Surgery: Core Principles and Practice John D Corson, Robin CN Williamson
Page numbers followed by f refer to figures; those followed by t refer to tables.
Abdomen 37
acute 1247, 1267, 1270
cephalocaudal divisions of 652
computed tomography scan of 1247f, 2013
dorsal/ventral plane divisions of 653
ultrasound scan of 2003
Abdominal wall 836f
benign tumors of 1824
defects 393
deformities 1813
hernias 385, 1221
lift technique 173
locations of 1237f
malformation of 1816
pain 1269
tumors 1824
vessels 175
Abdominoperineal excision 1093
Abdominoplasty 134, 1941
Abruptio placentae 573
Abscess 285, 304, 1180, 1201, 1202, 1545f, 1790f
abdominal 171, 301
anorectal 1121
hepatic 1269
iliopsoas 1170
intra-abdominal 136, 670, 1145, 1168
intrahepatic 137f
ischiorectal 1122
pancreatic 674
periareolar 1623f
peridiverticular 1144
perirectal 145
pyogenic 902
retroperitoneal 2002
retropharyngeal 285, 286
splenic 1020, 1023
Absorption 1189
Acalculous cholecystitis, acute 951
Accidental wounds, acute 58, 61
Acellular dermal matrix 1612
Acetabular fractures 696
Acetaminophen 233, 895, 1753
Acetyl cholinesterase 367
Achalasia 801, 1831
treatment of 242
Acid base
complications 199
regulation 82
status 390
Acid hydrolases 90
Acidosis 510
metabolic 82, 84
Acinar adenocarcinoma 2115
Acinic cell carcinoma 1883
Acneiform nodules 1412
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 150, 195, 339
Actinic keratosis 1948, 1954
Actinomyces israelii 1153
Actinomycosis 1153
Activated clotting time 2070, 2075
Adamantinoma 1977
Addisonian crisis 1652
Adenitis, mesenteric 401
Adenocarcinoma 846, 85859, 1073f, 1217, 1883, 2115
fetal 2115
hepatocellular 322
papillary 2115
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 1882, 1882f, 2115
Adenolymphoma 1881, 1887
bilateral 1881f
Adenoma 1214, 1215f
atypical 1659
detection 1070
hepatic 904
hepatocellular 1039, 1040f
histologies 1072f
management 1071
prevention 1073
toxic 1636
tubular 1072f
Adenomatous hyperplasia, atypical 2115
Adenomyosis 954
dinucleotide 49
diphosphate 88, 90
triphosphate 90
Adenosis, sclerosing 1540
Adjuvant therapy 998, 1097, 1586, 1963
carcinoma, microcystic 1948
mass 2002
torsion 1284
Adrenal glands 1664
venous drainage of 1664f
Adrenal incidentaloma 1675
Adrenal surgery 1663
Adrenal tumor
markers 1991
metastatic 1672
Adrenal vein sampling 1669
Adrenalectomy, laparoscopic 1670, 1674, 1676
Adrenaline 432
Adrenocortical carcinoma 1671
staging of 1671t
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 1670
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 980
Advanced trauma life support 570, 592, 731
Advancement flaps 1064, 1126, 1935f
Aflatoxins 905
Air plethysmograms 1432f
Airway 416, 574
artificial 526
breathing, circulation 593
compromise 1807
disease, obstructive 471
injury 593
maintenance 224
management 525
maneuvers 525
pressure release ventilation 473
stenting 1803
Alcohol 233, 1087, 1555
abuse 195
Aldosteronoma 24
Alemtuzumab 1716
Alimentary tract 322
Alkaline reflux gastritis 821
Alkalosis, metabolic 82, 83
Allen's test 2069
Allergic anaphylaxis 228
Allison's technique 786
Allograft rejection
cellular pathways of 1705
chronic 1708, 1749
Allorecognition, pathways of 1705f
Alopecia 1714
Alveolar adenoma 2114
Amaurosis fugax 1401
Ambulatory venous pressure 1433
Amebic colitis 1154
treatment of 153
American Academy of Pediatrics 389
American Association for Surgery of Trauma 644, 671, 671t
American Association of Neurological Surgeons 622
American Board of Surgery 389
American College of Cardiology 490
American College of Chest Physicians 492
American College of Graduate Medical Education 389
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2054
American College of Physicians 303
American College of Rheumatology 1407
American College of Surgeons Oncology Group 1582
American Heart Association 490
American Joint Committee on Cancer 321, 1566, 1571t, 1856
American Society of Anesthesiologists 13, 14t, 369
American Thoracic Society 2115, 2118f
American Thyroid Association 1636, 1694
Amikacin 136
Aminoglycosides 26, 136, 154, 505
Aminomethane 84
Ammonia 887, 894
Amnotic fluid embolism 99
Amphotericin B 505
Ampicillin 136
Ampulla of Vater 244, 971, 982, 1841
Ampulla, carcinoma of 1001
Amputation 1473
management 558
traumatic 561f
Amyloid 1549
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 777
canal 1103
adenocarcinoma of 1135
tumors 1134
disease 1136
fissure 1121f, 1137
fistula 1063f, 1119, 1123, 1126, 1137
intraepithelial neoplasia 1131
margin tumors 1133
muscles 1104
neoplasia 1132, 1138
papilla, hypertrophic 1120
region, tumors of 1136
dysfunction, external 1106
external 1104, 1107f
internal 1104
warts 1131
Analgesia 733
multimodal 234
postoperative 230, 232t
spinal 233, 234
Anaphylaxis 228
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma 1639
Anemia 21, 119, 195, 199, 220, 222, 821, 876, 1017
aplastic 195
hemolytic 195, 1020
Anesthesia 217, 225, 2072
epidural 225
general 379
local 379
regional 225, 379
techniques 223
Aneurysm 285
intracranial 284
Aneurysmal disease 1353
treatment of 1362
Angina 25
unstable 2094
Angiodysplasia 1262f, 1263
Angiogenesis 50
Angiolipoma 1948, 1953
Angioliposarcoma 1948
Angiomas 2134
Angiomyolipoma 2056
Angio-osteohypertrophy 1454
Angiosarcoma 1948, 1952, 2115
Angiotensin converting enzyme 1315
inhibitors 25, 223
Aniridia 1849
Ankle brachial index 711, 714, 1384f, 1408
Ankylosing spondylitis 1197
Annular carcinoma, barium enema appearance of 1089f
Annuloaortic ectasia 1401
Anogenital warts, management of 152
Anomalous pancreatobiliary ductal
junction 976
Anopheles 341
Anorchia 2039
Anorectal mucosa, preservation of 1051
Anorexia 1176
Anoscopy 1260
Anovaginal fistula 1126
causes of 1126
Antacid 819
therapy 83
Anti-adhesion measures 1299
Antibiotics 123, 223, 735, 819
prophylaxis 243, 1026, 1819
therapy 135
desensitization 1717
induced platelet dysfunction 102
removal techniques 1717
therapy 1758
Anticardiolipin antibodies 103
Anticoagulants 220, 223
Anticoagulation, complications of 1438
Antidiabetic drugs 223
Antidiuretic hormone 68
Anti-Epstein-Barr virus gamma globulin therapy 1778
Antigenic high-molecular-weight glycoprotein 322
Anti-Helicobacter pylori regimens 820
Antinuclear cytoplasmic antibodies 1047
Antiphospholipid antibodies 104
Antiplatelet drugs 22, 120
Antithrombin 94
deficiency 103, 104
Antithymocyte globulin 1716
Antithyroid drugs 1636
Antrectomy 827
Anuria 1652
Anus, abdominoperineal
excision of 1135
Anxiety 868, 1652
Aorta 582, 1353, 1490, 2085
abdominal 765f, 1358, 1364, 1367, 1729f
ascending 1729f
atherosclerotic 303f
coarctation of 24, 2083, 2088f
ectatic 1213f
resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of 546, 546f
segments of 1519f
supraceliac 1521f
thoracic 1362, 1366
thoracoabdominal 1363
Aortic allograft 2107f
Aortic aneurysm 99, 195, 1320, 1514f
repair 1366, 1517f
Aortic arch 69, 772f, 852f, 1329f, 1353
Aortic bifurcation 1382
Aortic control, temporal 546
Aortic disruption 533
Aortic dissection 1328f, 1519, 1519f1521f
flap 1330f
Aortic exposure 1518f
Aortic inflow cannula 2076
Aortic injury 287, 533
Aortic insufficiency 2103
surgery 2108
Aortic lesion, abdominal 1401
Aortic obstruction 1797
Aortic regurgitation 1401
Aortic stenosis 2088f, 2103
surgery 2107
Aortic surgery 197, 201, 221
Aortic tear 288
Aortic trauma 287
Aortic valve 2101, 2102, 2107
disease 2102
replacement 2076, 2098, 2110
sparing procedures 2110
surgery 2110
Aortic wall elastin, depletion of 1320
Aortobifemoral bypass 1387f
Aortobiliac prosthetic graft 1516f
Aortocaval fistula 711f
Aortofemoral bypass grafting 1386
Aortoiliac endarterectomy 1386
Aortorenal endarterectomy 1417
Aphthous ulceration 1046f
Apocrine cylindromas 1951
Apoptosis 1813
Appendectomy 903, 1178
laparoscopic 1178
Appendicitis 295, 301, 301f, 393, 400, 401, 1176t, 1177, 1180, 1273, 1283, 1836
epithelial tumors of 1182
nonsurgical treatment of 1180
treatment of 1837
tumors of 1181
Appetite, loss of 1788
Aqueductal stenosis 1797
Arginine 450, 452
vasopressin receptor 427
Argon plasma coagulation 240, 242
Arrhythmias 24, 27, 175, 195, 1728, 2080
Arterial disease, nonatherosclerotic 1397
Arterial injuries, prevention of 41
Arterial trauma, types of 707f
Arteries 1313
intracranial 1326
peripheral 1326
Arteriosclerosis, renovascular 1416
Arteriosclerotic renal artery
disease 1416, 1417
stenosis 1417f
Arteriovenous fistula, complications of 1743t
Arteriovenous malformations, transcatheter embolization of 1470f
Arteritis 1349, 1549
femoral 1374, 1376f
splenic 1020, 1024, 1369, 1370
biopsy, temporal 1399
femoral 1742
injection, splenic 925f
radial 1742
Arthrography 308
Arthroplasty 134
Ascariasis 354
Ascaris lumbricoides 346, 354
Ascites 17, 99, 924, 934
pancreatic 988
Ascorbic acid 448
Aspartate transaminase 894
Aspergillus fumigatus 148
Aspiration 481
acute 142f
embolectomy 1496
technique of 1496f
pneumonia 141, 288
Asplenia 1015
Asthma 18, 83, 288, 868
Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis, management of 1345
Ataxia 1347, 1652
telangiectasia 1558
Atelectasis 19, 199, 480, 2127
Atheroembolism, causes of 1490f
Atherosclerosis 1318, 1318f, 1382t, 1397, 1408
immune nature of 1318
Atherosclerotic peripheral arterial occlusive disease 1381
Atlanto-occipital dislocation 623
Atlas fractures 624
Atresia 393, 1019, 2087
duodenal 394, 396, 396f, 1832
esophageal 395, 1787, 1829, 1830f
intestinal 394, 1205, 1818
tracheal 1797
tracheoesophageal 1829
Atrial fibrillation 25, 365, 1490
Atrial septal defect 2083, 2089, 2089f
Atrioventricular canal defect 2083, 2090
Atrophy, tubular 1709f
Atropine 171
Auditory dysfunction 1347
Auditory meatus, external 1897
Autoimmune sialadenitis 1879, 1884
Automated peritoneal dialysis 1744
Autonomic neurologic disorders 840
Autosomal dominant inheritance 1955
Axilla, management of 1582
Axillary artery 582, 721
Axillary freckles 1953
Axillary lymph node 1601f
dissection 1583
Axillary metastasis 1583t
Axillary subclavian vein thrombosis, acute 1440
Axillofemoral bypass grafting 1386, 1387f
Axis fractures 626
Azathioprine 1048, 1713
Aztreonam 136, 154
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin 2018
Back pain 307, 868
Bacterial colitis 1153
Bacterial endocarditis 199, 1438
subacute 1018
Bacterial infections 145, 350
Bacterial peritonitis, acute 136t
Bacterial sepsis 116
Bacteriuria 2053
Bacteroides fragilis 23, 125, 136 155, 1122
Balanitis xerotica obliterans 1997, 2028
Balloon angioplasty 1739f
percutaneous 1390
Balloon dilatation devices 239
Balloon tamponade 932, 1258
Band keratopathy 1652
Band ligation 1118
Bariatric surgery 880
Barotrauma 471
Barrett's epithelium 846
Barrett's esophagus 240, 241f, 242, 796798, 846, 885
Barrett's mucosa 797f
Basal cell
adenocarcinoma 1883
carcinoma 1133, 1948, 1949, 1956
papilloma 1948, 1951
Basaloid carcinoma 2115
scrotum 2050f
Baseline pulmonary function 478
Basiliximab 1716
Beck's triad of elevated venous pressure 763
Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome 1813, 1814f, 1849, 1860
Beetroot consumption 1988
Behcet's disease 1208, 1411
Bernard-Soulier syndrome 101, 102
antibiotics 102, 153f
ring 153f
Bevacizumab 2016
Bichloroacetic acid 152
Bicuspid atrioventricular mitral valve 2100f
Bier's block 225
Bile acids 816
Bile duct 246, 940, 1032f, 1839
carcinoma of 1002
exploration 244
extrahepatic 941f
fistula 670
injury 244, 957f
management of 956
stones 244
Bile leak 244
Bile reflux 830
Biliary adenoma 904
Biliary atresia 393, 893, 943, 1840
Biliary bypass 903
Biliary cannulation 246
Biliary cirrhosis 989, 1019, 1752
Biliary dilatation 298f
Biliary injury 1031
extrahepatic 665
Biliary leak 1758
Biliary obstruction 297, 958
Biliary pancreatitis 244, 950
Biliary reconstruction 1756
Biliary scintigraphy 973
Biliary stones 250
Biliary stricture 246
benign 244, 955
causes of 958
Biliary system, tumors of 903
Biliary tract 197, 964, 1839
congenital anomalies of 943
development of 939
Biliary tree
anatomy of 941
surgical anatomy of 939
Biliopancreatic diversion 875, 875f, 876t
Bilirubin 924, 1787, 1989
Biopsy 323, 900, 1062, 1536, 1657, 1896, 1970
pancreatic 975
rates, benign 1576
Biotin 448
Bipolar electrocautery 43
Birth asphyxia 339
Birth trauma 339
Bismuth classification 956
Bismuth subsalicylate 820
Bisphosphonates 1589
intravenous 1630
Black blood technique 1329
cancer 304, 2018, 2020f
drainage 1767
injury 174, 681, 2061
outflow obstruction 1748
rupture 304
antigen 1990
transurethral resection of 2020, 2021f
Blast injury 560f, 561
Blast lung 561f
Bleeding 245, 252, 834, 1438, 1768, 1788, 1795, 2126
adenomas, management of 1039
disorder 220
gastric ulcer, treatment of 1255f
peptic ulcer 1252
postoperative 878, 880, 2078
time 101
varices 1020
agar culture plate 143f
coagulation 87
flow 1337
aortic augmentation of 1314f
gas, arterial 733
glucose 980, 1003
loss 113, 119
anemia 195
pressure 418, 435, 1415, 2072, 2079
arterial 2078
systemic 1415
products 529
stream infection 144f, 199
substitutes 114
tests 464, 1272, 1454, 1492, 1990
transfusion 108
classes of 110
intraoperative 111f
multiple 23
types 108
urea nitrogen 367
concentration 479
vessels 103, 1313
pathogenesis of 1318
volume 21, 1787
Bloody purulent mucus 1045
Blue nevus 1948, 1951
Blue toe syndrome 1383, 1383f
abdominal injury 534
arterial injuries 708f
cardiac trauma 641
chest trauma 287
neck trauma 591
management of 592
signs and symptoms of 591
thoracic trauma 576f
trauma 413, 603, 707, 717, 761
traumatic aortic injuries 644
Blurred vision 1401
Boari flap 2059
Boari tubularization 683f
Bochdalek's hernia 398f, 1808
Body mass index 16, 381, 868, 1561, 1764, 1783
Boerhaave's syndrome 808, 809
Bone 322
biopsy, percutaneous 306, 307f
disease 842
fractures 1400
malignant tumors of 1967
mineral density 1653, 1682
morphogenic proteins 54
pain 842, 1652
tumors 1970
malignant 1967, 1971
Bony fracture, palpable 531
Botulinum toxin injection 804
Bovine arch 1335
dilatation 675
disease, inflammatory 195, 215, 391, 393, 402, 1070, 1105, 1412, 1788, 1844
interstitial herniation of 1241f
ischemia 302
obstruction 1273, 1795
perforation 295
preparation issues 252
preservation 1061
sounds, absence of 438
sphincters, artificial 1112
wall edema 504
Bowen's disease 1133, 1139, 1947, 1948, 1954, 2028
Bowenoid papulosis 1133
Boyd's amputation 1478
Brachial artery 582, 1742
Brachial blood pressure 1401
Brachial embolectomy 1498
Brachial plexus 2122f
Brachiobasilic fistula 1742
Brachiocephalic fistula 1742, 1743f
Bradyarrhythmias 175
Bradykinin, production of 116
injury, traumatic 560f, 603
tissue oxygen monitoring 612
tumors 284
Brainstem death 1725t
Branchial cleft cysts 1897
Breast 291, 322, 1273, 1558, 1589, 1652
abscess 145
anatomy of 1533
biopsies 134, 1561
bilateral 1561
classification of 1565
development 1555t
genes 1556, 1559
inflammatory 1544f, 1597, 1597f, 1598f
metastasis, membranes of 322
metastatic 1598, 1981f
mortality 1588f
screening 292, 294t, 1571
staging of 1565, 1569
ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of 293f
conserving surgery 1579, 1580
density 1561
disease 1533, 1535, 1629
benign 1533, 1541f, 1554
feeding 1561
hematoma 1548
infection 1543, 1546
lesion, biopsy of 292
lumps, benign 1539
malignancy 1541f
masses 1801
pain 1538
radiotherapy 1585
reconstruction 134, 1610, 1616
timing of 1610
reduction 1941
screening 1573
self-examination 1571
superior portion of 1601f
surgery 221
Breath, shortness of 287, 288
Brit-Hogg-Dube syndrome 2011
British Association of Dermatologists 1956
British Pharmacopoeia System 41
Bronchiectasis 1804
Bronchoalveolar burn 738
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma 2115
acute 18
chronic 18
Bronchoalveolar lavage methods 140
Bronchoscopy 849
Brown tumor 1652f
Brown-Séquard syndrome 621
Brucellosis 1459, 2044
Brugia malayi 354, 1452
Brugia timori 354, 1452
Brush border 1189f
Budd-Chiari syndrome 893, 935, 936, 1019, 1752
causes of 935t
management of 936
Buerger's disease 1406, 1407, 1408t, 1409f, 1434
Bulbar palsy 777
Bulging leiomyoma 865f
Bundle of His 2101
Buprenorphine 232
Burkitt's lymphoma 347
Burns 99, 134, 729
cause 730
chemical 737
injuries 730
types of 735
wound, closure of 739
Burst fracture 630, 628
unstable 699, 702f
Buschke-Löwenstein tumor 1131, 2028
Bypass graft occlusion 1490
C reactive protein 757
Café au lait spots 1953
Calcineurin inhibitor 1713, 1714
nephrotoxicity 1748, 1749
Calcinosis 1403
Calcium 74, 90
antagonists 2003
channel blockers 25
metabolism 1787
dihydrate 1990
monohydrate 1990
sensing receptors 1650
soleal veins of 1435
vein thrombosis 1437
Calot's triangle 952, 1031, 1032
Campylobacter jejuni infection 1207
Cancer 195, 215, 307, 329, 332, 347, 516, 859, 1020, 1056, 1291
cells 314, 315, 1565
colonic 1092
detection rates 1576
endometrial 304, 868
esophageal 240, 385, 845, 847, 847f, 848f, 858f, 868
gastric 830
hematopoietic 195
invasion 320
management, principles of 321
molecular basis of 312
operation, abdominal 23
pancreatic 249, 995f, 1273
pulmonary 339
retromolar 1915f
scrotal 2050
six hallmarks of 315f
staging, esophageal 847
testicular 2032, 2034f, 2045
tubular 1568
types of 857, 858, 859
urologic 2011
Cancrum oris 348
Candida albicans 147, 1132, 1168, 1719, 1990
infections 147, 199
Cantlie's line 941
Capillary nevi 1454
Capsular tears 1020
Carbapenems 154
Carbohydrate 1190
antigen 994, 1090
Carbon dioxide 170, 420
excretion of 458
insufflation 172
laser ablation 1131
pneumoperitoneum 170t
Carbon monoxide 738, 2141
Carboxypeptidase 1190
Carcinoembryonic antigen 322, 324, 326, 994, 1090, 1639, 1687, 1858
Carcinoid 322, 1136, 1217
atypical 2115
tumors 1098, 1098f, 1216, 1217, 2115
intestinal 1217
Carcinoma 843, 993, 1020, 1135, 1883
