Obstetrics & Gynecology: Clinical Correlations with Diagnostic Implications Richa Saxena
Page numbers followed by f refers to figure and t refers to table
Abnormal uterine bleeding, types of 128f
complete 101, 103
incomplete 101, 102f, 103
inevitable 101, 102f
missed 101, 102f, 103
spontaneous 85, 129
threatened 101, 102f, 103
Abruptio placenta 28
Adenomyosis 129, 134
Adnexal masses 56
Alanine transaminase 63
Amenorrhea 128, 141, 142f, 143, 144t, 145
causes of 144t
American Joint Committee on Cancer 149
Amniocentesis 10, 45
procedure of 11f
Amnionitis 85
Amniotic fluid
index 38, 52
volume 49, 51
Amsel's criteria 172
Anemia 67, 71
causes of 70, 70f
hemolytic 71
iron deficiency 69t, 71
macrocytic 83
megaloblastic 84f
microcytic 67
Anisocytosis 68
Antenatal period 82
Antibody screening 5
Artery, cerebral 49, 52
Ascites 166
Asherman's syndrome 104
Aspartate transaminase 63
Aspiration, endometrial 128, 135, 138f, 159
Atonic uterus 118
Atrophic vaginitis 136
Atrophy, endometrial 136
Azithromycin 176
Bacterial vaginosis 172
Baden-Walker halfway system 205, 205t
Biophysical profile 49, 51
cervical 189
endometrial 128, 135, 159, 160, 160t
Biparietal diameter 49
abnormal 127
intermenstrual 128
nature of 31
piles 71
postmenopausal 135
postpartum 116
vaginal 26
clotting disorders 32
dyscrasias 192
glucose screening 5
group typing 99
loss 71
amount of 31
pressure 32
typing 5
urea 63
cancer 147, 152t
TNM staging of 150t-152t
discomfort 4
disease 155
lump 155
malignancy 147
Brittle nails 92
Cancer 211
cachexia 167
cervical 136, 188, 189, 194, 194t
endometrial 158, 161, 192
ovarian 163, 169
staging of 189
vaginal 136
vulval 136
Candida albicans 174
Candida glabrata 174
Candida krusei 174
Candida tropicalis 174
Carcinoma in situ 190
Carcinoma, location of 148f
Cardiotocography, fetal 49
abnormal shape of 68
abnormal size of 68
Cephalic version, external 58
Cervical cancer, stage of 189t
Cervicitis 136, 192
Cervix 192
Cesarean delivery 40t
Cesarean wound inspection 113
Chadwick's sign 4
Chemoradiation 192
Chemotherapy 154, 192
Chlamydia trachomatis 176, 182
Chlamydial infection 177
Chondromalacia punctata 87
Choriocarcinoma 109
Chorionic villus sampling
transabdominal 13
transcervical 12f
Clue cells 172
Cold intolerance 92
Colpectomy, total 205
Colpocleisis 205
Colporrhaphy 205
Colposcopy 188, 193
Complete blood count 99
Complete hydatidiform mole 108, 109
Complex endometrial hyperplasia 140
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation 201
Coomb's test 43f
direct 43f, 44
indirect 42, 43, 43f
Cord entanglement 55
Cordocentesis, procedure of 46f
Crown-rump length 39, 49
Cryotherapy 192
Cul-de-sac, obliteration of 206
Culdoplasty 205, 206
Cystoscopy 189
Daily fetal movement count 51
Danazol 157
Decubitus ulcers 192, 206
Deep tendon reflexes 92
Deep vein thrombosis 122, 122f
Diabetes mellitus 174
Douglas, pouch of 179, 200
Down syndrome 8, 9, 10
Ductus venosus 49, 52
Dysmenorrhea 131, 132f, 133, 133f, 134
causes of 134t
Dysplasia, cervical 194
Eclampsia 61
Edema 92
Endemic iodine deficiency 92
Endocervical polyp 184
Endometrial cancer
development of 136, 137t, 159
staging for 161t
treatment of 162t
Endometrial hyperplasia, management of 140f
Endometrial sampling, process of 137
Endometriosis 134, 198, 200, 201t
Endometriotic lesions 201f
Endometritis 129
Endoscopy 189
Enterocele sac, closure of 205
Epithelial cells, vaginal 172
Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor 109
Erosions, cervical 24, 192
Escherichia coli 113
Estimated fetal weight 48, 52
European Society of Hysteroscopy Classification of Myomas 211f
Fallopian tube 95, 145, 192
Femoral vein 123f
Femur length 49
Fertilization, normal process of 108
Fetal death 9
Fetal dysmaturity syndrome 40, 40t
Fetal echogenic bowel 10
Fetal growth restricted babies 49
Fetal movement
count 51
perception of 4
Fibroids 207, 208
Fibromyomas 208
Fistula 206
Fresh frozen plasma 88
Fundal height 31, 56
Galactorrhea 213, 216
molar 108f
multifetal 32
multiple 9
