Essential Orthopedics: Principles and Practice (2 Volumes) Manish Kumar Varshney
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flow chart, and t refer to table.
Abatacept 431, 432, 434, 435
ABC See Aneurysmal bone cyst
Abdomen, computed tomography of 636
Abdominal flap, random pattern 1911
Abdominal wounds, open 2076, 2077
Abdominis, transversus 1045
Abduction external rotation position 1101
Abduction, limited range of 738
Abductor digiti
minimi 13271329
quinti muscle 1315
quinti nerve entrapment 999
Abductor evertor muscles 715
Abductor halluces 879, 998
abnormal attachment of 880
muscle 748, 1315, 1339
Abductor insufficiency 455
Abductor pollicis
brevis 1755, 1850
longus 572, 750
lateral branch of pin 1818
Abductor weakness 984
ABO blood groups 641f
Abraham Colles 2047
Abraham, osteotomy technique of 1247
Abrasion 1897
Abrasive wear 1194
types of 1194f
Abscess 1031, 2032, 2038
drainage of 142
epidural 1458, 1628
formation, indication of 1872
management of 1615
recurrence of 1873
retroperitoneal 452
subungual 1868, 1871
warm, formation of 1870
Absolute intracompartmental pressure 575
Absorbing excessive exudate 2080
Abutment syndrome 1786
Acalculous cholecystitis 639, 655
Acanthosis nigricans 687
Acceleration 1675
Accessory navicular tibiale externum 825
Acellular skin substitutes 2075
angle, failure of 902
anteversion 1018
bone defects 1289, 1291
cavitary defect 1290f
chondral debridement 1024
concavity, loss of 887
cup 1276
liner of 1945
defect 1290f, 1291t, 1292t
dome, superior 1188
dysplasia 698, 887, 1010, 1026, 1280
floor 1238f
line lies 1023
region of 1008
fracture, sequelae of 1237
fragment 1026
impaction bone grafting 1292
index 743f, 894, 1023
labral tears 1008, 1021, 1023
labrum 1008, 1009f
cross-section of 1009f
evaluation of 2035
nontraumatic tears of 1008
tear of 909, 1033
lesions 1023
ligament, transverse 890, 1008, 1157
lip 1017
osteolysis, Charnley zones of 1198f
osteoplasty 1015, 1026
osteotomy, hyaline cartilage of 917
overcoverage 1023
quadrant systems 1158
realignment 1024
region injury 1021
retroversion 1011, 1013, 1015, 1018, 1025
emnates 1025
three signs of 114f
anterior 1018
inverted 895
syndrome 1016
trimming 1007
angle 1023
lateral edge of 1023
segmental defect 1290f
version, abnormalities of 1019f
Acetabuloplasty 900, 902, 1025, 1026
Acetabulum 452, 1015, 1017, 1018, 1084, 1158, 1330
anterior 1011, 1017, 1025
bony prominences of 1016
columns of 1158f
deficient development of 887
depth of 895
dysplasia of 1023
fracture 2235
inner-wall of 903
labral junction 1010
lateral edge of 743, 894f
level of 453
pedis 1330
concept 1331f
perimeter of 1008
posteroinferior 1023
quadrants of 1159f
rim of 1009f
surface of 1009
travelling 474
Acetaminophen 471, 1959, 1960
Acetylcholine 1069
Achilles tendinitis 960, 988, 989f, 999
treatment 1937
Achilles tendon 1003, 1319, 1336, 1339, 1414f, 2038
allograft 1717
anatomy of 988f
attachment 1336
biomechanics 988
disease 990
noninsertional 990
lengthening 728f, 1386
reflex 1323
testing for 1323
rupture of 1411, 2038
tear 1412t
Z-lengthening 879
Achillodynia 2038
Achondroplasia 391, 685, 686f, 690, 763, 852, 910
atypical 687
orthopedic manifestations of 686
radiological features of 686
severe 687
tarda 687
Acid citrate dextrose 649
Acid-fast bacilli 1610
Acidic fibroblast growth factor 1980
Acne 254
Acoustic neuroma, familial 683
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 629
Acrobot systems 1967
Acrocephalosyndactyly 845
Acrocyanosis 592
Acrodysostosis 1237
Acrofacial dysostoses 845
Acromesomelic dwarfism 908
Acromial fracture 1147
Acromioclavicular joint 345, 398, 1089, 1148, 1150, 1921
injury 2124
space 1132
Acromiohumeral distance 1107
acetabularization of 1142
fracture of 1114
types of 1082f
Acroparesthesia 1986
Acropolysyndactyly 845
Acrorenal syndrome 817
Acrosyndactyly 703
Acrylic bone cement 1220, 1945
Acrylic cement injection 299
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 162
madurae 164
pelletieri 164
Actinomyces 1873
gerencseriae 162
israeli 162
meyeri 162
naeslundii 162
odontolyticus 162
turicensis 162
viscosus 162
Actinomycosis 123, 162
clinical features 162
epidemiology 162
histopathology 163
laboratory diagnosis 163
organism 162
radiology 163
treatment 163
Actinomycotic mycetoma 164
Activated partial thromboplastin time 608, 646
Activated protein C 615, 637
Active extension test 940
Acupressure 1036
Acupuncture 1036, 1444, 1681
Acute compartment syndrome 570, 571fc, 572t, 578
Acute onset pain 1699
Acute pain, type of 1948
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 632, 633, 639, 653, 2004
Acute retroviral syndrome 635
Acute trauma setting 964
Acute traumatic patellar dislocation 805
Adalimumab 431, 432, 435, 443
Adam complex 703
Adamantinoma 243
differential diagnosis 245
etiopathogenesis 243
histopathology 244
management 245
radiology 244
Adaptation lilliefors test 509
Adaptive carpal instability 1739
Address pain 749
Addressing gluteus medius tendonitis 1015
Adduction 729, 1008, 1021, 1032, 1133
Adduction-flexion 345
Adduction-inversion enables 1321
Adductor 743
Adductor aponeurosis 1766
injury 1041
Adductor avulsion 1044
Adductor brevis 1182
Adductor calcification 1044
Adductor compartment syndrome 1045
Adductor gracilis syndrome 1043
Adductor hallucis 1327, 1328, 1365, 1366
Adductor inverter muscles 715
Adductor longus 1044, 1045, 1182
Adductor magnus 1182
tendon 938
Adductor muscle fibers 1044
Adductor pollicis 751
Adductor tenotomy 744
Adeno-associated virus 1845, 1973
Adenocarcinoma 362
Adenosine triphosphate 23, 643, 1069
Adenovirus 1973, 1973f
receptor 1972
Adhesins 132
Adhesiolysis 1478
Adhesive capsulitis 1078, 1089, 1090, 1135, 1136, 1137f
clinical course 1135
diagnosis 1136
differential diagnosis 1137
epidemiology 1136
pathogenesis 1136
treatment 1137
Adipocyte cells 979
Adipocyte hypertrophy 276
Adipofascial flap 1908
Adipofascial turnover flap 1908
Adipose tissue 2104
Adjustable length foot abduction brace 876
Adjuvant therapy 184, 260, 287
analgesia 260
chemotherapy 184
radiotherapy 261
systemic therapy 261
idiopathic scoliosis 752
tibia vara 776, 778
Adrenocorticosteroid hormone 45, 422
ADS See Adult degenerative scoliosis
Adson's maneuver 619
Adson's test 1988
Adult deformities, classification of 1546
Adult degenerative scoliosis 1545
Adult idiopathic scoliosis 1545
Adult onset scoliosis 1545f
Adult respiratory disease syndrome 38, 632, 637, 655
Adult scoliosis 1544, 1545
classification for 1547t
Adult stem cells 2097
Advance trauma life support 2000
Advanced cardiac life support 656
Aeromonas hydrophila 1963
AFB See Acid-fast bacilli
Agarose 386
Aggrecan 366, 381, 385
abundance of 1081
Aggressive tumors 227
Aglietti system 304
Augmenting repair epitendinous suture 1881f
Ahlback classification system 396
Ahlback disease 301
Ahlback grading 403
AIN See Anterior interosseous nerve
Air gas 2037
Airbag function 1215
Airway, breathing and circulations 656
Akin procedure 1373
Alagille syndrome 1539
Albee method 477
Albers-Schonberg disease 105
Albright syndrome 240
Albumin 626, 645
Alcohol 626, 649, 1065
abuse 74, 278
withdrawal 635
Alderman's gait 528, 1606
Alendronate 90, 593
Alfa-flex shoe 877
Algoneurodystrophy 588
Alkaline phosphatase 8, 9f, 17, 384, 2118
Alkaptonuria 423
treatment 423
Allantoin 485
Alloderm 2075
Allodynia 590, 591
Allograft 380, 960, 2075
advantages of 60t
disadvantages of 60t
tissue 960
Alloimmunization 645
Alloplastic bone grafts 61
Allopurinol 484, 583
therapy 485
Alopecia, reversible 613
Alpha adrenergic drugs 630
Alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist 593
Alpha-crystallin 466
Alpha-minimum essential medium 2104
ALS See Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Alteration of acetabular version 1023
Alumina ceramics 1213
Alumina-matrix-composite ceramics 1214
Alumina-zirconia 1215
nanocomposites 1214
Alveolar capillary barrier 632
Alzheimer's disease 75, 1833
Amadio system 1739
Amateur street fighters 1056
American Academy of Neurology 1063, 1064
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 1213, 1214, 1289, 1806, 1806t
American College of Chest Physicians 610, 635
American College of Rheumatology 394t, 423, 483, 1232
American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System 170, 171t
American Knee Society 1967
American Rheumatological Association 1593t
American Society for Surgery of Hand 831, 1879
American Society for Testing and Materials 1947
American Spinal Injury Association 1632, 1632t
impairment scale 1632t
American-European Consensus Conference 632
Amino acid 2114
metabolisms 2114
Aminoglycoside 1996
Aminoglycoside antibiotics 472
Amitriptyline hydrochloride 631
Ammonia 647
Amniotic band
constriction 703
formation of 703
sequence 703
syndrome 703, 783
Amniotic fluid 649
Amontons’ law 1193f
Amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium, combination of 1870
AMP See Austin-Moore prosthesis
Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome 588
Amputated part, transport of 2018
Amputation 155, 463, 595, 704, 785, 787, 1360, 1764, 1891
around ankle 1898
level of 2017
open 1893
revision 1893
saw 2053f
complications of 1897
principles of 1892
upper-extremity 1907
Amylase 636
Amyloid 445
arthropathy 356
precursor protein, application of 1836
Amyloidosis 428, 1339, 1668, 1756
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 527, 1405, 1833, 1940
epidural 1955
locoregional 1955
method, patient controlled 1957
patient-controlled 1956, 1957
pre-emptive 1954
preventive 1955
Analgesic concentration, minimum effect 1956
Anaphylactic reactions 646
Anaphylaxis 613, 638
ANC See Accessory neurenteric canal
Anchor funicular suture technique 1843
Ancillary therapies lifestyle modification 485
Anconeus epitrochlearis 1811
Anconeus muscle 1677
Anderson-Darling test 509
Andersson's lesion 438, 440, 442
Andren-Von Rosen line 893f
Androgens 98
Andry's tree 1509, 1509f
Anemia 167, 608, 636, 639
epiphyseal 908
severe 641
during interscalene block, surgical 1961
epidural 613
manipulation under 1681, 1710
regional 1790
Anesthetic corticosteroid injection 1038
Anesthetic drugs, local 1955
Aneurysmal bone cyst 172, 173f, 192, 194f, 771, 1662
clinical features 193
differential diagnosis 195
formation of 678
gross and microscopic pathology 194
primary versus secondary 192
radiology 193
treatment 195
Angelman syndrome 701
hyperplasia 1676, 1677, 1678, 1684
tendinosis 1676
Angiogenesis 393, 544, 2085
growth factors 417
inhibitors 402
Angiography 657
Angioplasty 609, 621
Angiosarcoma 248, 249
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 588
Angle of cavus 724
Angle of Herzog 2056f
Angular deformity 704, 762, 782, 857
correction of 762
Angular displacement 522, 827
Angular kyphosis 1557
Angular osteotomies 295
Angular velocity 522
Angulation just below knee 764
Angulation, posteromedial 782
Animal bites 1868
Animals, organs of 2067
Anisocoria 624
Ankle 483, 785
and foot 1905, 1928
anatomy of 1311
deformities of 714f
anterior subluxation of 718
arthritis 728
arthrodesis 309, 310, 310f, 714, 719, 729
approaches of 311
contraindications of 309
arthroplasty 313, 314
complications of 315
contraindications 313
bony ankylosis of 728
brachial index 1894
cushioned-heel foot, solid 1928f, 1930
dorsiflexion, limitation of 747f
dorsiflexors of 720, 976, 1321f
end-stage diseases of 313
equinus of 885
foot orthosis 740, 782, 876, 1361, 1406, 1935, 1936f
patellar bearing 1937f
use of 747
fractures 2066, 2217
impingement syndrome, posterior 1001, 1002f, 1003
inferior retinaculum of 814
injuries 991
joint 717, 786, 1899, 1937, 2068
arthrodesis of 726
bony and radiographic anatomy of 1311f
capsule 879
control and stability of 1936
ligament of 1312
lines 772
movements blood circulation 1321
movements great toe 1321
movements, biomechanics of 1317
plantar flexion, composite of 864
position of 724
injury and treatment 1344
intact anterior 728
techniques 1347
malleolus 525
movements of 525
orthosis 1935, 1936
plantar flexors 747
tightness of 747
position of 738
posterior block of 1001
restore dorsiflexion of 718
slight dorsiflexion of 739
sprain 1342f
stabilization of 1937
transfixation of 784
valgus 749, 785
positioning of 786
Ankylosing hyperostosis 1582
Ankylosing spondylitis 388, 421, 438, 439f, 441, 441t, 442, 444, 998, 1237, 1351, 1558, 1585, 1586, 2114
clinical presentation 437
diagnosis of 440, 2114
radiographic features 438
treatment 441
Ankylosing spondylosis 438f, 439f
Ankylosis 528, 1008
complete 1711
congenital 1717
protein homolog human gene 419
Annular ligament 1163, 1672, 1673
distal margin of 1673
hyaline degeneration of 1677
reconstruction 1705
Annuloplasty 1456, 1482
Annulus fibrosus 439, 1426, 1982
Anomalous tendon slips 1027
Antalgic gait 527, 763, 967, 1032
Antebrachial cutaneous nerve 1050, 1701
posterior 1050
Antecedent trauma 1694
Antecubital fossa 1687
Antegrade flaps 1909
Anterior muscular portion intact 1028
Anterior plating technique 476, 477
Anterior slide test of Kibler 1096f
Anterior tarsal wedge osteotomy 725
Anterograde axonal transport 1829
Anterolateral ligament 931, 948, 960
laxity 963
Anterolateral portal pathway 1007f
Anteromedial knee pain, causes of 940
Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy 1025
Antiapoptotic strategies 1642
Antiarrhythmic drugs 614
bead implantation 148f
consists, second-line 1965
impregnated bone grafts 63
therapy, local 145
treatment 1868
anticitrulinated 426
identification 642
screening 642
Anti-catabolic proteins 385
Anticholinergic drugs 630
Anticoagulation therapy 606, 610
complications of 608
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide 424
antibodies 426
Anti-cytokine therapies 434
Anti-doping rule violation 1065
consequences of 1066
agents 148
drugs 614
injection of 1985
presenting cells 1985
Antigranulocyte scintigraphy 459
and neural membrane stabilizer 593
drugs 320, 593
medicines 826
strategies 1640
Antikeratin antibodies 426
Antimicrobial cationic peptide magainin 1359
Antineuropathic pain, pre-emptive 1955
Antioxidant 593, 1643
Antiphospholipid antibodies 618
drug 611
therapy 608
Antispasmodic drugs 631
Anti-staphylococcal titers 452
Antithrombin 607, 615, 645
deficiency 602, 607, 618
estimation 604
Antithrombogenic endothelium 602
Antitubercular chemotherapy 476
Anti-tumor immunity 1978
Anxiety 586
Aoki's ledge and plica alaris elongate 939
Aortic aneurysm 678
repair, abdominal 649
Aortic dissection 681
Aortic rupture 681
APB See Abductor pollicis brevis, 1734, 1752, 1753, 1851
Apendicular skeleton 256fc
Apert syndrome 687, 821, 842, 845, 855, 861
Aphasia 1060
Apheresis platelets, single donor 643, 644
Apical pulmonary neoplasm 1989
Apixaban 608, 616
APL See Abductor pollicis longus
Aplasia 689, 861
Apley's distraction test 946, 947f
Apnea 2001
Aponeurectomy, segmental 1764
Aponeurosis 1179f, 1328, 1810
triangular 1328
covering 1346
fibroma 266
tricipital flap 1717
Apophyseal injury 1684
Apoptosis 1638, 1678
Apoptotic death 350
APP See Amyloid precursor protein
Appendicitis 453
chronic 1036
Appendicular skeleton 42
Apprehension test 951, 951f, 1013
Apprentice spine 1564
Approximation test 1480
Apraxia 624
Aprotinin 626
Arachidonic acid 2114
Arc test, painful 1092, 1093f
Arcade of Frohse 1819, 1821
Arcade of Struthers 1811
bar, anterior 725
flattening 1001
support 1000
mechanisms of 1325
orthotics 583
transverse 1324
Arcuate ligament 929
Arcuate sign 968
Arcus juvenilis 676
ARDS, See respiratory distress syndrome
Arithmetic method 793, 794
Arm edema 619
malformation 1655, 1656
syndrome 666
Arrhythmias, cardiac 580
Artelon spacer 1771
aneurysm, subclavian 1986
gas 625, 633
pressure, mean 655
corona mortis 1181
ring, extracapsular 279
side promotes healing 2083
thoracic outlet syndrome, treatment of 1990
thrombosis 612t
Arterial-wall binding peptide 1974
Arteries, epiphyseal 18
Arteriography 952, 1894, 1989
Arteriosclerotic disease 1167
Arteriosclerotic plaques 2017
reconstruction of 1990
subclavian 1991
Arthralgia 429
cartilage 365
joints 1938
Arthritides 1046
infective 388
inflammatory 1048
Arthritis 254, 388, 963, 1001, 1707
acute 590
chronic 590
crystal 1745
deformans juvenilis 907
degenerative 728, 758, 779f
enteropathic 388, 437, 444
glenohumeral 1107, 1137, 1144
infectious 448
inflammatory 353, 388, 1038, 1091, 1767, 1815
intercarpal 1745, 1753
juvenile chronic 437, 1668
mild 1744
presence of 1779
reactive 388, 429, 441, 444, 451, 1351
Arthrocentesis 418
Arthrochalasia 672
Arthrodesed hip 1303
Arthrodesis 298, 461, 1041, 1042f, 1056, 1369, 1385, 1407
absolute contraindication 1771
anterior 1042
bilateral 1706
extra-articular 713, 731f, 1298f
general principles for 1706
intramedullary 1299f
lunotriquetral 1746
optimal position of 310, 1705
position of 325
triple 714, 719, 725, 730, 882, 784f, 1355, 1399, 1400
unilateral 1706
Arthroereisis 1386
Arthrofibrosis 415, 962, 974, 1015, 1048, 1701
advanced 1008
Arthrogram 894f, 1776
Arthrography 895, 912, 918, 952
Arthrogryposis 693, 814, 821, 837, 843, 845, 2038
multiplex congenita 693, 694, 866
renal dysfunction-cholestasis syndrome 694
subtypes of distal 693t
Arthrokatadysis 1236
Arthrokinematics 345
Arthrolysis 1712
Arthropathy 418, 482, 1693, 1771, 1781, 1861
crystal 976, 989, 1785
dialysis associated 1140
erosive 1694, 1701
hemophilic 422, 422f
inflammatory 254, 482, 989, 1340
Arthroplasty 298, 298f, 305, 478, 542
contraindications 298
impact of 2116
interposition 1697, 1701, 1717f, 1864
replacement 1697, 1701, 1718
resection 299, 299f, 1410
resection/debridement 1701
simple excision 1769f
suspension 1771
systems, navigated 1968
treated with bariatric surgery 2118
ulnohumeral 1717
unicompartmental 409t
Arthroscope 1006f
classification 320t, 1010
evaluation, reduces 952
lavage 376, 403
posterior labral repair 1123
procedure 1004, 1133
repair 1111
Arthroscopic-assisted bone grafting 558
Arthroscopy 305, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1024, 1049
Arthrosis 388
Arthrotomy, formal 349
Articular cartilage 349, 364, 366, 368, 374, 384
biomechanics of 368
damage 277, 1007, 1016
degeneration 1015, 1132
destruction of 1863
evaluation of 2029
function 364
hypertrophy 914
injury 364, 981, 1050
loss of 1707
management 364
phases 368
reconstruction 983
repair 380
methods 376
structure 364, 365f
surface 1010
width of 909
chondrocytes 385
corpuscles 1008
disorders 980, 2034
hyaline cartilage, matrices of 418
lesions, treatment of 708
malalignments 1036
osteochondrosis 331
surfaces, topography of 922
syndrome, painful 479
Articularis genu 938
Articulating surfaces
friction, tribology of 1192
tribology of 1192
mode, tribology of 1194
tribology of 1193
glenohumeral 1085f, 1087, 1139
ulnohumeral 1700
Articulolabral junction 1017
Artificial joint replacement, design of 522
Artificial total disk replacement 1465
Artificial urinary sphincter 631
Arzoxifene 89
Ascorbic acid 2014
Aseptic loosening 1295
Ashworth scale for assessment of hypertonia, modified 734t
ASIA See American Spinal Injury Association
ASIS See anterior superior iliac spine
Asparagus 485
Aspergillosis 435
Aspergillus 131
nidulans 163
Aspiration 632
risk of 752
Asplenia 637
Asporin gene 392
ASSH See American Society for Surgery of Hand
Astroglial scar, formation of 1834
Atacicept binds 435
Atasoy advancement flap 1908, 1909f
Ataxic gait 529
Atherosclerosis 592, 1891
Atherosclerotic disease 1167
Athlete's foot 1333
Athlete's recovery 1064
chronic overuse injuries 1692
pubalgia 10431045
category of 1044
pursuits 1057
Atlantoaxial instability 1590f
Atlantoaxial joint 345
anatomy 1589f
Atlantoaxial rotatory instability 2242f
Atlantoaxial subluxation 1593
anterior 439
identification of 667
Atlantodental interval
anterior 1591
posterior 1591
Atlanto-occipital joint 345
Atlas fracture 2242f
ATLS See Advance trauma life support
Atraumatic osteolysis 1132
natriuretic peptide, role of 687
septal defect 692, 1225
Atrophic form 446
Atrophic nonunions 537f
Atrophy 526, 590, 788
Austin Moore and Thompson prosthesis 2061, 2061f
Autocrine growth factor loop 360
cancellous bone grafts 150
iliac crest bone grafting 1034
Autograft 960
cortical 59
advantages of 60t
disadvantages of 60t
tissue 960
transfer system 337
disease 276, 1135, 1351
hemolytic anemia 645
theory 1453
Autoinflammatory disease 428
Autologous blood 2112
injection 1681
product, use of 402
transfusion 649
indications of 648
Autologous bone grafting 305, 2112
Autologous cartilage implantation 380, 381, 381f
Autologous chondrocyte implantation 382, 2100
Autologous donation, preoperative 648
Autologous fascia 1717
Autologous fat 1717
Autologous fibroblasts 1982
Autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis 379, 382
Autologous myoblast
transfer 1980
transplantation 1983
Autologous transfusion 647
advantages of 649
Autonomic dysfunction
symptoms of 1800
theory 589
Autonomic nervous system 587, 627, 652, 1825
Autonomous system 1966, 1967
Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets 114
Autosomal recessive disorder 350
Auxiliary unicortical plate fixation 542
Avascular connective tissue 418
Avascular necrosis 307, 557, 561, 897, 2029, 2034, 2035
Avulsion amputations 2017
Avulsion fractures, types of 986f
Axer's procedure 730
Axial external rotation 1928
Axial internal rotation 1928
Axial spondyloarthritis, classification of 440t
Axilla of stump, scarring in 1918
Axillary artery 1920, 1988
Axillary border 1923
Axillary fold, posterior 1920
Axillary nerve
area 1836
injury 1117
Axonal fibers 1059
Axonal injuries, diffuse 1059, 1060
Axonal loss, degree of 1802
Axonal transport 1829, 1829f
Axonotmesis 833, 1838f
axonal loss 1838f
fourth-degree injury 1838f
second-degree injury 1838f
third-degree injury 1838f
Axons and Wallerian degeneration, disruption of 1838
Azathioprine 432, 437, 441, 444
Azole antifungal agents 471
Azotemia 639
Babcock's triangle 473
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 444
vaccine 465, 1610
Back pain 1445, 1470
common 1471
diagnosis 1471
etiology of 1470
inflammatory 437
postoperative 2032
Baclofen 593
Bacteremia 632, 635
homing of 131
produce proteolytic enzymes 2086
Bacterial arthritis 448, 478
acute 448
Bacterial delivery systems 1975
Bacterial endocarditis 613
Bacterial infection 164
Bacterial sepsis 635
Bacterial toxin translocation 639
Bacteroides 652, 1873
fragilis 1963
Baker's cyst 398, 606, 977, 978, 978f
Bakshi's sloppy hinge prosthesis 1697, 1698f
Balance stability angle 1084
Balanced forearm orthosis 1940, 1940f
Ball and Socket's bony architecture, depth of 1004
Ball joint 345, 347f
Ballet dancers 994f
Ball-in-socket ankle 753, 786
Ballistic DNA delivery 1974
Ballistic trauma 1992f
Balloon kissing 86
Balloon kyphoplasty 85, 86, 1662, 1663
advantages of 1665
complications of 1665
procedure of 1664
complications of 86
Bamboo spine 438
Baminercept 434
Banana toes 815
Bankart lesion 1115, 1115f
arthroscopic repair of 1119f
heals 1118
repair 1085
Bankart operation 1119
Bankart repair 1120
open 1120
Bankart surgery, arthroscopic 1119
Bariatric surgery 1405, 2116, 2118
consequences of 2116
impact of 2118
role of 2115
types of 2117t
Barlow's test 887, 888, 892, 896
Baron Guillaume Dupuytren 1758
Barrel of gun 1995
Bartonella henselae 1873
Basal joint
arthritis 1767, 1767f, 1771
spacer arthroplasty for 1771f
laxity, excessive 1767
Basal thumb arthritis, initial treatment of 1768
Basdai score 441
finger 638f
players 1118
Basic fibroblast growth factor 384, 1979, 1980, 2098
Basilar invagination, symptoms of 676
Bassett's ligament 1314
Bassini herniorrhaphy pelvic 1046
Bath ankylosing spondylitis functional index 438
Bath therapy, massage and contrast 592
Batson's paravertebral venous 1601
Batson's plexus 464
Baumann's angle 2142f
B-cell target therapy 434, 435
BCG See Bacillus Calmette-Guérin
BDNF See Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Beacon assay 467
Bead-pouch technique 151, 151f
Beak's triple arthrodesis 732
Beal's syndrome 681, 787
Beare-Stevenson syndrome 687
Beatty maneuver 1032
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 701
Bedoulle's classification 374f
Behçet syndrome 602
Belimumab 435
Bell curve 507
Belly press test 1098
Below knee
amputation 1962
prosthesis 1930
Bence Jones protein 232
Bennett's fracture 1941
subluxation 2176f
Bent finger 859
Benzbromarone 484
Berg's criteria 820f
Berger's disease 1891
Berksonian bias 491
Bernhardt-Roth syndrome 1034
Beta-lactamase inhibitor 1873
Betrixaban 614
Bhattacharya procedure 1712
Biacuplasty procedure 1458
Biceps brachii 180, 1686
tendon of 1671
Z-lengthening of 750
Biceps endobutton technique 1689f
Biceps femoris 929
muscle 931f
tendon injury 959
Biceps hook test 1687
Biceps muscle 1130f
Biceps passing tendon 1689f
Biceps squeeze test 1687
Biceps subluxation 1130f
Biceps tendinitis 1089
Biceps tendon 1101, 1103f, 1131, 1146
lesions of 1129
long head of 1083
reconstruction 1689f
repair 1688f
Z-lengthening of 750
Biceps tension test 1095, 1095f
Biceps, role of 837
Bicipital aponeurosis 1686
Bicipital groove 1091, 1129
lips of 1129
Bicipital tendinosis 1129
Bicipital tuberosity 1686
Bicipital tunnel zone 1083
Bifid filum 1658
Bifocal compression 547f
distraction 547
Bifocal distraction 547, 547f
Big toe
clawing of 724
involvement 479
clinical features 481
differential diagnosis 483
pathophysiology 480
treatment 483
Biglycan 366, 367, 385
Bilateral dislocation 697, 891, 892f
Biliary system 640
Binding feet, Chinese tradition of 865
Binomial distribution 508
Bioactive molecules 2106
Biochemical theory 623
Biodegradable systems 148
Biofilm 132, 458
formation 132f
Biokinetic chain 1044
Biological plasticity 908
Biomaterials, major types of 1943
Biophysical stimulation 542
Bioprinting process 2107fc
Biostatistics 489, 493
Bipartite patella 940
Bipedicle dorsal flap 1908
Bipedicle volar flap 1908
Bipenniform segmental pattern vascular 2090
Biplanar symmetry 1512
Bipolar hip prosthesis 2062f
Bipolar prosthesis 2061
Bisect offset 810
Bisphosphonates 89, 90t, 91f, 422, 447, 548, 593
adverse effects 93
classification 90
cyclic administration of 677
mechanism of action of 91f
pharmacokinetics 89
related osteonecrosis of jaws 93
second-generation 91
structure 90f
third-generation 92
Bite injuries 1883
Biting, habit of 1872
Bivalirudin 608
Blackburne-peel method 810
anatomy of 627
augmentation 631
dysfunction 1639
extrophy 1020
Blast injuries 1997, 1998f, 1999
mechanisms of tissue damage 1998
Blast wave 1998f
Blauth classification 849t
Bleach 649
Bleeding disorder, familial 607
Blood 643, 2016
brain barrier 1827
clinical use of 643
coagulation, activation of 598
component 643
clinical use of 643
therapy 647
count, complete 636, 2003
cultures 636
disorders 482
dyscrasias 2006
characteristic 2039
direction of 18
local 573
gas monitoring 2002
antibodies 642
systems 641
investigations 1063
loss 1967, 1969
acute 651
nerve interface 1831
neuron barrier, breakdown of 1834
oxygen-level dependent effect 2027
preparations 2003
pressure 2002, 2014
diastolic 576, 654
products 643
salvage, intraoperative 649
substitutes 649
transfusion 421, 623, 645, 645t
urea nitrogen 629, 1340
vessel 1893
injury 618
volume, assessment of 656
Bloodless surgery 884
Bloom syndrome 201
Blooming artifact 356
Blount's disease 329, 331, 332, 757, 763, 771, 775, 776
treatment of progressive infantile 775
Blount's staple 770
technique 800f
Blurred vision 1062
Blurriness 1060
B-lymphocyte stimulator 435
Bobath splint 1941
Body mass index 490, 1231, 2115
Body segments
centers of gravity of 521
displacement of 522
motion of 522
Body-powered prostheses 1930, 1931
Bohler's angle 2223f
Bohler's stirrup 2053, 2053f
Bone 590, 960, 1742f, 1758, 1907
allografts 63
anatomy 1
aneurysm, malignant 211
angina 394
arches 1324
avulsion 2038
awl with eye straight 2043f
banking 35, 64
protocol 64
quality control of 67
biopsy 141, 179, 255, 284
needle 180f
minimal removal of 1712
operation, posterior 728
posterior 726
procedures 1407
blood supply of 17
broad constituents of 3f
bruise 999
calcium, endocrine control of 29f
callus formation 39
cells, immature 7
cellular elements of 7
cement 147, 1220
adverse effects/complications of 1225
development of 1220
implantation syndrome 1225
removal of 1228
typical constituents of 1221t
contusions 951
cutters 2044
clinical features, simple 191
gross, simple 192
management and prognosis, simple 192
radiology, simple 191
simple 191
treating 2101
unicameral 191, 193f, 678
damage 881
defects 2101
management of 2101
deficiency, classification of 1289
deformities 737
desmoid tumor of 225
development 20
disease 1
inflammatory 248
phantom 247
dysplasia 704
ends, resorption of 39
file 2053f
fixation 961
hypertrophic 800
magnetic stimulation of 53f
non-physiological 20
knee joint 921f
lesions 192
fractures, major long 2000
function of 3, 6
generalized fibrocystic disease of 239
graft 35, 58, 149, 183f, 308, 311, 542, 560, 770, 960, 1144, 2112
complications of 63
core 289
defects 1007
donor site morbidity 843
fourcorner fusion using 1743f
incorporation, stages of 58t
incorporation, theories of 58
nonvascularized 292, 308, 558
open 152
procedure 290, 849
structural properties of 59t
substitutes 58, 542
gross features of 6
growth stimulation of 801
healing, secondary 40
holding clamps 2044
imperfect development of 672
infection of 123, 1046, 1662
island 212, 213f
juxtacortical 172
lengthening of 545f, 798
lesion 201t
benign 176fc
focal 172
malignant 176fc
ligament theory 824
loose bag of 446
loss 1117
lunate 1742f
malformation of 804f
marrow 6, 2104
biopsy 623
concentrate 2099
derived stem cells 2099
edema 1041
edema syndrome 104
injections 287
suppression 432
transplantation 677
mass 68
matrix, structure of 14
metabolism 98f
diseases of 2020
regulation of 11, 28, 32
metastasis 253t, 254fc, 1036
biology of 251
management of 255
mineral density 68, 73, 389, 2117
analysis of 78
low 73
mineral metabolism 98
mineralization 25t
pathological calcification 26
process of 25
minimal disturbance of 802
modeling units 42
morphogenic protein 37, 55, 300, 360, 558, 784, 1460
role of 1465
morphology 75
mulch screw 961
neoplasia, differentiation of 192t
nibbler single action curved 2044, 2046f
organic phase of 15f
pain 240
pathological 42
pathology 1, 890, 1046
physiology 1
piece, reinsertion of 770
prominences 1893
punch 2054
quantitative and qualitative assessment of 2039
reaction 175
regeneration 55t, 2109
remodeling 26
resorption, pathological 13
retractor medullary, application of 903
sarcoma 2114
scan 540, 912, 997, 1243, 1520, 1685, 1715
scan scintigraphy 334
histopathology 334
treatment 334
scaphoid 1742f
scintigraphy 104, 178, 241, 2020
three phase 139, 592
sclerosis of 1040f
shaft of major long 257
shape of 1326, 1327
short 5
sialoprotein 16
spur formation 1897
stabilization 145
stress, low implant 314
structure 3, 316
substitutes 149
supernumerary 698
tendon junction 1412
combined 547
external 547
types of 547
triquetrum 1742f
tumors 168, 171t, 173f, 178t, 182t, 981
grading of 179
typical location of 173f
turnover markers 77
types of 5, 5f
vascular lesions of 246
venous malformation of 248
Bone-holding forceps, self-centering 2044
Bone-seeking radionuclides
contraindications of 262
indications of 262
Bonnet's sign 1032
Bonsai foot 865
anatomy 1324, 1671
ankylosis 1709
avulsions 350
Bankart lesion 1115, 1116f
bar 1709
component, lateral longitudinal arch 1327f
compromise 1008
congruity, loss of 1693
deformity 807
enlargement 395
epiphysis 909
exostosis 1752
extension type 464
fragment, avulsion of 1054f
fusion 1577
hypertrophy, periarticular 395
injuries 1003, 1695, 1994
mallet finger 1055f
hindfoot 1336
medial aspect 1334
plantar surface 1336
soft tissue palpation 1336
pelvic ring 2233f
procedures 882, 884
pubic symphysis 1044
stabilizing structures, restoration of 1052
substitution 42
surgery 878
swelling 395
wedge 1900
Boosted lubrication 370, 1203
Bortezomib 99, 234
Botulinum toxin 416, 742f, 1000
dose of 742
injection 631, 746
type 1033
Bouchard's nodes 395
Boundary lubrication 370
Boutonnière deformity 1860f, 1861, 1862f, 1941
mild 1862
moderate 1862
severe 1862
Bouvier's maneuver 1793, 1855
Bovine collagen sheet 2075
Bovine dermal matrix 2075
Bovine immunodeficiency virus-based vectors 1978
Bowed femur, congenital 756
contents 649
disease, inflammatory 278, 437, 441, 1046, 1351
disorders, inflammatory 388
dysfunction 712, 1639
obstruction 630
syndrome, short 421
Bowen disease 1871
Bowen's charts 771
Bowen's tables 770
Bow-leg deformity 759
Boxer's fracture 1056
Boyd's amputation 1898, 1899f
Boyd's dual onlay cortical bone 785
Boyes transfer 1851
biomechanics of 1527
types of 916
artery 1919
cutaneous nerve, medial 1050
neuropathy secondary 837
plexopathy 620, 1803
plexus 19861989, 1991
compression 1820
injury 832f, 1907
neuritis 1989
primary surgical exploration of 838
surgical repair of 838f
upper trunk of 834
plexus palsy 843
birth-related 831, 832
types of birth-related 833t
venography, ascending 1989
Brachialis aponeurosis, fractional lengthening of 750
Brachialis insertion 1049
Brachialis muscle 1707
strain 1049
tendon 1688
Brachiocephalic syndrome 1986
anatomic variations 1821
rerouting of 750
transfer of 751, 1778
Brachycephaly 689
Brachydactyly 687
Brachytherapy 188
Bracing spine 1566
Bracing, effectiveness and schedule of 1526
Brackett procedure 758
Bragg peak 189
Brain 627
derived neurotrophic factor 1835
injury 1063
lesions 628
natriuretic peptide 687
parenchyma 1059, 1060
Brainstem 627
upper 1060
Branch block, medial 1473
Branch radiofrequency lesioning, medial 1503
Breath, shortness of 603
Breathing 1060, 2002
techniques, meditation and deep 1957
Bretylium 593, 594
Brewer's yeast 485
Bridle procedure 1407
Briobacept binds 435
Bristow-Helfet procedure 1121, 1122f
Bristows periosteal elevator 2044, 2046f
Brittains method 477
Brittle and ductile materials 1943f
Brodie's abscess 124, 158, 160f
Brodsky classification 1361
Brooker classification 1285f
Brooker technique 1029f
Brostrom-Gould repair 1347
Brown tumor 33
Brown-Sequard syndrome 1633, 1633f
Brucellosis 441
Bruckner modification 1900
Bruner's rules 2010t
Brunner's incisions 1882f, 1885
approach 1697
with McKee modification for classifying capitellar fractures 2146f
B-tricalcium phosphate 1947
Bucket handle tear 2030f
Budapest diagnostic criteria 590, 591b
Budd-Chiari syndrome 606
Buechel-Pappas total ankle arthroplasty 314
Buford complex 1084
Bugaboo syndrome 1755
Bulb suture 1844
Bulk reduction procedures 816
Bunion correction steps 1370f
Bunion development, three stages of 1366f
Bunion formation, pathogenesis of 1366f
Bunionectomy 1373
Bunionette 1332
Bunnel O sign 1854, 1854f
Bunnell O test 1812, 1813f
Bunnell-Boyes reconstruction 1778, 1779f
Bupivacaine 1036, 1956
suprascapular nerve block 1108
Burgess technique for ischemic limb 1901f
Burn 572, 602, 632, 638, 1941
bone-holding forceps 2044, 2045f
chemical 2013
electrical 1891
injury, higher degree 623
Bursa 976f, 977
disorders of 1102
enlarged 1808
Bursectomy 1015
Bursitis 398, 976, 984, 987, 1679, 1936, 1989, 2023, 2038, 2039
acute 2039
around hip 1037
chronic 2039
infrapatellar 976, 977, 985, 986
overlying 770
superficial 799
Bursography 1027
Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome 706
Butler's test 1036
Buttock 571
worse 1033
location of 1032f
tenderness 1032
Buttress plate 2058, 2058f
CACP See Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis
Café-au-lait spots 683, 783
Caffeine 1065
Caffey hypothesis 908
Cahill and Berg classification 373f
Caisson disease 338, 338f
clinical features 339
prevention 339
treatment 339
types 339
branch 1339, 1403
compartment 1329
displacement osteotomy, posterior 1385
enthesis 997
exostosis 988, 1332
posterolateral 990
fracture 991, 1001
lengthening 1400
