Textbook of Biochemistry for Paramedical Students P Ramamoorthy
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Biochemistry

The Cell (Biochemical and Biophysical Aspects)1

The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of the living organisms. Cells are composed of characteristic parts which coordinate together to perform a specific role. They are divided into two categories based on their organizational features.
  1. Prokaryotes: They have relatively simple structure and lack a well-defined nucleus, e.g. Bacteria.
  2. Eukaryotes: They are very complex in structure and function. They possess a well-defined nucleus surrounded by cell membrane, e.g. Humans, animals, plants.
The eukaryotic cell has three important parts (Fig. 1.1):
  1. Cytoplasm
  2. Nucleus
  3. Cell membrane.
The cytoplasm is composed of:
  1. Cytosol
  2. Subcellular organelles
  3. Subcellular fractions.
It is the soluble portion of the cell (cell sap). Several enzymes, coenzymes, inorganic ions, amino acids, nucleotides, metabolites, RNA molecules are present in the cytosol. It is the site of many chemical (metabolic) reactions required for existence of cells.
Subcellular Organelles
  1. Mitochondria
  2. Endoplasmic reticulum
  3. Golgi complex
  4. Lysosomes
  5. Peroxisomes.
Mitochondria are membrane bound cell organelles. Each cell contains few to several thousand number of mitochondria. They vary from cell to cell, more in metabolic active cells like liver, kidney, etc. They are spherical, oval, rod-shaped and vary in size.
It consists of two membranes:
  1. Inner membrane: It is arranged in a series of folds known as cristae enclosing the matrix which is fluid in nature containing enzymes for chemical reactions occurring in metabolism.
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    Figure 1.1: Structure of an eukaryotic cell
  2. Outer membrane: It is unwrinkled and surrounds the organelle. It consists mostly of phospholipids and considerable amount of cholesterol.
  • They are called as power houses of the cell, because they are involved in producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in electron transport chain. ATP is a high energy compound.
  • They contain enzymes for TCA cycle, β oxidation of fatty acids, ketone body formation, urea cycle, etc.
  • They also contain specific DNA which encodes information for synthesis of certain mitochondrial proteins.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
It is a network of membranes that form flattened sacs or tubules called cisterne. It is of two types:
  1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER): It is continuous with nuclear membrane. The outer surface of RER is studded with ribosomes, the sites of protein synthesis.
    • Functions: It synthesizes secretory proteins and membrane lipids.
  2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER): It extends from RER to form a network of membrane tubules. It does not have ribosomes on the outer surface of its membrane.
  • It is the site of synthesis of phospholipids, fats, steroids.
  • It is involved in the metabolism of certain drugs and toxic compounds and also in modification and transport of proteins synthesised in RER.
Golgi Complex
(Golgi bodies/Golgi apparatus)
Structure: It consists of 3–20 flattened membrane sacs with bulging edges called Golgi sacs. It was named after its discoverer Carmillo Golgi. Each cell may have one or more Golgi complexes.
The Golgi sacs differ in size and shape. Its convex side faces RER and the exit side faces plasma membrane. Between these are medial cisternae.
  • Protein sorting
  • Glycosylation reaction
  • Sulfuration.
Lysosomes are spherical vesicles surrounded by membranes. They are present in all cells except erythrocytes. They are derived from Golgi complex. They may vary in number and are 0.4 to 0.9μ in diameter. They contain a variety of hydrolytic and degradative enzymes. Acid phosphatase is a marker enzyme of lysosomes. They are called as suicidal bags of the cell.
  • Digestion of substances that enter a cell (Endocytosis)
  • Digestion of worn out organelles (Autophagocytosis)
  • Digestion of entire cell (Autolysis)
  • Extracellular digestion. Acrosome (present in head of spermatozoa) is a specialized lysosome. It penetrates ovum.
Clinical Importance
  • Enzymes released from ruptured lysosomes may damage tissue as in allergy, gout, etc. Some inborn errors of metabolism occur due to absence of specific acid hydrolases in lysosomes.
  • I cell disease occurs due to absence of all normal lysosome enzymes.
Peroxisomes are also membrane bound vesicles. They are smaller, spherical 0.5–1.5μ in diameter. Absence of peroxisomes leads to Zellweger's syndrome.
  • They contain enzymes like peroxidase, catalase which can oxidize various organic substances, and
  • Modified β oxidation of fatty acids.
