Clinical Methods & Interpretation in Medicine Ashis Kumar Saha
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure
Abdomen 22, 65, 370, 344, 465, 661, 919
inspection of 614
pain in 563
protrusion of 915
shape of 615, 616
auscultation of 653
detection, width of 626f
aortic aneurysm, 528, 529
detection of 624
rupture of 532
bloating 9
movements, asynchrony of 216
muscles, examination of 1149
pain 1424
acute 528, 533, 664, 1424
causes of 1424
chronic 530, 1425
arching of 643
inspection of 617
tenderness, causes of 663
Abdominojugular pressure 144
Abducens 1012
nerve 957, 959, 1012, 1051
involvement of 1029
paralysis 1011
nucleus 1028
Abnormal red eye reflex, causes of 713
Abolition of venous hum 460f
Abscess 541, 1010
Absorption, routs of 519f
Abstinence, causes of 887
Acalculia 948, 949, 993
aphasic 949
Acanthosis nigricans 794, 821, 823f
duct 503
muscles, functions of 209
Accommodation reflex, loss of 1094
ACE inhibitors 317
Achalasia 77, 545
cardia 192, 304, 536, 539, 543, 546
Achilles reflex 1180
Achromatopsia 995
hemolysis 575
peptic disorder 295
regurgitation 293, 539
Acne 785, 788, 790, 793, 795, 797, 799
conglobata 800, 801f
cysts of 788, 800f
fulminans 799
keloidalis 794
like rash monomorphous 802
rosacea 793, 801, 801f
scarring 800f
vulgaris 798, 798f
meatus, herpetic infection of 64
neurinoma 906908, 1033, 1062
Acquired melanosis, primary 700
Acral lentiginous melanoma 798
Acrocyanosis 88, 920
Acromioclavicular joint, test of 1344f
Acroparesthesia 1032
Actinic cheilitis, recurrent 598
glaucoma, symptoms of 718
pericarditis, pain of 290
Addison's disease 35, 537, 570, 601, 752, 820, 921
Adenocarcinoma 35, 538
of stomach 71
Adenoid enlargement 189
Adenovirus 76
ADH, role of 523
gland 527
insufficiency 549, 963
Agnosia 932, 949
appreciative visual 953
auditory 1050
Agraphia 948, 949
AIDS 1031
abstraction, chronic 191
obstruction 182
types of 233f
Airway resistance 157
Alcohol 354
abuse 293
intake 304, 594
intoxication 541, 1189
related liver disease 10
Alexia 948, 949, 993
Alfa motor neuron 1224
Algodystrophy 1359
Allergy 173, 683
Allodynia 1221
Alloesthesia 1221
Alopecia 51, 115, 590
areata 102, 110, 117f, 793, 820
totalis 118f
Alport syndrome 579, 581
Altitudinal defect 988
Alzheimer's disease 890, 913, 930, 956, 969, 980, 1106
Amalgam tattoo 751
Amaurosis fugax 686, 936
Amenorrhea 910, 1291, 1422
American Thoracic Society Scale 188
Ametropia 982, 989
Amiodarone 94, 317, 318
Amnesia, antegrade 933
Amphiarthroses 1308, 1309f
Amphoric breath sound 230, 239
Amyloid 1123
Amyloidosis 101, 579, 654, 757, 785, 918, 919, 1114
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1116, 1123
canal 494
fissure 564, 660
fistula 660
mucosal lesion 660
reflex, loss of 1219
Analgesia 1221
Anasarca 126, 330, 435
Anemia 97, 184, 186, 287, 297, 340, 354, 359, 367, 376, 383, 391, 393, 413, 429, 432, 457, 564, 727, 910, 1048, 1058
aortic 319, 329, 336, 341, 347, 388, 389, 405, 407, 436, 444, 528, 1097
diameter of 625
Angina 297, 324, 332, 339, 460
Angiocentric immunoproliferative disorders 76
Angioedema 9, 765, 815, 815f
of face 767f
of lips 767f
Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy 74, 76
Angioma 563, 916
in scrotum 919
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor 173
Anion gap metabolic acidosis 195
Anisometropia 980
and forefoot, examination of 1385
and hindfoot, examination of 1391
brachial pressure index 378
clonus 1196, 1196f
dorsiflexor 1337
for edema 49
reinforcement in 1175f
joint 1302, 1382, 1382f, 1383f
Ankyloglossia 606f
Ankylosing spondylosis, severe 1170
Anorectal floor functional abnormality 560
Anorectum and pelvic floor, disorders of 554
Anorexia nervosa 43, 51, 556, 570
Anosmia 740, 764, 908, 960, 1052
and hyposmia, causes of 961
Anosognosia 993, 1237
Anoxia 1267
Anterior chest, auscultation of 230f
Anterior cranial fossa, dura mater of 1000
Anterior descending artery 270
Anterior lingual hypogeusia, bilateral 1014
Anterior middle thorax
extension of 218f
testing excursion of 218
Anticardiolipin syndrome 910
Anticholenergic drugs 34
Antiparkinsonian drugs 308, 556
Antiphospholipid syndrome 109, 921
Anuria 573
Anxiety 25, 195, 287, 295, 359, 367, 373, 376
neurosis 173, 298, 546
Aorta 169, 462
abdominal 462, 466
aneurysm of 78, 389, 410
arch of 155, 462, 1384
ascending 462
coarctation of 90, 93, 319, 330, 340, 347, 365, 444
dilatation of 423
dissecting aneurysm of 423
palpation 647
physiology of 463
thoracic 155
diameter of 465
rupture of 328
arch 389
aneurysm of 213
auscultation in 412f
palpation of 400
dissection, pain of 291
ejection sound, significance of 437
murmur of 409
severe 287, 414
signs of 369
root, dilatation of 457, 460
sclerosis murmur, causes of 460
murmur of 409
severe 422, 423
valve 435
structure of 266f
Aortopulmonary window nodes 170
Apasia 939
Aperture, thoracic 147
Apex beat, palpation of 391, 392f
Aphasia 941, 993
anomic 946
classification 944
subcortical 947
types of 944
Aphemia 947
Aphonia 1070
Aphthous ulcer
idiopathic 609
penile lesion of 1416
impulse, description of 382
movements, abnormal 383
Apnea 195
Apoceruloplasmin deficiency 1035
Appendicitis 528530, 536, 538, 540, 571, 665
Appetite 594, 909
Apraxia 949, 950, 993
Apraxic gait, causes of 896
Aqueous humor
functions of 676
normal flow of 716
Arachnoiditis 1010
longitudinal 1384
aortic 314
painful 1344
transverse 1384
Arcuate defect, bitemporal 988
fasciculus 869
nuclei 862
juvenilis 339
senilis 339, 704, 704f, 917
Argyll-Robertson pupil 340, 1019, 1092, 1092f
and shoulder, movement of 911
circumference method 45, 47f
reflexes, loss of 1096
stopping test 1203, 1204f
Arnold-Chiari malformation 1248
Arrhythmia 300, 312, 343, 919
atrial 1292
cardiac 10, 315, 909, 1253
Arsenic poisoning 1256, 1393, 1394f
Arterial pressure, systemic 517
Arteriography, segmental 1106
Arteriosclerotic retinopathy, hypertensive 723f
Arteriovenous fistula, pulmonary 340, 341
dilatation, pulmonary 388
occlusion, basilar 1267
stenosis, pulmonary 339
tortuous 1047
Arthralgia 1409
Arthritis 570, 688, 850, 858, 910, 1340, 1393, 1409
Arthropathy, painless 920
Asbestosis 245
Asboe-Hansen sign 810
Ascites 49, 346, 382, 648, 919
Ashworth scale 1127
Aspergillosis 177
Aspirin 544
Astereognosis 1221
Asthma 172, 173, 184, 185, 188, 249, 548, 909
acute 198
chronic 175
Asynchrony 217220
Ataxia 889, 1052
causes of 889
telangiectasia 917, 1108
Atherosclerosis 347, 906, 919
Atherosclerotic disease 319, 409, 722
Athetosis 917, 1108, 1108f
Athlete's foot 790, 837
Atlantoaxial joint 1302
Atopognosia 993
aortic 422
pulmonary 423
function 130
myxoma 141, 414, 421
pressure 143
pulsation 390
Atrium 255, 260, 262
nodes, posterior 64
red spot 774
Auscultation 229, 384, 408
of lungs and pleura, procedure of 230
gap 374
percussion 228, 229f, 403, 404f, 647, 916
Austin flint murmur 443
disease 308, 707, 900, 1121, 1358
disorder 1358
nervous system, disorders of 537
Autonomic dysfunction 308, 1215
Autotopagnosia 1237
fistula 359, 367, 413, 429
rupture of 327
malformation 577, 990, 994
nodal branch 269
node dysfunction 307
line, anterior 147
lymph nodes, significance of 68
Axonal neuropathy 1116
Azygos vein, arch of 155
sign 1129, 1160, 1187
trunk thigh sign of 1200
Bacillus cereus 551
Bacterial infection
primary 796
secondary 796
Bacteriuria, recurrent 580
Balanitis 1408, 1413, 1413f
Balanoposthitis 1407, 1413
Ball and socket joint 1305, 1306f
Barlow's test 1368f
Baroreceptor reflex, arterial 281
Barrel chest 346
Barrett's esophagus 543
Bartholin gland 1400, 1430
Basal cell
cancer 788, 792, 794
carcinoma 773, 788, 819
of lower eyelid 695
Basal ganglia 870, 870f, 891, 929
disease 880, 895, 1122
lesion 931, 932, 1107
Basic heart sound 410
Battle's sign 58, 1253
Beau's lines 103, 103f, 106
Bechterew, superior nucleus of 1044
Beck's triad 361
muscular dystrophy 1117, 1123, 1170
sign 369, 1150
disease 588, 709, 850, 851f, 852f, 918, 919, 1403
penile ulcers in 1416
lesion 1411, 1411f
syndrome 609, 707
Behr's pupil 1093
Belching reflex, dysfunction of 546
palsy 1031, 1031f
phenomenon 1028
projection 1043
Benedict syndrome 899
Beriberi 184, 354, 359, 367, 376, 383, 392, 432, 457
Bernheim phenomenon 461
effect 365, 442
principle 242
Bicarbonates, secretion of 505
femoris 1369
flexes elbow 1345
muscle 1139f
reflex 1175, 1176f
tendinitis 1345
Bifid pulse 364, 365
mechanism of 365
Bifid uvula 613, 613f, 743
Bilateral proptosis, causes of 692
Bile ducts
and gallbladder 500f
disease of 568
tributary of 498
Bile pigment, formation of 502
Bile reflux 546
Bile salts
formation 501
functions of 501
cirrhosis, primary 77, 584
disorder 549
Bilirubin 575
metabolism 566
Bimanual approach, posterior 1285
vision 680
visual field loss 986
Biot's respiration 197
Birth injury, anoxic 1108, 1129
Bisferiens pulse, mechanism of 365
Bisphosphonates 544
Bitten nail 106, 107f
Black hairy tongue 607, 607f, 758f
carcinoma 12, 577
function, examination of 1217
stone 571
disorders 175
gum 605
per rectum 563
per vagina 1424
Blepharitis 685, 692, 692f
Blepharospasm 1035, 1036
painful 1035
Blind spot 983
enlargement of 985
Bloating, abdominal 558
dyscrasia 177, 713
pulmonary 297, 388
velocity of 277
gas exchange 164, 165f
loss 308
pressure 277, 370, 375, 914, 1258
definition of 375
diastolic 370, 373
variability of 374
tinged sputum 328
transfusion of 568
vessels 782
diameter of 276
dilatation of 695
small number of 696
viscosity 276
volume depletion 308
diarrhea 551, 552, 562
penile discharge 578
sputum 175
Blount's disease 1370
Blue sclera 339, 340f, 702, 702f
Bluish vagina 1435
Blumberg's sign 663
Blurred vision 709
BMI, measurement of 44
Boas' sign 665
Bobbing uvula 613, 743
densitometry 597
hairs 113
mass index 23, 44, 45f, 597
of luys 864
temperatures, regulation of 472, 784
Bones 1296
anatomy of 1359
classification of 1296
cyst, articular 1170
destruction 180
disease 891
examination of 1312
of middle ear 776f
of midfoot 1382
of thorax 149
pain 1309
causes of 1310
shapes of 1297f
Bony thorax, disease of 361
Bornholm disease 178, 179
Bouchard's node in osteoarthritis 1358
Boutonniere deformity 1313, 1315f
Bovine cough 190
Bow leg 1371f
perforation 538
sounds 655
Bowen's disease 819, 819f
Bowenoid papulosis 1403
Bowman's capsule 516f, 517, 523
epithelial layer of 517
Bowstring sign 1276
artery 353, 358
myopathy 1017
plexus, involvement of 1121
pulse 348, 349f
artery 462
vein 155
Brachioradialis 1138, 1176
flexes 1345
test 1139f
Bradyarrhythmias 313
Bradycardia 1258
Bradykinesia 1168
sign 1276f
test 1336
abscess 901
cell tumor 904
injuries 1200
microangiopathy of 1052
parts of 161
tumor 901, 902, 905, 1107
Brainstem 161, 872, 879, 995, 1238, 1249, 1267
compression, causes of 1171
disease 886, 1263
displacement 1010
lesion 889, 890, 1033, 1050, 1096, 1250
stroke 932
Branched retinal vein occlusion 722, 724
Branham's sign 377
Breast 22, 75
abnormalities of 347, 386
and lung, carcinoma of 1013
Breath 612
odor 1256
of acetone 612
of ammonia 612
of sweetish smell mousy odor 612
sound 229, 232
intensity, value of 237
types of 234f
acidotic 195
ataxic 197
mechanism of 157
of lung 158
types of 196f, 1257f
Breathlessness 124, 171, 181, 191, 286, 300, 320, 328
causes of 322
Brisk anterolateral jaw movement 1005
Brittle nails 104, 105f
Broadbent's sign 388
Broca aphasia 944
Brochiectasis 172
adenoma 177
arteries 169
asthma 12, 175, 176, 182, 187, 193, 321, 322, 325, 326, 361
breath sound 234, 238, 239
smooth muscle spasm 249
sound 229
tree, description of 151
tumor 192
wall edema 249
Bronchiectasis 77, 173, 175, 177, 178, 184, 192, 327, 328
Bronchiolitis obliterans 249
Bronchitis 172, 177
Bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma 175
Bronchoconstriction, acute 324
Bronchogenic carcinoma 77, 78, 82, 172, 177, 387, 921
Bronchomalacia 249
Bronchopneumonia 172, 216
aspergillosis 176
fistula, rupture of 327, 328
segment 151f
Bronchovesicular breath sound 229, 239
Bronzing of skin 341, 585
black spots 727
teeth 603f
Brown-Séquard syndrome 1238
Brucellosis 35, 74, 1311
Brudzinski's neck sign 1267, 1269, 1270f
Brueghel's syndrome 1036, 1112
Brugada syndrome 301, 302, 317
Bruises, periorbital 58
Bruit, abdominal 464, 653f
Brun's nystagmus 1249
Brushfield's spots 339, 917
BRVO, causes of 722
exostosis 747, 749f
glands 470
mucosa 609
examination of 1026f
paralysis 1029
Buccofacial apraxia 950
Bulbar palsy 192
Bulbocavernosus reflex 1185
Bulge test 1377f
Bulging flank 648
Bulimia 43, 556
Bull's eye appearance 985
Bulla 788
erythema multiforme 810
lesion 813
pemphigoid 788, 808, 809f
branch block 414
of His 273
Bunion 1393f
Burger disease 319
Burn's nystagmus 1205, 1249
Burr-hole 915
Bursa 1307f
Bursitis 1362
Butterfly rash 344f
Buttock pain 318
Cacosmia 964
Café-au-lait spot 343f
Caffeine 293, 297
acute 373
chronic 371
cortex 978, 955
fissure 866
Calcific pericarditis, chronic 434
Calcification, arterial 465
Calcinosis 855, 855f
channel blocker 298, 317, 547
deficiency 105
Calf muscle
hypertrophy 915
pain 318
Calf swelling 1385
Callosal apraxia 952
Caloric testing 1049
Campbell's sign 214, 215f
Cancer 64, 72, 595, 785, 883
associated retinopathy 985
chemotherapy 108, 538
of pancreas 656
of tongue 763f
pain, abdominal 540
pancreatic 71
albicans 544
infection 795, 797, 1418
Candidal balanitis 796
Candidiasis 613, 794
Cannon wave 135
congestion, pulmonary 321
dilatation of 28
permeability 120
wedge pressure, pulmonary 143
Capsular strokes 1123
Carbamazepine 812
absorption 490
storage diseases 919
Carbon dioxide 558
Carcinogenic shock 186
syndrome 550
tumors 556
Carcinoma 191, 542, 571, 763
alveolar cell 173
of lung, apical 1096
pancreatic 536, 569, 643
types of 695
ureteral 577
Carcinomatous large fiber destruction 900
Cardarelli's sign 214, 214f
syncope, arrhythmogenic 317
veins, anterior 271
disease 34, 44, 45, 51, 883
drugs 538
facies 56
system 23, 255, 330, 919
anatomy of 255
Carotenemia 921
aneurysm 1081
artery 353, 465, 466, 978
auscultation 919
pulsation 384
stenosis 1048
bruit 368, 409, 916, 1049, 1288
endarterectomy 1077
pulse 348, 349f
ramus 1066
shudder 366
hypersensitivity 307, 317, 354
syncope 307
stenosis, unilateral 917
Carpal-Tunnel syndrome 910, 1354
Carpus callosum 866
Cartilage in lower extremity joints, loss of 41
Cartilaginous joint 1300
primary 1300, 1301f
secondary 1300, 1301f
Caruncula lacrimalis 668
Castell's technique 639, 639f
Cataplexy 1124
Cataract 686, 687, 713
Catatonic rigidity 1128
Catecholamine mediated polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 301
Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 317
disease 64, 72
fever 68, 76
Cauda equina 1186, 1219
lesion 571, 894, 1220
syndrome 920, 1119, 1166
Caudal pontine lesion 1008
Caudate nucleus 870, 928
breath sound 229, 239
fistula 917
sinus 1011f, 1089
involvement 1100
lateral wall of 1012
syndrome 1011
thrombosis 881, 918
Cecum 491, 527
disease 530, 595
ganglion 1214
absorptive 487
in retina, distribution of 679
Cellular differentiation, degree of 818
Cellulitis 69
apnea 195
auditory pathways 1046
autonomic failure 1219
chemoreceptor 161, 162
cyanosis 86, 340
intensity of 88
mechanism of 86
diabetes insipidus 572
dystonia 895
hyperventilation 197
isthmus 1281
loss of vision 687
nervous system 740
disease 681, 685
part of retina 681
artery 720, 721
vein 719721
scotoma 969
sulcus 867
venous pressure 138
measures 129
vertigo 906, 907
vestibular pathways 889
visual field defect 986
Cephalic bruit 916
Cephalosporin 74, 812
ataxia 962, 1009, 1052
deficit 1333
disease 879, 887, 1167, 1210, 1246, 1249
disorder 1201
drift 1209
gait 894
hemispheric lesion, bilateral 894
hemorrhage 895
infarction 1057
involvement 1062
lesion 1124, 1250
tonsillar herniation 1269
Cerebellopontine angle 1062
lesion in 1033
syndrome 1051
tumor 1058
Cerebellum 860, 872, 891, 892, 1045
abscess 939
achromatopsia 954
arteries 873f
anterior 872
occlusion, bilateral 955
posterior 872, 936, 972, 978
cortex, vascular supply of 873f
disease, bilateral 1256
embolism 909
fissure, longitudinal 866
hemisphere 865
infarction 197, 541
lesions 308, 1006, 1219
palsy 203
peduncle 931, 1028, 1100
polyopia 938
sensory system 1234
shock 1123
vasculitis 939
Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea 739
accident 34, 376
disease 594
carcinoma 1436
involvement 1165
lesion 1096
cyanosis 1436
cyst 1436
discharge 1436
ganglia 1212
group of lymph nodes, significance of 63
hypertrophy 1436
laceration 1436
lymph nodes 22, 60, 61f, 62f
lymphadenopathy 74, 1268
nodes, anterior 63f
pleura 154
polyp 1436
radiculopathy 918, 1272
ribs 1096
spine 1322
arthritis of 181
examination of 1326
extension of 1326f
flexion of 1326f
syrinx 1118
spondylosis 24, 901, 909, 918, 1120, 1169, 1268
syringobulbia 1114
syringomyelia 1120
transaction 183
ulcer 1436
vertebrae 1325
Cervicodorsal osteoarthritis 295
Cervicogenic nystagmus 1245
Chaddock's sign 1187, 1188f, 1431
Chagas disease 543, 556
Chalazion 691, 691f
Chancre 754
in lip 600f
in penis 919
primary 795
secondary 795
Chancroid 69, 76, 1403, 1409, 1409f, 1415f
fever 32
joint 1115f
Marie-Tooth disease 1122
Charles Bonnet syndrome 937
Chediak Higashi syndrome 1249
Cheilitis 765, 766f
actinic 599f
angular 591f
Cheilosis 765
angular 766f
Chemosis 1293
of bulbar conjunctiva 699, 700f
Cherubic facies 52
cage, abnormalities in 201
expansion, asynchrony of 216
injuries 192
inspection 195
pain 171, 178, 191, 286, 293295, 300, 302, 545
causes of 178, 546
percussion 222
surfaces, abnormalities of 208
wall 178, 390, 423
fistula 209
pain 179, 180
elastic properties of 157
Cheyne Stokes respiration 196, 1256
Chiasma 995
Chiasmal syndrome 989
Chickenpox 7
primary lesions 805f
Chlamydia pneumonia 613
conjunctivitis 685
infection 76
associated retinopathy 985
hydrochloride 94
Cholangiocarcinoma 568
Cholangitis 35, 569
Cholecystitis 528, 529, 536
Choledocholithiasis 549, 568, 569
Cholelithiasis 549
Cholera 550
Cholestasis of pregnancy 568
Cholesteatoma 776, 908, 1062
Chorda tympani, departure of 1030
Chorea 1107, 1107f, 1124
Chorioretinal scar 726
Choroid 672
arteries 936
coloboma 987
Choroids, disease of 986
Chromophobe tumor 910
Chronic bronchitis, exacerbation of 172
Chvostek's sign 1270, 1271f
artery, posterior 977
body 672
flush 717
muscles 672
process 672
ring 672
gyri, anterior 1217
gyrus 867, 927, 935
Cingulum 869, 935
Circinate balanitis 796, 1409
Circle of Willis 874f
Circular fibers 672
Circumflex artery 269, 270
Circuminsular fissure 866
Circumoral pigmentation 599
Circumvallate papillae 474, 761
Cirrhosis 77, 108, 199, 359, 376, 655, 740, 919, 963, 1418
alcoholic 631, 1358
Cistern of Rosenthal, basilar 972
Cisterna ambiens 972
Clarke, dorsal nucleus of 1224
Classic myotonic dystrophy 1130
Claude's syndrome 899, 1100
Claudication 286, 318, 465, 1363
Clavicle, fracture of 1340
hand 915
toes 1387
lip 598f
palate 741
repair of 611
Clench jaws 1001
Clinoid process, posterior 1262
Clitoris 1400, 1427, 1430
enlargement of 119
index 1430
Clonus 1129, 1196
types of 1196
Closed head injury 963
Clostridium perfringens 551
Clubbing 77, 81f, 100
causes of 77
Club-shaped hand 910
Cluster breathing 1256
Coarctation of descending aorta, murmur of 410
Cobb's angle 203, 203f
measurement of 203
Coccidioidomycosis 74
nerve 1037, 1046
nucleus, anteroventral 1040
Cog wheel rigidity 1124
syndrome 917
twitch 1162
and calmy extremities 897
urticaria 814f
arteries 492
vein 492
Colicky abdominal pain 533
disease, tremor of 899
disorders 1124
vascular disease 74, 94, 543, 569, 703, 726, 843, 1033, 1118
Collapse, alveolar 238
Collateral ligaments of knee, testing of 1379f
fracture 1354
sign 1352
Collet-Sicard syndrome 1063, 1069, 1076
Collier's sign 897
Colloid osmotic pressure 517
Coloboma 989
ascending 492, 558, 1067
cancer 557
transverse 492, 558, 1067
Colonic polyp 563
Color agnosia 955
Color vision 680, 732
defect 981
Coma 1254
Comedone 799f
formation 798
fibers, transverse 868
nucleus 1224
Commissure, anterior 868
carotid artery 462
cold 598
hepatic duct 500
wart 815, 816f
Communicable diseases 7
Communicating artery, posterior 972, 978
Compact bone 1296
atrophy, anterior 894
syndrome 319
Complementary color 680
partial seizures 1017
visual hallucinations 937
Compound nevus 823, 824f
Computed tomography scan 877
aortic stenosis 365
mitral regurgitation 365
aphasia 944, 949
defect 330, 336, 338
