Pathology Quick Review and MCQs Harsh Mohan
The page numbers given below indicate the first page at the beginning of the topic only.
AA protein, 40
ABL-BCR gene, 119, 150, 208
appendix, 80
Bartholin's, 482
brain, 606
breast, 507
Brodie's, 570
crypt, 361
liver, 397
lung, 290
peritonsillar, 322
pyogenic, 80
tubo-ovarian, 494
Absolute values, 160, 648
Acantholysis, 519, 525
Accumulations, intracellular, 12
Achalasia, 340
Achondroplasia, 571
Acid phosphatase, 479, 646
Acid-base balance, 48
Acid-fast staining, 82, 87, 102
Acidosis, 53
Acinus, lung, 281
Ackerman tumour, 331, 529
Acne vulgaris, 521
Acoustic neuroma, 320, 618
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 32
CNS manifestations in, 607
tuberculosis in, 82
Acrochordons, 483, 527
Acromegaly, 538
Actinic keratosis, 527
Actinomycosis, 91
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), 186
Adaptations, cellular, 22
Addison's disease, 542
ampulla of Vater, 417
breast, 513
colorectal, 374
endometrium, 492
gallbladder, 416
kidney, 455
oesophagus, 343
ovary, 498
pancreas, 420
prostate, 477
salivary gland, 338
stomach, 353
adrenocortical, 543
bile duct, 410
breast, 510
bronchial, 307
cortical, kidney, 455
liver, 410
parathyroid, 556
pituitary, 539
salivary, 336
thyroid, 551
colorectal, 372
Adenoma-carcinoma sequence colon, 374
Adenomyosis, 490
Adipose tissue, tumours of, 595
Adnexal tumours, skin, 529
Adrenal crisis, 542
Adrenal gland, diseases of, 540
Adult T cell leukaemia lymphoma (ATLL), 128, 221
Aeroembolism, 63
Ageing, cellular, 25
African iron overload, 16
Aflatoxin B, 124, 411
AIDS-dementia complex, 607
Air pollution, 137
AL protein, 40
Albinism, 15
Albright syndrome, 575
Alcoholic hyalin, 402,
Alcoholic liver disease, 400
Alcoholism, 139, 400
Alkaline phosphatase, 382, 646
Alkalosis, 54
Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency,
cirrhosis in, 406
emphysema and, 292
Alpha-foetoprotein (AFP), 133, 412
Alport's syndrome, 445
Alternate pathway disease, 434
Alveolar proteinosis, 301
Alveolar soft part sarcoma, 598
Alzheimer's disease, 611
mechanism of, 42
Ameloblastoma, 333
malignant, 335
Ames' test, 125
Aminotransferase, 382, 645
Amoebiasis, 107
Amyloidosis, 39
Anaemia, aplastic, 180
Anaemia classification of, 161
Anaemia, Cooley's, 179
Anaemia, Fanconi, 380
Anaemia, general considerations, 160
Anaemia, haemolytic, 170
Anaemia, hypochromic, 162
Anaemia, iron deficiency, 162
Anaemia, Mediterranean, 179
Anaemia, megaloblastic, 167
Anaemia, microcytic hypochromic, 164
Anaemia, myelophthisic, 181
Anaemia of blood loss, 180
Anaemia of chronic disorders, 166
Anaemia, pernicious, 170
Anaemia, sideroblastic, 165
Anaemia, spherocytic, 174
Anal canal, tumours of, 376
Anal fissure, 370
Anaphylactic reaction, 35
Anaplasia, 112
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL),
Anasarca, 222
Androblastoma, 502
Anencephaly, 148
Aneuploidy, 149
Aneurysmal bone cyst, 576
Aneurysms, 239
berry, 610
Angiitis, 236
Angina pectoris, 256
Angiodysplasia, colon, 370
Angiofibroma, nasopharyngeal, 322
Angiogenesis, 93, 121
Angiomatosis, bacillary, 245, 389
Angiomyolipoma, 455
Angioplasty, 277
Angiosarcoma, 245
Anisocytosis, 161
Anisonucleosis, 113
Anitschkow cells, 264
Ankyrin, 174
Ann Arbor staging, 218
Annexin V, 19
Anthracosis, 297
Anthrax, 103
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), 29, 35, 130
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 538
Anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECAs), 237, 435
Anti-GBM disease, 434
Anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs), 237, 435
Anti-oncogenes, 120
Antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA), 38, 60, 187
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), 38
Antioxidants, 10
Aortic arch syndrome, 238
Aortic valve, diseases of, 270
Aortitis, syphilitic, 236
Apocrine tumours, 530
Apoptosis, 18
Appendicitis, 367
Appendageal tumours, skin, 530
Appendix, diseases of, 367
Arachidonic acid metabolites, 74
Argentaffin cells, 356
Argentaffinoma, 366
Arias-Stella reaction, 489
Armanni-Ebstein lesions, 445
Arnold-Chiari malformations, 602
Arteries, diseases of, 230
Arteriolitis, necrotising, 231
Arteriolosclerosis, 231
Arteriosclerosis, 231
malformations, 244
Arteritis, 236
gouty, 584
in RHD, 262
osteoarthritis, 582
rheumatoid, 582
suppurative, 584
tuberculous, 584
Asbestos disease, 299
Aschoff bodies, 264
Ascites, 52, 408
Ascorbic acid, 145
ASCUS, 488
Aspergillosis, 289
Aspirin therapy, 190
Asthma, 294
Astrocytoma, 613
Atelectasis, 283
Atheroma, 235
Atherosclerosis, 232
Atmospheric pollutants, 138
Atresia, 148
aortic, 255
biliary, 387
intestinal, 356
oesophageal, 340
pulmonary, 255
Atrial septal defect (ASD), 253
Atrophy, 22
brown, 16
testicular, 466
Atypical mycobacteria, 82
Auer rods, 199
Australia antigen, 391
Autoimmune diseases, 37
Autolysis, 17
Autosomal disorders, 151
Avascular necrosis bone, 571
Ayre's spatula, 628
Azotaemia, 427
Bacterial diseases, 102
Bacterial endocarditis, 267
Bagassosis, 300
Balanitis xerotica obliterans, 475
Balanoposthitis, 475
Banti's spleen, 226
Bantu's siderosis, 16
Barr body, 149, 628
Barrett's oesophagus, 342
Bartholin's cyst and abscess, 482
Basal cell carcinoma, 529
Basophilia, 203
Basophils, 29, 203
BCG vaccination, 84
Bedsores, 20
Bence Jones' proteins, 224
Berger's disease, 442
Berylliosis, 300
b-catenin, 120, 375
Betel nut cancer, 124, 331
Bethesda system, 486, 624
Bezoars, 346
Biliary tract, diseases of, 413
Bilirubin metabolism, 16, 384
Bird flu, 106
Blastomas, 117, 154
Bleeding disorders, 187
Bleeding time, 186
Blood film examination, 161
Blood groups, 193
Blood transfusion, 193
Blood vessels, diseases of, 230
Bone, diseases of, 569
Bone marrow examination, 157
Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma, 485, 597
Botulism, 104, 363
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 607
Bowen's disease, 475, 528
Bowenoid papulosis, 476
