Drugs in Anaesthesiology Vipin Kumar Dhama
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Acetaminophen 267
Acetylcholine 20, 35, 43, 144
packets of 21
receptor 24f, 35
synthesis of 22
Acidosis 52, 239
Adrenal medulla 39
Adrenaline-induced arrhythmias 119
Adrenergic receptors 165
Airway anaesthesia 208
Alanine aminotransferase 269
Alcohol intoxication, acute 116
Alcoholism, chronic 116
Alcuronium 39
Alfentanil 58, 59, 65, 67, 69, 72
Allergic reactions, minimal 15
Allergy 83, 244
Alveolar concentration 104, 105, 105f
minimum 114
Alveoli 100
Alzheimer's disease 195
Aminoglycosides 46
Aminolevulinic acid 152
Aminophylline 47, 284
Amphetamines 276
Anaesthesia, duration of 111
Anaesthetic drugs 15, 116
Analgesia 61
Anaphylaxis, management of 14
Angiotensin receptor blockers 277
Antacids 262, 263
solution 208
Antibiotics 46
Anticholinergic drugs 187, 187f, 197f
Anticholinergic syndrome 193
Anticholinesterase 194, 197f
classification 196
drugs 202
uses of 194
Anticonvulsants 47
Antigen-antibody reaction 42
Antihistaminics 257, 262, 263
Antihypertensive drugs 275, 277, 279, 281
Antimuscarinic drugs 190
Anxiety 276
Arrhythmias 190
Arterial blood gas 153
Arterial concentration 111
Arterial pressure, mean 88
Aspartate aminotransferase 269
Atracurium 34, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 51
isomer of 52
Atropine 7, 189, 190, 192
Autonomic ganglia 39
Autonomic system 17
Bambuterol 29
Barbiturates 73, 88, 95, 116
Baroreceptor reflex 61
Benzocaine 226
Benzodiazepines 27, 73, 95, 156, 158, 257
Benzomorphan derivative 58, 90
Benzylisoquinolinium compounds 39
Blood 4, 100, 106
pressure 42, 74, 118
non-invasive 81
transfusion 30
vessels 39
Blurred vision 69
Body fluids 4f
Brachial plexus 153
Bradycardia 89
Brain 31, 100, 108
Brainstem 59
Breathing circuit volumes 101, 104
Bronchodilators 283, 284
Bronchospasm 42
Bupivacaine 7, 237
Buprenorphine 6, 58, 59, 72, 91, 94
Burning pain 153
Burns 25, 29
Butorphanol 58, 59, 72, 92
Butyl aminobenzoate 226
Calcium 47
channel blockers 47, 89, 277, 281
ions 21
sensitizers 176
Carbamazepine 47
Carbonated local anaesthetics 235
Carbonation 234
Cardiac arrest, mechanism of 237
Cardiac contractility 73
Cardiac glycosides 174
Cardiac index 89
Cardiac protection 119
Cardiovascular system 73, 117, 147, 190, 251
Cardiovascular toxicity 236
Catecholamines 167t
synthesis of 165
Cauda equina syndrome 245, 246
Central anticholinergic drugs 195
Central nervous system 16, 59, 79, 191, 251
effects 122, 144
toxicity 240
Cephalosporins 47
Cerebral blood flow 32, 79, 122, 146
Cerebral metabolic rate 79, 123
Cerebral metabolism of oxygen 146
Cerebral oxygen consumption 79
Cerebral perfusion pressure 146
Cerebrovascular accident 152
Chemical stimulus 42
Chemical structure 141
of atracurium 37f
of D-tubocuranine 37f
of laudanosine 37f
of metocurine 37f
of non-depolariser skeletal muscle relaxants 38f
of thiopentone 140f
Chlorzoxazone 27
Cimetidine 90, 263
Cinchocaine 226
Cisatracurium 38, 39, 48, 49, 51, 52
ontubating dose of 52
Clevidipine 277, 281
Clindamycin 47
Cocaine 224, 276
Codeine 58
Complement fixation 42
Complex action opioids 90
Constipation 60, 61, 261
Coronary artery vasodilation 119
Corticosteroids 272, 283
reflex, depression of 61
suppression 87
Creatine phosphokinase 32
Cushing syndrome 276
Cyanide toxicity 279
Cyclooxygenase enzyme synthesises prostaglandins 267
Cytotoxic agents 29
Dantrolene 27, 47
Deep pain 59
Desflurane 117, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129
Dexamethasone 257, 273
Dexmedetomidine 250
Diaphragm 54
Diazepam 157
Dibucaine 29, 226
Diclofenac 267
Diphenhydramine 14
Dizziness 71
Dopamine 144
antagonism 257, 259
Dopexamine 178
Doxacurium 38, 39, 49
Drug 239
abuse 276
allergy 14
interactions 257
