Third Edition
Padmaja Udaykumar MD
Vice Dean Professor and Head Department of Pharmacology Father Muller Medical College
Mangaluru, Karnataka
M Shantharam Shetty
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Pharmacology for Physiotherapy Students
First Edition: 2004
Second Edition: 2011
Third Edition: 2017
fm5Dedicated to
My dear students
Textbook is the most important companion, tool and light of a learning student to lead him, to shape him, enlighten him to perfect himself in the chosen subject of his studies. So it should be reader-friendly, descriptive and analytical, to reach those goals, to fit into the mind of the learner. It should also be tailored to the needs of the student to pass his examination, which is also one of the primary goals of a student.
Pharmacology to many, including me, is one of the tough subjects, to learn amongst the medical curriculum. Most of the textbooks in pharmacology have been written, tailored to the needs of a medical student. Dr Padmaja Udaykumar in her own inimitable style has penned this textbook fully looking into the needs of a physiotherapy student. Physiotherapy is one of the most dynamic fields in medicine today to put back the patient to his physical perfection and the student ought to know the pharmacodynamics of the musculoskeletal and neurovascular systems. This book has met all these goals and I find it useful to an orthopedic, physical medicine and for postgraduate students as well.
I have known Dr Padmaja for many years. Her tenacity of purpose, vision and enthusiasm has culminated as yet another masterpiece. She is a source of inspiration to the younger generation for academic excellence.
I am sure this textbook will be of immense help to its user and I strongly recommend it, especially to physiotherapy students.
With best wishes
Dr M Shantharam Shetty
Pro-Chancellor and Professor of Orthopedics
KS Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University
Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
fm9Preface to the Third Edition
Physiotherapy is an essential mode of patient care. Since all patients treated by physiotherapists are likely to be receiving drugs, basic knowledge of drug effects as well as adverse effects is needed for all physiotherapists and also all staff involved in patient care. However, the depth of knowledge needed could be different. Since pharmacology is a rapidly growing subject and requires frequent updation, the third edition has been brought out. The latest prescribed syllabus (updated 2017) has been followed. All topics have been thoroughly revised and unnecessary information has been removed. Many figures and flow charts have been added and the book has been tailored to the needs of physiotherapy students.
Hope the book will reduce the burden of the students.
Any feedback may please be mailed to
Padmaja Udaykumar
fm11Preface to the First Edition
Pharmacology is a science that is rapidly growing. Basic knowledge of pharmacology is required for all those who deal with patients. Since there is no standard textbook meant exclusively for physiotherapy students, they are faced with the hardship of having to refer medical pharmacology books. Such volume and depth of pharmacology is unnecessary for physiotherapists and also difficult to comprehend. Hence this book is written to make pharmacology simple for physiotherapy students. The presentation has been simple so that the students easily understand the subject. Guidelines of the University syllabus has been followed. More importance has been given for topics like analgesics, skeletal muscle relaxants and other musculoskeletal disorders which are emphasized for physiotherapy students. Syllabuses of some universities have recommended topics like ‘drugs and exercise’, ‘vasoconstrictors and vasodilators’ for physiotherapy students. They have also been discussed briefly.
I hope this book reduces the burden of students in learning pharmacology.
Padmaja Udaykumar
I am extremely grateful to Dr M Shantharam Shetty, Pro-Chancellor and Professor of Orthopedics, KS Hegde Medical Academy, Nitte University, Mangaluru, India for writing Foreword to this book.
I am sincerely thankful to the management of Father Muller Medical College, Director—Rev Fr Patrick Rodrigues; Administrators—Rev Fr Richard Coelho, Rev Fr Rudolph Ravi D'Sa and Rev Fr Ajith Menezes; Chief of Medical Services—Dr B Sanjeev Rai and Dean Dr Jayaprakash Alva for their encouragement and support.
I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to Dr Annappa Kulal for his suggestions. I am also thankful to my colleagues.
I owe a special note of thanks to my husband, Prof Udaykumar K, Medical Superintendent, Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India for his constant encouragement and valuable suggestions, which made this work possible.
I also wish to thankfully acknowledge the prompt and meticulous work of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.