Subcellular Fractions
It is a network of three different kinds of protein filaments which extend throughout the cell in the cytosol:
  • Microfilaments
  • Intermediate filaments
  • Microtubules.
  • It provides a structural framework of the cell.
  • It is responsible for cell movements including:
    • The internal cell organelles attachment
    • The movement of chromosomes during cell division
    • The movement of whole cell such as phagocytosis.
Ribosomes are tiny cell fractions which are packages of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. Each ribosome has two subunits bigger and smaller. They are produced in nucleolus present in the nucleus separately, exit the nucleus and join together in the cytosol.
There are two types of ribosomes:
  1. Free ribosomes: These are not attached to any structure in the cytoplasm. They synthesize protein used within the cell.
  2. Membrane ribosomes: These are attached to the nuclear membrane and also rough endoplasmic reticulum. They synthesize proteins for insertion in the plasma membrane or for export from the cell.
Ribosomes may join together in a string-like arrangement called polysomes (Polyribosome).
(Note: Ribosomes are also located within mitochondria where they are involved in synthesizing mitochondrial proteins).4
Prokaryotes: Its ribosomes (70s) have two subunits:
  1. 50s (large subunits).
  2. 30s (Small subunits).
Eukaryotes: Its ribosomes (80s) also have two subunits:
  1. 60s subunits (large subunits).
  2. 40s subunits (small subunits).
They are sites of protein synthesis.
It is the largest cellular organelle. It contains DNA which possesses the genetic information.
Nuclear envelope: It is a double membrane structure. It separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. It contains nuclear pores which permit the movement of RNAs and protein across the nuclear envelope.
Nucleolus: It is a dense body and is the site of synthesis of rRNAs.
Nucleoplasm: It is the ground material of the nucleus. It contains various enzymes like DNA polymerases and RNA polymerases.
  • Replication (DNA → DNA) and transcription (DNA → RNA) occur in the nucleus.
  • Humans have 46 chromosomes packed in the nucleus.
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Figure 1.2: Structure of cell membrane (Fluid mosaic model)
It is an envelope covering the cell. It separates cellular contents from the external environment.
Structure/Composition (Fig. 1.2)
It is composed of lipid, protein and carbohydrates. Its structure was described as fluid mosaic model by Singer and Nicolson in 1972. It is essentially composed of a lipid bilayer. The lipids present are phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol. The hydrophobic (nonpolar) regions of the lipids face each other at the core of the bilayer, and hydrophilic (polar) regions face outside. Proteins are irregularly embedded in the lipid bilayer. Proteins are globular proteins and are of two types:
  1. Extrinsic (peripheral) membrane proteins: These are loosely attached to the surface of the bilayer, e.g. Cytochrome c.
  2. Intrinsic (integral) membrane proteins: These are tightly bound to the lipid bilayer, e.g. Hormone receptors.
The membrane appears as a mosaic and freely changes and hence known as fluid mosaic model.
  • Transport of molecules in and out of cells
  • Intercellular communication
  • Protection of cell contents from external environment.
Fundamental laws of chemistry and physics apply equally well to biological systems. Hence related biophysical principles are described here.
Water is the most abundant component of the body. It contains about 60% of total body weight. The cell contains approximately 80% of water. Molecular formula of water is H2O and its molecular weight is 18. Its structure resembles an irregular tetrahedron with oxygen in the center. It is a polar molecule. It is an ideal biological solvent and modifies the properties of biomolecules. It is very essential to life and water balance should be maintained to have normal and healthy life.
Water molecules have slight tendency to dissociate to form hydroxide ions and hydrogen ions. This is known as dissociation of water. It can be represented by the following equation:
H2O H+ + OH
Water behaves as a weak electrolyte establishing a chemical equilibrium by the reaction as shown above.
It refers to the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration.
pH = –log [H+]
The term pH was introduced by Sorensen in 1909 who defined pH as mentioned above. It refers to relative acidity. pH scale is 1–14. pH of water is 7. pH lower than 7 denotes high concentration of H+ (acidic). pH higher than 7 denotes lower concentration of H+ (Alkaline).
pH of any solution can be determined by several methods:
  • pH meter
  • pH paper
  • Indicators.
