Monitoring in Anesthesia and Critical Care Anjan Trikha, Preet Mohinder Singh, Vimi Rewari, Rashmi Ramachandran
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abbey pain scale 387
Abdomen, ultrasound of 185
Abdominal organs 176
Abductor digiti minimi 240
Abductor pollicis brevis 240
Acceleromyography 248
ACE See angiotensin converting enzyme
Acetylcholine 246
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors 244
disorder 274, 274t
classification of individual 276
etiologies of 276t
management of individual 276
mixed 273
primary 273, 273fc
simple 273
homeostasis, basic concepts of 272
status, monitoring of 158
Acoustic windows 209f
diphosphate 361, 374
triphosphate 312
ADP See adenosine diphosphate
Advanced hemodynamic monitoring
devices, future of 414
methods of 414
Agonist arachidonic acid 375
AIMS See anesthesia information management systems
bronchogram 183
leak 401f
detection of 401
trapping 400
Airflow obstruction, severity of 144t
Air-mucosa 180
interface 180f
Air-tissue interface 180
Air-trapping 398
Airway 176
applications of ultrasound of 179b
burns 336
disease, restrictive 145f
obstruction 397, 400
pressure, positive 109, 111
ultrasound of 179
Albumin 285
Alcohol 306, 332
thermometer 332, 333f
Alveolar dead space, index of 165
Alveolar epithelial injury, biomarkers for 322
Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient 146
American Diabetes Association 304
American Heart Association 165, 332
American Society of Anesthesiologists 8, 351, 355
practice guidelines 61b
standards for basic monitoring 14t
Amikacin 343
Amiloride 294
Ancillary monitoring recommendations 15
Anesthesia 210
and critical care, evolution of monitoring in 1
and intensive care 425
and surgical care 11
clinical service accreditation 10
delivery system, closed-loop 430
for epilepsy surgery, techniques of 235
information management system 20, 23, 24
advantages of 21
capabilities of 21
hardware component of 20
integration of 22
purchase 23
software component of 20
inhalational agent 161
intraoperative 287
modern 11
practice 11
record, automated 24
regional 189
sedation and depth of 425
techniques 192
thermoregulatory variations during 336
ultrasound guided regional 175, 189
Anesthetic agents, effect on 211
Anesthetic considerations 261
Anesthetic drugs 241
Anesthetic services, provision of 10
Anesthetic toxicity, local 189
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 290
inhibitors 294
Anion gap 274
high 276
normal 276
corrected 275
metabolic acidosis 276
Antecubital veins 53
Antibiotic stewardship 320
Anticonvulsant drugs, side effects of 234
Antidepressant, tricyclic 290
Antidiuretic hormone 288
Anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal 290, 294
Antiretroviral agents 276
Antitubercular agents 343
Antrum 186
Aorta 93, 96, 98, 101, 101f, 183
ascending 82, 83, 102
descending 85f, 86f, 93, 102
long-axis view 85
short-axis view 85
long segment of ascending 94f
Aorta-pulmonic level, short axis 95
Aortic annulus 104, 104f
Aortic atheroma 89
Aortic blood flow peak velocity 112
limitations 112
physics 112
Aortic blood velocity 115
Aortic dissection 89
with false lumen 89f
with true lumen 89f
Aortic regurgitation 47
Aortic stenosis 47
transthoracic echocardiogram in 104
Aortic surgery 78
Aortic valve 78, 79, 83, 84, 105
area 103
transthoracic echocardiography in 104
Apixaban 379, 380
Apnea testing 158
Aprotinin 361
thromboelastometry 361
APTT See activated partial thromboplastin time
Arachidonic acid 374
Arch of aorta 83, 102f
common perioperative 33
recognition 33
causes 33
Arterial blood 164
gas 154, 168, 425
gas analysis, components 272t
measured with 271
gas monitoring 271
indications for 271
gas, measurement of 271
obtaining 271
pressure 3, 112
waveforms 124
Arterial cannula placement technique 40
Arterial cannulation
complications with 41
contraindications of 41
ultrasound guided 178
Arterial oxygen
partial pressure of 57
pressure of 123
saturation 192
Arterial pressure
mean 45, 431
monitoring of 40
waveform 45
beat-to-beat variability in 48
normal 44, 44f
overdamped 46
underdamped 46
Arterial to end-tidal carbon dioxide gradient 165
Arterial waveform 46f
additional information from 48
analysis of 415, 417
in aortic
regurgitation 47f
stenosis 47f
morphology, analysis of 48
Artery 177
Asleep-awake technique 235
Asleep-awake-asleep technique 235
Aspirin 375
Asthma 353
bronchial 398
capnograms in 171f
appendage, left 82
contraction, premature 34, 34f
end-diastolic volume, left 67, 68
fibrillation 32f, 35, 35f
flutter 35, 35f
kick 28
natriuretic peptide 321
pressure, left 427
septal defect 81
systole 28
Atrioventricular conduction block 36
Atrium appendix, left 95, 97, 97f, 98, 98f
Atrium, left 93, 96, 97, 100, 102, 183, 184
Auditory evoked potentials 203
Australian incident monitoring 14
Automatic computerized monitoring systems 20
Autonomic nervous system 265
measurement, methods of 269
perioperative monitoring of 265
Basal insulin 306, 311
Bedside pulmonary function tests 149
Beer-Lambert law states 216
Behavioral pain scale 393
Benzodiazepines 262
Beta-blocking agents 294
Bicarbonate 288
Bioinformatics 430
Biophysical score 410t
ultrasound-guided 410
Bioreactance 70, 417
Bispectral index 202
device 203f
monitor 5
Bladder, ultrasound of 187
complications 373
time 374
advantages 374
limitations 374
and tissue antibiotic concentrations 426
glucose 304, 309, 312
pressure 421
invasive 13
monitoring 124
monitoring of intraoperative 2
random 295
tests for 352
guidelines for preoperative 352
preoperative 354t
vessels 265
volume 418, 421
function of 216
mass index 283
plethysmography 145
temperature pressure standard 148
Bone formation, accelerated net 302
Brachial plexus block, supraclavicular 181
natriuretic peptide 323
parts of 202f
stem death 213
trauma foundation guidelines 226
tumors 226
type natriuretic peptide 321
holding index 210
mechanical 399f
spontaneous 399f
Breathing systems 16
type of 16
Bronchoscopy 169
Bubble test 51
Burns, magnetic resonance imaging 336
Calcium equilibrium 296
Capnograms, abnormal 171f
Capnography 5, 167, 168, 195
mainstream 162
physiology of 163
Carbapenems 345
Carbon dioxide 14, 131, 161, 164, 211
partial pressure of 164, 272, 274
waveforms, morphology of 170
Carbon monoxide 125
Carboxyhemoglobin 120
arrest 221, 404
biomarkers 320, 324
cycle 27, 28f
function index 68
index 66, 68, 69
output 57, 66, 69, 124, 165, 421, 426, 431
assessment of 166
decrease in 165
monitor 72
monitoring, noninvasive 65
sources of emboli, evaluation of 106
stress test 29
stroke volume, very poor 124
surgery 211, 217
tachyarrhythmias, digoxin-induced 298
tamponade 106
troponins 324
Cardiomyopathy 306
bypass 131, 332
exercise test 149
interaction, tests for 148
resuscitation 167, 167f, 221
Cardiotachoscope 3
disease 353
surgeries 365
system 425
Carotid artery, internal 52f, 208
Carotid endarterectomy 210, 217
Carotid surgery 217
Carpentier's classification 105
Catecholamine 305
CBC See complete blood count
CEA See carotid endarterectomy
Central nervous system 405, 425
Central oxygen saturation 126
Central venous 50
access device 53
cannulation, ultrasound-guided 51
catheter 50, 135, 177
