Airway Management Geetanjali S Verma
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Air mucosal interface 258260
Airtraq 148f
alert form 226, 281
anatomy of 1, 17f
assessment 54
cart, contents of difficult 216
clinical evaluation of 54
confirmation techniques of secured 190
considerations in ambulatory setting 252
control, types of 246
descriptions of difficult 211
devices, supraglottic 102
difficult 199fc, 211, 216, 221
access to 221
algorithm 218fc
assessment 67
management 82, 213
pathologies 212
equipment 102
standardization of 251
evaluation, copur scale for 64
examination 55
component 212
components of preoperative 212
exchange catheters 251
for extubation 251
extubation over supraglottic 223
fire 246, 248
management of 249
risk of 247
guidelines for difficult 250
inability to protect 221
innervation of upper 88f
laser surgery for 248
management 226, 255
advances in 250
follow-up after difficult 225
techniques for difficult 217
manipulation, responses to 51
nasopharyngeal 102, 216
obstruction 165, 220
causes 165
management 165
prevention 165
oropharyngeal 102, 103, 103f, 194, 216
pressure 235f-237f
bilevel positive 229
high peak 209
release ventilation 239, 240f
related nerve blocks 255
resources 251
surgeries 246
tests for assessment of 58
tone, loss of 216
ultrasonography 254
clinical applications of 255
Alfentanil 77
Allergy, latex 52
Alveolar arterial PO2 gradient 45
Alveolar carbon dioxide tension 50
Alveolar damage, diffuse 244
Alveolar gas equation 42
Alveolar oxygen
concentration 70
tension 50
Ambu laryngeal mask 116
airway 116fc
American Society of Anesthesiologists 211, 225
Amikacin 245
Aminobenzoate 85
Anesthesia 30
alternative 274
managing 215
stages of 79
Anesthetic pharmacology 68
Anesthetic technique, aims of 246
Anesthetizing airway for awake intubation 80
Ankylosing spondylitis 54
Anticholinergic drugs 83
Antifogging system 253
cephalosporin 245
fluoroquinolone 245
A-O gap See Atlanto-occipital gap
Aortic body 35
Apert syndrome 55, 212, 213
Apneic mass movement oxygenation 71
Apneustic center 33
APRV See Airway pressure release ventilation
Arndt wire guided endobronchial blocker 204
Arrhythmia 211
Arterial blood gases 215
Arterial oxygen
content 50, 70
saturation 50
tension 50
Arterial-venous oxygen content 50
Artery pressure, pulmonary 37, 38
Arthritis 54
Arytenoid cartilage 6, 7
Aspiration 52, 166
acid 99
anesthetic factors 98
device factor 99
effects of 99
methods to prevent 99
particulate 99
patient factors 98
prevention of 79, 98
prophylaxis 83
pulmonary 220
risk of 107, 274
surgical factors 98
Atelectasis 262
absorptive 244
compression 263
Atlanto-occipital gap 63
Atlanto-occipital joint
assessment 59f
extension 58
Atomizers 86
Atracurium 52, 76
Atropine 83
Automatic tube compensation 241
Awake intubation
advantages of 80
indications for 80
preparation for 81
Azygos vein arches 15
Back maneuver 72, 73
Bag-mask ventilation 66
difficult 212
Bag-valve-mask connector 180
options 180
Balloon dilatation technique 187
Barometric pressure 50
Barotrauma 243
Baska mask 126, 126f
advantages 127
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 212, 213
Benzocaine 85
Benzonatate 86
Bioimpedance cardiography 131
Bizzarri-Giuffrida blade 136
flow, distribution of 38
gas 65
pulmonary 196
supply 3, 9
Body oxygen stores 69
Bohr's effect 44
Bohr's equation derivation 27
Bohr's method 26
Bonfils retromolar intubation fiberscope 254
Bowen-Jackson blade 136
Brachiocephalic veins 14
Bradycardia 52, 94
causes of 94
central control 31
curve, work of 31f
deep 70, 71
regulation and control of 31
work of 30
Bridging extubation, options for 251
Bromothymol blue test 192
Bronchial blocker 203, 208f
within single-lumen tube 208f
Bronchomalacia 214
Bronchopulmonary segments 16, 16f
Bronchoscopy, care after 173
Bronchospasm 163
Bronchus, main 14
Broyles’ ligament 7
Bryce Smith blade 138
Bucx blade 136
Bulb test 193
Bullard laryngoscope 252
Burns contractures 213
BURP maneuver 73
Callander-Thomas blade 136
Capillary distension 38
Capillary recruitment 38
Capnography, phases of 191f
Carbon dioxide transport 45
Carbon monoxide 47
diffusing capacity 47
Cardiac disease 96
Cardiac output 70
increasing 228
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema 261
Cardiovascular system 51
Carotid artery 94
Cartilages 5
Cefepime 245
Ceftazidime 245
Cells types 20
Central nervous system 51
Cephalometric radiography 65
Cerebral cortex 33
Cerebrovascular autoregulation 53
Cervical spine 57
injury 177
X-ray 63
Cervical vertebra 63
Cetacaine 85
Chandy's maneuver 111
Chloride shift 45f
Ciaglias multiple dilator technique 186
Ciprofloxacin 245
Classic laryngeal mask airway 107f
advantages of 107
Clonidine 53
C-MAC system 147f
Cobra perilaryngeal airway 106, 120, 120f
advantages 121
disadvantages 121
insertion technique 121
Cocaine 84
Combitubes 127, 128f
advantages 129
alternate technique 129
contraindications 129
conventional technique 128
disadvantages 129
indications 129
insertion technique 128
Comet tail artefact 259, 260
Complete fiberoptic bronchoscopy 202f
Complete preoxygenation 71
Compliance 27
curve 28f
Congenital pathology 212
identifying difficulties in 213
Consciousness lost 79
Continuous positive
airway pressure 240f
pressure ventilation device 229f
Conus elasticus 176
Cook airway exchange catheter 150f
false 7
true 7
Corniculate cartilages 7
Coronary artery disease 85
Coughing 54
breath holding 220
Cricoid cartilage 6, 13, 177, 255, 259, 259f
Cricoid pressure 72, 73, 73f
complications of 74
blood vessels 179
membrane 10, 176, 255, 259f
muscle 11, 95
Cricothyroidotomy 134
Cricothyrotomy 176
anatomical consideration 176
contraindications 177
indications 177
traditional surgical 181
tubes 130
Crouzon syndrome 212, 214
CTA See Comet tail artefact
inflation and securing tube 183
management 134
pressure 209
Cuneiform 7
Dead space 24, 25f
alveolar 24
anatomical 24
gas volume 50
measurement of 25
physiologic 50
types 24
Decubitus position, lateral 195
Desflurane 78
Dessication 83
Diabetes mellitus 54
Diffusion hypoxia 78
Diltiazem 53
Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine 20
Dorsal medullary respiratory neurones 31
Double lumen tubes 134, 199, 202f, 209
insertion technique 199
left-sided 201f, 202f
parts of
left-sided 200f
right-sided 200f
right-sided 201f
Down's syndrome 212, 214
Drugs 100
Dysphagia 123
Dysphonia 123
Dyspnea, causes of 256
Ecchymosis 209
Edema, pulmonary 228, 256
Endobronchial catheter 203
Endobronchial intubation 164, 172
Endotracheal intubation 109, 157
Endotracheal tube 130, 130f, 158, 173, 187, 248
alternatives for standard 131
complications of 131
cuff 157
of appropriate size 155
standard 130
End-pulmonary capillary oxygen content 50
Enflurane 78
Enterobacteriaceae 244
EPAP See Expiratory positive airway pressure
Epiglottis 7, 90, 255, 257, 258
Epistaxis 162
Eschmann introducer 149
Esophageal detector device 193, 193f
Esophageal diseases 98
Esophageal intubation 163
Esophageal sphincter, incompetent lower 98
Esophageal tracheal combitube 127
Esophagus 255, 260, 260f
Ethmoidal nerve
anterior 88
block, anterior 90
Etomidate 74, 75
Excitation, stage of 79
Expiratory lung volume 240f
Expiratory muscles 27
Expiratory positive airway pressure 229
Extubation 219
adverse responses to 219
complications of routine 220
identifying high-risk 220
initial plan 219
of difficult airway 222
of high-risk patients 222
over fiberoptic bronchoscope 223
over tracheal tube exchange catheter 224
planning 222
normal 219
postpone 225
preparing for 222
prevention of adverse responses 219
simple algorithm for planning 221
standard 223
strategies, recommended 251
unintended 220
Face mask 155, 229f
Facies-Pierre-Robin syndromes 55
Fasciculations 52
Fentanyl 53, 77
Fenum end tidal CO2 detector 191f
Fetal condition 274
Fiberoptic bronchoscope 87, 167, 169, 202f, 207
common difficulties 172
complications 172
components of 167, 167f
contraindications 169
indications 168
physiology 168
related to 172
technique of usage 170
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy 201
examination 170
Fiberoptic intubation
advantages of 172
causes of 173
failure of 173
Fiberoptic orotracheal intubation 170f, 171f
Fiberoptic-aided method 207f
Finger breadth test 61
Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope 82
Flexible fiberscope 253
Flexible laryngeal mask airway 110f
Flow volume loops 48, 49f
Focal B-lines 262
Fogarty catheter 205
placement 205
Fogarty embolectomy catheter 208f
Foreign body aspiration 213
Fowler's method 25, 26f
Fraction inspired oxygen 50
Fresh gas flow 70
Functional residual capacity 22, 69f, 240f
Gas exchange 41
Gastric acid production, increased 99
Gastric emptying
decreased 99
delayed 98
Gastric filling, increased 99
Gastric tube placement 256
Gastric volume, reducing 99
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 54
Gentamicin 245
Glidescope 147f, 253
Glossopharyngeal nerve 88, 90, 93f
block 92, 92f, 93f
Glottic web 213
Glottis 7
Glycopyrrolate 83
Goldenhar syndrome 212, 214
Griggs technique 187
Guedel airway 102
Gum elastic bougie 149, 150f
Haemophilus influenzae 244
Halothane 78
hepatitis 79
Hemangioma 213
Hemodynamic changes 220
Hemoglobin 43, 45
concentration 48
Hering-Breuer reflex 34
Hofmann elimination 79
Huffman prism 139
Hunter's syndrome 212
Hurler's syndrome 212
Hydralazine 53
Hyoid bone 5, 255, 257, 258
greater cornu of 94f
sonogram of 256f
Hyoid cartilage 259f
Hypercapnia 35
Hypercarbia 244
Hypertension 211
Hypocapnia 35
Hypopharynx 1, 255
Hypoplastic mandible 212
Hypotension 94
Hypoxemia 211
Hypoxia, causes of 256
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 197t
ICA See Internal carotid artery
I-gel 122, 122f
advantages 123
deciding size of 124t
disadvantages 123
insertion technique 123
uses 123
ILA See Intubating laryngeal airway
Infection 213
Inflammatory cytokines 244
Inhalational agents 53, 197
Inhalational induction 77
Inhaled air passes 23
Inspiration 24
Inspiration/expiration ratio 238
flow rate 238
lung volume 240f
muscles 27
positive airway pressure 229
Inspired oxygen level 238
Insufflation techniques 247
Internal carotid artery 260
Interstitial syndrome 261
cardiogenic 261
noncardiogenic 262
Intracranial pressure 53
increased 87, 220
access 155
induction 75
Intubating introducers 149
and stylets 148
Intubating laryngeal airway 117, 118f
difficult 212, 217
drugs for 75
failed 160, 211
strategy for 217
stylets, lighted 254
technique, related to 172
IPAP See Inspiratory positive airway pressure
Isoflurane 78
Jet ventilation 247
Jugular veins, anterior 14
Ketamine 74, 75
Khan's blade 136
Kiesselbach's plexus 3
King vision 148f
Klippel-Feil sequence 214
Klippel-Feil syndrome 55
Labetalol esmolol 53
Laplace's law 20
Laryngeal cavity 7
Laryngeal edema 165
causes 165
management 165
Laryngeal incompetence 220
Laryngeal mask airway 106, 109t, 113, 113f, 115t, 153, 199, 260
classic 107
disposable 115
Fastrach intubating 109, 110f
flexible 109
indications/applications of 115
intubating 82
