Short Textbook of Endodontics Aarti Daswani
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Acellular cementum 16
Actinomyces israelii 375
Air emphysema 354
Alara, principles of 112
Alkaptonuria 384
Allergy 140
Alveolar abscess
acute 74, 328
chronic 76
Alveolar bone
proper 17
supporting 17
Amalgam 435
restoration 458
Amelogenesis imperfecta 384
Anesthesia, evaluation of 315
Antibiotic paste 503
Anticurvature filing 254
Anxiety, management of 312
Apexification 446, 503
calcium hydroxide 448f
Apexogenesis 503
Apical abscess
acute 74
chronic 76
Apical canal transportation, type III 349
Apical perforation 349f
Apical periodontitis 74
acute 72
chronic 74, 331
Apical third of root
anatomy of 25f
canal, instrument in 343f
Apical-root fracture 410
Apical-third filling 307
Arterioles 11
Arteriovenous anastomoses 11
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis 68
Axial wall extension 213, 218
in maxillary molar 208f
Azithromycin 319
Bacterial virulence factors 89, 90f
Bacteria-tight seal 406
Bacteroides forsythus 415
Bacteroides melanogenicus 87
Barbed broaches 172f
Barodontalgia 64
classification of 64
Bayonet-shaped canals 227f
Bioactive glass 276
Biomaterial centered infection 95
Bite test 123, 124
using cotton roll 124f
chemistry of 384
contraindications of 388
material 391f
points of 399f
role of 386
Bleaching of vital teeth 390
extracoronal 389f
technique for 389
Bone cyst 118
Bone forming cells 16
Bone morphogenetic protein 502
Bone-resorbing cells 16
Bur 163
long shank round 163f
round 163f
safe-ended 163f
sharpness of 58
transmetal 163f
Calcibiotic root canal sealer 292
Calcium hydroxide 273, 274, 275f, 307, 406, 441, 442, 447, 464
compounds 442
containing sealers 291
in canal, application of 275
points 274
pulpotomy 446
with iodoform 275f
Calcium phosphate cement obturation 308
Camphorated parachlorophenol 276
Canal blockage 345
Canal obstructions, removal of 381
Canal orifices 20, 20f, 213
flaring of 204f
Canal preparation 244
balanced force technique of 252
hybrid technique of 253
Canal system, type of 25
Candida 267
Candida albicans 415
Carbamide peroxide 388
Carbide bur, safe-ended 164f
Carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts 365
Cardiac pacemaker 168
Caries and defective restorations, removal of 203f
Caries causing pulpitis 53f
Caries detector dye 125f, 162f
in dentin 53f
in enamel 53f
Carious dentin
inner 52f
outer 52f
Cavity design, poor access 229, 337
Cavity preparation 200, 406
challenging access 226
steps of 207
Cavity walls 167f, 203, 204
Cells of alveolar bone 17
Cells of pulp 10
Cellular cementum 14
Cemental dysplasia 118
Cementoblasts 16
Cementodentinal junction 8, 26, 237, 282
Cementoenamel junction 202
Cementum 14
and periodontal ligament 6
types 14
Central nervous system 312
Cephalosporins 319
Ceramic veneer, use of 400
Cervical invasive resorption 480
Champagne bubble test 209f
Chlorhexidine digluconate 270, 275
for endodontic use 270f
Chloropercha 299
Chronic abscess or phoenix (rebirth) 331
Ciprofloxacin 319
Clindamycin 319
Cohen's pathways of pulp 360
Compartment syndrome 351
Complete roof removal 218
Complete/cervical pulpotomy 445
Composite resin core 368
Composite resin restorations 386, 392, 487
bonding strength of 398
Composite resin system (retroplast) 436
Composite restoration
discolored 386f
in both teeth 396f
use of 400
Core built-up material 369f
Core materials 282, 283
for restoration of endodontically treated teeth, classification of 190
types of 367
Core restoration 360
Coronal disassembly 378
Coronal leakage 415
Coronal pulp 19, 20f
Coronal root fractures 410
Coronal seal, methods to enhance 310
Crown fracture 404
complication of 406f
treatment of 406f
Crown or root, fractured 329
cause 329
classification 329
signs 329
symptoms 329
Crown-down technique 251f
Crown-root fracture 330f
C-shaped canals 26
classification of 27f, 28, 28f
Cytokines 133
Debridement of canal, incomplete 342f
Deciduous molar 455f
Defense cells 10
Dendritic cells 11, 54
Dens evaginatus 32
Dens in dente 31
in maxillary left central incisor 31f
Dens invaginatus 31
Dental biologic tissues
changes during inflammation 134
Dental caries 85f
sequel of 53f
Dental ethics 495
Dental health care personnel 192
Dental history 100
past 101
Dental hypersensitivity, management of 487t
Dental illness 100
Dental infection to maxillary sinus 103f
Dental lamina
primary 6
role of 6
Dental lasers 488
Dental loupes 159
Dental negligence and malpractice 496