period of 104
Gestational age
overestimation of 9
underestimation of 9
intrauterine 5f
Gestational trophoblastic disease, classification of 109t
Glucose challenge test 13, 73
Goiter 92
Growth restriction, intrauterine 48
Halban cul-de-sac closure 206
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 92
Hemoglobin 69, 91
Hemorrhage 87
antepartum 23, 28, 71
atonic postpartum 116
postpartum 71, 118, 119t
Hepatitis B serology 5
Hepatitis screen 80
HIV genotype 80
HIV serology 5
Homan's sign 122, 122f
Hookworm infestation 71
Hormone replacement therapy 136, 140
Hydramnios 32, 56
Hyperemesis 109
Hyperplasia 219
endometrial 136, 192
simple 139
Hypertension 32, 61, 192
degree of 64
gestational 61
Hypertensive disorders 60
pregnancy, classification of 61t
Hypoglycemia 41
Hypomenorrhea 128
Hypothyroidism 90
signs and symptoms of 91, 92t
abdominal 140, 167, 169, 205
simple 139
vaginal 203, 205
Hysterosalpingography 208
Hysteroscopy 189
Infertility 212
Injection vitamin K 88
Insemination, intrauterine 219
Internal podalic version 58f
International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups 73
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 168
Staging System for Cervical Cancer 190t
International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 60
Intraepithelial neoplasia, cervical 193
Intrauterine growth restriction 48
Invasive cervical carcinoma, treatment of 192t
Iron binding capacity 69
Iron deficiency anemia
causes of 71t
treatment of 71f
Kallmann's syndrome 145
Kegel exercises 203, 204
Kidney function test 63, 99
Kleihauer-Betke test 44
abnormal 17, 18f, 21f
dysfunctional 20
induction of 35, 37, 39
normal 21f
stages of 19f
Lactate dehydrogenase 63
Laser ablation 197
Laser therapy 192
Le Fort colpocleisis 205
Leiomyomas 129, 208,211
types of 209f
Liver function test 63, 99
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure 192, 195
Loop excision of transformation zone, procedure of 196f
Low alpha-fetoprotein levels 9t
Low lying placenta previa 25f
Low molecular weight heparin 86
Lugol's iodine, application of 195
Lymph nodes
pathologic 151
regional 150, 168
Macrocytes 83f
Macrophages 201
Macrosomia 56
cervical 188
endometrial 136
Mammogram 148, 153, 155, 155f
Manchester operation 205
consistency of 166
malignant 149f
Mastitis 112, 113
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome 145
McCall's culdoplasty 204, 206
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 68, 69
Mean corpuscular volume 68, 69, 91
Meconium staining 40
premature rupture of 34, 35, 36f
preterm rupture of 32
Menometrorrhagia 128
Menorrhagia 127, 128, 207
Menstrual abnormalities 71
Methotrexate, administration of 97
Metropathia hemorrhagica 192
Metrorrhagia 128
incomplete 100
inevitable 103
spontaneous 47, 100
types of 103t
complete 109t
hydatidiform 56, 106, 107
invasive 109
partial 109t
Monochorionic twins 55
Morning sickness 4
Moschcowitz culdoplasty 205, 206
Mother-to-child transmission of infection 82
Müllerian agenesis 145
Muscle cramps 92
Myomas 207, 208
Myomectomy, hysteroscopic 210, 210f
National High Blood Pressure Education Program 60
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 182
Neoplasia, intraepithelial 190
Neural tube defects 9, 10, 10f
New York Heart Association Functional Classification of Heart Disease 89
Nipple retraction 147f
Nonstress test 49, 51, 78
Normal reference value 69
Normal umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound waveforms 53f
Nuchal translucency 10, 11f
Obstruction, intestinal 183
Oligohydramnios 9
Oligomenorrhea 128
Oliguria 65
Oral analgesic drugs 198
Oral contraceptive pills 219
Osteoporosis, maternal 87
Ovarian cancer, treatment of 168t
Ovarian carcinoma, staging of 167t
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 219
Ovarian malignancy 163, 169
Ovarian tumor 192
Oxytocin challenge test 51
Palpation, abdominal 113
Pap smear 185, 186, 193, 197
Para-aortic lymphadenectomy 192
Pelvic inflammatory disease 134, 178
Pelvic lymph node sampling 162t