limitations of classic 108
proseal 111
supreme 113
Laryngeal nerve
block, superior 92, 94f
recurrent 11, 95
superior 11, 92
Laryngeal trauma 220
Laryngeal tube 106, 118
suction 118, 119, 119f
Laryngomalaia 214
Laryngopharynx 5, 6f
Laryngoscope 135, 139, 155
blades 136
historic aspect 135
left-handed 136
mirrored 139
parts of 135, 135f
and intubation, regular 156
difficult 211
direct 60
grading 63
technique of direct 156
Laryngospasm 163
Larynx 92, 255
adult female 5
adult male 5
blood supply of 10f
depicting cricothyroid membrane, anatomy of 176f
extrinsic muscles of 8, 8f
infraglottic 7
internal muscles of 9f
intrinsic musculature of 9
subglottic 7
Laser resistant tracheal tubes 133
Laser tubes 133, 134
types of 134
Layngopharynx 1
Lemon airway assessment 62
Levofloxacin 245
Lidocaine 84
Light bulb, variations with 136
Lighted stylet 151, 152f
Lingual branch 90
Lips 57
LMA See Laryngeal mask airway
Local anesthetic 85
absorption 84
LRTT See Laser resistant tracheal tubes
Lung 15, 15f, 202f, 255
bronchial blocker
left 208f
right 208f
contusion 262
causes for 262
functions in 20
isolation of 195
nondependent 196, 209, 210
nonventilated 209
separation 199fc
sequence for 208f
surgery, left and right 201f
ultrasonography 261
volume 240
after mechanical expiration 240f
and capacities 21, 21f
primary 21
Lung-chest wall pressure–volume curve 28f
Macroglossia 212
Mainstem bronchus 209
left 207f
Mallampati 64
classification 58f
test 58
Mandibular angle and hyoid bone, relation of 63
Mandibular protrusion test 57
Mandibular space 59
Mandibulohyoid distance 63
Manubriosternal junction 13
Mask ventilation, controlled 216
Maxillary nerve, cranial nerve 89
Maxillofacial trauma 177
McCoy blade 141
McMorrow-Mirakhur mirrored laryngo-scope 139
Measles stomatitis 213
Medullary depression, stage of 79
Medullary respiratory center 31
Membrane location, confirmation of 182
Metochlopramide 100
Micrognathia 212
Microlaryngoscopy tubes 247
Midazolam 75
Midface hypoplasia 212
Miller blade 141f
Minimal alveolar concentration 77
Mivacurium 52, 76
Mnemonics 66
Morphine 77
Mucopolysaccharidoses 212
Muscle 8
aryepiglottic 9
cricothyroid 9
lateral cricoarytenoid 9
oblique arytenoid 9
posterior cricoarytenoid 9
sternohyoid 8, 13
sternothyroid 8, 13
strap 258260
stylopharyngeus 8
thyroarytenoid 9
thyroepiglottic 8
thyrohyoid 8
transverse arytenoid 9
vocalis 9
Nasal approach 90
Nasal cavity 88
damage to 162
innervation of 88f
right 91f
Nasal intubation 158
complications with 162
contraindications 158
indications 158
method 158
Nasal packing 89
Nasopharyngeal airway 104, 105f
Nasopharynx 1, 2f, 88
Nasotracheal intubation 4, 159f
Nasotracheal tube 90
Nausea/vomiting 74
Nebulizers 87
Neck 57
flexion, severe 216
Needle cricothyrotomy 178, 178f
technique 178
Nerve 10
anterior ethmoidal 88f
blocks 87
injury 165
detection 165
innervating larynx 10f
olfactory 88f
trigeminal 88f
Neuromuscular blocking agents 74, 76
Nicardipine 53
Nitroglycerin 53, 197
Nitroprusside 53
Nitrous oxide 78
No-drop technique 183
Non-laryngeal mask airway 116
Nonstriated trachealis muscle 13
Nonventilated lung, bronchus of 208
Nose 2, 55
blood supply of 3f
functions of 2
nerve supply of 4f
Nostrils, patency of 55, 55f
Obesity 30, 274
pregnancy 70
Olfactory nerve 89
One lung anesthesia, high risk of 195
One lung ventilation 195, 196f, 209
initiating 198
principles of using 198
techniques of 198
Opioids 77
Optical intubating stylets 254
airway 155
approach 89
cavity 57
endotracheal intubation 157
intubation, traditional method of 156f
Oropharyngeal balloon 128
Oropharynx 1, 4, 5f, 90, 255
Osteoarthritis 54
Ovassapian airway 103, 104f
pharyngeal surface of 171f
Oxford blade 138
cascade 41, 42, 42f
consumption 50, 70
dissociation curve 43, 44f
saturation, measurement of 215
source 155
toxicity 244
transport 43
tubing 180
connector options 180
Oxyscope laryngoscope 136
Palm print 61
sign 62f
Pancuronium 76
Paranasal sinuses 3, 3f
Patil's test 59
Pediatric airway
anatomy 17f
assessment 64
Pediatric blades 138
Percutaneous dilatation
cricothyrotomy 180
tracheostomy 185, 186
technique of 186f
Percutaneous transtracheal jet ventilation 179
Periglottic injury 223
Peripheral chemoreceptors 35
Pethidine 77
Pfeiffer syndrome 212, 214
Pharyngeal branch 92
Pharynx 1, 92
airway 126t
parts of 1, 2f
Pierre Robin syndrome 215
Pneumonia 262
ventilator associated 244
Pneumotaxic center 33
Pneumothorax 261
diagnosis of 256
Polio blade 155
Polysomnography 66
Positive end-expiratory pressure 238
Positive-pressure ventilation 52, 106, 240f
Potential cervical pathology 80
Prayer sign 61, 62f
Pre-epiglottic space 257, 258
Preformed tubes 132, 133f
applications 133
limitations 133
Preoxygenation 68, 69
efficacy of 70
efficiency of 70
techniques of 71
regulated volume control 239
ventilation, negative 230
Propofol 53, 74, 75
Proseal laryngeal mask airway 111f, 113t
Proton pump inhibitors 101
Pulmonary embolism 262, 263
confirmed 263
probable 263
Pulmonary function testing 48
RAE tube See Ring-Adair-Elwyn tube
Range of movement 65
Rapid sequence induction 72
Rapid sequence intubation 72
complications of 74
technique of 73
Regurgitation, risk of 223
Reinforced tubes 131, 132f
applications 132
limitations 132
Remifentanil 77
Renin-angiotensin system, activation of 52
centers for regulation of 32f
receptors for regulation of 34
formulas 50
function tests 215
mechanics 27
muscles 27
neurones, ventral medullary 32
pattern terminology 23
portion 4
quotient 50
rate 238
system 51
function of 19
structure of 19
tubes 24
Retrograde intubation 159
complications with 163
indications 159
method 160
steps in 160f
Retropharyngeal abscess 213
Rheumatoid arthritis 54
Rigid fiberoptic bronchoscopes, indirect 252
Rima glottidis 7
Ring-Adair-Elwyn tube 132, 133f
Robertshaw blade 141f
Rocuronium 74, 76, 155
Rusch viewmax laryngoscope 139
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome 212
Samsoon and young's modification 58
SCM See Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Scopolamine 83
Scoring systems 61
Sedation/hypnotics 83
Seldinger technique 176, 180
Sellick's maneuver 1, 72
Selmon's law 12
chemoreceptors 35
mechanoreceptors 34
Septal abscesses 162
Sevoflurane 53, 78
Shark Finn appearance in capnography 164f
Shikani optical stylet 254
Shunt 46
equation 46, 47f
intrapulmonary 50
Siker laryngoscopes 139
Simulation, role of 252
Single graduated dilator technique 187
Single lumen tube 169, 207, 208f
Skin incision, vertical 182
apnea syndrome 54
studies 66
SLIPA See Streamlined liner of pharynx airway
Snoring 54
citrate 100
thiopentone 74
Soft palate 90
Soft seal laryngeal mask 117
Sore throat 165
Sphenoid bone 90
Sphenopalatine nerve block 89, 90f
Spina bifida 52
Spinal fusion 213
Spontaneous inspiration 240f
Square wave flow 236f
SSLM S Soft seal laryngeal mask
Standard insertion technique 108
Staphylococcus aureus 244
Static compliance 29f
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 260
Sternomental distance 60f
Stomach 255
Streamlined liner of pharynx airway 124, 124f
advantages 125
disadvantages 126
Streptococcus pneumoniae 244
Stylet 150, 151f
Styrene ethylene butadiene styrene 122
Subclavian artery, right 95
Subglottic jet ventilation 248
Subglottic stenosis 213
high-risk for 177
Succinylcholine 52, 74, 76
Supraglottic airway devices 67, 106, 107, 116, 251
first-generation 106
second-generation 107
Supraglottic devices, newer 254
Supraglottic jet ventilation 247
Suprasternal notch, level of 260f
Surgery, proceed with 274t
Surgical airway 175
cricothyrotomy 175
placement 67
tracheostomy 175
Surgical anesthesia, stage of 79
Surgical cricothyrotomy 178, 181, 182f
complications 184
no-drop technique 181
rapid four-step technique 183
Syringe test 193
Systemic arterial pressure 53
Tachycardia 52, 211
Temporomandibular joint 54, 56
assessment 56f
disease 213
Tension pneumothorax 165
management 165
X-ray 165
Terminate spontaneous breathing trial 242
Theoretical spirometric tracing 240f
Thiopentone 53, 75
test 191
Thoracic vertebra 13
Thoracoabdominal aneurysm 199
Thumb insertion technique 109
Thyrocervical trunk 9
Thyrohyoid membrane 258, 258f
artery, inferior 9
cartilage 6, 7, 10, 257, 258
superior cornu of 94f
gland 260, 260f
veins, inferior 13
Thyromental distance 60f
Tidal volume 238
breathing 70, 71
Tobramycin 245
Tongue 255, 257
branch 90, 92
hypertrophy 213
Tonsils 92
Topicalization 84
Trachea 13, 95, 202f, 255, 259f, 260, 260f
bifurcates 14
Tracheal and
endobronchial intubation 256
esophageal intubation 256
Tracheal carina 203
Tracheal cartilage 240, 259
Tracheal hook, insertion of 183
Tracheal intubation 51f, 154
complications 161
difficult 211
management after failed 276t
reversible 224
sonomatic device for 194f
Tracheal stenosis 166, 243
prevention 166
Tracheal trauma 220
Tracheal tube displacement, precautions to prevent 194
Tracheobronchitis 244
Tracheoesophageal lumen 128
Tracheomalacia 214
Tracheostomy 134, 185, 187
airway maintenance 185
complications 188
contraindications 185
elective 225
high 175
indications 185
insertion technique 187
intraoperative complications 188
open 185
postoperative complications 189
prolonged ventilation 185
technique 188
tube 130
insertion of 183
Trachlight 152, 152f
Translaryngeal anesthesia 96f, 97f
Transtracheal jet
techniques 248
ventilation 82, 179
TRC See Tracheal cartilage
Treacher Collins syndrome 55, 215
Trigeminal nerve 4, 88
Trisomy 21 214
exchanger 149
left-sided 202f
position, confirmation of 183
Tulip airway 121f
device 121
advantages 122
disadvantages 122
Tull blade 136
Tumor 262
Two lung ventilation 196f
Typical disposable atomizer 86f
Ultrasonography, advantages of 254
Univent tube 206, 206f
placement 207
Upper cervical vertebral fusion 214
Upper lobe
left 200
right 199, 200
Upsher scope 253
Uvula 65
Vagus nerve 11, 34, 52, 88
Vancomycin 245
Vasodilators 197
Vasovagal reaction 94
Vecuronium 53, 76, 155
Venous oxygen
content, mixed 50
saturation, mixed 50
tension, mixed 50
Venous oxyhemoglobin saturation 68
Ventilation 23, 275
airways 23
and perfusion, distribution of 39
application 228
assist/control 236f
complications 243
continuous positive pressure 228
control 246
mode 235f
difficult 217
inadequate 227
initiating 231
invasive 231
mechanical 243
mode of 227, 238
basic classification 227
newer modes of 239
noninvasive 227
distribution 40f
relationships 39
respiratory 243
strategies 227
volume control 238
Ventricular transmural pressure, left 228
Verapamil 53
Vertebral body 260
Video laryngoscope 142, 253
types of 143t
Video Macintosh intubation laryngoscope 253
Videolaryngoscopy, role of 250
Viewmax blade 142f
Vocal cord 95, 255
palsy 11
types of 12f
Volutrauma 243
Vomiting 52
Weaning mechanical ventilation 241
Wheezing 54
Zenker's diverticulum 261
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Understanding the Basics1

Geetanjali S Verma
Geetanjali S Verma
The important anatomy to the airway consists of the relationship of pharynx to its surrounding structures, larynx and mobility of tissues.
