Tips & Tricks in Orthopedic Surgery Ajit N Damle
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure
Acetabulum, transverse fracture of 183f, 185, 185f
Anesthesia 326
adduction fracture of 513, 526
external fixation 531, 533f, 534f
fracture 538, 538f
and diabetes 533
medial malleolus fixation 495
after bimalleolar fracture 542
range of motion 545f
injuries 491, 540
lateral malleolus 500, 513
open fracture 530
trimalleolar fracture 530f
Ankylosing spondylitis, callus in 253
Axillary crutches 172
Bandage, technique and principle 3f
Bent and broken nail 310f
Bent distal screw 468f
Bent K-nail 297, 298f
Bicondylar fracture 367, 370, 379f, 397, 398f
subluxation 368f
Bilateral injury 186f
Bilateral prominent lateral end clavicles 12f
Bilateral sequential fracture in hips 251, 251f
Bilateral stress fracture of
left tibia 474f
right tibia 474f
Bipolar cemented stem 217f
Bipolar replacement 187f, 263
Blade plate 302f
Bone cuts 543
Bone grafting 445, 476
and plate fixation, steps of 46
place of 11
Bone loss 87f
Bow fracture 109f
of forearm 108
of radius/ulna 108
Broken and migrated segment of wire 334, 335f
Broken drill bit 373f
Broken femur nail 321, 323f
Broken nail pusher 322f
Broken nail tip 310f
Broken wire 334f
Bruise 158, 159f
Bruise after lateral malleolus fracture 511f
Calcar’ screw 49
Capitellum fracture 72
Cemented stem 222
Cicac osteotomy 34f
Cicatrix formation 163f
Clamps 437
Clavicle fracture 3, 4
Closed medial malleolus screw 526f
Clubfoot 538
Cobbler awl 327f
Colles' fracture 105, 106f, 137, 140, 145, 150
Comminuted Colles' fracture 141
Complementary external fixator 544
Complementary fibula fixation 200f
Contusion fracture of lateral condyle 382f
Cosmetic appearance 98
Cramer wire splint 164f
Crutch height 172f
Curved wire passer 327f
Cutting and bending tools 327f
Cutting tools 160f
Cylinder cast 331f
technique of 331
Decortication, area of 299
Deep eschar excision 163, 163f
Depression of lateral condyle 367
Dermabrasion 162f
Derotation plate 300f302f, 473f
Devices, types of 197f, 198f
DHS, technique of 229
Diabetes 484f, 535f
Diastasis 513f
Displaced basi-trochanteric fracture, bipolar replacement in 199f
Displaced fracture 351
of radius 90, 122
of ulna 90, 122, 123
Displaced large fragment 70f
Displaced medial condyle 365
Displaced radius and greenstick ulna 123f
Displaced untreated fracture of patella 331
Distal hole locking device 460f
Distal tibia plate 480f
Divergent screws in plate 257f, 258f
Dorsal bone graft and plate 143f
Dorsal comminution 142
Dorsal exposure 142
Drill bit, breakage of 497
Drilling, antero-posterior 11
Dual plate fixation 312f, 367f
Elastic nails 295f
dislocation of 118f
fracture dislocation 67
posterior dislocation of 116
X-ray 167f
Emergency room care 158
Emergency room technique 158
Eminence fracture, anterior 347f
External fixation 11
application of 436
External fixator 144, 436, 444f, 447f, 450, 451f
flap 445f
inadequate 143f
sequestrum 445f
use of 444
External rotation deformity 286f, 296f
Extramedullary stem, revision of 224f
Eyelid contracture 171f
Facial bone injury 171f
Facial wounds 171
Failed derotation plate 309f
Failed plate fixation in radius 85
Failed prosthesis stem 225f
Fasciotomy 384, 385f
and tibia, ipsilateral fracture of 455f
bilateral fracture of 314f
interlocking nail, removal of 320
Fibula graft 200f, 201f
Fibula internal fixation 460
Fibula osteotomy in
lower tibia fracture 463f
mid-tibia fracture 463f
Fibula proximal migration, calcaneal traction in 504f
Fibula, fixation of 450
Finger rings 161f
Finger stiffness 151f
Foot injuries 547
fractures 81
refracture 113
