Ward Rounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology Sunanda R Kulkarni, K Srinivas
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart and t refer to table
Abdomen 343
septic 150
spontaneous 41
Abruptio placentae 17, 21, 184, 202
Acanthosis nigricans 360
Acardiac fetus 321f, 432f
interstitial laser coagulation of 321f
Acardius acephalus 195
Acardius amorphous 195
Acardius myelacephalus 195
Acid fast bacilli 304
Acidosis, correction of 161
Acne 360
vulgaris 398f, 401
Acormus 195
Activated partial thromboplastin time 150
Adenocarcinoma 296
endometrioid 372
Adenomyosis 13, 267, 271, 328, 330
Adherent placenta 229
Adnexa 13
Adnexal mass 13
evaluation of 281fc
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 396
Adrenal medulla, tumor of 63
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 110
Agenesis 392
Agranulocytosis 108
Air embolism 153
Airway obstruction 143
Alanine aminotransferase 184
Albendazole 121
Albumin 184
Alcohol/substance abuse 27
Alkali hematin 268
method 118
Alkaline phosphatase 184
Allergies 108, 292
Alpha-methyldopa 52, 135
Amenorrhea 15, 41, 42, 54, 58, 266, 398, 399, 405, 420, 440f
hyperandrogenic 392
hypothalamic causes of 404
pituitary causes of 404
primary 391, 392, 393fc, 395
secondary 398, 399, 399t, 400, 401fc, 404, 404t, 406, 407
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 259
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 30
American Heart Association 159
American Thyroid Association 258, 259
Amiloride 403
Aminoglycosides 156
Amiodarone 52
Ammonia 178
Amniocentesis 207, 221, 250, 314, 315, 316f
Amniotic fluid
embolism 63, 141, 142, 150, 152, 158
infection of 110
Amoxicillin 52
Ampicillin 52
Anal reflex 343
Anal sphincter tone 346
Anal wink reflex 347
Analgesia, epidural 107
Anaphylaxis 153
Ancylostoma duodenale 119
Androgen insensitivity syndrome 392, 394, 394t
Android obesity 401
Anembryonic gestation 440f
Anemia 3, 45, 56, 74, 102, 104, 116, 118120, 125, 141, 155, 194, 268, 387
aplastic 120
causes of 116
classification of 116, 121fc
dimorphic 120
fetal 316
hemolytic 118, 120
hypochromic 119, 120
macrocytic 120
megaloblastic 118120
microcytic 119, 120
normochromic 120
normocytic 120
pernicious 119
physiological 116
refractory 129
sideroblastic 119
Aneuploidy 219, 220
markers 220f
Angiotensin converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors 52
Angiotensin sensitivity test 137
Angular cheilitis 118
Ankylostomiasis, ova and cyst of 121
Anna Marie criteria 402
Anorexia 269
nervosa 399
Anovulation 330
Anovulatory cycles, causes of 269
Antiarrhythmic drugs 52
Antibiotic 50
prophylaxis 49
role of 211
Antibody tests 243
Anticoagulants, role of 49
Anticoagulation, complications of 68
Anticonvulsants 137
Antiemetics 183
Antiepileptic drugs 44
Antifibrinolysis 149
Antigen P24 test 243
Antihypertensive therapy 182
Antimicrobial therapy 157
Antimitochondrial antibody 186
Anti-müllerian hormone 395, 402
Antinuclear antibody 186
Antioxidants 365f
Antiphospholipid antibody 132, 250
syndrome 67
Antiretroviral drugs 242fc
Antistreptolysin antibodies 56
Antithrombin deficiency 67
Antithyroid drugs 261
Anxiety 110
coarctation of 45, 51, 66, 67, 131, 141
dissection of 45, 51, 67
APLA syndrome 249, 251, 253
treatment of 253
Aplasia, radial 219
Apoplexy, pulmonary 73, 78
Appendicitis, acute 281, 286
Apt test, modified 24
Arcus tendineus fascia levator ani 344
Arhinia 219
Arrhythmias 48, 49, 6567
mechanisms of 65
ventricular 45
Artemisia vulgaris 38
pressure, pulmonary 57
umbilical 424
Artesunate 104
Arthritis, rheumatoid 119
Ascites 178, 332
Asherman's syndrome 404
causes of 404
Aspartate aminotransferase 184
Aspiration, prevention of 137
Assisted reproductive techniques 4, 45
Assisted-breech delivery 33, 34
Asthma, bronchial 141
Atenolol 52
Atherosclerosis 63
Atosiban 210
Atresia, duodenal 45
Atrial fibrillation 56
Atrial septal defect 66, 67
Auscultation 11, 16, 26, 133, 225, 236
Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study 96
Autoimmune thyroiditis, chronic 258
Autologus blood donation 24
Azalide 58
Azithromycin 52
Backache 204, 330, 346
Bacteremia 110
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 94
Balloon angioplasty 51
Balloon mitral valvuloplasty 73
Balloon vaginoplasty 394
Barbiturates 143
Bartholin's glands 12
Basal crepitations 60
Basophilic stippling 118
Beam radiation therapy, external 301f
Beam trial protocol, modified 211
Benzathine penicillin 58
Berry's aneurysm 45
Beta thalassemia 125
major 126
minor 126
BG Prasad classification 42
Bicuspid aortic valve pathology 67
Biochemical/combined screening test, abnormal 250
Biopsy, endometrial 268, 371
Bipolar cord coagulation 320
asphyxia 29
injuries 94
weight, low 3, 403
Bishop's score 230
Bite cells 118
Blastomycosis 158
Bleeding 268
acute 330
after myomectomy, causes of 332
amount of 9
diathesis 102
disorder 267
intractable 329
per vagina 15, 253
postcoital 292, 295t
postmenopausal 368370
blank protocols 145
cell indices 120
count, complete 182, 184, 250, 304
flow, pulmonary 78
gas volumes 128
pressure 54, 71
smear 118
sugar 182
transfusion 124
Body iron component 117
Body stalk anomaly 218
Bone loss 405
adhesions 335
echogenic 110, 219
injuries/repairs 388
symptoms 346
Brace sutures 20
Brachytherapy 299
Bradycardia 107, 219
Breast 102, 107, 343
abscess 107
and ovarian cancer syndrome 307
cancer 10
development 392
evaluation of 392
examination 10, 16, 169, 235, 368
surgery 10
Breath, shortness of 77
complete 27
complications of 28
delivers 28
extraction 33, 37
internal rotation of 28
presentation 26, 25, 27, 27f, 28f, 30, 31
etiology of 27
varieties of 27
Brenner's tumors 287
Broad ligament fibroid 330
Bromocriptine 61
Buccal mucosa 394
Bulbocavernosus reflex 347
Burning micturition 101
Burns 158
Burns-Marshall method 34
Burr cells 118
Butyrophenones 404
Cabotegravir 242
Calcium 138
channel blockers 65
Camptodactyly 219
endometrial 10, 365, 368, 371, 372, 372t, 373377
epithelial 307
gastrointestinal 305
recurrent 375
types of 308t
Candidiasis 108
Carbamazepine 44
Carboplatin 377
Carcinoid syndrome 71
endometrial 268, 376
endometrium 367
management of 378fc
mucinous 308
Cardiac arrest 143, 159
Cardiac disease 9, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 55t, 59, 143, 209
congenital 41
functional classification of 46
NYHA classification of 58
Cardiac failure 71
congestive 45, 46
management 115
Cardiac surgery 51
Cardiac transplantation 49
dilated 49, 61
hypertrophic 51, 61
obstructive 162
peripartum 51, 52, 59, 141, 194
types of 61
Cardiotocogram 424
Cardiovascular system 10, 72, 247, 327, 343
Cardiovocal syndrome 78
CARPREG score 47
Cefazolin 52
Ceftriaxone 52
Cefuroxime 111
Central nervous system 10, 16, 75, 225, 235, 247, 343
Central venous pressure 160
Cephalexin 52
Cephalic veins 73f