Dental operating microscope 159, 163, 206f
head portion of 161f
Dental operatory 193
Dental pain 101
from maxillary sinus 102f
of myofascial origin 103
Dental papilla (forms dentin and pulp) 6
Dental personnel 193
Dental practice, infection control in 193, 194f
Dental pulp 5, 6, 8, 15f, 50
causes of 52, 62
cell-free zone of Weil 9
cell-rich zone 9
classify diseases of 66
connective tissue of 131
diseases of 52, 62, 67
formed 6
odontoblastic zone 8
unique features of 51f
Dental sac 6
Dental trauma 401
Dental traumatic injuries 401, 403, 404
management of 401, 404, 413t
Dental treatment procedures 56
Dential hypersensitivity 486f
Dentin 483f
acid etching of 65
bonding agents 66, 293, 485
dysplasia 32
fracture 413
reparative 52f
sclerosis 51
sensitivity 483
Dentinal hypersensitivity 482, 484, 491
causes of 484
management of 482, 485, 487, 487t
Dentinal tubules 84, 85f
to pulp 85f
Dentin-chip 307
Dentino enamel junction 482
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 384
Dentin-pulp complex 5
Dentistry, antibiotics in 317
Derivatives of phenol 276
Diamond bur 164
Digital tactile sense 234
Direct pulp capping 405, 441, 459
in traumatized tooth 406f
Direct vital pulp therapies 459
Distal angulation 116f
Distal root canal of mandibular second molar, infection in 76f
Distobuccal canal orifice 218
Doxycycline 319
Electric pulp tester 122f, 162f
Electronic apex locator 167
Elements obturation unit 303f
Elliptication, causes of 349
Ellis and Davey's classification 402
En masse crown fracture 413
Enamel 413, 451
bur 208f
cord 7
effects on 391
inner 7
outer 7
fracture 413
organ (forms enamel) 6
Endo access bur 206f
Endoactivator system 278f
Endodontic 92
access cavity preparation 199, 200
advances, research-based 498
armamentarium 158
biofilm 94
types of 97f
cases 373
diagnosis aids in 98, 161
diagnosis, accurate 129
disease 102, 103t, 418, 424
drugs used in 318f
emergencies 323325, 331
after treatment 335
before treatment 326
classification of 325
midtreatment 323
treatment, Weine's classification of conditions 325
explorer 167f
failure 373
causes of 374, 376
classification of 376
gauge 242f
infections 86, 87
control in 192
types of 88f
instruments 158, 196
asepsis and sterilization of 192
aspiration of 496
classification of 169
disinfection of 198
interpretation in 116
lesions 415, 418
primary 418
management, nonsurgical 373
materials 158
microbiology 83
microbrushes 277f
mishaps 336, 336f, 337
classification of 337
classify 336
management 336
prevention 336
past and present 4t
periodontal diseases 416f
practice, malpractice in 496
preparation in maxillary premolar 215
retreatment 377, 381, 493
steps of nonsurgical 377
scope of 1, 2f
sonics and ultrasonics in 180f
spoon excavator 167f, 207f
surgery 425, 473
classification of 427
in geriatric patients 473
postoperative sequelae 437f
role of 146
surgical 425
armamentarium 429
phase 430
procedure 29
role of isthmi in 29
therapy 130, 138
treatment 140, 150, 150f, 156f, 337, 373, 374, 387, 469, 472
drugs used in 311, 312
failure 497
in geriatric patient 471
inadequate 415
of pediatric patients 450
plan 145, 146f
revascularization 505
success of 357
triad 199
use of
sonic devices for 178
sonics in (endosonics) 179
ultrasonics (endosonics) 179
Endodontically treated mandibular second molar 343f
Endodontically treated teeth 355, 356, 356f
changes on 357f
physical changes on 356f
post systems for 190
restoration of 190, 355
Endodontic-periodontal diseases 415
Endodontic-periodontal lesion 422
classify 416
types of 418, 424
Endodontic-periodontal problems
Weine's classification of 422
types of 423t
Endodontist, enigma to 42
Endoflare 258f
Endometrics 234
Endovac irrigation system 279f
Engine-driven handpieces 177
Engine-driven instruments 177
Enterococcus faecalis 87, 278, 374
Epiphany sealer 293
Erythroblastosis fetalis 384
Extracellular polymeric substances 92
Extracoronal bleaching 396f
of vital teeth 391, 392f
Extraoral examination 106
Ferric sulfate pulpotomy 461
Ferrule effect and biologic width 361, 362f
Fiberoptic endoscope 161
Fiberoptic light for transillumination test 125f, 162f
Fibers 11
Fibroblast growth factor 502
Finger plugger for obturation 187f
Finger-held spreader for obturation 186f
Fissure carbide bur 164
Flap design, triangular 431f
Flap reflection 431, 432
Focal infection 83
mechanism of 131
theory 83, 130
origin of 83
Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis 79
Formaldehyde 276
Formocresol pulpotomy 445
Foundation restoration 371