Extension: Sphenoid bone to C6
12 to 15 cm long
It is widest at the level of the hyoid bone (5 cm) and narrowest at the level of the esophagus (1.5 cm), which is the most common site for obstruction after foreign body aspiration.
Lies parallel to vertebra, covered by anterior/longitudinal ligament and fascial layers beneath mucosa and constrictor muscles. The retropharyngeal space (between superficial buccopharyngeal fascia and prevertebral fascia) permits free movement of pharynx during deglutition. Retropharngeal abscesses may infiltrate to superior mediastinum through here.
Parts (Fig. 1)
  • Nasopharynx: Extends from skull base to soft palate at caudal aspect of C1
  • Oropharynx: Extension of nasopharynx to caudal aspect of C3; also involves anterior 1/3 to posterior 2/3rd of tongue
  • Layngopharynx (hypopharynx): Merges with esophagus at C6, where the cricopharyngeus encircles the esophagus to form its upper sphincter (similar function of Sellick's maneuver in anesthetized patients).
Anterioriorly opens into choanae, nasal passages, and nostrils (Fig. 2).2
zoom view
Fig. 1: Parts of pharynx.
zoom view
Fig. 2: Nasopharynx.
The nose: The nose is divided into two nasal fossae which extend uo to 10 to 14 cm from the nostrils to the nasopharynx. The two fossae are divided by a cartilaginous septum. The nasal septum is composed of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone descending from the cribriform plate, septal cartilage, and the vomer.
Disruption of the cribriform plate (due to facial trauma/head injury) may allow direct communication with the anterior fossa. Use of positive-pressure mask ventilation in such conditions may lead to the entry of bacteria or foreign material, causing meningitis or sepsis. Also there is a probability of nasal airways, nasotracheal tubes, and nasogastric tubes being introduced into the subarachnoid space.
zoom view
Fig. 3: Blood supply of nose.
zoom view
Fig. 4: Paranasal sinuses.
Blood Supply (Fig. 3)
  1. Ethmoid branches of the ophthalmic artery
  2. Sphenopalatine and greater palatine branches of the maxillary artery
  3. Superior labial and lateral nasal branches of the facial artery.
Kiesselbach's plexus, where these vessels anastomose, is situated in Little's area on the anterior-inferior portion of the nasal septum—a source of significant epistaxis.
Paranasal sinuses: Sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary, and frontal (Fig. 4).
These drain through apertures into the lateral wall of the nose.4
zoom view
Fig. 5: Nerve supply of nose.
Prolonged nasotracheal intubation has most often been associated with infection of the maxillary sinus as its drainage is hindered by the location of the ostia superiorly in the sinus promoting a chronic infectious process.
Nerve supply (Fig. 5): The olfactory area consists of the middle and upper septum and the superior turbinate bone, located in the upper third of the nasal fossa. The olfactory cells have specialized hairlike processes (olfactory hair) innervated by the olfactory nerve.
The respiratory portion is located in the lower third of the nasal fossa.
Trigeminal nerve (1st 2 divisions) supplies the nonolfactory sensory area.
The parasympathetic autonomic nerves reach the mucosa from the facial nerve after relaying through the sphenopalatine ganglion, and sympathetic fibers are derived from the plexus surrounding the internal carotid artery through the vidian nerve.
It starts below the soft palate, and extends to the superior edge of the epiglottis (Fig. 6).
Anterior wall is formed by the posterior third of the tongue.
During anesthesia or sedation with the patient in supine position, muscle relaxation + gravity = movement of base of the tongue toward the posterior oropharyngeal wall, causing airway obstruction. This is managed by use of oral airways or jaw lift.
The oropharynx opens to the oral cavity at the palatoglossal folds, marking the division between the anterior two-thirds and posterior one-third of the tongue. The palatoglossal folds make the fauces, which contain the tonsils.5
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Fig. 6: Oropharynx.
Hypertrophied tonsils can cause a challenge during mask ventilation or intubation.
Anterior to the fauces is the oral cavity proper, separated from the vestibule by the teeth and gums. Prominent or bucked maxillary teeth can interfere with laryngoscopy and intubation.
Lies opposite C3-6 vertebrae
Consists of 3 paired and 3 unpaired cartilages, supporting muscles and membranes (Fig. 7).
Paired: Arytenoids, corniculate, cuneiform.
Unpaired: Epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid.
Adult male larynx
Adult female larynx
Transverse diameter
Sagittal diameter
Hyoid bone: U shaped, 2.5 cm wide, 1 cm thick, has greater and lesser horns (cornu).
It is attached to the styloid processes of the temporal bones by the stylohyoid ligament and to the thyroid cartilage by the thyrohyoid membrane and muscle. Intrinsic tongue muscles originate on the hyoid, and the pharyngeal constrictors are attached here.6
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Fig. 7: Laryngopharynx.
Thyroid Cartilage
Named so for its shield-like shape (from embryologic midline fusion of the two distinct quadrilateral laminae). In females, the sides join at approximately 120 degrees, and in males is approx 90 degrees (Adam's apple). The thyroid notch lies in the midline at the top of the fusion site of the two laminae. On the inner side of this fusion line are attached the vestibular ligaments and, below them, the vocal ligaments. The superior (greater) and inferior (lesser) cornu of the thyroid are the slender posteriorly directed extensions of the edges of the lamina. The lateral thyrohyoid ligament attaches the superior cornu to the hyoid bone, and the cricoid cartilage articulates with the inferior cornu at the cricothyroid joint. The movements of this joint are rotatory and gliding, which leads to changes in the length of the vocal folds.
Cricoid Cartilage
The tracheal rings connect to the cricoid by ligaments and muscles and it attaches to the thyroid cartilage by the cricothyroid membrane (a site for percutaneous or sugical cricothyroidotomy).
The superior thyroid artery, the superior and inferior thyroid veins and the jugular veins were reported to traverse the membrane.
Arytenoid Cartilage
These are shaped like three-sided pyramids, and they lie in the posterior aspect of the larynx. The base of the arytenoid is concave and articulates by a true diarthrodial joint with the superior lateral aspect of the posterior lamina of the cricoid cartilage. The lateral extension of the arytenoid base is called the muscular process, where intrinsic laryngeal muscles, lateral and posterior cricoarytenoids originate. The medial extension of the arytenoid 7base is called the vocal process. Vocal ligaments, the bases of the true vocal folds, extend from the vocal process to the midline of the inner surface of the thyroid lamina. Broyles’ ligament connects the vocal ligament to the thyroid cartilage and contains lymphatics and blood vessels (acts as a source for extension of laryngeal cancer outside the larynx).
It is shaped like a leaf and is found between the larynx and the base of the tongue.
The upper border of the epiglottis is attached by its narrow tip to the midline of the thyroid cartilage by the thyroepiglottic ligament. The hyoepiglottic ligament connects the epiglottis to the back of the body of the hyoid bone. The mucous membrane that covers the anterior aspect of the epiglottis sweeps forward to the tongue as the median glossoepiglottic fold and to the pharynx as the paired lateral pharyngoepiglottic folds. The pouch-like areas found between the median and lateral folds are the valleculae (site of impaction of foreign body)
Cuneiform and Corniculate Cartilages
The epiglottis is connected to the arytenoid cartilages by the laterally placed aryepiglottic ligaments and folds. Two sets of paired fibroelastic cartilages are embedded in each aryepiglottic fold. The sesamoid cuneiform cartilage is roughly cylindrical and lies anterosuperior to the corniculate in the fold. The cuneiform may be seen laryngoscopically as a whitish elevation through the mucosa. The cuneiform and corniculate cartilages reinforce and support the aryepiglottic folds and may help the arytenoids move.
Laryngeal Cavity
Extends from the laryngeal inlet to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage. It consists of the superiorly placed vestibular folds (false cords), and vocal folds (true vocal cords). The space between the true cords is called the rima glottidis, or the glottis. The glottis is divided into two parts—anterior intermembranous section (situated between the two vocal folds) and posterior intercartilaginous part (which passes between the two arytenoid cartilages and the mucosa, stretching between them in the midline posteriorly, forming the posterior commissure of the larynx).
The area extending from the laryngeal inlet to the vestibular folds is known as the vestibule or supraglottic larynx. The laryngeal space from the free border of the cords to the cricoid cartilage is called the subglottic or infraglottic larynx.
The region between the vestibular folds and the glottis is termed the ventricle or the sinus. The ventricle may expand anterolaterally to a pouch-like area with many lubricating mucous glands called the laryngeal saccule. The pyriform sinus lies laterally to the aryepiglottic fold within the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage.8
Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
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Fig. 8: Extrinsic muscles of larynx.
