Diagnostic Cytology Pranab Dey
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table.
Acellular material 113
Acellular membranous structure 624f
Acetic acid 153
Acid fast bacilli 215f, 456, 456f
bunch of 215f
Acinar arrangement 519b
Acinar cell 364, 376t, 506
absence of normal 522b
clusters of 375b
discrete 375f
Acinic cell
carcinoma 371, 372t, 375, 375b, 375f, 376t, 377, 380, 524b
tumor 363b
Acquired cysts 519
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 46, 254
Actin 292
Actinomycosis 118, 118b, 215, 621
Adenine 60
Adenocarcinoma 111, 120, 142f, 143b, 143f, 166, 168, 169, 169b, 169t, 214, 220, 221, 224, 227b, 242, 243f, 247, 249, 290, 291, 379, 511, 522, 525, 526t
in situ 116, 142, 142b
of esophagus 242b
of lung 224b, 224f, 225f
mutation in 221b
of ovary 147f
of pancreas 522b, 522t
type 245f
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 362, 368, 369t, 373, 373f, 374, 374b, 374f, 436
Adenomatoid hyperplasia 391b
Adenomatoid nodule 391
Adenomatous polyposis coli 74
Adenosine triphosphate 42, 48
Adenosquamous carcinoma 523
Adenovirus 219
Adipocytes 85, 85
mature 568b, 569
Adrenal adenoma 543b, 543f
Adrenal tumor 537
carcinoma 537t, 542, 543b, 543f, 544f, 544t, 545
neoplasm 542
Agarose gel electrophoresis 332
AIDS meningitis 254
dried smear 268
drying artifact 132
Alcian blue 286
Alcohol, absolute 285, 286, 287
Allophycocyanin 315, 315b
Altering cell growth 78
Alveolar macrophages 211, 212b
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 578
Alveolar soft part sarcoma 581, 582b
Ameloblastoma 351, 352b
Amoebic abscess 503
Anal cytology 250
Anaphase promoting complex 32
Anaplastic carcinoma 406, 406b, 523, 575
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 175, 475, 475b, 476f, 481, 495, 575
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 476, 495
Ancillary immunological tests 91t
Ancillary investigation possible 565b
Ancillary techniques 177, 178, 202, 268, 409, 441, 566
Ancillary test 91, 116, 159
in urine sample 204t
Androgen receptor 297
Aneuploidy 60
Aneurysmal bone cyst 598, 609, 610, 610b
Angiomyolipoma 531, 533,533b, 534f, 536
Angiosarcoma 510, 511b, 511f, 567b, 579, 580
Anisonucleosis 522b
sudden 545b
Antibody, primary 289
Antigen retrieval 289
Anti-infective agent 298
Anucleated squamous cells 588f, 589b, 594b
Apocrine carcinoma 435b, 435f, 435t
Apocrine cells 419, 423f
discrete 435f
Apoptosis 42t, 43f, 46, 47t, 48t, 78, 83
activating factor 44
biochemical pathway of 45b
blockage of 71f
changes of 42b
detection of 46
in diseases 46b
in hematological disorders 46
in neurodegenerative disorders 46
in viral infection 46
morphology of 42
regulators 76
Apoptotic bodies, removal of 45
Apoptotic death 11
Aptima mRNA 153
Aqueous phenol 287
Arborizing capillaries, thin-walled 570b
Areolar tissue, loose 96
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region 178, 309
Artifact-producing changes 138
Aspergillosis 625
Aspergillus 216, 216f, 626f
Aspiration 451
Asymmetric cell division 37
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated 33
Atrophic smear 122, 122b, 136, 136f, 142
Atrophy 41
Atypia 426
in radiation 139
inflammatory 138
of repair 142
smear of 198f
Atypical cells, management in 140
Autoimmunity, prevention of 46
Automated cervical screening techniques 154
Automated screening devices 327
Automatic stainer 281f
advantages of 328
disadvantages of 328
Autophagic cell death 50f
formation, completion of 49
with lysosome, fusion of 49
Autophagy 43f, 48, 48b, 48t, 50
control of 49
molecular basis of 49
types of 48, 48f
Avascular papillary structures, abundant 431f
B cell
factor, early 98
lymphoma 408, 408f
diffuse large 59, 175, 408, 466, 467, 472, 472b, 480, 481, 494, 494f, 513, 607
mature small 471
small 470
small mature 471t
markers 295b
small lymphocytic lymphoma 466
B lymphocyte 85, 98
B lymphoid cells 98f
Bacilli within macrophages, abundant 621f
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 195
therapy 195b
vaccine 195
Bacterial artificial chromosome 64
Bacterial flora 116b
Bacterial infection 215, 586
Bacterial vaginosis 116, 116b
Balloon technique 237
Barrett't esophagus 240, 241, 241b
Basal cell 108
adenoma 369, 370, 370b, 374
carcinoma 355, 589, 591, 592b, 592f
Basaloid cells 351, 352f, 370f
Basophils 97, 99
Bayesian belief network 311, 311f
system 113, 114t, 129
terminology 388
ductular cells 502b, 502f
ductules 502
Biliary tract malignancy 66
Binucleated cells 602b
Binucleated chondrocytes 603f
Biohazardous waste 341
Biological contaminated wastes 341
Biopsy terminology 220b
Biphasic tumors 566
Bizarre cells, large 570f
Bladder 198f, 199f, 200f, 201f
brush 191
carcinoma 66
tumor antigen 203
test 203
wash 191, 191b, 317
Bland chromatin 571, 590b
Bland dyskaryosis 135, 135b
Bland nuclear chromatin 350b
Bland nuclei
small 537b
round 519b
Blastemal cells 538, 539
discrete 539f
cells 161
contamination with 256
Bloody smear 579b, 610b
Blue cells, small round 603b
Body 105
cavities, anatomy of 157
Bone 96, 574, 598, 604b, 604f, 605f, 607b
forming tumor 599
malignancies 607b
Branchial cyst 347, 347f, 348b
adequacy of 419b
aspiration material 440
cancer, grading of 441t
carcinoma 165b, 169b, 255, 255f, 298f, 406f
classification of 442
male 440f
disease, proliferative 425, 426, 426b, 427f
fine-needle aspiration cytology 417b
histology of 419
lactating 425b
lesions 440
benign 417t, 420b
malignant 417t
normal cytology of 419
Bromodeoxyuridine 34
Bronchial aspirate 209
Bronchial brush 209
Bronchial cell 214f
atypical 219t
hyperplasia 213b
Bronchial epithelial cells, abnormalities of 213
Bronchial reserve cell hyperplasia 214
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma 226f, 231
Bronchoalveolar lavage 209, 210b, 216f, 222f, 224f, 225f, 226f, 625
sample 218f
smear of 232f
Brush border of intestinal cell 8f
Brush cytology 236b, 620
Brushing 275
Buffy coat preparation 280
Burkitt't lymphoma 452, 474, 474b, 475f, 480
Calcinosis cutis 587f
Calcium storage 10
Cancer 33, 33b, 46, 70, 74, 77
broad categorizations of 91t
categorizations of 91t
cell 71, 71f, 72f, 76, 91t
morphology of 85
type of 90
diagnosis of 91b
hallmarks of 70, 70f
molecular basis of 73
stem cell 73, 73b
evidence of 73
Cancer-associated fibroblasts 85
Candida 117, 117b, 216, 238, 627f
Candidal esophagitis 238b
Candidal spores 117f
Candidiasis 627
Cannonball in effusions 165b
Cannonball-like cell clusters 165
Capillary fragments 579b
Carbol fuchsin 287
Carcinoembryonic antigen 292, 490
Carcinogenesis 73b
hypothesis of 82f
multistep process of 73, 73b
Carcinoid of lung 230f
Carcinoid tumor 228, 246, 247b
Carcinoma 122, 228, 431, 481, 520, 593
colonic 169
colorectal 80
ex pleomorphic adenoma 379, 379b
in male breast 440
in situ lesions 200
inflammatory 438
invasive 122
tubular 435, 435b
with neuroendocrine differentiation 438
Carnoy'y fixative 276, 280
Cartilage forming tumor 601
Cartilaginous material 603b
Castleman'n disease 462
Cell 3, 3b, 4f, 86, 256
abundant 407f
malignant 176f
small 228f
adequate number of 114
adipose 97
arrangement 165
atypical 132, 137b, 193f, 368
benign 86t
block 159, 192, 277, 280, 294
advantages of 159
cannibalism 90, 166, 168f
large 229, 230b
nonsmall 220
undifferentiated large 229, 229b
chief 243
cluster of 144f, 367f, 374f, 576b, 600b
malignant 245f, 355f
small 201f
collection 324
colonic 113
cycle 27, 27b, 31, 33b, 84
arrest 83
control 33, 84
enzymes 32f
inhibition 71
regulator proteins 31
restriction 31f
cytoplasm 400
death 40
in infection 46
programmed 42
diffuse large 494
discrete 134f, 165, 170f, 367f, 524b, 576, 577f, 579b, 592b, 594b, 600b
malignant 225f
round 579b, 593b
dissociated 350b, 351b, 354b, 374f, 537b, 576b, 579b
division 28
dyskaryosis, pale 134, 135b, 135f
elongated 538b
enrichment 324
feathering of 143f
foam 389, 420
gel electrophoresis, single 47
in cancer, proliferation of 71
in effusion
discrete 165b
malignant 165b
in ependymoma 258f
in pseudomyxoma peritonei 173
inflammatory 111, 218f, 421f, 582b, 591f
injury, causes of 40b
intermediate 108, 188, 188b, 376
junctions, types of 8f
large 351f, 571b, 592b, 604b
malignant 86f, 86t, 87f, 165, 167, 171f, 201f, 202f, 219t, 224f, 225f, 228f, 245f, 406f, 432f
membrane 4, 4b, 5b, 86
morphology 372f
normal 107, 501, 519, 531, 598
nuclear antigen, proliferating 35
osteosarcoma, small 601
oval small 354b
polarity 6, 6b
homeostasis of 46
in effusion, benign 159
proliferation 27, 78
assess 34t
markers 34
responses to injury, types of 40f
round to oval 350f, 351b, 367f, 522
shape 166
sheets of 109b
single row of 165, 165b, 171f
cluster of 139f, 356
fascicles of 574b, 579b
round 527b, 535b
rows of 169f
superficial 188
survival 84
decreased 46
to cell junction 86
transfer 324
tubular 531
malignant round 296, 296f, 297t
small blue round 578
small round 614
type of 109b
variable amount of 571b
variant, small 507
with nuclear overlapping 521f
Cell-cycle regulation, defects in 79
Cell-to-cell recognition 7
Cellular abnormalities, benign 213
Cellular adaptation 40
Cellular changes, reactive 119
Cellular reaction 40
Cellular senescence 84
Cellular substances 161
Central monomorphic bland nuclei 568b
Central nervous system 252, 252f
lymphoma, primary 257
primary 257
Central nuclei 604b
Central processing unit 308
Centrifugal force 279
Centrifugation technique 278
Centrifuge machine 278f
interior of 278f
Centromeric probes 61
Cercariform cells 199f, 538b
Cerebrospinal fluid 65, 252, 253, 254f259f, 277b, 288, 314, 317
circulation of 252f
examination 252b
Cervical cancer 126
screening 152t, 154
program 151
types of 152
Cervical carcinogenesis 126
Cervical cytology 273
smear 629f
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 129, 130, 130t, 153, 154f
Cervical preneoplastic lesions 128, 130t
Cervical smear 107, 111, 117f, 118f, 130f, 275f, 336, 337
collection of 273f, 274b
inflammatory 119f
Cervicitis, acute 119
Cervista human papillomavirus high risk 153
Cervix 106
brush 274
histology of 106
Chaperone-mediated autophagy 49
Charcot-Leyden crystals 212
Charged device camera 62
Chemical hazards 340
Chemotherapeutic effect 194
Chemotherapy effect 240b
atypia 138, 240
changes in urine 195f
Chest wall 296f
Chimeric fusion gene 58
Chlamydia trachomatis 118, 119, 119b, 331
Cholangiocarcinoma 508, 509b, 509f
Cholesterol crystals 348b
Chondroblastoma 602, 602b
Chondrocytes 599, 599f
benign 602f
Chondroid cells 599f
Chondroid material 602b
Chondroid syringoma 589, 589b
Chondroma 601
Chondrosarcoma 602,602b, 603f, 606
dedifferentiated 604
Chordoma 605, 605b, 605f, 606f
Chromatin 18b, 18f, 20t
clumped 89, 89f
coarse 141b
organization 16
recognition 308, 309
types of 89, 89f
relocation 88
remodelers 76, 77, 84, 88
Chromogranin 294
positive 294
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma 536b
Chromophobe type 536, 537
Chromosomal abnormalities 56, 56b
in malignancies 57
Chromosomal alterations in lymphomas 481b
Chromosomal changes
in malignancies 57b
types of 57f
Chromosomal duplication 57
Chromosomal gain 58
Chromosomal imbalance in tumorogenesis 59f
Chromosomal instability 73, 79, 79b
Chromosomal loss 58
Chromosomal number 55
Chromosomal rearrangement 57
Chromosomal structure 55
Chromosomal translocation 75
in solid cancer 64t
Chromosome 20t, 55, 55f
probes 61
Cigar-shaped nuclei 579b
Cilia 7
structure of 7f
Ciliated columnar cell 211b, 211f, 348b
Ciliocytophthoria 213
Cirrhosis 164, 164b
Citrate buffer 314b
Citric acid cycle 11
Classical clue cells 116f
Clear cell
carcinoma 535t
chondrosarcoma 603, 604b
renal cell carcinoma 536
sarcoma 541, 541f, 542b, 581, 581b
Clearing agent 283b
Clonal evolution of cancer 74
Clusters of
cells, three-dimensional 522b
oncocytes, three-dimensional 371b
Coarse chromatin 571b
Cohesion defects 79
Cohesive clusters of cells 535b
large 543, 543b
Cold knife conization 137
stroma 571b
tissue 565b
Colloid carcinoma 433
Colloid goiter 390, 391
Colloid in adenomatoid nodule 391f
Colposcopy 152, 153, 154f
Columnar cell 189, 189b, 210, 347f, 348b
single layer of 96t
variant 402
Columnar epithelium, simple 94
Compact cell block technique 280
Comparative genomic hybridization 61, 62
advantages of 63
disadvantages to 63
Concentrated hydrochloric acid 287
Conditional probability 311
Confocal microscopy 304
Congestive heart failure 164
Congo red stain 287
Connective tissue 96
proper 96
Consultant cytopathologist 339
Conventional cervical Pap test 152
Conventional cytogenetics 60, 60b
advantages of 60
Conventional gel electrophoresis 47
Conventional Pap smear 152
Conventional smear 114
Core needle biopsy 418
Cortex, thick intact 598b
Creola body 213b
Cribriform adenocarcinoma 380
Cryptococcal meningitis 254b
Cryptococcosis 626
Cryptococcus 216, 626f
in lung infection 217f
Cryptosporidium 249
Crystals 162, 192
Cuboidal cells, single layer of 96t
Cuboidal epithelial cells 590b
Cuboidal epithelium, simple 94, 95f
Cuboidal mesothelial cells, small 157f
Curschmann'n spirals 212, 212f
Cyclic-array sequencing 333
Cyclin-dependent kinase 31, 32, 31b
Cyclophosphamide 194
Cylindroma 589, 589b, 589f
adenocarcinoma 363b
congenital 502, 519
in head and neck region 347b
of pancreas 519
simple 364
Cystic degeneration 368
Cystic hygroma 349, 349f
Cystic lesions 347, 363, 363b, 364
Cystic papillary carcinoma 402
Cystic squamous cell carcinoma 348f
Cystic teratoma, mature 492, 492b
Cysticercosis 624, 624f
Cysticercus infection 587f
Cystosarcoma phylloides 422
Cytocentrifugation 192