movements, complex pattern of 1330
muscle slide 1396
navicular ligaments 1330
neoplasia 999
osteotomy 719, 1385, 1398f
pitch, high 1393
plantar enthesopathy 997
prominence 1332
spur 998, 1401f
stress fracture 999
tuberosity, medial 1338
Calcaneocavovarus 725
deformity 718, 1398
Calcaneocavus 725
combined 1397
types of 1394
distraction 1385
joint 355, 815, 728, 1316, 1330, 1355, 1385
capsule, medial 879
ligament 869, 879, 1312, 1314, 1342, 1343, 1346, 1347
Calcaneometatarsal distraction 884
ligament 1382
slip 1330
Calcaneovalgus foot 666
Calcaneum 868
anterior aspect of 874
bottom of 717
fracture, tongue-type 2224f
posterior end of 717
varus of 885
deformity 1394
fracture 2222
long axis 870
osteomyelitis 1401
pitch 724
posterior facet of 1314
Calcific tendinitis 988
Calcific tendinopathy 1126, 1126f, 1127f
Calcific tendinosis 1089
Calcific tendonitis, chronic 1127
Calcitonin 29, 89, 447, 548, 593, 677
gene-related peptide 588, 1954
Calcitriol 108
deficiency of 30
Calcium 30, 75, 87, 677, 2014
binding protein 15, 25
channel blockers 614
deficiency 107, 112, 113
hydroxyapatite crystal arthritis 1351
intracellular 1637
ions, release of 741
mediated cytotoxicity 1637
oxalate 352
phosphate 149, 352, 418
based grafts 61
cement 147
pyrophosphate 352f, 392, 419f
crystal deposition 1139
deposition disease 1668
dihydrate 418
dihydrate crystals 352
sulfate 149
cement 147
Calf attachments 1936
Calf band 1936
Calf vein thrombosis 601
Callosities beneath metatarsal heads 723
Callotasis 543, 775
Callus 54, 67, 1762
distraction 154
advantages of 154
formation 40, 40f
hyperplastic 678
maturation 52
activation of 1833
inhibition 1836
Calponin 362
Calves disease 1662
CAM See Cellular adhesion molecules
Campanacci's disease 242
Campbell's posterior bone block procedure, complications of 728
Camptocormia, adult 1558
Camptodactyly 859, 860f, 1763
Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis syndrome 350
Canadian hip prosthesis 1930, 1930f
Canal stenosis 1496
central 1493
Canal system, transverse perforating 7
autograft 59
bone 4, 4t, 1054, 2043
graft 59, 147
fixation 961
inlay 558
Cancer 482, 608, 638
gene therapies 1977
Candida 131
albicans 1871
Candidiasis 435
Cannabinoids 1066
Cannulas, extra-length 1005
Cannulated hip screws, placement of 1968
Capener gouge 2043f
Capitate bone 1724, 1725, 1749
Capitate flexes 1727
Capitate hamate axial disruptions 1738
Capitellum 372, 373, 1048051
flattened 844
fractures 1707, 2146
posterior 1692
posteromedial 1671
arthrodesis 322
ligament 1729
Capitolunate axis 1728f
Capitolunate joint 1727
arthritis 1745
radiologically 1745
Capric acid 2113
Capsaicin 1961
adhesions 890
avulsions 958
contracture, removal of 1712
fibrosis 1056
injury 38, 805, 1046
insertion site, anterior 1051
laxity 1011
ligament 926, 928f, 936
mid-third 928f
microtears 1120
repair 1007
strain, anterior 1049
stretching 1123
tear, anterior 1692
Capsule sesamoid portion 1364
Capsule, posterolateral 930, 934, 959
complex 1078
reconstruction 1119
structures 1115f, 1119
Capsuloligamentous structures 1083
Capsulo-osseous layer 930, 931
Capsulophalangeal portion 1365
Capsulorrhaphy 901, 1015
arthritis 1144
arthropathy 1119, 1120, 1121, 1123
Capsulotomy 1007, 1177f
longitudinal 1766
Caput ulnae syndrome 1775, 1785, 1785f
components of 1785
Carbapenems 468
Carbon dioxide, concentration of 2015
Carbon fiber polymeric composites 1218
Carboxylmethylolysine 1452
Carcinogen, complete 45
Carcinoma, colorectal 1031
Carcinosarcoma 362
Card test 1854, 1855f
Cardiac disease 644
Cardiac pacemakers, implanted 2029
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema 633
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 651
Cardiorespiratory and neurocognitive system 623
drugs 471
surgery 648
system 639, 640
Caroll tendon pulling forceps 2049f
Carpal arcs 1727
Carpal arthrodesis 322
Carpal biomechanics 1738
Carpal bones 1724, 1724f, 1728f, 1738
movements of 1727f
radiology of 318
Carpal coalition 821, 845
Carpal extremity of radius, fracture of 2067
Carpal injury 556
Carpal instability
classification of 1738
complex 1739, 1748
dissociated 1738, 1740
features of 1776
management of 1739
Carpal ligament, transverse 1798, 1805f
Carpal tarsal osteolysis 248
Carpal tunnel 1989
anatomy 1798, 1798f
pathophysiology 1798
release 1797
endoscopic 1806f
incisions for open 1805f
syndrome 1677, 1753, 1768, 1797, 1800, 1803, 1809, 1940, 2023
causes of 1801t
signs for 1802t
tests for 1802t
treatment of 1806t
Carpenter's syndrome 845, 855
Carpometacarpal joint 345, 861, 1727
arthritis 1753
Carpometacarpal region 1742
Carpus over ulna, centralization of 849
Carter and Blenman theory 48
Cartilage 1015, 1183, 1713
cells 352
combination of polymers, construct of 2109
damage 389
distribution of 1020
location of 1020
defect 1981
in vivo 384
repair 384
ectopic foci of 359
endplate, regeneration of 1462
fibrillation and erosion 396
forming lesions 213
hair hypoplasia 691
initial resilient phase of 369
injury 983
biology of 337
management of 337
subtypes 370
instruments 2048
intercellular matrix 367f
intermediate layer protein 2109
intra-articular 1008
lesions 192
macromolecules 368
matrix 367
oligomeric matrix protein 390, 691, 2109
ossification of 698
regeneration 2100, 2109
structure 364f
synthesis 2100
tissue engineering 385
volume 375
Cartilaginous end plates 1426, 1441
Cartridge 1992
mixing and delivery 1223
Caspar criteria 443t
Catabolic enzymes 377
Catastrophic glenoid component failure 1145
Cat-bite lesions 590f
Catecholamine 589, 649
K expression 420
K inhibitors 101
Catheter 630
directed thrombolysis 609, 620
Cationic lipid
disadvantages of 1974
systems 1972
Cationic peptides 1975
Caton-deschamps method 810
Catterall classification 912
Cauda equina 1391, 1472
injuries 1633
syndrome 723, 1458, 1472, 1489, 1489f, 1490
management of 1492
tumor 1391
Caudal epidural injection, procedure 1477
Cauliflower ear 691
Cavitary defect 1291f
Cavitation, permanent 1992
Cavovarus 725
deformity 1398
malalignment 1348
Cavus deformity 722
pathogenesis of 1392t
surgical correction of 880
Cavus foot 723f, 725, 1355
degree of 724
treatment of 725
Ceftazidime 463
Ceftriaxone 451, 463
adhesion molecules 435
autologous transplantation of 1985
cycle inhibitor 435
influence 1637
sloughs, area of 1994
inflammatory 45, 827
laden hydrogel-based bioinks 2110
mixture of 2107
normal organization of 663
osteosarcoma, small 201, 211
pattern, small 362
penetrating peptides 1975
presenting antigen 1982
intraoperative 648, 648f
postoperative 648
unipotent 2097
xenotransplantation 1984
Cellular adhesion molecules 1835
impingement 1018, 1021, 1024
Cellular allogeneic skin substitute 2075
Cellular autologous skin substitutes 2076
Cellular component 1879
Cellular damage 1063
Cellular injury, primary 638
Cellulitis 606, 620, 635, 637, 1360, 1868
stage of 1875
creep behaviors 1224
disease 1226
flaws 1222
in-cement revision 1294
mantle 1272f
physical properties of 1224
polymerization 1222
technique, second generation 1223
viscosity of 1222
Cemented acetabular fixation 1276
advantages of 230
disadvantages of 230
Cementing techniques
generations of 1223
third generation 1223
acetabular cups, first-generation 1276
femoral stems 1272
Center-edge angle of Wiberg 1011f
Central deficiency of hand, classification of 855f
Central nervous system 587, 589, 640, 652, 684, 709, 846, 1948, 2001, 2015
types of 703
Central sensitization, prevention of 1954
Central venous pressure, low 633
Centrum abnormalities 1452
Cephalosporin 148
third-generation 1965
Cephalothin 63
Ceramic 1946
bearing 1213
complications 1216
composite 2109
on-metal articulation 1218
on-polyethylene bearings 1206
Cerebellar gait 529
contusion 1060
cortex 1720
edema, diffuse 1059
imprint 1850
injuries 2000
lesions 1405
treatment of 741t
types of 733f
tumors 1135
fluid 1059, 1648, 2027
nerves 1824
accident 592, 1941
disease 75, 1941
Certolizumab 431
pegol 432
arthritis 1989
collar 2068
disk disease 1135, 1151
dystonia 668
fifth and sixth vertebra 1603f
kyphosis 691, 699, 1561, 1561f
clinical presentation of 1562
conservative management 1562
management 1562
radiological evaluation 1562
surgical management 1562
kyphotic deformity 1561
muscles, tone of anterior 664
musculature abnormalities 666
neck pain 2023
radicular pain 1090
radiculopathy 1684, 1809, 1989
rib 1988
syndrome 1986
scoliosis 668
spine 1584, 1591f, 1615
abscess, anterior drainage of 1616
dish of 1586f
fusions 700
injury 2003, 2238
injury, Allen-ferguson mechanisms of 2240f
lower 1591
radiographs of 667
tuberculosis of 1606, 2068
X-rays of 836
spondylosis 1133, 1679, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1817, 1989
vertebra 1423
Cervicoacetabular impingement 1016
Cervicobrachial neurovascular compression syndrome 1986
outlet syndrome 1986
region deformities 442
Chair lift test 1679
Chandler's disease 275
Chandler-Penenberg classification 1291t
Charcot neuroarthropathy 1360, 1361
pathogenesis 1360
Charcot rocket bottom deformity 1362f
Charcot's arthropathy 445, 446f, 447, 1865
Charcot's foot 1351
complications of surgery 1362
disease, management of 1361
Charcot's joints 157, 445, 1152, 1153, 1357, 1405, 1407
Charcot's neuroarthropathy 445
disease 445, 527, 722, 1355, 1364, 1391, 1392, 1398, 1395, 1817
syndrome 445
Charcot-reactive bone 1360
Charley's compression clamp 2052f
Charnley's prosthesis 1268f
Charnley's bone curette 2072
Charnley's hip 1268
prosthesis 2072
retractor 2062
Charnley's low-friction arthroplasty concept 1191
Charnley's original technique 1223
Charnley's retractor 2072
Cheema osteotomy 1768
Cheilectomy 722f, 1016
Chemical methods 1972
Chemonucleolysis 1457, 1483
complications 1457
procedure 1457, 1457f
adverse effects of 187
intra-arterial 185
Chest 108
computed tomography of 636
pain 603
radiograph 633, 636
tightness 603
tube 2002
asymmetry 679
deformity, anterior 678
tumors 1135
Chestnut's block test 724
Chevron osteotomy 404, 774, 1372, 1373f
Chevron physis 686
Chevron trochanteric osteotomy 1261
Chiari malformation 1539, 1541
Chiari osteotomy 905f, 1246
Chimeric rituximab 435
Chisels 2043
Chi-squared distribution 508
Chlamydia pyuria 444
Chlamydia trachomatis infection 451
Chlorambucil 432
Choi classification 455t
Cholecalciferol 30
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 1034
Cholecystitis 635
crystals 352
lowering drugs 2114
Chondral damage 1018
Chondral injuries 374, 963, 974, 1006, 1028, 1046
Chondral lesions, microfracture of 1015
Chondral pathology 1024
Chondral regeneration, primarily 1971
Chondral repair methods 375
Chondroblastoma 217, 218f, 219f, 222, 910
atypical 224
epiphyseal 173f
Chondrocalcinosis 418, 420, 1038
Chondrocyte 45, 364, 365, 389f, 698, 979
apoptosis 380
columnar disorganization 1996
culture 382, 385
death, immediate 377
epiphyseal 385
grafting, third-generation 385
growth 360
hypertrophy, zone of 23
mesenchymal stem cell co-culture system 381f
metabolism 980
migration 382
phenotype 386
proliferation, focal 1996
stem cell transplantation 408
Chondrocytic cell 219
Chondrodysplasia 216
Chondrodystrophy, epiphyseal 707
Chondroectodermal dysplasia 692
Chondrogenesis 384
capacity 384
markers 381
repair 378
Chondroid bones 20
Chondroitin sulfate 372, 401, 1451
junction 1018
separation 1017
transition 1010
Chondrolysis 448, 1112
idiopathic 1237
Chondroma 979
central 215
intracapsular 980
Chondromalacia 491, 940, 993, 1702, 1703, 1938
capitellar 1703f
management of 399
patella 398, 981, 986
pathophysiology of 398
Chondromyxoid fibroma 218, 219, 222
differential diagnosis 219
treatment 220
Chondron 364, 364f, 365
Chondronectin 367
Chondro-osteoplasty, adequacy of 1025
Chondropathy 398
Chondropenia 375
Chondroplasty 1703
Chondroprogenitor cells, facilitate migration of 1981
Chondrosarcoma 219221, 223, 359, 980
grading 221
in situ 222
juxtacortical 211, 223
management 222
primary 220
prognosis 221
secondary 223
small bones 221f
Chopart's amputation 1899f
Chopart's joint 1330
Chordoma 174, 245
differential diagnosis 245
management 246
pathology 245
Choreiform gait 529
Chrisman-Snook procedure 1348
Christian Magnus Falsen Sinding-Larsen 985
Chromosomal anomalies 866
1p11 356
2q37 356
5p-linked chondrocalcinosis 420
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 493, 644
Chronic pain, causes of 1949
Chylous pericardial effusion 620
Chylous pleural effusion 620
Chymopapain 1457
CIA See Adaptive carpal instability
CIC See Clean intermittent catheterization 1656
Cierney-Mader system 126t
Ciliary neurotrophic factor, retrograde transport of 1835
Ciliospinal reflex, loss of 835
Cinema theater sign, positive 940
Cineplastic amputation 1893
Circumduction gait 528f
Circumflex iliac, superficial 1911
Cirrhosis 635
Cisatracurium besylate 634
Cisplatin 363
Cissus quadrangularis 542
C-kit 359
Clanton 1344
Clarithromycin 471
Clarke's sign 951
Clarke's stations 1595f
Clarke's transfer 840
Classic C sign 822f
Classic Neer's impingement sign and test 1092f
Classic talipes equinovarus deformity 693
congenital pseudarthrosis of 842
Allman classification of 2123f
lateral 1134
hypoplasia 689
osteolysis, idiopathic 1132
pseudarthrosis 843
Clavicular compression 833
Clavicular elevation 1086
Clavicular fracture 833, 1089
Claw hand 1812f
Claw toes 719, 719f, 722, 1333, 1378, 1378f, 1393, 1396
complications 1378
correction 720f
pathogenesis of 720f
treatment 1378
Claw type, simple 1792
Clear cell chondrosarcoma 172, 224
differential diagnosis 224
histopathology 224
treatment 224
Cleft foot 816
deformity 817f
Cleft hand 786
Cleft palate 691
syndrome 817
Cleidocranial dysostosis 689, 689f
Cleidocranial dysplasia 677, 843
Clergyman's knee 976
Clindamycin 63, 149
Clinical prediction score 619
Clinical target volume 190
Clinical warning signs 535
Clinodactyly 843, 860
clinical appearance 860f
Clodronate 90
Clofazimine 468
Clonal cytogenetic 360
Clonidine 593, 594, 1960, 2016
usual dose of 1960
Clopidogrel 614
Clostridial collagenase injection 1763
botulinum 742
difficile 444, 635
perfringens 1643, 1963
sordellii 63
welchi 452
Clot formation 351
Clubfoot 666, 704, 787, 818, 821, 845, 864, 865, 865f, 866, 866t, 870, 871, 882f, 2038
bean-shaped deformity of 868
complex 871
correction of 874f
deformity 1334
correction 883f
reduction of 875f
etiology of 865
extrinsic 871
incidence of 704
initial management of 873
intrinsic 871
management 875
pathogenesis of 865
radiological parameters of 870f
recurrent 871
resistant 871, 886f
severe 691, 867f
surgical management of 878
Clunk test 1775
Cluster randomization 502
Cluster region-abelson proto-oncogene 359
Cluster sampling 501
Clutton's joint 479
CMC See carpometacarpal
Coach's finger 1057
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus 457
Cobalt 1944
chromium alloy 1206
Cobb's angle 685, 1545
Cobb's spinal elevator 2044, 2046f
arthrodesis 476
technique 477
Cocaine 1065
Coccidioidomycosis 435
Coccygodynia 1033
Cochlear implants 2029
Cockett syndrome 602
Cock-up splint, dynamic 1847f
angle 177
paradox 1091
Colchicine 1140
Cold hip sign 1243
Cold whirlpool 1344
Coleman's block test 724, 1393, 1393f
Collagen 14, 25
binding adhesion 132
covered autologous chondrocyte implantation 382
deposition of 666
disorders, genetic 1412
fibers 348, 349
display, bundles of 867
loss of 1453
organization of 925f
fibril distribution, structure of 15f
glycosaminoglycan 385
membrane 382
molecules 1879f
rich fibrotic tissue 1759
sponge 147
type of 14, 670
vascular disease 623, 976
Collagenous fibroma 266
Collapse in spinal tuberculosis, types of 1604f
Collar-button abscess 1874, 1875f
Collateral ligaments 926, 1057, 1859
injury, medial 1685
level of 789
parts of lateral 1673t
repairs 1941
rupture of 1695
tenderness over 1694
using 1696f
Collateral sprain 1056
College park foot 1928f
fascia 2067
fracture 71f, 2067
law 2068
ligament 2067
Collision tumor 229
Colony stimulating factor 356, 368, 357
Colorado Medical Society 1064
Commercial operating microscope, development of 2081
Community acquired pneumonia 635
Compact bone 6
Compartment pressure 576
Compartment syndrome 38, 570, 572, 573, 575f, 582f, 583, 585, 586, 800, 846, 978, 1050, 1405, 1790, 1796, 1808, 1848, 2013
anterior 579
causes of 572t
chronic 570, 571fc, 574, 582, 583, 584f, 586, 997
nontraumatic causes of 585
suspected 583
Compensate anti-inflammation reaction syndrome 638
Complete rotator cuff tear 1143
Complex acetabular retroversion 1018
Complex fractures, management of 1966
Complex regional pain syndrome
inflammatory theory of 588
types of 588
Compression 942, 1106
bandage 1895f
distraction osteogenesis 542
dynamic force 807
lateral 983
plate 2058
dynamic 2057
test 1480
uncommon causes of 1809
Compressive bandage dressing 1895
Compressive injury 841
Compressive stress 47
Computed axial tomography 604
Computed tomography scan 563, 806, 810, 853, 952, 1013, 1051
Computed tomography scanogram 764
Computer aided orthopaedic
learning 1970
surgery systems 1966
Computer assisted orthopedic surgery 1968
Computer assisted osteotomy 1968
Computer guided joint replacement 1968
Concave subdeltoid bursal contour 2039
Concavity compression 1078, 1084
Concavity facing palmar 1750
Concentric initial reduction 898
Concomitant degenerative joint disease 1015
Concomitant ligament surgery 973
signs of 1062t
symptoms of 1062t
Condylar fracture, comminuted 2144f
Condylar plate 2058
Condyle fracture, pediatric lateral 2150f
Condyle, anterior aspect of 809
component 345
joint 345, 346f
Cone's spinal curette 2047
Congenital brachial plexus palsy, familial 832
Congenital contractures, multiple 694
Congenital dislocation of hip, treatment of 1245
Congenital dysplasia
incidence of 887
treatment of 906
Congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia, classification of 783
Congenital subluxation, primary treatment of 902
Congenital talipes equinovarus 528, 723, 783, 864, 870, 872t, 875, 885
classification of 871, 872t
types of 871
Congruent glenoid bone grafting 1085
Congruent hallux valgus deformity, surgical management of 1368f
Connective tissue 2110
diffuse 429
mixed 429
disorders 866, 1364, 1936
growth factor 16
injury 2023
para-articular 479, 1152
Conservative therapy, goals of 838
Conservative treatment 758, 1024, 1028, 1033, 1036
Constriction band syndrome 704
congenital 703, 703f
Contact injuries 970
Contact primary fracture repair 45
Contour sign, double 809
hampering joint, site of 1857
recurrence of 1711
Contracture syndrome 694
classification of 693fc
groups 693
Contre-coup lesion 1018
mechanisms 1931
system 1931
Contusio cervicalis posterior 1634
Contusion 572, 1056
cortical 1059
Conus magus 261
Conus medullaris, disorder of 723
Convex anteroposteriorly 923
Convex femoral condyle articulating 923
Convex pes valgus 814
Convex proximal femoral growth plate 909
Coonrad classification 1521, 1521f
Coonrad-Morrey design 1697, 1697f, 1718
Coonse Adams quadriceps turndown 413
Coracoacromial arch 1077, 1102
Coracoacromial ligament 1078, 1079, 1083, 1133, 1150
Coracobrachialis 1920
muscles 1920
Coracoclavicular ligament 1079, 1133
Coracohumeral ligament 1078, 1080, 1110, 1112, 1150
Coracoids 1091
Cord blood 2103
Cord syndrome
anterior 1632, 1632f
central 1633, 1634f
posterior 1634, 1634f
Cord tissue 2103
Cords proximal, painless 1761
Core decompression 288, 288f, 291f, 308
arthroscopic 289
modifications of 289
Core disease, central 694
Corkscrew head extractor 2061, 2062f
Corneal flatness 678
Cornelia De Lange syndrome 817, 842
Corner injuries, posterolateral 966, 967f, 969
Corona mortis
anomaly 1180
clinical significance of 1181
Coronal force couple leads, deficiency of 1103f
disease 279
ligament 929
syndromes, acute 614
Coronoid 10491051
fossa 1049
fracture 1051, 1052, 1692, 1697, 1713
osteophytes 1707, 1712
osteosynthesis 1052
plate fixation 1052
process 10501052
tip 1717
Corpus callosum 1060
Correct muscle, reinnervation of 1835
Cortical bone 4, 6
fraction stem cells 2099
grafts 59t
single onlay 60
Cortices, thinning of 590f
Corticocancellous grafts 292
frequent injections of 1982
intra-articular 1981
Corticospinal tract 1436, 1533
Corticosteroid 306, 593, 646, 1036, 2014
injection 1000, 1002, 1038, 1041, 1763, 1768
judicious of 1784
local 1804, 1821
optimal responders 1028
local 1685
therapy 538, 623
Corticotomy 546
method of 2071
s-shaped 546
Corynebacterium 460
Cosmetic prostheses 1930, 1931
syndrome 1986
triangle 1986
Costocostal fibrous bands 1987
Costotransversal joints 439
Costotransversectomy 1616f
Cotrimoxazole 461
Cough 603
Coughlin technique, modified 1349f
Counterforce brace, mechanisms of action of 1680b
Counter-regulatory anti-inflammatory response 2005
Coup injuries 1059
Coxa breva 453
Coxa magna 453
Coxa plana 907
Coxa profunda 1013, 1018, 1020, 1023
Coxa saltans 1026
Coxa valga 1013, 1190
Coxa vara 453, 474, 688, 753, 756, 1020, 1190
capitalis 907
congenital 753
correction of 758f
deformity proximal femur 676
developmental 759
historical perspective of 757
infantile 756, 756f, 757
Coxitis fugax 1242
Coxitis serosa seu simplex 1242
Coxsackievirus 694, 1972
Cozen phenomenon 779
Cozen's test 1679, 1679f
Cranial acetabular retroversion 1023
Cranial neuropore, closure of 1651
Cranium, decompression of 2005
Crank test 1096, 1096f
C-reactive protein 136, 636, 977, 1357, 1623, 1964
Creafix screw 973
Creatine phosphokinase enzyme 1070
Cremasteric reflex 1036
Crepitus 359, 1057
Crescent sign 333
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 608
Cribriform plate fracture 1061
Crimp collagen 867
Crohn's disease 444
Crooked spine 1509
Cross finger flaps 1910, 1911f
Crossed straight leg raise test 1488
Crossing sign 809
Cross-leg flap, principles of 2087
Crossover second toe 1373
clinical features 1374
complications 1375
treatment 1374
Crossover sign 1023
Crouch knee 745
gait 739
Crouzon syndrome 687
Cruciate damage 408
Cruciate laxity 949
Cruciate ligaments 932
anterior 922, 932, 947, 2029, 2030f, 2061
collateral ligaments, posterior 2029
congenital absence of 753
four-bar linkage mechanism of 945f
anterior 956
posterior 963
posterior 922, 934, 2031f
sacrifice 409
tear, anterior 2031f
tests, posterior 948
tunnels, placement of anterior 1968
Cruciate pulleys 1733
Crush injury 1891
severe 2014
Crush syndrome 573, 2004
presence of double 1801
Crutchfield tongs 2053, 2054f
Cryokinetics 954
Cryoprecipitate 645
Cryotherapy 1681
Cryptococcosis 435
Crystal deposition disease 392, 446
CTR See Carpal tunnel release
C-type natriuretic peptide 687
Cuban heel 1935
Cubital tunnel 1702
anatomy 1810, 1810f
decompression of 1814
syndrome 1810, 1817, 1989
Cubitus valgus 683, 1683
deformity 845
Cuboid bone 869, 870
Cuboid tuberosity, medial 1316
Cuboidal cells 350
Cuff tear arthropathy 421, 1139
Cuff, nonvisualization of 2039
Cultured epidermal autograft 2076
Cumulative frequency polygon 505
Cuneiform 1316
bones 870
lateral 1315
Cunningham's method 1118
Cup curette 2047
Curcumin 401
Curly toe 1332
congenital 816
Cushing's disease 276
Cushing's syndrome 240
Cushions residual limb 1926
Custom-made orthopedic 2106
Cutaneous flaps, pure 2092
Cutaneous nerves 1808
Cutis laxa 677
Cyanosis 646
mild 619
Cyclins leading 363
Cyclooxygenase inhibition 593
Cyclophosphamide 432, 441
Cyclops lesion 962f, 980
Cycloserine 468
Cyclosporine 471, 482
solvent 623
Cylindrical grip 1721f, 1914
palmar 1913
Cyma line 1382
Cystectomy 1007
Cystic angiomatosis 246, 246f
Cystic fibrosis treatment 1977
Cystic hematoma 974
Cystogram 629
Cystoscopy 629
Cysts 2029, 2038
chronic 2039
Cytokine 55, 635, 653
balance of 424
cascades 635
family of 2073
inhibition 435
mediated environment 2112
milieu 367
Cytology 1067
Cytomegalovirus 424, 435, 644
infection 644, 1808
Cytometrogram 629
Cytoplasmic vacuoles 655
Cytosine deaminase 1978
geometry 1073
intermediate filament 426
proteins, structural 1830
Cytotoxicity 638
complement dependent 435
Czerny classification 1011
Dabigatran 616
etexilate 616
Dagger sign 439
Daily living, activity of 552
Damage control orthopedic 1059, 2001, 2005
concept of 1841
Damn nuisance 1891
Daptomycin 463
Darexaban 614
Darifenacin 631
Darker disk material 2033
Darrach's procedure 1785
modified 1780f
Darrach's resection arthroplasty 1779
Davis law 868
Davis muscle-pedicle arthrodesis 476
D-dimer testing 604
de novo scoliosis 1545
de Quervain's disease 1734, 1752, 1755
splinting for 1753f
de Quervain's tenosynovitis 1822, 1941
de Quervain's tenovaginitis 1752f
Dead arm syndrome 1125
Dead limb 1891
Dead space management 150, 150f
Dead trabecular bone 39
Debridement 2095
arthroplasty 1717
plus decompression 1617
repetitive 1359
Debriding ligamentum teres 1015
Decimals fractions 490
local 1817
sickness 338
Deep posterior compartment syndrome 579
Deep posterior tibiotalar ligament 1313
Deep tendon reflexes 695
Deep tibiotalar ligament, anterior 1313
Deep transverse metatarsal ligament 1417
Deep vein thrombosis 584, 598, 603, 974, 978, 1015, 1016, 1416, 1952, 2006, 2011, 2040, 2087
upper extremity 601, 617
Deferoxamine 583
Deficiency, three grades of 953f
Deficiency, transverse 1737
apex of 876
asymmetric 764, 780
compensatory 770
components of 814
controlled correction of 884
correction of 730, 759, 767, 773, 782, 878, 885, 982, 1935
evaluation of 885
development of 776
extra-articular 767, 767f, 769f
geometry of 42
higher grade of 1023
in future, procedures preventing 1543
in rheumatoid foot, progression of 1351t
intoeing 1333
magnitude of 767, 780
manipulation of 815
measurement of 764, 771, 773
measuring extra-articular 767f
multiplanar 544
outtoeing 1333
painful 762
painless 762
persistent 860
presentation of 1857
prevention of 1863, 1935
primary structural 1364
procedures to correct 1544
progressive 773, 780
radiological analysis of 764
recurrence of 719, 728, 733, 820
recurrent 851, 854
resistance of 868
resolution of 1055f
rigid 725
rotational 739
severe 844
sort of fixed 888
total angular 767f
treatment of specific 1867
type I 1867
type of 667, 724
Dega osteotomy 901f, 903
Degeneration, reaction of 1837
Degenerative disk disease 1445, 1449, 1462, 1463f, 1495t, 2034
Degenerative tears, chronic 1009
Degenerative wrist, signs of 1786
Delbet classification 2180f
Dellon's provocative
maneuver 1822f
test 1822
Delta ceramic 1215f
Deltoid ligament 869
complex 1313
repair 1346
Deltonin 401
Demineralized bone matrix 59, 61
Dendrimers 1972, 1974
Dendritic cells 1982
transfected 1982
Dendritic synovitis, extensive 446
Denervated muscle, fibrosis of 1846
Denis-Weber system of classification 2221f
Denosumab 94
malocclusion 666
procedures 167
pulp 2104
Dentin matrix protein 1 12
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 676
Dentoalveolar syndesmosis 343
Deoxyhemoglobin 1894
Deoxyribonucleic acid 367
Depression, glenohumeral 1931
Depuy synthes, subsidiary of 2072
Dequervain's disease 1677
Dermal hypoplasia, focal 817
Dermal overgrafting 2074, 2084
Dermal sinus 1649, 1650
Dermatitis 1926
exfoliative 471
Dermatofibroma 268
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 269
Dermatosparaxis 672
Dermatotenodesis 1056
Dermofasciectomy 1764, 1764f
Derotation osteotomy 1123
Destructive arthritis, apatite-associated 421
areflexia 627
hyperreflexia 627
myomectomy 631
sphincter dyssynergia 627
Developmental dysplasia 818, 888
Devil's claw extract 401
Dexamethasone 234, 277, 1961
Dexmedetomidine 1960
Diabetes 445, 608, 1756, 1760
mellitus 166, 418, 538, 613, 623, 629, 1034, 1038, 1868
management of type 2 1643
Diabetic foot 157, 446, 1891
disease 1351, 1356
infection 635, 1358, 2022
management 1358
ulcers management of 1358
wound infections, classification of 1359
Diabetic ketoacidosis 635
Dial test 953, 967, 968f
Diamond-Blackfan anemia 201
Diaphoresis 603
Diaphragmatic paralysis 834
Diaphyseal fractures, nonunion 543f
long bone 1995
nutrient arteries 18
simple bone cyst 173f
Diaphysectomy, primary 151
Diaphysis 5
bone 6
variable flexion of 776
Diarthrodial joint 343, 389, 448
Diarthrosis 343
Diastasis See also Scapholunate fracture
Diastematomyelia 723, 814, 1391, 1539, 16481650, 1655, 1657, 1658f, 1660
Diastrophic dwarfism 690, 860, 888
Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate 421
Dickson high geometric osteotomy 566
Dicyclomine hydrochloride 631
Diet 630
Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate 1101
Digital fibromatosis, infantile 266
Digital flexor sheath
anatomy of 1876
bacterial infection of 1876
Digital nerve 1909
Digitorum superficialis 1807
Digits, ulnar drift of 1858
Dillwyn's-Evans operation 1400
Dillwyn's-Evans procedure 882
Dimeglio system for classification of congenital talipes equinovarus 872t
Dimethyl sulfoxide 593, 2104
Diminish peripheral vasospasm 2018
Dimon-Hughston osteotomy 1246
Diplegia 734
Diplegic gait 529
Diplopia 1988
Direct antiglobulin test 646
Direct mediolateral translation 1057
Direct thrombin inhibitor 608, 614
Disability 2003
Disaster 2000
managing 2007
medical response to 2008
failure of 1491
open 1490, 1491f
Discitis 2032
Discogenic pain 1449
treatment of 1456
Discoid meniscus 2030f
Discovered bone remodeling 2067
Disease activity score 427
Disease of kings 479
clinical features 481
differential diagnosis 483
pathophysiology 480
treatment 483
Disk bulge 1485
Disk degeneration
classification of 1456f
etiology of 1450
functional changes of 1454
genetic factors 1451f
nutritional pathways of 1454
pathophysiology of 1453, 1453f
Disk enzymes 1448
Disk extrusion 1485
Disk herniation 1492
Disk pathology
morphologic types of 1486f
terminology of 1485
Disk protrusion 1485
Disk punch
downward 2049
rongeur 2050f
straight rongeur 2050g
upward rongeur 2050f
Disk space involvement 1625
Dislocatable hip, pathoanatomy of 890
Dislocated elbow, surgical treatment algorithm management of 1696f
Dislocated hip 887f
joint 899f
management of 744
painful 745
Dislocated irreducible knee 788
acute anterior 1116
management of acute 1695f
of patella, management of recurrent 812fc
persistent 897
potential complication of 745
Disorders, spectrum of 689
Displaced partial articular fracture 1052
Displacement of
cuboid, medial 869
degree 1692
direction 1692, 1847
fibula, posterior 870
foot, posterior 719
ipsilateral ear, posterior 666
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 609, 637640, 644, 645
Distal ankle syndesmosis 1343
Distal arthrogryposis 693
Distal avulsion 1774
Distal biceps tendon rupture 1686
Distal bone fragments 766
Distal carpal instability, dissociated 1746
Distal clavicle 1133
atraumatic osteolysis of 1132
Distal clavicular resection 1148
Distal congenital synostosis 845
Distal femoral fracture 2195
Distal femur, giant cell tumor of 228f
Distal fibula, shortening of 749
Distal foot deformity 1317
Distal forearm amputation 1916, 1918f
Distal fragment, flexion of 551f
Distal humeral arthroplasty 1718
Distal humerus 2139
bony anatomy of 2140f
fracture 2144
hypertrophy of 1702
osseous anatomy 2140f
Distal interphalangeal
hyperextension 859
Distal joints 1722
Distal metaphyseal region 169f
Distal muscles, weakness of 529
Distal myotendinous junction 1687
Distal nerve stump, degeneration of 1832
Distal palmar flexion 1764
Distal patellar tendon, thickening of 986
Distal phalanx 1054, 1056, 1058, 1860
dorsal base of 1055
flexion of 1854
Distal pole 549
Distal radial
epiphysis, triangularization of 852
malunion 1746
ulnar joint
destruction 1864
disruption 1864
subluxation 1864
Distal radioulnar joint 852, 1777
disorders 1772, 1774
instability, classification of 1777t
understanding of 1772
Distal radius
die-punch fracture of 2167f
fracture 1747f, 1778, 2154, 2162, 2165f, 2166f
Frykman classification of 2166f
giant cell tumor of 229f, 230f
malunion of 1787
Distal scaphoid 327
Distal soft tissue procedure 1373
Distal tibial epiphysis 749
Distal tibiofibular
joint 1346
ligaments 1347
Distal tubercle 552f
fractures 551f
Distal ulnar
physis 851
resection 1781f
matched 1781
Distant skin flaps 2086
Distinct crystal deposition disease 418
Distraction arthroplasty 1696, 1769
apparatus 1697f
Distraction osteogenesis, principle of 542
Distraction test 1480, 1500
Disulfiram 471
Divot fractures 1995
Dizziness 603, 1063
Dobb's dynamic clubfoot brace 877
Dobb's method 815
Docosahexaenoic acid 2114
Document foot progression angle 763
Dodecanoic acid 2114
Döhle bodies 655
Dolichostenomelia 678
Donor site morbidity 785
Doppler angiogram 2092
Doppler ultrasonography 1894
Dorsal adductor space 1874
Dorsal angulation 1737f
Dorsal angulation deformity 1057
Dorsal block splint 1055
Dorsal bunion 721, 882
Dorsal calcaneal tuberosity 1316
Dorsal capsulotomy 725
Dorsal closing wedge osteotomy 1409, 1410f
Dorsal dislocation 814
Dorsal horn neurons, sensitization of 1949
Dorsal intercalated
carpal instability 1736f
segment instability 556, 1724, 1736
Dorsal interosseous muscle 1915
Dorsal ligaments 1728
Dorsal nucleus 1434
Dorsal percutaneous approach 556f
Dorsal pip joint dislocations 1058
Dorsal radial tilt See also Length of ulna
Dorsal radiolunate tear 1748
Dorsal radiotriquetral ligament 1746
Dorsal scapular nerve 836
Dorsal skin flaps 1916
Dorsal spine 1606
Dorsal subaponeurotic space 1874
infections 1874
Dorsal subluxation 882
Dorsal supraretinacular arch 323
Dorsalis pedis
artery 1313f, 2094
flap 2094, 2094f
pulse 1332
Dorsiflex foot 603f
Dorsiflexion 1312, 1319, 1727, 1928
ankle range-of-motion 998
desired degree of 726
eversion test 1340
lag 1416
malunion 1317
paralysis of 715717
ulnar-deviation injury 1743
Dorsiflexors, loss of 715
Dorsolateral funiculus 1502
region 253
spine 439f
Dorsoradial support system, attenuation of 1858
Double plating technique 477
Dowel grafts 770
Down syndrome 682, 682f, 897, 1364
Downstream inflammatory and reparative cells 2073
Doxorubicin 363
Doxycycline 148, 368, 402, 461, 471
Doyen's periosteal elevator 2044, 2046
Drawer's test 1097, 1097f, 1323, 1343, 1343f
anterior 948f
posterior 948, 949f
posterolateral 967, 967f
Drehmann's sign 1021, 1021f
and dressing materials, types of 2080t
forceps 2051f
rigid 1895
technique 1895
Drill hole 1995
Dripping wax 705
Drop arm test 1098, 1099f
Drug 2009
abuse, intravenous 1963
overdose 632, 635
pharmacodynamics of 2016
reaction 635
resistant tuberculosis 468
side-effects of 1954
treatment 742
DRUJ See Distal radioulnar joint
Drum dermatomes, use of 2084
Dry scaly skin 583
Dual onlay cortical bone graft 60
Dual-axis therapy 385
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 77, 78, 493
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 1555, 1971
Duchenne sign 1855
Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium 386
Dumdum bullets 1997
Dunn's technique 725
Duodenal atresia 682
Duplex ultrasonography 1989
Dupuytren's contracture 1333, 1758f, 1759, 1761, 1762t, 1763, 1764, 1771
grades of 1763f
Dupuytren's diathesis 1759
Dupuytren's disease 1136, 1759, 1762
stages of 1761
Dupuytren's finger, pathological alterations in 1760f
Dupuytren's involvement in fingers, pathology of 1760
Dupuytren's nodules 1763f
Dura retractor 2048f
Durkan's test 1802f
Dutoit staple capsulorrhaphy 1120
Duvet test 940
positive 940
Duvries technique 1350
Dwyer's lateral opening wedge osteotomy 825
Dwyer's operation 1400
Dwyer's osteotomy 882f, 1397
Dwyer's procedure 1396
Dwyer-calcaneus osteotomy 1397
Dying limb 1891
Dynamic hand orthoses, uses of 1941
Dynesystm dynamic stabilization system 1468f
Dyschondrosteosis 852
Dysesthesia 590, 1000, 1036
Dysfibrinogenemias 602
Dyshidrotic eczema 1871
Dyskinesias, periarticular 1036
Dyslipoproteinemia 480
Dyspareunia, complain of 1032
Dysplasia 754, 807, 887, 1011, 1011f, 1023, 1561, 1701
congenital 888
epiphysealis hemimelica 707
fibrocartilaginous 239
glenohumeral 839
signs of 1013
streeter 703
Dysplastic hip 1011f
Dysplastic linear hyperostosis 705
Dysplastic spondylolisthesis, congenital 1572
Dyspnea 624, 646