Indirect depressor of the larynx
Cervical plexus
Ansa hypoglossi
C1, C2, C3
Depresses the larynx Modifies the thyrohyoid and aryepiglottic folds
Same as above
Same as above
Cervical plexus Hypoglossal nerve C1, C2
Mucosal inversion of aryepiglottic fold
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Assists folding of thyroid cartilage
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor
Assists in swallowing
Vagus, pharyngeal plexus
Source: Benumof JL: Airway Management—Principles and Practice.
Intrinsic Musculature of the Larynx (Fig. 9)
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Fig. 9: Internal muscles of larynx.
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Abductor of vocal cords
Recurrent laryngeal
Lateral cricoarytenoid
Adducts arytenoids closing glottis
Recurrent laryngeal
Transverse arytenoid
Adducts arytenoids
Recurrent laryngeal
Oblique arytenoid
Closes glottis
Recurrent laryngeal
Closes glottis
Recurrent laryngeal
Relaxes the cords
Recurrent laryngeal
Relaxes tension cords
Recurrent laryngeal
Tensor of the cords
Superior laryngeal (external branch)
Source: Benumof JL: Airway Management—Principles and Practice.
The external carotid gives rise to the superior thyroid artery, which bifurcates, forming the superior laryngeal artery. This artery courses with the superior laryngeal nerve through the thyrohyoid membrane to supply the supraglottic region.
The inferior thyroid artery (from thyrocervical trunk), terminates as the inferior laryngeal artery. This vessel travels in the tracheoesophageal groove with the recurrent laryngeal nerve and supplies the infraglottic larynx. There are extensive connections with the ipsilateral superior laryngeal artery and across the midline. A small cricothyroid artery may branch from the superior thyroid and cross the cricothyroid membrane. It most commonly travels near the inferior border of the thyroid cartilage.10
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Fig. 10: Blood supply of larynx.
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Fig. 11: Nerves innervating larynx.
The main nerves of the larynx are the recurrent laryngeal nerves and the internal and external branches of the superior laryngeal nerves (from 11vagus nerve). The external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve supplies motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscle. All other motor supply to the laryngeal musculature is provided by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve also provides sensory innervation to the larynx below the vocal cords.
There is an intimate and important relationship between the nerves that supply the larynx and the vessels that supply the thyroid gland.
The external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve descends over the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx immediately deep to the superior thyroid artery and vein as these pass to the superior pole of the gland; at this site the nerve may be damaged in securing these vessels (Figs. 12A and B).
The glottic chink appears oblique during phonation. The aryepiglottic fold on the affected side appears shortened and the one on the normal side is lengthened. The cords may appear wavy. The symptoms include frequent throat clearing and difficulty in raising the vocal pitch. A total bilateral paralysis of vagus nerves affects the recurrent laryngeal nerves and the superior laryngeal nerves. In this condition, the cords assume the abducted, cadaveric position. The vocal cords are relaxed and appear wavy. A similar picture may be seen following the use of muscle relaxants.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve, as it ascends in the tracheoesophageal groove, is overlapped by the lateral lobe of the thyroid gland, and here comes into close relationship with the inferior thyroid artery as this passes medially, behind the common carotid artery, to the gland. The artery may cross posteriorly or anteriorly to the nerve, or the nerve may pass between the terminal branches of the artery. On the right side, there is an equal chance of locating the nerve in each of these three situations; on the left, the nerve is more likely to lie posterior to the artery.
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Fig. 12A: Position of vocal cords during phonation and inspiration.Source: Hodder Headline PLC, London.
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Fig. 12B: Diagrammatic representation of different types of vocal cord palsies. Note that in complete bilateral recurrent laryngeal palsy (bottom), vocal cords remain in the abducted position and the glottic opening is preserved.Source: Hodder Headline PLC, London.
Injury to the recurrent nerve is an obvious hazard of thyroidectomy, especially since the nerve may be displaced from its normal anatomical location by a diseased thyroid gland. Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis may occur not only as a result of injury at thyroidectomy but also from involvement of the nerve by a malignant or occasionally benign enlargement of the thyroid gland, by enlarged lymph nodes or by cervical trauma. The recurrent laryngeal nerve carries both abductor and adductor fibers to the vocal cords. The abductor fibers are more vulnerable, and moderate trauma causes a pure abductor paralysis (Selmon's law). Severe trauma causes both abductor and adductor fibers to be affected. Pure adductor paralysis does not occur as a clinical entity. In the case of pure unilateral abductor palsy, both cords meet in the midline on phonation (since adduction is still possible on the affected side). However, only the normal cord abducts during inspiration.13
In the case of complete unilateral palsy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, both abductors and adductors are affected. On phonation, the unaffected cord crosses the midline to meet its paralyzed counterpart, appearing to lie in front of the affected cord. On inspiration, the unaffected cord moves to full abduction. When abductor fibers are damaged bilaterally (incomplete bilateral damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve), the adductor fibers draw the cords toward each other and the glottic opening is reduced to a slit, resulting in severe respiratory distress. However, with a complete palsy, each vocal cord lies midway between abduction and adduction and a reasonable glottic opening exists. Thus, bilateral incomplete palsy is more dangerous than the complete variety.
The trachea extends from its attachment to the lower end of the cricoid cartilage, at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra, to its termination at the bronchial bifurcation In the preserved dissecting-room cadaver, this is at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra and the manubriosternal junction (the angle of Louis), but in the living subject in the erect position, the lower end of the trachea can be seen in oblique radiographs of the chest to extend to the level of the 5th, or in full inspiration the 6th, thoracic vertebra. In the adult, the trachea is 15 cm long, of which 5 cm lie above the suprasternal notch; this portion is somewhat greater (nearly 8 cm) when the neck is fully extended. The diameter of the trachea is correlated with the size of the subject; a good working rule is that it has the same diameter as the patient's index finger. The patency of the trachea is due to a series of 16–20 C-shaped cartilages joined vertically by fibroelastic tissue and closed posteriorly by the nonstriated trachealis muscle. The cartilage at the tracheal bifurcation is the keel-shaped carina, which is seen as a very obvious sagittal ridge when the trachea is inspected bronchoscopically. Should the sharp edge of the carina become flattened, this usually denotes enlargement of the hilar lymph nodes or gross distortion of the pulmonary anatomy by fibrosis, tumor or other pathology
The trachea lies exactly in the midline in the cervical part of its course but within the thorax it is deviated slightly to the right by the arch of the aorta. In the neck, it is covered anteriorly by the skin and by the superficial and deep fascia, through which the rings are easily felt. The 2nd to the 4th rings are covered by the isthmus of the thyroid where, along the upper border, branches of the superior thyroid artery join from either side. In the lower part of the neck, the edges of the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles overlap the trachea, which is here also covered by the inferior thyroid veins 14(as they stream downwards to the brachiocephalic veins), by the cross-communication between the anterior jugular veins and, when present, by the thyroidea ima artery, which ascends from the arch of the aorta or from the brachiocephalic artery. It is because of this close relationship with the brachiocephalic artery that erosion of the tracheal wall by a tracheostomy tube may cause sudden profuse hemorrhage. It is less common for the carotid artery to be involved in this way. On either side are the lateral lobes of the thyroid gland, which intervene between the trachea and the carotid sheath and its contents (the common carotid artery, the internal jugular vein and the vagus nerve). Posteriorly, the trachea rests on the esophagus, with the recurrent laryngeal nerves lying on either side in a groove between the two. The close relationship of the unsupported posterior tracheal wall and the esophagus is revealed during esophagoscopy. The thoracic part of the trachea descends through the superior mediastinum. Anteriorly, from above downwards, lie the inferior thyroid veins, the origins of the sternothyroid muscles from the back of the manubrium, the remains of the thymus, the brachiocephalic artery and the left common carotid arterya which separate the trachea from the left brachiocephalic vein and, lastly, the arch of the aorta. Posteriorly, as in its cervical course, the trachea lies throughout on the esophagus, with the left recurrent laryngeal nerve placed in a groove between the left borders of these two structures. On the right side, the trachea is in contact with the mediastinal pleura, except where it is separated by the azygos vein and the right vagus nerve. On the left, the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries, the aortic arch and the left vagus intervene between the trachea and the pleura; the altering relationships between the major arteries and the trachea are due to the diverging, somewhat spiral, course of the arteries from their aortic origins to the root of the neck. The large tracheobronchial lymph nodes lie at the sides of the trachea and in the angle between the two bronchi. In infants, these relationships are somewhat modified; the brachiocephalic artery is higher and crosses the trachea just as it descends behind the suprasternal notch. The left brachiocephalic vein may project upwards into the neck to form an anterior relation of the cervical trachea frightening encounter, if found tensely distended with blood when performing a tracheotomy on an asphyxiating baby. In children up to the age of 2 years, the thymus is large and lies in front of the lower part of the cervical trachea.
The trachea bifurcates in the supine cadaver at the level of the 4th thoracic vertebra into the right and left bronchi. In the erect position in full inspiration in life, the level of bifurcation is at T6. The right main bronchus is shorter, wider and more vertically placed than the left: shorter because it gives off its upper lobe bronchus sooner (after a course of only 2.5 cm); 15wider because it supplies the larger lung; and more vertically placed (at 25° to the vertical compared with 45° on the left) because the left bronchus has to extend laterally behind the aortic arch to reach its lung hilum. Thus, inhaled foreign bodies are more inclined to enter the wider and more vertical right bronchus than the narrower and more obliquely placed left. The right pulmonary artery is first below and then in front of the right main bronchus, and the azygos vein arches over it. The left main bronchus is 5 cm long. It passes under the aortic arch, in front of the esophagus, thoracic duct and descending aorta, and has the left pulmonary artery lying first above and then in front of it. Because the right upper lobe bronchus arises only a short distance below the carina, it is not possible to place a tube in that bronchus without the risk of obstruction of the lower lobe. To overcome this difficulty, right-sided endobronchial tubes have an orifice in the lateral surface of the tube that coincides with the opening of the right upper lobe. No special arrangement has to be made for tubes placed in the left bronchus, as the 5 cm distance between the carina and the left upper lobe bronchus leaves ample room for the cuffed end of an endobronchial tube.
The Lungs (Fig. 13)
Each lung is roughly conical, with an apex, a base, a lateral (or costal) and a medial surface and with three borders—anterior, posterior and inferior. Each lung lies freely within its pleural cavity apart from its attachments at the hilum. The right lung is the larger, weighing on average 620 g compared with 570 g on the left. The lung of the male is larger and heavier than that of the female. Each lung is divided by a deep oblique fissure, and the right lung is further divided by a transverse fissure. Thus, the right lung is trilobed and the left bilobed.
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Fig. 13: Lungs.
Bronchopulmonary Segments (Figs. 14A and B)
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Figs. 14A and B: Bronchopulmonary segments
Children (up to 1 year)
Carina cricoid distance
5-6 cm
10-20 cm
Right bronchus angle
30 (straighter)
Left bronchus angle
Narrowest part of airway
Glottic level
C3-4 interspace
Vocal cords
Omega shaped (long, anterior)
Corniculate/cuneiform tubercles
Glottic-epiglottic angle
Prominence of occiput
Large head (compared to body)
Breathing route
Mouth or nasal
Laryngoscope preferred
Straight blade
Curved blade
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Fig. 15A: Pediatric airway anatomy
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Fig. 15B: Adult airway anatomy.