Cytocentrifuge 277, 278
machine 279f
interior chamber of 279f
technique 279f
Cytochemistry 177
Cytochrome 44
Cytogenetic technique 61t
Cytogenetics 60, 64, 616
Cytohistology correlation 337, 339
Cytokeratin 204, 247, 248, 292, 368b, 373, 410, 430, 490, 497, 606, 616
Cytological preparations, different 288b
Cytology 116118, 130, 137, 138, 165, 194, 220b, 222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 243, 244, 247, 250, 252, 294, 347, 349, 350, 352, 365, 399, 430, 520, 578
Cell, immunostaining on 36f
cotesting of 153
general 1
of insular carcinoma 408b
of malignancy in urine 200
of metaplastic carcinoma 436b
of nodular goiter 390b
role of 620b
sample 314
interpretation of 220b
screeners 339
specimen, types of 314
Cytomegalovirus 194, 219, 238, 254, 628
esophagitis 240b
infection 238
Cytometry 308, 309
Cytomorphology 118, 174, 175, 178, 469, 477, 614
of round cell tumors 614t
Cytoplasm 43, 86, 166, 200f
abundant 570f, 575b, 594b, 607b
amount of 42f
clear 604b
diathesis 145f
moderate 522b, 593b
vacuolated 543b, 571b, 592b
Cytoplasmic changes 51
Cytoplasmic margin 589b
Cytoplasmic organelles 9
functions of 305
Cytoplasmic product 166
Cytoplasmic staining 281
Cytoplasmic vacuoles 570b
Cytosine 21f
Cytoskeletal structures, types of 14f
Cytoskeleton 14, 14b
structure, supporting 16
Cytospin preparations 288
Cytotoxic T cell 99, 99b
Decidual cells 112
Decoy cell in urine 194f
Deep nuclear groove 535b
Degradation 78
Dehydration by absolute alcohol 281
Demyelinating diseases 254
Denatured alcohol 276
Dense calcified material 120f
Dense connective tissue 96
Dense eosinophilic cytoplasm 582b
Dense fibrillar component 19
Densely sclerotic lesion 598b
Density gradient sedimentation 325
Deoxyadenosine triphosphate 330
Deoxycytidine triphosphate 330
Deoxyguanosine triphosphate 330
Deoxynucleotide triphosphate 330
Deoxyribonucleic acid 3, 20, 20b, 32, 40, 42, 126, 127
aneuploidy 88, 89
breakdown 45
complementary 331
content 316
damage 33, 84
repair of 83
flow cytometry 35, 178, 315
histogram 317f
methylation of 80
mitochondrial 12, 12b
ploidy 316
polymerase 21, 330
enzyme 332
repair 33
replication 21, 22b
license 33
sequence, blocking repetitive 63
template 330, 332
transcription 22, 23b
Deoxythymidine triphosphate 330
Dermatopathic lymphadenitis 462
Des-gamma carboxyprothrombin 505
Desmin 292
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor 567b, 614616, 616b, 617f, 618f
Desmosomes 8
Diagnostic immunocytochemistry 290
Diagnostic pitfalls of malignancy 91
Diagnostic problems 257b
Diakinesis 30
Diamidinophenylindole 315
Dibutylphthalate polystyrene xylene 281
Dideoxynucleotides 332
Diplotene 30
Discrete cells
abundant 140f, 395f, 535f
single 522b
Discrete plasma cells, abundant 608f
Disease identification 309
Disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis 173
Dissociated cells, population of 353
Ductal adenocarcinoma 520, 521f, 522f
Ductal carcinoma 438, 440
in nipple discharge 444b
in situ 417, 418, 427, 428b
variants of 523
Ductal cells 365f, 419, 519
absence of normal 522b
benign 363, 419f, 424f, 440f
Ductal hyperplasia, atypical 417, 418, 426b, 428
Ductular cells, discrete 423f
Dysplasia 128, 201, 241, 241b, 241f
Dysplastic cells
clusters of 134f
discrete 133f, 139f, 168f
Dysregulation of oncogene 78
Early apoptotic cell 48
Eccentric nucleus 527b, 607b
Eccrine spiradenoma 589, 590b
Echinococcus granulosus 623
Ectocervical squamous epithelial lining, normal 106f
Effusion cytology 157
Effusion fluid 291
malignancy in 320
Effusion lymphoma, primary 175, 175b
Electron microscopy, fixatives for 277
Embryogenesis 45
Embryonal carcinoma 493, 493b
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 577
Embryonic stem cell 37, 37f
markers 37t
Enchondroma 601, 602b, 602f, 604
adenocarcinoma 142, 144t
in situ 116, 142
brush 273f, 274
cells 109, 109b, 109f, 114, 132
reactive 132f, 144, 146
gland 41f, 95f
in origin 114t, 145
lining epithelium, normal 106f
origin 146b
polyp 146
Endocervix 106
Endocrine neoplasia, multiple 64, 76, 404
Endodermal sinus tumor 493, 494
adenocarcinoma 111, 144, 144f, 144t, 145b, 145f
aspiration smear 275
cells 110, 111f, 137, 138, 142
atypical 146, 146b
mimickers of 111
in origin 114t
polyp 111
Endometriosis 111, 587, 587f, 595
Endometritis 111
Endometrium, inner 106
Endoplasmic reticulum 9, 9b, 9f
smooth 9
Endoscopic brush cytology 236
Endoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology 237
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 237, 518
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided 236, 237, 246, 270
Endothelial cells 502, 531
Enhance tyrosine kinase 58
Enzyme 77
Enzyme-coupled receptors 5f, 6
Eosin 620
azure 281
Eosinophilic cytoplasm, abundant 371b
Eosinophilic effusion 164
etiologies of 164b
Eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, abundant 397f
Eosinophils 97, 99, 161
Epidermal growth factor receptor 221, 221b
Epidermal inclusion cyst 348, 587, 588f, 589
Epidermoid cells 377f
Epigenetics 80
Epithelial cell 95f, 108t, 119f, 177t, 367f, 538, 539, 545, 580f, 590b
abnormalities 115
absent 520b
degenerated 532b
in thymoma 489f
malignant 610b
morphology of 489f
oval 589b, 589f
types of 97f
Epithelial growth factor 76
Epithelial hyperplasia, classification of 426b
Epithelial malignancies 297
Epithelial markers 292
Epithelial membrane antigen 245, 292, 380, 410, 465, 476, 480, 490, 606, 616
Epithelial mesenchymal transition 6, 6b, 6f
Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma 378, 379b
Epithelial tissue 94
classification of 94
Epithelioid cell granuloma 52f, 393f, 394f, 421f, 455f, 456, 456b, 456f
multiple 455f
well-formed 215f
Epithelioid granuloma-like structures 582b
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma 510, 511b
Epithelioid sarcoma 581, 582b, 582f
Epithelium, types of 96t
Epstein-Barr virus 298, 350, 466, 474
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 459
Esophageal brush cytology 243f
Esophagitis 240, 240b
Esophagus 237, 241f
benign diseases of 238
diseases of 238b
Ethyl alcohol 286
Euchromatin 18, 18t
Eukaryotic cell 3, 3f, 3t
Evading apoptosis 71
Evading immune destruction 73
Ewing'g sarcoma 601, 606, 606b, 606f, 607f, 614616
Excess Barr bodies 90
Exfoliated endometrial cells 111
Exfoliative cytology 264t
Extracellular matrix 85
Extrauterine carcinoma 146
Exudative effusion 158
Eye 301f, 341
piece 303
Eyelid 355
Fallopian tubes 107
False negative
cytology 154
avoid 155
reduction of 323
immunocytochemistry, causes of 291b
False positive urinary cytology, causes of 205b
Fas-associated death domain 44
Fat necrosis 421b
of breast, calcification in 421f
Feathery cytoplasm 572b
Federation of Drug Administration 324
Female genital tract 105
Ferruginous bodies 212
Fetus 332
Feulgen stain 286
Fiber 594b
Fiber-like cell 222f
Fibrillar collagenous matrix 576b
Fibrillar cytoplasm 576b
Fibrillary chondromyxoid material 589b
Fibrin degradation product 204
Fibroadenoma 423b, 423f
Fibroblast 97
growth factor 72, 85
Fibroblastic osteosarcoma 601
Fibrocystic disease 423, 424b, 424f
Fibrohistiocytic tumors 574
Fibromatosis 571, 571b, 571f
Fibrosarcoma 571, 573, 574b, 574f, 581
congenital 541
Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant 574, 601
Fibrovascular core, papillae with 527b
Field-inversion gel electrophoresis 47
bacteria 118
nocardia, long 216f
Filaments, intermediate 15t, 292
Filarial lymphadenitis 458
Filariasis 623
Fine chromatin 371b, 527b, 540b, 594b, 602b, 607b
Fine needle aspiration
biopsy 263
advantages of 263b, 362b, 565f, 586f
complications of 264b
limitations of 417
materials 314
percutaneous 210
technique 542, 566, 566b
procedure 265b
technique 265
Fine needle sampling 267
technique 268b
Fire hazards 340
Fixatives for cell block 276
Flagella 7
Flattened cells, single layer of 96t
Flow cytometric immunophenotyping 178, 180b, 314, 315, 315b, 318, 452, 607b
limitations of 318, 320b
Flow cytometry 34, 47, 159, 204, 314, 320, 362, 410, 441, 480, 381, 495, 566, 607
applications of 316b
future of 320
immunophenotyping 178, 319t
principles of 314
Fluid sample 275
Fluid, processing of 278
Fluorescein isothiocyanate 315, 315b
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 61, 61f, 62, 178, 399, 481
advantages of 62
disadvantages of 62
limitations of 62
technique 60, 203
Fluorescence microscope 63, 303, 303f, 304f
Fluorescence protein, green 305
Fluorescence, principles of 303
Foamy cytoplasm, pale 602b
Foamy histiocytes 520b
Foamy macrophages 348b, 365b, 527b, 532b
Focal nodular hyperplasia 503, 503b
Folic acid deficiency 132, 132f, 138
Follicular adenoma 395
Follicular carcinoma 395
Follicular center cell 451f, 471
Follicular cervicitis 120
Follicular growth patterns 375
Follicular lymphoma 468, 468b, 468f, 471, 471f, 480
Follicular neoplasm 388, 391, 395, 395f, 396b, 396f, 396t
Food and Drug Administration 153, 203, 320
Foreign body reaction 589
Fragmentation 88
Franzen'n guide 270f
fixed 270f
Franzen'n needle 270f
Fuchsin, basic 287
Fundus 105, 242
Fungal infection 586, 609, 624
common 216b
Fungal meningitis 254
Fungus, demonstration of 285
Fusion gene 75
Galactocele 424
Ganglion cell 545b
Ganglioneuroblastoma 496
Ganglionic cells 545
Gap junctions 8
Gardnerella vaginal 116
adenocarcinoma 244, 244b
carcinoma 165b, 169, 464f
mucosa 243f
type 245
acute 243, 244b
chronic 244
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 245, 246, 246b, 246f, 247, 298
Gastrointestinal tract 66, 236, 238f, 255
techniques in 236b
Gel electrophoresis 47
Gene 65f
amplification 75
deregulation of normal 58
silencing 88
Genetic diseases 332
Genital tract, parts of female 105f
Genomic hybridization 62, 63f
Genomic instability 73, 79, 84
Germ cell
markers 295
tumors 492, 574, 574, 575f, 604, 604f, 605f
Giant cell 575b, 603b
variant 507
Giardia lamblia 249
Glandular cell 506
atypical 113, 115, 116, 139, 145, 145b, 145f, 146, 146b, 146f
status post-hysterectomy 121
Glandular favor neoplastic 114t
Glandular lesion, atypical 115
Glassy homogeneous cytoplasm 538b
Glial fibrillary acidic protein 16, 257, 368b, 373
Glomerular fragments 532
Glomus tumor 579, 579b
Glucose transporter 397
Glypican-3 508
Goblet cells 211, 212b
Golgi complex 10, 10b
Gomori'i methenamine silver 620
G-protein-coupled receptors 5
Granular calcified material 587f
Granular chromatin 354b, 574b
Granular components 19
Granular cytoplasm 524f
abundant 519b, 524b
Granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, abundant 537b
Granular myxoid material, abundant 570b
causes of 52
with necrosis 52
without necrosis 52
infection 514
inflammation 52, 52f
lymphadenitis 455, 456b
mastitis 420, 421b, 421f
reaction, causes of 52b
sialadenitis 363b, 366
thyroiditis, subacute 392, 393b, 393f
Graves’ disease 391, 392, 392b
Growth factor 76
receptors 76
Guanine 21f
Guanosine diphosphate 77
Guanosine triphosphate 77
Gynecomastia 440
Hamartoma 227
Hand hygiene 341
Head and neck carcinomas 65
Healthy cell 48
Helicobacter pylori 244, 244b, 622
Helper T cells 99, 99b
Hemangioma 579, 579b
Hemangiopericytoma 579, 579b
Hematological malignancy 173
malignancy 595
stem cells 37, 38, 98
tissue 96
Hematoxylin 281, 620
Hemidesmosomes 9
Hemorrhagic fluid 276
processing of 280
Hemosiderin laden
crystal 162
macrophages 575b
surface antigen 507
virus 504
C virus 504
Hepatoblastoma 509, 510f, 511b
Hepatocellular carcinoma 481, 501, 504, 505f, 506b, 506f, 507, 507b, 507t, 508, 508b
Hepatocyte 501, 502b, 537
antibody 507
benign 501f
paraffin 508
Herpes simplex 118, 118b, 628
infection 121
viral esophagitis 238
virus 219, 239, 239b, 628, 628f
Herpetic esophagitis 239b
Herring bone pattern 574b
Heterochromatin 17, 18t
protein 17
Heterozygosity, loss of 79, 79b, 83
Hibernoma 568
cells 569
Hidradenoma 590, 590b, 590f
High nuclear-cytoplasmic 603b
Histiocyte 111, 112, 137, 138, 161
in cervical smear 112f
Histiocytic cell 480t
acetyltransferases 18
modification 18
deacetylase 17, 18
methyltransferases 17, 18
Histoplasma 216, 217, 627, 627f
Hodgkin'n lymphoma 173, 174, 350, 451, 477, 477b, 478f, 479f, 495, 295b, 495f, 496b
classical 477
Hologic thinprep imaging system 327
Homer Wright rosettes 354b
Homogeneously staining region 59
Homogenous purple-colored globules 589b
Hormone-dependent involution 46
cancer 80
chorionic gonadotropin 295
chromosome 55b
eye 301
immunodeficiency virus 46, 365
infection 320
lymphadenopathy 460
leukocyte differentiation antigen 99
papilloma virus 126, 127, 194, 126, 151, 152, 326, 628
infection 128
infection, lifecycle of 127
structure of 127
subtypes of 126
test, advantages of 152
testing, types of 153
types of 126t
polyomavirus 193, 194b
waste materials 342
Hürthle cell 394f
adenoma 397f
neoplasm 397, 397b, 397f
tumor 398t
Hyaline cartilage 602b
Hyalinized tissue 565b
Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma 398, 403
Hyaluronic acid 204
Hyaluronidase 204
Hybrid capture 153
Hydatid cyst 502, 503b
Hyperchromatic crowded groups 135, 135b
Hyperchromatic nuclei 356b, 580b, 589b
mildly 131f
Hyperchromatic round nuclei 592b
Hyperdiploid aneuploidy 316, 317f
Hyperkeratosis 110
Hyperplasia 40, 214, 227
epithelial cells 214f
epithelium 213
nodules 391, 391b
type II pneumocytes 214b
Hypertetraploid aneuploidy 317
Hypertrophy 41
Hypodiploid aneuploidy 316
Ill defined cytoplasm, abundant 579b
Immature lymphoid cells 202f, 409f
discrete 248f, 249f, 472f, 514f
Immature myeloid cells 482f
Immature teratoma 492
