Pocket Clinical Guide for Nursing Students P Prakash
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart and t refer to table.
ABC analysis 177, 177t
Abdomen 115
Abdominal aneurysm resection 28, 159
Abdominal trauma, penetrating 115
Abduction 81, 82, 86
Aberrant renal vessels calculi 199
ABG analysis 116
values 154t
Abortion 199, 201
Abruptio placentae 132, 133
Abscess 189, 190, 195, 199, 200
parapharyngeal 113
Abstraction 148
Acetaminophen 40, 56
Acetylcysteine 57
Acetylsalicylic acid 113f
Achalasia 189, 197
Achondroplasia 193
balance 60
gases 39
problems 197
Acidosis 53
metabolic 55, 155
respiratory 154
severe 197
Acne 201
Actinomyces 200
Activated partial thromboplastin time 36
Addison's disease 55
Adduction 81, 82, 86
Adenoma sebaceum 112
Adenosine 118, 136
Adenovirus 96
Adhesive plaster covered bandages 192
Adult basic life support guidelines 64fc
Advance cardiac life support 63, 64, 136
Agnosia 109
Air embolism 156
Airborne precautions 95
Airway 63, 92
equipment Stylette 136
Albumin 37, 38, 55
Alcohol 89, 133, 196
excess 61
stop 60
swabs 137
Algor mortis 183
Alkaline phosphate 37
Alkalosis 53, 55, 197
metabolic 155
respiratory 154
Allergies 70
Alopecia 201
Alport nephritis 199
Alzheimer's disease 109, 189
Amebiasis 125
American Heart Association 63
Amikacin 40
Amikin 40
Amino acids 162
Aminophylline 40
Amiodarone 136
Amitriptyline 40, 58
Ammonia 37
Amnesia 109
Ampicillin 119
Amputation 28, 74
Amyl nitrite 56
Amylase 37
serum 116
Amyloidosis 197
Anal fissures 62
Anaphylactic reaction 101
Anaphylaxis 118
Anemia 201
hemolytic 58
severe 8
Anesthesia 134
Aneurysm 190, 197
Angiodysplasia 196
Animal bites 92
Ankle 81
dorsal flexion of 86
Anorexia 54, 55
common 119t
ointment packets 89
Anticholinergics 56, 60
Anticholinesterase 56
Antidotes 56
Antiemetic drugs 58
Anti-inflammatory drug 59
Antimalarial drug 58
Anti-rabies vaccine 91t
Antiseptic 191
wipes 88
Antispasmodics 60
Antitobacco Day 187
Anxiety 10, 55, 194
Aorta 189
aneurysm 189
injury, blunt 115
stenosis 113
Aphasia 109
Apnea 114
Appendectomy, complications of 195
Appendicitis 109, 112, 199
Appetite, loss of 60, 183
Applied Nutrition Programme 172
Apraxia 109
Arrhythmia 4, 5355, 194
Arsenic 56
Arterial blood
gas analysis 154
values 154t
Arthritis 200
Ascariasis 125
Aseptic technique 157
Aspirin 57, 88, 89, 137
sensitivity 113
Asthma 113
aspirin-induced 113
Astigmatism 202
Ataxia 108
Atelectasis 159, 189, 195
Atrial fibrillation 48
Atrophy, exhaustional 198
Atropine 56, 57, 118, 137
sulfate 57
Autistic Pride Day 187
Automated external defibrillator, parts of 149
Autonomy 180
meningitis 110
vaginosis 127
Bag valve mask 118
ventilation 114
Balwadi Nutrition Program 172
Barbiturate 56
Barium swallow 189
Barlow's sign 108
Barlow's test 108
Basal atelectasis 195
Basophils 38
Benadryl 57, 118
Bengal Nurses Act 182
Benzodiazepines 56
Berger nephritis 199
Betadine 88
Bicarbonate 36
duct 59
flow obstruction 61, 62
salt production, low 62
Bilharzia disease 126
Bilharzia dysentery 113
Bilirubin 37
serum 38
Biohazard symbol 22f
Biomedical waste management 22, 23f
Biopsy 101
Birth control pills 192
Birth, Death and Marriage Registration Act 182
Black foul smelling 60
cancer 126
dysfunction 60
stones 58
tumor, extensive 199
Bleeding per rectum 113
Blepharospasm 112
chemistry tests 60
circulation 192
clots 156
components 25, 25t
glucose 10, 111, 116
elevated 201
fasting 38
postprandial 38
pressure 1, 136
apparatus, parts of 6f
classification of 6t
diastolic 54
monitoring 5
raised 201
systolic 6, 10, 72
products 24
classification of 25fc
sample 43t
collection 41
transfer of 42
stream infection, catheter associated 49
tests 60
transfusion reaction 24, 27f, 27t
types of 27
typing 116
urea nitrogen 38, 60
Blue diaper syndrome 58
Blumberg sign 109
Blurred vision 201
fluids 24
surface area 49
temperature 200
classification of 3
Boerhaave syndrome 112
and bladder control, loss of 183
cancer 196
disease, inflammatory 189, 196
obstruction 194
Braden scale 17t
Bradycardia 4, 111, 118, 134, 153
Brain 194
atrophy 190
neoplasm 190
vital center of 2
cancer awareness month 188
changes in 132
Breathing 63, 92
exercises, deep 86
Bronchiectasis 159
Bronchoscopy 29, 189
Brudzinski's sign 108
Bryant's traction 165
Bundle branch block 48
Buphthalmos 112
Burns 53, 54
assessment of 140
extensive 162
initial assessment of 140fc
severe 54
Bursitis 115
Calcium 36, 60, 106
channel blockers 10, 56
chloride 56
serum 38
Calorie, expected delivery of 77
Cancer 189, 196
esophageal 196
metastatic 190
pain 8
pancreatic 61
Candidiasis 127
Canicola fever 126
Capillary blood glucose 1
Carbamazepine 40
Carbohydrate 103, 162
Carbon monoxide 56
poisoning 8
Carcinoma 190
nasopharyngeal 111
catheterization 189
drugs 118t
markers 37t, 39
tamponade 112, 113, 115, 156
Cardinal signs 1
Cardioversion 138
Carotid 5
Carpal tunnel syndrome 115
Carpopedal spasm 108
application 168
removal of 168
saw 168f
blade of 168
spreaders 168, 168f
Cataract 202
causes of 202
surgery 28
female 78, 78t
male 78, 78t
care 79
central 184
femoral 156
fracture 156
indwelling 96
peripherally inserted 162, 163
removal 79
site dressing regimens 157
Cefazolin 119
Ceftriaxone 119
Celiac disease 196
Cellular damage 53
Cellulose 103
Central venous
care of 156
placement of 156
pressure 156, 216
abscess 190
bleeding 190
calcification 112
herniation 114
meninges 29
tumors 190
Cerebrospinal fluid 29
Cerebrovascular disease 201
