotizing community acquired MRSA pneumonia (with influenza) should be considered as potentially due to CA-MRSA. All other MRSA infections from the community should be clinically considered as CO-MRSA. SCC mec IV, V genes. PVL+, (common). CA-MRSA PVL - Strains are clinically indistinguishable from MSSA or CO-MRSA. Elaborate the usual S. aureus toxins plus 18 other toxins.
CA-MRSA strains are susceptible to clindamycin, TMP–SMX, and doxycycline. Antibiotics used to treat CO-MRSA/HA-MRSA are also effective against CA-MRSA, but not vice versa.
PVL = Panton-Valentine Leukocidin. Adapted from: Cunha BA. Clinical Manifestations and Antimicrobial Therapy of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Clin Microbiol Infect 11:33–42, 2005 and Cunha BA: Simplified Clinical Approach to Community acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) Infections. Journal of Hospital Infection 68:271–273, 2008.
  • Use of antibiotics to treat colonization or noninfectious/antibiotic-unresponsive infectious diseases.
  • Overuse of combination therapy. Monotherapy is preferred over combination therapy unless compelling reasons prevail, such as drug synergy or extended spectrum beyond what can be obtained with a single drug. Monotherapy reduces the risk of drug interactions and side effects, and is usually less expensive.
  • Use of antibiotics for persistent fevers. For patients with persistent fevers on an antimicrobial regimens that appears to be failing, it is important to reassess the patient rather than add additional antibiotics. Causes of prolonged fevers include undrained septic foci, noninfectious medical disorders, and drug fevers. Undiagnosed causes of leukocytosis/low-grade fevers should not be treated with prolonged courses of antibiotics.
  • Inadequate surgical therapy. Infections involving infected prosthetic materials or fluid collections e.g., abscesses often require surgical therapy for cure. For infections such as chronic osteomyelitis, surgery is the only way to cure the infection; antibiotics are useful only for suppression or to prevent local infectious complications.
  • Home IV therapy. There is less need to use home IV therapy given the vast array of excellent oral antibiotics e.g., doxycycline, minocycline, quinolones, TMP–SMX, linezolid available.
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