SRB’s Clinical Methods in Surgery Sriram Bhat M
Abacterial aciduria 635
Abdomen, cricketing approach 518
Abdominal compartment syndrome 707
Abdominal reflexes 684
Abdominal wall abscess 561, 563
Abdominal wall tumors 561
Abducent nerve 682
Abduction and adduction test 736
Abduction in shoulder joint 761
Aberrant obturator artery 455
Aberrant renal artery 636
Aberration in normal development and involution (ANDI) of breast 436
Abscess, amebic liver 600
Abscess, Brodie's 747
Abscess, extradural 684
Abscess, intracerebral 684
Abscess, ischiorectal 580
Abscess, pelvirectal 580
Abscess, perianal 580
Abscess, subdural 684
Abscess, submucous 580
Abscess 135
Abscess anorectum 579
Abscess cold 136
Abscess complications 135
Abscess external 135
Abscess injection 99
Abscess internal 135
Abscess lung 675
Abscess metastatic 138
Abscess parapharyngeal 360
Abscess peritonsillar 365
Abscess prostatic 648
Abscess pyemic 136
Abscess pyogenic 135
Abscess retropharyngeal 351
Accessory auricle 45
Accessory nerve injury 265
Accessory parotid gland 337
Acetabular angle 773
Achalasia cardia 615
Achondroplasia 20, 748
Acid phosphatase 646
Acinic cell tumor 333
Acrocyanosis 191
Acromegaly 21
Acromioclavicular dislocation 719
Actinic cheilitis 277
Actinomycosis 160
Actinomycosis right iliac fossa 556
Acute abdomen, causes 585
Acute abdomen, children 607
Acute appendicitis 595
Acute arterial occlusion 187
Acute cholecystitis 596
Acute compartment syndrome 187, 194
Acute lymphadenitis 238
Acute lymphangitis 245
Acute pancreatitis 597
Acute parotitis 336
Acute peritonitis 598
Acute retropharyngeal abscess 360
Acute suppurative tenosynovitis 657
Adamantinoma 310
Adder-head appearance, IVU finding 635
Addictions 7
Adelaide coma scale 693
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 333
Adenoid facies 21, 665
Adenolymphoma 332
Adenoma, basophil 687
Adenoma, chromophobe 687
Adenoma, eosinophil 687
Adhesions and bands 604
Adiadochokinesia 683
Adiposis dolorosa 126
Adolescent coax vara 773
Adson's test 174, 362
Adventitious bursae 4
AGES scoring 398
Aggressive fibromatosis 130, 561
Ainhum 194
Aired test 790
Air plethysmography 213
Alcohol abuse 6
Alcohol intake 6
Alcohol intake classification 6
Allen's test 174
Alopecia 34
Alopecia androgenic 34
Alopecia areata 34
Alopecia totalis 34
Alopecia universalis 34
Alpha maneuver 575
Alvarodo scoring 596
Alveolar abscess 312
Amastia 440
Amazia 440
Ambiguous tumor 126
Ambulatory venous pressure (AVP) 213
Amebiasis cutis 601
Amebic liver abscess 530, 600
Amebic point 511
Ameloblastoma 310
American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) physical status classification 66
AMES scoring 398
Amoeboma 556
Anagen 33
Anal fissure 578
Anal groove 570
Anal incontinence 583
Anaplastic carcinoma 400
Anasarca 36
Anemia causes 23
Aneurysm, Berry's 685
Aneurysmal bone cyst 752
Aneurysm cirsoid 151
Aneurysm dissecting 190
Aneurysm mycotic 191
Aneurysms, intracranial 685
Aneurysms 189
Aneurysms abdominal 190
Aneurysms peripheral 190
Angiogram, renal 631
Angiogram aortic 182, 183
Angiogram retrograde transfemoral 182
Angiography 182
Angiomyoneuroma 127
Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) 181
Ankle brachial pressure index 43
Ankle clonus 684
Ankle jerk 683
Ankle perforators 216
Ankle pressure 43
Ankyloglossia 47, 283
Ankylosing spondylitis 791
Ankylosis, bony 758
Ankylosis, false 758
Ankylosis, fibrous 758
Ankylosis, true 758
Ankylosis 758
Anomalies of vitellointestinal duct 560
Anorectal abscess 579
Anorectal malformations (ARM) 583
Anorectal ring 570
Anorexia 14, 505
Anovaginal bidital examination 574
Antalgic gait 754, 768
Antegrade pyelogram 631
Anterior accessory great saphenous vein 214
Anterior rhinoscopy 369
Anterior tibial artery 171
Anti-TSH receptor antibody 393
Antibioma of breast 439
Antithyroglobulin antibodies 393
Antithyroid peroxidase antibody 393
Anuria 622
Anvil test 787
Aortic aneurysm 550
Aortic aneurysm ruptured 607
Aortic angiogram 182, 183
Aorto-iliac block 178
Ape thumb deformity 249, 259
Apex beat 674
Aphagia 608
Aphthous ulcer 277
Apical subungual infection 658
Apley's distraction test 736
Apley's grinding test 736
Appendicitis, acute 595
Appendicitis, recurrent 595
Appendicitis, subacute 595
Appendicular abscess 555
Appendicular mass 555
Appetite and weight 7
Apple-jelly nodule 90
APUD cells 400
Arachnodactyly 766
Arcus cornealis 42
Arcus senilis 42
Argyll Robertson's pupil 42
Arm-foot venous pressure 213
Arterial diseases examination 162
Arterial occlusion 187
Arterial pile 578
Arteriosclerosis 180
Arteriovenous fistula 195
Arteriovenous fistula aquired 195
Artery, aberrant obturator 455
Artery anterior tibial 171
Artery axillary 173
Artery brachial 173
Artery common carotid 173
Artery dorsalis pedis 171
Artery facial 173
Artery femoral 172
Artery popliteal 171
Artery posterior tibial 171
Artery radial 172
Artery subclavian 173
Artery superficial temporal 173
Artery ulnar 173
Arthritis, gouty 757
Arthritis, rheumatoid 757
Arthritis, tuberculous 757
Arthroscopy 712
Ascending venogram 212
Ascites grading 515
Assessment of specific symptoms 8
Assessment of voice change 380
Associated symptoms 5
Ataxia telangiectasia 431
Atheroma 180
Atherosclerosis 185
Athlete's foot 662
Atkins mammary fistula 441
Atrophie blanche 201
Attitude 19
Auditory nerve 682
Auscultation 49
Auscultopercussion test 516, 537
Avascular necrosis of femoral head 774
Avulsion fracture lesser trochanter 733
Axillary artery 173
Axillary lymph nodes 231, 419
Axillary nerve injury 264
Axillary nodes examination 231
Axillary sampling 429
Axillary tail of Spence 421
Axillary vein thrombosis 220
Axonotmesis 257
Azotemia 622
Babcock's triangle 774
Backbone 795
Backwash ileitis 527
Bacteremia 138
Baghdad sore 95
Bag of worms feeling 483
Bairnsdale ulcer 88
Balanoposthitis 496
Baldwing's test 592
Baldwin's method of renal percussion 626
Ballooning of rectum 593
Ballottement, kidney 625
Bamboo spine 791
Barium enema X-ray 519
Barium studies 519
Barium swallow 612
Barlow's test 772
Barrel chest 673
Barrett's esophagus 613
Barrett's ulcer 614
Bartholin duct 339
Bartholin glands 574
Basal cell carcinoma 142
Basal cell papilloma 138
Baseballer's elbow 764, 765
Base ball finger 270
Basedow's disease 395
Bassi perforator 216
Bazin's disease 91
Bazin's ulcer 73
BCC 142
Beau's lines 26
Beck's triad 679
Bedner's tumor 142
Bed sore 87, 88
Belching 504, 608
Belly cleft 562
Bence Jones protein 752
Bendavid classification 456
Benediction attitude 766
Benedict's quantitative test 69
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 646
Benign subepithelial nodular fibrosis 141
Bennett's fracture dislocation 726
Benzidine test 619
Berg's levels 231, 421
Bernard's aphorism 545, 600
Berry's ligament 381
Biceps jerk 683
Bidigital palpation of anal canal 571
Bidigital palpation of the mandible 285
Bidigital palpation of the parotid gland 323
Bifid nose 667
Bigital palpation of the mandible 305
Billiard testis 485
Billing's gate hump 131
Bimanual examination of anorectum 574
Bimanual palpation, upper end of humerus 717
Biopsy 55
Biopsy drill 55
Biopsy excision 56
Biopsy incision 56
Biopsy lymph node 236
Biopsy needle 56
Biopsy open 56
Biopsy oral cavity 291
Biopsy punch 56
Biopsy trucut 56
Biopsy types 55
Biopsy wedge 56
Bird beak esophagus 612
Black eye 691
Black hairy tongue 281
Bladder, palpation 626
Bladder mass 558
Bladder rupture 705
Bladder stone 642
Bladder tumors 544, 645
Blandin and Nuhn glands 291
Blaxland ruler test 514, 559
Bleeding per rectum 564
Bloodgood cyst 415, 436
Blood pressure 40
Blood pressure apparatus 43
Blood pressure cuff 43
Blood pressure phases 41
Blount's disease 778
Blow outs 206, 209
Bluedome cyst of Bloodgood 436
Blue line 280
Blue toe syndrome 182
Blumer shelf 517, 543, 571
Body mass index (BMI) 17, 18
Body weight 17
Boil 136
Bolus obstruction 606
Bone cyst, aneurysmal 752
Bone cyst, unicameral 752
Bone disease of hyperparathyroidism 748
Bone tumors 749
Borborygmi 593
Bottle nose 141
Boutonnierre deformity 271, 766
Bowel habit 504
Bowel sounds 516
Bow leg 778
Boyd perforator 216
Boyd's grading 163
Boyd's grading of claudication 178
Brachial artery 173
Brachial plexus anatomy 258
Brachial plexus injury 258
Bradycardia 40
Brain injuries, effects 692
Branchial cyst 340, 341, 353
Branchial fistula 344, 353
Branham's sign 176
Breast, carcinoma male 406
Breast, inflammatory carcinoma 406
Breast examination positions 408, 409
Breast mouse 416
Breast quadrants 415
Breast self-examination 423
Breslow's grading 146
Brittle bones 748
Broder's grading 291
Brodie-Trendelenburg test 204
Brodie's abscess 747
Bronchoscopy 674
Brown's vasomotor index 183
Browse's classification 237
Bruit 116, 176
Brunner's grading of lymphedema 244
Brush cytology 55
Bryant's triangle 731
Bubo 95, 240
Bubo climatic 95
Buccinator 324
Buerger's angle of vascular insufficiency 168
Buerger's disease 185
Buerger's postural test 168, 175
Buffalo hump 244
Built 16
Built and nutritional status 16
Bulla 30
Bunion 131
Bunionette 779
Burch grading 707
Burkitt's lymphoma 243, 312
Bursa adventitious 131
Bursa anserina 131
Bursa bicipito-radial 131
Bursae 131
Bursa olecranon 131
Bursa porter's 131
Bursa psoas 131
Bursa semimembranosus 117, 119, 131
Bursa subacromial 131
Bursa subhyoid 131
Bursa Tailor's 131
Bursa weaver's 132
Bursitis 131
Buschke-Lowenstein tumor 498
Butcher's wart 140
Button hole deformity 757
Cabanas node 231
Cachexia 19
Cachexia malignant 19
Café au lait spots 30, 128
Calcaneal spur 780
Calcaneus foot 778
Calcinosis cutis 132
Calcitonin 400, 401
Calcitonin serum 393
Callosity 133
Calorie test 672, 683
Calve's disease 791
Campbell de Morgan spot 33, 151
Cancer en cuirasse 412
Cancrum oris 193, 279, 300, 669
Canker sore 277
Capillary filling time 169
Caput medusae 37, 508
Carbuncle 137
Carbuncle of kidney 637
Carbuncle renal 137
Carbuncle upper lip 277
Carcinoid facies 665
Carcinoma, transitional cell 644
Carcinoma alveolus 298
Carcinoma anaplastic 400
Carcinoma breast 430
Carcinoma breast in pregnancy 435
Carcinoma cecum 555
Carcinoma colon 528
Carcinoma cuniculatum 143
Carcinoma esophagus 616
Carcinoma hard palate 298
Carcinoma Hurthle cell 400
Carcinoma lip 296
Carcinoma lung 677
Carcinoma medullary of breast 432
Carcinoma medullary thyroid 400
Carcinoma nasopharyngeal 366
Carcinoma of cheek 294
Carcinoma of floor of the mouth 298
Carcinoma of male breast 435
Carcinoma of posterior third of tongue 297
Carcinoma pancreas 525
Carcinoma penis 497
Carcinoma penis staging 497
Carcinoma prostate, staging 647
Carcinoma prostate 647
Carcinoma rectum, Duke's staging 576
Carcinoma rectum, modified Duke's staging 576
Carcinoma rectum 575
Carcinoma scirrhous 432
Carcinoma sigmoid colon 558
Carcinoma stomach, Borrmann's classification 524
Carcinoma stomach, Lauren's classification 524
Carcinoma stomach 524
Carcinoma tonsil 366
Carcinoma tongue 296
Carcinoma transverse colon 551
Carcinoma verrucous 294
Cardiac tamponade 679
Card test 254, 261
Caries sicca 762
Carinoma larynx 368
Carnett's test 514, 535
Carotid body 356
Carotid body tumor 355
Carpal, metacarpal, phalangeal bones 725
Carpal tunnel syndrome 259
Carrying angle 720, 722, 763
Carr's postulates 638
Cartography 212
Castell's method of splenic dullness 515
Catagen 33
Cat scratch fever 240
Cauliflower ear 100
Causalgia 9, 259
Causes of lymph node enlargement 238
Causes of painful heel 663
Cavernous lymphangioma 355
CEAP classification 201
Cellular study 54
Cellulitis 133
Cellulitis clinical features 134
Cellulitis face 134
Cellulitis orbital 134
Cellulitis sequelae 133
Cement kidney 635
Cerebellar lesion 683
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis 65
Cervical lymph node examination 290
Cervical lymph nodes 233
Cervical rib 361
Chain-of-lakes appearance 521
Chair test 765
Chance injury 784
Chancre hard 94
Chancre Hunterian 94
Chancre soft 95
Chancroid 95, 240, 491
Charcot's joint 753
Chassaigne tubercle 173
Cheek carcinoma 294
Cheek inspection 278
Cheilosis 277, 300
Chemodectoma 355
Chemosis 379
Chernobyl nuclear disaster 375
Cherubism 313
Chest injuries 697
Chest wall tumors 680
Chest X-ray 57
Chevassou maneuver 488
Chevrier percussion/tap sign 207
Chew and spit test 519
Cheyene-Stokes respiration 690
Chiba needle 522
Chief complaints 5
Chiene's test 731
Chilaiditi's syndrome 602
Chilblains 88, 194
Child's grading 548
Chimney sweep's cancer 469
Cholecystitis, acute 596
Cholecystitis, chronic 524
Cholescintigraphy 594
Chondroma 749
Chondrosarcoma 752
Chordee 496