Fungi 415
Galilean optical system 159
Gates-Glidden drills 164, 166f, 177
Genera actinomyces 374
Geriatric dentistry 468
Geriatric endodontics 468
scope of 468, 469f
Geriatric patient
abrasion 471f
attrition 471f
erosion 471f
Giant cell granuloma 118
Gingival irritation 391, 398
Gingival recession 471f
Gingival sulcus 340
Glass bead sterilizers 196f
Glass fiber posts 365f
Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts 365
Glass ionomer 458, 461f
cement 61, 458
core 368
sealers 293
Glutaraldehyde pulpotomy 460
Glutaraldehyde, advantages of 460
Gram stain technique, classification to 87
Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria 267
Grossman's classification 375
of endodontic emergencies 326
Grossman's sealer 290
Gutta-percha 283
canal-warmed 299
carrier-based 285
chemically plasticized cold 299
compaction of 186
cone 419
for newer obturation systems 285
lateral compaction of 295
removal of 187
removal techniques 380
sterilization of 296
stick 285
heated 121f
solid core carrier-based 306
thermoplasticized injectable 306
thermoplasticized 285, 306
with additives 285
with sealants, solid core 295
Halogens 276
Hand-operated instruments 170
Hank's balanced salt solution 412
Hard tissue surgical access 432
Healing of perforation 340
Hemorrhage from surgical site, management of 433
Hemostasis 406
Hertwig's epithelial root sheath 77
Holmium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser 278
Hydrochloric acid-pumice abrasion 398
Hydrogen peroxide 269, 388
for bleaching 388f, 389
for irrigation 269f
Hyperplastic pulpitis, chronic 53, 68
Hypoplastic maxillary teeth 106f
Immunity in endodontics, role of 135
Infection, elimination of 317
Infection, prevention of 317
Inflammatory cells 132
Inflammatory paradental cyst 118
Ingle's endodontics 476
Intracanal brushes 277
Intracanal medicaments 273
antibiotic containing 276
Intracanal microbial biofilms 94
Intracoronal bleaching 385, 387, 388, 392
of endodontically treated teeth, side effects of 397
of maxillary right central incisor 395f
of teeth, side effects of 399f
Intraligamentary injection 314, 314f
Intraoral examination 106
Intraosseous injection 314, 314f
Intrapulpal hemorrhage 385
Intrapulpal injection 315f
Irreversible pulpitis 68
in immature permanent tooth 446
with acute apical periodontitis 326
causes 327
signs 326
symptoms 326
Irrigant-related mishaps 333
Laser Doppler flowmetry 122, 403
in dentistry 123
Laser light emission 489
Laser-assisted root canal preparation technique 261
classification of 490
in endodontics 488, 491493
advantages of 494
properties of 488
types of 490
Lingual opposite buccal 116f
Lingual shoulder, removal of 210f, 213
Liquid EDTA for removal of smear layer 273f
Local anesthesia, armamentarium for 163
Luxation injuries 410
management of 410
Lymphocytes 11
Lysosomal enzymes 133
Magnifying loupe 206f
Mandibular anesthesia 313
Mandibular anterior teeth 219, 396f
Mandibular canine 41, 42f, 221
Mandibular central incisor 40, 41f, 219
with two canals 41f
and lateral incisor 41f
Mandibular first molar 44, 45f, 125f, 224, 224f, 386f, 441f
deep occlusal 441f
mesial root of 110f
periradicular infection in 86f
proximal caries approaching pulp 441f
pulp, deep occlusal caries in 110f
osteitis in relation to 79f
postoperative 46f
preoperative 46f
with canals 225f
with endodontic 421f
with extensive caries pulp 53f, 74f
with five canals 45f
with four canals 45f
with pulp polyp 143f
with radix entomolaris
postoperative 46f
preoperative 46f
with severe periodontal lesion 421
with three canals 45f
with three mesial canals
postoperative 46f
preoperative 46f
Mandibular first premolar 42, 43f, 221
with one and two canals 222f
Mandibular first primary molar 452, 453f
Mandibular lateral incisor 41, 42f, 221
Mandibular left central incisor 394f
discolored 394f
Mandibular molar
cavity preparation in 225f
taurodontism in 32f
teeth 223
with deep carious lesion 419f
Mandibular posterior teeth, in child 454f
Mandibular premolar
cavity preparation of 222f
teeth 221
Mandibular primary incisors 451, 452f
Mandibular second molar 47, 47f, 224
C-shaped canal in 27f
osteitis in relation to 79f
postoperative 48f
with C-shaped canal 47f, 48f, 225f
postoperative 48f
preoperative 48f
with four canals 47f
with three canals 47f
with two canals 47f
Mandibular second premolar 44, 44f, 222
cavity form of 223f
tooth 44f
with root and root canals
postoperative 45f
preoperative 45f
Mandibular second primary molar 452, 453f, 462f