of muscle relaxants 45
potentiating neuromuscular blockade 47
receptor interaction 10
response curve 8f
therapy, chronic 88
withdrawal of 276
Dry mouth 69, 71
Dysphoria 61
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 79
Electroencephalogram 146
End plate depolarisation 35
diseases 276
organ 108
system 82
Enflurane 130
Enhanced systemic toxicity 242
Enzyme acetylcholinesterase 22
Ephedrine 265
Epidural analgesia 87
Epidural opioid 84, 85
Erythromycin 90
Esmolol 270
Etomidate 18, 138, 139, 140f, 141143, 145, 146, 148, 150152, 155, 156
Euphoria 60
Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics 208
Extracellular fluids 3, 4, 21, 26f
Eye 31, 39
Facial flushing 42
Famotidine 263
Fasciculation 33
Fat 3, 4, 108
contents of blood 106
Fentanyl 5, 6, 15, 58, 59, 65, 67, 72, 76
Fesflurane 112
Fludrocortisone 273
Flumazenil 159
Flushing 261
Fresh gas flow rate 101, 104
Furosemide 47, 252, 252f, 257
secretion of 253f
Gallamine 38, 39, 44, 48
Gamma aminobutyric acid 142
Ganglion blockade 43
acid neutralisers 262
acid suppression causes 264
emptying time 81, 82
glands 39
Gastrointestinal motility 81
Gastrointestinal system 81
Gell and Coombs classification 15t
Glaucoma 195
Glucocorticoids 53, 273
Glutamate 144
Glyceryl trinitrate 277, 278
Glycine 144
Glycopyrrolate 189, 190
Granisetron 262
Haematocrit 106
Hallucinations 61
Halothane 117, 121124, 127, 129
hepatitis 126, 127
Headache 261
Heart 32, 39, 108
block 89
failure 29
rate 73, 88, 118, 239
Hepatic dysfunction 48, 50
Hepatic failure 48
Hepatic injury 126
mild 126
Hepatitis prevention guidelines 127
Heroin 58
Histamine blockers 43
Hofmann elimination 52
Hormones 82
Hyaluronidase 235
Hydralazine 277, 278
Hydrocortisone 273
Hydroxytryptophan 260
Hyoscine 190
Hyoscyamine 189
Hypercarbia 77, 122, 130, 239, 243, 276
Hyperglycaemia 53
Hyperkalemia 32
treatment of 33
Hyperthermia 116
Hyperuricaemia 257
Hypervolemia 276
Hypocalcaemia 21, 52, 256
Hypoglycemia 276
Hypokalemia 255
mechanism of 256
Hypomagnesaemia 257
Hyponatraemia 116
Hypoproteinemia 29
Hypotension 88, 138
Hypothermia 51, 116
Hypothesis 114
Hypoventilation 75, 88
Hypoxaemia 77, 88, 276
Hypoxia 116, 122, 130, 239
Immune-mediated allergic reactions 15t
Immunity 83
Inhalational anaesthetics 7, 88
Inotropes 164
Inspiratory concentration 105f
Intensive care units 153
Intra-arterial injection of drugs 152
Intrabiliary pressure 71
Intracranial pressure 34, 146, 152
raised 276
Intragastric pressure 32
Intraocular pressure 32, 146, 152
Intrarenal fluoride production 130
Intrathecal opioids administration 84
Intrathecal use 229
Intravenous route 72
Ipratropium 284
Ischaemic heart disease 152
Isoflurane 117, 121124, 127, 129
Ketamine 7, 14, 18, 87, 116, 138, 139, 140f, 141143, 145, 146, 148, 150152, 155, 156, 235, 283
Ketocyclazocine 61
Kidney 108
Labetalol 270
Labour analgesia 230
Lamina marginalis 83
Larynx 54
Lethargy 80
Levobupivacaine 7, 231
Levosimendan 176
Lidocaine 237
Lignocaine 29
Lithium 29, 47
damage 126
disease 29
enzymes, elevation of 261
Local anaesthetics 46, 207, 215, 237, 240, 244
combination 234
systemic toxicity 236, 241
uses of 207
Local tissue toxicity 244
Lorazepam 157
Low cardiac output states 224
Lower motor neuron lesions 25
Lower oesophageal sphincter 32
Magnesium 46
sulphate 283
Mental clouding 80
Meperidine 69, 70, 73, 89
Mephentermine 265, 266
Metabolic acidosis 242
Metabolic alkalosis 255
mechanism of 256
Metabolism of succinylcholine 28f
Methadone 58, 72, 89
derivatives 58
Methocarbamol 27
Methylprednisolone 273
Metoclopramide 29, 258
action of 259
Metocurine 39, 42, 48
Metoprolol 270
Midazolam 18, 138, 139, 157, 235
Mineralocorticoid 273
Miosis 60, 61
Mivacurium 38, 39, 42, 43, 51, 52
intubating dose of 52
Morphine 5, 58, 59, 65, 67, 7274, 75f, 85