Chordoma 133
Chronic cholecystitis 524
Chronic lymphadenitis 238
Chronic lymphatic leukemia 241
Chronic pancreatitis 525
Chronic retropharyngeal abscess 360
Chronic subdural hematoma 694
Chronic superficial glossitis 300
Chylocele 482
Chylolymphatic cyst 553
Chylothorax 246
Chylous ascites 245
Chyluria 246
Cimino fistula 196
Circle of death 455
Circumduction gait 768
Cirrhotic face 21
Cirsoid aneurysm 151, 670
Cisterna chyli 222
Clark's level 146
Classification Browse's 237
Classification Fontaine 179
Classification gangrene 180
Classification Gilbert 456
Classification Kinmonth 244
Classification Nyhus 456
Classification of diseases 51
Classification of neck swellings 352
Classification Rutherford 179
Claudication distance 178
Claudication grading 178
Claudication intermittent 177
Claudication neurological 178
Claudication venous 178
Claw hand 249, 262, 766
Clawing of toes 779
Cleft lip 276, 665, 666
Cleft palate 284, 665, 666
Clergyman's knee 4, 131
Clergyman's knee 775
Climatic bubo 95, 240
Clinical methods 1
Clinistix 69
Cloquet's hernia 466
Closed loop obstruction 604
Clubbing 28
Clubbing causes 28
Clubbing grading 28
Club foot 662, 780
Clutton's joint 485, 757
Cobb's angle 791
Cobra head appearance, IVU finding 635
Coccydynia 573
Cockett perforator 216
Cock's peculiar tumor 125
Codman's method of shoulder palpation 760
Codman's triangle 751
Coffee ground vomitus 503
Coffman criteria 186
Coin test 793
Cold abscess, back 797
Cold abscess 136, 239, 357
Cold abscss, hip joint 770
Cold and warm water test 175
Coleman's fracture 317
Colicky pain 586, 607
Colon. palpation 513
Colon cut off sign 598
Colonic mass 550
Colonoscopy 575
Common carotid artery 173
Common peroneal nerve lesion 263
Complete rectal prolapse 577
Complications of neurofibroma 128
Complications of venous ulcers 219
Compound palmar ganglion 658
Compressibility 112, 150
Compression test 696, 728
Condyloma acuminata 568
Condyloma lata 568
Congenital anomalies of breast 440
Congenital dislocation of hip 773
Congenital fissure tongue 281, 282
Congenital talipes equinovarus 780
Coning 692
Constipation 15, 505
Constrictive pericarditis 678
Contour of shoulder 717, 759
Contrast X-ray 58
Contrecoup injury 692
Cope's obturator test 592, 595
Cope's psoas test 592, 595
Cork screw esophagus 612
Corn 133
Corona phlebectatica 218
Corrigan's pulse 40
Corrosive stricture of esophagus 615
Corrugator supercilii 324
Cortisol ulcer 73
Costoclavicular compression maneuver 174
Costovertebral angle 799
Countryman's lip 274, 296
Coup injury 692
Courvoisier's law 513, 546
Cozen's test 764
Cracked lip 277
Cranial nerves examination 671
Craniopharyngiomas 688
Cremasteric reflex 683
Crepitus 48, 109, 711
Crepitus joint 48
Crepitus of bone 49
Crepitus of bursitis 48
Crepitus tenosynovitis 48
CREST syndrome 186
Cretin 21
Cricket ball bladder 621, 626, 649
Crile's grading 376
Crile's method of palpation of thyroid gland 384
Crisis, diabetic 607
Crisis porphyria 607
Criteria Coffman 186
Critical limb ischemia 179
Crohn's disease 556
Crosby-Kugler capsule 55
Cross-fluctuation, ankle joint 779
Cross-fluctuation, elbow joint 764
Cross-fluctuation, knee joint 775
Cross fluctuation 111, 475
Cross leg test 175
Crurum puellarum frigidum 191
Crusts 30
Crutch palsy 263
Cruveilhier's sign of saphena varix 207
Cry of dying nerves 179
Cryptorchidism 485
CSF rhinorrhea 693
CT scan imaging 61
Cubitus valgus 763, 765
Cubitus varus 763, 765
Curtain sign 321, 322
Cutaneous T cell lymphoma 243
Cyanosis 23
Cyanosis central 24
Cyanosis peripheral 23
Cylindroma 671
Cylindroma multiple 141
Cyst, simple bone 752
Cyst, unicameral bone 752
Cyst 121
Cyst acquired 121
Cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas 526, 550
Cyst apoplectic 121
Cyst branchial 340, 341, 353
Cyst classification 121
Cyst clinical features 121
Cyst congenital 121
Cyst degenerative 121
Cyst dental 311
Cyst dentigerous 310
Cyst dermoid ear 45
Cyst distension 121
Cyst effects 122
Cyst epidermal 124
Cyst exudation 121
Cyst false 121
Cystic hygroma 152, 355
Cystic swellings of breast 423
Cystic tumors 121
Cystitis, honeymoon 643
Cystitis 642
Cyst lymph 132
Cyst Morrant Baker's 117, 119, 132
Cyst of appendages of testis 483
Cyst of epididymis 483
Cystosarcoma phylliodes 437
Cystoscopy 632
Cyst parasitic 121
Cyst retention 121
Cyst sebaceous 124
Cyst sequestration dermoid 121, 123
Cysts of bone 752
Cysts of embryonic remnants 121
Cyst thyroid 395
Cyst traumatic 121
Cyst true 121
D-dimer test 221
Dactylitis 766
Daintree Johnson classification 523
Dalrymple's sign 378
Dangerous zone of face 669
De-Quervain's thyroiditis 401
DeBakey's classification 191
Decoy prostate 646
Decubitus 19
Decubitus kneeling prayer 20
Decubitus left lateral 19
Decubitus right lateral 19
Decubitus rigid dorsal 19
Decubitus squatting 20
Deep palmar space infection 657
Deep ring occlusion test 449
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 219
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) 198, 199, 219
Defecation 15
Deformity intrinsic minus 261
Deformity intrinsic plus 261
Delayed union 714
Delhi boil 95
Demodex folliculorum 124
Dental abscess 312
Dental cyst 311
Dentigerous cyst 310
Depressed skull fracture 695
de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis 767
de Quervain's tenosynovitis 268, 269
Derbyshire neck 373
Dercum's disease 101, 104, 126
Dermal flare 201, 209
Dermal histiocytoma 141
Dermal veins 218
Dermatofibroma 141
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 142
Dermoid cyst ear 45
Dermoid external angular 123
Dermoid implantation 99, 124
Dermoid internal angular 123
Dermoids 122
Dermoid sequestration 123
Dermoid submental 124
Dermoid teratomatous 124
Descending venogram 213
Desmoid tumor 130, 564
Development of face 665
Diabetic crisis 607
Diabetic foot 192
Diagnosis anatomical 120, 121
Diagnosis pathological 120, 121
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) 702
Diaphragmatic eventration 679
Diaphragmatic hernia 679
Diaphyseal aclasia 749, 750
Diarrhea 15, 505
Die back process 192
Diet 6
Dietl's crisis 636
Dieulafoy's disease 503
Differences between indirect and direct inguinal hernias 458
Differences between piles and rectal prolapse 568
Differences between primary and secondary hyperthyroidism 390
Differential diagnosis for neck lymph node enlargement 356
Diffuse esophageal spasm 611
Diffuse hydrocele of the cord 484
Diffuse hyperplastic goiter 395
Diffuse lipoma of cord 485
Digital examination of anorectum 571
Digital examination of rectum 627
Digital examination of rectum dorsal positions 567
Digital subtraction angiogram (DSA) 183
Digitus quintus varus 779
Dimples Venus 797
Dinner fork deformity 710, 724
Diphtheritic desert sore 95
Diphtheritic ulcer 73
Dip method for ascites 536
Dipping method, palpation 510
Direct hernia 454, 457
Disappearing pulse sign 171
Disappearing pulse syndrome 175
Discharge from the nipple 407, 412
Discharge sinus 154, 156
Disease of Reclus 433
Diseases of arteries 185
Diseases of umbilicus 560
Dislocation 715
Dislocation lunate 726
Dislocation of elbow, posterior 723
Dislocation of hip 733
Dislocation of patella, recurrent 738
Dislocation of shoulder 719
Distal run off 182
Distraction test 728
Diverticular disease of colon 558
Diverticulitis 558
Diverticulosis 558
Dodd perforator 216
Donovan ulcer 491
Doppler 181
Doppler effect 60
Doppler study 60
Doppler types 60
Doppler venous 211
Dorsalis pedis artery 171
Double barreled aorta 191
Double contrast X-ray 58
Dragstedt test 518
Dressler's quadrangle 498
Drill biopsy 55
Drinker heavy 6
Drinker light 6
Drinker moderate 6
Drinker occasional 6
Drinker problem 6
Drinker very heavy 6
Dry gangrene 191
Dryness of mouth 47
Ducreyi's ulcer 240
Ducrey's ulcer 72
Ductal lavage 427
Duct Bartholin 339
Duct carcinoma in situ 431
Duct ectasia 439
Ductography 429
Duct papilloma 439
Duct Stenson's 319, 321
Duct Wharton's 319, 326
Dumb-bell tumors 331, 356
Dunhill classification 398
Duodenal point 501
Duodenal ulcer 523
Duplication of renal pelvis 634
Dupuytren's contracture 268, 270
Dupuytren's fracture 739
Dutoscopy 429
Dwarfism 16
Dyshormonogenesis 372, 403
Dyspepsia 504
Dysphagia, causes 610
Dysphagia, evaluation 612
Dysphagia, sideropenic 608
Dysphagia 608
Dysphagia lusoria 611
Dysphagia sideropenic 364
Dysuria 622
Ear cauliflower 45
Ear keloid 45
Early satiety 7
Ears 45
Ecchondroma 749
Ecchymosis 32
ECOG performance status 52
Ectopia vesicae 641
Ectopic gestation, ruptured 607
Ectopic kidney 557
Ectopic salivary gland 339
Ectopic testis 486
Ectopic thyroid 403
Eddie's current 362
Edema 35
Edema eyelids 44
Edema grading 36
Edema of glottis 367
Edge everted 71, 78
Edge punched out 71, 78
Edge raised and beaded 71, 78
Edge sloping 70, 77
Edge undermined 70, 78
Ehrlich's test 547
Elbow joint, movement 764
Elbow joint, three bony point relationship 722
Elbow joint movement 722
Elbow tunnel syndrome 765
Elephantiasis 244
Elephantiasis of scrotum 484
Elephantiatic neurofibromatosis 128
Elevated arm stress test (EAST) 173, 362
Elusive ulcer 643
Emblism 187
Emboli arterial 187
Embolism air 188
Embolism fat 188
Embolus 180
Emphysema, mediastinal 697
Emphysema, surgical 697
Empyema necessitans 675
Empyema thoracis 675
Enchondroma 749
Enchondromatosis 749
Endemic hematuria 643
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreaticography (ERCP) 521
Endoscopy examination 57
Endosonography 522
Endosonography 612
Endotoxic shock 138
Enlarged spleen 550
Enterocele 455, 459
Enteroclysis 519
Enterogenous cyst 554
Enterohepatic circulation 25
Enuresis 622
Ephelis 145
Epididymal cyst 483
Epididymis, palpation 478
Epididymitis 485
Epididymitis tuberculous 485
Epididymo-orchitis 485
Epididymo-orchitis filarial 484
Epigastric hernia 462
Epiphora 304
Epispadias 497
Epithelioid cells 239
Epithelioma 92, 143
Epstein pearls 314
Epulis 304, 309
Epulis carcinomatous 309
Epulis congenital 309
Epulis fibrosarcomatous 309
Epulis fibrous 309
Epulis giant cell 309
Epulis granulomatous 309
Epulis myelomatous 309
Epulis pregnancy 309
Erb's palsy 247, 248
Erb's point 248
Eruptions nonpalpable 29
Erysipelas 134
Erysipeloid disease 135
Erythema induratum 91
Erythralgia 187
Erythrocyanosis frigida 91
Erythromelalgia 187
Erythroplakia 278, 293
Erythroplasia of Queyart 497
Esbach's albuminometer 69
Eschar 180
Eskimoma 331
Esophageal manometry 612
Esophageal motility disorders 612
Esophagoscopy 612
Esophagus, carcinoma 616
Esophagus, corrosive stricture 615
Esophagus, foreign body 611, 613
Esophagus, ‘bird beak’ 612
Esophagus,'cork screw’ 612
Esthiomene 95
Estrogen receptors 427
Etiology of oral cancers 275
Eventration of diaphragm 679
Eversion 739, 740
Eve's disease 310
Ewing's sarcoma 751
Examination by exploration 64
Examination in abdominal injuries 701
Examination in arterial diseases 162
Examination in bone diseases 742
Examination in chest injuries 696
Examination in chronic abdominal conditions 501
Examination in dysphagia 608
Examination in head injuries 689
Examination in injuries around shoulder joint and arm 716
Examination in injuries of ankle joint and foot 738
Examination in injuries of elbow joint and forearm 720
Examination in injuries of knee joint and leg bones 733
Examination in injuries of various joints 716
Examination in injuries of wrist joint and hand 723
Examination in intracranial diseases 681
Examination in pathological knee joint 774
Examination in pathologies of individual joint 759
Examination in rectal and vaginal problems 564
Examination in spine injuries and diseases 781
Examination in urinary diseases 619
Examination of acute abdomen 585
Examination of anorectum 566
Examination of axillary nodes 231
Examination of back 795
Examination of bone injuries 709
Examination of breast 406
Examination of cervical lymph nodes 290
Examination of cervical nodes 233
Examination of chest diseases 673
Examination of cranial nerves 682
Examination of face and head 664
Examination of foot diseases 660
Examination of hand 651
Examination of hernia 442
Examination of inguinoscrotal swelling 469
Examination of injuries to pelvis 727
Examination of jaw 302
Examination of larynx, pharynx, nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses and ear 351
Examination of larynx 366
Examination of lymphatic system 222
Examination of lymph nodes of neck 347
Examination of male external genitalia 491
Examination of minor salivary gland swelling 328
Examination of muscles, tendons and fasciae 268
Examination of nails 26
