Cyberpsychiatry Sudhir Bhave, Sushil Gawande, Abhijeet Faye, Anagha Sinha Saoji
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Acceptance and commitment therapy 62, 136
Action games 32
Addiction 53
to cyberspace 52, 68
Addictive behaviors 59
disorders due to 59
Addictive design 76
Adjustment disorders 189
addiction 132
use disorder 111
Alexithymia 203
Allied health literature 164
Alzheimer's project, international genomics of 166
Analyzing qualitative data, tools for 172, 172t
Anchoring 46
Animal-assisted therapy 138
Animal-shaped robot 209
Anorexia nervosa, genetic consortium for 166
Anthropomorphism 46
Anti-addiction 147
Antitechnology 129
Anxiety 7, 86, 111, 133, 201, 203
disorder 145, 203
AppDetox 139
Apps 149, 213
Artificial intelligence 163, 173, 206
in mental health, utility of 209t
Asynchronicity 49
Asynchronous 181, 182
communication 8, 9
Attention 210
deficit 127
hyperactivity disorder 8, 71f, 75, 93, 94, 111, 133, 145, 184, 201, 209
symptoms of 21
Audio 181
Authority, minimization of 50
Autism spectrum disorder 184
Automated communication 8, 9
Based gamification 210
Basic education 180
Behavior 53
change 40
Behavioral addiction 132
Behavioral therapy 137
Bias blind spot 46
Big-data engines 166
Binge-watching 42
Bisexual 87
Bluetooth 16
Bondage 157
Boon versus bane 199
Boredom 44
Brain 43
development 18
Bully-victim 201
Business entrepreneurship 24
Bygone era 16
Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery 169
Cannabis 160
Captology 40
Cardiology 178
Chat rooms 158
Chat therapy 9
Chen's internet addiction scale 122, 134
Child and adolescent psychiatry 184
Child sexual abuse 184
Child Sexual Offences Act, prevention of 160
Children from Sexual Offences Act, protection of 160
Clearlock 139
Client-therapist relationship 193
Clinical psychology 207
Cognitive behavior
model focuses 54
therapy 57, 60, 82, 136, 184, 195, 209, 210
Cognitive development 19
Cognitive enhancement games 210
Cogstate brief battery 169
Commercial opportunities 24
Commitment therapy 138
Commodity 205
Common assessment tools 124
Common mental health conditions, prevalence rates of 111t
Common reference management tools, comparative characteristics of 168t
Common scientific databases, comparative characteristics of 165t
Communication 182, 205, 207
in telepsychiatry, modes of 181
modes of 181t
Comorbid psychiatric conditions 55
Comorbidity, assessment of 121, 127
Complex intervention 147
Comprehensive meta-analysis 169
Compulsive buying disorder 43
Compulsive internet use scale 124
Compulsive repetition 136
addiction 52, 74, 133
game addiction, short-term treatment for 138
pathological use of 74
Conduct disorder 75
Confidential mode 216
Confirmshaming 48
Consultation-care model 180
Consultation-liaison psychiatry 184
Consumables 128
Continued influence effect 46
Control filters 214
Cooperative games 32
Coping skills 134
Coronavirus disease 2019 6, 155, 177, 186f, 199, 206
pandemic 185
Counter strike 56
Crisis management 194
Cyber 1
addiction 103
aggression 24
business 2
civil rights initiative's non-consensual pornography study 87
contexts, societal change in 5
culture 2
dating abuse 47
education 2
effect 5
ethics 2
fashion 2
linked behaviors 109, 112
linked pathologies 80
mall 2
pollution 45
porn 2
psychiatric disorders 131, 132
psychiatry 11
psychology 4, 11, 12
psychopathologies 80
punk 2
racism 203
related factors 5
related problematic behaviors 81
relational addiction 52, 133
relationship 125, 202
security 2
selves 2
sexual 125
stalking 7
suicide 101
time 2
Tsunami 45
victimization 24
violence 47
Cyberage 16
growing in 15, 24
on development, impact of 18
Cyber-art 2
Cyber-behaviors 80
Cyberbully, secondary 91
Cyberbullying 2, 6, 7, 15, 24, 29, 32, 35, 47, 91, 92, 101, 106, 112, 133, 149, 201, 204
forensic aspects of 155
Cyber-café 2
Cyber-cash 2
Cyberchondria 3, 81, 82, 101, 108, 112, 133, 150
severity scale 82
Cyberchondriacs 80
Cybercrime 2, 24, 47
forensic aspects of 158
Cybercriminal activities 1, 5
Cyberespionage 2
Cyber-goth 2
Cybergrooming 108
Cyber-linked behavior
epidemiological perspectives on 101
physical and psychological consequences of 114
prevalence for 102
psychiatric comorbidity in 109, 112
risk factors for 102, 110t
Cyberloafing 43
Cybermedicine 176
Cyberoperations 2
disorders, management principles of 131
forensic aspects of 153
future of 199
Cybersex 2, 7, 101, 107, 112, 201
Cybersexual addiction 52, 133
Cybershopping 1
