Contemporary Topics in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Veeraswamy Seshiah
Please note page numbers with f, t, and b indicate figure, table, and box, respectively.
Abortions 3
Abruptio placentae 177
Acarbose 67, 184
Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome 2
Adipocytes 20, 67, 152, 157
Adipocytokines 214
Adipokines 111, 239
Adiponectin 20, 214, 241
Adipose tissue 27, 68, 111, 158
inflammation in 157
glands 15
hemorrhage 149
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 13
Adverse pregnancy outcomes (HAPO) 135, 182
Air bronchograms 141
Albumin 85, 114
Aldosterone 11, 15
Alpha-cells 78
Alpha-glucosidase 72, 75
inhibitors 67, 69, 74
Alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) 158
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 56, 114
American Diabetes Association (ADA) 32, 60, 73, 93, 183
American Thyroid Association 207
Androgen 110
Aneuploidy, biochemical screening 180
Angiotensin 15
Anorectal malformation 149
Anovulation 110
care 180
venous thrombosis 165
Anti-TG antibodies 207
Anti-thyroid drugs 207
Anti-TPO antibody 207
Aortic stenosis 147
Apgar score 198
Arginine vasopressin level 13
Arthrogryposis 149
Asparagine 84
Asphyxia 140, 152, 179t
Assisted reproductive treatment (ART) 137
Atherosclerosis, gestational diabetes mellitus 217
Atrial septal defects 147
Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance in Pregnancy (ACHOIS) 194
Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study (ACHOIS) 57
Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women (ACHOIS) 182
diabetes 160
thyroid disease 203
Bariatric surgery 110
complications of 113
in women of childbearing age 112
obesity role in
gastric band 111
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 111
sleeve gastrectomy 111
pre- and postoperative evaluation 114
Basal-bolus schedule 84t
Beta cell 67, 78, 159, 213, 214
dysfunction 215
insufficiency 211
Betamimetic drugs 185
defects 177
injury 110
trauma 152
glucose, self-monitoring of 57, 77, 94
urea nitrogen 180
Body mass index (BMI) 18, 20, 25, 26, 37, 45, 59, 70, 81, 110, 111, 159, 164, 165, 167, 177, 190, 225
classification in united states 229t
Brachial plexus
injuries 140, 179t
trauma 151
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) 68
Breastfeeding 25
and lactation 265
Caesarean 52, 60, 79, 85
delivery 25, 165
section 35, 68, 71, 78, 141, 169, 186, 196
Calcitonin 14
Calcium 114
channel blockers 87, 185
homeostasis 14
intracellular 67
Carbohydrate metabolism 49
Cardiovascular diseases 1, 152
Caudal regression syndrome 147, 148f
Cephalhematoma 140
Cholelithiasis 12, 113
Chorioamnionitis 177
Classically activated macrophages (CAM) 158
Clavicular fracture 140
Coarctation 147
Combined oral contraceptive 188
Complex carbohydrates 68
Conducting delivery 187b
Congenital malformations 26t
Connecting peptide (C-peptide) 83
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) 93
comparison of blood glucose 103
devices 94, 94f
impact on glycosylated hemoglobin 98
in normal pregnancy 100
in obese pregnancy 100
interstitial glucose 102
limitations of 105
pregestational diabetes 99
quality of 104
safety of 95
training and education 105
Controlled antenatal thyroid screening study (CATS) 205
Copper T (CuT 380A) 266
Corticosteroids 88, 141
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) 13
Cortisol 15, 59, 120, 211
binding globulin 15
C-peptide 18, 195, 227, 228, 230
C-reactive protein (CRP) 157, 215
Cystic kidney 149
Cytokine 16, 211, 214, 215, 241
Decreased gestational glucose tolerance (DGGT) 81
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 15
Diabetes 1, 3
in pregnancy
long-term complications 152
perinatal complications 151
role of counseling 153
mellitus 4, 18, 20, 22, 42, 51, 67, 77, 111, 113, 120, 136, 205, 223
cardiomyopathy 95
fetopathy 137
ketoacidosis 87
nephropathy 95
neuropathy 95
retinopathy 51, 95, 176
Diaphragmatic nerve paralysis 140
Dietary reference intakes (DRI) 60
Disodium cromoglycate (DSCG) 158
Distress syndrome 88
Down’s syndrome 181
DPP-IV inhibitors 69, 72, 75
saxagliptin 68
sitagliptin 68
vildagliptin 68
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans 27
Duodenal atresia 149, 149f
Dyslipidemia 30, 211
Dystocia 110, 167
Eclampsia 177, 195
Ectopic thyroid 202
function 238
metabolism, role of placenta 12
Endogenous glucose production 78
Endoscopic dilatation 113
dysfunction, gestational diabetes mellitus 217
nitric oxide synthase 225
Epinephrine 15
Erb’s palsy 140
Erythrokinetics 50
E-selectin 217