Mandibular teeth, periodontal involvement in 144f
Mandibular third molar 47, 48f, 226
cavity preparation in 226f
curved canals
postoperative 49f
preoperative 49f
Mast cells 11
bleaching 388
disinfection of root canal 169
isolation of endodontic field 163
obturation 282
postendodontic restoration 190
vital pulp therapy, techniques and 439
Maturogenesis 503
Maxilla, posterior 427
Maxillary and mandibular primary canine 452, 452f
Maxillary anesthesia 315
Maxillary anterior region 457f
Maxillary anterior teeth 211, 213f, 478
cavity preparation for 213f
Maxillary canine 34, 34f, 214
cavity form of 214f
postoperative 35f
preoperative 35f
Maxillary central incisor 32, 33f, 211
cavity form of 213f
postoperative 33f
preoperative 33f
with rubber dam 154f
Maxillary first and second premolars
postoperative 36f
preoperative 36f
Maxillary first molar 37, 37f, 218
cavity form of 218f
cavity preparation of 219f
tooth, MB2 canal in 120f
with four canals 38f
postoperative 38f
preoperative 38f
with three canals 38f
postoperative 38f
preoperative 38f
with two palatal canals 38f
Maxillary first premolar 35, 35f, 215
cavity form of 216f
postoperative 36f
preoperative 37f
with S-shaped, cases of 227f
Maxillary first primary molar 452, 453f
Maxillary lateral incisor 33, 34f, 214, 386f
cavity form of 214f
Maxillary molar 217f
cavity preparation for 217f
teeth 217
Maxillary posterior region 457f
Maxillary premolar teeth 215
cavity preparation for 215
Maxillary primary incisors 451, 452f
Maxillary rhinosinusitis 102
Maxillary right central incisor
discolored 386f, 394f
fracture in endodontically treated 330f
internal resorption in 478f
Maxillary right lateral incisor
infection from 107f
tooth, abscess in relation to 76f
Maxillary second and third molars, concresence of 31f
Maxillary second molar 39, 39f, 219
carious destruction of 356f
cavity form of 219f
with canal 39f
with four canals 40f
with three canals 39f, 40
with two canals 39f
Maxillary second premolar 36, 36f, 216
cavity form of 217f
tooth 37f
Maxillary second primary molar 452, 453f
Maxillary sinus 427
Maxillary teeth
extracoronal bleaching of 396f
in child 454f
Maxillary third molar 39, 40f, 219
cavity preparation of 219f
with three canals 40f
Medicated sealers 293
Melton's classification of C-shaped canals 27
Memory t-cells 132
Mesenchymal cells 11
Mesial and distal boundary 218
Mesial angulation 116f
Mesial canal 225f
Mesiobuccal canal, second 218
Metal-core obturation 286
Metallic core materials 367
Metronidazole 319
Micro-endodontics, instruments for 161
Mid-root fractures 410
Midtreatment flare-ups 334f
Mineral trioxide aggregate 357, 436, 439, 443, 448
pulpotomy 446
Mishaps related to post placement 353
Monocytes and macrophages 475
Motor for rotary instrumentation 184f
Mouse-hole effect 201f
MTA pulpotomy 461
Mucoperiosteal flap 431
Multi-lens optic system 159
Multirooted teeth, post placement in 366
Myofascial pain vs pulpal pain 103
Necrosed pulp 136f
Necrotic immature permanent tooth 503
Necrotic pulp 53f
Necrotic root canal 420
Neuropathic pain vs pulpal pain 104
Neuropeptides 133
Neurovascular pain vs pulpal pain 104
Neurovascular structures, damage to 351
Nickel-titanium 299
advantages of 183
alloys, phases of 181
disadvantages of 183
instruments 182, 182t
hand and rotary 179
properties of 180f
rotary instrument
devices for 184
in root canal 183f, 262f
systems 184, 257
Nitric oxide 133
Noncollagenous proteins 356
Nonmetallic cores 368
Nonnarcotic analgesics 316
Nonrestorable teeth 144f
Nonrigid posts
advantages of 364
disadvantages of 364
types of 365
Nonvital pulp therapy 407, 446
for primary teeth 463
for traumatized teeth 409f
Nonvital teeth 145, 413
with full prosthetic restorations 360
with partial restorations 360
Normal periradicular tissues 72f
Noxious stimuli affecting dental pulp 52
Obturation techniques 295
Obturation, preparation for 293
Occlusal anatomies 202
Odontalgia, symptoms of 103
Odontoblast 10
Odontoblastic process 483f
Odontoclasts and cementoclasts 475
Opioid analgesics 316
Oral foci of infection 131
Orofacial and dental
signs 470
symptoms 470
Orofacial pain 101
of nonodontogenic origin 102
Orthodontic extrusion 423
Osteoblasts 16
Osteoclasts 16
Osteogenic effect 292
Osteomyelitis 118
Ozonated water irrigation 278
Pain control 312
Palatal roots 428
Palatine artery, anterior 428
Palatine foramen 428
Partial pulpotomy 445
in permanent maxillary central incisor tooth 445f
Paste filling materials 287
Pediatric endodontics 450
