Pediatric Nursing Parul Datta
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table, respectively.
Abdomen 66, 137, 360
acute 267
causes of acute 268
Abdominal pain, causes of 157
ABO incompatibility 461
Abortive poliomyelitis 206
Abscess 211
acute 426
Accident 5, 461
prevention of 125, 126
medical interventions 125
observations 126
surgical interventions 126
types of 125
Accidental injury
common 125
in children 125
balance 197
disorders, mixed 202
disturbances 196
imbalance 200
status 420
Acidosis 200, 461
severe 201
Acinetobacter 86
Acne 334
treatment of 334
Acquired heart disease 288, 289
Acquired hydrocephalus 354
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 214
disease, complications in 216
in children 214
prevention of 217
treatment of 216
Acquired intestinal obstruction 266
Acromegaly 461
Addison's disease 200, 366
Adenoidal hypertrophy 386
Adenoiditis 252
Adolescent 134
balanced diets for 57t
health 166
problems 166
classification 166
reactions of 133
Adrenal glands, disorders of 367
Adrenal medulla 367
Adrenaline 444
secreting tumor 367
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 363
albopictus 213
polynesiensis 213
scutellaris 213
Aerosol 461
Air-borne spread 229
Airway 360, 425
Alanine aminotransferase 419
Albendazole 238
Albinism 461
Albumin 419, 422
infusion 321
Alkaline 419
Alkalosis 461
Allergic reactions, types of 159
Allergy 136, 158
management of 159
test 251
Allograft 461
Alport's syndrome 382, 383
Ambiguous genitalia 368
Amebiasis 342
Amebic dysentery 260
Amebic liver abscess 278
Amenorrhea 371
management 371
Amicrofilaraemia, asymptomatic 233
Amikacin 293, 443
Amino acids 45
essential 45
Aminophylline 443, 444
Amonia dermatitis 71
Amoxicillin 381, 444
Ampicillin 210, 293, 387, 443, 444
Anal agenesis 272, 272f
Anal membrane, imperforate 272f
Anal stenosis 272, 272f
Anasarca 461
Anastomosis 461
Ancylostoma ceylanicum 239
Ancylostoma duodenale 239
Ancylostomiasis 239
Anemia 26, 295, 299, 461
causes of 296
child with 298
classification of 296
complications of 296
grading of 296
macrocytic 296
management of 296
Anencephaly 354, 461
Anesthesia bag with 424
Anganwadi workers 9
Animal origin 45
Anisometropia 378
Ankle fracture 398
Ankylosis 461
Annular pancreas 266
Anodontia 461
culicifacies 231
stephensi 231
Anoplasty 461
Anorectal malformations 271, 272f
classification of 271
Anorexia nervosa 174
Anoxic intracranial hemorrhage 89
Antepartum factors 74
Anthropometry 58, 137, 461
Anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis 233
administration of 318
therapy 87, 321
Antibody 461
Anticonvulsant drug 78, 340, 341
Antidiuretic hormone 196, 363
Antidote 461
Antifungal agents 293
Antigen 461
Antimetabolites 300
Antirabies treatment 161
Antisera 36
Antisocial problems 169
Antistreptolysin O 313
Antithyroid drug therapy 109
Antitoxins 36
Antroplasty 265
Anuria 461
Anus 138
Anxiety 461
Aortic regurgitation 292
Aortic stenosis 286
Apert's syndrome 181, 383
Apgar score 64t, 461
Aphthous stomatitis 389
Aphthous ulcer 389
Aplastic anemia 300
Apnea 461
Appendicitis 268
complications 268
diagnosis 268
pathophysiology 268
treatment of acute 269
Appetite, impaired 169
Arbovirus 213
Areflexia 461
Arm circumference, mid upper 114
Arterial blood gas 242
Arthralgia 210, 290
Arthritis 404, 461
Arthus phenomenon 228
Ascariasis 237
Ascaris lumbricoides 237
Ascorbic acid 192
Asparate aminotransferase 419
Asperger's syndrome 351
Aspergillus flavus 278
Asphyxia 253
neonatorum 73
pathophysiology of 74
Aspiration 253
prevention of 138
Asthma 110, 250
acute 446
allergic 250
childhood 251
extrinsic 250
non-allergic 250
Asthmatic attacks 252
Astigmatism 378, 379
Ataxia 461
Atelectasis 247, 461
complications of 248
congenital 247
Athlete's foot 333
Atonic cerebral palsy 348
Atopic dermatitis 335
management of 335
Atresia 461
intestinal 266
Atrial septal defect 179, 283, 283f
complications of 284
types of 283
Attention deficit disorders 172
Auerbach's plexus 269
Auspitz sign 334
Autism 351, 461
spectrum disorders 351
Autograft 461
Autoimmune collagen disease 289
Autoinfection 461
Automatic reflexes 64
Autosomal recessive
disease 320
traits 176
Azotemia 461
bath 68
bottle syndrome 462
friendly hospital initiative 23
post-term 98
preterm 98
reflexes in 51f
Bacillary dysentery 259
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine 36
Bacteria 256
Bacterial infections
common 217
superficial 334
Bacterial meningitis 339
Bacterial tracheitis 387
Bag and mask ventilation 76, 76f
Balanitis 462
Barium swallow 265
Barlow's text 394
Baroda screening test 121
Basophils 421
Beclomethasone 253
Bed bugs 209
Bed wetting 170
Behavioral disorders 6
causes of 168
in children 168, 174
Behavioral problems
in children 169
of adolescence 173
of childhood 169
of infancy 169
Belt restraints 140f
Benzylpenicillin 444
Betamethasone 220
Biliary atresia
congenital 426
extrahepatic 277
Bilirubin 419
Biological causes 408
Birth asphyxia 73, 336
severe 77
Birth history 136
Birth in delivery room, time of 80
Birth injuries 88, 336
prevention of 91
Birth order of child 110
Bites 161
Bitot's spots 189
Black drums/bags 447
Bladder 313
exstrophy of 314
Bleeding disorders 308
Blindness 379, 404
color 379
disorders 180
dyscrasias, childhood 295
examination 297, 318
pressure values 417
specimens, collection of 143
exchange 95
multiple 39
repeated 302
Body build, types of 112
Body fluid 196
Body image, development of 118
Body mass index 113, 462
Body proportion 113
Body temperature, stable 101
Body water, total 196
Bone 89
disorders of 393
fractures, long 91
injuries to 91
marrow transplantation 302
tumor 131, 401
benign 401
malignant 401
Bony abnormalities 393
Bony deformities 208
Bordetella bronchiseptica 219
Bordetella parapertussis 219
Bordetella pertussis 219
bacilli 38
infects 219
Borstal homes 409
Bowel disease, inflammatory 150
Bowel obstruction, chronic 150
Bowleg 73, 396, 396f, 464
Brachial palsy 90
Brain 77
concussion of 359
death 337
growth 115
swelling 359
tumor 131, 357
common 357
management of 358
glioma 357
part of 354
Branhamella catarrhalis 384
abscess 52
anatomy of 49f
disorders of 166
engorgement 52
composition of 49
expression of 53, 53f
storage of 53
storing expressed 54
Breastfeeding 47, 49, 51, 68
advantages of 48
exclusive 103
ineffective 18
initiation of 49
preparation for 49
problems of 51
technique of 50
Breath, shortness of 254
Breath-holding spell 71, 170
Breathing 100, 257, 425
establishment of 360
Bronchial asthma 250
classification 250
complication of 251
prognosis of 253
Bronchiectasis 245, 462
management of 245
Bronchiolitis, acute 243
Bronchitis 462
acute 243
Bronchopneumonia 243, 462
Brown adipose tissue 80
Brugia malayi 232
Brugia timori 232
Bryant's traction 399
Buck's extension 399
Buckle fracture 398
Budesonide 253
Buffalo's milk 55
Bulbar poliomyelitis 207
Bulbo-spinal poliomyelitis 207
Bulimia 462
Burn 327
chemical 331
electric 327, 331
first degree 328
full thickness 328
in children 327
classification of 328
injury 328, 331
complications 331
depth of 328
extent of 328
management of 329
severity of 329
major 329
minor 329
moderate 329
open flame 327
second degree 328
surface area 329
estimation of 329t
third degree 328
Buttucks 66
Cachexia 462
Calcium 48, 193
deficiency 193
prevention of 193
sources of 193
Calories 45
Cancrum 462
oris 389
Candida albicans 333
Candidiasis 333, 462
Caput succedaneum 72, 89, 89f, 462
Carbamazepine 346