Boyden's chamber experiment, 73
Brain, diseases of, 601
BRCA genes, 121, 512
Bread and butter appearance, 265
Breast, diseases of, 507
Brenner's tumour, ovary, 499
Bronchiectasis, 294
Bronchiolitis and bronchiolitis obliterans, 295
Bronchitis, chronic, 291
Broncho-(lobular) pneumonia, 287
Bronchogenic carcinoma, 304
Bronzed diabetes, 405
Brown induration, lung, 55
Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism, 573
Bubos, 102
Buccal smear, 628
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 389
Buerger's disease, 239
Bullous dermatoses, 524
Burkitt's lymphoma, 127, 220
Bursitis, 586
Button-hole appearance, 264
Byssinosis, 300
Calcification, pathologic, 21
Calcifying epithelioma of
Malherbe, 529
Calcinosis cutis, 526
Calcitonin, 552
Calculi, gallbladder, 413
Calculi, urinary, 450
Call-Exner bodies, 501
Callus formation, 96
Cancer, definition of, 110
Candidiasis, 105, 484
Caplan's syndrome, 297
Caput medusae, 409
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 133
Carcinogenesis, 122
biologic, 125
chemical, 122
physical, 125
viral, 126
Carcinoid heart disease, 271
Carcinoid syndrome, 366
Carcinoid tumour,
appendix, 368
bronchial, 307
small intestine, 366
stomach, 355
Carcinoma, acinic cell, 338
Carcinoma, adenoid cystic, 338
Carcinoma, adrenocortical, 543
Carcinoma, ampulla of Vater, 417
Carcinoma, breast, 511
Carcinoma, cervix, 488
Carcinoma, colorectal, 374
Carcinoma, definition of, 110
Carcinoma, embryonal, testis, 472
Carcinoma, endometrium, 492
Carcinoma, gallbladder, 416
Carcinoma, hepatocellular, 410
Carcinoma in situ, 24, 117
breast, 513
bronchus, 304
cervix, 486
oral cavity, 331
skin, 528
urinary bladder, 460
vulva, 484
Carcinoma, kidney, 455
Carcinoma, larynx, 323
Carcinoma, lung, 304
Carcinoma, mucoepidermoid, 337
Carcinoma, nasopharyngeal, 322
Carcinoma, oesophagus, 343
Carcinoma, oral cavity, 331
Carcinoma, ovary, 498
Carcinoma, pancreas, 420
Carcinoma, parathyroid, 556
Carcinoma, penis, 476
Carcinoma, prostate, 477
Carcinoma, salivary gland, 337
Carcinoma, sinonasal, 322
Carcinoma, skin, 528
Carcinoma, stomach, 353
Carcinoma, thyroid, 552
Carcinoma, urothelial, 460
Carcinoma, vagina, 484
Carcinoma, vulva, 484
Cardiomyopathies, 273
Caries, dental, 332
Caries, spine, 570
Carotid body tumour, 325
Cartilage, tumours of, 578
Caruncle, urethral, 462
Caseous necrosis, 18
Cat-scratch disease, 104
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), 22
Cell cycle, 93
Cell death, morphology of, 17
Cell injury, 6
Cell-mediated reaction, 36
Cellular swelling, 11
Cellulitis, 80
Cementomas, 334
Central nervous system, diseases of, 601
Cerebral infarction, 609
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 604
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 486
Cervical screening, 488
Cervix, diseases of, 485
Chalazion, 315
Chancre, 91
Chemodectoma, 325
Chemotaxis, 72
Chickenpox, 106
Chikungunya, 106
Childhood tumours, 117, 153
Cholangitis, 397
Cholecystitis, 415
Cholelithiasis, 413
Cholestasis, 386
Cholesteatoma, 319
Chondroblastoma, 579
Chondroma, 579
Chondromyxoid fibroma, 579
Chondrosarcoma, 579
Chordoma, 581
gestational, 504
nongestational, 501
testis, 472
Choroid plexus papilloma, 615
Christmas disease, 191
Chronic inflammation, 80
Chronic ischaemic heart disease, 261
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), 219
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), 208
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 291
Chronic restrictive pulmonary disease, 295
Chronic venous congestion (CVC), 55
Cirrhosis, liver, 399
Clear cell sarcoma, 598
Clinical cases, 635
Clostridial diseases, 104
Clotting system, 59
Clotting time, 186
Cloudy swelling, 11
CNS tumours, 613
Coagulation disorders, 190
Coagulation inhibitors, 59, 187
Coagulation tests, 186
Coal-workers' pneumoconiosis, 296
Coarctation of aorta, 254
Codman's triangle, 577
Coeliac sprue, 365
Colitis, 369
amoebic, 107, 363
antibiotic-associated, 363
ischaemic, 359
necrotising, 359
pseudomembranous, 359
ulcerative, 359
Collagen vascular disease, 37
lung, 301
Collapse lung, 283
Colliquative necrosis, 17
Colloid carcinoma,
breast, 514
colon, 375
stomach, 354
Colorectal polyps, 371
Coma, diabetic, 561
hepatic, 409
Components, in blood transfusion, 194
Condyloma acuminatum, 475, 483
Congenital heart diseases, 253
Congestion, venous, 54
Congestive heart failure (CHF), 250
Congestive splenomegaly, 56, 226
Congophilia, 43
Consolidation, 285
Consumptive coagulopathy, 192
Copper metabolism, 405
Cor pulmonale, 262
Coronary artery disease (CAD), 255
Coronary syndromes, acute, 256
Corpora amylacea, 477
Councilman body, 394
Craniopharyngioma, 540
Crescents, 437
CREST syndrome, 39
Cretinism, 546
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, (CJD), 607
Crigler-Najjar syndrome, 387
Crohn's disease, 359
Cryptorchidism, 466
Cushing's syndrome, 540
Cyanmethaemoglobin method, 161
Cyanocobalamin, 145, 167
Cyclo-oxygenase pathway, 74
Cylindroma, 530
Cystic diseases of kidney, 430
Cystic fibrosis, pancreas, 418
Cystic hygroma, 244, 324
Cystic medial necrosis of Erdheim's, 241
Cysticercosis, 107
Cystitis, 458
apoplectic, 610
Bartholin's, 482
bone, 576
branchial, 324
dental, 333
dentigerous, 333
dermoid,ovary, 500
echinococcal, 398
epidermal, 527
follicular,ovary, 495
hepatic, 409
jaw, 333
kidney, 430
lung, 281
luteal, 495
lymphoepithelial, 324
neck, 324
ovarian, epithelial, 497
pancreatic, 418
pilar, 527
radicular, 333
sebaceous, 527
trichilemmal, 527
Cytogenetics, 149
Cytokines, 29, 75
Cytology, diagnostic, 622
exfoliative, 622
fine needle aspiration (FNA), 630
Cytomegaloviruses, 108
Dane particle, 391
Decompression sickness, 64
Defibrination syndromes, 192
Degenerations, 11
Degenerative joint disease (DJD), 582
Dehydration, 52
Dehydrogenases, test for, 259
Delayed hypersensitivity, 36
Demyelinating diseases, 611
Denervation atrophy, 587
Dengue fever, 105
Dense deposit disease, 435