poisoning 94
blockade 44
receptors 44
Muscle 3, 4, 108
pain 32, 33
relaxant 27, 42, 48, 49, 53, 54
non-depolarising 27, 36, 40, 45
types of 46
rigidity 77, 78
Myasthenia gravis 35, 194
Myocardial contractility 130
Myoglobinuria 32
N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine 269
Nalbuphine 59, 92
Nalmefene 59, 95
Nalorphine 58, 59
Naloxone 58, 59, 93
uses of 94
Naltrexone 58, 59, 95
Nausea 71, 87
Neostigmine 29, 236
Nerve terminal 20f
Neuraxial opioids 83, 85, 86
Neuromuscular blockade 45f, 47, 197f
potentiation of 45
Neuromuscular blocking agents 26
Neuromuscular disorder 25
Neuromuscular junction 19, 19f, 28, 39
Neuromuscular monitoring 44
Nicardipine 277, 281
Nifedipine 47, 277
Nitrates 277, 278
Nitroprusside 277, 278
Nitrous oxide 101, 130, 131, 133
cylinders 131
N-methyl-d-aspartate 13, 142
Non-depolarising blockade 48
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 33, 267
Norbinaltorphimine 61
Norepinephrine 144
Norpethidine 70
Noxious stimulus 88
Omeprazole 264
Ondansetron 261
Ophthalmic anaesthesia 208
Opioid 15, 58, 74, 77, 79, 83, 87, 88, 94, 116, 231
action of 62f
addict, anaesthetic management of 95
antagonists 93
classification of 58
dose of 96
intoxication, acute 95
onset time of 72
receptors 59, 59f, 83
activation of 63
sites 59
sparing 87
contraceptive pills 29
transmucosal fentanyl citrate 66
Organ independent metabolism 69
Oxethazaine 226
Pain 153, 276
Pancuronium 38, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 89, 262
Paracetamol toxicity 269
Paralytic ileus 195
Partial pressure 102, 102f, 108
Pentazocine 58, 59, 90, 94
Peripheral nerve 59
blocks 230
Peristalsis, inhibition of 87
Pethidine 58, 69, 70, 72
Pharmacodynamics 73, 117, 132, 204
Pharmacokinetics 38, 65, 100, 221, 254, 262
of fentanyl 68
of morphine 68
Phenolic ether 39
Phenylephrine 265
derivatives 58
group 89
Phenytoin 47
Pheochromocytoma 276
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 175
Physostigmine 205
Pipecuronium 39, 49
Plasma 4
Polymixins 46
Porphyrias 154
classification of 154
Post-synaptic structure 22
Pregnancy 29, 224, 238
Pre-synaptic nicotinic receptors 34
Prilocaine 225
Prokinetic drug 257, 258
Propofol 5, 88, 138, 140f, 141143, 145, 146, 148, 150152, 155, 156
infusion syndrome 153
Protein binding 5, 216
Proton pump inhibitors 262, 264
Pruritus 79, 80
Pseudocholinesterase 28, 30, 31, 67
atypical 29
function 30
genotype 30t
types of 30
Pulmonary capillary blood 100
Quinine 27
Ranitidine 14, 90, 263
Reactive oxygen species 129
Receptor, types of 9
Red blood cell 28
Reduced cyclic adenosine monophosphate 63
Remifentanil 5, 58, 59, 65, 67, 69, 72, 73
Renal diseases 2
Renal dysfunction 48, 50
mild 130
Renal failure 29, 48, 50
acidosis 243, 243f
arrest, mechanism of 240
centre, location of 75f
depression 14, 60, 61, 74, 86
causes of 86
mechanism of delayed 76f
reversal of 93
system 74, 120, 132, 149, 190
Rocuronium 38, 39, 45, 48, 49
Ropivacaine 7, 210
Salbutamol 284
Schwann cells 19
Scopolamine 190
Sedation 60, 61
Sepsis 25
Septic shock 94
Serotonin 145
Serum aminotransferases 126
Sevoflurane 112, 117, 121124, 127, 129
Sigma receptors 61
Sinoatrial node 44
Skeletal muscle 32, 54
relaxants 19, 27, 54, 55, 89
Skin, blanching of 153
bicarbonate 234
channels 25
Spinal cord 59
Stellate ganglion block 153
Steroidal compounds 39
Stomach 31
Stopping antihypertensive drugs 276
Strychnos alkaloid 39
Substantia gelatinosa 59
Succinylcholine 25, 27, 29, 3032, 34, 35, 51
metabolism 29
Sufentanil 58, 59, 65, 67, 72, 73
Sugammadex 53
Sweating 191
Sympathectomy 153
Synthetic opioids 15
Systemic vascular resistance 88, 147
Tachycardia 32, 42, 44, 190
Tachyphylaxis 43
Thalamus 59
Thebaine 58
derivatives 58
Theophylline 283