Conductive deafness, common causes of 1046
Condylar joint 1302, 1304f
Condyloma 815, 817f
acuminata 796, 1417, 1431
lata 1403, 1431
Cone 965
degeneration 995
functions of 679
acyanotic heart diseases 297
aganglionosis 556
anomalies 1032
anosmia 740
aortic stenosis 400
clubbing 80
color vision defect 981
cyanotic heart disease 77, 297, 327, 400
dislocation of hip 893
disorders 681
fissuring of tongue 607
block 332
disease 89, 322, 388, 423, 426
hip disease 1170
lues 735
myopathies 1121, 1116, 1170
myotonia 1130
nephritic syndrome 581
nystagmus 1244, 1248
optic nerve pit 985
pulmonary stenosis 334, 335
syndrome 822
syphilis 918
urate nephropathy 581
cardiac failure 24, 173, 198, 291, 293, 330, 336, 341, 433, 549, 1418
cardiomyopathy 366
heart failure 326, 327, 347, 360, 462
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia 568
Conjunctiva, inspection of 695
edema 1293
nevus 700, 701f
Conjunctivitis 683, 685, 688, 696, 1035, 1409
allergic 683, 685, 696, 697f
bacterial 683, 685, 696, 697f
Connective tissue 155
disease 69, 76, 191, 245, 441, 910, 920, 1010
disorders 101, 1358
Consciousness, clouding of 1251
Constant severe pain 179, 190
Constipation 527, 553, 909
causes of 554
Constriction, periarterial 130
Constrictive pericarditis 137, 138f, 141, 144, 326, 362, 377, 384, 434, 462
Constructional apraxia 928, 949, 951, 993
Contact dermatitis 780, 785787, 793797, 1403
adventitious lung sounds 246, 247
fever 29
lingual myoclonus 1082
murmur 444, 458
temperature 29f
thrill 402
atrial 283
duration of 1173
speed of 1173
brainstem lesion 1076
hemiparesis 1028
hemiplegia 1006, 1029, 1165
superior temporal gyrus 948
Control blood pressure 278
artery 269
medullaris syndrome 920, 1219
COPD 187, 249, 327, 359, 364
Cor pulmonale 208, 331, 338
Cord lesion 1123
Corda tympani 1023
Core system 1042
Cornea 672, 712
examination 684
abrasion 683
and palpebral reflexes, loss of 1029
clouding 340, 917
dystrophies 688
irritation 688
light reflex 710
mandibular reflex 1195
opacities 686, 995
reflex 1004, 1026
elicitation 1004f
spectrum of 1006
trauma 685
ulcer 685, 704, 705f
Corneomandibular reflex 1005
artery 267, 269, 270, 462
angiographic divisions of 270
anomalies 317
bypass surgery 1077
disease 7, 10, 307, 322, 325, 336, 338, 768
sinus 270
syndrome, acute 286
callosum 868
striatum 860
pulse 367
sign 369
poisoning 286
stricture 543
Corrugator, examination of 1024f
Cortex 161, 875
auditory 1042f
prerolandic portion of 875
deafness 948
necrosis, acute 574
nephron 514f
sensory loss 1165
fibers 931
distribution of 1019
tract 871
Corticocollicular fibers 1043
Corticomedullary junction disease 1246
Corticoreticular myoclonus 1106
Corticospinal tract 871, 922, 1028
involvement 891, 1029
Cortico-strito-nigral tract 928
Corvisart's face 56
Costal margin
extension of 220f
testing excursion of 219
Costal pleura 154
Costochondral junction tenderness 390
Costochondritis 178, 287
Costodiaphragmatic recess 154
Costophrenic angle
detection of 645f
tenderness, causes of 645
Cotton-wool spots 719, 722, 723f, 725
Cough 171, 173, 178, 190, 191, 286, 327
barking 172, 190
causes of 172
mechanism of 174
syncope 305
test 664
types of 173
Counter current
exchanger 521, 522
multiplier 521, 521f
Coxa vera 1279
Coxarthrosis 893
Coxsackie B virus infection 178
Crackles, types of 243f
Cranial nerve 879, 922, 957, 960, 1005f, 1062, 1260
course 1063
functional components of 957
nuclei 958f
palsy 908
Cranial parasympathetic system 1213f
Craniotomy 915
Cremesteric reflex 1185
Crescendo decrescendo murmur 448
Crest syndrome 855
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 938, 1034, 1106
Crigler-Najjar syndrome 568
Critical limb ischemia 465
Crohn's disease 35, 50, 536, 549, 551, 579, 844, 858, 1032, 1408, 1435
Croup 172, 249
Cruciate ligament
anterior 1369
posterior 1369, 1370
disease 656
syndrome 656
Cryoglobulinemia 94, 910, 921
Crystal synovitis 1374
otorrhea 917
rhinorrhea 739, 908, 918
Cubital fossa 796
Cuff deficiency, anterior 1342
Cullen's sign 592, 593f, 616, 643
Curlier hair 112, 115f
Curvature of spine, primary 1324
disease 49, 820
face 54
syndrome 191, 740
inversion of 267
separation of 267
cyst 773
horn 790
infections 76
involvement 807
lupus erythematosus 844
nerve entrapment syndrome, anterior 530
porphyria 119
scleroderma 854, 856
striae distensae 791, 793f
vasculitis, causes of 842
xanthoma 828
Cyanosis 84, 84f, 85, 208, 341
admixture 87
anoxic 86
causes of 93
distribution of 92
evaluation of 92
intensity of 85
tardive 89
Cyclophosphamide 577
acne 799
duct 500
fibrosis 77, 740, 964
Cystinuria 581
Cystitis 571, 576
Cystocele 571
Cytolytic vaginitis 1435
Cytomegalovirus 35
infection 74
Dacryocystitis 695, 696f
Dalrymple's lid retraction 1293
Dandruff 789
Dark adaptation 679
causes of 679
Darwin's tubercle 773
De Musset's
face 56
sign 334, 369
de Quervain's tenosynovitis 1317f
Deafness 300, 579, 1051
Decrescendo murmur 448
anesthesia 1189
episcleral vessels, congestion of 707
palpation 623
sleep 354, 1189
tendon reflexes 1165, 1172, 1173, 1266
vein thrombosis 292, 1388f
Defecation syncope 304
Deformity 1370
adduction 1366
disease 900, 1054, 1329
joint disease 287
aortic valve closure 421
obstruction 358
Delirium tremens 606, 1255
Deltoid muscle, examination of 1134f
Dementia 43, 890
disease 895, 992, 1062, 1077, 1129, 1219
disorders 537
Dendropsia 938
Denied bowel movements 556
Dennison's sign 370
caries 600, 602f
fluorosis 601, 603f
Deoxygenated blood flows 90
Depressed knee jerk 1381
Depression 25, 43, 287, 295, 545, 546, 556, 570, 606, 983
Depressive psychosis 298
nevi 825f
papillae 782
atopic 8, 110, 785, 786, 838, 840f
herpetiformis 786, 806, 807f
Dermatomyositis 76, 342, 542, 793, 796, 921, 834, 839, 1363
Dermatophytosis of nail 111f
Dermatosis papulosa nigra 825
Dermoid cyst, sublingual 609
Descending colon, proximal portion of 527
Dextrocardia 388
Diabetes 339, 570, 579, 681, 688, 713, 720, 725, 726, 727, 740, 820, 883, 1114
insipidus 141, 574, 909, 910
mellitus 537, 539, 555, 572, 881, 909, 910, 963, 1219
coma 195
gastroparesis 539
ketoacidosis 195, 537, 538, 540, 1256
nephropathy 579, 581
neuropathy 663686
papillopathy 733
retinopathy 730, 731f
proliferative 731, 732f
Diaphragm 1150
Diarrhea 9, 140, 300, 527, 541, 550, 553, 595
duration of 552, 553
onset of 552
Dicrotic pulse, significance of 366
function 479
systems, disorders of 771
Digit minimi, abductor 1147, 1149f, 1357
Digital rectal examination 1421
value of 659
Digitalis 297
toxicity 347, 386
Digoxin 354
aortic root 400
cardiomyopathy 388, 414
pulmonary artery 329, 406
pupil 897
right atrium 329
Dilation, aortic 330
rectal sensation 554
vocal fremitus 221
Diphtheria 613
Diplophonia 1070
Diplopia 890, 964
Dipping methods 651
inguinal hernia 657
sternal percussion 407f
Direction of blood flow, detection of 620
Disabling positional vertigo 1056
drusen of 985
herniation 911
prolapse 881
size 718
surgery 911
lupus erythematosus 785, 793, 844
rash 846f
Disease, periarterial 322
Disopropamide 318
Disregard trigeminal boundaries 1010
Dissecting aneurysm 463
Dissection, aortic 181, 286, 330, 389, 463, 464
extremity 1161
genetic myopathies 1161
muscle weakness 1119
myopathies 894
phalanx, hypertrophy of 82
talus 1392
Distended neck veins 361
Distolic murmur 370
Distorted color vision 686
Disuse atrophy 1385
Diuretics 34, 141
Diurnal variation 277
Diver's syncope 306
Divergence nystagmus 1248
Diverticulitis 528, 529
Diverticulosis 563
Dizziness 295, 888, 1047, 1211
Dolphin nodes 71, 72f
Dominant disorder, autosomal 1031
cochlear nuclei 1040
extramacular crossing fibers 988
interossei 1357
longitudinal fasciculus 863
midbrain 1028
motor nucleus 1067
noradrenergic bundle 863
pontine irritating lesion 1008
root ganglia 1182, 1234
Dorsalis pedis, arterial 350, 351f
Dorsiflex great toes 1383
Dorsiflexors 1383
frontal lobe 927
nucleus 860
Dorsomarginal nucleus 1223
Dorsomedial nuclei 862
Dot and blot shaped hemorrhages 730
cortex syndrome 1115f
Korotkoff sounds 364
outlet right ventricle 91, 422
quartan fever 32, 33f
tertian malaria 30
Doubled peaked pulse 364
Down's syndrome 53, 54f, 336, 336f, 339, 341, 757, 917, 918, 1082
Downbeat nystagmus 1245
Drain myocardium 271
Drawer test
anterior 1377, 1378f
posterior 1377, 1378f
Dressing apraxia 928, 951, 993
Dropped head syndrome 1132
Drug 541, 568, 891
abuse 594
abuse of 887
allergy 787
antiviral 568
eruption 786788
blepharospasm 1035
cardiac disorders 187
nystagmus 1249
pemphigus 807
respiratory distress 187
intoxication 1254
reaction 910
sensitivity 75
toxicity 906
Drumstick finger 80
Drusen 730, 989
bodies 726, 987
eyes 908
hacking cough 173
skin 466
abnormal 1216
cutaneous signs of 1216
Duane's retraction syndrome 1089
Dubin-Johnson syndrome 568
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 1116, 1117f, 1123, 1170, 1321, 1322f
pancreatic 503
thoracic 155
bulb ulcer, posterior 563
ulcer 549
Duodenum 485, 485f, 527
Dupuytren's contracture 582, 584f, 631, 632f
murmur 365, 410
sign 370
Dysarthria 939, 1205
ataxic 940
examination of 939
types of 940
Dysautonomia 1033
Dysdiadochokinesia 1202f
Dysesthesia 1222
Dysfunction, diastolic 322
Dysgeusia 755, 1032
Dyshidrotic eczema 796, 797f
left ventricle 402
movements 1035
Dyslipidemia 44
Dysmenorrhea 1422
primary 1422
secondary 1422
Dysmetria 1202
Dysmorphic erythrocytes 576
Dyspareunia 1424
Dyspepsia 548
causes of 549
functional 531
Dysphagia 43, 293, 541, 543, 544, 890, 909, 1061, 1062
mechanism of 541
severe 543
types of 542
Dysphonia 939, 1062
nevi 823
pulmonary valve 423
Dyspnea 178, 302, 909, 1070
grading of 188
severity of 185
variability of 184
Dysrhythmia, cardiac 536
Dyssynergia 1201
Dystonia 917, 918
Dystonic reaction, acute 1016
Dystrophies 1428
Dystrophin associated protein complex 1116
Dysuria 573, 1402
Earlobe bobbing 142
Ears, examination of 772
Eating disorders 537, 556
Eaton-Lambert syndrome 880, 908, 1017, 1162
Ebstein's anomaly 297, 415
Ecchymoses 789, 842, 843f, 919
periorbital 735, 739
Echolalia 947
Eclampsia 994
beats 356f
pregnancy 528, 540
pulsation 390
salivary gland 611
Ectropion 689, 689f
Eczema 796
atopic 793, 794, 796
Edema 120, 126, 191, 730, 1407
alveolar 238
angioneurotic 327
bilateral 1385
causes of 127
painful 1386
periorbital 1293
pulmonary 93, 142, 175, 182184, 187, 235, 241, 250, 321, 327, 328
signs of 124
symptoms of 123
unilateral 1386
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 1089
Ego phony 230
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 204, 343, 345, 345f
complex 328f
syndrome 89, 327, 328
Ejaculation 1220
aortic 443
pulmonary 443
fraction 284
sound 390, 409, 435, 435f, 437f
causes of 435
pulmonary 400, 435
systolic murmur, pulmonary 458
arteries 167
cartilage 1299
ligament 1305
Elbow joint 1302, 1345
inspection of 1346
Electrographic status epilepticus 1263
fasting glucose 50
left ventricular diastolic pressure 361
nevi 787
triglycerides 50
Elfin facies 52, 335f
Ellipsoid joint 1303, 1305f
Embolism, pulmonary 178, 183, 187, 286, 324, 327, 328, 360, 362, 389, 419, 1256
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 1170, 1117
blunting 932
disturbance 930, 932
stress 801
Emphysema 43, 182, 206, 222, 321, 387, 388, 433
Empty sella syndrome 990
Empyema 77
Encephalitis 955, 1247
Encephalocele 915, 917
Encephalopathy, hypertensive 994
obstructing lesion 200
tumor 322
Endocarditis 341, 843
disease 1052
disorders 301
Endocrinological hypoactivity hypoglycemia 297
Endogenous toxin 550
Endometriosis 531
Endometrium 66
Endoscopic sphincterotomy 562
Endotracheal tube 236
Engorged retinal veins 718
epitrochlear node, significance of 68
inguinal lymph nodes, significance of 69
lacrimal gland 338
lymph node 307, 1404
Enophthalmos 693, 693f
Entamoeba histolytica 552
Enteric nerves, disorders of 556
Enterochromaffin cells 478
Enteroendocrine cells 487
Enterogastric reflex 483
Enthesitis 1362, 1391
Entropion 690f
amylolytic 504
secretion of 504
Eosinophilia 570
Ependymoma 1096
Epidermis 781
Epidermoid cyst 795
Epidural hematoma 1254
Epigastria, retraction of 1151
burning 548
discomfort 562
pain 548
pulsation 389
region 410, 525
Epigastrium 532
Epiglotitis 184
Epiglottal disease 172, 173
Epilepsy, akinetic 1124
Epileptic nystagmus 1249
Epinephrine 354
Epiphora 695
Epiphysis 1296
Episcleritis 702, 702f
blindness 907
memory 933
vertigo 1056, 1057
Epispadias 1418
Epistaxis 561, 735, 964
Epithalamus 860, 864
Epithelial cells 574
Epithelioma 598
Epitrochlear lymph nodes 60, 68
Epstein-Barr virus 544, 613, 1030
Epulis 606f
Erectile dysfunction 1215, 1404
Erection 1220
Erosive esophagitis 563
Eruptive xanthoma 829, 831f
Erythema 1387, 1392
chronicum migrans 921
migrans 752
multiforme 786, 796, 797, 810, 810f, 850, 1403
nodosum 588, 736, 786, 788, 813, 848850, 850f
Erythrasma 794, 795f
Erythrocyanosis 88
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 99
Erythroderma 795, 832
Erythrodermic psoriasis 833f
carcinoma 536, 539, 543
content, aspiration of 192
diseases 541
disorders 178
diverticula 543
dysmotility 536
dysphagia 543, 855
lumen, mechanical obstruction of 542
neoplasm 549
plexuses 1067
ring 543
rupture 286
spasm 286, 287, 546
tumor 304
varices 563
web, proximal 542
documentation of 545
eosinophilic 543
Esophagus 65, 155, 475, 822
carcinoma of 77
structural abnormalities of 304
Esthesioneuroblastoma 964
abuse 537
ingestion, acute 373
Ethlene glycol toxicity 195
Ethmoidectomy 963
Ethylene glycol 715
Eustachian tube 1059
blockage 908
functions of 775
Ewart's sign 239
Exaggerated jaw jerk 1006
Exocrine gland cells, types of 477
Exophthalmos 340, 917
Exostosis 775, 1392
Explosive dysarthria 1062
Extension carpi radialis longus 1352
carpi radialis
brevis 1352
longus 1140f
carpi ulnaris 1138, 1141f, 1352
digitorum 1138, 1141f, 1357
brevis 1119, 1156, 1160f
longus 1156, 1159f, 1383
drift 1172
hallucis 1156, 1160f
longus 1383
brevis 1138, 1143f, 1352, 1357
longus 1138, 1144f, 1357
auditory meatus, blockage of 1046
nose 734, 734f
ophthalmoplegia 340
Extrahepatic cholestasis 569
Extraocular muscle
anatomy 1099
movement of 1083f
paralysis 1058, 1089
disease 1036, 1163
disorder 891, 1081, 1269
dysarthria 940
lesions 1161
syndrome 1017
Extraspectral colors 680
obesity 359
pyrexia 34
Extremities 340, 786, 920
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 182, 187, 193
Exudates on posterior pharynx, causes of 744
accommodation of 676
disease 668, 1035
symptoms of 683
external feature of 669f
in autonomic dysfunction, signs of 1216
movements 23, 1033, 1263f
examination of 1086f
range of 1262
opening 1259
optic neuritis, pain in 908
pain 719
signs 369
structure of 671
Eyeball 668
coatings of 671
contents of 674
extraocular muscles of 677f
extrinsic muscles of 677
Eyelid 668, 689
carcinoma of 694, 695f
drooping of 687, 689
edema 687
opening, apraxia of 952
position of 1265
producing ptosis, complete paralysis of 1094
purplish discoloration of 342
twitching of 1105
Fabry's disease 581, 919
Face 22
acromegalic 54, 55f
aortic 56
in scleroderma 857f
symmetry of 1023
Facet joint arthritis 1333
adenoid 58, 59f
appearance 52
borvina 52
diplegia 1032
dystonia 1112
expression 23, 917
fascicle, involvement of 1029
motor nucleus 1028
movements, abnormal 1035
fasciculation of 1037
weakness of 917
myokemia 1037, 1111
autonomic part of 1021f
course of 1020f
function 1023
intracranial path of 1018f
involvement of 1029
palsy, recurrent 1031
paralysis 1009
peripheral course of 1022
nucleus 1018, 1028
pain 1009
bilateral 1032
unilateral 1032
plethora 1287
sensory loss 1062
synkinesia 1037
tic 688, 1110
trauma 739, 1031
wrinkling, loss of 1028
Facies 51
antonina 54
leonina 54, 55f
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 1170
Facicular lesions 1028
Facioscacpulohumeral muscular dystrophy 1077
Factitious fever 33, 35
Failure, cardiac 460, 572, 594
Fallopian tube 527
Fallot's tetralogy 422
Falx cerebri 1000
IgA nephropathy 581
mediterranean fever 35, 530, 533
periodic fever 35
syndrome 1031
Fascial paresis 776
Fascicles 1100
Fascioscapular muscular dystrophy 1118, 1118f, 1123
Fat 155, 668
absorption of 490, 501
in body, distribution of 45
subconjunctival 630
Father-in-law sign 69
Fatigue 304, 687
fever 34
syndrome 743
Fatty tissue 1419
Fecal incontinence 559, 1219
causes of 559
Feel thickening of skin 126
and toes, dorsiflexors of 923, 1279
valgus 1333
Feigned visual loss 986
artery 353
bruit 464
head, fracture of 1279
hernia 658
palpation of 658
lymph nodes 70
neuropathy 1381
causes of 1381
pulse 348, 350f
Femoris, adductor 1152, 1153f
Festinant gait 895
Fetal alcohol syndrome 338f
Fetid sputum 328
Fetor hepaticus 633, 1256
Fever 35, 178, 190, 195, 297, 327, 354, 359, 367, 376, 391, 457, 570, 595, 912, 1256, 1258
of myocarditis 291
of unknown origin 35
anatomy of 1251
of deltoid, anterior 1339, 1340
of ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve 999
subcortical 869
sympathetic 512
Fibrillation, atrial 137, 137f, 310, 354, 355, 415
Fibrocartilage 1299, 1299f
Fibrosis 217, 429, 430
pulmonary 182, 241, 245, 548
Fibrositis 663
coat 671
joint 1299, 1300f
Filariasis 1386, 1388f
papillae 474
wart 815, 816f
Filtration fraction 517
Fine tremor 1291
agnosia 993, 1237
deformities 1314f
flexion reflexes, exaggeration of 1192
flexor reflex 1177
nose test 1206, 1207f
Finkelstein's test 1352, 1353f
Fissured tongue 608f
arteriovenous 391
rectovaginal 1431, 1435
Fixed drug
eruption 796, 813
rash 795
Flaccid dysphonia 1070
Flaring of nostrils, significance of 738
bones 1297
nevi 787
wart 816
distal interphalangeal joints 1356
proximal interphalangeal joints of thumb 1356
Flexion deformity 1366
radialis 1138, 1142f, 1350
ulnaris 1138, 1142f, 1350
digiti minimi 1357
brevis 1384
longus 1156, 1159f, 1383, 1384
profundus 1147, 1149f, 1356
sublimis 1147, 1148f
superficialis 1356
brevis 1384
longus 1383
brevis 1357
longus 1144, 1146f, 1356
Flocculonodular lobe 1201
baby syndrome 1124
head syndrome 1077
Flow across valve 422
Flow murmur 1292
aortic 443
pulmonary 443
balance 571
filling, alveolar 238
intake, types of 572
loss 308
thrill, detection of 650f
volume, distribution of 42
Flutter, atrial 354, 355, 415
cortical seizure 1037
pain 1310
seizures 954
vitiligo 820
Folliculitis 794, 795
allergy 787
impaction 546
intolerance 549
poisoning 540
deformity 1386
dropping test 1127, 1127f
dorsiflexion of 1395f, 1396
eversion of 1396, 1396f
everter of 1279, 1383
intrinsic muscles of 1384, 1387f
inversion of 1396
pain in 891
ovale 957, 1013
rotundum 957, 1013
Force, evaluation of 382
expiratory time 237
grasping reflex 1191
disease 794
lesion 1416
spots 750, 1411, 1412f, 1416
Fore foot, examination of 1393
Forearm supinators 923
Forehead, wrinkles of 1024
Fornix 863, 935
Forward flexion 1331f
Fossa, posterior 958, 1029
Foster-Kennedy syndrome 964
Foville syndrome 1029
Fracture 1362, 1391
Freckles 787
Friable nail 1291
Friction rub, periarterial 440
Friedlander's pneumonia 12
ataxia 203, 340, 920
sign 434
gait 895
lobe 867, 869, 929
anterior 872
function 924
lesion 1255
sign 1165
recession 115
release sign 1267
sinus 902
Fulminant hepatitis 635
abdominal pain syndrome 531
constipation, classification of 554
disorders 537
murmur, description of 458
disorders 177
eruption 796
infection 173, 607, 660
Fungiform papillae 474
Funnel chest 204, 204f
Fusiform gyrus 868
Gag reflex 1061, 1062, 1069
Gaint cell arteritis 1062
Gait 891
abnormal 892, 893
antalgic 892, 1211
apraxic 895
co-ordination of 891
disturbances, common causes of 892
Galactorrhea 910
Gall stones 531
Gallavardin phenomenon in aortic stenosis 461
Gallbladder 65, 477, 526, 633
carcinoma of 633
disease 44
functions of 503
mucocele of 633
Galloping tongue 1082
heavy chain diseases 743
motor neuron 1224
system 164
Ganglia, thoracic 1214
Ganglion 1353
cells 965
Gardnerella vaginalis 1433, 1435
Gargoyle like facies 53
Garlic odor 1256
Gartner's duct cyst 1432
Gasserian ganglion 1000, 1010
cancer 563
carcinoma 536, 539
erosions 563
fundus, detection of 408f
glands 477, 477f
infection 549
juice 478
outlet obstruction 536, 537
retention, detection of 642f
tympany, percussion of 225
varices 563
volvulus 538
Gastritis 528, 529, 536
Gastrocnemius muscle 1156, 1158f
Gastroenteritis 537
eosinophilic 530, 549
Gastroesophageal reflux 44, 173, 175, 181
disease 287, 546, 549