complications of 53, 54b
ultrasound guided 177
oxygen saturation 431
placement, indications for 57b
pressure 57, 58b, 431
Cephalosporins 345
anterior 208
middle 208, 411
posterior 208
blood flow, decreased 209
ischemia, hypocapnia-induced 157
metabolic rate of oxygen 218
oximetry, management of 218fc
oxygen saturation 217, 218
Cerebrospinal fluid 224, 323
CHEOPS See children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale
Childbirth, physiological changes of 421
Chloride 288
Chvostek's sign 298
Clindamycin 345
Clopidogrel 375
Closed-loop systems 430
Clot formation time 361
Clotting time, activated 363
CoaguChek XS 378
Cognitively impaired adults 383, 387
Colorimetric devices 162
Comet tail artefact 180, 180f
Communication of sedation, nursing instrument for 198, 201, 201t
Complete blood count 351
Compound muscle action potential 257
Compression ultrasound
femoral vein 188f
popliteal vein 189f
Congenital fetal malformations, detection of 402
Continuous hemodynamic monitoring, future of 73
Continuous positive airway pressure 157
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump 309
Conventional coagulation tests 357
Conventional hemodynamic assessment 133
artery 86f, 95f
left main 95, 96
right 86, 87, 87f, 96
sinus 93, 93f, 94, 98, 98f, 99
Cough test 150
Counterregulatory hormones 313
Cranial bony windows, probe on thin 208f
C-reactive protein 285, 319, 323
for diagnosis 319
for prognosis 319
for therapeutic guidance 320
Cricoid cartilage 179
Critical care pain observation tool 387, 392
Curvilinear probe 176
Cutaneous mitochondrial oxygen tension, photonics 418
Cyanocobalamin 284
Cyclosporine 343
Cystatin C 324
Dabigatran 379, 380
De-bono whistle blowing test 150
Dentin matrix protein 1 301
Deoxyhemoglobin 216
Derived hemodynamic parameters 57t
Diabetes 287
preoperative medication protocol 308t
Diabetic ketoacidosis 296
management of 311fc
dysfunction 182
runoff 45
Diazepam 276
Dicrotic notch 45
Digital pupillometry 266
Digital revolution 5
Digoxin intoxication 294
Dilutional hyponatremia 291
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 357, 359
Doppler velocimetry 410
Double-burst stimulation 248, 251
Drug 302
intervention, effects of 404
Drug-level monitoring 342
for intravenous anesthesia 346
future of 346
Dynamic parameters, types of 109b
Dynamic volume status
indicators 108
parameters 115t
Dyscalcemia 287, 297, 298
per se, treatment of 298
Dyselectrolytemias, electrocardiogram changes in 38
Dysglycemia 287, 307
drug causing 306t
per se 306
perioperative 306
treatment approach to 306
Dyskalemia 287, 293
causes of 293t
medication associated with 294t
Dysketonemia 287, 313
Dysmagnesemia 287, 299
causes of 299t
per se, treatment of 299
Dysnatremia 287, 288
causes of 289t
correction of severe 292t
medications causing 290t
treatment of 290
Dysphosphatemia 287, 301, 303
causes of 302t
per se, treatment of 303
mechanism of 33
supraventricular 33
Echocardiographic hemodynamic monitoring 106
Echocardiographic planes, acquisition of two-dimensional 92
Echocardiography 182, 183f, 417
techniques, perioperative 76
Eclampsia 298
ECMO See extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 266
Edrophonium 244
EDTA See ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EGFR See estimated glomerular filtration rate
Einthoven's triangle 28f
Electrical measurement devices 333
advantages 334
disadvantages 334
Electrocardiogram 27
analyzing 31
artifacts 30
paper 30
role of routine preoperative 39
tracing, normal 31f
Electrocardiographic tracing, normal 30
Electrocardiography 3, 18, 27
working principles of 237
Electrode 30
placement in electrocorticography 237t
type of 237f
Electrodermal activity 265, 266
Electroencephalography device, measurement of 202f
Electrolytes 287, 290, 351, 425
monitoring 287
Electromyography 248
Electronic fetal monitoring 405, 406, 406f
device 406f
Elevated intracranial pressure 226
pressure 45
velocity, absent 411
occlusion 116
physics 114
auto-positive 399f, 400, 400f
detection of auto-positive 398
intrinsic positive 398
positive 56, 116, 397
Endogenous danger molecules 322
glycocalyx 132
injury 322
intubation, confirmation of 165
tube 162, 166, 181
End-tidal carbon dioxide
causes of changes in 17b
partial pressure of 14
End-tidal gas
measurement of 161
monitors 172
during anesthesia 172
in intensive care unit 161
Epicardial echocardiography 76
Epidural monitoring 228
retractable 238f
goal of 234
monitoring during 234, 241
Equipment to monitor temperature 331
Esmolol 276
Doppler 69
cardiac output monitor 5
monitoring 70f
intubation 5, 181
muscles 4
pathology 76
Esophagus 180, 180f
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 351
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 375
European Board of Anaesthesiology 10
Eustachian valve 100
Exhaled gas carbon dioxide 195
Existing technology, limitations of 221
Expiratory flow pattern 398f
components of 397
Expiratory reserve volume 146
Extracellular fluid 288, 293, 296
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 361
Extravascular lung
water 68, 68f
index 66, 68, 69
Extrinsic pathway thromboelastometry 360, 361
Eye signs 2
Faces pain scale 384
versions of 385f
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 297
Fast flush test 46
Fasting glucose, impaired 304
Fasting plasma glucose 304
Febrile illness 404
Femoral artery
cannulation 41, 414
catheterization of 41
Femoral vein 50, 53
Fetal heart rate 403, 406, 411
acceleration in 408f
deceleration in 408f
management of 409b
physiological basis of 403
Fetal heart sounds 405
Fetal hypoxia, severity of
acute 403
chronic 403
Fetal movement count, daily 409
Fetal oxygenation 403
plethysmography 194
pneumatic sensor 230
Fibrinogen thromboelastometry 360, 361
Fibroblast growth factor 301
receptor 301
Flexor halluces brevis muscle 247
Flotrac vigileo 66
Flow velocity 209
Fluid-filled tubings 42
Fluoxetine 306
Flushing system 42
Folate 284
Fondaparinux, monitoring for 379
Forced vital capacity 143
Fossa tumors, posterior 226
Fourier analysis 43f
Frank-Starling curve 108
Fresh frozen plasma 358, 359, 361
Full blood count 355
Functional residual capacity 146
Gas exchange, tests to assess 146
Gastric bypass surgery 158
Gastric ultrasound 185
absorption, reduced 299
tract 296
Gentamicin 343
Gestational age, determination of 402
Glasgow coma scale 225
Global ejection fraction 66, 69
Global end-diastolic volume 67
index 66
Glucocorticoids 287, 294
Glucose 287, 425
monitoring 304
technology 309
tolerance, impaired 304
Glutamate 290
Glycated hemoglobin 287, 304
Glycemic management chart, perioperative 310t
Glycogenolysis 282
Glycoprotein 375
Glycosylated hemoglobin 351, 352, 355
Go-live, types of 24
Gosling's pulsatility index 209
Grave's disease 231
HbA1c See glycosylated hemoglobin
Head injury 212, 225, 278
Health technology assessment 352
Healthcare, delivering quality 8
Healthy pregnant women, normal 211
all chambers of 100f
complete 37f
first degree 37f
catheterization, right 152
complex congenital 78
in pregnancy 422
failure, congestive 323
rate 31, 421
calculation in irregular rhythms 32f
in neonates, normal resting 18t
variability 268
rhythm, normal 32f