Dysraphia 1654
Dysreflexia, autonomic 1647
Dysrhythmias, cardiac 647, 2014
Dystonia 733
neurosurgical treatment of 742
Dystrophy, craniocarpotarsal 699
Ear prostheses, middle 2029
Easier skin closure 1902
Eburnation 396, 423
Ecchymosis 1000
ECM See Extracellular matrix 1759
ECRB See extensor carpi radialis brevis
ECRL See extensor carpi radialis longus
Ectoderm, surface 1652
Ectodermal dysplasia 817
Ectonucleotide pyrophosphoshatae pyrophosphohydrolase 1 419
Ectopia lentis 678
Ectopic bone 1719
Ectopic ossification 1709, 1710, 1715f
Ectopic para-articular bone 1713
Ectrodactyly 816, 817
ECU See Extensor carpi ulnaris
EDC See extensor digitorum communis
Edema 591, 1060
periarticular 1408
reducing local 2080
Eden-Hybbinette procedure 1122
Eden-Lange transfer 1149
EDL See Extensor digitrorum longus
EDM See extensor digiti minimi
Edoxaban 614
Efferent system, role of 1950
Egawa test 1854
EGF See Epidermal growth factor
Eggshell decancellation 1552
Eheumatoid foot 1381f
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 15, 485, 669, 807, 1033, 1113, 1237, 1364, 1803, 1809
Eichenholtz classification 1360
Eight-strand technique 1880
Eikenella 1873
corrodens 1963
EIP See extensor indicis propolis
Elastic compression stockings, use of 609
Elastic fibers, homeostasis of 678
Elastic threads 1941
Elasticity, Young's modulus of 1943
Elastin-binding adhesin 132
Elastofibroma 265
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication 370, 1203
Elbow 483, 1585
anatomy 1671
arthrodesis 1705, 1706
bilateral 1706
methods of performing 1706
arthroplasty 1698f, 1719
failed 1705
procedures 1715
arthroscopy 10481050
advantages of 1050
complications of 1050
disadvantages of 1050
biomechanics 1671
bony anatomy of 1671f
braces 1685
continuous passive motion for 1712f
disarticulation 1918, 1919f
dislocations 1692
dysplasia 690
contracture causing loss of 1708f
limitation of 687
accessory 1851
contractures of 686
orthosis, dynamic 1940, 1940f
resisted 1684
test 1812
test, positive 1817
torque 1675
fracture dislocation of 1696f
functions of 1673
injuries 585, 1048
instability 1049, 1692, 1710
management of 1695
medial 1695
joint 345, 346f, 1050, 1672, 1707
constraints of 1674
dislocation of 1693f
movements at 1674
stiffness in 1718
locking/popping of 1705
medial epicondylitis of 1683
orthoses 1940
medial 1683
medial side 1699
posterior 1702
pathology, intra-articular 1820
popping sensation of 843
radiographs, plain 1679
recurrent dislocation of 1701
splint, posterior 1940
stiffness 1705
students 1049
subluxes 1051
surgery to 1694
terrible triad injury of 1050
ulnar collateral ligament of 1672f
units 1934
Electrical stimulation 542, 630, 801
abnormalities 636
disturbance 647
level 2003
urine levels of 772
Electromagnetic radiation 866
Electromyography 592, 629, 836, 969, 1151, 1989
dynamic 745
Electrophysiological tests 1063
Electroporation 1972, 1974, 1977
Electrotherapy, intradiskal 1503
Electrothermal therapy, intradiscal 1482
Elephant foot 537, 537f
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate 624
ELISA See Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Elizabethtown osteotomy 917
Ellipsoid joint 1724, 1725f
Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome 780
Ellman classification 1109f
Elson test 1862
mechanism 1862f
Ely's test 809
Emactuzumab 359
Embryonic disk and neural plate 1650f
Embryonic stem cells 1461, 2096, 2097
Empiric antibiotic therapy 637
Empirical antifungal therapy 637
Enchondroma 215, 222
clinical features 216
histopathology 216
management 216
multiple 216
radiology 216
Enchondromatosis 215, 216, 217f
multiple 216
Encompasses meningomyelocele 1654
Endemic fluorosis 117
Enders nail 2055
Endobutton technique 1688
Endocannabinoid system 19f
Endochondral bone 544
formation 20f, 21
Endochondral ossification 757, 910
pathway 386
Endocrinal influence 367
Endocrine 639
control 28
disorders 391
neoplasia syndrome, multiple 32
Endogenous inhibitors, inhibitors of 100
Endometriosis 1046
Endomysium 1067
Endoneurial capillaries, endothelial cell of 1831
Endoprosthetic surgery 257
Endorphin 1950
production 593
Endoscopy, role of 1619
Endothelial cell 45, 425
barrier 600
injury, diffuse 639
growth factor 2073
progenitor cell 2098
proliferation 479, 1752
protein C receptor 601
system, reticular 635
Endothelium inflammatory mediators 653
Endotoxin macrophage hypothesis 639
Endplate fibrillation potentials 1839
End-stage renal disease 421
Energy conservation 524
Enneking system 168
Enostosis 212
Enterobacter 647
Enterogenous fistula 1658
Enthesitis 437, 439, 442
Enthesopathy 989, 1936, 2038, 2039
Entrapment, common mode of 1810
cardiac 636
deficiency 121
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 1610
Eosinophilic granuloma 174
Eosinophils 351
EPB See Extensor pollicis brevis
EPFP See Endplate fibrillation potentials
Epicanthal folds 682
osteotomy 1681
physeal fracture, medial 1695
tendonosis, stages of 1684
anteroinferior aspect, medial 1672
avulsion, medial 1049
calcification medial to medial 1695
medial and lateral 1692
rotation on lateral 1672
Epicondylectomy, medial 1814
Epicondylitis 16761677, 1679, 1683, 1753
chronic cases of medial 1684
medial 1683, 1684, 1695, 1699, 1809
occurrence of medial 1683
pathoanatomy of lateral 1677f
Epicondylopathy 1677
developing 1676
Epidemic disease 2007
Epidermal growth factor 362, 974, 1681, 1759, 1980, 2076, 2112
space 1625
identification of 1476
steroid 1475
injection 1475
Epidurography 1478
Epidurolysis 1478
Epiduroscopy 1478
Epilepsy 75, 1760
Epimysium 1067
Epinephrine 2016
Epineural repair 1842f
Epineurorrhaphy 1842
Epiperineurorrhaphy 1842
Epiphyseal dysplasia, multiple 373, 692, 692f, 852
Epiphysiodesis 798
Epiphysis 5, 172, 455, 910f
anterolateral part of 912
bone 6
inner limit of 743f
lateral extrusion of 910f, 914
width of 909
Epirubicin 363
Episacroiliac lipoma 1031
Episcleritis 428
cells, flattened 1827
membrane antigen 362
mesenchymal transition 681
Epithelialization starts, process of 2073
Epithelioid 249
angiosarcoma 249
differential diagnosis 249
management 249
sarcoma 1762
Epithelium, small band of 1869
EPL See extensor pollicis longus
Eponychial marsupialization 1871
Eponychium 1869
marsupialization of 1871f
Epratuzumab 434
Epstein-Barr virus 424
Equine gait 527f
Equine infectious anemia virus-based vectors 1978
Equinocavovarus 746
deformity 747, 748f
Equinoplanovalgus 746
deformities 746, 748
bilateral foot deformities 698
deformity 717
deformity 817f
foot 785
Equinus 715, 746, 1936
deformity 726f, 729, 746, 791
aggressive correction of 878
correction of 726
Quickened correction of 875
Erb's palsy 836f
Erbium 2023
Erectile dysfunction 1356
Ertl's procedure 1901f
Erysipelas 592, 635
Erythema 588, 1870
penetrating injuries causing 1876
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 136, 977
Erythroderma, exfoliative 484
Erythromycin 471
Escherichia coli 444, 457, 652, 1040, 1963
Escobar syndrome 699
Eskimo technique 1118
Esmarch bandage 2010
Esophagus, method of making artificial 2070
Estrogen 88, 401, 602
deficiency 74
derivatives 631
receptors 392
replacement therapy 88
Etanercept 431, 432, 435, 443
Ethambutol 469, 482
Ethanolamide 2113
Etidronate 90
Eukaryotic delivery systems 1975
Eumycetoma 164
Eustachian tube malfunction 686
Evans classification 2183f
Evans technique 1348, 1348f
Eversion stress test 1342
Evolgate system 962
Ewing's like osteosarcoma 201
Ewing's sarcoma 124, 184, 235, 238, 238f, 362
clinical features 236
cytogenetics 235
histopathology 236
radiology 236
secondary 238
Ewing's tumor 189
Ex vivo gene therapy 1982
Exchange nailing 542, 543f
Excision arthroplasty 1715
Excitotoxicity 1637
Exercise 1444
regimes, types of 713
Exogenous bone infection, prevention of 156
Exostectomies 447
Exostosis 1332, 1339, 1987
excision 215f
first rib 832
lesser trochanter 1027
Expansile osteolysis, familial 171
Extensor carpi radialis
brevis 572, 750, 1676, 1735, 1755, 18171819
tear 1677
longus 572, 750, 1681, 1795, 1818, 1851
Extensor carpi ulnaris 572, 849, 850, 1052, 1676, 1693, 1735, 1773, 1818, 1851
Extensor compartment 1850
decompression 581f
Extensor digiti
minimi 572, 1676, 1782, 1818, 1851
quinti 1888
Extensor digitorum 1676
muscle 1336
origin 879
tendinitis 994
communis 572, 750, 1681, 1735, 1785, 1818, 1849
longus 526, 716, 814, 1316, 2090
flap 2091
tenotomy of 725
Extensor group, extrinsic 1859
Extensor halluces
brevis 716
longus 526, 715, 814, 1366
Extensor hood 1735
Extensor indicis proprius 572, 1785, 1888
Extensor muscles, extrinsic 1392
Extensor pollicis
brevis 572, 1734, 1752, 1818, 1851
longus 572, 1812, 1818, 1851, 1866, 1888
Extensor quadriga 1884
Extensor retinaculum, inferior 879
Extensor shift procedure 1396
Extensor slide 1681, 1682
Extensor spasticity 528
Extensor subluxates 1057
Extensor supinator muscle rupture 1695
Extensor tendon 1056, 1691, 1734, 1913
compartments 1734f
injuries of 1055f
relocation 1863
repairs 1941
retracts, central 1056
rupture of 1785, 1888
subluxation of 1056, 1057f
Extensor tenolysis 1057
External beam radiation therapy 261
External fixation 545f, 1706
External oblique aponeurosis, defects of 1046
External rotation 762, 1008, 1021, 1118
lag test 1098
recurvatum test 949, 950f, 967
Externally powered prostheses 1930, 1934
Extracellular matrix 364, 1759, 1879
extensive 1982
influence deposition of 2109
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy 54, 1000, 1681
Extradepth custom-molded orthosis 1361
Extrafusal skeletal muscle fibers 1435
Extraneural neurolysis 838
Extraperitoneal retropubic synthetic 1041
Extrapyramidal syndromes 1392
Extratunnel fixation 962
Extreme flexion, triquetrum 1724
injury, management of 2006
short 901
Extrinsic bony bridge formation 1709f
Extrusion 770
extent of 915
Exudative wound, deep 2077f
Fabella 930
Fabellofibular ligament 929, 930, 934
anterolateral 1050
anteromedial 1050, 1051
dislocation 1618
injection, intra-articular 1473
Facet joint 345, 1443
injection complications 1473
Facet replacement 1468
complications 1469
Facet syndrome, posterior 1033
asymmetry 668, 841
bones 1060
flushing 630
Facioscapular muscular dystrophy 1151
FADIR test 1032, 1032f, 1033
Fad-pad syndromes 987
Failed back surgery syndrome 1498
classification 1499
conservative management 1502
etiology of 1498
incidence 1498
prevention and management 1501
Failed back syndrome 1456, 1499f
disease 707
dysplasia 692
fragment 757
triangle 756f, 757
Falciform fascia 1008
Falling off residual limb 1925
Farabeuf rugine 2044, 2047f
Farabeuf-Lambotte bone-holding forceps 2044, 2045f
Farber's disease 248
Farmar's cross-legged 785
Fas ligand 380
Fascia 2037
deep 1724
lata, autogenous transplant of 2069
superficial 1723
transversalis 1043, 1045
Fascial bands 1674
Fascial defect 1402
Fascicular fibers, transverse 1733
Fasciectomy 1764
regional 1764
Fasciitis of penis 1759
Fasciocutaneous flap 2075, 2088, 2090, 2092
Fasciotomy 583, 584f, 1000
Fassier-Duval rod 677
FAST See Focused assessment sonography in trauma
Fast glycolytic fibers 1072
Fast spin-echo technique 2026
Faster open arthrotomy 1050
Fat 649, 2037
causes shrinkage, minimum of 2088
embolism 413, 632
syndrome 623, 624
microglobulinemia 624
atrophy 999
intra-articular 350
syndrome, infrapatellar 979
Fatigue 1063
Fatigue fracture 35
Fatigue syndrome, chronic 429
Fatigue wear, surface 1194
liver 623
lobular mass 356
marrow, higher percentage of 2034
tumor 1648
Faulty neurulation, theories of 1654
FCR See Flexor carpi radialis
FCU See flexor carpi ulnaris
F-distribution 508
FDL See Flexor digitorum longus
FDP See Flexor digitorum profundus
FDS See Flexor digitorum superficialis
Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions 646
Febrile transfusion reaction 645
Febuxostat 484
Feil syndrome 667
Feldman criteria 460
Feline immunodeficiency virus-based vectors 1978
Felix classification 2209f
Felon 1868, 1872, 1872f
Felty's syndrome 428
Femoral anteversion 738, 771, 807, 1011, 2041
plus tibial intorsion 761
Femoral artery 1911
lateral circumflex 1006f
medial circumflex 1304
Femoral bone defects 1291
Femoral chondral damage 954
Femoral condyles 301, 927
anteromedial 940
blood supply of 302, 302f
flattening of 692
medial 923
Femoral cutaneous nerve 1006
posterior 1031
Femoral defects 1291t, 1292t
Femoral deficiency, congenital 753
Femoral diaphysis, posterior cortex of 373f
Femoral endoprosthesis 299
Femoral epiphysis 828f, 913f
growth abnormalities 1020
Femoral fixation devices 961
Femoral fractures, intraoperative 1287
Femoral head 300, 372, 1008, 1275
avascular necrosis of 2020, 2035f
blood supply of 279, 281f
complete dislocation of 887
concept of 281
coverage 1009
excessive anterior overcoverage of 1012f
excision 2095
extrusion index 1023
fatigue fracture of 1043
fractures 2185
minimal deformity of 918
junction 1022, 1023f
offset 1013f
normal 890
shape of 890
osteonecrosis 279
overcoverage, focal 1023
partial dislocation of 887
posteromedial aspect of 1023
prevent deformity of 914
quadrant position of 893
radiopacity of 911
reduction 1026
resection 745
retrotorsion 1024f
Femoral head-neck offset, small 1013
Femoral hypoplasia 753
treatment of 754
Femoral impaction bone grafting 1293
Femoral intercondylar sulcus, depth of 810
Femoral joint angle 767, 772f
Femoral lengthenings 805
Femoral lesions 1023
Femoral nailing 1031
Femoral neck 910f, 992
anatomy 1024
anterior part of 1021
anteversion of 1161f
bending of 757
nonunion 561
osteotomy 1026, 1247
retrotorsion of 1020
shortening of 909
Femoral nerve 1006f, 1163, 1169
palsy 897
development of 897
stretch test 1489f
Femoral neurovascular
bundle 1016
structures 1166f
Femoral osteochondroplasty 1024, 1025f
Femoral osteoplasty 1025, 1026
Femoral osteotomy 296f, 455
Femoral physis, small capital 909
Femoral pulse 891
Femoral retrotorsion 1020
Femoral retroversion 759, 1020, 1364
Femoral shaft axis 764
Femoral shortening osteotomy 900
Femoral side surgical procedure 917
Femoral site 961
Femoral stem 1269
Femoral stretch test 1488
Femoral torsion 761
internal 761
Femoral triangle 474
Femoral trochlea 935
Femoral varus derotation osteotomy 918
Femoral vessels, common 1166
Femoroacetabular impingement 361, 1006, 1009, 1011, 1022, 1025, 1033, 1047, 1188, 1230
syndrome, types of 1020t
types of 1017f
Femoroiliac vessels 1356
joint 810
region 418
alignment 763f
articulation 410
axis, alignment of 771
mechanical alignment, normal 764f
Femur 400, 542, 1159
anatomical axes of 768
applied anatomy of 1160
abnormalities of 753
deficiency of 786
cortical erosions of 420
derotation osteotomy of 813
desmoplastic fibroma of 225f
external rotation of 692
neck of 2178f, 2179f
of head of 2186f
and anatomical axes of 1185f
axis of 764
neck fractures 2177
or tibia, physeal stapling of 775
stenosis of 1291f
ununited fracture neck of 1245, 1250
Ferguson bone-holding forceps 2044, 2045
Ferguson's method 1517f
Ferritin, deposition of 422
Fesoterodine 631
alcohol syndrome 700, 845, 866
arm movements 833
bovine serum 2104
immobility 695
malposition 666
position 845
FHL See flexor hallucis longus
Fiber 147
discontinuity of 2038
increases, stimulation of small 1950
involved motor, type of 1801
non-medullated 1828
non-myelinated 981
posterior 985
Fibrillar pericellular capsule 364
Fibrillation potentials 1838
Fibrin 147
clot augmentation of repair 1843
clot technique 973
Fibrinogen 625, 645
binding proteins 132
Fibrinoid degeneration 538
Fibrinolysis 600
Fibroblast growth factor 9, 45, 360, 365, 368, 544
Fibroblastic proliferation, active 1136
Fibroblastoma, desmoplastic 266
Fibrocartilage 344, 537, 538, 923
disorders, classification of triangular 1774t
elements of triangular 1777
triangular 558, 851, 1735, 1772, 1774
deterioration, triangular 1746
disc, intervening 1039
generation 378
hyperplastic 1132
rim of triangular 1008
tears, triangular 848
triangular 1773, 1774, 1777
dysplasia, focal 778
tissue, development of 962f
Fibrochondrocytes 924
ossificans progressiva 273
proliferans progressiva 273, 273f
Fibroelastic degenerative, pathological tissue 1682f
Fibro-fatty contents 1354
lesions 192
markers 182
tumors 268
Fibroid 1046
Fibrolipoma 705
Fibroma 265, 1762
desmoplastic 225
Fibromatosis 266
colli 266, 2042
deep 267
superficial 267, 1759
Fibromodulin 366
Fibromyalgia 2023
syndrome 592
Fibromyxoid sarcoma 267
Fibronectin 16, 367, 1947
binding proteins 132
structure 1338
tunnel, stenosis of 1002
Fibrosarcoma 222, 225, 267, 362, 978
clinical features 267
differential diagnosis 226
infantile 268
prognosis 226, 267
treatment 226, 267
Fibrosis 1132
development of 666
progressive 940
subsequent 1987
Fibrositis 1989
Fibrotic pathological tissue 1791
Fibrotic tissue, endomysial mass of 666
ankylosis 438f
bands 931, 1819
connecting brachialis 1821
capsule 348
dysplasia 239, 241f, 242f, 756, 783
clinical presentation 240
differential diagnosis 241
etiopathogenesis 240
histopathology 241
management 241
radiology 241
skin lesions of 771, 783
element, predominance of 757
flexor sheath 1724, 1877
histiocytoma 222
benign 231, 268
malignant 231
joint 343
capsule 1859
layer, outer 348
lesions 192, 225
stroma 361
curving band of 2030
excision of 1794
formation 39, 884
xanthoma, malignant 231
Fibroxanthosarcoma 231
Fibula 60, 343, 995, 1312
distal end of 1311
osteotomy 775
pro tibia 155
tibialization of 155
transfer, ipsilateral 155
collateral ligament 929, 931
deficiencies 755
graft, microvascular 784
grafting 566f
groove deepening procedures 992
head 1405, 1405f
graft 60
hemimelia 753, 755, 759, 780, 782, 786, 787f, 821
malleolus 1355
sliding osteotomies 992
styloid fracture 968
Fibulin-1 dysregulation 1759
Fight injuries 1883
Figure of eight 1014f
Fillet approach 2076
abnormalities 1660
terminale 1649, 1657
lipoma of 1650
Fine needle aspiration cytology 179
amputations, principles of 1907
crease, X sign of 1813f
cylindrical swelling of 1876
deformity 1858
correction of 1864
flaps, local 1907
flexion 1755
active 1757
cascade, loss of 1883
contracture 1761
flexor digitorum superficialis 850
function, loss of 1854
movements, transient loss of 851
multiple 2017
nail, anatomy of 1869f
peculiar deformities of 1858
stiffness 1807
superficialis 1885
tip amputation 1907
Finkelstein's test 1753, 1755
First generation cephalosporin 1996
First metatarsal cuneiform joint, dorsal prominence of 820
First metatarsocuneiform joint, fusion of 725
First metatarsophalangeal joint, arthrodesis of 1372
First thoracic rib syndrome 1986
First toe dorsiflexion 998
Fischgold-Metzger's line 1595f
Fish and Dunn osteotomy 829
Fisk-Fernandez procedure 559f
Fistulas, presence of 2077
Fitzgerald's acetabular labral tests 1021
device 961
failure of 1710
period of 804
staple 555
Fixed angle osteotomy plates 2062
Fixed bony deformities, development of 741
Fixed pronation, severe 845
Flail chest 2002
coverage 2095
failure, causes of 2089
necrosis 857
reconstruction 1706
regional 1909
technique, anterior 1905
Flat back syndrome 1500
Flat bones 5
Flat philtrum 700
Flat top talus 871f
acquired 1381
mobile 1384
Flattish lateral tibial plateau 923
Flex carpi radialis 1674
Flex digitorum superficialis 1674
Flex foot 1928
Flexible cannula 1005
extra-length 1005f
Flexible connecting bar 877
Flexible elbow 1917
Flexible endoskeleton foot 1930
Flexible flatfoot 823, 825f
Flexible flatfoot See also Mobile flatfoot
Flexible hammer toe 1378
complications 1378
technique 1378
treatment 1378
Flexible metatarsus, primary treatment of mild 819
Flexible pes planus 666, 759, 1384
clinical examination 1385
etiology 1384
radiograph 1385
Flexion 1026, 1033, 1724
abduction and external rotation test 1013, 1480
deformity 1762
extension 942
flexor digitorum profundus tendon 1733
initiation test 1687
instability 415
movement, complex 944f
pronation test 1048
reduced 1884
rotation drawer test 948
test 940
Flexion-abduction orthosis, dynamic 896
Flexor carpi radialis 572, 1683, 1732, 1752, 1795, 1806, 1849, 1852
tendon 1768
Flexor carpi ulnaris 572, 1673, 1683, 1732, 1778, 1795, 1806, 1816, 1849, 1882
transfer of 750, 850
Flexor digiti minimi
accessory 1815
brevis 1328, 1329
Flexor digitorum
brevis 572, 998, 1403
longus 526, 716, 869, 991, 1316, 1322, 1327, 1338, 1342, 1353
muscles 747
profundus 581, 1054, 1753, 1791, 1807, 1852, 1859, 1876, 1881
arcade 1808
function, augmentation of 840
tendon 1733
sublimis tendons 1796
superficialis 572, 735, 1683, 1732, 1786, 1791, 1807, 1809, 1850
spasticity of 750
tendon 1733, 1860
Flexor group 1693
extrinsic 1859
Flexor halluces
brevis 721, 1322, 1328, 1329, 1341, 1342, 1365, 1414
longus 295, 716, 991, 1316, 1339, 1366, 1415f
fractional lengthening of 747
postoperative weakness of 777
tendon 868, 1328
Flexor origin debridement 1685
Flexor pollicis
brevis 1733
longus 572, 581, 750, 853, 1732, 1753, 1791, 1798, 1807, 1876
injury 1883
rupture 1866
Flexor pronator
muscle 1674
release 1685
rupture 1695
Flexor retinaculum 1338, 1724
Flexor sheaths 1876
Flexor superficialis, insertion of 2017
Flexor tendon
anatomy 1733f
injuries 1883
management of 1883
primary repair of 1879
prolapsed 1762
pulley system of thumb 1734f
rupture, treatment of 1883
sheath 1057
synovial sheath of 1733f
zone of 1881
Flexor tenodesis, combined procedure of 1796
Flexor tenosynovitis 1755, 1868, 1876, 1877f
Flexor-pronator group, L-shaped rupture of 1692
Flexors, weak 1940
Floating thumbs 861
Floor reaction orthosis 1938f
Fludeoxyglucose 2020
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery 2027
Fluid balance 625
Fluid extravasation 572, 1050
Fluid insufflation 1004
Fluid management system 1005
Fluid overload 647
Fluid pressure
dynamic 381
management 1004
Fluid replacement 657
Fluid transfusion, intraosseous 572
dye test 1894
sodium 1894
Fluorine 18 deoxyglucose 2021
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography 179, 254
Fluoroquinolones 461
Fluorosis 115
clinical features 115
diagnosis 116
industrial 117
pathogenesis 116
prevention of 117
Fluroquinolone 133, 451
Focal tenderness, prominent 1818
Foix-Alajouanine syndrome 1634
Folate, deficiency of 2118
Fondaparinux 608, 616
sodium 613
Foot 570, 579, 1314
abduction 759
bar 876
brace 875
active dorsiflexion of 730
amputations, mid 1898
and ankle 1585
ability measure 998
deformities around 713
examination of 1332
heels 1333
injuries 1003
inspection 1332
joint, biomechanics of 1317
management of 746
medial arch 1333
posture 1333
shoes 1333
surgery 1962
arches of 1324
bones of 1314
bony anatomy 1315f
compartments of 573f, 1329, 1329t
complications, developing 1362t
controlled plantar flexion of 739
deformities 696, 755, 841, 1335f
disorders 870
dorsum of 716, 722, 1322
drop 529, 1405, 1407
correction of 719
persist producing 976
dynamic-response 1930
flat 524, 526
function index 998
health status questionnaire 998
hindfoot 1314
calcaneus 1315
talus 1314
devices 610
technology 610
insoles 1000
intrinsic muscles of 748
lateral rays of 786
lengthened lateral border of 723, 1393
measurements 1323
midfoot 1315
cuboid 1316
navicular 1316
three cuneiform bones 1316
movements at 1330f
deep layers of 582f
tightness, intrinsic 998
orthosis 1935
overpronation of 1032
position of 738
progression angle 738, 761, 761f
negative 777
pronation of 981
excessive 998
propulsive action of 1327
pumps 616
radiology, normal 870
rays, congenital absence of 753
segments of 748
single-axis 1930
stabilization of 715
stance, inverted 528
testing invertor of 1323
action of 1329
concept of 1317f
intervertebral 1433f, 2032
magnum stenosis 686
Foraminal stenosis 1494f, 1496
Forceps, reduction 2045f
Forearm 343, 570
amputation 1918f, 2017
and wrist, radiating pain to 1678
bone fractures 585
compartment 574f
decompression 581f
decompression 580
fractures 585
history of 1821
hyperpronation of 750
lateral cutaneous nerve of 1844
muscle 1794
contracture 1796
pronation, resisted 1684
radiographs of 1793
supination, accessory 1851
weakness 1679
wrist-hand orthoses 1940
wrist-thumb orthoses 1940, 1940f
Forefoot 873, 1327
abduction 990
achieved correction of 884
adduction 717, 723, 881, 885
deformities 886f
alignment of 738
arthroplasty techniques of 1353
central metatarsals 1328
component 1395
correction of 885
dropping of 723
equinus 725, 1396
development of 731
fifth metatarsal 1328
first metatarsal 1328
gradual abduction of 875
multiplanar 1391
position 724
pronation of 746
widening 427
Foreign bodies
number of generated 1999
presence of 2078
Forequarter amputation anterior approach 1921, 1922f, 1923f
Forestier disease 1582
Forlin and Milani classification 455t
Fortin's finger test 1480
osteophytes 1717
osteophytes 1717
Fostamatinib 434
Four-strand techniques 1880
Fovea capitis 1079f
Fovea centralis 924
Foveolar system, development of 908
Fowler's procedure 1353
Fracture 550, 552, 632, 1038, 1052, 1056, 2071
acetabulum 1034
anterior tibia 996
around hip 256
axial skeleton 2232
birth-related 843
clavicle 837, 1939, 2123f
syndrome 1986
comminuted 556, 1052
complications of 38t
compound 1971
coronoid 1051
disease 36, 38, 38t
dislocation 1058, 1692
displaced 1708f
femoral shaft 585
fixation/refixation 1696
fragments 1058
frequency of 676
healing 44f, 1971, 1980
humeral shaft 2136
intertrochanteric 71f, 1247, 2181
region 2184f
intra-articular 391, 768f, 1708f, 1709
condyle humerus 2149
tibial condyle 806
left femur diaphysis 543f
location 42
low-trauma 76
metacarpal neck 1058
multiple 632
femur, nonunion 476, 1249
nonunion 564f
occult 2029, 2031, 2035
of scaphoid, nonunion of 330f
open 157
pathological 36, 829
patterns 37f
periarticular 1710
periprosthetic 1277
phalangeal 2173
plain radiograph identify acute 1690
posterior tibia 996
proximal humerus 833
radiographic union of 1714
radius and ulna shaft 2157
reduced and aligned 1750
reduction, accuracy of 552
repair 35, 37, 47, 2117
determinants of 43
primary 39
stages of 42
risk assessment tool 72
scaphoid 551, 553f, 554, 562f, 1741f
management of 556
shaft femur 2190, 2192f
comminution in 2191f
shaft humerus 1846, 1846f
splinting of 2068
stabilization 626
surgical and medical complications of 533
toughness 1224
types of incomplete 35
ulnar styloid 71f
Fragmentation, stage of 915
Fragments, translation of 802
Framingham study 390
Frank ankylosing spondylitis 444
Free fatty acids 2114
Free flaps, microvascular 1359, 2092
Free radical, excessive formation of 1833
Free vascularized
fibula graft 294
nerve graft 1844
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 694f, 699
Freeman-Swanson knee 409
Freeze dried graft, choice of 66
Freiberg's disease 329, 1332, 1408, 1410, 1936
Freiberg's infraction 334, 1408
Freiberg's test 1032
Frejka pillow 897
French medical doctor 2066
Fresh frozen
graft, choice of 66
plasma 643645, 657
Friction components 1193f
Friction syndrome 1048
Friedlander waveform 1997f
Friedreich's ataxia 723, 1391, 1556
Froment's sign 1812f, 1854, 1854f
Frommann's lines 1828
Frostbite 1894
Frozen plasma 423
Frozen shoulder 1089, 1135
Fructose-1-phosphate aldolase deficiency 481
Fucose 642
Fukuda-lite test 1112
Fulcrum test 1097, 1098f
Fulkerson relocation test 808
Fulkerson type osteotomy 813
Full-leg radiogram 772
Fulminant myocarditis, acute 651
Fumarate 2114
Functional mobility scale rating system 737t
infection 1056, 1897
organisms 462
osteomyelitis 125
Funicular repair 1843f
Fusion techniques 1529
Fusobacterium 1873
Fuyon's canal anatomy 1815f
Gabapentin 1960
oral dosage of 1961
Gadolinium 2028
chelates of 2028
Gadopentetate dimeglumine 1013
Gaenslen's test 1480
Gait 524
analysis 406, 525, 525f, 746
instrumental 739
observational 738
cycle 525, 525f, 526
phases of 526
disturbances 1037
intoeing 759f
phases of 524
Galactose 642
Galeazzi fracture 2160
dislocation 1774, 1774f, 2161f
Galeazzi sign 891, 891f, 892
Galen's influence 1878
Gallie procedure 1123
Gallium scintigraphy scan 140
Gallium-67 2020, 2021
Galvanic corrosion 1943
Gamekeeper's thumb 1765, 1765f
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 593, 741
Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid protein 10, 16
Ganglia 1339, 2039
blocker, autonomic 593
cells, control of 1831
cyst 980, 1762, 1815, 1820
intraosseous 196, 197f
Gangliosides 1644
Gangrene 1872
appear, patches of 1963
patches of 1964f
Gantzer's muscle 1808
Ganz osteotomy 904, 1024
modification of 905f
Gap balancing technique 411
Gap primary fracture repair 43
Gapping test 1480
Garre's osteomyelitis 124, 177
Gas gangrene 1891
secretions 649
tonometry 659
ulcer 613
Gastrocnemius 526, 923, 923f, 988f, 1322, 2088
complex, lateral 930
equinus contracture 994
flap 2088, 2089f
muscle 931
semimembranosus bursa 977
soleus 1395
tightness 981
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 666, 752
bleeding 635
fluid 651
system 655
tract 618
reduced 1952
Gastrosoleus recession 1386
Gastro-soleus, weakness of 723
GATA classification 1612, 1612f
Gate control theory 1950
Gather information 2001
Gaucher's disease 67, 117, 301, 910, 1279
clinical features 118
pathogenesis 117
treatment 118
Gaussian curve 507
Gaussian distribution 508
width of 507
Gefitinib 363
Gelatin foam 1266f
Gelatinase 402
acts 368
Gelling phenomenon 398
Gemellus complex 1008
systems 1972, 1972f, 1974, 1979f
targeted 1979
directed enzyme 1978
plasticity-related 350
prodrug activation therapy 1978
therapy 385, 1971, 1977, 1979t, 1981, 1984
application of 1980, 1982
intra-articular 1981
potential of 1983
regional 1980
transfer 385, 1972, 1973t
addition of 1845
into muscle, strategies for 1979
Genetic 390, 670, 688, 697, 702
factors 1451
influence 827
linkage 501
predisposition 482
role of 1971
syndromes 888
thrombocytosis 602
Genicular nerve 416
block 416
Genitofemoral nerve 1044
anomalies 787
disorders 331
Genotoxocity of retroviral-based vectors 1977
Genotypic tests 467
Gentamycin 63, 148
Genu recurvatum 780, 888
deformity 415
gait 530
Genu valgum 528, 683, 690, 692, 759, 778, 780, 781f, 786, 807, 1333
bilateral 780f
causes of 780b
clinical features 779f
deformity 779f, 781f
etiological cause of 780
Genu varum 391, 685, 686, 764f766f, 771, 771f, 774f, 984, 1037, 1364
causes of 771b
correction of 775
deformity assessment 772f
production of 775
Geodes formation 1007
Geometric method 567
Gerdy's tubercle 930, 931, 932f, 958
avulsion fracture 968
Germ cell tumor 1038
German concept 445
German nazi regime 517
Germplasm defect 865
Giant bone islands 212
Giant cell
lesions 226
differential diagnosis 229
histopathology 228
management 229
reparative granuloma 231
scattered 360f
tumor 125, 172, 173f, 174, 226, 355, 360f, 1762
type osteosarcoma 206f
Giant popliteal cysts 977
Giant synovial cyst 977, 979
Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium 1427
Gigli saw wires 2053
Gill's laminectomy 1577
Gillespie divides femoral deficiencies 755
Gillet's test 1480
Gilmore's groin 1043, 1044
Gilula's arcs 1728f, 1746, 1750
restored 1750
Gilula's lines, disruption of 1744
Gingivotrochlear joint 1057
arthroplasty 478, 478f, 567, 1295
complications 1296
modifications of 1295
classical 1295
classification 1605
resection arthroplasty 1296f
Taylor procedure 719
Girth measurement 950, 950f
Gissane angle 2223f
Gitelman's variant 419
Glasgow coma scale 1061t, 2003, 2003t
Glaucoma, narrow-angled 630
abduction 1086
arthritis, Levigne and Franceschi classification of 1142t
dislocation, anterior 1118f
joint, sepsis of 837
ligament 1078, 1079f, 1083, 1084
humeral avulsion of 1101, 1115, 1121
inferior 1079, 1079f, 1115, 2032
middle 1079, 1079f
superior 1078, 1079, 1079f
translation 1136
Glenoid 372
abrasion 1103f
anterior 1115
arc 1085
articular surface 1113
cavity 1086f
center line 1085
complications 1147
concavity 1085, 1123
deficiency, anterior 1117, 1122f
dysplasia 1113
fossa 1113
hypoplasia 842
impingement, posterior superior 1104
posterior superior 1104
osteotomy 1085, 1123
posterosuperior 1125
anterior 1115
deficiency 1120
surface, anterior 1084
wear, superior 1142
Glenoidogram 1085, 1086f
Glenoscapular angle, method of calculating 837f
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor 384
Glimcher hypothesis 26
Glioblastoma 1975
Gliosis 709
Global ligament laxity 788
Globular-filament actin fibril junction 1073
Glomus tumor 250
management 251
Glucagon-like peptide-2 102
Glucocorticoid 634, 1066, 1759, 1961
Glucosamine 401, 1768
sulfate 401
Glucose 352
6-phosphatase deficiency 480, 481
hypertonic 626
Glucuronic acid 401
Glutamate receptor antagonists 1642
Glutathione 2114
homeostasis 2114
Gluteal muscles 571, 890
atrophy of 1030
Gluteal nerve
inferior 1031
superior 1007f, 1031
Gluteal neurovascular bundle, superior 1016
Gluteal region 1031
Gluteal syndrome, deep 1008, 1029
Gluteal tuberosity 1008
Gluteal vessels
inferior 1008, 1167
superior 1167
Gluteus maximus 1176f
gait 530
muscle 1008, 1027
overuse 1037
Gluteus medius 530, 1028, 1164, 1173f
Gluteus minimus 1037, 1165
Glycerol 2113
Glycogenosis 480
Glycolic acid 57
Glycolysis 2114
Glycopeptide resistant 463
Glycoprotein 366
secreted 350
Glycosamine polysulfuric acid 402
Glycosaminoglycan 365, 366, 401, 956
Glycosylated protein monomers 366
Goldenhar syndrome 1539
Golf club, appearance of 848f
Golfer's elbow 1683
symptom of 1684
Golgi tendon 349
organs 925
Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles 1008
Golimumab 431, 432, 443
Gomphosis 343, 344f
Gonadal hormones 31
Goodman and Kruskal's gamma 513
Goretex 960
Gorham's disease 246, 247, 248, 1133
Gorham's syndrome 247
Gorham-Stout syndrome 247
Gottschalk's modification 1903, 1903f
Gould technique 1346, 1396
Gout 388, 418, 479, 1038, 1701
pathophysiology 480, 481f
treatment 483
Goutallier classification 1107t
Goutallier grading system 1107
Gouty arthritis 482f, 1364
acute 482
Gouty inflammation 480
Gouty tophi 479
Gracile limbs 678
Gracilis 977, 2004
muscle free flap 2092
anatomy of 2092f
muscle transfer 1794
tendon autograft 812f
Gradient-echo technique 2026
Gradual distraction techniques 700
Graduated compression
arm sleeve 620
stockings 611f
Graf's classification, simplified 2040t
Graf's sonographic classification 2040t
bone, excision of 64
delamination 382
failure 2086
fixation of 960f, 961
hypertrophy 382
loosening 1701
malpositioning 962
osteosynthesis, microvascular 154
sterilization of 66
Graft-versus-host disease 647
Gram's stain 353
report empirical antibiotics 451
Grand multiparity 833
Granular matter, layer of 1830
Granulation tissue 2076
formation 40
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 632, 649
reaction 479
tissue 2039
Grapelike yeast cells, cluster of 1871
Grapow fibers 1759
center of 524
stress test 1700
Gray matter-white matter junctions 1060
Gray ramus block 1482
Gray-blue sclerae 676
Gray-Ramus on vertebral body 1483f
Great toe 950f
clawing of 719
dorsiflexors of 721
interphalangeal joint of 732
pointing outward 871
Greater sciatic
foramen 1032
notch 1030
Greater trochanter 1026, 1039f
anterosuperior edge of 1006
elevation of 918
midpoint of 1029f
overgrowth of 909
pain syndrome 1007, 1037
upriding of 891f
Greater tuberosity 1110f, 1111f
sclerosis 1107
Greenstick fracture 35
Greulich and Pyle method 793
Grice arthrodesis 1400
Grice procedure 1354
side-to-side 1722f
type of 1932f
Grip strength
loss of 1851
weak 1807
weakness of 1780
Grisel syndrome 667
Gritti-Stokes amputation 1903, 1903f
Groin flap 1911, 1912f, 2093
anatomy and relations 2094
Groin muscles 1046
Groin pain 1008, 1043, 1046
chronic 1046
Groin region 1032
Gross exterior invertor insufficiency 715
Gross motor function
classification system 734, 736t
level of 735
Gross tumor volume 190
Growing rods, disadvantages of 1537
Growth arrest 775
Growth disorder, generalized 762
Growth disturbances, local 800
Growth factor 32, 98, 379, 2098, 2112
insulin-like 32, 45, 367, 544, 1979
role of 156
Growth hormone 31, 98, 677
Growth modulation 749
Growth plate 344f
