Case Based Reviews in Pediatric Endocrinology Vandana Jain, Ram K Menon
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
21-hydroxylase deficiency 22
25-hydroxyvitamin D 187
3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 24
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme 140
ABCC8 118, 125
Acanthosis nigricans 72, 113, 114, 116, 117
Achondroplasia 7
Acidotic breathing 178
Acne 46, 72
ACTH resistance 67
Acute pyogenic meningitis with hyponatremia 160
Acylcarnitine profile 227
Addison’s disease 107
adenomas 45
androgens 32
carcinoma 45
crisis 65
development disorders 67
hormone functions 150
insufficiency 65, 67t
causes of 66
steroid biosynthesis 58f
tuberculosis 68
tumor See Sex steroid hypersecretion
Adrenocortical carcinoma 72
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 60, 72, 86
deficiency 20, 218
secretion 78
Adrenoleukodystrophy 68
Adrenolytic drugs 74
scintigraphy 268
tumors 268
Adrenostatic drugs 74
Adriamycin 218
a-fetoprotein 32
Alanine aminotransferase 133, 135
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy 145
Aldosterone secretion 66
Allgrove syndrome 67, 68
Alpha-1-adrenergic blockade 80
Alstrom syndrome 143
excess, causes for 44
receptor defects 21
Androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS) 20
Angelman syndrome 233
Anti-insulin receptor antibodies 99
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) 21
Anti-tuberculosis drugs 185
Aplasia 54
AR defects See Androgen receptor defects
AR gene 21
Argininosuccinic acid 227
Aspartate aminotransferase 133
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) 160
polyendocrine syndrome 178
polyendocrinopathy syndrome 1 67
dominant hypophosphatemic rickets 190
recessive syndrome 143
Auxology 113
b-adrenergic agonists 99
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 142
Bartter syndrome 195
Bayley-Pinneau nomogram 6
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 91
Beclomethasone 14
b-human chrorionic gonadotropin 33
Bipolar disease 146
Bisphosphonates in hypercalcemia 200
Bleomycin 218
Blue diaper syndrome 195
Body iodine (123I/131I) scan 262
age 5
age assessment 257
health 205
mineral density, assessment of 257
mineralization 151
scan 269
Bony deformities 178
Botulinum toxin A 208
Boys stature-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles (birth to 36
months) 32f
Breast development in girls 31
Café au lait spots 30
Calciopenic rickets 182, 183
Calcitriol 181
Calcium 74, 175, 183, 190
deficiency 182
gluconate 172
homeostasis 169, 174
sensing receptor 175, 195
loss-of-function mutation 196
Carbohydrate to insulin ratio 101
Carboxyl ester lipase 118
Cardiac myxomas 73
Cardiorespiratory fitness 139
Cardiovascular disease 137
Cardiovascular/renal risk factors 104t
Catecholamine, complications of 78
Celiac disease 8, 104, 106, 130
Central diabetes insipidus 166, 218, 246
causes of 166
edema 110
salt wasting 163
Cerebrovascular accidents 78
Chest pain 78
Cheyne-stokes respiration 111
Children with type 1
diabetes, complications in 104t
Cholecalciferol 187
Chromosomal microarray analysis 231, 233
Chvostek sign 177
Clitoromegaly 44
Codon risk level in MEN2A 56t
Cohen syndrome 143
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 22, 38, 5764, 157
diagnosis of 60
to 21
hydroxylase enzyme deficiency 59
treatment of 63
Congenital hyperinsulinism 86, 9092, 93t
diagnosis of 94
Corpus callosum 88
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 73
Cortisol 86
Cortisone 14
Cosyntropin 62
Cowden disease 55
Craniopharyngiomas 68, 71
Cryptorchidism 17
disease 72, 73
syndrome 6, 42, 7175, 78, 99
Cushingoid face 107
Cyclophosphamide 82, 218
Cyclosporin 99
Cytochrome p450 21OH enzyme deficiency 59
Cytomegalovirus 99
Dacarbazine 82
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 24, 62
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 148
Delta4-androstenedione (D4A) 20
Dend syndrome 123
abscesses 184
enamel hypoplasia 184
hypoplasia 177
Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) 20, 24, 62
Deoxycortisol 20
Desmolase 60
Desmolase deficiency 62
Desmopressin 89
nasal spray 69