Carbimazole 364
Carbohydrate 45, 374
malabsorption 261
Cardiac disease 215
Cardiac function, assess 18
Cardiomyopathy 462
in children 294
secondary 294
types of 294
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 425
changes 115
complications 222
problems 208
Carditis 290
Caregiver, primary 13
Cataract 462
childhood 377
Catarrhal tonsillitis 386
Cefezolin 293
Cefotaxime 319, 387, 443, 444
Ceftriaxone 319, 387, 444
Cell-culture vaccines 40
Cellulitis 211
Cellulose 45
Central hearing deficit 383
Central nervous system 70, 306, 336
defects 179
diseases of 336
immaturity of 99
infections 336, 337, 344
prophylaxis 306
Cephalhematoma 72, 89, 89f, 462
Cephalic tetanus 221
Cephalosporins 381
astrocytoma 357
involvement 348
Cerebellum 354
concussion 359
contusion 359
cortex 354
edema 359, 462
Cerebral palsy 347, 462
classification of 347
etiology 347
extrapyramidal 348
management of 348
mild 347
mixed 348
moderate 347
pathology 347
prevention of 348
severe 347
signs of 347
spastic 348
types of 347, 348
Cerebrospinal fluid constituents 422
Cervical traction 399
Chemical buffer system of body 197
Chemoprophylaxis 446
Chemotherapy 258
Chest 66, 137, 360
circumference 114
measurement of 114f
compression 77, 77f
wall 53f
Chickenpox 211
abuse 32
adoption 409
procedures 409
and family, preparation of 151
care advocate 13
care of 325
development project officer 25
for diagnostic tests, preparation of 142
from accidents in hospitals,
protection of 138
guidance clinic 408
health 1, 10
care 8
care, trends in 4
concept of 1
factors affecting 1
problems 4, 5f
statistics related to 6
labor 30, 410
life programs 141
marriage, prohibition of 410
mortality rate 7
neglect 32
physiological status, assess 18
survival and safe motherhood 9, 10
survival components 23
agencies 407
services, comprehensive 407
with colostomy, care of 270
with fever, management of 155
early 119
illness 110
management of 29
middle 109
Act 11
balanced diets for 57, 57t
in difficult circumstances 410
in refugee camp 5f
Chiralgia 462
Chlamydia 378
trachomatis 85
Chlorambucil 321
Chloramphenicol 300, 387, 443, 444
Chloride 422
Chlorphenamine 444
Choana 462
Cholera vaccine 41
Cholesteatoma 462
Cholesterol 46, 313, 419
Chondritis 462
Chorea 290, 462
Choroid plexectomy 356
Christmas disease 303
Chromosomal abnormalities 176, 180
Ciprofloxacin 444
Cirrhosis 462
Cleft lip 179f, 389, 389f, 390, 426
causes of 390
types of 390
Cleft palate 179f, 389, 389f, 390, 426
types of 390
Cloaca 462
Clostridium tetani 221, 222
infection 85
Cloxacillin 401, 444
Clubfoot 395f
congenital 395
Coarctation of aorta 287, 287f
Cobrabites 162
Cohort 462
boxes 42
chain 42, 462
equipment 42
stress 79
Colic, abdominal 169
Collagen vascular disease 294
Colostomy 49, 462
care of 151
Coma 336, 462
causes of 337
child in 336
deep 337
grades of 336
light 337
Commissurotomy 462
Communicable disease 204, 211, 217
in children 204
prevention of 28
Communicating hydrocephalus 355
Community Nutrition Programs 195
Compartment syndrome 399
Compensatory emphysema 247
Confusion 336
Congenital abnormalities 175, 313
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 367
Congenital anomalies 175, 177, 178f, 182, 324, 349
concepts of 175
etiology of 175
multiple 180f
prevention of 181
Congenital disease 462
Congenital disorders 379
Congenital heart disease 287
complication of 293
Congestive cardiac failure 288
etiology 288
management 289
pathophysiology 288
Congestive cardiomyopathy 294
Conjunctiva, diseases of 376
Conjunctivitis 377
Consciousness 336
stages of altered 336
Constipation 70, 157, 462
causes of 157
Constrictive cardiomyopathy 294
Contagious disease 204
Contracture 462
Convulsive disorders 343, 346
causes of 343
diagnosis of 346
Cooley's anemia 300
Coombs’ test 94
Copper 48, 195
deficiency of 195
sources of 195
Corneal diseases 376
Cortisol insufficiency 367
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 217
Costochondritis 462
Cotrimoxazole 444
Cough 254
hundred days 219
Cow's milk 55
Coxacillin 293
Cranial meningocele 353
Craniocerebral trauma 358
C-reactive protein 462
Crepitations 462
Cretinism 462
Cri du chat syndrome 180
Croup 462
syndrome 387
Crouzon's syndrome 383
Crude birth rate 8
Cry, types of 155
Cryptococcus 342
Cryptorchidism 368, 369, 462
true 369
Cryptosporidiosis 237
Culex fatigans 232
Cultural influences 110
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 233
Cyanocobalamin 192
Cyanosis 254, 462
Cyclophosphamide 311, 321
Cyclosporine 321
Cystic fibrosis 254, 463
Cysticercosis 463
Cysticercus cellulosae 240
Cystitis 463
Cytomegalovirus 377
Cytotoxic 463
Dacrocystorhinostomy 377
Dacryocystitis 463
Dacryostenosis 377
Dactylitis 463
Day carriers 42
Deafness 382
Debridement 463
Defense mechanisms 133
Deficiency disorders 188
Dehydration 198, 257t
decide degree of 257
fever 56, 71
management of 198
Delinquency 463
Delirium 336, 463
Delivery devices 424
fever 214
classical 213
hemorrhagic fever 213, 214
shock syndrome 213, 214
syndrome 204, 213, 214
virus 213
Dental caries 28, 388
etiology 388
management 388
Dental fluorosis 388
Dental problems 29, 388
Depression 463
Dermal burns, superficial deep 328
Dermatitis 381
Dermatophytosis 333
Desquamation 463
Dexamethasone 342, 444
Dextrin 45
Diabetes 174
insipidus 363
mellitus 301, 372, 373, 375
classification 373
complications 373
etiopathogenesis 373
management 374
secondary 373
Diabetic education 374
Diabetic ketoacidosis, management of 375
Diabetic mothers, infants of 105
Dialysis, methods of 325
Diarrhea 71, 157, 257, 463
acute 255
chronic 256
life-threatening complication of 259
management of 235, 254
persistent 256
types of 256
Diarrheal disease 189, 255
prognosis of 259
Diazepam 318, 340, 341, 346, 444
Diet therapy 374
Dietary history 57
Dietary management 258
Diethyl carbamazine 233
Dilated cardiomyopathy 294
Diphenylhydantoin 346
Diphtheria 35, 38, 217
bacilli 218
management of 218
Diplopia 379
Directly observed therapy short-term 224
Disability 404
concept of 404
developmental 336
Disaster, child in 5f
Discharge, examination on 67
Dislocation 394, 463
Disorders, developmental 165
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 310, 463
Distal myopathy 392
Distension, abdominal 158
Diuresis 463
Dobutamine 443
Dog bites 161
Domiciliary management 187
Dopamine 340, 443
Double-headed monster 178f
Down syndrome 72, 109, 113, 175177, 180, 349, 351, 381, 393
management of 352
types 351
vaccination 38
vaccine, types of 38
DPT-Hb vaccines, combined 40
Dracunculus medinensis 241
Drowning 253
Drowsy 336
Drug 337
administration of 144
dosage, calculation of 144
therapy 251, 346
toxicity 100
Dry beriberi 191
Dry power devices 253
Duhamel's operation 270
Dunlop's traction 399
Dysentery 259, 463
Dysgenesis 463
Dyskinesia 463
Dyslalia 172
Dysmenorrhea 371
management of primary 371
Dyspepsia 463
Dysphagia 463
Dysplasia 313, 394
of hip, developmental 394
Dysraphism 352
Dystrophy 463
Dysuria 313
Ear 66, 136, 137
disease, treatment of 383
diseases of 28
problems 380
of external 381
Ebstein's anomaly 463
Ecchymosis 463
Echinococcosis 241
granulosus 240, 241
multilocularis 240, 241
oligarthus 241
vogeli 241
Echolalia 463
Ectomorph 112
Ectopia vesicae 314
Ectopic testis 369
Eczema 463
Educational development 123
Educational difficulties 169
Edward's syndrome 180
Eisenmenger's syndrome 282283
Elapids bites 162
Elbow restraint 140
Electrical appliances 139