DeQuervain's thyroiditis, 548
Dermatitis, 520
Dermatitis herpetiformis, 525
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, 533, 595
Dermatoses, 520
Desmoid tumours, 594
Desmoplasia, 113
Desmoplastic small round cell tumour, 599
Diabetes mellitus, 557
Diabetic nephropathy, 444
Diabetic neuropathy, 562
Diabetic retinopathy, 315
Differentiation of neoplastic cells, 112
Diphtheria, 322
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 192
Colon, 369
Meckel's, 356
oesophageal, 341
DNA oncogenic viruses, 127
Donovanosis, 103
Down's syndrome, 149
Downey cells, 204
Drumstick appendage, 149
Dubin Johnson syndrome, 387
Duodenal ulcer, 349
Dust diseases, lung, 296
achondroplasia, 571
hypothyroid, 546
pituitary, 539
Dysenteries, 363
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 490
Dysgerminoma ovary, 500
Dyskeratosis, 519
Dyslipidaemia, 232
Dysplasia, 24
bronchopulmonary, 283
cervical, 486
fibromuscular, arteries, 241
fibrous, 575
oral cavity, 330
renal, multicystic, 430
skeletal, 571
Dystrophic calcification, 21
Dystrophy, muscular, 587
Dystrophy, vulval, 482
Ear, diseases of, 318
Eccrine tumours, 530
Echinococcosis, 398
Ectopia vesicae, 458
Ectopic hormone production, 131, 307
Ectopic tubal pregnancy, 495
Eczema, 520
Effusions, pleural, 309
cytology of, 626
Embolism, 61
Embryoma, 117, 153
Embryonal carcinoma,
testis, 472
ovary, 497
Emphysema, 292
Empty-sella syndrome, 539
gallbladder, 416
nasal sinus, 320
thoracis, 308
tuberculous, 86
Encephalitis, 606
Encephalopathy, hepatic, 388
HIV, 607
ischaemic-hypoxic, 608
progressive multifocal, 607
spongiform, 607
Enchondroma, 579
End-stage kidney, 443
Endarteritis obliterans, 236
Endocarditis, 264, 266
Endocrine system, diseases of, 536
Endodermal sinus tumour,
ovary, 501
testis, 472
Endometrioid tumours, ovary, 499
Endometriosis, 490
Endometritis, 490
Endometrium, diseases of, 489
Endomyocardial fibrosis, 274
Endophthalmitis, 315
Enteric fever, 362
Enteritis, regional, 359
Enterochromaffin cells, 356
Enterocolitis, 359, 361, 369
Environmental diseases, 137
Eosinophilia, 203
Eosinophilia, pulmonary, 301
Eosinophilic granuloma, 225
Eosinophils, 77, 203
Ependymoma, 614
Epididymo-orchitis, 467
Epidural haematoma, 610
Epithelioid cells, 82
Epithelioid sarcoma, 598
Epstein-Barr virus, 127, 204, 206
Epulis, 330
ER-PR, 516
Erythema marginatum, 265
Erythema multiforme, 525
induratum, 521
nodosum, 521
nodosum leprosum (ENL), 89
Erythroblastosis foetalis, 195
Erythrocytic sedimentation rate (ESR), 161, 648
Erythroid series, 158
Erythroplasia of Queyrat, 475
Erythropoiesis, 157
Esthesioneuroblastoma, 321
Eumycetoma, 105
Ewing's sarcoma, 581
Exanthemata, viral, 106, 522
Exostosis, osteocartilaginous, 578
Exudate, 22
Eye, diseases of, 314
FAB classification,
haematolymphoid malignancies, 206, 212, 213
Fallopian tube, diseases of, 494
Fallot's tetralogy, 254
Familial polyposis coli, 116, 373
Fatty change, liver, 12
Fever, 81
enteric, 362
dengue, 105
viral haemorrhagic, 105
Fibril protein, 39
Fibrin degradation products (FDPs), 193
Fibrinoid necrosis, 18
Fibrinolytic system, tests for, 187
Fibrohistiocytic tumours, 594
Fibrolamellar carcinoma, liver, 412
Fibromas, 592
ameloblastic, 334
chondromyxoid, 579
non-ossifying, 576
oral mucosa, 330
ovary, 501
Fibromatosis, 593
Fibrosarcoma, 594
Fibrous cortical defect, 575
Fibrous dysplasia of bone, 575
Filariasis, 107
Fistula in ano, 370
Fite-Faraco staining, 87
Flea-bitten kidney, 454
Flow cytometry, 133
Fluorosis, skeletal, 574
Folate, 145, 167
Food poisoning, 363
Foot process disease, 438
Fordyce's granules, 328
Fracture healing, 96
Franzen handle, 631
Free radicals, 10
Fungal diseases, 105
Fungal infections,
lungs, 289
oral cavity, 329
skin, 523
vulvovaginal, 484
Gallbladder, diseases of, 413
Gallstones, 413
Gamna-Gandy bodies, 56
Ganglioneuroma, 545
Gangrene, 20
Gardner's syndrome, 374
Gastric acid secretions, 345
Gastric analysis, 345
Gastric carcinoma, 353
Gastric ulcer, 349
Gastrinoma, 564
Gastritis, 346
haemorrhagic, 358
Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), 352
Gastrointestinal tract, diseases of, 340
Gaucher's disease, 152
Genetic diseases, 148
Gene defects, single, 150
Germ cell tumours,
ovary, 499
testis, 471
Ghon's complex, 85
GI bleeding, 341, 352
Giant cell lesions of bone, 580
Giant cell tumour of bone, 580
Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath, 585
Giant cells, 78
Gigantism, 538
Gleason's grading, 479
Glioblastoma multiforme, 614
Gliomas, 613
Glisson's capsule, 381
Glomerular basement membrane (GBM), 426
Glomerular diseases, 436
Glomerular injury, pathogenesis of, 433
Glomerulonephritis (GN), 436
Glomerulus, structure of, 425
Glomus jugulare tumour, 319
Glomus tumour, 244
Glucose tolerance test (GTT), 563
Glucose-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD)
deficiency, 175
Glucosuria, 563
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, 365
Glycogen storage diseases, 152
Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), 563
Goitre, 549
ovary, 502
testis, 474
Goodpasture's syndrome, 301, 437
Gout, 584
Grading of tumours, 115, 592
Graft rejection, 31
Granular cell tumour, 330
Granulation tissue formation, 93
Granulocytes, 77, 200
Granuloma, 81, 84
annulare, 523
apical, 332
eosinophilic, 225
caseating, 84
gravidarum, 330
inguinale, 103
lethal midline, 321
non-caseating, 84, 92
pyogenicum, 244, 330
reparative, 573
sarcoid, 92
spermatic, 468
Granulomatous inflammation, 81
Granulopoiesis, 199
Granulosa cell tumour,
ovary, 501
testis, 474
Granulosa-theca cell tumour, 501
Graves' disease, 549
Gynaecomastia, 510
5-Hydroxy tryptamine (HT), 74, 366
Haemangioblastoma, 615
Haemangioendothelioma, 245
Haemangioma, 243
Haemangiopericytoma, 245
Haematemesis, 341, 352, 409
Haematocele, 469
dissecting, 241
epidural, 610
subdural, 610
Haematopoiesis, 156
Haematopoietic malignancies, 205
Haematopoietic stem cells, 157
Haemochromatosis, 15, 404
