Textbook of IUI and ART Rishma Dhillon Pai, Hrishikesh Pai, Nandita Palshetkar, Kinjal R Shah
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, t refer to table and fc refer to flow chart
Abortion 114, 178
Acid Tyrode-assisted hatching 273
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 328
Agglutination 17
Allergic reaction 114
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 137, 275
Anaphylactic reaction 163
Anderson's protocol 204, 204f
Anesthesia, types of 219
Anti-Mullerian hormone 10, 136, 186, 334
Antisperm antibodies 22, 85, 114
Antral follicle count 36, 211, 334
Artificial insemination
catheters 93
types of 87t
Agglutination reaction, mixed 22
Ascites 112
Assisted hatching 236, 238, 272, 275
Assisted reproductive techniques, complications of 304
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 191
Automatic endoscope reprocessor (AER) 167
Automatic sperm analyzer systems 30
Azoospermia 123
Basal body temperature 135
Baseline scan 53
Bench space 25
Biochemical tests 111
Biopsy, time of 278
Bipolar versapoint electrodes 165, 166
Bladder transmembranal protein, upregulation of 179
Blastocyst-assisted hatching 274
Blastocyst comprehensive chromosome screening 280
culture 236
scoring 262f
vitrification of 253f
Bologna criteria 186, 186f
Breast cancer 201
Carbon dioxide gas 161
Catheter, types of 121
causes of 148fc
Centrifuge 27, 27f, 82f, 83f
placing tubes in 71f
Cervical canal, abnormal 104, 105
Cervical mucus 288f
removal of 288
Cervix, abnormalities of 178
Chlamydia antibody test (CAT) 140
Cleavage stage embryo scoring 259f, 260t
Clomiphene citrate 36, 37, 40, 199
challenge test 10, 137
Complete blood count 10
Computer aided semen analysis (CASA) systems 14, 22, 23
Conical tube, labeling of 79f
Contact hysteroscopy 156
Contact laser 274
Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation 35, 49
Controlled ovarian stimulation 99, 118, 185, 203, 203f, 207, 295
Controlled rate
cryopreservation 248
freezing 129
Controlled zona dissection 274
Corpus luteum 295
flow 65f
Cryoinjuries 310, 310t
Cryopreservation 126, 249, 250, 308
definition of 246
relevance of 312
steps of 128
Cryoprotectants 127, 247, 249, 311
types of 312t
Cycle regimens 199
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator 142
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 10
Density gradient
centrifugation 69
method 70, 77f, 78f
Digital heating block 30f
Dimethyl sulfoxide 127
Direct intraperitoneal insemination 87t
Distention systems 155, 160
Donor insemination 123
Donor sperms 9
Dydrogesterone 101, 296
Ectopic pregnancy 114, 115, 305
Egg donation 333, 340
Ejaculatory dysfunction 5
Electrodes 155, 166
Electrolytes imbalance 163
Electronic suction 160
biopsy 279
cleavage rating 242
cryopreservation of 324
development, stages of 263f
donation 333
cycles 340
freezing pack 250
grading of 256
thawing of 251f
transfer 243, 244f, 245f, 282, 288f, 290, 305
catheters 282
procedure of 287
role of ultrasound in 287
technique 282
vitrification of 253f
Embryonic aneuploidy, self-correction of 280
Embryoscope 266, 266f
Endocatheter 286f
Endometrial flow 65f
Endometrial polyps 171
Endometrial thickness 218
Endometrioma 145
pre-ART, treatment of 146fc
Endometriosis 8
Endometritis 171
Endometrium, monitoring 47
Endoscopic camera and monitor 159
Epithelial cells 17
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 10
Extended letrozole therapy 38
Fallopian tube sperm perfusion 87t
Fertilization, assessment of 256
Fixed dose antagonist protocol 192f
Flexible hysterofibroscopes 156
Fluid distention systems 160
Follicle aspiration 110
Follicle diameter 218
Follicle stimulating hormone 10, 109, 134, 136
Follicle, aspiration of 229f
Follicular growth and endometrial development, monitoring of 45
Fresh ovarian stimulation cycles 339
Frozen embryo transfer 341
Frozen semen sample, thawing of 249
Frozen-thawed embryo transfer 199, 291, 315
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) 170, 177
Gardner scale 261
Gas distention systems 161
Germinal vesicle 234
Glass wool filtration 76
GnRH agonist 50, 298
preparations 188t
safety of 191
short protocol 190f
GnRH antagonists 41, 324
Golan's classification 108t
Gonadotropin 39, 41
dose of 194t
preparation of 186, 187t
Gonadotropin releasing hormone 50, 110
agonist 187
antagonists 191
Gradient pellet 82f
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor, role of 284
Hemocytometer 19
Heterotopic pregnancy 305
High resistance uterine artery flow 55f
High security vitrification 254f