Cephalic version, external 30, 31, 38
Cephalosporins 52
artery, middle 317f, 424, 425
edema 143
infarction 143
malaria 102, 105, 108
palsy, reduction of 211
symptoms 131
venous sinus thrombosis 143
amputation 248
cancer 292, 296
development of 293
histopathology types of 296
primary 295
screening guidelines 2012 294t
stage 299t
carcinoma, revised FIGO staging of 2009 299t
dilatation 201, 253
dystocia 253
complications of 253
indication for 253
fibroid polyp 347
insufficiency 205t, 444
lacerations 152
length 7, 201, 205, 208
assessment 204
polyp 295, 368
shortening 204
suture, role of 24
tears 253
ultrasonography 204
Cervicitis 295, 349
Cervicouterine angle 336f
Cervicovaginal junction 352
Cervix 7, 12, 13, 354
congenital elongation of 347
descent of 12
length 343
squamous cell carcinoma of 297f
Cesarean section 175, 229
Chadwick's sign 216
Chemical pneumonitis 158
Chemotherapy 406
adjuvant 377
indication for 309
neoadjuvant 301
role of 376
pain, acute onset progressive 62
syndrome, acute 128
wall lesions 404
Chickenpox 108
Chikungunya fever 107
Chlamydia 206, 295
Chloroquine 104
Cho suture 20
Cholangitis 108
Chorioamnionitis 107, 110, 156, 158, 209, 253
Chorioangioma 423
Chorionic villus
biopsy 221
sampling 42, 314, 315, 315f
Chorionicity 191, 191f, 192
Cinchonism 104
Circumvallate placenta 437f
Cirrhosis 141, 404
Cisplatin 377
Clavicle, fractures of 29
Clear cell carcinoma 308
Cleft lip, midline 219
Cleft palate, midline 219
Clindamycin 52, 104, 111
Clitoral index 393
Clitoris 12
Clomiphene citrate 362, 363
Clubfeet 219
Cocaine 404
abuse 63
exposure 59
Collagen vascular diseases 63
Colon 307
Colovaginoplasty 394
Colpectomy 356
Colpocleisis, total 356
Comparative genomic hybridization 254
Concomitant mitral valve surgery 82
Condyloma accuminatum 295
Congenital anomalies 93, 194, 196, 202
Connective tissue disease 131, 132
Consanguinity, degrees of 215
Constipation 330, 349
Contraception 128, 238, 267
risk of 47
Contraceptive pills, oral 403
Contusion, pulmonary 158
Convulsions 102, 108, 110
prevention of 135
Coomb's test, indirect 250
Copper sulphate method 118
clamping 122
entanglement 32, 195
marginal attachment of 437f
prolapse 28, 30, 32
Cordocentesis 250
Cornual placentation 27
Coronary angiography 62
Coronary artery 51
bypass grafting 51
disease 62
Coronary sinus type 66
Coronary spasm/dissection 63
Coronary vascular thrombosis 63
Corpus callosum, agenesis of 45, 219
Corpus luteal cyst 282
Corpus luteum, ruptured 281
Corticosteroids therapy 157
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 203
Cough 71, 77
Couvelaire uterus 23, 443f
Craniopharyngioma 404
C-reactive protein 56, 206
Cri du chat syndrome 45
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013 409
Crohn's disease 260
Cryotherapy 337
Cryptosporidiosis 241
Crystalloid resuscitation 151
Cusco's speculum 12, 12f
Cushing's disease 404
Cushing's syndromes 307
Cyanmethemoglobin method 118, 122
Cyanocobalamin 120
Cyanosis 5, 67, 79
Cyclic oral progesterone 273
Cyclooxygenase 203
Cyclophosphamide 377
dermoid 283f, 439, 439f
follicular 282
hemorrhagic 283
vulvar 347
mucinous 286, 286f
serous 286
Cystic teratoma
benign 283, 285
mature 284
Cystitis 107
Cystoscopy, role of 347
Danazol 273, 333
Dandy-Walker syndrome 45
Darunavir 241
Decubitus 79
ulcer 350
Deep vein thrombosis 49
Dehydration 107
correction of 183
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate 203
Delirium 108, 110
Dengue 107, 108
fever 102, 109
Dermoid cyst, bilateral 283f
Dermoid plug 284
Dexamethasone 382
Diabetes 5, 9, 86, 96, 209
gestational 88, 96, 132, 141, 180, 194
mellitus 131, 132, 141, 155, 387
treatment of 99t
Diagnostic invasive tests 315
Diaphoresis 62
Diaphragmatic hernia, congenital 322f
Diarrhea 104
Diastolic trans-mitral pressure gradient 73
Digoxin 57, 61
current use of 81
Diphtheria 108
Diphyllobothrium latum 119
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 22, 23, 110, 150
Diuretics 52, 61, 65, 162
Dobutamine 157
Dolasetron 382
Dolutegravir 242
Dopamine 157
Double marker tests, abnormal values of 217
Down's syndrome 1
Doxorubicin 377
Doxylamine 183
Drug therapy, oral 362
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scan 396
Ductus venosus 424, 425
wave, reversed 219
Duhressen incision 37
Duodenal atresia 219
Dyslipidemia 63, 403
Dysmenorrhea 9, 288, 330
Dyspareunia 288
Dysplasia, skeletal 45
Dyspnea 44, 78
Early obstetric warning score, modified 154
Eating disorders 399
Ebstein's anomaly 51, 67
Eclampsia 65, 131, 136, 142, 143, 150, 153, 158
atypical presentation of 161
outline management of 136
Edema 5, 44, 79
pulmonary 45, 46, 77, 102, 105, 110, 131
Efavirenz 240, 241
Ehler Danlos syndrome 51
Eisenmenger's complex 46
Eisenmenger's physiology 67
Eisenmenger's syndrome 52, 67, 141
Ejection systolic murmur 66
Electric stimulation 348
Electrocardiogram 56, 73
Electrolytes, serum 109, 182
Electronic fetal heart monitoring 206
ELISA test 243
Elvitegravir 242
Embolism, pulmonary 56, 153
Empty sella syndrome 404
Encephalitis 107, 108
Encephalopathy 178
hypertensive 143
Endocarditis 45, 49, 67, 71
bacterial 45
infective 46, 67, 108
prophylaxis 57
Endocervical sampling 206
Endometrial biopsy 371
Endometrial cancer
management of 373
metastatic 295
Endometrial sampling
advantages of 370
disadvantages of 370
Endometrioid carcinoma
high-grade 308
low-grade 308
Endometrioma 288
Endometriosis 13, 14, 288, 305, 330, 332
peritoneal 331
atrophic 368, 377
tuberculous 403
Endometrium 307
atrophic 268
discordant 268
ulceration of 329
Enfuvirtide 242
Entamoeba histolytica 119, 121
Enterocele 344
demonstration methods 353
Epignathus 434f
Epilepsy 9, 141143
Epimenorrhagia 266
Epimenorrhea 266
causes of 267
Epinephrine 157
Episiotomy 108
Epithelial ovarian cancers, management of 309
Epithelial tumors, molecular classification of 308
Ergometrine 20
Erythropoietin, role of 129
Esbach's albuminometer 134
Estradiol 395
Estrogen 272
Ethamsylate 270
Etravirine 241
Ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure 315, 323
Excessive vomiting, causes of 190
Exertional dyspnea 54, 78, 113
Exogenous estrogen 368
Exomphalos 218, 434f
External genitalia, blood supply of 427, 427f
Facial dysmorphism 219
Falciparum malaria 108
complicated 104
Fallopian tubes 308, 309
Fasting blood glucose, normal 96
Fat embolism 158
Fatigue 101
Fatty liver, acute 141, 150, 158, 178, 194
Fe-deficiency anemia 119, 122
Femoropelvic grip 34
Femur, fractures of 29
Ferriman Gallwey score 360, 401
Ferrous gluconate, fumarate 123
Fertility rate after myomectomy 331
abnormalities 315
anemia 316, 317f
anomalies 202
ascitis 435f
biometric parameters 98
sampling 314
transfusion 316
breathing movements 175
cardiac echo 45
death 32, 45, 134
diagnostic procedures 314
distress 229
endoscopic tracheal occlusion 321