sounds 1
type fatty acid binding protein 321
HELLP See hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets 417
Hemochron signature elite 379
alterations 241
changes in normal pregnancy 421t
management, ultrasound for 182
in obstetrics, application of 418
techniques, comparison of 419t
physiological changes in pregnancy, terminology of normal 418
Hemoglobin 57
oximetry 127
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome 417
Hemorrhage 229
postpartum 367
Hemostasis, tests for 352, 354
Heparin 294
therapy, monitoring 379
Heparinase thromboelastometry 360, 361
Hepatic disease 285
Hepatic vein 185, 185f
draining 102f
Hepatobiliary surgery 219
Hepatorenal recess 186
HFOV See high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
Hockey stick probe 176
Holter monitoring 29
Hormones 296
HTA See health technology assessment
Human development research planning 406
Human tissue 175
Hydrocephalus 226
Hyoid bone 179
Hypercalcemia 38, 38f, 297, 297fc
treatment for 298
types of 297fc
Hyperglycemia 304, 306, 308
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state 311fc
Hyperkalemia 38, 293, 294
ECG changes in 38f
Hyperketonemia 313
Hyperlipidemia 289
Hypermagnesemia 298, 299
Hypernatremia 288290
acute severe 290
Hyperoxia in infants 157
Hyperphosphatemia 301303
depresses 301
Hyperproteinemia 289
Hypertension 47
in pregnancy 422
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 47
Hypervolemia 185
Hypocalcemia 38, 38f, 297fc, 298
types of 297fc
Hypochondrium pain, right 106f
Hypoglycemia 304306, 311
etiological classification of 307f
mask symptoms of 306
strategies for treating 312t
symptoms of 306
Hypokalemia 38, 293, 294, 303
electrocardiogram changes in 38f
Hypoketonemia 313
Hypomagnesemia 298, 299
Hyponatremia 288290, 303
Hypophosphatemia 301303
consequences of severe 303t
increases 301
risk factor of severe 303t
Hypotension 403
Hypothermia 124
pattern, typical intraoperative 336f
perioperative 336
treatment of 338
Hypoventilation 192
Hypovolemia 48, 51, 87, 185
Hypoxemia 127
detection of 4
perioperative 5
Hypoxemic respiratory failure, severe 277
detection of 13
fetal response to 411t
to pulse oximetry, detection of 119
Iatrogenic intracranial hypertension 230
Impedance pneumography 193
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, syndrome of 289
Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists 8, 14
role of 10
Induced electromyography activity 261
Infant pain profile, premature 386
acute 319t
characteristics for 319
surgical site 328
radiation thermometer 335
spectrometry 161f
spectroscopy, principle of near 216
tympanic electronic thermometer 335f
Infusion devices 17
Infusion, target controlled 346
Inspiratory flow pattern 398f
components of 397
Inspiratory pause 398f
using flow scalar, detection of 398
Inspiratory reserve volume 146
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 218
deficiency 312
intermediate-acting 308
pump 308
Intelligent monitoring systems 428
Intensive care
acquired weakness, biomarkers in 322
environment, adaptation to 200
nonverbal adults in 386
unit 40, 181, 217, 220
biomarkers in 318
Interatrial septum 87
Interpret electronic fetal heart rate, mnemonic to 406t
Interstitial edema 182
Interventricular septum 87, 183
Intestinal phosphate absorption, impaired 302
blood pressure 40
monitoring 40
monitoring system 41
cannula 42
Intracardiac pressures, normal 55t
Intracranial hypertension 224
benign 226
Intracranial pressure 13, 188, 209, 224
abnormal 224
data, interpretation of 224
monitoring 224
complications of 229
implications of 231
indications of 225
invasive techniques, methods of 226
normal 224
waveform, normal 225f
waves, pathological 225
Intraoperartive monitoring 236
Intraparenchymal monitoring 228
blood volume 67, 68, 68f
index 68
thermal volume 68f
Intravascular injection 189
anesthesia, total 346
anesthetics 262
fluid bolus 404
Invasive intracranial pressure monitoring 227f
Iron 284
Isovolumetric relaxation 28
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction 28
Isthmus 180f
Jugular vein
external 50, 52
internal 50, 51f, 177, 178, 178f
needle puncture of internal 52f
right internal 54
with compression, internal 177f
without compression, internal 177f
Junctional rhythm 35, 35f
Kaolin thromboelastography, standard 359t
Ketone 287
measurements 313
regulation 312
clinical application of 314t
monitoring 311
Kidney 265
disease, chronic 290
function test 355
acute 321, 355
biomarkers for acute 324
molecule-1 324
Kinemyography 248
mapping 237
specific tasks 238
mask airway 235
nerve block 181
Laser Doppler perfusion imaging 135
Left ventricle 81, 85, 93, 97, 99, 100, 183, 184
end-diastolic volume 67, 68
Left ventricular
pressure 56, 427
volume 426, 427
function 86
outflow tract 98, 183
Leg raise test
limitations, passive 114
passive 114, 116
Leukocyte function 282
Lidcoplus 68
system 69f
Lifebox 123
potable pulse oximeter 119f
Light emitting diode 118, 134
Light transmission aggregometry 374
Limb leads
bipolar 29
standard 29
Lincomycin 345
Lipolysis 282
Lipoprotein, high-density 304
Liquid crystal 332, 333
Lithium 306, 343
dilution cardiac output 116
Liver 183, 186, 265
failure 213
transplantation 366
Lobectomy 151
Local anesthetic 262
Loop diuretic 294
Low baseline saturations 221
Low parasternal long axis 93
Lumbar subarachnoid monitoring 228
Lung 176
capacity, total 144, 147
conditions 144f
diffusing capacity of 147
disease 147t
restrictive 144, 146
function measurement 157
injury, acute 169, 321
parenchyma 183
sliding sign 181
ultrasound of 181
interpretation of 182
volumes, measuring 144
LVEDP See left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
LVOT See left ventricular outflow tract
equilibrium 298
load, increased 299
biomarkers of 284
consequences of 282
diagnosis of 281
epidemiology of 281
investigations for 284
mechanisms of 281
universal screening tool 283
Manual intermittent auscultation 405
procedure 405
MAOI See monoamine oxidase inhibitor
Massive extracellular fluid phosphate loads 302
Massive transfusion 422
Maternal critical illness 403
Maternal hypoxemia 403
Maternal uterine blood supply 404
MCA See middle cerebral artery
Mechanomyography 247
Medicine, perioperative 287
Meningitis 229
Meperidine 292
Mercury 332, 333f
thermometer 331
Mesenteric vein, superior 186
Metabolic acid-base disorder 273
Metabolic acidosis 274, 276, 277
etiology of 278fc
Metabolic alkalosis 274, 276, 277
Metabolic monitoring 287
Metformin 276
Microcirculatory function, exploration of 133
Microembolic signals 211
Micronutrient deficiencies
causes of specific 284t
effects of specific 284t
Microspirometers 150
Microtransducer-tipped intracranial pressure monitoring devices 228
aortic valve 83f
short-axis view 83
ascending aortic
long-axis view 82
short-axis view 83, 83f
bicaval view 84, 84f
four chamber view 80, 81f
left ventricular long-axis view 81
right ventricle inflow-outflow view 84, 84f
two chamber view 81
Mineralocorticoids 294
Minnesota sedation assessment tool 198, 201, 201t
Mitral valve 95, 96
and tricuspid valve, regurgitation across 88f
echocardiography of 104
normal 105
Mitral-pulmonic plane 93
Monitor muscular response, devices to 247