High viscosity fluids 163
HIV infection 85
Hormone replacement 199
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 3, 46, 49, 53, 88, 107, 194, 214, 297
Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 329
Human menopausal gonadotropin 186
Hydrosalpinx pre-ART, treatment of 147fc
Hydrosalpnix 147
Hydrothorax, paracentesis of 112
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism 39
Hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction/ failure 35, 36
Hysterosalpingo contrast-sonography 140
Hysterosalpingogram 12, 36, 139, 140, 168
Hysteroscopic tubal cannulation 177
Hysteroscopy 144fc, 154, 169, 178, 283f
role of 282
Immuno bead test 22
In vitro fertilization 8, 185, 230232, 237f, 245f
mild 195, 195f
natural cycle 194
Incubator 28, 28f
Indian Council of Medical Research 24
Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction 339
causes of 39, 118, 135f
distribution of causes of 133f
duration of 120
hysteroscopy in 168
Inner cell mass 260
Insemination 9
basic steps of 87t
per cycle, number of 121
timing of 49, 87
volume of 95
Intercavernosal injection 6
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) 227, 233, 234f, 235, 237f, 240t, 245f, 269, 328
procedure of 235
Intrauterine adhesions 174
Intrauterine foreign bodies, removal of 177
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 3, 5, 35, 45, 53, 56, 68, 87, 87t, 99, 104, 106, 117
cannula 32f
catheter 91f
complications of 106
cycles, number of 121
laboratory, setting up of 24
role of Doppler in 53
room 25f
technique of 87
Intrauterine septum 283f
Intravenous immunoglobulins 292
Irrigation pump 160
Labotech embryo transfer catheter 285f
Laminar flow 26f, 28
Laparoscopy 139
Laser-assisted hatching 274
Letrozole 37, 38, 41
step-up protocol 38
Liquid nitrogen
containers 34f, 129f
vapor cooling 128
Live birth rate 275
Low dose aspirin 292
Low molecular weight heparin 292
Low resistance ovarian stromal flow 55f
Low viscosity fluids 162
Luteal phase defect 66, 299
Luteal phase support 99, 193, 295
Luteal support, methods of 296
Luteinized unruptured follicle 66
Luteinizing hormone 89, 187, 295
Makler catheter 93f
Makler chamber 17, 30f
Makler counting chamber 17
Makler insemination device 92f
Makler instrument 18f
Manual sperm analysis systems 29
Mature endometrium 60
Mature follicle 60t
Mean arterial pressure 164
Mental health professionals 336
Michael-Wolf protocol 204, 204f
Microdose flare protocol 190, 190f
Micronized progesterone 296
Modified natural cycle
frozen-thawed embryo transfer 199
in vitro fertilization 194
Monitor-assisted reproductive technology 338
Monitoring follicular growth 46
Monopolar electrodes 166
Motile sperm
for insemination 72f, 76f
organellar morphology examination 238
Müllerian anomalies 176
Multiple pregnancies 106, 112, 305
Natural progesterone 100
Negative predictive value 139
Noncontact lasers 274
Non-infective salpingitis 114
Non-progressive motility 20
Normal sperm morphology 21f
Odor 15
aspiration needle 222f
cumulus complex 229
donor 330
freezing 316, 317
handling 228
retrieval 219
composite system 220f
procedure 220f
timing of 220
scanning 228
vitrification of 252f, 254f
Oral contraceptive pill 190, 207
Oral progesterone 296
Ovarian cancer 106, 112
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) 4, 43, 45, 46, 106, 185, 214, 291, 297, 321, 340
classification of 107
complications of 107
Ovarian induction 35
Ovarian renin-angiotensin 324
Ovarian reserve tests 136fc
Ovarian stimulation 35, 36, 106, 304
protocols 54f, 185
Ovarian tissue cryopreservation 317, 318
types of 317fc
Ovaries, baseline scan of 53
assessment of 135
induction 35, 36, 38, 54f
tests for 11, 135
Ovulatory dysfunction 7
Ovum pick up 219, 228
trolley, preparation of 221
Pain 114
Partial zona dissection 273, 275
Peak systolic velocity 54, 213
Pedunculated endometrial polyp 172f
Pellet 71f, 83f
drop 83f
Pelvic hemorrhage 304
Pelvic infections 305
Pelvic sonography 11
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) 7, 14
Perifollicular flow, Doppler of 59f
Peroxyacetic acid 167
Phagocytic cells 238
Polar bodies 277
biopsy 278
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 10, 109, 135
Polymerase chain reaction 7, 171
Post-IUI instructions 96
Postwash sperm count 73f, 85f
Postcoital test 7, 142
Pouch of Douglas 223
Pre-ART hysteroscopy 154
Pregnancy, termination of 112
Preimplantation genetic screening 277
Preimplantation genetic testing 277
Pre-IVF hysteroscopy 144
Prenatal diagnostic techniques 219