adenosquamous 2115
hepatocellular 868, 905
in situ 850, 1569
invasive 1572
metastatic 1883, 1889
mucinous 2115
mucoepidermoid 1881, 1882f, 2115
penis 2028, 2030f
Carcinosarcoma 2115
Cardiac dysfunction, pathogenesis of 488
Cardiac output syndrome 2079
Cardiac surgery
complications of 2078
principles of 2069
Cardioplegia 2074, 2076
delivery system 2073f
bypass 102, 2069, 2073, 2076t, 2085
resuscitation 638, 737
Cardiorenal syndrome 505
classification of 506
Cardiothoracic surgery 349
Cardiovascular disease 220, 365
Cardiovascular system 426f
Carney's complex 1670
Caroli's disease 944f
Carotenoids 450
Carotid arteriogram 1339f
Carotid artery 582, 590, 1325, 1335, 1893
aneurysms, extracranial 1349
angioplasty 1345
atherosclerotic disease of 1339
atherosclerotic plaque 1338f
disease 1343
duplex imaging 1339f
endarterectomy 1340
complications of 1342
external 590
injuries, management of 597
internal 590, 1335
occlusion, internal 1338f
operation 1336f
stenosis 1340, 1344
symptoms 1343
Carotid body tumors 1349, 1901
Carotid bruit 285, 287
Carotid endarterectomy 201, 203f, 221, 1338f, 1340, 1341f, 1527, 1643
Carotid pseudoaneurysm 1527
management of 1527
Carotid sinus 69
Carotodynia 1401
Carpentier's functional classification 2105f
Carpentier's ring 2109f
Carrel patch 1376
Carrier protein liver cell 322
Cataract surgery 221
Catastrophic injury 558
Catecholamine production, pathway of 1667
angiography 1493
collection 1987
directed thrombolysis 1437, 1494, 1525, 1526
technique of 1999
types of 1999
Cattell maneuver 543f
Cattell-Braasch maneuver 668, 668f
Caustic injuries 796t
Cavernous hemangioma 1465f
C-cell hyperplasia 1687
Cefotetan 136
Ceftaroline 133
Celiac artery 1354, 1503
aneurysms 1373
Celiac disease 1209, 1218
chemotaxis of 49
damage 738
injury 737
Cellular rejection, acute 1759f
Cellulitis 130
Central compartment
dissection of 1694f
lymph node dissection 1644
Central cord syndrome 620
Central nervous system 26, 82, 99, 231, 285, 364, 417
Central omphalocele 1816
Central perforation 671
Central sensitization 229
Central venous
access 262, 266, 407, 407f
cannulation 268f
catheters 28, 391
complications of 273
percutaneous 1742
pressure 170, 418, 430, 434
Centrilobular congestion 936
Cephalic vein 1742, 1743f
Cephalosporins 154, 505
Cerebral artery 1336
anterior 1336
posterior 1336
Cerebral blood
flow 605, 1110, 1337
volume 611
Cerebral contusion 605, 606
Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome 1342
Cerebral ischemia 1342
Cerebral perfusion pressure 575, 605
augmentation 612
Cerebrospinal fluid 225, 283, 607, 610
fistulas 612
Cerebrovascular accidents 199, 777
Cerebrovascular disease 195, 371, 1335, 1481
Cerebrovascular pathologies 1348
Cervical cancer 304
Cervical carotid artery anatomy 1336f
Cervical discectomy 1643
Cervical disease 1851
Cervical facet dislocation 629f
Cervical fascia 590
Cervical incision 1886f
Cervical lymph node 1894
compartments 1645f
Cervical spine 617
injury 532, 558, 622
severity score 630
radiography 621
trauma 307
Cervical thymectomy 1683
Chagas' disease 118, 349, 1155
Charles' operation 1454f
Charlson comorbidity index 370, 371, 371t
Chediak-Higashi syndrome 102
Chemodectoma 2114
Chemoembolization 909
Chemoradiotherapy 862
Chemotherapy 57, 330, 505, 862, 909, 1587, 1963
plus transplant 909
regional 915
Chest 203f, 286, 553
empyema of 145
pain 287, 288
acute 287
chronic 287
percutaneous needle biopsy of 290
trauma 540
tube placement 2127f
wall anomalies 1799
wall deformity 635
wall pain 1539
Chickenpox 149, 1719
Childhood ovarian germ cell tumors 1859t
Child-Pugh classification 924t
Child-Turcotte-Pugh classification 179
Chlamydia trachomatis 1141
Chlamydial proctitis 1140
Chlorhexidine gluconate 39
Choke vessels 1944
Cholangiocarcinoma 244, 962964, 1754
intrahepatic 915f
Cholangioendoscopy 965
Cholangiography 899
Cholangiopancreatography 947
Cholangitis 245, 1759
acute 950, 961
sclerosing 244, 961, 989, 1057, 1752
Cholecystectomy 952, 953, 965, 986f
laparoscopic 952, 953, 953f, 1031
retrograde 952
Cholecystenteric fistula 946
Cholecystitis 245, 296, 386, 393
acute 295, 947, 947f, 952, 953, 1269, 1273
chronic 295, 949, 952
complications of 950
Cholecystokinin 972
Cholecystostomy 297
percutaneous 297f
tube, percutaneous 949f
Choledochal cyst 393, 943, 944f, 1840, 1841
congenital 964
Choledocholithiasis 246, 893, 949
Cholelithiasis 393, 868, 945, 954, 1268
Cholesterol cleft 1383f
Chondroma 2115
Chondrosarcoma 1974, 1975f
Chopart amputation 1477
Chordae tendineae 2100f, 2101
Chordoma 1977
Choriocarcinoma 2032
Churg-Strauss syndrome 14041406,
Chvostek's sign 75, 76
Chyle leakage 1905
Chylothorax 858, 1459
Chylous reflux 1459
Cimetidine 819
Ciprofloxacin 136, 1273
Circle of Willis 595
Circuit, types of 736
Circulation 416, 528
Circumflex coronary artery 2101f
Cirrhosis 15, 179, 506, 895, 896, 918, 951, 1550
alcoholic 1019
hepatic 195
posthepatic 1019, 1752
Cirrhotic liver, nodular appearance of 896f
Clara cell adenoma 2114
Clarithromycin 819
Claudication 1384
Clear cell
adenocarcinoma 2115
carcinoma 2115
sarcoma 1980
Clindamycin 133, 136, 155
Clonorchis sinensis 346, 964
Cloquet's lymph node 2030
Clostridium difficile 36, 199, 1153
infection 144, 199
Clostridium perfringens 131, 951, 2049
Clostridium septicum 131
Clostridium sordellii 131
Clostridium tetani 350
Clot formation 90, 97
cascade model of 88, 89f, 89t, 91
disorders, management of 22
model of 91, 92f
tests 20
Cobblestone appearance 1193f
Cocaine 99
Coexisting medical disease, management of 219
Cogan's syndrome 1413
abscess 1459
injury 747, 751
nonfreezing 752
peripheral 752f
ischemia time 1734
machine perfusion 1734
Colectomy 1060
abdominal 1078
segmental 1061
types of 1093f
Colitis 1044, 1046f
chronic 1045, 1047f
cystica profunda 1116
ischemic 295
Collagen 96
metabolism 52
promotes platelet aggregation 88
synthesis 50, 52t
vascular disease 195
Collar graft patency 1739f
Colloid nodules 1900
Colocutaneous fistulas 1146
Coloenteric fistulas 1146
and rectal tumors, TNM classification of 1088t
cancer 295, 315
types of 1093
injury 676
obstruction 295
resection 203, 206f
surgery 23
Colonic distension, acute 300
Colonic diverticulosis, anatomy of 1144f
Colonoscopy 255t, 295, 1072, 1200, 1260
complications of 252
procedures 237, 251
Colorectal cancer 302, 384, 868, 913, 1085, 1087, 1088t, 1089f, 1097
management of 1090
metastatic 1160f
Colorectal conditions, inflammatory 1041
Colorectal infections 1153
Colorectal liver metastases 913f, 1159
Colorectal lymphoma 1098
Colorectal polyps 1069, 1074
Colorectal resection 201
Colorectal stromal tumors 1098
Colorectum 322
Coma 1652
Combat injuries 559
Compartment syndrome 558, 1425
abdominal 504, 505f, 551, 551t, 1333, 1334
Complex fistulas, management of 1065
Complex pilonidal disease 1130
Compression 630
abnormalities 1799
fractures 628
Congenital anomalies, multiple 1787
Congenital heart defects, types of 2083t
Congenital nevi 1951
Congestive heart failure 17f, 27, 195, 199, 287, 288, 371, 1469, 2086
Conjoined twins, classification of 1825t, 1826f
Conn's syndrome 1667, 1678
Connective tissue disease 371
Constipation 1652
Constrictive pericarditis 287
Continent ileostomy 1050f
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis 1744
Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration 510, 511f, 512
Continuous positive airway pressure 472, 477
Continuous venovenous
hemodialysis 510
hemofiltration 510, 512
Contusion, pulmonary 482, 636
Conventional coronary artery bypass grafting 2096
Cooper's ligament 1822
Copper 167, 448
Cord injury 630
Cord syndrome
anterior 620
posterior 621
Core biopsy 1535
Coronary artery bypass 197, 2096
grafting 201, 203, 364f, 496, 2069, 2076, 2096
Coronary artery disease 24, 288, 412f
complications of 2098
extent of 2095
Coronary artery
lesion 1401
stenosis 2094
surgery study 2099
Coronary ischemia 287, 288
Coronary revascularization 2097
Coronary sinus 2089
Coronary vein 1256f
Corrigan's pulse 2104
Corticosteroids 1060, 1713, 1715, 1758, 2004
therapy 57, 1047
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 1665
Corynebacterium acne 39
Cosmetic sequelae 1469
Cough 288, 2145f
Courvoisier's law 950
Cowden syndrome 1557
Coxsackie A and B 1879
Cranial nerve
dysfunction 1347
palsy 1347
Cranial neuropathy 285
Craniocaudal mammogram 1572f
Craniocervical junction 622
Craniotomy 197
Crawford classification 1358f
C-reactive protein 446, 1243, 1273, 1398, 1399, 1410
Creatine kinase brain isoenzyme 322
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 118
Crohn's abscesses 1123
Crohn's colitis 1059, 1059f, 1060
Crohn's fistulas 1127
Crohn's ileitis 1178
Crohn's sepsis 1128
Crow's foot 814
Cryotherapy 152, 907
Crypt abscess granuloma 1044f
Cullen's sign 978, 1272
Curling's ulcers 831
Cushing's disease 24, 1670
Cushing's syndrome 285, 16691671, 1674, 1678
Cushing's ulcers 26, 831
Cutaneous filariasis 353
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 353f
Cutaneous lymphangioma 1459
Cyanide 738
Cyanocobalamin 448
Cyanosis 176
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 432
Cyclic edema, idiopathic 1453
Cyclical breast pain 1539
Cyclosporine 505, 1048, 1713
Cylindroma 1948
Cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous 2115
Cystectomy, radical 2023f
Cystic adenomatoid
congenital 1805, 1809f
of lung 1797
Cystic airway malformation, congenital 397
Cystic artery 943f
Cystic dilatation 1001f
Cystic duct 942f
leakage of 956
Cystic fibrosis 83, 1788, 1803, 1831
Cystic hygroma 1459, 1807
Cystic neoplasm 249
mucinous 999, 1000f
Cystic pulmonary airway malformations 394
Cystine 1990
Cystitis 304, 2053
Cystogastrostomy 1008
Cystometrography 1995
Cystoprostatectomy, radical 2022f
bronchogenic 1807
congenital 2134
epididymal 2045
hemorrhagic 1900
mesenteric 1460
omphalomesenteric 1815
palpable 1539
parapelvic 2002
pericardial 2134
splenic 1023
squamous epithelium of 1024f
thymic 1807, 2134
wall 153f
Cytokine 54
Cytomegalovirus 104, 118, 149, 150, 1018, 1718
disease 1777
infection 118, 1138
Cytoreduction surgery 1170
Cytotoxic T cells 1706
Dancing eye syndrome 1852
Daptomycin 133
Daughter cysts 901f
De Quervain's thyroiditis 1637
DeBakey classification system 1520f
Debris, embolization of 1342
Decompression 927, 928, 932
gastric 175
Decubitus ulcer 199
prevention of 41
Deep central liver injuries 551
Deep cervical fascia 591f
Deep inferior epigastric artery
perforator flap 1618
Deep neck
anatomy 547f
infections 1898
Deep partial thickness 732, 739, 740, 741f
Deep vein 1430
thrombosis 23t, 1410, 1435, 1437, 1483
Dehydration 252
Dehydroepiandrosterone 1666
Dehydrogenase 322
Delorme's procedure 1115
Dementia 371, 1652
diseases 339
Dense body granules 90
Dense fibrin matrix 128f
Denys-Drash and Wilms' tumor 1849
Deoxyribonuclease 287
Deoxyribonucleic acid 1681, 1852
Depression 195, 372, 868, 1652
Dermatitis, peristomal 1055
Dermatofibroma 1948, 1950
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 1948
Dermis 1948
Dermoid cyst 1948, 1950
Desmoid tumors 1079, 1825
Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia 1998
Diabetes 14, 195, 412f, 1408, 1714, 1741
insipidus 1727, 1988
mellitus 57, 195, 220, 222, 339, 840, 868, 1381, 1382, 1400, 1476f, 1481, 1727, 1763
Diabetic crisis 1273
Diabetic foot ulcers 63
Diabetic ketoacidosis 73
Diabetic mastopathy 1548
Dialysis 1741, 1742
access, temporal 265
catheter, temporal 266f
Diaphragm dysfunction 463
Diaphragmatic hernia 398f, 1797, 1808
congenital 390, 393, 396, 1805, 1808, 1809f
Diaphragmatic injuries 645, 647f
Diaphragmatic liver herniation, traumatic 585
Diarrhea 839
postvagotomy 821
Diarrheal disease 339
Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid 1991
Digastric muscle 1893
DiGeorge syndrome 2084
Digestion 1189
Digestive enzymes, secretion of 1190
Dihydroxytestosterone 2028
Diplopia 1347
Dipyridamole 102
Disability adjusted life years 338
Discoligamentous complex 630
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 98100, 980, 1727, 1838
Disseminated prostatic carcinoma 99
Distant metastasis 2013, 2026, 2029, 2034
Distension, chronic 300
duodenal 244, 245, 1209, 1210
esophageal 807
Diverticular inflammation 1210
Diverticulectomy 801f
Diverticulitis 301, 1147, 1148, 1150
acute 295, 1144, 1282
chronic 1146
colonic 516
complications of 1144
operative treatment of 1148f
Diverticulum, rupture of 252
Dizziness 1347
Dobutamine 2079
Docosahexaenoic acid 450
Dohlman's endoscopic technique 800
Donor portal vein 1776f
Donor renal artery 1746f
Dopamine 2079
Double barrel colostomy 1147
Double bubble sign 975
Double J stenting 2005
Double stapled technique 1096f
Double-stranded antinuclear antibody 1410
Down syndrome 1813
Doxycycline 133
Dracunculus medinensis 352
Drainage 661
lymphatic 774, 1534
Drill intraosseous device 261f
Dual isotope subtraction scan 1654f
Dubois formula 734
ectasia 1540
hepatic 1032f
omphalomesenteric 1814, 1815f
pancreatic 823f, 971, 987f
papillomas 1547
stones, pancreatic 244
stricture, pancreatic 244
Ductal adenocarcinoma, pancreatic 299
Ductal carcinoma in situ 1540, 1569, 1572f, 1589
classification of 1569t
treatment of 1584
Ductal hyperplasia, atypical 1561
Ductal injury 672
direct visualization of 671
signs of 671
Ductal stones, palpable 953
Ducts of Luschka 942
Ductus deferens 1226
Duodenal injury, healing of 669
Duodenal stump, treatment of 823f
Duodenal ulcer
operative management of 821
posterior 823f
recurrent 829
Duodenoduodenostomy 976
Duodenotomy 1686
Duodenum 814, 814f, 1186
carcinoma of 1002
closure of 823f
diverticulum 245
large postbulbar ulcer of 818f
part of 248, 970f
Dysfibrinogenemia 103, 1436
Dyslipidemia 1382
Dysmenorrhea 1039
Dysmotility, esophageal 1403
Dysphagia 783, 792, 798, 862, 988
cricopharyngeal 777
high grade 240, 885
lusoria 1335
Dysplastic disorders 102
Dysplastic nevus 1948, 1951
Dyspnea 288, 1401
Eccrine porocarcinoma 1948
Eccrine syringoma 1951
Echinococcal infection 153
Echinococcal, cysts 353
Echinococcus granulosus 901
infection 153
Echinococcus multilocularis 901
Echogenic bile sludge 951
lymphatic 2050
pulmonary 1728
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 1320, 1365
Eicosapentaenoic acid 450
Eikenella corrodens 61
Electrical burns, types of 736
Electrical injury 735
Electrocardiogram 73, 418, 524
Electromyography 1105, 1995
Embolectomy 1496
femoral 1497f
Embryonal carcinoma 2032
Emphysema 18
Emphysematous cholecystitis 951
Empyema 99, 351, 950, 1804
tube 2132
Encephalomalacia 1342
Encephalopathy 199, 924, 1259
Endoanal stapled pouch 1052f
Endobronchial ultrasound fine-needle aspiration 2119
Endocarditis 287
Endocrine neoplasia
multiple syndrome 830, 1003, 1035, 1681, 1682t, 1686, 1686f
Endocrine pancreatoduodenal tumors 1681, 1683
Endocrine therapy 1589
Endocrine tumors, nonfunctioning 1007
Endoleaks, classification of 1369t
Endometriosis 2002
Endopeptidases 1190
Endoscopic gastrostomy, percutaneous 240, 242
Endoscopic hemostasis, complications of 824
Endoscopic jejunostomy, percutaneous 242
Endoscopic necrosectomy, technique of 984f
Endoscopy 295, 777, 783, 803, 817, 925, 1045, 1059, 1251, 1276, 1788
esophageal 599
principle of 237
Endothelial cell 94, 149, 1315, 1318f
products 1315
Endothelial dysfunction 1319
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 1316
Endothelial thrombomodulin 93
Endotracheal intubation 526
Endotracheal tubes 2126f
Endovascular aneurysm repair 1360, 1515, 1518
End-stage liver disease 19, 179, 1752
End-stage renal disease 1741, 1749, 1764
Entamoeba histolytica 152, 903, 1154
infection 152
Enteral nutrition 380, 390
Enterobius vermicularis infestation 1132
Enteroclysis 1191f
Enterocolitis 134, 1150
necrotizing 389, 393, 1205, 1773, 1837, 1838
Enteroscopy procedures 237
Enterostomy tubes 299
cyclooxygenase 233
linked immunosorbent assay 102, 1155
role of 1321
Eosinophilic granulomatosis 1404
Epidermal cyst 1948
Epidermis 1948
Epidermolysis bullosa 1949, 1956
Epididymitis, chronic 2045
Epididymo-orchitis, acute 2044
Epidural hematoma 605, 606f
Epigastric artery flap, superficial inferior 1618
Epigastric hernia 1232, 1813
Epigastric omphalocele 1816
Epiglottitis 285
Epinephrine 90, 96, 432, 2079
Epithelial cells 1043f, 1189f
Epithelial hyperplasia 1541
Epithelial mesenchymal transition 320
Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma 2115
Epithelial tumors, malignant 2115
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma 2115
Epithelioid sarcoma 1980
Epithelium, adenomatous 1072f
Epstein-Barr virus 149, 1718
infection 118, 1778
Erysipelas 130
Erythema nodosum 1412
Erythrocyanosis frigida 1453
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 1398, 1401, 1410, 1972
Erythromycin 155, 841
Erythroplasia of Queyrat 2028
Escherichia coli 23, 125, 948, 1122, 1166, 2049, 2053
colitis 1153
Esmarch's bandage 1438
Esophageal spasm 806
Esophagectomy 859t
Esophagitis 195, 879
endoscopic classification of 783t
Esophagogastric varices, management of 927
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 1187f
Esophagogastrostomy 795
technique of 805f
transthoracic 805f
Esophagus 248, 771, 988, 1829
adenocarcinoma of 845, 846
benign diseases of 771
corkscrew appearance of 806f
leiomyoma of 864, 865f
lymphatic drainage of 773f
muscular layers of 773f
squamous cell carcinoma of 846
Estrogen medication 1436
Ethanol 816, 905
ablation, percutaneous 909
injection 907, 909
European Association for Endoscopic Surgery 956
European Association of Urology 2016
European Hernia Society Classification 1228
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 1584
European Respiratory Society 2115
Eversion carotid endarterectomy 1341f
completion of 1341f