fibronectin 204, 205t
test 207, 207t
rate 175t
restriction 168, 194, 197, 314, 319, 320
retardation 67
hazards 30
head, hyperextension of 38
abnormalities 32
disease 45
rate 16, 42
sounds 73
hydrops 319
interventions 314
lung maturity 91f
markers 315
mirror syndrome 141
morbidity 45
movements 108
polycythemia 45
reduction 316
surveillance 115, 194
tachycardia 110, 219
therapeutic procedures 314
tone 175
weight, estimated 28, 32
wellbeing 172t
Fetiform tumor 284
Fetoscopic laser ablation 319, 423
Fetoscopic techniques 314
congenital anomalies of 423
papyraceus 433f
Fever 101, 106, 108110, 111fc
causes of 102, 107, 107t, 108
intrapartum 110
low-grade 106, 108
malarial 102
rheumatic 54, 58
tertian 108
types of 108
Fibrinogen 151
Fibroadenoma 10
Fibroid 329, 332, 337
asymptomatic 331
classification 338f
cornual 436f
fundal 437
hysteroscopic removal of 338
management of 329f, 333, 334
morcellation 437
multiple 332, 335
pedunculated 335
polyp 327, 436f
recurrence of 332
submucous 329
subserous 436f
torsion of 329
uterus 326, 328
Fibroma 289
Fibronectin 138
Fibrosis, cystic 141
Filariasis 108
Fine needle aspiration biopsy 262, 263
First trimester aneuploidy screening methods 217fc
Fistula, rectovaginal 443f
Flexion 28, 29
intake 50
management 147
restriction 162
resuscitation 160
therapy, intraoperative 380
Fluorescent in situ hybridization 254, 316
Folate antagonist 45
Folic acid 15, 41
deficiency 115, 119
Follicle-stimulating hormone 257, 362, 392
Forceps, application of 36
Fothergill's cervical stenosis 354
Fothergill's operations 351
modified 351
Foul smelling vaginal discharge 110
Fragile X permutation 406
Fresh frozen plasma 149
Friedman and Little classification 350
Fundal grip 6, 16
Furosemide 52, 61
Galactorrhea 405
Galactosemia 406
Gallbladder calculi 423
Gastric contents, aspiration of 158
Gastroschisis 45
Genetic screening, methods of 216
estrogen status of 346
examination 413
hiatus 357f
injuries 415
malignancy 267
prolapse 342
urinary symptoms of 345
system 347
tract infection 107
lower 205
tract, hematoma of 428, 428t
warts 443f
examination of 393
external 360, 427
Gentamicin 111
duration of 4
multiple 17, 152
Gestational age 31, 32, 198
Gestational sac
low implantation of 440f
multiple 191f
Gestrinone 273, 102
Glomerulonephritis 141
Glossitis 118
Glucokinase mutation 98
Glucose tolerance test 250
abnormal 86
Glyburide 97
Glycemic index 97f
Glycosuria, causes of 89
Gonadal dysgenesis 392
deficiency 392
releasing hormone 361
resistant syndrome 404, 406
therapy 363
Gonorrhea 206
Goodell's sign 216
Gorlin's syndromes 307
Granulosa cell tumors 288, 306
Graves’ disease 260, 261, 395
Graves’ hyperthyroidism 261, 264
Great arteries, transposition of 67
Great vessels, transposition of 51
Growth chart 442f
H1N1 pneumonia 141
Haemophilus influenzae 128
Harrison/rocket cannula 318
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 258, 263, 395
Headache 101, 104, 108, 131
beat, shifting of 44
block 67
defects 219
congenital 49, 48
disease 46, 47, 54
acyanotic 66
complex cyanotic congenital 67
congenital 66, 67
cyanotic 49, 66
rheumatic 54, 71
valvular 48, 49, 5658
failure, congestive 57
rate 44
sounds 79
transplantation 51
Heat coagulation test 134
Hegar's sign 216
Heinz bodies 118
Heller's test 134
HELLP syndrome 134, 136, 141, 150, 158, 181
classification systems of 182
complete 182
management of 182
partial 182
Hematinics, role of 49
Hematoma 29, 429
complications of 429
management of 429f, 430
nonobstetric 428, 429t
obstetric 428, 428t
surgical management of 429t
vulval 426, 429, 443f
vulvar 428
vulvovaginal 428
Hematometra 13
Hematuria 229
Hemoglobin 120, 151
color scale 118
Hemogram, complete 206
Hemoptysis 77
Hemorrhage 78, 253, 282, 286
acute 120
antepartum 15, 16, 194, 202
fetomaternal 32
intracerebral 143
intracranial 67
massive 21, 149
myometrial 23
obstetric 21, 141
peripartum 147t, 150
pontine 107
postpartum 20, 23, 234, 385
primary postpartum 426
traumatic postpartum 94
Hemorrhoids management 115
Hemostasis 147, 148
Hemothorax 332
Heparin 52, 68
anticoagulation 50
immunoglobulin 187
infection 186
management of 186
D virus 186
E, viral 141
transmission of B 185
vaccination 187
Hepatorenal failure 136
Hereditary ovarian syndromes 307
diaphragmatic 45, 218
incisional 387, 388
inguinal 10
Hernial orifices 346
Herpes simplex virus 295
Higham's chart 268
Hip joint, dislocation of 30
Hirsutism 398f, 401
infection, severity of 238
transmission, prevention of 241
Hodgkin's lymphoma 108
Holoprosencephaly 45, 219
Holt-Oram syndrome 45
Home uterine activity monitoring 204, 205
Homeostatic model assessment 364
Hormonal method 239
Hormone 47
adrenocorticotropic 203
luteinizing 257, 363
replacement therapy 307
Howell-Jolly bodies 118
Human chorionic gonadotropin 260
Human papillomavirus 293
Humerus, fractures of 29
Hydatidiform mole 197
Hydralazine 52, 136
Hydramnios 88, 89, 94
Hydrocephalus 27, 110
fetalis 45, 132, 434f
nonimmune 110
Hydroxycobalamin 120
Hygroma, cystic 434f
Hymen 12
imperforate 392, 395
Hymenotomy 437f
Hyperammonemia 143
causes of 402
signs of 401
Hyperbilirubinemia 94
Hypercalcemia 143
Hyperemesis gravidarum 182, 194
Hyperglycemia 93, 94, 96, 143, 332
Hyperhomocysteinemia 132, 254
Hyperinsulinemia 402, 403
neonatal 94
Hyperketonemia 93
Hypermagnesemia 143
Hypermenorrhea 266
Hyperplasia 268
endometrial 269, 368
Hyperprolactinemia 392, 405, 405t
causes of 404
evaluation of 405fc
Hyperpyrexia 107
conditions of 107
malignant 107
Hyperreactio luteinalis 282
Hypertension 17, 45, 52, 60, 64, 65, 67, 194, 342
chronic 63, 65, 131, 133t
classification of 65t
control of 134, 136
essential 131
gestational 65, 131, 133
pregnancy-induced 141
primary 131, 141
pulmonary 43, 46, 49, 54, 73
secondary 131
Hypertensive disorders 59, 131, 161
Hyperthermia, malignant 107
Hyperthyroidism 45, 260
gestational 141, 260
Hypocalcemia 94, 143
Hypoglycemia 90, 93, 94, 102, 105, 143, 178
neonatal 94
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 396
Hypokalemia 93, 386
Hypomagnesemia 94
Hypomenorrhea 266
causes of 267
Hyponatremia 143
Hypophysitis, lymphocytic 404
Hypoplasia, phalangeal 219
Hypoproteinemia 387
Hypotension 229
sepsis-induced 154
Hypothalamic dysfunction 269, 392
Hypothyroidism 257, 259, 392, 404
Hypoxia 175
Hysterectomy 20, 269, 270, 274, 329, 373
indication for 272, 332
radial 297, 297f
total abdominal 269
Hysteroscopy 266, 373, 336t, 371, 404
disadvantages of 371
indication for 271
role of 271
In vitro fertilization 4
Indian Law on Sexual Offences 417
Indinavir 241
Indomethacin 210
Infertility 360
Inositol isomers 365
Inotropes 61
Insulin 97
analogs 99
infusion 160
serum 250
types of 98
Internal genitalia, blood supply of 427
Internal iliac ligation 20
Internal pudendal
artery 356
vessels 356
Internal rotation 28, 29