composition of body fluids 197, 197t
imbalance 199
ELISA test 216
Embryo vaccines, duck 40
Emergency care 29
Emergency management 163
Emesis 463
conditions 155
development 117, 123
problems 166, 169
support 374
Emphysema 247, 463
obstructive 247
Empyema 248, 463
complications of 249
management of 249
prognosis 249
Encephalitic form 207
Encephalitis 5, 6, 341, 463
Encephalocele 354, 463
Encephalopathy 341
Encopresis 171
Endemic goiter 366
Endocarditis 463
infective 293
prevention of 293
Endocrinal abnormalities 180
Endocrinal cause 372
Endocrine 78
disorders 362
system 362
Endogenous obesity 372
Endomorph 112
Endotracheal intubation 77
Enemas 150
Enhancing play, physiological 142
ENT problems in children 376
Entamoeba histolytica 236, 243
Enteric fever 225
Enterobius vermicularis 238
Enterocolitis 463
Enuresis 170, 313, 463
Environmental factors 177
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test 216
Eosinophils 421
Ependymoma 358
Ephebiatrics 463
Epidemic parotitis 212
Epigastric hernia 275
Epiglottitis, acute 387
Epilepsy 147, 344, 464
classification of 345
management of 346
pathophysiology 344
Epinephrine 444
Epispadias 315, 464
anterior 315
classification 315
management 315
posterior 315
Epistaxis 385, 464
management of 385
Epithelial cells, intestinal 235
Epstein pearl 73
Eradicable disease 208
Erb's palsy 90, 91f
Erb's type 392
Erikson's psychosocial stage 117
Eruptive stage 205
Erythema 464
marginatum 290
toxicum 72
Erythroblastosis fetalis 94
count 421
sedimentation 421
Erythromycin 381
Escherichia coli 8587, 243, 293, 339, 403
infection 256
Esophageal atresia 263, 426
types of 263f
Ethambutol 341, 445
Ethosuximide 346
Euthanasia 464
Ewing's tumor 401, 464
Exacerbation 464
Excessive cry 56, 71, 155
causes of 155
management of 155
Exomphalos 274
Extra-abdominal causes 268
Extracellular fluid 196
Extradural hematoma 359
Extrarenal sodium 199
Extrathoracic tuberculosis 223
Extremity restraint 140
Eye 66, 136, 137, 257
accidents involving 126
care of 69
diseases 28, 376, 380
childhood 380
health 29
injury 379
and alignment, diseases of 376
rapid 66
problems in children 376
Eyelids, diseases of 376
Face 66, 137
mask 424
Facial palsy 90, 90f
Facioscapulohumeral type 392
Failure to thrive 164
causes 164
management 164
Fallot's tetralogy 464
Familial acholuric jaundice 299
Familial emphysema 247
Family health 21
influencing 22
services: 22
Family history of illness 136
Family of child, hospitalization on 133
Family planning 26
Family support discharge planning 101
Famine 464
Fanconi's syndrome 464
Far sightedness 378, 379
Fat 46
soluble vitamins 46, 188
Fatal disease 217
Father's genotype 303
Faulty parental attitude 168
Febrile convulsion
atypical 344
management 344
prognosis 344
type 344
Fecal ostomy, placement of 271f
Feeding 169
artificial 55
problems 56, 169
techniques of 148
Female feticide 4, 32
Female pseudohermaphroditism 368
Femoral hernia 275
Femur 352
fractures 398
Fetal circulation 280
at birth, changes of 281, 281f
before birth 281f
Fetal distress 87
Fetal-infant growth chart for preterm infants 439
Fever 154
in children, causes of 154
Fibers 45
Fibrinogen 421
Fibroma 464
Fibrosis 464
Filariasis, diagnosis of 233
Fine motor development 117
First aid 29
management 162
Fissure 464
Fistula 464
Flaccid paralysis, acute 343
Flatulence 464
Floppy baby syndrome 393
Flow rates, calculation of 149
compartments 196
imbalance 198
replacement 330
therapy 202
Fluorine 48, 194
Folacin 192
Folates 192
Foley's catheterization 400
Folic acid 192
deficiency 192, 299
prevention of 192
sources of 192
supplementations 302
Follicle stimulating hormone 363
Follicular tonsillitis 386
Fomentation 464
Fontanelle closure 114
abnormal position of 395f
problems of 393
Foreign body 163
in alimentary tract 163
in external auditory canal 381
in eyes 163
in respiratory tract 163
inhalation, diagnosis of 163
Foremilk 50
Fracture 397, 404, 464
closed 398
complete 398
depressed 399
epiphyseal 398
greenstick 398
humerus 398
in children 398, 398f
types of 398
oblique 398
of skull 90, 358
open 398
spiral 398
types of 399
Fragile ‘X’ syndrome 349
Fragilitas ossium 393
Freezers, deep 42
French-American-British classification 305
Freud's psycho-sexual stages 117
Fructose 45
Frusemide 444
Fumigation 464
Fundus examination 64
Fungal infections
superficial 333
treatment of 333
Fungi 256
Furosemide 444
Furunculosis 381
Galactose 45
Galactosemia 176, 177, 377, 464
Gallbladder disease 254
Gangrene 464
Gastritis 464
Gastroenteritis 464
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 265, 464
complications 205
problems 208, 255
system 115, 268
abnormalities 179
diseases of 255
tract 158
Gastroschisis 179f, 426, 464
Gastrostomy 464
feeding 149
Gaucher disease 180
Gavage 464
feeding 148
Gender bias 31
Gene 464
disorders, single 176
General body growth 111
cause 362, 372
counseling 181, 405
factors 109, 176, 279
screening 405
Genital growth 111
Genitalia 66, 138
Genitourinary system, abnormalities of 180
Gentamicin 293, 401, 443, 444
Gentle rhythmic stimulation 101
Genu recurvatum 464
Genu valgum 396, 464
Genu varum 464
Genu varus 396
Geophagia 171
Gestation age at birth 65t
Gestational age 435
assessment 434
at birth 64
Gestational assessment 65
GH insufficiency 363
Ghon's complex 464
Giardiasis 235, 464
diagnosis 235
management 235
pathology 235
Gilbert's syndrome 464
Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome 171
Girls and women, protection for 10
Glasgow Coma scoring system 423
Glaucoma 464
Glomerular disease, primary 319
Glomerular diseases 324
Glomerular filtration rate 313
Glomerulonephritis 464
acute 6, 317
etiology 317
pathophysiology 317
chronic 319
management of chronic 319
Glossitis 389
Glucocorticoid 311
Glucose 45
fasting 419
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 69
deficiency 300, 464
Glycogen 45
storage disease 180, 393
Goiter 365, 464
Gomez classification 185
Gonadotropins 363
Gonococcus 403
Granulomas, inflammatory 357
Granulomatous disease, chronic 311
Great arteries, transposition of 285, 286f
Gross motor development 117
Growth 108, 464
and development 108
history of 136
stages of 109
assessment of 112
curve 113f
types of postnatal 111f
development and healthy child 108
hormone 363
potential 110
Guillain-Barré syndrome 343, 465
Guinea worm 241
Gum 45
disease 216
Gynecomastia 465
Habit disorders 169
Haemophilus influenzae 243, 248, 339, 378, 384, 385
type B 35, 339
vaccines 40
Hair 137
changes 186
Halitosis 465
Hallucination 465
Hamartoma 465
rub, steps of 457
washing, steps of 141f, 456
Handicap 404
Handicapped children 404, 406
and child welfare 404
education of 29
management of 405
rehabilitation of 406
socially 405
Handicapped conditions
causes of 405
in children, prevention of 405
Hansen's disease 227, 465
Harelip 390
Harlequin color change 72
Harrison's groove 190
Hashimoto's disease 364
Hay fever 465
Head 66, 136
and neck 137
circumference 113
measurement of 114f
injury 89, 358, 359
causes of 358
types of 358
Health 465
appraisal 28
care infections 229
education 14, 26, 29
educator 13
mother and child 9
childhood 154
of newborn baby 70
promotion 187
adolescence 129
infancy 128
of children 128
preschool age 128
school age 129
toddlerhood 128
Healthful school environment 28
deficit, conductive 383
impairment 382
causes of 382
classification of 383
consequence of 383
types of 383
tests 383
Heart 78
disease 174, 280, 377