Estrogen 12t, 15, 201, 203, 211, 213
stimulated hypertrophy 13
Euglycemia 81
Excessive fetal growth 26t
Exogenous insulin therapy 49
Facial nerve injury 140
Fatty acids 28, 58
Fatty liver 111
abnormality 43, 110
congenital malformations 25
distress 165
hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis 14
lung maturation 141
malformations 51
Food exchange list 278282
Free fatty acids (FFA) 18
Fuel-mediated teratogenesis 49
Gallstones 113
band 111
erosion 113
bypass surgery 115
diabetes mellitus (GDM) 2, 33, 33t, 216, 248
assessing glycemic control 53
glycosylated hemoglobin 53
self-monitoring blood glucose 53
autoimmunity 160
beta cell function 19
breastfeeding 263
contraceptive choices 266
diagnosis 194
implementing diagnostic 38
new WHO criteria 38
single test procedure 35
diet charts
North Indian 269272
South Indian 273275
evidence-based WHO criterion 34
exercise 197
fetal risks 194
control assessment 49
control monitoring 53
homeostasis 49
targets 49, 51
high risk for 33t
inflammation 157t
insulin resistance 18
low risk for 33t
maternal health 232
medical nutrition therapy 5665
neonatal aspects 135153
nutrition therapy 197t
pathogenesis 1822, 213
pharmacotherapy 198
placenta 19
cytokines 19
leptin levels 19
nutritional factors 20
placental inflammation 159
care 263
recommendations 264t
risk factors for 136
development 213
type 2 diabetes mellitus 243t, 246
treatment of 182, 196
exercise 183
medical nutrition therapy 182
oral antidiabetic agents 184
pharmacotherapy 183
transient thyrotoxicosis 206
weight gain 168, 235
Glibenclamide 73, 198, 199
Gliclazide 73, 74
Glucagon 22, 78
Glucocorticoids 15, 185
challenge test 32, 70
homeostasis 158
intolerance 35, 38, 211
metabolism 113
oral glucose tolerance test 32
hexokinase 36
method 43
Glulisine 84
Glutamic acid 84
decarboxylase 160
Glyburide 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 184, 199
Glycation end products (AGE) 21
control 73, 78, 79, 86, 113, 153, 177
intrapartum 88
monitoring 181
excursions 50
index 59, 80, 229
meal 53
of common Indian foods 276, 277
targets 58, 78
Glycolysis 113
Glycosuria 156
Glycosylated hemoglobin 18, 42, 50, 77, 93
GOD-POD method 45
Gonadotrophs 13
Graves’ disease 206, 207
Growth hormone (GH) 13
HAPO study 194, 195, 196
Hemolytic anemia 50
Hemorrhage 110
Heparin 114
Hepatic gluconeogenesis 59, 67
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) 211, 245
maternal 12
model assessment (HOMA) 227
Homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) 2
model 20
Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) 28f
Hormono-metabolic adaptations, in pregnancy 1116
gonadotropin 12, 12t
somatomammotrophin 12t, 18
immunodeficiency virus 2
growth hormone 211
lactogen 15, 18, 211
Hyaline membrane disease 141
Hydramnios 42, 43, 43t
Hydronephrosis 149
Hyperaminoacidemia 78
Hyperbilirubinemia 78, 264
Hypercortisolemia 120
Hypercortisolism 16
Hyperestrogenemia 15
Hyperglycemia 182, 184
during pregnancy 3
fetal 137, 138f
in pregnancy, risks associated 5t
postprandial 78, 97
Hyperinsulinemia 22, 137, 152, 179, 215
fetal 44, 49
Hyperinsulinism, secondary fetal 137
Hyperlipidemia 15, 78
Hypertension 78, 85, 111, 169, 171, 176, 226
arterial 5
gestational 25, 26t, 176, 195, 216
diabetes mellitus 216
management 231
pregnancy-induced 3, 5t, 110
pulmonary 142
severe 177
Hypertensive syndromes 79
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 265b
neonatal 5t, 49, 51, 68, 70, 71, 78, 79, 88, 156
management of 143
nocturnal 87, 89, 97
prolonged hyperinsulinemic 68
Hypoglycemic, nocturnal 85
femur 149
left heart syndrome 147
Hypothyroidism 118, 202206
clinical features 202
congenital 206
diagnosis 203
etiology 202
management of 204f
subclinical 203
treatment 203
Hypoxemia 71
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 179t
fasting glycemia (IFG) 263
glucose tolerance (IGT) 4, 168, 189, 245
Indomethacin 87
Induction of labor 185
of diabetic mothers
cardiovascular anomalies 146
congenital malformations 147
evaluation of 151
hematological problems 145
hyperbilirubinemia 145
hypocalcemia 143
hypoglycemia 142
impaired fetal growth 140
pulmonary disease in 141
thrombocytopenia 145
respiratory distress syndrome 5t
Infertility 110, 118
cytokine 29, 29f
markers, gestational diabetes mellitus 217
Institute of Medicine (IOM) 25t, 170, 235, 236f
nutrition 59
prepregnancy body mass index 26t
weight categories 25t
Insulin 15, 45, 77, 78
antibodies 49
basal 79, 81, 83, 85
bolus 79, 81, 83
breastfeeding 89
choice, in pregnancy 80, 82f
delivery 88
detemir 85