Monitor neuromuscular function 303
Monitored anesthesia care 124, 235
Monitoring equipment 15
Monitoring fondaparinux therapy 380
Monitoring low molecular weight heparin therapy 380
Monitoring neuromuscular blockade
devices for 247
sites for 246
Monitoring parameters 15
circulation 15
oxygenation 15
ventilation 15
Monitoring standards
minimum 13
of anesthesiologists 14
Monitoring technologies, future 425
Monitoring warfarin therapy 378, 379
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 290
Monobactams 345
Morison's pouch 186
Morphine 292
Motor activity assessment scale 198, 201, 202t
Motor evoked potentials 239, 257
Motor unit, anatomical diagram of 246f
Multidimensional pain
intensity scale 394b
inventory 392
Multi-organ failure 426
fibers 246
weakness 303
MUST See malnutrition universal screening tool
infarction, perioperative 323
ischemia 38f
monitoring 37
Myoinositol 290
N-acetyl-2β-glucosaminidase 324
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health Care Providers 9
National Institute for Health 318t
and Clinical Excellence 352
Nausea 241
Near infrared
spectrometry 126
spectroscopy 131, 216
Neonatal facial coding system 386
Neonatal infant pain scale 386
Neostigmine 244
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 289, 295
Nephropathy 306
Nerve 176
block, supraclavicular 189
frequently selected for monitoring 256t
roots injury 253
Neurological injury, biomarkers for 324
blockade 4, 246
antagonism of 252
in children 251
monitoring 244
blocker 262
administration of 4
effects of 296
blocking drugs 244
diseases 147
junction 244, 245
monitoring 245
emergence of 4
Neuron specific enolase 324
Neuropathy 306
intraoperative monitoring 253
modalities, types of 254, 255b
monitoring modalities 237
Neurosurgery 210, 367
Neurosurgical procedure 158
Neutral protamine hagedorn 308
Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin 321, 324
Newer anticoagulants, monitoring 379b, 380
Newer oral anticoagulants 380
Newer perioperative anticoagulation monitoring 378
Niacin 284
NIOM See neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring
Nitroglycerin 276
Nitroprusside 276
Nitrous oxide 161
Nonanion gap metabolic acidosis 276
Noncardiac surgery 89, 219
group of 121
Noncerebral tissue oxygenation, measurement of 221
Nonelectrical devices 332
Nonelectrical measurement devices 331
Non-insulin injectables 308
Noninvasive blood pressure 13
cuff 124
evolution of 2
Nonstress test 408
Nonventilated lung 181
Norepinephrine-mediated vasoconstriction 329
Normothermia, maintaining 337
NSAIDs See nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Numeric rating scale 391
assessment, mini 283
requirements 285
status monitoring 281
status, assessment of 282
Observational tools 392
hemodynamics 392
Obstetric critical care 414
Obstructive airway disease 144, 144f
Obstructive lung diseases 146
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 141, 353
Obstructive sleep apnea 125, 157, 234
Octreotide 306
OGTT See oral glucose tolerance test
One-lung ventilation 158
Opioids 277
Optic nerve
pathologies 231
sheath diameter measurement 189f
Oral glucose tolerance test 304
Oral hypoglycemic agents 305, 308
Orbital inflammation 231
Organ dysfunction 303
multiple 318
Orthogonal polarization spectral 134
Oscillatory ventilation, high-frequency 157
Oscillotonometer 2
Osmotic demyelination syndrome 290, 292
Osteomyelitis 229
Oximeter 118
Oximetry monitoring
in emergency department 125
in intensive care unit 125
Oxygen 57, 161, 163
analyzer 13
maximum volume of 151
measurement 4
monitoring in pregnancy 418
partial pressure of 272
reserve index monitor (Masimo) 418
saturation 57
supplementation with nasal prongs 236f
supply 16
Oxygenated hemoglobin 118
Oxygenation parameters 57t
Oxyhemoglobin 216
saturation 124
acute 392
assessing 383
behaviors 387t
chronic 392
in adults, assessing and measuring 391
intensity scale, unidimensional 394b
inventory 392
management 391
measuring 383
monitoring 393
device 393f
multiparameter algorithms 393
reflexes 394
scales, validated observational 387t
simplified self-reported measures of 384
tools, observational 394b
Pain-rating scales 384
Palate 179
Pancreas 186
Pancreatic stone peptide 322
Papillary muscles 88f, 97, 97f
Parametric gas 163
Parasternal long axis 92, 93
high 93
Parasternal short axis 93
projection 95
Parathyroid hormone 296, 297, 297fc, 301, 302
Paravertebral block 189
Parenteral direct thrombin inhibitors 380
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 34, 35f
Partial thromboplastin time, activated 378
Patent foramen ovale 211
Patient electrode interface 30
Patient undergoing cataract surgery 355
Patient ventilator interaction 396
Peak inspiratory flow 397, 400
Pediatric patients 157
monitoring in 17
PEEP See positive end-expiratory pressure
Pelvis, ultrasound of 185, 187
Pena'z principle 71
Penicillins 345
coronary interventions 374
dilatational tracheostomy 169
Pericardial effusion, severe 106f
Perinatal mortality 410
Peripheral nerve stimulator 247
with electrodes 247f
Peripheral vascular disease 47, 47fc, 158
Peripherally inserted central catheters 53
Peroneal nerve, common 247
pH 272
Phenothiazines 306
Phenytoin 276, 343
Phonendoscope 2
Phonomyography 248
Phosphate 288
regulating neutral endopeptidase 301
Phosphorus equilibrium 300
Photoelectric cells 118
Physiologic device interfaces 21
Picco analysis 67f
PID See proportional-integral-derivative
Piezoelectric plethysmography 194
Plasma sodium concentration 291f
equilibrium of 288fc
Plateau pressure 400
adhesion, test based on 376
aggregation, tests based on 374
function analyzer 357, 368, 376
function test 373, 374b, 377
based on flow cytometry 378
point of care 368
works 368
impedance aggregometry 375
Pneumonia 278
Polytrauma patients, sepsis biomarkers for 322
Populations, description of special 383
Positive airway pressure, bi-level 157
Postanesthesia care unit 121
Postbronchodilator use, acceptability criteria 143
Posteromedial commissure 105
count 249
facilitation 249
Potassium 287
acetate 296
citrate 296
equilibrium 292
sparing diuretics 294
Pourcelot resistivity index 210
Preanesthetic evaluation and planning 234
Precordial leads, anatomic location of 29f
Precordial stethoscope 17
Preeclampsia 298
devices in 416
management of high-risk 410
pathophysiological states in 422
termination of 412
Prehospital care 220
monitoring in 220
Pressure scalar 399, 399f
components of 399f
Procalcitonin 320, 322, 323
diagnosis of infection and sepsis 320
for prognosis 320
Professional agencies, role of 9
Prophylactic antibiotic therapy, perioperative 345
Proportional-integral-derivative 346
Protein energy malnutrition 284
Proteolysis 282
Pulmonary artery 95, 96, 101, 102, 102f, 332
bifurcation 95
catheter 3, 54, 55f, 60, 61b, 135
contraindications for 62b
insertion of 54
monitoring 61b
diastolic pressure 427
left 96, 103, 103f
main 83
occlusion pressure 427
physiological assumptions related to 427t
pressure 431
monitoring 50
right 82, 83, 96, 101, 102, 102f
specific complications 57b
Pulmonary blood
flow 165
volume 68
Pulmonary capillary
saturation 57
tension 57
wedge 55
pressure 56