Haemodynamic derangements, 54
Haemoglobin, 161
glycosylated, 563
Haemoglobin disorders, 176
Haemoglobinopathies, 176
Haemolysis, general features of, 171
Haemolytic anaemias, 170
Haemolytic disease of newborn (HDN), 194
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome, 187
Haemopericardium, 275
Haemophilia, 190
Haemoprotein-derived pigments, 15
Haemorrhagic diatheses, 187
Haemorrhoids, 370
Haemostasis, screening tests of, 185
Haemostasis, vascular, 58, 187
Hair follicle, tumours of, 529
Hairy cell leukaemia, 221
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, 225
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 547
Healing, 92
Heart, diseases of, 249
Heart failure, 250
Heat shock proteins, 10
Helicobacter pylori, 348
Henoch-Schonlein's purpura, 187
Hepadenoviruses, 128
Hepatitis, viral, 390
Hepatoblastoma, 413
Hepatocellular carcinoma, 410
Hepatolenticular degeneration, 405
Hepatorenal syndrome, 388
Hepatotoxicity, 398
Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia, 187
Hernia, 357
Herpes virus, 106, 127, 522
Hirschsprung's disease, 369
Histamine, 74
Histiocytoma, 533, 594
Histiocytosis-X, 225
Histocompatibility leucocyte antigens (HLA), 30
HIV, structure of, 32
HLA system, 30
Hodgkin cells, 216
Hodgkin's disease, 216
Homeostasis, 47
Human papilloma virus (HPV), 127, 522
Hurthle cells, 548
Hyaline membrane disease, 282
Hydatid disease, 398
Hydatidiform mole, 503
Hydrocele, 469
Hydrocephalus, 603
Hydronephrosis, 451
Hydropic change, 11
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), 74
Hyperaemia, 54
Hyperbilirubinaemia, 16, 383
hereditary, 387
Hypercalcaemia, 21, 555
Hypercholesterolaemia, 232
Hyperchromatism, 113
Hypercoagulability, 59, 192
Hypereosinophilic syndrome, 301
Hyperglycaemia, 557
Hyperlipidaemia, 232
Hypernephroma, 455
Hyperplasia, 23
atypical, 24
breast, epithelial, 509
endometrial, 491
focal nodular, liver, 409
prostate, nodular, 477
skin, pseudocarcinomatous, 23
squamous, vulva, 483
thyroid, primary, 549
Hypersensitivity reactions, 35
Hypersplenism, 226
Hypertension, portal, 408
Hypertension, pulmonary, 284
Hypertension, systemic, 451
Hypertensive heart disease, 261
Hypertensive retinopathy, 316
Hypertensive arteriolosclerosis, 231
Hyperthyroidism, 546
Hypertrophy, cardiac, 252
Hyperuricaemia, 584
Hypoglycaemia, 564
Hypothyroidism, 546
Hypoxic cell injury, 6
IgA nephropathy, 442
Immune complex disease, kidney, 433
Immune complex reaction, 36
Immune system, 28
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 188
Immunodeficiency diseases, 31
Immunologic lung disease, 300
Immunologic tissue injury, 35
Immunology of tumours, 130
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), 563
Impetigo, 522
Inborn errors of metabolism, 151
Infarction, 66
Infectious diseases, 101
Infectious mononucleosis, 204
Infertility, male, 467
Infiltrations, intracellular, 12
stromal, 14
Inflammation, acute, 70
Inflammation, chronic, 80
granulomatous, 81
Inflammatory bowel disease, 359
Inflammatory cells, 76, 200
Inflammatory response, 70
Influenza viruses, 106
Insulin metabolism, 558
Insulinoma, 564
Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), 296
Intestinal biopsy, 364
Intestinal obstruction, 356
Intestine, large, diseases of, 368
Intestine, small, diseases of, 355
Intracellular accumulations, 12
Intratubular germ cell neoplasia, 471
Intrinsic factor (IF), 167, 345
Intussusception, 357
Involucrum, 570
Ionising radiation, 125, 141
Iron metabolism, 162
Ischaemia, 65
Ischaemic bowel disease, 357
Ischaemic brain damage, 608
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), 255
Islet cell tumours, 564
Jamshidi needle, 157
Jaundice, 16, 383
Jaw, cysts of, 333
tumours of, 333
Joints, disease of, 582
Jugular paraganglioma, 319
Juvenile (retention) polyps, 372
Juvenile polyposis syndrome, 374
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 583
Kangri cancer, 528
Kaposi's sarcoma, 127, 245
Karyotypic abnormalities, 149
Kawasaki's disease, 239
Keloid, 592
Keratosis, solar, 527
Keratosis palmaris et plantaris, 520
Keratosis, smokers', 331
Kidney, diseases of, 381
Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions, 444
Kinin system, 75
Klinefelter syndrome, 150
Koch's phenomenon, 84
Koilocytosis, 487, 625
Krukenberg tumour, 115, 502
Kulchitsky cells, 356
Kupffer cells, 78, 381
Kveim test, 92
Kwashiorkor, 143
Laboratory values of clinical significance, 644
Langerhans'cell histiocytosis, 225
Langhans' giant cells, 78
Larynx, diseases of, 323
LE cell phenomenon, 38
Lead poisoning, 140
Legionnaire's disease, 288
Leiden factor V, 60
Leiomyoma, 493
Leiomyosarcoma, 493
Lepromin test, 88
Leprosy, 87
Letterer-Siwe disease, 225
Leucocytes in health and disease, 200
Leucocytosis, 200
Leucopenia, 201
Leukaemias-lymphomas, 205
Leukaemia, lymphoid, 218
acute (ALL), 218
chronic lymphoid (CLL), 219
Leukaemia, myeloid, 207
acute (AML), 211
chronic myeloid (CML), 208
Leukaemoid reaction, 205
oral, 330
vulval, 482
Leydig cell tumour, 474
Lichen planus, 328, 526
Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus, 475, 482
Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 590
Lines of Zahn, 60
Linitis plastica, 354
Lipofuscin, 16
Lipoid nephrosis, 438
Lipoma, 595
Liposarcoma, 596
Liver, diseases of, 381
Liver cell necrosis, types of, 384
Liver function tests, 382
Lobar pneumonia, 286
Löeffler's endocarditis, 274
Löeffler's syndrome, 301
Lung, diseases of, 281
Lupus anticoagulant, 60, 187
Lupus erythematosus, 38
Lupus nephritis, 38, 443
Lupus vulgaris, 523
Lupus, nose, 321
Lymph nodes, diseases of, 197
Lymphadenitis, reactive, 197
Lymphangioma, 244
Lymphatic obstruction, 49
Lymphatic spread of tumours, 114
Lymphatics, diseases of, 243
Lymphocytes, 28, 77, 202
Lymphocytosis, 202
Lymphoedema, 243
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), 103
Lymphoid hyperplasia, 197
Lymphoid neoplasms, 214
Lymphoid series, 200
Hodgkin's, 216
Non-Hodgkin's, 218