Thiopentone 5, 138, 141143, 145, 146, 148, 150153, 155, 156
injection 153, 154
sodium 138
Thyrotoxicosis activity 29
blood flow 108
penetrance 218
solubility 108
Topical anaesthesia 207
Toxic effects 14
Tramadol 71, 89
Transient radicular irritation 245
Transmission of pain 84f
Trauma 42
Unitary hypothesis 113
Upper motor neuron lesions 25
Urinary retention 71, 87, 276
Vascular thrombosis, pathophysiology of 154
Vasoconstrictors 232
Vasodilators 277
Vasopressors 265
Vecuronium 38, 39, 45, 48, 49, 51
Ventilation 74, 108
minute 75f, 121, 130
Verapamil 47
Vessel-poor group 108
Vessel-rich group 108
Visceral smooth muscle 39
Vitamin B12 enzyme, inhibition of 133
Volatile agent, types of 45
Volatile anaesthetics 18, 45, 45f, 100, 283
Voltage sensitive calcium channels 63
Volume depletion 255
Volume expansion hypothesis 114
Vomiting 79
Water-soluble drugs 3
Wooden/Stiff chest syndrome 77
Xenon 129
Chapter Notes

Save Clear


Many anaesthetic complications can be attributed to improper use of drugs. So it is important to understand the various concepts of pharmacology before reading about anaesthetic drugs. Pharmacokinetics is the study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion while pharmacodynamics deals with mechanism of action and clinical effects of drug.
Most drugs used by us are given via intravenous route. This gives the immediate and predictable effect most of the times. The few terms which are used to describe drug–patient interaction, are:
  • Bioavailability
  • Volume of distribution
  • Clearance
  • Chirality and isomerism (levo-, dextro-)
  • Half-life
  • Efficacy and potency
  • Drug receptor interaction
  • Adverse drug reaction
  • Patient physiology
It means percentage/fraction of the drug which reaches systemic circulation in unchanged form. When given via 2IV route, bioavailability is 100% because drug is injected into the blood. After giving drug by oral/subcutaneous or intramuscular (IM) route, bioavailability is less due to metabolism (in liver or intestines) or incomplete absorption. During oral ingestion of drug, some may dissolve in gastrointestinal (GIT), some is metabolized in liver, and the remaining drug reaches systemic circulation. Bioavailability is an important concern for drugs with low safety profile or where precise dose control is required (oral anticoagulants, digoxin, etc.). As most of the times, we give drugs via IV route, reduced bioavailability is not much of a problem in anaesthesia practice.
Bioavailability depends on route of administration (oral drug absorption is affected by GIT diseases, size of drug particles), drug interaction with other drugs in GIT, liver metabolism of drugs (first-pass metabolism depends on liver blood flow, condition of liver).
Initially, the drug enters blood and then distributes to other tissues. The factors which affect distribution of drug inside body are drug related (lipid solubility, pKa, plasma-protein binding) and patient related (fat percentage, diseases affecting circulatory volume such as CHF, renal diseases).
The volume of distribution is a proportionality factor that integrates the amount of drug in the body to the concentration of drug measured in plasma or any other fluid compartment. This parameter has the dimensions of volume (e.g. litres):
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For example, if we give 500 mg of drug and the plasma concentration of the drug is 20 mg/litre, then VD is 25 litres. Knowledge about the volume of distribution (VD) 3is useful in determining the loading dose to achieve a specific concentration (see below).
VD is an indicator of the extent of distribution of a drug. As the drug gets distributed in the body tissues, plasma concentration falls and VD increases.