Pulmonary catheter use, evidence regarding 61
Pulmonary edema 182
Pulmonary embolism 88, 96f, 278
Pulmonary function test 141, 142
classification of 142
contraindications to performing 142
in preoperative evaluation 150
for lung resection surgery 151
of patients for general surgery 150
performing 141
report, typical 148f
results 148
Pulmonary function, monitoring of 141
Pulmonary gas exchange, abnormal 123
Pulmonary thermal volume 67
Pulmonary valve 95
Pulmonary vein, right superior 97, 97f
Pulse 1
alternans 48, 48f
analysis 65
cardiac output 116
oximeter 13, 123, 124
accuracy of 120
modern 123
typical 127
oximetry 4, 14, 118, 122, 125
adoption of 121
advances in 127
during sedation 124
history of 118
impact of 122
in obstructive sleep apnea, role of 125
monitoring 122
to patient safety, contribution of 122
paradoxus 48, 48f
photoplethysmographic amplitude 268
pressure 45, 110
maximum 111
minimum 111
variation 110, 111, 115
wave transit time 72
Pupil light response 266
light reflex 267
reflex dilatation 267
Pupils 265
Pyridoxine 284
QRS complex 31, 32
wide 33f
QT interval 31
Radial artery
applanation tonometry 72
cannulation 41
Radiation, effects of 405
Radionuclide scanning 146
Rainbow acoustic monitoring 195
Raman scattering 195
Ramsay sedation scale 197, 200, 200t
RBCs See red blood cells
RBS See random blood sugar
Reactive nonstress test 409f
Rebreathing technique, partial 71
Red blood cells 133, 208, 294, 363, 364
Reflectance pulse oximetry 121
Regional wall motion abnormality, assessment of 86
Regurgitant valvular lesions 88
disease, intrinsic 302
dysfunction 373
excretion, decreased 299
bilateral 187
tests for 351
insufficiency 302
losses, increased 299
magnesium absorption, increased 299
phosphate excretion, impaired 302
tubular acidosis 278
tubular phosphate reabsorption, reduced 302
Renin-angiotensinogen-aldosterone-system 288
early advocacy of monitoring 1
normal 192
Respirative impedance 193
acidosis 274, 276, 277
alkalosis 274, 276, 277
collapse, prevent 123
disorders 155
distress syndrome 313
acute 131
embarrassment 241
inductance plethysmography 194
pressures, maximum 147f
strength, assessment of 147
rate monitoring 192
variability of hemodynamic parameters 114
Retrolental fibroplasia 154
Riboflavin 284
Richmond agitation-sedation scale 198, 199, 199t
Richmond subarachnoid bolt 227f
Rifampin 306
Right atrial 81, 84
appendage 84, 84f
Right atrium 55, 87, 94, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102f, 103, 184, 185, 185f
end-diastolic volume 67, 68
Right ventricle 78, 79, 81, 85, 9397, 99, 100, 183, 184
end-diastolic volume 67, 68
Right ventricular
dilatation 87f
function 87
inflow 101f
view 93
inflow-apical-outflow view 101f
outflow tract 84, 183
Rivaroxaban 379, 380
Robotic-assisted surgery 220
Rotation thromboelastometry 359361, 363, 364
curve, normal 360f
machine 360ff
modifications of 361t
platelet assay 377
values of 360t
Royal College of Anaesthetists 8
RVOT See right ventricular outflow tract
S100B protein 324
Sabrasez's breath holding test 149
Sarcoidosis 231
assessment of 283
diagnosis of 284
Scalar waveforms, analysis of 397
Scalp block 235
Schneider's match blowing test 149
Sedation agitation scale 199, 199t
Sedation assessment tools 197
clinical application of 204
Sedation intensive care 198
score 201
Sedation-agitation scale 198
Seizures, intraoperative 240
Self-adhesive liquid crystal forehead temperature monitor 333f
Sensors, mainstream 195
Sepsis 220
biomarkers for 319
severe 108
Septic shock 45, 108
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor 290
Serum osmolal gap 275
Shock 65, 403
microcirculatory 136
Shuttle walk 149
test, advantage of 149
SIADH syndrome 292
Sickle cell disease 210
capnography 162
dark field 134
sensors 195
Sinotubular junction 104, 104f
arrhythmia 34, 34f
bradycardia 34f
tachycardia 34, 34f
Sirolimus 343
SIRS See systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Six-minute walk test 149
Skin 265, 332
color 1
conductance 393
infection, local 229
Sleep related disorders 157
Slogan of American Society of Anesthesiologists 14
Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologist 77, 78
Society of Critical Care Medicine 197
Society of Echocardiography 77
Sodium 287
high total 289
normal total 289
deficit in hyponatremia 290
equilibrium 288
Somatosensory evoked potential 255, 257
phase reversal 240
standard settings for 256t
Sonoclot machine 362f
Sonoclot signature, normal 362f
Specific waveform morphology 47
Spiegelberg intracranial pressure sensor 229f
Spiegelberg transducer 229
Spinal artery, posterior 254
Spinal cord 253
blood supply of 254f
monitors 253
Spironolactone 294
Spontaneous breathing 114
Spontaneous electromyography activity 260
SSRI See serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Stair climbing test 149
Standalone pulse oximeter 118f
Standardization, benefits of 9
Standardizing agencies
and perioperative monitoring 11
role of 10
Staphylococcus aureus 345
Static function tests 144
Stenotic valvular lesions 88
Stimulated electromyography monitoring 259
Strap muscle 179, 180
Stress 124
disorder, post-traumatic 205
Stress-induced hyperglycemia 304, 305
Strip electrodes in situ 239f
Stroke 278
volume 66, 69, 116, 421
maximum 109
minimum 109
volume variation 65, 66, 69, 109, 115, 116
limitations 110
physics 109
uses 110
hemorrhage 210, 212, 226
monitoring 227
Subclavian vein 50, 52
long axis 100
planes 99
short axis plane 100
Subdural monitoring 228
Subjective sedation assessment tool 197
structure of 198
Sublingual fat 179
Sum of two sine waves 43f
Supramaximal stimulus
application of 246
concept of 246
Doppler 417
short axis 102
Surgery, ancient 1
Surgical care improvement project 328
Surgical stress index 268
Swan-Ganz catheter 3, 65
Symptomatic hypocalcemia 298
Systemic arterial pressure 18
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 428
Systemic vascular resistance 421
blood pressure 43, 421
decline 45
peak pressure 45
pressure variation 110, 111, 115
limitations 112
upstroke 45
Tau protein 324
Taurine 290
TCA See tricyclic antidepressant
TCIS See target controlled infusions
TDM See therapeutic drug monitoring
Technique of insertion 50, 54
Temperature measurement devices, classification of 332t
Temperature monitoring 328, 330t
complications 336
burns 336
local trauma 336
intraoperative 330
Tetanic stimulation 249
Theragnostics 322
Therapeutic drug monitoring 342344
in critically ill patients 344
indications 342
process of 343
Thermistor 194, 333
Thermocouple 194, 334
Thermodilution plot 67f
control of 329fc
normal 328
Thiamine 284
Thiazide diuretic 294
Thoracic bioimpedance 192
Thoracic electrical bioimpedance 70
Thoracic impedance measurement 193
Thoracoabdominal aorta, subcostal plane for 100
Thromboelastogram with platelet mapping 377
Thromboelastography 357, 361
machine 358f
modification of 360, 361t
normal 358f
platelet mapping 369
tracings, abnormal 359f
Thromboelastometry, intrinsic pathway 360
Thrombolytic therapy 107
Thyrohyoid membrane 179
Thyroid 180, 180f
cartilage 179
surgery 181
Tissue oxygen measurements 137
Tissue perfusion 130, 425
determinants of 131
evaluation of 158
monitoring 130