Lymphopenia, 202
Lymphopoiesis, 200
Lysosomal storage diseases, 151
M-band, 224
MacCallum's patch, 265
Macroglossia, 328
Macrophage, 29, 78, 202
alveolar, 55
Madura foot, 105
Major histocompatibility complex, 30
Malabsorption syndrome, 364
Malakoplakia, 459
Malaria, 107
Malignant melanoma, skin, 531
uveal, 317
Malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumour (MPNST), 619
Mallory hyaline, 402
MALT, 28, 221
MALToma, 221
small intestine, 367
stomach, 355
Mantoux test, 84
Marasmus, 143
Marble bone disease, 573
Marjolin's ulcer, 528
Mastitis, 507
Meckel's diverticulum, 356
Medial calcific sclerosis, 231
Mediators of inflammation, 74
Medullary sponge kidney, 431
Medullary, definition of, 413
Medulloblastoma, 615
Megacolon, 369
Megakaryopoiesis, 185
Megaloblasts, 169
Meigs' syndrome, 501
Melanocytic tumours, 531
Mealnosis coli, 370
Membrane attack complex (MAC), 435
MEN syndrome, 564
Mendelian disorders, 150
Meningioma, 616
Meningitis, 604
Meningocele, 602
Mesothelioma, 309
Metabolic syndrome, 557
Metachromasia, 43
Metamyelocyte, 199
Metaphyseal fibrous defect, 575
Metaplasia, 24
Metastasis, 114
Metastatic calcification, 21
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, 459
Microangiopathy, thrombotic, 454
Microfilaria, 107
Microglia, 601
Microglossia, 328
Microorganisms, identification of, 102
MicroRNAs in cancer, 122
Microsatellite instability mechanism, 375
Mikulicz syndrome, 317, 336
Miliaria, 521
Milroy's disease, 243
Minimal change disease, 438
Mixed salivary tumour, 336
Molecular genetics, cancer, 118
Molluscum contagiosum, 522
Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, 231
Moniliasis, 105, 484
Monoclonal gammopathy,
of undetermined significance (MGUS), 225
Monoclonality of tumours, 118
Mononuclear phagocyte system, 77
Mucinous tumours of ovary, 498
appendix, 368
gallbladder, 416
oral cavity, 330
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, 239
Mucormycosis, 289
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN), 564
Multiple myeloma, 222
Multiple (disseminated) sclerosis, 611
Mumps, 335
Muscle, skeletal, diseases of, 586
Mutations, 150
Myasthenia gravis, 586
Mycetoma, 105
Mycobacteria, atypical, 82
Mycobacterium leprae, 87
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 82
Mycosis fungoides, 221, 533
Mycosis, superficial, 523
Myelin figures, 19
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 213
Myelofibrosis, 181
chronic idiopathic, 210
Myeloid metaplasia, 210
Myeloid neoplasms, 207
Myeloid series, 199
Myelolipoma, 544
Myeloma, 222
Myeloproliferative disorders, 207
Myocardial infarction, 257
Myocarditis, 272
Myometritis, 490
Myometrium, diseases of, 489
Myopathies, 587
Myositis ossificans, 593
Myxoedema, 547
Myxoma heart, 276
Myxomatous degeneration of cardiac valves, 271
Naevi, naevocellular, 531
Naevus sebaceus, 530
Natural killer (NK) cells, 29
Necrosis, 17
Neonatal hepatitis, 387
Neoplasia, 110
Neoplastic cells, 112
Neovascularisation, 93, 121
Nephritic syndrome, 433, 51
Nephrotic oedema, 433, 50
Nephritis, hereditary, 445
Nephritis, tubulointerstitial, 445
Nephroblastoma, 457
Nephrocalcinosis, 449
Nephrolithiasis, 450
Nephron, structure of, 425
Nephrosclerosis, 453
Nephrotic syndrome, 93, 121
Nerve sheath tumours, 618
Nervous system, 601
central, 601
peripheral, 617
Neurilemmoma, 618
Neuroblastoma, 544
olfactory, 321
Neuroendocrine system, 536
Neurofibroma, 618
Neurofibromatosis, 618
Neuroma, acoustic, 320, 618
traumatic, 618
Neuromuscular diseases, 586
Neuropathy, peripheral, 618
Neurosyphilis, 91
Neutropenia, 201
Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase (NAP), 205
Neutrophilia, 201
Neutrophils, 77, 200
Niacin, 145
Niemann-Pick disease, 153
Nodular fasciitis, 593
Nodule, vocal, 323
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), 407
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), 407
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), 218
Noncirrhotic portal fibrosis, 407
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), 82
Normal values, 643
Normoblasts, 158
Nose and paranasal sinuses, 320
Nutmeg liver, 55
Nutritional diseases, 142
Oat cell carcinoma, lung, 306
Obesity, 142
Occupational lung diseases, 296
Odontogenic tumours, 333
Odontomas, 334
Oedema, 48
Oesophagitis, 342
Oesophagus, diseases of, 340
Oestrogen, 489
Oestrogen receptors, 516
Oligodendroglioma, 614
Oncocytoma, 337
Oncofoetal antigens, 133
Oncogenes, 120
Oncogenesis, 122
Oncogenic viruses, 126
Oncotic pressure, 48
Opportunistic infections, 34, 101
Opsonisation, 73
Oral soft tissues, 328
Orchitis, 467
Osteitis deformans, 574
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, 573
Osteoarthritis, 582
Osteoblastic tumours, 576
Osteoblastoma, 576
Osteochondroma, 578
Osteoclastoma, 580
Osteodystrophy, renal, 573
Osteogenesis, 578
Osteogenesis imperfecta, 571
Osteoid osteoma, 576
Osteomalacia, 144
Osteomyelitis, 570
Tuberculous, 571
Osteonecrosis, 571
Osteopetrosis, 572
Osteoporosis, 572
Osteosarcoma, 577
Otitis media, 319
Otic polyp, 319
Otosclerosis, 319
Ovalocytosis, 175
Ovarian tumours, 496
Ovary, diseases of, 495
Overhydration, 53
Overinflation, lung, 293
Paan, in oral cancer, 124, 138, 331
P-component, 40
Paediatric diseases, 153
Paediatric lung disease, 281
Paediatric tumours, 117, 153
Paget's disease,
of bone, 574
of nipple, 515
of vulva, 483
Pancarditis, rheumatic, 264
Pancreas, diseases of, 418
Pancytopenia, 180
Panniculitis, 521
Pannus formation, 583
Papanicolaou's (Pap) smear, 488, 622
stain, 630
breast, intraductal, 511
choroid plexus, 615
inverted, 321
larynx, 323
Schneiderian, 321
sinonasal, 312
skin, 527
urinary bladder, 460
Papilloma viruses, 127
Papillomatosis, 509
Papovaviruses, 127
Pappenheimer bodies, 165
Paraganglioma, carotid body, 325
extra-adrenal, 545
Paranasal sinuses, 320
Paraneoplastic syndrome, 131
Paraphimosis, 475
Paraproteinaemias, 224
Parasitic diseases, 106