If the drug remains in blood only, VD will be equal to blood volume. As the drug moves out of blood, VD increases. So, VD indicates distribution of the drug in the body (high VD means more distribution into body tissues and less drug in blood).
Water-soluble drugs do not enter the cells, so their VD equal, extracellular fluids (ECF) volume (most drug remains in plasma). Also, if the drug is highly protein bound, it will remain in plasma.
Non-depolarizer muscle relaxants remain in plasma as these are lipid-insoluble drugs.
Drugs given IV first go to high blood flow organs and then redistribute to fat and muscles.
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Most induction agents follow the above model. This is due to the fact that these are lipid-soluble drugs. They reach highly perfused organs first and create clinical effect. After some time, less vascular tissues (fat, muscle) take up the drug leading to fall in plasma concentration. The half-life of lipid-soluble drug may be of long duration but peak clinical action terminates due to redistribution (Table 1.1).4
Table 1.1   Body fluids and their volumes
Body fluid (adult)
Actual volume (L)
Extracellular fluids
Volume of distribution at steady state (VDSS) is used when the drug has been given for a long period (e.g. via infusion). This implies that drug has distributed throughout the body (central and peripheral compartments). High blood flow organs are taken as central compartments, while fat/muscles are peripheral compartments.
Drugs that have a volume of distribution 7 L or less are thought to be confined to the plasma, or liquid part of the blood. If the volume is between 7 L and 15 L, the drug is thought to be distributed throughout the blood (plasma and red blood cells). If the volume of distribution is larger than 42 L, the drug is thought to be distributed to all tissues in the body, especially the fatty tissue. Some drugs have volume of distribution values greater than 1000 L. This means that most of the drug is in the tissue, and very little is in the plasma. Larger the volume of distribution, the more likely the drug is found in the tissues of the body. Smaller the volume of the distribution, the more likely the drug is confined to the circulatory system. Lipid-soluble drugs can move across all cell membranes so their VD is more. In patients with drug toxicity, drug with large VD may not be easily removed by dialysis.
Capillaries in brain have tight endothelial junctions so drug molecules (non-lipid soluble) cannot move into brain. At some anatomical sites, this blood-brain barrier is absent so drug molecules can move freely.
It means volume cleared of drug per unit of time (in litre/min). Clearance (CL) is determined by blood flow to organ 5that metabolizes or eliminates the drug and efficiency of organ at extracting drug from blood stream.
To put it in a simple formula,
Clearance = Metabolism (in liver) + Elimination (in kidney)
For numerical calculation,
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So, clearance of most drugs is reduced in liver and renal diseases. This means that the drug amount has to be reduced or dosing interval is to be increased.
Drugs such as remifentanil, succinylcholine, esmolol, mivacurium and ester LA undergo ester hydrolysis in plasma so they are cleared in plasma.
As can be seen in Table 1.2, clearance of propofol and remifentanil is rapid.
Protein Binding of Drugs
Most drugs have an affinity for plasma proteins. Drugs are usually lipid soluble but poorly soluble in water so drug molecules do not dissolve in plasma water. Plasma-protein attachment provides a way to transport of drug in blood. When drug molecules reach systemic circulation, they attach to albumin or α-acid glycoprotein. Following are the important considerations for drug-protein binding:
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Table 1.2   Clearance rate of some drugs
Clearance (mL/kg/min)
6Only free form of drug can take part in pharmacokinetics. Free drug and drug-protein complex are in dynamic equilibrium and drug lost by metabolism and elimination gets replaced by drug- protein complex dissociation. Protein-bound drug is not metabolized/eliminated.
Acidic drugs bind to albumin while basic drugs bind to α-acid glycoprotein. This is true for most drugs. High protein binding usually means long duration of action for the drug as bound drug is not available for metabolism.
Protein-bound drug stays in intravascular compartment usually. So VD of highly plasma protein-bound drug is less. In conditions of hypoalbuminemia, the amount of unbound drug increases so the same dose will have an increased effect.
Lipid solubility affects the rate of absorption from the site of administration and movement of drug across the plasma membrane. Thus, transdermal application of lipid-soluble drugs (fentanyl, buprenorphine) can be clinically useful.
A drug molecule is chiral, if its mirror image cannot be superimposed on itself (like a right hand cannot be superimposed on left hand). Molecules that are mirror images of one another are termed enantiomers. When equal amounts of enantiomeric molecules are present together, the product is termed as ‘racemic’. Such a 50:50 mixture of enantiomers is optically inactive. Enantiomers differ only in their ability to rotate a polarized light, rest everything (chemical formula and preparation) is same.