Examination of nasal cavities and paranasal air sinuses 369
Examination of nasopharynx 365
Examination of neck 340
Examination of oral cavity 274
Examination of oropharynx 364
Examination of paranasal sinuses 370
Examination of pathological elbow joint 763
Examination of pathological hip joint 767
Examination of pathological joint 753
Examination of pathological wrist and joints of hand 765
Examination of peripheral nervous system 247
Examination of pulse 39
Examination of salivary gland 318
Examination of skin and mucous membrane 22
Examination of submandibular salivary gland 326
Examination of the tongue 287
Examination of thyroid 372
Examination of urine 628
Examination of varicose veins 198
Examination on injuries of hip and thigh 729
Examinations of pharynx, larynx, nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses 364
Excessive hair growth 34
Exomphalos 562
Exomphalos major 562
Exomphalos minor 562
Exophthalmometry 394
Exophthalmos 377, 380
Exophthalmos 42
Exophthalmos grading 377
Expansile impulse 105
Expansile mpulse on coughing 448
Expansile pulsation 509
Exstrophy of bladder 641
External angular dermoid 123
Extradural hematoma 692, 693
Extravasation of urine 489
Eyelid edema 44
Eyes 42
Face and head, benign swellings 670
Face and head, infective lesions 669
Face and head, malignant conditioning 670
Face and head, traumatic problems 668
Face in Addison's disease 21
Face in myxedema 21
Face in primary polycythemia 22
Face in Wilson's disease 21
Face look 21
Face of myasthenia gravis 665
Facial artery 173
Facial cleft 667
Facial nerve 682
Facial nerve anatomy 337
Facial nerve palsy 319, 325
Facies, Hippocratica 588
Facies of congenital syphilis 665
Facies of cretinism 665
Facies of hepatic cirrhosis 665
Faciovenous plane of Patey 324, 338
Factitious ulcer 73
Falconer test 174
Falling of hair 34
Familial adenomatous polyp (FAP) 528
Familial adenomatous polyposis 528
Family history and genetic history 8
Fatigue 14
Fatigue metatarsal fracture 663
Febrile convulsions 46
Feces examination 67
Fegan's test 206
Felon 655, 656
Femoral artery 172
Femoral canal 464
Femoral head, palpation 770
Femoral hernia 464
Femoral nerve stretch test 789
Fever 45
Fever causes 47
Fever continuous 46
Fever grading 47
Fever intermittent 46
Fever Pel-Ebstein 46, 226
Fever relapsing 46
Fever remittent 46
Fever types 45
Fibrin cuff theory 218
Fibroadenoma breast 436
Fibroadenoma giant 415
Fibrocystadenosis of breast 436
Fibroepithelial polyp 301
Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus 142
Fibroma 130
Fibroma hard 130
Fibroma ossifying 311
Fibroma soft 130
Fibroma true 130
Fibrosarcoma 148
Fibrous dysplasia 311
Filarial lymphadenitis 239
Final diagnosis 50
Finger invagination test 449
Finkelstein test 767
Fish handler's disease 135
Fissure in ano 567, 579
Fistula, high level 581
Fistula, low level 581
Fistula, Park's classification 581
Fistula, standard classification 581
Fistula 153
Fistula branchial 344, 353
Fistula classification 158
Fistula in ano 567, 580
Fistula intestinal classification 159
Fistula salivary 320, 336
Fistulogram 157
Fixed abduction and adduction deformity of hip 768
Fixed flexion deformity of hip 768
Fixed medial or lateral rotation deformity of hip 769
Flail chest 696, 698, 673
Flat foot 661
Flatulence 15
Flatulent dyspepsia 504
Floating nail 656
Floating prostate 707
Floor of the mouth 283
Flower vase, IVU finding 633
Fluctuation, hydrocele 474
Fluctuation 109
Fluctuation by three finger test 111
Fluid collections in the skin 30
Fluid thrill 514
FNAC breast 426
FNNAC breast 426
Focused Abdominal Sonar Trauma (FAST) 703
Fogarty catheter 188
Follicular carcinoma 399
Follicular odontome 310
Fontaine classification 179
Footballer's ulcer 72, 96
Foot drop 249, 256, 264
Foramen Langer 421
Fordyce's disease 125
Foreign body in nose 371
Fouchet's test 546
Fournier's gangrene 479
Fracture, avulsion 709, 713, 729
Fracture, Barton's 726
Fracture, burst 784
Fracture, causes 713
Fracture, Chauffeur's 726
Fracture, Clay Shovellar's 784
Fracture, clinical features 714
Fracture, closed 710, 713
Fracture, Colles’ 709, 714, 724, 726
Fracture, comminuted 709, 713
Fracture, complicated 713
Fracture, compound 710, 713
Fracture, depressed 713
Fracture, Dupuytren's 741
Fracture, factors affecting healing 713
Fracture, femoral condyles 738
Fracture, Galeazzi 726
Fracture, Greenstick 709, 713
Fracture, hangman 784
Fracture, Hume's 723
Fracture, intertrochanteric 733
Fracture, Jefferson 784
Fracture, Jone's 741
Fracture, Malgaigne 729
Fracture, march 709
Fracture, oblique 713
Fracture, open 710, 713
Fracture, patella 737
Fracture, pathological 710,712
Fracture, Pott's 741
Fracture, scaphoid 726
Fracture, simple 710, 713
Fracture, Smith's 724, 726
Fracture, spine 784
Fracture, spiral 713
Fracture, stages of healing 713
Fracture, stellate 713
Fracture, stress 713
Fracture, subtrochanteric 733
Fracture, supracondylar 723, 738
Fracture, T/Y 723
Fracture, Tillaux 741
Fracture, transverse 713
Fracture, trilamellar 741
Fracture, Wood-Jones 784
Fracture, ‘Bumper’ 738
Fracture/injury Chopart's 741
Fracture/injury Lisfranc's 741
Fracture 713
Fracture blow out 315, 316
Fracture calcaneal 741
Fracture clavicle 719
Fracture complications 713
Fracture Cotton's 741
Fracture dislocation Bennett's 726
Fracture dislocation Monteggia 723
Fracture Don Juan's 741
Fracture Guardsman 317
Fracture Guerin 315
Fracture humerus 719
Fracture Lover's 741
Fracture mandible 317
Fracture middle third face 315
Fracture neck of femur 733
Fracture of nasal bone 370
Fracture of pelvic ring, stable 729
Fracture of pelvic ring, unstable 729
Fracture pelvis 727
Fracture pyramidal 316
Fracture reverse Monteggia 723
Fracture Rolando's 726
Fractures around ankle joint 741
Fracture scapula 719
Fractures due to fall of outstretched hand 726
Fracture shaft of tibia 738
Fracture vertical compression of tibia 741
Fracture zygomatic complex 315
Fragility test 552
Freckle 145
Free fluid percussion 541
Freiberg's disease 663, 758
Frei's test 95, 237
Frequency of urine 622
Frog hand 655, 657
Froment's sign 254, 261
Froment's test 255
Frostbite 88, 194
Frozen section biopsy of breast 426
Frozen shoulder 762
Fruchaud's myopectineal orifice 454, 455
Fuchsig's test 175
Functional limb ischemia 179
Funicular hernia 466
Funiculitis 484
Funnel chest 673
Furuncle 136
Gaenslen's test 790
Gaertner's vein 38
Gag reflex 672
Gait 20
Gait circumduction 20
Gaiter's zone 219
Gait festinating 20
Gait high stepping 20
Gait Trendelenburg 20
Gait waddling 20
Galactocele 438
Galactorrhea 439
Galeazzi fracture 726
Galezia triad 270
Gallbladder, palpable mass 536
Gall bladder, palpation 513
Gallbladder, surface marking 513
Gallstone ileus 606
Gallstones 524
Ganglion 129
Gangrene 164, 167, 179, 191
Gangrene classification 180
Gangrene dry, wet 191
Gangrene dry 180
Gangrene Fournier's 479
Gangrene gas 193
Gangrene infective 193
Gangrene wet 180
Garden spade deformity 724, 726
Garrod's pads 270
Gas gangrene 193
Gastric antral ectasia 503
Gastric function tests 518
Gastric outlet obstruction 524
Gastric ulcer, chronic benign 523
Gastric ulcer, classification 523
Gastrinoma 526
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 613
Gastroschisis 562
Gastroscopy 522
General examination 15
General history 3
Generalized lymphadenopathy 234, 237
Genu valgum 735, 777, 778
Genu varum 735, 777
Geographical tongue 281
Geographic tongue 301
GERD 613
Get above the swelling 452, 474
Giacomini-Cruveilhier vein 214
Giant cell reparative granuloma 312
Giant cell tumor 750
Gibbus 791,792
Gigantism 16
Gilbert classification 456
Gillie's test 790
Gingivae and gums 279
Girdle pain 753, 785
Glands of Blandin and Nuhn 291
Glandular fever 240
Glasgow coma scale 692
Gliding test 113
Gliomas 686
Globus pharyngeus 608
Glomangioma 127
Glomus tumor 127
Glossitis chronic superficial 300
Glossitis median rhomboid 301
Glossitis migrans 281
Glossopharyngeal nerve 683
Glucagonoma 526
Godwin's tumor 331
Goiter 372
Goiter endemic 372
Goiter in infancy 403
Goiter WHO grading 384
Goldstein saline load test 524
Golf-hole ureter 635
Golfer's elbow 268, 272, 764, 765
Goodsall's rule 567, 581
Goose foot 131, 324, 338
GORD 613
Gordon's biological test 237
Gornall's test 452
Gouty arthritis 757
Grading Boyd's 163
Graham Cole test 521
Grainger's method, palpation 510
Granulation tissue 86
Granule 29
Granuloma pyogenicum 138
Grave's disease 396
Grawitz tumor 640
Great auricular nerve 338
Greater trochanter, palpation 731, 770
Great saphenous vein 214
Groin 442
Groin hernia 453
Groin lymph nodes 231
Groin swelling, differential diagnosis 459
Ground glass appearance 599
Grynfeltt-Leshgaft triangle 467
GTNM staging 147
Guardsman fracture 317
Guerin fracture 315
Gumma syphilitc 300
Gumma testis 485
Gums palpation 285
Gunstock deformity 763
Gustatory sweating 334
Guttered veins 168
Guttering of vein 176
Guttering of veins 169
Gynecomastia 406, 440
Haemophillus Ducreyi 240
Hair 33
Hairy mole 144
Halitosis 275
Hallux rigidus 663
Hallux valgus 663, 779
Hallux varus 779
Halsted maneuver 174
Halsted node 421
Hamartoma 148
Hammer toe 663
Hammer toe deformity 779
Hand-knee gait 774
Hand diseases 654
Hand infections 655
Hand injuries 659
Hang nail 656
Hard chancre 94
Harrison's sulci 674
Harvey's venous refilling test 170, 171
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 401
Hatch perforator 216
Hay's test 546
Head injury, mechanism 691
Head of radius, palpation 721
Head of the femur, position 732
Head raising test 514
Heartburn 15, 504, 608
Heberden's nodes 271, 766
Helicobacter pylori 523
Heller's test 69
Hemangioma 148, 149, 301
Hemangioma capillary 149
Hemangioma cavernous 149
Hemangioma strawberry 149
Hematemesis 14, 503, 587
Hematocele 482
Hematoma, extradural 692, 693
Hematoma, intracerebral 692
Hematoma, subdural 694
Hematoma 32
Hematoma ear 100
Hematoma of nasal septum 370
Hematomyelia 784
Hematorrachis 784
Hematuria, gross 619
Hematuria, isolated 619
Hematuria, microscopic 619
Hematuria, nephronal 619
Hematuria, silent 619
Hematuria, terminal 619
Hematuria 619, 624
Hemifacial atrophy 356
Hemoglobinuria 619
Hemorrhage, Pontine triad 691
Hemorrhage, subconjunctival 691
Hemorrhage superficial conjunctival 691
Hemorrhoids 578
Hemothorax 699
Hepar lobatum 544
Hepatojugular reflux 39
Hepatoma 546
Hepatorenal pouch 599
Herald Style's tehnique 421
Hereditary spherocytosis 551
Hernia, Bendavid classification 456
Hernia, diaphragmatic 679
Hernia, Gilbert classification 456
Hernia, groin 453
Hernia, hiatus 614
Hernia, paraesophageal 614
Hernia, rolling 617
Hernia, sliding 448
Hernia, the features of 446
Hernia classification according to contents 455
Hernia clinical classification 455
Hernia Cloquet's 466
Hernia deep ring occlusion test 449
Hernia definition 442, 452
Hernia epigastric 462
Hernia femoral 464
Hernia femoral Narath's 465
Hernia finger invagination test 449
Hernia funicular 466
Hernia giant 446
Hernia Hesselbach's 466
Hernia history 443
Hernia incarcerated 455
Hernia incisional 460
Hernia indirect 456
Hernia infantile 467
Hernia inflamed 455
Hernia ingunal, parts of 453
Hernia inspection 445
Hernia irreducible 455
Hernia Laugier's 466
Hernia lumbar 467
Hernia Maydl's 464
Hernia Nyhus classification 456
Hernia obstructed 455
Hernia obturator 466
Hernia of hydrocele 473
Hernia palpation 446
Hernia pantaloon 463
Hernia paraumbilical 462
Hernia phantom 467
Hernia recurrent 460
Hernia reducible 455
Hernia Richter's 463
Hernia sliding 463
Hernia sliding femoral 466
Hernia Spigelian 467
Hernia strangulated 455, 463
Hernia Swiss cheese 463
Hernia testis 472
Hernia through foramen, Bochdalek 679
Hernia through foramen, Morgagni 679
Hernia truss 446
Hernia umbilical 462
Hernia ventral 462
Hernia Zieman's test 449
Hesselbach's hernia 466
Hesselbach's triangle 455, 457
Hiatus hernia 614
Hibernoma 125
Hiccough 608
Hiccup 13
Hidradenitis suppurativa 136
Hidradenoma 141
Hip dislocation 733
Hip joint movements 732
Hippocratic facies 21, 602, 664
Hip tuberculosis 773
Hirschsprung's disease 527
Hirsutism 35
History of present illness 5
History taking 1, 3
Hodgkin's lymphoma 242
Holdsworth test 783
Hollander's insulin test 519
Homan's test 208, 220
Honeymoon cystitis 643
Hook sign 512, 538
Hormone assay 65
Horner's syndrome 44, 228, 351
Horseshoe kidney 633
Hounsfield number 61
Housemaid's knee 4, 131, 775
HO's triangle 366
Hunger pain 10, 502
Hunner's ulcer 643
Hunterian chancre 94, 300
Hunterian hard chancre 491
Hunter's disease 749
Hunter's perforator 216