Periapical abscess 53f, 75f
Periapical cyst 78, 78f
Periapical granuloma 53f, 77, 77f
in maxillary right central incisor tooth 77f
Periapical infection 376f
in root canal treated mandibular premolar 376f
Periodontal disease 417, 418, 424
Periodontal examination 324
Periodontal fibers, types of 17
Periodontal lesion 415, 418
in maxillary molar 420f
primary 420
Periodontal ligament 16, 53f
Periodontal pocket 421f
Periradicular curettage and biopsy 433
Periradicular disease 72
extension of 426
of nonendodontic origin 81
Periradicular surgery 425, 426
armamentarium for 190
treatment planning for 427
Periradicular tissues 5, 14, 16f, 18, 418
causes of 71
classify diseases of 72
diseases of 71
normal 72
of endodontic origin, diseases of 72
Permanent anterior teeth in child, trauma to 454f
Phenol and phenol derivatives 276
Phoenix abscess 331
Plasma derived mediators 133
Platelet derived growth factor 502
finger 302f
hand-held 302f
types of 302f
Polyethylene fiber-reinforced posts 365
Polymerase chain reaction method 91
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils 132
Porphyria 384
Porphyromonas endodontalis 267
Porphyromonas gingivalis 267, 415
Post and core restorations 372
Post related mishaps 353
Post removal system 379f
Postbleach sensitivity of teeth 391
Postbleaching inflammation of periodontal ligament 398
Postendodontic restoration 357, 357f, 358, 359, 472
type of 359
Posteruptive causes 385
Postobturation restoration 357
Potassium nitrate 485
Predentin 483f
Prevotella intermedia 415
Primary apical periodontitis, pathogenesis of 81
Primary permanent tooth 451f
Primary teeth 450, 450f
material for 465t
materials in pulpectomy of 465t
obturation material for 464
obturation techniques in 466
proximal lesions in 455, 457f
traumatic injuries to 413
Propionibacterium 87
Protaper endodontic files 256f
Pseudomonas 87
arterial supply of 11
bacterial invasion into 52f
caries involving 421f
extirpation of 464f
functions of 13
gangrenous necrosis of 327
causes 327
diagnosis 327
treatment 328
types 327
infected 85f
microorganisms in 84, 84f
nerve supply of 14f
tissues 12
structural elements of 10
zones of 8f
Pulp and periodontal tissues, intercommunication between 414
Pulp and periodontium, inter-relationship between diseases of 415
Pulp and periradicular tissues
diseases of 62
pathosis of 326
Pulp canal 117
sealer 290
Pulp capping 442, 491
indirect 439, 440, 458
materials 442
steps of
direct 442f
indirect 441f
Pulp chamber 451
components of 19
floor of 19, 20f
inspection of 204, 205f
morphology of 32
roof of 19, 20f, 218
Pulp degeneration 69
Pulp dressing 405
Pulp exposure 413
crown fracture with 329
crown fracture without 329
in mesially inclined mandibular molar 85f
to trauma 85f
Pulp fibroblast 10
Pulp hemorrhage 446
Pulp horns 5, 19, 20f
Pulp inflammation (pulpitis) 67
Pulp necrosis 53, 71
Pulp necrosis, types of 71
Pulp polyp in
deciduous molar 69f
permanent mandibular first molar 69f
primary second molar 54f
Pulp regeneration 505f
Pulp stones 70f
Pulp tests 118
Pulp therapies 1, 439
for primary teeth 458
in traumatized teeth 405
performed in children 457
Pulp tissue, pain related to incomplete removal of 331
Pulp to acid etching
of dentin 59
reaction of 59f
of enamel 59
Pulp to cavity
and crown preparation 57
cleansing and sterilization 59
preparation using air abrasion 60
Pulp to dental
caries 50
reaction of 51, 55f
procedures 54
treatment 56
Pulp to drying of tooth 58
reaction of 59f
Pulp to laser procedures 60
Pulp to local anesthetics 56
reaction of 57f
Pulp to orthodontic tooth movement 60
reaction of 60f
Pulp to periodontal procedures 56
Pulp to periodontium, infection from infected 421f
Pulp to polishing of restorations 60
Pulp to specific dental materials 60
Pulp to ultrasonic scaling of teeth, reaction of 57f
Pulp to vital bleaching techniques 60
Pulp vitality testing 56
Pulpal blood supply 11f
Pulpal diagnosis 455, 491
in children 453, 456f
Pulpal diagnostic tests 454
Pulpal disease 417
signs of 421
symptoms of 421
Pulpal infection, cause of 86f
Pulpal pain, classification of 102
Pulpal reaction
to caries 50
to dental procedures 50
Pulpal tissues
blood supply of 11, 13f
lymph supply of 12
Pulpectomy 463
in primary teeth, steps of 463f
Pulpitis, acute irreversible
causes 326
diagnosis 326
management 326
signs 326
symptoms 326
Pulpitis, symptomatic irreversible 68
Pulpotomy 491
in primary teeth 459
steps of 462f
types of 445
Pulse oximetry 123
Push-pull motion 243f