Biomedical Importance
  • Various body fluids maintain a specific pH for the reaction to occur. pH of blood is 7.4; pH of normal urine is 6.0. Acid-base balance should be maintained to have normal and healthy life.
  • Amino acid and protein exist as Zwitter ions at isoelectric pH
  • Change in pH may result in impairment of acid-base balance.
Concept of acid-base chemistry is based on Lowry Bronsted theory.
An acid may be defined as:
  • A substance or ion that dissociates to yield hydrogen.
  • A substance that gives of protons (H+). Acid is a proton donor.
H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3
A base can be defined as:
  • A substance that yields OH ions.
    NaOH → Na+ + OH
  • A substance that combines with protons (H+). Base is a proton acceptor.
It is a combination of acid and base.
A salt is a compound of a metal radical (or a metal acting radical) and an acid radical.
A buffer is one that tends to maintain constant hydrogen ion concentration when acid or alkali is added to it, i.e. it resists a change in pH on addition of acid or alkali.
It is a mixture of:
  • A weak acid and its conjugate base (salt)
  • A weak base and its conjugate acid (salt).
Principal physiological buffers:
  • Bicarbonate buffer
  • Hemoglobin buffer
  • Phosphate buffer
  • Protein buffer.
  • To maintain pH of blood and other body fluids (acid-base balance)
  • To resist change in pH of any solution.
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
This equation states that pH is dependent on the ratio of the concentration of the base to acid.
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation for any buffer can be written as:
  • To determine pH of any buffer solution
  • To determine pH of blood or any body fluid.
It is the movement of solute molecules across a permeable membrane from high concentration to lower concentration until they get uniformly distributed.
When NaCl (solute) is added to water (solvent), it rapidly spreads and forms a homogeneous solution. Diffusion is more rapid in gases than in liquids.
Biomedical Importance
  • Exchange of gases (O2 and CO2) in lungs and tissues occurs through diffusion.
  • Nutrients like pentoses, some mineral ions and water soluble vitamins are absorbed by diffusion in GI tract.
  • Passage of the waste products like ammonia, urea in the renal tubules occurs through diffusion.
Osmosis is the passage of solvent (water) to the solution through semipermeable membrane.
Flow of solvent occurs from a solution of low concentration to a solution of high concentration through a semipermeable membrane. It occurs in the direction opposite to that of diffusion.
Osmotic Pressure
It is the excess pressure that must be applied to a solution to prevent the passage of solvent into the solution when both are separated by a semipermeable membrane. It is the force required to oppose osmosis.
It depends on the number of solute particles and not on their nature (colligative property).
  • 7Iso-osmotic: Solution that exerts the same osmotic pressure. When a cell is in direct contact with an iso-osmotic solution (0.9% NaCl), it is said to be isotonic
  • Hypertonic: Solution with greater osmotic pressure
  • Hypotonic: Solution with lower osmotic pressure
  • Oncotic pressure: It represents the osmotic pressure of colloidal substances, e.g. Albumin.
    • Instrument to measure osmotic pressure: Osmometer
    • Unit of measurement: Milliosmoles/L
    • Osmotic pressure of plasma = 280–300 milliosmoles/L.
Biomedical Importance
  • Fluid balance: Fluid balance of the various compartments of the body and blood volume are maintained due to osmosis.
  • Fragility of RBC: RBC undergoes hemolysis when kept in hypotonic solution. It is increased in hemolytic jaundice and decreased in certain anemias.
  • Transfusion: Isotonic solutions (9% NaCl or 5% glucose) or a suitable mixture of both are used in transfusion to treat burns, dehydration, etc.
  • Edema: It occurs due to reduced oncotic pressure of plasma leading to accumulation of excess fluid in tissue spaces as in hypoalbuminemia.
  • Osmotic diuresis: It occurs in diabetes mellitus due to loss of water, electrolytes and glucose in the urine.
It is a technique for separating colloidal particles from small ions using a cellophane, collodion or parchment dialyzing membrane.
Biomedical Importance
  • Dialysis of blood of patients with renal failure helps to remove small solutes such as uurea, reatinine from blood, while retaining plasma proteins and blood cells. It is applied in medicine in the ‘artificial kidney’.
  • It is used to separate proteins from a mixture with salts.