Immortalization of cell 128
Immunoblasts, abundant 454f
Immunocytochemistry 159, 177, 177b, 220, 221t, 224, 226, 233f235f, 285, 287, 288, 291b, 319t, 350, 373, 380, 398, 406, 407, 409, 440, 480, 494, 495, 508, 525, 533, 536, 539, 541, 544, 544t, 573, 574, 578, 579, 580, 606, 609, 615
basis of 222
fixatives for 277
in thyroid aspirate 410t
of sarcoma 567b
on cytology 288b
stain 290f
steps of 289f
technique 289
Immunoglobulin 469
Immunohistochemistry 35, 47, 526
Immunological disorders 46
Inconspicuous nucleoli 356b, 540b, 590b
Infection 214, 620
diagnosis of 331
Infectious disease 620b
Infiltrating duct carcinoma 417, 431, 432b, 432f, 438t, 442f
Inflammation 51, 119b, 120
acute 51, 250
chronic 52, 120, 250
Inflammatory lesions, benign 420
Inflammatory smear 119
Insular carcinoma 407, 407f, 408f
Integrin expression, type of 72
Intercellular joining 7
Interferon regulatory factor 466
Intermediate filaments, functions of 16
Internexin, alpha 16
Intestinal carcinoma 244
Intestinal lymphoma, small 249f
large 248, 249
small 248
Intra-abdominal lymph node 471f
Intracellular histoplasma 217f
Intracytoplasmic hemosiderin pigments 535b
Intracytoplasmic red blood cell 580b
Intraepithelial lesion, negative for 115, 116
Intramuscular myxoma 571
groove 400
inclusion 90, 349, 354f, 575b, 593b
pseudoinclusion 90, 166, 400, 535b
Intraorbital tumors 355
contraceptive device 118, 120, 146
device effect 137
instrumentation 111
Ion-channel-coupled receptors 5
Irreversible cell injury 41
Islet cell tumor 523, 524
Isolated cells 602b
Karyorrhexis, typical 51f
Karyotype 56f
Keratin 166
Kidney 531, 535b, 538, 541, 541f, 542b
tubules of 95f
tumor of 533t
Kikuchi'i disease 460
Kikuchi'i lymphadenitis 460b
Kimura'a disease 460, 460b
Kinetochore-microtubule attachment, defects in 79
Knobby-like clusters 166
Knudson'n two hit hypothesis 81
Koilocytes 131f
Koilocytosis 131b
Kupffer cells 502
Laboratory safety 340
Laboratory techniques 253, 261
Laboratory waste, accumulation of 341
Lactating adenoma 424, 425f
Lactational adenoma 425b
Lactic acidosis 12
Lactobacilli 113
Lamin B receptor 16
Lamina associated polypeptide 16
Langerhans cell 462f
histiocytosis 461, 461b, 608, 608b, 608f
Laser scanning cytometry 310, 310b, 310f, 318
advantages of 311
Legionella pneumophila 331
Leiomyosarcoma 567b, 578, 578f, 579b
Leishmania donovani 586, 624
Leishmania lymphadenitis 458, 458f
Leishmaniasis 624
Lens 301
Lepidic adenocarcinoma 226, 226b, 227b
Lepra bacilli 287
strongly positive 457f
leprosy 621
lymphadenitis 457, 457f
Leprosy 621f
indeterminate 621
lymphadenitis 457b
Leptotene 30
Leptothrix 118
Lesion 489
benign 420, 437, 453
of lacrimal gland 355
Leucocyte common antigen 295f
Leukemia 174, 255
Leukemic blasts 174f
Leukemic infiltration 174f, 357, 481
Leukocyte 112
common antigen 248, 497
Light chain restriction 295b
Lipid bilayer cell membrane 4f
atypical 571b
cells 569
Lipoma 567, 568b, 568f
Lipomatous tumor, atypical 569
Liposarcoma 566, 568, 569, 569f
cytology 114, 117, 122, 140, 147f, 152, 273, 288, 289, 323
preparation, fixatives for 276
Listeria monocytogenes 331
Lithiasis 192, 193b
Liver 501, 513b, 525b
cell adenoma 503, 504b, 504f
lesions 502
Living cell cytogenetic 62
Lobular carcinoma 165b, 438b, 438t
invasive 437
of breast 437f
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, management of 132
cancer, classification of 220
carcinoma 65, 165b, 170, 219, 221, 221t, 255, 296, 332
in pleural effusion 171f
in sputum 228f
origin, primary 293f
samples, normal constituents of 211b
tumor, classification of 220b
Lupus erythematous cell 163f
Lymph node 449, 449b, 452, 453
anatomy of 450f
fine-needle aspiration cytology, advantages of 449b
histiocytosis of 462f
intraparotid reactive 366, 381
lesions, diagnosis of 480
normal components of 452b
paraaortic 464f
Lymphadenitis, acute 455
Lymphadenopathy, persistent generalized 460
leukemia, acute 59t, 255, 255b, 256f, 482
lymphoma 174f, 473, 473b, 474f, 495, 495b, 495f
Lymphocyte 97, 111, 161, 228, 254f, 364b, 401, 520b, 590b
abundant 365f
reactive 365b
Lymphocytic cell 480t
Lymphocytic leukemia
B-chronic 59
chronic 256, 466, 466b, 477, 481
Lymphocytic lymphoma, small 466, 466b, 471, 477, 480, 481
Lymphocytic thyroiditis 393f, 394f, 398t
chronic 393, 394b
Lymphoepithelial cyst 365, 365b, 366
Lymphoepithelial lesions 363b
Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis 365, 366b, 366f
Lymphoglandular bodies 452
Lymphoid cells 351f, 366f, 394f, 450, 458f, 471f
abundant 351b
abundant reactive 393f, 489f
atypical 473f
discrete 319, 475f
large 468f
atypical 453f
reactive 393f, 478f
Lymphoid hyperplasia 248
reactive 453, 454b, 454f
Lymphoid malignancies 59t
Lymphoid markers 294
Lymphoid progenitors, common 98
Lymphoid rich lesion 363, 363b
Lymphoid tissue lymphoma 470b
Lymphoma 228, 231, 248, 249, 256, 318f, 356, 363b, 366, 380, 408, 465, 494
classification 465, 466t
marginal zone 469, 471, 480
of large cells 472
subtyping 481b
subtyping, antibodies for 295b
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma 469, 469b, 471
Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma 469f
Lysosome 13, 13b
Macronucleoli 593b
Macrophage 97, 112, 160, 161t, 364b, 401
Malignant effusion, malignancy in 165t
Maltoma 248t, 381f
of thyroid 409f
Mammary analog secretory carcinoma 379, 380b
Mantle cell lymphoma 454, 467, 468b, 471, 477, 480, 481
Massive lymphadenopathy 458
Mast cells 97, 161
Matrix metalloproteinase 6
Mature miRNA 77
May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining 88, 159, 216, 244, 253, 258f, 282, 282t, 362, 389, 422, 452, 477, 524, 536, 620
Measles virus 219
Mediastinal embryonal carcinoma 493f
Mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, primary 494
Mediastinal tumors 497t
diagnosis of 497
Mediastinum 488
parts of 488f
Medulla 450
Medullary carcinoma 350, 398t, 403, 404f, 405b, 405f, 433b, 433f
Medullary thyroid carcinoma 398
Medulloblastoma 257b
Meibomian carcinoma 355, 355f
Meiosis 29, 29b
Melanin 166
Melanin-containing cells 162
Melanoma 171, 255
malignant 172b, 356, 513, 593, 593b, 593f
markers 295
Membrane 11
inner 11
outer and inner 11f
Memory T cell 99, 99b
Meningioma 353, 354b, 354f, 357
Meningitis, acute 253, 253b
Merkel cell
carcinoma 592, 594, 594f
tumor 594b
Mesenchymal cells 539
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 603, 603b
Mesenchymal markers 292
Mesenchymal stem cells 37, 38
Mesoblastic nephroma 540, 540b, 540f
Mesothelial cells 107, 159, 159b, 160b, 160f, 161t, 162f, 169b, 176f, 177, 177t, 290
benign 292
discrete 159f
malignant 179b, 292
reactive 161t, 168, 169t, 176, 520b
Mesothelial markers 290
Mesothelioma 161, 161t, 165b, 169, 175
malignant 175, 176b, 176f, 176t
diffuse 175
Messenger RNA 22
Metachromatic material 602b
Metaphase spread chromosome 63
Metaplasia 41
apocrine cells 435t
carcinoma 436, 436f
change 368
endocervical cell 110f
squamous cells 109, 368f
Metastasis 72, 546t
Metastatic adenocarcinoma 176, 176t, 507t, 512f, 545f, 595, 606
Metastatic carcinoma 169, 202, 350, 381, 495, 497, 545, 581, 609, 609f, 610
in effusion 167, 168f
poorly differentiated 581
Metastatic follicular cell carcinoma 609f
Metastatic malignancy 231, 357, 463, 511, 513b
Metastatic malignant
melanoma 512f
tumors 409
Metastatic melanoma in effusion 172f
Metastatic neuroendocrine tumor 513, 513f
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma 171f, 609f
Metastatic sarcoma 565b
Metastatic seminoma 464f
Metastatic small cell carcinoma 171f, 351, 464f
Metastatic solid tumor 255
Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma 171f, 377, 463f, 589
Metastatic transitional cell carcinoma 512f
Metastatic tumor 166, 538, 542b, 545, 565b
Microacini 522b
Microfilaria 458f, 623f
Microfollicles, multiple 396f
Microglandular hyperplasia 144
Micronucleus 90
Micro-RNA 77
Microsatellite instability 73, 79, 80, 80b
Microsatellites 79
Millipore filtration 280
Millipore technique 192, 277
Minimal residual disease, detection of 320
biogenesis of 77
formation, primary 77
Mismatch repair system 80
Mitochondria 10, 10b, 11f
Mitochondrial encephalopathy 12
Mitophagy, mechanism of 50
Mitosis 28, 28b, 89, 166
atypical 575b
phases of 28f, 29f
qualitative abnormality of 90
Mitotic activity 571b, 579b
Moderately pleomorphic malignant cells, discrete 168f
biology 222
cytogenetic techniques 60
diagnostic tests 481
genetics 55, 410
pathway of apoptosis 44b
Monitoring therapy 65, 320
Monocytes 97, 99
Monomorphic benign ductal cells, round to oval 364f
Monomorphic bland nuclei 535b
Monomorphic cells, discrete 437f, 525f
Monomorphic nuclei 350b, 610b
mildly enlarged 543b
round to oval 352b
Monomorphic round
basaloid cells 589b
nuclei 371b, 524b, 589b, 590b
Hodgkin cells 478f
stromal cells 575b
Monophasic synovial cell sarcoma 581
Morphological changes 86b
Morphology 97
Morphometry 305, 308
Mouse pointer 308
mRNA 77b
code, translation of 24b
Mucicarmine stain 285
Mucin 166
Mucinous carcinoma 433, 434b, 434t
Mucinous cystic
neoplasia 520, 521b
neoplasm 521, 521f
Mucinous metaplasia 368, 434
Mucocele 349, 364, 434, 434t
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 362, 363b, 369, 370, 376, 376f, 377, 377f
Mucoid fluid 364b
Mucormycosis 625, 626f
lymphoid tissue 248, 469, 481, 513
lymphoma 408
Mucosal membrane 107
Mucus 212
membrane 341
contact 341
secreting cells 243, 376
Multinucleated cells 196f, 353f, 354b, 593b
in effusion 167b
typical 119f
Multinucleated giant cells 160f, 365b, 394f, 421f, 423f, 436f, 456, 579b, 588f, 589b, 592b, 604b, 610f
Multinucleated osteoclast 575b
Multinucleated osteoclastic giant cells, abundant 604b
Multinucleated tumor giant cells 600b
Multivacuolated lipoblasts 570b
Multivacuolated round cells 569
actin, smooth 247, 430, 573
origin, tumor of 577
Muscular layer 107, 187
Mutational inactivation of E-cadherin 72
Mycobacteria, atypical 215f
Mycobacterial infection 215b
Mycobacterial leprae 621
Mycobacterial staining 287
Mycobacterial tuberculosis 620
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection 621, 621f
Mycobacterium tubercle 287
Myeloblastic leukemia, acute 256, 256b
Myelogenous leukemia, chronic 58f
Myeloid leukemia
acute 65, 256f, 482
chronic 65, 256, 482, 482f
carcinoma 379
cells 364, 372f, 419, 590b
tumors 372, 372b, 372f
Myofibroblastic lesion 571
Myometrium 106
Myositis ossificans 572, 572b, 572f
fibrillary background 579b
liposarcoma 569, 570b, 570f, 571
material 602b
tumor 571
Naked nuclei 579b
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 350, 351b, 351f
National Cancer Institute 387, 441, 566
Natural course of infection 126
Natural killer 466
cell 85, 99b
Necrosis 42t, 51, 565b, 571, 579
Necrotic cell 48
Necrotic fat, degenerated 421f
Necrotic lesion 598b
Neoplasia 146f
Neoplasm 69, 255, 514
benign 69, 367
classification of 69t
malignant 355
of bone, classification of 599b
Neoplastic lesion 196, 349, 366, 520, 588
benign 503
Neoplastic lymphoid cells 473f
Nephroblastoma 538
Nerve sheath, tumor of 575
Neural network, artificial 310, 311, 312b, 312f
Neuroblastoma 496, 496b, 497, 539, 614, 615, 615b, 616f
carcinoma 439f, 491
markers 294
system, diffuse 248
tumor 524
diagnosis of 294f
Neurofibroma 496b
Neurogenic tumor 496
Neuron-specific enolase 178, 525, 594, 606, 606b
Neutrophils 97, 99
Nipple discharge 443, 443f
smear 443f
Nocardia 622, 622f
Nodular fasciitis 571
Nodular goiter 390f
Noncellular components 212
Noncellular substances 161
Non-embryonic stem cell 37
lesions 337
smears 336
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 59, 173, 174, 228, 247, 253, 257, 295f, 317, 331, 332, 350, 363, 388, 439, 452, 465, 466t, 472b, 480, 490, 492, 494, 494b, 497, 513, 514f, 586, 593, 607, 607b, 614, 615
classification of 477b
Noninflammatory lesions, benign 422
causes 162
conditions 364
lesions 192, 502, 586, 587
process 514
Nonrepresentative material 271b
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 455
Nuclear atypia 350b, 579b
mild 195f
Nuclear budding 88
Nuclear changes 90
Nuclear chromatin 17, 88, 89b, 166, 348
Nuclear contour
irregularity 522b
smooth 524b
Nuclear ends, pointed 576b
Nuclear enlargement 87, 132f, 214f
mild 200f, 440f
moderate 202f
Nuclear grading of renal cell carcinoma 536, 536t
Nuclear groove 527b, 575b
in papillary carcinoma 400f
Nuclear margin irregularity 87, 88b, 166
Nuclear matrix 88
protein 17, 88, 202, 203b
Nuclear membrane 16, 16b
inner 16
irregular 574b
thickening of 88
Nuclear overcrowding 522b
Nuclear pleomorphism 545f
minimal 348
moderate 242f, 594b
variable 574b
Nuclear pore 89
change of 88
complex 17
multiple 16f
Nuclear staining 281
Nuclear study 305
Nuclei 16, 17f, 87, 131f, 166, 400
degenerative changes in 120
large multiple 112f
oval 602b
pointed 574b
Nucleocytoplasmic ratio 139f, 167
low 538b
Nucleolar functions 20f
Nucleolar organizer regions 19, 20, 34, 36
Nucleolar prominence 136f
Nucleolar structure 20f
Nucleoli 19, 19b, 88, 166, 579b
small 145b, 371b
Nucleosome 18f
remodeling 81
Nucleotide excision repair 35
Nucleus-cytoplasm ratio 239, 240
Numerical abnormalities 56
Olfactory neuroblastoma 354, 354b
Oncocyoma 376
Oncocytes 376t, 397b
Oncocytic cells 370f
clusters of 369f
discrete 371f
Oncocytic changes 363
Oncocytic metaplasia 368
Oncocytic variant 403, 403b
Oncocytoma 370, 371, 371b, 371f, 537, 537b
Oncogenes 74, 75t
activation of 75
activity of 76b
properties of 76
Oncogenic transformation 128
Optic glioma 357, 358f