dosage adjustment 87
elective caesarean delivery 89
fetal 49
glargine 85, 86
glulisine 84
human 80, 84
infusion, intravenous 88
intermediate-acting 87, 89
labor 88
lispro 83, 84
long-acting 87
non-immunogenic 80
NPH 82, 85
postpartum 89
premixed human 84
preterm delivery 87
pump 86
rapid-acting 81, 88
receptor substance 28f, 29f, 214
regimens 81
requirement, factors affecting 79
resistance 29f, 68, 72, 152, 157, 158, 160, 164, 183, 186, 211
abnormal lipid metabolism 214
adipocytokines 214
cellular mechanisms 214
peripheral 79
role of placental hormones 213
secretagogue 199
secretion 183
sensitivity 113, 237f
short-acting 82, 87, 88
therapy 67, 79
in pregnancy 78
Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 217
Internal hernias 113
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) 27, 194
International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) 6
International Diabetes Federation 3
Interventricular septal hypertrophy 149
Intranatal care 186
elective caesarean section 187
glucose monitoring in labor 187
insulin 187
Intrapartum asphyxia 151
deaths 3, 5t
fetal demise 179, 226
restriction 151, 177
retardation 78, 113
Intussusception 113
Islet cell autoantibodies (ICA) 160
Isolated maternal hypothyroxinemia 206
Jaundice, neonatal 179
Ketonemia 190
Ketonuria 190
Ketosis 58
Klumpke’s paralysis 140
Lactic acidosis 71
Lactotrophs 13
Leptin 214
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) 188, 266
Lifestyle interventions, during pregnancy 236
Lipid profile, gestational diabetes mellitus 216
Lipogenic genes 239
Lipolysis 15, 18, 28, 29
Lipoprotein receptors 16
density lipoproteins 13
glycemic index diet 236
platelet syndrome 78
Lysine 84
Macrosomia 4, 44, 51, 58, 70, 78, 79, 80, 98, 103, 106, 110, 137, 156, 165, 166, 178, 179, 182, 185, 186, 196, 198, 226, 236
fetal 49
risk of 140
Magnesium, sulphate 87, 185
Malaria 2
classification of 137
pathophysiology 137
hyperglycemia, infant risks related 264
birth complications 165
fetal 166
management 171
neonatal complications 166
offspring obesity 168
pregnancy complications 164
serum alphafetoprotein 180
vasculopathy 179
Maturity onset diabetes of young (MODY) 18
McRoberts maneuver 186
Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) 45, 56, 59, 183
allotment 58
distribution 58
intake 60
carbohydrate intake 58
continuation 59
control 61
index 60, 61
monitoring goals 61
insulin therapy 61
planning and execution 58
practical limitations 57
primary goal 59
Medroxyprogesterone 114
acetate 189
rupture of 43t
type matrix metalloproteinase 1 19
Metabolic syndrome 4, 5, 152, 211, 222, 223
definition of 212
diet therapy 229
dietary precautions 230
effects 222f
gestational diabetes mellitus 217
hyperglycemia associated 225
hypoglycemic agents 230
impact on pregnancy 225
in early pregnancy 218t
insulin resistance 212
lifestyle changes 228
management of 227
micronutrients 230
pathophysiology of 215, 225
insulin resistance 215
preconception counselling 227
pregnancy care 228
Metagestational diabetes 56
Metformin 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 184, 198, 253
longer-term outcomes glyburide 71
pharmacokinetics 71
Micronutrient deficiencies 114
Millennium development goals 6
Miscarriage 177
Mothers After Gestational Diabetes in Australia Diabetes Prevention Program (MAGDA-DPP) 252
Multiple daily injections (MDI) 86
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 73, 141, 185
adiposity 195
electrolyte abnormality 156
hypoglycemia 198
jaundice 156
mortality 51
Neural tube defects 147, 178, 225
biochemical screening 180
Neutral protamine hagedorn (NPH) 81
Nitrosamines 21
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 168
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 1
Norepinephrine 15
Normal glucose tolerant (NGT) 36, 44
Nuchal translucency (NT) 181
Obesity 2530
associated diabetes 160
childhood 222
Obesogenic maternal microbiome 58
Obstructed labor 4
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) 21, 111
antihyperglycemic agents (OHA) 198
glucose tolerance test (OGTT) 80
hypoglycemic agents 56, 67
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 67
biguanides 67
congenital anomalies 69
crossing placenta 68
diabetes 73
dipeptidyl peptidase 4
inhibitors 67
during lactation 74
early use of 68
efficacy glyburide 69
gestational diabetes mellitus 73
glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists 67
long term outcomes 72
mechanisms of action 67
miglitol 67
safety glyburide 69
sulfonylureas 67
transfer into breast milk 74
voglibose 68