Geetanjali S Verma
The nose, mouth and pharynx conduct air to the larynx, humidify and filter the air gases. The larynx aids phonation and conducts the gas into the trachea (18 mm diameter and 11 cm length).
It is lined with columnar ciliated epithelium and divides into the left and right major bronchi at the carina (T4). The bronchi divide 23 times in total (23 generations) (Fig. 16) in order to increase the surface area available for gas exchange. The first 16 generations are termed the conducting zone (no bronchi in his region take part in gas exchange and this forms the anatomical dead space). In an average adult the volume of this space is about 150 mL. From generation 17, small alveoli bud off the bronchi. Generation 17–23 is the respiratory zone where gas exchange occurs. The volume of this zone is about 2–3 liters and there are about 300 million alveoli present within an average lung.
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Fig. 16: Division of bronchi into 23 generations.
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Fig. 17: Chest X-ray depicting ETT in situ.
  • The endotracheal tube (ETT) in an adult should lie 1–2 cm superior to the carina (Fig. 17)
  • On an X-ray the carina is the point at which the trachea can be seen dividing into the right and left bronchi—around T4.
  1. Exchange of O2 and CO2
  2. Blood reservoir
  3. Heat exchange
  4. Metabolism—synthesis and catabolism
  5. Immunological and mechanical defence blood/gas barrier to diffusion ~50–80 m2 alveolar walls have two sides
    1. active side ~0.4 mm
    2. service side ~1–2 mm.
Bulk gas movement
Trachea to terminal bronchioles
Bulk gas movement
Limited gas exchange
Respiratory bronchioles
Alveolar ducts
Gas exchange
Alveolar sacs
Cells Types and Functions in the Lung
Type 1 alveolar cells: Derived from type II alveolar cells, provide a thin layer of cytoplasm which covers about 80% of the gas exchange zone. 0.1 mm thick, have 1 nm gap junctions, impermeable to albumin, allow extravasation of mf's—unable to divide—highly sensitive to hyperoxia.
Type II alveolar cells: These cells allow the formation of surfactant and other enzymes. They are rounded cells at septal junctions, resistant to hyperoxia.
Type III alveolar cells: These cells are the main lung defence system—alveolar macrophages.
A thin film of liquid lines the alveoli and the surface tension of this film is an important factor in the pressure-volume relationship of the lung. The surface tension arises because the attractive forces between adjacent molecules of the liquid are much stronger than those between the liquid and the gas. As a result of that the liquid surface area becomes as small as possible. At the interface between the liquid and the alveolar gas, intermolecular forces in the liquid tend to cause the area of the lining to shrink (the alveoli tend to get smaller). The surface tension contributes to the pressure-volume behavior of the lungs because when the lungs are inflated with saline they have much larger compliance that when they are filled with air (because saline abolishes the surface tension).
This generates a pressure predicted from Laplace's law:
Pressure = (4 × surface tension)/radius
the surface tension contributes a large part of the static recoil force of the lung (expiration).
The surface tension changes with the surface area: The larger the area, the smaller the surface tension.
Surfactant is stored in the lamellar bodies of type II alveolar cells and made up of phospholipids, plasma proteins and carbohydrate. It is an amphipathic molecule with a charged hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail.
Its major constituent is dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which is synthesized in the lung from fatty acids that are either extracted from the blood or are themselves synthesized in the lung.
Functions of surfactant are:
  • Reduces surface tension within the alveoli which helps to increase the compliance of the lung
  • Improves alveolar stability
  • Keeps alveoli dry by opposing water movement from the pulmonary interstitium.
Lung Volumes and Capacities (Fig. 18)
Primary lung volumes:
  1. Residual volume (RV)
  2. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
  3. Tidal volume (TV)
  4. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
Secondary derived capacities:
  1. Total lung capacity (TLC)
  2. Vital capacity (VC)
  3. Inspiratory capacity (IC)
  4. Functional residual capacity (FRC)
Lung volumes vary with age, sex, height and weight, and are formulated into normograms.
Residual volume (RV)
Volume of gas remaining in lungs after a forced expiration
15-20 mL/kg
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
Volume of gas forcefully expired after normal tidal expiration
15 mL/kg
Tidal volume (TV)
Volume of gas inspired and expired during normal breathing
6 mL/kg
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
Volume of gas inspired over normal tidal inspiration
45 mL/kg
Total lung capacity
Volume of gas in lungs at the end of maximal inspiration
80 mL/kg
Vital capacity
60-70 mL/kg
30 mL/kg
(Any 2 or more volumes added together make a capacity)
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Fig. 18: Lung volumes and capacities.
Functional Residual Capacity
The volume of gas left in the lungs at the end of normal tidal expiration
FRC acts as a buffer:
  1. Maintaining relatively constant A and a gas tensions with each breath
  2. Preventing rapid changes in alveolar gas with changes in ventilation or inspired gas, e.g. during induction or recovery from anesthesia
  3. Increasing the average lung volume during quiet breathing, reducing work of breathing due to shape of compliance curve.
Factors decreasing FRC:
Age, posture—supine position, anesthesia—muscle relaxants, surger—laparoscopic, pulmonary fibrosis/pulmonary edema, obesity, abdominal swelling, pregnancy—increased abdominal pressure.
Factors increasing FRC:
Increasing height of patient, erect position—diaphragm and abdominal organs less able to encroach upon bases of the lungs, emphysema—decreased elastic recoil of lung therefore less tendency of lung to collapse, asthma—air trapping.
  • Helium dilution
  • Body plethysmography
  • Nitrogen washout.
Closing Capacity (CC)
This is the volume at which the small airways close during expiration. Under normal circumstances the FRC is always greater than the CC however, if the FRC was to decrease then this would no longer be the case and the small airways may close at the end of normal tidal expiration. This leads to hypoxemia, atelectasis and worsening gas exchange due to increasing V/Q mismatch.
Closing capacity increases with age.
Typically closing capacity = FRC at the age of 66 years in the erect position or 44 years in the supine position (Fig. 19).23
Definition of Respiratory Pattern Terminology
“Good breathing”: continuous inspiratory and expiratory movement without interruption
“No breathing”: cessation of ventilatory effort at passive end-expiration (lung volume = FRC)
Cessation of ventilatory effort with lungs filled at TLC
Apneustic ventilation
Apneusis with periodic expiratory spasms
Ventilatory gasps interposed between periods of ventilation apnea; also “agonal ventilation”.
Airways and Airflow
Inhaled air passes through the conducting airways and eventually reaches the respiratory epithelium of the lungs. The trachea divides into right and left main bronchi, which in turn divide into lobar, then segmental 12 bronchi. 24This process continues down to the terminal bronchioles (the smallest airways without alveoli).
Since the conducting airways have no alveoli they do not take part in gas exchange but constitute the anatomical dead space (about 150 mL).
During inspiration, respiratory tubes are lengthened and dilated, especially in deep breathing. Since the airways serve as a barrier as well, harmful foreign material including most microorganisms can not easily enter the lower respiratory passages. The very first barrier starts at the vestibules of the nose, which contain hairs, and healthy, sticky mucus intercepting air-borne particles. Caught particles are then ejected by ciliated epithelium, which covers the entire upper respiratory tract.
The larynx and the bifurcation of the trachea are the most sensitive regions and any particles of foreign matter lodged in these regions are removed with a cough reflex.
The alveolated region of the lung includes respiratory bronchioles (divided from terminal bronchioles and have only occasional alveoli on their walls) and alveolar ducts (completely lined with alveoli). This zone is called respiratory zone and the gas exchange occurs here. The distance from the terminal bronchiole to the distal alveolus is only a few mm, but the respiratory zone makes up most of the lung (2.5–3 L).
Blood is brought to the other side of the blood-gas barrier from the right heart by pulmonary arteries, which also form a series of branching tubes leading to the pulmonary capillaries and back to the pulmonary veins. The capillaries lie in the walls of the alveoli and form a dense network that the blood continuously runs in the alveolar wall. At rest, all the capillaries are not open but when the pressure rises (e.g. exercise) recruitment of the closed capillaries occurs. The diameter of a capillary segment is about 10 micrometer (= size of RBC). The pulmonary artery receives the whole output of the right heart, but resistance of pulmonary circuit is very low. This enables the high blood flow to the circuit.
Dead space: volume of gas which does not take part in gas exchange (Figs. 20 and 21).
  1. Anatomical dead space: This includes any breathing system or airway plus mouth, trachea and the airways up until the start of the respiratory zone—does not take part in air exchange.
    The typical volume in an adult is about 150 mL.
  2. Alveolar dead space: This occurs when areas of the lung are being ventilated but not being perfused and this leads to what is known as V/Q mismatch.25
    zoom view
    Fig. 20: Dead space
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    Fig. 21: Dead space.
    Large increases in alveolar dead space commonly occur in the following conditions: pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and pulmonary embolism
  3. Physiological dead space = alveolar + anatomical dead space.
    Dead space is usually 30% of VT.
Measurement of Dead Space
  1. Fowler's method—tracer washout (Fig. 22)
    • Single breath analysis using an indicator gas (N2, CO2, O2, He) to mark the transition between dead space and alveolar gas
    • Following inspiration of 100% O2, a plot of VEXP vs. %[N2] gives wash-in phase26
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      Fig. 22: Fowler's method.
    • The mid-point of the wash-in (where area A = area B below) measures the transition from conducting airways to the transition from dead space to alveolar gas
    • In patients with nonuniform distribution of ventilation, i.e. regions of the lung with different time constants, a slow “wash-in” is seen and the method is inaccurate.
  2. Bohr's method—conservation of mass
    The Bohr equation: It is a complicated equation is based upon the fact that all CO2 comes from alveolar gas and the exhalation of CO2 can therefore be used to measure gas exchange or lack of gas exchange, if there is alveolar dead space (no perfusion of these alveoli).27
For each tidal volume there will be a proportion of dead space (anatomical) but the amount of gas that is left over should take part in gas exchange.
Abbreviations used in equation:
FACO2- Alveolar CO2
FeCO2- CO2 from mixed expired gases
VT- Tidal volume
VD- Dead space volume (physiological)
Bohr's Equation Derivation
But VA = VT - VD
Substituting: VT. FECO2 = (VT - VD). FACO2
Rearranging: VD. FACO2 = VT. FACO2 - VT. FECO2
= VT (FACO2 - FECO2)
Hence, VD/VT = (FACO2-FECO2)/FACO2
Or VD/VT = PaCO2 - PECO2/PaCO2
Respiratory Muscles
Inspiratory muscles
  • Diaphragm—has the ability to contact 10 cm in forced inspiration
  • External intercostals—pull the ribs up and forwards
  • Accessory inspiratory muscles—scalene muscles (elevate first 2 ribs) and sternomastoids (raise the sternum)
  • Muscles of neck and head (seen in small babies in respiratory distress).
Expiratory muscles
Expiration is usually passive and relies on the elastic recoil of the lungs and the chest wall.
Under anesthesia or extreme exercise, expiration may become active due to the activation of abdominal muscles. Muscles have their use in forced expiration.