spine X-ray 116
spondylosis 110
swelling, external 113
Cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral-orthosis 165
Cervix 134, 200
changes in 132
Chadwick's sign 132
Chalasia 189
Chemotherapy drugs 59
Chest 115
pain 112, 113, 201
physiotherapy 86, 159, 160t
contraindications of 159t
indications of 159t
tube 96
drainage 21t
X-ray 116
Chickenpox 95, 123
Chlamydia trachomatis 200
Chloasma 132
Chloramphenicol 40
Chloride 36, 39, 107
Chloromycetin 40
Chloroquine 58
Cholangitis, ascending 112
Cholecystitis, acute 109
Cholelithiasis 112
Cholera 126
vaccine 192
Cholestasis 199
Cholesterol 103
Chorioretinitis 112
Chromosomal disorders 200
Chvostek's sign 108
Circulation 92
Cirrhosis 190
hepatic 190
liver 109
Clammy skin 183
Clark's rule 50
Clindamycin 119
Clostridium difficile 96
Coagulation profile 60
Cognitive functions 148
chain 130
skin 183
Colitis 196
Collateral tracheal deviation 114
Collect blood sample 42
Colloids 24, 137
cancer 189
cut off sign 109
polyp 189
Colonoscopy 61, 189
Colorectal cancer 62
awareness month 186
Coma 55
Communicable diseases 120, 120t, 121, 172
Compartment syndrome 168
signs of 195
symptoms in 195
Complete blood count 60
Compression 63
depth of 63
rate 63
Conductive deafness 111
Condyloma acuminatum 128
Confusion 53, 54, 183
Conjunctivitis 96, 202
Constipation 55, 61
Consumer Protection Act 182
Contact lens 191
Contraceptives 201
Controlled coughing technique 161
Contusion 115, 197
pulmonary 115
Conversion disorder 110
Convulsion 112
Copper 56
Corneal transplant 192
Coronary artery stenosis 189
Coumadin 56
Cramps, abdominal 200
Craniotomy 28
Crash cart 139f
kinase 37
phosphokinase 40
Creatinine, serum 38, 60
Cretinism 193
Crohn's disease 55, 61, 162
Crude birth rate 51
Crude death rate 51
Crushing substernal chest pain 194
Cryoprecipitate 26
Crystalloids 24
Crystodigin 40
Cullen's sign 109
Cutaneous diphtheria 96
Cyanide 56
Cyanosis 153
Cyclophosphamide 56
Cystic fibrosis 61, 159
Cystitis, interstitial 59
Cystometry 59
Cystoscopy 59
Cysts 58
Cytotoxic hazard symbol 22f
Daily living, activities of 70
Dance pad 194
Dantrolene 56
care 183
signs of 184
Debulking tumor 101
Deep vein thrombosis 97, 111, 195, 196
Deferoxamine 56
Defibrillator 136, 149
gel pads 136
types of 149fc
Degenerative diseases 190
Dehydration 59, 60, 201
Delhi Nursing Home Registration Act 182
Delirium 198
Delusions 147
Dementia 113
Dengue 121
Dental drill 192
Dentist Act 182
Depression 109, 113
Desipramine 40
Dextrocardia 48
Dextrose 56, 137, 162
Diabetes Day 188
Diabetes 197, 202
insipidus 53, 54
ketoacidosis 54
mellitus 59, 197
insulin dependent 198
non-insulin dependent 198
Dialysis, indications of 197
Diaphoresis 54, 55, 194
Diarrhea 54, 55, 60
infectious 196
Digibind 58
Digitoxin 40
Digoxin 40, 54, 56
immune fab 56
Diltiazem 118
Dimercaprol 56
Diphenhydramine 57, 137
Diphenylhydantoin 133
Diphtheria 96, 124
Diplopia 113
causes of 202
Disopyramide 40
Distended neck vein 112, 113
Diuretics 54
Diverticula 189
Diverticular disease 112
Diverticulitis 61, 196
Diverticulum 190
Dizziness 54, 55, 60
Dobutamine 118
Dog bite 91
Dopamine 56, 118
Dorsal flexion 81
Dorsal pedalis 5
Down syndrome 193
D-penicillamine 56
Drains 96
Dressing, types of 214, 214t
Droplet nuclei 96
Drowning 92
Drowsiness 53, 183
Drug and Cosmetics Act 182
Drug 198
dosage 50
therapy 65
Dry mouth 53
Dry mucous membrane 54
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 110
Dunlop's traction 165
Duodenal ulcer 196
Dysentery 126
Dyspnea 1, 153, 194
Dysrhythmia 118
Ears 194
E-C clamp technique 64f
Ecchymosis 194
Eczema 196
Edema 53, 133, 201
Elbow 81
Electrocardiogram 136
basic types of 46
Electrolyte 36, 162, 197
imbalance 48, 48t, 53, 54, 54t
normal values in 36t
Emergency cuffed cricothyrotomy set 138
Emphysema, subcutaneous 112
Employees State Insurance Act 182
Encephalitis 121, 190
End tidal carbon dioxide 1
Endocarditis 200
Endocrine 193
Endocrinopathy 197
Endometriosis 199
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 61
Endoscopy 191
Endothelial injury 111
Endothelium 112
Endotracheal tube 96, 97, 117, 136
sizes 136
Enteral nutrition, basic types of 77, 77t
Enteric infections 96
Enuresis 113
Environment Protection Act 182
Enzymes, serum 37t
Eosinophils 38
Ephedrine 137
Epidemic Diseases Act 182
Epiglottitis 96
Epinephrine 56, 118, 137
Epithelialization 196
Erythema nodosum 201
sedimentation rate 37
studies 37, 37t
Escherichia coli 96
Esmolol 118
motility disorder 189
obstruction 189
perforation 189
varies 61
Esophagitis 189
Estimate blood volume 52
Ethanol 56
Ethical distress 181
Ethical theories 180t
Ethosuximide 40
Ethylene glycol 56
Evaporation 2
Evisceration 194
Exercise 10, 11, 201
Expiratory reserve volume 213
Extension 81, 82, 86
symptoms 57
tract disease 110
Eye 115, 201
diseases 202
infections 96
injury 93
opening 9
Face mask 88, 95, 96, 136
Facial nevus 112
Factories Act 182
Fainting 93
Familial hematuria, benign 199
Famotidine 118
Fatigue 53, 55, 196
Fats 103, 193
malabsorbtion of 61
monounsaturated 104
saturated 103
soluble 105
Fear 10
Fecal fistula 195
Feces 193
death 133
rate 134t
tones 132
hypoxia 134
movements, absence of 133
Fetus 193
identification 132
Fever 11, 53, 54, 112
constant 3
continuous 3
drug-induced 196
intermittent 3
low grade 197
mud 126
quotidian 3
relapsing 3
scarlet 96
swinging 3
types of 3t
Fibrinogen 36
Fibroid 193, 200
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal 199