Cybersociety 2, 4
Cyberspace 13, 5, 11, 1517, 29, 34, 36, 3941, 43, 44, 176, 177, 199, 200, 204, 205t
age of 15
control and energy 41
effect of 48t
environment of 10
human behavior in 3
impact of 1, 29, 48
nature of 1
nudges of 48
on cognitive 17
overuse of 200
power of 40
science of 1
structure of 1
use of 201, 203
Cyberstalking 2, 4, 47, 85, 107, 112, 202
forensic aspects of 155, 158
Cybersuicide 108
forensic aspects of 157
Cybersurfing 1
Cyberterrorism 48, 158
Cybertherapy 8, 9
Cyberthreats 2
Cybervictimization 105
Dark side 39
Data quest 166
behavioral symptoms in 184
psychological symptoms in 184
Dentistry 178
Depression 7, 111, 133, 145, 203
higher risk for 201
self-help for 208
Depressive disorder 189
major 184
Dermatology 178
Digital data
analysis 171
collection software, comparative characteristics of different 170
summarization 167
Digital ECHO-NIMHANS 187
Digital footprints 159
Digital gratification 203
Digital immigrants 40
functioning profile of 41t
Digital native
brain 44
functioning profile of 41t
Digital primary data collection, web-based 169
Digital resilience 7
Digital risk 10
Digital screen 179, 203, 207
Digital self-harm 93
Digital technology, interconnected 199
Digital time 203
Digitalization 199
Digitally mediated research methods 163
Discipline 157
Disguised advertisements 48
Dissociative anonymity 49
Dissociative imagination 50
Distress 82, 203
Doctor-patient relationship 159
Double-edged sword 179
Drug 132
and Cosmetics Act 187
and magic remedies 187
risk 191
Dual-edged sword 196
Dunning-Kruger effect 46
Dysfunctional behavior 33
Dysphoria 24
Easyma 169
Eating disorders 133, 189
E-cash 54
E-chat 181
Echo chamber effect 45, 46
Ecological momentary assessment 163, 172
E-commerce 203
Education 203
resources information center 164
Educational institutions 144
E-evaluation 178
Electroacupuncture 137
Electronic cash 54
Electronic data capture 163, 169
Electronic gambling 203
Electronic gaming machine 105
Electronic health record 178
Electronic medical records and genomics network 166
E-mail 9, 158, 215
therapy 9
Emerging cyber-pathologies 96
Emotion 126
Emotional comfort 121
Enhancing social support 134
Enslavement by technology 205
Entertainment 128, 203
Environment 182
Environmental intervention 147
Environmental modifications 140
Environmental Protection Act 187
Eriksonian stage 21
Escapism 45
Ethnicity 105, 106
Excessive internet use, physical and psychological consequences of 113, 113t
Excessive screen time 74
Excessive stress 203
Expanding resilience 122
External stimuli, cognitive responses to 54
Extortion 68
Extremists 5
Eye strain 57
Eyestrain, risk of 214
Facebook 8, 11, 23, 31, 33, 36, 102
age 40
messenger 182
Face-to-face 34, 154, 164
relationship 9
web-based 208
Factitious illness behavior 83
False information 68
Family 92, 148
dynamics 35
therapy 184
Fast-paced programs, avoid 213
Fatigue systems 147
Fear of missing out 71
anxious state of 33
First telepsychiatry consultation 190fc
First-person shooter 56
Forensic cyberpsychiatry, future of 160
Forensic psychiatry 184
Framing effect 46
Friend spam 49
Frontotemporal dementia 171
Functional magnetic resonance imaging 58
Future research, scope for 115
Gadgets 180
Gambler's fallacy 46
disorder 59
potential for 202
Games 56
Gaming and artificial intelligence 195
Gaming and gambling 43
Gaming disorder, criteria for 57b
Gastrointestinal systems 203
Gender 106
General data protection regulation 10
Generalized anxiety disorder 111, 184
Generation X 40
Generational break 23
Generative adversarial network 173
Genetics 166
Geriatric psychiatry 184
Global internet usage 102
age 40
deepmind 173
hangouts 182
meet 208
scholar 164
tensorflow 173
Hacking 158
Hacktivists 5
Headache, risk of 214
Health anxiety 178
Healthy online self-helping center 138
Hearing 113
Hepima 169
High frequency trading 73
Hostile attribution bias 46
Human development 15
Human factors 182
Human Organ Act, transplantation of 187
Human touch 200
Humans hackable 43
Hyperactivity disorder 21, 127, 148
Hyperchondriasis 202
Hypochondriasis 145
Iceberg, tip of 184
Identifiable victim effect 47
Identity formation 204
Identity thieves 158
IEEE Xplore 164
Imaginary communication 8
Incompetent stalkers 85
Indian Psychiatric Society 188, 197, 207
telepsychiatry guidelines 189b
Indigo children 44
Infections 113
Information 207
and communication technology 15, 92, 176
education, and communication 184, 209