Eversion extraction transhiatal esophagectomy 854f
Ewing's sarcoma 1968, 1972, 1976, 1976f
Ex utero intrapartum procedure 1797
Excision biopsy 1911, 1951
Exomphalos 394, 1815
Exopeptidases 1190
Exophytic mass 2016f
Extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas 1666f
Extracavitary minimal invasive surgery 171
Extracellular fluid 67, 68
Extracellular matrix 1314
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 102, 390, 476, 1734, 1809
Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy 2005
Extragonadal tumors 1857
Extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis, management of 933
Extraluminal gas 675
Extrasphincteric fistulas 1124
Extravesical ureteroneocystotomy 1747
Extremity 37, 553
amputation, principles of 566
arterial aneurysms 1373
arterial trauma, signs of 711t
compartment syndrome 719
Eyeball test 411
Facial artery 1874
Facial fracture 285, 531
Facial nerve 1875f, 1885f, 1886f, 1888f
Facial palsy 1875f
Factitial disease 1550
False aneurysm 706, 710, 718, 1355
formation 1392
Familial breast cancer, management of 1560
Fascia, perirenal 1187
Fasciitis, necrotizing 130
Fasciotomy 720f, 1426f
Fast-flow vascular malformations 1952
emulsification 1190
necrosis 1548
tumors of 1953
Fatal pulmonary embolism,
prevention of 1483
Fatigue 1652
Fecal diversion, temporal 1127
Fecal incontinence 1106
causes of 1106t
Feculent odor 175
Feeding tube placement 242
Felty's syndrome 1017, 1018, 1020
Femoral artery 582, 1355, 1388f, 1491
superficial 582, 582f, 1355
Femorocaval prosthetic graft 1445
Femorofemoral prosthetic crossover graft 1445
Femorosaphenous transposed loop 1742
Ferguson-Smith syndrome 1949, 1955
Fever 288, 1401, 1788
Fibrin 49
Fibrinogen 89
degradation products 1990
Fibrinolytic system 93, 94
Fibroadenoma 1537, 1538
growth factor 54, 2024
like spindle cells 1978
Fibroepithelial polyp 2001
Fibroma 2114, 2134
Fibromatosis 1548
Fibromuscular dysplasia 1347, 1348
Fibromuscular stroma, anterior 2024f
Fibronectin 49, 88
Fibroplasia 50
medial 1418
Fibrosarcoma 1967, 1977, 1978
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal 1171
Fibrous histiocytoma 1948
malignant 1967, 1977, 1978, 1979f
Fibroxanthoma, atypical 1948
Fibula osteocutaneous flap, dissection of 1922
Fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap 1920
Filariasis 353, 354f, 1452, 2050
Fine needle aspiration 848, 1535, 1536, 1867, 1876, 1896
Finney pyloroplasty 827f
Fistula 669, 1201
anatomy of 1203
anorectal 1135
arteriovenous 706, 710, 719, 1464, 1467, 1737, 1742, 2066
bronchopleural 2129, 2145, 2145f
colovaginal 1146
colovesical 1146
diverticular 1146
enterocutaneous 215, 1203f, 1204f
horseshoe 1123
intestinal 1203
pancreatic 673f, 674
radiocephalic 1742
tracheoesophageal 393, 863, 1830
Fistulotomy 1064
Fitness, assessment of 850
Fitzpatrick classification 1954t
Flail chest 635
Flank pain, acute onset 304
Flexible endoscopy 344
Flexible retractor 167f
Flexion distraction injury 699, 700f
Floppy fundoplication 787
Florid fat necrosis 979f
drainage, percutaneous 302
hernia 1821
management 1776
requirements 1816
resuscitation 430, 575, 733, 1819
Fluoride 448
Fluoroquinolones 156
Fluoroscopy 282
Focal ischemia 613
Focal nodular hyperplasia 904
Focal sclerosing cholangitis 244
Fogarty embolectomy catheter 1497
Foley catheter 517, 639f, 2055
Folic acid 448
Follicular neoplasm 1640
Follicular thyroid cancer 1639
Foramen of Winslow 1166
Forssmann's technique 258
Fournier's gangrene 348, 2048, 2049f, 2050
Fractional inspired oxygen 477, 2086
Fractures 134, 533
multiple 482
Frailty assessment 411
Frailty index 15
Frank-Starling curve 433f, 434, 488
Free abdominal flap 1617
breast reconstruction 1617f
Free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap 1618
Fresh frozen plasma 22, 100, 114, 563f
Frusemide 505
Fulminant colitis, acute 1045
Functional bowel disorders 1269
Fundoplication, complications of 788
infections 147
wound management 558
Gallbladder 296, 939, 942f
and biliary tract, tumors of 961
carcinoma 244, 9962
chronic acalculous disorders of 954
congenital anomalies of 940
developmental anomalies of 940f
disease, complications of 951
distention 951
evacuation of 949f
microscopic anatomy of 941
polyps 954
stones 947
Gallstone 821, 951, 1839
classification of 944
composition 944
disease 244, 386
acute 1280
complications of 952
formation 945
ileus 950, 1292, 1292f, 1299
incidence of 944
pathophysiology of 944
Ganciclovir 151
cells 1843f
tumors, sympathetic 2135
Ganglioneuroblastomas 2135
Ganglioneuroma 2134, 2135
Gardners' syndrome 1952
Gastrectomy 1020
Gastric atony 821, 839
Gastric banding 875, 879
Gastric outlet obstruction 821, 822, 822f, 830
Gastrinoma 1004, 1005f, 1216, 1682
Gastritis, chronic 833
arterial complex 825f
artery 825f, 941f, 1766f
mucosal integrity 816
tumors 1079
disease 868
junction 809, 850
reflux 242, 295, 776, 780, 784t, 1831
varices, development of 1256f
Gastrografin enema 517
Gastrografin swallow 295
bleeding 1249, 1263, 1369, 1400
contrast extravasation 675
decompression 1819
endoscopy procedures 242t
fistula 215
function 1816
hemorrhage 302, 1249, 1438
loss 83
polyps 1845
stromal tumor 249, 847, 1216, 1216f
system 294, 366
tract 70, 560f, 796, 972, 1166
operations 364f
tuberculosis 351
Gastrojejunal ulcers 879
Gastrojejunostomy stricture 878
Gastroschisis 393, 395, 1773, 1816, 1818, 1818f
bowel 1818f
defect, treatment of 1819f
Gastrostomies 835, 836
endoscopic 238
percutaneous 30f, 299, 836
Gaucher's disease 1017
Genital herpes 149
Genital human papilloma virus 1955
Genital lymphedema 1458, 1458f
Genitalia, lymphedema of 354f, 1458
Genitourinary anomalies 1849
Genitourinary tract 303
tuberculosis of 2045f
Gentamicin 136
Geriatric Depression Assessment Scale 372, 373t
Geriatric surgery 363
principles of 369
Geriatric trauma 382
Germ cell
neoplasia, intratubular 2033
origin 322
tumors 1808, 1857, 2032, 2134, 2136
extracranial 1857
nonseminomatous 2035
stage-wise treatment of 2035t
testicular 1859
types of 2032
Gerota's fascia 1187, 2013
Giacomini, vein of 1430
arteritis 1397, 1398
carcinoma 2115
vasculitis 1397
condyloma acuminata 2028
congenital nevus 1948
fibroadenoma 1538f
omphalocele 1818f
management of 1818f
Giardia lamblia 964
Gigli saw 641
Gilbert's disease 893
Gingival hyperplasia 1714, 1715f
Gland, complete transection of 671
Glansectomy 2030
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia 102
Glasgow Coma Scale 403, 416, 416t, 417, 524, 524t, 570, 607, 607t
Glioma 1558
Glomerular filtration rate 367, 499, 1741, 1991
Glomerulonephritis 1741
Glomus tumor 1948, 1952, 2114
Glomus vagale 1901
Glucagon 972
Glucagonoma 1006
Glucose 422, 1787, 1989
management 27
Glutamine 450
Gluteal hernia 1234
Glycemia 422
Glycogen storage disease 1752
Glycolytic isoenzyme 322
Glycopeptides 155
Glycoprotein 322
Glycosaminoglycans 53
multinodular 1635
toxic 1636
Goldenhar's syndrome 2084
Gonadal tumors 1857, 1858
Gonococcal proctitis 1141
Gonorrhea 1997
Goodsall's rule 1124
Gorlin's syndrome 1949, 1955
Gout 195
Gracilis muscle mobilization 1112f
dysfunction 1748
failure, chronic 1749t
function 1749
infection 1392
thrombosis 1391, 1776, 1781
versus host disease 1777
Granular cell
myoblastoma 2114
tumors 1548
Granular chromatin 1098f
Granule, types of 90
Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor 53, 54, 1410
Granuloma, pyogenic 1948, 1952
Granulomatous lobular mastitis 1547, 1547f
Graves' disease 1636, 1641
Gray platelet syndrome 102
Great saphenous
artery 1388f
Grey Turner's sign 978, 1272
Griffith's point 1150
Gunshot wounds 603
Gynecologic cancers 2062
Gynecomastia 1549, 1550
causes of 1550t
Haemo philus influenzae 140, 759, 1017
Hairy cell 1017
leukemia 1020
Halo nevus 1951
Hamartoma 1214, 1549, 2113, 2114
Hamartomatous polyposis
syndromes 1086
Hand-assisted laparoscopy 173
Hansen's disease 350
Harmonic scalpel shears 167f
Hartmann's operation 1093, 1095, 1095f, 1145, 1147, 1171f, 1306
Hartmann's solution 79
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 1637
Haversian canals 260f
Head and neck 284, 322
cancer 284
surgery 221
Head injury 570
Head trauma 285
Healing colitis 1046f
databases 191
information systems 190
Heart 1490
congenital 2083, 2086, 2086f
congenital 1827, 2083
hypertensive 339
ischemic 25, 339, 2069, 2093
failure 1436, 1743
isolated excision of 1730f
lung excision 1729f
rate 170
sense, atria of 69
valve 2100f
disease 102
disorders 2102
operations 2106
loss 1787
stable acid phosphatase 322
Heatstroke 99
Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty 826f
Helicobacter pylori 295, 312, 816, 817, 818, 819, 833, 1076, 1167, 1249
infection 346, 816, 820, 830, 1186
Helix formation 52
Hemangioendothelioma 1952, 1977
Hemangioma 99, 899, 903, 904, 1948, 2114
congenital 1464
infantile 1464, 1466, 1466f, 1952
massive 1020
Hematemesis 295, 1250
Hematochezia 1250
Hematoma 298, 656, 671, 679, 1905
intracerebral 605, 606
subdural 604, 605, 605f
Hematopoiesis, diseases of 20
Hematuria 304, 1988, 2055, 2062
Hemianopia 1347
Hemiplegia 371
Hemochromatosis 1019
Hemodialysis 510, 511, 1737
Hemofiltration 510, 512
Hemoglobin 21
Hemoglobinuria 503, 1988
Hemopericardium 639f
Hemoptysis 288
Hemorrhage 70, 87, 240, 298, 435t, 504, 532, 654, 661, 676, 706, 823, 824, 998, 1055, 1144, 1469, 1743, 1758, 2088
acute 285
diverticular 1149, 1263
intracranial 284, 1342, 1438
intraventricular 607
retroperitoneal 692f, 1272
stigmas of 1253f
Hemorrhagic telangiectasias, hereditary 1081
Hemorrhoid 1116, 1137
proximal portion of 1118f
sclerosant injection of 1118
Hemorrhoidectomy 1119
Hemostasis 48, 87, 95, 239, 1756
abnormalities 22
coagulation disorders 22
endoscopic 1253, 1254f
failure of 98
Hemostatic complications 116
Hemothorax 637
Heparan sulfated proteoglycans 94
artery 889f, 1754f, 1755f
aneurysms 1371
ligation 661, 662
pseudoaneurysm 665f
thrombosis 1758
decompensation, acute 199
disease, chronic 195
isolation 662
metastases, intraoperative detection of 1035
necrosis, acute 99
parenchyma, tumors of 903
veins, level of 1757f
Hepaticojejunostomy 960
Hepatitis 118, 148
chronic 148
virus 312, 351, 1402, 1753
infection 896
virus 118, 351, 1753
chronic 371
infection, chronic 351
Hepatoblastoma 1860
function 926
growth factor 895, 906
proliferation 1039
Hepatoma 1752
Hepatorenal bypass 1418
Hepatorenal syndrome 506
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 102
Hernia 1221, 1240, 1299, 1820
femoral 1227
incisional 876, 1235
inguinal 134, 231, 393, 399, 1222, 1224f, 1820, 1821f
parastomal 1239, 1240f
paraumbilical 1229f
repair, laparoscopic 1822
traumatic 1240
Herpes simplex
viral proctitis 1139
virus 149, 1133, 1718, 1719
Herpes virus 1138
Herpes zoster 149
Hesselbach's triangle 1228
Hiatal hernia 780, 1808
esophageal 780f
Hidradenitis suppurativa 1127
High density lipoproteins 1318
Hindfoot amputations 1477
avascular necrosis of 1400
disarticulation 1479
fracture 379
repair 379
joint, migration of 1981f
replacement 201, 379
septic 134
trauma 307
Hirschsprung's disease 393, 394, 398, 399f, 1788, 1842, 1843f
Hirsutism 1714
Hockey stick incision 545
Hodgkin's disease 1020, 1022, 1022t, 1025, 1452
stages of 1022
Hodgkin's lymphoma 1172
Hollenhorst plaques 1338
Homans' operation 1454f, 1456
Homans' sign 1432, 1436
Homocysteinemia 1382
Horizontal loop gastric bypass procedure 871, 871f
Hormone replacement therapy 1555, 1555t
Horner's syndrome 225, 592, 599, 599f, 1349, 1851
Hospital-acquired infections 139
Hounsfield units 1668
allograft 2106
autograft 2106
bites 134
cadaver allograft 742
chorionic gonadotropin 322, 1824
stimulation test 2039
epidermal growth factor receptor 333
herpesviruses 149t, 150
immunodeficiency virus 150, 195, 339
infection 118, 150, 1018
intestinal transplant 1773
leucocyte antigen 102, 1702, 1749
gene complex 1702f
molecules 1702
papillomavirus 151, 1720
infection 1130, 1950
placental lactogen 326
T-cell lymphotropic virus 118
Humeral intraosseous device, placement of 263f
Hunter's and Dodd's perforators 1430
Hunter's canal 1430
Hyaluronic acid 53, 56, 1990
Hyaluronidase 1990
Hydatid cyst 353, 901, 1020
appearance of 901f
Hydration 170
Hydrocele 393, 400, 1820, 1821, 2046
congenital 2046f
types of 2046f
Hydrocortisone 28
Hydronephrosis 304
Hydrops, fetal 1797
Hyperaldosteronism 76
Hyperamylasemia 977
Hyperbaric oxygen 64, 2062
Hyperbilirubinemia 438
Hypercalcemia 74, 76, 83, 1629
nonhyperparathyroidism causes of 1652
syndrome, ectopic 1006
Hypercapnia 476
Hypercholesterolemia 868, 1752
Hypercoagulable state 102, 935, 1408
Hyperemia 752
Hyperfibrinogenemia 103
Hyperfibrinolysis 98
Hypergastrinemia 818
Hyperglycemia 27, 72, 438
Hyperhomocysteinemia 103, 104
Hyperkalemia 72, 509
Hyperlactatemia 438
Hyperlipidemia 72, 195, 1408, 1714, 1749
Hypermagnesemia 75
Hypernatremia 71
Hyperparathyroid syndromes, familial 1657
Hyperparathyroidism 24, 830, 1642, 1649, 1650, 1652, 1655, 1657, 1659, 1682, 1690, 1697
Hyperphosphatemia 76
Hyperplasia 1205, 1455
neointimal 1316
Hyperplastic cholecystoses 954
Hyperplastic nodules, benign 1637
Hyperplastic polyp 1074, 1075f
Hyperprolactinemia 285
Hypersplenism 195, 1017, 1017t, 1021
disorders 101
Hypertension 14, 18, 24, 25, 27, 195, 287, 288, 377, 868, 1048, 1382, 1385, 1398, 1401, 1408, 1438, 1652, 1714, 1741, 1749, 1792, 1849
arterial 25
intra-abdominal 503, 504, 1334
malignant 1438
pulmonary 482
renovascular 304
Hyperthermia 228
intraoperative 27
malignant 228
Hyperthyroidism 24, 1550, 1636, 1652
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, infantile 1831
Hyperventilation 524
Hypervolemia 509
Hypoalbuminemia 934
Hypocalcemia 74, 75, 222
Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, familial 1652, 1657
Hypocapnia 476
Hypocholesterolemia 1048
Hypofractionation irradiation 1585
Hypoglycemia 422, 1764
postprandial 821
Hypokalemia 73, 74, 83
Hypomagnesemia 75, 76
Hyponatremia 71, 72
Hypophosphatemia 77
Hypoplasia, lymphatic 1452
Hyposplenism 1015
congenital 1016
Hypotension 23, 24, 26, 116, 199, 417, 511, 528, 1727
acute 176
arterial 438
Hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis 1665
Hypothermia 119, 438, 611, 750, 1727
complications 116
prevention of 40
systemic 748, 754
Hypothyroidism 195, 840
Hypovolemia 26, 70, 1748
Hypoxemia 476, 737, 738
arterial 438
degree of 477
Hypoxia 176, 816
Hypoxic vasoconstriction, loss of 482
Hysterectomy 201
Idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia 104
Idiopathic hyperaldosteronism, bilateral 1667
Idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia 2115
Ileal carcinoid tumor 1216f
Ileoanal pouch formation, complications of 1055t
Ileosigmoid fistula 1202f
Ileostomy 1078, 1079
principles of 1054
Iliac artery 582
aneurysm 1373, 1374
expansion 1374
bifurcation 1383
internal 1355
occlusions, bilateral 1493
Iliac endofibrosis, external 1411f
Iliac vein deep venous thrombosis 1525
Iliocaval stent 1445
Iliofemoral bypass grafting 1386
Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis 1525
Iminodiacetic acid, hepatobiliary 244
Imipenem 136
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura 1020, 1021
Immunosuppression 57, 307, 1713, 1770, 1777
In situ femoropopliteal saphenous vein bypass 1388f
choice of 542, 544, 546
thoracoabdominal 853f
Incisional hernia, prevention of 1238
Incomplete cord injury 630
Indwelling catheters 1988
Infantile hemangioma 1467f
Infection, prevention of 23
Inferior vena cava 430, 1256f, 1430, 1664, 1751, 1755f, 1756f, 2012, 2047, 2076, 2089, 2090
Infertility 868
Inflammation 48, 123
chronic 1453
intra-abdominal 390
Inflammatory cells, acute 1043f
Infrarenal aneurysms, treatment of 1365t
Infrarenal aortic aneurysm 1333f
Inguinal and femoral hernias, anatomy of 1223f
Inguinal lymph node metastasis, bilateral 2030f
Inhalational injury 737
Injuries 594, 595, 705
abdominal 534, 534t, 571, 576
cardiac 643f
classification 2006
duodenal 667, 668f, 669f
esophageal 648, 782
gastric 665, 666
grade of 671, 796
hepatic 552
mesenteric 675
pancreatic 670, 672, 672f, 673, 674, 674f, 988
scrotal 2048
splenic 653
tracheal 647f
traumatic 349
Innate immunity 1703
Innominate artery 720
Insulinoma 1003, 1004f, 1035, 1682
enucleation, pancreatic 1035
pancreatic 1036f
Intensive care unit 415, 425, 489, 500, 586, 607, 663, 757, 1333, 1427, 1730
Intermittent pneumatic compression 1438
Internal hemorrhoids, classification of 1117t
International Association for Study of Lung Cancer 2115
International Classification of Disease 186
International Federation of Gynecologic Oncologists 1859, 1859t
International Neuroblastoma Pathology Classification 1852, 1853
International Neuroblastoma Staging System 1852, 1853, 1853t
International Society for Study of Vascular Anomalies 1464
International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis 99, 100
Interscalene block, bilateral 225
Interstitial edematous pancreatitis 978
Interstitial fibrosis 1709f
Interstitial fluid 69
Interstitial lung disease 288
Intestinal atresia, classification of 1833
Intestinal ischemia, chronic 1213
Intestinal obstruction, treatment of 1298
Intestinal villi 1188f
Intima 1315
Intimal fibroplasia 1418
Intra-abdominal infection, management of 515
Intra-aortic balloon pump 432, 2078, 2097
Intracellular fluid 6769,
Intracerebral aneurysm 285
Intracranial pressure 605, 610
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm 999
Intrahepatic vena cava 929f
Intraperitoneal repair 1225
Intravenous access, peripheral 258
Intravenous fluids, types of 528
Invasive direct coronary artery bypass 2071
Iris, freckling of 1953
Irritable bowel syndrome 1269
Ischemia 605, 706, 709, 816
cardiac 24f, 170
colonic 1150
mesenteric 1273, 1284, 1503
reperfusion injury 1703f, 1705
Ischemic colitis, classification of 1151t