  • Abdominal wall muscles—rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique
  • Internal intercostal muscles—pull ribs down and inwards.
Compliance (Figs. 23 and 24)
Elastic recoil is usually measured in terms of compliance.
Compliance is defined as the volume change per unit pressure change.
It is expressed in mL/cm H2O28
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Fig. 23: Lung-chest wall pressure–volume curve.
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Fig. 24A: Compliance curve.
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Fig. 24B: Static compliance.Source:
Compliance = ΔV/ΔP
It is classified into chest wall, lung or total lung compliance (distensibility).
Normally, it equals 200 mL/cm H2O
There are 2 types of compliance: static and dynamic
Static compliance is measured during plateau pressure.
Dynamic compliance varies and is calculated with measurement of tidal volume at a given intrathoracic pressure during which there is airflow through the lungs at any point during inspiration or expiration.
A variety of factors affect this like lung volume, pulmonary blood volume, extravascular lung water and pathological processes (inflammation, fibrosis)
Compliance can be measured by inserting an esophageal probe into a cooperative patient, the patient inhales and exhales to a set volume. At each volume the intrapleural pressure is estimated using the esophageal probe. A pressure volume curve can then be plotted. If during the measurement process no gas flow occurs at each set volume then this is static compliance. (Gas flow ceases and equilibration occurs.) If gas flow continues throughout measurement then this is dynamic compliance.
Compliance increases in old age and emphysema as elastic lung tissue is destroyed. It is decreased in pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary edema, atelectasis and in the extremes of lung volume.
Factors affecting compliance are:
Disease: In atelectasis, when the lung is relatively stiff, the point of balance (resting expiratory volume) will be reached at a lower lung volume, as there will be greater pull inwards; this will predispose to further atelectasis. The excessively compliant emphysematous lung has less elastic recoil; resting expiratory volume will then be greater, since the natural tendency for the chest wall to expand is maintained.
Age: The immature lung in the infant is less elastic than in adulthood. Elasticity is highest in young adults and it decreases slowly with advancing age—lung compliance is therefore lowest in young adults. Chest wall compliance is highest at birth and slowly declines with age.
Posture: Thoracic compliance is lower in the supine position, as the gravitational pull of the abdomen, which existed in the upright position, is reversed and the diaphragm is pushed into the chest by the abdominal contents.
Anesthesia: Several factors (supine position, airway closure, changes in intrathoracic blood volume, accumulation of fluid, direct effect of drugs, altered muscle tone, external pressure) influence compliance under anesthesia; generally compliance is decreased.
Obesity: The effect is compounded by supine or lithotomy position.
Work of Breathing
It is the work required by the respiratory muscles to overcome the mechanical impedance to respiration. It is the sum of work requires to overcome both elastic and airflow resistance.
The energy required for the work of breathing is mainly used in the process of inspiration as energy is required to overcome airway resistance, the elastic recoil of the tissues and the chest wall and tissue resistance. The energy stored within the elastic tissues is used to provide for expiration.
  • West describes the total work required to move the lung as OABCGO (Fig. 25)31
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    Fig. 25: Work of breathing curve.
  • With the work to overcome elastic resistance given by the trapezoid OAECGO the difference between these representing the nonelastic resistance, given by the area ABCEA.
  • This is not the work of “breathing”, as some work is performed by the stored elastic potential energy of the thoracic cage.
  • The true work of inspiration is given by ABCDA, with the elastic component being AECDA.
  • As airway resistance, or inspiratory flow rate is increased, so would dPIP, effectively sloping the curve to right, increasing total and viscous work on expiration.
  • The work to overcome nonelastic forces (AECFA), falls within work trapezoid and can be accomplished with the stored energy in elastic structures the difference between AECDA-AECFA represents the energy expenditure with which no external work is done is released as heat.
Central Control
Breathing is mainly controled at the level of brainstem. The normal automatic and periodic nature of breathing is triggered and controled by the respiratory centers located in the pons and medulla.
Medullary Respiratory Center
  1. Dorsal medullary respiratory neurones: Associated with inspiration. It has been proposed that spontaneous intrinsic periodic firing of these neurones responsible for the basic rhythm of breathing.32
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    Fig. 26: Centers for regulation of respiration.
    As a result, these neurones exhibit a cycle of activity that arises spontaneously every few seconds and establish the basic rhythm of the respiration. When the neurones are active their action potentials travel through reticulospinal tract in the spinal cord and phrenic and intercostal nerves and finally stimulate the respiratory muscles.
  2. Ventral medullary respiratory neurones: Associated with control of breathing. These neurones are silent during quite breathing because expiration is a passive event following an active inspiration. However, they are activated during forced expiration when the rate and the depth 33of the respiration is increased (e.g. exercise). During heavy breathing increased activity of the inspiratory center neurones activates the expiratory system. In turn, the increased activity of the expiratory system inhibits the inspiratory center and stimulates muscles of expiration.
The dorsal and ventral groups are bilaterally paired and there is 8 cross communication between them. As a consequence they behave in synchrony and the respiratory movements are symmetric.
Apneustic Center
It is located in the lower pons.
Exact role is not known. Lesions covering this area in the pons cause a pathologic respiratory rhythm with increased apnea frequency. What is known is nerve impulses from the apneustic center stimulate the inspiratory center and without constant influence of this center respiration becomes shallow and irregular.
Pneumotaxic Center
It is located in the upper pons.
These neurones have an inhibitory effect on the both inspiratory and apneustic centers. It is probably responsible for the termination of inspiration by inhibiting the activity of the dorsal medullar neurones. It primarily regulates the volume and secondarily the rate of the respiration. In the lesions of this area normal respiration is protected, thus it is believed that upper pons is responsible for the fine-tuning of the respiratory rhythm. Hypoactivation of this center causes prolonged deep inspirations and brief, limited expirations by allowing the inspiration center remain active longer than normal. Hyperactivation of this center on the other hand results in shallow inspirations.
The apneustic and pneumotaxic centers function in coordination in order to provide a rhythmic respiratory cycle: Activation of the inspiratory center stimulates the muscles of inspiration and also the pneumotaxic center. Then the pneumotaxic center inhibits both the apneustic and the inspiratory centers resulting in initiation of expiration. Spontaneous activity of the neurones in the inspiratory center starts another similar cycle again. Breathing in some extent is also controled consciously from higher brain centers (e.g. cerebral cortex). This control is required when we talk, cough and vomit. It is also possible voluntarily change the rate of the breathing. Hyperventilation can decrease blood partial carbon dioxide pressure (PCO2) due to loss of CO2 resulting in peripheral vasodilatation and decrease in blood pressure. One can also stop breathing voluntarily. That results in an 34increase in arterial partial oxygen pressure (PO2), which produces an urge to breathe. When eventually PCO2 reaches the high enough level it overrides the conscious influences from the cortex and stimulates the inspiratory system. If one holds his breath long enough to decrease PO2 to a very low level one may loose his consciousness. In an unconscious person, automatic control of the respiration takes over and the normal breathing resumes. Other parts of the brain (limbic system, hypothalamus) can also alter the breathing pattern, e.g. affective states, strong emotions, such as rage and fear. In addition, stimulation of touch, thermal and pain receptors can also stimulate the respiratory system.
These receptors are placed in the walls of bronchi and bronchioles of the lung. The main function of these receptors is to prevent the overinflation of the lungs. Inflation of the lungs activates these receptors and activation of the stretch receptors in turn inhibits the neurones in inspiratory center via vagus nerve. When the expiration starts activation of the stretch receptors gradually ceases allowing neurones in the inspiratory neurones become active again (Hering-Breuer Reflex). It is particularly important for infants. In adults it is functional only during exercise when the tidal volume is larger than normal.
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Fig. 27: Receptors for regulation of respiration.
The respiratory system maintains concentrations of O2, CO2 and the pH of the body fluids within a normal range. Any deviation from these values has a marked influence on the respiration. Chemoreceptors are specialized neurones activated by changes in O2 or CO2 levels in the blood and the brain tissue, respectively. They are involved in the regulation of respiration according to the changes in PO2 and pH. O2-sensitive chemoreceptors (Peripheral chemoreceptors) are located at the bifurcation of the carotid artery in the neck and the aortic arch. They are small vascular sensory organs encapsulated with the connective tissue. They are connected to the respiratory center in the medulla by glossopharyngeal nerve (carotid body chemoreceptors) and the vagus nerve (aortic body). Central chemoreceptors are located bilaterally in the chemosensitive area of the medulla oblongata and exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), local blood flow and local metabolism. They actually respond to changes in H+ concentration in these compartments. When the blood partial PCO2 is increased CO2 diffuses into the CSF from cerebral vessels and liberates H+. (When CO2 combines with water forms carbonic acid and liberates H+ and HCO3).
CO2 + H2O↔ H2CO3 H2CO3 ↔ HCO - 3 + H+
An increase in H+ stimulates chemo receptors resulting in hyperventilation which in turn reduces PCO2 in the blood and therefore in the CSF. Cerebral vasodilatation always accompanies an increased PCO2 and enhances the diffusion of CO2 into the CSF. Because CSF has less protein than blood it has a much lower buffering capacity. As a result changes in pH for a given change in PCO2 is always bigger than the change in blood.
CO2 level is a major regulator of respiration. It is much more important than oxygen to maintain normal respiration. Even very small changes in carbon dioxide levels (5 mm Hg increase in PCO2, hypercapnia) in the blood cause large increases in the rate and depth of respiration (100% increase in ventilation). Hypocapnia, lower than normal PCO2 level in the blood causes in periods in which respiratory movements do not occur. Effects of PO2 (if the changes occur within the normal range) on respiration is very minor. A decrease in PO2 is called hypoxia and only after 50% decrease in PO2 can produce significant changes in respiration. This is due to the nature of O2-Hb saturation that at any PO2 level above 80 mm Hg Hb is saturated with O2. Consequently only big changes in PO2 produce symptoms otherwise it is compensated by O2, which is bound with Hb. In stroke patients or physiologically at high altitude blood PO2 level may drop considerably and activate peripheral chemoreceptors and activate stimulation.36
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Fig. 28: Distribution of ventilation.
At high altitude because the ability of the lung to eliminate CO2 is not affected, in response to increased respiration, blood PCO2 is decreased. If PO2 drops under certain level respiratory system does not respond and death will occur.
Distribution of Ventilation
Alveolar pressure is the same throughout the lung; therefore, the more negative intrapleural pressure at the apex (or the least gravity-dependent area) results in larger, more distended apical alveoli than in other areas of the lung (Fig. 28). The transpulmonary pressure (Paw – Ppl), or distending pressure of the lung, is greater at the top and lower at the bottom, where intrapleural pressure is less negative. Despite the smaller alveolar size, more ventilation is delivered to dependent pulmonary areas. The decrease in intrapleural pressure at the base of the lungs during inspiration is greater than at the apex because of diaphragmatic proximity. Thus, because the dependent area of the lung generates the greatest change in transpulmonary pressure, more gas is sucked into dependent areas of the lung.
Blood flow to and around the lung is similar to any other organ but at much lower pressures than the systemic system (Fig. 29).37
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Fig. 29: Pulmonary vs systemic circulation.