Hurler's disease 749
Hurthle cell carcinoma 400
Hutchinson's freckle 144
Hutchinson's pupil 691
Hutchinson's teeth 279
Hydatid thrill 111, 540
Hydrocele, infantile 460
Hydrocele 469, 479
Hydrocele bilocular 475, 481
Hydrocele complications 482
Hydrocele congenital 479, 481
Hydrocele en bisac 481
Hydrocele encysted of cord 481
Hydrocele filarial 482
Hydrocele fluid 480
Hydrocele infantile 480
Hydrocele of canal of Nuck 452, 481
Hydrocele of hernial sac 481
Hydrocele post herniorrhaphy 482
Hydrocele primary vaginal 480
Hydrocele secondary 481
Hydrocele types 479
Hydrocephalus 668
Hydrodynamic reflux 217
Hydrohepatosis 512, 526
Hydronephrosis 636
Hydrops gallbladder 557
Hyperabduction maneuver 174
Hypercarotinemia 26
Hypernephroma 640
Hyperparathyroidism 404
Hyperpyrexia 45
Hypertension 42
Hyperthermia malignant 46
Hyperthyroidism 374, 395
Hypertrophic scar 99, 139
Hypoglossal nerve 683
Hypoglossal nerve injury 266
Hypoglossal nerve palsy 251
Hypopharynx 364
Hypospadias 492
Hypotension 42
Hypothyroidism 374
Hypotonic duodenography 521
Ian-Arid test 206
Icterus 24, 504
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) 552
Ileocecal tuberculosis 555
Iliac lymph node mass 557
Ilio psoas abscess 557
Immunological evaluation 65
Imperfectly descended testis 486
Impetigo 138
Implantation dermoid 99, 124
Imprint cytology 55
In-transit nodule 146
Incisional hernia 460
Incompetence deep veins 217
Incompetence superficial veins 217
Incontinence of urine 622
Indirect inguinal hernia, types 456
Indirect laryngoscopy (ILS) 366
Induratio penis plastica 496
Infantile body frame 17
Infantile hernia 467
Infantile hydrocele 460
Infections of bone 746
Infectious mononucleosis 240
Inferior radioulnar joint, assessment 724
Inferior vena cava obstruction 37
Inflammatory carcinoma of breast 432
Ingrowing toenail 27, 662
Inguinal canal anatomy 453
Inguinal defence 454
Inguinal hernia 453
Inguinal hernia in females 452
Injection abscess 99
Injuries around ankle 741
Injuries to cruciate ligaments of knee 737
Injuries to kidney 704
Injuries to medial collateral ligaments of knee 737
Injuries to medial semilunar cartilages of knee 737
Inspection 49
Intermittent claudication 162, 163, 177
Intermittent hydronephrosis 636
Internal angular dermoids 123
Internist tumor 640
Interstitial cell tumour of testis 488
Interstitial cystitis 643
Intervertebral disc prolapse (IVDP) 792
Intestinal obstruction 603
Intracranial tumors 686
Intramuscular hematoma 271
Intravenous cholangiography 521
Intravenous urogram 630
Intrinsic minus deformity 261
Intrinsic plus deformity 261
Intussusception, acute 605
Intussusception 554
Inversion 739, 740
Inverted beer bottle sign 202, 203, 209
Inverted foot 778
Invertogram 584
Investigations 53
Investigations for arterial diseases 181
Investigations for salivary diseases 329
Investigations for varicose veins 211
Investigation types 54
Irving and Beadle's classification 159
Ischemia 181
Ischemia critical limb 179
Ischemia functional limb 179
Ischemia upper limb 195
Ischiorectal abscess 580
Isotope 62
Isotope lymphoscintigraphy 237
Isotope renography 632, 637
Itching 14
IVC obstruction 37, 508
Jack-knife injury 784
Jaffe tumor 312
Jaundice, surgical 545
Jaundice 24, 504
Jaw diseases investigations 307
Jaw tumors lower 312
Jaw tumors upper 312
Jaw tumors 309
Jewett-Strong-Marshall staging of carcinoma of bladder 645
Joffroy's sign 378
Johansson-Larsen disease 758
Jugular venous pressure 37
Juvenile melanoma 144
Kangri cancer 4
Kaposi's sarcoma 148
Karnofsky performance status (KPS) 52
Kay's augmented histamine test 519
Kelly's point 584
Kelly's proctoscope 574
Keloid 99, 139
Keratoacanthoma 140, 277
Kernohan's effect 692
Kernohan's notch 693
Ketone bodies 69
Kidney, ballottability 539
Kidney, bimanual palpation 539
Kidney, medullary sponge 638
Kidney, palpable mass 552
Kidney, palpation 513, 538
Kienbock's disease 726, 758
Kingsbury test 69
Kinmonth classification 244
Klat skin's tumor 545
Klinefelter's syndrome 20
Klumpke's paralysis 247, 249
Knee-elbow position 541, 567
Knee jerk 683
Knock knee 778
Kocher's test 385
Kohler's disease 663, 758
Kolionychia 26
Korotkoff's sound 40
Kveim-Siltzbach test 241
Kyphosis 785, 791, 792, 796
Laboratory investigations 65
Lactating carcinomatosis 432
Lahey's method 384
LAHS classification of cleft disorders 666
Langhans giant cells 236
Lanugo hairs 33
Laryngeal carcinoma 368
Laryngocele 116, 347, 355
Laryngopharynx 364
Latent period of Bandet 704
Lateral aberrant thyroid 388
Laugier's hernia 466
Lederhose's disease 270
Lederman's classification 308
Le Fort classification 315
Left hypochondrium, mass 551
Leg ulcers 96
Leiomyosarcoma 147
Lemierre's syndrome 363
Lemon yellow face 21
Leonard vein 201
Leriche syndrome 165, 178
Letssier-Meige's syndrome 244
Leuconychia 27
Leukemia chronic lymphatic 241
Leukoplakia 278, 292
Levator anguli oris 324
Levels of evidences 51, 52
Lichen planus 281
Lid lag 380
Lid lag sign 378
Lid retraction 377, 378, 380
Limp 20
Lindsay line 27
Line, Nelaton's 731
Line, Schoemaker's 731
Line of demarcation 167, 180
Line of Sebileau 308
Line Onghren's 76, 77
Lingual thyroid 47, 403
Linton's test 209, 220
Lip anatomy 276
Lip countryman's 274
Lipodermatosclerosis 218
Lipoma 125
Lipoma clinical features 126
Lipoma telangiectasis 126
Liposarcoma 147
Lip palpation 284
Lisch nodules 128
Lithotomy position 567
Liver, palpable left lobe 549
Liver, palpation 511
Liver, surface marking 512
Liver dullness 515, 540
Liver dullness obliteration 592
Liver injury 703
Liver palpation 536
Liver span 536
Lobular carcinoma in situ 433
Local examination 49
Locally advanced carcinoma of breast (LACB) 434
Locking 775
Locking of knee 734
Lockwood theory 486
Long thoracic nerve injury 265
Loose bodies in knee joint 738
Lordosis 785
Loss of weight 505
Lovibond angle 28
Lower end of forearm, palpation 724
Lower end of humerus, palpation 721
Lucid interval 690, 694
Ludwig's angina 134, 341, 359
Lumbar hernia 467
Lumbar puncture 684
Lunate dislocation 726
Lung abscess 675
Lupus vulgaris 670, 90
Luxatio in erecta 719
Lymphadenitis tuberculous 235, 239
Lymphadenopathy generalized 234, 237
Lymphangiography 237
Lymphangioma 151
Lymphangioma capillary 151
Lymphangioma cavernous 151
Lymphangioma circumscripta 151
Lymphangioma diffusum 151
Lymphangitis acute 245
Lymphatics 222
Lymphatic system examination 222
Lymphatic watershed area 223
Lymph cyst 132
Lymphedema 243
Lymphedema ab agne 151
Lymphedema congenita 244
Lymphedema praecox 244
Lymphedema primary 244
Lymphedema secondary 244
Lymph node 223
Lymph node biopsy 236
Lymph node cabanas 231
Lymph node microanatomy 223
Lymph nodes axilla 231
Lymph nodes cervical 233
Lymph nodes of groin 231
Lymphogranuloma inguinale 240
Lymphoma 235, 242
Lymphorrhagia 473
Lymph scrotum 473, 484
Lymph varix 474, 484
Machinery murmur 116, 177
Macrocheilia 276
Macrodactyly 766
Macroglossia 47, 280
Macrostoma 667
Macule 29
Madelung deformity 726
Madura foot 160
Madura hand 161
Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) 522
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 62
Magnuson's test 790
Malakoplakia 645
Maldescended testis 486
Malgaigne bulging 451
Malgaigne fracture 729
Malignant bone tumors 750
Malignant cachexia 19, 506
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) 147
Malignant hypertension 43
Malignant hyperthermia 46
Malignant lymphoma thyroid 401
Malignant tumors of anal canal 582
Mallet finger 270, 724
Malunion 714
Mammary dysplasia 436
Mammary fistula of Atkins 441
Mammography 424
Manchester staging of carcinoma of breast 433
Mandible anatomy 302
Mandibular cleft 665
Mantoux test 54
March fracture 663, 741
Marfan's syndrome 20, 749
Marie-Strumpell arthritis 791
Marion's disease 649
Marjolin's ulcer 143
Martorelle's ulcer 73, 88
Mask face 21
Mass abdomen, intrinsic mobility 535
Mass abdomen, mobility 535
Mass abdomen 529
Mass in lumbar region 552
Mass in the epigastrium 548
Mass in the hypogastrium 559
Mastalgia 407, 440
Mastalgia cyclical 436, 440
Mastalgia noncyclical 440
Mastitis 438
Mastitis carcinomatosis 432
Mastitis intramammary 438
Mastitis retromammary 438
Mastitis subareolar 438
Matchstick test 110
Maxilla anatomy 302
Maxillary tumors 308
Maxillofacial injuries 314
Maydl's hernia 464
May or Kuster perforator 216
May's vein 38
McBurney's point 591
McBurney's tenderness 591
McCallum Colapinto classification 707
Mc Murray's test 736
Mc'Burney's point 511
Measurement, hip joint 772
Meatal ulcer 498
Meckel's diverticulum 602
Meckler's triad 614
Meconium 68
Medial popliteal nerve 264
Median mental sinus 159
Median nerve injury 259
Median rhomboid glossitis 281, 301
Median umbilical fold 454
Mediastinal emphysema 697
Mediastinal flutter 698
Mediastinal tumors 676
Medullary carcinoma of breast 432
Medullary carcinoma thyroid 400
Megalodactyly 766
Megaloglossia 280
Meggitt's classification 192
Meglumine iothalamate 630
Melaena 68, 504
Melanoglossia 47
Melanoma 145
Melanoma ABCDE 146
Melanoma acral lentiginous 145
Melanoma amelanotic 146
Melanoma desmoplastic 146
Melanoma juvenile 144
Melanoma lentigo maligna 145
Melanoma nodular 145
Melanoma subungual 146
Melanoma superficial spreading 145
Melemesis 14
Melena 68
Meleney's progressive gangrene 563
Meleney's ulcer 73
Melon seed bodies 658
Membrana reunions 793
Meningiomas 686
Meningocele 668, 793
Mental status 16
Mental status grading 16
Mesenteric adenitis acute non specific 606
Mesenteric cyst 553
Metastatic carcinoma of breast 435
Michaelis-Gutmann bodies 645
Microalbuminuria 622
Microdactyly 766
Micrognathia 314
Micturating cystourethrography 632
Middleton's maneuver 512
Midpalmar space 657
Migraine 10
Mikulicz disease 337
Mikulicz syndrome 318
Mikulicz triad 337
Milian's ear sign 135
Milker's nodes 659
Mill's maneuver 765
Milroy's disease 244
Miner's bursa 763, 765
Miner's elbow 131
Minor salivary glands 339
Minor salivary gland tumor 333
Mirizzi syndrome 524
Mittelschmerz pain 10
Mixed salivary tumor 331
Mobile kidney 557
Mode of onset of symptom 5
Modified Adson's test 174
Modified Perthes test 208
Modified Verdan zone in hand 655
MODS 138
Moebius sign 379
Mole 144
Mole hairy 144
Mole non-hairy 144
Molluscum sebaceum 140
Mondor's disease 412, 439
Mongolism 21
Monk's localization 701
Monteggia fracture dislocation 720, 723
Moon face of Cushing's syndrome 665
Moon red face 21
Moon's molar 279
Morgagni follicles infection 498
Morquio Brailsfold's disease 749
Morrant Baker's cyst 117, 119, 132, 775
Morris bitrochanteric test 731
Morrison's kidney pouch 599
Morrissey's cough impulse 204, 206
Morton's metatarsalgia 663
Morvan's disease 194
Mose's sign 208, 220
Moulding 109
Mouth dryness 47
Movement, knee joint 775
Movement in hip joint 770
Movements of ankle 740
Movements of knee joint 736
Movements of shoulder joint 761
Movements of spine 788
Moynihan's test 511
MRI uses 62
Mucoepidermoid tumor 332
Mucous patches 300
Mucous retention cyst 292
Mucus cyst cheek 278
Mulberry stone 642
Mule spinner's disease 469
Multilocular cystic disease of jaw 310
Multiple chondromatosis 750
Multiple cylindroma 141
Multiple exostosis 749, 750
Multiple myeloma 751
Multiple tourniquet test 205
Murphy's kidney punch 539, 626, 800
Murphy's point 591
Murugassu's technique 584
Muscle guarding and rigidity 591
Muscle hernia 272
Muscle power checking 250
Muscle power grading 176
Musle power 176
Myasthenia gravis 21
Myasthenia smile 21
Mycetoma pedis 160
Myelocele 793
Myelomeningocele 793
Myopectineal orifice of Fruchaud's 454, 455
Myositis ossificans 272, 714
Myotic aneurysm 191
Myxedema 403
Myxedema coma 403
Myxedema pretibial 376
Myxedma 374
Myxedma crisis 374
Naffziger's sign 378
Naffziger's test 789
Nail bed infarcts 26
Nail pterygium 27, 28
Nail red 27
Nails examination of 26
Nail white 27
Nain anatomy of 26
Narath's femoral hernia 465
Narath's sign 172
Nasopalatine cyst 314
Nasopharyngeal carinoma 366
Nasopharynx 364
Nausea 14, 502, 608
Neck Derbyshire 373
Neck swellings classification 352
Necrosis 180
Negative confirmative evidence 54
Negus esophagoscope 612
Nelaton's line 731
Nephroblastoma 639
Nerve great auricular 338
Nerve of Bell 265
Neuhof's sign 209, 220
Neurilemmoma 129
Neuroblastoma 129
Neurofiborma nodular 127
Neurofibroma 127
Neurofibroma generalized 128
Neurofibroma plexiform 127
Neurolipoma 126
Neuroma 129
Neuroma end 129
Neuroma false 129
Neuroma myelinic 129
Neuroma side lateral 129
Neuroma true 129
Neuropraxia 257
Neurotmesis 257
Nevi 144
Neville J Nicholson maneuver 510
Nevus 144
Nevus blue 144