Quaternary ammonium compounds 271
Radicular cyst 78
Radicular pulp 19, 20f
Redox reaction 384
Regenerative dentistry 500
Regenerative endodontic 500, 503, 504, 504f
procedures 504
Resin sealers 292
Resin-based obturation system 287, 287f
Resin-based sealer-AH plus 292f
Resin-based self-etch root canal sealer 293f
Resin-modified glass ionomer core 369
Restoration 406
effect on 392
post and core
causes of 371f, 372
failure of 371f, 372
Restorative material 189, 436
Restorative resins 61
Restorative treatment 446
Rhinosinusitis, symptoms of 103
Rickert's sealer 290
Root 117
Root anatomy 366
Root and root canal system 425
Root apex, anatomy of 26
Root canal 31f, 87f, 117, 351f
anatomy of apical portion of 25
apical width of 240f
bacteria in infected 87
biomechanical preparation of 231
cavity preparation of 163, 199
cleaning and shaping of 231, 232
components of 20
delivery of sealers in 187
effective shaping of 243
infected 86
instruments of 186
ledge formation in 347f
microbes from 89
microbial flora of 84
microbiology of infected 89f
obturation of 186, 280, 281, 493
shaping of 464f
underfilling of 335
Root canal anatomy of individual teeth, primary 451
Root canal disinfectant 265
Root canal filling material 283
classification of 283
Root canal infections 87
Root canal instruments 170, 171f
Root canal irrigants 248, 265, 267
Root canal of primary teeth 464
Root canal opening 145, 323
Root canal orifices 209
exploration of all 204
flaring and exploring 204f
Root canal preparation 233, 263, 491
crown-down technique of 248, 250
devices for 169
hand instruments for 172
instruments for 169
of apical third and body of canal 247f
rotary instrumentation 254
sonics 261
step down technique of 250
step-back method of 245
steps of crown-down technique of 249
techniques of 244, 245, 254
terminology for 241
ultrasonics 261
Root canal sealers 282, 288, 288f, 289
in obturation 289
paraformaldehyde-based 497
Root canal system 19
activation of irrigants in 277f
anatomic complexities in 26
anatomic components of 19
anatomy of 21, 29
classification of 22
components of 20f
disinfection of 264, 265, 491
in geriatric patient 470f
in root, types of 21
in young adult tooth 470f
internal anatomy of 19
morphology of 32, 34, 35
obturation of 280, 472
of individual teeth 32
solutions in 276
Weine's classification of 23f
with increasing age 21f
Root canal treatment 1, 139, 141, 419
Root end cavity preparation 435
advantages of 435
Root end
beveling of 434f
conditioning 435
development 448f
management 434
resection 434
Root fracture 117, 118, 329, 354, 372, 409, 413
crown 409
of palatal root of maxillary second premolar tooth 120f
Root perforations 415
Root resection 422
Root resorption 117
classification of 475
differences between external and internal 480
external 79, 80f, 117, 476, 476f
cervical 397
internal 117, 478, 478f
mechanism of 475
types of
external 476
internal 479
Root-end resection, angle of 434
Roots and root canals, anatomy of 227
Roots of maxillary molar, apical third of 31f
Rotary endodontic file, components of 181f
Rotary instrumentation 254
Roth's sealer 290
Rubber dam
clamps 152f
forceps 153, 153f
frame 152, 152f
in endodontic treatment in mandibular first molar 154f
material 151
placement 153
punch 153, 153f
sheet 151, 152f
components of 151
Schilder technique 299
Sealapex root canal sealer 291f
Sealer placed in root canal 288
Sickel cell anemia 384
Silicone-based sealers 293
Silver amalgam 61, 461
restorations 392
Silver point 287f
obturation with 295f, 497
removal of 189, 379
Smear layer 272f
in endodontics, management of 272
removal of 271
Sodium hypochlorite 267, 268, 269f, 356, 381, 446
accidents 268, 350
efficacy of 268
for irrigation 267f
Sodium perborate 388
Sound tooth structure remaining-nonrestorable tooth 144f
Stainless steel and nickel-titanium instruments 181t
properties of 181
Stem cells 501
types of 501
Step-back technique v/s crown-down technique 252, 252t
Streptococcus faecalis 87
Strontium chloride 485
Stropko irrigator 266
Sulfur granules 95
Supernumerary roots 32
Superoxidized water 276
accessibility of 142
anterior 359
bleaching of 383, 494
classify traumatized 402
cracked 64
crowded 228
crown of 109, 116
development of 6
discolored nonvital 143f
hypersensitive 482
injury to 62
internal resorption in 120f
laminates for discolored 400
management of 412
discolored 382, 383, 400
mobility of 108f
normal 85f
opening in wrong 337
perpendicular to 116f
pink 144f, 478
posterior 359