Islets of Langerhans 1035
Isotonic crystalloid solutions 528
Isotope 1994
lymphography 1454f
Isovolemic hemodilution 112f
Ivor Lewis esophagectomy 861
Jaboulay pyloroplasty 827f
Jacobsen syndrome 102
Jammed Dormia basket 245
Jaundice 57, 244, 295
obstructive 950, 974
Jaw-thrust maneuver 526f
Jejunal arteriovenous malformation 1194f
Jejunal diverticulosis 1210f
Jejunal interposition 795
Jejunoileal bypass 871, 871f
Jejunoileal diverticula 1210
Jejunostomy tube, distal 669f
Jogger's nipple 1549
pain, monoarticular 307
replacement 23, 197, 201, 203f, 209f, 379
trauma system 558
Jugular vein 583, 1755f
internal 269, 590, 1894
Juvenile polyposis 1081
syndrome 1081
Kala-azar 1017
Kaposi's sarcoma 347, 1137, 1138, 1452, 1948
virus 149
Kasai portoenterostomy 1840
Kattan's nomogram 2013
Kawasaki's disease 1403, 1404, 1405
Kehr's sign 646
Keloid 64
scar 1948, 1950
Keratin horn 1948
Keratoacanthoma 1948, 1950, 1954
Ketones 1989
Khumbu cough 356
Kidney 80, 137f, 304, 1732
disease 265, 500
chronic 102, 500, 502
recurrent 1749
dysfunction of 499
excision of 1730f
injury, acute 499, 500t, 501f, 2080
normal 1992f
transplantation 1781
Killian's dehiscence 800
Kirsten rat sarcoma gene 1070f
Kissing stents technique 1390f
Klebsiella pneumoniae 1166
Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome 1466, 1466f
arthropathy 868
dislocation 723f
pain 307
replacement 307
Kocher's maneuver 542, 1187
Kock ileostomy 1079
Kock pouch 1050, 1050f, 1078
Kommerell's diverticulum 1335
Kraissl's lines 1533
Kugel patch 1225
Kulchitsky tumors 2116
Laceration 656, 671, 679
Lactate dehydrogenase 980
Lactational infection 1544
Lactic acid 434
Lactic dehydrogenase 2033
Ladd's bands 1834
Lagophthalmos 350
Lanz incision 1244
Laparoscopy 176, 177, 179, 899, 974, 1193, 1277
Laparotomy 1193, 1209, 1244
Laplace's law 2105
Large bowel
carcinoid of 1097
malignancies 1097
obstruction 1279, 1300
Large cell
carcinoma 2115
lung cancers 2116
neuroendocrine carcinoma 2115
Large central omphalocele 1817f
Large epididymal cyst 2045f
Large extremity veins 582
Large intestine 1293, 1842
malrotation of 1186f
Large vessel vasculitis 1397, 1398t
Laryngeal mask airway 224f, 526
Laryngeal nerve 1634
anatomy, recurrent 1634f
injury, superior 1646
recurrent 1633, 1634, 1649
superior 1634, 1646
Laryngectomy 1903
Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction 1615, 1615f
Leiomyoma 864f, 1074, 1215, 1948
typical appearance of 864f
Leiomyomatosis, hereditary 2011
Leiomyomatous polyp 1075f
Leiomyosarcoma 1948
Leiomyosarcomatous polyp 1075f
Leishmaniasis 353
Lentigo 1948
maligna 1947, 1948, 1954
Leonardo's vein 1429
Leprosy 350
Lethargy 24
Leukemia 371, 1017, 1022
monocytic 99
chronic 1020
abnormalities 21
esterase and nitrite tests 1989
storage 1015
trapping theory 1444
Leukocytosis 21, 438
Leukopenia 21, 438, 1017
Leuokoplakia 2028
Levodopa 223
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 1557
Ligament of Treitz 668, 873
Ligase-dependent probe amplification, multiple 1560
Ligation, arterial 1027
amputation of 231
arteriovenous malformations 1469
claudication 1401
ischemia, acute 1489
obstruction 842
paralysis 1436
Linezolid 133
Lipedema 1453
Lipodermatosclerosis 1444
Lipodystrophy 1453
Lipoma 1074, 1215, 1548, 1948, 1953, 2114, 2134
Lipopeptides 156
Liposarcoma 1948, 1967, 1978
Lisch nodules 1953
Lisfranc amputation 1477
Liver 197, 294, 332, 887, 976, 1732
abscess 902, 902f
pyogenic 902f
acinar unit 892f
biopsy 294, 926
cancer, metastatic 912
cysts 900, 901f
disease 15, 20, 99, 371
alcoholic 1752
chronic 99, 895, 1751, 1753
metabolic 17511753,
metastatic 244
types of 1752
donation 1760
acute 895, 1751, 1753
chronic 895, 1751, 1752
disorders of 893t
serum tests of 894t
tests 897, 1272
herniation 585f
hydatid cyst of 153f
hypoperfusion 1259
injury 660
lesion 295
management of 1096
multiple 915f
resection, laparoscopic 910
segmental anatomy of 890
surgery, principles of 915
transplantation 244, 907, 912, 927, 930, 1751, 1752t, 1755f1756f
tumors 1751, 1753
benign 903
metastatic 915
venous anatomy of 660f
Lobar emphysema, congenital 1806, 1806f
Lobectomy 917, 1642
Lobular intraepithelial neoplasia 1541
Loeys-Dietz syndromes 1320
Low-density lipoprotein 494, 1318
oxidation of 1318
Low-dose heparin 1438
Low-grade collecting duct carcinoma 2012
Low molecular weight heparin 480, 572, 1437
Low pressure sinusoids 934f
Lower abdominal tissue 1616
Lower esophageal sphincter 772, 775, 784, 803f, 806, 1831
pressure 806
Lower gastrointestinal
bleeding 1260
hemorrhage, management of 1149
Lower limb
techniques 225
vessels 723
Lower respiratory tract infection 339
Lower urinary tract
obstruction 1997
symptoms 1998
Ludwig's angina 1899
Lugol's solution 1636
hernia 1234
spine trauma 307
unstable burst fracture 703f
Lumen catheter 409f
Lung 197, 322, 1273, 1733
abscess 1803
benign tumors of 2114t
cancer 250, 289, 289f
capacity 458
cysts 1805
disease, chronic 339
injury 636
score 477, 477t
metastases screening 288
needle biopsy, percutaneous 290f
neoplasms 2113
resection 201
surgery 2125
small cell carcinoma of 322
structure and mechanics 457
trauma 288
tumors 288
benign 2113, 2114
malignant 2114
ventilation 2126f
volumes 461
Lupus anticoagulant 103, 1436
Lymph node 1694f, 1961
dissection 1644, 1689
retroperitoneal 2015, 2035, 2036
management 1961, 2030
regional 1949, 2013, 2017, 2026, 2029, 2033
resection 860
radical 859
stage 1566
status 1567
tuberculous infection of 1452
Lymph vessels 1948
Lymphadenitis 1459
chronic 1459
Lymphadenopathy 285
inguinal 1227f
Lymphangiography 1455
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 2115
Lymphangioles 1449
Lymphangioma 1459, 1807, 2134
circumscriptum 1459
Lymphangiosarcoma 1458
Lymphangitis, acute 1459
Lymphatic system, pathogenesis of 1459
Lymphedema 1449, 1450, 1452
artefacta 1453, 1454
bilateral 1450f
chronic 1458
Wolfe classification of 1451f
Lymphocele, postoperative 2002
Lymphocyte 149
Lymphocytic lobulitis 1548
Lymphogranuloma venereum 1141, 1459
Lymphoid tissue lymphoma, mucosa
associated 1879
Lymphomatous polyposis, colonic 1099f
Lymphopoiesis 1015
Lynch syndrome 1074
Lysosomal bodies 90
Macroamylasemia 1273
Macrophage-derived matrix
metalloproteinase 1314
Maffucci's syndrome 1972, 1974
Magnesium 75, 90
ammonium phosphate 1990
Major histocompatibility complex 1321
Malacia, tracheal 1802
Malaria 104, 118, 339, 1017
anorectal 393, 394, 1843
arteriovenous 284, 285, 1463, 1464, 1468, 1468f, 2114
lymphatic 1464
Malignancy 220, 1436, 1452, 1720
abdominal 1268
Malignant lung tumors
classification of 2115t
management of 2120
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 817, 835, 1250
Malnutrition 57, 195, 821
universal screening test 367
Malperfusion, management of 1427
Mammary adenocarcinoma 1568f
Mammary artery, internal 1348, 2071, 2072
Mammary duct fistula 1546, 1623f, 1624
Mammography 294, 1535, 1572, 1573, 1576
screening, frequency of 1573
Mandible, surgery of 1914
Mandibulectomy, segmental 1918
catheter, esophageal 778f
esophageal 779t
pancreatic 246
Mansonella perstans 354
Marfan syndrome 1320, 1356, 1361, 2084
Marginal mandibulectomy 1915f, 1917
Marjolin's ulcer 1948, 1949, 1955
abdominal 1218f
pancreatic 295
Massive blood transfusion 83
Mastalgia 1538
Mastectomy 231, 311, 383, 1581
Mastitis 134
Matrix contraction 50
Matrix ground substance synthesis 50
Mattox maneuver 543, 543f
Mature cyst teratoma, retroperitoneal 1172f
May-Thurner syndrome 1483, 1525, 1525f, 1526
McBurney's incision 213
Mean arterial pressure 429, 610
Meatal stenosis 1997
Meckel's band 1835
Meckel's diverticulum 393, 398f, 400, 401, 976, 1208, 1211, 1211f, 1248, 1260, 1263, 1815, 1835
Meconium obstruction 393
Median sternotomy 23, 540, 541
Mediastinal emphysema 809
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy 250
Mediastinal mass 288
Mediastinal tumors 2134t
Mediastinitis 146
Mediastinum, tumors of 2133, 2134
Medium vessel vasculitis 1402, 1403t
Medullary carcinoma 2012
Medullary thyroid cancer 1639, 1644
Meige disease 1451
Meige lymphedema 1451
Meisser's corpuscles 1947
Melanocytic nevi 1948, 1950
Melanoma 1948, 1959
in situ 1948, 1954
malignant 1136
Menarche, age of 1561
Menopause, age of 1561
Menorrhagia 1039
Mental status 435
Meperidine 232
Mercurial poisoning 1988
Merkel cell carcinoma 1948, 1955, 1963, 1963t
Mesenchymal tumors 2115, 2134
Mesenteric artery
aneurysms, superior 1372
dissection, superior 1485
inferior 1092, 1354, 1503
malperfusion, superior 1427f
occlusion, superior 303f
superior 970, 1150, 1186, 1503, 1506f, 1728, 1766, 1775f
Mesenteric ischemia
acute 1205, 1503, 1505f
chronic 1213f, 1507
nonocclusive 1213, 1504
Mesenteric vein
inferior 1728
superior 889, 970, 1782f
choice of 1231
fixation 1232
intraperitoneal 1237
repair 1236
sandwich technique 1238
splenorrhaphy 657f
Mesocaval shunt 1259
Mesorectal excision 1095
Mesothelioma, malignant 2137
Metabolic alkalosis, causes of 83t
Metaiodobenzylguanidine 1852
Metastases, development of 320f
Metastatic disease 323, 327, 1967, 2124
Metastatic nodal disease, treatment of 1901
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma, first-line treatment of 2016
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 36, 61, 133, 199
Methotrexate 505
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 104
Metronidazole 136, 156, 819
Micrometastatic disease 1567f
Microwave therapy, percutaneous 909
Midfoot amputations 1477
Midstream urine 1987
Migratory superficial phlebitis 1408
Migratory thrombophlebitis, recurrent 1434
Milia 1948
Milk alkali syndrome 83, 1652
Miller vein cuff technique 1389f
Milroy's disease 1450, 1451
Minimally invasive
esophagectomy 854
parathyroidectomy 1655
radioguided parathyroidectomy 1655
Mini-Nutritional Assessment test 370
Minocycline 133
Mirizzi's syndrome 244, 246, 958
Mitogen-activating protein 316
Mitral regurgitation 15f, 2105
ischemic 2099
Mitral stenosis 2087
Mitral valve 2100, 2101f, 2107
disease 2104
papillary muscles 2100f
repair 2099, 2107, 2110
types of 2108f
replacement 2100, 2107, 2110
surgery 2110
Mixed tumor
benign 1880
malignant 1882
Mixed venous oxygen saturation 419
Mohs micrographic surgery 1957, 2030
Mohs resection 1985, 1985f
Molybdenum 448
Mondor's disease 1435, 1548
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 223
Monobactams 154
Monoclonal antibodies 331, 2016
Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1321
Mononuclear cells 1759f
Monopolar electrocautery 43f
Montgomery's tubercles 1533, 1549
Morgagni, twisted hydatid cyst of 2044f
Morgagni's hernia 1808, 1809f
laparoscopic visualization of 1809f
Morphea 1549
Morphine 231
Motility disorders, classification of 806t
Motor vehicle accident 346, 572, 651, 687, 706, 1548
Mountain sickness, acute 356
Mouth, surgery of 1909
Mucocele 951
Mucormycosis 148
duodenal 977f
gastric 815
Mucosal blood flow 820
Mucosal resection 240, 242
endoscopic 242, 886, 1071
Multidrug resistant pathogens 36
Multisystem organ failure 719
Mumps orchitis 2044
Munchausen's syndrome 1454
Murphy's sign 297, 946, 948, 951, 1272
invasive bladder cancer 2019, 2021
papillary 2101
weakness 27
Muscular dystrophy 777
Muscularis propria 1090f
myocytolysis of 1043f
Musculoskeletal infection 199
Musculoskeletal system 306, 367
Myalgia 1652
Myasthenia gravis 777, 2135
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare 1405
Mycobacterium leprae 350
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 350, 1122, 1207
Mycobacterium ulcerans 351
Mycophenolic acid 1713
Mycotic aneurysms 1349, 1357
Myelodysplasia 21
Myeloid leukemia, chronic 1025f
Myeloma 322
multiple 102, 1652, 1968, 1972, 1973f
Myelomeningocele 1797
Myeloproliferative disorder 102, 935
Myelosclerosis 1020
Myocardial infarction 199, 371, 426, 437, 1273, 1436, 2079, 2099f
nonfatal 493
Myocardial oxygen 2078
Myocardial protection 2074
Myocardial revascularization 2096
Myocutaneous advancement flaps 1065
Myofibroblastic tumor, inflammatory 2115
Myoglobin 326
Myoglobinuria 1988
Myoglobinuric renal failure 503
Myotomy, cricopharyngeal 800, 801f
Narcotics 83
Nasal packing 133, 134
Nasogastric feeding 735
Nasogastric suction 83
Nasogastric tube 735, 1795
deviation of 533
placement 242
Nasosinus surgery 134
National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies 621
National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2016
National Healthcare Safety Network 469
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 1562
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 40
National Institutes of Health 870, 1581
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel 41
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project 1596
National Surgical Quality Improvement Project 6
National Thyroid Cancer Treatment Cooperative Study 1637
National Wilms' Tumor Study Group 1850, 1850t
Nationwide Health Information Network 191
Nausea 1176, 1652, 1788
Neck 37
dissection 1894f, 1903
radical 1902
exploration, bilateral 1653, 1654
injuries 589, 599
transcervical 597
masses, multiple 285
pain 307, 1401
percutaneous needle biopsy of 286
surgery of 1893
trauma 546, 592, 600
hepatocellular 936
laparoscopic removal of 672f
pancreatic 982
papillary 2001
Necrotic collection, acute 978
Necrotic pancreatic tissue 672f
Necrotic tissue 755f
removal of 984f
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 1141
Neisseria meningitides 759, 1017
Neoadjuvant therapies 862, 998
Neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet lasers 1254
immunity 1787
infection 1544
intensive care unit 391, 1791
Neoplasm 1900
benign 1069, 1879, 1884, 1900
esophageal 845
malignant 1881, 1887, 1889, 1901
oncofetal epithelium of 322
Nephrectomy, radical 2014
Nephroblastoma 1849
Nephrocalcinosis 1652
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis 1329
Nephrolithiasis, recurrent 304
Nephrolithotomy, percutaneous 2055, 2065
Nephron sparing surgery 2014
percutaneous 305f, 2002f, 2004
technique of 2004
Nephrotoxic drugs 1749
Nerve 1948
hypoglossal 1894
injuries 597
tumors 1953
Neuralgia, peripheral 1269
Neurilemmoma 2114, 2134
Neuroblastoma 322, 393, 1851, 2134, 2135
computed tomography scans of 1852f
Neuroendocrine 285, 322
tumors 914, 1181, 1752
Neurofibroma 1548, 1558, 1948, 2114, 2134
Neurofibromatosis 1559
Neurofibrosarcoma 1967, 1979
Neurohypoadrenal dysfunction 195
Neuroma 1948
Neuropsychiatric disorders 378
Neurotoxicity 1714
Neutropenia 1020
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin 422, 500
Neutrophil mobilization 126
Nevus of Ito 1948, 1951
Nevus of Ota 1948, 1951
New York Heart Association Classification 490
Niacin 448
Nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate 1316
changes 1542
discharge 1542, 1626
eczema of 1549
retraction and inversion 1541, 1543
Nissen's fundoplication 786, 787, 787f, 791
laparoscopic 11, 789, 790f
Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication 788, 790
Nitric oxide 49, 1316
synthesis 50
lymphatic 1189f
pulmonary 288
Non-accidental trauma 393, 403
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 1022, 1137, 1172, 1452
Nonlactating abscess, peripheral 1546
Nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, hereditary 1086
Non-small cell lung cancer 2114, 2141
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 101, 102, 233, 380, 789, 816819, 1073, 1208, 1208f, 1249, 1539, 1825
Noonan's syndrome 2084
Norepinephrine 90, 2079
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial 1343
Nosocomial pneumonia 466, 481
Nottingham Prognostic Index 1566
Nuclear matrix protein 1990
Nucleotides 452
Nutrition 380, 390
risk score 446
support 27, 443, 746, 841, 1203
therapy 450
Nystagmus 1347
Obesity 16, 195, 379, 867, 868, 868t, 869, 1086, 1382, 1749
aspects of 868
categories of 868t
classification 868
hypoventilation syndrome 868
medical treatment of 869
surgery 867
Obstruction 1201, 1997
acute 2002
chronic 2002
colonic 299, 1147
duodenal 669, 670
esophageal 295
intestinal 295, 393, 876, 1269
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 15, 221, 288, 411, 412f, 464, 466f, 478, 479, 2119
Obturator hernia 1234
Occipitoatlantal dislocation, classification of 624f
Odontoid fractures, types of 626f
Ogilvie's syndrome 1303f
Oliguria 438, 517, 518, 1652
Ollier's disease 1972, 1974
Omega-3 fatty acids 450, 452
Omental foramen 1166
Omeprazole 820
Omphalocele 393, 394, 1815, 1816, 1817f
hypogastric 1816
Onchocerca volvulus 353
Onchocerciasis 353
Oncocytic adenoma 1651f
Oncofetal epithelium 322
Ophthalmic artery 1338f
Ophthalmologic disease 1197
Ophthalmoplegia 285
Opioid analgesics 226
Opsonin synthesis 1015
Optic glioma 1953
Oral analgesia 233
Oral anticoagulants 120, 1438
Oral cancers 1911
Oral cavity, anatomy of 1909f
Oral commissure 1912f
Oral contraceptive 223, 1555
pill 1561
Oral salt loading test 1668
Oral squamous cell carcinoma 1910
Orchitis and epididymo-orchitis 2044
abdominal 1729f
destruction 99
diseases 102
dysfunction syndrome 157
multiple 133
Organoid nevus 1955
Oropharynx, anatomy of 1899f
Orthopedic 348
injury 571
liver transplantation 936, 1260
operation 23
surgery 221
trauma 404
Osler-Weber-Rendu and Parkes Weber syndromes 1464
Osteitis fibrosis cystica 1652
Osteoclastic metastasis 1652
Osteomyelitis 262, 307, 1476f
Osteoporosis 1400, 1652
Osteosarcoma 1972, 1974f
types of 1973
Ovarian cancer 304, 868, 1561
Ovarian cyst drainage 134
Ovarian germ cell tumors 1858
Ovary 322, 1273
Oxalosis 1752
Oxazolidinones 156
Oxycodone 232
Oxygenation, arterial 420
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation 462f
Oxyphil cell adenoma 1651f
Pacinian corpuscles 1947
Packed red blood cells 111, 111f
Paget's disease 1133
bone 1652
nipple 1947