Detemir 101
Dexamethasone 14, 43, 45, 73
Dexamethasone See Prednisone
education 105
insipidus 69, 166, 168
causes of 165
mellitus 11, 42, 72, 99, 166
type 1 98112
mellitus, type 2 129
symptoms of 113
type of 219
Diabetic ketoacidosis 98, 100, 130
Diazoxide 40, 92, 99
allowance 74
calcium intake 206f
DiGeorge syndrome 171, 172, 233
Dihydrotestosterone DHT 20
Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) 270
Dilantin 99
Disease-causing hemizygous mutation 21
Distal femoral bone mineral density 210f
DKA, severity of 108
Dopamine-secreting tumor 80
Double diabetes 148
Down’s syndrome 8, 100
Dumping syndrome 93
Dysgerminoma 25
Dysglycemia 151
Dyshormonogenesis with interpretation of nuclear imaging tests, level of defect in 260t
Dysmorphic features 113
Dyspnea 78
Ecchymosis, infection of 46
Ectopy See Aplasia
Edema 151
Empty sella 242
Endogenous hypercortisolism 73
Endomysial immunoglobulin a 12
Environmental endocrine disruptors 29
Epinephrine 77
Equivalent glucocorticoid activity of steroids 14t
Ergocalciferol 187, 206
Estradiol 35
Ethinyl estradiol 38
Euglycemia 89
Euvolemic hyponatremia 158
Exogenous glucocorticosteroids 14
Extracellular fluid (ECF) 157
Facial dysmorphism 142
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 195, 196
Fanconi syndrome 187, 191
Fasting plasma glucose 99
acid oxidation disorder 228f
liver disease 136
pseudogynecomastia 152
Feminizing genitoplasty 64
Ferriman-Gallwey score 41f
Fibrous dysplasia 235
First-tier testing 233
Fluorescent in situ hybridization 232
Fluticasone 14
FMR1 mutation testing 233
Follicle stimulating hormone 19, 35, 217
Forbes disease 97
FOXP3 123
Friedreich ataxia 100
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase, activity of 20
Gallbladder disease 38
Gamma glutamyl transferase 133
Gardner syndrome 55
counseling 235
forms of hyperinsulinism See Congenital hyperinsulinism
heterogeneity 235
pituitary hypoplasia 20
syndromes 31, 100
syndromic obesity 142
Geneticist’s approach to childhood obesity 144f
Genitourinary anomalies 17
valgum 184
varum 184
Germ cell tumors in DSD 25, 26
Germline versus somatic mutation 235
Gestational diabetes mellitus 100
Glargine 101
Glomerular filtration rate 188
Glucagon stimulation test 91
Glucocorticoids 4, 99, 209
deficiency 66
dose of 44
hormone 69
Glucokinase 93, 118
Glucorticosteroids 14
Glucose transporter 2 124
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency 97
Glutamate dehydrogenase 1 93
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 130
antibody 115
abnormalities 150
control 104t
Glycogen storage disease 97, 228f
Glycosylated hemoglobin 99, 103, 104, 149
GnRH analog stimulation 32
Gonadal dysgenesis 21
Gonadarche 31
deficiency 35
dependent 33
adrenal-derived 33
gonad-derived 33
releasing hormone (GnRH) 28, 217
Granulomatous disease 197
Grave’s disease 49, 50, 51, 259
Growth hormone 215
deficiency 6, 9, 10, 71
treatment 216f
Grunting 111
Gullian-Barre syndrome 78
Gynecomastia 11
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 49, 50, 52, 68, 147
Hematuria 184
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 78
and nonhepatic enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs 212t
function panel 12
steatosis 149
Hepatocyte nuclear
factor 118
factor-1 118
factor-1-alpha (HNF-1A) 118
factors 4-alpha 93
Hepatosplenomegaly 184
Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria 190
High and low radioactive iodine uptake, causes of 259t
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) 104, 148
Hirsutism 40, 46, 72
assessed, severity of 41
history of 40
infection of 46
HNF-1B 118
HNF-4A 118
Human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulation test 24
Huntington chorea 100
Hydrochlorothiazide 168
Hydrocorticone 14
Hydrocortisone 63
Hydroxyprogesterone 61
Hyperammonemia 225, 227f
Hyperandrogenism 41, 42
causes of 45
in girls 4046
Hypercalcemia 194, 200
cause of 198
complications of 197
differential diagnosis of 199t
in children 194
causes of 195
Hyperfunctioning thyroid carcinoma 49
Hyperglycemia 106
symptoms of 99
Hyperglycemic crisis, symptoms of 99