Preovulatory follicles, number of 119
Preovulatory scan 56
Primovision 242f, 267f
Progesterone, types of 100
Pronuclear scoring 257t
Prophylactic antibiotic administration 283
Prostate, transurethral resection of 6
Pulmonary edema 163
Random start protocols 202
Randomized controlled trials 50, 280
Rapid linear motility 20
Recombinant follicle stimulating hormone 186
Rectal progesterone 297
Recurrent implantation failures 292
Recurrent pregnancy loss 145
Resistance index 54
Retrograde ejaculation 6
Rigid hysteroscope 155
Saline contrast sonography 168
analysis 14, 22
bank 331
collection of 89, 120
cryopreservation 248
parameters 16, 120
preparation techniques 68
sample 74f
labeling of 78f
Septate uterus 176
Sequential embryo transfer 287
Serial transvaginal ultrasound 136
Serum estradiol levels 109
Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 143
Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 143
Sessile submucous leiomyoma, resection of 173f
Single embryo transfer 280, 289, 341
Single frozen embryo transfer 280
Slow freezing method 249, 308, 311t
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 257
Soft artificial insemination catheters 91
Sonography, role of 105
concentration, assessment of 17
counting chamber 29
cryopreservation of 126, 246
donation 333
donor 330
freezing media 128f, 129
migration test 176
morphology 20
abnormal 21f
motility 19
preparation 90
processing methods 120
select method 76
viability 22
Spontaneous abortions 315
Standard follicular monitoring 212
Stenosed cervix 104
Sterilization 167
Steroids 110
Stimulated cycles 199
Subcutaneous progesterone 297
Subendometrial blood flow 218
Submucosal leiomyoma 173
Submucosal myomas 174t
Subnormal semen parameters 6
Suction pump 222f
Surrogacy 332, 333, 335, 341
Swim-up technique 69, 70f
Teratozoospermia 85
Testicular biopsy 142
Testicular sperm extraction 14
Thawing 130
Therapeutic donor insemination 123
Thrombosis, prevention of 112
Time-lapse monitoring 261
Time-lapse photography 240, 262, 264f
Tomcat IUI catheter 92f
Transuterotubal insemination 87t
Transvaginal gel 297
Transvaginal pessary 297
Transvaginal sonography 46, 168, 171, 211
Triple line endometrium 47f
Tubal embryo transfer 290
Tubal evaluation 139
tests for 140f
Tuberculosis 11
Tubes, labeling of 69f
Tubocornual polyp 172
Tyrode's solution 279
Ultrasound follicular monitoring 108
Ultrasound guided embryo transfer 289f
Uterine artery 216
resistance 218
Uterine fibroids 173
Uterine inflow 164
Uterine outflow 164
Uterine scoring 214
Uterine septum 145, 177
Uterocervical length 58f
Uterus 56
anteverted 104
evaluation of 140
retroverted 104
Vaginal hemorrhage 304
Vaginal progesterone 296
Vas deference, congenital bilateral absence of 142
Vascular endothelial growth factor 107, 321
Vascularity flow index 60
Vascularity index 60
Venereal disease research laboratory 247
Versascope sheath 158
Versascope system 156
Viscosity 16
Viscous samples 84
Visual optical system 23
Vitrification 309f, 311t
method 250, 309
Voluntary licensing agency 329
Waist to hip ratio 10
Wallace catheter 92f
Wallace embryo transfer catheter 285f
Xenotransplantation 318
Zona dissection 273
Zona pellucida 272
thinning 274
Zygote intrafallopian transfer 177
Chapter Notes

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1Intrauterine Insemination
  • Introduction to Intrauterine Insemination
  • Indications, Patient Selection and Work-up Before Intrauterine Insemination
  • Normal Semen Analysis and Computer Aided Semen Analysis
  • Setting up of an Intrauterine Insemination Laboratory
  • Ovulation Induction in Intrauterine Insemination
  • Monitoring in Intrauterine Insemination
  • Role of Doppler in Intrauterine Insemination
  • Semen Preparation Techniques for Intrauterine Insemination
  • Technique of Intrauterine Insemination
  • Luteal Phase Support in Intrauterine Insemination
  • Difficult Intrauterine Insemination
  • Complications of Intrauterine Insemination
  • Determinants of Success and Optimizing Success of Intrauterine Insemination
  • Donor Insemination
  • Sperm Cryopreservation

Introduction to Intrauterine InseminationCHAPTER 1

Intrauterine insemination is considered as the first line of treatment when applicable, in many infertility centers as it is a simple and inexpensive procedure. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) has a long history 1, 2, 3, 4. It was introduced nearly 200 years ago by John Hunter in the 1770's. Since then it has undergone many changes and advances till date.