Filariasis 122
Fingers, clubbing of 113
Fire extinguishers, types of 30t
First aid
kits 87, 87f
equipment of 89f
management 87
training 87
Fistula 196
bronchopleural 159
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome 200
Flail chest 115, 159
Flexion 81, 82, 86
lateral 81
Fluid 193
extravasation of 156
intake 165
retention 53
deficit 54
overload 54
Flumazenil 56, 137
Fluorouracil 56
Foley's catheter 184
with color codes, size of 20t
Folic acid 105
Fomepizole 56
exercises 86
medial dorsal of 5
supination and pronation of 86
Forced expiratory volume 213
Forced vital capacity 213
Forces delivery, indications of 200
Fowler's position 29
Fracture 92, 115
location of 165
rib 115, 159
types of 165
Fried's rule 50
Fructose 103
Functional residual volume 213
Fungal infection 189
Furosemide 137
disturbances 113
speed 1
Gallbladder disease 61, 62, 109
Gallstone 112
ectopic 113
ileus 113
Garamycin 40
Gas mask 191
Gastric 196
irritation 61
tubes sizes 138
volvulus 113
Gastritis 196
bleeding, causes of 196
inflammation 190
malabsorption 193
prophylaxis 97
studies, serum 37, 37t
system, functional immaturity of 162
tumors 61
Genetic disorders 200
Genital herpes 128
Genital warts 128
Gentamicin 40
German measles 122
Gilbert's syndrome 61
Glasgow coma scale 1, 9t, 72, 114, 116
Glaucoma 194, 202
post-congestive 112
Global Hand washing Day 188
Glomerular filtration rate 38
Glucagon 56
Glucometer 10, 10f, 138
Glucose 103
intravenous 56
studies 38, 38t
Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, serum 40
Gonorrhea 129
Gowers' sign 110
Graves disease 190
Grey Turner's sign 109
Growth, promotion of 162
Hallucinations 147
Hand hygiene 157
Head 115, 159
Headache 201
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, guidelines of 157
Hearing loss 109
artificial 192
congenital 193
rheumatic 110
failure 113
rate 10
calculate 48
changes in 183
transplant 192
Heat loss, methods of 2
Hegar's sign 132
Hemangioma 190
Hematocrit 37
Hematologic disease 199
Hematoma 189, 190
subdural 190
Hematuria, causes of 199
Hemobilia 112
Hemoglobin 37, 116
glycosylated 38
Hemolysis 53
Hemoptysis 159
antepartum 201
primary 195
reactionary 195
retroperitoneal 109
subarachnoid 108, 110
Hemorrhoidectomy 28
Hemorrhoids 62, 189, 196
Hemothorax, simple 115
Heparin 56, 119
disease 26
studies 38
normal values in 38t
Hernia 195
Heroin 57
genitalis 128
simplex 96
zoster 123
Hiatal hernia 190
High quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation 63
Hip 81
artificial 192
bone 5
dislocation 115
location, congenital 108
rotation of 86
HIV 129
nephropathy 197
testing, normal values in 39t
Homeopathy Central Council Act 182
Hookworm disease 127
Hospital beds
classification of 73t, 74t
types of 73, 73fc, 74
Hospital Infection Control Policies 21
Human Rights Day 188
Hutchinson's teeth 112
Hydralazine 137
Hydramnios 201
Hydrocephalus 110, 190
Hydrocortisone 137
Hydronephrosis, causes of 199
Hyperbaric oxygen 56
Hypercalcemia 48, 55
familial benign 58
Hypercalciuria 199
Hyperemesis gravidarum 133, 194
Hyperesthesia 112
Hyperextension 81, 86
Hyperglycemia 10, 11, 54
Hyperkalemia 10, 48, 55, 197
causes of 53
Hypermagnesemia 48, 55
Hypernatremia 10, 11, 54
causes of 53
symptoms of 53
Hyperparathyroidism 55
Hyperpyrexia 3
Hypertension 6, 111, 133
intracranial 201
portal 190
severe 159
Hyperthermia 3
malignant 56, 101
Hyperthyroidism 55
Hypertrophy, ventricular 197
Hypoactive bowel function 55
Hypoaldosteronism 53
Hypocalcemia 10, 48, 558, 108
Hypodermic syringe 192
Hypoglycemia 10, 11
Hypoglycemic symptoms 111
Hypokalemia 10, 48, 55
symptoms of 53
Hypomagnesemia 48, 54
Hyponatremia 10, 54
Hypophysectomy 28
Hypopituitarism 193, 198
Hypoproteinemia 190
Hypotension 6, 54, 112, 113, 153
postural 54, 55
Hypothalamus, anterior 2
Hypothermia 3, 11, 94, 101
Hypoxia 101, 114
Hysteria 216
Ibuprofen 133
Idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura 26
Imipramine 40
Immunological test 61
Impetigo 96
Incidence rate 50
Indian Fatal Accidents Act 182
Indian Lunacy Act 182
Indian Medical Council Act, Companies Act 182
Indian Nursing Council Act 182
Indian Red Cross Society Act 182
Indomethacin 58, 133
Infant Milk Substitutes Act, Child Survival and Safe Motherhood 182
Infarction 189
Inferior vena cava 156
Infertility 200
Inflammation 196, 198
Inflammatory disease 199
Influenza 96, 124
Injuries 197, 202
Inotropes 118
Insect bite 91
Inspiratory reserve volume 213
Insulin 56, 192
Insulinoma 111
Integrated Child Development Services Scheme 172
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme 172
Integumentary system 2
International Childhood Cancer Day 186
International Children's Day of Broadcasting 188
International Color Code 46, 47, 215t
International Day for Elderly 188
International Day of Action for Women's Health 187f
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 187
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 188
International Day of Yoga 187
International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 186
International Normalized Ratio 36
International Women's Day 186, 187f
Interstitial disease 199
bleeding 60, 61
failure 162
obstruction 200
Intracranial pressure, raised 111, 159, 194
devices 200
lifespan of 214t
growth retardation 193, 201
Intravascular coagulation, disseminated 26
Intravenous infusion pump 138
Iodine 56
Iris atrophy 112
Iron 56, 107
Irritable bowel syndrome 61, 62