bleeding 561, 564
cause 173, 177
disease 570, 579
infections, assessment of 659
symptoms 9
system, inspection of 597
Gastronemius muscle 1119
Gastroparesis 540, 545, 549
Gaucher's disease 654, 917, 921
Gaze evoked
nystagmus 1249
tinnitus 1048
Gaze palsy 1165
Genetic cerebellar disease 899
body 860, 955, 972, 978, 990
nucleus, lateral 861
Geniculocollicular fibers 1043
herpes 69
organs, palpation of 659
rashes 1403
symptoms 1402, 1421
system 1406
ulcerations, causes of 1403
wart 1412, 1417, 1417f
Genitalia 1397
Genitofemoral nerve 1185
Genitourinary tract, irritation of 571
recurvatum 1333
valgus 1313f
varus 1314f
Geographic tongue 759, 794
Geographical tongue 609f
Gerhard's sign 370
Gertsmann syndrome 1237
cell arteritis 35, 686, 904, 905, 916, 964, 978
papillary conjunctivitis 697
Gilbert's syndrome 568
Gilles De La Tourette syndrome 1037, 1112
Gingivitis vulgaris 768
complication of 768
Gingivostomatitis 604, 754
Girth, abdominal 124
Glabellar tap reflex 1194
sublingual 470
submandibular 469
Glandular fever 611
like syndrome, causes of 745
Glans penis 1397
Glasgow coma scale 1259
Glaucoma 683, 685, 708, 904, 905, 985, 986, 987, 989, 1058
acute closes angle 907
Glaucomatous optic neuropathy 733
Glenohumeral joint 1338, 1342
Glioma 681, 1096
Global aphasia 946
pallidus 870, 1034
sensation 545, 548
bleeding 576
membrane 517
pressure 517
filtration 516, 517
involvement 850
Glomerulonephritis 574, 581
jugulare 1062
tumor 1047
tumor 917
Glossitis 585, 587f, 589, 794
atrophic 761, 762f, 1082
nerve 957, 1051, 1058, 1214
distribution of 1059f
neuralgia 314, 316
closure 174, 545
sudden opening of 174
maximus 1154, 1154f, 1359
medius 893, 1152, 1359
tear 1368
minimus 893, 1152, 1153f
Goblet cells 487
Goiter, complication of 1287
Golfer elbow 1346
Gonarthrosis 892
pharyngitis 745
urethritis 578, 1402
Gonorrhea 707, 1402
Good-Pasture syndrome 177, 574, 579
Gottron's papules 851, 853f
Gout 35, 579, 1392
Gouty tophi 794
Gower's maneuver 1172
Gracilis, adductor 1361
Gradenigo's syndrome 1011
Graft-versus-host disease 75
Graham-Steell murmur of high pressure pulmonary regurgitation 402
annulare 786, 796
inguinale 795, 798, 1409, 1410f
penile lesion in 1415
Granulomatosis 76
Granulomatous disease 71
Graphesthesia 1235
Grasp reflex 1191, 1191f
congestive ophthalmopathy 1293
disease 54, 692, 693f, 917, 1288, 1291, 1295
ophthalmopathy 1291, 1293
cardiac veins 271
toe, dorsiflexors of 1337
angulations of 457
disease of 178
root of 155
transposition of 91f, 297
curvature 476
vestibular gland, absence of 1434
Greig syndrome 52
Grey Turner's sign 592, 594f, 616, 643
Grip, mechanism of 1358
Groin pain 1362
Gross synovitis 1374
Group hemolytic streptococcus 744
Guillain-Barré syndrome 881, 894, 909, 1037, 1081, 1123
Gustatory hallucination 936
Guttate psoriasis 831, 833f
Gynecomastia 347, 386, 589, 590f
Gyrus, angular 867
nuclei 864
trigone 864
Habenulopeduncular tract 864
Habitual hyperthermia 35
Haemophilus influenzae 216, 696
Hair 112
and nails 920
axillary 113
distribution 1426
follicles 1411, 1416
loss 51, 1427
premature graying of 820, 1292
structure 113f
tuft of 488
types of 112
leukoplakia 607, 749
tongue 757
Halitosis 771
abductor 1384
rigidus 1387
valgus 1387, 1389f
Halo nevi 820
Hammer toes 1387, 1390f
Hamstrings muscles 1155f
atrophy, small muscle of 180
intrinsic muscles of 1357
Handled vienna nasal speculum 739
Hang jaw 1121
and soft palate 1001
exudates 726, 726f, 730
palate 741
Harrison's groove 207, 207f
Harvey's sign 423
Hashimoto thyroiditis 72, 1288
and neck signs 369
drooping of 1105
examination of 22
extension of 1274f
flexion of 1273f
injury 963, 965
lateral flexion of 1274f
shaking nystagmus 1249
trauma 1107
turning 1049
Headache 541, 687, 688
Healed burn 791
Hearing loss with tinnitus 1052
and great vessels, physiology of 274
apex of 255
arterial supply of 267, 268f
attack 338f
base of 256, 257
block 313, 342
complete 354, 355f
burn 548
conduction system of 271, 272f, 280
disease 921
atherosclerotic 51, 306
hypertensive 322
external feature of 255, 256f, 257, 257f, 258, 258f, 259f
failure 185, 346, 361, 570, 587
hypertensive 427
left border of 405
murmur 441
rate 348, 433, 1258
rhabdomyoma of 343
rhythm 348
right border of 403
size of 424
sounds 23, 385
exhaustion 34
loss, excessive 36
stroke 34, 51
Heavy meal consumption 293
Hectic fever 32
Heel to knee test 1208, 1208f
Heliotrope rash 851, 852f
Heliotropic erythema in face 921
Hemangioma 1170
Hemarthrosis 1340
Hematemesis 293, 527, 561
Hematochezia 561, 563
painless 564
Hematoma 955, 1434
Hematopoietic diseases 1052
Hematuria 575, 576
causes of 576
Hemiakinesia 929
Hemianopia 687, 948, 988
Hemianopsia 880
Hemiballismus 1109, 1109f
Hemifacial spasm 1036, 1110
Hemimasticatory spasm 1008
Hemimicropsia 995
Hemiparesis 880, 942
Hemiplegia 946, 1128, 1363
Hemiplegic gait 1160
Hemochromatosis 101, 585, 847
Hemoglobin 575
Hemoglobinuria 577
anemia 638
jaundice 630
Hemopericardium 324
Hemoptysis 171, 176, 286, 327, 579
causes of 177
Hemorrhage 197, 686, 687, 695, 730, 994, 1123
alveolar 235, 238
peripapillary 719
pulmonary 241
subconjunctival 583, 585f, 698, 698f
Hemorrhagic stroke 541
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 842
angiosarcoma 12
arterial murmur 633
arteriovenous fistula 656
artery 498
coma 1267
congestion 341
dullness, percussion of 225
failure 572, 612, 900, 1256
flexure 527
friction rub 633
metastasis 655
pulsation 346
tumor 655
Hepatico pancreaticobiliary system, parts of 500f
Hepatitis 536, 569, 655, 847, 843, 910, 919, 963
carcinoma 569, 847, 919
disease, chronic 568
dysfunction 568
injury, subacute 568
jaundice 630
Hepatojugular reflux 142
use of 142
Herald patch 838
cerebellar ataxia 1170
chorea 1108
sensorimotor neuropathies 1122
Hernia 531, 656, 1404
diaphragmatic 362
scar 619
types of 657f
Hernial sites, inspection of 621
Herpangina 611, 612f
Herpes 660, 1402
labialis 598, 598f, 794
simplex 544, 802, 803f, 839, 1410
encephalitis 936, 954, 963
lesions 804
penile lesion in 1416
zoster 76, 178, 180, 295, 703, 785, 786, 805, 806f
infection 287, 611, 901
ophthalmicus 694, 694f
virus 1030
gingivostomatitis 603, 804, 804f
infection 64
Herpetiform ulcer 753
Heschl's, temporal gyrus of 948, 972
Hidradenitis suppurativa 794
High arched foot 1389f
adenopathy 849
nodes 170
Hill's sign 377
Hinge joint 1302, 1303f
abduction 1364, 1367f, 1368
movement of 1365
abductors, weakness of 1279, 1381
adduction 1364, 1367
movement of 1365
circumference 46
disease 1363
dislocation of 1279, 1363
examination of 1363
extension of 1364, 1366f
external rotation of 1364, 1365f
flexion 1364, 1366f
movement of 1364
flexors 923
fracture 1363
internal rotation 1364
joint 1359
lesion 1367
movement of 1364
rotational movement of 1364
Hippocampal commissural fibers 868
Hirsutism hair 119f
Histoplasma 544
Histoplasmosis 74, 76
HIV 35, 69, 74, 76, 544, 843, 900, 921, 963
infection 607, 765, 847, 1393
myelopathy 1172
disease 35, 77, 108
fever 33
lymphoma 75
Hoffmann's sign 1129, 1192, 1192f
Holiday heart syndrome 297
Hollenhorst plaque 723, 724f
Holmes rebound test 1203
Holmes-Adie syndrome 1092, 1093f
Homans sign 466
Homocystinuria 345, 1124
Homogentisic acid 575
Homonymous hemianopia 990
Hooking methods 628
groove 207
signs 208
Horizontal nystagmus 1244
Hormonal stimulation 481
Hormone 468
antidiuretic 128
replacement 910
Horn cell involvement, anterior 1166
Horner's syndrome 180, 692, 708, 1097, 1098f, 1267
bilateral 1096
causes of 1096
Hound dog facies 52
Hughlings-Jackson syndrome 1069
herpes virus 1030
papilloma virus 614, 746, 819
Humor, aqueous 674
chorea 895, 963, 1035, 1107, 1124
disease 1035
dystonia 1112
Hurler syndrome 53, 337, 337f, 340
Hurloid facies 53
Hutchinson's teeth 602, 604f, 771
Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome 50
Hyaline cartilage 1298, 1298f
Hydralazine 317, 847
Hydrocele 1420
Hydrocephalus 537, 916
Hydrochloric acid, actions of 480
Hydrogen 558
Hydrostatic pressure 120, 517
Hymen 1430
types of 1430
Hyperactive reflexes 1182
Hyperacusis 776, 780, 1031
Hyperalgesia 1222
Hyperbilirubinemia, causes of 568
Hypercalcemia 538, 541, 555
Hypercapnia 1256
Hypercarotenemia 631
Hypercholesterolemia 460, 828
Hyperchromatopsia 938
circulation 388, 423, 432, 435
impulse 383
Hyperemia of disc 718
Hyperesthesia 665, 1008
Hyperextensable joints 341
Hyperextensible skin 343
Hyperextension 1371
Hyperganglionosis 556
Hypergraphia 932
Hyperhidrosis 897, 1032
Hyperkalemia 324
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 1130
Hyperkeratotic basal cell cancer 790
circulation 297
circulatory states 414, 426
dysarthria 940
pulse 366, 367f
causes of 367
Hyperlipidemia 45, 342, 688, 1404
Hypermagnesemia 881
Hypermetamorphosis 932
Hypernephroma 577, 645, 1386
Hyperosmia 965
Hyperosmotic states 900, 1106
Hyperostosis interna 1031
Hyperoxaluria 581
Hyperpallesthesia 1222
Hyperparathyrodisim 537, 549, 555
Hyperpathia 1363
Hyperpigmentation 585, 921, 1291, 1292
Hyperplastic dystrophy 1428
Hyperpnea 195
Hyperreflexia 1291
Hypersalivation 536
Hypersomnia 965
Hypertelorism 340
Hypertension 10, 44, 49, 330, 339, 363, 433, 464, 681, 688, 713, 720, 725, 726, 882, 883, 909, 919, 1258, 1404, 1405
pulmonary 78, 141, 185, 208, 331, 337, 341, 362, 388, 389, 398, 423, 430, 433, 435
systemic 392, 393, 400, 421, 423, 430, 435
Hyperthyroidism 35, 43, 101, 105, 537, 1292
Hypertonia 1124
Hypertrichosis 119, 120f
Hypertriglyceridemia 829
cardiomyopathy 310f, 332, 337, 427
obstructive cardiomyopathy 287, 309, 316, 348, 362, 383, 430
osteoarthropathy 82, 83
subaortic stenosis, idiopathic 443
gum 605
tonsils 191
ventricle 358
Hypertrophy 429
Hyperventilation 195
syndrome 184, 186, 1058
Hyphema 709
Hypoactive reflexes 1182
causes of 1182
Hypoalgesia 1222
Hypochondriasis 963
Hypochondrium 525
Hypogammaglobulinemia 192
Hypogastric region 525
foramen 958
nerve 957, 959, 1077, 1079
distribution of 1078f
origin and distribution of 1078f
Hypoglycemia 8, 314, 1058, 1189
Hypogonadrotropic hypogonadism 962
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis 1123
Hyponatremia 538
Hypopallesthesia 1222
Hypoparathyroidism 537
Hypopharynx 747
Hypopion 709, 710f
Hypopnea 195
Hypoproteinemia 1386
Hyposmia 960
Hypospadias 1418
Hypotension 302, 361, 1258
disorders 43
injury 36
lesions 1255
nuclei 862
nucleus, posterior 863
Hypothalamus 860, 862, 931, 1251
Hypothermia 36, 37, 355, 1258
causes of 36
types of 36
Hypothyroidism 191, 195, 557, 587, 756, 820, 963, 1058
hypoglycemia 36
Hypotonia 1123, 1204
common causes of 1123
symptoms of 1124
Hypoventilation 186, 331
Hypovolemia 302
Hypovolemic shock 362
Hypoxemia 186, 321
Hypoxia 287, 306, 955, 994, 1256
Hypoxic laminar necrosis 877
Hysterical gait 895, 1211
steroids 49, 799
trauma 291
Ichthyosis 797
Ideomotor apraxias 942, 950
arteries 492
vein 492
Iliacus 1360
Ilioinguinal nerve 1185, 1419
Iliopsoas 1152, 1337
muscle 1152f
Illness, chronic 883
Immobile joints 892, 893
Immune thrombocytopenia 654
Immunosuppressive drugs 329
ejaculation 1219
rectal sensation 560
venous return 1287
Imperforate hymen 1430
Impetigo 788, 789, 793, 795
Improper sexual display 932
Incomplete bowel evacuation 560
Incontinentia pigmenti 102
Incubation period 805
Indirect inguinal hernia 656, 657
Infantile hypotonia 1124
Infarction 936, 994, 1054
complication of 297
of brainstem, bilateral 1035
pulmonary 35, 177, 178, 187, 184, 286, 327, 328
Infection 191, 249, 683, 963, 1012, 1032, 1081
bacterial 64, 918
chronic balanoposthitis 1407
colitis 563
in lung parenchyma 177
mononucleosis 654
pseudomonas 103
subacute bacterial endocarditis 725
with anaerobic organism 176
facies 54
mononucleosis 69, 74, 76, 745, 919, 1031
endocarditis 654
hepatitis 76, 540
cerebellar arteries
anterior 872
posterior 872
cervical ganglia 1213
fossa 957
gyrus 867
longitudinal fasciculus 869
mammillary peduncle 863
ganglion 1214
plexus 492
parietal lobule 867, 927, 928
rectus 677, 1083, 1099
relaxation of 1028
vestibular nucleus 1045
Infertility 1426
disorder 568, 654
papilledema 733
Inflammation of lower lacrimal passage, chronic 695
bowel disease 530, 588, 595, 609, 703, 844
disease 77, 722, 992, 1069
gastric disorders 549
Infraorbital foramen 1013
Infraspinatus muscle 1135f
Infrasternal angle 150
hernia 658
lymph nodes 60, 69
nodes 73
region 831
Innocent systolic murmur 408
Insect bite 786, 787, 797
Insensible bladder 1218
Insertion of speculum, process of 1431
Insula 868, 928
Insular cortex 927
Intact reflex erection 1219
Intellectual deterioration 191, 1248
Intensity of aortic ejection sound, significance of 437
Intention tremor 896, 898, 1204
Intercarpal joints 1350
muscles 200, 1150
vessels 169, 462
frontal gyrus 867
tibiofibular joint 1299
fever 30
porphyria 537, 541, 1121
arteries 872
meatus 958
capsule 871, 928, 1028
carotid 872
arteries 872
jugular venous 129
malignancies 103
nose, structure of 736
rotation of
hip 1365f
shoulder joint 1343f
Internodal tract
anterior 272
of right atrium 272
posterior 272
Internuclear ophthalmoplagia 1006, 1029
actions of combined 1357
of forefeet 1384
Interphalangeal joint 80, 1382
disease 173
fibrosis 77, 250
fluid, oncotic pressure of 120
keratitis 917
lung disease 173
nephritis 572
pulmonary fibrosis 324
tissue 173
Intertriginous psoriasis 831, 832f
gaseous distension 557
infarction 538
obstruction 50, 529, 538
pseudo-obstruction, chronic 536, 539
resection 550
sounds, auscultation of 653
Intoxication, aspirin 195
Intra-alveolar pressure 167
Intracanalicular portion 970
Intracardiac shunt 426
abscess 537
hemorrhage 537
infarction 537
lesions 537
Intracortical fibers 869
aneurysm 916
malformation 916, 1048
hemorrhage 727, 1252
benign 541, 901
idiopathic 44, 1048
pressure 355, 537, 719, 726
Intradermal blisters 807
Intrahepatic cholestasis 568, 569
Intralaminar nuclei 860
Intraocular inflammation, severe 713
Intrathoracic granuloma 64
Intravascular shunt 426
Intrusion 930
Involving respiratory tract 9
analgesia 1008
breast 65
cranial nerve involvement 1009, 1165
facial nerve paralysis 780, 1029, 1030
hemi-anesthesia of face 1006
high cervical cord lesion 1076
Horner syndrome 1006
lateral rectus paralysis 1009
lung 65
temporal hemianopia 987
tinnitus 1051
tremor 1006
vocal cord paresis 1062
Iridocyclitis 707, 708f, 1409
Iris 684, 706
and pupil 673
coloboma of 707, 707f
heterochromia 708, 708f
melanoma 708
Iritis 685, 707, 708
Iron deficiency 105
anemia 97f, 101, 566, 582, 765
Irritable bowel syndrome 531, 549
Irritating urinary bladder 571
Ischemia 363, 383, 384, 1054
types of 465
cardiomyopathy 322
colitis 563
heart disease 297, 311, 421, 426, 919
optic neuropathy 715, 716f, 719, 720, 720f, 989
strokes 10
Ishihara chart 980, 980f
Isometric hand grip method 454f
Isorhythmic dissociation 362
contraction period 283
relaxation 283
Itching 527
J receptor 163
Jackson's syndrome 1077
Jacobson's nerve 1059
Janeway lesion 341, 343f
Jaundice 341, 527, 540, 566, 566f, 584, 630, 701
Jaw jerk 1002
elicitation 1002f
pathways 1003f
Jellinek's sign 1294
Jendrassik maneuvers 1174, 1175f
Jerky nystagmus 1242, 1244
Joffroy's sign 1294
Joint 1299
acromioclavicular 1302, 1338, 1342
ankylosis 1163
deformity of 1312, 1313f
diastasis 1340
dislocation of 1322
examination of 1312
instability 1388
margin 1315
examination of 1114
testing 1353
pain 1310
causes of 1311
palpation of 1346
sense 1002, 1232f
Joubert's syndrome 1249
J-shaped stomach 476
diverticulum 1048
foramen 958
syndrome 917, 1062, 1069
veins 131
pressure 141, 330
pulsation 21
Junctional nevus 823, 824f
Juvenile arthritis 1359
Juxtaglomerular nephron 515f
Kallmann's syndrome 740, 962
Kansas hemoglobin 97
Kaposi's sarcoma 695, 753, 753f, 844, 845f
types of 844
Kayser-Fleischer ring 582, 582f, 704, 705f, 917
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 689
Kehr's sign 638
Keloid 773, 790, 798
Keratin plug 791
Keratitis 686
Keratoacanthoma 598, 599f
Keratoconjunctivitis 64
sicca 917
Keratoconus 705, 706
Keratoderma blennorrhagica 1393, 1394f
Keratosis, actinic 785, 786, 790, 793, 794, 816, 818f
Kernig sign 1267, 1269, 1269f
Ketoacidosis, types of 321
Khangri cancer 12
Kidney 65, 508, 644
auscultation of 645
cross-section of 509f
development of 510
examination of 644, 644f
nerve supply of 510
Kinked right carotid artery 389
Klebsiella pneumoniae infection 175
Klinefelter's syndrome 332f, 347, 386, 1418, 1420
Klippel-Feil syndrome 340, 919
Klumpke's paralysis 1097
flexion 1337
hyperextension 1373f
jerk 1178, 1179f
joint 1300, 1302, 1368
examination of 1370
stability of 1377
knee 1371f
periarterial 408, 424, 434
Koch, triangle of 261
Kocher's sign 1294
Koebner's phenomenon 831
Koilonychia 101
Kollner's rules 981
Koplik spot 609, 610, 750, 750f
sound 380
production of 370
syndrome 963
Kronig's isthmus 226
Kulchitsky cells 478
respiration 144
sign 141, 142, 144, 362
body 597
disease 597f
Kyphoscoliosis 182, 345, 1169
causes of 203
produces 1170
Kyphosis 1168
majora 1399, 1428
minora 1400, 1428
glands 470
hernia 1430, 1434
disorders 537
segment 1023
stroke 1057
Labyrinthitis 537, 1048, 1053, 1056
Lacerated tongue 210
Lachman test 1377, 1378f
apparatus 668, 670
inspection of 695
canals 1000
duct 671
blockage of 688
stenosis of 695
gland 670
massive enlargement of 695
Lactic acidosis 195
Lacus lacrimalis 668
Lamina propria 487, 488
Laminar flow 232
Landmark agnosia 956
Landolfi's sign 369
Lanugo hair 112, 114f
Laplace's law 465
airway obstruction 182
atrial septal defect 361
bowel cancer 71
goitrous enlargement 1290f
intestine 491
caliber of 491
physiology of 495
left atrial myxoma 415
pancreatic pseudocyst 643
retinal lesion 985
testes 1420
vessel coronary artery disease 441
Larva migrans 786
carcinoma 72, 189, 190
edema 189
height 214
measurement 215f
nerve palsy, recurrent 1070
pain 190
paralysis 1069
stridor 190, 1070
tuberculosis 190
tumor 177
Laryngitis 172, 184, 189, 249, 548
Laryngomalacia 249
Laryngotracheobronchitis 93, 184
Larynx 172, 189, 1162
Lasegue's sign 1336
Late syphilis 786
Latent nystagmus 1249
cerebellar hemispheric lesion 894
cerebral fissure 866
collateral ligament 1370
epicondyle, palpation of 1346, 1346f
Latissimus dorsi 1137f, 1339, 1340
Laurels sign 466
Lead poisoning 540, 918
Left lung apex, percussion of 227f
Legionellosis 35
Legs, deformity of 1385
Leiomyoma 538
Leishmaniasis 64, 69, 654
Length of murmur, duration of 446
Lens 676, 712, 713
nucleus 928
opacities 686, 995
Lentiform nucleus 870
maligna melanoma 827, 828f
melanoma 827
Lepromatous leprosy 69
Leprosy 602
Leptomeningitis 1011
Leukemia 35, 74, 605, 725, 915, 919, 921
Leukoclastic vasculitis 842
Leukocoria 713f
Leukonychia 106, 106f
totalis 590f
Levator palpebrae superioris 669
Levine's sign 337
Levodopa 538
Lewy body disease 963, 1106
chronicus 788
planus 105, 591, 592f, 609, 787, 791, 840, 841f, 1403
penile lesion in 1416
sclerosus 1403, 1413, 1418
et atrophicus 1429
simplex chronicus 794
Lichenoid eruptions 813
edema 1293
lag 1291
nystagmus 1250
retraction 897, 1291
Lieberkühn, crypts of 487
around knee joint 1370f
fibrous type of 1305
Limb 369, 1210
anterior 871
girdle muscular dystrophy 1118, 1119f, 1170
ischemia 465
kinetic apraxia 950
length measurements 1364
reflexes 1178
Limbic system 929, 930
Lindsay line 110
Line bisection test 928
Linear lesions of nails, transverse 106
Lingua plicata 918
glands 470
gyrus 867
nerve, damage of 1014
serous glands 470
thyroid 761, 762
tonsils 469, 762
Lip, vermilion border of 803
Lisch nodules 917
Lissauer's tract in spinal cord 998
Little-big test 924
Livedo reticularis 464, 590, 592f, 787, 921
Liver 65, 177
biopsy 562
disease 568, 569, 589, 631, 963
alcoholic 582, 588, 920
dysfunction 847
failure 570, 896
functions of 502
inferior margin of 500
left lobe of 527
malignancy 847
palpation of 626
percussion method of 630, 630f
right lobe of 526
shape, abnormal 634
Lobar pneumonia 172
early stage of 176
bony tumor 1170
nasal disease 962
nerve injury 1405
reflex 482
trauma 1097
brachialis 369
region 891
Lofgren's syndrome 849
Logue's sign 369
Long digital flexors, contraction of 1358
Longus, adductor 1361
Loop of Henle 513, 522
Lordosis 1168, 1170
Lordotic curvature 1324
Loss of
taste 776
painful 686, 907
painless 686
Loud cardiac murmur 1048
Lovibond's angle 79, 79f
central venous pressure, significance of 140
cervical cord lesion 1076