in children 280
disease, congenital 179, 282, 284, 288, 294
classification 282
etiology 282
Heartburn 465
Helminthiasis 237, 465
Helminthic infestations 241
Hemangioma 465
Hemarthrosis 465
Hematocrit 421
Hematopoiesis 465
Hematuria 313
Hemodialysis 326, 465
complications to 326
Hemoglobin 421
Hemoglobinopathy 465
Hemolysis 465
severe 94
Hemolytic anemia, congenital 299
Hemolytic disease 93
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 214, 321, 324
Hemophilia 39, 303, 305, 465
A 303
mild 303
severe 303
B 303
C 303
classification 303
in children 303t
moderate 303
prognosis of 305
Haemophilus haemolyticus 219
Haemophilus influenzae B 217
Hemopneumothorax 249
Hemoptysis 254
Hemorrhagic disease 248
Hemosiderosis 465
Henoch purpura 310
Henoch-Schönlein syndrome 310
Hepatic congestion 277
Hepatic functions 100
Hepatitis 5, 6
A 208, 209
virus 208
B 209, 210, 217
chronic 210
infection 210
vaccination 39, 40
virus 209
C virus 210
D virus 210
E virus 210
treatment of acute 209
Hepatobiliary system 268
actual 277
apparent 277
causes of 277
Hepatotoxic agents 278
Hereditary angioneurotic-edema 311
Hereditary osteoporotic syndrome 393
Hereditary predisposition 158
Hereditary spherocytosis 299
Heredity 465
Hermaphroditism 465
true 368
types of 368
Hernia 274, 465
congenital diaphragmatic 275
diaphragmatic 426
in children 274
Herpes simplex 377
virus 85
Herpetic stomatitis 389
Hiatal hernia 275, 465
Hiccups 71
Hindmilk 50
Hip 66
congenital dislocation of 426
Hirschberg's test 378
Hirschsprung's disease 151, 157, 158, 269, 269f, 352
pathophysiology 269
Hirsutism 465
Hodgkin's disease 465
Hook worms 239
infection, control of 240
infestation, treatment of 240
Hormonal changes 116
Hormonal influence 110
Hormones 109
Horner's syndrome 376
Horse-shoe kidney 313
Hospice 465
acquired infections 229
management 162
waste, safe disposal of 447
Hospitalized children
play for 142
types of play for 142
Human disease 208
Human immunodeficiency virus
complications in 216
perinatal 106
in children 214
infected child 106
infection 215
positive children, immunization of 217
positive mothers, infants of 105
prevention of 217
treatment of 216
Human immunoglobulin 342
Humerus 352
Hunter syndrome 180
Hunter-Hurler syndrome 382
Hurler's syndrome 180
Hydatid disease 241, 465
Hydrocele 426, 465
congenital 73
Hydrocephalus 70, 354, 355, 355f, 465
complications 357
congenital 354, 426
etiology of 354
management of 356
pathology 355
prognosis 357
types 355
Hydronephrosis 314, 465
Hydrophobia 465
Hydro-pneumothorax 249
Hydrothorax 465
Hygienic measures 253
Hymenolepis nana 240
Hyperpyrexia 154
Hyperalimentation 150
Hyperbilirubinemia 96
Hypercalcemia 367
Hyperkalemia 194, 200, 323
mild 200
severe 200
Hyperkinesis 465
Hypermetropia 379
Hypernatremia 199
etiology of 199
Hyperopia 378, 379
Hyperparathyroidism 366
Hypertension 280, 323
Hyperthyroidism 365
management of 365
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 294
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 262, 262f, 426
complications 262
diagnosis 262
etiology 262
management 262
pathology 262
Hypoalbuminemia 320
Hypogonadism 301
Hypokalemia 200
etiology of 200
management of 200
Hyponatremia 199
etiology of 199
Hypoparathyroidism 366
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 282
Hypospadias 315
anterior 315
classification 315
management of 316
posterior 315
Hypothalamic obesity 372
Hypothermia 87
moderate 79
persistent 80
prevention of 80f
severe 79
Hypothyroidism 301, 364, 465
causes of 364
Hypovolemia 328
Hysteria 465
Iatrogenic 466
Ice lined refrigerators 42
Ice packs 42
Ichthyosis 466
Icterus 276, 466
gravis neonatorum 466
Idiopathic disease 466
Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome 320
Ileostomy, care of 151
care in 26
history of 136, 218
types of 243
Immobilization 466
complex 159
thrombocytopenic purpura 308, 309
Immunity 116, 466
Immunization 14, 26, 35, 69, 122
active 161, 213
child 43
history 136
of animals 161
of children 36
of pregnant women, active 222
Immunizing agents 35
Immunodeficiency 311
primary 311
secondary 311
states 311
types 311
Immunoglobulins 36
Immunological disturbances 278
Immunosuppressive drugs 321
Impetigo 334, 466
management of 334
Inadequate family environment 168
India Newborn Action Plan 25
Indian Academy of Pediatrics, classification by 185
Indian childhood cirrhosis 278
Infant 119
mortality rate 7, 8
preterm 98, 99, 473
reactions of 132
Infantile beriberi 191
Infantile spasms 345
Infection 5, 156, 166, 183, 337
abdominal 158
chronic 363
in neonates 84
in postnatal period 382
increased susceptibility to 100
nosocomial 229, 469
prevention of 101
sources of 84, 86
superadded 186
superficial 72
Infectious bacterial disease, acute 217, 220
Infectious chronic disease 222
Infectious disease 28, 131, 183, 204
acute 208, 212, 403
Infective endocarditis, management of 293
Inflammation 466
Influenza 377
vaccines 41
Inguinal hernia 274, 426
direct 274
indirect 274
Inhaler, space device 253
Injuries, multiple 164
Insects stings 162
management 162
injection, sites for 146f
therapy 374
Integrated child development services 9, 24
Intellectual development 123
Intellectual readiness 122
Intelligence 110, 466
quotient 466
Intensive care unit 466
Intestinal amebiasis 236
complications 236
diagnosis 236
epidemiology 236
management 237
pathology 236
Intestinal obstruction
causes of 266
congenital 266
Intracellular fluid 196
hemorrhage 359
hypertensive syndrome 240
injury 89
neoplasms 357
administration 145
injection in children 146f
Intraocular pressure, increased 377
Intrapartum factors 74
Intrarenal causes 321
Intrathoracic infections 223
Intrauterine infections 382
Intrauterine growth retardation 102
Intrauterine infections 382
Intravenous administration 145
Intravenous infusion 149
Intrinsic asthma 250
Intubate nasogastric tube 338
Intubation equipment 75
Iodine 48, 194
deficiency disorders 194
prevention of 194
sources 194
Iperforate anal membrane 272
Iron 48, 194
chelation therapy 302
deficiency 194
deficiency anemia 297
complications of 297
management of 297
prevention 194
Irritable bowel syndrome 466
Ischemia 466
Isoimmunization 466
Isomaltose 45
Isoniazid 445
Ivermectin 233
Jacket restraint 140, 140f
Janani Suraksha Yojana 23
Japanese encephalitis 41
vaccines 41
Jaundice 93, 276, 466
in children, causes of 276
in neonates, prevention of 96
levels of 93f
physiological 72, 92
types of pathological 92
Jaw thrust 466
Jejunitis 466
Jerk 466
Jervell syndrome 383
Jitteriness 466
Jock itch 333
diseases of 401, 402
dislocation of 91
disorders of 393
mobility 64
Juvenile 466
delinquency 173
delinquency, prevention of 173
Justice Act 11, 408
rheumatoid arthritis 401
complications 403
etiology 401
management 402
pathophysiology 402
prognosis 403
types 402
Kala-azar 6, 233, 234, 466
dermal leishmaniasis, post 233235
management of 234
prevention of 235
Kangaroo mother care 102
Kaposi's sarcoma 215
Karyotype 466
Kawasaki disease 294, 466
Keloid 466
Keratinization 467
Keratitis 467
Kernicterus 467
Ketogenic diet 346
Ketosis 467
Kidney 78, 110, 313
disease of 174, 215
disorders of 313
Kiesselbach's plexus 385
Killer disease 220
Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome 374
Kiss-the-knee test 206
Klebsiella 87, 243, 249
pneumoniae 86
Kleptomania 467
Klinefelter's syndrome 109, 180, 349, 467
Klumpke's palsy 90
Knock knee 396, 397f, 464
Koilonychia 467
Koplik's spots 467