Optical components 303
Optically clear nucleus 400
Oral contraceptive pill 126
Orangeophilic cytoplasm 134f, 201f
Orbital lesions 354
Orbital lymphoma 319, 357f
Organization of nucleoli 20f
Origin recognition complex 22, 33
Osteoblastoma 599, 600b
Osteoblasts 598, 598f, 600b
Osteoclast 598, 599f, 600b, 603b
Osteoclastic giant cell 602b, 610b
carcinoma 523
Osteoid material 600b
pinkish 600b
Osteosarcoma 572, 599, 600b, 600f, 601f
central low-grade 601
Ova of parasites 112
Ovarian carcinoma 165b, 169
Overstained cells 137
Pachytene 30
Paget't disease 438, 438b, 593
Pagetoid malignant melanoma 593
Palisading arrangement of cells 576b, 610b
Pancreas 518, 520, 524, 525, 526f
Pancreatic acinar
carcinoma 523, 524f
cells 519, 519b, 519f, 524f
Pancreatic ductular cells 519f
Pancreatic endocrine tumor 524, 524f, 525b, 525f, 526t
Pancreatic pseudocyst 519
Pancreatic tumor 294
classification of 520b
Pancreatitis, chronic 522, 522t
Papanicolaou 151, 238, 253, 273, 620
cells 213
stain 51, 131f, 282, 282t, 594b
staining steps 281
Papillary carcinoma 200b, 395, 396t, 398, 399f, 400b, 400f, 401, 402b, 402f, 403, 431b, 527, 535, 535b
low-grade 200, 200b
Papillary clusters 189b
Papillary cystic acinic cell carcinoma 376f
Papillary neoplasm 430
Papillary renal cell carcinoma 538
Papillary structures, multiple 590f
Papillary thyroid carcinoma 398, 403
Papillary tumor 431b
Papillary urothelial
carcinoma, low-grade 199f
neoplasm 196
Parabasal cells 108, 111, 188b
number of 122f
Paracortex 450
Paraganglioma 349, 350b, 497
Parakeratotic cells 110f
Parasites 623
Parasitic infection 219, 331, 586
adenoma 353f
hormone 353b
neoplasm 352f, 353b
tumors 351
Parietal cells 243
Paris system of classification 197
Parotid glands 361
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 315, 316b
Pathological hyperplasia 41
Pediatric renal tumors 538
Pericytes 97
Perinuclear halo 607b
Periodic acid schiff 285, 620
stain 168, 285
Peripheral membrane protein 5
Peripheral nerve sheath tumor 496, 575f, 576f
benign 575
malignant 496, 573, 576, 576b, 576f
Peripheral nerve, malignant 497f
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor 614616
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma 477
Peroxidase-antiperoxidase 290
method 290
Pexophagy 50
Phagophore assembly site 49
Pheochromocytoma 544, 544f, 545b, 545f
Philadelphia chromosome 58f
buffer solution 220
buffered saline 315
Phosphatidylethanolamine 49
Phosphatidylserine 47
Phycoerythrin 315, 315b
Phyllodes tumor 428, 429b, 429f
Physaliphorous cells 605f
Physiologic transformation zone 107b
Physiological hyperplasia 40
Pigment-laden histiocytes 610b
Pilomatrixoma 588, 588f, 589b
Placental alkaline phosphatase 295, 465
Placental leukocyte alkaline phosphatase 497
Plasma cell 97
clusters of 608f
myeloma 607b
neoplasm 607
reactive 608
tumor 373
Plasma membrane
functions of 5
types of 5f
Plasmablasts 607b
Plasmacytoid cells 372f, 409f, 469f
Plasmacytoma in bone 608f
Plasmodium falciparum 331
Plastic spatula 273, 273f
Platelet derived growth factor 76, 85
receptor 245
Pleomorphic adenoma 362, 363b, 367, 367f, 368b, 368f, 369t, 374
type of 373f
Pleomorphic cell 350f, 374f, 493f, 523f, 593f
type 566
Pleomorphic lipoma 568, 568b
Pleomorphic liposarcoma 570, 570f, 571, 571b
Pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma 574
Pleomorphic nuclei 243f, 543f, 544f, 571b
moderately 593b
Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 578
Pleomorphic sarcomas 571, 575
Pleomorphism 87
moderate 580b
round to oval with moderate 592b
Pleura, involvement of 162
Ploidy analysis 316
Pneumocystis carinii 218f
infection 218, 218b
pneumonia 624
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 624, 625f
Pneumocytes 214, 227
Pneumonia 163
Policeman of genome 82
Polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen 507, 508
Polygonal cells 371b, 371f, 520b, 524b, 544f, 545b, 572b
large 375b, 404f, 524f
Polygonal to spindle cells 602b
Polyhedral cells 594b
oval to 222f
round to 582b
Polyhedral malignant cells 242f
Polymerase chain reaction 153, 162, 330, 330f, 331b, 332, 457, 481, 497, 620
applications of 331
steps of 330
types of 331
Polymorphic population of cells 495f
Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma 374, 378, 378b
Polymorphs 161, 364b, 520b
Post-translation modification of histone 80, 81
Potential pitfalls 91b
Predictive value, positive 151
Predominant cartilaginous lesion 598b
Predominant cystic lesion 598b
Predominantly blood 580b
Predominantly diffuse large β-cell 607
Predominantly discrete
cells 433f
population 356f
Predominantly spindle cells 373, 568f
Preneoplastic lesions 85
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor 465, 540
Proficiency test 338
Prokaryotic cells 3, 3t
Prominent macronucleoli 582b
Prominent nucleoli 202f, 243f, 522b, 524b, 571b, 589b, 607b
Promoting inflammation, tumor 73
Promyelocytic leukemia, acute 65f
Propidium iodide 47
Prostate-specific antigen 297
Prosurvival members 45
Protease, liberation of 73
Protein 45t, 83, 128
breakdown 45
integral 5
kinase 50
AMP-activated 50
synthesis 22
Psammoma body 161, 166, 212, 354b, 401b, 535b
Pseudocyst 520
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 172, 173b
Pseudopapillary clusters 189
Pseudoparakeratosis 110
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 94, 95f
candidiasis 217
cryptococcosis 217
zygomycosis 217
Pyknotic nucleus 110f
Pylorus 242
Pyogenic abscess 503, 503b
Quantitative abnormality 90
changes 196b
effect 121b, 195, 240b
changes in acute 120
chronic 121
changes 120, 146
nuclear enlargement 132
RB-protein 88
Rectal adenocarcinoma 202f
Red blood cell 253, 276, 443, 482, 503
Red fluorochrome 63
Redundant systems 327
Reed-Sternberg cell 477b, 478f, 480t, 495f
Relative centrifugal force 278
Renal cell carcinoma 170, 202, 531, 532534, 535b, 534, 535f, 536, 537, 537t, 544t
types of 537t
Renal cyst 532, 532b
Renal lesions 532
Renal neoplasms 533
Renal pelvis 186
Renal tubular cells 531f, 534f
Reprogramming cellular metabolism 73
Reserve cell hyperplasia 214b, 228
Resisting cell death 71
cytology 208
system, techniques of 211t
anatomy of 208f
lining of 208t
lower 208
Restaining of smear 282
Retention cyst 364, 364b, 377
Reticular nuclear chromatin 174f, 579b
Reticulocyte count 320
Retinoblastoma 71, 355, 356b, 356f
gene 84
protein 31, 84b
particularly 128
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 62, 399
Reversible cell injury 41
Revised European American Lymphoma 465
Revolving nose-piece 302
Rhabdoid tumor 541, 541b
Rhabdomyoblasts, types of 577t
Rhabdomyoma 577
Rhabdomyosarcoma 356, 540, 567b, 577, 577f, 614616
diagnosis of 293f
Rheumatoid arthritis 163, 163b
Ribonucleic acid -induced silencing complex 78
Ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid 19
Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 23, 36
Ribosomal synthesis 20
Ribosome 12, 12b, 13f
Ring finger binding protein 16
Robertsonian translocation 57
Rosai-Dorfman disease 458, 459b, 459f
Rosette-like structure 525b
Rough endoplasmic reticulum 9
Round bare nuclei, abundant 543b
Round bland nuclei 579b
Round cell 356b, 357f, 570b, 580f, 589b, 592b, 602b, 607b
malignancies 296
tumor 614
type 566
Round monomorphic nuclei 354b, 520b
Round nuclei 575b, 590b, 594b
with fine chromatin 589b
Salivary acinar cells, benign 364f
Salivary acini in sialadenosis, benign 365f
Salivary duct carcinoma 379
Salivary gland 361, 362b, 363b, 364, 373t, 380, 381f, 384f, 385f
aspirate, benign 376
cells, normal 363
lesions 364
minor 361, 380
neoplasia 363
tumors 379
classification of 366t
Salvage cytology 237
Sarcoidosis 457b
Sarcoma 172, 514, 571, 593
primary 510
recurrent 565b
Sarcomatoid type 536
Scanty cytoplasm 201f, 352b, 356b, 589b, 589f, 590b, 592b, 607b
Scanty deep blue cytoplasm 354b, 594b
Scanty to moderate cytoplasm 520b, 527b
Scattered spindle cells 580f
Schwannoma 496b
Sclerosing polycystic adenoma 379, 380
Sclerosing variants, diffuse 403, 403b
Sclerosis, multiple 254
Sebaceous carcinoma 355, 592, 592b, 592f
Sebaceous metaplasia 368
Selective autophagy 50
Seminomas 493b
Sensitivity 337
Serosa 106
Serosal layer 107
Serosal tumor, primary 175
Serous acinar 375
Serous cystadenoma 520
Sex chromatin 90
Sialadenitis 365
acute 365
chronic 363b, 365, 365f, 366, 381
Sialadenosis 365
Signet ring carcinoma 170f, 437b, 523
Signet ring cells 166, 167b, 580b
in effusion 161b
Simulate fungus 216t
Single-strand conformation polymorphism 331
Sinus histiocytosis 458
Skin 586, 586b, 588, 591, 594f
adnexa, benign tumor of 588
adnexal carcinoma 592
benign diseases of 586
tumor, primary 595
Small-cell carcinoma 492, 592, 594
destaining of 282
direct 275, 277
Sodium hypochlorite 342
Soft tissue 565b
lesions 565, 565b
sarcomas 565
classification of 567b
cytogenetic of 567t
individual 567
Solid and cystic papillary neoplasm 525, 526f, 527b
Solid pseudopapillary tumors 523
Solitary fibrous tumor 572, 573b, 573f
Somatic cell nuclear transfer 37
Space-occupying lesions in liver 502t
adequacy 113, 114t, 189
collection 158
preparation area 340
processing 339
Spectral karyotyping 62
Spermatozoa 112
Spindle cell 373f, 534f, 544f, 545, 545b, 571b, 575f, 576, 580, 580f, 593b, 600b, 604b
elongated 579b
lesions 373t
lipoma 568, 568b, 568f
malignant 436f
origin 354
round to 350b
sarcoma 573, 577, 581
soft tissue 246
tumor 495, 579
different 247t
types of 566
variant 507
Spindle-shaped nuclei, elongated 579b
Spirit swabs 265
Spleen 501, 514, 514f
Sputum 209, 209b, 222f
processing of 278
sample 275
Squamoid cells 377f, 610b
type of 377f
Squamous cell 189, 189b, 348b, 351, 352, 364b, 365b, 588f
abnormalities of 213
adequate number of 114t
atypical 113, 114t, 115, 137, 138, 138f, 152, 197
benign 348b
nonkeratinizing 223t, 228
malignant 463f
small 110f
superficial 108
Squamous epithelial cells 131, 210
Squamous epithelium 94, 94f
changes of 110
Squamous intraepithelial lesion 111, 114t, 115, 122, 126, 127, 130, 133, 134b, 136f, 138, 142
diagnosis 134
low-grade 114t, 115, 127, 129, 130, 130b, 131, 131f, 134b
Squamous metaplasia 41f, 109b, 368
Squamous metaplastic cells 137
Squamous nonkeratinized 94
Squamous pearls 166, 352b
Stem cell 37
adult 37
maintenance 78
types of adult 38
Stomach 242, 245f
benign diseases of 243
Storage disorders 514
Storage of waste 341
Stratified columnar epithelium 95
Stratified cuboidal epithelium 95
Stratified squamous epithelium 95
Stromal cells 538
Subareolar abscess, chronic 421
Sublingual glands 361
Submandibular salivary glands 361
Submucosal layer 187
Submucosal leiomyoma 111
Supernumerary centrosomes 79
Suppressor gene, tumor 78, 81, 82b, 82t
Supraclavicular lymph node 464f
Surepathtm technique 324t, 325f
Surepathtm test 324
Suspicious for malignancy 388
Sustained angiogenesis 72
Sweat gland tumor, malignant 594
Swollen excess cytoplasm 90
Synaptophysin 294
Synovial sarcoma 567b, 580, 580f, 581, 581b
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum 590, 590f, 591f
Systemic lupus erythematosus 46, 163, 163b
T cell
marker 295b, 295f
receptor 98
types of 99b
T lymphoblastic lymphoma 475
T lymphocytes 85, 98
T regulatory cell 99, 99b
Tadpole cells 594b
Tall cell variant 402, 403b
Tamoxifen therapy 111
Tata binding protein 23
T-cell lymphoma 475
Tegument layer of cyticercous 624f
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma 601
Telomerase 204
activity 178
repeat amplification protocol 180, 204
Tendon sheath 574, 575b, 575f
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase 473
Tetraploid aneuploidy 316
Thermus aquaticus 330
Three-dimensional clusters, large 522f
Threonine kinases 77
Thymic carcinoid 491, 491b, 491f
Thymine 21f, 60
Thymoma 489, 490b
classification 490b
malignant 490b
Thyroglossal cyst 348, 348b
carcinoma of 406f
diseases of 389
follicle 389f
follicular cells 348b, 389, 394f
lesion, classification of 390t
swelling, management of 410t
transcription factor 297, 594
tumor 353, 353b
Thyroiditis 392
acute 392b
hormone 386, 410
immunoglobulin 391
adipose 96
biopsy 263b
invasion 72
Toxic goiter, diffuse 391, 392b
gondii 331
lymphadenitis 458
Transbronchial needle aspiration 209, 210
Transesophageal fine needle aspiration 210
Transfer ribonucleic acid 12
Transient cells 97
Transitional cell 188
carcinoma 198f, 199f
low-grade 199f, 200f
reactive 188, 188b, 538
Transitional epithelium 96
Transmitted light fluorescent 304
Transudative effusion 157
Trichomonas 116
vaginalis 116, 117b, 117f, 623, 623f
Trophoblastic cells 112, 112f
Trouble shooting in immunocytochemistry 290, 291t
Tubal metaplasia 109f, 122, 146
Tuberculosis 162b, 215, 249
of lung 215f
effusion 162, 162f
lymph node 455f, 456f
meningitis 254
Tubular cells, benign 535t
Tumor 88, 246, 257, 354, 579, 580
benign 70t, 363
cells 71, 72, 72f, 223f
discrete 172f, 247f
dissociated 349
absence of 120
thin 143f
gain in solid 64t
individual 221
low grade 363
malignant 69, 70, 70t, 363, 504, 591
microenvironment 84, 85f
components of 85f
necrosis factor 43, 44
primary 542b
type of primary 178
with macrophages 85
with oncocytic changes 372
Turbid fluid 348b
Tyrosine kinase 77
Tyrosine kinase activity 75
Ultrafast Papanicolaou'u staining 282
Ultrasonography 268, 386, 488, 501, 518, 531
Ultrasound guidance fine-needle aspiration cytology 387
Umbrella cell 188, 190f
superficial 188b
Unique identification number 277
Unlimited replicative potential 72
Upper respiratory tract 208
Upstream regulatory region 127