Fracture dislocation 408f
of elbow 68f
of lateral condyle with split depression 398, 400f
of shoulder 27
Fracture epiphyseal injury head radius 77
Fracture medial condyle and lateral dislocation 410f
Fracture morphology 227, 228, 357
Fracture of
acetabulum and shaft of femur 340
anterior eminence and lateral condyle 384f
anterior tibial eminence 345, 346, 383, 391
capitellum and head of radius 75f
femur 290, 293, 294, 294f, 343f
fibula, level of 502
greater trochanter 258f
head of radius 118f, 119f
head of ulna 145
ilium in rheumatoid arthritis 178f
lateral end of clavicle 12
lateral malleolus 502f, 503f
lateral tibial condyle 349f, 382, 384, 391
left ilium 178f
lower-end radius 145
medial epicondyle of humerus 69
neck and ipsilateral shaft of femur 204f
neck of femur 195, 197f, 201, 203f, 206, 206f208f, 209, 315f
neck of humerus 48
olecranon 118f
patella 326, 330, 331
posterior tibial eminence 351
radius and ulna 81
ribs 166
shaft of femur 205f
subtrochanteric area 270
tibial condyle 346, 356, 361, 373, 410
tibial shaft 424
trochanter 226
bipolar replacement in 262f
Fracture reduction 229
Fracture tibia 165f
Fracture union, radiological assessment of 82
Fracture, assessment of 228
Fracture, basitrochanteric 198, 199f
Fracture, pathological 51f
Galeazzi fracture dislocation 85
Galeazzi injury 86, 102, 102f, 103f
Good nail length 95f
Greater trochanter 267f, 268f
re-attachment of 268
Greenstick fracture of
fibula 425
radius 122, 123, 129, 130f
ulna 122, 129, 130f
Head of radius
dislocation of 121f
sectoral fracture of 67
fracture, fixation of 201
spica cast, importance of 209f
posterior fracture dislocation of 179
posterior lip and wall fracture dislocation of 180
Hoffa body fat pad 345
Hohmann bone 354
Holstein fracture 59
Hook extractor 321f
Humero-radial K-wire 79f
Humerus Holstein and lower shaft fracture 59
Humerus lower-end exposure 64
Humerus neck fracture 36
Humerus shaft interlock nailing 50
Humerus, locking screws in head of 46
IM nail insertion, technique of 89
Impacted fracture 193f
Implant 327
choice of 103, 228
removal 361, 393
Incision 16, 326
Indigenous implant 46f
Inferior radioulnar joint dislocation 136, 136f
Injuries 27
Interlock femur, removal of 322
Internal fixation 42, 358f, 395f
method of 228
surgical technique of 15
Inter-trochanteric fractures 250
Intracapsular and extracapsular fracture 264
Intracapsular fracture 265
of neck of femur, diagnosis of 190
Intramedullary device in subtrochanteric fracture 285
Ipsilateral femur and tibia fractures 324
Isolated injury 351
Jewett medialization 236f
Jewett nail 232, 233f235f, 238f, 270, 273f
plate insertion, technique of 233
Jewett range 233f
Jewett technique 236f, 237f
K wires, removal of 22
Kuntscher diamond awl 89
Kuntscher nail extractor 89
K-wire and stiff elbow 73f
K-wire migration 22f
Large fragment 496, 499
Lateral ankle subluxation 491f
Lateral condyle
elevation technique 388f
moderate degree depression of 387f
Lateral malleolus type fracture 509f
Lateral tibial condyle, widening of 383f
Lesser trochanter fixation 242
Ligament avulsion and protection wire 336f
Ligament patellae, avulsion of 335
Limb length 271
Locked fragments 16f
Locking plate 8f, 41, 43f
Lower humeral locking plate 63f
Lower humerus fracture 64f
Luxatio erecta 30f
Malleolar screw 281f
length of 497
Malunited bow fracture 109f
Malunited Colles' fracture 145
Medial condyle
and late infection 411f
of humerus, missed fracture of 70
plate 405f, 406f
small fragment 409f
span plate 407f
Medial locking plate 372f
Medial malleolus 516, 540
and direction of screw, reduction of 498
technique 499f