Non-diffusible ions occurring on one side of semipermeable membrane increase the concentration of oppositely charged diffusible ions, by decreasing their diffusion to the other side. They decrease similarly charged diffusible ions on the same side by increasing their diffusion to the opposite side. But the total cations and anions are equal on either side at equilibrium. This is known as Gibbs-Donnan membrane equilibrium.
Biomedical Importance
Gibbs-Donnan effect is observed in the following:
  • Difference in ionic concentrations in various fluid compartments of the body
  • Low pH in RBC
  • Osmotic imbalance
  • Chloride shift
  • Concentration of Na+/K+ in renal glomerular filtrate.
The force with which the surface molecules are held together and form a membrane over the surface of the liquid is known as ‘surface tension’ of the liquid.
Drop weight method using stalagmometer.
Factors affecting surface tension:
  • Bile salts, soaps, detergents, lipids and proteins decrease surface tension.
  • Most inorganic salts (NaCl, KCl) slightly raise surface tension.
Biomedical Importance
  • 8Hay's test for bile salts: It is used to detect bile salts in urine of patients suffering from jaundice. Bile salts in urine lower surface tension which is responsible for sulfur to sink.
  • Digestion and absorption of fats: Bile salts lower surface tension of fat droplets and form emulsification. This is important for digestion and absorption of lipids.
  • Surfactants in lung function: Surfactants (e.g. Dipalmitoyl lecithin) is responsible for maintaining low surface tension in the alveoli. Its deficiency causes respiratory distress syndrome in the infants.
It is the internal resistance offered by a liquid or a gas to flow.
By using Ostwald's viscosimeter.
Biomedical Importance
  • Viscosity of blood: Blood is more viscous than water. It is due to suspended blood cells and colloidal plasma protein. It is high in polycythemia and low in chronic anemia. Blood viscosity helps in the streamlining the blood flow.
  • Viscosity of synovial fluid: Hyaluronic acid present in synovial fluid imparts viscosity which helps in the lubricating function of joints.
Solutes (substances) can be divided into two groups based on their passage through membrane.
  1. Crystalloids: Substances which diffuse readily through membrane (e.g. Sugar, salts, etc.). They usually exist in crystalline form.
  2. Colloids: Substances which cannot diffuse (or diffuse at a very slow rate) are called as colloids, e.g. Albumin, gelatin, starch, etc. These are noncrystallizable.
Colloids are of two types depending on their ability to take up the dispersion medium.
  1. Emulsoids (Lyophilic colloids): This type of colloids have great affinity for water. They carry electric charges—positive and negative of proteins. They are stable and not easily precipitated.
  2. Suspensoids (Lyophobic colloids): These colloids are not hydrated. They carry definite electric charge. They are easily precipitated.
  • Brownian movement: It is the continuous and haphazard movement of colloidal particles.
  • Tyndall effect: It refers to scattering of light when passed through a colloidal solution.
  • Electrical property: Colloidal particles carry electric charge which may be positive or negative. They can be separated by electrophoresis.
  • Osmotic pressure: Colloids exert low osmotic pressure.
Biomedical Importance
  • Donnan membrane equilibrium: Nondiffusible colloids (protein) in biological system influence the concentration of diffusible ions across the membrane.
  • Adsorption: Emulsoids can imbibe good amount of water. Adsorption is a colloidal phenomenon.
  • Biological compounds, complex molecules such as protein, lipids and polysaccharides exist in colloidal state.
  • Biological fluid: Blood, cerebrospinal fluid and milk exist as colloids.
  • 9Protective colloids: Colloids which prevent precipitation are known as protective colloids. Bile salts act as protective colloids and prevent precipitation of cholesterol and bile salts (gallstone). Protective colloids present in urine prevent formation of urinary stones.
It is the process of accumulation of a substance on the surface of another substance.
Biomedical Importance
  • It is used for the separation and purification of compounds like enzymes.
  • Drugs and poisons exert their action on adsorption at the cell surface.
  • Catalysis: It occurs due to absorption of substrate on the enzyme forming enzyme substrate complex.
It is a process by which a substance is not only retained on the surface, but also penetrating to the interior of the material.
Biomedical Importance
Some compounds bring about water insoluble substances soluble in water by absorption. For example, soaps of higher fatty acids, benzoic acid. These compounds are known as hydrotropic substances.
The phenomenon by which unstable atomic nucleus of some elements emits ionizing radiation during decay, is known as radioactivity.