Ureter 187
Urethra 187
bladder 96t, 187, 199f
calculi 193b
cytology 197b
lithiasis 193f
sample 191
tract 186f, 192
Urine 202f
casts in 192
catheterized 191, 191b
crystals in 192f
cytology 186, 205
examination 186b
smear 190f, 196f, 197f, 206f
normal cells in 188b
sample 275
voided 191
Urothelial carcinoma 538, 538b, 538f
grade of 205
Urothelial cell 112, 189
atypical 197
carcinoma 89, 89f, 189, 193, 193b, 197
high-grade 197, 198, 200
low grade 197, 199
Urothelial tumors, classification of 196b
Urovysion test 203
Uterine, extra 114t
Uterus 105
Vacuolated cytoplasm, abundant 568b
Vaginal smear 275
Vascular endothelial
cell 85
growth factor 72
growth factor 85, 175
Vascular origin 579
Vascular permeability factor 175
Vegetable material in sputum 213f
Vessels, atypical 154
Vimentin 292
infection 219, 453f, 454f, 586, 627
stage of 127
lifecycle 127
meningitis 254, 254b
protein interaction 128
Virus-induced lymphocyte depletion 46
Vortexing 324
Vulva 105
part of 105
Warthin'n tumo 363b, 366, 369, 369f, 370b, 371, 376, 377
Washings 275
Waste disposal 340, 341
Waste material, general 341
Watery fluid 364b
Wavy kinked nuclei 576b
Wavy nuclear margin 576b
Wet fixed smear 268
Wilms’ tumor 291, 538, 539, 539b, 539f, 614616
Wooden spatula 273, 273f
World Health Organization 128, 220, 426, 489, 520b, 599b
inflammation 532, 532f
pyelonephritis 536
Xylene, clear in 285
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 215f
Zona fasciculata 542
Zona glomerulosa 542
Zona reticularis 542
Zygomycetes 216
Zygotene 30
Chapter Notes

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1General Cytology
Chapter Outline
  1. Cell
  2. Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation
  3. Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death
  4. Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications
  5. Neoplasm
  6. Tissue and Cell Organization2


Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. Human body is made of various types of cells. The fundamental characteristics of these cells are essentially same. However, during the process of differentiation, the cell acquires many unique morphological and functional properties.
The cells are mainly classified as prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell (Table 1.1). The cells of bacterial and other lower organisms are known as prokaryotic cell. The higher animals are made of eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotic cell, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is present within the cytoplasm without any distinct nucleus. The main distinguishing features of eukaryotic cells are:
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid is enclosed by membrane.
  • The cell contains mitochondria and other membrane bound vesicles (Table 1.1).
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid is double stranded compared to circular DNA in prokaryotic cells.
Unlike histology, in cytological examination detailed cell-to-cell relation is often lost.
Cytologist studies cluster of cells or single cell for diagnosis. It is essential to know the detailed morphology and function of the cell to understand the alteration of its constituents in reaction to various external and internal stimuli. The various morphological constituents of a cell are highlighted in Box 1.1 and demonstrated in Figure 1.1. Electron microscopic features of the cell are shown in Figure 1.2. The constituents of the cell can be divided into cytoplasmic organelles and nucleus.
Table 1.1   Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell
True nucleus with nuclear membrane
No true nucleus and no membrane bound nucleus
Circular DNA
Linear DNA
Complex, five kinds of rRNA
Relatively simple, three kinds of rRNA
Membrane bound organelles
Cell type
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Fig. 1.1: Schematic diagram of eukaryotic cell.
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Fig. 1.2: Electron microscopic picture of a cell.Courtesy: Dr Charan Singh Rayat.
Cell Membrane (Fig. 1.3)
Cell membrane is a selectively permeable biological membrane that separates the cell from its interior and the external environment.
Singer SJ and Nicolson GL1 first proposed the “fluid mosaic model”. They said that the plasma membrane is just like fluid. The membrane proteins are floating on discontinuous fluid like lipid bilayers. The proteins of the membrane are a set of heterogeneous globular molecules. The highly polar groups are protruding out of the membrane and the nonpolar groups are within the interior portion of the phospholipid membrane. The membrane is described as “mosaic” because it is composed of different types of molecules such as phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol and proteins.
Composition and Structure (Box 1.2)
The cell membrane is composed predominantly of bilayered phospholipid molecules, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Lipids: There are three classes of lipids: (1) phospholipid, (2) cholesterol, and (3) glycolipid. The phospholipids are the predominant type of lipids noted in the cell membrane. There are four varieties of lipids: (1) phosphatidylcholine, (2) phosphatidylethanolamine, (3) phosphatidylserine, and (4) sphingomyelin. Phospholipids have the hydrophilic or polar ends and hydrophobic or nonpolar ends. In the hydrophilic ends usually the glycerol molecules combine with serine, choline or ethanolamine, whereas, in the hydrophobic ends the glycerol molecule is attached with the long chain fatty acids.
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Fig. 1.3: Schematic diagram of lipid bilayer cell membrane.
Hydrophobic ends of the molecules are facing each other and they are away from the cytosol or external environment. Whereas the hydrophilic ends are facing toward the cytosol. At low temperature, the bilayered lipid is just like gel. However, in body temperature, the lipid bilayer is fluid and moving and can exchange their places.
Good amount of cholesterol molecules are also present in the plasma membrane and one cholesterol molecule is present for one phospholipid molecule. The cholesterol molecules are embedded within the phospholipid layers. They prevent the mobility of the first few hydrocarbon molecules of the phospholipid and also prevent the crystallization of the hydrocarbon. Thus, cholesterol maintains the fluidity and stability of the membrane.5
Carbohydrate: Carbohydrates are present in the form of glycoprotein and glycolipids. Glycoprotein is the predominant type of carbohydrate and is generally noted on both sides of the membrane. They are involved with cell recognition and protection of the membrane.
Proteins: Proteins are the 50% constituents of the membrane and depending of their positions they may be labeled as:
  • Integral protein: Integral proteins are incorporated within the membrane (Fig. 1.3). Transmembrane proteins are the type of integral proteins that traverse through the complete breadth of the membrane.
  • Peripheral membrane protein: These proteins remain only on the inner or outer surface of the membrane.
Functions of Plasma Membrane (Box 1.3)
The plasma membrane is biologically active semi-permeable membrane with many important functions.
  • Cell identity: Plasma membrane encircles the essential component of the cell and acts as a physical barrier between the cell and its surroundings.
  • Transport: Plasma membrane is selectively permeable to various substances. As the membrane is hydrophobic in its interior so it is impermeable to most polar molecules such as Na+, H+ and Cl-. However, the lipid bilayer is permeable to small non polar molecules such as CO2 and O2. There are two types of transport through the membrane:
    1. Active transport: Energy is needed for this type of transport.
    2. Passive transport: No additional energy is needed. This can be channel or transporter protein mediated facilitated diffusion or by osmosis. In osmosis passive transport occurs across the concentration gradient. In case of facilitated diffusion, two types of protein take part in action:
      1. Transporter proteins: This type of protein alters the conformation of the solutes to be transported and sequentially transport the solute through the lipid bilayer.
      2. Channel protein: This protein forms an aqueous pore across the membrane.
  • Signal transduction: Plasma membrane contains many membrane-bound receptors. These receptors bind with signaling molecules and transport the information via the intracellular signaling proteins. The signaling molecules may be soluble, attached with the other cell or may be bound to the extracellular matrix. The three major classes of plasma membrane receptor proteins are involved in signal induction (Fig. 1.4):
    1. Ion-channel-coupled receptors: These receptor proteins are involved in transient opening and closing the ion channel after binding with the signaling molecules.
    2. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR):2 The GPCRs mediate their actions by transiently binding with a trimeric GTP (Guanosine triphosphate)-binding protein (G protein) (Fig. 1.4).
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      Fig. 1.4: Three types of plasma membrane receptors have been highlighted: Ion-channel-coupled receptors, G-protein-coupled receptors and enzyme-coupled receptors.
      6The binding of G-protein coupled receptors and G-protein further activates an enzyme or changes the ion permeability of the plasma membrane. The receptor site of GPCR is located toward the extracellular space and the other long chain portion coils the plasma membrane several times.
    3. Enzyme-coupled receptors: These receptor proteins are predominantly protein kinases. In their activated form they phosphorylate the specific types of proteins.
  • Cell polarity (Box 1.4): Most of the cells in human body are polarized. Cell polarization is studied in the epithelial cell. The epithelial cells have distinct polar distribution such as luminal surface and basolateral surface facing towards the basement membrane and side of the cell. Various membrane protein complexes are responsible for the polarity of the epithelial cells. Three types of polarity complex proteins are described in the membrane of the epithelial cells: (1) PAR (CDC42–PAR3–PAR6–aPKC), (2) Crumbs (Crb–PALS–PATJ), and (3) Scribbles (Scrib–Dlg–Lgl). PAR and Crumbs complexes are involved in the apical polarization and Scribbles complexes are responsible for basolateral polarization of the epithelial cells. They are also involved in the asymmetric cell division, cell proliferation and cell migration.3 Asymmetric cell division suppresses cell proliferation. Disruption of the polarity complexes is related with cell proliferation. It is noted that the loss of epithelial cell polarity complexes is related with tumor, progression and invasion.4 So, in fact, the membrane polarity complexes behave as tumor suppressor elements.
Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and Cell Polarity (Box 1.5)
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an orchestrated series of events in which the epithelial cells changes by shedding out some characteristics properties and acquiring many typical properties of the mesenchymal cells. It is one of the key steps during embryonic development, chronic degenerative fibrosis, and cancer metastasis.5 During the process of EMT in vitro, the following steps happens (Fig. 1.5):
  • The epithelial cells lose polarity
  • Separation of the individual cells, and
  • Gaining of cell motility followed by subsequently dispersion of the cells.6
During intravasation, tumor cells pass through the endothelial membrane of the vascular channels and come into the systemic circulation. In extravasation the tumor cells attach to the blood vessels and leave the bloodstream.7 Finally the tumor cells make new colony in the new host environment. It is very much essential to understand the initial steps of metastasis because this knowledge may help to develop strategies to prevent metastasis of tumor cells. EMT plays significant role in tumor metastasis.
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Fig. 1.5: Schematic diagram showing epithelial mesenchymal transition related with metastasis.
(MMPase: Matrix metalloproteinase).
7As mentioned before, the typical epithelium is sheet of cells where the cells are attached with the basal basement membrane and laterally with other by cell junctions. These cell junctions prevent the movement of the individual cells. Mesenchymal cells are usually more elongated and they show front to back polarity rather than apicobasal polarity. In EMT apical/basolateral polarity of the epithelial cells are lost due to decreased expression of cell polarity proteins.7 Intracellular architecture of the epithelial cells is also lost so that the cells gain mobility.
E-cadherin, a transmembrane protein, helps to maintain the adherens junctions. E-cadherin molecules bind cytosolic catenin with the help of its intracellular domain and make a link with actin cytoskeleton. The extracellular domain of this molecule helps in the interaction with other neighboring cells. The epithelial cells become loose in attachment and become movable when they lose E-cadherin from their membrane.