Ischemic bowel 196
Isolation 95
Itching 196
Jackson-Rees T-piece device 138
Jaundice 61, 112
cholestatic 201
hemorrhagic 126
Joint trauma 115
Jugular vein distension 153
Juvenile Justice Act 182
Kegel's exercise 60
Keratitis 202
interstitial 112
Kernig's sign 108
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 194
Kidney 58
failure 53
Knee 81
extension of 86
height 13
injuries 115
Labetalol 118, 137
mechanisms of 133fc
stages of 132, 134t
Labyrinthitis 194
Laceration 190
Lacrimation 112
Lactate dehydrogenase 37, 40
Lactose 103
Laparoscopic surgery 192
Laparoscopy 189
Laparotomy 101
Laryngectomy 28
Laryngoscope 136
blades 136
bulb 136
handles 136
Lasegue's sign 110
Lateral wall infarction 47
Laxative abuse 54
Lead 56, 58
cramps 55
exercises 86
Legal Services Day 188
Lens, dislocated 202
Leprosy 123
Leprosy Eradication Day 186
Leptospirosis 126
Lethargy 54, 197
Leucovorin calcium 56, 57
Leukemia 10, 11
Levofloxacin 119
Lidocaine 40, 118, 137
jelly 136
spray 136
Lipase 37
Lipids 37, 162
Lithium 40, 55
Lithobid 40
Lithotomy position 29
Liver 58, 59, 61, 62
biopsy 29
disease 59
enzyme 116
tests 60
problems 194
Livor mortis 183
Lower limb orthoses 166t
Lumbar puncture 29, 190
Lumps, examination of 194
Lund-Browder classification chart 141t
abscess 159
disease, suppurative 193
function tests 213t
tumors 189
Lymph node enlargement 189
Lymphocytes 38
Lymphoma 189, 190
Magill forceps 136
Magnesium 36, 39, 106
intake 55
parental 55
sulfate 40, 56
Magnetic resonance imaging 61
Malaria 122
Mallampati grading 117f
Malnutrition 54
Mask 117
Mastectomy 28
Maternity Benefits Act 182
McBurney's point 112
McBurney's sign 109
Mean arterial pressure 50
Measles 95, 122
Measles Immunization Day 186
Medial antecubital fossa 5
Medial pterygoid, spasm of 113
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 182
Melena 112
Membrane, premature rupture of 132
Memory 148
Meniere's disease, triad symptoms of 109
Meningitis 96, 108, 120, 190, 194, 200
Meningococcal pneumonia 96
Menses 132
Mental Health Act 182
retardation 112
status 114, 153
examination 143, 146
Mercury poisoning 58
Metabolic disorders 59
Methanol 56
Methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus 96
Methocarbamol 58
Methotrexate 57
Metronidazole 58
Metroprolol 118
Microscope 191
Midazolam 137
Mid-day Meal Programme 172
Midwives Benefits Act 182
Milestone 144
Milwaukee brace 165
Minerals 106, 162
Minimum Wages Act 182
Modern blood transfusion 191
Moniliasis 127
Monitor fluid intake 59
Monocytes 38
Mood 146, 147
Morning sickness 132
Morphine 137
Mouth-to-mask breaths 63
Mouth-to-mouth breaths 63
Multiorgan failure 162
Multiple sclerosis, triad signs of 108
Multivitamin medications 58
Mumps 96, 127
Murphy sign 109
cramps 55
injury 58
strength grading 116
weakness 54, 55
Muscular tension 194
Mushroom poisoning 57
Mycoplasmal pneumonia 96
Myelogram 29
Myocardial infarction 47t
acute 10, 197
inferior 194
signs of 194
symptoms of 194
Myocardial injury, blunt 115
Myoclonus 183
N-acetyl cysteine 56
Nalmefene 57
Naloxone 137
Narcotics 10, 11, 57
drugs 182
bone 115
congestion 201
polyps 113
suction, prolonged 54
tube 96, 113
Naso-orbitoethmoid complex 115
National AIDS Control Programme 172
National Antidrug Addiction Day 188
National Blood Policy 173
National Cancer Control Programme 172
National Charter for Children 173
National Dengue Day 187
National Deworming Day 186
National Epilepsy Day 188
National Filaria Control Programme 172
National Guinea Worm Eradication Programme 172
National Health Policies 173
National Health Programme 172
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme 172
National Leprosy Eradication Programme 172
National Mental Health Programme 172
National Nutrition Policy 173
National Nutrition Week 187
National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Programme 172
National Nutritional Programme 172
National Policy for Empowerment of Women 173
National Pollution Prevention Day 188
National Population Policy 173
National Programme for Control and Treatment of Occupational Diseases 172
National Programme for Control of Blindness 172
National Programme for Control of Diabetes, cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 172
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness 172
National Programme on Prevention of Nutritional Blindness due to Vitamin A Deficiency 172
National Rural Drinking Water Programme 173
National Rural Health Mission 173
National Science Day 186
National Tobacco Control Programme 172
National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Autism and Multiple Disabilities Act 182
National Urban Health Mission 173
National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme 172
National Youth Policy 173
Natural disaster reduction 188
Nausea 54, 55, 101, 113, 194
Neck 81, 115, 159
rigidity 110
stiffness 110
Necrotizing enterocolitis 162
Needle stick injury 97
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 200
Neoplasia 196
Neostigmine bromide 57
Nephritis, interstitial 199
Nephrons 53
Nephrotic syndrome 190
damage 166
injuries 214
common 214t
Neurological disorders 59
Neuromuscular diseases 159
Neutrophils 38
Nevus araneus 109
Newborn Care Week 188
Niacin 105
Nifedipine 137
Nitrate gloves 136
Nitrofurantoin 58
Nitroglycerin 118
spray 137
Nitroprusside 118
No Smoking Day 186
Nocturia 198
Non ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 119