anterior 746
horizontal 1020
of bone, structure of 22f
regulation of 24
Growth remaining method 793, 795f
Guided motion prostheses 410
Guillain-Barré syndrome 629, 645, 1817, 1940
Guillotine, replantation of 2017
Gunn's law 1750
Gurd's and Wilson's criteria 624
Gut hypothesis 639
Guyon's canal 1724, 1813, 1815
anatomical boundaries of 1816t
Haemophilus aphrophilus 1963
Haglund's deformity 988, 989, 989f, 1336
Haglund's posterosuperior calcaneal 990
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome 677
Hallucinogenic mushrooms 1065
Hallux abducto-valgus 1936
Hallux flexus
etiology 1377
treatment 1377
Hallux rigidus 722f, 1334, 1375
Hallux valgus 427, 666, 749, 993, 1333, 1334
correction of 1369f
radiograph of 1367f
Hallux, deformity of 1364
Haloperidol 667
Halo-Vest traction assembly 1597
Halsted mosquito forceps 2050, 2051f
Halus valgus deformity 1332
Hamate 1724, 1725
Hammer digit syndrome 1936
Hammer toe 1936
deformity 1333
Hammock loop 935f
elongation of 712
gait 530
guarding 955
tendon 788, 960
Hand 1585
amputations 1907
anatomy and function 1720
and foot, macrodactyly of 16f
blood supply of 1730, 1732f
common miscellaneous conditions of 1752
deep spaces of 1447f
deformities, general perspective of 1857
dominance 761, 1706
dorsoulnar surface of 1852
edema 619
foot-uterus syndrome 821
grasp and pinch of 840
infection 1868
complications of 1868
general principles of treatment of 1868
injuries 1054
innervation of 1730
orthoses 1941
polydactyly, postaxial 692
positions of 1722
space infections 1868
Handigodu joint disease 1230
Handlebar palsy 1815
Hands, intrinsic muscles of 710
Handwash technique 159f
Hangman's fractures classification of different types of 2243f
Hansen's disease 1855
Hansenula polymorpha 1976
Happy puppet syndrome 701
Haptic robotic systems 1966
Hard callus 41
Harding classification 373f
Harmon's neck reconstruction 456
Harpagoside 401
Harris hip score 499
Harris mat score 1386
Harrold-Walker classification 872t
Hauser's method 727
Haversian canal
central 7
systems 27
Hawkins classification 307t
Hawkins-Kennedy test 1092
Hawthorne effect 494
Head 108
and neck tumors 703
flexor pollicis brevis, paralysis of deep 1812
gastrocnemius, medial 938
injuries 609, 1059, 1064, 1707, 2003, 2006
spectrum of 1059
lateral aspect of 874
angle 1020
osteoplasty 1007
sacrificing procedures 566
Headache 1060
persistent 1063
severe 1647
cartilage injuries 983
ligament 1971
mode of 1879
stages of 676
stimulation of 974
Healthcare associated infection 158
congenital 682
coronary 493
severe 630
congestive 602, 633, 1443
right 624
palpitations 630
rate 652
Heat shock proteins 350
Heath mallet 2052f
Heavy breasts 1987
Heberden's nodes 392, 395
compression 1928
contusion 999
empty 875
internal rotation of 864
inversion of 729
off 524, 526
rise, single 1383f
spur syndrome 1936
strike 524526
normal 526
varus of 1393
wedge 2068
Helal and Gibb algorithm 1410
Helical collagen fibrils 368
Helicobacter pylori 1283
Helper T lymphocytes 1985
Helsinki, declaration of 517
Hemangioendothelioma 249
Hemangioma 174, 832, 1237, 1794, 2034f
benign 248
capillary 1657
vertebral 1662
Hemangiopericytoma 249, 362
Hemangiosarcoma 249
Hemarthrosis 452, 805
Hematinic cyst 192
Hematogenous osteomyelitis, acute 141
Hematological osteomyelitis, acute 136
Hematoma 613, 1031, 1046, 2038, 2014
apical 1991
epidural 1059, 2032
formation 669, 770, 1008, 2086
deep 1667
marrow, higher percentage of 2034
progenitor cells 12
stem cells 2103
tumors 192
Hematuria 613, 624
Hemiarthroplasty 299, 567, 1143f
Hemibody irradiation 261
Hemicallotasis 404
Hemichondrodiastasis 775
Hemicircumferential neurolysis 1848
Hemicylindrical grafts 60
Hemiepiphyseal stapling 775
Hemihypertrophy 701
Hemiparesis 1060
Hemipelvectomy, primary indication for 1904
Hemipelvis 1040
Hemiphysiodesis 770f
lateral 775, 777
Hemiplegia 624, 734
arm sling 1939, 1940f
gait 529
Hemiresection interposition arthroplasty 1780
Hemisoleus flap 2090
Hemivertebra excision 1543
Hemochromatosis 418, 647
Hemodialysis 639
Hemodynamic stabilization 633
Hemoglobin 644
Hemoglobinopathy 623
Hemogram 2003
Hemolytic disease 642
Hemolytic transfusion reactions, acute 645
Hemophilia 613, 980, 1790
Hemoptysis 603
Hemorrhage 584, 613
control 2001
degree of 2035
extracranial 1060f
extraparenchymal 1059
intra-alveolar 625
intra-articular 351
intracranial 606, 1357, 1060f
rapid 2005
Hemorrhagic shoulder 1139
clinical features and radiology 1140
diagnosis 1140
differential diagnosis 1140
epidemiology 1139
pathoanatomy 1139
pathogenesis 1139
treatment 1140
Hemosiderin 355
granules 357
Hemostatic resuscitation 658
Hemothorax, massive 2002
Henderson posteromedial incision 978
Hennepin method 1118
Henry's volar approach 1751
Heparin 607, 612
antithrombin system 600
oral formulations of 615
sulphate proteoglycan 1972
unfractionated 608, 611, 612
Heparinoids 615
Hepatic dysfunction 638, 639
B virus 645
infection 317
C virus 645
Hepatocellular injury 639
Hepatocyte growth factor 2098
Heptadecanoic acid 2113
Herbert and Fisher classification 553f
Herbert plasty 1778
Herbert screw 2061
exostosis, multiple 780
hypophosphatemic rickets 114
osteochondromatosis, multiple 851
incipient 1043
inguinal 866, 1043
recurrent 1492
syndromes 1059
true 1046
Herniography 1046
Heroin 1065
Herpes simplex virus 1973, 1978
Herpetic whitlow 1868, 1871, 1872
Heterotopic bone 1717
formation 1134
Heterotopic ossification 38, 168, 269, 366, 1050, 1128, 1284, 1285f, 1701, 1705, 1707
classification of 272t, 1284
differential diagnosis 270
evolution of disease 269
prevention 1285
risk factors for 1285
surgical removal of 272
treatment of 270, 1285
Heterotrophic bone formation 1695
Hex ilizarov 1968, 1969
Hexanoylcarnitine 2113
Heygroves’ bone-holding forceps 2044, 2045f
Hibb's angle 1394
Hibb's osteotome 2043, 2044f
Hibb's procedure 1396
Hibb's test, positive 1032
Hierarchical scratch collapse test See also Scratch collapse test
High hip center quadrants 1159
High influence of Galen 1878
High tibial osteotomy 305, 403, 409t, 767
contraindications 404
indications of 403
preoperative planning 404
principle 403
realignment procedure 403
types of 404
High-flow system 1004
motor vehicle injuries 1011
rotational forces 1060
line 893, 1023
physeal angle 757, 758
defect 1119
component 1395
contracture score 872, 875
deformities 1400
equinovalgus, fixed 814
valgus 880, 881, 991
deformity of 1339
positioning of 823
varus 717
Hindquarter amputation 1904
Hinge abduction 917
Hinge joint 345, 346f
compound 1671
simple 1930
Hinge technique for cross-leg flaps 2088f
Hinged abduction, type of 917
Hip 1004, 1585
abduction 1005f
abductor 710
contracture 528
muscle contraction 524
abnormalities, surgical treatment of 744
acetabulum 1157
adduction, resisted 1045
advanced destruction of 1008
anatomy of 1157, 1184f
and knee
flexion of 744
orthoplastic surgery of 1961
surgery, analgesia plan of 1962
arthrodesed postoperative course 1302
arthrodesis 567, 745, 1190, 1240, 1297
optimal position of 1300
primary 1297
arthrography 1013
arthroplasty 158, 564, 1184, 1189, 1191, 1270f
revision 1288
systems 1196
arthroscopy 1004, 1005, 1005f, 1014, 1046
complications of 1016
aspiration 1243
attitude of 1030
biomechanics of 1158, 1234f
bony anatomy 1157
capsule 1173f
deficiency of 786, 887
dysplasia of 887
containment of 916t
management of 742
pathogenesis of 742
derangements 1016
developmental dysplasia of 666, 757, 843, 868, 887, 889f, 890f, 906, 917, 1011, 1011f, 1020, 2040, 2040t
disarticulation 1903
disease 1041
phantom 1242
quiet 907
dislocation 805, 866
bilateral 897
ipsilateral 787, 789
teratogenic 2042
disorders 393, 1004
double position 1939
drop, amount of 892
dynamic flexion-abduction of 896
dysplasia 1013, 1160, 1163
dysplastic development of 887
effusion 828
extension 1008, 1026
extensor, weak 528
femoral epiphysis, normal 893f
flexion 1015, 1019, 1021
contracture of 697, 757, 791
flexor 743
primary 1163
weakness 528
fracture surgery 616
Ganz surgical dislocation of 1304
hiking 527, 528f
contralateral 526
hyperextension 1045
impingement syndrome 1047
instability, management of 756
internal derangements of 1046
irritability, absence of 917
ischemic necrosis of 907
advantages 1172
anterior approach 1171
anterolateral approach, Watson-Jones 1172
biomechanics of 1183
cartilage 1010
direct lateral approach 1174
distraction of 1005f
double-axis 1939
functional anatomy, biomechanics of 1183
limitations and complications 1172
neglected dislocation of 1247
postoperative stiffness of 918
pressure 918
space 1013
stability of 1169
surgical approaches to 1170
tuberculosis of 475
knee-ankle-foot orthosis 1939, 1939f
majority of snapping 1027
medial approaches to 1182f
movements of 525, 1163
muscular stretching exercises 1036
normal 1011f, 1012f
configuration of 1019f
observation 1242
open dislocation of 1304
orthosis 1935, 1938
osteoarthritis 394t
Altman's criteria for 1233t
clinical features and evaluation 1232
differential diagnosis 1233
Harbinger of 1047
management 1233
prognosis 1233
radiology 1233
osteonecrosis 692
pain, anterior 1013
passively flexing adducted 1021
pathoanatomy of irreducible 890
position 526
postoperative 1939
posterior exposure of 1781
predominantly 92
preserving methods 288
prosthesis 1929
components of modular 1269
radiographs, plain 1021
reduction of 697, 698
replacement 1237
surgical error during 1237
external 528
internal 528
sacrificing 288
angle guide, dynamic 2064f
dynamic 2063
triple reamer, dynamic 2064f
spica cast 1302
stability 755
stress fractures 1042
Windswept deformity of 744
Hip-gluteus medius, primary abductors of 1037
Histiocytoid 249
Histiocytoma, malignant 231
Histone deacetylase inhibitor 1978
Histoplasmosis 435
Hitchhiker thumbs 691
HIV See Human immunodeficiency virus
HIV infection, treating 1977
Hobs-kite technique 725
Hockey goalie/baseball pitcher syndrome 1044
Hockey groin syndrome 1043
Hockey player's syndrome 1044
Hodgson's classification 1605
Hoffa's disease 939, 979, 979f, 980, 981, 987
Hoffa's fat pad 356, 383, 985
syndrome 979
Hoffmann's procedure 1353
Hohmann's epicondylar stripping 1682
Hohmann's retractor 2048, 2049f
Hoke's arthrodesis 719
Hoke's limited midtarsal arthrodesis 825
Holden's classification 1792
Holding test 940
Holstein-Lewis injury 1846, 1851
Holt-Oram syndrome 842, 860
Homan's sign 602, 603, 603f, 1323
Homini verminoso 2066
Homocysteine 2114
Homocystinemia 618
Homocystinuria 602
Homodigital island flap, retrograde 1909, 1910f
Homogentisic acid 423
Hook grip 1721
Hook of hamate, level of 1803
Hoop stresses 924
Horii circle 1693, 1694f
Hormonal fluctuation 957
Hormonal influence 74, 1011
Hormone supplementation increases growth velocity 702
Horn Blower's sign 1098, 1099f
Horner's syndrome 594, 835, 836
Horns of menisci, posterior 933f
Horse hoof 537, 537f
Horseshoe abscess 1876
Horton's click brace 877
Host protein screening 1977
Hotchkiss triad 1050
Hourglass abscess 1874
Housemaid's knee 976
Howship lacunae 42
Hubscher maneuver 1382
Hueter interval 1025
law 47f, 776
principle 776, 1513
Huge's test 1032
allogeneic skin cells 2076
bites 1868
chondrocyte culture 386
dermal matrix 2075
hematopoietic stem cells 1977
immunodeficiency virus 635, 1759, 1963, 1977
infection 137, 167, 429
knee joint 943f
leukocyte antigen 107, 645, 1126, 1677, 2098
mesenchymal stem cells, innovative combinations of 2110
natural killer cell 1835
parathyroid hormone 77
recombinant growth factor proteins 1979
spleen 426
Humby knife 2084
Humeral articular surface fractures 1697
Humeral head 1077, 1104
anterior dislocation of 1114f
syndrome 1986
Humeral osteotomy 839
Humeroradial articulation 1671
Humeroulnar articulation 1671
Humerus 542
amputation through neck of 1920, 1921f
external rotator of 1079
fracture, distal 2144f
internal rotators of 1079
ipsilateral 585
lateral epicondyle of 1676
vis-à-vis anteversion 1084
Humpback deformity 551
of scaphoid, development of 551f
Hunka classification 455t, 456
management algorithm, types of 456
Hunter syndrome 119, 121
Hunter, circulus articuli vasculosus of 280
Huntington's disease 529, 1833
Huntington's procedure 155, 155f, 182
Hurler's syndrome 119121, 852
Hurler-Scheie syndrome 119, 121
Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome 702
Hüter Volkman theory 46, 47
Hyaline 1411
articular cartilage 364, 375, 389
cartilage 343, 344, 348, 349, 360, 364, 378, 420f, 924, 1160, 2037
capabilities of 2109
degeneration 1040
supporting joint 1671
fibromatosis, juvenile 266
repair tissues 380
Hyaluronan 366, 1768
intra-articular 401
Hyaluronate 350
free glycoprotein 370
intra-articular injection of 416
Hyaluronic acid 150, 350, 370, 382, 2108
gel 57
polymers 366
Hyaluronidase injection 1768
designs 497
scanning techniques 2020
systems, development of 1278
vectors 1975
viruses 1975
Hydrarthrosis, intermittent 429
Hydraulic knee 1927, 1927f, 1930
microprocessor based 1927, 1930
Hydrocephalus 1059
Hydrocortisone acetate 1712
lubrication 370
therapy 1974
Hydrogel, composite of 2108
Hydrogen peroxide 649, 1759
Hydrostatic weeping lubrication 370
Hydrotherapy 2095
Hydroxyapatite 147, 149, 961, 1943, 2108
coated stems 1275
crystals, clumps of 1140
Hydroxychloroquine 431
Hydroxycholecalciferol 107
Hydroxyethyl starch, pentafraction of 583
Hydroxylpyridinium aldehydes 924
Hydroxylysine 675
Hydroxyproline 2114
amount of 2117
Hyoscyamine sulfate 631
Hyperabduction syndrome 1986
Hyperactivity disorder 907
Hyperalgesia 587, 589, 590, 592
oxygen therapy 287
oxygenation 156
Hyperbilirubinemia 655
Hypercalcemia, hypocalciuric 418
Hypercalciuria 114
Hypercoagulability 278
chronic 607
Hypercoagulable state 2015
Hyperechoic 2037, 2038
Hyperemia, postoperative 1039
Hypereosinophilic syndromes 351
Hyperesthesia 590, 591
Hyperextended knee 788
Hyperextension 966, 970, 1058
activities 1020
forces 1701
injuries 969, 1055, 1692
interphalangeal 1866
neck injuries 1987
Hyperflexion 1010
hyperextension of 723
Hyperglycemia 636, 640, 656
Hyperhidrosis 1333
compensatory 594
Hyperinnervation 981
Hyperintensity zone 1456
Hyperkalemia 575, 580, 613, 656, 2014
Hyperkeratosis 1763
follicular 1897
gait 529
movements 733
Hyperlordotic gait 763
Hypermetabolic glucose 1062
Hypermobile trapeziometacarpal joint 1768
Hypermobility syndrome 681, 1011
Hyperosmolar dextrose 1000
Hyperostosis 254
patterns of 705
Hyperparathyroidism 418, 1237, 1662
causes, primary 32
diagnosis, primary 33
epidemiology, primary 33
primary 32
secondary 33, 1690, 2118
signs, primary 33
symptoms, primary 33
primary 33
secondary 33
Hyperpathia 590
Hyperphagia 701
Hyperplantar flexion 1394
Hyperplasia 415
verrucous 1897
Hyperplastic synovial tissue 422
Hyperproliferative cells 1759
Hypersensitivity reactions 613, 1226
Hypertelorism 689
Hypertension, intraosseous 394
Hyperthermia 588, 2003
Hypertonia 733
assessment of 735t
Hypertonic solutions 649
Hypertriglyceridemia 640
fibrosis 1758
form 446
scar 1707
formation 843, 1806
Hypertrophy 790f, 1015
Hyperuricemia 480, 483
asymptomatic 480
classification of 481t
lesion 1667
nonunion 537, 542
Hypnosis 1957
Hypoalbuminemia 640, 645
Hypoaldosteronism 613
Hypocalcemia 645, 647
Hypochondrial pain, right 639
Hypochondroplasia 687
Hypocoagulation 2015
Hypoechogenicity 695
focal regions of 985
hemorrhagic fluid 2038
nerve bundles 2038
solid tumor 2039
Hypoesthesia 590
Hypofibrinogenemia 645
Hypofibrogenemia 625
Hypoglossal nerves 839
Hypoglycemia 656, 2003
Hypogonadism 701
Hypomagnesemia 418
Hypomentation 701
Hyponychium, transition zone of 1869
Hypoperfusion 638, 653, 658
cardiac 639
quantification of 656
Hypophosphatasia 418
Hypoplasia 454f, 807
capitellar 843
finger abnormalities of 848
severe 862f
capitellum 844
lateral femoral condyle 690, 981
medial patellar facet 981
trochlea 981
Hypotension 603, 638, 646, 658, 2003
Hypothalamus 1949
eminence 1764
muscles 1876
space 1874, 1876
Hypothermia 645, 647, 1533, 2003, 2014
Hypothesis testing 489, 499, 514
Hypothyroidism 388, 482, 682, 1034
Hypotonia 671, 687, 701
Hypotonic solutions 649
Hypovolemia 645, 651, 2003
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency 480
Hypoxemia 624
Hypoxia 603, 2003
hypoxic 638
tolerance, characteristics of 2075
Hypoxic injuries 1059
Hypoxic vascular endothelial cells 653
Hysterical paralysis 1647
Iatrogenic injury 1034
Ibuprofen 1990
Idiopathic clubfoot, pathognomonic signs of 867
Idiopathic scoliosis
adolescent 1511
classification of 1524t
persistent 1545
progresses 683
Idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, diffuse 440, 1582, 1584f, 1586f
Idiopathic thrombosis, pathogenesis of 618
Idraparinux 608
IDSA See Infectious Diseases Society of America
Iduronate sulfatase deficiency 119
Ifosfamide 363
Iliac artery, external 1167
Iliac crest 60, 1036, 1122
anterior third of 1025
bone graft 1747f
cancellous graft 784
Iliac horns 690
Iliac ossification, Risser stage of 1519f
Iliac spine
anterior superior 738, 892, 1005f, 1158, 1171, 1173f, 1258, 1938, 2093
anteroinferior 938
posterior-superior 738
Iliac system, superficial circumflex 2093
Iliac vein
external 1181
thrombosis 1033
hematoma 1034
syndrome 452
arthrodesis of Albee 476
ligament 1161
Iliohypogastric nerves 1606
Ilioinguinal approach 1178, 1179f
Ilioinguinal nerve 1044, 1046
entrapment neuropathy of 1044
Iliopectineal eminence 1027, 1028
Iliopsoas 1182
bursography 1027
contractures of 902
internal snapping of 1008
muscle 1179f
tendinitis 1028
tendon 890, 1028
flipping back 1027f
Iliosacral screws, placement of 1968
Iliotibial band 712, 929, 930f, 1007, 1026
contractures 759, 780, 788, 868
friction syndrome 397, 984, 987, 1037
syndrome 1936
Iliotibial tract 524, 929, 930, 1027
deeper layers of 949f
posterior part of 1026
Ilium bone 473
appearance of 675f
application of 547f
correction 775
fixator application 547
frame fixation, indications of 544
hip 456
methods of 2072
Ilizarov apparatus 883
use of 884f
Ilizarov method 154, 545f, 784, 846, 2072f
complications of 547
principles of 802
use of 2072
Ilizarov technique 154f, 802
classical 154
modifications of 546
Imatinib 359
Imipenem 1965
Imipramine hydrochloride 631
Immature bone, formation of 911
Immobilization, postoperative 1053
Immune reaction following gene therapy 1984
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura 435, 650
Immunoglobulin 643, 645
intravenous 645
Immunohistochemical marker 182
Immunological tests 466
Immunomodulatory therapy 658
Impaction fracture, posterosuperior 1115
Impingement sign, anterior 1021f
Impingement syndrome 1053, 1089, 1102, 2030
Impingement test 1021
positive 1021
posterior 1013
Implantable drug-delivery system 261
role of 1620
second generation 1865
In situ bone fusion 1577
Incident command system 2007
anterolateral 581
posteromedial 581
transverse 1029f
Incisura ulnaris radii 1774
Index ray amputation 1912, 1913f
Indium labeled leukocyte scan 2020, 2021
Indomethacin 444
Induction chemotherapy 184
Infantile tibia vara
continuation of 772
Lagenskiold classification of 777t
Infection 276, 638, 647, 667, 1050, 1650
active 1717
classic signs of 1870
extension of 2033
high risk of 1994
intra-abdominal 635
low-grade 1453
surgical site 123, 158, 165
thenar space 1875
Infectious Diseases Society of America 1359
Inferior calcaneo-navicular ligament 1382
Inflammatory cells, granules igniting chemotaxis of 2073
Inflammatory polyarthritis, symmetrical 423
Inflammatory tissue, chronic 1132
Infliximab 431, 432, 435, 443
Influenza 426
bursa, deep 979
bursitis, deep 977
Infrapiriform foramen 1031
syndrome 1029
Infraspinatus tears 1106
Infraspinatus tendon transfer 1120
Infusion technique 579f
Inguinal nerve entrapment 1044
Inhibitory molecules, secretion of 1834
Injection therapy, local 1754f
acute 1687, 1765
associated 1846
bite 1882
chronic 1767
common mode of 1885
electrical 635
external signs of 1694
forms of 1998
frequent site of 1003
grades of 954
history of 1872
intimal 969
level of 1841
mechanism, primary 1998
posterolateral 964
posteromedial 964
mechanism of 956
pattern of 1739
prior evidence of 1814
repetitive 992, 1037
secondary 1059
mechanisms of 1636
severe 976
severity score 2000t
site of 833, 1739, 2073
type of 1739
Inkjet printing 2107
Inner cellular layer 350
Insall's quadriceps snip 413
Insall-Salvati method 810
Insall-Salvati ratio, modified 810
acute 1697
chronic 1751
posterior 1692
subacute 1697
Intact bone See also Rheumatoid arthritis
Intensive care unit 586
Inter-articular injection 416
injury 1746
relationship, normal 1750
Intercellular matrix 366
Intercondylar fractures 1707
fixation of 1811
humerus 2143
Intercortical callus 43
Interferon gamma 13, 383
release assay 432, 466, 467
Interlaminar epidural injection 1476f
Interleukin 368
receptor antagonist protein 1981
Interlocking nail 2055f
Intermetatarsal angle 1366
Intermittent pneumatic compression device 610, 616
Intermuscular septum 1050, 1689
lateral 712, 2083f
Internal disk disruption 1462
diagnosis of 1455
Internal fixation 564, 1043, 1706
absence of 903
advantages of 312
device 1709
open reduction 158, 563, 829, 995, 1056, 1319f
Internal friction, function of 1943
Internal rotation 1032
contracture 839
deficit, glenohumeral 1089
resistance stress test 1092
Internal splints 1850
International Association for Study of Pain 587, 590, 590b
International Cartilage Repair Society 376
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors 492
International Federation of Societies for Surgery of Hand 831
International Humanitarian Law 1996
International Normalized Ratio 490
International Olympic Committee 1066
International Organization for Standardization 1947
International Paralympic Committee 1066
International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot 1359
Interosseous nerve
anatomy, anterior 1807f
anterior 1741, 1807, 1852
anterior 1807f
syndrome, posterior 1822
compressive neuropathy, anterior 1807
injury, posterior 845, 1705
posterior 1741, 1786, 1819
anterior 1807
posterior 1679, 1820
Interosseous neuropathy, posterior 1817, 1818, 1850
Interphalangeal joint 398, 429f, 861, 1321, 1753, 1808, 1812
arthrodesis of 716, 725
flexion 1888, 1908
completion of 1812
Interphalangeal motion, loss of 860
Interscalene triangle 1986
Intersection syndrome 17531755, 1822
Interstitial pneumonitis, idiopathic 428
Interstitial pressure 1790
femur fractures, fixation of 1968
fractures, Boyd and Griffin classification of 2183f
osteotomy, rationale of 1249
Interventional pain 595
management, role of 1471
treatment 597fc
Intervertebral disk 1426, 1427f, 1429
biomechanics of 1429
blood supply of 1429
calcification 1667, 1668
condition of 2033
degeneration 1439, 1445
disease, evaluation of 2032
functions of 1428
prolapsed 1405, 2033f
Intestinal perforation 635
Intoeing, cause of 762
disease 355
fracture, open reduction of 1814
pressure, negative 1078
Intracellular delivery 1975
Intracompartmental pressure, measurement of 576
Intradiscal gene therapy
nonvirus vector-mediated 1982
virus vector-mediated 1982
Intrafix system 962
locking screws, insertion of 1968
nail 543f, 1983
retrograde 1386
technique, retrograde 311
Intramembranous bone 544
formation 20
Intramuscular botox injections 595
Intranasal analgesia, patient-controlled 1956
Intraneural injection 1848
Intraosseous tophi 482
Intraperitoneal pathology 1046
Intraplexal neurotization 838, 839
Intrasubstance tear 1119
partial articular-sided 1106
Intrasynovial disease 359
Intratendinous rotator cuff repair 1125
Intrathecal analgesia 1503
complications 1503
surgical management 1504
Intrathecal baclofen 746
pump 742
therapy 742
Intratunnel fixation 961
amputation 703
compression 846
crowding phenomenon 888
growth retardation 700
maladaptation 832
packaging defect 865
Intravascular mechanisms, role of 908
Intravenous regional sympathetic blockade 594
Intrinsic muscle
loss of 1811
overactivity of 1860
type, retracted 1792
weakness of 723
Invasive surgery, minimal 1966
Inversion stress test 1343, 1343f
Invertor contractures 528
Ion channel blockers 435
Ionic plasma 377
Ionizing radiation 187, 1687
absence of 1687
Iontophoresis 984
principle of 1957
Iontophoretic transdermal system 1957
Ipsilateral forehead, posterior regression of 666
Ipsilateral zygoma, posterior regression of 666
Iridocyclitis 437
Iridodonesis 678
Iris, hamartomas of 684
overload 647
oxide 2028
superparamagnetic 2028
platinum 2028
Iron-laden chondrocytes 351
Irony of fate 2066
Irreversible injury, pathogenesis of 651
Irwin modified Gill's procedure 728
Ischemia 373, 638, 651, 1964f
acute 1848
characteristic distribution of 1791
development of 1790
misleading concept of 1792
result of prolonged 1790
signs of 1332
Ischemic fasciitis 265
clinical features 265
epidemiology 265
treatment 265
Ischemic index 1894
Ischemic injuries 1059
Ischemic limb 1892, 1893, 1902
modification in 1903
Ischemic upper extremity symptoms 1989
Ischial tunnel syndrome 1008
arthrodesis of Britain 476
ligament 1163
Ischiorectal fossa 474
Ischium 1008
infra-articular 1026
Isocaloric purine free diet 480
Isoleucine 2114
Isoniazid 469
Isotope bone, role of 2020
Isthmic spondylolisthesis 1573
etiology and subtypes 1573
natural history 1574
signs 1574
symptoms 1574
treatment 1576
types of 1573f
ITS See Iontophoretic transdermal system
IWGDF See International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot
Jaccoud's arthropathy 485
Jackson-Weiss syndrome 687
Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome 231
Jaffe-Lichtenstein syndrome 239
Jahss technique 2176f
Jahss truncated wedge osteotomy 725f
Jaipur foot 1928, 1929f
Jansen type 691
Japanese type spondylometaphyseal dysplasia 691
Japas osteotomy 725, 726f, 1397
Jarcho-Levin syndrome 1539
Jaundice 624, 666
Javelin throw 1701
Jeanne's sign 1854
JEB See Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
Jebson-Taylor hand function test 749
Jehovah's witnesses 648
Jejunoileal bypass 2116
Jerk diagnostic of snapping, sudden 1028
Jerk test 948, 1098, 1098f
Jersey finger 1054, 1054f, 1058
JESS, advantages of 884
Jewett blade plate 2062, 2063f
Jobe's test, Hammer's modification of 1092
Jobes's test 1106
Jobe-Yocum test 1092, 1093f
Johnsons abrasion chondroplasty 378
Johnsons pronator advancement 1779
Joint 963, 1758, 1907
action of 321
and-corset system 1925f
ankylosis 1050
medial 940
radiological classification of basal 1768t
arthroplasty 158, 1771f, 2116
arthroscopy, large 1048
aspiration 446
capsule 348, 1051, 1057
inner layer of 348
movements 349
changes, pathogenesis of 422f
classification 343
component 1924
compromising methods 1239
congruity 926
congruous 1707
constrained nature of 1004
contracture 691
degree of 737
development of 741
contralateral 373
degenerative disorders 368
denervation 1140
destruction 475, 1588
disease 75
degenerative 388
intrinsic 1762
dislocations 838, 2173
congenital 2042
disorders 388, 2038
dysplasias 391
edema 447
effusion 980, 2041
erosion 1693
examination of 1702
forces 522
analysis of 522
anterior 1015
function of 3, 343
pathology of 526
fusion 1765
geometry 1184
glenohumeral 345, 1077, 1078, 1118f, 1132, 1139, 1144f
immobilization of 371
inflammation 1940
injury 1774, 1996, 2071
instability 371, 395, 1775
intermittent locking of 1702
interposing 1931, 1933
intervertebral 344
kinetics of 2118
lavage 377, 421
laxity, subtle symphyseal 1040
line convergence angle 405
loading, dynamic 370
location 390
lunotriquetral 1746
malpositioning 741
milieu, alteration of 1971
mobility 669
motion 345
no motion 1936
of foot and ankle, stabilization of 718
osteoarthritis, localized large 398
pain 394t, 2023
patellofemoral 937f
penetration 829
plane 345, 345f
preservation methods 1240
preserving methods 307
pseudo-widening of 438f
reaction force 941, 1190
determinants of 1186
replacement 478, 1771
surgery 2021
sacrificing surgery 1769
seal, loss of 1009
sepsis 1007
single axis 1936
narrowing of 389, 973
normal 1728f
sclerosis and 1745
ulnohumeral 1717
stability 926, 1009
stabilization of 1935
rapid 1742
unstable 741
stiffness of 857, 1016, 1786, 1794
subsidence of 1236
surface, reorient 1697
synovium 979
targeting 1981
trophic lesions of 1837
types of 345
ulnohumeral 1704
weight-bearing portion of 429
zygapophyseal 345, 1452
Jones operation, modified 731
Jones periosteal elevator 2044
Jones procedure 725, 1396
modified 721f, 725
Jones technique, modified 1396
Joshi's device 883
Joshi's external stabilization system 850f, 883, 883f
Joubert syndrome 1539
J-sign 809f, 982f
Judet acrylic femoral prosthesis 1268f
Judet obturator oblique view 2236f
Jugular vein, external 1921, 1923
Jugular venous distension 619
Jump knee 745
gait 739
Jumper's knee 983, 985
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa 1975
Juncturae tendinum 1056
Jupiter classification 538, 2157f
Juvenile discogenic disease 1564
Juxta-articular lesions 708
Juxtaphyseal deformities 42
K nail 2054f
Kahler's disease 232
Kaiser Wilhelm syndrome 832
Kanavel's signs 1877f
Kaplan's complex 2175f
Kaposi sarcoma 1871
Karlsson technique 1346
Karnofsky's performance status 258
Kartogenin, intra-articular injection of 379
Kashiwagi's procedure 1717
Kegel exercises 630
Keller's operation 1372
score 403
system 396
Keratan sulfate 366, 372
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 428
Keratoderma blenorrhagica 444
Keratosis 1419
Kerboul angle 285f
Kerrison's rongeur 2049, 2050f
Kessel's plate 2063f
Kessler brace 877
Kessler technique 1414f
Ketamine 593, 1960
use of 1960
Ketanserin 593
Kidner posterior tibial tendon advancement 1386
disorders 841
function test 636
Kienbock's disease 315319, 319f, 320t, 322, 328, 1740, 1788
anatomical considerations 316
classification 318
clinical features 317
pathological phases 317
predisposing factors 317
radiology of 318f
treatment 319
Kienbock's procedure, treatment of 320
Kim, biceps load test of 1095
Kim's test 1096
Kinase inhibitors 434
Kinematic classification 345
Kinematic dysfunction 1737
Kinesin, inhibition of 1830
Kinetic carpal dysfunction 1737
Kinetic energy, high 1994
King's classification 1522, 1522f
Kingdom of macedonia 664
Kininogen 660
Kirschner wires 1353, 1745, 2070
Kirschner-Perthes cuff 2070
Kite's angle 724
Kite's error 873
Kite's method of manipulation 873
Kjøble modification 1902
Klaes and Eigler modification 1902
Klebsiella 652
pneumoniae 1963
Kleiger's test 1343, 1343f
Kleinert's classic presentation 1879
Kleinman's shear test 1746
Klemm's triad 143, 143f
Klenerman's modification 2010t
Klinefelter's syndrome 845
Klippel-Feil syndrome 683, 700, 841, 1539, 1562
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 1031
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome 790, 790f
Klisic test 892
Klumpke's palsy 835
Knee 921, 1585, 1927, 2029
angular alignment of 762
ankle-foot orthosis 876, 1935, 1937, 1937f
ankylosis 528
arthrodesis 755, 756
arthroplasties 457, 460f
arthroscopy 617
arthrotomy, method of 2070
bilateral congenital dislocation of 787
cap 935
condyles of 525
congenital dislocation of 787, 788f
deformity 696
management of 745
disarticulation 786, 1901, 1902f
dislocation 698, 969
congenital 789f
fixed 789
dysfunction, severity of 745
extension 933f, 959, 962f
active 786
coupling 745
flexion 755, 936f, 946f, 968f
anteromedial bundle 933f
contracture 690, 1938
extension 523f, 940
magnitude of 740
maximum degree of 738
test 1413f
grades of 789f
hyperextends 530
hyperextension 1938
injuries, multiple 952
instability 945, 951
testing 945
biomechanics of 942
dynamic stabilizers of 923f
effusion, moderate 972f
locked 1937
nerve supply of 416
valgus deformity of 781f
ligament 922f
complex, medial 927
management of 745
medially tilted 772
movements of 525, 926f
restricted 963
orthoses 1935, 1938, 1938f
osteoarthritis 391, 394, 394t, 2112
osteochondritis dissecans, management of 375f
pain 356f, 1938
anterior 806, 980, 981
anteromedial 940
chronic 416
lateral 780
periprosthetic femoral fractures 2198f
plain radiograph of 952
positions of 935f
radiograph, lateral 789
rotating platform 410
secondary degeneration of 436
skin necrosis, anterior 790
splint 2068
stiffness 790
subluxation of 789, 805
unicompartmental osteoarthritis of 397
Knee-ankle-foot orthosis, long 775
Kniest chondrodystrophy 689
Kniest dysplasia 689
Knock-knee 778, 1938
Knot of Henry 879
Knotted cords, pair of 1824
Knuckle pads 1759
Knudson's two-hit hypothesis 683
approach 1052
bone hook 2052f
disease 1408
infarction 334
line 1238
maneuver 1117
method 1118
second disease 1408
skin 1711
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 509
Koshino and Aglietti staging systems 304t
Kotwal and Farooque procedure 816
Krager fat pad 1401
Krause, end bulbs of 1826
Kreb's cycle 1225, 2114
Krukenberg amputation 1918f
Kruskal-Wallis test 511
Kugelberg-Welander syndrome 1556
Kummel's spondylitis 1662, 1663
Kuntscher's diamond pointed awl 2043f
Küntscher's nail 2070
Kuss classification 2231f
Kutler advancement flap 1907, 1908f
Kuwada's classification 1414
K-wire 1056
fixation, temporary 1769
insertion of 883
migration of 843
Kyphoplasty 8486, 1228, 1481, 1668
Kyphoscoliosis 671, 676, 688, 1506
Kyphosis 442, 1506, 1650
angle 1576f
congenital 1557, 1561
global 1558
junctional 752
postinfection 1564f
postural 1564
risk of 685
round or regular 1558
severe 1619
Kyphotic deformity 1617
correction of 1619f
formation of 1557
prevention of 1618
Kyphotic malformations, congenital 1557
La Chapelle's procedure 1551
Labral avulsions 1015
Labral degeneration 1007
Labral injuries 1046
refixation of 1046
Labral pathology 1011
Labral periosteal sleeve avulsion, anterior 1101
Labral refixation 1007
Labral repair 361, 1024
Labral signal intensity 1101
Labral tears 308, 1006, 1010, 1015, 1018, 1021, 1026, 1089
anterior 1021, 1024f
etiology of 1011
mechanism of 1009
morphological classification of 1010f
posterior 1009, 1021
Labrocapsular junction 1010, 1013, 1015
complex, evaluation of 2031
periosteal sleeve avulsion, anterior 1115
Labroligamentous sulcus 1013
Labro-periosteal-ligamentous defects 1115
Labrum 1015, 1084, 1119
and posterior 1115
and posterior tears 1089, 1125
cuff lesion, superior 1115
debridement 1125
degeneration 1019f
excision of 1015
fixation of 1016f
hypoplastic development of 889
morphology, combination of 1011
posterosuperior 1104
repair of 1015
resection of 1146
synovitis, thickened 1007
Lacertus fibrosus 1686, 1808
Lachman test 947, 948f, 964f
Laciniate ligament 1338
Lactate dehydrogenase 645
Lactic acid
accumulation of 2014
level 636
Lag screw 2060f
Lambotte osteotome 2043, 2044f
arthrodesis 727f
operation 728
procedure 725, 726
triple fusion 1407
Lamellar bone 7, 39
primary 42
secondary 42
Lamellar reaction, single 177
Lane's/trethowan bone lever 2047, 2047f
Langenbeck right angle retractor 2048f
Langer-Giedion syndrome 171, 702
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 172, 248
Lanosterol 2113
Lantermann, segments of 1828
Lapidus procedure 1373, 1374f
Large hematoma, decompression of 582f
Large proximal compression-contraction forces 1675
Larsen syndrome 697, 698, 787, 843, 901
Larsen technique 1348
Larsen-Johansson syndrome 985
Lasegue sign, positive 1030
Lasegue's sign 1032
Lasegue's test 1488
Laser discectomy 1458, 2024
cons of 1458
Laser osteotomy 2024
Laser percutaneous disk decompression 1458f
Lasers, use of 2023
Latarjet procedure 1122
Latent tuberculosis infection 432
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve 1049, 1822
Lateral arm free flap 2094
Lateral band 1735
mobilization 1861
Lateral collateral ligament 934, 1051, 1314, 1672, 1673, 1707, 2029
elongation of 1693
injury 956
laxity 1679
of elbow 1672f
Lateral cutaneous nerve neuralgia 1034
Lateral epicondyle 1049, 1673, 1679
Lateral epicondylitis 1048, 16761678, 1693, 1695, 2112
cases of 1676
diagnosis of 1679
pathology 1677