Krait bites 162
Kramer‘s rule 93f
Krimsky test 378
Kwashiorkor 185, 186, 467
Kyphosis 397, 467
Lacrimal system, diseases of 376
Lactate dehydrogenase 419
Lactation failure 52
causes of 52
Lactose 45
Language development 117
Laparotomy 467
Laryngeal diphtheria 218
Laryngospasm, acute 253
Laryngotracheobronchitis, acute 387
Leaking meningomyelocele 426
Leishmania bodies 234
Leishmania donovani 233
Lens, disease of 376
Lepromatous type 228
Leprosy 204, 227, 379, 404
classification of 227
Lethal syndrome 394
Leukemia 131, 305, 467
child with 307
classification 305
etiology 305
count, total 319
migration inhibition test 228
Leukoderma 467
Levamisole 321
Leyden-Möbius type 392
Life support maneuvers, basic 425
Limb 137
girdle type 392
Limping, causes of 393
Lipoma 467
Lithotripsy 467
Little's disease 467
Live attenuated vaccines 35
abscess 278
disease 174, 255
chronic 210, 254
Lobar emphysema 426
congenital 247
Lobar pneumonia 243
Loeffler's syndrome 238
Lordosis 467
Low birth weight babies 4, 98, 467
prevention of 98
Lubb-dupp sound 467
Ludwig's angina 389, 467
Lung 78
abscess 249
management of 250
biopsy 242
disease 201
Luteinizing hormone 363
Lymph nodes 137
Lymphadenopathy 467
Lymphatic filariasis 232, 233
treatment of 233
Lymphocytes 421, 422
Lymphocytic leukemia, acute 305, 306, 306f
growth 111
tissue 116
Lymphoma 467
Lyssavirus type 1 161
Macewen's sign 355
Macrocephaly 467
Macrosomia 467
Magnesium 194
deficiency 194
sources 194
Magnetic resonance imaging 467
Maintenance fluid therapy 202
Malabsorption syndrome 260, 393, 467
causes 260
management 261
Malabsorption, intestinal 261
Malaria 6, 230, 342, 467
initiative, roll back 230
parasite 231
Male pseudohermaphroditism 368
Malnourished child 185f, 237f
Malnutrition 4, 183, 467
ecology of 183
Malrotation of gut 266
Malrotation, intestinal 151
Maltose 45
Mania 468
Manikin 468
Man-made disease 183
Mantoux test 224, 242
Marasmic kwashiorkor 186
Marble bone disease 393
Marfan's syndrome 176, 180, 376, 393, 468
Mass media, influence of 168
Mastitis neonatorum 72
Mastoiditis 382, 468
Masturbation 173
Maternal and child health 22
benefits 48
disease, treatment of 181
illness 109
infections 109
malnutrition 109
substance abuse 109
Maturation 108
Mature milk 50
Measles 35, 181, 204, 377, 468
complications of 205
stage, post 205
vaccination 39
Meatal stenosis 314
Mebendazole 238
Meckel's diverticulum 266
Meconium 468
ileus 266
plug syndrome 266
Medical aseptic technique 140
Medical audit 468
Medication 75, 77
administration of 144
history 144
routes of administration of 145
Medicine cabinets 139
Mediterranean anemia 300
Medulloblastoma 357
Mefenamic acid 344
Megacolon 468
Megaloblastic anemia 299
Melanoma 468
Membrane filter concentration 233
Menarche 468
Ménière's disease 468
Meningitis 5, 6, 339, 468
form of beriberi 191
Meningocele 353, 353f, 468
Meningococcal vaccine 41
Meningococcus 403
Meningoencephalitis 468
Meningoencephalocele 179f
Meningomyelocele 353
Menorrhagia 371
abnormalities 370
problems 166
handicaps 405
health 29
problems 166
retardation 349, 350f, 405, 468
classification 349
etiology of 349
management 350
prevention of 351
Mentally handicapped children 405
Mesomorph 112
acidosis 200, 323
etiology of 201
alkalosis 202
etiology 202
management 202
defects 278
disorders 180, 337
disturbances 100, 344
problems 97
valgus 395f
varus 395f
Metered dose inhaler 253
Methotrexate 321
Miaenia uniformis 232
Microcytic hypochromic anemia 296
Microsporum furfur 334
Micturition, abnormal 313
Migraine 468
Milia 72
Miliaria 468
tuberculosis 223
Milieu therapy 468
Milk, preterm 50
Mineral 47, 193
daily requirements of 48t
disease 183
disorders 193
Mineralocorticoid 367
deficiency 199
Miosis 468
Mitral regurgitation 292
Mitral stenosis 292, 468
MMR vaccine 468
Mongolian blue spots 72
Mongolism 351, 468
Moniliasis 333
Monocytes 421
Moral development 123
Moral problems 166
Moro reflex 468
Mortality 468
rate, under-five 7, 8
Mosaicism 351
Mosquito 209
cycle 230
Mother's genotype 303
Motility diarrhea 256
Motivational problems 166
Motor development 116
Mouse brain 41
Mouth 66
and throat 137
and tongue 257
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 233
Mucoid secretions 72
Multibacillary leprosy 228
Multidrug therapy 228
Mummy restraint 140, 140f
Mumps 181, 212, 468
vaccine 41
Muscle 89
disorders of 392, 393
injuries to 91
tone 64
Muscular disease 392
Muscular dystrophies 180, 392
abnormalities 180
disorders in children 392
problems 166
system 136
fortuitum 222
intracellulare 222
kansasii 222
leprae 227
scrofulaceum 222
tuberculosis 222, 243
Mycoplasma 243
Mydriasis 468
Myelitis 468
Myelocytic leukemia, chronic 307
Myelodysplasia 352
Myeloma 468
multiple 468
Myelomeningocele 353, 353f, 426, 468
Myeloproliferative diseases 277
Myocardial disease 294
Myocarditis 469
Myoclonic seizures 345
Myopia 379, 469
Myxedema 469
Nail biting 170
Nalidixic acid 444
Nanogram 469
Napkin rash 71
cannula 424
catheter 424
diphtheria 218
mucous, inflammation of 384
obstruction 254
polyps 252
Nasolacrimal duct
obstructed 72
obstruction, congenital 377
Natal teeth 73
National Health Mission 25
National Health Programs for Children in India 33
National Immunization Schedule 36, 37t, 40
National Nutritional Policy 60
National Plan of Action on Nutrition 60
National Policy for Children 10
National Programs on Nutrition 61
National Rural Health Mission 25
National Urban Health Mission 25
Near sightedness 378, 379
Near-drowning 253
Nebulization 469
Nebulizers 253
Necator americanus 239
Neck 66
Necrotizing enterocolitis 87, 469
Negligence 469
Negri bodies 469
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 378
Neisseria meningitidis infection 339
Neomycin 210
assessment 367
grades of 106
unit 81
conjunctivitis 85
convulsions/seizures 96
etiology of 96
types of 97
death 5f
drug chart 443
hypoglycaemia 96
causes of 96
hypothermia 79, 80
management of 81
prevention of 80
stages of 79
illness, management of 29
infections 84
prevention of 88
intensive care unit 100
intestinal obstruction 426
jaundice 92
drug therapy in 95
management of 94
treatment of 96
types of 92
medical problems 438
mortality rate 7, 8. 25
early 8
period 65
Resuscitation Program Guideline 429
seizures 346
sepsis 86
late onset 86
types of 86
tetanus 221
Neonate 156
basic care of 68
daily observation of 66
daily routine care of 68
in incubator, care of 147
minor problems of 70
preterm 471
reactions of 132
reflexes of normal 67t
temperature in 81
with jaundice 93
Neonatology forum 73
Neoplasm 469
Neoplastic disease 396
Nephritis 469
Nephroblastoma 316
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 364
Nephron, damage of 324
Nephrosis, congenital 354
Nephrotic syndrome 6, 110, 288, 320, 320f, 469
complications 320
congenital 320
management 321
pathophysiology 320
secondary 320
types 320
Nerves 89
injuries to 90
Nervous tissue vaccines 40
Neural growth 111
Neural tube defect 352, 469
etiology 352
types of 352
Neuritic type, pure 228
Neuroblastoma 367
Neurodegenerative disease 380
Neurogenic diabetes insipidus 364
Neuroglia, composed of 357
Neurological complications 205, 220
Neurological disorders 393
Neurological examination 138
Neurological problems, developmental 96
Neurological status 66
Neurologically handicapped 405
disease 201
disorders 393
Neurosis 469
Neutral thermal environmental temperatures 428
Neutrophils 421
Nevus 469
simplex 72
Newborn 469