cost hypotensive drugs 580
ejection fraction 143, 441
frequency sound, palpation of 400
pressure 914
hydrocephalus 537
roaring tinnitus 1047
stroke volume 143
Lowenberg sign 466
abdomen, distension of 615
gastrointestinal bleeding, causes of 563
leg, palpation of 1391
muscle, testing tone of 1122
position of 1318f
testing muscles of 1337
lobe pneumonia 533
motor neuron
disease 1161
disorder 1385
lesions 1016
nasal cavity 1001
plexus, avulsion of 1097
pontine tegmental lesions 1036
precentral gyrus 1028
spinal accessory root lesion 1076
ganglia 1214
region 525
examination of 1331
extension of 1332f
left lateral flexion of 1333f
movement of 1331
right lateral flexion of 1332f
vertebrae 1323
Lumboiliac ligament 1359
ligament 1359
radiculopathy 1275, 1269
cord, disease of 555
stenosis 1385
Luminal gastrointestinal tract 549
Lung 75
abscess 77, 173, 175, 176, 192, 327, 328
apices, percussion of 226
carcinoma of 82, 556
collapse 182
consolidation of 222
disease 195, 570
occupational cause of 193
disorders of 771
elastic properties of 157
infections 175
receptors 161, 163
root of 155
sounds 23, 229
volume 157, 158f, 160
Lunula 99
loss of 103
pernio 735, 736f, 848, 849f
profundus 845, 846f
Lurching gait 895, 1390
Luria fist edge-palm test 924
Lyme's disease 881, 910, 921, 1031
Lymph edema 60, 1386
Lymph node 23, 58, 73, 155, 626
axillary 60, 66
disorders of 60
dysplasia, angiofollicular 76
idiopathic pseudotumor of 76
submandibular 75
thoracic 169, 170f
Lymphadenopathy 74, 569, 921, 1287, 1363
bilateral 1415
submandibular 746
Lymphangitis 78, 787
edema leg 122f
acute 75
chronic 75, 638
nodule 488
supply of
duodenum 486
stomach 485
system, anatomy of 58
vessels 1419
Lymphogranuloma venereum 64, 69, 76, 1409
penile lesion in 1415
Lymphoma 35, 69, 82, 538, 569, 614, 654, 725, 746, 915, 919, 921, 1219, 1288
Lymphoproliferative disorder 76, 844
Lymphoretricular malignancy 1013
Macroglossia 336, 755, 757f, 918
Macropsia 995
Macroscopic hematuria 576
Macula 730
degeneration 730
age related 686, 731f
disease 687
edema 686, 731
erythema 811
fibers 971, 988, 990
lesion, bilateral 987
splitting homonymous hemianopia 990
Macules 342, 787
gait 952
resonance imaging brain 877
Magnus, adductor 1361
Malar flush 337
Malaria 654
Malena 527
Malformation, arteriovenous 177, 199, 916
Malignancy 292, 594, 661, 844, 1310
abdominal 531
evaluation of 659
hypertension 376, 541, 733
hyperthermia 34, 1258
melanoma 752
mesothelioma 12
otitis externa 774
tertian fever 32
tumors 178
ulcers 611
Mallet deformity 1313, 1316f
Mallory-Weiss tear 563
Malnutrition 49, 105, 108, 631
Mamillotegmental tract 863
Mammary gland 783
body 935
nucleus 863
Mammillothalamic tract 863, 935
division, pain of 1009
lymph node 1031
ramus, surgery of 1014
Manic depressive psychosis 298
Maranon's sign 1286
disease 1124
syndrome 204206, 331f, 339, 341, 345, 401, 423
Marginal gingivitis 603
Marin-Amat syndrome 1037
Martinette gait 895, 898
Masseter muscle 997
examination of 1016f
cerebral embolism 1252
pulmonary embolism 141, 187, 359
trigeminal motor paresis 1006
Mastication, sparing muscles of 1010
Mastocytosis, systemic 75
discoloration of 1253
segment 1023
Mastoiditis 744
Matanephrogenic mass 510
Matutinal vertigo 1056
division, pain of 1009
sinus, mucous membrane of 1001
point 666
sign 665, 665f
Mean arterial blood pressure 376
Means-Lerman scratch 439, 1292
Measles 9, 192, 787
catarrhal stage of 609
segment 1022
stricture 571
arch, loss of 1390
epicondyle, palpation of 1346, 1347f
forebrain bundle 863
longitudinal fasciculus 1045
involvement of 1029
mammillary nucleus 863
popliteal nerve 1156
pterygoid 1014
rectus 677, 1083
temporal lobe damage, causes of 936
vestibular nuclei 1045
Median rhomboid glossitis 607, 759, 760
mass 407, 543
pleura 154
tumor 173, 178, 213, 405, 407, 1288
Mediastinitis 178
Mediastinum, anterior 155
Mediodorsal thalamic nuclear lesion, causes of 936
Medistinal emphysema 178
Mediterranean fever 33
lesion, lateral 1226
syndrome 1009, 1238
Mees lines 107f, 695
Meibomian gland carcinomas 695
Meige's syndrome 1017, 1035, 1036, 1110, 1112
Meissner's plexus 477
Melanoma 69, 728, 729, 794, 795, 825, 826f
acrolentiginous 827, 828f
types of 826
Melanonychia, longitudinal 108
Melanophores 782
Melanoplakia 752
Melanotic nevi 823
Melasma 787
Melena 561
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 918, 1032
Membranous labyrinth 1043
Memories 924, 932
pathways of 935f
recognition of 934
types of 933
Menarche 1428
Meniere's disease 537, 906908, 1046, 1047, 1053, 1057
carcinomatosis 1037
irritation 918
signs of 1268
Meningioma 963, 1010, 1048, 1062
Meningismus 1128
Meningitis 35, 50, 197, 537, 541, 687, 744, 901, 902, 904, 909, 1269
Meningocele 915, 917
Meningococcemia 921
Meniscus tear 1371
Menorrhagia 1422
Menstruation 371
depression 594
nerve, perineural infiltration of 1013
Meralgia paresthetica 1381
Merck's lines 108
Meridional fibers 672
Mesencephalic nucleus 997
arterial obstruction 532
infarction 528, 529
ischemia 530, 536, 550
vein occlusion 540
Mesial temporal damage, degree of 933
Mesothelioma 77, 83
acidosis 187, 321
bone disease 1310
coma 1189, 1257
disease 581
disorder 539, 891
muscle disease 1116
syndrome 49
Metacarpophalangeal joints 1356
extension of 1358
Metamorphopsia 986, 995
cancer 83
carcinoma 916
lung disease 77
solid tumor 75
Metatarsophalangeal joint 1382
Methanol poisoning 195
Method of
assessing precordial impulses 382
conjunctival examination 696
detection of
bisferiens pulse 364
Corrigan's pulse 367, 368f
diplopia 1084f
hernia 657
paratonia 1125
tracheal deviation 211
venous flow direction 621f
vibration sense 1233
digital examination of rectum 659
elicitation 1005
of venous hum 459f
examination of
Bartholin gland 1430
foot 1396
induced guarding 662f
inspection of tongue 755
measurement of pulsus paradoxus 359
ankle-brachial pressure 378
blood pressure 371, 372f
height 37
pulsus alternans 363
movement of glenohumeral joint 1340
opening and closing mouth 1324f
pain sensation 1229
palpating arteries 348
palpation of
axillary lymph nodes 66, 67
cervical lymph nodes 61, 63f
epitrochlear lymph node 68
liver 627
position of distended gallbladder 634
spleen 636f
supraclavicular lymph nodes 64
thyroid 1284
percussion of
costophrenic angle 645
urinary bladder 646
abdominojugular reflux 142
Hill's sign 378
testicular palpation 1419
testing tactile sensation 1230
whisper voice test 777
withdrawing speculum 1431
Metrorrhagia 1422
Meyer's loop 973
Micronodular postnecrotic cirrhosis 635
Micropsia 986, 995
Micturition 573
Midbrain tumor 1248
cardiac vein 271
cerebral artery 872, 873
occlusion 1165
cervical ganglia 1213
circular layer 477
cranial fossa, dura mater of 1001
disease 908, 1046
functions of 774
myoclonus 1048
fossa 957
frontal gyrus 867
internodal tract 272
mediastinum 155, 406
temporal gyrus 868
examination of 1392
twisting of 1392
Midline medullary lesion 1246
Midsternal line, anterior 147
Mid-systolic click, causes of 437
Migraine 24, 316, 541, 687, 901, 903906, 908, 910, 939, 963, 965, 978, 985
aura of 685
basilar 1057
transient phenomenon in 954
Migrational defect 1113
hypothermia 36
inflammatory acne 799
pain 190
Milia 792f
Miliaria 797
Miliary fever 34
Millard-Gubler syndrome 1029
Minervini's sign 369
Minor aphthous ulcers 753
Mitochondrial myopathies 1116, 1123
facies 56, 57f
regurgitation 297, 324, 384, 394, 391, 414, 419, 426, 432, 443, 446448, 449f, 453, 455, 461
acute 322, 393, 429
chronic 393
murmur of 409
stenosis 177, 239, 309, 310f, 322, 324, 325, 327, 328, 337, 365, 391, 414, 415, 432, 443, 446, 448, 449f
valve 264, 265f
disease 337
opening sound 390
prolapse 287, 290, 297, 330, 336, 343, 344, 347, 386, 414, 437
structural integrity of 412
Mixed connective tissue disease 76
Mobility of trachea, assessment of 212
sign 1293
syndrome 1033
Moderate hypothermia 36
inflammatory acne 799
pulmonary hypertension 398
Molluscum contagiosum 839, 1403, 1412, 1416
Monilial infection 609
Monocular vision 680
Monocytic leukemia, acute 768
Monoleptic fever 34
Mononucleosis 921
Mono-ocular altitudinal defect 987
Mons pubis 1399
Morning stiffness 912
Morphine 317
facies 53, 53f
syndrome 53, 204
Morton's metatarsalgia 1393, 1393f
Motility disorder 536, 543
of right ventricle, anterior 389
sickness 537
facial nucleus 1017
function testing 1015
innervations 995, 996
intrusion 930
neuron disease 1062, 1069, 1077, 1118, 1120, 1169
Mousy odor 1256
Mouth, cavity of 741f
Mucopolysaccharidosis 917
Mucoproteins 726
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 487
edema 189
ulcer 918
membrane 486, 488
neck cells 478
maneuver 450
sign 369
Multifocal atrial tachycardia 355
Multi-infarct dementia 43
Multinodular goiter 1288
cardial impulse 391
cotton-wool spots 721
heredofamilial syndromes 1108
myeloma 75, 192, 915
sclerosis 542, 555, 681, 881, 899, 906, 907, 939, 1035, 1057, 1111, 1247, 1405
system atrophy 1219
telangiectasias 1358
Mumps 7, 1030, 1405
Murcus gunn pupil 1091
Murmur 444, 446, 447
cardiac 1049
configuration of 447
diastolic 365, 444, 458
functional 456
intensity of 446
radiation 410, 448
Murphy's sign 634
significance of 634
Muscle 879, 910, 1308, 1383
abdominal 1150f
accessory expiratory 209
activation tests 1367
adductor 1361
anatomy of 1359
joint, anatomy of 1359
bulk 1321
disease 297, 884
entrapment 1089
fibers, types of 1309
function test 594
hypertrophy of 757
longitudinal 1079
mass, loss of 49
of back 1162
of diaphragm 200
of eye movements 1084f
of eyelid 1162
of foot and great toe 1156
of forearm and wrist joint 1138
of head and neck 1131
of hypothenar eminence 1357
of joint 1368
of lower leg and ankle 1156
of mastication 1001
of respiration 157
accessory 210f
of shoulder 1133
girdle and scapula, testing of 1133
and hand 1162
of thenar eminences 1357
of thigh and knee 1152
of thorax, examination of 1150
pain 1311
power 1130
spasm, severe 1329
tenderness 1367
tone 1122
loss of 37
transverse 1079
wasting 1385
proximal 1116
types of 1116
weakness 892, 893, 1388
types of 1159
arteries 168
disease 182
dystrophies 183, 203, 542, 880, 920, 1172
hypertrophy 1321f
weakness 1333
proximal 1292
Muscularis mucosae 488
Musculocutaneous nerve 1156
pain 179
structure 24
system 1296
disorders 294
Mutism, akinetic 1255
Myalgia myositis 910
Myasthenia 1162
gravis 183, 322, 542, 692, 808, 880, 890, 908, 909, 917, 918, 1017, 1077, 1132, 1170, 1169, 1172
dysarthria 940
face 57, 57f
Mycobacteria, atypical 76
Mycoplasma pneumonia 35, 613, 1406
Mycosis fungoides 788
Mycotic infection 707
Myelinated nerve fibers 727
Myelitis, transverse 881
Myelodysplastic syndrome 858
Myelofibrosis 638, 858
Myeloid leukemia, chronic 77, 588, 638
Myelopathy 900, 920
Myeloproliferative disorders 654
Mylohyoid muscles 997
disease 340
infarction 35, 184, 187, 297, 304, 322, 375, 376, 430, 460, 538, 720
pain of 289
ischemia 180, 430, 540, 549
Myocarditis 337, 341, 366, 414, 421, 426, 850
Myoclonic jerk 1105
Myoclonus 1267
Myofascial pain syndrome 530
Myofibrillar myopathies 1170
Myoglobin 575
Myoglobinuria 578
Myopathic face 57
Myopathies 887, 915, 917, 1116, 1292
acquired 1123
alcoholic 1321
Myopia 686, 985
Myositis 390, 910, 1321, 1362
of deep muscles 1363
Myotasis, pathways of 1246f
Myotonia 1121, 1130, 1167
disorder 1081
dystrophy 1121
pupil 1092
Mytonic dystrophy 555
Myxedema 189, 329, 355, 605, 917, 918, 1256
Myxedematous face 54, 55f
Myxoedema 587
beading 105
bed, ballotability of 79
paronychia 112f
patella syndrome 101
pitting 102, 102f
structure 100f
angle glaucoma 683, 686
pulse pressure 377
bleeding, hemoptysis of 176
bone fracture 739
cutaneous sarcoidosis 737f
flaring 198
fracture 735
dryness of 1033
edema 739
obstruction 962, 964
polyp 189, 739, 740
polyposis 962
septum 738f
perforation of 918
submucous resection of 963
Nasopharyngeal mucosa 822
Nasopharynx 1059
Nausea 548, 549, 907, 1055
and vomiting 527, 1052
Neck 918
against resistance, flexion of 1131f
examination of 22
against resistance 1132f
weakness of 1077
flexion, involvement of 1077
movement 911
retraction of 1110
rigidity 1267, 1268f
tongue syndrome 1014
trauma 1268
turner 346f
vein 129, 139f
anatomy 130f, 131f
in cardiac tamponade 141
Necrobiosis lipoidica 847
diabeticorum 847f
of skin 1407
pancreatic 538
acute pancreatitis 618
vasculitis 787
Neglected pyorrheal teeth 209
Negri's sign 1124
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 613
Nelson syndrome 921
Nemaline myopathy 1016
Neomycin 14
basilar 1081
pancreatic 549
Neovascularization of
disc 715
retina 724, 725f
Nephritic syndrome 108
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 572, 581
basic structure of 513
types of 513, 514f
Nephrotic syndrome 104, 572, 1418
Nerve 668
accessory 957
entrapment 663
fibers 782
plexuses 468
radiculopathy, thoracic 530
root 879, 1234
disease 885
stretching test 1336
sympathetic 524
biting 107
coat 674
intermedius 1017, 1019
involvement of 1029
nucleus of 1021
anatomy of 860
autonomic 1211
amyotropica 1118
amyotrophy 881, 1121, 1345
Neurally mediated syncope 302, 317
Neuroacanthocytosis 1035, 1108, 1110
Neurofibroma 211f
Neurofibromatosis 203, 788
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 34
Neurologic facies 57
origin 533
syncope 313
Neuroma 1062
acoustic 1046
disease 322
junction 879, 884
weakness 1291
Neurons, adrenergic 863
Neuropathic pain 319
Nevi, types of 823
Nicotine 297, 354
Niemann-Pick disease 921
Nikolsky's sign 809
Nixon technique 638, 639f
dyspnea, causes of 325
postnasal drip, exclusive 540
Nodding of head 334
atrioventricular 272
axillary 66f
benign 73
diaphragmatic 169
neoplastic 73
size of 170
submandibular 63f, 73
cystic acne 799
heteropia 1114f
melanoma 827, 827f
Nodules in posterior pharynx, causes of 746
Nominal aphasia 948, 949
Nonarteritis anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 985
Noncompensated valvular heart disease 184
Nongastrointestinal disorders 549
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 69, 75
Noninfectious infectious inflammatory disease 35
Noninfective inflammatory 177
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy 322
Nonketotic diabetic coma 1106
Non-neurologic gait disorders 1211
Nonspecific acute abdominal pain 533
Non-ST elevated myocardial infarction 286
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 194, 842
Nonverbal auditory agnosia 948
Noonan syndrome 204, 340, 345347, 386
apical impulse 391
conjunctiva 696
nystagmus 1241
optic disc 714
pressure hydrocephalus 895
reacting equal pupils 1097
reflexes 880
spontaneous venous pulsation 1266
thoracic kyphosis, loss of 344
Nose and sinuses, disorders of 771
Notched teeth 918
Nuclear lesion 1006, 1028, 1076
Nuclei, posterior 861
ambiguus 1067
anteroventral 860
dorsal respiratory group of 162
cheek syndrome 1013
chin syndrome 1013
Numb-cheek-limp-lid syndrome 1013
Numbness 1009
Numerous well-demarcated hypopigmented macules 820
Nummular eczema 797
Nut-cracker esophagus 543, 546
Nutritional anemia 97f
Nystagmus 907, 980, 1009, 1052, 1055, 1205, 1241, 1242f, 1243f
types of 1244
Ober's test 1379, 1381f
Obesity 49, 185, 186, 191, 195, 196, 388, 433, 547, 822
abdominal 46
Obstruction in distal bronchus 216
jaundice 355, 630
lung disease 173, 245, 324, 629
pulmonary disease 175, 184, 210, 328
sleep apnea 195
Obturator test 666, 666f
cortex 990
lobe 867, 869, 872
Occipitofrontal fasciculus 869
Occipitotemporal region 995
Occlusive vascular disease 94
asthma 187
exposure 964
hazards 94
bruit 916
discharge 684
dysmetria 1205
flutter 1205
muscle 1162
palsies 890
sympathetic pathway 1095, 1095f
Oculocephalic reflex 1262, 1264
Oculomasticatory myorhythmia 1248
nerve 957, 959, 1012, 1086, 1214
distribution of 1087f
pathways of 1087f
nucleus 1100
subnucleus 1100
Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy 1123
Oculosympathetic paresis 1010, 1011, 1012
Oculovestibular reflex 1262, 1265
Oddi dysfunction, sphincter of 531, 549
Odynophagia 43, 544
causes of 544
cranial nerve 960
groove meningioma 908
nerve 957, 961f
Oliguria 573
Oliver's sign 213, 213f
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy 1035, 1246
Ondine's curse 1257
One hand hook technique 637
Onychauxis 111f
Onychogryphosis 106
Onycholysis 102f, 786, 1291, 1295
Onychorrhexis 105
Open angle glaucoma 686, 908
Opening snap 409, 430
causes of 432
nerve supplies 1000
vein 1012
Ophthalmoplegia 1293
Ophthalmoscopy, value of 712
Opisthotonos 1106
Oppenheim's sign 1187, 1189f
digits minimi 1357
pollicis 1121, 1144, 1145f, 1357
Opsoclonus 1205
atrophy 715f, 716f
bilateral 990
causes of 715
canal contains 970
chiasma 715, 978
cup 715
defect, unilateral 989
disc 714, 732, 986, 989
drusen 727f
edema 721
of glaucoma 717
revascularization 733
swelling, causes of 733
blurring of 718
nerve 957, 959, 965, 970, 986, 995
damage 687
function 732
head disease 687
hypoplasia 987
lies above 970
path 974
trauma 987
compression of 715, 908
involvement of 881
neuritis 685, 686, 715, 733, 879, 881, 936
neuropathies 686, 879, 908, 980, 985
radiation 872, 908, 955, 973, 978, 990
tract 715, 908, 972, 978, 990
Opticokinetic drum 1241
Oral cavity 741, 822
infection of 64
neoplasm of 64
pill 292, 327, 588
use of 910
hairy leukoplakia 794
mucosa 747
thickening of 748
Orbicularis oculi 669
bilateral contracture of 1035
examination of 1025f
Orbit 668
disease of 686
floor of 1013
cellulitis 692
gyrus 867
muscles 668
Orbitofrontal lobectomy 963
Organ of corti 1039f
Organic heart disease 302
Ornithosis 12
dyskinesia 1035
swelling, recurrent 1032
Oromandibular dystonia 1017, 1035
Oropharyngeal dysphagia 542
Orthopnea 185, 198, 326
Orthostatic hypotension 307, 317, 563, 914, 1215
causes of 308
idiopathic 308
Oscillopsia 1241
maneuver 375
nodes 341, 342f
nodules hand 342f
sign, significance of 376
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 739
diarrhea 550
pressure 128
Osteitis 1011
pubis 1362, 1367
Osteoarthritis 44, 893, 1311, 1362, 1380
of cervical spine 1268
Osteogenic imperfecta 1124
Osteoid bone cyst 1170
Osteomalacia 203, 206, 1310
Osteomyelitis 916
of spine 1329
Osteopetrosis 1033
Osteophytes 543
appearance of 1371
Osteoporosis 37, 203, 1309, 1310, 1311
Osteoporotic vertebral fracture 1329
Otalgia 780
externa 775, 780
media 744
Otosclerosis 1046
obstruction, thoracic 1288
syndrome, thoracic 94, 287
Ovarian cancer 71
Overflow incontinence 1426
Oxygenated blood flows 90
Pachydermoperiostosis 82
Paget's disease 359, 367, 1310, 1362, 1391
of bone 1048
of tibia 1391f
Pain 195, 286, 892, 901, 911, 1163
abdominal 527, 528, 531, 541
anginal 287
cardiac 180
course of 528
description of 529
diffuse 1310
duration of 286
fiber 178
in myocardial infarction, distribution of 290f
intensity of 286
killer 570
onset of 286
perception of 19
periarterial 180
radiation of 286, 529, 1310
sensation in arms, loss of 1096
site of 180, 286, 1310
types of 180
Painful clubbing, causes of 78
arch, posterior 1059
glands 470
paralysis 1069
petechiae 753
reflex 1061
nerves 1000
tonsils 469
Palatoglossal arch 469
Palatopharyngeal arch 469
Palfrey's sign 369
Palinopsia 938
Pallesthesia 1222
Pallidohypothalamic fibers 863
Pallor 208, 340, 341, 466, 695
erythema 588, 589f, 631, 632f, 920, 1291, 1358
interossei 1357
Palmomental reflex 1191, 1192f
Palmoplantar wart 815
greater trochanter 1368
xiphisternal joint 216
Palpation 211, 621, 657, 1314
types of 623
preauricular lymph node, significance of 698
reflex 1026
Palpitation 286, 296, 1291
causes of 297
Pancoast tumor 78
Pancreas 65, 503, 643
compressing splenic artery, carcinoma of 641
head of 527
Pancreatic secretions, regulation of 505
Pancreatitis 10, 50, 528, 569
acute 286, 322, 390, 536, 538, 592
chronic 549, 570
Pandysautonomia 1033
Paneth cells 487
Panic disorder 545, 546
Panniculitis 1387
Papez circuit 935
muscle 266
dysfunction 322, 447
retinal disorder 985
Papilledema 715, 718f, 733, 1266
causes of 719
Papilloma 660, 700, 701f, 739, 763
Papillophlebitis 719f
Papular lesions 1416
Papules 787
Papulopustular eruption 850
Paracellular route 519
Paracentral lobule 867
Paradox, abdominal 200, 739
Paraesophageal hernia 538
Parakeratosis 790
Paralysis of
ipsilateral lateral rectus 1029
levator palpabrae superioris 908
muscles 1084
phrenic nerve 1070
vagus nerve 1070
verticals gaze 1248
Paralytic ileus peritonitis 540