Nevus compound 144
Nevus flammeus 149
Nevus halo 145
Nevus intradermal 144
Nevus Ito 145
Nevus junctional 144
Nevus Ota 145
Nevus speckled lentiginous 145
Nevus spider 151
Nevus spilus 145
Nevus spindle cell 145
Nevus Spitz 144
Nicoladoni's sign 176
Night cramps 199
Night cry 753
Nipple deviation assessment 418
Nipple retraction 418
Nixon's method of splenic dullness 515
Nocturia 621
Nodular goiter 395
Nodule 29
Noma 193, 279, 300
No man's land in hand 651
Non-hairy mole 144
Non-ulcer dyspepsia 504
Non-union 714
Nonchromaffin paraganglioma 355
Non Hodgkin's lymphoma 243
Nonne-Milroy's disease 244
Nonpalpable eruptions 29
Nonspecific mesenteric adenitis, acute 606
Nose 44
Nose saddle 44
Nottingham prognostic index 432
Nutrition 17
Nutritional assay 65
Nutrition assessment 17
Nyhus classification 456
Nystagmus 683
Obstetrician paralysis 248
Obstruction inferior vena cava 37
Obstruction superior vena cava 37
Obturator hernia 466
Occipitofrontalis frontal belly 324
Occult primary 359
Ochsner Sherren regime 555
Ochsner's clasping test 259
Ochsner's test 252
Oculomotor nerve 682
Odontomes 309
Odynophagia 608, 610
Ohngren's classification 308
Okuda needle 522
Olecranon, palpation 721
Olfactory nerve 682
Oliguria 622
Ollier's disease 749, 750
Omental cyst 554
Omental mass 550
Omentoele 455, 459
Omphalocele 562
Onghren's line 76, 77
Onion peel appearance 751
Onychauxis 27
Onychia 27
Onychocryptosis 26, 662
Onycholysis 27
Onychomycosis 662
Onychorrhexis 27
Orthopantomogram (OPG) 291
Ophthalmoplegia 379
Optic nerve 682
Oral carcinoma features of 244
Oral carcinoma general features 294
Oral carcinoma precipitating factors 294
Oral cholecystography 521
Oral submucosal fibrosis 293
Oral thrush 299, 611
Orbicularis oculi 324
Orbiculars oris 324
Orbital cellulitis 134
Orchitis 484
Oriental sore 95
Oropharynx 364
Orphan Annie eye 398
Orr chair test 487
Orthopantomogram 307
Ortolani's test 772
Oschner's Mahoner's test 205
Osgood Schlatter disease 758
Ossifying fibroma 311
Osteitis deformans 747
Osteitis fibrosa cystica 748
Osteoarthritis of hip 774
Osteoarthrosis, primary 757
Osteoarthrosis, secondary 757
Osteoarthrosis 757
Osteochondritis, crushing 758
Osteochondritis, splitting 758
Osteochondritis, traction 758
Osteochondritis 758
Osteochondroma 750
Osteoclastoma 750
Osteoclastoma mandible 311
Osteogenesis imperfecta 748
Osteoma 749, 670
Osteomalacia 747
Osteomyelitis, acute 746
Osteomyelitis, chronic 746
Osteomyelitis jaw 313
Osteoporosis 748
Osteosarcoma 751
Other drinking habits 7
Other habits 7
Other relevant history 8
Ovarian mass 559
Pachyglossia 280
Paget's disease of bone 670, 747
Paget's disease of breast 411
Paget's disease of the nipple 432
Paget's test 110
Pain, colicky 586, 607
Pain, periodicity 502
Pain, prostatic 623
Pain, radiation 502
Pain, referred 502
Pain, renal 623
Pain, triangle of 455
Pain, ureteric 623
Pain, urethral 624
Pain, vesical 623
Pain 8
Pain acute onset 10
Pain aggravating factors 11
Pain central 9
Pain chronic onset 10
Pain colicky 10
Pain constricting 11
Pain deep 9
Pain distension 11
Pain duration 11
Pain expression of the 9
Pain features of 9
Painful arc syndrome 273, 762, 763
Pain grading 12
Pain hunger 10
Pain migratory 12
Pain mode of onset 10
Pain nature 10
Pain original site 10
Pain periodicity 11
Pain progression 11
Pain psychogenic 9
Pain radiation 12
Pain referred 12
Pain relieving factors 12
Pain segmental 9
Pain severity 11
Pain shifting 12
Pain superficial 8
Palate 283
Palate diseases 314
Palate palpation 287
Pallor 22
Palpation, clavicle 717
Palpation, scapula 718
Palpation, upper end of humerus 717
Palpation 49
Palpation cheek 285
Palpation of blood vessels 170
Palpation of epididymis 478
Palpation of kidney 625
Palpation of posterior third of tongue 286
Palpation of prostate 627
Palpation of the floor of the tongue 287
Palpation of tonsils and fauces 288
Palpation of vas 478
Palpation tongue 286
Palsy saturday night 263
Palsy tourniquet 263
Pancoast tumor 678
Pancreas, palpation 513
Pancreatic mass 538
Pancreatic trauma 704
Pancreatic tumors, endocrine 526
Pancreatic tumors 526
Pancreatitis, acute 597
Panda sign 316
Pannus 757, 778
Pantaloon hernia 463
Papillary carcinoma 398
Papillary cystadenolymphomatosum 332
Papilloma 140, 301, 368
Papilloma basal cell 138
Papilloma pedunculated 140
Papilloma true 140
Papilloma infective 140
Papule 29
Para-aortic lymph node mass 550
Para Achilian perforator 216
Paradoxic aciduria 524
Paradoxical respiration 698
Parafollicular C cells 400
Parapharyngeal abscess 360
Paraphimosis 492, 495
Paraplegia 783
Paraplegia in extension 793
Paraplegia in flexion 793
Paraumbilical hernia 462
Parona's space 658
Paronychia, acute 656
Paronychia, chronic 656
Parotid abscess 335
Parotid fistula 336
Parotid gland anatomy 337
Parotitis acute 336
Parotitis recurrent childhood 335
Parry-Romberg disease 151
Partial rectal prolapse 577
Pascal's law 109
Passavant ridge 364
Past history 5
Patch 29
Patellar clonus 684
Patellar fracture 737
Patellar tap 735, 775
Patent urachus 561
Patey's faciovascular plane 324, 338
Pathological status of bones 747
Pathologist's wart 140
Patient 1
Paul-Bunnel test 240
Pauwel's angle 732
Peau d'orange 412, 416
Pectus carinatum 674
Pectus excavatum 673
Pel-Ebstein fever 226
Pellegrani Steida's disease 270, 738
Pelvic fracture, classification 729
Pelvic injuries 629
Pelvic mass 557
Pelvirectal abscess 580
Pemberton's sign 386
Pentagastrin test 519
Pen test 253, 259
Percussion, renal angle 515
Percussion 49
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) 522
Perforated duodenal ulcer 601
Perforated typhoid ulcer 602
Perforator Bassi 216
Perforator Boyd 216
Perforator Cockett 216
Perforator Dodd 216
Perforator Hatch 216
Perforator Hunter's 216
Perforator incompetence 216
Perforator May Kuster 216
Perforators ankle 216
Perforator Sherman 216
Perianal abscess 580
Periapical cyst 311
Pericarditis, constrictive 678
Pericarditis 678
Perinephric abscess 635
Peripheral nerve injuries 257
Peritonitis, acute 598
Peritonitis, primary 598
Peritonitis, secondary 598
Peritonitis, tertiary 598
Peritonsillar abscess 365
Perkin's line 773
Perleche 277, 300
Perniosis 88
Per rectal examination positions 567
Personal history 6
Perthes test 208
Perthes’ disease 774
Per vainal examination 543
Pes anserinus 323, 338
Pes cavus 662, 779
Pes planus 661, 779
Petechiae 31
Petit's triangle 467
Peyronie's disease 496
Phagaedena 280
Phagedena 89
Phagophobia 608
Phantom hernia 467
Pharmacoangiogram 641
Pharyngeal pouch 354
Pharyngitis 366
Phenomenon Raynaud's 185
Phimosis 492, 495
Phlebography 212
Phlegmasia alba dollens 203, 220
Phlegmasia caerulea dollens 203, 220
Photo plethysmography 213
Phylloides tumor 437
Picker position 567, 572
Pick's disease 678
Pigeon-egg testes 485
Pigeon chest 674
Pigmentation of skin 22
Pigmented lesions in the skin 33
Pile, arterial 578
Pile, sentinel 579, 580
Piles 578
Pilonidal sinus 567, 577
Pinhole meatus 495
Pitcher's elbow 764
Pitted nails 26
Pituitary tumors 687
Pizzillo's method 382, 384
Plain X-ray KUB 629
Plane of the swelling 113
Plantar fasciitis 272
Plantar wart 140
Plaque 30
Platysma 324
Pleomorphic adenoma 331
Plethysmography 182, 213
Plethysmography air 213
Plethysmography photo 213
Plica polonica 34
Plummer-Vinson syndrome 608, 611
Plummer's sign 376
Plunging goiter 387
Plunging ranula 283, 292
Pneumaturia 622
Pneumopyelography 630
Pneumothorax, tension 699
Pneumothorax 699
Pointing index 249
Pointing test 586
Point tenderness 591
Poker's back 791
Policeman receiving tip 248
Polycystic kidney disease 634
Polycythemia 24
Polydactyly 766
Polymazia 441
Polythelia 441
Polyuria 621
Pons asinorum 572
Pontine hemorrhage 691
Popliteal artery 171
Porphyria 68
Porphyria crisis 607
Port-wine stain 149
Portal hypertension 547
Porter's bursa 131
Porter's tip hand 248
Position of ease, wrist joint 765
Position of ease/rest 755
Positions various in the body 49
Positive confirmative evidence 54
Positron emission tomography scan (PET scan) 64
Post-traumatic amnesia 689
Posterior arch vein of Leonard 201
Posterior rhinoscopy 369
Posterior tibial artery 171
Posterior urethral valve 649
Postoperative synergistic gangrene 90
Postphlebitic limb 219
Postural test 370
Posture 20
Potato nose 141
Potato tumor 355
Pott's disease 792
Pott's puffy tumor 137, 669
Pratt's test 206
Preanesthetic assessment 64
Preanesthetic investigations recommended 67
Preauricular sinus 668
Pregangrene 167, 179
Premalignant conditions of oral cavity 293
Prepatellar bursitis 131
Pressure sore 87, 88
Pressure sore staging 88
Pretibial myxedema 376, 397
Priapism 496
Primary branchiogenic carcinoma 359
Primary syphilitic chancre 277
Probe test 157
Proctalgia Fugax 583
Proctitis 583
Proctoscopy 574
Prognathism 314
Prognathous deformity 306
Progress of the disease 5
Prolapse retum 568
Prostate 627
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) 646
Prostatic abscess 648
Prostatic pain 623
Prostatism 646
Prostatitis 648
Protein bound iodide 391
Proteinuria, orthostatic 622
Proteinuria 622
Proteinuria tests 69
Pruritus 14
Pruritus ani 565, 566
Psammoma bodies 398
Pseudoclubbing 29
Pseudocyst of the pancreas 549
Pseudodiarrhea 505
Pseudofluctuation 110
Pseudohematemesis 503
Pseudomalignancy 141
Pseudopolyposis 527
Psittacosis 240
Psoas abscess 466
Psoas bursa 466
PSP test 629
Ptyalism 319
Pubo coccygeal line 584
Pulled elbow 723
Pulmonary complications, postoperative period 678
Pulmonary embolism 677
Pulsatile expansile 113
Pulsatile mass 535
Pulsatile transmitted 113
Pulsatility 113
Pulsation expansile 105
Pulsation expansile abdomen 177
Pulsation transmitted 105
Pulse 39
Pulse anacrotic 40
Pulse assessment 39
Pulse collapsing 40
Pulse Corrigan's 40
Pulse dicrotic 40
Pulseless arteritis 187
Pulse Waterhammer 40
Pulsus bigeminus 40
Pulsus paradoxus 40, 679
Pump handle test 728, 790
Punch biopsy 56
Punctum 106, 124
PUO 46
Purpura 31
Pustules 30
Pyemia 138
Pyocele 482
Pyoderma gangrenosum 90
Pyogenic arthritis, acute 756
Pyogenic arthritis, chronic 757
Pyogenic granuloma 87, 138
Pyonephrosis 637
Pyramidal frature 316
Pyrexia of unknown origin 46
Pyriform fossa 364
Pyrosis 504, 608
Pyuria 622
Quadrants in abdomen 529
Quadriplegia 783
Qualities of a good surgeon 1
Radial artery 172
Radial nerve lesions 262
Radicular cyst 311
Radioactive fibrinogen test 213
Radioisotope bone scan 712
Radioisotope studies in thyroid 391
Radioisotpoe bone scan in breast carcinoma 427
Radionuclide imaging 62
Raju test 208
Ram's horn penis 244, 492, 496
Ram's horn nail 662
Randall's plaque theory 638
Ranula 283, 291
Rapunzel syndrome 525
Raspberry tumour 560
Ray fungus 160
Raynaud's disease 186
Raynaud's phenomenon 163, 185
Raynaud's syndrome 185
Reactive hyperemia time test 176
Reactive hyperplasia 238
REAL classification 242
Rebound tenderness 8, 591
Rectal prolapse 576
Rectum, digital examination 543
Rectus sheath hematoma 562
Recurrent childhood parotitis 335
Recurrent fibroid of Paget's 130
Red currant jelly 605
Red nail 27
Reducibility 112
Reed-Sternberg cells 242
Reed-Sternberg giant cells 236
Reflexes 683
Reflux esophagitis 616
Regaud tumor 366
Regional ileitis 556
Regions in the abdomen 529
Regurgitation 15, 502, 608
Reiter's disease 650, 756
Related symptoms suggestive of complications 5
Renal angle 625, 799
Renal angle percussion 541
Renal angle tenderness 539
Renal calculus 638
Renal carbuncle 137, 637
Renal cell carcinoma 640
Renal function tests 629
Renal mass 626
Renal pain 623
Renal rickets 747
Renal tuberculosis 635
Reperfusion injury 194
Residual urine 645
Respiration 42
Respiration Cheyne-Stokes 42
Rest pain 163, 178, 179
Retching 608
Retention of urine, acute 621
Retention of urine, chronic 621
Retention of urine 620, 624
Reticular veins 209, 218
Retractile testis, test for 478
Retractile testis 486
Retrocalcaneal bursitis 131
Retrocaval ureter 634
Retrograde pyelography 630
Retroperitoneal cysts 553
Retroperitoneal mass 540
Retroperitoneal tumors 552
Retropharyngeal abscess 351
Retropharyngeal abscess acute 360
Retrosternal goiter 387
Reverse smokers 298
Rhabdomyosarcoma 148
Rhagades 277, 300
Rhesus sardonicus face 665
Rheumatoid arthritis 753, 757
Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand 270
Rhinophyma 45, 141
Rhinoscopy anterior 369
Rhinoscopy posterior 369
Rhinosporidiosis 371
Richter's hernia 463
Ricketic chest 673
Ricketic rosary 674, 747
Rickets 20, 747
Riedel's lobe of liver 544
Riedel's thyroiditis 401
Right hypochondrium, mass 544