preparation of individual 211
regressive changes in 469
root of 109
permanent 474
primary 474
rotated 228
structurally sound anterior 359
traumatic injury to (acute trauma) 63
treatment of traumatized 404, 404f
veneer for discolored 400
vitality of 471
Teeth, in elderly 469, 470t
Teeth, in pediatric patients 450
Teeth to tetracycline, discoloration of 384f
Teeth to wasting diseases, yellowish discoloration of 386f
Teeth with calcifications
in pulp chamber 226
in root canals 226
Teeth with curved canals 227
Teeth with minimal coronal tooth structure 228
Temporary filling 205f
Temporary restorations 189
Test cavity 126
Tetracycline isomer, mixture of 272
Thalassemia 384
Thermafil obturator 307f
Thermocatalytic bleaching 397
Tissue emphysema 334
cause 334
management 335
prevention 335
signs 334
symptoms 334
Tissue engineering 501
triad 501f
Tissue regeneration 503
with dilaceration 120f
with internal resorption 479f
with pathology to radicular cyst 79f
Tooth avulsion 330, 411
management 330
Tooth crown of caries 116
Tooth development, stages of 6
Tooth discoloration 384
causes of 382
etiology of 387f
management 384
Tooth in arch, position of 358
Tooth infractions 64
Tooth length, measurement of 236f
Tooth pulp chamber, crown of 117
Tooth removal, overzealous 338
Tooth resorption 474, 475
pathologic 474
types of 475, 476
pathologic 481f
Tooth slooth 124f, 162
contact with cusp tips 124f
Tooth structure 446
amount of remaining 358, 365
removal of unsupported 203, 203f
Tooth treatment, incorrect 496
Transillumination test 125f
Trapezoidal flap design 432f
Treponema denticola 87, 415
Treponema maltophilum 415
Tubli-seal root canal sealer 291f
Ultrasonic cleaner 197f
Ultrasonic instrument 178
Ultraviolet photo-oxidation 397
Underextended obturation 352f
Underfilled obturation 352f
Urethane methacrylate sealers 293
Vasoactive amines 133
Vertucci's classification 23
Viscous chelator 273
Vital pulp therapy 405, 439, 440f, 446
for traumatized teeth 407f
Vital pulps with normal periapical tissue 472
Wach's cement 291
Walking bleach
result 393
technique 392
Weeping canals 275
Young permanent teeth 451, 451f
Zinc oxide 443
eugenol 60, 441, 461f, 464
Zinc oxide-containing sealers 289
Zinc phosphate cement 61
Zones of reaction 136t
Chapter Notes

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IntroductionCHAPTER 1

  • According to Grossman, Endodontics is that branch of dentistry that deals with the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues compatible with good health.
  • According to American Association of Endodontists, Endodontics is that branch of dentistry that is concerned with the morphology, physiology and pathology of human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. Its study and practice encompass the basic clinical sciences including biology of the normal pulp; the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp; and associated periradicular conditions.
  1. Diagnosis and management of oral/dental pain
  2. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of pulp and periradicular tissues.
  3. Pulp therapies:
    1. Pulp capping—indirect pulp capping (IPC) and direct pulp capping (DPC)
    2. Pulpotomy
    3. Apexogenesis and apexification
      Pulp capping and pulpotomy comes under vital pulp therapy (VPT)
  4. The root canal treatment (RCT) or the Endodontic treatment
  5. Nonsurgical retreatment of teeth that have undergone Endodontic failure (Re-RCT)
  6. Post-obturation restoration (POR) including post and core built-ups
  7. Bleaching of teeth
  8. Treatment of traumatized teeth. For example, replantation of avulsed tooth
  9. Age-specific Endodontics:
    1. Pediatric Endodontics
    2. Geriatric Endodontics
  10. Surgical Endodontics including apicoectomy, hemisection, Endodontic implants, etc.)
  11. Research of newer biocompatible materials and techniques to make Endodontics more predictable.
  12. Use of magnification in Endodontics such as dental operating microscope (DOM) to enhance efficacy of procedures (Microendodontics)
  13. Use of other clinical adjuncts such as ozone therapy in Endodontics and lasers in Endodontics.
Figure 1.1 shows a mind-map giving the scope of Endodontics in short.2
zoom view
Fig. 1.1: Mind-map to remember the scope of Endodontics
Schilder stated goals of Endodontics: “Root canal systems must be cleaned and shaped to receive a three-dimensional hermetic (fluid-tight seal) filling of the entire root canal space.”