Levo/left/- isomers rotate polarized light to left direction, while dextro/right/+ isomers rotate polarized light to right side.
Now, this classification has been replaced by the R or S notation, which describes the arrangement of the molecules around the chiral centre (R is for rectus, right; 7and S for sinister, left). The R and S structures may be levo- or dextrorotatory to polarised light, meaning that there is no relationship between these classifications.
Examples of racemic mixtures:
  • Bupivacaine
  • Atropine
  • Inhalational anaesthetic agents (except sevoflurane)
  • Examples of enantiopure (single enantiomer) preparations include (clinically, it is seen that one isomer has a better profile than the other):
    • S(–) ropivacaine
    • S(–) bupivacaine (Levobupivacaine)
    • S(+) ketamine
The half-life is defined as the time taken for the blood- or plasma-drug concentration to fall by one-half (50%), e.g if a drug serum level falls to 5 mg/mL from an initial value of 10 mg/mL in 20 min, its half-life will be 20 min. After another 20 min, the level will fall to 2.5 mg/mL till after approx. 5 half-lives minimal drug is present in the body.
The pharmacokinetic parameters that determine half-life are clearance and volume of distribution. Any change in these parameters will affect the half-life. Decrease in clearance will increase half-life as the drug will stay in the body for longer duration.
For a drug with one compartment distribution (given IV, first-order elimination), two half-lives are applied.
First is distribution/α half-life; and second is elimination/β half-life (t1/2α, t1/2β). As we can see induction agents have these two half-lives. Elimination half-life (t1/2β) is taken as the actual half-life in clinical practice.
T1/2= 0.693* VD/Cl (0.693 multiplied by volume of distribution divided by clearance).8
Dose-response Curve (Fig. 1.1)
When a drug is given, dose and the measured clinical response can be plotted on a dose-response curve (DRC) with the log of drug dose on the x-axis and the measured effect (response) on the y-axis. A dose-response shows following features—potency (location of the curve along the dose axis), maximal efficacy or ceiling effect (maximal response), change in response per unit dose (slope), estimation of starting dose of the drug.
Potency of a drug refers to the amount of drug needed to produce a particular response. It can be observed on dose axis. If we compare the usual analgesic dose of diclofenac and paracetamol (75 mg vs 1000 mg), diclofenac is more potent as lesser dose is required to provide analgesia. Similarly, higher dose of atracurium is required for intubation than vecuronium, so atracurium is less potent than vecuronium. Potency does not have much importance in clinical practice.
Efficacy is the maximal response, which can be elicited by the drug. It is not necessary that increasing the dose will increase the measured response (on y-axis).
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Fig. 1.1: Drug-response curve (Dose vs response)
9There comes a point on y-axis after which increasing the dose doesn't improve the maximal response. So, there is no need to give drug beyond maximal response.
Some drugs can have dramatic change in response even with slight change of dose. Observing the slope of DRC, we can have an idea about the magnitude of response with change in dose. A steep slope means slight increase in dose will show a higher degree of response when compared with a flat slope.
Estimation of starting dose/minimal dose required to produce a measurable response can be made from DRC. On x-axis, the starting of slope is the starting dose of that particular drug.
Basic Receptor Features (Table 1.3)
Table 1.3   Basic receptor features are shown
Type of receptor
LGIC (Ligand- gated ion channel)
Enzyme linked
Regulation of gene transcription
Production of intermediate messengers GPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) tyrosine kinase and guanylyl cyclase systems
Protein sub-units (openings across cell membrane) that form a channel through the membrane. When opened, such a channel allows the movement of ions along their concentration, electrical gradients
Main action
Enclose selective ion channels for Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl
Gene transcription
2nd messengers (cAMP pathway, IP3-DAG pathway, ion channels)
Nicotinic, cholinergic, 5HT3, NMDA
Insulin, growth hormone
Steroidal hormones
Adrenergic, muscarinic (M2), opioid (µ)
Receptor (R) is a part of a cell to which a drug molecule attaches and this complex starts a biochemical change leading to an effect. It can be present in membrane/cytoplasm/nucleus. The drug molecule binds to receptor and this causes the desired effect.
Many theories exist to explain the drug receptor interaction. Here we will consider only the simple concept of active and inactive receptors.
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In normal conditions (absence of any drug), equilibrium is maintained between two types of receptors.
Concept of Agonist, Partial Agonist and Antagonist
An agonist is a drug, which binds to receptor and causes it to convert to an active confirmation. Agonists can be full, partial or inverse depending on the effect observed (Fig. 1.2).