Lateral femoral condyle hypoplasia 753, 807
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 1006f, 1034f, 1035, 1169
anatomy of 1169f
Lateral femoral pain syndrome 1037f
Lateral joint space, abnormal widening of 968
Lateral longitudinal arch 1324
maintenance of 1327
Lateral pillar classification 912
Lateral pivot shift test 1694, 1695
clinical examination for 1704f
Lateral retinaculum 806
tenderness 982
Lateral tibial plateau 923
fractures 923
Lateral tibial tubercle 930
Lateral toes, clawing of 719
Latissimus dorsi 749, 1079, 2004, 2081
free flap 2093
muscle 1120, 1920
tendon transfer 1112
Laugier fracture 2148
Lautenbach method 145f
Lax capsule 1028
Lax collateral ligaments 1857
Lax joint capsule fails 889
LCL See Lateral collateral ligament
Lead poisoning 866, 1034
Lead toxicity, pathophysiology of 1996
Leash of Henry 1819, 1821
Ledderhose disease 267, 1759, 1761
Leflunomide 430
excretion 432
Leg 570, 995
bones, nonunion of 538f
compartment 573f
syndrome, anterior 1405
decompression of 581
fasciocutaneous flap, Lateral 2092
injuries, lower 617
length, assessment of 791
muscles, tendon of 786
ulcers 426
Legg maneuver 1118
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 692, 907, 1011, 1016, 1020, 1939, 2020
Legg-Calvé-Perthes-Waldenstrom disease 907
Leg-length discrepancy 544, 704, 762, 790, 998, 1034, 1037
causes of 791t
Leighton classification 564
Leishmania tarentolae 1975
Leishmaniasis 426
Leksell's Rongeur 2044, 2046f
Lengthening index 804
Lenke et al classification 1522
Lenke system 1523, 1547
Lenses, dislocation of 678
Lenti viruses 1974
Lepirudin 608
L-episcopo reconstruction 455
Leprosy 445
foot 446
Leptosphaeria senegalensis 164
Lequesne criteria for OA hip joint 1232
Leri-Weill syndrome 852
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 480
posteromedial 337, 338
space occupying 1806
Lessen inflammation 640
Lesser arc perilunar injuries 1749
Lesser toe
abnormalities 816
deformity of 1377
Lesser trochanter 1008, 1027
level of 902
Lethal congenital contracture syndrome 694
Lethal damage, potential 187
Leucine 2114
Leucine-Rich proteoglycans, small 1427
Leucopenia 639
Leukemia 618, 682
Leukocyte 2021
depletion filters 649
esterase reagent 353
Leukocytosis 636
Leukotrienes 653
Levator scapulae 1079, 1149, 1921
Lewis and Rorabeck classification 2198f
Lewis classification for knee periprosthetic femoral fractures 2198f
Lhermitte's phenomenon 1593
License plate 2033
Lidocaine 593, 594
hydrochloride 1033
Li-Fraumeni syndrome 171, 201
Lift off test 1098, 1099f
attenuation, periarticular 1693
lateral 929, 930f
lateral collateral 1672
medial collateral 1672
primary 1672
ulnar collateral 1672
extrinsic 348, 1746
healing, protect 1697
injuries 38, 371, 1057, 2034
combined 969
multiple 963
injuries around ankle 1342
classification 1344
diagnosis 1342
imaging 1344
treatment 1344
insufficiency, chronic 1775
normal anatomy of 1760f
of Cooper 1672
of Landsmeer 1859
of Struthers 1808
periarticular 483
longitudinal 2032
oblique 927, 929
regeneration of 1971
repair of 1700
types of 348
Ligamento-labrocapsular complex 1115
Ligamentous laxity 686, 698, 807, 1364
mucosae 979, 980
mucosum 939
semicirculare humeri 1081, 1082
teres 890, 1163
artery of 280
hypertrophic remains of 890
hypertrophy of 914
rupture 1028
Light aerobic exercise 1064
Light bulb procedure 292f
Light emitting diodes 1969
alignment 755
restore accurate 1969
coronal mechanical axis of 764
dimension of 524
ipsilateral 1904
circumduction of 526
length 792
deficit, percentage of 755
disturbances, correction of 1970
inequality, development of 759
length discrepancy 566, 757, 772, 780, 785, 798, 984, 1936
causes of 779
correcting 773
extent of 782
lengthening methods, surgical 803f
number of 741
positioning 1844
reconstruction 787
rotational alignment of 760
salvage surgery 182, 183
shortening procedures 798
sparing surgery 182, 1923
Limited joint motion syndrome 1135
Lim-Lim mineralization protein-1 1982
Lindberg syndrome 1753
Lindeque's criteria 624
Lindholm's technique 1414, 1415f
Linear displacement 827
Linear indentation sign 1020
Linezolid 148, 461, 463, 468
Link joint 1726
Lino's band 939
Linoleic acid 2114
of tibia, posterior 728
thin upper 700
Lipid peroxidation 1638
Lipiduria 624
Lipofibromatosis 266
Lipoma 978, 1339, 1648, 1762
arborescens 980
intradural 1539
Lipomyelomeningocele 1648, 1649f
Lipoplexes 1974, 1976f
fusion of 1975
Lipopolysaccharide 444, 2007
Liposome 1972, 1977
Liposynovitis prepatellaris 979
Lipson's factors 1592
Lipstick sign 1129
Liquid circulating system 1732
Liquid mesenchymal tissue 2073
Lisfranc amputation 1898f
Lisfranc fracture dislocation 2230
Lisfranc injury 1344, 2231f
Lisfranc joint 1331
synovitis of 994
Listeriosis 435
Liston-Stille bone cutting forceps single action 2044, 2045f
Lithium 99
Little finger, clinodactyly of 682
Little league elbow syndrome 1684
Little-finger ray resection 1914, 1914f
Liver 640
disease, chronic 426
failure 608
function test 636
transplant 649
L-lactic acid 961
LMN See Lower motor neuron
Load-shift test 1097
Loaf muscles 1852
Lobster foot 816
Locking compression plates 2057, 2057f
Locking knee, manual 1930
Locking screws, number and orientation of 2056
Lodwick classification 174f
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 681
Logarithmic method 511
Log-roll test 1013
Long bone 5, 657
fractures 632
pseudarthrosis 684
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification 467
Lordoscoliosis 700
Lordosis 477, 685
congenital 1542
Lorenz bifurcation osteotomy 1259
Lorenz osteotomy 1246
Lorenz principle 1259
Losartan 484
Lou Gehrig's disease 1405
Love nerve root retractor 2047, 2048f
Low back pain 444, 1439, 1439t, 1462, 2023
acute 1470
chronic 1440t, 1470
conventional evaluation of 1470
management of 1443, 1471
chronic 1440t
medications 1443
recurrent 1470
Low molecular weight heparin 607, 610, 612, 616
Lower crossed syndrome 1011
Lower humerus, triceps from 1712
Lower limb 796t
amputation 1897
levels 1891f
biomechanics 2115
development of 753, 754f
joint arthroplasty 2115
oligoarthritis 444
prosthesis 1924, 1927
trauma 2177
weak 528
Lower lumbar
kyphosis 1558
vertebrae 1033
Lower motor neuron 1661
nuclei 1434
Low-intensity-pulsed-ultrasonography 2037, 2042
Lowman's bone-holding clamp 2044, 2045f
LPN See Lateral plantar nerve
Lubrican 350
Lubrication 1200
fluid, entrainment of 1202f
role of lambda ratio values on type of 1201f
types of 1203
Lubricin 350
Ludington's test 1094, 1095f
Ludloff's sign 892
canal stenosis 686
deformities 442
degenerative disk disease 1462
fusion techniques 1464
index 1575, 1576f
interlaminar approach technique 1476
kyphosis 1558
lordosis 757, 890, 892, 1547
osteochondroses 1033
paravertebral ganglia 591
region abscess 1616
sprain 1439
strain 1439
sympathetic chain 594
tuberculosis 1606
Lumbar disk herniation 1036, 1485
clinical features 1487
epidemiology 1486
natural history of 1487
nonsurgical management of 1490
pathoanatomy 1487
pathophysiology 1486
surgical management of 1490
treatment 1490
Lumbar interbody fusion 1465
anterior 1465, 1465f
posterior 1466f
Lumbar spinal
canal, divisions of 1449f
stenosis 1493
clinical features 1494
etiological classification of 1493
pathoanatomy 1493
pathophysiology 1493
treatment 1495
Lumbar spine 1033, 1584, 2118
hyperlordosis of 1011
Lumbar spondylosis 1339
clinical features 1462
epidemiology 1462
treatment 1464
Lumbar vertebra 1424
typical 1424f
plexus 1030
spine 454, 1579f
Lumbrical 1327, 1328, 1735
grip 1722, 1723f
Lumpy jaw 162
Lunate 1728, 1728f
bone 316, 1724
articulations of 316
axis of 1727f
chondromalacia of 1787
decompression of 321
dislocation 1726, 1728, 1749f
dorsiflexion 1744
excision 322
ulnar translation of 1739
volar flexion of 1746
Lunatomalacia 315
arthroscopic classification of 319
Lung injury, acute 645, 646, 655
Lunocapitate dislocation 1748
Lunotriquetral ballottement test 1746
Lunotriquetral dissociation 17381740, 1746
Lunotriquetral interosseous ligament 1729
Lunotriquetral ligament 1730f
anticoagulant 602
erythromatosus cells 352
Luxatio erecta 1114
Lyme disease 429
Lymphangioma 246
Lymphangitis 1868
Lymphatic drainage 18
Lymphedema 620, 705
Lymphocele 350, 585
anergy 640
moderate 1040
Lymphocytic cell 709
Lymphoma 618, 1662
of bone
malignant 235
treatment, malignant 235
Lymphoproliferative disease 1625
Lymphorrhea 1991
Lytic enzymes 638
MacKinnon's mixed injury 1838
Macrocephaly 685
Macrolides 148
Macrophage 1677, 1982
inflammatory protein 392, 424
Macrosomia 833
Macular dystrophy 817
Macular edema 624
Madelung's deformity 843, 851, 853f, 1738f
congenital 1737
correction of 854f, 1789
Madigan's quadricepsplasty 811
Madurella grisea 164
Madurella mycetomatis 164, 165
Maffucci syndrome 171, 216
Magee test 940
Magnesium oxide 677, 1214
Magnetic resonance
arthrograms 1013, 1021
arthrography 1013, 1024, 1053, 1101
imaging 550, 557, 1053, 1101
brain 625
knee 952
Malabsorption produces nutritional deficiencies 2117
Malalignment 1291f
rotational 544
test 405f
Malate 2113
Malformations, pattern of 700
Malignancy, risk of 684
Malleolar fossa 1314
Malleolar fractures, lateral 991
Malleoli 1319
fracture 315
Malleolus, medial 1312, 1319, 1323
Mallet classification, modified 837
Mallet finger 1055, 1058, 1860
injuries, chronic 1056
Mallet system 835f
Mallet toe 1378
complications 1379
treatment 1378
Maltracking patella 400
Malunion 375, 1701, 1709, 1718
degree of 1793
Malunited distal radius fracture correction 1779f
Malunited fracture 1776, 1785
distal radius 1737f, 1882
Malunited radial head 1715
Malunited radius fracture 1752
Malunited supracondylar fracture 1707
Mandibulofacial dysostosis 817, 845
Manes method 1118
Mangafodipir trisodium 2028
Manganese 2028
Mangled extremity severity score 2006, 2006t
Mantoux skin test 466
Marble bone disease 105
Marchetti and Bartolozzi classification 1572
Marfan's syndrome 678, 679f, 680, 680f, 681, 681t, 897, 1237, 1241, 1364
diagnosis of 679
medical treatment of 681
pleiotropic manifestations of 678
severe neonatal 678
treatment of 681
Margo liber 1869
Marie-Strumpell disease 437
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome 120, 910
Marrow totipotent stem cells 378
Martin's rubber sheet 2010
Martin's cartilage forceps 2048, 2049f
Martin-Gruber anastomosis 1852
Martsolf syndrome 910
Mason's classification 1052, 2154
Hotchkiss modification of 1052
Masquelet technique 152, 153
Mass casualty incidents 2000
Masse's sign 1855
Massive tears 1110
Mastoid retractor 2048f
Materials elastic stress-strain curve 1943
Maternal uterine malformation 831
Mathoulin-Kullman palmar carpal artery 560f
Matles test 1413f
degradation enzymes 380
disruption, superficial 370
glycoproteins 924
metalloproteinase 350, 356, 391, 392
inhibitor 368
vesicles, role of 25
Matsen's classification 1113
Matti-Russe procedure 559f
Maturation, stage of 1714
Mature bone 7
Maudsley's test 1679
Maxillary hypoplasia 686
Maxillofacial injury, severe 2001
Maxpage procedure 750
Mayo Adson's laminectomy retractor 2047, 2048f
Mayo classification, olecranon fractures 2153
Mayo scissors 2050f
Mayo-Hegar needle holder 2051
May-Thurner syndrome 602
Mazet and Hennessy modification 1902
McBride operation modified 1370
McBride procedure 1370
McCarthy test 1013
McCash technique 1764f
McCune-Albright syndrome 171, 240
McGill pain questionnaire 1951, 1952
McKay's procedure, modified 880
Mckenzie's sign 1336
MCL See Medial collateral ligament
McMurray's displacement osteotomy 1259
McMurray's intertrochanteric medial displacement osteotomy 1258f
McMurray's osteotomy 403, 565, 566, 1246, 1254, 1258, 2063f, 2069
McMurray's type osteotomy 1249
McNemar's test 493
MCP See Metacarpophalangeal
MCP joint, stability of 1852
Mechanical thrombectomy 609
Mechanical tibiofemoral angle 765
Mechanosensory cells 11
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 866
Medial cortices, thickening of 772
Medial knee injury, complete 954
Medial menisci, calcification of 420f
Medial-Pivot knee 410
Mediastinum 362
Medical termination of pregnancy 1650
Mediopatellar plica 939
Medius tendinopathy 1037
Medullary grafts 60
Medullary locking, anatomic 1273
Mehta and Bhojraj classification 1611, 1611f
Meier technique 1151
Melanoma antigen gene 362
Melone classification 2166f
Melorheostosis 705
Membrane, interosseous 1343, 1772, 1774
Memory deficits, short-term 1062
Mendel-Mantoux test 466
Meningeal arterial injuries, middle 1059
Meninges 1652
Meningitis 635
Meningocele 1648, 1648f, 1657
Meningomyelocele 897, 1648, 1649f, 1650, 1654
Meniscal allograft transplantation 974
Meniscal cyst 978, 980, 2039
Meniscal injury
preventing 934
symptoms of 972
Meniscal lesions 970
Meniscal ligament, transverse 2030
Meniscal repair 973
Meniscal tear 398, 951, 959, 1971, 2029
types of 971f
Meniscectomy 2024
partial 972
Menisci 364, 923
disposition of 925f
dynamics of 925
fibrocartilaginous 418
movements, dynamic 926f
Meniscocapsular ligament 924, 927, 2030
Meniscotibial segment 924
Meniscus 1981
injuries 983
lateral 2029f
medial 2030f
repair, techniques of 974f
substitution 2110
tear, medial 940, 954
vascular zones of 926f
Menkes syndrome 677
Mental retardation 682, 702
Meralgia paresthetica 1034, 1035f
Mercer-merchant view 806
Mesangial glomerulonephritis 428
cells 371, 1713, 1982
chondrosarcoma 224, 250
intraosseous vessels 378
lesions, miscellaneous 192
neoplasm, malignant 361
stem cell 8f, 300, 365, 383, 1460, 2097
hematogenous infusion of 677
syndrome 1677, 1683
Mesenteric ischemia, acute 635
Mesoderm, intermediate 1652
Mesodermal somites 1650
Mesothelioma 362
acidosis 575, 613, 656
bone disease 36, 763, 772, 1161
disorders 1046, 1453
Metabologens 55
Metabolomes 2113
base fractures 2176f
bones 592
fractures 1940, 2173
heads, destruction of 1858
neck fractures 1057, 2176f
transverse 1855
bones 592
flexion 1850
hyperextension 1768
instability of 1766
arthritis of 1863f
chondrodesis 851
destruction of 1863
dislocation of 2175f
extensor weakness 1786
flexion of 1722
hyperextension 1812
in rheumatoid arthritis 1862
loss of flexion power of 1812
replacement 1863
ulnar collateral ligament injury 1765
Metal 1942, 1944
artifact reduction sequence 1214
debris, adverse reaction 1211f
external fixation devices 2029
hardware, presence of 2029
ions 1211
release of 1942
transfer of materials 1942
Metallic orbital foreign bodies 2029
Metalloproteinases 365, 368, 393, 448
Metal-on-metal bearings 1210
biological response 1211
metal ions 1211
Metal-on-polyethylene bearings 1206
arteries 18
chondrodysplasia 691
chondromyxoid fibroma 173f
corner fractures 676
corticotomy 544
decompression 323
angle 772
junction 994
eccentric lesions 125
epiphyseal lytic lesion 177
extension 448
femur 211
remodeling 828
Metaphysis 5
bone 6
flaring of 686
intra-articular 453
intrasynovial 451
Metaplasia, fibrocartilaginous 1752
degeneration 1126
fibrocartilage 1756
Metastasis 174, 245, 999, 2034f
bone disease 248, 256t
cancer 608, 1871
carcinoma 1237, 1625
breast 1237
prostate 1237
disease 237, 256fc, 257, 259fc
of bone 251
giant cell tumor 227f
synovial sarcomas 363
tumors 2032
bar 2068
base 1328
drop 1393
fracture 1317
head 1336
avascular necrosis of 1408, 1936
K-wire placement 883
osteotomy 1370
stress fracture 994
Metatarsalgia 1936
arthritis 1370
disarticulation 1898, 1898f
joint 482, 483, 723, 1321, 1336, 1392, 1417
arthritis 1364
arthrodesis 1373f
hyperextension of 719, 723
plates 1328
Metatarsosesamoidal phalangeal complex 1369
adductovarus 818, 823
adductus 666, 689, 819f, 820f, 823, 888
complex 819
congenital 818
deformity 818f
grades of 819f
simple 819
primus elevatus 1364
varus 818
congenital 823
Methacrylic acid 1220
Methanol 2114
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus 158, 637, 1227
epidermidis 1227
Methicillin-sensitive staphylococci 462
Methyl prednisolone, prophylactic dose of 626
blue 629
nucleolysis 1482
diphosphonate 564, 2020
Methylmethacrylate 777
Methylprednisolone 594, 1036, 1680
Metoclopramide 667
Metzenbaum scissors 2050f
Meyer's dysplasia 910
Meyerding classification 1571, 1575
Meyerding system 1571
Meyerson classification 2231f
Michelin tire baby syndrome 704
Microcirculatory injury 638
Microcurrent therapy 668
Microdiscectomy, open 1490
Microelastohydrodynamic lubrication 1203
Microfracture 1703
plus 379
technique 378, 379f
Micrognathia 695
Microinjection 1972, 1977
Microspheroliths 1126
Microtrauma 939
repetitive 1113, 1117
Microvascular injury 625
arthritis and collapse 1744
joints 1727, 1740, 1745
nondissociative instability 1747
Midface hypoplasia 685
amputation 1360
cavus 725, 1396
contracture score 872, 875
dorsum of 723
high-pitched 1393
pes planus 990
position 724
pronation of 746
structures 1315
Midpalmar space 1868, 1874
infection 1875
Midsubstance tear 1766
Midtarsal joints 729, 1330, 1355, 1382, 1395
Midtarsus closing wedge osteotomy 447
Migration inducing systemic injury 2014
Milch classification 2150f
Milch technique 1118, 1118f
osteotomy 1257
type 1247, 1257
Military heel 1935
Milking maneuver 1694, 1694f
Mill's test 1679
clinical method of 1679f
Millar's double proximal 785
Millipore membranes 1843
Milwaukee brace 1526, 1527f
components of 1528
indications for 1528
Milwaukee shoulder 1139, 1140f, 1142, 1153
Milwaukee shoulder syndrome 420, 421
Minerals 87
deficiency of 2118
Miners’ rehabilitation, developed 2070
Mini bone-attached robotic system 1967
Mini-gastric bypass in form of Roux-en-Y 2117f
Mini-Papineau technique 151
Minocycline 368
Mirels’ scoring system 256t
Mirror box therapy 593
Misaligned patella 698
Misaligned wound edges 2078
Miserable malalignment syndrome 807
Mitchell technique 1370, 1371f
Mitochondria, role of 1638
DNA hypothesis 639
enzymatic activity 956
oxidative phosphorylation, disruption of 1833
ribosomal nucleic acid 691
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 350
Mitoses 357
Mitral valve prolapse 679f, 680
Mobile foot deformities, fixed 737
Mobility, test for 1320
Mobilizing brachialis 1712
Modern chondroplasty techniques 400
Modern intramedullary nailing, founder of 2070
MODS See Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Moermans, fasciotomy of 1764
methods, types of 136
weight proteoglycans 385
Moll classification scheme 362
Moment arm 520f
Mongolian facies 682
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 349
Monoarthritis 388
infection 448
rheumatoid 476
Monoclonal gammopathy 234
Monocytes 350
Monofocal compression-distraction 547
Monolayer culturing 385
Monomer, release of 1945
Monomicrobial infections 449
cell 425, 2103
leukocytes 421
Monophasic synovial sarcoma 362
Monosodium urate crystals 352
Monozygotic twins 424, 1758
Monteggia fracture
Bado classification of 2156f
dislocation 536f, 1705, 2155
Moore's approach 1175
Moore's posterior approach 1175f
Moore's staged bone grafting 785
Moraxella 1873
Morbid obesity 1034
Morbus-Bechterew disease 437
Morbus-Gorham-Stout disease 247
Morphine 2016
Morphogenetic protein 45, 2111
Morquio syndrome 121, 852
Morton's metatarsalgia 1340, 1417, 1417f
clinical features 1418
complications 1419
investigations 1418
pathoanatomy 1418
pathogenesis 1417
treatment 1418
Morton's neuralgia 994
Morton's neuroma 1936
Morton's toe 1417
Mosaic autografts 379
Mosaicplasty 379, 380f
Motion analysis, intraoperative range of 1969
Motoneurones axons 1827
and sensory deficits 967
cells 709
nerve, stimulation of 1841
neuron cell 709
neuropathy 1356
paralysis 1639
paralytic bladder 629
power, active 714
reflexes 836
strength of triceps 718
symptoms, pure 1817
unit action potentials, reappearance of 1839
Mott cells 233
Movement disorder 741
MPGR See Multiplanar gradient recalled
MSPC See Metatarsosesamoidal phalangeal complex
Mucin clot 353
MUCL See Medial ulnar collateral ligament
Mucoid 1411
Mucopolysaccharide 350
Mucopolysaccharidoses 118, 119f, 842, 852, 863, 1975
clinical features 118
epidemiology 118
Mudler's test 1419
Muenke syndrome 687
Mulder's sign 1418
Mulder's test 1418f
Muller's compression device 2052
Muller's modification of Pauwels’ osteotomy, steps of 1252
Muller's osteotomy
plate 2063f
modified 1249
Müller's, double plating technique of 476
Muller's, intertrochanteric osteotomy of 568
Multiarticulating prosthetic hand 1933f
terminal devices 1933
Multiaxis foot 1928, 1928f, 1930
Multicentric osteosarcoma 201
bacteria 1359
tuberculosis 468, 470
Multifocal microhemorrhages 1060
Multifocal osteomyelitis
acute 160
chronic 161
Multifocal septic arthritis 454f
Multi-hit theory 636
Multinodular masses 360
Multinuclear imaging 2028
Multipennate types 1067
Multiphasic tissue 369f
Multiple large joints, congenital dislocation of 698
Multipotent 2097
cells 383, 979
stem cells 381
subchondral cells 378
Mumford procedure 1134
Münchhausen syndrome 592
Munchmeyer's disease 273
Munzinger classification 939
Murmurs 633
Murphy skid 2053, 2054f
Muscle 520, 590, 1032, 1673, 1981, 2015
actions, determinants of 522
adaptability 1072
and osseous structure, assessment of 2039
and tendons, sets of 1859
architecture, role of 1068f
around shoulder 1079
atrophy of 1823
attachment 521
balancing operations 714
belly, level of 2017
cells, utilization of 1971
contraction 40, 741
correct pattern of 734
crossing knee joint 923f
depolarization of 1069
derived stem cells 1980
disease 526
disuse of 592
dysfunction 981
long-standing 806
evaluate integrity of 1049
extensor 1674
fasciculation, absence of 416
fatigue fracture of 1107t
fibers 1070, 1073f, 2012
conglomeration of 1067
gross structure of 1068f
loss of 711f
types of 1072t
flaps 2088
function, pathology of 526
group 718
rupture of 1695
hypotonia 671
imbalance 1333, 1392, 1940
types of 721
injury 38, 620
healing of 1983
intraosseous 1724
intrinsic 1859
major 1923
management of 1904
marker 362
mass, preserved 1795
maximum excursion of 1880
minor 1923
pedicled bone grafts 292
posterior border of 1920
power 713
and sensory grading 1632t
restoration of 715
regeneration 2110
relaxants 1444
sequestrum 1791
strain 1971
thenar intrinsic and extrinsic 1768
tightness, intrinsic 1858
tissue facilitates 1979
degree of 737
type of 737
trophic lesions of 1837
twitch and tetanus 1070
type, normal intrinsic 1792
wasting 640
weakness 824
degree of 1395
Muscular anatomy 1163
abductors 1164
adductors 1165
extensors 1164
external rotators 1166
flexors 1163
internal rotators 1166
Muscular anomalies 847, 1987
Muscular atrophy 1987
Muscular contractures, development of 741
Muscular diseases 1971
Muscular dystrophy 723, 1405, 1971
congenital 693, 694
Muscular injury 1134
Muscular weakness 1938
Musculocutaneous flap 1905
anomalies 526
disorders, antenatal diagnosis of 2038
function assessment questionnaire, short 499
injuries 1999
soft tissue tumors 262
system 1980, 1980t
tumor society, staging system of 169t
attachments of rectus abdominis 1045
iliopsoas 1026
junction 1027, 1050, 1130, 1412
structures of medial elbow 1683
unit 1028
Mushroom technique 385
Myasthenia gravis 630
congenital 694
Mycetoma 123, 163
clinical features 164
diagnosis 164
etiopathogenesis 163
prevention 165
prognosis 165
radiology 164
treatment 165
Mycobacterial arthritis 463
microbiology 463
pathogenesis 464
pathology 464
Mycobacterial infection 388
atypical 479
Mycobacterium 463
avium intracellulare complex 479
fortuitum 479
haemophilum 479
kansasii 466, 479
terrae 479
tuberculosis 431, 1237
associated glycoprotein 1643, 1834
basic protein 1063
sheath medullary sheath 1827
Myelocele 1648, 1649f
Myelocystocele 1649, 1657
Myelodysplasia 650, 814
Myeloid marrow 232
Myeloma 2021
histopathology, multiple 233f
multiple 99f, 174, 232, 234, 1133, 1662, 1963
Myelomeningocele 629, 759, 901, 1555, 1648
Myeloproliferative diseases 480
Myeloschisis 1648, 1654
Myoblasts, transplantation of normal 1979
Myocardial infarction 635, 1135
Myocardial ischemia 624
Myoclonus 593
Myocutaneous flaps 2088
rotational 2088
Myoelectric control muscle 1934
Myoelectrically-controlled prosthesis 1934f
Myofascial pain 592, 1031, 1032, 1474, 2023
syndrome 1031
treatment 1474
types 1474
Myofascial stimulation therapy 1036
Myofascial therapy 1033
Myofascial trigger points, characteristics of 1474
Myofibrils 1067, 1073
Myofibroblasts 1759, 1761, 1762
activity of 666
Myofibroma 266
Myofibromatosis 266
cells, ability of 1979
precursor cells 1979
transcriptional factors 384
Myoglobinuria 575, 580
Myomectomy, laparoscopic 1034
Myoneural junction 1069, 1830, 1830f
Myosin 1067, 1070
Myositis 264, 1031, 1989
ossificans 38, 273f, 453, 706, 1031
circumscripta 269
of piriformis 1031
progressive, previously 273
Myotendinous junction 747, 1067, 1815
Myristic acid 2113
Myxoid 362
chondrosarcoma 245
N-acetyl galactosamine 642
N-acetyl glucosamine 642
N-acetyl-l-cysteine 402
N-acetyl-l-hydroxyproline 401
Naffziger's syndrome 1986
Nail 2054
anatomy of 1869
bed infections 1868
cross sections 2055f
deformity 857
double-curved 2056f
dysplasia 690
matrix, crests of 1869
mechanical property of 2055
patella syndrome 690, 843
working length of 2056f
Naked unsupported blood vessel 2077
Naker's cyst 987
Nalebuff classification 1866t
basis of 1861
Nalebuff deformity 1861
Namaskar posture 1802f
Naphthalene derivative 89
Napoleon bonaparte 1758
Napoleon test 1098
Naproxen 1990
Narcotics 1066
Native hyaline cartilage, three zones of 2109
Natowicz syndrome 120
Natural polymers 149
Nature's universal joint 1767
Nausea 1060
postoperative 1958
articulates 1316
bones 870, 881
fracture 1344
secundum 825
tarsal bone 1408
tubercle 1336
tuberosity 990, 1316
Naviculocuneiform joint 1355, 1385
NCS See Nerve conduction studies
Near-infrared spectroscopy 576, 586, 659, 1894
Necessitating tarsal arthrodesis 991
evaluation of 667
femoral heads, short 1217
fractures, surgical 1846
greater trochanter junction 1021
hyperextension 664
of femur, nonunion 567
of metacarpal bones 1796
of talus 716
pain 1060, 1562
posterior triangle of 666
range of motion 699
reconstruction 566
resorption 563
restricted rotation of 666
shaft angle 757, 909, 1012f
vein dilation 603
angle, combined 301
blockers 1836
bone, central area of 2035
marrow, calcification of 911
Necrotizing fasciitis 635, 1891, 1963, 1964, 1964f
score 1964
Necrotizing vasculitis 430
Needle thoracostomy 659
Neer's classification for
distal femur fractures 2198f
proximal humerus fracture 2135f
Neer's impingement
sign 1091, 1092
test 1092
Neer's inferior capsular shift 1123, 1124f
Neer's test, modified 1092f
Neer-Hawkin's test 1106
Neisseria 131, 1873
meningitidis 1963
Nemaline myopathy 694
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy 184, 185, 186t
Neodymium 2023
Neolimbus formation 890
conditions 2040
disease 151
indications 2042
osteomyelitis 160
Neoplasia 192
Neoplasm 191, 623, 667
Neoplastic diseases 1564
Neospinothalamic tract 1950
Nephrolithiasis 2116
Nephrotic syndrome 432, 602
Nerve 1824, 1907, 2015
across hip joint 1168
action potential 1830f
anatomy of 1807
cerebrospinal group of 1824
compression 1533
etiology of 1819
of median 1797
pathoanatomy of 1821
studies 592, 1340, 1384, 1406, 1680, 1820, 1838
test 1036
velocity 969, 1837, 1839, 1840f
crossing 1844
damage 585
defects, management of 1843
ends, condition of 1846
entrapment 585, 592, 1041
sites of 1809
syndromes 1401
fibers, types of 1832t
grafting 838, 1794, 1844
failure 1407
interfascicular 1845
trunk 1844f
growth factor 384, 1835, 1980
injury 526, 1001, 1123, 1941, 2102
classification of 1837, 1837t
diagnosis of 1838
intercostobrachial 1991
management of 1841
mechanism of 1050
median 1713
pathophysiology of 975
intercostal 839
interdigital 1418
median 1941
partial median 1808
ulnar 1941
maintenance of gross architecture of 1838
management of 1904
medial 1919
median 1920
movement, convergence of 1831
musculocutaneous 1920
palsies, management options for combined 1856t
palsy 1050, 1848
median 1852
of upper limb, combined 1855
pinch 1837
syndrome 1837
radial 1920
superficial 1754
repair 1841
augmentation of 1843
failure of 1843
methods of 1841
success of 1845
using cuffing material 1843f
requirement of 2018
evaluation of 2032
sleeve injection 1478
syndrome 1837
stretch 1844
syndrome 1837
structure, gross fascicle organization of 1828
supply of bone 19
tissue components 1826f
transposition of 1844f
type of 1845
ulnar 1919, 1920
Nervous system 1825
disorders 863
plasticity of 1949
sensitization of 1948
Nested case control 495
Netilmicin 149
cell adhesion molecule 1835
ectoderm 1652
foramina 685
injury 38, 969, 1667
innervation muscle reflexes 349
plate 1650
thickening, interdigital 1419
closure 1651
defects 1653
tumors 1803
intercostal 1991
postexcision 1419
Neuralgic amyotrophy 1151, 1807
Neurapraxia 833, 1837, 1838f
Neuraxial techniques 594
Neurectomy 730, 816
Neuregulin 1 1836
Neurenteric canal, accessory 1658
Neuritis, interdigital 1418
Neurocutaneous island flaps 1853
Neurodegenerative diseases 1977
Neuroectodermal tumor, primitive 362
Neuroepithelial cells 1651
Neurofibroma 1762
multiple 684f
Neurofibromatosis 683, 684f, 782, 783, 843, 1237
central 683
Neurofilament protein 182
atrophy 1846
bladder 627
autonomous 629
heterotopic ossification 272
inflammation 587, 588, 1453
pain 1764
shock 652, 655, 658, 1636
thoracic outlet syndrome, treatment of 1990
Neurokinin-1 receptors 1678
deficit, degree of 1790
examination 1515
function, normal 1818
deficit 1615, 1661, 1987
diseases 526, 722
disorder 1939
examination 1321
muscle testing 1321
plantar flexors 1321
sensation testing 1322
involvement 1792
symptoms 667, 1987
thoracic outlet syndrome 1987
Neurology of micturition 628f
Neurolysis 1036
external 1341, 1848
interfascicular 1809
internal 1804, 1848
Neuroma 838, 1341, 1417, 1803, 1918
formation 1401, 1755, 1764, 1815
in continuity 1838
interdigital 1417
mobile 1418
recurrent 1419
Neuromatous neurotization 1844
blockade 633
cavus 880
cleft 1069
defect 866
disease 723, 1355, 1364
disorder 759, 1553
junction 1069f
scoliosis 1553
classification 1554
development of 1553
pathophysiology of 1553
stabilization 1085
training exercises 1108
action potential 1830
anatomy of 1825f
groups of 1825
morphological forms of 1825f
specific enolase 1063
theory 1825
Neuronal recovery, mechanism of 710
Neuro-osseous theory 1513, 1513f
arthritis 421, 445
clinical presentation 446
etiology 445
natural history and staging 446
pathogenesis 445
treatment 447
arthropathy 445, 1140
clawfoot 719
disorders 392
foot 1351, 1356
joint 360, 1140, 1891
pain 592
medication 595
autonomic 445
of sciatic nerve 1029, 1047
Neuroplasty 1478
Neuropore 1651
formation of 1651f
Neuropraxia, recovery of 711
Neuroprotection 1640
Neurorrhaphy 1841
interneural 1842, 1842f
using ensheathing materials 1843
Neurosecretory function 588
Neurosyphilis 445, 629
Neurotmesis 833
Neurotoxic solutions, injection of 1848
destruction theory of 1360
theory 445
Neurotrophins 1643
bundle 1920, 1990
passes 1338
complications, risk of 800
damage 881, 1016, 1999
destruction theory of 1360
injury 843, 846, 1283
prevention and management 1283
island flap, local 1909, 1910f
structures 847, 1049, 1050, 2018
around ankle 1316
theory 445
Neurulation 1651
malformation of 1654
Neutral vertebra 1508
Neutralization plate 2058, 2058f
Neutralizing crack formation 1215
Neutropenia 637
Neutrophil 354, 632, 638t, 1677
chemotaxis 2014
release proteolytic enzymes 2014
Newspaper sign 1854
Newton's second law 522
Nicola procedure 1123
Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 2 1835
Nievergelt-Pearlman syndrome 821
Night pain, presence of 1819
Night splint 725, 1937
Nilotinib 359
Nimodipine functions 1644
Niobium 1944
Nissl's granules 1825
NiTi alloys, use of 1944
Nitinol staples 1537
Nitisinone 423
Nitric oxide 653
N-methyl-D-aspartate 593, 1954
antagonists 1960
Noble test 984
Nocardiosis 435
Nociceptive nerve endings 1442
acroparesthesia 1800
paresthetic brachialgia 1986
Nodes of Ranvier 1828
Nodular fasciitis 263
clinical features 264
epidemiology 264
etiology 264
treatment 264
Nodular synovitis, localized 980
Nodules, multiple 357f
Non-articular osteochondrosis 331
Nonbiodegradable bone cements 146
Nonblanchable erythema 2095
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 646
hyperextension 966
injuries 970
Noncontrast spiral computed tomography 842
Nondisplaced avulsion injury 1766
Nondissociative carpal instability 1738
Nondissociative radiocarpal instability 1746
Nondominant arm 1683, 1687
Nonenergy-returning feet 1928
Nonfusion surgery 1531
Nonhemorrhagic hypovolemia 651
arthritis 388
disorders 388
Non-neural tubes, addition of 1844
Nonoliguric renal failure 580
Nonopioid analgesic 1958, 1959
Nonossifying fibroma 227f
Nonoutlet impingement 1104
Nonparametric tests 508, 509
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agents 1954
therapy 538
medications 83, 1680, 1700
Nontelescopic forms 677
Nonthoracic injuries 632
Nonunion fracture neck of femur
development of 563f
management of 565fc
Nonviral gene delivery 1976f
Nonviral systems 1972
Normal clavicular ossification, failure of 842
Normocytic normochromic anemia 426
Normovolemic hemodilution, acute 648
Northfields-Sargent rongeur 2044, 2046f
Nortryptiline 1036
Nose bridge, flattened 691
infection 640
pneumonia 635
Notochord endplate defects 1452
Notta's nodule 863f
Nourishes chondrocytes 350
Novel nonviral systems 1975
Noxious fumes, inhalation of 1998
N-phenylacetylglycine 2113
NSAIDs See Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Nuchal translucency 695
angiogram 2021
factor kappa beta 365
magnetic resonance 2113
scintigraphy 1624
Nucleic acid
amplification 1610
tests 465
test 647
Nucleoplasty 1481
polymorphism, single 278, 467
triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase 419
Nucleus proprius 1434
Nucleus pulposus 1426, 1430f, 1982
augmentation of 1461
herniation of 1485f
replacement 1461f
Nucleus replacement, augmentation of
Null hypothesis 498
Numerical rating scale 1951
Numerous techniques 1706
Nut-cracker type syndrome 1001
Nutrition 1452
Nutritional deficiency of
vitamin D 110
clinical features 110
etiology 110
prevention 111
prognosis 110
treatment 110
O-acetylcarnitine, reduction in 2113
O-arm fluoroscopy 1968
Ober's release 712
Ober's test 982
Obesity 166, 391, 482, 2116
impact of 2115
severe 1008
Oblique fascial septum, midpalmar of 1875
Oblique talus, congenital 814f, 815
O-Brien's test 1094f, 1125, 1337
Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy 831
Obstruction, severe outflow 651
shock 652, 654, 655, 659
sleep apnea 686
theory 624
internus 1008
nerve 925, 1044, 1165, 1169
vessels 1167
inferior 1008
Occipitocervical dissociation, types of 2242f
Occupational therapy 529, 1763
Ochronosis 418, 423, 440, 1237
treatment 423
Ocrelizumab 434, 435
Octadecadienoic acid 2114
hypertelorism 694
malformations 854
torticollis 667
Oculoauriculovertebral syndrome 1539
Odontoid 1594
fracture, Anderson d'alonzo classification of 2243f
hyperplasia 666
Ofatumumab 434, 435
Olecranon 1049, 1692, 1713
bursitis 1049, 1695
fossa 1713
fenestration 1717
narrowing of 1702
tenderness, posterior 1699
fracture 1695, 1707, 2152
osteophyte 1050, 1707
arthroscopic removal of 1050f
debridement 1048
stress fracture 1049
Oleic acid 2113
Oligoarthritis 388, 444
attack 483
Oligoarticular disease 442
Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein 1824
Oligohydramnios 818
Oligonucleotide 1975
Oliguria 655
Ollier's incision 1355
Ollier's disease 171, 216, 217, 217f, 780, 851
Olsen-Hegar needle holder 2051f
Ombredanne's line 893
OMGP See Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein
Omoclavicular bars 841
Omohyoid 1921
Omovertebral bar 841
Omphalocele 701
Opacifying agents 1227
Open fasciectomy See also Regional fasciectomy
Open fractures, classification of 35t, 2004t
Open wounds, coverage of 2110
Operative ankle arthrodesis, complications of 313