mesencephalon 1100
pontine reticular formation 1028
scar 619
Paranasal sinuses 737
encephalitis 936
pemphigus 807
syndrome 555, 556, 568
Paraphimosis 1407
causes of 1407
Paraplegia 1170
Parasitic infestations 660
Parasternal pulsation 389
Paratonia 1125
hypophyseal tract 863
nuclei 862
muscles 1131
sympathetic chain ganglia 1212
Parenchymal diseases, diffuse 184
Parenchyma, vibration of 174
Paresis of
sternocleidomastoid muscle, unilateral 1074
trapezius muscles, unilateral 1074
Paresthesia 1009, 1222
Paretic arms 373
cells 478
drift 1209
edema 127f
lobe 869
lymph nodes 169
pleura 154, 178
Parieto-occipital fissure 866
Parietotemporopontine tract 872
disease 555, 740, 890, 914, 956, 963, 1035, 1036
face 57
plus disease 914
tremor 896
Parkinsonian syndrome
akinetic 1129
early stage of 1129
Parkinsonism, severe 895
Paronychia 111
Parosmia 908, 960, 964, 965
Parotid gland 307, 469, 469f, 470
infection of 1031
disorder 1249
nocturnal dyspnea 198, 324
positional vertigo, benign 1053
caudalis 998
interpolaris 998
oralis 998
gastric outlet obstruction 540
seizures 965
Passive movement of hindfoot, loss of 1392
Patella 1370
asymmetry 1371
clonus 1196, 1197f
dislocation 1371, 1373f
reflex 1178, 1179f
tap test 1376f
Patent ductus arteriosus 78, 90f, 330, 339, 359, 376, 406, 426, 432, 443, 457
Patulous eustachian tube 1048
Paget's disease 376
PDA pulmonary hypertension 93
Pearly penile papule 796, 1412, 1413f, 1416
Pectoral muscles, contraction of 1110
Pectoralis major 1339, 1340
carinatum 205, 205f, 345
excavatum 345, 389
edema 125f, 435, 341
vessels 318
Pediculosis 795, 797
capitis 63
Pellagra 108
colon 558
enthesitis 1362
floor, relaxation of 1436
fracture 1381
inflammatory disease 540, 1432
pain, lateral 1362
Pelvis 65
Pemberton's maneuver 1286, 1287, 1287f
significance of 1287
Pemphigus 103, 754, 788, 794, 807, 1411
foliaceus 807, 808f
penile lesion in 1416
vulgaris 807, 808f, 809f
Pendular nystagmus 1244
Penetrating injuries 936
cancer 1409, 1410f
discharge 1402
psoriasis 1416
ulcers 1414
Penis, carcinoma of 1404
perforation 528, 529
ulcer 545, 563
disease 287, 537
gastric ulcer 528
peptic ulcer 528
Periaqueductal gray matter 860
Pericardial rub, causes of 441
Pericarditis 287, 337, 341, 342
Perilymphatic fistulas 1048
Perimesencephalic system 972
Perinephric abscess 645
Periodic hemilingual numbness 1014
Periodontal disease 768
Perioral tremor 1111
chemoreceptors 161, 163
cyanosis 85, 88
dystonia 895, 1109
embolism 319
ganglia 1214
nerve 1234, 1238
function 1347
injury 1123
lesion 1051, 1182
nervous system 879
neuropathy 884, 887, 915, 1172, 1321
resistance 275
vertigo 906
vestibulopathy 1056
abscess 50
carcinomatosis 536
Peritonitis 50, 536, 739
Peritonsilar abscess 746
Periumbilical ecchymoses 616
erythema 1358
fibroma tuberous sclerosis 343
Periventricular system 863
anosmia 962
joints 1308
anemia 740, 820
malaria 30
muscles 1156, 1158f
nerve 1229
brevis 1383
longus 1383, 1384
tertius 1383
Persistent stapedial artery 1048
Perverted reflexes 1183
anserinus 1361
cavus 1052, 1120f, 1389
planus 1386, 1389
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 583f, 599, 751, 752f, 767
Peyer's patches 488
Peyronie's disease 1418
Phalangeal depth ratio, abnormal 79
Phantosmia 965
constrictor muscles 1058
paralysis 1069
Pharyngitis 172, 743
uvulomegaly of 743
Pharynx 172, 474, 741, 1058
Phenobarbital intoxication 1267
Phenobarbitone 812
Phenolphthalein 575
Phenothiazine 94, 317, 318, 556, 1111
Phenylephrine nasal spray 371
Phenytoin 74, 812, 847
Pheochromocytoma 35, 413, 297, 541
Phimosis 1406
causes of 1406
Phlegmon, pancreatic 538
Phosphenes 995
Photophobia 683, 908, 1036
Photopsia 986
Phrenic nerve 155
Pigeon chest 205
Pigmentary retinopathy 340
Pigmentation of skin 783
pingueculae 917
spots 751
tongue 92
induced esophagitis 544
rolling tremor 899, 915
Pin touch 1236f
body 864
tumor 1248
Ping-pong gaze 1262
Pinhole occluder 681
Pinpoint pupil, bilateral 1097
Piriformis syndrome 1362, 1368
Pistol shot sound 364
insufficiency 910
prolactinoma 1219
tumor 119
Pityriasis rosea 786, 797, 838
torso 839f
Pivot joint 1302, 1304f
Placenta previa 1113
Planar joint 1302, 1303f
Plane xanthoma 829, 831f
fasciitis 1390
flex great toe 1383
flexion of foot 1395f, 1396
flexor 1383, 1386f
grasp reflex 1189, 1190f
nerve 1229
reflex 1185, 1186f
wart 786, 817f
Plaque sarcoidosis 850, 851f
Plasma, concomitant color of 577
falciparum 30
malariae 32
vivax 30
Plateau murmur 448
Platybasia 919, 1081
Platypnea 199, 326
significance of 199
contraction of 1110
muscle, examination of 1026f
Pleural fluid, functions of 154
Pleurisy 287
Pleuritic pain 186
Plexitis 881
disease 885
periarterial 493
Plica circulares 488
Plummer nail 1295f
Plummer-Vinson syndrome 765
Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis 559
Pneumaturia 578
Pneumococcal pneumonia 175
Pneumoconiosis 12, 77
Pneumonia 175, 178, 183, 184, 187, 193, 216, 222, 235, 238, 287, 321, 322, 327, 375, 744
aspiration 192
bacterial 173
Pneumonitis, hypersensitive 184, 250
Pneumothorax 183, 187, 216, 217, 222, 294, 321, 322, 388, 629
Poikiloderma 852, 854f
Poland's anomaly 1033
Poliomyelitis 183, 203, 1077, 1123, 1169, 1172, 1385
brevis, abductor 1121, 1144, 1145f, 1357
longus, abductor 1138, 1143f, 1352, 1357
adductor 1144, 1146f
Polyarteritis nodosa 35, 577
Polyarthritis 849
kidney disease 576, 581
ovarian disease 1427
Polycythemia 715, 858
rubra vera 1058
vera 1219
Polygenic influences 581
Polyleptic fever 34
Polymorphous reaction 797
Polymyalgia rheumatica 35, 774, 1362
Polymyositis 542, 1016
Polyuria 300, 910
causes of 572
Pons 1028
involvement of 1029
lesion in 1033
arteries 872
tegmental lesion 1261
arteries 466
compression test 1276
cyst, rupture of 1385, 1391
fossa 796
lymph nodes 71, 71f
nerve, lateral 1156
pulse 349, 350f
Porphyria 530
cutanea tarda 585, 586f, 847, 848f
Porphyrin 575
Porta hepatis 497f
hypertension 638, 654
systemic venous connections 508f
vein 498
Portion of cheeks end in lips, anterior 468
Porto systemic circulations 507
Port-wine stain 693
Positive abdominojugular reflux 347
Positron emission tomography 877
Postauricular nodes 63f
gyrus 867, 1046
sulcus 867
Posterior chest, auscultation of 232f
Posterior lower chest
extension of 219f
testing excursion of 218
Posterior lung, percussion of 228f
nucleus 860
structures, palpation of 1368
Posteromedial nucleus 860
cochlear nucleus 1040
nuclei 860
Postictal paralysis 1189
Postmenopausal bleeding 1422
Postmyocardial infarction 441
Postnasal drip 93, 175
Postoperative abdominal adhesions 531
Postpericardiotomy pain 181
Postpolypectomy 564
abdominal distension 548
fullness 548
syncope 306
Postpregnancy alopecia 793
Post-traumatic headache 905
kinetic tremor 897
tremor 1204
abnormalities 198, 1277
Postvaccinal lymphadenitis 76
Postvagotomy 537
Postvalvular pressure 435
Potain's sign 423
Potassium iodide 544
face 53
syndrome 53
Pouch, rectovaginal 1435
Prazosin 317
Preauricular nodes 63f, 64
gyrus 867, 876
sulcus 867
apical impulse 384
movement of impulse 381
rub, palpation of 396f
Precordium, palpation of 390
Precuneus 867
Preganglionic Horner syndrome 1070
Pregnancy 78, 192, 292, 308, 318, 359, 376, 413, 537, 539, 588
complication of 1424
Premammillary nuclei 863
Premature ejaculation 1215
Presacrum 803
Presbyopia 982
Pressure, diastolic 277
Pretectal pseudobobbing 1264
Pretibial myxedema 1291, 1292
Preumothorax 388
Prevertebral collateral ganglia 1214
Prickly heat 796, 797
Primary syphilis, penile lesion in 1414
Progeria 50, 335
muscle dystrophy 893
supranuclear palsy 10341036, 1269
systemic sclerosis 555
Projection towards auditory cortex 1041f
Prominent tibial tubercles 1371
Propionibacterium acne 798
Proptosis 687, 692, 917, 964
Prosopagnosia 933, 955
Prostate 66, 75, 1400
examination 22
gland 660
palpation of 659, 661
abscess 661
hyperplasia, benign 661
intraepithelial neoplasia 1403
nodules, causes of 661
Prostatitis 571, 576, 578, 661, 1402
Prosthetic heart valves 297
Protein absorption 490
Proteinaceous infiltrations 757
Proteolytic enzymes 504
Protodiastolic gallop 427f
Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, flexion of 1358
Pseudo saddle nose 735
Pseudoathetosis 900
Pseudobulbar palsy 917
Pseudochiasmal visual field defect 989
Pseudoclubbing 82
Pseudocyanosis 94
Pseudo-Foster-Kennedy syndrome 964
Pseudohypertension 373, 375
significance of 375
Pseudohypertrophy 1167
Pseudohypothyroidism 963
Pseudomonas 704
infection 575
Pseudopulsus paradoxus 362
Pseudostrabismus 711, 712f
Psoas bursitis 1363, 1367
Psoriasis 101, 102, 109, 110, 786, 788, 789, 793, 794, 795, 796, 1295, 1363, 1393, 1403, 1413
vulgaris 829, 832f
Psoriatic arthritis 1358
headache 903f
polydipsia 572
Psychosis, cardiac 287
Psychotic crisis 51
Pterygium 698
lateral 1014
muscles, examination of 1017f
testing of 1015
Pterygopalatine fossa 1013
Ptosis 340, 687, 692, 917
Pubic tubercle, palpation of 1363
Puddle sign 651, 651f
arteriovenous fistula, rupture of 328
artery, aneurysmal dilatation of 388
fibrosis, idiopathic 184, 245
hypertension, idiopathic 184
root, dilatation of 457
stenosis, murmur of 409
valve, structure of 268f
exophthalmos 340
liver 142, 629
tinnitus 1047
Pulse 23
anacrotic 366
arterial 330, 347, 358
pressure 376
alternans 362, 363f
mechanism of 363
bigeminus 355
bisferiens 364
significance of 364
durus 368
paradoxus 141, 359, 360
parvus 357
tardus 357
trigeminus 355
Pulvinar nucleus 861
dilatation 1094
light reflex pathway 1091f
Purpura 788, 921, 1387
Pursed-lip respiration 197, 216
Pustular psoriasis 796, 834f
Putaminal hemorrhage 1036
Pyelitis 576
Pyelonephritis 540, 576
antrum 476
opening 476
Pylorus 476, 526
Pyoderma 797
faciale 799
gangrenosum 588, 588f, 790, 857, 857f, 1387
Pyogenic granuloma 598, 600f, 752
Pyramidal lobe 1282
Pyrexia 186
of unknown origin, causes of 35
Pyridoxine 1123
Q-angle 1375f
femoris 49, 1154, 1337
muscle 1155f
reflex 1178
wasting of 1374f
weakness, bilateral 1381
fever 30
temperature 31f
Queyrat, erythroplasia of 1413, 1414f, 1418
Quincke's sign 369
Quinquaud's sign 898
Quotidian fever 30, 32f
Raccoon eyes 58, 58f, 694, 694f, 1253
artery 353
deviation 1350
of wrist 1351f, 1355f
nerve 1229, 1355
colitis 564
exposure 792
injury 787
therapy 759
Radiocarpal joint 1350
Raeder's paratrigeminal syndrome 1010
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 776, 780, 806, 1030
Ranula 614, 748f
Rash 570, 910
disease 101, 103, 1295
phenomenon 94, 341, 579, 853, 855
primary 94
secondary 94
Reabsorption, mechanism of 519
nystagmus 1250
tenderness 663
test 1203f
Recessive disorder, autosomal 1052
bleeding 527
distension, sensation of 555
examination 22
prolapse 554, 555
tenderness 667
ulcer 564
Rectocele 571
Rectum 493, 659
carcinoma of 571
femoris 1368
palsy, lateral 1028
and chronic abdominal pain, causes of 530
laryngeal nerve 155
nerve 1066
Red blood cell 32
Red eye reflex 712
Red nucleus tremor 899
Red spots, common causes of 752
Reddish-brown discoloration in flanks 592
Reeling gait 894
Referred rebound tenderness test 663
Reflex 1266
abdominal 1184f
absent 1219
examination of 1002
function 1026, 1061, 1069
nephropathy 581
pathways, damage of 174
rigidity 1128
Refraction, errors of 902, 904, 905, 906
Refsum's disease 963, 1052
Regurgitant murmur 447, 447f
Regurgitation 547
aortic 297, 324, 332, 334, 336, 337, 340, 341, 365, 366, 376, 389, 391, 392, 410, 414, 435, 443, 446, 447, 453, 455
pulmonary 443, 455
Reinforced palpation 623
disease 707
syndrome 707, 1408, 1408f, 1411
fever 32
polychondritis 707
Remittent fever 30
artery 462
stenosis 655, 656
blood flow 517
cell 75
colicky pain 540
disease, chronic 7
face 54
failure 321, 570, 572, 594, 896, 900
acute 581
chronic 326
infarction 645
insufficiency 464, 549, 740
tubular acidosis 572, 581
disease 341, 583f
syndrome 582
Renshaw cells 1224
Replacement cyanosis 87, 92
Residual capacity, functional 157
abnormalities in 195
diaphragmatic 1151
pattern of 196
alternans 200, 201
control system 162f
diseases, symptoms of 171
disorder 186
motion, abdominal 617
muscle paralysis 182
musculature, abnormalities in 200
passage 151
system 146, 919
cardiomyopathy 144, 322, 336, 338, 341, 359, 362
lung disease 245
activating system 930, 1251
formation 1045
myoclonus 1106
nucleus 860
count 98
index 98
Retina 712, 974
detachment of 685, 987
scarring of 995
artery 720
occlusion 686, 687
circulation 720
degeneration 686, 1035
detachment 686, 687, 713, 729, 729f, 731, 908, 981
causes of 729
disorders 682
hemorrhage 685, 686, 721, 727
nerve fiber layer 986
pigment epithelium 966, 986
hypertrophy 728
pigmentary abnormalities 820
vein 720, 721
occlusion 686
vessel occlusion 715
Retinitis 681, 985
pigmentosa 687, 688, 727, 728f, 985, 986, 989
Retinohypothalamic fibers 863
Retinopathy 724, 725f
hypertensive 721, 722f
proliferative 713
Retinoschisis 989
Retracted apical impulse, causes of 384
Retracting apical impulse 384
Retraction nystagmus 1247
Retroauricular pain 1031
neuritis 907
optic neuritis 1032
Retrocalcaneal bursitis 1391
amnesia 933
ejaculation 1215
Retroperitoneal hematoma 919
abscess 1268
space, lesion in 1063
Retrospondylolisthesis 1333
burning 539
pain 181
Argyll-Robertson pupil 1092
Bernheim phenomenon 461
psoas maneuvers 667f
Reye syndrome 568
Rhabdomyolysis 581
Rhabdomyosarcoma 692
Rheumatic fever 35, 744
arthritis 74, 76, 82, 104, 109, 588, 703, 707, 843, 1311, 1353, 1359, 1392
nodules 773
Rhinitis, allergic 193, 740, 962
Rhinophyma 734, 735f
Rhinoplasty 963
Rhomboid muscle 1135f
Rhythm 355
abnormalities in 196
abnormalities of 206
fractures 178, 187
Rickets 206, 207, 345
Riddoch's phenomenon 984
Ridging of nails, longitudinal 105
spine, causes of 1170
syndrome 1169
Riley-Day syndrome 1033
defect, bilateral 988
scotoma causes 985
Rinne's test 778, 779, 1047
Rocker bottom foot 1120f
Rocking motions, detection of 200
Rocky mountain spotted fever 921
Rods, functions of 679
sign 1053, 1210
test 1049, 1171
compression signs 1272
disease 1219
lesion 1123
Rooting reflex 1194, 1195f
Rosenbach's sign 370, 1293
Rosenbaun card 681
Rossolimo's sign 1189, 1190f
Rotational vertigo, development of 1053
Rotatory nystagmus 1247
Rotch's sign 407
Roth spot 1266
Rotor syndrome 568
Round chubby face 334
Rovsing's sign 622, 666, 666f
Rowland Payne syndrome 1070
Rub, abdominal 653f
Rubella 7, 64, 69, 611, 681
Rusty sputum 175
Saccadic intrusions 1205
cord, lesion in 1217
ganglia 1214
Sacrococcygeal joint, palpation of 1368
Sacroiliac joint arthritis 1362
Sacroiliitis 1363
Sacroinnominate ligament 1359
Sacrum 786
joint 1305, 1306f
nose 58, 59f, 735, 918
Sainton's sign 1294
Salicylate intoxication 51
Saliva 175, 471
functions of 471
Salivary glands 469
Salmonella typhimurium 551
Salmonellosis 35
Saphenous nerve 1229
Sarcoid 1393
Sarcoidosis 35, 69, 72, 74, 77, 101, 184, 245, 342, 549, 555, 569, 588, 695, 740, 848, 849f, 881, 920, 921, 964, 1010, 1037
Scabies 796, 797
lymph nodes 64
muscles 209
hair 115
ringworm of 63
Scaphoid face 54
Scapholunate dissociation 1353, 1354f
Scapuloperoneal syndrome 1118
Scapulothoracic joint 1338
Scar 915, 1286
appendectomy 619
Scarlatina 744, 745f
Scarlet fever 607, 744, 745
Scarring alopecia 118f
Schamroth's sign 80, 82f
Schatzki's ring 543
Schirmer's test 1026, 1217f, 1027f
Schizophrenia 963
Schmidt's syndrome 1069, 1076
Schwabach's test 1047
Schwalbe, medial nucleus of 1044
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome 1130
Sciatic nerve 1229, 1362, 1369f
Scissor's gait 894
Sclera, examination of 700
Scleritis 683, 703, 703f, 917
Sclerodactyly 852, 854f, 856
Scleroderma 55, 852, 1358
face 55, 56f
minor cutaneous manifestations of 853
proximal 853, 855f
Scleromalacia perforans 703
Sclerosis 457, 460, 1288
Scoliosis 202, 388, 983, 1168, 1169
Scotoma, bitemporal 988, 989
enlargement 1403
swelling 1418
tongue 607, 757, 758f, 1032
Scrotum 1398
Scurvy 577, 768
adenoma 343
cyst 795
gland 783, 1416
hyperplasia 792
Seborrhea 795, 796
dermatitis 590, 789, 790, 793796, 798, 840, 841f
of scalp 64
keratosis 793, 794, 795, 824, 825f
Sebum production, excessive 798
Secondary syphilis, Penile ulcers in 1415
Secretary diarrhea 550
Seesaw nystagmus 1247
Seizures 316, 877, 963, 1082, 1252
Semilunar cartilage, assessment of 1378, 1380f
freckles 787
gait 1211
miosis 1092
pruritus 797
Sensorineural deafness 1032, 1052
dermatome 1228, 1228f
examination 1266, 1272
extinction of inattention 1237
fibers 1067
function 1025, 1061, 1068
examination of 1001
innervations 995
input 891
localization 1238
loss 1009, 1165
motor cortex 1221f
nerve 1182
neuropathies 1123
root 1238
system 1220
examination of 1338
Sepsis 195, 1256
abscess 739
defect, atrial 297, 330, 337, 344, 384, 389, 391, 398, 400, 426, 432, 435, 449, 457
deviation 739
hematoma 735, 739
Septic shock 186
Septicemia 744
albumin 594
sickness 35, 75
Server suprapubic pain 532
Sesamoid bones 1298
Several sodium channel myotonias 1130
abuse 557
dysfunction 1165
sensation 1220
Shaft and glans penis 1397f
Shagreen patches 343
Shock 373, 563
anaphylactic 362
joint 1338
abnormalities of 1341
adduction of 1341f
extension of 1342f
external and internal rotations of 1344f
external rotation of 1343f
flexion of 1342f
movement of 1341
rotator cuff apparatus of 1338f
movement 1339f
abduction and forward rotation of 1110
deltoid of 49
dislocation of 1340
external rotation of 923
examination of 1340
Shy-Drager syndrome 1033, 1219
Sicardo's sign 1275, 1277f
Sicca syndrome 189
Sick sinus syndrome 306, 313, 332, 354
Sickle cell
anemia 108, 1048
crisis 574
disease 576, 713
Sigmoid colon 493, 527
Silicosis 12, 76
ephelides 767f
visual hallucination 937
Singer's node 189
nerve root 1166
photon emission computerized tomography 877
block 304
nodal branch 269
node 272
Sinus 790
arrhythmia 355, 356f
bradycardia 313, 354f
node dysfunction 307
tachycardia 354f
Sinusitis 687, 744, 904, 905, 906
chronic bronchiectasis 103
Sister Mary Joseph's nodules 71, 616
Situational syncope 317
Situs inversus, determination of 407
Sjögren's syndrome 76, 843, 908, 917, 918, 962, 1172, 1194, 1394
Skeletal deformities 387
Skene's glands 1427
Skin 23, 781, 910, 921, 1258
appendages of 783
bruises, periorbital 584
cancer, perineural spread of 1031
disease 784
elevation 23
fold thickness 595
functions of 783
layers 781f
lesions in
penis 1409
scrotum 1418
Sweet's syndrome 858
nevi 921
nodules 343
of lower eyelid 1001
of nose 1000
tags 794, 819, 820, 1403
Skoda's sign 384
base of 1062
basilar 1081
lesion, base of 1013
SLE 35, 76, 101, 109, 654, 707
facies of 55, 56f
apnea 44
syndrome 191
paralysis 1124
Slight jerking of hands 1105
Slipping rib syndrome 530, 531
airway obstruction 182
bladder capacity 571
bowel obstruction 529, 536
cardiac vein 271
face 51
fiber neuropathies 1123
goitrous enlargement 1289f
intestinal obstruction 540
intestine 485, 558
functions of 488
abnormalities of 960
hallucination 936
Smith's fracture 1354
lips 92
melanosis 751
muscles, disorders of 555
red tongues 761
Sneezing 572, 911
Snellen chart 681
Snoring 191
Snout reflex 1193, 1194f
Korotkoff sound 373
palate 741, 1059
actions of 469
tissue 1367
lymphatic nodules 488
rectal ulcer syndrome 554, 660
efferent fibers 958
nerve 524
Somatotopagnosia 1237
Sore throat 548
adventitious 240
aortic 436
cardiac 408
diastolic 424, 424f
pulmonary 436
dysphonia 1035
eye closure 1035
torticolis 1035, 1111
gait 893
hemiplegia 914
kick 1127
Spatial disorientation 993
Special facial expression 917
Spermatic cord 527, 1404
examination of 1419
Spermatocele 1420
Sphenoidal sinus 738, 902
Sphenopalatine fossa 1000
Spherical ametropia 982
Spherocytosis 654
Sphincter tone, assessment of 660
Sphygmomanometer cuff 1271
angioma 785, 786, 789, 792, 795, 921
nevus 589f, 631f
accessory nerve 1051, 1070, 1072f
origin and distribution of 1072f
anterior 462
stroke, anterior 1238
column, abnormalities of 201
compression 37
cord 879, 892, 1238
complete transaction of 1217
compression 1170
degenerative disease of 1405
disease 886
hemangioma of 921
involvement of 881
lesion 555, 571
subacute combined degeneration of 921
tumor 1405
curvatures, excessive 41
muscles, examination of 1150
nerve 960
root 1073
shock 1123
tenderness 1170
tract of trigeminal nerve, nucleus of 997
extension of 1151f
thoracic 1322
ataxia 963
atrophy 899
Spinomuscular atrophy, primary 1123