Organogenesis 83
Pancreatic beta cells 152
glands 14
hormone 12t, 14
Pedersen hypothesis 137, 138f, 199
Perinatal asphyxia 141
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma 68, 215
Phenytoin 202
Phosphoionositol-3 kinase 214
Phosphotidyl inositol 3
kinase 28f
Placental hormones, functions 12t
Plasma prolactin 13
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 215
Pneumonia 142
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 4, 21, 110, 118, 191
Polycythemia 152, 265b
Polyhydramnios 4, 5t, 150, 176, 177, 185, 226
Polyuria 177
Ponderal index 70
Postnatal care 188
breastfeeding 188
contraception 188
glucose homeostasis 144f
management of diabetes 188
Postoperative hemorrhage 26t
hemorrhage 25, 166, 179t
screening 253259
at community health centers 258
at district hospitals 258
at primary centers 257
at subcenters 257
diabetes 189
thyroiditis 208
screening test 254
Postprandial glucose excursions 82
care 190
counseling 52
Preeclampsia 7, 25, 26t, 52, 78, 85, 150, 165, 169, 171, 176, 185, 186, 195, 216, 225, 226, 236
Pregestational diabetes mellitus 136, 137, 166
Pregnancy complications 43t
Premature delivery 78
births 43, 60
labor 176, 177, 225
management of 185
Previous caesarean section 186
Progesterone 12t, 12, 15, 18, 211, 213
Prolactin 211, 213
Propylthiouracil (PTU) 207
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors 185
Psychosocial aspects
diabetes in pregnancy 117, 117t
antenatal phase 118
glycemic control 122
history taking 121
impact on health 120
management 121
medical nutrition therapy 122
postpartum phase 119
preconception counseling 121
psychosocial concerns 118t
Pyelonephritis 150
Rapid-acting insulin analogs 53, 83
in pregnancy 82
laryngeal nerve damage 140
spontaneous abortions 226
agenesis 149
vein thrombosis 149
Renin 15
Respiratory distress syndrome 141, 147, 151, 225, 265
Retinopathy 180
Rifampicin 202
Ritodrine 87
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 112, 113
human chorionic gonadotropin 201
low-density lipoprotein 214
total cholesterol 214
triglycerides 214
Sex hormone-binding globulin 15
Shoulder dystocia 140, 151, 186, 196, 225
complications due to 179t
maneuvers 187b
Sleeve gastrectomy 112
bowel obstruction 113
for gestational age 45
left colon syndrome 149, 150
Solitary toxic nodule 206
abortions 4, 5t, 25, 26t
preterm labor 185
Still births 3, 4, 5t, 78, 110, 167, 179
Stroke 5, 177
Subdermal implants 266
Subfertility 110, 111, 118
Sulphonylureas 73
Surrogate markers 168
T cells 159
T helper 1
cells 158
T regulatory cells 158
Terbutaline 87
Thiamine 114
Thiazolidinediones 68, 69, 72, 75
Threonine 85
Threshold plasma glucose (PG) 33
Thromboembolism 25, 26t, 114, 225
Thyroglobulin antibodies 203
disorders, in pregnancy 201209
function tests 203
gland 13
peroxidase (TPO) 203
tumors 202
destructive 208
subacute 206
Thyroid-stimulating hormone 13, 180, 201
Thyrotoxicosis 206, 209
Thyrotrophs 13
Thyroxine 201
binding globulin 14, 201
Tocolytic therapy 87
Tolbutamide 68
Transdermal contraceptive patches 113
Transient tachypnea of newborn 147
Transthyretin 14
Triiodothyronine 14, 201
Tripod trial 253
antibodies 208, 209
stimulating antibodies 207
Tumor necrosis factor 20, 29, 29f, 211, 225
Unconjugated estriol 181
Ureteric duplication 149
Urinary tract infections 25, 26t
Uteroplacental perfusion 179
Vaginal lacerations 179t
Very low-density lipoprotein 214
Victoza 232
B12 20, 22, 50, 114
D 20, 21, 114
D binding globulin 14
Wood’s screw maneuver 186
Zavanelli maneuver 186
Chapter Notes

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Hyperglycemia during Pregnancy: Epidemiology and Public Health Relevance1

Anil Kapur
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, cancers, and chronic respiratory diseases are the most common noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), accounting for 63% of global deaths (36 million) in 2008 and projected to claim 52 million lives by 2030. Almost 80% of these deaths occur prematurely in low- or middle-income countries.1 NCDs become burdensome, costly, and debilitating over time, negatively impacting productivity and family income. In addition, these diseases create a poverty trap as well as reduce chances of preventing escape from it. The World Economic Forum has for 2 years in a row rated chronic diseases amongst the five top threats to the Global Economy including in the low- and middle-income countries.2