Pelvic lymphadenectomy 192
Pelvic organ
deformity of 201
prolapse, evaluation of 205t
Pelvic pain, chronic 198
PID, stages of 182t
Placenta abruption 31, 31t
Placenta previa 23-25, 31, 31t, 129
marginal 25f
partial 25f
total 25f
types of 24
Placenta, invasive 118
Placenta, normal 29f
Placental abruption 29, 31, 32
classification of 30f
Plot partogram 17
Poikilocytosis 68
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 216
Polymenorrhea 128
Polyps 24, 192
cervical 129
endometrial 129, 136
Postcoital bleeding, causes of 192t
Postmenopausal bleeding, causes of 136t
Postrenal failure 206
Powder-burn lesions 200
Preeclampsia 60, 61
classification of 64, 64t
adolescent 16
anembryonic 104
complications of 129
ectopic 47, 94, 95, 95f, 96f, 97t, 98f, 129
heart disease in 86
HIV in 80
intrauterine 129
molar 9, 106
normal 3
postmature 39
postterm 38, 39
teenage 14
therapeutic termination of 47
thyroid disease in 90
Premenstrual syndrome 134
Proctoscopy 189
Progestogen challenge test 141, 144
Prostaglandins 39
Prosthetic valves in situ 86
Proteinuria 62t, 65
Prune juice discharge 107
Puerperal pyrexia 112
Puerperal sepsis 113
Pulsatility index 49, 52
Pyoperitoneum 183
Pyrexia, causes of 113
Radiation therapy 154
Radical trachelectomy 192
Rationale behind cytoreductive surgery 169
Rectosigmoidoscopy 189
Resistance index 49
Retroplacental clot, volume of 30
Rh isoimmunization 42, 44
pathogenesis of 45f
Sacral colpopexy 205
Sacrospinous colpopexy, transvaginal 206
Salpingoophorectomy, bilateral 140, 167
Sella turcica, MRI of 213
Senile endometritis 192
Senile vaginitis 192
Serum iron concentration 69
Serum uric acid 63
Sexually transmitted diseases 15, 134, 175
Sexually transmitted infection 175, 176
Simple endometrial hyperplasia with atypia 139
Small for gestational age babies 49
Smooth umbilical venous cord flow 52
Sonography, transvaginal 96f, 101, 107f
Squamous intraepithelial lesion, high-grade 193, 194
Submucosal pedunculated fibroids 134
Submucous fibroids 136
Submucous leiomyomas 210
Suprapubic urethrocolpopexy 205
Syphilis serology 5
Systolic blood pressure 64
fetal 37
maternal 37
Tamoxifen 157
Thalassemia 69t
Theca cell tumors 192
Thrombocytopenia syndrome, heparin-induced 87
Thrombophilias 32
Thyroid dysfunction 216
Thyroid gland 92
Transverse cerebellar diameter 49
Trauma, vulval 192
Trichomonas vaginalis 175
Trichomoniasis 172
Triple screening tests 9t
Trophoblastic disease, gestational 108, 129
Tubercular endometritis 192
Tubo-ovarian abscess 178, 180
drainage of 182
fixation of 166
stage 150-152
trophoblastic 109
vaginal 192
Twin gestation 54
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 55
Ulceration 206
Ultrasonography 207
Doppler flow velocimetry 49
estimated fetal weight 49
transvaginal 158
Umbilical artery 49, 51, 52
Umbilical vein 49
Urinary incontinence 206
Urine pregnancy test home kit 4f
Uterine artery 52
Uterine bleeding 128t
dysfunctional 127
Uterine compression, bimanual 117f
Uterine fibroids 56, 207
Uterine leiomyomas 32
Uterine procidentia 205f
Uterine prolapse 203, 205f
stages of 205f
Uterine tenderness 30
Uterosacral ligaments 200
Uterovaginal prolapse 203
Vagina 192
Vaginal bleeding, irregular 109
Vaginal colporrhaphy, combined 205
Vaginal discharge 171, 173f
Vaginal mucosa, changes in 4
Vaginal procedure 206
Vaginal repair and uterine suspension 205
Vaginitis 192
causes of 172t
VDRL test 5
Venous thromboembolism 121
Vision, blurring of 64
Voice, hoarseness of 92
Vulva 192
benign or malignant lesions of 192
Vulvovaginal candidiasis 171, 172
Vulvovaginitis 171
Whiff test 172
Chapter Notes

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  • Section 1: General Obstetrics
    • 1. Normal pregnancy
    • 2. Pregnancy at an Advanced Maternal Age
    • 3. Teenage Pregnancy
    • 4. Abnormal Labor
  • Section 2: Pregnancy-Related Complications
    • 5. Placenta Previa
    • 6. Abruptio Placenta
    • 7. Premature Rupture of Membranes
    • 8. Postterm Pregnancy