Parathyroid gland, diseases of, 554
Parkinsonism, 612
Paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria (PCH), 172
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), 174
Partial thromboplastin time with kaolin (PTTK), 186
Pathology, history of, 1
Paul-Bunnel test, 205
Peliosis hepatis, 245, 389
Pellagra, 145
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), 494
Pemphigoid, 525
Pemphigus, 524
Penis, diseases of, 474
Peptic ulcer, 349
Pericardial fluid accumulations, 274
Pericarditis, 275
Periodontal disease, 322
Peritoneal bands and adhesions, 357
Peritoneum, diseases of, 376
Peritonitis, 376
Perl's iron stain, 15
Pertussis, 103
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 371
Phagocytosis, 73
Pharynx, diseases of, 321
Pheochromocytoma, 543
Philadelphia chromosome, 119, 150, 208
Phimosis, 474
Phlebothrombosis, 242
Phthisis bulbi, 317
Phyllodes tumour, 510
Physaliphorous cells, 581
Physical injury, 6, 141
Pigmented villonodular synovitis, 585
Pigments, 14
Piles, 370
Pilomatricoma, 529
Pinguecula, 316
Pituitary gland, diseases of, 537
Placenta, diseases of, 503
Plague, 102
Plaques, atheromatous, 235
Plasma cells, disorders of, 222
Platelets, 185
Pleomorphic adenoma, salivary gland, 336
Pleomorphism, 113
Pleura, diseases of, 308
Pleuritis (pleurisy), 308
PNET, 581
Pneumoconiosis, 296
Pneumocytes, 281
Pneumonias, 285
Poikilocytosis, 161
Poisonings, 140
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), 237
Polycystic kidney disease, 430
Polycystic ovary disease, 496
Polycythaemia vera, 209
Polyembryoma, 472
Polyglandular autoimmune syndromes, 565
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), 77, 200
adenomatous, 372
antrochoanal, 320
cervical, 486
colorectal, 371
endometrial, 492
fibroepithelial, 483, 527
gastric, 352
hyperplastic, 352, 371
inflammatory, 372
juvenile, 372
retention, 372
nasal, 320
Peutz-Jeghers, 371
stromal, 483, 527
Pompe's disease, 152
Porcelain gallbladder, 416
Porphyria, 16
Portal hypertension, 408
Portal venous obstruction, 389
Pott's disease, 571
Primary complex, 85
Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET), 581
Prinzmetal's angina, 257
Prion proteins, 40, 607
Procallus, 96
Progestrogen receptor, 516
Progressive massive fibrosis, lung, 297
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML), 607
Progressive systemic sclerosis, 39
Prostaglandins, 74
Prostate, diseases of, 476
Prostatitis, 476
Protease-antiprotease hypothesis, 292, 406
Protein C and S, 59, 187
Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM), 143
Prothrombin time, 186, 650
Psammoma bodies, 21
Pseudogout, 585
Pseudomyxoma peritonei, 368, 502
Pseudotumour, inflammatory, 317
Psoriasis, 526
Pterygium, 316
Pulmonary embolism, 62
Pulmonary eosinophilia, 301
Pulmonary fibrosis, idiopathic, 302
Pulmonary hypertension, 284
Pulmonary oedema, 51
Pulmonary tuberculosis, 85
Pulmonary valve, diseases of, 255
Pulseless disease, 238
Pure red cell aplasia, 182
Purpura, 56, 187
Henoch-Schonlein, 187
immune thrombocytopenic (ITP), 188
in haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, 189
thrombotic thrombocytopenic (TTP), 189
Pus, 80
Putrefaction, 20
Pyaemia, 80
Pyelonephritis, 447
Pyloric stenosis, 346
Pyogenic granuloma, 244, 330
Pyonephrosis, 448
Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, 175
Quick's one stage method, 186, 650
Quinsy, 322
Rabies, 106
Radiation, 125, 141
Radicals, free, 10
Ranula, 330
Rappaport classification, 214
Raynaud's disease and phenomenon, 239
RB gene, 120, 318
Reaction-to-injury hypothesis, 234
REAL classification, 215
Red blood cells, 158
Red cell membrane, 158
hereditary abnormalities of, 174
Red line response, 71
Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell, 216
Reflux nephropathy, 448
Regeneration, 11
Regenerative medicine, 98
Reidel's struma, 548
Rejection reactions, 31
Renal clearance tests, 427
Renal cortical necrosis, 454
Renal cysts, 430
Renal failure, 427
Renal function tests, 426
Renal osteodystrophy, 573
Renal pelvis, tumours of, 460
Renal vascular disease, 451
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism, 50
Repair, 93
Reperfusion injury, 9
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 282
Reticulocyte, 158
Reticuloendothelial system (RES), 77
Retinal detachment, 316
Retinitis pigmentosa, 314
Retinoblastoma, 318
Retinol, 144
diabetic, 315
hypertensive, 316
prematurity, 314
Retrolental fibroplasia, 314
Retroperitoneal fibromatosis, 377
Retroviruses, 128
Reversible cell injury, 8
Reye's syndrome, 388
Rhabdomyoma, 596
Rhabdomyosarcoma, 596
Rhesus system, 193
Rheumatic fever, 262
RHD, 262
Rheumatoid arthritis, 582
Rhinitis, 320
Rhinoscleroma, 321
Rhinosporidiosis, 320
Riboflavin, 145
Rickets, 144
Ridley-Jopling classification, 88
Rodent ulcer, 529
Rokitansky's protuberance, 500
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus, 416
Round cell tumours, 591
Russell bodies, 12, 223
Rye classification, 216
Salah bone marrow needle, 157
Salivary glands, diseases of, 335
Salpingitis, 494
Sarcoidosis, 92
Sarcoma, botryoides, 485, 597
Sarcoma, definition of, 110
Schaumann bodies, 92
Schiller Duval body, 472, 501
Schiller's test, 487
Schilling test, 169
Schistocytosis, 161
Schistosomiasis, 458
Schwannoma, 618
acoustic, 320, 618
Scirrhous tumours, 113
Scleroderma, 39, 524
Sclerosing adenosis, breast, 509
Scurvy, 145
Sebaceous gland tumours, 530
Seborrheic keratosis, 527
Selectins, 72
Semen examination, 647
Seminoma, 471
Senile keratosis, 527
Senile plaques, 612
Sentinel lymph node, 516, 533
Septicaemia, 80
Sequestration, bronchopulmonary, 282
Sequestrum, 570
Serotonin, 74
Serous tumours of ovary, 498
Sertoli cell tumour, 474, 502
Sex chromatin, 149, 628
Sex cord-stromal tumours,
ovary, 501
testis, 474
Sezary syndrome, 221, 533
Sheehan's syndrome, 539
Shift-to-left, 201
Shift-to-right, 202
Shock, 56
Shunts, heart, 253
Sialadenitis, 335
Sialolithiasis, 335
Sialorrhoea, 335