Opioid 1958
agonist 1958
amount of 1956
analgesics 1958
antagonists 1644, 1958
partial-agonist 1958
Opitz syndrome 866
Opponens pollicis 1735
Opponensplasty 850
Optic glioma 684
baclofen 746
calcitonin 402
contraceptives 602
corticosteroids 1041
medications 1804
tolerance, development of 1985
Orbital dystopia 666
multiple 640
score, multiple 640t
syndrome, multiple 638, 2004
multiple 638, 2001
multisystem 638f
perfusion 638
Organic matrix, removal of 13
Organism isolated, type of 1963
Orthobiologics 2111
origin of concept of 2111
Orthofix device 803f
Orthofix technique 802
applications, specific 2100
biomaterials 1942
standards for 1947
boot 2065f
designed 2065
clinical indications in 2022
implants, role of 134
injuries, treat 2005
management 1983
manifestations 1661
management of 684
practice 1004
role of
computers in 1967
ultrasonography in 2037
surgery 158t, 255, 649
major 623, 648
pioneers of 2068
Orthoradiogram 772
Orthoses reduces flexor, tone reduction 1941
Orthotic 1935
management 1385
Ortolani and Barlow test 891f
Ortolani's sign 897
Ortolani's test 887, 896
modification of 892
Osborne's fascia 1810
division of 1810
Oscillating magnetofection 1977f
Osgood-Schlatter disease 331, 333f, 977, 985, 986f, 987, 987f, 1938
Osgood-Schlatter syndrome 329
defect, reconstruction of 150
escalator 1513
infection 2021
integration 1943
pathological conditions 2034
proximal radioulnar synostosis 1701
Ossification centers 869
Osteitis 123, 254
acute postoperative 123
chronic 123
fibrosa cystica 33
Osteoactivin 17
cartilage 366
joints 2118
protrusion of acetabulum 1236
Osteoarthritis 10, 360, 368, 388, 389, 393, 394t, 401, 491, 829, 669, 759, 1016, 1018, 1024, 1229, 1319, 1679, 1707, 1787, 1938, 1971, 1981, 2102, 2113
acute complications of 397
advanced 395
central 398
classification of hip 1232
clinical staging of 395
deformans 1236
development of 390f, 2115
differential diagnosis 397
early 692, 1007
erosive 398
etiology 390
familial primary generalized 398
glenohumeral 1089
hip, radiological staging of 396t
inflammatory pathway 389f
investigations 396
joint replacement 361
knee 396f, 396t, 417
stages radiographs 397f
management 400f
microstructural progression of 393
moderate 395
nodal generalized 398
of hip 1229f, 1231
joint 1229
of knee joint 394t
of shoulder joint 1141, 1142f, 1143f, 1153f
clinical features 1141
differential diagnosis 1142
radiology 1142
treatment 1142
pathogenesis 392
pathophysiology 392
primary 398, 980
severe 691
superior pole 398
treatment of 400, 1717, 1981
ulnocarpal 1787
Osteoarthrosis 388, 978, 1153
development of femoroacetabular impingement 1230f
of hip joint 1247
radiographic features of 1231f
antitubercular chemotherapy 468
incongruity 1707
transplant system 379
tuberculosis 463, 464
Osteoblast 979
function, mechanical regulation of 10
maturation, stage of 9
Osteoblastic activity 374
markers of 9
reactive 1132
Osteoblastoma 198, 199f
clinical features 199
differential diagnosis 200
gross and microscopic pathology 200
malignant 199
of olecranon 200f
radiology 199
treatment 200
Osteoblasts 7, 45, 389f, 1713
function of 8
generation of 8f
role of 9f, 10
Osteocalcin 10, 64
allograft 61, 305
autograft transfer system 376, 408
bone grafting 408
defects 951
fracture 360, 552f
fragment 360, 372
injuries 805, 2034
lesions, fixation of 1946
loose bodies 845, 1049
plug transplantation 1410
Osteochondritis 775, 993, 1001
dissecans 275, 336, 360, 372, 374f, 940, 981, 983, 986, 1048, 1049, 1693, 1695, 1703, 2029
clinical presentation 373
diagnosis 373
epidemiology 372
etiology 372
lesions, grading of 374t
localization of 373f
of capitellum 1679
treatment 374
fracture 1001
lesion 373f
Osteochondrodysplasia 2038
Osteochondroma 173f, 213, 214, 708
around knee joint 213f
capsular osteoma 979
epiphyseal 707
intra-articular 979
multiple 213
secondary 213
Osteochondromatosis 214f, 843, 1006
Osteochondrosis 275, 329, 332t, 987, 1612
associated disorders 331
classification 331
differential diagnosis 332
epidemiology 329
etiology 329
intervertebral 1586
of lesser trochanter 332f
of right femoral head 333f
of tibial tuberosity 333f
pathophysiology 331
Osteochondrotic lesions 1700
Osteoclasis, form of 1983
Osteoclast 12
differentiation, regulation of 13
inhibitor 593
mediated bone resorption 13
activity, excessive 1360
bone resorption, regulation of 13
resorption 677
Osteoclastogenesis 12f, 13
regulation of 13
Osteoclastoma 226
Osteoclasts 8
production of 12f
proliferation of 95f
structure and function of 12f
Osteoconduction 58
Osteocutaneous free flaps 2094
Osteocyte 11
formation of 11f
function of 11
necrosis 378
Osteofasciocutaneous free flaps 2094
Osteofibrous dysplasia 172, 242
differential diagnosis 243
etiopathogenesis 242
histopathology 243
radiology 243
treatment 243
Osteogenesis 31, 54, 58, 538, 543
distraction 542, 544, 547
electric current stimulation of 785
imperfecta 3, 91, 672, 674f, 674t, 675f, 753, 771, 897, 1237, 1662, 1690, 1971, 1983, 2102
tarda 1690
Osteogenic sarcoma 200, 678
management of 184
Osteoid osteoma 197, 198f, 199, 1046
clinical features 197
radiology 197
Osteoinduction 58
Osteokinematics 345
Osteolysis 247, 447, 1197, 1197f, 1237
biology of 1198, 1199f
control of 1200
massive 247
radiology of 1198
Osteoma 196, 706
Osteomalacia 3, 996, 1237
Osteomyelitis 38, 104, 123, 126, 126t, 127t, 129, 129t, 137, 138t, 157, 446, 623, 782, 837, 993, 1600, 1868, 1987, 2034, 2035, 2041
acute 124, 124t, 127f, 129, 156, 451
anatomic types of 126f
chronic 124, 124t, 130, 138t, 142, 156, 546, 1705
complications of 156
development of 134
Lew and Waldvogel classification system for 126t
microbiology of 137t
of pubic bones 1040
subacute 124f, 124t
treatment of 156
understanding of 129
Osteomyoplasty 1903
Osteon 7
Osteonecrosis 275, 283f, 360, 556, 563, 829, 1007, 1043, 1709, 1718, 2031, 2101, 2114
classification 275
curved varus osteotomy for 1253
development of 276t, 277fc
distal femur, secondary 304t
early stage of 2020
etiology 275
etiopathogenesis of 280f
femoral head, management of 295
multiple reports of 2024
of distal femur 301
of femoral head 301, 301f, 283f, 285t, 1247
modified Ficat and Arlet staging of 284t
of knee 303
of talus 306, 308, 881
anatomy 306
blood supply 306
classification 306
pathophysiology of 279
radiation-induced 1237
radiologist 1043
surgical treatment of 288
talus, management of 308
Osteonectin 16
condensans disseminata 706
striata 706, 707
Osteopathic manipulation 1445
Osteopenia 447, 563
juxta-articular 429
periarticular 429f, 465, 1153
severe 453
Osteopetrosis 105
benign adult form 106
differential diagnosis 107
epidemiology and clinical features 106
etiology and pathophysiology 105
infantile malignant form 106
investigations 106
treatment 107
types of 105
Osteophyte 389, 1007, 1027, 1049, 1702, 1893
absence of 1142
formation 1040, 1104, 1702
large 1140f
fracture 398
posteromedial 1695
superior 1041
Osteophytectomy 1007
Osteophytic ridge 973
Osteoplasty 1900
circumferential 1026
Osteopoikilosis 706
Osteopontin 15, 64
Osteoporosis 68, 76, 87, 91, 97f, 104, 613, 1043, 1558, 1564, 1662, 1690, 1981
atypical forms of 103
classification of 69t
densitometric definition of 70t
development of 72t
evaluation of 76
genetics of 71
juvenile 676
malignancy related 104
periarticular 1152
prevalence 70
prevention of 82
primary 69t
treatment of 82, 88f
bones 1371
fracture 71f, 73, 74f, 74t
surgical management of 83
fragility fractures of vertebra 84
hip fracture 71f
proximal femoral fracture 84f
vertebra plana 1663f
vertebral fracture with kyphoplasty, management of 1664fc
Osteoprogenitor cells 41
Osteoradionecrosis, symptoms of 279
Osteosarcoma 200, 203f, 211
clinical features 204
conventional 200
differential diagnosis 204
extraskeletal 362
genetics of 203
gross and microscopic pathology 204
hemorrhagic 211
histopathology of 204f
intracortical 201
of distal
femur 207f, 209f
humerus 207f
of proximal
femur 208f
humerus 206f
tibia 208f
radiology 203
secondary 201
treatment 205
Osteosclerosis 116
Osteotomes 2043
union of 1026
Osteotomy 295, 546, 782, 816, 829, 905f, 1026, 1385, 1409, 1768, 1983
analysis and simulation software 406
angle 568t
around hip joint 1245
Blount 1246
choice of 295
combination of 775
contraindications for 1248
crescentic 1246
general work-up for 1247
innominate 900, 902, 905
intertrochanteric 829, 1239, 1246, 1248
resection 1295
intrafocal 546
intramedullary 2070
level of 777, 903, 1256
low subtrochanteric 1259
of distal calcaneus 882
of innominate bone 902
opening wedge 404
periacetabular 744, 905, 940, 1015, 1024, 1025f
plate, double-angle 2063f
realignment 400, 457
reconstructive 1544
resection 1844
angulation 1254
rotational 295, 846
Schanz 1246
site of 404, 900f
staples 1946
subtraction 1551f
vertical 1263f
Otitis media, recurrent 686
Otopalatodigital syndrome 698
Otto bock dynamic foot 1928
Otto pelvis 1236
Otto-Chrobak pelvis 1236
Oudard procedure 1122
Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure 1712
Out-toeing gait 759
Oxaceprol 401
Oxidative phosphorylation, uncoupler of 1836
Oxinium 1206f
Oxybutinin chloride 631
Oxygen species, reactive 188, 402
Oxyhemoglobin, ratio of 1894
Oxypurinol 484
Oxytocin 99
Ozone nucleolysis 1479
complications 1479
contraindication 1479
mechanism of action 1479
steps of 1480f
technique 1479
Pachymeninges 1652
Pacinian corpuscles 925
Pad test 629
PADI See Posterior atlantodental interval
Paget's disease 67, 92, 172, 222, 227, 270, 999, 1038, 1213, 1233, 1237, 1280, 1441, 1625
familial 171
of bone 1439
Paget-Schroetter syndrome 618, 1986, 1988
Pain 578, 588, 590, 613, 951, 973, 1016, 1090, 1753
abdominal 655
absence of 1809
acute 1948, 1949t
area of 1953
assessment of 1951
character of 1090
chronic 1896, 1948, 1949t
control 1680
methods for postoperative 1954
specific aim of 1954
systemic effects of poor 1952
discogenic 1449
due to cancer 1949
duration of 1953
during uncountered extension of wrist 1678
exacerbations of 1030
exposure physical therapy 593
facetogenic 1450
generator in lumbar spine, concept of 1440
in proximal interphalangeal region 1756
inguinal 1046
intensity difference 1952
location of 1038f, 1090
lower abdominal 1040
management 1896
in orthopedic patient 1948
postoperative 1950, 1955
medication, self-administration of 1957
on shaking hands 1679
onset of 1090
pathogenesis of 1962
pathways of 1949
perception of 1957
persistent 1768
phantom 1896, 1897, 2065
position of 1775
posterior triangle 1001
postoperative 1050
primary cause of 1029
production of 1449
quantitative experience of 1951
reduction 749
relief 1953t
patient controlled 1956
removal of primary cause of 1949
sensation, modulation of 1949
site of 1049
chronic 587, 1849
complex regional 1502
prolonged 1794
threshold 1948
timely control of 1957
tolerance 1948
type of 1948
Paleospinothalamic tract 1950
Paley classification 537, 538f
Paley multiplier method 794
Palindromic rheumatism 427
Pallor 579
aponeurosis 1724, 1733, 1758, 1759
deep 1731
superficial 1730
capsulorrhaphy 1747
cutaneous branch, distribution of 1809
digital artery 1730
fascia 1759, 1760
fibromatosis 1762
flexed pulling lunate 1727
flexion 1726, 1727, 1747
midcarpal 1729
pivot flap 1911
radiocarpal joint capsule 316
tendinitis 1762
transverse 1764
triquetrum-hamate ligaments 1747
ulnocarpal ligaments 1728
Palmaris longus 572, 1683, 1767, 1807, 1851
cord 603
plica, tenderness over 940
tender cord 619
Palpebral fissures, short 700
Pamidronate 90
Pan caspase inhibitors 403
Pancarpal arthritis 1745
wrist arthrodesis 1745
Pancoast tumor 1817, 1987, 1989
Pancreatic cancer 618
Pancreatitis 632, 635, 638, 655
acute 623, 651
severe 632
Pangenome 132
Panner's disease 1048, 1695
Pannus 350, 448
of synoviocytes 425
Pantalar arthrodesis 726, 728, 1407
Papineau technique 151f
Paprosky classification 1292t
Paracetamol 1959, 1960
Parafocal osteotomy 546
Paralysis 579, 1938
eversion 715, 717
inversion 715, 716
radiographic predictors of 1596
dislocation 895
hip 888
foot 1391
intrinsic muscle type 1792
syndrome 627
Parametric tests 508
Paranasal sinus malformation 106
Parapatellar arthrotomy, lateral 413
Parascapular free flap 2094
Paraspinal muscles 571
Parasympathetic fibers 627
Paratendinitis 1411
Parathyroid hormone 28, 45, 58, 76, 95
related peptide 368
related protein 386
signalling 54
Parathyroid receptor gene 691
Paraxial mesoderm 1650, 1652, 1652f
Paré's corset for scoliosis 2065f
Parenteral fluids 421
Paresis See also Motor paralysis
Paresthesia 578, 579, 1034, 1036, 1418
Parieto-occipital surface, flattened 666
Parkinson's disease 75, 117, 627, 1642, 1833
Parkinsonian gait 529, 529f
Parona, space of 1876
acute 1868, 1870
chronic 1868, 1871
treatment 1870f
Paronychium 1868
Parosteal osteosarcoma 201, 210, 210f, 211t
Pars interarticularis 1570f
Parsonage-Turner syndrome 1808, 1809
Partial-thickness skin grafting, use of 1995
Parvovirus 424, 645
Pasta lesion 1106f
Pasteurella species, mixture of 1873
Patchy fibrinous synovitis 1136
Patella 372, 935, 992
alta 738, 807, 981
dislocation of 983
facets of 936f
familial lateral disposition of 807
femoral syndrome 1938
fracture 2202
different patterns of 2203f
function of 937f
habitual dislocation of 805
hypermobility of 808
midline of 808
nonunion of 1903
overuse of 981
recurrent dislocation of 806, 809f
small 807, 981
subluxing 1938
tendonitis 397
clunk syndrome 415
complications 415
compression 951
test 951f
dislocation 416, 807, 809
facet tenderness, lateral 982
glide test 808f, 982f
grinding 951
hypermobility 981
hypoplasia 690
injury 983
instability 805, 951f, 981
maltracking 940
nose ratio 810
retinaculum 929
sleeve fracture 985
stress fracture 981
subluxation 753, 981
recurrent 806
tendinitis 983
tendinopathy 981, 983
tendinosis 983
tendon 938, 960, 981
bearing-supracondylar socket 1924, 1925f, 1930
tilt 810
test 983f
arthralgia 980
arthritis 398, 981
arthroplasty 400
articulation 934, 981
crepitus 982
disorders 980
joint 391, 398, 420, 808f, 935f, 938, 943, 980
kinematic of 941
reaction forces 941f, 942f
stability of 923
ligament 929, 981
insufficiency, medial 807
medial 807, 812, 812f, 927, 938, 938f
tear, medial 805
malalignment 981
maltracking 980
pain 987
syndrome 397, 979, 980, 981, 981f, 984
stress syndrome 981
Pathological gait, types of 526
Patrick's test 1013
Patrick's sign 1480
Patte classification 1106, 1107t
Pauwel's classification 2179f
Pauwel's osteotomy 566, 1246, 1247
Y shaped 1249
Pavlik harness 896f
disease 897
PCR See Polymerase chain reaction
Pearson's Chi-square test 513
Pebbly Ivory skin lesions 120
Pectineal eminence 1027f
major 749
muscle 1920
syndrome 1986
transfer 1149
carinatum 681
excavatum 679, 681
form of 679
lower limb, anomalies of 753, 831
orthopedics 661
supracondylar fracture 2143f
classification of 2151f
Jackob's stages of displacement of 2150f
Pedicle subtraction osteotomy 1551
Pellegrini-Stieda lesion 958
Pelligrini-Stieda disease 958f
Pelviacetabular disease 256
abnormalities 1020
abscess 453
and scapular girdles, stiffness of 1559
band 1938
cover, bilateral 1938
compression test 1036
crush injuries 629
external fixation 2001
exercises 630
muscles 630
fracture 1966, 2234f
fixation 1968
unstable 2000
girdle stiffness 1559
inflammatory disease 635
injury 1034, 2004
kyphosis 1558
microinstability 1045
muscular stretching exercises 1036
osteotomy 455, 902, 917
triple 917
outlet syndrome 1029
pain, posterior 1013
radiograph 1013
ring, tile classification of 2234
stabilization exercises 1036
support osteotomy 1254, 1255f
history of 1255
torsion test 1480
vein 598
thrombosis 602
wall, lateral 755
Pelvifemoral muscles 890
Pelvis 657, 1584
computed tomography of 636
demonstrate coxa valga 684
elevation of 527
fracture 1033, 2232
radiographs, anteroposterior 2003
shape of 904
Pelvitrochanteric group 890
Pemberton's incomplete pericapsular osteotomy 903
Pemberton's osteotomy 900f, 903
Pemberton's pericapsular osteotomy 904
Pemphigus vulgaris 1871
Penetrates gluteus medius 1006
Penicillamine 437
Penile prostheses 2029
Pentosan sulphate 402
Pentose phosphate pathway 2114
Pentylenetetrazole 683
citrullinated 426
hormones 1066
Peptidylarginine deaminase 426
Peptostreptococcus 1873
adhesiolysis 1504
disk decompression 1456, 1458, 1479
endoscopic discectomy 1459
epidural neuroplasty 1504
lumbar discectomies, manual 1459
method of physiodesis 800f
needle fasciotomy 1763
physiodesis 799
plate osteosynthesis, minimally invasive 44
tenotomy of tendo-Achilles 875, 878
transcatheter 609
vertebroplasty 1481, 1663
Perfluorocarbon emulsions 649
Pericapsular muscles 1137
Pericardium 2005
Pericellular microenvironment 364
Peri-incisional numbness 1046
Perilabral sulci 1013
dislocation 1728, 1748, 1749f
reverse 1743
degree of 1749f
patterns 1748
progressive 1740f
reverse 1748
subluxation 1749f
Perimenopausal bone mass 74
Perimysium 1067
fibers 1067
Perinatal brachial plexus palsy 831
Perineum 1032
Perineurial cells, layer of 1827
Perineurorrhaphy 1842
Perionychium 1868
epidermis bordering 1870
chondrosarcoma 223
elevation 452
flap 382
hypertrophy 381
inflammation 1040
osteosarcoma 201, 211, 211f, 211t
pattern, complex 177
reaction 177, 1153
continuous 177
pathogenesis of 176fc
solid 176, 177
types of 175f, 203f
sleeve 1900
system 18
Periosteum 6, 348, 2038
deep 478
Periostitis 993
Peripheral joint
involvement 444
oligoarthritis 437
Peripheral nerve 627, 628
biomechanical properties of 1831
blocks 1955
compression 997, 1989
injury 445, 629, 1213, 1824, 1832
clinical features of 1836
lesions 1941
neoplasm of 1989
sheath tumor, malignant 362
structure and function of 1826
Peripheral nervous system 1824
Peripheral neuropathy 592
muscular dystrophy stroke 1937
Peripheral vascular disease 1894, 1896, 1963
presence of 1360
severe 2014
Peripheral vasodilation of
anaphylactic shock 654
septic shock 654
Peripheral venous system 599
Periprosthetic femoral fracture 2199f
Periprosthetic femur fractures 1285
Periprosthetic fracture 448, 1285, 1288f
intraoperative 1286t
postoperative 1286t
Periprosthetic infection 353, 448, 450, 1295
Periprosthetic lucency/osteolysis 1865
Periprosthetic osteolysis 459
Periscapular muscles 1090
Perisynovial fibrotic tissue 1752
Peritalar subluxation 1382
Peritendinitis 2038
Peritendinous membrane 936
Peritoneal lavage 2002
Periurethral bulking therapy 631
Perivascular lymphoid 479
Perkin's line 743f, 893, 893f
Peroneal artery, branch of 1313f
Peroneal instability 992
Peroneal muscles, paralysis of 717
Peroneal nerve 416, 925
deep 1316, 1405, 2094
injury 967, 974
mechanism 975f
proximity of 975f
stimulation 1406
supplies 1322
Peroneal palsy 406
progressive 1392
Peroneal sheath 1346
Peroneal spastic
flatfoot 1400
pes planus 1388
clinical features 1389
etiology 1388
management 1389
pathology 1388
radiology 1389
Peroneal tendinitis 991
Peroneal tendon 1314, 1336, 1342
crepitus of 1337
disease 991
dysfunction 1003
rerouting procedures of 992
sheath 879
Peroneal tubercle 1336
Peroneal vessels 1900
Peroneus brevis 2092
muscle flap 2092
tendon of 716, 1347
Peroneus longus
combined action of 715
tendon 1327, 1328, 1407
Peroneus tertius 976
tendon 1316, 1342
Perren interfragmentary
strain theory 47
theory 48f
Perthes disease 92, 329, 331, 332, 333f, 391, 474, 907, 909, 910f, 910t, 911f, 912t, 1018, 1026
classification of 914t
management of 916f
Pes anserine bursitis 954, 977, 981, 986
Pes anserinus
bursitis 940
muscles 952
tendinitis 984
Pes cavus 998, 1334, 1391f
and accompanying deformities 1391
classification 1391
etiology 1391
treatment 1395
Pes planus 981, 998, 1333, 1381, 1936
Pes valgus 528
deformity 815
PET See Positron emission tomography
Petechial hemorrhages 625
Pexidartinib 359
Peyronie's disease 1759, 1760
Pfeiffer syndrome 687
Phagocytized neutrophils 351
Phalanges, hypoplasia of 861
Phalanx impaction fracture, middle 1058
Phalen's test 1802f, 1804
Phalen's wrist hyperflexion test 1801
Phantom limb pain, incidence of 1962
Pharmacologic thrombolysis 609
Pharmacoprophylaxis 622
Phemister's, White's, Blount's methods 770
Phemister's triad 1152
Phenazopyridine 629
Phenothiazine therapy 667
Phenotypic tests 467
Phentolamine 593
Phenytoin 667
Pheochromocytoma 649
Phlegmasia 603, 609
alba dolens 602
cerulea dolens 601, 602, 609
Phonophoresis 984, 1041
metabolism 29f
tubular reabsorption of 114
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase 683
overproduction of 115
role of 113
Phosphocitrate 422
Phosphorus 2028
deficiency 107, 113
pathophysiology 113
malabsorption, isolated 113
metabolism 30
Photodynamic therapy 2024
Photophobia 1060
Photothermal therapy 1976
Phrenic nerve 836, 1991
damage 834
injury 836
asymmetric 770
premature 1787
bar, resection of 777
curettage 770
fractures 36t
growth, control of 770
injuries 36f
lengthening 775
osteochondrosis 331
Physical injury 881
Physical therapy 1680, 1763, 1990
Physiodesis 799, 800, 816
conventional 799
permanent 799
techniques of 800f
temporary 799
Physiotherapy 747, 1014, 1868, 1877, 1892
Physis 455
arrest of 799
blood supply of 23
bone 6
cupping of 691
lateral extrusion of 909
premature spontaneous closure of 759
resting zone of 757
structure of 21, 22f
violation of 759
Piano key test 1775
Pichia pastoris 1976
Piezoelectric crystals 2037
Pigeon-toe gait 880
Pigmented villonodular synovitis 980, 125, 351, 355, 357, 1153, 1815, 2036
management of 358fc
Pilon fracture-dislocation 1058
Pilonidal sinus, development of 514
Pilot hole 2060
Pin tract
infection 805, 851
irritation 851
Pincer impingement 1017, 1023, 1025
Pinch grip 1722
stresses 1722
Pipkin's classification 2186f
Pipkin's fractures 1304
Pipkin's sign 940
Pirani scoring system 872, 872f
Piriformis 1030, 1032, 1032f, 1033
bursitis 1031
double 1031
elicits pain 1032
fossa 1030
functions of 1030
abnormalities of 1029
anomalous sacral attachment of 1033
ipsilateral 1032
originates 1030
proximity of 1032
sign 1032
superior border of 1032
syndrome 1008, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1032, 1032f, 1033, 1047, 1233
diagnosis of 1034
etiology of 1031t
part of 1008
primary 1031
tendon 1006
resection of 1033f
test 1032
Pirogoff amputation 1898
Pirquet test 466
Pisiform 1725
dislocation of 1815
Pistol grip 1017
deformity 1020
typical 1023f
neck deformity 1017f
Pitch angle 1394
Pitres-Stut sign 1855
Pitres-Stut test 1855
Pivot joint 345, 347f
Pivot shift test 949f
pathomechanism of 949f
Placebo treatment group 517
Placenta mesenchymal cells 426
Plano valgus deformity 1936
aponeurosis 1327
arch and heel 1386
aspect of joint capsule 721
lateral 1339
medial 1339
callosities, painful 729
excision of block of 732
release of 725
rupture 999
Windlass effect of 998f
fasciitis 997f, 998, 999, 1003, 1401, 1402, 1936, 2023
treatment 1402
fasciosis 997
fasciotomy 1000
fibromatosis 723, 1392, 1759
flexion 745
contracture, prevention and treatment of 1937
degree of 724
of forefoot 864
of medial column alone 724
of talus 716
osteotomy 1385
paralysis of 715, 717
premature 738
flexors 714
of ankle, secondary 717
heel pain 1400, 1401
calcaneal branch involvement 1403
osteomyelitis of calcaneus 1404
ruptured plantar fascia 1402
stress fractures of calcaneus 1403
sural nerve involvement 1403
hyperkeratosis 484
lateral 1402, 1417
medial 1417
neuralgia, interdigital 1417
nodules 1760
plate, release of 725
subluxation of metatarsal heads 427
wart 1333
Plantaris tendons 1316
Plantigrade posture 713
cell 164, 1040
dyscrasias 233
infiltrate 479
membrane glycoprotein-1 419
myeloma 232
concentration of opioids 1956
derived albumin 643
imbibition 2084
kallikrein 660
proteins 645
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 660
Plaster cutters and spreaders 2061, 2061f
Plaster of Paris 62, 552, 585, 1344, 1685
bandage 2068
casts 774
slab applied 1875
Plaster splint 1753
anatomical 2057
bender 2051
roller type 2051, 2051f
bending irons 2051, 2051f
classification of 2058
fixation 542, 555, 1706
holding grip 1723f
precontoured 2057
Plateau pressure, limitation of 633
Platelet 45, 644
count 625
derived growth factor 32, 45, 384, 544, 974, 1681, 1759
release of 2073
refractoriness 644
rich plasma 416
injection 417, 1685, 2112
injection therapy 417
pure 1843
Platyspondyly 688
Plethysmography 605, 1894
Plexiform arrangement 1828
Plexopathy 592
formation of 1829
injuries, pure lower 835
alaris elongate 939
excision 1048
syndrome 981, 986
medial 939, 940, 954
mediopatellaris 939
suprapatellaris 939
system 939f
Pluripotent stem cells 2098
Plus microfracture 379
Plutarch's, writings of 664
Pneumatic extrusion printing 2107
Pneumatic hammer syndrome 1986
Pneumocystis carinii 435
Pneumonia 632, 637
ventilator associated 632, 1646
Pneumothorax 1991
open 2002
pathophysiology 480 481
treatment 483
Podalic version, practice of 2065
Poikilothermia 590
Poland's syndrome 855
Polio 711f
acute attack of 711
Poliomyelitis 629, 709, 723, 1391
acute 710f
partial attack of 779f
Pollock's sign 1855
Pollock's test 1812
Poloxamer 188 403
Poly L-lactic acid 383, 961, 1845
Polyamines 2114
Polyarthralgia 465
Polyarthritis 388, 427
juvenile 355
arthritis 450
arthropathy occurs 682
crystal deposition disease 422
infection 448, 449
Polycaprolactone 383, 1771, 2108
Polycentric knee 409, 1930
Polycrystalline materials, group of 1946
Polycythemia rubra vera 602
Polydactyly 815, 854, 858, 866
central 859
syndactyly deformity 815
triphalangeal thumb syndrome 786
Polydioxanone 1943
Poly-D-lysine, immobilization of 1845
Polyether ether ketone 1218
Polyethylene 1207
cross-linking 1208
glycol 2109
materials bearing as against 1206
sterilization techniques 1210
Polyethylenimine-based gene carriers 1974
Polygenic multifactorial trait 865
Polyglycolic acid 379, 382, 383, 961, 1845, 1943, 1945, 2108
copolymers 973
Polygonal resembling chondrocytes 924
Polyhistioma 224
Polyhydramnios 695
Polylactide acid 1943
Polylevolactic acid 1945
Polymerase chain reaction 136, 465, 1610, 1964
Polymeric gene transporters deliver genetic material 1974
Polymers 1945, 1972, 1974
bioabsorbable 1945
Polymethyl methacrylate 1220, 1221f, 2024
removal of 2024
Polymethylmethacrylate 649
bone cement 458
ceramics 1943
Polymicrobial infections 449, 457
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, migration of 2073
Polymyalgia rheumatica 429
Polypeptides 383
Polypyrrole 1845
Polysaccharides 366, 383
Polysulfone 1946
Polytrauma 609, 641, 2000, 2009
management of 2000
patient, management of 2005
Polyurethane urea 1771
Polyvinyl alcohol gel 2109
Polyvinyl chloride 1753f
Poncet's 3D classification 1525f
Poncet's disease 464
Poncet's rheumatism 464
Ponseti and Smoley system 872t
Ponseti casts 875f
Ponseti classification 1521
Ponseti method 874, 876f, 878
principles of 874f
Ponseti technique 877f
Ponten flap 2091
Pontine micturition center 627
Popeye biceps See also Proximal biceps tendon rupture
Popeye sign 1130
Popliteal artery 932, 974
aneurysm 978
entrapment syndrome 580
cyst 977
fossa 473, 977
ligament, oblique 927
mass 2029
oblique ligament 938, 955
pterygia syndrome 699
trifurcation 1356
Popliteofibular ligament 929, 968
Popliteus 923
tendon 929, 959
Population vascular dysfunction, older 1891
collagen sheet 2075
baboon uricase 485
Porous tantalum 1943
rod insertion 299
Porta pedis 1338
Posch, extensor fasciotomy of 1681
Postarthroplasty 1940
Postarthroscopy 980
Postconcussion syndrome 1063
Posterior cutaneous femoral nerve, anomalies of 1031
Posterior flap technique 1904
Posterior root ganglia, axons of 1825
Posterior tibial
nerve, articular branch of 925
tendon, lengthening of 879
Posteromedial corner, structures of 927
Postganglionic injuries 836
Postherpetic neuralgia 592
Postinfection kyphosis 1564
Postirradiation sarcoma 201
Postlaminectomy syndrome 1033
Postosteomyelitic deformity 129f
Post-perfusion injury 632
Postphlebitic syndrome 606
muscle atrophy 711
residual paralysis 709f, 713
development of 709
Postsurgery fibrosis 980
Postsympathectomy sympathalgia 594
Post-talofibular ligament 869
Post-thrombotic syndrome 606, 609, 610, 620, 621
Post-tourniquet syndrome 2012, 2013
ankylosis of elbow 1717
arthritis 1705
causes 1987
hematoma 1794
malunion 1020
osteoarthritis 391
osteomyelitis 538
stiffness of elbow 1707
Postural-stability testing 1064
Postvoid residual urine 629
Potassium channel
function 1831
inhibitors 1645
Potato peel 2075
Potential injury, spectrum of 1057
Potentiate piriformis syndrome 1030
Pott's classification 2066
Pott's disease 1600, 2066
Pott's lucid interval 2066
Pott's puffy tumor 2066
Pott's spine 1600, 2033f, 2034f
Prader-Willi syndrome 700
Precalcaneal bursitis 988
Precision grip 1721, 1722f
Precoxalgia 907
Prednisone 593
Predominate syndrome 1031
Pre-emptive analgesia, validity of 1955
Pregabalin 1960
Preganglionic injuries 836
Prehensile movements 1723
Perilunate injury patterns 1749f
Preiser's disease 323, 326, 327, 329
blood supply 326
bony anatomy 326
classification 327, 328t
clinical features 327
complications 328
treatment 328
Prenatal amniotic bands 704
Prepatellar bursitis 397, 976, 981
Press test 1775
distribution 1009
flow study 629
location of 525
neuralgia 1417
relieving strategies 2095
sores, conservative management of 2095
thresholds 1836
wound therapy, negative 2076, 2095
Prestorage leukocyte 646
Pretendinous bands 1760
Pretibial muscles, weakness of 526
PRICE See Protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation
Pridie's perforations 378
Prilocaine 594
Primordial clot, basic scaffold of 2073
Printing technique, selection of 2106
Prodisk lumbar total disk replacement 1467f
Prodrug therapy 1978
Profunda femoris vessels 1167
Profundus tendons 1732
Progenitor cells 1981
Progeria 702
Proinflammatory cytokines 424, 638, 651
Proliferative fasciitis 264
clinical features 264
epidemiology 264
etiology 265
treatment 265
Proliferative fibroplasia 1758
Proliferative synovitis 422, 1806
Proliferative synovium 357
Prolotherapy 1000, 1033, 1681
Prominent superficial bony markers, loss of 1048
Pronator band 1808
Pronator syndrome 1809
Pronator teres 572, 1683, 1791, 1850, 1917
heads of 1807
Propantheline bromide 631
Prophylactic antibiotic 2016
therapy 131, 134
Prophylactic fasciotomy 583
Prophylaxis therapy 617
Propionibacterium 1873
acnes 460, 1453
propionicus 162
Prostacyclin 639
use of 916
Prostaglandin 97, 368, 391
mechanism of action of 98f
pathways 2042
sparing anti-inflammatory drugs 401
Prostatic calculi 423
Prosthesis 1892, 1924
fixation methods of 1277
inability to afford 1917
removal of 461
semi-constrained 1782
type of 1904, 2071
unconstrained 1782
unipolar 567
weight-bearing surface of 1944
and orthoses, synthesis of 2110
fitting 787
hands 1933
joint 448
infection 388, 457, 457t, 2022, 2114
limb, initiation of 1907
titanium rib 1537
Proteasome inhibitor 234
C deficiency 602
calorie malnutrition 639
cartilage associated 675
citrullinated 426
direct application of 1971
fibronectin 1759
kinases, P38 mitogen-activated 381
non-collagenous 364
of muscle, structural 1070
of propyl-3-hydroxylation complex 676
phosphorylation 593
rich exudate 2083
S deficiency 602
Proteinuria 624, 655
Proteoglycan 64, 365, 366, 372, 401, 924, 1759, 1879, 2109
aggregates 368
biglycan 367
concentration 377
degradation 372
loss of 402, 1453, 1982
structure of 367f
synthesis of 367, 372
Proteolytic enzymes 593
Proteus 1873
Prothrombin 601
complex concentrate 608, 645
gene mutation 618
time 646
Proton beam therapy 209
Proton-pump inhibitors 419
Protrusio acetabuli 680, 1018, 1020, 1023, 1236
classification 1236
clinical features 1237
laboratory workup 1239
management 1239
radiographs 1237
Protrusion, classification and causes of 1237t
Provocative tests 1342, 1679, 1801, 1812, 1820
Proximal biceps tendon rupture 1686f
Proximal dissociative carpal instability 1740
Proximal femoral
angle, normal 768
bony trabeculae, Singh's description of 1162
capital physis 757
epiphysis, typical displacement of 828f
deficiency 754, 2042
dysplasia 753, 755
metaphysis 2040
nonunions 1247
osteotomy 455, 1024, 1026, 1245
classification and types of 1246
physis ossify 692
retroversion 753
shortening 758, 801
derotation osteotomy 900
osteotomy 918f
Proximal femur
bony anatomy of 1160f
chondromyxoid fibroma of 220f
Dunn/Rippstein projection of 1022
portions of 909
torsional deformity of 1018
Proximal focal
femoral deficiency 1020
fibrocartilaginous dysplasia 776
Proximal forearm amputation 1916
Proximal fragment, extension of 551
Proximal humerus 1923, 2134f
fracture 2132, 2134f
bilateral 84f
giant cell tumor of 228f
Proximal injury 1704
Proximal interphalangeal 1721, 1858, 1859
dislocations 1058
joint 702, 719, 859, 1054, 1759, 1861, 1883, 1909, 1911
manipulation 1861
Proximal lateral portals 1050
Proximal major replantations 2018
Proximal metaphyseodiaphyseal junction 996
Proximal migration of
carpus 1750f
radius 845
Proximal muscle weakness 1940
Proximal myonecrosis 1897
Proximal osteotomy line 406
Proximal phalanges 725
Proximal phalanx 1735, 1860
condyles 1058
hyperextension of 1793
Proximal plateau tibial angle 769f
Proximal pole fractures 556
Proximal radioulnar
joint 347f, 1820
synostosis 846f
congenital 843, 845
Proximal radius, painful bony regrowth of 845
Proximal row carpectomy 323, 1741, 1742f
Proximal stress fracture of tibia 996f
Proximal third leg, reconstruction of 2088
Proximal tibia 1905
deep 979
shifting of 763
Proximal tibial physis 777
Proximal tibiofibular osteotomy 687
Proximal ulna 1051
Proximal vein ultrasonography 604
Prune-Belly syndrome 866
Pruritus 583
PSAIDs See Prostaglandin sparing anti-inflammatory drugs
Psammomas 1127
Pseudarthrosis 704, 729, 843, 1662, 1663
excision 684
juxta-articular 1705
of tibia and fibula 684f
Pseudofractures 1033
Pseudo S1 syndrome 1033
Pseudoachondroplasia 691, 692
Pseudoainhum 703
Pseudoaneurysm 414
Pseudoarthrodesis 824
Pseudoarthrosis 536, 1407, 1584f
femoral neck fracture 1249
thoracolumbar bamboo spine 438
Pseudo-coxalgia 907
Pseudodeep acetabulum 1023
Pseudogout 418, 418t, 483
Pseudohyperparathyroidism 34
Pseudomembranous colitis 635
Pseudomonas 63, 142, 645, 647, 652, 1873, 1963
aeruginosa 149, 1040
infection 451
Pseudo-osteoarthritis 421
Pseudoparalysis 452, 837
Pseudotumor formation 1212
abscess 1607f
bursa 1037
muscle 1180f
tendon 1027
Psoatic gait 530
Psoralen plus ultraviolet light 443
Psoriatic arthritis 388, 442, 443f, 443t, 1237, 1351, 1364, 1701
clinical features 442
diagnosis 443
treatment 443
Psoriatic arthropathy 998
Psychiatric disorders 526
Psychiatric moans 33
Pterygia syndrome 699, 699f
Pterygium 699
syndrome, multiple 699
Ptosis, presence of 835
pain, anterior 1040
ramus, inferior 1040
symphyses 344, 1043
symphysiotomy, endoscopic 1041
Pubofemoral ligament 1163
Puddu plate 406
Pudendal nerve 1015, 1031
anatomical territory of 1008
block 1008
entrapment 1008
Pudendal vessels, internal 1031, 1167
Pulley system 1733
Pulmonary angiography 604
Pulmonary artery
catheters 657
embolism 1285
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 652
Pulmonary embolism 603t, 605, 606, 635, 638, 1988, 2006
asymptomatic 2013
symptomatic 2013
Pulmonary fibrosis 426
Pulmonary hypertension 1975
Pulmonary hypoplasia 694
Pulmonary tuberculosis 1760
electromagnetic field 301, 401, 785
oximetry 2002
radiofrequency 1036
Pump bump 988
Purtscher's retinopathy 624
Pus, evacuation of 1872
Push-pull test 1097, 1097f
Pustulosis 254
Putti-Platt procedure 1121, 1122f, 1123
Pyelonephritis 635
Pyknodysostosis 677
Pylkkanen's theory 757
Pyoarthrosis 448
epidural abscess 1627
antibiotic therapy 1628
epidemiology 1627
etiology 1627
prognosis 1628
treatment 1628
granuloma 1871
infections 448, 2032
tenosynovitis 1872
Pyomyositis 1031
Pypophosphatemic rickets 113
Pyramidal syndromes 1392
Pyrazinamide 469, 482
Pyrexia 624, 640
Pyridoxine deficiency 421
Pyrimidine inhibitor 432