The global community is beginning to understand the enormity of the humanitarian, societal, and economic challenge of NCDs as evidenced by the political declaration from the high-level meeting (HLM) of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs, New York, 2011.3
When faced with a challenge of this magnitude, we need to carefully consider where we can make the greatest immediate and long-term impact to eventually break the curve of the NCD epidemic. Up to 80% of the NCD burden can be prevented by addressing the common risk factors of tobacco use, unhealthy diet including excessive use of alcohol and physical inactivity—interventions targeting adults at high risk—a strategy fraught with implementation difficulties.4
Mounting body of evidence from high-quality research shows that prenatal and early-life development through epigenetic programming influences the risks of NCD in later life59 and this might be, especially relevant to low-resource countries.912 Parent's health particularly the mother's diet, body composition, and metabolic status during pregnancy determine fetal environment and affect risk for later NCDs.13,14 Early intervention to ensure healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and disease-free early childhood may, therefore, be the most effective means of attaining best future health and preventing NCDs. Fetal environment determines whether one starts life with a “health head start” or a “health handicap” because it is on this foundation that risk factors play out in later life. People starting life with a “health handicap” may be less able to withstand lifestyle risks and prone to develop 2disease early compared to those starting with a “health advantage”. Similarly, lifestyle interventions in adult life to prevent diseases may have variable effects based on early-life programming.15 The impact of life conditions on health—the social determinants of health is high on the global development agenda, and it is relevant to consider that these determinants get hard wired into the genome of the next generation through epigenetic changes during fetal life. The recognition of early-life influences on chronic diseases, however, does not imply deterministic processes that cannot be overcome by later-life intervention; only that the task becomes more difficult.
In the last one and half decades, a lot of attention and resources have been provided to Maternal and Child Health Programs, especially in the developing world. In order to optimize these resources, Maternal and Child Health Programs have taken the straight and narrow path of focusing on factors that directly lead to maternal, neonatal and infant mortality. These laudable efforts have led to improvements in access to maternity services in many low- and middle-income countries and to improved survival for even the “at risk” small for gestational age (SGA) babies born to undernourished mothers in rural settings and to substantial improvements in both measures with more infants and mothers surviving. Unfortunately this narrow biomedical focus has failed to address the social determinants, or the root causes of mortality; moreover, the very individuals saved—the low-birth-weight babies or babies surviving obstructed and difficult deliveries are the ones that have the highest risk of future ill health both from communicable and noncommunicable diseases at an early stage of life. Focusing on early survival might not capture outcomes that have long-term implications for adult health, life expectancy, quality of life, and accumulation of human capital.15 Further, recommendations for nutritional interventions are frequently based on raising birth weight, focusing on gains in stature, or micronutrient status in the short-term.16 Long-term follow-up data confirm the existence of a narrow window of opportunity for intervention up to 24 months of age, and only limited benefit, or even harm, of feeding strategies thereafter.17,18 These small babies continuing to be malnourished and stunted during childhood and early adult life, will remain at relatively low risk for NCDs as long as they have subsistence living. With changes in living conditions as a consequence of economic development or urban migration, these individuals manifest diabetes and other NCDs at much lower body mass index (BMI) and central adiposity threshold.19,20 Studies on survivors of the Dutch21,22 and Chinese23 famine show that individuals exposed to intrauterine under nutrition had significantly higher rates of diabetes in adult life and the risk was highest in the subgroup that were relatively well off in adult life.
