Kerala PGI Dental Edge
GR Manikandan
Junior Resident Department of Periodontics Government Dental College
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Presanthila Janam

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Kerala PGI Dental Edge
First Edition: 2015
Second Edition: 2016
Printed at
Dr Presanthila Janam MDS
Government Dental College
Kerala, India
Tel: (91)(471)2444092-40
Fax: 2444092-666
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It is my great privilege to write a few words about the book ‘Kerala PGI Dental Edge’, which is a great effort by Dr Manikandan GR. He is a very good student of mine, doing postgraduation in my department. He has won so many awards for various International, National and State scientific presentations within this period. The hallmark of this book is that it contains fully solved papers needed for the national-level examinations, like PGI and Kerala MDS, in a simple and lucid manner. I am confident that this book will give a glance to all the related high-yield topics and will be informative and interesting for the MDS aspirants in dentistry. He deserves a hearty congratulations for all the efforts and hard work and I am sure this book will be of great help to the undergraduates gaining insight into the subjects.
‘Wishing this endeavor a grand success!!’
Dr Presanthila Janam
Preface to the Second Edition
With warmth and happiness I am scribbling the lines for the preface to the second edition of this book. I am happy with the overwhelming response for the first edition. I am indeed happy to make out the second edition with the publishing tycoons, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. Let this effort kindle the fire of passion to seek knowledge in the proper direction in pursuit of PGI and Kerala MDS examination.
Wishing all my readers all the success in the name of Almighty!
When we share laughter, we share double the fun and when we share knowledge, we surpass what we had done.
Manikandan GR
Preface to the First Edition
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Dreams are not which we see in the night only, real dreams are innovations with a heartfelt desire. The everlasting saga of knowledge and medical facts are such a treasure to cherish. I am happy to present before all my dear readers my sincere attempt to bring this book in a easy lucid and student friendly manner. It is indeed an amalgamation of my dreams and my efforts to make that dream come true. I hope my attempt will satisfy your thirst for a book of this manner first ever in the history of Kerala MDS. KERALA DENTAL EDGE will be filling the gap for a kind of book every aspirant was longing for. I hope this ray of light that I had lightened will kindle your souls with passion for reaching knowledge and go for this manner of academic endeavours. As in the poem by Robert Frost “The Road not taken” quoted above be ready to take the paths least travelled by and try to make a difference in your field rather than being idle.
“Wishing all my readers prayers and success”
Manikandan GR
First and foremost, I want to bend my head before the Almighty Lord Ganesha for helping me achieve this goal. I want to express my thanks to my mother, father, family and my dear friends who have always supported me. I would like to place a thanks note to my dear teachers right from my pre-primary till MDS, who had guided me, scolded me when it was needed and led me to the right path and supported me the most in each of my ventures. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my teacher Sister Fatima, who was my class teacher in the 4th standard and is now in her heavenly abode. She always inspired me to write. I am also thankful to my teacher Usha, who filled in me a passion for literary works during my high-school classes.
I want to sincerely appreciate and thank my dear teacher and Head of the Department, Dr Presanthila Janam, who was kind enough to write a foreword for this book and for being a constant source of inspiration for all my academic ventures. I am thankful to my dear friend Sarath SS, Junior Resident, OMFS Department, Government Dental College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, who was always there during my MDS entrance preparation and provided me a lot of study material, which also were useful in expanding my level of knowledge.
I also want to acknowledge one of my teachers, a veteran dentist Dr C Venugopal, Civil Surgeon, General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram; Mr Deepu and Ms Gopika, PROs, General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram and my DEIC and dental department senior-house surgeons at General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, where I was working previously. They have always been so inspiring and motivating as far as my writing skills are concerned.
I am grateful to one of my friends Anjana Ravindran (Junior Resident, PMS College of Dental Science & Research, Thiruvananthapuram), who had first inspired me to come up with my scientific publication.
I want to express my gratitude to the following gentlemen in dental entrance coaching for their love and support— Dr OP Kharbanda, Director, Dental Wing, Centre for Dental Education & Research, AIIMS, New Delhi; Dr Sivakumar Nuvvula, Professor and HOD, Pedodontics, Sree Narayana Dental College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh; Dr Jitendra Sharan, Research Scholar, Department of Orthodontics, AIIMS, New Delhi; and Dr Sourabh Madaan, Director, Rx Dentistry.
I want to thank all my ‘Dental Cocktail’ Facebook and Whatsapp study-group members, who always encourage and inspire me to come up with ventures like this in a stipulated period of time.
I convey my sincere thanks to Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India for their efforts and suggestions, especially Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Group President), Ms Chetna Vohra (Associate Director), and Ms Payal Bharti (Project Manager) for helping me through my idea. I am also grateful to Mr Venugopal, Head, Cochin Division, Kerala, Mr Arun and Mr Anoop, Thiruvananthapuram Division for helping me in the project.
Dr Jobin Suresh (Rank 2)
Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Orthodontics
Government Dental College
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
I am really impressed with the efforts of Dr Manikandan for bringing out MDS entrance books. In fact, these textbooks are par excellence and are proving a boon for many MDS aspirants. I would like to recommend his books to all the hardworking candidates for various MDS entrance examinations.
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I went through the Wave Dental Cocktail and Kerala PGI Dental Edge last time and the high-yield facts, numerical corners, and forensic questions in Edge, all helped me a lot. Thanks Dr Manikandan Sir for bringing out these books and I wish the second edition of all these three books a great success.
Dr Susan Jacob (Rank 4)
Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Endodontics
Government Dental College
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
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Dr Kripa K (Rank 6)
Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Endodontics
Government Dental College
Calicut, Kerala, India
First of all, I am thankful to the Almighty who has given me a chance to share my experience. Let me also thank my parents and teachers for their prayers and blessings. I would also express my gratitude to Dr Manikandan for his support and motivation. D Wave and Kerala PGI Dental Edge was a real help for me to get through the Kerala MDS Entrance Examination last year and wish that he continues to show the path of success to other aspirants.
All the best for all the aspirants!
Muhammad Abdul Rahman TV (Rank 10) Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Endodontics
Government Dental College
Calicut, Kerala, India
Right guidance and hard work are key to success. It is impossible to read all the books which are available in the market. But there are some books without which our dreams will not have been fulfilled. Thanks to Dr Manikandan GR for bringing out such books. I hope this book also will help the PG aspirants in achieving their goals.
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I am happy that I got timely association with the most popular group among the MDS-aspiring students of the Cocktail group. I am sure that it is a must-read for all. I thank the Cocktail group.
Dr Namitha Prem
(Rank 12) Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Government Dental College
Kottayam, Kerala, India
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Dr Girja K
(Rank 14) Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Endodontics
Government Dental College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Thank you sir for your books ‘Dental Cocktail’ (AIPG and SRship edition), ‘Dental Edge’ and ‘D-wave’ (Kerala edition). High-yielding facts, numericals and senior residency papers’ questions in these books were highly knowledgable and helped me in the last-minute preparation of my PG entrance examination. All the best for future editions!!
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This is an excellent book for PG Entrance preparation with good explanation and references. Reading explanations makes our basics strong. Thank you sir for your proper guidance and support in helping me to achieve my dream.
Dr Shilpa Mohan
(Rank 19) Kerala MDS 2015
Junior Resident
Department of Prosthodontics
Government Dental College
Kottayam, Kerala, India