overload 52, 133
syndrome 75
pollution 207
Providing Programs 147
Technology and Mental Healthcare Act 187
Injuries and accidents 113
Instagram 15, 102
Intellectual disability disorder 184
Internal medicine 178
Internal stimuli, cognitive responses to 54
International classification of diseases 7, 53, 57b, 122
gaming disorder in 69
Internet 16, 81
age 40
and addiction, unhealthy use of 202
based systems 181
compulsions 133
dependency 121
exercises, distraction with 122
gambling 104
munchausen by 82, 83
of humans 3
penetration of 102
protocol 164
related disorders, prevention of 144
related pursuits 122
risk factor 54
short-term treatment for 138
took over 19
usage 102, 105
Internet addiction 55b, 101, 103, 109, 111f, 113, 121, 131
diagnostic questionnaire 134
disorder 131
psychiatric comorbidity in 109
recovery program 138
risk factors for 105t
scale 124
specific 52
test 122, 133
Internet gaming disorder 56, 57b, 101, 103, 109, 111
physical and psychological consequences of 114
psychiatric comorbidity in 111
risk factors for 105t
Internet use 134
assessment of 121, 124
nature of 125
pattern of 145
problematic 109, 121
skills with 149
Internet-related psychopathology, classification of 201
Interpersonal communication 8, 9
Interpersonal situations, skills with 149
Intimacy seeking stalkers 85
Invisible communication 8, 9
Knowledge, attitude and practice 184, 185
Korsakoff's syndrome 171
Laptop 180
Learning 41
disability 184
Local area network 56
Loses power 147
Malware development 158
Marathon viewing 42
Masochism 157
Massively multiplayer online game 56
role-playing 31, 56
Media richness 30
Medical internet research 10
Medical professional, mistrust of 82
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 187
Melodious feedbacks 16
Mental disorder
common 184
diagnostic and statistical manual of 53, 57b, 69, 94, 102, 104, 122, 132
digital research tools for 169
severe 184
statistical manual of 59
Mental health 176
gaming interventions in 195t
Survey 166
Mental Healthcare Act 187
Mental reliance, advancement of 122
Mental stimulation 121
Messages 19
Metabolomics 166
Metacognitive 20
Microsoft excel 171
Microsoft's V-box 31
Microstructural organization 19
Minimal cognitive impairment 210
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 187
Misogyny 5
Mobile 180
phone addiction 132
Moral development 24
Motor and physical development 24
Multiplatform 15
Multiplayer online
battle arena 56
video game 18
Multisensory stimulation 18
Musculoskeletal problems 113
Musculoskeletal sprain 57
Myelination 19
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 187
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences 187, 188, 189b, 207
National Library of Medicine 164
National Mental Health Program 185
National Mental Health Survey 183
Natural language processing 173
Negative affective states 203
Negative consequences, assessment of 121, 128
Net binges 126
Net compulsions 52
NetMetaXL 169
Network bandwidth 208
Neurocognitive tasks 20
Neuroimaging 23
Neuromancer 1, 2
Neuroplasticity 16, 17
Neuropsychology 191
Nonaddiction internet use disorders, prevention of 149
Nonsuicidal self-injury 157
Obesity 148
risk of 214
disorder 81, 145, 178, 209
symptom dimensions 82
Offline addiction 74
Offline variant 74
Omission bias 47
Oncology 178
Online addictions, specific 55
Online anonymity 5
Online designer drugs, forensic aspects of 160
Online gambling disorder 58
Online games 149
Online gaming disorder 55
Online harms 3
Online porn addiction 60
Online pornography use, problematic 60
Online psychiatric consultation and prescription, forensic aspects of 155
Online psychotherapy, forensic aspects of 154
Online risks 1
Online sexual
predators and pedophilia, forensic aspects of 160
victimization 150
Online shopping disorder 62
Online therapies, future of 207
Open access journals, directory of 164
Open diary 30
Ophthalmology 178
Oppositional defiant disorder 75
Painting 206
Panic disorder 189
Parental level 147
Parent-child conflict 144
Parkinson's disease 171
Pathological internet use 123t, 125
assessment of 125f, 211
Peltzman effect 47
Penn longitudinal database 166
People misbehave online 49
Person-affect-cognition-execution, interaction of 54
Personal computer 128
Personal digital-time management tips 215
Personal identification number 214
Personality characteristics 145
Personality disorders 178, 203
Pharmacy Act 187
Phishing 47, 158, 203