Sicca syndrome, 39, 336
Sickle syndrome, 176
Sideroblasts, 165
Siderofibrotic nodule, 56
Siderosis, 15
Signal transduction proteins, 120
Signet ring carcinoma, 354, 375
Silicosis, 298
Simmond's syndrome, 539
Sinus histiocytosis with massive
lymphadenopathy (SHML), 198
Sinusitis, 320
Sipple syndrome, 565
Sjögren's syndrome, 39, 336
Skeletal muscles, diseases of, 586
Skeletal system, diseases of, 569
Skin, diseases of, 519
Slow transforming viruses, 128
Small cell carcinoma lung, 306
Smoking, 124, 138, 304
Sodium and water retention, 50
Soft tissue tumours, 590
Soldiers' spots, 276
Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, 370
Spectrin, 174
Spermatic granuloma, 468
Spherocytosis, 174
Spina bifida, 602
Spinal cord defects, 602
Spleen, diseases of, 226
Splenectomy, effects of, 227
Splenomegaly, congestive, 56, 226
Spread of tumours, 113
Sprue, 365
Sputum examination, 628
Squamocolumnar junction,
cervix, 485
oesophagus, 340
rectum, 368
Squamous cell carcinoma,
anal canal, 376
cervix, 488
larynx, 323
lung, 306
oesophagus, 343
oral cavity, 331
penis, 476
skin, 528
vulva, 484
Squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), 486, 625
Squamous metaplasia, 24
Staghorn stone, 450
Staging of tumours, 116, 592
Staphylococcal infections, 104
Starvation, 143
Stasis, vascular, 71
Steatocystoma multiplex, 527
alcoholic, 13, 401
non-alcoholic (NASH), 407
Steatorrhea, 364
Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 496
Stem cells, 98
haematopoietic, 157
Stenosis, valvular, 255, 269
Stevens-Johnson syndrome, 329
Stomach, diseases of, 344
Stomatitis, 329
Stomatocytosis, 175
gallbladder, 413
kidney, 450
salivary gland, 336
Storage diseases, 151
Storage form, iron, 15, 163
Storiform pattern, 591, 594
Streptococcal infections, 104
heart in, 263
kidneys in, 436
Stress proteins, 10
Stroke syndrome, 608
Stromal fatty infiltration, 14
Struma ovarii, 500
Struvite (staghorn) stone, 450
Sty, 315
Subependymoma, 615
Sudden cardiac death, 261
Sulfur granules, 92
Suppuration, 80
Surfactant, 282
Suture tracks, 94
Sweat gland tumours, 530
Swine flu, 106
Sydney classification, gastritis, 348
Sympathetic ophthalmia, 315
Sympathicoblastoma, 544
Synovial sarcoma, 597
Synovioma, benign, 585
Synovitis, villonodular, 585
Syphilis, 90
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 38
Systemic sclerosis, 39, 524
Tabes mesenterica, 361
Takayasu's arteritis, 238
Tamm-Horsfall protein, 449
Target cell, 161, 179
Tattooing, 17
Teeth,diseases of, 332
Telepathology, 4
Telomerase, 25, 121
Telomere, 25, 121
Tenosynovitis, nodular, 585
Teratoma, 110
ovary, 499
testis, 473
Testicular tumours, 469
Testis, diseases of, 466
Tetralogy of Fallot, 254
Thalassaemias, 177
Thalidomide malformations, 148
Thecoma, 501
Thiamine, 145
Thioflavin T, 43
Thrombasthenia, 190
Thromboangiitis obliterans, 239
Thrombocytopenias, 188
Thrombocytosis, 190
essential, 210
Thromboembolism, 61
pulmonary, 62
Thrombogenesis, 58
Thrombogenic theory, atheroma, 234
Thrombolytic therapy, 259
Thrombophilia, 59, 192
Thrombophlebitis, 242
Thrombopoiesis, 185
Thrombosis, 58
Thrombotic microangiopathy, 454
Thromboxane, 74
Thrush, oral, 105, 329
Thymoma, 228
Thymus, diseases of, 227
Thyroid cancer, 552
Thyroid gland, diseases of, 545
Thyrotoxicosis, 546
Tinea, 105, 523
Tissue tension, 48
Tocoferol, 144
Tongue, lesions of, 328
Tonsillitis, 322
Tophi, 585
TORCH complex, 108, 149
Torticollis, 325
Toxic granules, in neutrophils, 201
Toxoplasmosis, 108, 328
TP53 gene, 120
Trace elements, 143
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula, 340
Trachoma, 315
Tram-track appearance, 440
Transcobalamin, 145, 167
Transcoelomic spread, 114
Transferrin, 163
Transfusion, of blood, 193
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIA), 608
Transitional cell carcinoma,
nasopharynx, 322
urinary bladder, 460
Translocations, 150
Transplant rejection, 31
Transplantation, 31
bone marrow, 179, 213
cardiac, 277
Transposition of great arteries, 254
Transthyretin, 40
Trephine, 157
Trichoepithelioma, 529
Trichomoniasis, 484, 624
Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC), 258
Triple response, 71
Trisomy, 149
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, 301
Troponins, cardiac, 260
Trouisier's sign, 355
Trousseau's syndrome, 242
Tubercle, 81, 84
Tuberculin test, 84
Tuberculoma, brain, 606
Tuberculosis, 82
brain, 606
endometrium, 490
fallopian tubes, 494
HIV-associated, 82
intestinal, 361
kidney, 448
liver, 398
lungs, 85
lymph node, 18
meninges, 605
miliary, 86
nose, 321
pathogenesis of, 83
pericardium, 275
primary, 85
pulmonary, 85
secondary, 86
spread of, 83
Tuberculous meningitis, 605
Tubular necrosis, acute (ATN), 445
Tubules, diseases of, 445
Tumoral calcinosis, 526
Tumour markers, serum, 133
Tumours, 110
Turbulence, 59
Turner's syndrome, 150
Typhoid fever, 362
Typhoid ulcers, 362
Ubiquitin, 10
Ulcer, 79
amoebic, 363
aphthous, 329
peptic, 349
rodent, 529
tuberculous, 362
typhoid, 362
stress, 349
Ulcerative colitis, 359
Ultimate carcinogens, 124
Ultraviolet light, 125
Union, skin wounds, 94
Urachal abnormalities, 459
Uraemic manifestations, 429
Urate nephrolithiasis, 450
Ureter, diseases of, 457
Ureterocele, 458
Urethra, diseases of, 458
Urethral caruncle, 462
Uric acid stones, 450
Urinary bladder, diseases of, 457
Urinary calculi, 450
Urinary cytology, 626
Urinary tract infection (UTI), 447
Urinary tract, lower, 457
Urine analysis, 427, 648
Urolithiasis, 450
Uropathy, obstructive, 449
Urothelial tumours, 460
Urticaria, 521
Urticaria pigmentosa, 520
Uveal melanoma, 317
Uveitis, granulomatous, 315
Vaccines, hepatitis, 396
Vaccinia, 106, 522
Vagina, diseases of, 484
Vaginal smears, 622
Vaginitis, 484
Valvular deformities, 269
Valvulitis, rheumatic, 264
Vanillyl mandellic acid (VMA), 544
Varicella-zoster infection, 106, 523
Varices, 409
Varicocele, 468
Varicosities, 241
Vascular purpuras, 187
Vascular permeability, 71