Intestinal obstruction 286, 388
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 45
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy, role of 310
contraceptive device 215, 239
blood transfusion 316
death 22, 175, 202
growth restriction 27, 45, 172
selective 423
hypoxia, chronic 93
infection 150
Introitus 12
Invasive test report, abnormal 221
Iodine deficiency 258
Iron 15, 41
absorption 117
deficiency 118, 120
anemia 115, 120, 125
dosage, parenteral 122
food sources of 117
metabolism 117
overload, pathogenesis of 125
regulatory proteins 117
supplementation 3
different methods of 124
oral 124
parenteral 123
Ischial spine 8, 356
Isthmus, aortic 424, 425
Jaundice 72, 102
malignant obstructive 387
neonatal 94
Jugular venous
pressure 42
pulse 54, 72
Kala-azar 108
Kallmann's syndrome 392, 396
Kegel's exercise 348
Ketoacidosis 93
diabetic 141, 160
Kidney diseases 267
Kleihauer-Betke test 32
Koilonychias 118
Korsakoff's psychosis 183
Kristellar's maneuver 34
Krukenberg tumors 305
Kuppuswamy scale, modified 16, 59, 72, 87, 360
Labetalol 52, 65, 135, 136
Labia minora flap 394
Labial fusion 395
Labor pain
false 4, 4t
true 4, 4t
Lactation 404
Lactational amenorrhea method 239
Lamivudine 186, 240, 241
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 404
Lanolin 43
Laparoscopy 266, 336t, 372
Lead poisoning 118
Leiomyoma 271, 332
genetic basis of 331
Leopold's maneuvers 6, 7f, 26
Leptospirosis 108
Leukocytosis 110, 178
Levamisole 121
Levator ani tear 12
Levetiracetam 161
Levonorgestrel 47
Lidocaine 52
Limbs, swelling of 54
Listeriosis 141, 158
Lithium 44
Lithotomy position 11f
disease 108, 178, 267
function test 109, 183, 184, 304
pathology 118
Lopinavir 241
Lorazepam 161
Lovset's maneuver 35
Lumbar puncture 109
Lung injury
acute 158
ventilator-associated 158
Lung transplant 141
Luteal phase defect 251
Luteoma 282
Lymph node
metastases, survival role of 374t
retroperitoneal 309
Lymphadenectomy 373, 374
role of 373, 374
Lymphadenopathy 5, 109
Lymphogranuloma venereum 295
Lynch syndrome 369
Mackenrodt's ligaments 344
Macrolide 52, 58
Macrosomia 88, 89, 94, 423
development of 98
Magnesium sulfate 24, 135, 143, 211
role of 210
Malaria 102, 104t, 105, 106fc, 107, 108, 158
complicated 102, 104t
congenital 105
drug treatment for 104
management of 105
parasites 103f, 118, 119
peripartum 105
severe 102
sickle cells 118
treatment of 104
Malarial fever
maternal complications of 102
severity of 103
Malignancy 13, 271, 330
Mallory-Weiss tear 183
Malpas classification 351
Mammoth tumor 330, 338
Marfan's syndrome 45, 46, 48, 51, 52
Massive transfusion protocol 146t
Mastitis, acute 107
anticonvulsant medications 27
cardiac disease 45
death 32
hyperglycemia 98
hypertension 91
hypothyroidism 259
mortality 67, 110
pelvis, adequate 32
screening tests, positive 315
serum alpha fetoprotein 23
tachycardia 110
Maturity onset diabetes of youth 98
Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver 36
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome 392, 394
Mayo culdoplasty 356
Mayo-Ward's operation 349
McAfee Johnson expectant treatment 18
McCall's culdoplasty 356
McCall's stich application 354
McIndoe technique 394
McRobert's maneuver 36
Measles 108
Mebendazole 121
Mechanical prosthetic valves 68
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 45
Medical nutrition therapy 97
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 372
Mefenamic acid 270, 334
Megacystis 218
Megaloblastic anemia, causes of 119
Meig's syndromes 307
artificial rupture of 22
premature rupture of 17, 28, 110, 253
Menarche 391
Mendelian disorders 220
Meningiomas 404
Meningitis 108
cryptococcal 241
Menometrorrhagia 266
Menorrhagia 113, 266, 288
Mentzer index 125
Metabolic disorders 45
Metabolic syndrome 132, 365
Metformin 96, 97, 403
adverse reactions of 403
Metoclopramide 382, 404
Metronidazole 111
Metropathia hemorrhagica 266
Microalbuminuria determination method 134
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia 118
Micrognathia 219
Midazolam 161, 162
Mimic cardiac disease 44
Minimal ablative surgery 270
Minimally invasive therapeutic techniques 316
Mirena 47, 272
drug-induced 107
spontaneous 194, 247
Mississippi system of classification 182
Mitral regurgitation, severe 82f
Mitral stenosis
echo grading of 73t
etiology of 71
pathophysiology of 77fc
severe 54
symptoms of 77
Mitral valve
orifice area 73
replacement 56, 57
surgery 82
MOEWS score 155
Monilial vulvovaginitis 94
Mononucleosis, infectious 108
Monsel's solution 430
Morphology index 290
Mucopolysaccharidosis 71
Mullerian agenesis 394, 394f, 394t
Mullerian anomalies 248
Mullerian system 394
Multifactorial disorders 220
Mumps 406
Myasthenia gravis 141
Myelomeningocele 27
Myocardial infarction 63, 143, 153
Myolysis, disadvantages of 336
Myomas 13, 327
Myomectomy 270, 328, 334, 336t
clamp 339f
hysteroscopic 270, 338
indication for 329
laparoscopic 338
principles 334
Myometrial invasion, depth of 373
Myosin light chain kinase 203
Naegele's formula 4
National Anemia Prophylaxis Program 121
Nausea 101, 104
Necator americanus 119
Neck vein 79
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 202
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, role of 310
Neoplasia, malignant 295
Neoplasms, benign 295
Nephropathy, worsening 91
conduction study 347
injury 30
Neuroprotection protocol 211
Neutrophils, hypersegmented 118
Nevirapine 241
New York Association Functional Classification of Heart Disease, modified 81
New York Heart Association 46, 74
Nifedipine 135, 136
Nitabuch's layer 20
Nitric acid donors 210
Nitroglycerine patch 210
Nonhealing ulcer, chronic 354
Nonpolyposis colon cancer syndrome 307
Non-secreting pituitary adenomas 404
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 335
Non-stress test 206
role of 91
Noonan's syndrome 45
Norepinephrine 157
Nuchal fold thickness 219
Nucleated red cells 118
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 241
Obesity 364, 387
Oblonsky criteria 227
Obstetric forceps 445f
Oily facial skin 401
Oligohydramnios 319, 424, 441f
Oligomenorrhea 266, 398, 400, 405
Omphalocele 45, 219
Ondansetron 382
Open fetal surgery 315, 322
Opiates 404
Oral pills 272
Organogenesis 93
Ormiloxiphene 273
Oropharyngeal candidiasis 241
Orthopnea 78
Ortner's syndrome 78
Osiander's sign 216
Osteopenia 405
Osteoporosis, heparin-induced 68
Ostium secundum 43, 66
Ovarian cancer 307
epithelial 304, 310
staging of 308t
Ovarian cyst
rupture of 286
torsion of 439f
Ovarian drilling 364
advantages 364
disadvantages 364
laparoscopic 364, 403
Ovarian endometriosis 287
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 92, 141, 363
Ovarian malignancies, types of 306, 306t
Ovarian mass 285
Ovarian puncture, multiple 364
Ovarian surgery 406
Ovarian torsion 286
Ovarian tumor 281
benign 279