Spinothalamic tract 1006, 1028, 1222f, 1225, 1225f, 1226f
Spleen 495, 527
auscultation of 640, 641f
functions of 496
palpation of 635
percussion of 638
Splanchnic arteries 462
dullness, percussion of 226
flexure 527
nerves 156
vein thrombosis 654
Splinter hemorrhage in nail 109f
Spondyloarthropathy 1392, 1393
Spondylolisthesis 1331, 1362
Spondylosis 881
ankylosing 182, 423, 1311
abortion 910
muscular contraction 1321
palpebromandibular synkinesia 1006
retinal venous pulsation, loss of 718
speech 942
Spoon nails 101, 101f
Sporotrichosis 68
Sputum, types of 328
Squamous cell
cancer 793, 794
carcinoma 614, 695, 746, 749, 794, 796, 817, 818f
ST elevated myocardial infarction 286
Stable angina 286, 297
Stamping gait 894
infection 68
pneumonia 175
aureus 692, 839
epidermidis 692
Status asthmaticus 206, 361
Steer-Horn stomach 476
Steinert's face 57
Stellate cataract 1121
Stellwag's sign 1293
aortic 287, 297, 309f, 316, 322, 324, 348, 366, 377, 382, 384, 392, 393, 394, 400, 421, 430, 435, 443, 444, 446448, 1288
pulmonary 141, 336, 389, 398, 419, 423, 430, 435, 443, 446448, 448f
Stensen's duct 614, 747
Stereognosis 1235
Sterile pyuria 579
Sternal malformation 384
Sternoclavicular joint 1302, 1338
Sternocleidomastoid lymph node
anterior 64
posterior 64
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 209, 1073
bilateral paresis of 1074
Sternum 149f
abnormalities of 204
acne 802, 802f
cream induced acne 803f
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 754, 794, 810, 811, 811f
Stewart-Holmes rebound test 1203
disease 35
murmur 458
causes of 458
Stimulation, sympathetic 517
Stoke 460
Stomach 65, 476, 527, 558, 641
arterial supply of 484, 484f
functions of 478
motility of 478
nerve supply of 484
parts of 476f
volvulus of 362
Stomatitis, angular 585, 589
Stone, ureteral 571
Stool, consistency of 552
Storage disease 638
Strabismus 710, 711f, 1094
back syndrome 344, 388
gyrus 867
leg rising sign 1276f
corneum 781
germinativum 782
granulosum 782
lucidum 781
spinosum 782
Strawberry tongue 607
infection 68, 588
tonsillitis 611
Streptococcus pyogenes 1407
Stress 814
incontinence 572, 1425
Stria terminalis 863
Striatonigral degeneration 1219
Striatum 928, 930
Stridor wheeze 215
Stroke, hypertensive 910
Structural brainstem lesion 1265
Student's paradox 359
Stupor 1254
Stylomastoid foramen 1031
Stylopharyngeus muscle 1058
Subacromial bursitis 1340
Subacute bacterial endocarditis 77, 109, 327, 341, 341f, 727, 919
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 24, 537, 901, 902, 904, 905, 1081, 1252
arteries 78, 462
Steal syndrome 314, 1057
Subcostal scar 619
Subcutaneous fat, loss of 49
Subdural hematomas 537, 916
Subhyaloid hemorrhage 1266
Submaxillary glands 470
lymph nodes 75
node 63f
Suboccipital nodes 63, 63f
Subphrenic abscess 35
Substantia nigra, lesion in 931
Substernal goiter 1288
Subtalar arthritis 1392
Subthalamus 860, 864, 1028
Sucking reflex 1194, 1195f
Sulcal tumor 1121
Sulcus tumor, pulmonary 180
Sulfhemoglobin 94
Superadded infection 1374
abdominal reflexes 1184
anal reflex 1185
palpation 623
papillary layer 782
reflexes 1165, 1184
of lower extremities 1185
spreading melanoma 826
cerebellar arteries 872
cervical ganglia 1212
gyrus 867
homonymous quadrantic defect 992
artery syndrome 530
ganglion 1214
plexus 492, 493
orbital fissure 1012, 1100, 1262
parietal lobule 867
rectus 677, 1083, 1099
contraction of 1028
ridiculous joint 1302
segment of corona radiate, involvement of 1069
defect 989
gyrus 868, 1046
vena cava 155
obstruction 141, 209f, 387f
obstruction edema 124f
syndrome 362
visual depression, bitemporal 988
Supinator reflex 1178f
Suppurative cervical lymphadenitis 744
Suprachiasmatic nuclei 862
arterial bruit 458
lymph nodes 65
significance of 65
nodes 65f
Supramarginal gyrus 867
corticobulbar lesion 1027
innervations spinal accessory nerve 1073
lesion 1075
Supraoptic nuclei 862
Supraopticohypophyseal tract 863
pain 532
scar 619
Supraspinatus 1340
muscle 1134f
Supravalvular aortic stenosis 335
ectopic 299
tachycardia 354
Surfaces, abnormalities of 629
Surgical arteriovenous fistula 78
Susac's syndrome 1052
Suzman's sign 387f
Swallowing, process of 474
Swan neck deformity 1313, 1315f
Sweet's syndrome 858, 858f
Swelling 695, 1310, 1312, 1314, 1392
of joint 1346
of labia majora 1434
of nasal mucosa, causes of 739
periorbital 964
Sydenham's chorea 895, 1107, 1124
Sylvian fissure 1050
Synchondrosis 1308, 1308f
Synchrony 217, 218, 219, 220
Syncope 10, 286, 300, 302, 316
causes of 302, 316
fluids 1307
joint 1300, 1302f
types of 1302
Synovitis 1353, 1376f
Syphilis 69, 74, 423, 703, 707, 794, 919, 921, 1402, 1403
in penis, secondary 1411f
primary 76, 1409, 1414f
secondary 64, 69, 76, 599, 785, 786, 796, 1410, 1412
Syphilitic aortic regurgitation 337
Syringobulbia 1037, 1062, 1069, 1077, 1247
Syringoma 794
Syringomyelia 308, 919921, 1096, 1123, 1238
hypertension, severe 287
illness, severe 103
lupus erythematosus 55, 74, 791, 793, 845f
blood pressure 361, 370
dysfunction 322
flow murmur 1291
heart murmur 368
murmur 365, 370, 444
anterior 645
posterior 645
pressure 277
sound 424, 435
thrill 394, 401, 402
wave, primary 352
Tabes dorsalis 308, 921, 1123, 1172, 1218, 1219
Tachyarrhythmia, atrial 299
Tachycardia 339, 377, 897, 1258, 1291
Takayasu's disease 920, 1017
Talocalcaneal joint 1382
cardiac 137, 141, 239, 322, 362, 364
periarterial 359, 366
Tangier disease 1010
Tanner stager of sexual classification 1428
Tapetoretinal disorder 981
Tapia's syndrome 1077
clavicle 1183
scapula 1183
Tardive dyskinesia 1017, 1035, 1036, 1112
Tattoo marks 584f
Tear secretion, abnormalities of 1033
position of 472
types of 472
Tegmentum of
lower pons, lateral 1257
midbrain, lesion in 1260
Telangiectasia 341, 792, 854, 856, 856f
arteritis 774, 1017
bone apex 1012
gyrus, transverse 868
lobe 868, 869
disease 995
seizure 937
lobectomy 963
recession 115
Temporalis muscles 997
examination of 1016f
Temporomandibular joint 1322, 1332f
Temporoparieto-occipital junction 927
Tender swollen auricle, causes of 774
Tenderness, abdominal 662
Tendinous xanthoma 829, 830f
Tendoachilles tendinitis 1391
Tendon reflexes, abnormalities in deep 1182
Tendonitis, adductor 1362, 1363
Tenosynovitis 1353
Tension 903, 905
headache 903f
pneumothorax 141, 183, 187, 286, 324, 361
tympani 775
tympani muscle 997
spasm 1048
veli palatini 997
Tenth cranial nerve 1063
Tentorium cerebelli 1000
hair 112
Purkinje fibers 273
Terry's nails 110
Tertian fever 30
Tertiary syphilis 611, 790, 1111, 1114
Testes 65, 1398
Testicular torsion 538
Tetanus 1016
face 54
Tetralogy of fallot 50, 330, 423, 432, 435
infarct 1036
nuclei 930, 1251
functional division of 861
penetrating arteries 936
Thalamocortical tract 871
Thalamus 860, 927, 995, 1028, 1034, 1038
and operculum, posterior 1028
intralaminar nuclei of 999
lesion in 901
Thalassemia 654
Thebesian veins 271
Theophylline 538, 547
Therapy, antidiuretic 317
Thermal injuries 753
Thermoanesthesia 1008
Thiamine deficiency 918
muscular thorax 388
trunk 51
Thickening of gum, causes of 768
Thigh muscle pain 318
Thomas test 1364
and abdominal expiratory muscles, contraction of 174
cavity, vertical expansion of 159
inlet syndrome, pain of 294
kyphosis, loss of 423
examination of 1328
extension of 1330f
lateral flexion of 1330f
pain in 181
referred pain of 533
functions of 146
surface anatomy of 148f
Thorax 22, 65, 146
anteroposterior expansion of 158
lateral expansion of 159
respiratory expansion of 158
Thrill 390, 393, 401
Thrombocythemia 841
Thrombocytopenia 577, 611, 713, 727, 788, 841
Thrombocytopenic purpura 605
Thromboembolic disease 722
Thromboembolism, pulmonary 182, 183, 322
Thrombophlebitis 1386, 1391
Thrombosis 86, 347
Thrush, causes of 611
Thumb, extension of 1358
Thumping gait 894
Thymic tumor 307
Thymoma 808
Thymus 155, 307
remnant of 155
acropachy 83
and esophagus, carcinoma of 1070
cancer 64, 72
carcinoma 1097
disease 7, 549, 689, 890
dysfunction 542
eye disease 1089
false negative enlargement of 1290
false positive enlargement of 1290
gland 21, 22, 1281, 1281f
palpation of 1284
malignancy 77
ophthalmopathy 719
storm 51
surgery 1097
tumor 307
Thyroidectomy 1070
Thyroiditis 35, 72, 1289, 1291
Thyrotoxic myopathy 910
Thyrotoxicosis 184, 297, 340, 354, 359, 367, 376, 383, 392, 413, 432, 457, 570, 606, 631, 897, 1048
eye manifestation of 1293
Tibia varum 1385
Tibial nerve, anterior 1156
anterior muscle 1157f
posterior muscle 1157f
sign of Strumpell 1201
Tic douloureux 1009
Tick paralysis 910
disease 179, 287
syndrome 295
Timber rattle angle envenomation 1037
barbae 836, 836f
capitis 785, 789, 793, 798, 834, 835, 835f
corporis 834, 835, 835f
cruris 834, 836, 837f, 1418
faciale 836, 836f
infection 786, 795
manus 837, 837f
of scalp 797
pedis 834, 837, 838f
unguium 110, 838, 839f
versicolor 795, 797, 820, 822f
systemic causes of 1048
vestibular causes of 1048
TM joint displacement 1014
Tone in
lower extremity 1126f
upper extremity 1126f
Tongue 472, 474f, 755, 918, 1162
abnormal movements of 1081
abnormalities 755
anatomy of 755
atrophic 918
biting, significance of 764
deviation of 909
dorsum of 756f
papilloma 763f
tie 761f
ulcer 764
abscess 612f
lymph nodes 75
pillars 747
abrasion 769
attrition 769
erosion 769
loss, causes of 769
Toothbrush abrasion and abfraction 769f
Topolansky sign 1295
Torsade de pointes 301
Tortuous conjunctival vessels 917
Torus 614
aorticus 261
mandibularis 748f
palatinus 749f
Total lung capacity 157
Total unilateral ophthalmoplegia 1012
epidermal necrolysis 811, 812f
hepatitis 12, 635
nodule goiter 1291
nutritional neuropathies 987
shock syndrome 540
tremor 898
Toxins, bacterial 538
Toxoplasmosis 74, 681
Trachea 155, 172, 190, 211
palpation of 212f
auscultation 215
bifurcation nodes 170
breath sound 229
obstruction 173, 182
shift, value of 211
stenosis 249
tumor 177
Tracheitis 178
inflammation 171
lymph nodes 170
walls, vibrations of 174
Tracheobronchitis 249f
Tracheomalacia 249
Trachitis 184
aphasia 946
mixed aphasia 946
motor aphasia 946
Transient ischemic attack 906, 1057
symptoms of 912
Transillumination test 1286, 1420
Transtentorial herniation 1256, 1257
distal portion of 527
proximal part of 527
curvature, excessive 103
Trapezius 1131
muscle 1074
bilateral paresis of 1075
examination of 1075f
weakness of 1076
femoral double sound 364
pistol shot sound 364
sign 369
space 640
face 58
iridoplagia 1094
lesion 1347, 1354
ataxic 896
types of 897
Trendelenburg gait 893
Trepopnea 199, 326
jerk 1177f
muscle 1140f
reflex method 1176
Trichinosis 109
Trichomoniasis 1402, 1403
Trichotillomania 793
regurgitation 136f, 137, 334, 336, 384, 389, 398, 400, 421, 426, 432, 443, 446, 448, 449f, 656
acute 429
murmur of 409
stenosis 141, 144, 362, 336, 414, 432, 443, 446
prominent wave 135f
mid diastolic murmur of 408
opening snap of 443
syndrome 346
valve 130, 266, 267f, 437
Tricyclic antidepressant 297, 318
dyskinesia 1037
nerve 957, 959, 999f, 1010, 1051
distribution of 1000f
mandibular division of 957
maxillary division of 957
motor innervation of 997f
ophthalmic division of 1011, 1012
peripheral branches of 1012
spinal tract of 1028
neuralgia 316, 901, 905, 906, 1009
bilateral 1009
Triple furrowed tongue 1162
Trismus, painless 1017
Trochanteric bursitis 1362, 1368
Trochlear nerve 957, 959, 1012, 1087
Troisier's node 66
Tromner's sign 1193, 1193f
Trophic ulcers 921
Trousseau's sign 1272f, 1271
Truncal athetoid movements 1110
Trypanosoma cruzi 556
Tuberculosis 35, 43, 74, 76, 173, 175, 178, 191, 192, 327, 707, 881, 909, 920, 1010, 1311
pulmonary 82, 178, 184, 190, 327
Tuberohypophyseal tract 863
sclerosis 345f
xanthoma 829, 830f
disease 581
reabsorption 516, 518
secretion 516
Tularemia 64, 68
abdominal 382
acoustic 1047
benign 173
of spinal cord 1062
Tuning fork test 777
Turner's syndrome 334f, 340, 346, 347, 347f, 386, 881
Tympanic membrane
temperature 28
perforation of 917
Typhus 788
Tyson's glands 1416
aphthous 599, 601f, 753, 754f, 794, 1410
causes of 765
in penis 688
malum perforans 791, 792f
of primary syphilis, painless 754
Ulcerative colitis 536, 563, 588, 844, 858, 1408
Ulceroglandular syndromes 74
deviation 1350
of hands 341
of wrist 1352f, 1356f
nerve 1229
Umbilicus 616, 821
abnormalities of 616
eversion of 124
position of 615f
purplish discoloration of 616
Uncinate fasciculus 869
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus 141
Undulant fever 33
Unexplained lymphadenopathy 75
Unguophalangeal angle 79
clubbing, causes of 78
optic tract lesion 990
proptosis, causes of 692
Unimodal association cortex, lesion in 928
Universal vitiligo 820, 822f
abdominal bloating sensation 549
airway obstruction 322
brainstem lesion 1256
esophageal muscular disease 173
gastrointestinal bleeding, causes of 563
gum 1001
limb 369
position of 1318f
medullary spinal tract lesion 1008
motor neuron lesion, bilateral 1028, 1069
nasal cavity and septum 1000
respiratory tract 189
infections 744
spinal cord, lesion in 1200
excursion of 217f
testing excursion of 217
Urate nephropathy 579
Uremia 43, 577
Uremic ketoacidosis 195
Ureter 511, 527
Ureterovesical reflux 571
carcinoma 577
discharge 578
meatus 1400, 1427
inspection of 1430
stone 571
stricture 577
Urethritis 571, 576, 578
bladder 512, 512f, 615, 646
auscultatory percussion of 647f
nerve supply of 512
percussion of 646f
incontinence 572
retention 910, 1215
stress incontinence 44
system 571
infection 35, 94, 540, 1215
obstruction 574, 1407
related abnormalities, signs of 1216
Urine, discoloration of 574
Urogenital tuberculosis 579
Urticaria 9, 786, 813, 813f
Urticarial, acute 813
cavity 1401
tube 1401
Uterus 1401
Uveitis 685, 686, 709f, 736, 736
anterior 685, 849
classification of 709
posterior 850
Uvula 613, 741, 747
carcinoma 614f
actions of 469
neoplastic 613, 743
types of 613
Vagal trunk
anterior 484
posterior 485
discharge 1423, 1434
causes of 1423
itching, causes of 1424
mass 1435
orifice 1400
signs 1434
Vaginitis 1432, 1435
bacterial 1435
Vagovagal reflex 482
Vagus nerve 155, 156, 957, 959, 1051, 1063, 1069, 1214
distribution of 1066f
origin and distribution of 1064f
Valproic acid 812
Valsalva maneuver 378, 380, 656, 1049, 1274
therapeutic use of 380
Valsalva syncope 306
aortic 266, 435, 460
atresia, pulmonary 422
closure sound 390, 415
disease, aortic 337, 409
of heart 264, 265f
position of 440
pulmonary 130, 267, 415, 435
status of 422
types of 440
regurgitation 423
stenosis, pulse of 358
ejection sound 435
heart disease 297, 322, 341, 363, 426, 909, 919
regurgitation 340, 429
stenosis, pulmonary 330
Varicella 786, 805
zoster 780
Varicocele 1405, 1418, 1419
Varicose vein 1363
Varicosities, sublingual 764, 764f
Vas deferens 1419
Vasa recta counter current exchanger 523f
disease 184, 1062, 1129
disorder 177, 841, 890
ejection sound 435
aortic 437
pulmonary 437
lesions of pons 1111
loops 1048
obstruction 86
optic neuropathy 987
pigmented coat 672
tone 133
Vasculature, pulmonary 168f
Vasculitis 35, 208, 210f, 577, 579, 581, 787, 788, 813, 910, 1058
pulmonary 184
systemic 909
intermedius 1369
lateralis 1369
medius 1368
azygos 155
hemiazygos 155
of left ventricle, posterior 271
pulmonary 169
Vellus hair 112, 114f
Venae cordis minimi 271
diseases 69, 883
wart 1403
drainage of heart 270, 271f
flow pattern, abdominal 620f
hum 23, 459, 1288
pattern, abdominal 620
abnormal 457
evaluation of 133
physiology of 133
spider 789
ulcers 790
control of 161
pulmonary 320, 321
noradrenergic bundle 863
posteromedial nuclei of thalamus 999
Ventricle 255, 261
apical part of 264
aneurysm 297, 402, 414, 427
diastolic dysfunction 322
dysfunction 427
ectopic 415, 421
failure 199, 326, 360, 362, 376, 384, 393, 400, 427, 461
fibrillation 354
filling 361
free wall 263, 264
function 130
gallop 427f
hypertrophy 362, 388, 407
infarction 141, 142, 144, 360, 362
inflow tract obstruction 309
outflow tract obstruction 308, 311
pacing 415
pulsation 390
septal defect 297, 330, 337, 344, 391, 398, 414, 419, 426, 432, 443, 457
murmur of 409
septum 263, 264
systolic dysfunction 322
tachycardia 354, 415
theory 428
wall dyskinesia 383
Ventromedial nuclei 862
impersistence 929
intrusion 930
plana 816
vulgaris 815, 816f
artery 872
disease 1247
collapse 178
column curvature 1325f
fractures 1331
artery 313
disease 954
migraine 906
gaze deviation 1263
hemianopic defect 995
muscles 1079
nystagmus 1245
ocular myoclonus 1264
Vertigo 906, 908, 1047, 1052, 1053, 1055
peripheral causes of 1052
recurrent 688
Vesicular breath sound 229
Vessels 668
accessory 168
control of balance, evaluation of 1049
disease 1167
nerve 1037
involvement 1029
neuronitis 906, 907, 1056
nuclei 1045
Vestibule 736, 1400
Vestibulocochlear nerve 957
Vibration sense 1002
Viceral neuropathy 555
Villaret's syndrome 1063, 1076
Vincent's angina 746, 746f
Vinous congestion 1385
exanthems 797
fever 355, 594
hepatitis 569, 654, 843
infection 173, 707
labyrinthitis 1056
myositis 663
Virus 814
lymph nodes 169
pleura 154
Visible scotoma 719
Vision 683
disturbances in 685
field of 679
loss of 686
peripheral loss of 687
persistent loss of 687
transient loss of 686
acuity 732, 989, 990
agnosia 952
apraxia 951
cortex 974, 975f
lesion, anterior 981
disturbances 890
field, examination of 983f
hallucination 936
acute 890
chronic 890
simultanagnosia 956
A deficiency 686, 728
absorption 491
B12 deficiency 99, 891, 900
anemia 97f
D resistant rickets 203
deficiency 585, 589
signs of 921
K deficiency 577
Vitiligo 110, 584, 586f, 787, 793, 794, 795, 819, 821, 1292
Vitiligo, segmental 820
types of 820
detachment 685, 936
hemorrhage 713, 731
opacities 995
dysfunction 249
paralysis 322
tactile fremitus 215
value of 216
Vomiting 9, 140, 540, 548, 549, 907, 909, 1055, 1252
of blood 176
causes of 536
von Gerstmann's syndrome 949
von Graafe's sign 1293, 1294f
von Hippel-Lindau disease 581
Vorticose flow 232
Vulva 1399
diffuse swelling of 1434
carcinoma 1403
dystrophies 1429f
itching 1423
masses 1434
rash 1433
signs 1433
ulceration, painful 1430
Vulvovaginitis, atrophic 1434
Waardenburg syndrome 1032
Waddling gait 893, 915, 1211
Waist circumference 45
Waldenstorm macroglobulinemia 75, 1058
Wallenberg syndrome 1057
Warm extremities 897
Wart 787, 790, 795, 796, 839
types of 815
Wartenberg's sign 1177, 1200
Wasting of muscles, evaluation of 1115
Water and electrolyte balance, regulation of 784
Weakness, distribution of 1311
Weber test 778, 779, 1047
disease 35
granulomatosis 76, 177, 735, 917
gain 124, 191
causes of 43
loss 178, 191, 293, 541, 912
causes of 43
Well's dementia gait 1124
Werner's syndrome 51, 335
aphasia 944
encephalopathy 1057
pupil 1092
West nile fever 1123
Wharton's duct 614, 747
Wheeze 171, 188
production of 242
Wheezy bronchitis 192
Whipple's disease 920, 1037, 1248
Whisper voice test, accuracy of 777
hairy tongue 760
matter tract 928
nails 588
pulp 496
Whooping cough 7, 172, 192, 249
sign 750
striae 751f, 842f
Wide pulse pressure 376
causes of 376
Q-angle 1371
spaced nipples 347, 386
William's syndrome 52, 340
Wilson's disease 917, 1035
tremor of 899
bronchitis in mitral stenosis 327
conjunctivitis 683, 685
seasons 796
Winterbottom sign 64
Wisdom teeth 602f
extraction 1014
Worsening ejection 363
WPW syndrome 317
dorsiflexion of 1354f
drop 915
extension of 1351f
flexion of 1351f
joint 1350
inspection of 1352
movement of 1350f
palmar flexion of 1355f
Xanthelasma 338, 339f, 583, 785
palpebrarum 690, 690f
Xanthoma 342, 788, 796
types of 829
Xerostomia 918
Xiphoid cartilage 149
nails 103
white retinal spots 724
Zenker's diverticulum 540, 542, 771
Zieman's tridigital examination for hernia 658
Zinn, annulus of 1100
balanitis 1417
plasma cell balanitis 1413
Zygomatic fossa 1013
Zygomaticofacial branch 1001
Chapter Notes

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Art of Interviewing to a PatientCHAPTER 1

Good communication of the interviewer is of paramount importance in spite of latest diagnostic technology. The importance of skill of interview is developed recently because:
  • This interview takes the doctor very nearer to patient's mind, so that the patient can trust, can say everything of his own life
  • Patient can discuss everything of his personal details of illness
  • This can reduce the patient's psychological illness and anxiety, resolves symptoms.