composite map of 134f
resonance analysis 231
thermometry, deep 332
TLC See total leukocyte count
Tongue 179
Torrential hemorrhage 422
Torsades de pointes 298
Total leukocyte count 351
Toxins 302
Trachea 180, 180f
Tracheal cartilage 179
Train-of-four 250
ratio 250
stimulus 250f, 251t
Transcellular phosphate shifts 302
blood gas monitoring, guidelines on 157
carbon dioxide
monitoring 156
pressure 154, 157
gas monitor 154
principles of 155f
clinical applications of 156
disadvantages of 158
oxygen 126
levels 126
monitoring 155
pressure 154
high-frequency 176
types of 176f
Transesophageal echocardiographic
examination, indications of comprehensive 78
probe insertion
complications of 79
contraindications of 79
probe manipulation, terminology for 80
Transesophageal echocardiography 79, 106, 112, 116, 175
basic perioperative 80
perioperative 76
probe 77, 77f
types of 77t
Transgastric mid papillary short-axis view 84, 85f
Transient hyperemic response 211
Transpulmonary thermodilution 66f
bioimpedance 416
echocardiography 92, 106
Trauma resuscitation, capnography during 168
Traumatic brain injury 220, 225
Triamterene 294
Tricuspid valve 84, 95, 101
Trimethoprim 294
Troponin 321
Trousseau's sign 298
Tubulointerstitial nephropathy 295
Tumor lysis syndrome 301
Tumor, intraventricular 226
Tympanic membrane displacement 231
Unfractionated heparin 379
Unipolar limb leads 29
Unipolar precordial leads 29
United States National Institute of Health 318
Ureteric patency 187
anion gap 275, 278
osmolalities 288
Uterine contractions 422
Valproic acid 343
Valve procedure 78
Valvular lesions 88
Vancomycin 343
analysis 16
anesthetics 292
Vascular resistance 421
Vascular unloading technique 71, 71f
Vein 177
thrombosis, deep 187
Vena cava
collapsibility index
inferior 113, 116
limitations, superior 113
physics, superior 113
superior 113, 115
delineation, subcostal plane for inferior 100
diameter and variability, inferior 184
draining, inferior 102f
inferior 84, 84f, 94, 101, 101f, 102, 103, 113, 116, 185, 185f, 186
superior 83, 84, 84f, 102, 102f, 103, 113, 116
oximetry 126
central 135
mixed 135
saturation, mixed or central 66, 69
tension 57
saturation, mixed 431
thromboembolism, diagnosis of 187
to arterial carbon dioxide differences 137
Ventilation, noninvasive monitoring of 168
Ventilator 3
parameters 427
waveforms 396
Ventricular diastolic pressure volume curve 59f
Ventricular dysrhythmias 35
Ventricular ejection 28
Ventricular fibrillation 36, 36f
Ventricular tachycardia 36, 36f
Verbal categorical scales 391
Videomicroscopy 133
Viscoelastic tests
of coagulation, literature on 364t
point of care 357
Visual analog scale 391
Vital signs 427
to assess pain 385
A 284
B1 284
B12 284
B2 284
B3 284
B6 284
C 284
D 284, 296, 297fc
production 301
E 284
K 284
Volume capnogram 164
Volume scalar 401
Vomiting 241
Waveform analysis 43
physical principles 43
Wheatstone bridge 42
circuit 42f
Whipple's triad 305
Winding clock back 130
Wong-baker faces scale 392
World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists 9
Wright peak flow meter 150
Xanthines 294
Chapter Notes

Save Clear


Evolution of Monitoring in Anesthesia and Critical CareCHAPTER 1

Rashid M Khan
Maher Al-Bahrani
Surgery is as old as humanity. Ancient surgery was an art that thrived in India, China, Egypt, and Greece. In those days emphasis was on surgeon's speed and patient's tolerance. Surgery was at times ruthless and chilling and anesthesia nonexistent. In most cases, surgery was not performed by persons with medical background but by ignorant barbers who wielded the knife. Contemporary surgical advancements have been made possible by the evolution of anesthesia and monitoring devices that are being increasingly used during the perioperative period. Evolution of each monitoring technique and device over the centuries has been like baby steps with plenty of slips and tumbles. Gradual experience with successful intraoperative monitoring led to the emergence of critical care units (CCUs). Today, the two are at par in terms of advanced monitoring aids and they complement each other well.
It is now well established that close monitoring in operation theatre (OT) and CCU has been largely responsible for improvement in patient's outcome. Recognition of the importance of close monitoring evolved with the realization that unexpected mortality and morbidity in the OTs and CCUs may be prevented by early recognition of deterioration and prompt resuscitation of sick patients.1,2 Likewise, improved monitoring has been cited as one of the most important reasons for a reduction in anaesthesia related mortality over the years and advancements made in surgery.3
This chapter shall take its readers down the memory lane of evolution of monitoring dating back several centuries. Aim has been to arrange them in chronological order.
Early Advocacy of Monitoring Respiration, Heart Sounds, Pulse, and Skin Color
Evolution of patient monitoring started long before the introduction of clinical anesthesia in 1846. In the prehistory period where attempts were made to produce a state resembling anesthesia, using alcohol (Powell 1996) and opium poppy as early as 3400 BC,46 surgeon's speed was of paramount importance rather than patient monitoring. Though William Harvey and Motu Cordis demonstrated arterial and venous blood flow in 1628 and Stephen Hales measured arterial blood pressure in a horse a century later, no formal attempt was made to monitor patients during hypnosis and sedation for surgery till after the demonstration of general anesthesia by William TG Morton in 1846 and John Snow in 1847. In fact, it was the death of a 15-year-old Hannah Greener in 1848 that stimulated the anesthetic fraternity to initiate monitoring of pulse, respiration, and color of patient's skin during surgery. Two years later, Florence Nightingale also emphasized the importance of close patient monitoring. She made a revolutionary step towards modern critical care during the Crimean War in the 1850s. A key component of her intensive care supervision of patients with severe trauma was the frequency and intensity of monitoring by a designated nurse besides scrupulous wound hygiene.7
A few years later, in 1855, James Symes gave a lecture on the superiority of chloroform over ether, provided patient's respiration that was closely monitored.8 Joseph Lister, a prominent surgeon of Scotland and United Kingdom was so against monitoring pulse during anesthesia that he wrote “palpating the pulse was a most serious mistake. As a general rule, the safety of the patient will be most promoted by disregarding it altogether, so that the attention may be devoted exclusively to the breathing”. He further instructed his students who performed the task of anesthesiologists that “they strictly carry out simple instructions, among which is that of never touching the pulse, in order that their attention may not be distracted from the respiration”.9 In addition, he advocated that there was no need to have special anesthetists during surgery provided surgeon's assistants followed simple routines while chloroform anesthesia was being administered.