epithelial 286
origin of 283
solid 288
torsion of 285
Ovary 307
bilobed teratoma of 439f
functional cysts of 282
multifollicular 400, 400t
Oxygen mask 43
Oxytocin 20
agonist 210
induction 35
receptor 203
role of 35
Packed cell volume 22
Paclitaxel 377
Page classification 22
abdominal 8, 178
calf 108
causes of 333
momentary relief of 229
nature of 4
Pale conjunctiva 118
Pallor 5, 118
Pancreatitis 158, 305, 388
Pancytopenia 267
Pap smears 292
Papillary serous cystadenoma 285
Papillary thyroid cancer 263
Paradoxical embolus 67
Paralytic ileus 388
Parametrium 14
Paraovarian cysts 287
Parapagus dicephalus 432f
Parity index 2
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 54
Patent ductus arteriosus 66, 67
Pawlik's grip 6
Pectoral muscles 6
Pel-ebstein fever 108
abscess 107
examination 11, 102, 327, 331
floor 345
exercises 348
tone evaluation 347
grip 6, 16
hemorrhage 385
mass 289, 289t
organ prolapse 343
pain, chronic 288
pathology, nongynecological 281
external 377
fields 301f
septic thrombophlebitis 141
surgery 10
ultrasound 395
Pelvis, contracted 27
Penidure prophylaxis 54
Perineal body 12, 357f
Perineal dilatation 394
Perineal tears 108
Peripartum oxidative stress 60
Peripheral blood smear 102, 118
Peritoneal cancer, primary 308
Peritoneal metastases 309
Peritonitis 387
Peutz-Jegher syndromes 307
Phenothiazines 404
Phenytoin 44, 161
Pheochromocytoma 63, 131
Physiotherapy 385
Pinard's maneuver 34, 35
Pipelle biopsy 268
Piper's forceps 36, 37, 438f
Piperazine citrate 121
Piskacek's sign 216
accreta 19, 20, 152
anastomoses 320f
low lying 421
manual removal of 234
percreta 20
previa 1719, 2224, 27, 32, 141, 152, 194, 202
central asymmetric 421
central symmetric 421, 440f
marginal 421
Placental abruption 22, 32, 136, 141, 150, 421
grades of 21
Placental migration 19
Plasmodium falciparum
infection, uncomplicated 104
malaria 141
Platelet transfusions 149
Platonychia 118
Pleuro-amniotic shunting, technique of 318
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 241
Pneumonia 108, 158
bacterial 156, 241
community acquired 141
lobar 108
viral 158
Polycystic ovary 398f, 400, 400t
syndrome 267, 398
Polycythemia 94, 332
Polydactyly 219
Polydipsia 178
Polyglandular diseases, autoimmune 406
Polyhydramnios 152, 194, 202, 319, 423, 441f
demonstration of 319
Polymenorrhagia 266
Polymenorrhea 266
Polymyositis 141
Polyp 271, 276, 329
endometrial 295, 368
extrusion of 330
Polypectomy, hysteroscopic 270
Polyuria 178
Postembolization syndrome 335
Postmenopausal bleeding, causes of 368, 368t
Potassium 160
Pouch of Douglas 283
Prader-Willi syndrome 27
Preeclampsia 3, 56, 63, 65, 93, 131, 133t, 138, 142, 158
etiology of 131
etiopathology of 132fc
management of 134, 137fc
outline management of 134
pathophysiology of 132
prevention of 138
severe 56
spectrum of 150
Pregnancy 13, 64, 71, 105, 154, 335, 404
cholestasis of 178
ectopic 281, 286
loss, recurrent 246
mimics heart disease 44
molar 132
multiple 27, 132, 190, 202, 209
normal 305
teenage 1
termination of 175
Premature ovarian
failure 404, 406
insufficiency 406t
Prenatal testing, noninvasive 250
Preterm birth, spontaneous 208
Preterm delivery 3
Preterm labor 32, 94, 194, 196, 201203, 253
management of 207, 212
pathogenesis of 203fc
Pritchard's regimen 135
Procainamide 52
Prochlorperazine 382
Procidentia 439f
complete 350
Progesterone therapy 208
Prolactin, serum 250
Prolactinoma 141
Promethazine 183, 382
Propofol infusion 162
Prostaglandin 20, 203
dehydrogen 203
synthase inhibitors 210
Prosthetic cardiac valves 49
Proteinuria testing 134
Prothrombin time 150, 184
Psammoma bodies 285
Pseudo-Meig's syndrome 332
Pubertal menorrhagia, classification of 267fc
Puberty, constitutional delay of 392
Pubic hair development, evaluation of 392
Pubic symphysis 29
Pubocervical ligaments 344
Pudendal nerve 356
Pulse 54, 155
rate 5, 42, 44
Pulseless electrical activity 153
Pure gonadal dysgenesis 406
Pyelectasia 219
Pyelonephritis 94, 107, 156, 158
Pyometra 13
Pyrantel pamoate 121
Pyridoxine 183
Pyrimethamine 104
Quad test 217
Quartan fever 108
Quinidine 43, 403
Quinine 104
Quintero staging system 195
Quotidian fever 108
Radiation, role of 377
Radical hysterectomy, complications of 298
Radiotherapy, role of 376
Ranitidine 403
Rapid diagnostic tests 102
Rash 108
Rectal mucosa 14
Rectal prolapse 438f
Rectovaginal examination 14, 14f, 368
aortic 58
lesions 51
mitral 44, 57, 71, 76, 82f
tricuspid 44, 57, 219
Renal disease 119, 131, 404
Renal failure 102, 105, 110, 141
Renal function test 109, 183
Reserpine 404
Respiratory distress syndrome 93, 157
Respiratory system 10, 16, 73, 169, 343
Retinopathy, worsening 91
Retroplacental hematoma, large 441f
Rheumatic activity, recurrent 56
Rheumatic fever
primary prevention of 83
secondary prevention of 83
Rheumatic heart disease, chronic 73
Rilpivirine 241
Ringer lactate 21
Ritodrine 210
Ritonavir 241
Robson's 10 group classification 230
Roll-over test 137
Rotterdam criteria 2003 361
Routine pregnancy care 237
Rubella 108
syndrome, congenital 3
Rule out ovarian disease 372
Sacral agenesis 435f
Sacral promontory 7
Sacrosciatic notch 7
Sacrospinous ligament 356
S-adenyl-methionine 181
Sahli's method 118
Saline infusion sonography 370
Saliva tests 243
Salpingitis, acute 286
Salpingo-oophorectomy, bilateral 269
Salt restriction aspirin 138
Sarcoidosis 404
Savage syndrome 404
Scar tenderness 229
Schistocytes 118
Sciatic nerve 356
Scleroderma 141
Sclerosis, multiple 141
Semen collection 362
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube 20
Sentinel node mapping, role of 375
Sepsis 142, 154, 155t, 158, 209
management of 156
severe 154
Septal myectomy 51
Septicemia 102, 105, 107, 108, 110
Serous carcinoma
high-grade 308
low-grade 308
Sertoli Leydig cell 306
Sex cord stromal tumors 307
Sex hormone binding globulin 364, 402
Sexual assault 409
examination of 409
management of 412fc
protocol of examination of 411fc
Sexual offence, situation of 417
Sexual violence 409
Sheehan's syndrome 143
Sher and Statland classification 22
Shock 102
index 145
obstructive 143
septic 143, 154
Shoulder dystocia 92
Siamese twins 196
Sickle cell 118
anemia 118, 127
disease 128, 141
disorders 118
Simpson's forceps 36
Sims’ position 11f
Sims’ speculum 11, 12, 12f
Single nucleotide polymorphisms 254
rhythm 54, 73
tachycardia 43, 74
Skin lesions 12
Skull, fractures of 29
Sleep apnea, obstructive 141
lauryl sulfate method 118
restriction 61
Solid tumor, mature 284
Spherocytosis 118
Spina bifida 118
Spinal cord lesions 404
Spine 343
Spironolactone 61
Status epilepticus 161
Stavudine 241
aortic 46, 48, 52, 57
mitral 46, 52, 5558, 71, 73, 73f, 74, 77, 81, 83, 83fc
pulmonary 48, 58
tricuspid 58, 67
Stenotic lesions 51
Sterilization 47
Steroid prophylaxis, role of 136
Strawberry skull 219
Stress 269, 404