In Intrauterine insemination (IUI) washed and prepared sperms are introduced into the woman's uterus, timed with ovulation, with the aim of getting the sperms nearer to the ovum.
It is often used as the first line of treatment for couples with “unexplained infertility”. It is also recommended for women with mild endometriosis. IUI can also help couples who are not able to have intercourse because of difficulties such as premature ejaculation or disability, as sperm is introduced directly inside the uterus. Women whose husbands have total testicular failure, have no option but to use donor insemination in order to achieve pregnancy. IUI with donor sperm is being increasingly used by women who intend to become single mothers.
In the past, IUI was done without ovarian stimulation by fertility drugs (“unstimulated cycle” or “natural cycle” IUI). In unstimulated cycles, IUI is timed with natural ovulation, which is usually detected by monitoring of urinary luteinizing hormone (LH), using LH kits, starting daily from day 8 of the periods. IUI is done 12–16 hours after the LH surge is detected by such LH kits. Nowadays, IUI is often combined with fertility drugs (“the stimulated cycle”). Ovulation induction is often recommended in anovulatory infertility like (PCOD) or unexplained infertility and also in mild male factor and mild endometriosis cases. These drugs increase the chances of pregnancy by multifollicular development and by producing good quality oocytes. The drugs commonly used are clomiphene citrate, letrozole and injectable gonadotropins. Usually these medicines are given starting from day 3–5 of the menstrual cycle. Concurrently serial transvaginal sonography is done to monitor follicular development from day 6–8 of the period. When the leading follicule becomes 18–20 mm in size, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) trigger is given. IUI is planned 36-40 hours after the trigger. The husband is asked to collect a semen sample, preferably in the semen collection room in the vicinity of IUI lab, or alternatively, he can get the sample in a clean sterile, nontoxic container from home. The sample should reach the laboratory within 30–45 minutes. The best quality and most motile sperms are harvested by one of the different semen preparation techniques. 4The washed sperms are deposited in the uterine cavity by a flexible catheter. The patient is made to rest for about 15 minutes after the procedure. A pregnancy test (preferably Serum β-hCG) is done 14 days after the IUI.
The success rate of IUI varies from 5–25% depending upon the age of the female partner, the extent of male factor, the cause of infertility and the ranking of the laboratory which does the semen preparation (as assessed by the equipment, maintainance, and staff skills). IUI can help couples with low sperm count or poor motility. A post wash count of more than 5 million per mL and 50% progessive motility usually leads to good success rates.
The success rates for IUI with natural cycle is 5–7%, and with fertility drugs it is about 15% per cycle. Of course, as with any form of infertility treatment, there are variable factors which can affect how successful this treatment will be. It is not applicable for couples with:
  • Tubal blockage or severe tubal damage
  • Ovarian failure
  • Advanced stages of endometriosis
  • Severe male factor infertility
The disadvantages of ovarian stimulation for an IUI cycle are the associated risks of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and multiple pregnancies.
But overall, it is a reasonable initial treatment that should be utilized for a maximum of about 34 cycles, where applicable, it being relatively simple, inexpensive and effective.
  1. Barwin BN. Intrauterine insemination using husband's semen. J Reprod Fertil. 1974;36:101–3.
  1. Cohen MR. Intrauterine insemination. Int J Fertil. 1962. p. 235.
  1. Hanson FM, Rock J. Artificial insemination with husband's sperm. Fertil Steril. 1951 2:162–4.
  1. White RM, Glass RH. Intrauterine insemination with husband's semen. Obst Gynaecol. 1976:47:119-23.