baby 63
infant 62, 436
resuscitation algorithm 430
Niacin 191
deficiency of 191
Night blindness 379, 469
Night terrors 469
Nightmare 469
inverted 52
treatment of inverted 52f
Nissen's operation 265
Noncardiovascular disease 288
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus 355
Nongovernment organizations 406
Nonlymphocytic leukemia, acute 307
Nonorganic causes 156, 157
management of 157
Nonparalytic poliomyelitis 206
Nonparalytic strabismus 378
Nonplastic waste, infected 447
Nonpulmonary causes 82
Nonrebreathing mask 424
Nonshivering thermogenesis 80
Nonthrombocytopenic purpura 310
Normocytic normochromic anemia 296
Nose 66, 136, 137
block 71
disorders of 384
consultant 13
counselor 13
role of 133
care 67, 139
of sick child 134
interventions 134, 156
management 287, 299, 307, 317, 375, 380, 406
process 16f, 469
steps in 15, 16f
to pediatric nursing 15
protocol 469
research 469
responsibilities 33, 43, 126, 142, 174, 182, 188
standards 469
Nutrition 10, 101, 110
adequate 26
demonstration 14
in children 44
Nutritional anemia 28
Nutritional blindness 26
Nutritional counselling
and guidance 58
and weaning 122
during infancy 59
for preschooler 59
for toddler 59
Nutritional deficiency
disease 183
disorders 183
Nutritional disorders 362
Nutritional dwarfing 186
Nutritional factors 279
Nutritional marasmus 186
Nutritional problems 166, 184
Nutritional rehabilitation center 186
management in 187
Nutritional requirements in children 44
Nutritional services 29
Nutritional status 57
Nutritional support 331
Nutritive value 48
Nyctalopia 379, 469
Nystagmus 469
Obesity 165, 372, 372f, 469
causes of 372
Obstructive jaundice, congenital 180f
Obstructive lesions, chronic 233
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 254
Obtundation 336
disease 380
myopathy 392
Oedipus complex 470
Older school age children 124
Oligodon annulifers 232
Oliguria 313, 470
Omphalitis 470
Omphalocele 274, 470
Onlooker play 124
Onychomycosis 333
Ophthalmia neonatorum 85, 470
Ophthalmic problems 376
Opisthotonos 470
Optic nerve diseases 377
administration of drugs 145
cavity, problems of 389
feeding 148
polio vaccine 208, 217
salts, ingredients of 258t
solution 470
thrush 85
Orchiditis 470
Orchidopexy 369, 470
Orchitis 470
Organ dysfunction syndrome, multiple 468
Organic causes 156, 157
Organic diseases, chronic 362
Organizing sex education 127
Orodental problems in children 376
Orofaciodigital syndrome 176
Orphanages 409
Orthopedically handicapped 404
Orthopnea 470
Osmotic diarrhea 256
Osseous growth 115
Osteogenesis imperfecta 393, 394f, 470
congenita 393
types 393
Osteomyelitis 400, 470
acute 400
chronic 400
complications of 400
etiology 400
pathophysiology 400
types 400
Osteopenia 470
Osteoporosis 470
Osteosarcoma 401
Ostium primum atrial septal defect 283
Ostium secundum atrial septal defect 283
Ostomy 151, 470
Otitis externa 381
Otitis media 381, 470
acute 381
chronic 382
suppurative 382
with effusion 382
Otorrhea 470
Otosclerosis 470
Otospongiosis 470
Ototoxic 470
drug therapy 382
Overfeeding 56
Ovotestis 470
Oxygen 424
administration 147
methods of 147
hood 147f
therapy 146, 147, 147f, 347, 424
complications of 147
free flow 76f
Oxytocin reflex 51f
Oxyuriasis 238, 470
concept of preventive 21
preventive 21, 24f, 33
Pain 470
abdominal 157, 268
Palliative care 470
Palsy 470
Pancreas 268
Pancreatitis 275
causes 275
Pancytopenia 470
Panophthalmia 470
Panophthalmitis 470
Papilloma 470
Para amino salicylic 224
Paracentesis 470
Paracetamol 344
Paralysis 470
Paralytic ileus 470
Paralytic poliomyelitis 206
Paralytic strabismus 378
Paramedical personnel 470
Paraphimosis 316
Parasites 256
Parasitic infestations 5
in children 230
intestinal 28
Parathyroid glands, disorders of 366
Parenchymatous tonsillitis 386
Parenteral administration of drugs 145
Parenteral nutrition, total 150
Parents and child, preparation of 149
Paronychia 471
Passive immunization 161, 213
Patau's syndrome 180
Patent ductus arteriosus 175, 284, 284f, 471
causing complications 426
Patent urachus 273
Patent vitellointestinal duct 273
Paucibacillary leprosy 228
Pediatric 471
drug dosages 444
illness care delivery 131
functions of 13
qualities of 12
role of 12
nursing 12
concept of 12
emerging challenges in 14
history 135
trends in 14
outpatient department 327
techniques 138
tuberculosis, treatment of 445
unit in hospital 131
Pediculosis 471
Peeling skin 72
Pellagra 471
Pelvifemoral type 392
Pelvis 360
Pelviureteric junction stenosis 314
Pemphigus 471
Penicillin 318
G 444
Penoscrotal problems 166
Penumonia 234
Peptic ulcer 254
Pericardial diseases 280
asphyxia 73, 74, 87
complications 97
infections 97
mortality rate 6, 8
Peripheral hearing deficit 383
Peritoneal dialysis 326
Peritonsillar abscess 386
Permanent teething 115
Personality development 117
Perthes’ disease 393
Pertussis 35, 38, 219, 471
Pes valgus 395f
Pes varus 395f
Petit mal 345
Pharyngitis 385
management of 385
Pharyngo tonsillar diphtheria 218
Phenobarbital 444
Phenobarbitone 341, 443
Phenylketonuria 377
Phenytoin 443
Pheochromocytoma 367
Phimosis 316
physiological 72
Phlebotomus argentipes 234
Phlebotomus papatasi 234
Phlegmasia 471
Phobia 471
Phocomelia 471
Phosphatase 419
Phosphorus 193
Photophobia 471
Physical examination, technique of 137
Physically handicapped 404
Pica 171
Pierre-Robin syndrome 382, 471
Pinworm 238
Piperazin cirtate 238
Pituitary glands, disorders of 363
Pityriasis 334, 471
Plague 471
Plasmodium falciparum 230, 231, 232
Plasmodium malariae 230
infection 230, 231
Plasmodium ovale 230, 231
Plasmodium vivax 230
Plastic deformation 398, 398f
Plastic waste, infected 447
Platelet 421
activation factor 250
destruction, increased 308
production, decreased 308
Play and exercise 110
Play and play materials 123
Play, types of 123
Plethora 471
Pleural effusion 248
diagnosis 248
complications 248
management of 248
Pleurisy 471
Pleuritis 471
Pneumococcal meningitis 339
Pneumococcal vaccine 41
Pneumococcus 85, 243, 248, 384, 403
Pneumoconiosis 471
Pneumocystis carinii 243
pneumonia 215, 311
Pneumonia 244, 471
interstitial 243
Pneumonitis 243
Pneumothorax 249
management of 249
Poisoned children, management of 160
Poisoning agents 159
Poisoning, ecology of 160
Poisons 5, 159, 337
residual paralysis, post 208
vaccination 38
Poliomyelitis 35, 205, 206, 471
asymptomatic 206
types of 206
Poliovirus 205
Polyarthritis 290
Polycystic kidneys 314
Polycystic renal disease 313
Polycythemia 471
Polydipsia 313, 374
Polymorphs 422
Polyneuritis 471
infective 343
Polyneuromyositis 471
Polyp 471
Polyphagia 374
Polyuria 313, 374, 471
Ponderal index 102
Poor maternal health 5f
Poor prognostic factors 79
Poor socioeconomic status 183
Porphyria 471
Postasphyxia management of neonates 78
Postconventional morality 118
Postinfectious polyneuritis 343
Postnatal growth patterns 111
Postnatal period 109
Postneonatal mortality rate 7, 8
Postrenal causes 321
Potassium 48, 193, 419, 444
loss of 256
Pott's disease 471
Potter's syndrome 313
Prader-Willi syndrome 181, 372, 471
Precocious puberty 369
Precordium 471
Predeciduous teeth 73
Prednisolone 444
Premenstrual syndrome 370
Prenatal factors 109
Prenatal period 109
Prerenal causes 321
Preschool child 109, 123, 134
reactions of 133
Preschooler 120
Preterm babies
at birth, care of 100
management of 100
Preterm birth, causes of 98
Primary health centers 25
Primary school education 10
Proctoclysis 472
Progeria 472
Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986 410
Prolactin 363
reflex 51f
Propionibacterium acnes 334
Prospective genetic counseling 181
Prosthesis 472
Protein 45, 419, 422
allowances 46t
Protein-energy malnutrition 26, 184, 312
classification of 184
complications of 187
management of 186
prognosis of 187
Prothrombin time 421
Proton pump 472
Protozoa 342
Prune-Belly defect 472
Pruritus 472
Pseudoanemia 472
Pseudocryptorchidism 369
Pseudohermaphroditism 368, 472
Pseudohypertelorism 364
Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy 392
Pseudomembranous croup 387
Pseudomonas 87, 319
aeruginosa 86, 293
Pseudoprecocious puberty 369
Psoriasis 334, 472
Psychiatry 472
Psychoanalysis 472
benefits 48
environment 110
factors 158
preparation 152
readiness 122
stress 135
support to mother 104
Psychosexual development 117
stages of 117t
Psychosis 472
Psychosocial development, stages of 117t
Pterygium 472
Ptosis 472
Puberty 472
changes in 116
boys 116
girls 116
delayed 370
blood flow 286
causes 82
complications 207
disease, chronic 147, 288
tuberculosis, chronic 223
vascular disease 284
occlusive 284
Pulse 257
Pulseless disease 280
Purpura 308, 472
Pyelonephritis 472
Pyemia 472
Pyloroplasty 265
Pyoderma 86, 334, 472
arthritis 403
management of 403
liver abscess 278
meningitis 339, 340
Pyohemothorax 472
Pyrazinamide 341, 445
Pyrexia 472
high 154
low 154
moderate 154
Pyridine-2-aldoxime-methiodide 160
Pyridoxine 192
deficiency 192
prevention of 192
Pyrosis 472
Quadriplegia 472
Quadruplet 472
Quality of life 472
Quarantine 472
Quinsy 472
Quintuplet 472
Rabies 472
vaccines 40
Rachitic rosary 472
Rachitis 472
Radiation therapy 472
Radiculitis 472
Radioallergosorbent test 251
Radioiodine 364
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 381
Ramstedt's pyloromyotomy 262
Rash 210
Recreationist 13
Rectal agenesis 272, 272f
Rectal prolapse 275
Rectoperineal fistula 272
Rectovaginal fistula 272
Rectum 138
Rectus femoris 145, 146f
Rectus muscle 274
Red blood cells 295, 328
Reed-Sternberg cell 473
Refractive errors 376
Rehabilitation 188, 331, 473
process of 406
Rehydration therapy 257
Reiter's disease 378
Remand homes 409
agenesis 313
functions, impaired 100
hypoplasia 313
mechanisms 197
transplantation 321
vein thrombosis 321
Renal disease 198, 318
end-stage 324
Renal failure
acute 321, 473
etiology 321
management 323
cause of 323
chronic 324
complications 325
diagnostic evaluation 325
etiology 324
management 325
nursing management 325
pathophysiology 324
phases of acute 321
Reproductive and child health 4, 22
Reproductive tract infections 9, 127
acidosis 201
acute 201
chronic 201
etiology of 201
alkalosis 202
changes 115
complications 220, 221
disease 146, 242, 249
distress 83f
in neonates 82
syndrome 87
acute 242, 245
acute classification 242
acute lower 242
acute upper 242
alteration of 99
regulatory mechanism 197
system abnormalities 180
tract infections 205, 229
Resuscitation 473
preparation for 75
steps of 75
Reticulocytes 421
Retina, diseases of 377
Retinal detachment 379, 473
Retinoblastoma 380, 473
Retractile testis 369
Retrolental fibroplasia 377
Retrospective genetic counseling 181
Rett's syndrome 351
Reye's syndrome 212, 473
Rhabdomyosarcoma 473
Rheumatic fever 473
acute 289
prognosis of 291
Rheumatic heart disease 284, 288, 290, 291, 293
chronic 291
Rheumatism 473
Rh-hemolytic disease 181
Rhinitis 384
acute 384
chronic 384
Rhinorrhea 254, 473
Rhizotomy 473
Riboflavin 191
Ricket 26, 189, 404, 473
Rifampicin 341, 445
Ringworm 473
infections 333
Rinne test 473
Ritter's disease 473
Road traffic accidents 126
Rotavirus vaccine 41
Round worms 237
Rovsing's sign 473
Rubella 181, 377
vaccine 41
Rumination 56, 473
Ruptured omphalocele 426
Russell's traction 399
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 178f, 426
Safe motherhood components 23
Safety precautions 126
Salbutamol 253, 444
Salmon patches 72
Salmonella typhi 225
Sandfly 234
Sarcoma 473
Saucerization 473
Scabies 204, 332, 473
management 332
Scald 473
Scalp injuries 90
Scarlet fever 473
Scheuermann disease 397
Schick test 474
Schistosoma mansoni 241
Schistosomiasis 474
Schizophrenia 474
Schönlein purpura 310
School age 120
School children 123, 134
School health
records 29
service 28
School phobia 172
School refusal 172
School-age children 125
reactions of 133
School-going child 109
Sciatica 474
Sclera, abnormalities of 376
Scleroderma 474
Sclerosis, multiple 468
Sclerotherapy 474
Scoliosis 397, 474
etiology 397
management of 397
Scurvy 474
Seborrhea 474
Secretory diarrhea 256
Seeking genetic counseling, reasons for 181
Seizure 474
absence 345
disorders 147
Selenium deficiency 195
Semicoma 336
Senses, special 66
Sensorineural hearing deficit 383
development 117
handicapped 405
Separation anxiety 169
Sepsis 474
Septic arthritis 403
Sequestrum 474
Serum albumin 313
Sewage disposal 233
Sex education 127
Sex-linked inheritance 176
Sexual development 116
delayed 370
primary delayed 370
secondary delayed 370
Sexual problems 169
of adolescents 127, 166
Sexually transmitted diseases 9, 127
Shanghai fever 474
Shigella 342
shiga 259
sonnei 259
Shigellosis 259, 474
Shock 39, 474
syndrome 214
Short stature 362
causes of 362
extracranial 356
intracranial 356
Sialolithiasis 474
Sick child 131
hospitalization of 132
Sick neonates, transport of 107
Sick sinus syndrome 280
Sickle cell
anemia 176, 299
disease 177
Siderosis 474
Sightedness, short 379
Sigmoid colon, volvulus of 267f
Silverman anderson score 83t
Simian crease 474
Sinus venosus atrial septal defect 283
Sinusitis 245, 252, 384
acute 384
chronic 384
management of
acute 384
chronic 384
Sirenomelia 474
Skeletal traction 399
Skin 65, 136, 137
care and baby bath 68
changes 186
condition, allergic 327
disease 28, 209, 327
in children 332
injuries to 91
pinch 257
problems 166
test 242, 251
Skin-to-skin contact 103
Skull 360
disorders 172
problems 169
Sleepiness, excessive 71
Snake bites 162
Sneezing 71
Social causes 408
Social change, influence of 168
Social relationship, influence of 168
Social worker 13
Socioeconomic history 136
Socioeconomic status 110
Sodium 48, 193, 419
deficiency 193
valproate 344, 346
Solitary independent play 124
Somnambulism 474
Somniloquism 474
Sore nipple 52
Spasmodic croup 387
Spasmodic laryngitis, acute 387
Speech 136
delayed 172
development 117
problems 169, 171, 405
Spherocytosis 474
Spina bifida 352
cystic 474
occulta 353, 474
Spinal form 206
Spinal fracture 91
Spine 138, 360
Spiritual development 119
Spirometry 474
Spontaneous causes 98
Sprain 474
Sputum, collection of 144
Squint 378, 474
Staphylococcal pneumonia 245
Staphylococcus 85, 243, 248, 249, 378
aureus 86, 249, 293, 334, 339, 384, 385, 403
epidermidis 334
Starch 45
Status asthmaticus 251
case of 252
Status epilepticus 345
Steatorrhea 474
Stem stature index 115
Stenosis 474
Sterilization 474
Sternomastoid tumor 426
Steroid hormones 46
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 378, 474
Stiff baby syndrome 474
Still's disease 402
Stillbirth baby 178f
Sting 161, 475
Stomatitis 389
angular 389
Stool specimens, collection of 143
Stork bites 72
Strabismus 378, 475
management of 378
Stranger anxiety 169
Street child 5f, 30
Streptococcal pharyngitis, treatment of 291
Streptococcus 85, 243, 248, 378, 403
hemolyticus 385
pneumoniae 339, 384
pyogenes 384
viridans 293, 384
Streptomycin 293, 341, 445
biological 135
chemical 135
environmental 135