Medial plate and broken bit 415f
Medial soft tissue swelling 69, 71f
Medial square head plate 366f
Medial tibial condyle
depressed fracture of 395
fracture 404
with lateral dislocation, comminuted fracture of 406
Mediolateral screw 467
shaft K-wire 549f
stress fracture of 547
Midfoot dislocation 549
Mini SP nail and plate 198f
Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis
plate 484f, 485f
technique 481, 499
Missed bow fracture 108
Monteggia fracture dislocation 116
Monteggia injury 77, 77f78f, 86, 102
Multi-direction bolt nail 471f
Multiple fractures around knee 343, 344f
Multiple fractures in limb 354
Multiple fragments K-wires 151f
Multiple sequential stress fractures in tibia 471f
Multiple undisplaced fragments 334
Nail end design 304f
Nail extractor 99f
Nail in fracture of radius/ulna, length of 94
Nail irritating acetabulum 238f
Nail removal 98, 100, 105
technique of 99
Narrow medullary cavity 84f
Neck and shaft of femur, ipsilateral fracture of 200
Neck of femur
and uniting fracture of shaft, ununited fracture of 202f
impacted fracture of 191, 195f
intracapsular fracture of 190
missed fracture of 291f
stress fracture of 216f
Neck of humerus, bruise of 36f
Neck, ipsilateral fracture of 207f
Neuropathic joint 361, 362f, 363f
Non-operative method 38, 40f, 132, 292, 429, 490f, 507
Non-union fracture of neck of
femur 214f
humerus 49f
Oblique fracture 52f, 427f
comminuted fracture of 119f, 121f
osteotomy 64
transverse fracture of 116
Open ankle fracture dislocation, external fixation in 494f
Open bimalleolar fracture—primary internal fixation 532f
Open fracture dislocation of ankle with small medial malleolus fragment 533f
Operative methods and rationale 41
Osteomalacia 197f, 251
Osteoporosis 373f
degree of 228
Osteotomy 209, 209f
fixation, method of 210f
for nail removal 101
of lower end radius for malunion, technique of 133
reposition 211f, 212f
Pain, control of 226
Partial hip replacement, types of 215
Partial patellectomy 335, 336f
Partial recurrent depression 378f
Partial shoulder replacement 31f
inferior pole of 331
post-stiffness fracture of 338f
ununited fracture of 339f
vertical fracture of 331
Pelvis and acetabulum fractures 175
Pelvis transverse fracture and diabetes 182f
Periprosthetic fracture 317, 317f
Periprosthetic locking plate 318f
Pin aligner device 441f
Plaster application 168
Plaster extent 169f
Plaster immobilization 124
Plate and track for bit, removal of 416f
Plate-bending tools 477f
Plate design 359f
Plate failure 85f
Plate fixation, steps in 60
Plate overlap 82f
Plate removal 97
Postconvulsion bilateral fracture dislocation 28f, 29f
Posterior condyle 420f, 421f
Posterior dislocation 24
Posterior fracture dislocation 181
Posterior plate 525f
Posterior tibial condyle and posterior eminence fractures 419f
Postero-lateral condyle fracture of tibial plateau 413
Postero-medial extrusion of lesser trochanter, reconstruction of 243f
Post-knee fusion 343f
Post-knee stiffness fracture of
femur 319f
patella 337, 341f
Postoperative valgus deformity 374f
Post-plaster removal care 114
Post-stiffness fracture 340, 413f, 414f
Post-strapping reduction 15f
Prestressing and final fixation 441
Primary bone grafting 244, 245f
Prograde wire fixation 156f
Prosthesis, types of 216f
Proximal fragment 48
Proximal humerus internal locking system 49
Quality and degree of reduction 228
Quality of implants and instrumentation 83
Radiological union stages 5f
Radius 105, 133
and ulna, transverse displaced fracture of 124
lower-end osteotomy 134f
nail insertion, technique of 90
nail removal 99
neck fracture 76
Re-displacement in oblique fracture 129, 130