In EMT, the transformed epithelial cells show increased expression of:
  • N-cadherin
  • Vimentin
  • Catenin
  • Matrix metalloproteinases.8
N-cadherin is usually present in the mesenchymal and is not normally expressed in the epithelial tissue. The increased expression of N-cadherin in the epithelial cells facilitates their movement within the stromal tissue.8 The transformed cells in EMT also produce increased amount of transcription factors such as Snail 1 and Snail 2, vimentin, catenin and matrix metaloproteinase.8 Overall, due to EMT the transformed cells acquire the properties of increased migration, invasion and scattering.
  • Cell-to-cell recognition: Glycolipids and glycoproteins are responsible for mutual cell-to-cell recognition.
  • Intercellular joining: One of the important functions of the plasma membrane is connection between two cells. This is discussed below.
  • Attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix.
Cilia and Flagella
Cilia and flagella are the mobile extension from the surface of the cytoplasm (Box 1.6). Cilia are the small, regular and multiple in number, whereas, the flagellum is single slender structure. Cilia are seen on the lining epithelium of the upper respiratory tract and fallopian tube. Each cilium is attached with the thick terminal plate near the apical surface of the cell. The ciliated cells are usually polar and are attached with the basement membrane. The central elongated portion of the cilium is known as axoneme. At the base of the cilium or flagellum is a basal body. The basal body is composed of microtubules. There are total 11 microtubules. In the center there are two singlet microtubules surrounded by nine triplet microtubules (Fig. 1.6). The outer peripheral doublet microtubules in the axoneme have a pair of dynein arms that are extended to the adjacent microtubules. These dynein arms help in the movement of the cilium and flagellum. Cilia are usually lost in the cancer cell originated from the bronchial epithelium. Therefore, the presence of cilia on the cell almost safely excludes the possibility of malignancy.
Function: Cilia help in the movement of the particles or organism in one direction.
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Fig. 1.6: The structure of cilia is shown. The long shaft of axoneme is originated from the basal body. The cross-section of axoneme shows 9 doublet microtubules and two central singlet tubules.
Brush Border
The surface of the certain specialized epithelial cells covered with multiple microvilli is known as brush border (Box 1.6). They are regular finger-like projections on the cell surface about 1 micron in length. Microvilli are commonly seen on the luminal surface of the intestinal epithelium (Fig. 1.7) and also on the proximal tubular epithelial cells of kidney. On light microscopy the microvilli are seen as fuzzy appearance.
Function: The brush border increases the surface area of the cell and helps in better absorption of the substances from the large surface area.
Cell Junction
Cell junction can be classified by depending on localization of the junction (Fig. 1.8):
  • Cell to cell:
    • Tight junction
    • Adherens junction
    • Desmosomes
    • Gap junction
  • Cell to matrix: Hemidesmosomes
  • Tight junction: This is located in the apical region of the epithelial cells and almost completely seals the gap between the two epithelial cells toward the luminal site. The sealing strands of transmembrane adhesion proteins encircle the apical part of the cell membrane of the two cells and hold them tightly. Claudins and occludins are two major transmembrane adhesion proteins.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.7: Electron microscopic picture of brush border of intestinal cell.Courtesy: Dr Charan Singh Rayat, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
    • Function: There are two “major functions” of the tight junctions: (1) Tight junction closes the gap between luminal side and the intercellular space. This helps in effective transport of substances from luminal side of the cell to extracellular fluid compartment. (2) It prevents the drift of the apical membrane proteins to the basal region and vice versa.
  • Adherens junction: The adherens junction holds the two cells together and confers mechanical strength. Adherens junction is made of cadherin, catenin and intracytoplasmic actin filaments. Altogether they form adhesion belt like structure.
    • Function: To provide cell-to-cell adhesion and mechanical strength.
  • Desmosomes: These are button like spots which connect the plasma membrane of two cells together. Desmosomes are linked to the intermediate filaments. The type of intermediate filament depends on type of the cell.
    • Function: The desmosomal junction provides tensile strength and rigidity of the tissue.
  • Gap junctions: These are intercellular channels that connect two adjacent cells. In gap junctions, the two plasma membranes are connected by the transmembrane proteins known as connexins.
    • Function: There are continuous channels between the two adjacent cells and therefore the cells can rapidly share small molecules and ions. With the help of the gap junctions the action potential can rapidly travel among a group of cells without any neurotransmitter.
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      Fig. 1.8: Schematic diagram showing various types of cell junctions.
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      Fig. 1.9: Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is studded with ribosomes. The membrane of RER is continuous with outer layer of nuclear membrane. Golgi complex has cis, trans, endo and medial parts. Cis Golgi faces toward the nucleus and trans Golgi toward the cell membrane.
  • Hemidesmosomes: Hemidesmosomes connect the cell with the basal lamina. Hemidesmosomes are composed of keratin filaments, dystonin, plectin, integrin, collagen XVII and laminin. In hemidesmosome, integrin binds with keratin in cytoplasmic side by dystonin and plectin. It also binds with collagen XVII and laminin toward basal lamina side.
    • Function: It attaches cell with the basal lamina.
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Endoplasmic Reticulum (Figs. 1.9 and 1.10)9
These are tubular and cistern like spaces and vesicular structures folded within the cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is generally connected with cell membrane to nuclear membrane (Box 1.7). The cisterns are membrane like long flat spaces which are straight, whereas tubules are irregularly branched structures. The ER contains fluid with many enzymes and proteins. Two types of ER are present:
  1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and
  2. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER).
Rough endoplasmic reticulum: They are tightly packed parallel bundles of cistern like spaces which are beaded in appearance due to ribosome particles attached to the surface of RER. The ribosomes are bound with RER by a receptor known as “Rhiboporin”.
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Fig. 1.10: Electron microscopic picture of rough endoplasmic reticulum.Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar Saikia, Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
Function: It is the site of synthesis of secretory protein and lysosomal enzymes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: The SER predominantly contains tubules and vesicles. SER is connected with Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane.
Function: Synthesis of lipids.10
Golgi Complex (Box 1.8)
Golgi apparatus are stacks of membrane bound cistern like spaces within the cytoplasm arranged in polarized fashion. Each stack of Golgi complex (GC) has four parts (Fig. 1.9):
  • 1. Cis-Golgi network: Cis-Golgi network is the concave surface of the stack of GC that faces toward the RER and small transfer vesicles. Cis-Golgi network receives the initial protein from ER.
  • 2. and 3. Endo-Golgi and Medial-Golgi network: These are the middle parts of GC and most of the proteins are modified here.
  • 4. Trans-Golgi network: This is the convex surface of the stack of the GC. Trans-Golgi network is associated with large secretory vesicles and final transport of the protein.
Function: The main function of the GC is chemical processing of the protein received from RER followed by packaging and transfer. Along with classical “protein trafficking”, there are many other novel functions of GC such as entry of the cell to mitotic check point, calcium homeostasis and cytoskeletal organization.10
Protein modification: N-linked and O-linked glycosylation of protein and lipids occur in the GC.
Protein transport: Golgi complex receives the neosynthesized protein from the ER and transport to their respective destination. The cargo proteins are first modified, and then they are transported by GC. The mechanism of the transport of cargo proteins is not exactly known. However, there are two theories:
  1. Vesicular transport model theory: The cargo protein is transported by an anterograde way with the help of vesicles that bud from one cisterna and then fuse to the next one.
  2. Cisterna maturation model: In this model, it is assumed that the Golgi cisterns are formed de novo, progressively mature and finally dissipate.11
Calcium storage: Golgi complex is the most important site of intracellular calcium storage and can also release Ca2+ in case of agonistic stimulation.
Platform of different cells signaling: Golgi complex acts as the platform of different signaling events within the cell. In addition to the receiving initial signal, GC can also induce a cascade of signal transduction.
These are 0.5–1 µ diameter organelle considered as the power house of the cell as they are the major source of energy (Box 1.9). Mitochondria (MT) are richly localized in that part of the cells that requires energy such as interfibrillar space in the striated muscle and in the middle part of the sperm. Other than nuclear DNA, mitochondria have its own independent DNA and this is the unique feature of MT.
Mitochondria are double membrane-bound structures, which consist of following parts (Figs. 1.11 and 1.12).
  • Outer membrane
  • Inner membrane
  • Intermembranous space
  • Cristae
  • Mitochondrial matrix
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Fig. 1.11: Double membrane-bound structure of mitochondrion with outer and inner membranes.
Outer membrane: This is composed of phospholipid bilayers. The outer membrane of MT is rich in porin, a variety of integral proteins. This forms a through and through aqueous channel in the outer membrane. Therefore, the small ions and proteins can easily cross the outer membrane. MT associated endoplasmic reticulum connects the ER and outer membrane of MT.
Inner membrane: This is the inner phospholipid bilayer of the MT. The inner membrane is rich in double phospholipid known as cardiolipin. The cardiolipin possesses four fatty acids rather than two, and the presence of the cardiolipin makes the inner membrane impermeable to proton, ion and electrons. In certain regions the outer and inner membrane joins together known as contact sites and makes a passage of the proteins and small molecules from the cytoplasm to the matrix space. The inner membrane contains the large number of lollypop like structure with small stalk attached to the inner membrane and globular region in the matrix. These globular regions contain protein complex of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) synthase. The inner membrane contains three types of enzyme: (1) ATP synthase, (2) the respiratory chain protein complexes such as NADH dehydrogenase complexes, cytochrome b-c1 and cytochrome oxidase, and (3) transport protein complexes.
Intermembranous space: This is the tiny space bounded by two membranes of the MT. The concentration of small molecules is same in both cytoplasm and intermembranous space.
Cristae: this is the small shelf like folds of the inner membrane. This makes the larger space in the inner membrane to retain more enzymes.
Matrix: It is the innermost space of MT encircled by the inner membrane. The matrix consists of dense fluid that is rich in viscosity. Matrix is rich in enzymes of citric acid cycle and also contains mitochondrial DNA.
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Fig. 1.12: Electron microscopic picture of mitochondria.Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar, Saikia, Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
Main function of MT is energy production in the form of ATP synthesis. However, it is also involved in other important functions such as calcium storage, cell death, etc.12
  • Citric acid cycle: The essential enzymes in citric acid cycles are located in the mitochondrial matrix, and the main reactions of citric acid cycle happen in the mitochondrial matrix. Initial oxidative breakdown of glucose occurs in the cytoplasm by the process known as glycolysis.
  • Electron transport: During the oxidative phosphorylation, a series of electron transport reaction occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The energy released in these reactions is used to generate ATP from ADP.
  • Calcium storage: Mitochondria can store calcium and play an important role in calcium homeostasis.
  • Cell cycle: Various signaling reactions of cell cycle occur in the MT.13
  • Apoptotic death: Mitochondria play key role in apoptosis.14 This has been discussed in detail in Chapter 3.12
Mitochondrial Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Mitochondrial DNA is unique to MT and it is considered as separately developed during evolution (Box 1.10). In sexual reproduction, MT is exclusively inherited from mother and so MT DNA is of maternal origin. MT DNA is organized in nucleoid. The nucleoid is the combination of MT DNA and proteins. The nucleoid is also known as DNA-protein complex (DNP). MT DNA is 16.6 KB circular DNA molecule that encodes only 37 genes. It is responsible for the production of selected MT protein, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). The remaining 99% proteins in the MT are produced by nuclear MT gene. Therefore two parallel encoding of proteins in MT are going on (1) by MT DNA and (2) Nuclear mitochondrial DNA. Replication of mitochondrial DNA is dependent with the cell cycle.
Mitochondrial dysfunction may occur due to defects in MT DNA or nuclear mitochondrial DNA (nDNA). Interestingly, mutations in the MT DNA are heteroplasmic that means both mutant and wild type molecules remain in the same cell in varying proportion. The cell can tolerate a threshold of defective proteins and after that behaves abnormally. In course of time all MT DNA may be of same genomic type. This is known as homoplasmy. Two types of mutation may occur in MT DNA: (1) point mutation, (2) deletion.15
Point mutation: Almost all the genes of MT DNA are affected by point mutation. This is maternally transmitted. The mother may be unaffected due to less than critical threshold to produce the disease. However, the child may be affected by the disease. The patient may have Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Stroke (MELAS).
Single large scale deletion of MT DNA: The deletion of MT DNA is usually sporadic and occurs de novo. It involves several genes. The diseases produced by deletion of MT DNA include progressive external ophthalmoplegia, Pearson syndrome and Kearns Sayre syndrome.16
Nuclear DNA mutation causing mitochondrial disease: These diseases follow Mendelian inheritance and they are X-linked (both dominant and recessive). De novo mutation may also occur. The mutation of nDNA genes may cause:
  • Defects in structural subunit of oxidative phosphorylation complexes
  • Defects in mitochondrial import (dilated cardiomyopathy, spastic paraplegia, etc.)
  • Defects in mitochondrial fusion (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)
  • Defects in mitochondrial translation
  • Defects in mitochondrial maintenance (myopathy, encephalomyopathy, etc.)
  • Coenzyme Q10 deficiency
  • Defects in F-S clusters (Friedreich-ataxia syndrome, multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndrome).
Ribosome is the sites of protein synthesis (Box 1.11).
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Fig. 1.13: Schematic diagrams of two subunits of a ribosome.
Structure (Fig. 1.13)
Ribosomes are small 25–30 nanometer particles present in the cytoplasm. They are present both as free ribosomes in cytosol and also in the membrane-bound form attached with ER and thus forming rough endoplasmic reticulum. The ribosome is made up of r-RNA and proteins. The ribosome is classified according to the sedimentation coefficient in ultracentrifugation. The eukaryotic ribosome has two units a smaller 40s and a larger 60s subunit. In its inactivated form the two subunits are detached however when the ribosome is engaged in protein synthesis both the units are attached together. Small subunit has the binding sites for mRNA and t-RNA. Some rRNA of the larger subunit has enzymatic activity to catalyze the peptide bond. These rRNA are known as the ribozyme.
Ribosomes take part vital role in protein synthesis by decoding information from mRNA and then help molecules of tRNA to assemble particular amino acids to make a protein.
These are 0.2–0.4 µ small membrane-bound vesicles present in the cytoplasm (Box 1.12). They contain near about 40 acid hydrolytic enzymes. Lysosomal enzymes are produced in the endoplasmic reticulum and carried over in Golgi complex. The lysosomal enzymes and membrane of the lysosome are finally synthesized in the trans-Golgi network and are carried to the endosome by clathrin coated transport vesicles. The final lysosomal vesicles are synthesized in the late endosomal intermediate (also known as “endolysosome”).
There are two types of lysosome: (1) Primary lysosome: No morphological sign of hydrolytic enzymes, and (2) Secondary lysosomes: When lysosome fuses with other phagocytic vesicles of an organism it shows enzymatic activities and this lysosome is known as “secondary lysosomes”.