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism 19, 34, 37
Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 93, 93t
causes of 92
Hyperinsulinism, causes of 93t
Hyperkalemia 57, 61, 65, 68, 110
causes for 165
correction of 167
in children, causes of 165t
Hypernatremic encephalopathy, symptoms of 167
Hyperparathyroid jaw tumor syndrome 196
Hyperparathyroidism 196
jaw tumor syndrome 195
Hyperphagia 146
Hyperpigmentation of areola 60
Hyperprolactinemia 37, 42, 214
Hypertension 72, 151, 184
in children, causes of 78t
Hypertensive crisis 78
Hyperthyroidism 99
etiology of 50f
Hypertrichosis 40
Hypertriglyceridemia 136, 151
Hypervitaminosis D 195
Hypervolemic hyponatremia 158
Hypocalcemia 169, 170, 177, 178
acute management of 178
beyond neonatal period, causes of 176
causes of 176
etiology of 178t
in infants, causes of 170
in neonatal period 169173
in newborn 171
causes of 170
in older children 174
adolescents, causes of 176
management of 179
Hypocalcemic symptoms 184
Hypochondroplasia 7
Hypoglycemia 65, 87, 88, 225
in infants 8397
in neonates 90
management of 91
Hypogonadism 146
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 19, 35, 37, 89, 143, 218
Hypokalemia 72
Hypoketotic hypoglycemia 226
Hypomagnesemia 179
Hyponatremia 61, 65, 68, 158, 160
causes of 158, 160
management of 162
Hypoparathyroidism 176, 178
Hypophosphatasia 186, 197
Hypophosphatemic rickets 189, 192
Hypopituitarism 87, 88
Hypospadias 17
Hypotension 66
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis 74
Hypothermia 54
Hypothyroidism 6
Hypotonia 146
Hypoventilation syndrome 93
Hypovitaminosis D 151
Hypovolemia stimulates renin 160
hyponatremia 158
shock 65
Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked syndrome 123
Impaired growth velocity 5f
Inborn errors of metabolism 57, 227, 228f
Inflammatory bowel disease 7
errors of metabolism, classification of 224
metabolic disorder 223
Injection-site lipodystrophy 98
Insulin 86
degludec 101
detemir 101
glargine 101
growth factor-1 (IGF-1) 35
in utero 90
induced hypoglycemia 10
like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) 9
like growth factor-1 8
promoter factor 118
resistance syndrome 93
sensitive tissues 92
sensitivity factor 101
therapy 110
International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group (IGCCCG) 26
hypertension 11
lesions 31
Intrauterine growth retardation 8, 93
Investigations in child with rickets 186
Iodine 51
Ionized calcium 175
IPF1 118
Isoniazid See Anti-tuberculosis drugs
Jansen’s metaphyseal dysplasia 197, 198
Jaundice 178, 184
Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT) 252
Kallmann syndrome 35, 36
Karyotype 231
KCNJ11 123
Ketoconazole See Adrenostatic drugs
Ketogenesis, disorders of 97
KLF11 118
Klinefelter’s syndrome 100
Kruppel-like factor 118
Labioscrotal fusion 61f
Lactate dehydrogenase 25
Lactic acidosis 96
Langerhan’s cell histiocytosis 246
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 100
Leuprolide agonist, dose of 33
Levothyroxine by age and weight 53t
Leydig cell tumor 254
Lipoatrophic diabetes 99
Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia 67
Lisinopril 150
Lisinopril tapered 152
Low-density lipoprotein 104
Lowe’s syndrome 191
Lower limb deformity more than upper limbs 184
Luteinizing hormone 35, 69, 217
Luteinizing hormone, levels of 19
Macroglossia 54
Malabsorption 7
Male precocious puberty 254
Malignant pheochromocytoma 82
Maturity onset diabetes of young 117, 118
Mauriac syndrome 107, 108
McCune-Albright’s syndrome 31, 49, 72, 183, 195, 235
Medullary thyroid carcinoma 56
Medulloblastoma in cerebellum 216
Megadoses of vitamin D 189
acidosis 65, 225
bone disease 7, 181
conditions associated with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 93t
syndrome 136
in adolescents 135
in children 135, 136
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 268
Metanephrines 79
Metformin 42, 139
Methimazole 51
Methylation PCR 233
Methylmalonic acidemia 224
Methylphenidate 4
Methylprednisolone 14
Metoprolol 81
Metyrapone 74
Metyrosine 81
Microdeletion syndrome 146
Micropenis in neonate 85f
Mimickers of rickets 186
deficiency 66