incontinence 12
urinary incontinence 342
Submucus myoma, expulsion of 330
Sulfadiazine 58
Sulfadoxine 104
Sulfosalicylic acid test 134
Swab, types of 414
Symphysiotomy 37
Symphysis pubis 6
Syndactyly 434f
Syphilis 250
Syringomyelia 435f
Systemic lupus erythematosis 71, 131, 132
Systemic vascular resistance 57, 58, 74
Systolic ventricular dysfunction, severe 46
Tachycardia 48, 229, 327
Tallquist paper method 118
Tanner method 392
Target cells 118
Teenage syndrome 403
Temporomandibular joint 30
Tenofovir 240, 241
Terbutalin 210
Tetanus 107
toxoid 15
Tetralogy of Fallot 45, 46
Thalassemia 119, 120, 124127
pathology of 125
types of 127
Theca cell tumors 288
Theca lutein cysts 282
Thoracoamniotic shunt 319f
Thrombocytopenia 131
heparin-induced 68
Thromboelastography 150
Thromboembolic disorders 208
Thromboembolism 46, 49
Thrombophilia 17, 250
complications of 249
Thromboprophylaxis, methods of 386t
Thrombosis 208
Thyroid 257, 343
abnormalities 361
diseases 267
disorders 9, 257, 399
function test 56, 250, 395
hormone synthesis 257
nodule 262
peroxidase antibodies 258, 259
stimulating hormone 257
Thyroiditis, postpartum 263
Thyrotoxicosis 56, 131
gestational transient 260, 261
Thyroxine binding globulin 257
Tinnitus 104
Tipranavir 241
Tocolytics, role of 209
Toxic multinodular goiter 261
Toxoplasmosis 141, 241
Trachelectomy 248
Tranexamic acid 270, 272, 334
Transcervical endometrial resection 271
Transmitral commissurotomy, percutaneous 51, 56
Transmitral valve 73
Transthoracic echocardiography 73
Transthyretin 290
Transvaginal scan 307
Transvaginal sonography 18
Transverse vaginal septum 392
Trauma 142, 143, 158, 202, 295
Triamterene 403
Trichomonas infection 206
Triiodothyronine 264
Trimethoprim 403
Triple test 217
Trisomy 45, 219
Trophoblastic embolism 158
Tuberculosis 241, 305, 400, 406
Tubo-ovarian abscess 281
benign 283
intracranial 141
markers 305, 307
monodermal 284
Turner's mosaicism 400, 406
Turner's syndrome 394, 395
anemia polycythemia sequence 196, 423
antepartum complications of 194
conjoint 195, 196
dichorionic 191f
discordant 197, 433f
interlocked 200
monochorionic 194, 195
diamniotic 319, 441f
oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios sequence 195, 196
pregnancy 197
reversed arterial perfusion 195, 319, 320
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 195, 314, 319
Typhoid 108
epidemics 107
fever 102
Typhus 108
Umbilical blood sampling, percutaneous 221
Umbilical cord, short 27
Unconsciousness, causes of 143t
Uremia 118
Urethral discharge 12
Urethral diverticulum 347
Urge urinary incontinence 342
Uric acid, serum 138
calcium 138
frequency 107
incontinence 349
infection 108
system 329, 347
tract infection 102, 108, 141, 212
recurrent 72
microbiology 206
retention of 330
Ursodeoxycholic acid 181
anomalies 27
arterial embolization 335
artery 424
Doppler 138
embolization 385
ligation 20
abnormal 265
acute 272
dysfunctional 266
functional 266
contractions 201, 253, 329
factors 202
fibroid 285, 305
fundal height 102
hemorrhage 266
leiomyoma 333t, 436f
prolapsing 295
myomas 332
perfusion 67
rupture 152
scar defects 227
tenderness 110
Uterosacral ligaments 14, 344
Uterus 13, 248, 394, 444f
bicornuate 248, 439f, 444f
bimanual examination of 13
descent of 12
didelphys 248
emptying of 45
height of 6
rupture of 32
atrophy 295
birth 32
breech delivery 29, 32, 33
methods of 33
delivery 32, 50, 63
discharge 108
varieties of 346
flaps 352
hematoma 428
length, total 357f
repair procedures 355
septum 395
surgery 336f
carcinoma of 349
prolapse 344
ulceration of 349
Vaginitis 349, 368
Vaginoplasty, types of 394
Vaginosis, bacterial 202, 204, 205, 206, 212
Valproic acid 44
lesions 58
replacement 51
types of 68
Valvotomy, mitral 51
Valvular heart disease 56
consequences of 74
etiology of 55
Valvulitis, rheumatic 73
Vancomycin 49, 52, 403
Vasa previa 19, 21, 422
Vasectomy 47
Vasopressor therapy 157
prolapse 353, 354
sacrospinous fixation of 356f
Vecchietti procedure 394
Venous air embolism 158
Ventricular septal defect 66, 67
Venules, dilatation of 329
Verapamil 43, 404
Vesical calculus 444f
Villus biopsy, chronic 250
Vincent's angina 108
Viral infection 45
Viral influenza 102
Visceral injuries 29
Vision, blurring of 104
B12 403
B6 183
C 138
E 138
supplementation 183
Vomiting 178, 387
recurrent 382
von Willebrand disease 267, 271
Vulva 12
Vulvar hematoma, mechanisms of 428
Vulvovaginal examination 12
Weinstein score 230t
Wernicke's encephalopathy 183
Wertheim's hysterectomy, specimen of 440f
Western blot test 243
Whirlpool sign 285
Wigand-Martin's maneuver 36
Williams syndrome 45
Williams vaginoplasty 394
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome 45
infection 108, 387
surgical 389
Wright stain 102
Zatuchni-Andros score 32
Zavanelli maneuver 37
Zidovudine 241
Zuspan regimen 135
Zygosity 191, 191f
significance of 192
Chapter Notes

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History Taking and ExaminationCHAPTER 1

Ravindra S Pukale
History taking of a patient who has come to your OPD plays a very important role.
Detailed history taking and thorough clinical examination and relevant investigations will give the accurate diagnosis and helps in the management of cases.
  • To assess the health status of the mother and the fetus.
  • To assess fetal gestational age and to obtain baseline investigations.
  • To organize continued obstetric care and risk assessment.
    • Name: Identification of the patient
    • Wife of:
    • Marital status:
    • Date of first examination:
    • Address (along with contact number):
    • Age: Extremes of age, i.e. teenage and elderly (30 or above) are obstetric risk factors
    • Gravida: Pregnant state, both present and past, irrespective of gestational age.
    • Parity: State of previous pregnancy beyond the period of viability
    • Gravida and para both refer to pregnancies and not live babies
    • Duration of marriage: Relevant to note the fecundity or fertility
    • Religion
    • Occupation: For interpreting the social status
    • Occupation of the husband.
  • To assess the socioeconomic condition. to anticipate complications associated with low socioeconomic status like pre-eclampsia, anemia, prematurity2
  • To obtain an idea regarding affordability of the treatment provided
  • To give proper antenatal advice regarding family planning.
    • Period of gestation in the diagnosis—to be expressed in terms of completed weeks.
In early weeks of gestation, counting is done from first day of last menstrual period and in later weeks, it is done from the expected date of delivery.
Start the presentation noting her gravida, para status and duration of amenorrhea in months as presentation and never as complaint, e.g. A G2P1L1 presenting with amenorrhea of 8 months…….