    • 9. Rh Isoimmunization
    • 10. Intrauterine Growth Restriction
    • 11. Twin Gestation
  • Section 3: Medical Conditions During Pregnancy
    • 12. Preeclampsia
    • 13. Anemia
    • 14. Gestational Diabetes
    • 15. Hiv in Pregnancy
    • 16. Heart Disease in Pregnancy
    • 17. Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy
  • Section 4: Abnormal Pregnancy Outcome
    • 18. Ectopic Pregnancy
    • 19. Spontaneous Miscarriage
    • 20. Hydatidiform Mole
  • Section 5: Postpartum Complications
    • 21. Puerperal Pyrexia
    • 22. Postpartum Bleeding
    • 23. Venous Thromboembolism2

Section 1 General Obstetrics Normal PregnancyCHAPTER 1

Q. 1. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
  1. Blood hCG titers
  2. Ultrasound examination
  3. Glucose challenge test
  4. Prescription of folic acid tablets
Ans. A (Blood hCG titers)
The diagnosis of pregnancy is based on clinical signs and symptoms described in Table 1.1. In case of positive urine pregnancy test at home (Fig. 1.1), testing of blood or urine for hCG must be performed. The levels of β-hCG can be detected in maternal plasma or urine by 8–9 days postovulation using sensitive tests such as immunoradiometric assay techniques. The doubling time of β-hCG varies between 1.4 to 2.0 days. Serum β-hCG levels start increasing from the day of blastocyst implantation and peak at about 60–70 days. Thereafter, the levels of β-hCG decline slowly until nadir is reached at about 16 weeks of gestation. The sensitivity for lab detection of β-hCG in serum using immunoradiometric assays is about 1.0 mIU/mL whereas that using home pregnancy test kits is about 12.5 mIU/mL or even more. An intrauterine gestational sac can be visualized on transabdominal scanning by 4–5 weeks of gestational age (Fig 1.2). With transvaginal scanning this finding is likely to appear 1 week earlier. 4
Table 1.1   Signs and symptoms in a pregnant woman
  • Cessation of menses
  • Morning sickness
  • Increased frequency of micturition
  • Breast discomfort
  • Fatigue
  • Cervical mucus: The cervical mucus shows a beading pattern.
  • Changes in the breasts: There is a marked proliferation and hypertrophy of mammary ducts and alveoli; hypertrophy of the connective tissue stroma and increased vascularity; and the nipples become larger, erectile and pigmented
  • Changes in the vaginal mucosa: The vaginal mucosa appears dark bluish or purplish-red and congested. This is also known as the Chadwick's sign
  • Skin changes: Increased skin pigmentation and appearance of abdominal striae is commonly encountered
  • Changes in the uterus: Uterus increases in size in accordance with the period of gestation. This is associated with progressive enlargement of the abdomen
  • Cervical changes: There is increased cervical softening due to the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the elastic and connective tissue fibers and increase in vascularity within the cervical stroma
  • Perception of fetal movements: In multiparous women, fetal movements may be perceived between 16 to 18 weeks of gestation. In primiparous women, the fetal movements may be encountered nearly 2 weeks later (18–20 weeks).
zoom view
Fig. 1.1: Urine pregnancy test home kit. (A) The kit showing negative result; (B) The kit showing positive test result
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Intrauterine gestational sac at 4 weeks and 3 days of gestation on transabdominal ultrasound
Q. 2. What are the steps involved in the initial prenatal evaluation of this patient?
Ans. Initial prenatal evaluation of this patient comprises of the following steps:
  • Assessment of health status of the mother and the fetus
  • Estimation of the gestational age: The gestational age is usually calculated from the date of LMP. However, since in this case the patient was not sure of the dates of her last periods, a first trimester ultrasound examination for the estimation of correct gestational age is required.