Partial agonist is a drug, which binds to receptor and converts it to an active confirmation but effect produced is less than that of an agonist. Dose-response curve of a partial agonist shows a ceiling effect, thus reflecting lower maximal response.11
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Fig. 1.2: Mechanism of action of agonist and antagonist
12Partial agonist can precipitate withdrawal of an agonist in dependent subjects. A partial agonist exhibits less than 100% response even with maximum effective concentration.
When both agonist and partial agonist are given, the partial agonist acts as competitive antagonist and competes with agonist to occupy the receptor. This produces a less than maximal response. So, in practice, there is no need to combine a partial agonist and an agonist for a clinical effect. For example, a hypothetical patient given buprenorphine (partial μ-agonist) would require higher doses of morphine to produce the same degree of analgesia as morphine alone (i.e. buprenorphine will antagonise the effects of morphine at the μ-receptor).
An antagonist is a drug which binds to receptor to inhibit the action of agonist or an inverse agonist. Antagonist has no action in absence of agonist/inverse agonist. This means clinical action of antagonist will be seen only when agonist has been given to the patient and agonist will not produce the expected effect. When agonist and antagonist are present together, percentage of receptor occupied follows the law of mass action (the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances). So higher concentration means more receptors occupied.
An inverse agonist binds to the same receptor as an agonist but response is opposite to that of an agonist. β anatgonists, H1, H2 antagonists show inverse agonist activity.
When agonist is given, it stabilises the R-active form and clinical effect is seen.
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Partial agonist stabilises both the forms but has greater affinity for R-active, so a lesser response in relation to agonist, is seen.
Antagonist stabilises both the forms and no effect is seen.
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13Antagonists can be competitive (reversible, surmountable) or non-competitive (irreversible, insurmountable). In competitive antagonism, antagonist is chemically similar to agonist and binds to receptor at the same site as of agonist. As antagonist stabilises both forms, no effect is seen. Increasing the concentration of agonist can overcome this antagonism. A linear relationship exists between agonist dose and competitive antagonist concentration. This is seen when we give ‘reversal’ to overcome the effect of non-depolariser muscle relaxants. Also, naloxone is a competitive antagonist at all opioid receptors.
Non-competitive antagonists bind to different sites on receptor. This implies that agonist is not able to combine with receptor and no effect is produced. Increasing the concentration of agonist will not overcome this antagonism. Ketamine is a non-competitive antagonist at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-glutamate receptor.
Irreversible antagonists may bind to the same site as the agonist or at a different site. Increasing agonist concentration will not overcome the blockade. Phenoxybenzamine antagonises the effects of catecholamines at α-adrenoceptors. Aspirin blocks all platelet COX-1 and so return of normal function requires new platelet formation. This irreversible antagonism cannot be overcome by increasing agonist concentration.
Loading Dose
If no drug is present in the body, then
Loading dose (mg) = Target concentration (mg/L) × Volume of distribution (L)
This means that loading dose is affected only by VD and desired concentration in plasma. Once the drug is eliminated and concentration falls, maintenance dose is given. This depends on clearance of the drug. So, if any factor reduces the clearance or increases the half-life, maintenance dose is reduced.14
Side effects: Clinical effect which is not desirable but occurs at the therapeutic dose, e.g. anticholinergics, cause drying of airway, pain on injection of propofol.
Toxic effects: Extreme pharmacological action due to overdose/multiple doses, e.g. cardiac effects of ketamine, respiratory depression due to opioids, liver damage from paracetamol. To minimise overdose, the patient age, weight and organ dysfunction should be taken into account before giving the drug.
Idiosyncrasy: Due to genetic makeup of the patient, there is an abnormal reaction to the drug. Only a particular patient who has some genetic variation is affected and the response is not always predictable. There is severe response to the usual dose of a drug. Unlike drug allergy, desensitisation is not possible in the patient having idiosyncrasy to a particular drug.
Drug allergy: It means a specific immune response to the drug or its component. The response can be in combination with a body protein acting as allergen. Allergy can be immediate or delayed/ localized or systemic. Immune-mediated allergic reactions are classified in the following (Gell and Coombs classification) Table 1.4.
Management of anaphylaxis: This is a medical emergency. As mentioned in Table 1.4, CVS and cutaneous and respiratory signs are most commonly observed. Diagnosis requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. Epinephrine is the drug of choice in the treatment of anaphylaxis. Epinephrine is used at 5–10 mg IV bolus (0.2 mg/kg) doses for severe hypotension.