Non-communicable diseases 172
Nonrebreather oxygen mask 138
Norepinephrine 118
Normal pressure hydrocephalus 113
Norpramin 40
Nortriptyline 40
bleeding 92
reconstructive surgery of 101
Nosocomial infections, common 96f
Nuclear medicine scan 190
Nulligravida 132
Nullipara 132
Nurses and Midwives Act 182
Nystagmus 108
Obesity 15
Obstruction 195
Oliguria 55, 153, 195
Omega sign 109
Ophthalmology 202
Ophthalmoscope 191
Opioid analgesics 57
Optic atrophy, causes of 202
Oral contraceptives 201
complications of 201
Oral fluids 60
Oral rehydration salt 187
Oral thermometer 4
Orbital disease 202
Orchitis, inflammatory 198
Organ Transplantation Act 182
Organophosphorus poisoning 57
Oropharyngeal airway 117
Orthopedic cast 166, 167t
Orthopnea 153
Orthoses 166
Ortolani test 108
Osmotic diuretics 53
Osteoporosis 159
cyst 199
tumor 200
cylinder 136
supplementation 114
Pacemaker 151, 192
dysfunctions, common 153t
indications of 151t
types of 151t
Pacer dysfunction, symptoms of 153
Packed cells volume 25
Pain 8, 60, 165, 195, 196, 200
abdominal 60, 112, 133, 199, 201
acute 8, 10
assessment of 9t
asymbolia 8
chronic 8, 10
epigastric 113
ipsilateral retro-orbital 113
psychogenic 8
score 1, 8
somatoform 8
types of 8
Pallor 165, 194, 195
Pancreatic enzyme tests 60
Pancreatitis 55, 61, 109, 162, 190, 201
acute hemorrhagic 109
Paracentesis 190
Paracetamol 56
Paralysis 55, 165
Paresthesia 165, 195
Parkinson's disease 110
Parkland formula 51
Partial thromboplastin time 36
Payment of Gratuity Act 182
advanced life support 138
defibrillator 138
gel pads 138
dosage calculation 50
electrodes 138
laryngoscope handle/blades/bulbs 138
length based resuscitation tape 138
Magill forceps 138
self-inflating bag-valve-mask 138
stylette 138
Pediculosis 96
Pelvic 195
inflammatory disease, complications of 200
organs 189
pain, chronic 200
Pelvi-ureteric obstruction 199
Penicillin 192
Pericardiocentesis 190, 197
Pericarditis 48, 190
Perineum 115
Peripheral line infections 98
Peritoneal bleeding 190
Peritonitis 190, 200
Peroneal nerve 166
Persistent otorrhea 113
Persons with Disability Act 182
Pertussis 96, 124
Petrositis 113
Phantom pain 8
Pharmacy Act 182
Pharyngx, lateral 113
Phenazopyridine 58, 59
Phenylephrine 137
Phenytoin 40
Phlebitis 196
mechanical 156
Phosphate 60
Phosphorus 36, 106
Photophobia 112
Physical exercise, types of 80, 80t
Physostigmine 56
Phytonadione 56
Pigmentation 201
abruption of 199
previa 132
Plaminogen 36
Plantar flexion 81, 86
Plaster splints 167f
Plastic surgery 192
Platelet 25
count 36
Pleuritis 189
Plummer-Vinson syndrome 196
Pneumobilia 113
Pneumocystis 189
Pneumonia 96, 124, 159, 189, 195, 196
ventilator associated 49, 97
Pneumothorax 156
simple 115
Polio vaccine 192
Poliomyelitis 121
Polycystic kidney disease 197
Polyposis 113
Polyps 61, 62
Polyunsaturated fats 104
Polyuria 55, 198
Popliteal fossa behind knee 5
Porphyria 58, 201
Portable suction apparatus 136
Post-exposure prophylaxis 91
Postoperative gastrointestinal surgery 162
Postoperative pyrexia, causes of 196
Post-traumatic stress disorder 217
Postural drainage 29, 160
Potassium 36, 39, 57, 60, 106
serum 38
sparing diuretics 55
Povidine-iodine 88
Pralidoxime 56, 57
Preeclampsia 133, 201
classic triad of 199
Pre-exposure prophylaxis 91
Pregnancy 59, 132, 132t, 198
danger signs 132, 132t
ectopic 109, 199, 200
multiple 201
signs 132, 132t
symptoms 132, 132t
Prehypertension 6
Prehypotension 6
Premature labor 133
Pressure 166, 195
bag 138
intracranial 202
sores 16
ulcer 16, 17t
and dressing, stages of 17t
sites of 16t
Prevent Intravascular Catheter-related Infections 157
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 182
Primaquine 58
Primidone 40
Primigravida 132
Primipara 132
Procainamide 40
Programmable infusion pump 191
Propranolol 40
Prostate enlargement 199
Prostitis, early symptoms of 198
Protamine sulfate 56
Protection of Child from Sexual Offences Act 182
Protein 37, 39, 104, 162
Prothrombin time 36
Proximal muscle weakness 110
Psychalgia 8
Psychosis 54
Pubis 5
Pulmonary embolism 10, 11, 119
Pulsation 195
Pulse 1, 165
intensity of 4
irregular 4
oximeter 7, 7f
rate 5f
regular 4
sites of 4
strength 5
Pulseless electrical activity 118
Pyelonephritis 194, 198
Pyemia, portal 195
Pyrexia 3
Pyridium 58, 59
Quinidine 40
Quinine 133, 191
Rabies 121
vaccine 192
Radial flexion 81
Radiation 2, 9, 193, 196, 198
safety 30
therapy 60
Radiculopathy, lumbosacral 110
Radionuclide renal scanning 60
Range of motion exercises 81, 81t, 82f85f
types of 81t
Raynaud's disease 8
enema 29
thermometer 4
Rectus sheath hematoma 200
Red blood count 37
Red eye, causes of 202
Reflexes 116, 198
loss of 183
Regional lymph nodes 195
disease, chronic 55
disorders 58
failure 54, 55, 194
functions 38, 38t
lesion 198
pelvis, tumor of 199
steroids 55
ultrasonography 60
Reproductive and Child Health Programme 173
Respiration 1
Respiratory syncytial virus 96
Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary 63, 136
Retinoids 133
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme 172
Rickets 193
Rifampin 58
Right of Child to Free and Compulsory Education Act 182
Rigor mortis 183
Ringer's lactate 51
Roller bandage 89
Romazicon 56
Rose day 187
Rota virus 96
Roundworm 125
Rubella 96, 200
vaccine 192
Rule of nine 140f, 141f
Ryle's tube 184
feeding 76
size of 19t
Sad persons scale 170
Safe blood sampling, steps of 41fc
Salicylate 40, 57
Scabies 96, 123
Scar 195