Lysosome contains acid hydrolytic enzymes such as (1) lipase, (2) amylase, (3) protease, and (4) nuclease. These enzymes are activated in the acid environment. The lysosomal enzymes digest the macromolecules, destroy the microbes and remove the other cytoplasmic organelle such as mitochondria. The foreign organisms enter the cytoplasm as phagocytic vesicles. Lysosome fuses with the phagosome and release acid hydrolytic enzymes, which degrade the protein and carbohydrate components of the organism. The lipid component is more resistant to digestion and may remain as the residual body. At times, lysosome fuses with the nonfunctioning MT or fragments of RER to clear these substances from the “autophagic” vacuoles in the cytoplasm. When these autophagic vacuoles remain persistently in the cytoplasm, they accumulate pigment known as “Lipofuscin”.
These are tiny vesicles of 0.2–1 µ in size. They are synthesized from RER. Peroxisomes contain many oxidative enzymes. The enzymes in the peroxisome break down fatty acid by beta oxidation and generate acetyl coenzyme A and H2O2. Acetyl coenzyme A is involved in various energy producing metabolic processes. The hydrogen peroxide helps to kill the various organisms. Excess hydrogen peroxide is further degraded by catalase enzyme of peroxisome into water and oxygen.14
Cytoskeleton (Box 1.13)
Cytoskeleton is the meshwork of protein filaments within the cytoplasm that maintains the shape of the cell along with other important functions such as cell movement, cell contraction and maintaining cell polarity. There are three components of the cytoskeleton:
  1. Microfilament
  2. Microtubules
  3. Intermediate filaments
It is also known as “actin filament”. These are the thinnest filaments and present either as a bundle form or as fine network within the cytoplasm. The actin filament is composed of globular G-actin which is polymerized and forms a long chain of F-actin (Fig. 1.14). Most of the G-actin is bound with small proteins such as profilin and thymosin. Binding of these small proteins prevents the polymerization of G-actin. Actin filament binds with filamin and makes a robust supporting meshwork just underneath the plasma membrane known as “cell cortex”. There are three types of actin: (1) Alpha actin, (2) Beta actin, and (3) Gamma actin. Alpha actin is present in muscle and other two forms of actin are present in nonmuscular cells.
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Fig. 1.14: Three types of cytoskeletal structures: Actin filament, microtubules and intermediate filament.
  • Actin maintains shape of the cell.
  • Actin binds to the myosin and helps in contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Actin can shorten its length and helps in the movement of the cell.
  • Phagocytosis or pinocytosis is helped by actin.
  • Actin helps in the transport of various vesicles within the cytoplasm.
Microtubule is long, straight, hollow rigid tubules of 25 nanometers in diameter. These are dynamic fibers that mean they are always in the process of assembling and disassembling. The microtubules constitute mitotic spindles, centrioles, cilia and flagella. The basic constituents of the microtubules are α- and β-tubulin.
These tubulins are arranged alternatively to form a protofilament (Fig. 1.14). GTP is tightly bound with α tubulin and resistant to hydrolysis whereas it is loosely bound with β tubulin and can be separable by hydrolysis. The protofilament of tubulin is polar as one end, is formed by β tubulin and other end is formed by α tubulin. The β 15end of the tubulin protofilament is plus end as the growth and shrinkage of this end is rapid. The opposite α tubulin end is known as the minus end. In each microfilament, there are 13 total protofilament attached parallel with each other with a central hollow structure. All the plus ends or growing ends of the protofilaments are in one direction.
Functions: The main functions of the microtubule are:
  • Intracellular transport: Microtubules help in the transport of the vesicles containing proteins from the Golgi complex to plasma membrane.
  • Mitotic spindle movement: The mitotic spindles are formed by microtubules. The chromatids are separated and pulled to each daughter cell nucleus by the mitotic spindles formed by microtubules.
  • Movements: Movements of cilia and flagella are done by the microtubules.
It is small round body located near the nucleus in the interphase cell. This is also known as microtubule organizing center. The microtubules are attached with the centrosome by their minus ends, and they radiate from the centrosome like a star-shaped manner. Centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles arranged in L-shaped manner surrounded by the amorphous matrix material known as centrosome matrix or pericentriolar material. Centrosome matrix material takes the main role in the development of the microtubule. Centrioles are the basal bodies of cilia or flagella. During mitosis, the centrosome duplicates and each one contains one pair of centrioles. From each of the centrosomes, microtubules radiate and form a complete mitotic spindle.
Intermediate Filament
Intermediate filaments have average diameter 10 nanometers. The name of the intermediate filaments is such because the diameter of intermediate filaments is in between the microfilament (7 nanometers) and microtubules (25 nanometers). The intermediate filaments are made of individual polypeptides. These are alpha helix structures that contain 310–350 amino acids. It has N and C terminals. Two alpha helix monomer coils with each other to form a dimer. Both the N and C terminals are in same direction in this monomer. Two dimmers then coil in a staggered anti-parallel fashion to form a tetramer. Eight such tetramers twist in a rope like manner to form an intermediate filament. Therefore, in a cross-section of intermediate filament there are 32 alpha helix coils.
Types of intermediate filament:17 There are a total six types of intermediate filament (Table 1.2).
  • Type I (acidic) and type II (basic): Present in epithelial and hair keratins.
  • Type III:
    • Vimentin: Vimentin is expressed predominantly in mesenchymal cells and also in leukocytes, vascular endothelial cells and some epithelial cells.
    • Desmin: Present in the skeletal and cardiac muscles.
      Table 1.2   Intermediate filaments.
      Molecular weight (Da)
      Acidic keratin (11 epithelial keratin, four hair keratin)
      Epithelial cells
      Tensile strength
      Basic keratin (8 epithelial keratin and 4 hair keratin)
      Cells of hair and nail
      Tensile strength
      1. Vimentin
      2. Desmin
      3. Glial fibrillary acidic protein
      4. Peripherin
      1. Mesenchymal cells, leukocytes, vascular endothelial cells and some epithelial cells
      2. Skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers
      3. Astrocytes and other glial cells.
      4. Neurons of the dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and cranial nerves
      1. 54,000
      2. 53,000
      3. 50,000
      4. 56,000
      1. Support the cytoplasmic membrane and helps in holding the various organelles in proper position.
      2. Helps in stabilizing sarcomeres of the contracting muscle cells
      3. Supports the glial cells
      4. Supports the neurons
      Neurofilaments (NF)
      1. NF-Light
      2. NF-Medium
      3. NF-High
      Mature neurons
      1. 62,000
      2. 102,000
      3. 110,000
      They form the cytoskeleton of dendrites and axons.
      Lamins A, B and C
      Nuclear envelope
      Control of assembly of the nuclear envelope during mitotic event and chromatin organization
      Stem cells of the central nervous system
    • 16Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP): Present in astrocytes and other glial cells.
    • Peripherin: It is present in the peripheral neurons and cranial nerves.
  • Type IV: Neurofilaments: Neurofilaments are expressed in the mature neurons.
    • Alpha internexin: They are present in developing central nervous system.
  • Type V: Lamin: They are present underneath the nuclear membrane (Lamin A, Lamin B and Lamin C). Lamin helps in chromatin organization and gene expression.
  • Type VI: Nestin: Nestin is present in stem cells of the central nervous system and in developing striated muscle.
Filensin: It is present in the epithelial cells of the lens at the time of differentiation.
Functions of the Intermediate Filaments
  • Supporting the cytoskeleton structure: Intermediate filaments are more stable than microtubules and microfilaments and provide good support and tensile strength of the cytoskeleton of the cell. Desmin links myofibrils of the striated muscles. GFAP supports the glial structure, and neurofilaments support the cytoskeleton of the axons and dendrites.
  • Chromatin organization: Nuclear lamin takes part and plays an important role in chromatin organization of the nucleus. Lamin also controls the assembly of the nuclear envelope at the time of mitosis.
Nucleus is the central processing unit of the cell and act as the controlling center of the cell (Box 1.14). The important components of the nucleus are:
  • Nuclear envelope and pore
  • Nuclear matrix
  • Nuclear chromatin
  • Nucleoli.
Nuclear Envelope
Nuclear envelope is the barrier between the nucleus and cytoplasm. It has three parts:
  1. Nuclear membrane
  2. Nuclear pore
  3. Nuclear lamina.
Nuclear Membrane (Figs. 1.15 and 1.16)
The nuclear membrane is further divided into (a) outer nuclear membrane (ONM), (b) inner nuclear membrane (INM) and (c) perinuclear space.
The ONM is the most outer part of the nuclear membrane, and it is 6 nm thick. ONM is continuous with the ER. The ONM is usually studded with multiple ribosomes on its cytoplasmic side that are involved in protein synthesis. The INM is parallel to ONM and is directly attached to the nuclear lamina. The space in between the ONM and INM is known as perinuclear space. The width of this space is 50 nm. Both the ONM and INM are perforated by multiple nuclear pores.
The nuclear lamina is situated in the inner side of the INM. It is made up of nuclear lamin that is intimately related to the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. The INM contains lamin B receptor (LBR), lamina associated polypeptide (LAP), MAN 1, emerin, nurim and ring finger binding protein (RFBP).18
  • Acts as a physical barrier between the cytoplasm and nucleus
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Fig. 1.15: Double layered nuclear membrane is perforated by multiple nuclear pores.
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Fig. 1.16: Electron microscopic picture of nucleus and its membrane.Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar Saikia, Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
  • Various integral proteins such as LBR, LAP, RFBP help in chromatin remodeling and gene expression. LAP and lamin A/C bind with Rb-protein that further recruits histone deacetylases (HDAC), DNA methyl transferases (Dnmt 1), histone methyltransferases (HMTase) and heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1). The action of these enzymes changes the higher-order conformation of chromatin, and ultimately causes gene silencing by inhibiting transcriptional activation of E2F.19
Nuclear Pore
At certain positions: the ONM and INM fuse with each other and, therefore, make the pore on the nuclear membrane that makes the direct connection site between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The diameter of each nuclear pore is about 100 nanometer. The number of nuclear pore varies from few 100s to 1,000s depending on the metabolic activity of the cell. The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the gateway of the nucleus across the double membrane nuclear envelope (Fig. 1.16) that selectively allows the passage of various macromolecules across the nucleus.19
Nuclear pore complex consists of a cytoplasmic ring, a nuclear ring and a distal ring connected by nuclear basket (Fig. 1.15).20
Function: The main function of the nuclear pore is the facilitation of the cytoplasmic to nuclear traffic and vice versa.
Nuclear Matrix
It is the internal skeleton of the nucleus and consists of an RNA network, protein complexes, peripheral nuclear lamin and residual nucleoli. Nuclear matrix is the remaining part of the nucleus after removal of chromatin, nuclear membrane and the other soluble components of the nucleus. Its composition is dynamic and varies with nuclear activities. In fact, nuclear matrix protein (NMP) may be just a processional artifact only as its demonstration depends on the selected conditions on removing the chromatin and lamin. The NMP is tissue specific and it differs from normal and neoplastic tissue of the same type. NMP is interlinked with the intermediate filaments of the cell cytoplasm and provides the overall support of the nucleus. Nuclear matrix contains both proteinaceous substances, nuclear mitotic apparatus protein, actin and RNA.21 The chromatin forms a loop and the base of the loop is attached with nuclear matrix. The strings of DNA attached with the nuclear matrix is labeled as matrix attachment region (MAR) and the corresponding nuclear matrix is called MAR-binding proteins. Active sites of genes are usually located in MAR sites than the loop areas. Other than gene transcription, NMP also participates in gene translation.
Nuclear Chromatin
Chromatin Structure
Chromatin represents the uncoiled chromosome of the interphase nucleus (Box 1.15). It is composed of DNA, histone and nonhistone proteins.22 In the interphase, the individual chromosomes are present in the specific region of the nucleus which is known as chromosomal territories. The channels that separate the chromosomes are known as interchromosomal domains.
Chromatin can be classified as heterochromatin and euchromatin (Table 1.3).
Heterochromatin is located on the nuclear membrane (Fig. 1.2). It is the condensed part of chromatin and contains inactive genes.18
Table 1.3   Differences between euchromatin and heterochromatin.
Less condensed
More condensed
Central part of nucleus
Peripheral part of nucleus
Transcriptionally active
Transcriptionally inactive
Both prokaryote and eukaryotic cell
Only in eukaryotic cells
Heterochromatin is further divided into facultative heterochromatin and constitutive heterochromatin. The facultative heterochromatin contains inactive genes in certain stages of development of the cells. The constitutive heterochromatin is made of inactive genes that are the structural components of the chromosomes, e.g. telomeres and centromeres.
It is located in the interior of the nucleus. In comparison to heterochromatin, euchromatin is less condensed and consists of the actively transcribed genes.
Nucleosome—the Basic Unit of Chromatin
Nucleosome is the basic unit of chromatin. It is made of approximately 146 bp of DNA. This DNA encircles in two turns around a central octameric protein core. This core histone complex is composed of two copies each of histone H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 (Fig. 1.17). Two copies of H3 and H4 remains in the center as tetramer and two H2A-H2B dimmers located on either side of the tetramer. Therefore, the linear arrangement of these four histones is: (H2A/H2B)-(H4/H3)-(H3/H4)-(H2B/H2A). The DNA chain in between the two nucleosomes is the linker DNA. The linker histone (Histone H1) binds the linker DNA chain and the core histone. The strings of linked nucleosomes are repeatedly twisted to form the more complex threedimensional organization of chromatin.
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Fig. 1.17: Schematic diagram of nucleosomes and chromatin.
Histone Modification
The core histones are the dynamic structures and are continuously modified (Fig. 1.18). The tail parts of histone are projected out of the nucleosomes. The various histone modifiers act on the amino terminal ends of these histone tails and control the remodeling of the chromatin structure. The unwound remodeled chromatin facilitates the transcriptional proteins to interact with promoter sequence of DNA and thereby helps in DNA transcription.
Histone Tails Modification22
Acetylation: Lysine side chain of H3 and H4 are acetylated with the help of histone acetyltransferases (HATs) enzyme. This acetylation neutralizes the charge between lysine (positively charged) and DNA (negatively charged). The chromatin becomes opened up to recruit various transcription factors for transcriptional activation.
Histone deacetylase (HDAC): HDAC enzyme helps in deacetylation of histone tails that causes chromosomal recondensation and subsequently repression of DNA transcription.
Histone methylation: Histone methyltransferases (HMT) enzymes help in the methylation of lysine or arginine residues of histone H3 and H4.19
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Fig. 1.18: Schematic diagram showing histone modification.
Phosphorylation: Aurora A, B and C phosphokinase help in mitotic phosphorylation of histone H3 and take important role in transcription, DNA repair and apoptosis.
In addition, histones are also modified by ubiquitylation and sumoylation.