In contrast to Joseph Lister, Joseph Thomas Clover, who worked as a leading anesthetist between 1846 and 1882, advocated that patient's pulse be closely observed during anesthesia and any irregularities should be immediately dealt by discontinuing anesthetic. James Young Simpson also echoed on similar lines during administration of chloroform anesthesia. He advocated extreme caution when patient started snoring and the pulse became “languid”.10
In subsequent years, several deaths occurred during chloroform anesthesia and a commission was set up to investigate the cause of deaths. In 1889, the second Hyderabad Commission concluded that the cause of deaths were respiratory depression and not adverse cardiac events. The commission recommended that during chloroform anesthesia only respiration should be monitored. They asserted that monitoring the size of pupil and pulses were not essential.11
The earliest reference to the auscultation of heart sound in OTs was 50 years after the demonstration of ether anesthesia. The credit goes to Robert Kirk of Glasgow Western Infirmary who gave a succinct account of heart sound auscultation in OTs in 1896.12 He initially used a binaural stethoscope with extended Indian rubber tubing but later on auscultated the heart sound using a phonendoscope. In early 1909, Charles K Teter advocated using the stethoscope intraoperatively in poor risk patients. He wrote that stethoscope provided uninterrupted information of any changes in heartbeat and respiration and averted serious complications.13 Surprisingly, esophageal stethoscope was described in 1893 but was not accepted as a routine monitoring aid until 75-years later.
With intraoperative monitoring firmly entrenched in anesthetic practice, it was realized that a record should be kept. Raymond Fink and AE Codman who worked at the Massachusetts General Hospital get the credit for the first anesthetic record in 1894.11
Evolution of Noninvasive Blood Pressure and Eye Signs as Monitoring Aids
Harvey Cushing has been credited for introducing monitoring of intraoperative blood pressure. He got this idea after meeting Scipione Riva-Rocci in 1901, who had developed a sphygmomanometer for indirect measurement of blood pressure.14 Unfortunately, at that time there were no known normal values for systolic blood pressure. This necessitated that only trends of systolic blood pressure changes were noted during surgery. Four years later, Korotkoff described sounds heard distal to the occlusion as the flow was allowed to resume.15 At that time, bicycle tubes were used as the blood pressure cuff. Being narrow, it gave excessively high blood pressure readings. This limitation was overcome by von Recklinghausen who introduced a wider cuff for a more accurate blood pressure reading.16 He went on to develop a semiautomated blood pressure measuring device in 1931 known as oscillotonometer. It was not until 50 years later that fully automated Dinamap was introduced into clinical practice for recording noninvasive blood pressure.17
Stalwarts of modern anesthesia like John Snow acknowledged the importance of monitoring the depth of anesthesia. However, the ultimate credit for a comprehensive staging of anesthesia depth goes to Arthur Guedel who gave a detailed description of eye signs during ether anesthesia.18 Arthur Guedel was instrumental in developing a chart of the signs of different stages of ether anesthesia in the 1920s. He would make a weekly round of hospitals 3to check whether trainee anesthetists at six hospitals under his supervision were complying with proper documentation or not. It is to be remembered that the corneal and eyelash reflexes as known today were not mentioned in the early years.
Evolution of Direct Measurement of Arterial Blood Pressure, Electro-cardiography, Pulmonary Artery Catheterization, and Ventilators
Direct measurement of arterial blood pressure was delayed due to the problems of vascular access, sepsis, and nonavailability of material to be used for gaining vascular access. Continuous recording of arterial blood pressure during anesthesia and surgery began with the advent of nonthrombogenic plastic material in 1945–46 for cannulation of the artery.19 Though the value of direct arterial pressure measurement by performing cut-down was recognized at that time yet the technique remained unpopular as it was considered too expensive. The 1960s saw the emergence of catheter-over-needle technique for gaining a smoother percutaneous placement of cannulae by anesthesiologists and intensive care specialists. With explosion of technology in pressure transducers and continuous flush systems, transistor based display units emerged. Invasive arterial pressure monitoring soon became a common sight in ICUs and OTs.
Heard and Strauss were the first to report the use of electrocardiography (ECG) during anesthesia in 1918.20 It was 4 years later that the first prospective study of electrocardiographic changes during anesthesia was published by Lennox et al.21 At that time electrocardiographic tracings were obtained from a string galvanometer. If a permanent record was required, the tracing paper had to be exposed to light. Although conduction abnormalities and premature beats were present in 30% and 22% of Lennox et al.'s patients, respectively, the anesthetist noted none. The value of ECG during anesthesia and surgery was realized at that time but its intermittent recording and delay in developing the tracings hampered its routine use.
Himmelstein and Scheiner described the first prototype of modern day cardioscope in 1952. This was called cardiotachoscope that displayed ECG on a cathode ray screen.22 As continuous monitoring of ECG became common, lead II was routinely selected as the axis paralleled the P-wave vector. A few years later, Kaplan suggested that a modified V5 of a 12-lead electrocardiogram would be more suited to detect myocardial ischemia during anesthesia. Monitoring modified V5 still has a prominent place during the perianesthetic period.
As more and more high risk patients were being taken for operative procedures and management in CCUs, it was realized that an important aspect of patient management was paying close attention to hemodynamic variables. The monitoring device that received considerable attention in this regard was the pulmonary artery (or Swan-Ganz) catheter. It was in 1929 that Warner Forssmann introduced a catheter into his own heart and demonstrated that catheterization of the right heart is possible in humans. But it was only in 1970 that the first balloon flotation flow-directed catheters were introduced in clinical practice by Swan and Ganz.23 Use of Swan-Ganz catheterization soon became accepted as the gold standard to assess cardiac output and other hemodynamic variables. Though pulmonary artery catheterization became a standard of care and several papers appeared in its support but very little thought was given to critically evaluate its usefulness in clinical practice till 1995. A study by Gattinoni et al. in 1995 clearly showed no benefit for treatment aimed at achieving target values for hemodynamic variables in critical care patients using pulmonary artery catheters.24 In later years, others also questioned the usefulness of hemodynamic monitoring using pulmonary artery.2527 Today, this monitoring is on the decline both in the CCUs and the OTs except in patients who are very sick and have advanced cardiac comorbidities.
Around that time, a landmark event in critical care management took place in 1952 in Copenhagen where the dreaded polio epidemic struck the city's population. Bjorn Ibsen, a Danish anesthetist, demonstrated that these patients could be cared through their illness by ventilating them with a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen via a tracheostomy, and by manually clearing their secretions. This resulted in drastic reduction in polio mortality from 80% to 425%. This epidemic drove the development of artificial ventilation and breeds of ventilators. With the advent of ventilators in the CCUs, patient safety concerns took a front seat and propelled transition of monitoring techniques from the operating room to early intensive care units (ICUs) as necessitated by these catastrophic epidemics of the 1950s.
Bjorn Ibsen went on to create the world's first ICU in 1953. This was soon emulated in most parts of the world.28 Since then ICUs have grown into a separate specialty across the world with major advances taking place in developing sophisticated ventilators, renal replacement therapy, and above all modern monitoring systems. Bedside physiologic monitoring displays were introduced into the CCU in the 1970s. Today we have progressed to a stage where we have monitored and supervised ICUs via tele or remote CCU systems.29
Even in early days of CCU evolution, it was realized that physiological parameters such as respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure, and level of consciousness deteriorated earlier to any serious adverse event.30
Emergence of Neuromuscular Monitoring
Griffith and Johnson introduced d-tubocurarine into anesthetic clinical practice in 1942.31 Though considered to be a safe muscle relaxant by these pioneers, a sixfold mortality was noted in patients receiving d-tubocurarine by Beecher and Todd.32 This was attributed to a lack of guidelines for monitoring muscle strength during the administration of neuromuscular blocker and at the time of conclusion of surgery. This led to the development of peripheral neuromuscular monitors to assess depth of block and recovery from residual neuromuscular paralysis after antagonizing the block. Early reports indicated their usefulness and efficacy.33,34 However, it was over a decade later that Ali et al. reported the usefulness of monitoring neuromuscular block using train-of-four (TOF) ratio in early 1970s.35,36 They advised that a TOF ratio of 0.6 is an adequate sign of recovery from neuromuscular blockade. Gradually, reports started appearing that at TOF ratio of 0.6, there is a decreased upper esophageal tone resulting in poor coordination of the esophageal muscles.37,38 This could result in poor swallowing with resultant risk of aspiration. It was soon emphasized that recovery of TOF ratio to 0.9 and above is essential for restoring esophageal tone and pharyngeal coordination. Subsequently, other modes of neuromuscular monitoring appeared that included twitch-tetanus-twitch, double burst, and post-tetanic count for assessing deeper level of neuromuscular paralysis.