Scattered burns, estimation of 141
Schistosomiasis 126
Scleritis 202
Scleroderma 189, 197
multiple 189, 190
tuberous 112
Scoliosis 193
Scorpion bite 91
Scurvy vaccine 192
Secondary nephrotic syndrome, causes of 197
Secondary triage score, final interpretation of 72
Seizures 54, 93, 112
Self-inflating bag-valve-mask 136
Semen obstruction 198
Sengstaken-Blakemore and Minnesota tube 29
Sentinal loop sign 109
Sepsis 96, 195, 200
Sequelae 198
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 124
Sex hormone therapy 198
Sexual Reproductive Health Awareness Day 186
Shallow respirations 53
Sharps, disposal of 95
Shigellosis 126
Shock 118t, 195
electric 92, 149
hypovolemic 8
therapy 65
Short stature, causes of 193
Shoulder 81
Sickle cell 199
Sims position 29
Skeletal traction 165
Skin 195
artificial 192
dark pigmentation of 8
flushed 53, 55
infections 96
preparation 157
traction 165
Small bowel obstruction 113
Smallpox vaccine 192
Snake poison 90f
Sodium 36, 39, 107
bicarbonate 137
dantrolene 137
nitrite 56
serum 38, 60
thiosulfate 56
Solumedrol 118
Special Nutrition Programme 172
Speech 147
Sphygmomanometer 5, 136
angioma 109
nevus 109
telangiectasia 109
curvature 165
injury 10, 11, 114
needle, size of 19t
Sputum sample collection 44
Squint, ipsilateral 113
Starch 103
Steroids 133
Stethoscope 136, 191
Stones 199
Stool-associated diseases, color of 60t
Streptococcal pharyngitis 96
Stress 201
Succinylcholine 137
Sucrose 103
Suction catheter
deep 136
with color codes, size of 19t
Suicide, warning signs of 169
Sulbactam 119
Sulfasalazine 59
Sulfonylureas 133
Sunset sign 110
Sunstroke 93
Superior vena cava junction 156
Surgery, types of 101
Surgical wound sites 96
Surveillance rate calculation 49
abdominal 193
examination of 194
internal 113
Swine herd disease 126
Swollen blood vessels 109
Syncope 113, 153
Syphilis 129
congenital 112
Systemic lupus erythematosus 216
Tachycardia 4, 54, 134
Talk test 80
Tall R wave 48
Tamponade 10
Telangiectasis, types of 109
Temperature 1, 195
calculation 49
in celsius 131
in fahrenheit 131
Tendon reflex, deep 54
Tension pneumothorax 115
atrophy, causes of 198
torsion 190
Tetanus 120
toxoid 97
Tetracyclines 133
Thalidomide 133
Theophylline 40
Thermometer 89, 191
types of 4f
Thermoregulation 2t, 165
concept of 4fc
Thiazide diuretics 55, 133
Thin glomerular basement membrane disease 199
Thoracentesis 29
Thready pulse 54
Thrombin time 36
Thromboembolism 201
Thrombosis 156
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 26
Thrombus 195
Thumb 82
dysfunction 201
hormones 2
studies 38, 38t
Thyroidectomy 28
Thyroxine 38
Tibial nerve 166
Tidal volume 213
Tinel's sign 110
Tinnitus 109
biopsies 61
injury, traumatic 53
Tobacco Cessation Act 182
Tobramycin 40
Toes, adduction of 86
Tongue, flushed 54
Torts, classification of 181fc
Total hip replacement 28
Total lung capacity 213
Total parental nutrition 156, 162
Toxins 199
Toxoplasmosis, congenital 112
Tranexamic acid 118
Trauma 190, 198, 199, 202
abdominal 190
assessment 114
severe 162
Trendelenburg's position 29
Trendelenburg's test 108
Triage, types of 71, 71t
Triangular bandage 89
Trichomoniasis 128
Tricyclic antidepressants 60
Trigeminal neuralgia 111
Triiodothyronine 38
Trousseau's sign 108
Tube feedings, types of 77f
Tuberculosis 58, 95, 189, 190
Tumor 60, 61, 189, 199
excision of 101
Turner syndrome 193
Twenty (20) Points Programme 173
Tylenol 57
Tylosis 197
Typhoid fever 125
Ulcer 17, 60, 61, 190, 196
Ulcerative colitis 61, 62
Ulna length 13
measurement of 13t
Ulnar flexion 81
Universal Health Coverage Day 188
Universal Hospital Identity 33
Universal Immunization Programme 172
Universal Precautions and Infection Control Measures 95
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy 61
Upper limb orthoses 166t
Uremic symptoms 197
Urethra, stenosis of 199
Urethral valve 199
Urge incontinence 60
Uric acid 37, 39
catheterization 78, 196
parts of 79f
types of 78fc
incontinence 59, 113
indexes 60
obstruction 198
stones 199
tract discomfort 58, 59
tract infection 5860, 196
catheter associated 49, 98
signs of 197
tract obstruction 60
amount of 59
analysis 59
associated diseases, amount of 59t
changes in 132
color of 58, 58t
odor of 59, 59t
sample collection 45
tests 39, 39t
Uterus 200
changes in 132
torsion of 200
Uveitis 202
Vaccine vial monitoring, stages of 131t
bleeding 132
discharge 200
procedures 29
Valproic acid 40
Valsalva maneuver 164
Vancomycin-resistant Staph. aureus 96
containing vaccines, transport of 131
zoster 96
virus, disseminated 95
Varicose veins, symptoms of 196
access devices 96
spider 109
stenosis 190
Vasculitis 198
Vasopressin 137
Venereal warts 128
Venous blood values 154t
Ventilator 192
Verapamil 137
Vertigo 109, 153
Vigorous-intensity activity 80
Viral hemorrhagic infections 96
Vital signs 1, 1t, 10, 159, 191
Vitamin 104, 162
B complex 59
K 56
Voiding cystourethrography 60
Volkmann's ischemic contracture 168
Vomiting 54, 55, 101, 112, 194, 201
non-gastrointestinal causes of 194
von Willebrand disease 26
Wartenberg's sign 110
categories of 22t
management 43
types of 22
Weech's formula 15t
Wheat-Based Supplementary Nutrition Programme 172
White blood cell count 38
Whooping cough 124
Wolf Parkinson's syndrome 48
World AIDS Day 188
World Antibiotic Awareness Month 188
World Arthritis Day 188
World Asthma Day 187
World Autism Awareness Day 186
World Blood Donor Day 187
World Brain Tumor Day 187
World Breastfeeding Week 187