Developmental effects operate through a gamut of subtle influences which provide the fetus the cues (via the intrauterine environment) to predict the external environment it will be born into; as well as the flexibility to adjust its growth trajectory to match that environment. Termed as developmental plasticity, these influences operate through epigenetic changes24,25 across the entire range of environment, from under nutrition to excessive nutritional environments associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or maternal obesity,26,27 or other maternal health insults like malaria, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), etc. leading to multigenerational cycles of disease.28 The mismatch between the predicted environment for survival 3programming and the actual environment in adult life may be a critical factor driving the type 2 diabetes and obesity epidemic.
In young women, themselves born small, the effects of pregnancy-induced weight gain, insulin resistance, and increased insulin requirements are exaggerated by the preexisting insulin resistance and the lower ability to produce insulin as a consequence of early-life programming, resulting in higher rates of GDM and/or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Seshiah et al.29 reported prevalence rates of 8–10% for GDM among women of low socioeconomic status who had a prepregnancy BMI of less than 19. Undiagnosed or poorly managed GDM sets off a cycle of future obesity and type 2 diabetes in the offsprings and the cycle may repeat in subsequent generations with ever growing risk accumulation.
Compared to a decade ago, in nearly all parts of the world, the number of women of reproductive age who are overweight now exceeds the number of women who are underweight.30 The rising level of overweight and obesity amongst women of reproductive age makes them even more vulnerable to GDM than their mothers. Between 1999 and 2005, age, race, and ethnicity adjusted prevalence of pre-GDM amongst pregnant women in southern California doubled.31 Over the last 20 years, the age of onset of diabetes has been declining; at the same time the age of marriage and child bearing is increasing; as a consequence in the future we may see more women entering pregnancy with preexisting diabetes.1,32 Offsprings of mothers with uncontrolled diabetes, either preexisting or originating, during pregnancy are 4–8 times more likely to develop diabetes themselves in later life33,34 compared to their siblings born to the same parents in a non-GDM pregnancy. This shows that the uterine environment contributes significantly to the higher risk for diabetes than can be explained by genetic inheritance alone. A recent study suggests that a significant proportion (47.2%) of diabetes and obesity in the youth can be attributed to maternal GDM and obesity.35 Another study suggests that GDM may be responsible for 19–30% of all type 2 diabetes seen among Saskatchewan First Nations people in Canada.36 GDM thus creates a vicious cycle in which diabetes begets more diabetes.
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Diabetes Atlas, 6th edition,37 there are now an estimated 382 million people (184 million women) with diabetes. In addition, there are about 316 million with prediabetes. The number is likely to grow to over 592 million people with diabetes and almost 471 million with prediabetes by 2035. Asia-pacific region is at the center of this rising trend for diabetes and accounts for about half the global burden with China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh figuring amongst the top ten countries with the highest number of people with diabetes.37
Worldwide, one in six pregnancies may be associated with hyperglycemia, 84% of which involve GDM.37 The IDF estimates that 21.4 million out of the 127 million live births, i.e., 16.8% of live births in 2013 were associated with hyperglycemia in pregnancy. An estimated 16% of those cases were due to diabetes in pregnancy. This does not take into account the number of pregnancies ending in spontaneous abortions, still births, or intrauterine deaths that may have been associated with 4hyperglycemia proven or otherwise. In South-East Asia, one in four live births may occur in the setting of maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy.37 In high-risk groups, up to 30% of pregnancies may involve diabetes.38,39 The age-adjusted prevalence of GDM in women in United States shows that the rates are higher for women with Asian or Pacific Island origin, but more so (almost threefold compared to non-Hispanic whites) for migrant women born in the country of their origin.36 A staggering 91.6% of cases of hyperglycemia in pregnancy are in low- and middle-income countries, where access to maternal care is often limited.37
The prevalence of hyperglycemia in pregnancy increases rapidly with age and is the highest in women over the age of 45 years (47.7%), although there are fewer pregnancies in that age group. This explains why just 23% of global cases of hyperglycemia in pregnancy occurred in women over the age of 35 years, even though the risk of developing the condition is higher in these women.37
In 2010, there were an estimated 22 million women with diabetes in the reproductive age-group of 20–39 years; an additional 54 million in this age-group had impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or prediabetes with potential to develop GDM if they become pregnant.40 Thus, over 76 million women are at risk of their pregnancy being complicated with pregestational (existing) diabetes or GDM.
Hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, obstructed labor, and infection/sepsis are among the leading global causes of maternal mortality.41 High blood pressure and gestational hyperglycemia are linked directly or indirectly to all of them. According to WHO's report on women and health, high blood pressure and high blood glucose are two leading risk factors for death from chronic conditions in women above 20 years of age,42 yet women are not routinely screened for hyperglycemia during pregnancy and the diagnosis of GDM is often missed; maternal mortality and morbidity attributable to diabetes in women may, therefore, be actually higher than current estimates.
Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with serious complications for both the mother and child. It has been shown that the negative consequences on the fetus and the mother increase linearly with increasing maternal blood glucose.43 It is now recognized that a proportion of women diagnosed during pregnancy may have had diabetes before pregnancy (type 1 or type 2), also called pre-GDM. Infants of mothers with pre-GDM have higher rates of malformation.4446 Good blood-glucose control before conception and throughout pregnancy reduces these risks substantially.47,48 Major problems related to hyperglycemia during pregnancy are shown in table 1.
Several markers, such as age, race/ethnicity, BMI, history of type 2 diabetes in first-degree relatives, history of GDM, macrosomia, unexplained stillbirth, spontaneous abortion in previous pregnancies, excessive weight gain, presence of polycystic ovary syndrome, metabolic syndrome, polyhydramnios, and suspected macrosomia during current pregnancy, have been described to clinically identify women with high risk of GDM;49 in practice, they fail to correctly identify more than half the women with GDM;5053 thus universal screening for hyperglycemia during pregnancy must be the standard practice.
Women diagnosed with GDM—are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes within a few years of the pregnancy compared to women without previous history of GDM. A meta-analysis shows that women with GDM had an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes [relative risk (RR) = 7.43; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 4.79–11.51].5
Table 1   Risks associated with hyperglycemia in pregnancy
Fetal risks
Maternal risks
• Spontaneous abortion, intrauterine death, and still birth
• Lethal or handicapping congenital malformation
• Shoulder dystocia and birth injury
• Neonatal hypoglycemia
• Infant respiratory distress syndrome
• Polyhydramnios
• Pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia
• Prolonged/obstructed labor-assisted delivery and Caesarean section
• Uterine atonia and postpartum hemorrhage
• Infections
• Progression of retinopathy
Women within 5 years of a pregnancy complicated by GDM had a RR of 4.69, which is more than doubled to 9.34 in those who were examined more than 5 years postpartum.54 The risk can be considerably reduced or the onset of diabetes considerably delayed by taking appropriate preventive steps in terms of postpartum weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.55
Evidence is now emerging that women with past history of GDM also have a higher prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and an increased risk of CVD. In the years following a GDM pregnancy, women exhibit an enhanced cardiovascular risk profile and ultimately an increased incidence of CVD.56 Over a median follow-up of 12.3 years women with GDM had a higher risk of CVD [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.66; 95% CI = 1.30–2.13, p < 0.001].57 In another study over a 10-year follow-up period, after adjusting for age, ethnicity and comorbidities, such as preeclampsia and obesity, women with history of GDM had higher rates of cardiovascular morbidity including noninvasive cardiac diagnostic procedures [odds ratio (OR) = 1.8; 95% CI = 1.4–2.2], simple cardiovascular events (OR = 2.7; 95% CI = 2.4–3.1), and total cardiovascular hospitalizations (OR = 2.3; 95% CI = 2.0–2.5).58
Without screening and diagnosis in pregnancy, the possibility of reducing risk in these women will be missed and in view of the dramatic increase in obesity and diabetes, we should accept that diagnosing and treating GDM is worthwhile.59 Sceptics, however, continue to question whether screening women for GDM is cost-effective. Most cost effectiveness analysis in the past have only assessed benefits related to immediate pregnancy outcomes and not included long-term benefits.60 A few recent studies show that GDM screening associated with postpartum lifestyle interventions for type 2 diabetes prevention is cost-effective in both high-income countries (United States, Israel) and low-income countries (India).6163
The concept of fetal programming and its consequences is paradigm changing. It highlights that pregnancy offers a window of opportunity to provide maternal care services, not only to reduce the traditionally known maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality indicators, but also for intergenerational prevention of several chronic diseases, such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, CVD, and stroke. Thus, with one high-quality intervention related to maternal and child health services, it is now possible to achieve several objectives with far reaching health and economic benefits.39
There are several barriers in achieving these objectives. These have been recently studied through a systematic review.64 Knowledge of and adherence to existing 6GDM guidelines and procedure for screening and diagnosis seem suboptimal at best and arbitrary at worst, with no clear or consistent correlation to health provider, health system or client characteristics. Most women express commitment and motivation for behavior change to protect the health of their unborn baby, but knowledge about how to change is missing. Compliance to recommended treatment and advice is seen challenging and precious little is known about health system or societal factors that hinder compliance and what can be done to improve it. Immediately following a GDM pregnancy, many women when properly informed desire and intend to maintain healthy lifestyles to prevent future diabetes but find the effort challenging. Adherence to recommended postpartum screening and continued lifestyle modifications seems even lower. Here, some healthcare provider, health system and client related determinants and barriers have been identified. Studies reveal that sense of self-efficacy and social support is important. Noncompliance to screening or nonacceptance of diagnosis of GDM may be due to poor understanding of the consequences or fear of stigmatization and one needs to be careful not to create another platform for women to be blamed for adverse effects on their children's future health.