Phobias 178
Phone 180
Physical fitness and obesity 113
Physical injuries 24
Physiological effects 158
Policy changes 147
Policy interventions 76
Pornograhic videos 6
Pornography 149
addiction, forensic aspects of 156
Postgraduate trainees 184
Post-pandemic digitalization 206
Post-traumatic stress disorder 45, 86, 184, 189, 201
Potential mental health 200
Predatory stalkers 86
Prenatal Sex Determination Test Act 187
Prior sexual exploitation, history of 145
Privacy zuckering 49
Pseudomonas 114
Psychiatric comorbidities, common 111f
Psychiatric disorders 135, 203
Psychiatric genomic consortium 166
Psychiatric social work 207
services 194
Psychiatry 178, 207
adult 184
artificial intelligence in 208
department of 197
preventive 184
Psychoeducation 150
Psychological and personality factors 55
Psychological approaches 136
Psychological distress 7
Psychology 207
Psychosomatic challenges 128
Psychotherapy 154, 183, 192
and social work 184
Public shaming 68
PubMed 164
Puzzle games 32
Qualitative data analysis software, computer-assisted 171
Qualitytime 139
Randomized controlled trials 58, 187
Rayyan 168t
Real communication 9
Reality therapy, effectiveness of 136
Reduced sleep 203
Rehabilitation 184
Relieve depression 167
Repetitive strain injury 127
accessing digital data for 164
methodology 163
Resentful stalkers 85
Revenge porn 47, 50, 86, 133, 202
victims of 151
Revengeful pornography 107
RevMan 169
Right to health 200
Role-playing games 32
Sadomasochism 157
Schizophrenia 189
Security, sense of 133
Seizures 128
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 135
Sensorimotor 18
Sensory 9
communication 8, 9
Sequenced treatment alternatives 167
Sex chats 202
Sexting 157
Sextortion 6
Sexual exploitation 68
Sexual extortion 90
Sexual harassment 158
Sexual interactions 202
Sexual offences, protection of children from 90
Sexual violence pandemic 6
Sexually transmitted diseases 107
Short-messaging services 9
Silver linings 207
Skills training 184
Skype 208
Sleep disorders 8
Sleeplessness, risk of 214
Sleep-wake cycle 24
Smartphone 16, 17, 21, 214
addiction, forensic aspects of 159
age 40
Snapchat 33, 72
Social and behavioral evaluation 163
Social anxiety 178
Social change 32
Social communication 24
Social contacts 41
Social factors 55
Social functioning 41
Social media 30, 71
addiction 69, 70, 71f
platforms 30
relationships 35
tribalism 46
Social networking sites 29, 30, 91, 149, 158
Social phobia 145
Social presence 30
Social relations and internet 203
Social structure 32
Social-emotional skills 213
Socioeconomic status 105, 106
Socioemotional development 21
Sock puppets 83, 84
Software 169
Solipsistic introjection 49
Sony's playstation 31
Stanford persuasive technology lab 40
Staphylococcus 114
Statistical analysis software 172
Stay off 139
Stickiness 42
Stigma 164
Stock trading addiction 72
Strategic games 32
Strengthen primary healthcare centers 184
and emotions 149
reactions, acute 189
Substance use 203
disorder 145
Substance, disorders due to 59
Suicidal ideation 7
Suicidal risk 191
Suicidality 203
Suicide prevention 184
Surveillance 68
Synchronous 8, 181
communication 8
Technological feasibility 208
Technology addiction 200
Technology information, attitude to 41
Technology use 204
advantages of 178b
promises of 178
smartphone apps 181
Telemental health 178
applications of 184
utilizing cyberspace for 176
Telephone 181
Telepsychiatric consultations 183
Telepsychiatric social work practice 193fc
Telepsychiatry 179, 182, 191
challenges for 187
evidence for 187
guidelines 186
participate in 180
practice of 194
protocol 190fc
relevance of 183
scope of 180
service 191fc
utilization of 180
Telepsychotherapy services, guidelines for 192fc
Television 214
Text messaging 149
Theoretical explanatory models 54
Therapeutic robots 209
Toddlerhood 21
Toddlers 16
Touch screens 16
Transdisciplinary 11
Transhumanism 206
Triggers, assessment of 121, 126
Twitter 33
Updating status 36
Victim blaming 158
Video 181
conference 181
games 214
positive impact of 32t
Virtual connectivity 203
Virtual knowledge network 187
Vision 113
Web binges 121
Web of science 164
child sex tourism 88
sex tourism 88
Websites 181
WeChat 33
Wellness check 196, 208
WhatsApp 8, 11, 33, 102, 159, 182, 208
Woebot 208
Work from home 206
Workplace 144
level 147
World Health Organization 122, 165
World wide web 30, 42
Chapter Notes

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