World Cancer Day 186
World Cerebral Palsy Day 188
World Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day 187
International Nurses Day, World Hypertension Day 187
World Consumer Rights Day 186
World COPD Day 188
World Disabled Day 186
World Down Syndrome Day 186
World Environment Day 187
World Family Doctor Day 187
World Food Day 188
World Glaucoma Week 186
World Health Day 186
World Health Organization 15
World Heart Day 187
World Hemophilia Day 186
World Hepatitis Day 187
World Immunization Week 186
World Iodine Deficiency Day 188
World Kidney Day 186
World Laughter Day 186
World Liver Day 186
World Malaria Day 186
World Mental Health Day 188
World Meteorological Day 186
World Mosquito Day 187
World Multiple Sclerosis Day 187
World No Tobacco Day 187
World Obesity Day 188
World Oral Health Day 186
World Osteoporosis Day 188
World Patient Safety Day 188
World Pharmacist Day 187
World Polio Day 188
World Population Day 187
World Rabies Day 187
World Red Cross Day 187
World Senior Citizens Day 187
World Sickle Cell Day 187
World Sight Day 188
World Stroke Day 188
World TB Day 186
World Thalassemia Day 187
World Thrift Day 188
World Toilet Day 188
World Tourism Day 187
World Trauma Day 188
World Vegetarian Day 188
World Water Day 186
World Zoonoses Day 187
Wound 102
infection 96, 195, 196
Wrist 81
Xylocaine 40
Yaws Control Programme 172
Yeast infections 127
Young's rule 50
Zinc 107
Zygomaticomaxillary complex 115
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Vital or Cardinal Signs1

Table 1.1   Description of vital signs with its normal value
S. no.
Vital signs
Normal value
Difference between heat gain and heat loss
98.6°F (or) 37°C
Rhythmic expansion and contraction of arteries as a blood pumped to them by heart rate
72 beats per minute
Blood pressure
Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels especially arteries
120/80 mm Hg
Act of breathing (inhalation and exhalation of air)
16–20 breaths per minute
SPO2 denotes oxygen saturation in blood (i.e. percentage of hemoglobin binding sites in blood occupied by oxygen)
Pain score
An unpleasant feeling conveyed to the brain by sensory neuron
0 or no pain
Capillary blood glucose
A way of monitoring the level of glucose concentration in blood
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Scale used to assess level of consciousness among patients
15–best response
ET CO2 (End tidal carbon dioxide)
A graphical measurement of carbon dioxide partial pressure during expiration
1–5 mm Hg
Difficulty in breathing or breathlessness or client become conscious aware in breathing
Gait speed
A screening measure reflects both the physical and cognitive functioning. Considered as vital sign for elders.
0.94–1.26 meter per second (elders)
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Flowchart 1.1: Core temperature vs surface temperature
Table 1.2   Basic concepts in thermoregulation
S. no.
Basic concepts
Vital center of brain
Preoptic area of anterior hypothalamus
System helps in thermoregulation
Integumentary system (act as barrier to protect body from environment and thereby control temperature)
Hormones increases body temperature
T3, T4 (thyroid hormones increases basal metabolic rate thereby raises temperature)
Table 1.3   Description about methods of heat loss
Methods of heat loss
By direct contact from a hot part to cold part
Transfer of heat by circulating air
Liquid state change to vapor
Heat transfer from surface of one object to other which is not contact with each other
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Flowchart 1.2: Stages during fever
Table 1.4   Description about types of fever
Types of fever
Fall of temperature in zigzag manner before reaching to normal
Constant fever (or) continuous fever
Temperature varies not more than 2°C between morning and evening. Temperature does not reach normal for period of days/weeks.
Remittent fever
Temperature varies more than 2°C between morning and evening. Temperature does not reach normal for period of days/weeks.
Intermittent fever (or) quotidian fever
Temperature reaches to high level and it returns to normal at regular intervals
Inverse fever
Temperature reaches to high in morning and it returns to normal in evening
Hectic (or) swinging fever
Difference between the highest degree of temperature and the lowest degree of temperature is very high
Relapsing fever
Brief febrile periods followed by one or two days of normal temperature
Sudden shivering during fever
Hyperthermia (or) pyrexia
Temperature above 105°F
Temperature below 95°F
Formula to convert fahrenheit into celsius: C = (F–32) × 5/9
Formula to convert celsius into fahrenheit: F = (C × 9/5) + 32
Table 1.5   Normal temperature based on the measurement in different body parts
S. no.
Temperature assessment in different body parts
Normal value
Table 1.6   Classification—temperature variations
S. no.
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Fig. 1.1: Types of thermometer
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Flowchart 1.3: Concept of thermoregulation
  • Rate: 60 to 90 beats per minute is normal
    • Tachycardia (decreased pulse rate)
    • Bradycardia (increased pulse rate)
  • Rhythm: Regular or irregular pulse (arrhythmia—irregular or abnormal rhythm)
  • Volume: Strength or intensity of pulse
    • Described in terms: Strong, bounding, thready, weak and feeble.