The blood vessels in the lungs continually branch and get consistently smaller very like the branching of the airways. The pulmonary arteries whose walls are very thin in comparison to that of the arteries in the main circulation feed the lung up to the level of the terminal bronchioles and then split into the capillary bed. The capillaries have great capability to distend thus enhancing gas exchange and reservoir action. Once the red blood cells have become oxygenated the capillary bed is drained into venules which then join to form the pulmonary veins. It is the ability of the blood vessels to distend and be recruited which allows the pressures in the pulmonary system to stay low despite very high blood flow.
The pulmonary arteries only supply blood flow and oxygen to the lungs and must have the ability to accept huge blood volumes at times. The low pulmonary pressures are important to minimize the work of the right heart.
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
PVR = 80 × (MPAP – PCWP)/CO
Distribution of Blood Flow
Blood flow within the lung is mainly gravity-dependent. Since the alveolar-capillary beds are not composed of rigid vessels, the pressure of the surrounding tissues can influence the resistance to flow through the individual capillaries. Thus, blood flow depends on the relationship between pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa), alveolar pressure (PA), and pulmonary venous pressure. West et al. and West and Dollery created a lung model which divides the lung into three zones (Fig. 30).
Zone 1 conditions occur in the most gravity-independent part of the lung (alveolar pressure is approximately equal to atmospheric pressure; and pulmonary artery pressure).
Zone 2 occurs from the lower limit of zone 1 to the upper limit of zone 3 = Ppa > Pα > Ppv. The pressure difference between pulmonary artery and alveolar pressure determines blood flow in zone 2. Pulmonary venous pressure has little influence. Well-matched ventilation and perfusion occur in zone 2, which contains the majority of alveoli (Figs. 30 and 31).
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Fig. 30: West zones (upright position)Source:
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Fig. 31: West zones (lateral decubitus).
Zone 3 occurs in the most gravity-dependent areas of the lung = Ppa > Ppv > PA. blood flow is primarily governed by the pulmonary arterial to venous pressure difference. Because gravity also increases pulmonary venous pressure, the pulmonary capillaries become distended. Thus, perfusion in zone 3 is lush, resulting in capillary perfusion in excess of ventilation, or physiologic shunt.
Schematic representation of the effects of gravity on the distribution of pulmonary blood flow in the lateral decubitus position. Vertical gradients in the lateral decubitus position are similar to those in the upright position and cause the creation of West zones 1, 2, and 3. Consequently, pulmonary blood flow increases with lung dependency, and is largest in the dependent lung and least in the nondependent lung. Pa, pulmonary artery pressure; PA, alveolar pressure; Pv, pulmonary venous pressure.
Distribution of Ventilation and Perfusion
The efficiency with which oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange at the alveolar-capillary level highly depends on the matching of capillary perfusion and alveolar ventilation. At this level, the combination of lung and the circulatory system must be well-matched.
Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
The majority of blood flow is distributed to the gravity-dependent part of the lung. During a spontaneous breath, the largest portion of the tidal volume also reaches the gravity-dependent part of the lung.40
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Fig. 32: Ventilation perfusion distribution.
Thus, the nondependent area of the lung receives a lower proportion of both ventilation and perfusion, and dependent lung receives greater proportions of ventilation and perfusion. But, ventilation and perfusion are not matched perfectly, and various V/Q ratios result throughout the lung (Fig. 32).
Any discrepancy between ventilation and blood flow in the lung will result in V/Q mismatch and potentially dangerous irregularities in gas exchange.
If flow of blood to the lung units is to match that of ventilation to the same unit then the ratio of ventilation to perfusion should be in a ratio of 1:1.
If the lung is being underventilated but perfused as normal then we say that the V/Q ratio is <1 (Fig. 33).
If the lung is under perfused then the V/Q is >1 (Fig. 33).
Even in a normal lung the V/Q ratio is not uniformly 1 throughout the lung as perfusion and ventilation both have favored parts of the lung. Differences between the apices and bases of the lungs.
At the apices there is less ventilation than the bases as alveoli are already very stretched however there is proportionally less perfusion therefore the overall V/Q ratio is higher compared to the base of the lung.
Blood flow is directly affected by gravity and naturally has a tendency to flow to the bases of the lungs thus V/Q ratios toward the lower segments of the lung are usually greater than 1. The vertical change in V/Q ratios in the lung is because although both ventilation and perfusion increase from top to bottom of the lung, perfusion increases much quicker than ventilation.41
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Fig. 33: V/Q in different pathologies.
Thus the V/Q ratio at the top of the lung is 3.3 whereas at the bases it is around 0.6.
Ideal V/Q ratio = 1; believed to occur at approximately the level of the third rib.
Above this level, ventilation occurs slightly in excess of perfusion, whereas below the third rib the V/Q ratio becomes less than 1.
V/Q = 0 in shunt
V/Q = infinity in dead space.
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction allow the lungs to maintain optimal V/Q matching.
Many pulmonary diseases result in both physiologic shunt and dead space abnormalities. However, most disease processes can be characterized as producing either primarily shunt or dead space in their early stages. Increases in dead space ventilation primarily affect carbon dioxide elimination and have little influence on arterial oxygenation until dead space ventilation exceeds 80 to 90% of minute ventilation. Similarly, physiologic shunt primarily affects arterial oxygenation with little effect on carbon dioxide elimination until the physiologic shunt fraction exceeds 75 to 80% of the cardiac output. Defective to absent gas exchange can be the net effect of either abnormality in the extreme.
The partial pressure of oxygen that is inhaled from our natural environment through normal inhalation is not maintained at the same partial pressure by the time it reaches the alveoli and indeed the mitochondria. The process by which this decrease in partial pressure occurs is called the oxygen cascade.42
  • Dry atmospheric air gas – 21% of 100 kPa
SO: 21 kPa or 160 mm Hg
  • However as gas is inspired it is diluted by water vapor which reduces the partial pressure of oxygen water vapor – 6.3 kPa/47 mm Hg
PO2 = 0.21 × (760 – 47) = 149 mm Hg or
PO2 = 0.21 × (100 – 6.3) = 19.8 kPa
  • When the gas reaches the alveoli the partial pressure of oxygen will again decrease as some oxygen is absorbed and CO2 is excreted. The partial pressure at this point in the oxygen cascade can be determined by using the alveolar gas equation.
The RQ stands for respiratory quotient and is normally 0.8.
It is determined by the amount of CO2 produced/oxygen consumed.
PAO2 = 0.21–5/0.8 = 14 kPa (106 mm Hg)
  • Again when the gas reaches the arterial blood a further small drop in partial pressure will have occurred as blood known as venous admixture with a lower oxygen content mixes with the oxygenated alveolar blood. Venous admixture is made up of blood that has passed through poorly ventilated regions of lung and thus has a lower O2 partial pressure. Venous admixture is also composed of venous blood which has drained the lungs and left side of the heart. This blood is known as true shunt and drains directly into the left side of the heart. Extraction of oxygen from this blood then causes the end capillary oxygen partial pressure to be 6–7 kPa (40–50 mm Hg)
  • In the mitochondria the PO2 varies hugely from 1–5 kPa (7.5–40 mm Hg). This provides us with an explanation for the following graph, the oxygen cascade (Fig. 34).
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Fig. 34: Oxygen cascade.
The speed and ease of diffusion are controlled by the laws of diffusion. Fick's law of diffusion states that gas transfer across a membrane is directly proportional to the concentration gradient.
Graham's law states that diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular weight of the molecule.
Other factors which increase diffusion:
  • Large surface area
  • Thin membrane
  • High solubility
The following equation incorporates the important factors Diffusion is proportional to A/T D (P1–P2):
A = Area T = Thickness D = Diffusion constant P1–P2 = Concentration gradient Diffusion in the lungs can be limited in the presence of disease states, e.g. pulmonary edema and thickening of the alveolar membrane in pulmonary fibrosis.
Oxygen Transport
Oxygen is carried in 2 forms in the blood:
  • Oxygen combined to hemoglobin (97%). Hemoglobin molecule consists of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains; each chain is formed from an iron–porphyrin molecule—hem. Each hemoglobin molecule can bind 4 oxygen molecules (20 mL oxygen per 100 mL blood) or 15 mL oxygen per 100 mL in venous blood.
  • Oxygen dissolved in the blood—this accounts for a minimal amount (0.3 mL per dL).
The amount dissolved obeys Henrys’ law—amount is proportional to the partial pressure 0.023 mL per kPa per 100 mL blood oxygen content in the blood. Total content of oxygen in the blood can be calculated from the Oxygen flux equation:
Flux = [CO × Hb × Saturation × Huffners constant (1.39)] + (0.023 × PO2)
Oxygen dissociation curve (Fig. 35):
  • Sigmoid shaped curve relating the fact that binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin molecule is a cooperative process
  • Describes the relationship of saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen at varying partial pressures
  • Be aware of the P50 –(point at which Hb is 50% saturated)
  • Decreasing pH, increasing temperature, 2,3-DPG and CO2 tension will cause a right shift of the curve
  • Increased pH, and reduction in CO2 tension, temperature and 2,3-DPG produce a left shift of the curve44
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    Fig. 35: Oxygen dissociation curve.
  • If a right shift occurs the Hb molecule is more likely to offload oxygen to the tissues
  • In a left shifted situation the Hb is less likely to release oxygen to the tissues.
2,3-DPG: This molecule binds to deoxygenated Hb – it reduces the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen and therefore ensures offloading of oxygen to the tissues.
The Bohr effect: This describes the affect that CO2 has on influencing the release of oxygen to the tissues. On entering red blood cells the following reaction occurs:
CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3
An increase in H+ will cause an acidosis and therefore encourage the release of oxygen from Hb.
In the lungs where the CO2 is being removed, the alkalosis will encourage the uptake of oxygen.
Oxygen Delivery (DO2) = Cardiac output × arterial O2 content45
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Fig. 36: Chloride shift.
Carbon Dioxide Transport
Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood in 3 ways:
  • As bicarbonate – 90%
  • As dissolved CO2 – 5%
  • As carbamino compounds – 5%
Carbamino compounds are formed by the reaction of the CO2 with terminal amino groups of proteins and side chains of arginine and lysine. Hemoglobin is essential for this process to occur since it has 4 amino groups per molecule. Albumin also provides amino groups but only 1 per molecule.
The Hamburger effect (chloride shift) (Fig. 36).
The transport of chloride ions into the cell as a result of outwards diffusion of bicarbonate in order to maintain electrical neutrality.
The Haldane effect:
This phenomenon refers to the increased ability of blood to carry CO2 when hemoglobin is deoxygenated. Deoxyhemoglobin is 3.5 times more effective than oxyhemoglobin in forming carbamino compounds.
CO2 Dissociation Curve (Fig. 37)
The value for the A-a gradient gives the clinician some idea about the amount of VQ mismatch and shunt that is present in the lungs. A typical normal value would be around 0.5-1 kPa (5 mm Hg) though values up to around 15 mm Hg may be accepted.
  • It is calculated as PAO2 – PaO2.
  • The PAO2 is calculated using the alveolar gas equation.46
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Fig. 37: CO2 dissociation curve.
True shunt refers to a VQ = 0.
That is to say that blood has passed through areas of the lung where no ventilation is occurring. As discussed earlier VQ mismatch is also referred to as shunt. Blood passes through areas of the lung which are poorly ventilated, i.e. VQ < 1.