Pyrolytic carbons 1771
Pyrophosphate 9f
analog 422
arthropathy 418
Q-angle 763, 763f, 807, 950, 950f, 957
dynamic balancing 937f
of quadriceps extensor mechanism 780
Quad extensive procedure, modified 839
Quad procedure, modified 839, 840f
Quadrates plantae 1328
Quadratus femoris 293f, 1182, 1305
muscles 1168
tendon, endoscopic debridement of 1008
Quadratus plantae 998
Quadriceps 710, 938, 981
active test 964
acts 922
angle 763f, 950
concentric contraction of 526
contraction of 964f
eccentric contraction of 526
femoris muscle 1008
sparing approach 413
tendinopathy 981
tendon 412, 960, 981
avulsion 986
rupture 448
tears 2029
weakness 526, 527f, 528
Quadricepsplasty 690
Quadriga 1885f
Quadrilateral brim 1939
Quadriplegia 734, 1632
Quantitative computed tomography 81
dots 1976
foot 1928
magnetic resonance 401
Quenu and Kuss classification 2231f
Quiescent infection 1706
Quinidine 614
Quinolones 148
Quoad valetudinem 461
Quorum sensing 133
Rachischisis 1649
Racquet incision 1892
Radial artery 549f, 1730, 1915
recurrent 1819
Radial bursa, infection of 1875
Radial clubhand 846, 847b, 848f, 848t, 849f, 850f
Radial collateral ligament 1673
accessory 1673
repair 1052
Radial deviation 1727
Radial flap 1010
Radial head 10491052, 1679, 1692, 2155
and coronoid process 1701
crepitation over 1705
dislocation 843
dislocation, congenital 843, 844f
excision 1701, 1705, 1715
fibrillation 1677
fracture 1049, 1052, 1695, 1707, 2153
comminuted 1052
instability, recurrent isolated 1692, 1705
subluxation of 686
Radial humeral bursitis or periostitis 1684
Radial longitudinal deficiency 846
global classification of 848t
Radial neck physeal fracture 1695
Radial nerve 1819, 1919
causes of 1819f
superficial 1821
entrapment 1677, 1679
injury 1755
neuritis of 1677
palsy 1050, 1850
high 1851
incidence of 1846
low 1851
superficial 1819
Radial osteophytes 1707
Radial polydactyly, types of 858f
Radial scalloping 1789
Radial sensory nerve 1844
neurapraxia 1767
superficial 1819, 1821
Radial styloid 1753
process occurs 1753
Radial styloidectomy 1741, 1741f, 1742f
Radial tunnel syndrome 1817, 1818
diagnosis of 1820
Radial ulnar dislocations 698
Radiation therapy 237
intensity-modulated 209
Radical fasciectomy, extensive 1764
Radical margins 184
Radicular pain 1090
Radicular symptoms 1033, 1449
Radiculopathy 592
Radin classification 2144
Radioactive synovectomy 436
Radiocapitate ligaments 1739
arthritis 1699, 1700
chondromalacia 1049, 1703
compression test 1048, 1694
joint 1050, 1703, 1819
capsule of 1818
overload syndrome 1679, 1695, 1703
Radiocapitellum joints 1717
joint 1724, 1727, 1745, 1778
ligaments, damaged extrinsic 1751
nondissociative instability 1746
Radiodense bone 36
ablation of genicular nerves 416
annuloplasty 1457, 1482
technique of 1458f
denervation 594
energy 377
neurotomy 1480
joint 1740, 1745
ligaments 1739
short 1728
Radionucleotide, focal 1040
angiogram 592
therapy 262
Radiopaque additive, presence of 1945
Radiopenic bone 36
arthritis 1728, 1745
joint 1740, 1745
osteoarthritis 1745
Radioscapholunate ligament 1728, 1729
Radiotherapy 187
articulation 1049
joint 1674
mobile proximal 1917
junction 845
length adjustment 854
synostosis 698, 845
widening 1776
deformity, correction of 853, 854
dorsal curvature of 852
lengthening of 849
Rail-road lengthening 154
Raloxifene 89
Ranawat classification 1593t
Ranawat method 1280
Random sampling, simple 500
Range of motion 734, 836, 888, 1007, 1052, 1357, 1674, 1694, 1707, 1940
exercises, taught 758
functional 944t
passive 737
Ranvier's crosses 1828
Ray amputation 816, 1898, 1912
Raynaud's disease 317, 592, 1989
Raynaud's phenomenon 1800
Razaxaban 608
Razor injuries 1882
Recalcitrant plantar fasciitis treatment, chronic 1000
Recon plates 2057, 2057f
Reconstruction ladder 376f
Reconstructive surgery, secondary 839
Rectus abdominis 1039, 1041, 1043, 1045, 1046
abnormalities of 1044
free flap 2093
lateral bundle of 1045
tendinous regions 1044
transverse 2093
Rectus femoris 180, 526, 938, 1036, 1163
distal transfer of 745
tendon 899, 1172, 1172f
Rectus tightness 809
Recurvatum 957
knee 745
Red blood cell 601, 639, 641, 644, 648f
packed 643, 644, 657
Red flag
algorithm 1472
in acute low back pain 1471
of back pain, comparison of 1472t
signs 1440t
Red grains 164
Redlund-Johnell distance 1595
neurogenic bladder 629
neurovascular dystrophy 588
sympathetic dystrophy 38, 447, 556, 587, 854, 1709, 1751, 1807, 1849, 1949
excluded 1777
development of 1764
Regan Morrey classification 1051
Regional analgesia, patient-controlled 1957
Regional orthopaedic
hand and upper extremity 1669
hip 1155
spine 1421
Regional pain syndrome, complex 38, 585, 587, 589, 590b, 592, 593t, 597, 597fc, 962, 974, 1891, 1989
Rehabilitation 1891, 2001
exercises 1344
postoperative 840, 962
required, type of 2018
Reigel's technique 1656
Reimer's migration index 743f
assessment of 743
Reiter's cells 351
Reiter's disease 1871
Reiter's syndrome 998, 1237, 1351
Relaxation techniques 595
Relocation test, modified 1092, 1093f
anomalies 866
dialysis 445
dysfunction 624
failure 637
acute postoperative 607
chronic 112, 607
function 2003
impairment 613
insufficiency 608
losses 107
manifestations 33, 655
osteodystrophy 762, 771, 1042, 1690
transplants 306
uric acid urolithiasis 483
Renee creak test 984
Rensor fascia muscle flap 2093f
Repair site gap, effect of 1881
injury, pharmacological modification of 2014
oxidative injury 2013
syndrome 2013
Replantation failure 2019
Resection technique 412
Resident non-neuronal cells 1834
Residual deformity 829
of foot 728
Residual forefoot varus 749
Residual limb 1924
condition of 1924
maintaining flexibility of 1897
maximum function of 1892
restoring strength of 1897
Residual metatarsus adductus 759
Residual neurons, amount of 710
Resistant deformity, common components of 885
alkalosis 656
compromise, signs of 836
disease, severe 621
distress 632
syndrome, acute 2098
dysfunction 1639
failure 632, 637
infections 698
muscle fatigue 655
system 640, 2015
Rest, position of 1722
Restorative medicine 2111
Restrict pronation, splinting to 1786
endpoints of 659
hypotensive 658
Reticuloendothelial system 356
artery, intercompartmental 561f
contracture, lateral 807
system 1859
tear, medial 805
direct repair of 992
patella-patellar tendon 1163
gene transfer 1977
hemorrhages 624
Retinoblastoma 171
Retroacetabular stress shielding, preventing 1219
bursitis 988, 999
space 1403
Retroclavicular Spurling's test 1989
Retroperitoneal dissection 1034
Retroperitoneum 362, 657
Retropulsion sign 1618
Retroverted acetabulum 1017, 1020
Retrovirus 1973
Reverse Phalen's test 1801
Reverse Pivot shift 964
test 965f, 967
Rh system 642
Rhabdomyolysis 2013
Rhabdomyosarcoma 362
Rheumatic disease 426
Rheumatic fever 429, 453, 485
Rheumatoid of
forefoot 1351
hindfoot 1353
contraindications 1355
indications 1355
management 1353
postoperative period 1355
technique 1355
midfoot 1353
paralysis in 1591f
spine 1588
epidemiology of 1592
wrist joint 1864
Rheumatoid arthritis 10, 73, 166, 388, 402, 423, 429f, 433, 436f, 667, 976978, 999, 1050, 1089, 1133, 1153, 1237, 1355, 1364, 1588, 1701, 1717, 1737, 1752, 1756, 1767, 1789, 1803, 1857, 1858, 1865, 1882, 1971, 1981, 2023
cells 351
clinical features and diagnosis 426
differential diagnosis 429
etiology 424
juvenile 666, 667, 863, 1237
management 432
pathogenesis of 424, 425f
positioning for 1940
treatment 429
deformity of hand 427f
factor 351, 425, 427, 989
nodules 1936
complications 1598
management of 1596
surgical management 1596
types of surgical stabilization of 1597
synovitis 1819
tenosynovitis 2039
Rheumatologic disorders 1040
Rhinelander-Papineau technique 150
Rhomboid 1148, 1149
Rhomboidal shape skull 666
Rhomboideus 1079
major 1079
minor 1079
Rhythm of distraction 804
Rib 1585
anomalies 841
fracture 1991
fractures, posterior 676
hump 1541
pencilling 685
short 687
upper 1987
vertebral angle difference 1518f
Ribosomal nucleic acid 691
Rich man's disease 479
clinical features 481
differential diagnosis 483
pathophysiology 480
treatment 483
Rickets 3, 107, 112, 113, 756, 1020, 1612
clinical features 108
etiological classification of 107t
hypophosphatemic 113, 771
pathophysiology 107
radiographs of 109f
radiological signs 108
varieties of 112t
Rifampicin 63, 148, 149, 461, 463, 469, 614
drug resistance 466
Rigid hammer toe
complications of surgery 1378
etiology of 1377
symptoms of 1377
treatment of 1377
Rigid internal fixation 843
Rigid metatarsus adductus 819
Rigid midfoot dorsiflexion 814
Rigid pes planus 1386
clinical examination 1386
radiographic examination 1386
augmentation 1085
corrections, focal 1026
constriction syndrome 703
finger, ulnar half of 1811
fixators 802
sign, cortical 1743
Riseborough and Radin classification 2144f
Risedronate 90, 402
Risser's Ferguson method 1516f
Risser's casts 1566
Risser's sign 1520
Rituximab 431, 432, 434
Rivaroxaban 608, 616
Robb-Persson modification 1902f
Robert Jones procedure, modifications of 720
Roberts syndrome 866
Robotic arm interactive orthopedic system 1966
Robotic surgery 1967
advantages of 1966
alternative of 1967
cost efficiency of 1967
systems 1967
Robotic system 1966
autonomous 1967
developed, similar 1967
Rocker bottom flatfoot, rigid 814
Rocking horse gait 530, 530f
Rockwell test 1942
Rockwood classification 2125f
Roentgenograms, plain 1715
Romanowsky stain 351, 352
Roos test 351, 1989
analysis of 522
elicits pain, maximal internal 1032
instant center of 522, 943f, 1187f
Rotational deformity
correction of 744, 1970
treatment of 761
Rotationplasty 1905
Rotator cable 1081
Rotator cuff 1078, 1103f
anatomy 1080, 1081f
arthropathy 1089, 1108f, 1144
Seebauer classification of 1141
articular side of 1125
debridement 1125
disease 1102, 1133
lesions 1108
pathology 1677
articular-sided 1125
mini-open 1110f
open 1109
conservative management of 1108
massive 1115
Seitz classification of 2039t
Wiener classification of 2039t
tendinosis 1136, 1137
tendons 1101
Rotatory Drawer test, posterolateral 1695
Rotatory instability, posterolateral 1673, 1692, 1703, 1705
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 171, 201
Rotoscoliosis 1507f
Round cell liposarcoma 362
RRA See Recurrent radial artery
Rrochanteric slide osteotomy 1262f
Rubella 694
virus 424
Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome 702, 860, 861
Rubeola 694
Rucksack paralysis 1986
Ruedi-Allgower classification 2215f
Ruffini corpuscles 349, 1008
Runner's knee 397, 984
Rupture of ligaments, mixture of 1857
Ruptured cyst 978
Ruptured disk 1485
Ruptured ligamentum teres 1007
Ruptured long head of biceps 1131
Ruptured plantar fascia 1401
Rush rods 677
Ruskin bone-cutting forceps double action 2044, 2046f
Russe classification 551
Russell Taylor classification 2184f, 2189f
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1976
agenesis 814
injury 629
tumors 629
fractures 2247
neuromodulation 631
vertebral line, central 1517f
vertical line, central 1509
Sacroiliac dysfunction 1032
Sacroiliac erosions 420
Sacroiliac joint 437, 1031, 1442, 1480, 1904
dysfunction 1033
injection, technique of 1480
instability of 1040
interventions, contraindications for 1481
steroid injection 1480
Sacroiliac stress syndrome 1028
Sacroiliitis 437, 438, 438f, 444, 1029, 1046, 2020
Sacrotuberous ligament 1030
Sacrum 1033
Saddle joint 345, 346f, 921
S-adenosylmethionine 402
Saffar's technique 322
Sag test of Godfrey, posterior 949
Sag test, posterior 964f
Sagittal band 1056
rupture 1056
Sagittal flap 1901, 1901f
Sagittal imbalance
management of 1561
stages of 1561
Sagittal limb deformities 764
Sagittal plane deformity 1018
of spine 1556
Saha procedure 1120
Saksenaea vasiformis 1963
Saline load test 349
Salmonella 444
arthritis 449
osteomyelitis 161
typhimurium 1975
Salter's innominate osteotomy 904, 917
Salter's osteotomy 900f, 902, 918
Salter-Harris classification 36t
Salter-Harris injury 1056
Salvage procedure 567, 829
Sandifer's syndrome 666
Sanfilippo syndrome 120, 121
types of 120
Sangwan technique 578f
Saphenous artery, posteromedial perforators of 2089
Saphenous fasciocutaneous flap 2089
Saphenous flap 2088, 2089
Saphenous nerve
injuries 974
supplies 1322
Sapho syndrome 161, 441
clinical findings 161
diagnosis 161
pathogenesis 161
plain film 161
prognosis and course of disease 161
Sarcoidosis 426
Sarcoma 262
of bone, primitive multipotential primary 224
Sarcomere 1067
structure of 1071f
reticulum 741, 1069, 1070
retinaculum 1070f
Sartorius muscles 526
Satellite cells 1979
Saturn ring 676
Saunders’ determinants of gait 524
Sausage digit 442
Sauvè-Kapandji procedure 1781f
geometry 384
naturally derived 383
synthetically derived 383
Scalars 519
Scalene muscle 1987, 1990
hypertrophy of 1987
muscle 1987
syndrome 1986
medius muscle, sickle-shaped 1987
minimus syndrome 1986
syndrome of 1986
Scalp injuries 1059
Scandinavian flaps 1892
fusion 322
joints 1745
syndrome 1751
Scaphoid 554f
blood supply of 327f
etymology of 326
bony anatomy of 549f
fix fractures of 556f
fracture 548, 550f, 550t, 552f, 1750, 1753
classifications of 551
functions of 327
irreducible 1744
lateral 1725
lunate-Capitate joints 1745
movement 1738f
nonunion 556, 560, 1750f
advanced collapse 552, 1740, 1742f
classification of 557, 557t
Ikeda classification of 557f
Ilizarov fixation of 558
treatment of 552
osteonecrosis, radiology of 327f
parts of 549f
reducible 1744
trapezium-trapezoid joints 1745
unstable fracture of 553f
Scapholunate 1739
advanced collapse 1744, 1745f
wrist 1745
and lunotriquetral anatomy 1728
angle 1727, 1744
chronic 1745
dissociation 1737f, 1738, 1740, 1743
classification of 1744
radiology of 1739f
fracture 1748
gap 1743
instability 1743
interosseous ligament 1729, 1730f, 1743
joint 1745, 1751
ligament 1729, 1744f
arthrosis 1768
joint 1745
intra-articular fractures of 552f
trapezoid arthrodesis/fusion 322
Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid 1753
arthritis 1729, 1768
joint 420
Scapula 1923
congenital elevation of 840
fractures and injuries 2130
migrating, area of 839
protractors of 1079
retractors of 1079
rotators of 1079
small 847
winging of 1148
dyskinesia 1148, 1150, 1151
treatment of 1123
dyskinesis 1088, 1089
elevators 1079
fractures, goss classification of 2132
instability 1148
clinical feature 1148
etiology 1148
treatment 1149
manipulation 1118
muscles, accompanying paralysis of 836
notching, inferior 1145
joint 1078
myopathy 1146
rhythm 1086, 1088, 1123
abnormal 1104f
space 1112
crepitus 1089
fusion 1149
rhythm 1078
contracture 857
tenderness 1755
Scarf osteotomy 1371f, 1372f
Schanz osteotomy 1259
advantages 1259
contraindication 1259
Schanz screw 1026
Schatzker classification 2207f
olecranon fractures, types 2152f
tibial plateau fractures 2207f
Scheie syndrome 119, 121
Schenck classification 969
Scheuermann's disease 329, 331, 3321564, 1625
Scheuermann's kyphosis 1565f
surgical correction of 1567f
Schisis meaning 1649
Schmid metaphyseal
chondrodysplasia 366
dysostosis 691
Schmorl's node 1452f, 1612
type of 1452
Schonfeld's criteria 624, 624t
Schwann cell 1828
during the process 1834f
membrane 1828
neuron made of 1834
role of 1835
transition, consequence of 1835
tubes 1835f
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome 910
Sciatic nerve 1006, 1007f, 1031f, 1164, 1168, 1407
disposition of 1168
forms 1030
neurolysis 1008
pathology 1031
vascular compression of 1033
Sciatic tension accentuation test 1488
Sciatica 1029
Scientific surgery, founder of 2067
Scintigraphy 1040
Scissor 2049
gait 529, 529f, 1939
Scleroderma 426, 485, 1133
Sclerosing osteomyelitis 157
Sclerosis 438f, 1040
asymmetrical bands of 705
multiple 629, 1941
of canal 536f
Sclerostin 100
Sclerotomal somitic mesoderm 1653f
Scoliometer for screening scoliosis 1515f
Scoliosis 685, 691, 841, 1506
congenital 1538, 1541
epidemiology 1538
treatment 1542
curves, correction of 1529f
early onset 1535
idiopathic 1510
incidence of 752
King's classification of 1522t
presence of 680
severe 1501
treatment of 752
Scoliotic curvatures, reducible 1506
Scoliotic deformity, screening of 1515
Scott-Craig orthosis 1937f
Scratch collapse test 1801, 1817
Screw 2059
fixation 553
heads, types of 2059f
home mechanism 923, 944, 946f
osteosynthesis 566f
tips, types of 2060f
Scurvy 837
Seattle foot 1928
Second-impact syndrome 1063
Seddon's ellipsoid 1791f
Seddon's widespread necrosis 1792
Seekh-Kabab osteotomy 241f
Segmental arteries, intercompartmental 323f
Segmental medullary artery, anterior 1437
Segmental ventral root, ipsilateral 1657
Seizures 572, 624, 666, 1042
Selective dorsal rhinotomy 742, 746
Selective estrogen receptor modulators 89
Selective inhibitor of xanthine oxidase 484
Selective laser sintering 2107
Selective nerve root block 1478
Sellar joints 345
bursitis 397
muscle 924
tendon 977
Semitendinosus 977
Sendai virus vectors 1974
Senn-Miller double ended retractor 2048f
pathology of 526
phantom 1897
Sensory 591
examination 1812
gait 530
loss 1639
dissociated 1634
neurogenic bladder 629
neuropathy 1034
perception, subjective 1720
symptoms of small finger 1811
testing, quantitative 591
Sepsis 602, 632
Septal thickening, interlobular 625
Septic arthritides 449
Septic arthritis 353, 388, 446, 448, 448t, 449t, 450, 450f, 451, 454f, 474, 635, 980, 1140, 1243, 1244t, 1868, 2041
clinical features 449
development of 448t
hip 453
of elbow 1822
of hip 451453
pathophysiology 448
postoperative 974
sequel of 454f, 455f, 1705
Septic shock 652, 658
Septic thrombophlebitis 606, 619
Septicemia 618
Septum interarticularis 690
Sequestrum forceps 2048, 2049f
Seroma, formation of 2086
Seronegative arthritis 388, 592
Seronegative arthropathy 486, 998, 1040
Seronegative inflammatory arthritis 1351
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies 437
Seropositive arthritis 388
Serotonergic antidepressants 471
Serotonin 593
Serpentine foot 823, 880
Serratia marcescens 1963
Serratus anterior 836, 1079, 1148, 2004
muscle 1087
Serum cartilage oligomeric protein 393
Serum hyaluronic acid 393
Serum lactate dehydrogenase 238
Serum protein electrophoresis 1406
Sesamin 98
Sesamoid 992, 993
bone 5, 355, 1327, 1328
abnormalities 1756
ridge 1365
Sesamoiditis 993, 1936
Sever's disease 331
Sexual dysfunction 1639
Shallow acetabulum 1011
Sham incision 413
Shapiro classification 674t
Shapiro-Wilk test 509
Sharp acetabular rim 895
Sharpey's fibers 1426
Shear injury 980
Shear strain 522
Shear test, posterior 1480
Shear-resistant property of cartilage 369
Sheer number of muscles 519
Sheffield rod 677
Shell allografts 61
Shenton's line, reverse 1021
Shenton-Minard line 893
Shepherd's crook deformity 240
Shigella 444
Shilla system 1537
Shimmy effect 1999
Shock 651
absorption 1008
cardiogenic 651, 654, 658
common progression pathway of 651f
electric 1894
forms of 654t
hemorrhagic 654t, 656
hypovolemic 651, 654, 656
manifestations 653
reversal of 1639
vasogenic 652, 655, 658
Shoe, parts of 1935f
Shoe-lift 798
Short femur, congenital 753, 756, 785
Short stature homeobox 852
Short-stiff nonunions 537, 546
Shoulder 571, 1585, 1934, 2030
and forequarter units 1934
arthrodesis 1144f
arthropathy 1139
arthroplasty 83f
arthroscopy 1078f
asymmetry 843
capsulorrhaphy 2024
complex, articulations of 1077
disarticulation 1920
dislocation 1116f, 1118f
dystocia 832f, 833
function, satisfactory 1705
girdle 257, 1921
hand syndrome 1986
impingement 1093t
syndrome 1989
injuries 1987
instability 1113
classification of 1114t
recurrent 1117, 1118
joint 1100, 1115f
arthrodesis of 1143
arthroplasty of 1144
biomechanics of 1084
fracture dislocation of 1114f
stabilizers of 1078t
tubercular affection of 1153f
tuberculosis of 1140, 1152
laterally, point of 1836
normal 2031f
range of motion 699
recurrent dislocation of 1116f
roof of 1079
saddle 1931f
sling 1939
stability of 1078
Shrapnel's effect 1998
Shuffling gait 529
Sialic acid 1644
Sickle cell
anemia 910
disease 278, 301, 649, 1237, 2014
Sigmoid notch
anterior margin of 1673
greater 1672
ulna 1773f
Signaling of neurotrophins 1829
Silesian belt 1926f, 1930
Silfverskiöld test 1412
Silicone 1947
heel cups 1000f
soft soles 1000
Sillence classification 673t
Silver's syndrome 843, 860
Simian hand 1852f
Simian immunodeficiency virus 1977
Simulate bone tumors 191t
Simultaneous exploration, advantages of 1028
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease 331, 985, 986
Singh's index 81, 81f
Single bundle technique 965
Single leg stance, mechanics of 1187f
Single photon emission tomography 588, 952, 1014
Single-photon emission computed tomography 2020
Sintered titanium beads 1276
tarsi syndrome 882, 1936
tract excision 144f
Sinuvertebral nerve 1449f
Six-strand techniques 1880
Sjögren syndrome 426
Skaters heel 988
age estimation 793
minimizes errors of 796
angiomatosis 246
management 247
congenital error of 707
normal 689
dysplasia 691, 771, 842, 866, 868, 1564
fluorosis 117
growth, rapid 985
maturity 844
assessment of 780
level of 764
muscle 1073, 1973t
function 1067
injuries 1995
oxyhemoglobin 659
structure 1067
site of 741
treatment of 1995
related events, pathogenesis of 252fc
shortening 798
stabilization 1849
tuberculosis 1152
Skeletally immature foot 729, 730
Skeletally mature foot 730, 731
maturation 683
specimens of 2067
Skew flaps 1901, 1902f
Skew foot 691, 819
complex 819
Skier's thumb 1765
Skin 1723
appearance 590
atrophy 1897
burns 1707
color 590
contractures 590
discolored 583
flap 1892, 2086
breakdown 1897
lateral 1923
medial 1923
graft 2083
classification of 2084f
complications of 2086
delayed 2083
failure 857
full thickness 2084
simple spilt 2094
injuries 1995
irritation of 873
maceration 1897
necrosis 1056, 1918, 1964f
warfarin induced 604
preparation 134
slough 820
single layer durable 2075
use of 2075
temperature 590
tension lines, relaxed 2078
texture 590
traction 898
fracture 1061
injuries 1059
SLAC See Scapholunate advanced collapse
Slap-Prehension test 1093, 1094f
Sleep, sear and deprivation of 1948
Sliding calcaneal osteotomy of Gleich 825
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 826, 1016, 1020, 1026, 1247
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis 756, 778, 826, 1011, 1020, 1242
Slocum's modification 1904
Sly syndrome 120
Smart scaffold designs 2109
Smillie's knee joint retractor 2047, 2048f
Smillie's meniscus knife left/right point 2048
Smillie's, bone graft procedure of 1409
Smith-Petersen iliofemoral approach 1178
Smith-Petersen osteotomy 1550, 1551f
Smith-Peterson approach 478, 1171f
Snapping elbow syndrome 1695
Snapping hip 1026, 1037, 1047
syndrome 1233
Snapping syndrome 1027, 1782
Sneppen classification 2229
Society of Critical Care Medicine 635
deep portion of 1018
joint 345, 347f
Sodium 2014
channel blocker 593
fluoride 98, 677
urate monohydrate crystals 480
Soft callus 41
Soft tissue
intra-articular 1026
treatment of 1024
adhesion, intra-articular 1717
atrophy 1936
coaptation 1913, 1913f
combined 878
compromise 1008
contractures 838, 868, 869, 1707
coverage 1795
below knee 2082f
in orthopedics 2081
defects, reconstruction of 2090
dissection 11721175, 1178, 1179, 1181
edema 1002f
external 41
factors 807
giant cell tumor of 269
hand injuries 1940
imaging 951
imbalance, dynamic 746
infection 2021, 2041, 2077
local 1049
injury, extensive 623
malformations 859
palpation lateral 1336
crepitus 1337
deltoid ligament 1336
inferior tibiofibular ligament 1336
medial 1337
tendocalcaneus 1336
pathology 890
periarticular 1153, 1713
polydactyly, postaxial 859
reconstruction of 155
release 455
posteromedial 878
support system 1772
surgery 696, 878
tension, proper 1188
tight 888
tumors 168
wound management 1995
Sole of foot
muscles 1328
plantar aponeurosis 1328
skin 1328
vascular supply of 1328
Soleus 526
fiber of 801
flap 2090
muscle flap 2091f, 2092
tendon 988f
Solifenacin succinate 631
bone lesion 255
enchondroma 215
fibrous tumor, malignant 362
plasmacytoma of bone 234
nerves 628
sensory fibers 348
stem cells 2097
Somatoform pain disorders 592
Somatosensory evoked potential 1533f, 1644
Sophistication 1004
SORL See Spiral oblique retinacular ligament
Sourcil sign 1107, 1107f, 1142
Southwick angles 827
Spade foot 528
Spaghetti wrist 1881
Sparse hair 1911
Spaso technique 1118
cerebral palsy 701
diplegia 739f, 745
lengthening of 741
number of 744
paresis 1707
pes valgus foot 1400
Spasticity, reduction of 742
Spectrum antibiotic, start of wide 1964
Speed's test 1094, 1095f, 1125
Spherical grip 1721
Spheroidal tactile corpuscles 1826
Spheroids 671
Sphygmomanometer test 1412
Spilled tea-pot sign 1750f
Spina bifida 666, 723, 841, 1384, 1648
aperta 1648
cystica 1654
occulta 1648, 1648f, 1653
various types of 1654
accessory nerve 1148
irritation of 666
anomalies 866
biopsy, complications of 1667
bones 688
column 1706
cord 627, 711, 1431, 1950
anterior horn of 709
blood supply of 1437, 1438
compression 1472
development of 1651
in pain processing, role of 1950
injury 445, 627, 741, 1629, 1636, 1937, 1941, 2032, 2102
lesions 628, 837
level of 1949
stimulation 594, 1036, 1482, 1502, 1534
stimulator, role of 1482
structure of 1433
tracts 1436
tumors 629, 2032
venous drainage of 1438
deformity 685, 1554
congenital 1542
index 80
management of 752
disorders, treatment of 1982
dysraphism 1384, 1650
anomalies, development of 1653
clinical features 1650
embryological aspects 1650
epidemiology 1650
endoscopy 1504
epidural abscess 1615f
fluid analysis 636
fractures 439
fusion 2101
manipulation 1537
modulation, biomechanical 1511
infection 1600, 2022
classification of 1621t
lesions 2041
ligaments 1442
lipomas 1657
malformations, midline hairy patch in 1657f
metastasis 258, 1989
evaluation of 258
motion segment 1446
muscular atrophy 1556
musculature 1442
nerves 1431
pairs of 1432f
neurons 1434
osteoporosis therapeutic intervention 97
overgrowth, relative anterior 1512
pathology, symptoms of 1514
Rongeurs 2049
shock 1639
stenosis 421, 685, 1485
causes of 1494f
structures 1430f
tuberculosis 1617f
atypical forms of 1620
classification of 1611
management of complications of 1617
surgical management in 1615
tumors, anatomical classification of 260f
Spindle shaped resembling fibroblasts 924
and spinal cord, anatomy of 1423
advantages of 1665
indications of 1665
blood supply of 1430, 1431f
deformities of 762, 1507f, 1508t
diagnosis, tuberculosis of 1610
disease of 1949
erector spinae prevent flexion of 526
fracture 71t
instability 1463t
ischial 1013, 1014f
management, tuberculosis of 1612
natural history of disease, tuberculosis of 1603
of glenoid 1144f
risk signs 1618f
scoliosis of 671
scoliotic deformity of 1508t
segment 1625
surgery 117, 158, 617
intraoperative monitoring 1532
procedures, minimally invasive 1968
T1-weighted image of normal 2027f
T2-weighted image of normal 2027f
tuberculosis of 528, 1600, 2066
Spinocerebellar hereditary degeneration 1391
of Mollaret 723
Spinothalamic tract, lateral 1436
Spinous process, tip of 1653f
SPIO See Superparamagnetic iron oxide
Spiral oblique retinacular ligament 1056, 1806
Spirochaeta pallida 2068
Spirochetal arthritis 479
Splanchnic hypoperfusion 639
Splay foot 1334
Splendore-Hoeppli reaction 164
Splinter corticotomy 546f
hand split-foot syndrome 817
nerve 1031
peroneus brevis tendon graft 1348
spinal cord malformations 1658
thickness skin grafts 2083, 2084
Spondyloarthritis international society, assessment of 440
Spondyloarthropathy 388, 437, 442, 444, 1091
enteropathic 998
juvenile onset 444
Spondylocostal dysostosis 1539
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia 688, 688f, 910
congenita 688
Spondyloepiphyseal tarda 688
Spondylolisthesis 671, 1569, 1569f, 1571
classification system 1571, 1572t
degenerative 1577, 1578f
high-grade 680
iatrogenic 1581
pathologic 1581
Spondylolysis 1569, 1569f
X-ray 1571f
Spondylosis 1495t
deformans 389, 1586
hyperostotica 1582
Spontaneous electromyography 1533
Spontaneous osteonecrosis 398
of knee 304, 304t
Spontaneous pneumothorax 678
Sporadic disease 442
Sport hernia 1019, 1041, 1043, 1045
Sport injuries 1882
jersey finger 1882
mallet finger 1882
overuse 1694
Sport medicine 919, 921, 988, 1004, 1048, 1054
Sport specific exercise 1064
Sportsman's hernia 1043, 1044
Sprains 2023
Spreading infections, malignancy and acute 1891
Sprengel's deformity 840
classification of 841t
Sprengel's shoulder 841f, 842f
Spring ligament 869, 879, 1330
Squalene 2113
Squamous cell
carcinoma 1871
sarcoma, formation of 156f
Square nail 2055f
Squared hand 395
Squared iliac wings 686
Squeeze test 1344
Squeeze-film lubrication 370
Squinting patellae 759
SRN See superficial radial nerve
Schwab adult lumbar classification of scoliosis 1548f
Stabilize lunotriquetral joint 1751
Stable slipped capital femoral epiphysis 827, 829
Staheli involves extension 904
Stahl-Lichtman classification 318
modified 319t
Stainless steel 2055
Standard trochanteric osteotomy 1259, 1260, 1260f
complications 1260
contraindication 1260
indications 1259
steps 1260
Standstill phenomenon 908
Staphylococcal colonization 166
Staphylococcal infections 2114
Staphylococcus 1873
aureus 160, 449, 1282, 1359, 1621, 1627, 1870, 1963
epidermidis 449, 457, 1282
breakage of 770
capsulorrhaphy 1120
intra-articular migration of 799
Starling resistor 281, 282
dorsiflexion wrist splint 1847f
equilibrium situations provides 522
hand orthoses, uses of 1941
muscle, degree of 737
patellar ligament 941f
snapshots, series of 519
stability 922
with dislocation 1739
Statistical methods 509
Status of union 1793
Staunch follower of Hugh Owen Thomas 2069
Steadman's microfracture 378
Steatosis, hepatic 623
Stecher's view 549, 550
Steel procedure 756
Steel, blanch sign of 828
Steep learning curve 1046
Steindler's fascial stripping 725
Steindler's release 1395
Steindler's transfer 840
Stellate ganglion block 591
Stem cell 2096, 2113
adipose-derived 2099
and gene therapy 1642
banking 2102
religious aspects of 2104
research in orthopedics 2096
therapy 1983
Stem of uncemented prosthesis 1945
Stener lesion 1766f
Stenosing peritendinitis 1752
Stenosing tenosynovitis 1755
tendon nodule of 1762
Stenosing tenovaginitis 1735, 1752
Stenosis, laminectomy relieves symptoms of 687
Stereolithography 2107
Sterile matrix beneath 1868
Sterile pyuria 444
Sternoclavicular joint 1086, 1148, 2129f
dislocations 2128f
disruption 2127
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 664f
sudden spasm of 664
Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis 161
Sternotomy defects 2077
abuse 275
crystals 352
induced osteonecrosis 276
infiltration 1757f
injections 1680, 1696, 1757, 1803
intradiscal 1483
intra-articular 483, 1014
mechanism of action of 1475
withdrawal of 482
Stevens Johnson syndrome 484
Stewart technique 727
Stickler's syndrome 681, 1237
Stiff elbow 1048, 1050, 1697, 1707
management of 1710f
Stiff knee 739, 745
Stiff shoulder 1135, 1137
Still's disease 428
juvenile onset 428
Stille gouge 2043, 2044f
Stille type
chisel 2043f
osteotome 2043, 2044f
Stille-Ruskin Rongeur 2044, 2046f
Stimson's maneuver 1118
Stimulation tests 1500
Stinchfield test 1013
Stirrat's modification 1862
Strabismus 668
Straight leg raise test 985
passive 1488
resisted 1013
Strain 47
direction of 522
repetitive 592
Strap method 1118
Straps and laces and foot structure 875
Streptococcus 1873
pneumoniae 449
pyogenes 1963
madurae 163
somaliensis 164
Streptomycin 469
Stress 47
abnormal 1037
dorsiflexion 885
emotional 482
fracture 35, 992, 994f, 997f, 1028, 1041, 1042, 1046
classification of 992t
diagnosis of 2020
neck of femur 1042f
of fibula 995f
of olecranon 1702
of proximal tibia 996f
olecranon 1695
gastritis 636
incontinence 631f
posterolateral 1695
provocative 1058
radiographs 1695
relaxation 369
response 28
shielding 1678f
graph 1943f
patterns, types of 47f
testing 1336, 1694
with microfractures, repetitive 1408
Stretch 1533
exercise 1680
neuritis 1683
of radial-sided transverse 1858
syndromes See also Nerve pinch
Striated skeletal muscle 1070
Strictly anaerobic bacteria 1975
Stripping injury 1783
Stroke 608
hemorrhagic 609
Stromal cells, adipose-derived 1980
Stromal vascular fraction 2104
Stromelysins 368
Strontium ranelate 97, 402
Strychnine 1065
Stryker hand held compartment pressure monitor 577f
Stryker knee laxity tester 950
Student's T-test 511
Stulberg system 914t
Stump sensitivity 1764
Sturge-Weber syndrome 790
Styloid process of radius 1752
bursa 1101, 1109, 1150
bursectomy 1110
bursitis 1102, 1753
corticosteroid injection 1108
decompression 1109, 1130, 2024
impingement syndrome 1102
region 1133
space 1079, 1088, 1104, 1107
narrowing of 2032
subdeltoid bursa 2031
Subarachnoid hematomas 1060
Subaxial subluxation 1591
bone 277, 371, 373, 378, 389, 393, 448, 1010, 1132, 1671
microfracture 394
plate 381, 1354
resorption 1040
cysts 196, 356, 357, 389, 396, 1041
drilling 378
erosions 1153
fatigue fracture 1043
fracture 372, 910
gelatinous cyst 395
sclerosis 389, 1142
of ulna 1789
spaces 367
artery 1923, 1986, 1987
aneurysm 1989, 1990
vein thrombosis 619
dislocation 1114
impingement test of Gerber 1096, 1097f
syndrome 1986
atrophy 590
fasciotomy 1763
nodules 426
tendon 1405
transverse branches 1911
Subdeltoid bursa 1079
thickening of 2039
Subdural hematoma 1059, 1061
acute 1060
chronic 1060
Subepidermal nodular fibrosis 268
Subgluteus medius bursa 1037
Sublaminar hooks 1529
Subluxatable hip, pathoanatomy of 890
Subluxated knee 788
Subluxating biceps tendon 1129
chronic 1865
development of 1590
pathophysiology of 1590
Subscapular tendon 1137
Subscapularis 1079, 1083, 1088, 1148
rupture 1121
tear 2032f
tendon 1078f, 1101, 1121, 1146
transfer 1120
Substances, type of 1946
Substantia gelatinosa 1434, 1949
Substantial glenoid bone erosion 1146
Subsynovial connective tissue 359
Subsynovial intra-articular arterial ring of Chung 280
Subsystolic pressures 2012
Subtalar arthrodesis 730, 748, 1353, 1400
extra-articular 719
Subtalar glide test, medial 1343f
Subtalar hyperpronation 1412
Subtalar joint 427, 723, 728, 1316, 1355
capsule 879
lateral glides 999
motion, loss of 1387
pronation 1384
Subtalar movements 1330f
Subtalar pronation 981
Subtalar stiffness 785
Subtendinous bursectomy 1008
Subtrochanteric fractures 2187
classification for 2188f
nonunion 539f
seinsheimer classification for 2188f
Subtrochanteric osteotomy 564, 1247, 1265
Subtrochanteric valgus osteotomy 758, 758f
Subungual melanoma, malignant 1871
Succussion method 1510f
Suction thrombectomy 620, 621
Sudeck's atrophy 588
Sudeck's osteodystrophy 103
Sudomotor 587, 591
dysfunction 1356
Sugioka osteotomy 296
Suicide gene
for therapy, type of 1978
properties of 1978
therapy 1978, 1978f
matricis unguis 1869
sign 1098f
Sulesomab 140
Sulfasalazine 432, 437, 441, 444
Sulfonylurea hypoglycemics 471
Super molecular structure 1942
Superclot 378
Superhelix structure 366
Superolateral disease 474
Superomedial component 1330
Supination 1784
contracture 840
pronation movements 1715
Supinator muscle 1819
distal border of 1819
Supinator syndrome 1817
Supine 1004
bend films 1548
position 1004f
Supportive therapies 1444
Supraclavicular fullness 619
amputation 1919, 1920f
fractures of
distal humerus 2141
humerus 585, 1847f
malunion 1717
osteotomy, extension 746f
Supramalleolar osteotomy 882
Suprapubic catheters 630
Supraretinacular artery, intercompartmental 560, 562f
Suprascapular nerve 1150
block 1151
compression 1106
entrapment 1101, 2031
injury 1117
syndrome 1150, 1151
anatomy 1150
clinical presentation 1150
differential diagnosis 1151
etiology 1150
investigations 1151
treatment 1151
trunk 1151
Suprascapular notch 1151
insertional complete tear 1105f
fascia 1151
muscle 1104, 1150
tear 2032f
tendon 1103f, 1126, 1127
anterior aspect of 1080
tendonitis 1102, 1104f
Supraspinous fossa 1150
Sural flap 2088
location 2090f
Sural nerve grafts 838f
Surface-coil technique 2032