Histone code: Histone code is a hypothesis that says that DNA transcription is regulated by the modification of histone proteins. It hypothesizes that there may be a particular set of combination of modification of histone tail. This pattern may produce the code which is read by the particular histone modifiers. There may be bromodomain that binds to acetylated lysine causing gene transcription. Whereas, chromodomain specifically binds with methylated lysine causing transcriptional repression.23
Nucleolus is the subnuclear round to oval small structure within the nucleus and about 1 µ in diameter (Box 1.16). It is not a membrane bound structure. Nucleolus is usually situated in the center of the nucleus; however, the position of the nucleolus may vary. The number of nucleolus may vary from 1 to 3. The size of the nucleolus depends upon the requirement of ribosome and protein synthesis. So it is expected that metabolically active cell with higher amount of protein synthesis will have larger nucleoli. Nucleolus is easily recognizable by light microscopic examination. It looks like eosinophilic round body in H & E smear and light blue colored structure in MGG stain.
The nucleoli are formed at the end of the mitosis (Fig. 1.19A). The specific genetic loci of the origin of nucleoli are known as “nucleolar organizing regions (NORs)”. The nucleolar organizer loci are seen in homologous chromosomes of 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22. Therefore at the end of mitosis, tiny 10 nucleoli appear to from the NOR of the five pair of chromosomes (total 10 chromosomes). These small nucleoli conglomerate to form a single larger nucleolus. The nucleolus contains protein and ribosomal RNA. The protein and r-RNA are surrounded by chromosomal DNA of the nucleolus.
On electron microscopy, the nucleoli show three major subregions24 (Fig. 1.19B).
  1. Fibrillar center (FC): Round structures with different size having very low electron opacity.
  2. Dense fibrillar component (DFC): It is made of densely aggregated fibrils and is located in the peripheral rim of FC.
  3. Granular components (GC): This is the outermost region and is composed of granules.
These different regions of nucleoli probably indicate the stages of RNA transcription and ribosomal assembly.
The nucleolus is the site of rRNA transcription, processing and ribosomal assembly.
  1. rRNA transcription: Active rRNA genes are situated in the FCs and DFCs. RNA polymerase I enzyme helps in the transcription of rRNA genes. The primary transcript of the ribosomal DNA is pre-rRNA.20
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    Figs. 1.19A and B: (A) Organization of nucleoli. Five pairs of chromosomal parts that produce ribosomal DNA with ribosomal proteins make nucleoli; (B) Nucleolar structure and functions are highlighted.
    Subsequently, the preribosomal RNA transcripts are handled in the DFC with the help of small nucleolar RNA and other protein processing factors. A series of cleavages occur during the processing of preribosomal RNA to mature rRNA. In addition, considerable amount of methylation of the bases and ribose residues also happens. The various proteins in the nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR) are demonstrated by the silver precipitation technique.25
  2. Ribosomal synthesis (Fig. 1.19B): Outside the nucleus, the genes of the ribosomal proteins are transcribed and from the cytoplasm these proteins are transported to the nucleolus. With the help of rRNA these ribosomal proteins are assembled within the nucleolus to form preribosome. The preribosome is transported back to the cytoplasm for final maturation.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid, the nucleic acid, carries the vital genetic information of the cell (Box 1.17).
The portion of DNA that carries the genetic information is known as “gene”. Within the nucleus DNA is coiled and supercoiled to make a thread like structure known as chromosome. During cell division the chromosomes are visible by light microscopy as a distinct entity and in interphase nucleus the chromosome remain as partly condensed and partly extended form and not possible to locate as a separate entity. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes and out of which 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair is sex chromosome. Sex chromosomes in the male are X and Y chromosomes and in the female are X and X chromosomes. The chromosomes are different from chromatin and the differences are highlighted in Table 1.4.
Table 1.4   Differences between chromatin and chromosome.
Loosely packed DNA
Tightly packed DNA
It is seen in interphase nuclei
Noted in cell division
Composed of histone and DNA chain
DNA chain only
Structure (Fig. 1.20)
Deoxyribonucleic acid is made of double helical strands containing a sugar phosphate backbone and bases attached with the sugar molecule.26 Each strand of DNA is made up of alternate sugar and phosphate molecules. The sugar molecule is a pentose sugar and it is attached with the phosphate by third and fifth carbon atom alternatively. The nucleobase is attached with each sugar molecule and then links with the other base of the opposite strand by a weak hydrogen bond. There are four base pairs: (1) adenine (A), (2) cytosine (C), (3) guanine (G), and (4) thymine (T). Adenine and guanine are purine bases. Cytosine and thymine are pyrimidine bases. Adenine joins only with thymine, and cytosine joins only with guanine. This is known as complementary base pairing. There is another pyrimidine base known as “uracil” that is found in RNA.21
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Fig. 1.20: Nuclear chromatin and DNA structure. Double helix DNA structure is made of sugar, phosphate back bone and four bases Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T).
Nucleotide is the basic structural unit of DNA. It consists of a pentose sugar, phosphate and nucleobase (adenine, cytosine, guanine or thymine). Nucleobase and sugar molecule form a nucleoside.
Gene is the specific portion of DNA with particular arrangement of nucleobases that carries the genetic information for making a particular protein. It is the sequence of A, T, C and G that determine the genetic information. Triplet of three consecutive bases of DNA is known as “codon” and each codon is specific for a particular amino acid. This specifies the sequence of amino acids and subsequently the protein formation. Only the certain parts of the DNA are involved in genetic information to carry and the “in-between part” of the DNA, is commonly known as “noncoding DNA” or “junk DNA”. Near about 98% of human DNA is noncoding and is not involved in protein synthesis. However, it has been noted that the major parts (80%) of DNA are involved in different biochemical activities and therefore are active and are not really junk.27 The exact biological function of the noncoding DNA is not known. Evidences suggest that noncoding DNA interacts with microRNA and thereby controls transcriptional and translation of protein coding sequences.28
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Fig. 1.21: DNA replication steps are highlighted in this schematic diagram. Helicase enzyme breaks the double-stranded DNA and a replication fork is formed. With the help of DNA polymerase enzyme DNA strand is made. In the leading strand DNA is synthesized in continuous manner at the direction of replication fork whereas in lagging strand DNA is synthesized in opposite direction as small segments. These small segments are known as Osazaki segments.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Replication (Fig. 1.21)
Deoxyribonucleic acid replication is a semi-conservative process by which genetic inheritance is maintained. When a cell divides, DNA replication process happens. Here each strand of DNA serves as a template and an identical complementary daughter DNA strand is formed. Each of the newly formed daughter cell contains DNA made up of one original strand and one freshly made strand. Therefore, the DNA double helix replication is a semi-conservative process. This replication process is well controlled and free of mistakes because of stringent proofreading and error checking mechanisms.
Deoxyribonucleic acid replication process needs following enzymes:
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerases
These are the major enzymes in DNA replication process. These enzymes help in the polymerization of 22deoxyribonucleotides into the DNA strand. The DNA polymerase enzyme reads the intact template DNA strand to make the complementary DNA strand. On the basis of sequence homology and structural similarities DNA polymerases are classified into five major families:29 A, B, C, X and Y. The three major varieties of eukaryotic DNA polymerases α, δ and ε belong to family B. The mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ belongs to family A. There are two important and fundamental properties of DNA polymerases:
  1. They only can add free nucleotides in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
  2. They need a preformed primer strand which is attached to the template DNA by hydrogen bonding. DNA polymerase adds a deoxyribonucleoside 5’ triphosphate to the 3’ OH group of the primers strand.
DNA replication is the coordinated activities of various enzymatic processes. The basic mechanisms of DNA replication process is evolutionary preserved. DNA replication events are initiated in many hundreds of points in chromosomes. This initiation point of the segment of DNA is known as “origin”. The protein complex that acts on the origin as initiator of the DNA replication is known as “origin recognition complex (ORC)”. The human ORC is site nonspecific. However, it is suggested that in somatic differentiated cells human ORC binds to genomic DNA with certain specificity.30 DNA is replicated in S phase of the cell cycle. Total time of replication of DNA is usually fixed.
For the purpose of description the replication process can be divided by series of steps:
Steps of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Replication31 (Box 1.18)
  • At first two strands of DNA is separated in particular point known as origin: Here the initiator protein along with other associated protein forms a prereplication complex that separates the two strands of DNA. Therefore, a fork like structure is formed known as “replication fork”. Helicases enzymes break the hydrogen bonds in between the bases and the unwound DNA strands are stabilized by single-stranded DNA binding proteins.
  • The binding of RNA primase in the initiation point of the 3’–5’ parent chain: There is extension of the RNA primers by DNA polymerase that binds to the DNA nucleotides of the 3’–5’ strand due to the hydrogen bonds between the bases.
  • DNA polymerase adds the matching loose nucleotide: DNA polymerase can act only from 5’ to 3’ direction. Therefore, DNA replication is different in two strands of DNA. Original 5’ to 3’ strand of DNA replication starts from 3’ end and proceeds to the direction of the breakage of the replication fork. The strand of DNA here is known as “leading strand”. In leading strand DNA is synthesized in continuous manner. In other strand of DNA, known as “lagging strand”, the process of DNA synthesis is in discontinuous manner opposite the direction of the replication fork. This occurs in the multiple areas of the DNA strand. Therefore the multiple small pieces of DNA are synthesized known as “Okazaki fragments”.
  • Joining of intact lagging strand: The RNA strands are removed by the action of “RNase enzyme” and “DNA Pol I-exonuclease”. The lagging strands are joined by DNA ligase.
Ultimately the DNA replication is terminated. Each double helix DNA contains one old template strand and one newly synthesized fresh strand.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Transcription and Protein Synthesis (Box 1.19)
The principle key factor of protein synthesis remains in the DNA sequence of the nucleus. At first the portion of DNA template is copied into the messenger RNA (mRNA).23
This mRNA is processed within the nucleus and finally comes out from the nucleus to the cytoplasm through nuclear pore. Within the cytoplasm on the small subunit of ribosome attached with RER the mRNA is decoded and protein is synthesized with the help of t-RNA.
The two major steps of the protein synthesis are:
  1. Transcription: It is the process of making mRNA (messenger RNA) from DNA.
  2. Translation: The process of synthesizing protein from the mRNA code is known as translation.
Transcription (Fig. 1.22)
In this process, m-RNA is formed from the particular sequence of nucleotides of DNA carrying the genetic information to make a particular protein. Therefore, in this step the information of DNA is transferred to the corresponding m-RNA. The basic information of DNA remains same so the process is known as transcription. RNA is essentially same as DNA in structure except in certain points: (a) This is a liner polymer of nucleotides, (b) here the sugar moiety is ribose, and (c) RNA contains the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T).
There are three important steps of transcription: (a) initiation, (b) elongation, and (c) termination.
  • Initiation: Initiation of the m-RNA synthesis needs a DNA chain, transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. At first TATA binding protein (TBP) binds with TATA box of DNA. TBP is a part of general transcription factor called TFIID. The binding of TFIID promotes the binding of another protein known as TFIIB. This complex helps in binding RNA polymerase to DNA. After the recruitment of RNA polymerase another two transcription factors TFIIE and TFIIH binds with this complex and initiation complex is completed.
  • Elongation: The helicases enzyme of TFIIH unwinds DNA and the RNA polymerase starts synthesis of m-RNA from the DNA strand. RNA polymerase now moves from the promoter and elongation phase starts. The DNA strand is read from 3’ to 5’ direction and subsequently RNA strand is made from 5’ to 3’ direction.
  • Termination: When the RNA polymerase reaches to the terminal codon of DNA the m-RNA synthesis is stopped.
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Fig. 1.22: Schematic diagram showing mRNA transcription from DNA. Intron regions are sliced out and ultimately mRNA is formed from pre-mRNA.
Translation (Fig. 1.23)
In translation phase, “information” of m-RNA is decoded and the protein is synthesized. The newly formed mRNA passes through the nuclear pore and binds properly with the small unit of ribosome. Ribosome contains many proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). There are four nucleotides (adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil) in RNA and each group of three consecutive nucleotides of m-RNA is called a “codon” (Box 1.20). Each codon indicates one specific amino acid. More than one codon may also specify a particular amino acid. Now for each codon of m-RNA there is a specific (transfer RNA) tRNA carrying the complementary codon nucleotide sequence called “anticodon”. Each such tRNA molecule is linked with a particular amino acid. The recognition and attachment of the specific amino acid with this tRNA is dependent on enzymes known as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase.24
zoom view
Fig. 1.23: Translation of mRNA to protein synthesis in ribosomal surface is highlighted. Information of mRNA is decoded and tRNA with complementary anti-codon brings a specific amino acid to form a protein.
At first mRNA is attached with the surface of ribosome. Then specific tRNA is attached with the start codon of the mRNA carrying a particular amino acid. Ribosome moves from 5’ to 3’ direction of mRNA and then a new tRNA with another particular amino acid is attached next to the previous one. The former tRNA is released from the mRNA. This process continues till the end of the tRNA meets the stop codon and ribosome stops translation. The complete protein is synthesized and comes to the cytoplasm.
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Review Questions
  1. Increased expression of all these molecules is responsible for epithelial mesenchymal transition of epithelial cells except:
    1. E-cadherin
    2. N-cadherin
    3. Snail 1
    4. Vimentin
  1. The junction that connects the cell with the basal lamina:
    1. Adherens junction
    2. Tight junction
    3. Desmosomes
    4. Hemidesmosomes
  1. The most important site of intracellular calcium storage:
    1. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    2. Golgi complex
    3. Lysosome
    4. Ribosome
  1. During oxidative phosphorylation, a series of electron transport reactions occur in this cytoplasmic organelle:
    1. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    2. Golgi complex
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Ribosome
  1. Which one is not an intermediate filament?
    1. Actin
    2. Lamin
    3. Glial fibrillary acidic protein
    4. Desmin
  1. This enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds in between the bases of DNA:
    1. DNA polymerase
    2. RNase
    3. Helicase
    4. DNA Pol I-exonuclease
  1. The main reactions of citric acid cycle happen in the:
    1. Mitochondrial matrix
    2. Mitochohndrial inner membrane
    3. Mitochohndrial outer membrane
    4. Golgi complex
Identify True/False
  1. Prokaryotic cells do not have any true nucleus and no membrane bound nucleus. (True/False)
  1. The loss of E-cadherin in epithelial cells enables them to detach easily and facilitates dispersion of carcinoma cells. (True/False)
  1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is related with lipid synthesis. (True/False)
  1. Mitochondrial DNA is exclusively inherited from mother. (True/False)
  1. Glial fibrillary acidic protein is not an intermediate filament. (True/False)
  1. Euchromatin is the condensed portion of chromatin where genes are usually inactive. (True/False)
  1. Histone deacetylase causes chromosomal recondensation and subsequently repression of DNA transcription. (True/False)
  1. Chromodomain binds to acetylated lysine causing gene transcription. (True/False)26
  1. a. E-cadherin
  2. d. Hemidesmosomes
  3. b. Golgi complex
  4. c. Mitochondria
  5. a. Actin
  6. c. Helicase
  7. a. Mitochondrial matrix
  8. True
  9. True
  10. False
  11. True
  12. False
  13. False
  14. True
  15. False