extramammary 1133
Paget-Schroetter syndrome 1440
Pain 228, 1469, 1788, 1791, 1968
after knee replacement 307
anorectal 1140
assessment of 230
chronic 231t
control 217, 228
management 380
mechanisms, peripheral 229f
psychosomatic 1269
score 231
scrotal 2009f
Palma-Dale procedure 1446
Palmaz balloon expandable stent 1803
Palmer's point 213, 214, 214f
Pancoast's tumor 2122, 2122f
Pancreas 197, 298, 322, 969, 973, 1558, 1685f, 1733
carcinoma of 993, 1019
congenital anomalies of 975
cystic tumors of 999
ectopic 835
endocrine tumors of 1002
excision of 1731f
heterotopic 976
intraoperative imaging of 974
solid pseudopapillary tumor of 1000
transplantation 1763, 1765, 1781
Pancreatectomy 1010
distal 1009, 1020
cysts, congenital 976
disease, benign 250
ductal tree, development of 970f
head, massive disruption of 673
injury grading scale 671t
neuroendocrine tumor, nonfunctioning 1007f
resection, complications of 997
services, organization of 1010
sphincterotomy 1008
surgery, principles of 1007
tail, total necrosis of 673f
Pancreaticoduodenal injury 673
Pancreaticoduodenectomy 1001f, 1007f, 1686
Pancreaticojejunostomy 1009
Pancreatitis 99, 215, 244, 245, 670, 977f, 979f, 983f, 988t, 1652
chronic 988, 1019
complications of 299f
idiopathic 977
necrotizing 978, 983f
pseudocyst, chronic 987
neuroendocrine tumors 1683
tumors, nonfunctioning 1682
Pancreatoduodenectomy 996
Pancytopenia 1017
Panproctocolectomy 1049
Pantothenic acid 448
Papanicolaou staining 1990f
Papilla, pancreatic 970f
Papillary renal cancer, hereditary 2011
Papilloma 2019
Paraduodenal fatty tissue 668f
Paraesophageal hernia 781f, 798
Paraganglioma 2134
Paraganglionic tumors 2136
Paralysis 195, 379
Paralytic ileus 199, 438
colonic 299
Paramidline mandibulotomy 1915f
Parapharyngeal space infection 1899
Paraphimosis 2008
Paraplegia 2088
Paraproteins 102
Parasites 1990
Parasitic lymphatic obstruction 354f
Parathyroid 286, 1634f, 1682
adenoma 1651, 2134
superior 1650f
cancer 1659
disease 195
glands 1649, 1683f
hormone 1649, 1650, 1697
monitoring, intraoperative 1655
related peptide-secreting tumor, pancreatic 1006
surgery 1644, 1649, 1657
tissue 1683
Parathyroidectomy 1643, 1658f, 1683
Parenchymal kidney disease, absence of 506
Parenteral nutrition 75, 215, 216, 380, 390, 391, 447, 990, 1203, 1839
Paris-Trousseau syndrome 102
Parkes-Weber syndrome 1454, 1466
Parkinson's disease 777
Parotid gland 1873, 1874, 1875f, 1877f, 1881f, 1883, 1886f, 1889, 1889f
deep lobe of 1885
malignant tumors of 1875f, 1887
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 2104
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 935
Partial thickness burns, superficial 739, 742
Partial thromboplastin time 89, 894
Particle gel immunoassay 106
Pasteurella multocida 61
Patch aortoplasty 1420
Patent arterial duct 2083, 2085, 2086f
Patent ductus arteriosus 2084
Patent foramen ovale 2075
Patent pancreatic arterial anatomy 1782f
Paul-Mikulicz procedure 1147
Pectoralis major, tumors invasion of 1594f
Pectus carinatumn 1800f
Pectus excavatum 402, 403f, 1799, 1800f
Pediatric advanced life support guidelines 260
Pediatric liver
transplantation 1760
tumors 1862t
Pediatric Oncology Group 1856
Pediatric surgery 349, 1787
Pediatric trauma 403
Pediatric vascular trauma 724
Pedicled transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap 1617
Pelvic abscess 137f, 301, 1144, 1145, 1791f
Pelvic arteriovenous malformations 1469
Pelvic disruption 689f
Pelvic fracture 532
care 558
Pelvic hemorrhage 546f
Pelvic inflammatory disease 1283
Pelvic injuries 687
Pelvic mass 304
Pelvic organ prolapse 2062
Pelvic pain 304
acute 304
Pelvic ring injury 691f
classification of 688f, 688t
Pelvic sepsis 1055
Pelvic vessels 722
Pelvis, fractures of 692f
Pelviureteric junction obstruction 2001
Penetrating neck trauma
management of 592
signs and symptoms of 592
Penicillins 153, 505
Penile cancer 2028, 2031
Penis, squamous cell carcinoma of 2029f
Pentagastrin stimulation 818
Pepsins 816
Peptic ulcer 1269
chronic 195, 822f
disease 215, 371, 813, 1249, 1268, 1273, 1282
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube, placement of 837f
Percutaneous necrosectomy, technique of 983f
Percutaneous transhepatic
balloon dilatation 960
biliary drainage 964, 974
cholangiography 947
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty 1398, 1509, 1747
Perforation 821, 835, 950, 1201, 1202
closure of 242
Periampullary tumors 1001
actinomycosis 1128
disease 250, 1136
infections 1127
sepsis 1137
tuberculosis 1128
warts 1130
Periaortic inflammation 1402f
Periareolar infection 1545
Peribronchial myofibroblastic tumor, congenial 2115
Peridiverticular inflammation 1144
Periductal mastitis 1623f
injury 680
urethrostomy 2031f
wound care 681
Peripancreatic fluid
collection 1768
acute 978
Peripheral nerve, prevention of 41
Peripheral vascular disease, chronic 195
Peritoneal dialysis 510, 512, 1742, 1743
pharyngitis 134
Peritoneal drain, placement of 1839
Peritoneal flap technique 1238
Peritoneum 1165
Peritonitis 134, 1144, 1145, 1166, 1167, 1286, 1795
acute 134, 1267
Perivertebral pleural stripe, loss of 533
Peroral endoscopic myotomy 242
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 1787
Persistent umbilical sinuses 1815
Perthes tests 1432
Perurethral catheterization 1999
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 1080, 1080f, 1086, 1193, 1214, 1557, 1845
Peyer's patches 1189f
Phagocytic cell migration 126f
Pharyngectomy 1903
Pharyngocutaneous fistula 1906
Phenacetin 1988
Phenazopyridine 1988
Phenylephrine 2079
Pheochromocytoma 24, 1652, 1672, 1673t, 1690, 2056, 2134
Phimosis 1997
Phlebectasia 1468f
Phlegmasia alba dolens 1436
Phlegmon 1144
Phosphatidylethanolamine 90
Phosphatidylserine 90
Photoplethysmography 1433
Phrenic nerve 1894
paralysis 225, 463
Phrenoesophageal ligament 772f
Pickwickian's syndrome 868
Pilar cysts 1948
Pilomatrixoma 1948, 1953
Pilonidal abscess
acute 1129
chronic 1129
Pilonidal cystectomy 134
Pilonidal disease 1128
Pilonidal sinus 1129f, 1130f
Pilosebaceous units 1948, 1952
Pituitary hormone, anterior 322
Pityriasis rosea 149
aldosterone concentration 1667, 1668
catecholamines 1673
cell granuloma 2114
coagulation factors 88
electrolyte composition of 69f
estrogen 1561
exchange 1717
fibrinogen concentration 95
fibronectin 49
free metanephrines 1673
glucose 438
hemostatic proteins 90
thromboplastin antecedent 89
total bilirubin 438
activator inhibitor 103
deficiency 103
Plastic surgery 348, 1929
principles of 1929, 1932
Platelet 87, 89
abnormalities 1016
activating factor 49
adhesion, disorders of 102
aggregation assay, heparin induced 106
concentrate 114
count 20, 96
cyclooxygenase deficiency 102
derived growth factor 48, 49, 90, 333, 1317
disorders 100
fraction 111
analyzers 101
disorders of 102, 102t
granule, types of 90t
physiology 90
plug formation 87, 89
Platysma muscle 1893
Pleomorphic adenoma 1880, 1880f, 1884, 1885, 1900
Pleomorphic carcinoma 2115
Pleura, tumors of 2136
Pleuropulmonary blastoma 2115
Pneumatic balloon dilatation 803
Pneumatic compression devices 1456
Pneumatic dilatation 242
Pneumatocele 2132
Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis 1150, 1150f
Pneumocystis 104
Pneumocystis carinii 1759, 1777
Pneumocystis jirovecii 1719
Pneumomediastinum 471
Pneumonia 18, 19, 199, 288, 570, 1273, 1869, 2080
postoperative 139
complications of 175
Pneumothorax 176, 199, 286, 289f, 351, 636, 809
Podoconiosis 1452
Podophyllin resin 152
Poison oak dermatitis 134
Poland's deformity 1800f
Polyarteritis nodosa 1402, 1403
Polyclonal antibodies 1713
Polyclonal lymphocyte-depleting antibodies 1715
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 1949
Polycystic kidney disease 1741
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 868
Polycythemia 195
vera 102
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes 49
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils 1318
Polyomavirus infection 1749
Polypectomy 254
injury 252
Polypeptide, pancreatic 972, 1684
Polypoidal leiomyoma 864f
Polyposis 1788
adenomatous 1076, 1077f, 1086, 1215f, 1845
coli gene, adenomatous 1070f
syndromes 1074, 1845
adenomatous 1215
duodenal 1215f
inflammatory 1074
Polytetrafluoroethylene 38, 595, 929, 1365, 1447, 2092
Polytrauma 99
Polyuria 1652
Popliteal aneurysm 1495f
Popliteal artery 582
aneurysm 1376
thrombosis 1490
Popliteal blood pressure 1401
Popliteal embolectomy 1498f
Porcelain gallbladder 955
Porokeratosis 1949, 1955, 1956
of Mirabelli 1948
Porphyria, acute 1286
Porta hepatis 943f
anatomy of 941f
Portacaval shunt 929f
Portal hypertension 179, 897, 921, 922f, 923, 930f, 934
treatment of 933
Portal lymph node metastases 244
Portal vein 583, 673f, 1766f
occlusion 1019
thrombosis 934f
Portosystemic shunts 929, 929f
Port-site hernias, laparoscopic 1239
Port-wine stain 1948
Positive end-expiratory pressure 433, 460, 477, 482
Post-cholecystectomy 244
Post-chronic hypercapnia 83
Post-gastrectomy syndromes 821, 825t, 837
Post-pericardiotomy syndrome 2081
Post-resection empyema 2131, 2131f
Post-sinusoidal portal hypertension 922
Post-splenectomy sepsis
prevention of 147
treatment of 147
Post-thrombotic syndrome 1525
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease 1716, 1720, 1778
Pott's disease 351, 1949
Pouch construction 1051
Pouch dilation 879
Pouch dysfunction 1053, 1055
causes of 1053t
Pouch surgery, laparoscopic 1052
Pratt's sign 1436
ectopic 1284
fatty liver of 99
loss, recurrent 105
Prematurity, retinopathy of 1787
Presinusoidal portal hypertension 922
arterial 432
chronic 57
controlled ventilation 473
intra-abdominal 504
sores 62, 383
support ventilation 471
ulcers 62
Proctectomy 1065
Proctitis 1044
Proctocolectomy 1049, 1078, 1079
Proctosigmoidoscopy 1106
Profunda femoris artery 582
hernia system 1225f
hydroxylation of 52
Promyelocytic leukemia, acute 99
Prophylaxis 832
Propionibacterium acne 39
Prostaglandins 819
Prostate 322, 1558, 1652
cancer 304, 868, 1998, 2023, 2024f, 2027
management of 2027
stages of 2024f
cellular protein 322
glycoprotein 322
normal 1992f
specific antigen 304, 326, 2023, 2027
surgery 221
transrectal ultrasonography of 2025
transurethral resection of 2000
zones of 2024f
Prostatectomy, radical 2027
Prostatic hyperplasia, benign 1998, 2023
Prostatic infarction 1998
Prostatic inflammation 1998
Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia 2024
Prostatitis 1998
Prosthetic arteriovenous grafts 1743
Prosthetic mesh 1221
Proteases, pancreatic 1190
Protein 1190
C deficiency 94, 103, 104, 1436
malnutrition 876
synthesis 50
truncation test 1560
Proteinuria 1989
Proteoglycans 53
Prothrombin 89
complex concentrate 100, 116, 120
gene mutation 1436
time 17, 20, 89, 95, 894
Prothrombinase 91
Proton pump inhibitors 785, 819, 1250
Proximal bile duct tumors 965
Proximal carotid stenosis 1402f
Proximal external iliac artery 1746f
Proximal gastric vagotomy 825, 826, 828f
Proximal lymphatics, obstruction of 1455f
Proximal muscle weakness 1652
Proximal pancreatectomy 1009
Proximal splenorenal shunt plus splenectomy 1259
Pruritus ani 1131
Pseudoaneurysm 1349, 2066
Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia 1549
Pseudocyst 973, 987f, 988t
infection of 245
pancreatic 244, 295, 978, 986, 1019
Pseudohyponatremia 72
Pseudomembranous colitis 1153
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 61, 154, 481, 745, 1941
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 1169, 1170f
Pseudo-obstruction, colonic 1302
Pseudopolyposis 1045
colonic 1043f
Pseudopolyps 1198f
Pseudotumor, inflammatory 2114
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 1409, 1410
Psychosis 195
Puberty 1550
precocious 285
Pulmonary airway malformations 1805
Pulmonary artery 1729f, 1797, 2085
catheter 29, 419
occlusion pressure 430
sarcoma 2115
Pulmonary circulation, perfusion of 463
Pulmonary disease
acute exacerbation of 83
chronic 195, 371
Pulmonary lymphangiomatosis 2115
Pulsatile neck mass 285
oximetry 420
pressure 435
variation 434, 506
rate 435
Pulsion diverticula 807
Pulsus parvus et tardus 2103
Pyelography, intravenous 1992, 2007
Pyelonephritis 1741, 1748, 1749
Pyloric stenosis 1788
hypertrophic 393, 399
Pyloromyotomy 399
Pyloroplasty 826
Pylorus preserving proximal pancreato- duodenectomy 965, 1009
Pyonephrosis 2002f
Pyopneumothorax 351
Pyridoxine 448
Q fever 104
Quinolone 136
Raccoon eyes 1851
Radial artery placement, radial 275f
Radial forearm flap, dissection of 1920
Radiation enteritis 1205, 1292, 1300
Radiation enteropathy 1206
induced fibrosis 2002
intraoperative 1586
Radical neck dissection, modified 1902
Radioactive iodine ablation 1636
ablation 240, 242, 296, 885, 907, 908, 918
endoscopic 306
Radiotherapy 329, 1584, 1963
Ranitidine bismuth citrate 820
Rapamycin, mammalian target of 333f, 2016
Raynaud's phenomenon 1412
Raynaud's syndrome 1408
Rectal advancement flap 1064f
Rectal cancer, Dukes classification of 1088t
Rectal stump, management of 1056
Rectoanal inhibitory reflex 1107
Rectosigmoidectomy, peripheral 1115
Rectovaginal fistulas, causes of 1126
abdominoperineal excision of 1135, 1163
carcinoma of 1095f
retroperitoneal 678
Rectus divarication 1235
Red blood cell 108, 152f, 458, 563
Red cell 111
abnormalities 1016
destruction 1015
maturation 1015
esophageal 195
esophagitis 821
gastritis 839
lymphatic 1452
Refractory intracranial hypertension 610, 612
Reidel's thyroiditis 1637
Reiter's syndrome 1412
Rejection, chronic 1759f
Renal allograft rejection
acute 1708f
chronic 1709f
Renal artery 1326, 2066f
aneurysm 1420, 1421f, 2056
aortic implantations, bilateral 1420f
arteriosclerosis 1416, 1416f
blood flow velocity 81f
embolus 1422f
fibrodysplasia 1418
implantation 1419
macroembolism 1422
medial fibroplasia 1418f
occlusive disease 1415, 1416
perfusion pressure 1415
stenosis 24, 287
thrombosis 2007
ultrasonography 1416
Renal cancer 2011
arterial embolization of 306
Renal cell carcinoma 2011, 2012, 2012t, 2013, 2056
cryoablation of 306f
metastatic 2016t
treatment of 2014t
Renal disease 220, 371, 1048, 1991
chronic 195, 1741
recurrent 1749
Renal exploration 2007
Renal failure 252, 304, 566, 1273, 1408, 1438, 2080
acute 199, 510
chronic 1453
Renal function 26, 367, 422, 499
tests 1991
Renal graft vascularity, normal 1993f
Renal injury 678, 2007
grading scale 679
Renal mass 304
Renal medullary carcinoma 2012
Renal replacement therapy 499, 500, 501, 510
types of 510
Renal stone
disease 1652
recurrent 1697
Renal systemic renin index 1415
Renal transplantation 1744, 1746f, 1749
complications of 1747
technique of 1745
Renal trauma 305, 2005
Renal vein 1256f
anatomy of 1354f
thrombosis 2015f
Renin angiotensin system 1415
Renovascular disease 1741
Renovascular hypertension, pathophysiology of 1415
Renovascular thrombosis 1748
Reperfusion injury 709, 719
Reproductive system 1166
Resection, pulmonary 328
Respiratory acidosis 82, 83
alkalosis 82
cycle 1431
disease 220
distress syndrome, acute 83, 466f, 477, 477t, 481, 502, 566
failure 26
evaluation of 476
management of 480
prevention of 478
rate 435
system 221, 377
Retinal pigment epithelium, congenital hypertrophy of 1077
Retractile testis 2042
Retraction 1055
Retrocaval ureter 2002
cholangiography, endoscopic 242
cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic 169, 237, 242, 899, 939, 974, 981
Retroperitoneum 504, 1165
bile staining of 671
zones of 543f
Rhabdomyolysis 199, 503, 508
Rhabdomyosarcoma 1854, 1979
Rheumatoid arthritis 195, 1018, 1410, 1412
Riboflavin 448, 1988
Richmond agitation-sedation scale 483t
Rifampicin 505, 1988
Ring annuloplasty 2107
Ringer's lactate 21, 70, 79, 114
Rituximab 505, 1716
Robertson's giant limb 1454
Robin Hood principle 1937
Robot-assisted laparoscopy 179
Robotic surgery 855
Robson's staging, modified 2013
Rodent ulcer 1956
Root injury 630
Roseola infantum 149
gastric bypass 870, 873, 873f, 878, 883
gastrojejunostomy 839f
hepaticojejunostomy 957f
reconstruction 842
Roux-Stasis syndrome 840
Rovsing's sign 1272
Royal Marsden Staging for Testicular Cancer 2033t
Ryelonephritis, acute 304, 2053, 2054
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 1797, 1857
Altman classification of 1858f
Salicylic acid 1950
derivatives 1048
Saline infusion test 1668
Salivary ducts 1883f
Salivary gland 1873, 1874, 1878, 1887t, 1889
benign neoplasms of 1900
lesions, treatment of 1883
surgery 134
tissue 1880f
tumors 2115
Salmonella colitis 1154
Salmonella enterica 350
Salmonella typhi 1207
Salvage esophagectomy 861
Saphenofemoral junction 1388f
Saphenofemoral venous bypass 1445
Saphenopopliteal bypass 1445
Saphenous vein 1417f
bypass grafting, retrograde 1506f
Sarcoidosis 1459, 1548
Sarcoma 1136, 1217, 1558, 1967
Sarcomatoid carcinoma 2115
Sartorius muscle, transposition of 2031f
Scarpa's layer 1935
Scars, radial 1540, 1540f
Schistosomiasis 352
Sclerosis 1540
multiple 777
peritoneal 1744
Scott syndrome 102
Scrotal edema, idiopathic 2050
Scrotal hemangiomas, multiple 2049f
Scrotal pain, acute onset 304
Scrotum, squamous cell carcinoma of 2050f
Seat belt injury 1194f
Sebaceous carcinoma 1948
Sebaceous cyst 1948, 2048
Sebaceous nevus 1949, 1955
Sebaceous skin cancer 1963
Seborrheic keratosis 1948, 1951
Secretion 52
Sedation score 231
Seizures 1797
post-traumatic 613
Seminoma 2032, 2136
Sensation, anorectal 1106
Sensory nerves 149
Sentinel loop 973
Sentinel lymph node biopsy 1582, 1583t, 1597
Sentinel node 2030
Sepsis 26, 438, 566, 1777, 1793
anorectal 1122f
control of 1203
drainage of 1758
intra-abdominal 158f, 1776
plus organ dysfunction 438
postsplenectomy 147, 1026
Seroma 1905
Serous cystadenoma 999
Serrated polyposis syndrome 1081
Serum carrier protein testicular cell 322
Severity Scale classification system 631