Communication Means Good and Successful Interview
By interview, the interviewer:
  • Should get all informations regarding patient's illness
  • Should know how he or she gradually develops this illness
  • After allowing the patient to narrate the illness from its commencement, the interviewer starts leading questions pointing towards the specific illness
  • Should be aware of the patient's social, economic and cultural factors, because anything hidden in these factors may be responsible for the patient's illness
  • Should know about the patient's educational status—because, some question may not be understandable to the patient, in that case, interviewer has to narrate the question, so that the patient can understand what the interviewer wants
  • Should know about the patient's language, because asking the patient in his own words, he will be gradually nearer to the interviewer and the patient can express everything to him
  • Can use some slang words according to the patient's background education and social status
  • Can use some phrases or words to gain confidence of the patient.
  • Avoid ‘if’, ‘would’, ‘could’, because, these are nonsense language
  • Should know, whether the patient is deaf and dumb
  • Should know the impact of this illness in his personal, social and marital life
  • Should be cheerful, friendly to the patient
  • Should allow the patient, at the beginning, to narrate the illness in his own words. Interviewer should not interfere in this, rather he could nod, smile and in few cases, relevant questioning may gain confidence of the patient during narrating the story. From the story, the interviewer may get clue regarding the patient's illness, so interviewer must be keen to the patient's problem—related story
  • Should respect the patient's age, sex, educational status, legal status, belief, culture and economic status
  • If the patient's story is vague, start some leading questions, like, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘how’, these are more effective rather than questioning like ‘why’.
When the interviewer does not know the patient's language, he can use interpreter. He:
  • Should know the medical terminology
  • Should be of same sex and comparable age
  • Should share same understanding and belief regarding patient's problem
  • Is a bridge between the interviewer and the patient regarding spanning of ideas, emotions and problems
  • Must be of patient's choice—because in few cases—family member may be of patient's choice. Because he is most closure to the patient, so that, important problems regarding social, sexual and personal history can be collected by family members of patient's choice—this may be very confidential.
Rule of Five Vowels
Rule of five vowels are important for the interviewer.
  • Audition: This corresponds to the careful listening patient's story.
  • Evaluation: This corresponds to sorting of important, relevant and useful data, which is corroborating with patient's chief complaint.
  • Inquiry: This corresponds to the interviewer's leading questions to the patient to probe the areas of history, which requires more clarification.
  • Observation: This corresponds to the patient's behavior during conversation with the interviewer. He also watches the patient's attitude and behavior to answering the leading questions.
  • Understanding: This is most important, because, the interviewer must be sympathetic to the patient, he should accept the patient's presenting complaint and situation responsible for the complaint.
The interviewer should be sympathetic to the patient's description regarding antisocial behavior, which may include:
Drug Addiction, Unlawful Action and Aberrant Sexual Behavior
The interviewer should not question such as, ‘why’—it may stop the patient, because he comes to know that the interviewer is unsuitable listener. On the other hand, ‘I understand’—phrase from interviewer may be a good signal to the patient, so that the patient will be keener to describe this nature more vividly.
Patient's body language is also very important during interview, because:
  • Patient may frown, when he becomes annoyed to some leading questions produced by the interviewer
  • Patient may keep his right palm on the left chest—when he tries to speak something—which is really true
  • While asking about his addiction, patient may show his tongue, as if he is ashamed of or frown
  • Patient may fist on a table—while he is saying something, which should be emphasized
  • Patient may sometimes rub his eyes—when he tries to avoid or refuse the questions, which may harm the patient
  • If the patient wants to avoid the particular question during the interview, he may start removing dust from the bed or from his or her clothes
  • Patient of Middle East may speak with drooping eyelids; it shows the lack of attentiveness.
Like patient's body language, interviewer's body language is also important, because:
  • From interviewer's posture, gesture, eye contact, tone of voice, patient can understand the interest, attention, and understanding of the interviewer
  • Interviewer should not be in hurry
  • Interviewer's approach, dress, cleanliness, facial appearances are also important to the patient
  • The interviewer's room is also very important, because—the patient may not give proper history in a room having several patients, or in waiting room or in busy emergency department.
In that case, interviewer has to take the patient a lonely room or has to draw a curtain around them to maintain the privacy.
During history taking, touching the patient is very useful, because it can grow confidence, attention and understanding between the patient and the interviewer. But touch is varied according to the age and sex.4
In all ages and all sexes, placing the hand on the shoulder of the patient can do no harm. As the patient grows older, touching is more important.
In the age of biomedical advancement, the clinician usually writes costly investigations (both laboratory and radiological) without taking proper history from the patient or without doing proper physical examination—this may help the patient to feel of being neglected, rejected and properly unattended.
Sometimes the patient is advised to be admitted in any hospital wearing hospital dress, keeping his or her dentures, hearing aids and other personal belongings away from him—this may loose the belief of the patient and looses the morale of the patient much more.
Sometimes the clinician may be overworked, tired after days work. In that case, he or she may give less attention to the patient; in that case, he has to depend on investigations.
In other words, history taking is the cognitive skill of the interviewer; it is a powerful diagnostic skill.
Before seeing the patient, interviewer should collect the data from the patient's medical records, like, age, sex, occupational status, address, medication list, details of allergies, any past diagnoses and treatment schedule, if any.
The above collected data may be incomplete or may not match with the data, which you will collect from the patient—but this will help the interviewer to give proper care to the patient.
Symptoms refer to:
  • Definite symptoms: What the patient feels, it should be described in detail by the patient
  • Constitutional symptoms: This commonly occurs in body systems—such as fever, chill, weight gain or loss, sweating, etc.
Approach to a Patient for History Taking and Examination
  • Interviewer should wear white coat with named badge. He should address the patient with Mr/Mrs/Dr/Ms, handshake with him and say his aim
  • Bed around the patient and surroundings are properly lighted. The patient's privacy should be assured
  • The interviewer must be sure that the patient is not deaf or dumb. Patient should lie in comfortable position or sitting in the chair.
  • Interviewer should sit in front of the patient in a chair, 3 to 4 feet from the patient in relaxed position
  • In case of bed-ridden patient, elevate the head end of the bed and try to lower the bedside rail, so that it cannot interrupt the interview
  • After introduction, interviewer should ask the patient—“For which problem, he has been admitted here?” If the patient tells the interviewer to see his hospital records, he should ask the patient about his previous health, followed by remodeling of first question “he want to hear from the patient's own voice?”
  • After interviewer asks the patient to narrate the chief complaint in a specific format, followed by past history, social, personal, drug, dietary history and so on.
Two types of questioning usually should be done:
  1. Open type questioning: This type of question is required to gather general information. This question is required for opening the interview. Questions are:
    • ❖ What about your headache?
    • ❖ What about your stomach pain?
    • ❖ What about your sensation during headache or stomach pain?
  2. Direct questioning: This type of question points towards the chief complaint. To elaborate it:
    • ❖ Where the pain has been started primarily and where it has been radiated?
    • ❖ Whether the chest pain aggravates with respiration?
    • ❖ Whether the stomach pain aggravates with intake of food?
Format of the History
There are two types of format:
  1. Disease-orientated approach: This emphasizes disease process that promotes the patient to seek for medical advice.
  2. Patient-orientated approach: This is more complete and comprehensive approach, where complete history is needed to know the cause of impact on the chief complaint, e.g. if patient complains of shortness of breath—history of onset, duration, type, frequency, aggravating and relieving factors of that pain has to be gathered to get the vivid picture of the chest pain.
So the format of the patient related history is:
  • Patient's details
  • Chief complaints/presenting problems
  • History of present illness
  • History of past illness
  • Family history
  • Personal history
  • Psychological and spiritual history
  • Occupational and environmental history
  • Sexual, gynecological and reproductive history
  • Drug history
  • Immunization history
Patient's Details
It includes:
  • Name
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Religion
  • Address
  • Occupation
  • Date of admission
  • Date of examination
Chief Complaints
  • It is brief statement with duration for which he or she has been admitted for in specified institution.
  • If the chief complaint is more than one, then they should be arranged in chronological order with respect to duration. For example,
    • ❖ Pain in upper abdomen for 4 days
    • ❖ Nausea and vomiting for 2 days
    • ❖ Loose motion for 1 day.
History of Present Illness
It is important to know that the patient was well before the onset of illness. Patient often does not remember the exact date of onset and duration of illness. In that case, it is necessary for the interviewer to correlate the symptom with any known or memorable event. For example, whether the pain starts during, before or after pooja vacation.
Each principal symptom has to be described in relation to:
OLD CARTS: It means:
O = Onset
L = Location
D = Duration
C = Character
A = Aggravating/relieving factors
R = Radiation
T = Timing
S = Associated factors.
If the patient has more than one complaint, then according to the chronology, they should be described in separate paragraph.
During the present illness, if any medication is taken, it should be described in generic name with specific dosage, route and frequency. If any remedy or aggravation occurred with these medications, this should also be described.7
Any allergy due to intake of recent medication such as, skin rash, nausea, if present or not, it should also be described.
History of Past Illness
It should be divided into two parts:
  1. Childhood history:
    • Communicable diseases: Chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, if occurred, the time of occurrence, course and treatment.
    • ❖ Any severe bacterial illness involving lung, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system—should be thoroughly interviewed.
  2. Adult illness: It should be divided into:
    • Medical history:
      • Acute or chronic infection
      • Asthma
      • Any disease requiring hospitalization.
    • Surgical history: Any type of operation—open, laparoscopic or endoscopic.
    • Gynecological history: Any type of major or minor operation.
Past medical illness composed of three components:
  1. Diagnosis: Lobar pneumonia
  2. Evidence: Fever, cough, rusty sputum, breathlessness
  3. Management: Antibiotics
History of admission in any hospital for medical, surgical, obstretical, gynecological or psychological reasons—the interviewer may ask directly regarding emotional or nervous problem and any counseling therapy was performed or not.
The importance of taking past medical history is to link this with present history of illness, if any.
Any surgical procedure, date, hospital name, if possible, should be obtained.
Family History
It includes the history of:
  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Siblings
  • Children
  • Grandchildren.
The diseases to be enquired are:
  • Cardiac—coronary artery disease, hypertension
  • Renal—chronic renal disease
  • Endocrinological—thyroid disease, diabetes
  • Lung—tuberculosis
  • Skin—atopic dermatitis
  • CNS—convulsion, strokes
  • Metabolic—hyperlipidemia.
Personal History
  • Educational status: Age of onset of schooling, upto which level the patient is educated
  • Occupational status.
  • Marital status:
    • ❖ Whether the patient is married or not?
    • ❖ If married, for how many years he is married?
    • ❖ How many issues are present with this patient?
    • ❖ Whether the siblings are suffering from any illness?
    • ❖ Whether the illness is correlated with the patient's present complaint?
  • Dietary history: The following questions are to be asked to the patient:
    • ❖ Whether the patient is vegetarian or nonvegetarian?
    • ❖ What is his routine diet?
    • ❖ Does he take diet with high fiber content, e.g. whole grain, bread, cereal, fresh fruit, vegetables, bran?
    • ❖ Does he take extra salt in his diet?
    • ❖ How much saturated fat present in his diet?
    • ❖ How much and type of fish or meat (chicken, mutton) present in his daily diet?
    • ❖ Does he take boiled food or fried food? If so, when?
    • ❖ Does he take caffeine containing food daily, if yes, what is the frequency of intake?
      For example, coffee, tea, cola, chocolate. Caffeine containing foods are responsible for fatigue, palpitation, lightheadedness, headache, irritability.
    • ❖ Whether the patient has special or restricted diet?
    • ❖ What sort of oils is used during cooking of food?
    • ❖ How often the patient uses to take outside food?
    • ❖ Occasionally, disease-related questions are to be asked:
      • Patient with coronary artery disease should avoid saturated fat, dietary oils, egg yolk, fried food.
      • Patient with diabetes mellitus, the following interrogations should be required:
        • – Insulin or oral antidiabetic drugs
        • – Dietary restriction
        • – Any past history of hypoglycemia
        • – What type of food exchanges the patient uses to follow?
          Dietary allergy history: It is necessary to ask the patient about allergy to food. Common foods those are associated with allergy are peanuts, shellfish, eggs, brinjal, soy, milk.
          The allergic reactions are:
        • Involving respiratory tract: Rhinorrhea, sneezing, wheezing, respiratory distress due to laryngeal edema.
        • Gastrointestinal symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, pain abdomen, nausea.
        • Skin: Angioedema, urticaria, erythematous skin eruptions.
        • – Food allergy should be differentiated from abdominal bloating. This may be upper abdominal or lower abdominal bloating.
        • Upper abdominal bloating: It is usually acute. Ingestion of gas during swallowing of food or liquid (aerophagia) due to:
          1. Rapid intake of food
          2. Smoking
          3. Talking during intake of food
          4. Intake of carbonated beverage.
        • Lower abdominal bloating: It is usually chronic.
Loose motion or flatulence, postprandial cramping abdominal pain are usually due ingestion of sugar (xylose, sorbitol), high fibers and lactase deficiency (may be due to intake of yogurt, ice cream, cheese).
The following percent of foods is usual guide for a person:
• Carbohydrate
45–65% of total calories
• Fat
20–35% of total calories
• Protein
10–35% of total calories
• Sodium
= 3.8 gram of salt per day
• Cholesterol
<300 mg per day
  • Addiction history:
    • Smoking: The question should be:
      • For how many years, the patient is taking cigarette?
      • How many cigarettes per day he is taking?
      • What type of tobacco he is taking, cigarette, cigar, bidi, chewing tobacco?
      • Does he change the type of cigarette in recent years?
      • Did he try to stop the smoking? If so, what was his feeling?
      • Does the smoking relate with bowel movement or cheerfulness?
    • Alcohol history: The question should be:
      • What type of alcohol?
      • How much alcohol taken by the patient per day?
From the history of alcohol intake, the interviewer can correlate the present illness with the alcohol intake, e.g. if the patient is suffering from jaundice, or severe pain in upper abdomen, it may be due to alcohol related hepatitis, or acute pancreatitis or alcohol related gastritis. It may relate with the patient's emotional reaction.
So heavy alcohol intake may be associated with the following medical problems:
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Alcohol-related liver disease
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Hemorrhagic or ischemic strokes
  • Hypertension
  • Pancreatitis.
CAGE questioning, this is the screening questions for alcohol abuse:
C = Has he ever felt the need to cut down of alcohol drinking?
A = Has the patient ever been annoyed by criticism of his drinking?
G = Has he felt guilty conscious for drinking?
E = Has he ever taken alcohol after rising from the bed (eye opening) in the morning to become steady and get rid of the hang over?
Two or more positive answers to CAGE questionnaire suggest alcohol misuse—sensitivity is 43 to 94 percent, specificity is 70 to 96 percent.
Detection of alcohol misuse can be done by getting history of:
  • Syncope
  • Convulsion
  • Accidents
  • Conflict in job
  • Relationship with others.
Alcohol intake can be measured in two methods:
  1. First method: It is inaccurate and underestimate intake.
  2. Second method: It is the direct calculation of the alcohol content of the drinks.
Method I: One glass of = 1 unit of alcohol.
Method II: 1 unit of alcohol = 10 mL of pure alcohol.
x percent proof = x units of alcohol per liter = 10x mL of pure alcohol.
30 percent proof spirit = 30 units of alcohol per liter = 300 mL of pure alcohol.
1 liter or 1000 mL of spirit contains 40 units of pure alcohol.
1 mL of spirit contains 40/1000 units of pure alcohol.
750 mL of spirit contains 40 × 750/1000 units of pure alcohol = 30 units of pure alcohol.11
In case of wine:
If alcohol content of wine is 12 percent, i.e. 1000 mL contains 12 units of pure alcohol.
So, 750 mL contains 12 × 750/1000 mL = 9 units of pure alcohol.
Recommended safe drinking:
21 units per week for men.
14 units per week for women.
Average weekly intake of above 50 units in men and 40 units in women—hazardous drinking.
  • History of drug abuse: In contrast to alcohol abuser, drug abusers are more likely to magnify their use. The following questions should be asked regarding drug abuse:
    • What types of drug used?
    • How long he has started?
    • For how many days, he is taking drug heavily?
    • Approximately when he has started drug abuse?
    • Why he has started to take the drug heavily?
    • At which time, he uses to take the drug?
    • What is his feeling after taking the drug?