If a pregnant lady has no complaints, it can be presented as admitted for safe confinement, if with complaints the nature and duration of complaints may be mentioned.
In a term pregnant lady, pain abdomen, features suggestive of preeclampsia, symptoms suggestive of labor need to be enquired like, leak per vaginum (PV), bleeding PV, headache, blurring of vision, etc. Perception of fetal movements can assure to some extent about the fetal well-being.
Chief Complaints
Categorically, the genesis of complaints are to be noted. If there are no complaints, general enquiry about her well-being has to be made,
e.g. history of leak PV, bleed PV; history of pain abdomen.
History of Presenting Illness
Elaboration of the chief complaints has to be done regarding the onset, duration, severity, progression and use of any medications. History of pain abdomen (details need to be taken to differentiate between true and false labor pains, UTI, etc.).
Obstetric History
Married life and query about consanguinity has to be made (infertility, precious pregnancy, causes for congenital anomalies, etc.).
Parity Index
Mention about gravidity, parity, living issues, abortions (GPLA).
It is summed up as: status of gravida, parity, number of deliveries, abortions (including MTPs) and living issue (Table 1).
Table 1   Details of obstetric history
Year and date
Pregnancy events
Labor events
Methods of delivery
Baby with breastfeeding and immunization details
For example, G3P1L1A1
  • List out the significant events during each trimester based on the duration of pregnancy.
  • Enquire about the duration from last pregnancy/last abortion.
  • History of any contraceptive usage between last childbirth/abortion and present pregnancy.
  • Rh-negative pregnancy—history of previous pregnancies and administration of anti-D immunoglobulin previously.
History of Present Pregnancy
*Number of antenatal visits (booking status) and immunization status has to be noted.
Women with at least 3 antenatal visits, who have received 2 doses of injection TT and taken 100 tablets of iron and folic acid (with ultrasound desirable but not mandatory) are said to be booked.
  • Number of antenatal visits
    • Ideal: Once every four weeks in the first 28 weeks, every 2 weeks till 36 weeks and weekly after 36 weeks.
  • To decrease the load in antenatal clinics, RCH program has advised 3 antenatal visits in an uncomplicated pregnancy at least once in each trimester with an additional visit in the 3rd trimester:
    • As soon as she becomes pregnant
    • Once in 2nd trimester
    • At 32 weeks.
    • At 36 weeks or once in the last trimester.
WHO Recommendation—minimun 4 visits 1 at 16 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 and 36 weeks.
However, in case of high-risk pregnancies, the number of visits can be increased/individualized based on the patient's condition.
For example:
1st Trimester
Symptoms of hyperemesis, threatened abortion, etc. Any medication or radiation exposure, fever with rashes (congenital rubella syndrome), UTI during first trimester has to be enquired along with any medical or surgical events during pregnancy.
Table 2   True labor pain vs false labor pain
True labor pains
False labor pains
Duration of gestation
Usually happens at term
Any duration of gestation in T3
Nature of pain
Intermittent, increasing in severity and frequency
No specific pattern
Low back
Lower abdomen and thighs
No radiation
Relieving factors
Enema and sedation
Vaginal discharge/leak/blood
Constipation/UTI symptoms
Uterus acting and cervical changes
2nd Trimester
Date of quickening needs to be asked for symptoms of UTI, GDM, etc.
3rd Trimester
  • Symptoms of anemia, preeclampsia.
  • History of leaking PV, pedal edema, pain abdomen—to differentiate between true and false labor pains (Table 2).
Menstrual History
Previous cycles: Duration and amount of flow.
LMP: First day of last normal menstrual period
EDD: Expected date of delivery.
Calculation: As per Naegele's formula it is obtained as follows (in regular cycles):
EDD = LMP + (9 months) + 7 days.
High-quality ultrasound measurement of the embryo or fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy is the most accurate method of establishing or confirming gestational age.
If the pregnancy is the result of assisted reproductive technology (ART), the clinician should use the ART-derived gestational age to assign the EDD. For example, for a pregnancy that results from in vitro fertilization, the clinician should use the age of the embryo and the date of the transfer to establish the EDD.
As soon as the clinician has data from the last menstrual period, the first accurate ultrasound examination, or both, the gestational age and the EDD should be calculated, discussed with the patient, and recorded clearly in the patient's medical record.
For research and surveillance purposes, the clinician should use the best obstetric estimate, rather than calculations based only on the last menstrual period, to determine gestational age.
Subsequent changes to the EDD should only be made in rare circumstances, should be discussed with the patient, and should be recorded clearly in the patient's medical record.
Past History
TB, asthma, hypertension, DM, epilepsy, cardiac disorders, thyroid disorders.
Family History
Hypertension, DM, TB, blood dyscrasias, multiple pregnancies, congenital anomalies, etc.5
Personal History
Enquire about diet, appetite, sleep, bowel and bladder habits and any health affecting habits. Previous history of blood transfusion, steroid therapy, drug allergy.
  • Anemia in pregnancy (advice is to be given to have food rich in iron, folate, vitamin B12)
  • Diabetes in pregnancy—diet for maintainance of sugar levels and for decision regarding insulin dosage.
Mrs X aged ______ years, w/o ____________ with socioecomic status _____ with ________ period of gestation has come with complaints of ____________
Provisional Diagnosis
General Physical Examination
  • Build—obese/average/thin.
  • Nutrition—good/average/poor.
  • Height—short stature is likely to be associated with a small pelvis (4.7 feet or lesser is considered to be short stature in India).
  • Weight—for adequate weight gain during pregnancy (Table 3).
Table 3   Recommended weight gain in pregnancy
BMI (pre-pregnancy)
Recommended weight gain (kg)
Range of weight gain
  • Women carrying twins—16–20 kg
  • Young adolescents—weight gain at upper end of the range
  • Short women—weight gain at the lower end of the range
Rate of weight gain in the second half of pregnancy is 500 g/week.
(BMI becomes important or is of value only when prepregnancy weight is known)
  • Pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy or edema
  • Tongue, gums, teeth and tonsils—for evidence of infections, malnutrition (glossitis, cheilosis, bald tongue, etc.)
  • Neck—neck veins, lymph nodes and thyroid examination.
  • Edema of legs—pitting type.
It could be physiological or pathological due to preeclampsia, anemia with hypoproteinemia, cardiac failure or nephrotic syndrome or hepatic failure.
Pulse Rate
  • BP—disappearance of sounds (Korotkoff 5) is taken as the representation of DBP in pregnancy (because of presence of large fistula at the placental site)
  • Temperature if relevant/required
  • Respiratory rate and type of respiration.
Systemic Examination
  • CVS—S1S2 + presence/absence of murmurs
  • RS—bilateral NVBS heard, no added sounds
  • CNS—within normal limits.
  • Breasts—to be examined for presence of any lesions/growth/mass.
See for normal pregnancy changes— increase in size of breast, montgomery tubercles, secondary areola.
Nipples size and shape need to be assessed for breastfeeding postpartum.
  • Arms by the sides (A)
    • Arms raised above the head (B)
    • Hands pressing against waist (to contract pectoral muscles) (C)
  • Abdomen—for any palpable organs.
Obstetric Examination
A verbal consent is taken for the examination and the abdomen is fully exposed.
Dorsal with thighs slightly flexed.
The examiner stands on the right side of the patient.
To note:
  • Whether the uterine ovoid is longitudinal, transverse or oblique
  • The contour of the uterus—fundal notching, convex or flattened anterior wall, cylindrical or spherical shape
  • Any undue enlargement of uterus
  • Any skin changes over the abdomen or scar marks over the abdomen
  • Fundus of the uterus is just palpable over the symphysis pubis at 12 weeks.
  • Height of the uterus—uterus is centralized if it is deviated. The ulnar border of the left hand is placed at the uppermost level of the fundus and an approximate duration of pregnancy is ascertained in terms of weeks of gestation
  • SFH can be measured with a tape.