Surgery near symphysis 1040
decompression 1580, 1821, 1822
dislocation of hip 1024, 1304
complications 1307
technique 1305
lasers, uses of 2024
resection margins 184f
sympathectomy 594, 595
techniques, develop 2065
thrombectomy 620, 621
Suspension harness 1926, 1926f, 1930
button suspensionplasty 1769
joints 343
of skull 344
materials, types of 2079t
strands, multiple 1879
Swan-Neck deformity 427f, 1858, 1859f, 1860f, 1941
classification of 1861
of thumb 1859f
pathogenesis of 1860f
Sweat testing 591
Swelling 211, 588, 590, 955, 1753
local 1000
of fingers 1800
patella, abnormal 982
Swing pectoralis major muscle 1920
Swinging movements, smooth 524
Swollen joint count 427
Sydenham's chorea 529
Symbrachydactyly 854
treatment of 855
Syme's amputation 756, 1892, 1899
Symmetric polyarticular arthritis 444
Symmetric scapholunate gap 1750
blockade 591
denervation 445, 594
hyperactivity 587
nervous system 589
Symphalangism 821, 845
Symphyseal fibrocartilaginous 1041
Symphyseal laxity 1040
Symphysis 345f
curettage of 1041
hyaline articular cartilage 344
infection of 1040
pubis 345f, 10391041, 1042f
arthrodesis of 1042f
region of 1020
widening of 689
syndrome 1043, 1044
types of 344
bipartite patella 981
multiple myeloma 234
radial head dislocation 690
Synaptic vesicle precursors 1829
Synchondrosis 344f, 345, 820
injury 1001
Syncope 1988
Syndactyly 854855
classification of 856f
complete 855
complex 855
Syndesmosis 343, 345, 820, 1317, 2221f
Syndesmotic ligaments 1314
of ankle 1314
Synergism 1849
Synostoses 344
Synovectomy 1015, 1048, 1352, 1701, 1786, 1864, 2024
arthroscopic 1769
partial 358
cavity 978f
cell 350
growth 350
chondromatosis 356, 359, 359f, 360, 361, 708, 1153, 1822
chondrometaplasia 359
debridement 1007
disease 1007
entrapment 415
fistula formation 1050
fluid 348, 350, 351, 1009, 2113
adhesion-cohesion 1078
analysis 350
gross examination 351f
typical 353t
fringe inflammation 1677
hemangioma 356, 980
hypertrophy 1752
inflammation 1135
joint 343, 348, 371f, 372f, 1157
anatomy and physiology 348
lubrication 370
mechanics 366
lipomatosis 356
membrane 348, 350, 388, 1734
around knee joint 976f
idiopathic villous overgrowth of 355
osteochondromatosis 360
pathology 2029
infrapatellar 979
superior 938
proliferation 1132
intra-articular 1140
proteins, citrullination of 426
pseudoarthrosis 536, 540
reflection 360
sarcoma 356, 361, 362
clinical features 362
differential diagnosis 362
intra-articular 362
radiology 362
treatment 362
space 1707
structures 939
tissue 355
derived stem cells 2099
xanthoma 355
Synoviocytes 350, 389f
proliferate 350
Synovitis 254, 980, 1019, 1056, 1684, 1699
Synovium 939
adjacent to radial head 1679
disorders of 355
bone graft 2112
polymers 149
Syphilis 426
arthropathy 1140
polyarthritis 479
Syringomyelia 445, 1655
antibiotics 1877
anticoagulation 1962
arterial blood pressure 651
arthritis 99
diabetes 1813
leprosy 1813
disease 538, 667
related infections 1868
disorders 1038
embolism 609
gene therapy 1980
inflammation 651
inflammatory response syndrome 38, 635, 635t637t, 638, 2004
lupus erythematosis 306, 352, 485, 602
rheumatic syndrome 1752
Systolic blood pressure 654, 2002, 2014
Tabes dorsalis 629
Tablar fractures 2229
Table top test 1761f
Tachyarrhythmias 651
Tachycardia 603, 624, 646
Tachypnea 603, 624, 655
Tactile discrimination training 593
Tailor's bunion 1379, 1936
clinical features 1379
etiology 1379
functional causes 1379
treatment 1379
Tailor's exostosis 1332
Tailor's muscle 1163
Talar body lies 1315
Talar compression syndrome 1001
Talar dome 372, 373
Talar head 372, 1317
receives 1312
uncoverage 1386
Talar tilt test 1343
calcaneocavus 713
calcaneovalgus deformity 888
calcaneus 713, 731
cavovarus 730
cavus 719
equinovalgus 730
equinovarus 729, 1355
congenital 1392
equinus 713, 725
angle 724, 1384
articulation, middle facet of 820
incomplete coalition 821f
index 870
interosseous 1315
lateral 879
tear 1346
Talocalcanean interosseous ligament 869
Talocalcaneonavicular, congenital subluxation of 864
Talocalcaneus capsule 869
Talocrural angle 1319
Talocrural joint 1313
posterior glides 999
Talofibular ligament 1312
anterior 1314,1342, 1343
posterior 879, 1314, 1343
Talonavicular capsule 869
Talonavicular joint 420, 815, 1316, 1330, 1355, 1386
capsule 879
Talus 868, 870, 992, 1312
and calcaneus, parallelism of 870
avascular necrosis of 729
blood supply of 306f, 1313f
defective cartilage enlage of 865
flattening of 728
fractures 2227
classification of 307t
Hawkin's classification of 2228f
head of 874, 1336
lateral head of 875
Tamoxifen 89
Tamponade, cardiac 638, 659
Tanezumab 416
Tangential collagen fibers 365
Tanner-Whitehouse method 793
Tapentadol 1961
Taper slip cemented stem reconstruction 1270f
Tardieu scale 735t
Target tissues, consideration of 1982
arthritis 728, 1355
bones and joints 868
coalition 753, 759, 786, 815, 820, 1355
joints 483
transverse 1330
sinus 1313f
tunnel syndrome 999, 1338, 1401
anatomy 1338
clinical features 1339
differential diagnosis 1340
etiology 1339
investigations 1340
symptoms 1340f
treatment medical treatment 1341
wedge osteotomy 1397, 1397f
Tarsoepiphyseal aclasia 707
joint 1316, 1328
junction 1331
Tasocitinib 434
antigen-mediated activation of 425
costimulation, inhibitors of 434
decreases stimulation of 1950
stimulation of 1950
transfected, regulatory 1982
TCL See Transverse carpal ligament
TEA See Total elbow arthroplasty
anterior 1009
classification of 1009
extent of 1107
ligament of 951, 2029
lunotriquetral 1748
Technetium methylene diphosphonate 2020
bone scan 952
pyrophosphate bone scanning 1894
Teichoplanin 463
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma 211, 212f
Temporal bone fractures 1059
Temporomandibular joint 355
Tenderness limited, excessive 1876
Tendinitis 1039, 1053, 1129, 1775, 2029, 2038, 2039
triceps 1049
Tendinopathy 1039, 2034
Tendinosis 1411, 1676, 1677, 1690
Tendinous portion, posteromedial 1028
Tendo-Achilles 447, 869, 989f, 1342
lengthening 747, 880
open Z-lengthening of 878
rupture 1411, 1411f
tear 1411
contracture of 720
lengthening, techniques of 726
transfer of 717
tightness of 723
Tendon 1907, 1981, 2037, 2038
aberrant 1758
absent 1758
adhesions 1806
anatomy of 1731
ancient literature 1878
and ligament repair 2101
partial articular surface 1106
triceps 1049
collagen 1880
disorders 988, 1691, 2038
of elbow 1676
elastic modulus of 1880, 1880f
excursion of 1880
fascicles 1879
gliding, resistance to 1888
ends of 1886
reconstruction 1700
repair using 1786
two-stage 1886
holding forceps 2048, 2049f
injury 315, 2034
causes of 1881
level of 1882
management evolution of 1878
of hand 1888
type of 1882
various zones of 1881f
insertions 1058
instruments 2048
interposition 1769
involving passive flexion 1055
labrum anchor 1083
lengthening 1794
reconstruction, triceps 1691
repair 1880f
postoperative rehabilitation 1887
triceps 1690f
retracts exposing 1028
rupture 2023
pathoanatomy of triceps 1689f
pathophysiology of 1785
triceps 1689
treatment of 1888
sheath 869
fibroma of 265
stripper 2048, 2049f
subluxation 1027, 1755
of biceps 1131
time-dependent elongation of 1879
transfer 725, 741, 878, 881, 1407, 1786, 1794, 1817, 1849, 1850
around ankle 713
failure of 751
Tendonitis 1019, 1935, 2023
triceps 1695
Tennis elbow 57, 592, 1676
chronic salvage surgery for lateral 1683
etiopathogenic mechanisms for 1677
Tenodermodesis 1056
isolated 1129
superficialis 1056
test, normal 1820
Tenosynovial giant cell tumors 355
Tenosynovitis 442, 449, 1755, 1760, 1935, 2039
acute 2039
of wrist 1768
suggestive of 2034
Tensile stress 47
passive 1735
pneumothorax 2002
role of 1879
Tensor fascia 1173f
femoris 1026
lata 524, 1037, 2093
Teratologic dislocation 888, 901
Teriparatide, adverse effects of 96
Terminal swing 524
Terplex system 1974
Terrible triad injury 1048, 1051, 1052, 1701, 1706
Terry Thomas sign 1743
Testut-Kuentz radioscapholunate ligament 316
Tethered cord syndrome 629, 1648, 1649, 1660
associations 1661
clinical features 1661
investigations 1661
pathogenesis 1660
treatment 1661
Tetralogy of Fallot 845
Tetraplegia 734, 1632
TFC See Triangular fibrocartilage
TFCC See Triangular fibrocartilage complex
Thalassemia 649
Thalidomide 272
Thallium-201 2020, 2021
Thanatophoric dysplasia 685, 687
Thecal sac, abnormalities of 2032
Thenar flap 1909, 1910f
Thenar perforator flap, reverse 1911, 1912f
Theophylline 471
Therapeutic lasers 2023
chondroplasty 377
damage, large peripheral zones of 2023
energy, dissipation of 2024
injury 1678
trauma 1891
Thermography 591, 1679
Thermoplastic polyether ether ketone 1946
Thiamine, deficiency of 421, 2118
Thiazide 482
diuretics 94, 481
Thigh 570, 1004
foot angle measurement 760, 760f
hip alignment of 738
lateral cutaneous nerve of 1836, 1844
reduction of 756
thrust test 1480
trunk alignment of 738
Thomas collar 2068
Thomas maneuver 2068
Thomas splint 2068
Thomas test 984, 1013, 2068
Thomas wrench for reducing fractures 2068
Thompson's test 1413f, 1679, 1687
Thompson-Simmonds-Doherty test 1412
Thoracic duct 1991
Thoracic insufficiency syndrome 1539
Thoracic kyphosis 438, 1563
anterior release and fusion 1566
combined procedure 1567
complications 1567
management 1566
posterior instrumentation 1567
surgical treatment 1566
Thoracic lordosis 700
Thoracic nerve
injury 1117
long 1991
Thoracic osteoporotic kyphosis 1564f
Thoracic outlet 1987
decompression 620
syndrome 619, 1809, 1813, 1817, 1986, 1987
development of 843
differential diagnoses for 1989
Thoracic rib, removal of first 1990
Thoracic spine 1584, 1616
Thoracic trauma, severe 2006
Thoracic vertebra 1424
dysplasia 700
typical 1424f
Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair 649
Thoracoabdominal crush injury 623
Thoracoacromial artery 1082, 1920
deformities 442
kyphosis 685, 686
spinal injury 2244
different types of 2245f
Thoracolumbosacral orthosis 1668
Thorax 2005
Throbbing pain, presence of 1872
Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor 613, 660
Thromboangiitis 1989
Thrombocytopenia 608, 613, 625, 639, 641, 655
heparin-induced 602, 608, 612
sudden 624
Thromboembolic disease 406
Thromboembolism 413
Thrombolysis 606, 621
Thrombolytic drugs 611
Thrombomodulin protein S system 600
Thrombophilia 602
Thrombophlebitis 620
superficial 606
Thrombopoietin 649
Thrombosed ulnar radial 1808
Thrombosis 592, 600f
complex process of 600
development of 599
idiopathic 618
pathway 607f
Thrombospondin 16
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 644, 645
Thrombus, evolution of 600
Thrower's shoulder, dysfunctional 1089
Thulium 2023
abduction 1853, 1855
adduction, loss of 1852, 1854
amputation 1914
aplasia 862f
basilar joint 1915
deformity 1865, 1866f, 1866t
classification of 1866
pathogenesis of 1866
treatment of 1867
extension, combination of 1851
flexion, loss of 1852
forceps 2050
hypoplasia 845, 861
classification of 849t, 861f
in-palm deformity types 751f
interphalangeal joint 1883, 1909
loss of 2017
MCP joint, extension of 1812
previous trauma to 1767
reconstruction 850, 1914
Thyroid disease 1135
Tibia 343, 400, 542, 775, 1312
anatomical axes of 768
and fibula
congenital angular deformities of 782
derotation osteotomy of 730
anterolateral bowing of 782
anteromedial 967
deficiencies of 785
pseudoarthrosis of 782, 783, 783f, 783t, 785f
external rotation of 946f
foot axis 760f
incisural surface of 1319
internal rotation of 692
lateral bow of 772
long axis of 731
longitudinal deficiency of 763
mechanical axis of 764
slope of 406
vara 771, 774f, 775, 776
development of 776
infantile 776
Langenskiold classification of 777f
part of 776
treatment of late-onset 775
Tibial artery
anterior 306, 1313f
posterior 306
Tibial articular surface 923
Tibial axial rotation, mild 921
Tibial cartilage 364
Tibial collateral ligament 924, 927, 928, 938, 955
deep portion of 929f
injury 952, 953f
reconstruction 955f
Tibial compensation of varus deformity 773f
Tibial component 411
Tibial condyle fractures, medial 923
Tibial diaphysis, anterior 992
Tibial dysfunction, posterior 1936
Tibial fixation 961
Tibial fractures 585
Tibial hemimelia 782, 786f, 866, 871
diplopodia 786
Tibial internal torsion 771
Tibial joint angle 767, 772f
Tibial nerve 1322, 1328
Tibial osteotomy 405t
wedge 406
Tibial physis 986
Tibial plafond 1311
fracture 2213
Tibial plateau 372
anteroposterior length of 945f
fractures 2205
medial 923, 945
Tibial pseudoarthrosis, excision of 784
Tibial rotation test 965f
Tibial sesamoid 1367f
Tibial shaft 996
axis 764
fracture 2210
Tibial site 961
Tibial slope, alteration of 406
Tibial spine impingement 372
Tibial stress syndrome, medial 997
Tibial syndrome, anterior 570
Tibial tendinitis, posterior 999
Tibial tendon
disease, posterior 990
dysfunction, staging of posterior 1387t
posterior 990, 1342, 1386
Tibial torsion 666, 738
external 729, 759, 760, 807, 1364
internal 761, 864
test 1323
Tibial tubercle 760, 810, 983
fracture 986
medialization 813
osteotomy 413, 813f
Tibial tuberosity 760f
Tibial veins
anterior 599
posterior 599
Tibial version 760
Tibial vessels
anterior 1316, 1900
posterior 1900
Tibiali tendon dysfunction classification, posterior 1387
Tibialis anterior 526, 710, 716, 717, 866, 976, 1405, 2092
isolated paralysis of 715
muscle flap 2091
paralysis of 715
spasticity 528
tendon 960
Tibialis posterior 526, 715717, 869, 1315, 1322, 1323, 1339
insertion of 716
isolated paralysis of 715
reflex 1323
spasticity 528
tendon 1328, 1337
biomechanics 990
disease 990
transfer of 717
use of 718
Tibialis tendon
nonsurgical treatment, posterior 1387
surgical treatment, posterior 1388
posterior 960
Tibialis transfer, split anterior 878
Tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis 309, 309f
complications 309
Tibiocalcanean angle 870
angle 765f, 766f
arthritis, medial 407
articulation 921, 921f, 923
collateral ligaments 922
condyle 923
joint 391, 921, 923
osteoarthritis 398
subluxation 404
Tibiofibular interosseous ligament 1312
Tibiofibular joint 786
capsule 1346
inferior 1336
Tibiofibular ligament 1314, 1343
anterior 1344
anteroinferior 1314
interosseous 1314
posteroinferior 1314
transverse 1314
Tibiofibular synostosis 843
Tibionavicular component 1313
Tibioplantar angle 1394
capsule 869
impingement, posterior 1001
joint 1314, 1319
ligaments, posterior deep 1313
Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis 308
Tibolone 97
Ticlopidine 614
Tikhoff-Linberg resection 1923
Tiludronate 90
Timmerman arthroscopic valgus stress test 1700
Tinel's sign 1801, 1836
absent 1837
positive 1812
Tinel's-Hoffmann sign 1836
Tinnitus 1060
Tip pinch 1855
architecture 2107
biomarkers 393
conduits, multiple component 1845
cytokines 393
amount of 1992
local 1999
debridement 143
derived factor 601
destruction, amount of 1995
development, disorder of 663
engineering 2100
factor pathway inhibitor 613, 660
fibrocartilaginous 544
fixation 961
fragility 671
abnormal 669
growth factor 2110
handling 134
hard 1980
healing, rapid 1892
homeostasis 981
hypoxia-microvascular hypothesis 639
inhibitors of metalloproteinases 393
injury 651
joining of 2078
joint contracture 1940
microscopic rim of 1994
modeling 802
overenthusiastic dissection of 1693
periarticular 1139, 1714
plasminogen activator 660
recombinant 621
specific stem cells 2097
Titanium alloy 1206, 1943, 1944
Tobramycin 63, 148, 149
Tocilizumab 431, 432, 434
Toe 1332
amputation 816, 1892, 1897
brachial index 1894
claw 1936
deformities 1332f, 1395
extensors 715, 716
testing 1322f
flexion, passive 579
mallet 1936
overlapping 1936
clawing of 885
Toe-to-thumb transfer, microvascular 850
Tokuhashi prognostic score, revised 259t
Tolterodin l-tartrate 631
Tom Smith's arthritis 451, 452
Tomosynthesis 550
Tonnis system 906
Tooth injuries 1882
Tophaceous gout 482, 483
Tophus 483, 1762
Toppling sign 1618
Torn fibers 1044
Torsion wedge 537f
nonunion 537
Torsional shaft 1936
Torticollis 664, 666, 818, 841
causes of 669
complications of 668
functional causes of 667
pediatric variety of 664
tubular orthosis for 668
Total bone height loss 1604f
Total disk
repair designs 1467
replacement 1465
aims of 1466
indication 1466
Total elastic suspension 1926, 1927f
Total elbow
arthroplasty 1697, 1701, 1705, 1715
replacement 1697f
Total hip arthroplasty 567, 1034, 1233, 1235f, 1257, 1267, 1297, 1303, 1967
bearing surfaces for 1205
different types of 1205f
goals of 1279
history of 1267
indications for 1279
plan complicated 1967
principle of 1267
silicon nitride bearings in 1218
Total hip replacement 616, 1191, 1303, 2116
arthroplasty 1267
aseptic loosening 1282
cancer risk 1283
clinical results 1281
complications 1281
controversy persists 1279
deep infection 1282
instability 1284
material properties in 1204
Total joint
arthroplasty 358, 1239, 2115, 2119
replacement 865f
Total knee
arthroplasty 305, 407, 648
replacement 436f, 616, 1958, 1967, 1968
surgery 460f
Total leukocyte count 977
Total limb arthroplasty 829
Total pain relief 1952
Total parenteral nutrition 637
Total plexus palsy 835
Total shoulder
arthroplasty 1143f
replacement 1144
Total small joint arthroplasty 1410
Total ulnar head replacement 1782
Total varus deformity 769f
Total wrist arthroplasty, indications for 1864
Totally rigid claw hand 1792
Tourniquet 1892
in orthopedics 2010
induced hypertension 2016
pain 2016
paralysis 2013
pressure 2012
safety 2010
Towel forceps 2050, 2051
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 484, 635
Toxic hydroxyl free radicals 2014
Toxic shock syndrome 635
Toxic synovitis 1242
Toxic theory 623
Toyager's sign 1414f
Trabecular bone 6
pattern 1715
score 78
Trabecular compression 396
Traction apophysitis 1695
Traction injury 1034, 1117
Tramadol 1958
Trampoline test 1776f
amputation 786
hip arthrodesis 1302f
K-wire 1056
Transcranial Doppler sonography 625
Transcranial motor evoked potentials 1532
Transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, reverse 136
Transcriptomics 2114
electrical nerve stimulation 400, 806
nerve stimulation 1989
oxygen pressure 1894
Transepiphyseal vessels 448, 451, 453
Transesophageal echocardiography 625
Transfemoral amputation 1903
endoscopic discectomy 1459
epidural injection 1478
injection 1478f
complications of 1478
disadvantages of 1478
lumbar interbody fusion 1466f
Transforming growth factor 367, 2112
beta 32, 45, 365, 544, 974, 1980, 2073, 2098
associated graft-versus-host disease 645
associated sepsis 645
medicine 641
reactions 635
Transhumeral amputation 1919
epiphysitis, acute 1242
nystagmus 1061
osteoporosis 104
of hip 104, 2035
synovitis of hip 1242
diagnosis 1242
differential diagnosis 1243
epidemiology 1242
etiology 1242
natural history and prognosis 1244
treatment 1244
Transition syndrome 1499
Transitory coxitis 1242
Translation sign, lateral 1618
Transmetatarsal amptutation 1898, 1898f
Transmit viral disease 645
Transparent pericellular glycocalyx 364
Transplanted cells, immunoprotection of 1985
Transpositional osteotomies, rotational 297
Trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation 1750, 1750f
reduction maneuver for 1751f
Transtendinous repair 1111
Transtibial amputation 1899, 1900f
Transtriceps 1050
Transversalis fascia
region of 1044
repair of 1046
Transverse acetabular ligament, region of 1009f
Trapdoor procedure 292f
Trapeziectomy 1769
Trapeziocapitate ligament 1729
arthrodesis 1769
joint 1767, 1768
Trapeziotrapezoid ligament 1729
Trapezium 1724, 1725
Trapezius muscle 1090, 1923
Trauma 254, 391, 572, 602, 635, 638, 940, 981, 1011, 2042
multiple 602
recent 1752
repetitive 1042
amputations 1874
arthrotomies, smaller 349
arthrotomy 349
diagnosis 349
differential diagnosis 349
etiology 349
treatment 349
brain injury 741, 1941
chronic 1063
mild 1061
causes 1692
dislocation 844
heterotopic ossification 270
hypothesis 373
injury 779
acute 1690
history of 1684
nonreconstructable limb 1891
peripheral nerve lesions 1989
precluding extension 1786
rotator cuff tears 1106
scars 1762
shock 651, 658
spinal cord injury 629
spondylolisthesis 1581
tears of labrum 1008
unidirectional bankart surgery 1113
wounds 2076
Tree of Andry 2066f
Treg cells 424
Tremor 593
Trendelenburg gait 530, 530f, 757, 763
Trendelenburg sign 1030, 1185
positive 757, 892
Trethowan's sign 828
Trevor's disease 707, 707f
Triamcinolone acetonide injections 1680
Triangular fibrocartilage, anatomy of 1773
Tricalcium phosphate 61, 961
Tricarboxylic citric acid 2114
long head of 1078
retraction 1717
surae, contracture of 717
tendon, complications of 1691
Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome 701, 910, 1237
Tricyclic antidepressant 73
drugs 631
Trident hands 685
Trigeminal neuralgia 2023
Trigger digits 1753, 1755, 1759, 1768
congenital 862, 863f
Trigger finger 1677, 1756f
Trigger point 1032
injection 1033, 1474
Trigger thumb, congenital 1758
Trimethylene carbonate 961
Triphasic bone scan 2020
Triplanar osteotomy 1398
Triplanar Z-osteotomy of calcaneum 1398f
Tripod vertebral joint 1446
Triquetral-hamate-capitate ligament complex 1739
Triquetrum 1728, 1746, 1749
and distal ulnar head, involvement of 1787
hamate joint 1747
Trisomy 13 1655
Trisomy 18 1237, 1655
Trisomy 21 682, 910
Trivial trauma 940
bursa 1037
prominent 757, 1037
advancement 1026
arthroplasty 456
bursa 1037f
bursitis 1007, 10261028, 1037, 1038f
chronic 1037
management of 1038
treatment of 1038
displacement osteotomy 1247
epiphysiodesis 455
osteoplasty 1026
osteotomy 1259, 1260f, 1262
complications of 1265
extended 1262
indications, oblique 1261
oblique 1261, 1263f
steps, oblique 1261
pain syndromes, lateral 1047
prominences 1038
reduction osteotomy 1038, 1039f
region 1020
slide 1261
wires 1262f
Trochlea 1049, 1050
fracture 2148
dysplasia 807, 809, 809f, 811f
groove 805
notch of ulna 1701
recontouring osteotomy 1717
Trojan peptides 1975
Trophic factors 788, 1845
Tropomyosin 1067, 1070
Troponin 1067, 1070
proteins 1070
Tru-cut biopsy 179
Trueta's hypothesis 128
Truncal dwarfism 689
Trunk bending
anterior 528, 529f
posterior 528
Trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 2104
Tryptophan 2114
Tsuge classification 1795
T-test, paired 493
Tube pedicle 978f
Tubercular arthritis
clinical stages of 475t
diagnosis 465
radiologic findings 465
treatment 468
infection 104
osteomyelitis 158, 160f
skin test 432, 466
Tuberculosis 463, 756
active 467
extrapulmonary 464, 465, 469
induced spinal damage 445
arthritis 388
infections 2032
paraplegia, classification of 1611
fractures 552f
ischial 1037
of heel, posterior 867
Tubiana staging system 1762f, 1762t
Tubingen splint 896, 897
Tubular plate, one-third 2056
Tubules, transverse 1069, 1070f
Tudor-Edward bone cutting forceps single action 2044
Tumor 263, 978, 986, 1684, 2022
active 227
benign 262
cells 251
extra-articular 355
growth 169f
like lesions 192
malignant 262, 1905, 2023
masses, spatial boundaries of 2036
metastases 239
assessment of 185, 186f
factor 356, 368, 380, 391, 653
of bone, primary malignant 171t
of heel 1401
related genes 683
mutations of 683
representation of 190
simulators 191t
Turbo spin echo 959
Turner's syndrome 683
Twist length 1992
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor 359
Tyrosinemia 1975
treatment of 423
UCL See Ulnar collateral ligament
Ulceration 613
Ulcerative colitis 444, 602, 630
insensate 2094
pressure 38, 1647
Ulna 343, 1050, 1919
dorsal subluxation of 852
epicondyle, prominent 844
impaction syndrome 1746
impingement syndrome 1786, 1789f
length of 1787
nonunion of 536f
proximal fragment of 536f
abutment syndrome 1788
artery 1730
laceration of 1807
thrombosis 1815
capsulotomy 850
claw hand 1854, 1854f
club hand 844f
collateral ligament 1672, 1684, 1694, 1766
injury 1684, 1765
lateral 1673, 1693
medial 1694
parts of 1672t
sprain 1049
deviation 1727, 1738f
digital nerve translocation 1853
dislocation 1776
drift of fingers 1858f
development of 1863
gutter splint 1940
dislocated 1775
radius of curvature of 1772
subluxation 1785
subluxing 1775
hypothenar flap 1909
impaction syndrome 1786
impingement syndrome 1788
nerve 1049, 1050, 1695, 1699
anatomy of 1810
bifurcation of 1815
compression 1701
decompression 1814
entrapment 1813
injury 1710, 1713
irritation 1699
palsy 1050, 1763
subluxation 1049, 1812
symptoms, persistent 1685
transposition 1048, 1814
neuritis 1049, 1693, 1695
neuropathy 1711
occurrence of 1683
rule out 1684
osteotomy 1778
pull tag 1858
shift, combination of 1858
fracture 1776, 1778
nonunion 1788
surface replacement 1781f
translocation 1737, 1737f, 1739, 1744
tunnel syndrome 1815
variance, positive 1787
wrist pain 1772
Ulnocarpal impaction syndrome 848, 1786, 1786f, 1788
Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene 1865, 1945
Ultrasound therapy, local 1804
Umbilical cord, short 694
acetabular cups, role of 1292
femoral stems 1274
Unfractionated heparin, Low dose 610, 616
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty 407
contraindications 408
indications 408
preoperative planning 408
principle 407
rationale 407
Unicompartmental knee replacement 1966
Unicondylar knee
arthroplasty 305, 407
replacement systems, robot-assisted 1967
Unilateral tarsal joint attack 483
Universal saddle joint 1771
elbow 1717
injury 442
slipped capital femoral epiphysis 829
Upper extremity
deep vein thrombosis, causes of 618
deformity, surgical correction of 697
management of 749
orthoses 1941
rating scale 749
Upper limb 257, 1921
amputation 1907
development of 831, 832f
nerve palsy 1850
orthoses 1939
prosthesis 1930
functional 1917
swinging motion of 524
trauma 2121
Upper motor neuron 1554, 1661, 1941
Upper plexus, function of 834
Urate crystal deposition 480
diverticulum 629
occlusive devices 630
Uric acid 480
crystals of 352f, 419f
levels 989
nephrolithiasis 480
Uricase therapy 485
Uricosuric agents 480, 484
Uricosuric drug 484
bladder, dysfunctional 627
catheters 630
glucosyl-galactosyl pyridinoline 393
retention 627, 630
sphincter dysfunction 590
system 627
tract infection 167, 635, 637
Urine 649
analysis 2003
cultures 636
cytology 629
Urist triphasic hypothesis 25
Urology 649
Urticaria 613
VAC therapy, benefits of 2076
Vacuum assisted closure 2076
Valgum 1364
deformity 764f
amount of 1257
and varus stress test 945
deformity 1385
of foot, development of 714f
elbow instability, chronic 1698
extension overload
syndrome 1049, 1692, 1695, 1701, 1702f
test 1695, 1699
foot deformity 1355
instability 1692, 1699f
intertrochanteric 568
osteotomy 567, 568, 568f, 1240, 1250f
knee 957
laxity 1694
malalignment 376
neck angle 1190f
osteotomy 296, 1256f
overload syndrome 1706
producing high tibial osteotomy 403
redirectional osteotomy 745
strain 1671
prevents excessive 1696
stress 1674, 1694, 1695
test 953, 964, 1695, 1699, 1699f
stressing elbow 1699
test, rotation 940
thrust predicts failure 406
tilting 1313
Valid alternative randomization method 502
Valleix phenomenon 1339
Vallum unguis 1869
Valproic acid 1655
van Buchem disease 100
Vancomycin 148, 149, 1965
Vancouver classification 1286f, 1286t
Vancouver method 1300, 1301f
Vanishing bone disease 247, 1140
Varicella syndrome, congenital 832
alignment, pathologic 967
and valgus stress test 946f
deformity 723, 1384
recurrent 759
severe 396f
derotation osteotomy 744, 916
forces 966
hip 1016, 1184
instability 1692
osteotomy 1253
proximal femoral osteotomy 1250f
malalignment 376
osteotomy 297
stress 1674, 1695
test 1695
thrust gait 967
Vasa nervorum occlusion 1418
cell adhesion molecule-1 350
channel defects 1452
claudication 580
disease 311
disorders 1891
endothelial growth factor 90, 300, 361, 544, 974, 1681, 2098, 2112
injury 38, 406, 585, 836, 1667
associated 1841
major 572
insufficiency 373
lesions 192, 832
supply, multiple 1911
theory 866
Vascularized bone grafting procedure 308
Vasculitis 426
Vasomotor response, abnormal 587
Vasopressors, role of 657
intermedius 938, 1182
lateralis 938
muscle, fibrosis of 788
medialis 1182
obliquus 807, 927, 938
Vaughan-Jackson syndrome 1785, 1785f
Vegetative ganglia, ganglionic cells of 1827
VEGF See Vascular endothelial growth factor
Veillonella 1873
Vein 1923
axillary 1988
damage 598
graft 1915
injuries 974
intersegmental graft 1845f
stenting 620, 621
subclavian 1988, 1991
thrombosis, treatment of deep 606
Velpeau projection 1100
Vena cava
inferior 609
superior 621
syndrome, superior 620
Venography 1989
Venous corona mortis 1181
Venous foot pumps 610
Venous hypertension theory 572
Venous pressure, central 2002, 2014
Venous system, superficial 599
Venous thoracic outlet syndrome, treatment of 1990
Venous thromboembolism 598
Venous thrombosis 599f, 610, 612t
pathogenesis of deep 600
prophylaxis of deep 610
Venous thrombus, development of 610
Ventilation, mechanical 633
Ventilatory failure 655
Ventricular septal defects 845
Verbal rating scale 1951
plana 1662
rotation of 1518
superior end 1507
actinomycosis 162
anomalies 666
artery 1988
body 174, 1463t, 1625
anterior wedging of 1608f
various ligaments joining 1426f
column 1423, 1423f, 1824f, 2032
curvatures of 1424, 1425f
development of 1540, 1540f
resection osteotomy 1552, 1552f
deformity 76
discitis 1600
diseases, multiple 1620
disk, innervation of 1430
endplates 1426, 1428f
involvement, types of 1602, 1603
joints 1425
ligaments, juxta-articular ossification of 1582
metastases 1662
pyogenic osteomyelitis 1621
computerized tomography 1624
conservative management 1626
differential diagnosis 1625
etiology 1621
imaging 1623
management algorithm for 1624fc
neurological involvement 1622
pathophysiology 1622
prognosis 1627
surgical management 1626
treatment principles 1626
venous plexus 1602f
Vertebroplasty 84, 85f, 86, 1228, 1664f
balloon assisted 85
Vertical scapular osteotomy 842, 842f
Vertical talus 787
congenital 759, 814, 814f, 815
deformity of foot 694f
Vertical trochanteric osteotomy 1262
Vertigo 1060
postural 1988
Vesicles, role of 9f
Vesicoureteral reflux 629
Vesiculopustular skin lesions 449
around hip joint 1166
condition of 2017
management of 1904
Vestibular schwannomas, bilateral 683
Vicker's ligament 851, 854
Vicker's test 1942
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 1530, 1619f
Villi stroma 357
Villonodular structure 357
Villous hypertrophy 479
Villous synovitis 355
Vimentin 350
arthritis 429
based delivery systems 1972f
disease 317
controlling of 1977
risk of 691
mediated gene delivery systems 1972
vectors based therapy 1978
Virchow's triad 598f
Visceral motoneurons, cell bodies of 1826
Vision, double 1060
Visual analog scale 1951
A 31, 75, 1655
deficiency of 2118
B 75
B12, deficiency of 2118
C 677
deficiency 837, 2118
D 29, 30, 75, 87, 107, 677
deficiency 75, 112
dependent rickets 111
disorders 107
receptor 30, 390
resistant rickets 776
formation and metabolism of 31
role of 31
D3 29, 30, 108
E 402
antagonist 612, 616
supplementation 87
Voiding cystometrogram 629
advancement flap 1908, 1909f
angulation 1747
comminution 552
flexion 1724
plate arthroplasty 1058
radiolunate ligament injury 1746
sensations 1855
tendon subluxation 1754
wrist ligaments 1743
Volkmann's canals 7
Volkmann's curette double ended 2047f
Volkmann's ischemia 1941
Volkmann's ischemic
contracture 38, 570, 573, 583, 1790, 1808
classification of 1791
development of 1796
Volkmann's sign 1793, 1793f
Volumetric modulated arc therapy 190
von Gierke's disease 480
von Recklinghausen disease 683, 684f
von Rosen splint 896, 897
von Willebrand factor 131, 613
Voorhoeve disease 706
Waddell's signs 1500
Wafer procedure 1779
Wagner's apparatus 883
Wagner's device 802, 883
Wagner's modification 1899
Wagner's technique 802
Wagner's type lengthening device 803f
Wagstaffe fracture 2220f
Waist 549
Waiter's tip posture 834, 836f
Waldenstrom stages 909t
Walenkamp phenomenon 136
energy demands of 526
velocity 525
Wall sign, posterior 1020, 1023
Wallerian degeneration 709, 1825, 1832, 1836
protein 1835
Warfarin 471, 482
Wartenberg's sign 1854
Wartenberg's syndrome 1821, 1822f
Water imbibed proteoglycans act 368
Watson maneuver 1743
approach, incision for 1173f
handle for guidewire 2053, 2053f
procedure 1347
technique 1347, 1348f
transarticular nail arthrodesis 476
WBC See White blood cells
Weak tibialis
anterior 528, 730
posterior 528, 730
Wear particles, migration of 1199f
Weatherwax modification 947, 948f
Weber and Lautenbach method 145
Webspace infection 1874
Webster's new world dictionary 2075
Wedge vertebra 1539f, 1542
Weeping lubrication 1203
Weibel-Palade bodies 246
bone 1772
joints 390
role of 307
through joint 1865
gain, excessive 833
loss, severe 640
Weightlifter's shoulder 1132
Weightlifting program 1132
Weil's osteotomy, modified 1409
Weinstein-Boriani-Biagini staging system 258, 260f
Wells clinical score 603t
Well-vascularized flap 2091
Werner's syndrome 171, 786
Western Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index 499
Wheaton’ brace 876
Whiplash injury See also Shoulder injuries
Whipple's disease 429, 437, 441
Whistling face 699
White blood cell 644, 2033
count 1623, 1964
White knuckle sign of Ortolani 891
Wick catheter technique 577
Wick method 577f
Wilcoxon rank sum-test 510
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test 509
Wilenski concept 127
Wilhelm procedure of denervation 1681
Willebrand's disease 645
Williams rods 677
Wilson's disease 418, 1279
Wilson's method 827
Winchester's syndrome 248
Windlass action 824
Windlass mechanism 1327f
Windlass test 998
Winquist classification 2191f
Wolff's law 9, 27, 28, 42, 46, 46f, 75, 456, 694, 239, 868, 992
World Anti-doping Agency 1065
Wormian bones 20
adequate debridement of 2078
ballistics 1992, 1992f
care, principles of 2073
complications 1356
contraction 2074
contracture 1707
managing 2080
dressings and dressing materials 2080
healing 2073, 2117
factors affecting 2078
rapid 1897
hematoma 1807, 1897
infection 1046, 1996
infiltration, local 1955
shrinkage 2076
therapy, pressure 146f
Woven bone 7
Wrestlers syndrome 1132
Wright's hyperabduction test 1989
Wright's maneuver 619
Wrist 1585, 1706, 1731
and carpal
blood supply of 1731f
bone injuries 2170
and finger drop 1851f
arthritis 1864f
arthrodesis 324, 324f, 1751
arthrography 1744, 1776
arthroplasty 865f, 1864
arthrosis 1776
block anesthesia 1058
brachial index 1894
cock-up splint 1940
denervation 323, 1741
disarticulation 1916
dorsiflexion of 1722
driven flexor hinge splint 1941, 1941f
extension 1851
splint 1940
weakness of 1820
extrinsic and intrinsic ligaments of 1728
deformities, dynamic 750
resisted 1684
flexors 1916
fusion 849, 850, 1751, 1864
joint 323f
arthrodesis of 1743f
kinematics of 1724
movements at 1725f
stiffness of 1806
ligaments, extrinsic 1729f
pain 845
radiological anatomy of 1727
restricts grasp, flexion deformity of 750
scaphoid 1941
snapping 1676
sprains 1940
units 1933
weakness of 1852
X chromosomes 683
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor 484
Xanthochromia 351
Xanthoma 978
cells 357
formation 356
Xanthosarcoma 231
Xenograft tissues 1112
Xerophthalmia 428
Ximelagatran 611
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets 113, 418
YAG See Yttrium-aluminum-garnet
Yellow flag 1440t, 1473
Yergason's test 1094, 1094f, 1125
Yersinia 444, 645
Y-ligament 879
Yoga therapy 1445
Young and Burgess classification 2234f
Young's modulus value 369
Young's tenosuspension 1386
Yount's release 712
Yttrium oxide 1214
Yttrium-aluminum-garnet crystals 2023
Zancolli's classification 1789, 1792
treatment on 1796
Zancolli's types 1792f
Z-deformity 427, 427f, 1857f
Zero-order tensors 519
Z-foot 823, 880
Zig-zag incision 1877
Zinc oxide, addition of 2110
Zirconia 1215f, 1946
ceramic 1213, 1215
Zoledronate 90, 102, 677
acid 90, 231, 261, 336
Zona orbicularis 1163
Z-plastic tenotomy 727
Z-plasty 717, 2080, 2081, 2081f
factors affecting 2081
technique 1028f
Zygomycetes 1963
Chapter Notes

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