Physiological shunt refers to the amount of venous admixture which is directly added to main circulatory blood without having passed through the oxygenating mechanism of the lung. Blood from the bronchial veins draining the lung parenchyma and the thebesian veins draining the cardiac muscle represent the physiological shunt (around 5% of cardiac output). The shunt equation allows calculation of the amount of shunt present in an individual subject.
The shunt equation: Qs = Shunted blood flow Qt = Cardiac output Qt-Qs = Blood flow through the lungs minus the shunted blood CcO2 = Oxygen content of end pulmonary capillary blood CaO2 = Oxygen content of arterial blood CvO2 = Oxygen content of mixed venous blood shunt equation (Fig. 38).
The amount of oxygen leaving the lungs is Qt × CaO2.
This is equal to the shunted blood flow plus the oxygen content from the lung which would be (Qs × CvO2) + (Qt-Qs) × CcO2. (shunt flow × mixed venous O2 content + pulmonary capillary flow × pulmonary capillary O2 content).47
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Fig. 38: Shunt equation.
Qt × CaO2 = (Qs × CvO2) + (Qt-Qs) × CcO2
When these equations as rearranged it provides the classic shunt equation:
Qs/Qt = CcO2 – CaO2/ CcO2 – CvO2
Carbon Monoxide Diffusing Capacity
Because PO2 in the pulmonary capillary blood varies with time as it moves through the pulmonary capillary bed, oxygen cannot be used to assess diffusing capacity. A gas mixture containing carbon monoxide is the traditional diagnostic gas used to measure diffusing capacity. Its partial pressure in the blood is nearly zero, and its affinity for hemoglobin is 200 times that of oxygen. Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO) collectively measures all the factors that affect the diffusion of gas across the alveolar-capillary membrane. The DLCO is recorded in mL CO/min/mm Hg at standard temperature and pressure, dry.
In persons with normal hemoglobin concentrations and normal V/Q matching, the main factor limiting diffusion is the alveolar-capillary membrane. Small amounts of carbon dioxide and inspired gas can produce measurable changes in the concentration of inspired gas compared with expired gas. There are several methods for determining DLCO, but all methods measure diffusing capacity according to the equation:
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The average value for resting subjects when the single-breath method is used is 25 mL CO/min/mm Hg. DLCO values can increase to 2 or 3 times normal during exercise.48
The DLO2 may be estimated from the DLCO by multiplying DLCO by 1.23, although the DLCO is usually the reported value. DLCO can be divided by the lung volume at which the measurement was made to obtain an expression of diffusing capacity per unit lung volume.
Some of the other factors that can influence DLCO are as follows:
  1. Hemoglobin concentration: Decreased hemoglobin concentration decreases the DLCO.
  2. Alveolar PCO2: An increased PACO2 raises DLCO.
  3. Body position: The supine position increases DLCO.
  4. Pulmonary capillary blood volume.
  5. Diffusing capacity is decreased in alveolar fibrosis associated with sarcoidosis, asbestosis, berylliosis, oxygen toxicity, and pulmonary edema. These states are frequently categorized as diffusion defects, but low DLCO is probably more closely related to loss of lung volume or capillary bed perfusion.
DLCO is decreased in obstructive disease because of the decreased alveolar surface area, loss of capillary bed, the increased distance from the terminal bronchiole to the alveolar-capillary membrane, and V/Q mismatching. In short, few disease states truly inhibit oxygen diffusion across the alveolar-capillary membrane.
Pulmonary Function Testing
Used in patients with significant pulmonary dysfunction.
Pulmonary Function Tests in Restrictive and Obstructive Lung Disease.
Restrictive disease
Obstructive disease
Proportional decreases in all lung volumes
Small airway obstruction to expiratory flow
Normal or slightly ↑
Normal or slightly ↓
FEF25 −75%
Normal or ↑, if gas trapping
Normal or ↑, if gas trapping
Flow-Volume Loops (Fig. 39)
The flow-volume loop graphically demonstrates the flow generated during a forced expiratory maneuver followed by a forced inspiratory maneuver, plotted against the volume of gas expired.49
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Fig. 39: Flow volume loops.Source:
The subject forcefully exhales completely, then immediately and forcefully inhales to vital capacity. The expired and inspired volumes are plotted on the abscissa and flow is plotted on the ordinate. Although various numbers can be generated from the flow-volume loop, the configuration of the loop itself is probably the most informative part of the test. It helps in distinguishing an extrathoracic from intra thoracic obstruction and guide in its management.50
Respiratory Formulas
Normal values (70 kg)
Alveolar oxygen tension
110 mm Hg
PAO2 = (PB − 47) FIO2-; (PACO2/R)
(FIO2 = 0.21)
Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
<10 mm Hg
(A - aO2) = PAO2 - PaO2
(FIO2 = 0.21)
Arterial-to-alveolar oxygen ratio, PaO2/PAO2 ratio
Arterial oxygen content
20 mL/100 mL blood
CaO2 = (SaO2) (Hb × 1.34) + PaO2 (0.0031)
Mixed venous oxygen content
15 mL/100 mL blood
C[v with bar above]O2 = (S [v with bar above] O2) (Hb × 1.34) + P[v with bar above]O2 (0.0031)
Arterial-venous oxygen content difference
4-6 mL/100 mL blood
C(a-[v with bar above])O2 = CaO2 - C[v with bar above]O2
Intrapulmonary shunt
[Q with dot above]sp/[Q with dot above]T = (Cc'O2 - CaO2)/(Cc'O2 - C[v with bar above]O2) where Cc'O2 = (Hb × 1.34) + (PAO2 × 0.0031)
Physiologic dead space
VD/VT = (PaCO2 - P
Oxygen consumption
250 mL/min
VO2 = CO (CaO2 - CVO2)
Oxygen transport
1,000 mL/min
DO2 = CO (CaO2)
Respiratory quotient
[V with dot above]CO2/[V with dot above]O2 = R
(PAO2: Alveolar oxygen tension; PB: Barometric pressure; FIO2: Fraction inspired oxygen; PACO2: Alveolar carbon dioxide tension; R: Respiratory quotient; PaO2: Arterial oxygen tension; CaO2: Arterial oxygen content; SaO2: Arterial oxygen saturation; Hb: Hemoglobin concentration; Cv-O2: Mixed venous oxygen content; Sv-O2: Mixed venous oxygen saturation; Pv-O2: Mixed venous oxygen tension; [Q with dot above]SP/[Q with dot above]T: intrapulmonary shunt; Cc'O2: End-pulmonary capillary oxygen content; VD: Dead space gas volume; VT: Tidal volume; PaCO2: Arterial carbon dioxide tension; P
CO2: Mixed expired carbon dioxide tension; [V with dot above]O2, oxygen consumption (mL/min); CO: Cardiac output; [V with dot above] CO2: Carbon dioxide production (mL/min); DO2: Oxygen transport).
Geetanjali S Verma
Direct laryngoscopy and introduction of tracheal tube are noxious stimuli that can provoke a response of cardiovascular, respiratory and other physiological systems.
Cardiovascular System
Hypertension, tachycardia—exaggerated with increased duration an force of laryngoscopy. Increase in arterial pressures starts within 5 seconds of laryngoscopy, peaks in 1–2 minutes and returns to control levels in 5 minutes. Also noted with use of ILMA.
Respiratory System
Laryngospasm—if laryngoscopy attempted during light plane of anesthesia; bronchospasm, coughing, bucking.
Central Nervous System
Elevation of ICT/IOP.
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Fig. 40: Response to tracheal intubation.Source: Bedford RF: Circulatory responses to tracheal intubation. Probl Anesth.
Vomiting, aspiration, latex allergy (Patients with spina bifida, rubber industry workers, atopic patients, and patients with a multiple surgery history are most at risk. Patients with type I hypersensitivity are at risk for developing anaphylaxis with hypotension, rash, and bronchospasm).
  1. Stimulation of proprioceptors (especially mechanoreceptors) located in supraglottic and tracheal region (consist of small-diameter myelinated fibers, slowly-adapting stretch receptors with large-diameter myelinated fibers, and polymodal endings of nonmyelinated nerve fibers) cause laryngospasm, tachycardia and hypertension. Laryngospasm and bradycardia is common in children.
  2. Stimulation of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves—causes widespread autonomic activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, causing bradycardia and laryngospasm.
  3. Stimulation of cardioaccelerator nerves and sympathetic nervous system - causing hypertension and tachycardia (more common in adults) due to release of norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve terminals and secretion of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.
  4. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system (including release of renin from the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus, which is innervated by β-adrenergic nerve terminals) causing hypertension.
  5. Stimulation of CNS (especially in patients with pre-existing neuropathology) - elevation of ICT - hypertension and bradycardia (cushing response).
  6. Reduced cardiac output - due to PEEP after intubation.
    An increase in mean intrathoracic pressure due to positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) is transmitted to the thin-walled, compressible superior and inferior venae cave, elevating the downstream pressure for venous return and thereby reducing venous blood return to the right atrium. Because the left side of the heart can only pump what the right side delivers, cardiac output and subsequently arterial BP may fall with PPV.
  7. Adverse effects of drugs:
    1. Succinylcholine—bradycardia, fasciculations
    2. Atracurium, mivacurium—histamine release—tachycardia
    3. Pancuronium—tachycardia
All the above responses are exaggerated inpatients with pre-existing cardiovascular compromise or intravascular volume depletion.53
The neuroendocrine responses to airway manipulation resulting in tachycardia and HTN may result in a variety of complications in patients with cardiac disease, especially myocardial ischemia—seen as ischemic electrocardiographic ST-segment depression and increased pulmonary artery diastolic blood pressure (BP) during intubation in patients with arteriosclerosis.
Increases in systemic arterial pressure (SAP) and intracranial pressure (ICP) in response to endotracheal intubation in a patient with a small brain tumor. Notice the minimal response to rigid laryngoscopy. There is a sustained increase in systemic arterial pressure but only a transient increase in ICP, which returns to normal as cerebrovascular autoregulation becomes operative.
  1. Limit laryngoscopy to <15 seconds, minimize attempts.
  2. Limit use of cricoid pressure.
  3. Use of LMA wherever possible.
  4. Use of topical and regional anesthesia.
  5. Drugs—fentanyl, propofol, thiopentone, vecuronium (3 minutes preoxygenation).
    Use of narcotics—fentanyl 6 μg/kg suppress the response, but can cause respiratory depression.
  6. Xylocard—1–1.5 mg/kg IV 90 seconds prior to intubation.
  7. Other drugs: Pretreatment with phentolamine, 5 mg IV, prevented the hypertensive-tachycardic response to endotracheal intubation during a light barbiturate-succinylcholine anesthetic technique.
    Others: Diltiazem, verapamil, and nicardipine, hydralazine, nitroprusside; nitroglycerin; labetalol esmolol; and clonidine.
  8. Inhalational agents - sevoflurane (MAC > 2.5) blunts hemodynamic responses to intubation.
  9. Use of N2O has proved beneficial.
  10. Use of awake flexible fiberoptic intubation with effective topical anesthesia eliminates hemodynamic responses to intubation.
  11. Use of bronchodilator therapy (in asthmatics) has shown to decrease bronchospasm incidence.