  • Initiation of plan for continuing obstetric care.
Investigations to be done at the time of initial visit comprise of the tests described in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2   Investigations to be performed at the time of first prenatal visit
  • Hematocrit or hemoglobin levels (repeat hemoglobin estimation at 28 and 36 weeks)
  • Blood typing (ABO/Rh)
  • Antibody screening and blood glucose screening (in selected cases)
  • Syphilis serology: VDRL test
  • Hepatitis B serology
  • HIV serology
  • Rubella serology
  • Urine examination (for proteins, sugar and pus cells): urine with dipstick tested at each antenatal visit
  • Ultrasound scanning
    • First trimester scanning for early pregnancy diagnosis, accurate dating, estimation of number of fetuses and evaluation of fetal viability
    • Second trimester scanning at 18–20 weeks is required for detailed fetal anatomy survey, identification of fetal structural anomalies and placental localization.
Prenatal visits schedule
Prenatal visits are scheduled at intervals of 4 weeks until 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and weekly thereafter.
Q. 3. What is the next step of management in this patient?
  1. Serum screening for neural tube defects by measuring alphafetoprotein levels
  2. Ultrasound examination
  3. Prescription of iron tablets
  4. Screening for gestational diabetes
Ans. B (Ultrasound examination)
Ultrasound examination at 18–20 weeks allows for detailed fetal anatomy survey, identification of fetal structural anomalies and placental localization. For a woman whose placenta is found to be extending across the internal cervical os during this time should be offered another scan in third trimester and the results of this scan reviewed at next appointment. Although the absolute benefit is not clear, this second trimester ultrasound examination is routinely performed in the clinical practice.
Ultrasound examination also helps in the evaluation of nuchal thickness, which serves as screening method for neural tube defects in the first trimester.
Genetic screening involving the estimation of alpha-fetoprotein levels and triple or quadruple screening test is usually performed between 16 to 20 weeks' gestation. However, this is especially required in women with an advanced age (>35 years) and those having risk factors for neural tube defects or chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, etc.). Triple test involves measurement of three parameters: alpha-fetoprotein levels, levels of hCG and levels of unconjugated estriol. Quadruple test includes estimation of inhibin A levels also along with the measurement of the three parameters described with the triple test. Fetal alpha-fetoprotein levels greater than 2.0–2.5 MOM are suspicious for neural tube defects and require further evaluation. Reduced levels of alpha-fetoprotein are indicative of Down syndrome. In Down syndrome, alpha-fetoprotein levels and levels of unconjugated estriol are reduced whereas that of hCG and inhibin A is elevated.
Screening for gestational diabetes especially in the women with low risk is routinely not required. The woman in the previously described case study does not appear to have any risk factor for development of gestational diabetes.
Prescription of iron tablets is required only in case of women at a high risk for development of anemia or those who are already anemic (as evidenced by blood studies). Low-risk women with normal blood values do not require routine iron supplementation during pregnancy. Iron supplementation is not 7routinely offered to all pregnant women in developed countries. However, this may not be the case in developing countries where anemia is more prevalent amongst the women of childbearing age groups.
Q. 4. Does she require any change in medication at this point of time?
  1. Blood transfusion
  2. Calcium tablets
  3. Administration of RhoGAM
  4. Iron tablets
Ans. D (Iron tablets)
A hemoglobin level of less than 10 g/dL needs to be investigated and oral hematinics (iron supplements) be started. If the period of gestation is less than 30 completed weeks, oral iron preparations (containing 50–100 mg of elemental iron with 500 μg of folic acid) must be prescribed in divided doses. Blood transfusion may be required in cases where there is not enough time to achieve a reasonable hemoglobin levels before delivery, e.g. patient presents with severe anemia beyond 36 weeks; there is acute blood loss or associated infections; hemoglobin levels less than 6 gm%, etc.
Routine supplementation with calcium in the dosage of 1,200 mg is routinely required during pregnancy. Administration of RhoGAM at 28 weeks is required in nonimmunized Rh-negative women. The previously described case study does not give any indication that the woman is Rh negative.