of illness 133
physiologic 135
Strongyloides stercoralis 241
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 73
administration 145
nodules 290
tissue 91
Subdural hematoma, acute 359
Substance abuse 174
Sucking callosities 73
Sucrose 45
Suffocation 475
Sugar 422
Supralevator anorectal malformations 426
Swenson's operation 270
Swimmer's ear 381
Sycosis 475
Symptomatic hyponatremia 199
Syncope 475
Syndromal classification 185
Synostosis 475
Syphilis 475
Syringomyelia 475
Systemic disease 378, 401
Tachycardia 475
Tachypnea 475
Tactile stimulation 75, 76f
Taenia saginata 240
Taenia solium 240
Taeniasis 475
Takayasu arteritis 280
Talipes 475
arcuates 395
calcaneovalgus 395, 395f
equinovalgus 395f
equinovarus 395f, 426
varus 395
Tamponade 475
Tapeworms 240
Tay-Sachs disease 176, 177, 180
Tears 257
Teeth 136
delayed eruption of 388
eruption of 114, 115t
malocclusion of 388
Telangiectasis 475
Teletherapy 475
Temper tantrum 169, 475
Temporary teethings 115
Teniasis 240
Tennis elbow 475
Tension pneumothorax 426
Teratogen 475
Teratogenic exposure during pregnancy 382
Teratoma 475
Terbutaline 253
Test tube baby 475
Testis, absence of 369
Tetanus 35, 38, 220, 221, 475
localized 221
prophylaxis 330
types of 221
Tetany 475
Tetralogy of Fallot 284, 285f
Thalassemia 6, 39, 300, 301f, 475
classification of 301
intermedia 301
major 301
minor 301
pathogenesis of 300
prognosis of 303
Thelarche 475
Therapeutic management 294
Therapeutic play 141, 142
impaired 100
process of 79
Thiamine 191
deficiency of 191
Thickness burns, superficial partial 328
Thioacetazone 445
Thoracentesis 475
Threadworm 238
Throat 136
disorders of 385
culture 318
collection of 144
Thrombocytopenia 308, 475
causes 308
Thrombosis 475
Thrush 476
Thumb sucking 170
Thymic hypoplasia, congenital 311
glands, disorders of 364
stimulating hormone 363
storm 476
Thyromegaly 365
Thyrotoxicosis 476
Thyroxin 420
Tibial fracture 398
Tic 171, 476
Tinea 476
capitis 333
corporis 333
cruris 333
pedis 333
unguium 333, 334
versicolor 333, 334
intactness, child's 20
superficial 89
Tocopherol 190
Toddler 119, 126, 476
Toddler's readiness for toilet training 122
Toddlers, reactions of 133
Toilet training 122, 476
age for 122
problems of 123
process of 122
Tongue tie 73, 426, 476
Tonic-clonic seizures 345
Tonometry 476
Tonsillitis 252, 385
acute 386
chronic 386
Topology 476
Torticollis 476
Torus fracture 398
Total body water, distribution of 196t
Tourette's syndrome 171
Toxemia, symptoms of 329
Toxic shock syndrome 39, 217
Toxoid 476
Toxoplasma gondii 243
Toxoplasmosis 342, 377, 476
Tracheoesophageal fistula 263, 263f
Trachoma 476
Transfusion 476
reaction 476
Transillumination 476
Transitional milk 50
Transporting neonates 107
Transverse fracture 398
Trauma 476
Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage 89
Treadmill test 476
Trichinella spiralis 241
Trichinosisor infection 241
Trichuris trichiura 241
Tricuspid atresia 286
Tricuspid regurgitation 292
Tricuspid valvular disease 291
Triglycerides 420
Triiodothyronine 420
Trilateral retinoblastoma 380
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 444
Tris hydroxymethyl-aminomethane 201
Trisomy 476
Tuberculin test 224
Tuberculoid type 227
Tuberculosis 6, 35, 110, 222, 223, 245, 476
diagnosis of 224
Tuberculous 342
meningitis 340
pathophysiology 340
Tubular necrosis, acute 321
Tumor 379, 476
Turner's syndrome 109, 180, 282, 287, 377
Twin 477
conjoined 180f
Twin-to-twin transfusion 476
Typhoid 342
fever 5, 6, 225, 477
diagnosis of 226
prognosis of 227
treatment of 226
vaccine 39, 40
Typhus 477
Ulcer 477
Ulcerative colitis 261
arteries 281
cord, care of 69
granuloma 72, 273
hernia 73, 273, 426
malformations 273
polyp or adenoma 273
vein, closure of 281
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, prolonged 92
Unconscious 477
Unconsciousness 477
Underfeeding 56
Under-five's clinic 26, 26f
Undescended testis 368, 369, 426
causes 369
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 4
Universal Children's Day 9
Universal Immunization Program 36
Urachus 477
Urea nitrogen 420
Uremia 477
Ureter 313
Ureteric colic 313
Urethra 313
Urethral valve, posterior 314
Uric acid 420
concentration test 313
elimination 20
incontinence 477
problems 208
retention 477
system 116, 268
tract 313, 314
anomalies 319
disorders of 313
infection 5, 229, 319
Urine 257
examination 318
clean-catch 143
collection of 143
Urologic surgery, child with 317
Uropathy, obstructive 324
Urticaria 210, 477
neonatorum 72
Uveal tract abnormalities 376
Uveitis 477
Uvuloptosis 477
Vaccine 35, 477
carriers 42
inactivated 35
preventable diseases 35
six-killer 35
vial monitor 38
Vaginal bleeding 72
Valve disease, obstructive 293
Valvular heart disease 293
Vancomycin 293
Varicella 211
vaccines 40
Varicella-zoster virus 211
Varicose vein 477
Various inhalation devices 253
Vascular access, complications of 326
Vasopressors 340
Vastus lateralis 146f
Vector-borne spread 229
Vegetable origin 45
Vena caval syndrome 286
Ventricular septal defect 179, 282, 282f
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 341, 356f, 358
Venturi type mask 424
Vernix caseosa 477
Vertex 477
Vertigo 477
Very low birth weight babies 98
Vincent's stomatitis 389
Vipers bites 162
disease, acute 205
hepatitis 208, 210
infections 204, 279
pharyngitis 385
Virilization 477
Virulence 477
Virus 256
Virus-laden saliva 161
Visceral injuries 91
Visceral leishmaniasis 233
Viscosity 477
double 379
low 379
disorders 376, 379
and blindness 379
categories of 379t
problems 405
Vital signs 65, 137, 385
Vitamin 46, 188, 477
A 46, 188, 189, 195
deficiency 28, 189
deficiency, treatment of 189
sources of 188
B complex 191
B1 191
deficiency 191
B12 192
sources of 192
B2 191
B5 191
sources 191
deficiency 192
sources of 192
C 192
deficiency of 193
prevention of 193
sources of 192
D 46, 189, 190
deficiency 189, 190
deficiency, prevention of 190
dose of 190
dietary allowance of 47t
E 46, 190
deficiency of 190
K 46, 190, 443
deficiency of 190
Vitellointestinal duct, abnormalities to 273
Vitiligo 477
Vitreous, diseases of 377
Volvulus 477
Vomiting 56, 70, 156, 257
causes of 156
Voracious 477
Warm chain, concept of 80
Wart 477
Water 44
and calories, daily requirements of 45t
drowning 253
intoxication 198
Water-soluble vitamins 46
Weaning 54, 477
foods 54
Welfare of children 407
Welfare of delinquent children 408
causes 408
Welfare of destitute children 408
Welfare of working children 409
Werdnig-Hoffman disease 393
Wernicke's encephalopathy 477
Westergren method 421
Wet beriberi 191
Wheeze 254, 478
Whipworm 241
White blood cells 295, 328
Whitlow 478
WHO child growth standards 459, 460
WHO classification 185
WHO grading of anemia 296
Whooping cough 219, 245
Wilms’ tumor 131, 313, 316, 317, 478
management of 317
staging of 316
Wilson's disease 180, 478
Wisdom tooth 478
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 311
Working mother 52
Working with Anganwadi workers 188
Worm infestations 237
multiple 237f
Wound 478
infections, surgical 229
management 331
Wuchereria bancrofti 232
Xanthoma 478
Xanthosis 478
Xenograft 478
Xeroderma 478
Xerophthalmia 478
Xerosis 478
X-linked disorder 478
X-linked recessive traits 176
Yawning 478
Yellow fever 478
Yersiniosis 478
Yoga 478
Zinc 48, 195
Zoografting 478
Zoonosis 478
Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis 233
Chapter Notes

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