hormone 69
Minoxidil 40
Mitotane See Adrenolytic drugs
Monogenic diabetes 113, 116
causes of 125
Monosomy 1p36 143
Mother’s menarche 208
Moyamoya disease 78
Müllerian ducts 21
Multi-organ failure 78
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 79, 195
type 1 93
Multiple pituitary hormonal deficiencies 86, 87
Muscle creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 148
Mutations leading to maturity-onset diabetes of young phenotype 118t
Myocarditis 78
Myotonic dystrophy 100
National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program 99
Natriuretic peptide system 160
Neisseria meningitidis 67
Nelson syndrome 74
diabetes 99, 113, 121, 122
hypoparathyroidism 172
hypotonia 146
jaundice 88
severe hyperparathyroidism 195
diabetes insipidus 8, 166
syndrome 158
Nephrotic syndrome 98, 106, 107, 158
Neuroblastomas 248
Neuroendocrine tumors 77
Neurofibromatosis 31
Neuron pulses 28
Neutral protamine hagedorn 100, 101
Nicotinic acid 99
Nocturia 113, 114
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 133, 136
Nonendocrine tumors 73
Non-nutritional cause of rickets 187
Nonoperable tumors 82
Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT) 26
Norepinephrine 77
Normal pancreatic tissue 95f, 96f
Normal renal function tests 57
Normetanephrines 79
NPH insulin 101
Nuclear Imaging in Pediatric Endocrine Disorders 259271
Obesity 146, 151
Oligomenorrhea 42
Oligo-ovulation 42
atrophy and deafness 166
nerve hypoplasia 88
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) 99, 220
Organic academia 227
transca 227
transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency 224
Osmotic regulation system 159
Osteolytic hypercalcemia 196
Ovaries in children 254
Oxcarbazepine 116
P450 oxidoreductase (POR) deficiency 23
Paired box gene 118
neuroendocrine tumor 250
b-cells 92
Pancreatitis 78, 99
Papilledema 11
Paralytic ileus 78
Paramethasone 14
Parathormone 176
Parathyroid 255
adenomas 256
disease 267
gland 176
hormone 56, 175, 205
related protein (PTHRP) 78
hyperplasia 55, 56
Parenteral nutrition 188
Pathologic causes 6
endocrine disorders 241
metabolic syndrome 138, 139
Pentamidine 99
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) 270
neuropathy 98
precocity 32
vascular disease 107
Peroxisomal disorders 67
Pharmacodynamic profiles of various insulins 101t
Phenobarbitone 185
Phenotypic heterogeneity 235
Phenoxybenzamine 80
Phenytoin See Anticonvulsant drugs
Pheochromocytoma 55, 56, 77, 79, 99, 198
in children and adolescents 7682
surgery for 81
Phosphate deficiency 183
Phosphatonin 189
Phosphaturia 189
Phosphopenic (hypophosphatemic) rickets 183, 188, 189
aplasia 10
gland in children 242
corticotrophin 66
deficiencies 88
hypoplasia 10
macroadenoma 242
microadenoma 242
stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) 241
adrenocorticotropic hormone 65
aldosterone concentration (PAC) 62
amino acid 227
glucagon 130
renin activity 62, 68
ovarian disease 59
ovary syndrome 38, 42, 72
Polydactyly 142
in Bardet-Biedl syndrome 145f
Polydipsia 113, 114, 178
Polyuria 113, 114, 178, 184
Porphyria 100
Positive apocrine odor 150
Positive axillary hair 150
Postaxial polydactyly 143
Postmeal hypoglycemia 131
Post-transplant diabetes mellitus 220
management of 221f
Potassium channel
genes 123
inwardly rectifying channel 93
Potential side effects of methimazole 51
Prader Willi syndrome 8, 100, 142, 143, 143f, 146148, 234
diagnosis of 146
in older child 145f
Precocious puberty 31, 35, 252
causes of 33t
Prediabetes 130
Prednisone 14, 69, 218
Premature adrenarche 44
Preproinsulin gene 118, 123
Presurgery medical management 80
Primary adrenal insufficiency 20, 67
Primary amenorrhea 36
causes of 37
Primary carnitine deficiency 97
Primary testicular failure 34
Procarbazine 218
Prolactinoma 198
Prolonged jaundice 54
Prophylactic thyroidectomy 56
Propionic acidemia 224
Propranolol 81
Proteinuria 184
Proximal muscle wasting 107
Pseudogynecomastia bilaterally 147
Pseudohyponatremia 159
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 71, 178
Pubertal development, history of 34, 36
and axillary hair 36
hair 150
development 4