Right iliac fossa, mass 555
Rinne's test 672, 683
Rippled artery 182
Risus sardonicus 21
Robertson's giant limb 195
Robson-Flocks and Kadesky staging of AJCC 641
Rodent ulcer 142
Rolling hernia 614
Roos test 174, 362
Roseolar 29
Rotator cuff 762
Rothera's test 69
Rotter's nodes 419
Roundworm bolus 557
Rouviere zones 231
Rule of 7 in neck 345
Rule of 80 in neck 352
Rupture bladder 705
Ruptured extensor pollicis longus 270
Rupture of tendo Achilles 739
Rupture spleen 703
Rutherford classification 179
Rutherford Morrison's kidney pouch 599
Rye's classification 242
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 99
Sacroiliac joint, test 790
Saddle embolus 188
Saddle nose 44
Saint's triad 558
Salivary calculi 335
Salivary calculus 334
Salivary fistula 320, 336
Salivary neoplasms 331
Salmon patch 149
Salpingitis, acute 606
Saphena varix 204, 207, 209, 466
Sarcoidosis 241
Sarcoma 147
Sarcoma Kaposi's 148
Sarcoma synovial 148
Satellite nodule 146
Satiety 505
Satiety early 7
Saturday night palsy 263
Scab 78
Scabbard trachea 386
Scales 30
SCC 143
Schatzki rings 616
Scheuermann's disease 758, 791
Schimmelbusch's disease 436
Schistosoma hematobium 643
Schmincke tumor 366
Schmorl's nodes 791
Schoemaker's line 731
Schwannoma 129, 686
Schwartz test 206
Scintiscan 62
Scirrhous carcinoma breast 432
Scleroderma 21
Sclerosing angioma 141
Scoliosis 673, 785, 791, 796
Screwdriver tooth 279
Scrotal carcinoma 472
Scrumpox 138
Scurvy 748
Seagesser's tender point 704
Seat belt injuries 701, 784
Sebaceous cyst 124
Sebaceous horn 125
Sebileau line 308
Seborrheic keratosis 33, 138
Seborrheic wart 138
Secondaries, spine 794
Secondaries in lymph nodes 235, 241
Secondaries in neck lymph nodes 358
Secretomotor fibers 339
Secretomotor fibers of submandibular salivary gland 339
Seddon's classification 257
Segmental pressure measurement 182
Seldinger angiography 182
Selective urine sample 629
Semimembranosus bursa 117, 119
Semimembranosus bursa 132, 775
Seminal vesicles 627, 628
Seminoma testis 487
Senile keratosis 139
Sentinel loop 598
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) 428
Sentinel pile 579, 580
Septal deviation 370
Septicemia 138
Sequestration dermoid 121, 123
Sequestrum 159
Serocystic disease of Brodie 437
Serpiginous ulcer 77
Sestamibi scan 400
Sever's disease 663, 758
Sezzary syndrome 243
Shenton's line 732
Sherman perforator 216
Sherren's triangle 591
Shianoya's criteria 185
Shifting dullness 515
Shock endotoxic 138
Shock lung 677
Short-limb gait 768
Shoulder girdle 716
Shoulder joint movement 718
Sialadenitis 334
Sialectasis 330, 335
Sialectasis snowstorm punctuate 335
Sialography 330
Sialorrhea 338
Sialosis 335
Sideropenic dysphagia 608
Sigmoidoscopy 575
Sigmoid volvulus 605
Sign, Arm-drop 761
Sign, Babinski's 690
Sign, Baldwing's 592, 596
Sign, Ballance's 702, 704
Sign, Battle's 690
Sign, Blumberg's 591, 595
Sign, Boas's 591, 597
Sign, Bryant's 718
Sign, bull's eye 521
Sign, Capener's 773
Sign, champagne glass of sigmoid diverticula 521
Sign, Chvostek-Weiss 405
Sign, claw 521, 605
Sign, coffee bean 606
Sign, colon cut off 598
Sign, Cullen's 532
Sign, Cullen's 590, 597
Sign, cupola 602
Sign, DA Patel's 730
Sign, Destot's 727
Sign, Drawer 737
Sign, Earle 727
Sign, Fleischner's 520
Sign, Football 602
Sign, Fox 597
Sign, Frostberg reverse ‘3’ 519
Sign, Goldthwaite's 728
Sign, Grey Turner's 508, 513, 590, 597
Sign, Hamman's 614
Sign, Hook of finger 658
Sign, inverted umbrella 520
Sign, inverted V 602
Sign, Johnston 532
Sign, Kanavel 652
Sign, Kehr's 701, 704
Sign, Kenawy's 516
Sign, Kernig's 683
Sign, Laquer's 728
Sign, Laségue's 789
Sign, Lhermitte's 789
Sign, London's 701
Sign, Ludloff's 733
Sign, Mallet Guy's 513
Sign, Mathe's 635
Sign, Moynihan's 536
Sign, Murphy's 525, 536
Sign, Narath's 732, 733, 770, 773
Sign, of (string) Kanter 520
Sign, omega 606
Sign, Pasternacki's 800
Sign, pseudokidney 521
Sign, puddle 541
Sign, Reisser's 792
Sign, release 591
Sign, reverse ‘J’ 634
Sign, Riglers 602
Sign, Romberg's 683
Sign, Roux 727
Sign, Rovsing's 592, 595, 796
Sign, Scottish terrier 792
Sign, shouldering 617
Sign, silk glove 450
Sign, stacked coin 521
Sign, Stierlin 520
Sign, target 521
Sign, thumb print 521
Sign, Trethowan's 773
Sign, triangle 602
Sign, Troisier's 516, 542
Sign, Trousseau's 526
Sign, Trousseau's of pancreas/GI cancers 526
Sign, vas deferens 478
Sign, Victor Horsley's 690
Sign, ‘V’ 657
Sign 2
Sign accessory 2
Sign Angell's 487
Sign antecedent 2
Sign assident 2
Sign Ballet's 380
Sign Berry's 388, 399
Sign Boston's 380
Sign Branham's 176, 196
Sign Champagne bottle 202, 203, 209
Sign Chevrier percussion/tap 207
Sign clapper in bell 487
Sign Coleman's 317
Sign Cowen's 379
Sign Cruveilhier's 466
Sign Cruveilhier's of saphena varix 207
Sign curtain 321, 322
Sign Dalrymple's 378
Sign de Dance 605
Sign Deming's 487
Sign diagnostic 2
Sign Donder's 380
Sign Enroth 379
Sign Froment's 254, 261
Sign Gaur 465, 466
Sign Gifford's 379
Sign Goldzieher's 380
Sign Griffith's 380
Sign Grove's 379
Sign Hood 403
Sign Howship-Romberg 467
Sign inverted beer bottle 202, 203, 209
Sign Jellinek's 379
Sign Joffroy's 378
Sign Knie's 379
Sign Kocher's 379
Sign Kussmaul's 39
Sign lid lag 378
Sign Loewi's 379
Sign Mean's 380
Sign Milian's 135
Sign Moebius 379
Sign Moodley's 38
Sign Mose's 208, 220
Sign Murphy's 511
Sign Naffziger's, 378
Sign Narath's 172
Sign Neuhof's 209, 220
Sign Nicoladoni's 176
Sign Nicoladoni's 196
Sign of disappearing pulse 171
Sign of vas 488
Sign Panda 316
Sign pathognomonic 2
Sign Payne's 380
Sign Pemberton's 386
Sign Plummer's 376
Sign Prehn's 487
Sign puddle 515
Sign Rochin's 380
Sign Rosenbach's 379
Sign Sainton's 380
Sign Schanroth's 28
Sign slip 107, 126
Sign Snellen 380
Sign Stellwag's 377
Sign Stemmer's 244
Sign Suker's 380
Sign Tanyol's 507, 515, 532
Sign Terry's 26
Sign Tinel 256, 258
Sign trail 387
Sign Trousseau's 405
Sign Trousseau's eye 380
Sign Vigouroux's 380
Sign Volkmann's 273
Sign Von Graefe's 378
Sign Wilder 380
Sign ‘V’ of Naclerio 614
Silent abdomen 593
Silk glove sign 450
Simian thumb deformity 259
Sim's position 566
Singultus 13, 608
Sinus 153
Sinus causes of persistence 153
Sinus classification 158
Sinus clinical features 153
Sinusitis 371
Sinus mandibular 157
Sinus median mental 159
Sinusogram CT 158
Sinus site 156
Sipple's disease 405
SIRS 138
Sister Joseph Mary tumor 561
Sister Joseph nodules 532
Sitophobia 505, 608
Sjögren's syndöme 318, 336
Skin adnexal tumor 141
Skin changes and eruptions 29
Skin markers 23
Skip lesions 167
Sleep habits 7
Sleeping pulse rate 376
Sliding femoral hernia 465
Sliding hernia 463
Slipped femoral epiphysis 773
Slip sign 107
Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital cervical node levels 348, 358
Sloping edge 77
Slough 70, 78, 180
Small bowel enema 519
Small bowel mass 539
Small saphenous vein 214
Smoker classification 7
Smoking 7
Snail track ulcers 300
Snapping elbow 764
Snapping thumb 268
Social status 4
Soft chancre 95
Soft sore 240
Solar keratosis 139
Solitary bone cyst 311
Solitary renal cyst 634
Solitary thyroid nodule 394
Solitary ulcer syndrome 582
Sound waves 58
Space of Retzius 454
Spae of Bogros 454
Spermatic cord palpation 478
Spermatocele 483
Sphygmomanometer 40
Sphygmomanometer aneroid 41
Sphygmomanometer mercury 41
Spider leg pattern, IVU finding 634
Spider nevus 151
Spigelian hernia 467
Spina bifida 99, 785, 793
Spina bifida aperta 793
Spina bifida occulta 793
Spinal accessory nerve 683
Spinal cord injuries 784
Spinal cord tumors 793
Spinal diseases 785
Spina ventosa 658
Spine, deformities 796
Spine, extension injury 784
Spine, flexion injury 784
Spleen, surface marking 512
Spleen palpation 512, 538
Splenic dullness 515
Splenic injury 703
Splenic rub 516
Splenomegaly, causes 513
Spliter hemorrhages 26
Spondylolisthesis 792
Spondylolisthesis 796
Spread of carcinoma breast 433
Springing of fibula 735, 739
Springing of radius 721, 724
Springing of tibia 736
Sprouting granulation tissue 153
Spurious diarrhea 565
Sputum examination 66
Squamous cell carcinoma 143
Sribatsa Kumar Mohapatra clinical technique 423
Srinivasan costal sign 507
Stacked coin appearance 521
Stafne bone cyst 339
Staghorn calculus 639
Staging of carcinoma breast 433
Stature 20
Steatorrhea 15
Stellwag's sign 377
Stemmer's sign 244
Stenosing tenosynovitis 269
Stenosing tenovagintis 269
Stenson's duct 319, 321
Stephen classification 634
Stephen's line 584
Stereognosis 683
Sterile pyuria 622
Sternoclavicular dislocation 719
Sternomastoid tumor 356
Stewart-Treves syndrome 245
Stiff hip gait 768
Stiff lung 677
Stomach, palpation 511
Stomach mass 537, 549
Stomatitis 299
Stomatitis angular 300
Stomatitis aphthous 299
Stomatitis catarrhal 299
Stomatitis monilial 299
Stomatitis ulcerative 300
Stool examination 66
Stool pipe stem 68
Stool toothpaste 68
Stork bite 149
Stove in chest 698
Straight leg raising test (SLR) 789
Straight leg rising test 732
Strangury 622
Stream of urine 624
Stress fracture 663
Stress fracture tibia 738
Stress test to check ankle joint mobility 740
Stricture rectum 571
Stricture urethra 648
String sign of Kantor 520, 556
Struma lymphomatosa 401
Student's elbow 4, 131, 763,765
Styloid process, method of palpation 724
Subacromial bursitis 759
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 685
Subclavian artery 173
Subclavian steal syndrome 186
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 691
Subcutaneous emphysema 48
Subdeltoid bursitis 759
Subdural hematoma 694
Subdural hygroma 695
Subhyoid bursitis 363
Sublingual dermoid 283, 292
Subluxation of head of radius 723
Submandibular salivary gland 338
Submandibular salivary gland tumors 333
Submental dermoid 124
Submucosal fibrosis oral 293
Submucous abscess 580
Subperiosteal hematoma 669
Subphrenic abscess 544
Subphrenic spaces and abscesses 599
Subtalar joint 738
Succussion splash 516, 536
Sucquet-Hoyer canals 127
Sudeck's osteodystrophy 714
Sulfur granules 160
Sunderland's classification 258
Superficial conjunctival hemorrhage 691
Superficial temporal artery 173
Superficial thrombophlebitis 221
Superior vena cava obstruction 37
Supraspinatus tendinitis 273, 660
Supratrochlear lymph node 764
Surgical emphysema 697
SVC obstruction 37, 508
Swan-neck deformity 757, 271
Swelling 98
Swelling classification 122
Swelling consistency 108
Swelling differential diagnosis 121
Swelling fixity 114
Swelling gliding test 113
Swelling history 98
Swelling inspection 102
Swelling mobility 114
Swelling palpation 107
Swelling plane of 113
Swelling pulsatility 113
Swelling recurrence 101
Swelling reducibility 112
Swiss cheese hernia 463
Symptoms 2
Syndactyly 659, 766
Syndrome, abdominal compartment 707
Syndrome, anterior cord 784
Syndrome, Boerhaave's 611, 614
Syndrome, Brown Sequerd 785
Syndrome, central cord 785
Syndrome, Cruveilhier-Baumgarten 516
Syndrome, Felty's 552
Syndrome, Froin's 794
Syndrome, Frolich's 688
Syndrome, Gardner 528, 562
Syndrome, Mallory-Weiss 614
Syndrome, Murphy's 587
Syndrome, Paterson Kelly 616
Syndrome, Plummer-Vinson 611
Syndrome, Stauffer's 641
Syndrome, Turcot's 528
Syndrome, Verner-Morrison 526
Syndrome, Wallenberg 784
Syndrome acute compartment 187
Syndrome Albright's 311
Syndrome auriculotemporal 334
Syndrome Beckwith-Weidemann 280
Syndrome blue toe 182
Syndrome Chilaiditi's 602
Syndrome Collet-Sicard 333
Syndrome Cowden's 431
Syndrome CREST 186
Syndrome Criggler-Najjar 25
Syndrome Cushing's 21
Syndrome disappearing pulse 175
Syndrome Down's 21
Syndrome Dubin-Johnson's 25
Syndrome Ferguson-Smith 143
Syndrome Frey's 334
Syndrome Gilbert's 25
Syndrome Heerfordt's 337
Syndrome Horner's 44, 228, 351, 388
Syndrome Kasabach Merritt 149
Syndrome Klinefelter's 20
Syndrome Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber 149
Syndrome Lemierre's 363
Syndrome Leriche 165
Syndrome Letssier-Meige's 244
Syndrome Li-Fraumen 431
Syndrome Maffucci 150
Syndrome Marfan's 20
Syndrome MEA 404
Syndrome MEN 126, 404
Syndrome MEN II 400
Syndrome Mikulicz 318
Syndrome Munchausen's 607
Syndrome Osler-Rendu-Weber 150
Syndrome Paget-Schrotter 362
Syndrome painful arc 273
Syndrome Pandered's 403
Syndrome Parkes Weber 149
Syndrome Pierre-Robin 313
Syndrome Plummer-Vinson 616
Syndrome Poland's 441
Syndrome Proteus 150
Syndrome Raynaud's 185
Syndrome Rotor's 25
Syndrome Sezzary 243
Syndrome Sjögren's 318, 336
Syndrome solitary ulcer 582
Syndrome Stewart-Treves 245
Syndrome Sturge-Weber 149
Syndrome subclavian steal 186
Syndrome thoracic outlet 360
Syndrome Tietze's 440
Syndrome Treacher-Collins 313