Evolution of Modern Concept of Noninvasive Patient Monitoring in Critical Care Units and Operation Theatres
Tracing the history of the evolution of modern monitoring in CCU and anesthetic practice in the 20th century shows a biphasic trend. Concept of monitoring had been slow to evolve till 1980s. Thereafter, patient monitoring technology gained momentum with greater emphasis on precision and noninvasive nature of monitors. Electronic monitoring of inspired oxygen measurement, pulse oximetry, and capnography with their audible physiologic alarms replaced human senses in subsequent years.
The first giant steps in the evolution of noninvasive patient monitoring prior to 1980s began with pulse oximetry. The concept of pulse oximetry dated back to 1935 when Carl Mathes built the first prototype device to continuously measure oxygen saturation in blood. It had serious limitations in terms of difficult calibration and nonavailability of absolute values. The concept was not lost and in 1964, Robert Shaw built a self-calibrating ear oximeter. Hewlett Packard in 1970 marketed this for clinical use. But the evolution of today's pulse oximeter was realized with the understanding that only the pulsatile component would give the true oxygen in arterial blood.39
In the 1980s, evidence quickly mounted that the pulse oximeter was far better than the anesthesiologist or intensivists in recognizing arterial hypoxemia. This was evident from observations that the attending anesthesiologist missed out nearly two-thirds of desaturation episodes in children and adults when they were not aided by the pulse oximeter.4042
However, questions were soon raised whether detection of hypoxemia by pulse oximetry allowed any benefit to the patient. 5A Cochrane review of four trials comprising 21,773 patients published in 2003 reported that though pulse oximetry could detect perioperative hypoxemia there was little evidence that it made a change in outcome of anesthesia and perioperative morbidity and mortality.43 A possible explanation for this conclusion could be that though pulse oximetry was certainly beneficial in diagnosing hypoxemia but the number needed to treat to avoid one adverse event was very large and not covered by the sample size of this Cochrane review. Despite all this debate, one cannot deny the usefulness of pulse oximetry in our CCUs and OTs today. In fact, if anesthesiologist or the intensivists were to be asked for only one monitor, most would choose a pulse oximeter. Initially, pulse oximters were stand-alone units, but today they are incorporated as part of a larger multipurpose monitor.
Nearly at the same time, in 1978, capnography was introduced into clinical practice in the United States of America. Like the pulse oximetry, the concept of capnography was born much earlier in early 20th century when John Scott Haldane (1860–1936) described a carbon dioxide analyzer. It was nearly five decades later that five anesthesiologists attended the launch of clinical capnography in 1978. The occasion was the world congress of intensive care medicine. Two of the five anesthesiologists present concluded that it had “little value”. The idea was never lost and soon malpractice insurers started offering massive discounts for anesthesiologists who utilized capnography to distinguish tracheal intubation from esophageal placement of tracheal tube. Importance of capnography was given an additional thrust by the report of the American Society of Anesthesiologists that presence of breath sound on chest auscultation was recorded in 18 out of 29 patients with unrecognized esophageal intubation. The usefulness of capnography was not only limited to tracheal intubations but also to identify successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation besides helping in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the OTs and CCUs. Today, we not only have the formal capnography monitors in all our anesthesia machines and CCUs but also have developed portable miniaturized electronic or semiquantitative colorimetric devices based on litmus paper technology to assist in care of patients in the prehospital setting.44
As early as 1870s, physiologists were aware of electrical impulse formation in the brain. An evolutionary step in monitoring took place with the introduction of monitors for measuring the depth of anesthesia using electroencephalographic signal after appropriate processing in 1990s. This came to be known as bispectral index (BIS) monitor. Bispectral index was heralded to be our answer in preventing intraoperative awareness, anesthetic agent cost-cutting, and quicker discharge from postanesthetic recovery room. Though it was sufficiently simple to be used as a routine monitoring aid particularly in OTs, it was found to make only a modest impact on the reduction of hypnotic and sedatives used during anesthesia.4548 It was also observed that it did not help in cost-cutting significantly as the cost of consumables required nullified any such advantage.49 In addition, it was also demonstrated that the discharge time from the postanesthetic recovery room was not shortened by the intraoperative use of BIS.4548 Above all, a large Australian study published in 2006 clearly demonstrated that BIS monitoring reduced but did not prevent intraoperative awareness with any surety.50
A yet another milestone in the evolution of monitoring after 1980s had been the introduction of a simple yet fairly reliable noninvasive device to measure stroke volume and cardiac output in anesthetized patients. This device came to be known as esophageal Doppler cardiac output monitor. It is being successfully used to monitor fluid status and helps in replacing circulating volume to a target stroke volume and cardiac output.51
The “digital revolution” of the 21st century has heralded greater emphasis to refine noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring. Today, invasive arterial, central venous, and pulmonary wedge pressure monitoring is being reserved for seriously ill patients and those undergoing complex cardiac surgery. Due to advancement and refinement of technology, the noninvasive monitoring is able to match the gold standard set by invasive monitors. The technology is based on photoplethysmography, arterial tonometry, and pulse transit time analysis. The first technology has been well studied and validated, the other two are still in the process of refinement.526
As we stand today, most of the modern CCUs of recent times have a centralized patient monitoring system. They provide the networking of several bedside patient monitors with a central monitoring station. The monitoring systems have advanced to a level that they track the physiological parameters of patients and alert staff to abnormalities with speed and accuracy using data fusion process. It is not uncommon to have critical care patients remotely monitored. The main aim behind this technology is to extend critical care monitoring facilities using wireless Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) device. With the PDA, the medical staff can gain access to all patient information in real time generated by the bedside monitors on secure wireless communication channels. This remote patient monitoring can be done both from inside and outside the hospital site.
The question remains: Have we reached the pinnacle of monitoring? The answer is a definite “no”. We have miles to go before we can slow down in our search for the ultimate patient monitoring system.
The history of the evolution of monitoring in anesthesia and CCU is fascinating. A remarkable group of dedicated physicians gave their today for the better future of our patients in OTs and CCUs. They persevered to advance perioperative and intensive cares by close monitoring of patients despite resistance from peers who did not agree with their vision. The evolution of monitoring in anesthesia and CCUs shows with great clarity the impact that it had on patient care and emergence of sophisticated surgical procedures. However, with advances in monitoring techniques and devices, it is not uncommon to note regression of clinician observation of physical signs in OTs and CCUs, a sad reminder of the misuse of technology. The lessons to be taken from this chapter is that there is scope for further development and refinement in our monitoring equipments and techniques, and that our future generation of care providers will certainly remember those perioperative anesthetists and intensivists who help to advance the science of future monitoring to perfection.
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