Sexually transmitted
disease 1120
infections 1139
Shigella colitis 1154
Shock 199, 425, 429, 528, 822
cardiogenic 426, 437, 2099
hemorrhagic 435, 706
neurogenic 436
obstructive 439
resuscitation 432
septic 199, 437, 438, 438t, 439t
traumatic 440
Short bowel syndrome 1204, 1773, 1834
acute pain 307
persistent pain 307
Shunt thrombosis 1259
Sialadenitis 1878, 1884
acute 1878, 1884
chronic 1879, 1884
Sialendoscopy 1877
Sialolithiasis 1879, 1884
Sickle cell anemia 1286
Sigmoid colectomy 1094f
Sigmoid colon, carcinoma of 1092, 1094f
Sigmoid volvulus 1302f
Simultaneous pancreas 1765, 1781
Single nucleotide polymorphisms 1559
Sinuses 1897
Sinusitis 134
Sinusoidal obstruction 922
Sitophobia 1508
Sjögren's disease 1884
Sjögren's syndrome 989
Skeletal muscle 131f
Skeleton, metastatic disease of 1980
abrasions 134
associated infection 1546
cancer 1720f, 1949, 1953
non-melanoma 1720, 1720f, 1956
types of 1963
changes 1458
closure methods
advantages of 60t
disadvantages of 60t
defect 1889f
graft 1919, 1940
incisions 1534f
layers and structures of 740f
staples 60
structure of 1947
substitutes 742
tumors 1947
classification of 1948t
diagnosis 1947
management of 1964
ulcer, chronic 195
Skull fracture 285, 607
Sleep apnea, obstructive 868
Sleeve gastrectomy 874, 880
Small bowel 1185, 1733
carcinoma 1218f, 1283
distal 295
distention, massive 1298f
enema 1210f
injury 1203f
ischemia 676f
segmental 1213f
obstruction 295, 821, 879, 1055, 1169f, 1194, 1274f, 1278, 1295f, 1309
causes of 1290t
perforation 1209f
tumors 1214
Small buccal membrane cancer 1912f
Small cell
carcinoma 2115
lung cancer 2114, 2116
Small duodenal gastrinoma 1686f
Small intestine 1185, 1290, 1832
Small omphalocele 1817f
Small renal masses 2012
Small saphenous vein 1429
Small thimble bladder 2045f
Small vessel vasculitis 1405, 1406
Smooth muscle 1948
Snakebite 99
Soap-bubble appearance 1834
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons 1181
Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2070
Soft tissue 199
infection 130
necrotizing 131
malignant tumors of 1967
sarcoma 1855t, 1978, 1979f
tumors 1970
malignant 1978
Solar radiation 1555
Solid organs 1166
Solid pseudopapillary tumor 1001f
Solid tumor 99, 1652
metastatic 371
management of 323t, 324
Solitary cyst 900
Solitary neck mass 285
Solitary pulmonary nodule 288
Solitary rectal ulcer 1115
syndrome 1115
Somatostatinoma 1006
S-pancreatic polypeptide 1697
Spasm, arterial 706, 710
Sperm granulomas 2045
Spermatocele 2045
Spermatocytic seminoma 2032
Spherocytosis 1017
hereditary 1021
Sphincter injury 1106
Sphincter muscle 1139f
Sphincter of Oddi 244, 971, 974, 976
Sphincter pressure 785f
Sphincter procedures, pancreatic 1008
Sphincteroplasty 1008
Sphincterotomy 245, 246
endoscopic 981
Spider veins 1442
Spider's web of Budd-Chiari syndrome 936f
Spigelian hernia 1233, 1233f
Spinal accessory nerve 1894
Spinal column injury 618
Spinal cord 1438
injury 379, 617, 630, 687, 698
trauma 617
Spinal injuries 700f
Spindle cell
carcinoma 2012, 2115
neoplasm 1099f
nevus 1951
Spine injuries, classification of 699
Spitz nevus 1951
Spleen 297, 1013
epidermoid cyst of 1024
hematologic and immunologic functions of 1015
Splenectomy 654, 655, 757, 1019, 1020t, 10231025, 1027
laparoscopic 1025
Splenic artery, anatomy of 1014f
Splenic conservation, techniques of 1028f
Splenic cyst
nonparasitic 1020
post-traumatic 659f
Splenic flexure, carcinoma of 1092
Splenic function, normal 1014
Splenic Injury Grading System 656t
Splenic trauma, management of 757
Splenic vein thrombosis 1020
Splenorenal bypass 1418
Splenorenal shunt, distal 930, 930f
Splenorrhaphy 655, 1027
Split ileostomy 1061
Split skin graft 732
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 1166
Spontaneous ischemic colitis 1151
Squamous carcinoma in situ 1953, 2115
Squamous cell 2116f
antigenicity 322
in situ, treatment of 1954
management of 1135
Squamous papilloma 2114
Stable burst fracture 699
Staghorn calculus 1992f
Stanford classification system 1520f
Staphylococcal infection 199
Staphylococcus aureus 7, 58, 125, 134t, 345, 413, 481, 1026, 1122, 1170, 1306, 1405, 1544, 1546, 1941
Staphylococcus epidermidis 39, 125, 138, 1168, 1435, 1544, 1794
Starling's hypothesis 1449
Stauffer's syndrome 2013
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 868
Stenosis 1055, 1758
pulmonary 2084, 2106
tracheal 1803
Stensen's duct 1874
Sternal fractures 635
Sternocleidomastoid incision 547
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 1893, 1897
ipsilateral 1643
Steroid hormone synthesis, pathway of 1666
Steroidal hormone 326
Steroids 220, 223
Stocker classification 397
Stomach 248, 322, 813, 814f, 1831
complete procedure, greater curve of 930f
obstruction 295
portion of 874f
Stomal ischemia 1055
Stomal sepsis 1055
Stone disease 2001
Stone protein, pancreatic 989
Streptococcal infection 199
Streptococcus faecalis 1122
Streptococcus pneumoniae 140, 759, 1015
Streptococcus pyogenes 133, 155, 1459, 1807, 1941
fracture 307
gastric bleeding 26
gastritis 26
prophylaxis 26
incontinence 868
ulcer 831
Strictureplasty 1061
Stroke 339, 379, 1346
acute 285, 1347
ischemic 605
volume variation 434
Stromal tumor, colonic 1099f
Stump leak, duodenal 821
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 606
Subaxial cervical spine injury 628
classification 630, 631
Subclavian artery 582, 721
Subclavian steal syndrome 1348f
Subclavian vein 270, 271, 2122f
chronic occlusion of 1441f
compression of 1442f
junction 407f
Subcutaneous fat 1948
Sublingual gland 1874, 1875
Submandibular gland 1874, 1875, 1876f, 1877f, 1878f
Submucosal dissection, endoscopic 240, 1071
Submucosal gastrointestinal lesions 249
Submucosal lipoma 1215
Submucosal resection, endoscopic 242
Subserosal edema 438, 951
Subtotal colectomy 1049, 1094f
Subtotal parathyroidectomy 1654, 1683, 1683f
Succinate dehydrogenase mutations 1672
Sugarbaker parastomal hernia repair 1240f
Sugiura procedure 1259
Suicide 403
Sulfamethoxazole 133
Sulfasalazine 1988
Sulfonamides 155
Superficial femoral artery, distal 1382
Superior vena cava 420, 635, 2076, 2089, 2090, 2124
Suppurative thrombophlebitis 466f, 1435
Supraomohyoid neck dissection 1895f
aspiration 1987
catheterization 1999, 1999f
Suprasphincteric fistula 1124f
Supraventricular arrhythmias, management of 25
colonic 197
types of 323, 479
Swan-Ganz catheter 414
Sweat gland 1948
tumors 1951
malignant 1964
Sweet's syndrome 1412
Swelling, scrotal 2049
Syme's amputation 1477
Synchronous colonic cancer 1159
Syncope 1401
Syncytotrophic cells 2032
Synovial sarcoma 1979f, 2115
Synthetic function, loss of 892, 893
Syphilis 104, 118
Systemic hypothermia, management of 750
Systemic infection 1748
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 133, 158f, 199, 428
Systemic lupus erythematosus 777, 1018, 1404, 1412
vasculitis 1412f
Tachycardia 27, 170
Tachypnea 438
Tacrolimus 505, 1713
Takayasu's arteritis 1357, 1398, 1401t, 1402f
Takayasu's vasculitis 1400
Tamponade 927
cardiac 440, 642
Taylor vein patch technique 1389f
Tear, esophageal 295
Teardrop fractures 628
Technetium-99m sestamibi scan 1653
Temporary vascular shunts, placement of 582f
Tension-free prosthetic mesh repair 1224
Teratoblastoma, malignant 322
Teratocarcinoma 2032
Teratoma 2032, 2114, 2136
Testicular cancer, management of 2034
Testicular intraepithelial neoplasia 2032
Testicular torsion 1285
Testicular trauma 2042
Testicular tumor 1550, 2032
markers 1991
Testis 322
congenital anomalies of 2040
ectopic 2039
germ cell tumors of 2036
torsion of 2009, 2043
Tetracyclines 155
Tetralogy of Fallot 2092, 2093f
Thalassemia 21
Theophyline 1652
Therapeutic endoscopy 239
Thermal injury 729
Thiamin 448
Thiazide diuretics 1652
Thiersch loops 1115
Thoracic aorta
anatomy of 1353f
coarctation of 2087
traumatic transection of 766f
Thoracic aortic
aneurysms 1359
dissection 287, 1331f, 1522f
Thoracic artery, internal 2094, 2096
Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair 1523
Thoracic injury 533, 571, 576
Thoracic masses 1806
Thoracic operations 206f
Thoracic outlet syndrome 1441f
Thoracic stent graft 1427
Thoracic trauma 404, 633
Thoracic wall injuries 634
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
extent of 1358f
types of 1358
Thoracoabdominal bypass 1420
Thoracoabdominal injury 642, 643
Thoracoscopic esophagomyotomy 804
Thoracoscopy 171
Thoracotomy 231, 852
Thorax 197
Threadworm infestation 1132
Thrombectomy 1438, 1758
Thromboangiitis obliterans 1407
Thrombocythemia 102
Thrombocytopenia 438, 1017
heparin induced 96, 106, 1438
Thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic 102, 1017f
Thrombocytosis 108
Thromboembolic disease 378
Thrombolytic therapy 1438t
Thrombomodulin 88, 94
deficiency 103
Thrombophilias 1492
Thrombophlebitis, superficial 1434
Thromboprophylaxis 22
Thrombosis 706, 709, 1490, 1743, 1769
Thrombotic occlusion, acute 1490
Thromboxane synthase deficiency 102
Thymomas 2134
Thyroglossal duct cyst 1635, 1898
Thyroid 286, 322, 1634f
aberrant 2134
cancer 1638t, 1644
papillary 1637, 1693
carcinoma 1637
gland 1900
lymphoma 1639
nodule 285, 1641t, 1867
evaluation of 1640
parafollicular C cell of 322
paraganglioma 1639
stimulating hormone 1635
storm 1636
surgery 1633
Thyroidectomy 346f, 1636, 1643, 1688
principles of 1642
Thyroiditis 1637
subacute 1637
Tibial arteries 583
Tigecycline 133
edema 57
elastography 251
expansion techniques, acute 1935
fibrosis 57
hemoglobin saturation 434
ischemia 57
plasminogen activator 103, 1495, 1869
inhibition of 287
retraction 167f
sampling techniques 1535
Tobramycin 136
Todani modification 944f
Tooth abscess 134
Toupet's partial fundoplication 791, 791f
Toupet's procedure 791
Toxic shock syndrome 133, 134t
Tracheoesophageal atresia, distal 1830f
Tracheoesophageal fistula
acquired 1803
distal 1829
Tracheostomy 484, 1643
Tranexamic acid 436
Transabdominal esophagomyotomy 805
Transabdominal preperitoneal prosthetic repair 1225
Transarterial chemoembolization 907
Transatlantic Intersociety Consensus Classification System 1386
Transcatheter aortic valve
prostheses 2108f
replacement 2107
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization 907
Transduodenal sphincteroplasty 1008
multiple 482
transmitted diseases 116
Transhiatal esophagectomy 853, 854f, 861
Transient ischemic attack 195, 284, 285, 1338, 1345
Transient monocular
blindness 1338, 1345
Transitional cell
atypia 1991f
carcinoma 2017
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 929f, 1257, 1258
Transmural bowel necrosis 1505f
Transplant portal vein 1783f
Transpulmonary dilution 419
Transtibial amputation 1478
Transureteroureterostomy 684f, 2061
Transverse colon, carcinoma of 1092
Trauma 37, 99, 244, 288, 302, 346, 393, 572, 569, 574, 707, 717, 900, 1194, 1349
abdominal 404, 542, 564, 574, 1268, 1269
arterial 723f
hepatic 1039
pancreatic 1273
repair, techniques of 2058
splenic 1169f
surgery of 677
Trench foot 752
Trendelenburg tests 1432
Trichrome stain 152f
Tricuspid regurgitation 2106, 2109f
Tricuspid stenosis 2106
Tricuspid valve 2089, 2101, 2101f, 2109
disease 2106
repair 2109f
Tricyclic antidepressants 223
Triple lumen catheter, course of 408f
Trocar 175
insertion 171
placement 173
sites 175
Tropical infectious diseases 350
Trousseau's sign 75, 76
Truncal vagotomy 825, 826
Trypanosoma brucei 353
Trypanosoma cruzi 118, 801, 1155
infection 353
Trypanosomiasis 363
Trypsinogen activation peptide 972
Tube thoracostomy 351
Tuberculosis 339, 349, 350, 351f, 1020, 1207, 1459, 1547, 1727, 2044
Tuberculous epididymitis 2045f
Tuberculous lymphadenitis 1459
Tuberculous peritonitis 1167f
Tuberous sclerosis 1356, 2011
Tubular necrosis, acute 1749
Tubulovillous adenoma 1072f
abdominal 295
benign 835, 1214
biopsy 305
cardiac 2134
color of 2012
duodenal 1686
grade 1568
localization 1003, 1005
malignant 1217
markers 321
necrosis factor 49, 126
neurogenic 1901, 2134, 2135
node metastasis 912
nodules, multiple 1594f
papillary 2021f
resection of 1917
retroperitoneal 1172
size 1566
thymic 2134
types 2113
Tunica albuginea cysts, benign 2044
Typhoid 1269
fever 1207
ileal perforation 1269
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 2014, 2016
bleeding, acute 1255
gastric 295, 516, 833
recurrent 830t
stomal 876
anorectal 1139
chronic 1949
Ulcerative aortic atheroma 1490f
Ulcerative colitis 295, 402, 1041, 1042f, 1043f, 1044, 1055, 1056, 1057t, 1150
Ulcers 1202
disease, duodenal 818f, 819t
duodenal 295, 516, 815, 817f, 819, 821f, 821t, 822f, 825, 825t, 834, 1187f, 1274f
non-healing 1469
perforation, duodenal 821
Ulnar arteries 721
Umbilical hernia 393, 1229f, 1813, 1814f
Umbilical infection 1814
Unilateral renal parenchymal disease 24
Unstable neurologic syndromes, management of 1346
Upper esophageal sphincter 774, 777
Upper extremity
aneurysms 1377
atherosclerotic vascular disease 1393
Upper gastrointestinal
barium study 834f
bleeding, causes of 1249f
cancer 385
endoscopy 238
hemorrhage, alternative causes of 835
Upper limb techniques 225
Upper respiratory tract infections, acute 221
Upper tract transitional cell carcinoma 2018f
Upper urinary tract obstruction 2001
Uremia 21, 22, 26, 57
intestinal replacement of 2061
transplant 1747f
Ureteral evaluation, postoperative 2058
Ureteral injuries 682, 2057, 2060f
Ureteral stone 295
Ureteric calculi, bilateral 1994f
Ureteric cancer 2017
Ureteric injury 2057, 2058
Ureteric ligation 2002
Ureteric obstruction 1748, 2062
Ureteric stenosis 1748
Ureteric stricture 2001
bilateral 2045f
Ureteric tumors 2018f
Ureterocystoneostomy techniques 683f
Uretero-ureteral anastomosis 683f
Urethral fistula 1065, 2061
Uric acid 1990
Urinary catecholamines 1673
Urinary obstruction 304, 1797
Urinary outflow obstruction 1749
Urinary retention
acute 1997, 1998, 2055, 2061, 2062
chronic 1997, 2000
Urinary stones 2001
Urinary system 1166
Urinary tests 1987
Urinary tract 1987
complications 199
infection 142, 143f, 199, 2053
recurrent 304
obstruction 195, 1997
Urine collection, method of 1987
Urinoma 305
postoperative 2002
Urokinase 88
Urolithiasis 2054
management of 2055
Urothelial carcinoma 2001
artery embolization 306
fibroids 304
rupture 574, 2059f
Uterus 306
Vaccine prophylaxis 1026
Vacuum assisted
biopsy 1536
closure 586, 742, 1517
Vagal reflex bradycardia 252
Vaginal anomalies 1826
Vaginal bleeding 304
Vaginal hydrocele 2046f
Vagotomy 825827,
Vague abdominal pain 1211f
Vagus nerve 1894
maneuver 1433f, 2047
sinuses of 1353
Valve 1431
pulmonary 2102, 2106, 2109
replacement, pulmonary 2109
transplantation 1445
Valvular disease 287, 2105
Valvular heart disease 195, 2100
Vancomycin 23, 133
Vanillylmandelic acid 1673
Vanishing bile duct syndrome 1759f
Vanishing testis syndrome 2039
Variceal bleeding 1258f
acute 931, 1257
gastric 1258f
management of 931, 1259t
Variceal ligation, endoscopic 1257
Varicella 149
zoster 1718, 1719
infection 1719
Varicocele 2047
Varicocelectomy 2048
Varicose veins 195, 379
congenital 1454
Vascular calcification 1652
Vascular complications, peripheral 199
Vascular disease 1749
mesenteric 1211
peripheral 371, 1381
Vascular endothelial
growth factor 319f, 333, 1316, 2016
injury 103
Vascular graft infections 146
Vascular injury 174, 564, 581
Vascular malformations 1463, 1948, 1952
categories of 1465
congenital 1463
Vascular neoplasms 1952
Vascular proliferation 1948
Vascular resistance 170
pulmonary 170, 2084
Vascular shunt, temporal 565f
Vascular smooth muscle cells 1315, 1321
Vascular surgery 221, 1311
peripheral 221
Vascular trauma 705, 706, 708, 712, 714
management of 715
pathophysiology of 706, 709
signs and symptoms of 711
Vascular tumors, malignant 1967, 1977, 1980
Vasopressin 428, 2079
Vein 1327
femoral 271, 1742
hepatic 926f
pulmonary 2075, 2076, 2113
sarcoma, pulmonary 2115
splenic 673f, 1256f, 1783f
superficial 1429, 1430
thrombosis, mesenteric 1212, 1507
transposition 1445
Vena caval interruption 1440
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 432
Veno-occlusive disease 1752
Venous disease
acute 1434
chronic 1429, 1442
Venous hypertension 1743
Venous injuries 718
Venous insufficiency, chronic 1429, 1442f, 1444
Venous leg ulcers 62
Venous malformation 1464, 1948
Venous outflow
cannula 2076
obstruction, treatment of 1446
Venous stasis disease 57
Venous thromboembolism
acute 1429
prevention of 193
Venous ulcers 1444
Venovenous bypass 1751, 1755
Ventilation 224, 574
noninvasive 472
Ventilator associated
lung injury 471, 472
pneumonia 140, 141f, 469t
Ventral hernias 1228
Ventricular aneurysm 2099
Ventricular drain, external 610
Ventricular ejection fraction 287
Ventricular fibrillation 199
Ventricular function testing 492
Ventricular septal
defect 2083, 2084, 2091f, 2093f
rupture 2098
Veress needle 172, 172f, 175
method 953
system 173
Verruca vulgaris 1948
Verrucous carcinoma 1134
Vertebral arteries 583, 1326
dissection 1348
Vertebral body fractures 628
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, signs and symptoms of 1347
Vertical banded gastroplasty 869, 872
Vertigo 1347
abdominal 722
lymphatic 1459
mesenteric 583
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 171
Vigorous achalasia 802
Villous adenoma 1073f, 1215
Villous edema 1199f
Villous polyp 1215f
Vipoma 1006
hemorrhagic fever virus infections 352
hepatitis 1752, 1753
infections 148, 351, 1269, 1955
warts 19481950,
Virchow's triad 103, 1435, 1769
Virginal hypertrophy 1537
Viruses 351
Viscera, protection of 1819
Visceral angiography 1260
Visceral artery 1327
aneurysms 1369
Visceral injury 175
Vision loss 285
bilateral 1347
Vital capacity 458
A 448, 450
intoxication 1652
deficiency 367
intoxication 1652
E 448, 450
K 448
Volkmann canals 260f
Volvulus 1773
gastric 781f