Syndrome Turner's 20
Syndrome Vernet 333
Syndrome Villaret Mackenzie-Topla 333
Syndrome Wermer's 404
Syndrome yellow nail 27
Synovial sarcoma 148
Syphilis 94
Syphilitic chancre primary 277
Syphilitic fissure tongue 281, 282
Syphilitic gumma 300
Syphilitic lesions of oral cavity 300
Syphilitic orchitis 485
Syphilitic ulcer 94, 299
Syphitic stigmas 95
Syringomyelocele 793
Systemic examination 50
Systolic bladder 544, 643
T3 resin uptake study 391
T3 toxicosis 397
Tabes mesentrica 554
Tabetic facies 21
Tachycardia 40
Tailor's ankle 780
Tailor's bursa 131
Takayasu's arteritis 186
Talipes calcaneovalgus 662
Talipes equinovarus 662
Tartar 279
Taste sensation 325
Taxis 448
Tear cancer 142
Technetium 99m 63
Teeth and gums 279
Teetotaler 6
Telescopic test 732, 772
Telogen 33
Temporomandibular joint 303
Tenderness 8
Tender spot 510
Tenesmus 565
Tennis elbow 268, 272, 764
Tension pneumothorax 699
Teratoma testis 488
Teratomatous dermoid 124
Terminal hair 34
Terminal hematuria 644
Terminal pulp space infection 656
Terry nails 26
Test, Callaway's 718
Test, Dugas’ 718
Test, Hamilton ruler 718
Test, Phalen's 766
Test, reverse Phalen's 766
Test Adson's 174
Test Adson's 362
Test Allen's 174
Test Benedict's 69
Test Brodie-Trendelenburg 204
Test Buerger's postural 175
Test card 254, 261
Test cross leg 175
Test D-dimer 221
Test Elevated arm stress 362
Test Falconer 174
Test Fegan's 206
Test Frie's 95, 237
Test Froment's 255
Test Fuchsig's 175
Test gliding 113
Test Gordon's biological 237
Test Harvey's 170
Test Heller's 69
Test Homan's 208, 220
Test Ian-Arid 206
Testicular sensation, loss of 482
Testicular sensation 477
Testicular tumors 487
Testis anatomy 477
Testis anteverted 477
Testis ectopic 486
Testis inverted 477
Testis retractile 486
Test Kingsbury 69
Test Kveim-Siltzbach 241
Test Linton's 209, 220
Test matchstick 110
Test modified Adson's 174, 362
Test modified Perthe's 208
Test multiple tourniquet 205
Test Ochsner's 252
Test Orr chair 487
Test Oschner's Mahoner 205
Test Paget's 110
Test Paul-Bunnel 240
Test pen 253
Test Perthe's 208
Test postural 370
Test Pratt's 206
Test probe 157
Test Raju 208
Test Rothera's 69
Test Schwartz 206
Test three swab 158
Test Wright 174
Tetany 405
Texture of the skin 33
Thenar space 657
Therapeutic embolization 189
Thermography 429
Thimble bladder 635, 644
Thomas test 768
Thompson's test 739
Thoracic duct 222
Thoracic outlet syndrome 360
Thread veins 218
Three finger test 111
Three glass urine test 628
Three swab test 158
Thrill 113
Thrill hydatid 111
Thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) 185
Thyrocardiac 397
Thyroglobulin serum 393
Thyroglossal cyst 402
Thyroglossal fistula 402
Thyroid acropachy 376, 397
Thyroid cyst 395
Thyroid function tests 390
Thyroid neoplasms 398
Thyroidography 391
Thyroid paradox 385
Thyroid steal 402
Thyroid storm 402
Thyrotoxic crisis 402
Thyrotoxicosis 374, 395
Thyrotoxicosis primary 374
Thyrotoxicosis secondary 374
Tietze's syndrome 440
Tillaux's triad 554
Tinel's sign 256, 258
TNM staging carcinoma rectum 576
TNM staging for thyroid cancer 400
TNM staging of AJCC 640
TNM staging of carcinoma of breast 434
TNM staging testicular tumour 488
Toe brachial pressure index (TBPI) 182
TOF 615
Tongue 47
Tongue abnormal pigmentations 48
Tongue anatomy 280
Tongue bald 47
Tongue benign tumors 298
Tongue black hairy 47
Tongue carcinoma 296
Tongue dry brown 47
Tongue fissuring 47
Tongue furring 47
Tongue geographic 301
Tongue inspection 280
Tongue leukoplakia 47
Tongue tremor 283
Tongue ulcers 48
Tonsillitis 365
Tonsils and fauces 284
Tonsils and fauces palpation 288
Tophi 73, 757
Torsion testis 487
Torticollis 347, 356
Torus palatine 314
Tourniquet palsy 263
Tourniquet test for short saphenous vein 205
Toxic dilatation of colon 527
Toxic nodule 397
Toxic thyroid in children 397
Toxic thyroid in pregnancy 397
Toxoplasmosis 240
Tracheoesophageal fistula 614
Tracheomalacia 386
Traction test 477, 481
Trail sign 387
Transcutaneous oximetry 184
Transillumination 111
Transillumination scrotal swelling 475
Transillumination test for maxillary sinus 370
Transilluminoscope 112
Transitional cell carcinoma 644
Transmitted pulsation 509
Transpyloric line 529
Trapnell classification 597
Traube's area 515
Traumatic fat necrosis of breast 437
Treadmill test 184
Tremor 376
Tremors of hands and tongue 376, 377
Tremor tongue 47
Trench mouth 279
Trendelenburg gait 754, 768, 773
Trendelenburg test 768
Treponema pallidum 85
TRH stimulation test 391
Triad Trotter's 366
Triage 700
Triangle of doom 455
Triangle of pain 455
Triceps jerk 683
Trichobezoar 525
Trident hand 748
Trigeminal nerve 682
Trigger finger 269
Trigger thumb 269
Triple ABC tehnique 423
Triple assessment in breast lump 429
Triple deformity 778
Triple displacement 774
Triple phosphate stone 642
Trismus 279
Trochlear nerve 682
Trophic ulcer 72
Tropical bubo 240
Tropical ulcer 72
Trotter's triad 366
Trousseau's sign 405
Trucut biopsy 56
Trucut biopsy of breast 426
Tuberculosis, ankle 780
Tuberculosis, colonic 551
Tuberculosis of breast 440
Tuberculosis of hip 773
Tuberculosis of knee 778
Tuberculosis of shoulder joint 762
Tuberculosis of spine 792
Tuberculous arthritis 753, 757
Tuberculous dactylitis 658
Tuberculous lymphadenitis 235, 239, 357
Tuberculous ulcer tongue 299
Tuber joint angle 740
Tubulodermoids 121, 124
Tumor Bedner's 142
Tumor Cock's peculiar 125
Tumor desmoid 130
Tumor glomus 127
Tumor Pott's puffy 137
Tumor Regaud 366
Tumor Schmincke 366
Tumor skin adnexal 141
Tumor turban 141
Tumor ubiquitous 125
Tumor universal 125
Tumour ambiguous 126
Turban tumor 141
Turner's syndrome 20
Tylosis 617
Tyson's gland infection 498
Ubiquitous tumor 125
Ulcer, Barrett's 614
Ulcer 70
Ulcer acute 72, 73
Ulcer aphthous 277, 298
Ulcer arterial 72, 91
Ulcer assessment 86
Ulcerative colitis 527
Ulcer Bairnsdale 88
Ulcer base 71, 80, 81
Ulcer Bazin's 73
Ulcer becoming chronic causes 73
Ulcer biopsy 291
Ulcer Buruli 88
Ulcer callous 71
Ulcer carcinomatous 92
Ulcer chronic 72, 73
Ulcer classifications 71
Ulcer classification Wagner's 73
Ulcer cortisol 73
Ulcer definition 70
Ulcer dental 298
Ulcer diabetic 89
Ulcer diphtheritic 73
Ulcer discharge 73, 75, 79
Ulcer discharge study 84
Ulcer Donovan 491
Ulcer Ducrey's 72, 95
Ulcer edge 70
Ulcer edge 77
Ulcer factitious 73
Ulcer floor 71, 78, 79
Ulcer footballer's 72, 96
Ulcer general examination 76
Ulcer granulation tissue 86
Ulcer gravitational 91
Ulcer healing 71
Ulcer history 74
Ulcer induration 80, 86
Ulcer ischemic 91
Ulcer local examination 76
Ulcer margin 77
Ulcer Marjolin's 92, 143
Ulcer Martorelle's 73, 88
Ulcer meatus 498
Ulcer melanotic 94
Ulcer Meleney's 73, 90
Ulcer neuropathic 72
Ulcer nonhealing 71
Ulcer nonspecific 72
Ulcer parts 70
Ulcer penetrating 87
Ulcer perforating 87
Ulcer rodent 93
Ulcer serpiginous 77
Ulcers leg 96
Ulcer spreading 71, 78
Ulcers snail track 300
Ulcers specific 72
Ulcer syphilitic 72, 94
Ulcer traumatic 72, 91
Ulcer trophic 72
Ulcer trophic 87
Ulcer tropical 72, 89
Ulcer tuberculous 90
Ulcer vela 73
Ulcer venous 91, 218
Ulcer wedge biopsy 85
Ulnar artery 173
Ulnar drift 270
Ulnar nerve, palpation 764
Ulnar nerve injury 261
Ulnar paradox 261
Ultrasound examination 58
Ultrasound gray scale 59
Ultrasound real time 59
Ultrasound uses 59
Umbilical adenoma 560
Umbilical fistula 561
Umbilical granuloma 560
Umbilical hernia 462
Umbilical region, mass 553
Umbilical sinus 561
Umbolith 560
Undescended testis 485, 557
Unicameral bone cyst 752
Universal tumor 125
Upper end of ulna, palpation 721
Upper limb ischemia 195
Urachal cyst 561
Urachal diverticulum 561
Urachal fistula 561
Urachal sinus 561
Urachus 561
Ureteric calculi 639
Ureteric pain 623
Ureterocele 635
Urethra 627
Urethral calculi 649
Urethral discharge 624
Urethral injury 706
Urethral pain 624
Urethral stricture 648
Urethritis 650
Urethrogram, ascending 632
Urethroscopy 633
Urinary bilharziasis 643
Urinary fistulas 650
Urinary frequency 621, 622
Urinary stream 624
Urine examination 68, 628
Urine microscopic examination 69
Urine pH 68
Urine protein 24 hours 69
Urine specific gravity 68
Urograffin 630
Uterine mass 558
VACTER anomalies 615
Vaginal examination 573
Vagus nerve 683
Valgus foot 778
Valvulae conniventes 604
Van Nuy's prognostic index 431
Varicocele 483
Varicography 213
Varicose veins, definition 217
Varicose veins 198
Varicose veins complications 211
Varicose veins examination 198
Various positions 49
Varus foot 778
Vascular malformations 148
Vas deferens sign 478
Vein Gaertner's 38
Vein May's 38
Veins superficial 201
Vela ulcer 73
Vellus 33
Venereal warts 498
Venography 212
Venous blood flow physiology 216
Venous disability scoring system 218
Venous Doppler 211
Venous hemodynamic mapping 212
Venous pathology 216
Venous refilling time 169
Venous segmental disease score 218
Venous ulcer 218
Ventral hernia 462
Verruca plantaris 140
Verrucous carcinoma 92, 143, 294
Vesical calculus 642
Vesical pain 623
Vesicles 30
Vesicoureteric reflux 632
Vesicovaginal fistula 650
VHM 212
Victor Riddell method 415
Villonodular synovitis 780
Vincent's angina 300
Vincent's gingivitis 279
Vincent's stomatitis 279
Vin Rose Patch 150
Vin rose patch 33
Vipoma 526
Virchow's node 517
Virchow's triad 219
Virile facies 665
Visible gastric peristalsis (VGP) 511, 532
Visible intestinal peristalsis (VIP) 532
Visible peristalsis 508, 532
Visible pulsation abdomen 509
Visible veins 37
Visual acuity 682
Visual fields 682
Vocal nodules 367
Vocal polyp 367
Volkmann's ischemic contracture 273, 765
Volvulus, cecal 605
Volvulus, sigmoid 605
Volvulus 605
Vomiting 13, 502
Vomiting causes 13
Vomitus 13
von Eber's glands 338
von Recklinghausen's disease of bone 404, 748
Von Recklinghausen's disease of neurofibroma 128
Von Rosen femoral lines 773
V sign of Nacleiro 617
Waddling gait 754
Waldeyer-Pirogov ring 234
Waldeyer ring 234, 363
Wart 139
Wart Butcher's 140
Warthin's tumor 332
Wart pathologist's 140
Wart plantar 140
Wash leather slough 72
Wasting 18
Wasting of limb muscle assessment 176
Waterbrash 608
Watering can perineum 470, 473
Water shed area 532
Wayne's diagnostic indices 396
Weaver's bursa 132
Weber's tuning fork test 672, 682
Web space infection 657
Wedge biopsy ulcer 85
Weigert-Meyer law 634
Weight gain 18
Weight loss 18
Weight loss significant definition 18
Wen 124
Werner's T3 suppression test 391
Wet gangrene 191
Wharton's duct 319, 326
Wheal 30
Whiplash injury 784
Whipple's triad 526
Whitaker test 637
White cell trapping theory 218
White nail 27
WHO grading of goiter 384
Wilms’ tumor 639
Wind sweep deformities of toes 779
Winging of scapula 249, 251, 265
Wingspread classification 584
Witch milk 440
Wolf Chaikoff effect 395
Wright test 174
Wrist, palpation of joint line 724
Wrist drop 249, 263, 766
Wrist joint, movement 767, 725
Wryneck 356
X-ray and imaging 57
X-ray chest 57
X-ray contrast 58
X-ray double contrast 58
Xanthelasma 44
Xeromammography 425
Xerostomia 339
Yaws 96
Yellow nail syndrome 27
Zieman's test 449
Chapter Notes

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SRB's Clinical Methods in SURGERY
SRB's Clinical Methods in SURGERY
Sriram Bhat M MS (General Surgery) Professor Department of Surgery Kasturba Medical College Mangaluru, Karnataka, India Honorary Surgeon Government Wenlock Hospital Mangaluru, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India e-mail: Forewords CR Ballal Narayanaswamy Srinivasan
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery
First Edition : 2010
Second Edition : 2015
Printed at
Dr Sriram Bhat M, Professor of Surgery, Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, is a very popular teacher and I have known him for more than three decades. He has always been interested in teaching and his emphasis was on the fundamentals of good clinical examination. At a time when imaging and other methods of investigations are becoming popular than methodical and a well-executed clinical examination, a well-written book on clinical surgery is most welcome. Dr Bhat has tried to emphasize as very systemic examination so that one could arrive at a working diagnosis at the end of a good history and physical examination. The value of this book has been enhanced by a very large number of highly illustrative pictorial descriptions. Unfortunately, the number and the variety of patients in many teaching hospitals across the country are unfavorable as far as undergraduates and postgraduates are concerned. I am sure, this book will find a place in the armamentarium of all the students.