zoom view
  • Radial: Medial ventral wrist below the base of thumb
  • Apical: Left side of chest in fifth intercostal space and midclavicular line5
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.2: Sites of taking pulse rate
  • Ulnar: Located on medial of the wrist
  • Temporal: Anterior to upper third of year
  • Carotid: Below angle of jaw on each sides of trachea
  • Femoral: In groin between pubis and hip bone
  • Dorsal pedalis: Medial dorsal of foot
  • Posterior tibial: Below posterior malleolus of foot
  • Popliteal: Popliteal fossa behind knee
  • Brachial: Medial antecubital fossa
0 – Absent
1 – Weak
2 – Normal
3 – Full
4 – Bounding
  • Instrument used—sphygmomanometer
  • If the patient done any strenuous activity (e.g. exercises) check BP after 15 minutes (remember strenuous activities will show BP raised)
  • Maintain proper interpersonal relation, i.e. talk to patient (remember white coat hypertension)—BP may be raised because of nurses who does not communicate with patient and check BP will make the client fearful which in-turn raise client BP6
  • BP apparatus has to be kept in patients chest level
  • Tie BP cuff in left hand (if not contraindicated) to get accurate BP since heart was present towards the left side
  • Cuff has to be tied 2 inches above the antecubital fossa and ensure that tubings are crossing over antecubital fossa
  • Palpate the radial pulse, inflate BP cuff and when you does not feel the radial pulse, then use stethoscope to hear Korotkoff's sounds
  • First sound where you started to hear is systolic BP and where the sound completely vanish is diastolic BP
  • Document it immediately.
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Table 1.7   Classification of blood pressure
Systolic BP
Diastolic BP
Grade I hypertension
Grade II hypertension
Grade I hypotension
Grade II hypotension
zoom view
Fig. 1.3: Parts of BP apparatus
zoom view
Fig. 1.4: Parts of stethoscope
Saturation of oxygen measured using pulse oximeter.
zoom view
Fig. 1.5: Pulse oximeter
Table 1.8   Action plan based on SPO2 level
SPO2 level
Action plan
Check probe placement is proper and monitor continuously
  • Assess airway
  • Encourage coughing
  • Fowler's position (raise head end of bed)
  • Suction airway if necessary
  • Oxygen administration
  • Approach physician/pulmonologist
< 85
  • Assess airway
  • Check out any medication may cause respiratory depression (e.g. saloxone, flumazenil, lorazepam)
  • Fowler's position (raise head end of bed)
  • Suction airway if necessary
  • 100% of oxygen administration (consider the contraindication of O2 administration such as COPD–loss of hypoxic drive to breathe, High fever–high-risk for seizure, pacemakers/epidural pain pump–malfunction of device under pressure, Eustachian tube dysfunction–barotrauma to tympanic membrane)
  • Prepare for manual ventilation (set proper intubation tray)
  • Approach physician/pulmonologist
Table 1.9   Chance of false SPO2 reading
False high SPO2 reading
False low SPO2 reading
Not regular in pattern
  • Hypovolemic shock
  • Severe anemia
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Poor peripheral blood circulation
  • Chill extremities
  • Dark pigmentation of skin
  • Raynaud's disease
  • Nail polish
  • On medications which cause peripheral vasoconstriction
Patient movements
  • Numerical score ranges from 0 to 10.
  • Descriptive pain scale ratings are no pain, mild pain, moderate pain, severe pain, very severe pain.
  • Acute pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Depends on where it felts: Somatic, visceral and neuropathic.
  • Phantom pain: Pain felt in part of body which has been lost (common in amputated clients).
  • Psychogenic pain (psychalgia or somatoform pain): Pain due to mental, emotional or behavioral factors.
  • Breakthrough pain: Severe pain able to ‘breakthrough’ medications (e.g. cancer pain).
  • Pain asymbolia: Congenital insensitivity to pain.9
Table 1.10   Assessment of pain
P – Provokes (What provoke pain – stress, injury, exertion, postprandial, etc.)
Q – Quality (Is it achy, deep pressing, sharp, dull)
R – Radiation/relief (Is it spreads to other parts of body? What makes pain to be relieved?)
S – Severity/signs and symptoms (Grade pain using pain scale, mention associated symptoms along with pain such as fever, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, shortness of breath, etc.)
T – Time of onset and duration (When it start? How long it last? Is it sudden or gradual onset? Whether is it constant/intermittent?)
C – Characteristics (Is it achy, deep pressing, sharp, dull)
O – Onset (When it start? Is it sudden or gradual onset?)
L – Location (Where the pain is)
D – Duration (How long pain persist? Whether is it constant/intermittent?)
E – Exacerbation (What make the pain worsens?)
R – Radiation (Whether pain spread to other parts of body?)
R – Relief (What makes pain to be relieved?)
A – Associated signs and symptoms (Mention associated symptoms along with pain such as fever, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, shortness of breath, etc.)
Table 1.11   Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) to measure level of consciousness
S. no.
Eye opening
To speech
To pain
No response
Verbal response
Oriented to time, place and person
Inappropriate sounds
Incomprehensive words
No response
Motor response
Obeys commands
Moves to localize pain
Flexion withdrawal from pain
Abnormal flexion (decorticate)
Abnormal extension (decerebrate)
No response
Best response - 15
Comatose patient - 8 or less
Total unresponsiveness - 3
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Fig. 1.6: Glucometer
Glucometer: Equipment used to measure Blood Glucose.
Table 1.12   Factors affecting vital signs
Vital signs
Heart rate
  • Acute/chronic pain
  • Exercise
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Hypo/hyperkalemia
  • Hypo/hyperglycemia
  • Leukemia
  • Tamponade
  • Hyper/hyponatremia
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Beta-blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Narcotics
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Spinal injury
  • Hypo/hypocalcemia
  • Acute myocardial infarction
Respiratory rate
  • Acute pain
  • Exercise
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Tamponade
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Leukemia
  • Hyper/hyponatremia
  • Spinal injury
  • Beta-blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Narcotics
Systolic blood pressure
  • Acute pain
  • Anxiety
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyponatremia
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Beta-Blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Narcotics
  • Hypo/hypocalcemia
  • Hypernatremia
  • Hypokalemia
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Fever
  • Spinal injury
  • Exercise
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Leukemia
  • Hypernatremia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Narcotics
  • Hypothermia