Vomiting 73, 83, 988, 1176, 1652, 1788
Von Hippel-Lindau disease 976, 2011
von Recklinghausen's disease 1979
von Willebrand's disease 101, 102
von Willebrand's factor 8890,
von Willebrand's protein 101
Waldenström's macroglobulinemia 102
Wandering spleen, torsion of 1020
Warfarin induced skin necrosis 1438
Warthin's tumor 1879, 1881, 1887, 1900
Wartime vascular injury 558
Watson knife 1941
Waveform analysis, arterial 419
Wedge compression fracture 699
Wegener's granulomatosis 1405, 1406
Whipple's procedure 1187
Whipple's triad 1035
White blood cell 119, 1989
count 401, 980
Williams syndrome 2084
Wilms' tumor 393, 401, 1657, 1849, 1851, 1852f
Wilson's disease 922, 926, 1752, 1753
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 102
Wound 1796
acute 57, 60
care 1792
chronic 61, 1955
closure and scarring 1931
contraction 48, 53
dressings 63t
healing 47, 48, 53, 57t
adult 56t
fetal 55, 56t
infection 174
rate 57
management 56
tape 60
W-plasty 1934
Wuchereria bancrofti 354, 1452, 2050
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis 2067, 2067f
Xeroderma pigmentosa 1955
Yersinia enterocolitica 1207
Yolk sac tumor 2032
Zenker's diverticulum 800, 800f, 801f
Ziehl-Neelsen staining 1896, 2044
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 781, 817, 818, 829, 830, 831, 833, 1005, 1006, 1682, 1686f
Zoon's balanitis 2028
Z-plasty 1934, 1942, 1943
multiple 1943f
Chapter Notes

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1Principles of Surgery
Section Editor: Donald E Fry
Part 1A Core Surgical Concepts
  1. The Acquisition of Surgical Knowledge
  2. Perioperative Risk Assessment and Care of the Surgical Patient
  3. The Operating Room Environment
  4. Wound Healing
  5. Fluids and Electrolytes
  6. Hemorrhage, Hemostasis, and Transfusion
  7. Infection, Inflammation, and Antibiotics
  8. Minimal Invasive Surgery
  9. Informatics, Outcomes, and Economics of Surgical Care
  10. Case Study: Laparoscopic Access to the Multiply Operated Abdomen
  11. Case Study: Nutritional Support of the GI Fistula Patient
Part 1B Special Considerations
  1. Anesthesia and Pain Control
  2. Principles of Endoscopy
  3. Vascular Access
  4. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
  5. Principles of Oncology
  6. Geographic Factors Influencing Surgical Practice
  7. Surgical Management of the Elderly
  8. Surgical Management of Children and Neonates
  9. Case Study: Preventable Complications During Central Venous Access
  10. Case Study: Preparation of the Elderly Patient for Elective Surgery
  11. Case Study: Management of the Severe Pulmonary Contusion
Part 1C Critical Care
  1. Assessment and Monitoring in Critical Illness
  2. Shock
  3. Nutritional Support
  4. Pulmonary Support
  5. Cardiac Assessment and Support of the Surgical Patient
  6. Acute Kidney Injury
  7. Case Study: Source Control in the Management of Intra-abdominal Infection
  8. Case Study: Use of Furosemide in the Postoperative Oliguric Patient2
Part 1A: Core Surgical Concepts (Chapters 1 to 11)

The Acquisition of Surgical Knowledge1

Lewis Flint
Surgeons use knowledge, technical skill, compassion, and judgment to achieve the best outcomes for each patient. Ideally, compassion is an inborn characteristic that may evolve over time as surgeons learn to integrate knowledge, compassion, empathy, and communication into what is currently termed “patient-centered practice.” The most critical challenge facing surgeons in the application of the principles of “patient-centered practice” is to use knowledge and judgment to inform the patient and guide his or her choices toward the treatment that will achieve the best result for them. Achieving the best result may, at times, require advising against a surgical procedure. Effective communication to the patient and family members is a key element in the process of teaching them about therapeutic choices and obtaining the “buy-in” from both patient and family into the plan of treatment. Communication is a dynamic, not a static process since patient perceptions and preferences change as the disease state changes and the treatment and its complications progress.
This chapter will review the sources of surgical knowledge, the techniques of evaluating information, methods for quantifying the reliability of available information, and ways of communicating the certainties and uncertainties inherent in applying knowledge to the individual patient. Similar to the techniques of the concert violinist, technical skill in surgery improves with deliberate practice. New skills may be acquired and existing skills honed using simulation. The strengths and limitations of technical skill acquisition through simulation will also be reviewed.
Table 1.1   Four sources of surgical knowledge.
Other healthcare professionals
The medical literature
Experience and simulation
Four main sources of surgical knowledge are easily available and are identified in Table 1.1. As we progress through this chapter, we will consider each of these sources in sequence.
Patients and their families are rich sources of medical knowledge. They are the ones who experience the illness and the surgical treatment used to produce an improved state of health. Facilitating the transfer of knowledge from patient to surgeon can be challenging. Surgeons are well aware of the fact that pain and suffering must be inflicted on the patient and will be necessary to achieve the 4improved state of health. An editorial by Alpert1 in 2011 provides advice for the surgeon that will make the transfer of the patient's experience easier so that knowledge acquisition can occur. Most important for the surgeon is to practice effective listening, embracing attentiveness, concentration, and directed questions. During the transfer of knowledge from patient to surgeon, the surgeon will be a teacher as well as a learner. A time-honored axiom states that the best way to learn something is to teach it. When teaching patients about their illness and its treatment, surgeons have a unique opportunity to learn the patient's perspectives, values, cultural context, and needs. From these experiences, knowledge can be gained that will be useful in the care of future patients.
Many professional organizations have begun to emphasize the importance of effective communication between patients and healthcare professionals. The Committee on Healthcare for Underserved Women and the Committee on Patient Safety and Quality improvement of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology produced an opinion statement on the elements of effective communication between patients and healthcare professionals.2 The committees recommend using the “partnership” model of communication wherein the healthcare professional seeks to equalize the time spent speaking by both parties participating in the knowledge exchange. The committee statement goes on to emphasize the importance of several personal characteristics that help ensure high-quality information exchange and knowledge acquisition. These characteristics are comfort, acceptance, responsiveness, and empathy. Comfort and acceptance relate to the healthcare professional's ability to deal with difficult topics without becoming uneasy or disorganized. Responsiveness and empathy relate to the ability to detect and interpret subtle and indirect messages from the patient that may be transmitted by body language or indirect verbal messaging. An example contained in the committee opinion is helpful: a patient may be tearful but minimize the problem saying, “I'm just having a bad day.” An effective approach would be for the healthcare professional to offer an opportunity to discuss issues leading to the “bad day.” The committee recommendations close with suggestions that healthcare professionals adopt patient-centered interviewing techniques, that patients be encouraged to write questions in advance of the information exchange, and that training in cultural sensitivity may be beneficial. A final recommendation is that electronic communication with patients be adopted in compliance with national guidelines from organizations such as the American Medical Association.
The adoption and practice of effective communication skills has to be coupled with persistence. It is obvious to most practitioners that patient attitudes are dynamic and vary with changes in the illness status, the development of complications of treatment, and numerous other factors. Being alert to changes will help optimize information exchange and knowledge acquisition.
Interactions between healthcare professionals can provide a meaningful opportunity for knowledge transfer and learning if specific measures are taken to ensure timely, accurate, and understandable information. This information can be in the form of conversation or narrative contained in the medical record. Other opportunities for professional interaction occur in the forms of educational presentations and seminars.
The characteristics of high-quality verbal exchanges between healthcare professionals are reviewed in the editorial by Alpert.1 Central to achieving accuracy of information transfer and maximum understanding of the meaning and importance of the conversation is a mutual attitude of respect between the participants. Alpert stresses that each participant must be willing to be attentive to the process of information transfer. Actions such as the checking of emails on a smartphone should be avoided. If possible, interruptions for receiving telephone calls and answering pages should be minimized. The healthcare professional who wishes to provide information to a physician or surgeon should be the central focus of attention. Important parts of the information being transferred will be omitted if the person delivering the information perceives that the listener is not paying attention. It is also important for the listener to understand the level of importance that is placed on the information to be transferred by the person bringing the information. The listener needs to transmit to that person, through direct or indirect means, that the listener believes the information to be important. One effective way to send this message is to look attentively at the person delivering the information.
Alpert stresses that effective listening is critical to understanding questions that are being posed and the exact content needed by the requestor. The response to a question posed by a colleague or other healthcare professional should be framed to answer the question specifically without additional supplementary information. Inquiring 5of the questioner as to whether the response provided effectively answered the question is also an important component of the conversation.
Important medical information is presented and received by use of the medical record. For this mode of knowledge transfer to be used effectively, certain writing skills need to be used. Reviewing these skills, Simon3 emphasizes the importance of clarity when entries are made into the medical record. Good narrative writing will be useful to the surgeon when she/he returns to the medical record after a time interval. Simon notes that effective entries in the medical record can “bring the patient to life” when the record is opened for a future patient encounter. Effective and clear narrative is increasingly important because of the fact that patients now have full access to their medical records. Patient access to medical records has benefits and hazards. The benefits are that patients can add perspective to their medical histories and correct errors. Hazards include the risk for causing fear and anxiety if the medical record contains frightening material that is presented without clarification or written without a balanced perspective. Several pieces of advice offered in the article include an admonition to “write with pride,” with narrative designed to present information clearly and with compassion. Writers are encouraged to “be personal,” using the patient's name frequently. It is useful to include direct quotes from the patient. As use of electronic medical records increases, it is important to resist the urge to “cut and paste” when constructing a narrative. One critical point to remember is to proofread notes. An approach that I find valuable is to read narrative aloud. If it then sounds correct and good, the narrative will probably be meaningful when read by the patient or another healthcare professional.
Surgical knowledge can be acquired during formal education presentations and seminars. During presentations by expert surgeons it is important that surgeons receiving the information maximize their opportunity to receive it accurately by using efficient listening. Direct questions to the presenter can be helpful to integrate the information into “real-world” practice situations. Alpert1 includes useful advice for presenters in his editorial. He emphasizes that slide presentations should not include too much detailed information on each slide. Four or five clearly stated points presented on slides that are easy to read without too much color and/or extraneous material will ensure that the message is transmitted with the maximum clarity.
There is current consensus that surgeons should use an “evidence-based” approach to clinical practice. Central to the successful implementation of evidence-based practice by surgeons and surgical teams is the ability to use information from the medical literature to improve patient outcomes. The principles of evidence-based practice include a hierarchy of research quality. The highest quality research is the prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical trial. Randomized trials that evaluate surgical interventions are difficult to perform and are expensive to conduct. As a consequence, the evidence supporting most aspects of surgical practice cannot be considered strong. Conducting randomized trials in any area of medicine is challenging because of the difficulty in obtaining sufficient patient enrollment. Because results of medical treatments have improved over time, the selected endpoints of a research trial occur infrequently and treatment effects are often small in magnitude. This fact means that enrollment will need to be large, and many studies are concluded and published with suboptimal enrollment. This problem has been countered, to some extent, by the use of meta-analytic research techniques. Meta-analysis combines available research studies and uses specific statistical and categorization techniques to analyze combinations of studies. The result is the production of a group of research subjects that is large enough to have the necessary statistical power to evaluate the impact of an intervention and to facilitate the introduction of the intervention into practice. In an exchange of views on the utility of small trials that are later combined into meta-analytic studies by Guyatt et al.4 the authors emphasize the hazard of interpreting small trials that are underpowered. They also stress the importance of high-quality meta-analyses.
For a meta-analysis to be valuable it has to meet certain requirements. Ideally, the plan to conduct the meta-analysis should be published as a research protocol ahead of the analysis itself or registered on a Web site such as PROSPERO ( Also, meta-analyses should examine publications in languages other than English and evaluate unpublished data. Recommendations for the items to be included in a meta-analysis are found in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses ( Unfortunately, most publications that purport to be systematic reviews or meta-analyses fail to meet 6these requirements. In the era of “comparative effectiveness” research, the challenge is to prevent “metabias,” which is the biased interpretation that can result from the evaluation of a group of flawed meta-analyses.5 Despite the flaws in many published reports, the meta-analyses and systematic reviews pertaining to surgical topics can, if published in a peer-reviewed surgical journal and reviewed carefully and critically by the reader, contribute meaningfully to the improvement of surgical practice. One particularly strong source of meta-analyses and systematic reviews that meet all of the proposed evidence quality requirements are those published by the Cochrane Collaboration ( In future, it is likely that carefully performed meta-analysis will greatly ameliorate the problem of small randomized trials. Thus, there is no reason to discourage the conduct of carefully structured small randomized trials.
Another source of data to assist in the acquisition and application of surgical knowledge is observational research. High-quality observational, nonrandomized research studies can provide outcomes that are similar to high-quality randomized trials.6,7 The most valuable observational studies are cross-sectional analyses, cohort analyses, and case–control studies. Cross-sectional studies evaluate characteristics of a sample of research subjects from a population of interest at a single point in time. Cohort studies select a sample of subjects from a population of interest and follow these subjects over time to record changes in health status. Case–control studies select a sample of research subjects from a population of interest and record baseline data. An intervention is used in each subject, and the change in health status for each subject over time is recorded. In case-control studies each subject serves as her/his own control.