Dr Bhat is already the author of a popular textbook of surgery. I have no hesitation to believe that this book on clinical surgery will be equally popular.
CR Ballal MS
Professor Emeritus
Department of Surgery
Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
When Professor Sriram Bhat M, from Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, has requested me to write a foreword for the second edition of his clinical book SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery, I readily accepted it because I know him since few years if not personally because of his popular well-known book SRB's Manual of Surgery and SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery, first edition and regular communications through phone and e-mail.
This book carries its own merit by lucid presentation, detailed methods of clinical examinations with excellent clinical photographs and illustrations. Even though present era is of imaging, this book stresses the need for proper clinical examination to clinch the proper diagnosis, treatment plans and during follow up. This book has covered all topics including clinical examination in orthopedics. As by his request, I have given permission to publish the sign which I have invented, i.e. ‘Srinivasan costal sign’ and I also felt it is my honor to get the sign published in SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery, second edition.
This book will become probably an essential one to all undergraduates and postgraduates to get a clear idea of clinical methods. It carries an Interactive DVD which contains clinical examinations of all important topics with background voice explanation of the author.
This is also very useful to practicing clinicians and surgeons worldwide to understand the surgical conditions and to achieve proper clinical diagnosis.
I appreciate dedication and determination of Professor Sriram Bhat M in bringing out the second edition of SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery and wish him a grand success and also recommend this clinical book to all undergraduates, postgraduates and clinicians to make use of it in clinical practice or learning or in examinations.
Narayanaswamy Srinivasan MS FRCS (Glasgow)
Medical Superintendent
Fathima Institute of Medical Sciences
Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India
Former Dean and Director
Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Preface to the Second Edition
It is more than 4 years since I have brought out the first edition of SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery with clinical video. Even though the book is successful, it is time to make changes in many ideas of the clinical surgery hence thought of bringing the second edition. I have entirely changed the script of the Chapter 1—Introduction on Clinical Examination, Chapter 2—Investigations and clinical orthopedics. I have done proper necessary corrections in all other chapters including photographs. The present second edition is self-sufficient as a clinical book to both undergraduates and postgraduates in their learning period; it is also a useful clinical book for all practicing clinicians. I have covered every aspect of clinical surgery with good illustrations in all chapters. This contains methods of basic clinical surgery for undergraduates and postgraduates of medical, dental, nursing and allied medicines (Ayurveda, Homeopathy). Clinical approaches, clinical analysis and clinical diagnosis with differential diagnoses are discussed in each chapter. However, therapeutic aspects, controversies, and recent advances are not a part of this book. Students who want to learn in detail in these aspects are requested to refer to my textbook SRB's Manual of Surgery, fourth edition or any other surgical books of their choice. I have taken enough care to discuss different clinical methods and signs. Many methods and signs which are old are well accepted but still many methods are controversial. But whatever given in this are commonly followed one; individual opinions and controversies are not highlighted here.
Newer innovations by few of the consultants are placed in this book with their prior permission. ‘Srinivasan costal sign’ in abdominal distension by Professor Narayanaswamy Srinivasan, MS, FRCS, Bengaluru, Karnataka and ‘A cricketing approach to the abdomen’ and an innovative triple ABC technique (Sribatsa Kumar Mohapatra Clinical Technique) for clinical breast examination by Professor Dr Sribatsa Kumar Mohapatra, MS, FRCS, DNB, Veer Surendra Sai Medical College, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha and subchapter ‘Examination of the back’ by Professor Dr GG Laxman Prabhu, MS, MCh, DNB, Professor of Urology, KMC, Mangaluru. Many consultants all over the country have given suggestions including rare clinical photographs. I thank them wholeheartedly for their help and encouragement. My wife Dr Meera Sriram has contributed the Chapter 23 on ‘Examination of Rectal and Vaginal Problems’ and she also helped me in most of the spelling, language and proof corrections, without her help this book would not have been possible.
I thank my beloved teacher Professor CR Ballal, for writing foreword.
I hope this book will be useful for all those who learn clinical surgery.
I am ever grateful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi India, for his wholehearted encouragement in my work.
I sincerely appreciate everyone who has helped me. I thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, for their support to bring out this book.
Any constructive criticisms are most welcome.
Sriram Bhat M
Preface to the First Edition
It was my long time dream to bring out a good surgical clinical book for undergraduates, postgraduates and practicing surgeons. Even though I have written surgical manual for students of MBBS, Dental and Nursing category, I had an aspiration to write an adequate sufficient clinical book which can cover all category of students who need to learn clinical surgery properly. I have covered every aspect of clinical surgery with good illustrations in all chapters. This contains methods of basic clinical surgery for medical students. Clinical approaches, clinical analysis and clinical diagnosis with differential diagnosis are discussed in each chapter. However, therapeutic aspects, controversies and recent advances are not a part of this book. Students who want to learn in detail in these aspects are requested to refer to my textbook SRB's Manual of Surgery, 3rd edition or any other surgical books of their choice. I have taken enough care to discuss different clinical methods and signs. I have also referred standard clinical books and surgery books prior to writing this book. Many methods and signs which are old are well accepted but still many methods are controversial. But whatever given in this are commonly followed one; individual opinions and controversies are not highlighted here.
I hope this book will be useful for all those who are keen to learn clinical surgery.
I sincerely appreciate everyone who has helped me. I thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, for their support to bring out this book.
Any constructive criticisms are most welcome.
Sriram Bhat M
I am happy to bring out the second edition of SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery. This is due to constant help and support of many.
I thank our Chancellor Dr Ramdas M Pai; Pro-Chancellor Dr HS Ballal; Vice-Chancellor of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) Professor Dr Ramnarayan; Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr Vinod Bhat, Dr Surendra Shetty, and our beloved Dean Professor Dr Venkatraya Prabhu. I thank Vice-Deans Dr Vivian D'Souza and Dr Chakrapani.
I thank my beloved teacher, a great clinician and Senior Surgeon Dr Professor CR Ballal, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India, for accepting to give foreword to this clinical book. I owe a lot to him.
I thank Professor Narayanaswamy Srinivasan MS, FRCS (Glasgow), Former Dean and Director, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India; presently, Medical Superintendent, Fathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India, for writing foreword to this book and contributing to the book with ‘Srinivasan costal sign’.
I thank the Head, Department of Surgery, Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Mangaluru, and Professor Alfred Augustine, for his constant encouragement in academic work and progress.
I always remember my senior teachers, Professor Suresh Kamath and Professor K Prakash Rao and Dr Jayaprakash Rao, for their constant help.
I thank Professor GG Laxman Prabhu, Urologist, KMC, Mangaluru. He has contributed ‘Examination of Back’ of Chapter 40—Examinations in Spine Injuries and Diseases.
I thank Professor Dr Sribatsa Kumar Mohapatra MS, FRCS, DNB, Veer Surendra Sai Medical College, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India, contributed his new approaches in breast and abdomen examination—an innovative triple ABC technique (Sribatsa Mohapatra Clinical Technique) for clinical breast examination (CBE) for breast disorders and a cricketing approach to the abdomen.
I thank Professor Ramlingam, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpalli, Karnataka, for contributing with many photographs. I thank many other senior consultants and professors in different medical colleges across the country for contributing towards this in the form of opinions, photographs and corrections.
I thank many professors and teachers, who guided, corrected, helped me and contributed in different forms like clinical photographs towards this edition of the book.
Professors, Department Surgery, Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru namely—Dr BM Nayak, Dr Thangam Varghese, Dr Jayaram Shenoy, Dr Anand Kini (MCh), Dr Harish Rao, Dr Ramachandra Pai, Dr SP Rai, Dr Yogish Kumar, and Dr Shivananda Prabhu H, are always supportive for my work and are worth to be remembered always.
I am grateful to all my teachers and colleagues in surgery department who directly or indirectly helped me to bring out the book.
I appreciate District Medical Officer and Resident Medical Officer of Government Wenlock Hospital, Mangaluru, for their kind help.
I will never forget my close associates Dr Ganapathy, MD, Director, Mangala Hospital, Kadri, Mangaluru, and Dr Ashok Pandith, MCh, Urologist, for their affectionate help and encouragement in all my endeavors. They always stood with me in my difficulties.
I thank DR Manohar Pai, Dr Ashfaque Mohammed, Dr Poornachandra Tejashri, Dr Shibumon MM, Dr Rahul Bhat, Dr Bharath Kumar Bhat, Dr Kalpana Sridhar, Dr Keshava Prasad, Dr Sunilkumar Shetty, Dr Ranjith Rao, Dr Ventakesh Shanbogh, Dr Vivek MA, Dr Aromal Chakavar, Dr Guruprasad Reddy, Dr Sunil Matt, Dr Anand, Dr Aravindan R, Dr Jawahar BK, Dr Shushruth Shetty, Dr Achaleshwar Dayal, Dr Raghav Pandey, Dr Rupen Shah, Dr Ashwin Mallya, Dr Praveen, Dr Ashok Hegde, Dr Rajesh Ballal, Dr Devidas Shetty, Dr Venkatesh Sanjeeva, Dr Sunil, Dr Harish Nayak, Dr Subraya Kamath, Dr Shubanshu, Dr Chaithanya, Dr Nandakishore, Dr Shrishail, and Dr Sampath, for their help in various aspects.
I sincerely appreciate Dr Raghavendra Bhat and Dr Ravichandra, Consultants, Department of Radiology, Mangaluru, for their contribution and affectionate help.
I thank Dr Ganesh Pai, MCh (Pediatric Surgery); Dr Suresh Pai, MCh; Dr Ashok Shetty (Cardiothoracic Surgery); Dr Muralidhar Pai, MCh (Neurosurgery); Dr Sadashiva Rao, Pediatric Surgeon, and Dr Narayana Bhat, Pediatric Surgeon, for their help and contributions.
I thank my friends Dr Manjunath Shenoy, Urologist and Dr Jagadish, MDS, for their contributions to photographs and X-rays, and opinion on dental and faciomaxillary topics; Dr Harsharaj, Orthopedician, Mangaluru, and Dr Ishwarakeerthi, Spine Specialist, Mangaluru, for their help. I thank Dr Balasaraswathy, Consultant Dermatologist, Mangaluru, for providing rare photographs.
My wife Dr Meera Karanth P helped me day and night in editing this new book and without her help this could not have been possible. My beloved daughter Ananya helped me in drawing diagrams artistically. I enjoy her love and affection towards me.
I thank all my students especially postgraduates of surgery department, who were helping regularly in bringing out this second edition.
Words are not sufficient to remember all my patients who are the main material for the book. I pray for their good health always.
I appreciate Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Group President), Mr Tarun Duneja (Director–Publishing) and all the working staff in Delhi office of M/s Japyee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for their unmatchful dedication, hard work and responsibility, namely Ms Sunita Katla (Publishing Manager), Mr KK Raman (Production Manager), Mr Rajesh Sharma (Production Coordinator), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Designer), Mr Laxmidhar Padhiary (Proofreader), Mr Sumit Kumar (Graphic Designer) and Mr Rajkumar (DTP Operator). I also thank manager and staff of Bengaluru branch of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.