Vascular tumours, 243
Vasculitis, 236
Vasoactive amines, 74
Vegetations, features of, 268
Veins, diseases of, 241
Ventricular septal defect (VSD), 253
Verocay bodies, 618
Verrucae, viral, 522
Verrucous carcinoma, 331, 529
Vesico-ureteric reflux, 448
Vessels, diseases of, 230
Villonodular tenosynovitis, 585
Villous atrophy, 364
Viral infections, 105
Viral hepatitis, 490
Viral oncogenesis, 126
Virchow cells, 89
Virchow's node, 114
Virchow's sign, 355
Viruses and human cancer, 128
Viruses, in infections, 105
in tumours, 126
Vital reaction, 17
Vitamins, disorders of, 144
Vitellointestinal duct, 356
Vocal nodules, 323
Volvulus, 357
von Gierke's disease, 152
von Recklinghausen's disease, 116, 618
von Willebrand's disease, 191
Vulva, diseases of, 482
macroglobulinaemia, 224
Wallerian degeneration, 617
Warthin's tumour, 337
Warts, viral, 522
Water, total body, 47
Watershed infarcts, brain, 608
Wear and tear pigment, 16
Webs, oesophageal, 341
Wegener's granulomatosis, 238, 302, 321
Weights and measurements, normal organs, 643
Wermer's syndrome, 564
Wet-fixed smears, 629
Wheal, 71
Whipple's disease, 365
White blood cells, diseases of, 197
White lesions, 330, 482
WHO classification of leukaemia-lymphomas, 211, 213, 215
Whooping cough, 103
Wilms' tumour, 457
Wilson's disease, 405
Working formulation for clinical usage, 215
Wounds, healing of, 94
Woven bone, 569
callus, 97
Wry neck, 325
Wuchereria bancrofti, 107
X-chromosome, 149, 628
X-linked disorders, 151
Xanthofibroma, 585
Xanthogranuloma, 595
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, 448
Xeroderma pigmentosum, 121, 520
Xerophthalmia, 39, 336
Xerostomia, 317
Y-chromatin, 151,
Yellow fever, 106
Yolk sac tumour,
ovary, 501
testis, 472
Zahn, infarct of, 68
lines of, 60
Zarda, 124, 138, 331
Zellballen pattern, 544
Zenker's degeneration, 12, 362
Ziehl-Neelsen staining, 82, 87, 102
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 345, 564
Zonal necrosis, liver, 385
Zones, hepatic lobules, 381
Zoster virus infection, 106, 523
Chapter Notes

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Based on
Textbook of Pathology
7th Edition
Based on
Textbook of Pathology
7th Edition
Harsh Mohan MD, FAMS, FICPath, FUICC Professor & Head Department of Pathology Government Medical College Sector-32A, Chandigarh- 160 031 INDIA E-mail:
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Pathology Quick Review and MCQs
First Edition : 2000
Second Edition : 2005
Third Edition : 2010
Reprint : 2013
Fourth Edition: 2015
Assistant Editors: Praveen Mohan, Tanya Mohan, Sugandha Mohan
Printed at
To my family, friends, colleagues and students,
All of you matter so much to me ……
Life would truly be so incomplete without you!
I am pleased to present 4th revised Edition of Pathology Quick Review and MCQs for users of my 7th Edition of Textbook of Pathology as a package. Based on feedback from users of previous edition who found this condensed material very useful and attractive, the past practice of this combination of new edition of companion-book with revised edition of the mainbook started 15 years back has been continued this time too. Thus, the revised editions of both the books have been prepared and released simultaneously.
This pocket-sized, handy and user-friendly book is the abridged version of 7th revised edition of my textbook, yet containing adequate learning material, and is aimed to serve the following purposes:
Pathology Quick Review book has the same 28 chapters divided into three sections as in the main textbook— Chapters 19 (General Pathology), Chapters 1012 (Haematology and Lymphoreticular Tissues), Chapters 1328 (Systemic Pathology) and three Appendices (A-I: Basic Diagnostic Cytology, A-II: Clinical Cases and A-III: Normal Values). Each major heading in the small book has cross-references of page numbers of the 7th edition of my textbook so that an avid and inquisitive reader interested in simultaneous consultation of the topic or for clarification of a doubt, may refer to it conveniently. Self-Assessment by MCQs given at the end of every chapter which sets this book apart from other pocket-books, has over 50 new questions, mostly on clinical focus, raising their number to over 750 MCQs in the revised edition, besides modifying many old ones. While much more knowledge has been condensed in the baby-book from the added material in the main textbook, effort has been made to keep its volume reasonable. It is hoped that the book with enhanced and updated contents continues to be user-friendly in learning the essential aspects of pathology, while at the same time, retaining the ease with which it can be conveniently carried by the users in the pocket of their white coats.
Preparation of this little book necessitated selection from enhanced information contained in the revised edition of my textbook and therefore, required application of my discretion. In this regards, generous suggestions and comments from colleagues and users of earlier edition have been quite helpful and are gratefully acknowledged.
I thank profusely the entire staff of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for their ever-smiling support and cooperation in completion of the book in a relatively short time, just after we had completed the mammoth task of revision work of 7th edition of the main textbook.
Finally, although sincere effort has been made to be as accurate as possible, element of human error is still likely; I shall humbly request the users to continue giving their valuable suggestions directed at further improvements of its contents.
Government Medical College
Harsh Mohan
md, fams, ficpath, fuicc
Chandigarh-160 031
Professor & Head
Department of Pathology
10Abbreviations Used
Throughout the book following abbreviations have been used:
for Gross Appearance.
for Microscopic Examination.
for Electron Microscopy.
for Immunofluorescence Microscopy.