Reduction of bow fracture, steps in 111
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 141
Refracture 114f
after external fixator removal 457
after internal fixation 539
ankle 539f, 540f
Rheumatoid disease 469, 469f, 472
Rib fractures 19
Rib X-ray technique 167f
Rotational malalignment 87f
Salter Harris type injury 540, 542
Schanz pin 144, 438, 440f
Screw fixation
order of 512, 516
steps in 366
Screw insertion in calcar, technique of 280
Screw penetrating acetabulum 259f
Screw penetrating neck 265f
Screw removal, failure of 98f
Screw tracks 98f
Segmental fracture 9f, 53f, 296, 443f, 469
in hip 252
Severe depression 387, 389f
Shaft of femur, segmental fracture of 206
Shallow acetabulum 223f
Sharp drill bit 82
missed anterior fracture dislocation of 32f
position 37f
posterior dislocation of 23
posterior fracture dislocation of 33f
splint 24f
Sinus 18f
Skeletal traction 357f, 443
Skin injury and edema 357f
Skin loss around knee 363f
Small fragment system 83
Small Hohmann bone levers 89
Small self-centering forceps 89
Soft tissue loss around knee 361
Span plates 375f
Spiral fracture 274f, 275f
Spiral subtrochanteric fracture 276f
Split bicondylar fracture 365
Split fracture of lateral condyle 376, 384
Spondylosis, ankylosing 254f
Square head plate 375f
Square punch 89
Stable fracture 228, 240f
Stack nail
in ulna 105f
tip in fracture line 93f
Stacking nail, technique of 92
Stacking radius nail 94f
Steinmann pins 438
method of 14f
steps of 13
Stress fracture 215
course of 548f
Stress shielding 295f
Subtrochanteric fracture 265f, 270, 272f, 274, 274f, 277f, 278, 284f
Subungual hematoma 171, 171f
Sunk prosthesis 217f
Supero-inferior drilling 11
Symphysis pubis 178
Talus 500
Tarso-metatarsal dislocation 549f
TBW method, use of 268
Temporary fixation with K-wires, three methods of 375
Tendo achilles injury 162f
Tension free wound 550f
Thomas' splint 184, 291, 343, 357f, 408f
Tibia external fixation 458f
and skin loss 452f
Tibia external fixator 456f, 457, 457f
Tibia interlock nail, removal of 467
Tibia lower MIPO plate 481
Tibia plate
fixation 475
width of 475
bicondylar fracture of 361
bilateral fracture of 453f
dynamization of 464f
pro-fibula procedure 448f
segmental fracture of 347f, 466
stress fracture of 469
Tibial condyle, post-stiffness fracture of 412
Tibial eminence, anterior 347f
Tibial tuberosity, avulsion of 342f
Tibio-fibular diastasis 512
Tillaux injury 542, 543
T-incision 360f
Transverse K-wire 150f
Trauma X-ray films 292f
Trimalleolar fracture 512f, 521f524f
dislocation with
postero-lateral fragment 522
small posterior fragment 521
of ankle 518
Triple trocar 438f
Tri-radiate incision 364f
Trochanter, untreated fracture of 253
Trochanteric fracture 263f, 264f
bipolar replacement in 262f
Trochanteric stabilization plate 248, 250f
Tube-to tube clamp 441f
Twin pins traction technique 444f
Ulna 107
fracture 145
lateral bow fracture 112f
nail backs out 93f
nail insertion, technique of 92
nail removal 99
plate bone loss 98f
segmental fracture of 102
Undisplaced Colles' fracture 137
Undisplaced fracture 330, 331f
of lateral condyle 383
of lateral malleolus 506
posterior tibial eminence 351, 352f
radius 90
ulna 90
Undisplaced lateral condyle 365
Unstable fracture 228
Upper short screw migration 257f
Vertical incisions and quadriceps board 360f
Vertical osteotomy 100
technique of 100
Volkmann contracture 164f
Weight-bearing caliper 430f
Wire fragmentation 259f
Wire loop, late breakage of 350
Wire migration 18f, 361f
Wrist position 170f
X-ray of wrist 133
Chapter Notes

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