    • Whether he has tried to get rid of the drug?
    • What is his feeling after leaving the drug abuse temporarily?
    • Is there any convulsion after withdrawal of the drug?
    • Does he take the drug in single dose or in divided doses?
    • Is he taking only single drug for addiction?
      Interviewer must be well conversant about the drugs, used for addiction. When cocaine is being used for addiction—orally or intravenously, interviewer should know about the toxicity of the above drugs—whether given orally or intravenously.
      Normally used drug can be used as a drug of addiction, e.g. propranlol or metoprolol are usually used as antihypertensive, but they can be used to relieve stage fright.
  • Sleep history.
Psychosocial and Spiritual History
  • Psychosocial history includes:
    • ❖ Education
    • ❖ Life experience
    • ❖ Relationship with other individual
    • ❖ Schooling
    • ❖ Religious belief
  • Spiritual history: Spirituality helps the patient to cope up with chronic disease, debilitation and dying. The spirituality may be in the form of meditation and prayer.
    • ❖ This reduces the stress
    • ❖ Early recovery from the surgical pain
    • ❖ Faster recovery from illness.
Occupational and Environmental History
Occupational history is responsible for 3,50,000 new cases per year in United States. But one may incorrectly describes the illness due to some other cause, because of long latency between exposure and onset of illness. Many occupational diseases have been discovered up till now. Some of these are:
  • Bladder carcinoma—in aniline dye worker
  • Malignant mesothelioma—person exposed to asbestos
  • Malignant neoplasm in nasal cavities—woodworkers
  • Hepatic angiosarcoma—person exposed to vinyl chloride
  • Pneumoconiosis—coal workers
  • Silicosis—sandblasters
  • Bassinosis—cotton industry workers
  • Ornithosis—bird breeders
  • Bronchial asthma—person exposed to dust, pollen
  • Khangri cancer—in the inner lip, exposed to tobacco chewers
  • Toxic hepatitis—workers of plastic industries
  • Friedlander's pneumonia—exposed to pigeon and parrot danders.
Environmental pollution is also responsible for mortality and morbidity of human being world wide, e.g.
  • Chernobyl—due to high radiation
  • Minamata bay, Japan—due to mercury poisoning
  • Hopewell, Virginia—due to poisoning with pesticides chlordecone
  • Bhopal, India—due to gas leak methylisocyanate
To recognize the disease as environmental or occupational hazards, the following interrogations are necessary:
  • What is his job?
  • How long he is in his job?
  • In his job, with what material he is working?
  • Does he work with proper precaution during his work?
  • Description of surroundings around his working place.
  • Where is his house? Whether his house is nearer to the coal mine, shipyard, any factories?
  • How long he is living in that place?
  • What is his hobby? Whether he likes bird or animal?
  • If bird, which bird, and if animal, which animal?
  • Whether he is working with lead, asbestos, fumes, dust, flower?
Sexual, Gynecological and Reproductive History
This history is most important for complete evaluation of the patient.
Sexual history taking is important for following reasons:
  • Sexual drive is sensitive indicator of well-being.
  • Sexual dysfunction is responsible for anger, anxiety and depression
  • Child's sexual abuse should be identified as early as possible
  • Older adult is not sexually inactive, he may enjoy sexual contact.
The following questions may discover the patient's sexual activity:
  • Is the patient sexually active?
  • If yes, ask about his sexual partner.
  • Is he satisfied with his sexual partner? If not, what is the problem? Is it from his side or from her partner's side?
  • Has the patient more than one sexual partner?
  • If yes, are they of same sex or either male or female sex?
  • Whether the patient uses the condom during intercourse?
  • In last 6 months, how many sexual partners he had?
  • In his life time, how many sexual partners he had?
  • Has he ever sexually transmitted disease?
  • Whether he has treated or tested for sexually transmitted disease. If so, why?
Menstrual history:
  • Age of menarche
  • Menstrual flow
  • Duration of flow
  • Any pain preceding or during menstruation
  • If yes, when it subsides?
Obstetric history:
  • Number of pregnancies
  • Number of abortion
  • Number of deliveries
  • Age of 1st pregnancy
  • Frequency of pregnancies
  • Abortion—whether spontaneous or, induced
  • Complication of pregnancy
  • Postpartum condition of the patient.
Drug History
Any history of intake of drug with dosage, duration, frequency, any history of associated drug allergy should be taken. From drug history, interviewer can think of:14
  • Any past medical history
  • Any relation of past history with present illness
  • If there is drug allergy, avoid the drug throughout the life
  • If any flare up of previous disease, which may indicate inadequately treated disease, may be in the form of dosage or duration of treatment
  • In case of chronic disease, like, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, whether the drugs are continued or not
  • If not, the present illness may be the consequences of above chronic disease.
Drug may produce drug and nutrient interactions. This should be interrogated to the patient during interview. So the following questions should be asked to the patient:
  • Whether the patient is taking minerals, herbs or dietary supplements for any ailment, if so, why?
  • What is the dose of the above drugs?
  • Whether the patient experience any side effect during this drug intake?
  • Who is the person responsible for the above prescription of the drug?
Drug may influence the nutrients in the following ways:
  • Avoiding intake of the food—due to nausea, vomiting or feeling of bad smell of the food.
  • Abnormal absorption of the food is due to:
    • ❖ Increased intestinal motility
    • ❖ Competitive inhibition of the food by the drugs
    • ❖ Alteration of the intestinal pH
    • ❖ Alteration in excretion.
Nutrients affected
• Aluminum hydroxide
• Sulfasalazine, methotrexate
• Neomycin, mineral oil, cholestyramine
Fat soluble vitamins
• Neomycin
Vitamin B12
• Mineral
Water, electrolytes, fat and fat soluble vitamins
• Isoniazid
Vitamin B6 deficiency
• Frusemide, thiazides
Potassium, magnesium, calcium
• Phenobarbital, phenytoin
Calcium, folate, vitamin D
Immunization History
  • From birth to childhood age, whether all immunizations were done or not. If done, the interviewer should see the immunization card
  • In adult, yearly influenza vaccination should be done in patient with cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hematological disorders.
  • Patient with chronic renal disease and older (65 years), should receive pneumococal vaccine once only
  • Patient with alcoholism, myeloma, lymphoma, cirrhosis, functional asplenia should receive pneumococcal vaccine
  • Only in case of functional asplenia or anatomical asplenia pneumococcal vaccine should be taken in every 6 years.
Hepatitis B vaccination should be given to:
  • Intravenous drug users
  • Dialysis staff
  • Staff of endoscopy unit
  • Sexual partner of hepatitis B virus carrier
  • Multiple sexual partners
  • Hemophiliac patients
    Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine to be given to children.
Live vaccine MMR not to be given:
  • To immunocompromised patients
  • To patient receiving steroid therapy
  • To generalized malignancy
  • To pregnant mothers.
History Taking from Different Type of Patients
History Taking from Silent Patient
Patient may be silent due to following causes:
  • Due to problem from interviewer's side:
    • ❖ When the questions are short and are thrown in rapid succession.
    • ❖ When the question makes the patient annoyed.
    • ❖ When the question is not understandable to the patient.
  • From the patient's side:
    • ❖ To remember past events.
    • ❖ To recollect past thought serially.
    • ❖ Patient thinks whether the interviewer can be trusted to give the details of himself.
    • ❖ In case of depressed patient, the interviewer has to question regarding the cause of his depression.
In this case, the interviewer has to gain confidence of the patient, so that patient will give proper informative history.16
During interviewing with this type of silent patients, it is often necessary to watch the facial expression of the patients.
Sometimes, the interviewer should be silent for sometime when the patient starts emotional reactions like, crying, annoying during answering the questions. This allows the patient to release the tension and gives proper history when questioning will be started. So interviewer must be cooperative, attentive and very kind to the patient.
History Taking from the Confused Patient
Sometimes the patient may confuse the interviewer in the following processes:
  • When the patient gives affirmative answer to all the direct questions from the interviewer, he has to say the meaning of the questions, so that the patient will answer to the point.
  • In some cases, patient's answer is vague, loss of ideas, loss of thought, difficult to understand the meaning of the answer or difficult to understand the language, e.g. patient may give history like:
    • ❖ Something crawling over the body
    • ❖ Tingling sensation in different parts of the body in different times.
In case of mentally ill patient (depression, anxiety, neurosis, manic depressive psychosis): The history may be inconsistent and may give different types of history of illness having no sequential chronological order.
In this type of patient, the interviewer should not spend time to gather detailed history, rather than giving much time for mental status examination.
History Talking from Talkative Patient
  • First, the interviewer should allow the patient to narrate the whole history. Only thing the interviewer has to nod at regular interval and to hear very cautiously the speech and take out the necessary points from the very elaborative history
  • The interviewer should listen and think—whether there is any flight of ideas, disorganized thought
  • He has to watch, whether the patient is anxious, impatient while talking
  • After listening to the elaborative history, the interviewer has to make a structure containing points in the history, and then he has to ask the direct questions to clarify them, e.g. the patient has told regarding the chest pain which is aggravated with exertions. Again he has told that he has retrosternal chest pain exacerbated 17by intake of food. So the interviewer has to know that which pain is earlier
  • If possible, the interviewer has to call the patient next day to listen the extra points regarding the history.
History Taking from the Patient Who is Crying
  • Crying is the burst of emotion, frustration. Crying is therapeutic. Allowing the patient to cry, the interviewer has to wait, and to provide a tissue paper to rub his or her eyes
  • After recovering from the crying episode, most patient starts telling story
  • Only the interviewer has to boost at regular intervals during conversation.
History Taking from Angry Patient
  • Anger is the outburst of patient who is ill, lack of control in his personal life, feeling of loneliness. But he expresses his anger to the interviewer, if he is late in his chamber or hospital
  • In that case, interviewer should not stop him rebuking, rather accepts the angry feelings and accept bad talk without being angry in return in clinic or hospital
  • Better the interviewer should avoid the angry patient to join with the other persons in chamber
  • After the patient become calm and quiet, the interviewer should tell and confess his guilt and he promises not to do like this in future
  • Some angry patients become disruptive. He or she can disturb the atmosphere of the hospital and the clinic.
In this case, the interviewer (clinician) has to call security guard to control the situation by taking the patient in the other room and makes him or her to understand the cause.
When the rapport will be established between the patient and the interviewer, the patient will be calm and quiet and starts giving history.
History Taking from the Patient with Low Literacy
Firstly, the interviewer has to know whether the patient has:
  • Language barrier
  • Diminished vision
  • Learning disorder
  • Lack of education.
If the patient is not blind, there is no language barrier, lack of education or low literacy is the prime cause. This can be tested by the following methods:18
  • Can the patient read the question given by the interviewer?
  • Can he fill in the blanks in a form given?
  • The interviewer gives any book or text in up side down to the patient and asks him to read.
History Taking from the Patient with Impaired Hearing
Firstly, the interviewer has to know about:
  • Language of communication
  • Level of education
  • Level of schooling
  • If the patient is blind unilaterally, the interviewer has to sit on the side in which ear he is not blind
  • The room must be calm and quiet, the sound of television, radio or any if present, should be stopped
  • If deaf person can read the lips of the interviewer, he can understand what the interviewer wants to say.
History Taking from Psychotic Patient
This patient usually suffers from hallucination, delusion, flight of ideas, feeling of persecution. So the interviewer has to calm, quiet, understand the patient as much as possible. Some patient is not floridly psychotic. So there are several clues, which are very helpful for the interviewer to diagnose the patient as psychotic:
  • Speech pattern
  • Speech organization
  • Flight of ideas
  • Distraction from the questions
  • Patient cannot complete answer, the question, rather he unnecessarily asks questions.
History Taking from the Demented and Delirious Patient
  • Demented patient has lost his intellectual memory, becomes confused from their surroundings
  • Delirious patient has altered level of consciousness—as a result of which he behaves incorrectly with his surroundings
    Both types of patients suffer from fear. Hence, during questionnaire to these patients, the interviewer must be calm, quiet and beware of that type of questions, which may be harmful to the patients
  • Patient with organic mental syndrome is lucid, occasionally becomes disorientated, has defect in attention, memory and thought.
In this type of patient, record the questions and answers. After few minutes, the interviewer asks similar questions and he should 19check whether the patient gives similar answer or not. This proves that the patient is suffering from inattention.
History Taking from Acutely Ill Patient
It is better to take relevant questions during rapid physical examination, because there is no time to ask the patient the detailed history and perform detailed examination as it may defer the urgent management.
As the patient becomes stabilized, the interviewer can take detailed history and will do accordingly.
History Taking from Patient Suffering from Cancer
Patient with cancer has five major concerns:
  1. Loss of control makes the patient helpless.
  2. Alienation—this feelings arising from reaction of the people around him.
  3. Perception of pain—patient has intense fear of having pain.
  4. Fear of mutilation—women with mastectomy may suffer from a fear of rejection by the community as no longer being a complete woman.
  5. Patient always thinks of his inevitable mortality very soon, because the pathologic process always progresses very fast.
Physician is always afraid of the patient, because he may ask the progress of the disease. But physician must be sympathetic to his emotional reaction.
History Taking from Aphasic Patient
  • If the patient is aphasic, it may be motor or sensory
  • If it is sensory, then it is not possible for the interviewer to get the history from the patients, so in that case, he has to depend upon the patient's party
  • If the patient's aphasia is of motor type, it must be confirmed by giving a pen and a paper and ask him to write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the simple questions like, ‘are you male’, or ‘have you married?’ If the patient comprehend the question, then the interviewer ask the patient a series of questions and allow him to give answer in the form of nodding of head, or ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in writing.
History Taking from Alcoholic Patient
Alcoholic patient is physically handicapped, because:
  • He may suffer from various diseases related to gastroenterological system and liver, cardiovascular system and respiratory system
  • He is sexually inadequate
Alcoholic patient is psychologically handicapped, because:
  • He feels alone
  • He is abandoned by his family members and friends.
    Alcohol is his day and night friend.
In this case, interviewer should be particular in asking history, because, it may make the patient annoyed, explosive.
Approach to a Patient for Physical Examination
Make-up of the Patient's Mind
  • Give your identification as a medical student
  • Give proper security to the patient
  • You must be calm and quiet in spite of occasional irritable behavior of the patient
  • Give assurance to the patient that you will examine the whole body keeping privacy. Because he has to examine the whole body in spite of no abnormality in any system other than the involved system for which he has been admitted in this hospital
  • Draping of the patient is very essential for keeping the privacy of the patient. You should examine the areas one after another, e.g. when you want to examine abdomen, cover the other parts of the body. Again you want to examine the left breast, cover the rest of the body. This helps in the following ways:
    • ❖ This helps to concentrate the examination area
    • ❖ This draws confidence of the patient
    • ❖ This draws respect from the patient.
  • You should be gentle, systematic and professional while doing physical examination
  • After examination is over, you should not interpret the findings with the friends or with the teacher in front of the patient, because the patient may wrongly interpret your discussion
  • Again, you should not react badly by seeing any foul smelling lesion
  • Take permission from the patient before examining the private parts of the patient, e.g. pubic area, femoral pulse
  • During physical examination, you must watch the facial expression of the patient—whether he is angry, sensitive or cooperative.
Proper Lighting in the Examination Area
  • Proper lighting should be in your examination room, so that both of you are comfortable
  • Room should be calm and quiet, so that heart sounds and lung sounds can be heard easily
  • Two types of lighting are useful during physical examination:
    1. Tangential light is required for seeing:
      • Jugular venous pulsation
      • Thyroid gland
      • Apical impulse.
      Because, it can shadow on the surface—so that contour, elevation, depression, pulsations may be noticed.
    2. Direct lighting.
Details of Instruments used in Examination
  • Blood pressure instrument
  • Torch light
  • Thermometer
  • Watch
  • Stethoscope, having earpiece, fits strongly without pain, and bell and diaphragm should be good and interchangeable
  • Tape
  • Tuning fork
  • Cotton
  • Pin
  • Hammer
  • Two glasses containing cold and warm water respectively
  • Pencil and paper
  • Gloves for rectal examination
  • Ophthalmoscope
  • If required, otoscope.
  • Patient should be comfortable in his previous position
  • If the patient is bedridden, bed should be down. Side rails should be raised, so that the patient will not fell down.
Primary position of the patient and the examiner:
  • Patient should be examined from his right side. This position is important for having following advantages:
    • ❖ It is reliable to see jugular venous pulse from right
    • ❖ Placement of hand for palpation of apical impulse is comfortable
    • ❖ Palpation of abdominal organs, such as liver, spleen, and kidney is easier and comfortable
    • ❖ The examiner can move for examination of the extremities to the foot end or left hand side.
  • Patient should be examined from head to toe—sequentially, because if you jump from one part to another part, leaving area in between, there is every chance of missing some important finding in that area.
  • In case of bedridden patient:
    • ❖ The examiner should examine head, neck and anterior chest in supine position
    • ❖ The examiner should examine posterior chest, back of the head in right or left lateral position
    • ❖ Roll the patient to supine or patient's comfortable position.
  • In case of mobile patient:
    • Sitting position:
      • General survey
      • Examination of head
      • Examination of neck
      • Thyroid gland
      • Cervical lymph node
      • Anterior and posterior part of chest
      • Breast
      • Few parts of nervous system examination—mental status, orientation, cranial nerves, cerebellar function, upper extremities
      • Palpation of aortic and pulmonary area.
    • ❖ Lying supine with head end of the body raised to 45 degree position—Jugular venous wave, carotid artery, tricuspid area
    • ❖ Supine position with 30° elevation of the head end and rotation slightly towards left—mitral area for murmur and other abnormal sound
    • ❖ In sitting position with leaning forward—tricuspid and aortic area.
    • Lying in supine position in flat bed:
      • Face
      • Anterior neck
      • Anterior thorax
      • Breast
      • Abdomen
      • Axillae
      • Pubic area
      • Genital area
      • Upper and lower extremities
      • Plantar response.
    • Supine with flexed, abducted and externally rotated hip and knee flexed position:
      • Pelvic examination
      • Rectal examination.
    • Lying on left lateral position:
      • Rectal examination
      • Prostate examination.
The following techniques of examination are usually done:
  • Inspection: It means close observation of:
    • ❖ Skin
    • ❖ Facial expression
    • ❖ Body habitus
    • ❖ Eye movements
    • ❖ Any thoracic asymmetry, deformity, fullness, abnormal movement
    • ❖ Abdomen—size, shape, lesion, venous prominence
    • ❖ Cardiovascular system—jugular venous pulsation, abnormal precordial pulsation, aortic and pulmonary area
    • ❖ Height
    • ❖ Weight
    • ❖ Body mass index.
  • Palpation: Pressure by the palm of the hands assess:
    • ❖ Skin elevation
    • ❖ Temperature
    • ❖ Pulse
    • ❖ Lymph nodes
    • ❖ Size of the organs and tenderness
    • ❖ Any mass any where in the body
    • ❖ Abnormal palpable cardiac sounds, thrill
    • ❖ Palpable pleural rub, rhonchi.
  • Percussion:
    • ❖ Chest percussion for evaluation of different notes
    • ❖ Abdominal percussion for any fluid in the abdomen.
  • Auscultation:
    • ❖ Lung sounds
    • ❖ Heart sounds
    • ❖ Peristaltic sound
    • ❖ Any bruit in the abdomen
    • ❖ Venous hum.
  • Auscultopercussion:
    • ❖ To delineate stomach size
    • ❖ To diagnose hydropneumothorax.
Analysis of Data
  • Data collected from history—subjective data
  • Data collected from physical examination—objective data
Now compilation of subjective and objective data can be done in the following ways. If patient complains of chest pain, it may arise from:
  • Heart and associated great vessels
  • Lung and pleura
  • Esophagus
  • Musculoskeletal structure:
    • ❖ If pain is associated with exertion—think of cardiovascular disease
    • ❖ If pain alters with respiration—think of respiratory (pleural), and musculoskeletal structure
    • ❖ If pain arises during carrying heavy bag—think of musculoskeletal structure
    • ❖ If pain arises during swallowing and in retrosternal area—think of esophagus
    • ❖ If there is fever, weight loss, anorexia, then there is no definite history of structure or area involvement.
Detection of Processes or Causes from History of Present Illness
  • The following processes or causes are:
    • ❖ Congenital
    • ❖ Inflammatory
    • ❖ Vascular
    • ❖ Trauma
    • ❖ Infection
    • ❖ Nutritional
    • ❖ Metabolic
    • ❖ Neoplastic
    • ❖ Degenerative
    • ❖ Toxic.
      If a patient complains of headache, then it may signify:
    • ❖ Infection
    • ❖ Vascular
    • ❖ Trauma
    • ❖ Metabolic
    • ❖ Neoplastic
    • ❖ Nutritional.
      If there is associated vomiting and neck rigidity, then it may suggest:
    • ❖ Infection
    • ❖ Vascular—subarachnoid hemorrhage
    • ❖ Degenerative process—cervical spondylosis.
      If associated loss of consciousness it may suggest:
    • ❖ Vascular
    • ❖ Traumatic
    • ❖ Associated cerebral involvement in case of meningitis.
  • Pathophysiological process:
    • ❖ Congestive cardiac failure
    • ❖ Migraine.
  • Psychological:
    • ❖ Anxiety
    • ❖ Depression.
Working Out to Establish the Diagnosis
  • After getting history of present illness, relevant other history and findings of physical examination, it is necessary to perform necessary hematological, biochemical, serological (both routine and special), invasive and noninvasive radiological investigations for clinching the proper diagnosis or narrowing the differential diagnoses.
  • These depend upon the nature of symptom:
    • ❖ If it is vague, a large number of investigations are necessary to come to a diagnosis.
    • ❖ If the complaints are projected towards:
      • Specific structure or structures
      • A specific process
      • A specific cause.
    Then a limited number of investigations may be necessary to come to a diagnosis.
  • So a plan of future events like, investigations for confirmation of structural diagnosis and management are necessary having a specific cause and process. This should be discussed with patient or patient's party for:
    • ❖ Seeking his or her opinion
    • ❖ Willingness to perform future investigations, whichever and whenever these are necessary.
If the patient, his or her party are knowledgeable or understand the problem, then he or she will proceed.
Clustering of Data and its Challenges
  • Problem: After clustering of data, it may fit into one or several problems.
    • Age of the patient:
      • If the patient is young, the patient probably is suffering from one disease.
      • If the patient is older, he or she may suffer from multiple diseases.
    • Timing of illness:
      • If the patient suffers from pharyngitis 1 month ago, recent history of fever, cough, chest pain may not be related to previous pharyngitis.
      • If the patient now presents with discharge from penis followed by penile ulcer after 3 weeks—think of primary syphilis or gonorrhea.
      • If similar patient develops lymphadenopathy and skin rash after 2 months—think of secondary syphilis.
  • Involvement of different systems due to complaints, which relate to different systems:
    • ❖ Symptoms related to one body system.
    • ❖ Symptoms related to more than one body systems, e.g. patient may complains of chest pain, palpitation—which may relate to cardiovascular system, but if this patient also develops loose motions—it may relate to gastrointestinal system.
  • Occasionally, single disease may explain involvement of different systems: An alcoholic patient present with jaundice, ascites, previously diagnosed as cirrhosis of liver, present with decreased micturition and unconsciousness. In this case, it may be due to:
    • ❖ Involvement of brain due to increase blood ammonia level
    • ❖ Decreased micturition due to hepatorenal syndrome unless proved otherwise.
After collection of data—both subjective and objective, the interviewer should compose the data with proper interpretation.
By asking several relevant questions, he should exclude some of the differential diagnoses before doing investigations.
A clear well-organized clinical data is very necessary for patient's future care.