What can be recommended as a public health approach for GDM?
The recommendations made at the symposium “Diabetes – A Missing Link to Achieve Sexual and Reproductive Health in Asia-Pacific Region” at the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia65 aptly sum up the issue.
  • Building awareness: Considering the magnitude of the problem, the seriousness of the consequences and the opportunity for improving health that it offers, raising awareness of the risks and consequences of diabetes in women including GDM must be given top priority. Awareness needs to be heightened amongst future mothers, general public, health professionals, and policy makers not only about the specific issue, but also about the importance of good health of women in general and during pregnancy, in particular
  • Advocacy: Ensure due attention is accorded to diabetes among women including GDM and program interventions are put in place. There are several platforms that provide the opportunity for advocacy. These include:
    • – The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, 1994) recommendations, one of which was “all countries should strive to make accessible through the primary healthcare (PHC) system, reproductive health to all individuals of appropriate age, as soon as possible and no later than 2015.”
    • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Although diabetes is not a specific goal in the MDGs, countries are encouraged to implement programs for achieving MDGs according to their own needs and situations, and indeed the issue can clearly be taken up under MDG 5, “improve maternal health”. Besides MDG 5, the management of GDM and diabetes in women, in general, will also contribute to MDG 4 (child survival) and MDG 3 (gender equality).
    • – The Global Reproductive Health Strategy endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2004, calls for strengthening and ensuring access to reproductive health and for reducing maternal morbidity and mortality. Again although specific mention of diabetes is not made, the strategies to improve reproductive health will have to take into account all matters that affect sexual and reproductive health, such as diabetes and GDM.
    • – The Political Declaration at the UN HLM in September 2011 and the report of the UN Secretary General to the General Assembly before the UN HLM on NCDs. This report clearly states the need to create linkages between NCDs and Maternal and Child Health Programs. The report also raises concern that the rising prevalence of high blood pressure and GDM is increasing adverse outcomes of pregnancy and maternal health.3
  • Mainstreaming or integrating diabetes into Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Agenda: This is crucial in building and sustaining action—managers and providers of reproductive health services are in an advantageous position to integrate diabetes into their programs. There is need to systematically deliberate on appropriate interventions. A fitting beginning would be making policies for all pregnant women, with priority to high-risk women, to be tested for diabetes and to take the appropriate follow-up actions. In many developing countries where the problem of GDM is significant and requires intervention and health systems are weak, it may call for concerted efforts among international development partners to provide support. To get it right will require strengthening of health systems to further reinforce maternal and child care services at primary care level and integrating elements of NCD prevention and health promotion.66
  • Using information technology: Having saved a mother with GDM with preeclampsia from dying of obstructed labor or postpartum hemorrhage and her large-for-gestational age baby; or a mother with severe malnutrition and anemia and her low-birth-weight baby, what can be done to ensure their future good health and prevent or significantly delay the onset of hypertension or type 2 diabetes? This will require integration of services and cost effective investments in information technology to identify and track high-risk individuals to enlighten, empower, and encourage them to adopt healthy living throughout life as well as empowering local community health workers to support and follow their progress. Enrolling, monitoring, and tracking GDM mothers during and after the pregnancy and their offsprings using information technology may be the most appropriate place to begin this health system transformation.68
  • Operational research: Evidence generation through pilot programs is urgently needed to provide answers to several questions regarding policy formulation, program planning, and implementation.
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