“The logical goal of Endodontic treatment is to eliminate or substantially reduce the microbial population within the root canal system and to prevent reinfection by a tight seal of the root canal space.” (PNR Nair, Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. p.573).
The aims and objects of Endodontics can be summarized as given in Figure 1.2.
(Remember the mnemonic: P3R3ESS).
In the last 2–3 decades, lot of advances have taken place in the art of Endodontics and science of Endodontology. Epidemiological studies suggest that the percentage of teeth that can be retained through contemporary Endodontic therapy is rising well above 90%. Millions of teeth are being saved and then successfully restored to their full functional and esthetic value.3
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Aims and objects of Endodontics
Sea changes in Endodontics: There have been major changes in the practice of Endodontics. Although goals to be achieved remain same but ‘How’ these goals can be achieved efficiently, effectively and without much discomfort to the patient in as less time as possible, has led to a lot of research in this field. Few examples of change in Endodontics are listed in Table 1.1. These have been explained in detail in the respective chapters.4
Table 1.1   Endodontics—Past and Present
Changes in
From pasttopresent day Endodontics
Diagnostic aids
  • Conventional radiographs → Enhanced imaging with the help of digital radiography (2-dimensional) and CBCT scans (3-dimensional)
  • Conventional methods of testing Pulp vitality → Improved methods such as laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), pulse oximetry vitality scanner, etc.
Naked eye vision → Enhanced vision with magnification using loupes, dental operating microscope (DOM) with and without illumination, Endoscope and Orascope
Endodontic instruments
Made of carbon steel → Made of stainless steel (improved quality) → Made of nickel -titanium multitapered instruments (different shapes)
Using manual (hand) instruments → Engine-driven nickel-titanium rotary instruments combined with hand instrumentation → other newer ways of instrumentation
Instrumentation technique
Conventional → Step-back → Crown-down approach
Working length and detection of apical constriction (Minor apical diameter)
Tactile sensation → Radiographs → Electronic apex locators combined with radiographs
Irrigation of root canals
Use of syringe-needle → Improved delivery systems, use of ultrasonic tips, EndoVac irrigation system and other newer irrigation systems. One of the recent advances include self-adjusting file (SAF) system, in which cleaning, shaping, irrigation and agitation of the irrigant are achieved simultaneously
Obturation materials
  • Core materials: Silver points → Gutta-percha → Thermoplasticized gutta-percha: Devices such as System-B, Touch-n-heat, Obtura II etc. → Resilon (resin-based)
  • Sealers: Zinc oxide eugenol sealers → Eugenol-free calcium hydroxide and other sealers → Epoxy resin-based sealers, methacrylate resin-based sealers
Improved biocompatible materials
  • Calcium hydroxide and other repair materials → mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
  • MTA is a root canal repair material that has made perforation repair and apexification possible even in the presence of moisture
Surgical Endodontics
Conventional Endodontic surgery → Microsurgical Endodontics
Microsurgical Endodontics is a predictable option due to:
  • Use of microscope (good magnification and illumination)
  • Use of ultrasonic tips
  • Use of MTA as retrograde filling material
  • Microinstruments
Newer devices and equipment
  • Retreatment: Use of hedstrom files to remove old root canal fillings → Use of DOM and improved devices and instruments for retreatment including:
    • Specialized kit for gutta-percha removal
    • Devices to retrieve obstructions such as separated instruments, posts, foreign objects, etc.
      For example, Brassler Endo Extractor kit and Masserann kit, Guttapercha removal rotary file systems such as D1, D2 and D3, Postremoval system (PRS) kit, etc.
  • Introduction of lasers in Endodontics
Other advances
  • Use of saliva for diagnosis and DNA information through biomarkers
  • Tissue engineering
  • Tissue regeneration
  1. Cohen S, Hargreaves KM. Pathways of Pulp, 9th edn. St. Louis: Mosby;  2006. p. 573.
  1. Grossman L, Oliet S, Del Rio C. Endodontic Practice, 11th edn. Varghese Publication;  1991. pp. 29–58.
  1. Ingle J, Bakland L, Baumgartner J. Ingle's Endodontics 6, 6th edn. BC Decker Inc,  Hamilton; 2008. p. 3.