PWS facies 147
Pyruvate dehydrogenase 228f
Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome 99
Rachitic rosary 184
Rathke’ cleft cyst 245
Refractory rickets, causes of 188
Refsum’s disease 67
Regular insulin 101
disease 8, 209
losses 158
symptoms 184
tubular acidosis 8, 163, 178, 190, 228f
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) 157
RET mutation 55
Rickets 7, 181, 183
causes of 182, 189
etiology of 183
in hypophosphatasia 198
Rifampicin 185
Russell-Silver syndrome 8
diagnosis of 17
test for 17
Sarcoidosis 246
Scoliosis 11
Secondary adrenal insufficiency 67
Secondary carnitine deficiency 97
Second-tier testing 233
Self-monitoring of blood glucose 102
Septo-optic dysplasia 10, 88
Septum pellucidum 88
Serum 61
17hydroxyprogesterone 61, 64
alkaline phosphatase 133
calcium level 175
cortisol 65, 74
creatinine 12
electrolytes 76, 108
follicle-stimulating hormone 41
insulin 74
level of phosphorus 192
luteinizing hormone 41
levels 74
sodium 158
assignment 25
development, disorders of 1927, 38, 43, 251
hypersecretion 33
production by gonad 31
Short stature 3
causes of 6
pathologic causes of 7
SIADH, diagnostic criteria for 161
Single gene analysis 234
maturity assessment 5
dysplasia 7
survey for 7
Skin thinness, infection of 46
Slipped capital femoral epiphyses 11
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome 67, 68
Somatomedin C 8
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy 269
Somatostatinoma 99
Somatotropinoma 198
Steroid metabolites 62
Steroidogenesis disorders 67
acute regulatory protein, deficiencies in 24
defects 21, 23
Stiff-man syndrome 99
Striae, infection of 46
Strict glycemic control 221
fat necrosis 197
insulin infusion 100, 102
Succinate dehydrogenase D, B, and C 79
Sulfonylurea receptor 1 124
Sulfonylureas 120
Superior mesenteric artery and vein 95
Synacthen 69
stimulation test 87
test 86
Syndactyly 142
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) 163
and cerebral salt wasting, comparison of 162t
Syndromic associations of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia 93t
Tachypnea 111
Tacrolimus 99
Tanner staging 28
Target blood glucose range t 103
Tea tree oil 29
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism 196
and penile enlargement 4
enlargement in boys 31
volumes 31
Testosterone 203
Thiazide diuretics 168
Thiazides 99
Thyroid 255
antibodies 50
blockade 269t
carcinoma 55
disease 4956, 104
disorders 259
follicular cell 49
function 10
tests 76, 148
gland, diffusely increased of 261
hormone 9, 99
peroxidase 50, 52
scintigraphy 260
stimulating hormone 50, 52, 87
stimulating immunoglobulin 50
Thyroxine 8, 35
levels 87
Toxic adenoma 49
hyperammonemia of the newborn 227
NND 122
Trans-sphenoidal surgery 74
Triamcinolone 14
Triglycerides 135
Triiodothyronine 50
Truncal obesity 143
Tumor markers 32
Tumor-induced osteomalacia 191
Turner’s syndrome 8, 100
treatment for 38
Type 2 diabetes, diagnosis of 130
Tyrosine kinase 115
Umbilical hernia 54
Uncoupling protein 2 93
Undervirilized males 64
Urea cycle defect 227
Urinalysis 12
analysis for glycosuria 187
free cortisol 73
glucose 103
Urine 113
analysis 76
ketones 108
metanephrines 79
organic acids 226, 227
Vanwyk-Grumbach syndrome 9, 52
Vasopressin 159
receptor antagonist 164
Vertebral bodies, abnormalities of 7
Vinblastine 218
Vincristine 82, 218
D 205, 211
deficiency 173, 180, 183, 184, 187, 211
deficiency rickets 186, 187
stages of 185
dependent rickets 176
disorders of 177
hormone 174
metabolism in body 182
metabolism of 181
supplementation 74
D2 187, 206
D3 181
D3 187
D-dependent rickets 184, 187, 190
von Gierke disease 97
von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome 79
Warfarin 209
Water homeostasis 159
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 67
Wheelchair-bound children 211
William-Beuren syndrome 195, 197, 200
Williams syndrome 233
Wilson disease 176
Wolfram syndrome 100, 165
Wolman disease 67, 68
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets 184, 190
Zellweger syndrome 67
Zinc acexamate 122
Chapter Notes

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