Types of Radiation
There are three types of radiations: a rays, b rays and g rays.
The elements with the same atomic number but different atomic weight.
There are two types of isotopes:
  1. Stable isotopes (Nonradioactive): They are naturally occurring isotopes and do not emit radiations, e.g. 2H (Deuteriun/Heavy hydrogen).
  2. Radioactive isotopes: These compounds continuously disintegrate with spontaneous emission of radiation (a, b or g rays).
Instruments to measure radioactivity:
  • Geiger Muller Counter
  • Liquid Scintillation Counter.
  • 14C, 15N, 32P, etc. are used to study intermediary metabolism.
  • 59Fe, 45Ca, 131I, etc. are used to study mineral metabolism.
Used for treatment of some diseases:
  • 131I for thyroid cancer
  • 32P for polycythemia vera
  • 48Au for pleural/peritoneal effusion.
Used to estimate hormones by radioimmuno-assay, e.g. T3, T4, TSH, etc.10
Exposure to radioactivity is harmful for living organisms.
  • It affects bone marrow, GI tract and CNS.
  • It produces carcinogenesis and genetic effects.
  • It shortens the life span.
The role of the cell membrane is to allow compounds to enter or leave the cells in an orderly manner for the normal functions of the cell.
Transport Mechanisms for Small Molecules
There are two main types of mechanisms for the transport of solutes (small molecules) through the membrane.
  1. Passive transport
  2. Active transport
  • Passive transport: The solute passes from high concentration to lower concentration along concentration gradient. It is of two types:
    • Simple (Passive) diffusion: It occurs from higher concentration to lower concentration. It does not require carrier protein or energy. It is a slow process and operates unidirectionally, e.g. Passage of gases, pentoses, water into the cells.
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    • Facilitated diffusion: It also allows solutes along concentration gradient (higher concentration to lower concentration). It requires carrier protein, but does not require energy. It operates bidirectionally. Its mechanism can be explained by ping-pong model, e.g. Transfer of fructose into intestinal mucosal cells.
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    • Active transport: It occurs against concentration gradient (lower concentration to higher concentration) and electrical gradient. Thus it requires energy and also carrier protein, e.g. Transport of glucose into intestinal mucosal cells is mediated by sodium pump (Na+-K+ ATPase).
(Note: Membranes of host cells contain specific channels or ionophores. Channels are specific for inorganic ions like sodium, potassium, chloride, etc. Ionophores are specific for sufficiently small organic molecules like antibiotics).
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Transport System
The transport system is mainly divided into two types:
  1. Uniport system: It refers to the movement of a single molecule through the membrane, e.g. Transport of glucose into RBCs.
  2. Cotransport system: It is divided into two subtypes:
    • Symport system: It refers to the simultaneous transport of two different molecules in the same direction, e.g. Transport of sodium and glucose into the intestinal cells.
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    • Antiport system: It refers to the simultaneous transport of two different molecules in the opposite directions, e.g. Exchange of chloride and bicarbonate in RBCs.
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Transport of Macromolecules
The transport of macromolecules, e.g. Polysaccharides, proteins and polynucleotides through the membrane is brought about by the two different mechanisms.
  1. Endocytosis: It indicates entry of macromolecules into the cells through the membrane, e.g. Uptake of low density lipoproteins (LDL) by the cells.
  2. Exocytosis: It refers to the exit of macromolecules from the cells through the membrane, e.g. Secretion of hormones like insulin and parathyroid hormone.
Composition of human body:
  • Major elements: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
  • Other elements: Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, etc.
  • Water: The major constituent of the human body (60%).
  • Biomolecules: Five major complex biomolecules are polysaccharides, complex lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. (Dna and RNA).
  • Microsomes (Microsomal fraction): It is mostly a mixture of RER, SER and free ribosomes formed during cell fractionation.
  • Cell organelle: It is defined as subcellular entity surrounded by membrane and can be isolated by centrifugation. According to this definition, cytosol, cytoskeleton and ribosomes are not subcellular organelles but are considered as subcellular fractions.
Methods to Separate Subcellular Organelles
Subcellular fractionation: It consists of three procedures:
  1. Extraction
  2. Homogenization
  3. Differential centrifugation (using ultracentri-fuge).
Methods to determine biomolecular structure:
  • NMR spectroscopy
  • Mass spectrometry
  • X-ray crystallography, etc.