100% oxygen should be given. Respiratory support could be invasive or noninvasive. Extubation should be delayed and the patient should be observed even if acute symptoms have resolved. Antihistaminic drugs (diphenhydramine, ranitidine), hydrocortisone (1–3 mg/kg) are given IV.
Table 1.4   Gell and Coombs classification of immune-mediated allergic reactions
Type 1/anaphylaxis
On initial exposure to an antigen in susceptible individuals, IgE is produced and binds to mast cells and basophils. On exposure to drug, release of mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes occurs. Reactions are rapid in onset and start within seconds to minutes of exposure to the allergen. Symptoms progress rapidly and can affect most organ systems, including the skin (pruritus, flushing, urticaria), airways (rhinitis, bronchoconstriction, dyspnoea), cardiovascular (hypotension), GIT (pain, vomiting). So in clinical practice, any system can be affected within a few minutes on exposure to drug.
Type 2/cytolytic
Drug with specific component of a body cell acts as antigen. IgG, IgM antibodies are formed. Complement system is activated. Cell damage (thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, agranulocytosis) occurs.
Type 3/Arthus reaction
Immune complex formation, deposition leading to tissue damage. Serum sickness (may occur after 1 week of drug use), various forms of glomerulonephritis are the examples.
Type 4/delayed hypersensitivity reactions
T-lymphocytes cause this reaction. There is a delay in exposure to antigen and allergic reaction.
Anaphylactoid reactions are due to release of histamine and other compounds from mast cells and basophils. These are not immunologically mediated but clinical presentation may be same as anaphylaxis. Management is same as of anaphylaxis.
Anaesthetic drugs with minimal allergic reactions:
  • Opioids–synthetic opioids (e.g.fentanyl)
  • Preservative-free amide local anaesthetics
    Table 1.5   Pharmacological considerations in paediatric and geriatric patients
    Organ system
    Clinical effect
    Clinical effect
    Body water, lean body mass
    • More total body water content (large volume of distribution), decreased protein binding (decreased albumin, α-acid glycoprotein
    • Normal levels by 6 months of age
    • High dose of IV induction drugs needed
    • TBW reduced, increased body fat.
    • Loss of skeletal muscle (lean body mass)
    • Decreased protein binding
    • Decreased vol. of distribution means increased peak concn. of drug
    • Lipophilic drugs accumulate means more duration of action
    Central nervous system
    • Immature blood brain barrier, less response to hypoxia, hypercarbia
    • Sympathetic system not fully developed till 6–8 years
    • Decrease in neurons, neurotransmitters, decreased cerebral metabolism
    • Decrease in conduction velocity, myelination of neurons
    • Less dose of opioid, barbiturates, propofol, BZDs needed
    Cerebrospinal fluid
    • More CSF in spinal cord region. High CSF to body weight ratio
    • Greater blood flow to the spinal cord as compared with adults so rapid removal of LA from CSF
    • Less duration of spinal anaesthesia for the same LA dose as adult
    • Reduction in CSF volume, closure of intervertebral foramina, increased epidural compliance
    • High epidural block for same volume of LA as adult
    • Unable to concentrate urine, GFR up to 90% of adult value by 1 year of age
    • Decreased GFR, concentrating ability
    • Loss of glomeruli.
    • Tubular excretion declines, therefore renal clearance of drugs and metabolites prolonged
    • Increased duration of drugs dependent on renal excretion
    Autonomic system
    • Immature sympathetic autonomic system, and compensatory reduction in vagal efferent activity
    • Minimal hemodynamic changes after central neuraxial block
    • Decreased sensitivity of baroreceptors
    • Endogenous β-blockade
    • Adrenergic drugs have less effects on myocardial contractility, conduction velocity
  • 18Volatile anaesthetics
  • Ketamine/etomidate
  • Midazolam.
So, it would mean that we can prefer the above drugs and minimise the incidence of allergic reactions. Above drugs have no mention of skeletal muscle relaxants as relaxants constitute majority of allergic reactions in anaesthesia practice.
Drug effects are also influenced by the age of patient. It is, sometimes, difficult to assess whether the effects are normal, i.e. physiological or due to some underlying pathology. Most pharmacological studies are based on non-pregnant adult healthy patients. The readers should consider the age-related changes in body physiology before deciding upon the appropriate drug. A brief description of organ system physiology in paediatric, geriatric patients regarding anaesthetic drugs, is given in Table 1.5.
The proper use of any drug requires theoretical knowledge, clinical experience and a readiness to expect an unpredictable drug effect.