Unfortunately, high-quality observational research studies pertaining to surgical topics are small in number. In fact, most reports of surgical topics consist of retrospective case series, multicenter prospective nonrandomized trials, and literature reviews. Surgical textbooks and periodic literature reviews (such as the publication I edit) fall into the lowest category of medical literature evidence, namely expert opinion. Practicing surgeons need to evaluate retrospective case series and prospective single or multicenter trials carefully. If several retrospective case series from differing locations reach the same conclusion, and the conclusion reached harmonizes with the experience of a surgeon or group of surgeons, the evidence has a good chance of being dependable and valuable. Focused literature reviews can be valuable if all viewpoints are acknowledged and estimates of the quality of the evidence reviewed are included. To have accurate data from the practice of an individual surgeon so that a “reality check” of published data can be conducted, it is important that individual surgeons record clinical data from their patient care experiences. The Surgeon-Specific Registry sponsored by the American College of Surgeons is a convenient and confidential way to record these data and easily retrieve them for analysis. At the hospital level, accurate risk-adjusted data that can be used to document outcomes can be acquired by participation in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Project sponsored by the American College of Surgeons.
Successful use of the medical literature requires an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of published research. One successful method for evaluating and applying information from the medical literature is found in the reference work by Guyatt.8 Several important pitfalls in interpretation of medical literature publications are presented in this book, and readers are encouraged to review them.
Caution is indicated when interpreting information published in the medical literature because of shortcomings in the design of published research studies, including misleading use of the term “statistical significance,” inadequate sample size, and bias. It is common for authors to suggest that a hypothesis is supported because of a “p value” of < .05 obtained from use of statistical analysis software; the implication of this interpretation of “statistical significance” is that there is at least a 95% chance that the null hypothesis (there was no benefit from the tested intervention) is false. In fact, a p value of < 0.05 means that the null hypothesis will be true, on average, in 5% of the population represented by the reported sample. Statistical significance is easily demonstrated in large samples, but the observed results may not be clinically significant. For example, the use of a particular intervention may lead to a shortened recovery time as indicated by return to work in 5 days compared to 6 days in patients who did not have the intervention. In a sample of > 1,000 patients this outcome will be statistically significant, but the clinical relevance of a 1-day difference given the varying practices of employers in permitting return to work is questionable. Guyatt et al. emphasize that authors should make efforts to ensure that data are expressed in more detailed ways that make interpretation of the reported observations easier. Some of these practices include reports of risk reduction, number 7needed to treat, and 95% confidence intervals. Risk reduction is determined by analyzing the difference in the risk of an event (death, for example) in patients who did not have an intervention compared with patients who had the intervention. This approach is best applied to data from a prospective randomized controlled trial. The frequency of the event in question in the control group is considered the baseline risk. Assuming that the frequency of the event in the treatment group is reduced compared with the control group, one can express the potential benefit in the treated patients in various ways. Risk reduction is frequently reported as absolute risk reduction, relative risk reduction, or odds ratios. Each reporting method is acceptable, but differences between them can be important. For example, the absolute risk reduction is basically the difference in the frequency of the event in the control and treated groups. The relative risk reduction refers to the proportion of the baseline frequency of the unwanted event that is removed when the treatment is applied. Odds ratios express the odds of an event occurring or not. Groups can be compared to determine the differences in odds of an event when the two groups are compared. Odds ratios should be used with caution; however, Guyatt et al. present an example of a treatment that reduces the odds of an event by 30% in each of three groups of patients. If the baseline risk of the event is 30% the treatment reduces the odds of the event to 20%. If the baseline risk is 1%, however, the risk is reduced to 0.67%. In the group with the lowest baseline risk (1%), a treatment with a 10% or more risk of a disabling complication would probably not be offered to the group with the lowest baseline risk.
Another way of interpreting data about a potentially beneficial treatment is to use an estimate of the number of patients who would receive the treatment to prevent one occurrence of the event in question (death, for example). If the difference in the risk of death with treatment compared with the risk without treatment is, for example, 20%, then 20 events would be avoided in every 100 patients treated. The number that would need to be treated to avoid one event is 100 divided by 20 or 5 patients. A final way of expressing data about treatment effectiveness is the use of 95% confidence intervals. These intervals are calculated to provide an estimate of the range of values where the true benefit of treatment may be located. Trials with larger samples will, in general, have smaller 95% confidence intervals. If confidence intervals are wide and especially if the lower boundary is a negative number and the higher boundary is a positive number, the observed effect of treatment is at risk for inaccuracy. Confidence intervals can facilitate application of research data to clinical situations. If the lower bound of the confidence interval indicates a treatment benefit that exceeds the minimum acceptable benefit from the patient's perspective, then a treatment would be chosen. An example of a surgical prospective randomized trial where confidence intervals were helpful in confirming benefit was the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial reported in 1998.9 This trial showed a stroke risk reduction benefit of 22% (p < .05) with a confidence interval of 7%–52%. This finding indicates that the lowest stroke reduction risk that could be expected from a successful carotid endarterectomy in a symptomatic patient is 7%, with a possible maximum risk reduction of 52%. The risk of perioperative stroke in this study was 2.1% at 90 days after operation and 6.7% at 8 years. Calculation of the number needed to treat indicated that 15 patients would have to undergo carotid endarterectomy to prevent one stroke. This study had > 99% long-term follow-up that strengthened the evidence of benefit considerably. Another randomized prospective trial comparing three methods for control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in critically ill patients reported confidence intervals for risk reduction for bloodstream infection using universal decolonization measures; the intervention reduced risk of bloodstream infection by 44%.10 The confidence interval calculation indicated that the lowest estimated risk reduction was 35%, with the highest being 51%. Even if the actual risk reduction was 35%, this finding would represent significant improvement in control of this prevalent infection in critically ill patients. Confidence intervals are useful also to provide support of a decision not to use a treatment. Guyatt et al.4 emphasize that evaluation of the lower bound of the confidence interval may assist decisions about whether or not to use a treatment. If the lower bound of benefit approaches a minimal reduction in risk, then use of a toxic or expensive treatment would be rejected.
It is tempting to believe that large samples provide “better” data than small samples. Interpretation of data from large sample studies such as multicenter trials and use of data from administrative databases should take into consideration several important factors. In large sample patient studies, especially retrospective studies, data concerning time of enrollment in the study and follow-up intervals should be reported. Patients enrolled in a trial over a prolonged interval may differ depending on time of enrollment because of changes in baseline risk 8of the event that have occurred over time with changing health status of the population being analyzed or the use of more recent adjunctive treatments. Data reported from large administrative databases can be unreliable because of missing values or because the data were gathered for a reason that does not relate to the research question being examined. For example, data from hospital billing records are influenced by the behavior of billing personnel. If the billing data are expressed with a view toward maximizing reimbursement, then disease descriptor data points may not reflect actual patient characteristics. Administrative data that are rigorously controlled for accuracy of patient characteristics and complete data entry (for example, the National Surgical Quality Improvement database) can provide meaningful clinical information. A review of some of the hazards of using administrative datasets is provided in an article by Ioannidis.11 This editorial reviews in detail the sources of error that can be encountered when using data from administrative datasets. Ioannidis notes that all analyses from large administrative datasets are overpowered to detect clinically meaningful differences. Tiny, clinically insignificant differences can be “statistically significant” with the large numbers of subjects in administrative databases. Ioannidis suggests inclusion of “falsification endpoints” or analyses of associations that are known to be null. The use of this technique is reviewed in detail by Prasad and Jena12 who give an example of the use of falsification endpoints. In an analysis of the use of proton pump inhibitors in a large patient database, a falsification endpoint might be to analyze associations of the use of these drugs with associations known not to exist such as increased risk of soft tissue infection. If these associations are statistically significant, then other significant associations may be undependable. Other sources of error include misclassification of variables, erroneous modeling of variables, and unmeasured variables. Finally, identifying modifiable characteristics from administrative data is extremely challenging.
A major challenge to the use of administrative datasets in surgical research is the problem of unknown confounding variables. The impact of variables such as socioeconomic status, nonprescription drug use, or direction of a certain type of patient to one or another healthcare institution on the basis of diagnosis cannot be adjusted for in the administrative dataset. Two methods of adjusting for unknown confounding variables are the use of statistical techniques such as instrumental variables and propensity scores.13,14 An example of this practice is research studies that evaluate the effectiveness of trauma systems.15 In trauma systems, severely injured patients are preferentially directed to designated centers. This factor produces a mortality bias in favor of nontrauma center hospitals, making comparisons of outcomes in trauma centers and nontrauma center hospitals difficult. Adjusting for such confounder characteristics is possible using one of these approaches. Each of these techniques is an acceptable way to adjust for unknown confounding variables. A detailed discussion of these is beyond the scope of this chapter. Interested readers are referred to the other articles cited.
Guyatt8 notes that bias can influence the results of medical research at several points during the conduct of a study. Biased results will be obtained if there are differences in the control and experimental groups at the beginning of a study. Actions to reduce the impact of this form of bias include randomizing patients or conducting preintervention matching of pairs of patients based on clearly defined characteristics. Surgical research studies are frequently reported using “before and after” research models. In this type of study, the intervention group is compared with an historical control group. Bias is a major hazard with this type of study design. Although the two groups may be similar in terms of demographic data, important differences will often go undetected.
During the conduct of a study, bias can emerge because of placebo effects (a problem particularly in studies where the results are reported by the patient) because some patients may have differing compliance characteristics or receive cointerventions that others do not. These factors produce bias in assessment of outcomes. Ideally, such bias can be countered by “blinding” of patients, clinicians, data collectors, and other participants to the treatment applied. Blinding is a challenge in surgical research studies because of the difficulty in concealing the fact that the patient had an operation.
At the end of the research study bias can be introduced if significant numbers of patients are lost to follow-up, if the study is ended prematurely because of perceived increased frequency of adverse effects or because of an unexpectedly large treatment effect emerging in a small number of patients, and if patients “cross over” from the control group to the treatment group. This is a particular problem in trials evaluating surgical procedures because patients’ and caregivers’ desires to have the surgical procedure may increase during the conduct of the study. This problem is remedied by the use of “intent to treat” analysis, which requires that each patient be counted in 9the group to which that patient was originally assigned. Bias can affect the results of surgical research in several ways. One of the most common is bias introduced because of reporting of retrospective data from the experience of a single surgeon or single institution. Another common form of bias is selection bias. Excellent results of using surgical procedures or medical treatments can be obtained if patients with minimal risk for adverse outcomes are reported in a clinical research article and moderate to high-risk patients are excluded. This type of bias would obviously tend to overestimate the benefit of a procedure or treatment.
Bias can also be introduced by the use of composite endpoints. Because most research on medical treatments produces small benefits of one treatment versus another, there is interest in attempting to obtain results that show statistical strength. Composite endpoints that are each interpreted as “beneficial” can, when combined, increase the number of patients in whom benefit is observed. Precautions that need to be taken when trying to interpret composite endpoints are reviewed by Guyatt.8 They note that the composite endpoint should consist of outcomes that are important to patients and that the frequency with which each endpoint occurred should be reported in the results section of the research article. Uncertainty as to the quality of a treatment benefit can occur when there is imbalance in the frequency of each of the composite endpoints. Consider a research study of a surgical intervention that uses a composite endpoint of death within 90 days of operation, readmission to the hospital, and quality of life at 6 months after the operative procedure. If mortality risk and quality of life scores are equivalent in the two comparison groups, but the surgical intervention is associated with fewer readmissions to the hospital, it would be difficult to conclude that benefit in terms of outcomes important to the patient were achieved.
Obviously, the most insidious and dishonest form of bias is the deliberate withholding or alteration of data. This has been a serious problem in the production of pharmaceutical research data. A review of the extent and depth of this form of biased research is found in an article by Washington.16 The wrongdoing cited in this article stimulated the increased use of research study registries where names of investigators, study protocols, and the data from the research are stored and are available for review. The obvious limitation of the registries is the fact that many, if not the majority, of ongoing studies are not registered.
A final way of acquiring surgical knowledge from the medical literature is through the use of practice guidelines. Practice guidelines are produced by national professional organizations and are intended to provide practical guidance to physicians and surgeons who are striving to practice on the basis of the highest quality of available evidence. Practice guidelines usually include detailed explanations of the evidentiary basis for the guidelines and the degree of consensus achieved by the group producing the guidelines. The strength of the evidence supporting the guidelines is assessed and presented in the guidelines document. Entities such as the United States Preventive Services Task Force, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine have produced manuals that provide rules and practices for grading the strength of evidence and producing practice guidelines. The production of practice guidelines documents is labor intensive and expensive. Because of the fact that additional scientific evidence is being generated continuously as medical science evolves, there needs to be a commitment by the sponsoring organization periodically to update and revise the guidelines. Some of the problems encountered when trying to ascertain the quality and consistency of practice guidelines are reviewed in an article by Kavanagh.17 The author notes that one set of practice guidelines, the International Guidelines for the Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock,18 has been broadly adopted and graded as high-quality guidelines. Close examination of the guidelines documents produced in 2004 and 2008 show that at least one recommendation presented with a low evidence grade in the early document was repeated with the same supporting data in the 2008 version with a high grade of evidence. The author concludes that current approaches to assigning quality grades to practice guidelines need to be improved.
An additional concern with the application of practice guidelines is a possible conflict of the guidelines with the standards of patient-centered practice. These issues are reviewed in an article by Goldberger and Buxton.19 The authors note that a pitfall in the interpretation of data supporting the practice guideline can occur if subgroup analyses in a clinical trial detect a group of patients in whom an intervention is not effective, but this group is included as eligible for treatment according to the practice guideline. The authors cite data from one randomized clinical trial that identified nonbenefit in 19% of patients enrolled in the trial, and these patients 10could be identified using clinical characteristics. Despite the fact that no benefit occurred, using the intervention in such patients was supported by the guideline. The authors emphasize that, ideally, inclusion of this patient subgroup in the guidelines should only be done after additional prospective research focusing on patients with the characteristics of the subgroup. In the instance cited, further trial research was not done. Practitioners seeking to practice personalized, patient-centered medicine would, on the basis of the evidence, withhold the intervention from the patients in whom no benefit was identified, but these practitioners would then be guilty of noncompliance with guideline-based practice. A potential conflict exists, therefore. They recommend that practitioners remember that guidelines (and trial data) refer to groups of patients and not individual patients. Guidelines are intended to provide suggestions for clinical practice and should not be viewed as rules for practice.
The question that remains for practitioners is: how do I apply data and guidelines in my practice if I don't have time to review all of the data that were used to support the guidelines? There is no single answer. Surgeons will need to assimilate guidelines and data from the literature into their personal body of knowledge and apply this information carefully to their patients. Maintenance of a personal practice database containing information on patient outcomes will help provide a real-world view of the effects of interventions in an individual surgeons practice. Amalgamating surgeon-specific and institutional data on risk-adjusted patient outcomes will serve to guide the use of knowledge gleaned from the literature.
A time-honored axiom of surgical practice is that “good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.” Research into the topic of learning from experience has shown that expertise does not increase linearly with the time spent in medical practice. Current thought regarding the acquisition and maintenance of expertise over time are reviewed by Ericsson.20 He notes that the fundamental tenets of the roles of genetics and deliberate practice in the acquisition of expertise were established by the work of Galton in the 19th century. Subsequent research cited by Ericsson has shown that expertise does not increase over time but actually decays in the absence of deliberate, repetitive practice. Ericsson notes that early learners tend to concentrate on achieving a level of expertise that will permit performance of the desired task without errors. For activities such as typing, playing golf, and driving an automobile, approximately 50 hours of practice are necessary to achieve this level of expertise. The task performance then becomes automated. During the automation period, the subject is generally unable to make conscious changes in the way the tasks are performed, and expertise then reaches a plateau and does not increase with time. Ericsson notes that the main difference in acquisition of medical expertise is the time course of the acquisition. Once a level of medical expertise is attained (at the end of residency training, for example), further improvement in expertise is not recognized without deliberate practice. The author cites research that documents the increase in expertise in a specialist who sees many patients with the same or similar diagnosis or a surgeon who does a small number of operations repeatedly, compared with a practitioner in a general community practice who encounters a variety of patients or who performs a variety of procedures. Ericsson notes that introduction of a new set of surgical techniques such as with the introduction of laparoscopic surgery produced a “field experiment” that documented the value of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expertise.
The use of surgical simulators has produced an environment in which the use of deliberate practice can facilitate the acquisition of expertise. This topic is the focus of a report by Crochet et al.,21 who conducted an analysis of skill acquisition after a training course on a virtual reality laparoscopic simulator followed by an interval of deliberate practice. Acquisition of expertise was measured by determining the time required to complete a set of tasks and the number of movements needed to complete each subtask sequentially over the course of several practice sessions. Twenty-two candidates were evaluated. One group was assigned to deliberate practice activities between virtual reality simulator sessions, whereas the control group did not practice. The analysis showed that the deliberate practice group began to improve in terms of time required and movements required after the 10th virtual reality session, and improvements continued from that point onwards. These results confirmed the value of deliberate practice. Deliberate practice has been associated with improved performance in clinical situations. A study of this topic is by Stefanidis et al.22 The authors randomly assigned subjects to a deliberate practice group or a traditional training group. The task was to perform the suturing 11maneuvers necessary to complete a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. The deliberate practice group used the suturing simulation exercise contained within the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery course sponsored by the American College of Surgeons. This experience was supplemented by training using a porcine model of a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. The intervention group practiced until “automaticity” had been achieved as judged by suturing accuracy and time required to complete a secondary task. When compared to the conventional training group, suture task completion scores during the performance of a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in a second porcine model were significantly improved. The data in these two articles support the conclusion that deliberate practice using simulation can improve performance of defined skills tasks.
One distinct advantage of the use of simulation in aviation has been the ability to train pilots in the management of emergency situations. Ericsson20 cites data from military experience that confirm improved outcomes in actual emergencies when pilots had undergone simulator training for that emergency. Whether skills acquisition for the management of surgical emergencies can be acquired with simulator training has been a source of ongoing discussions. One effort to use simulated emergency surgical situations to train surgeons for care of life-threatening emergencies encountered in the operating room is the Advanced Trauma Operative Management Course sponsored by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. In this course problems of bleeding and operative exposure that are actually encountered during the care of injured patients are simulated in a porcine animal model. Participants are coached by experienced instructors through several encounters of various operative problems such as retrohepatic bleeding, inferior vena cava laceration, and penetrating cardiac injury. Assessments of candidate perceptions of improvement have been conducted.23 Participant perceptions of improved understanding of the management of operative emergency situations have been consistently shown. An article describing the implementation of the Advanced Trauma Operative Management course in a surgical residency program is by Ali et al.24 The analysis of questionnaire responses and instructor evaluations showed that participants improved significantly in their knowledge of important technical maneuvers for the care of life-threatening emergencies in injured patients. Instructors documented improved performance by participants with repeated simulations and participants expressed satisfaction with the improved levels of knowledge acquired during the course.
A final study of simulation to improved responses to emergency events in the operating room is described in an article by Acero et al.25 The authors conducted simulator training for an exsanguination emergency in the operating room. A mannequin simulator was used to produce signs and symptoms that would be encountered in a pregnant patient with a carotid artery laceration. Specific instruction was given in the conduct of care of the patient to 171 operating room staff members who were divided into teams. The team members then practiced resuscitation and advanced cardiac life support interventions on the mannequin. At baseline, 50% of participants believed they knew the appropriate roles and interventions for successful management of the simulated patient. At the close of the instructional period and the practice sessions, this perception had risen to 98%.
The available data indicate that simulation training is an effective means of providing deliberate practice that leads to improvements in performance of structured tasks. What remains is to conduct research to confirm that the acquired expertise results in improved clinical outcomes. Simulation provides a viable means for surgeons to perform deliberate practice that should result in improved levels of expertise.
Teachers of surgery often say: “the more you know, the easier the practice of surgery is.” While this is true, digesting the knowledge gained from the sources discussed in this chapter will continue to be challenging for surgeons, but the effort will supply the intellectual stimulation that will make the practice of surgery rewarding for the entirety of the surgeon's professional life.
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