Obstetric Grips (Leopolds Maneuver)(Fig. 1)
  1. Fundal grip: Palpation is done facing the patient's face. The whole fundal area is palpated using both hands laid flat on it to find out which pole of the fetus is in the fundus.
    • Broad, soft, irregular mass: Breech
    • Smooth, hard, globular mass: Head
    • Neither of the poles palpated in the fundus: Transverse Lie
  2. Lateral or umbilical grips: Palpation is done facing the patient's face.
    Hands are placed flat on either side of the umbilicus to palpate one after the other, the sides of the uterus to find out the position of back, limbs and anterior shoulder from above downwards.
    • Smooth, curved, uniformly resistant feel—back
    • Irregular knob like structures—limbs
  3. First pelvic grip (Leopold's third maneuver):
    Done by facing the patients face to ascertain presenting part, attitude, ballotabilty
    The outstretched thumb and four fingers of the right hand are placed over the lower pole of the uterus, keeping the ulnar border of the palm over pubic symphysis to ascertain the presenting part and engagement. The unengaged head can move freely from side to side and both the poles remain at the same level.
  4. Second pelvic grip (Pawlik's grip or Leopold's fourth maneuver):
    It is done facing the patient's feet.
    Four fingers of both the hands are placed on either side of the midline in the lower pole of the uterus and parallel to inguinal ligament. The fingers are pressed downwards and backwards in a manner of approximation of finger tips to palpate the part occupying the lower pole of uterus.
    Engagement of head: Head is engaged when the greatest horizontal plane, the biparietal diameter, has passed the plane of pelvic brim.
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Fig. 1: Obstetric palpation—Leopold's maneuvers
Per Speculum Examination
Look for any:
  • Leak PV (in cases of PROM)
  • OS open/closed (preterm, incomplete/inevitable abortion)
  • Cervical length (preterm).
Per Vaginal Examination
  • Cervix—position, consistency, effacement in cm, dilatation of cervical os presenting part—station, position
  • Presence/absence of membranes
  • Pelvic assessment (done in primigravidas by 38 weeks in multigravida previous uncomplicated vaginal delivery itself is a proof of adequacy of pelvis)
  • Points to be noted in pelvic assessment
    • Sacral promontory
    • Sacral curvature
    • Sacrosciatic notch
    • Pelvic side walls8
    • Ischial spines (prominent/not)
    • Subpubic angle
    • Intertuberous diameter.
  • Importance toward maintenance of patient—physician relationship
  • Allow the patient to talk about her chief symptoms
  • After that, ask the patient series of direct and detailed questions concerning her symptoms
    • Name—for the identification of the patient
    • Wife of
    • Age—some disorders are common in certain age groups; helpful in narrowing down the differential diagnosis.
      • Childhood—foreign body, vaginitis, ovarian tumors
      • Adolescence—menstrual disorders, uterovaginal anomalies, PCOS, precocious/delayed puberty, germ cell tumors
      • Reproductive age group—menstrual disorders, infections, benign lesions of genital tract, pregnancy related problems
      • Older age—menopause related problems, malignancies.
    • Address (along with contact No.)
    • Social status
      • Anemia is known to be more common in lower social strata
      • Affordability of treatment becomes an influential factor in management.
    • Chief complaints—to be taken in detail and in chronological order. Common complaints are amenorrhea, abnormal vaginal bleed, dysmenorrhea, pain abdomen, mass felt per abdomen, vaginal discharge, mass per vagina, inability to conceive, urinary symptoms, genital ulcers/swellings.
History of Presenting Illness
  • Elaborate chief complaints
  • Associated/related symptoms
  • General symptoms like recent weight loss/gain/fever/fatigue
  • Bladder/bowel symptoms.
Pain Abdomen
E–exacerbating factors
Menstrual History
  • Age of menarche
  • Regularity of cycles9
  • Duration of a period
  • Length of cycle
  • Intermenstrual bleeding (always pathological).
If present conditions like cancer cervix, cancer endometrium, intrauterine device, foreign bodies, fibroid polyp need to be ruled out.
  • Dysmenorrhea—enquire if it occurs before, during or after the cycles.
  • Amount of bleeding:
    • If excess
    • Pictorial blood loss assessment chart.
X 1
X 5
  • Pads:
    • Lightly soaked—multiply by factor 1
    • Moderately soaked—multiply by factor 5
    • Heavily soaked—multiply by factor 20.
In case of usage of tampons, multiply by 1,5 and 15.
Total score >100
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
  • In case of menopause ask regarding
    • Menarche
    • Postmenopausal bleed (importance is to rule out malignancies like cancer cervix or cancer endometrium)
    • Menopausal symptoms—vasomotor, mood, urinary symptoms, etc.
    • Calcium intake.
Obstetric History
  • Marital status
  • Consanguinity
  • Parity
  • Details of each pregnancy
    • Years and events
    • Pregnancy related events
    • Mode of delivery
    • Puerperal events
    • Baby details
    • Duration of breastfeeding
    • Duration of contraceptive usage
    • Number of miscarriages/molar pregnancies
      • Nulliparous—most common: Endometriosis, endometrial cancer, breast ancer
      • Multiparous—most common: Adenomyosis, cervical cancer, pelvic organ prolapse
      • Recent delivery or miscarriage—sepsis, RPOC.
Contraceptive History
  • Combined OCPs—protective against ovarian and endometrial cancer
  • IUCD—can cause HMB, dysmenorrhea
  • LNG-IUS—can cause amenorrhea.
Sexual History (in Case of Infertility)
  • History of cohabitation (gaining importance these days due to changing trends in lifestyle)
  • Vaginismus
  • Sexual satisfaction or orgasm
  • Dyspareunia
  • Vaginal dryness
  • In husband, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction.
Past History
Diabetes, thyroid disorders, epilepsy, TB, cardiac disease and others (influential in the management of cases).10
  • Breast surgery (fibroadenoma), pelvic surgery (for adhesions), surgery for inguinal hernia in childhood (androgen insensitivity).
  • Any hospital admission.
Family History
  • Familial cancers—ovarian, endometrial, breast
  • Any medical disorders
  • Any infectious diseases.
Miss/Mrs X aged ___ years belonging to socioeconomic status _____ has come with complaints of _________
Provisional Diagnosis
General Physical Examination
  • Built—obese/thin—to rule out endocrinopathy, menstrual abnormality.
  • Obesity can lead to CAD, hypertension, diabetes, etc. which are risk factors for endometrial cancers.
  • Nutrition—average/normal.
  • Development of secondary sexual characters—breast, axillary hair, pubic hair.
  • Height, weight, BMI
  • Evidence of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy (cervical, left supraclavicular, axillary and inguinal) or edema.
  • Examination of neck—thyroid enlargement, lymphadenopathy.
  • Teeth, gums, tonsils—for septic foci, important before general anaesthesia is being given.
  • PR, BP, RR.
  • Examination of spine (important while performing surgeries during spinal anesthesia).
Breast Examination
  • To be done in all women aged more than 40 years, as breast carcinoma is the second most common malignancy in females.
  • Arms by the sides (A)
  • Arms raised above the head (B)
  • Hands pressing against waist (to contract pectoral muscles) (C).
Look for dimpling of skin, erythema, edema, nipple retractions, nipple eczema.
Look for nipple discharge, palpable mass/nodes (E).
Systemic Examination
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Central nervous system
Abdominal Examination
  • Distension/ascites
  • Any mass11
  • Umbilical position
  • Presence of scars
  • Presence of dilated veins/sinuses/visible peristalsis
  • Discoloration over umbilical area/flanks
  • Presence of hernia or divarication of recti.
  • Areas of tenderness
  • Organomegaly
  • Mass—size, shape, surface, site, extent, margins, mobility, consistency (mass arising from pelvis—cannot get below the mass, lower border cannot be made out because of the presence of symphysis pubis).
  • Presence of fluid thrill, shifting dullness—to look for evidence of free fluid
  • In ascites—fluid thrill and shifting dullness will be present
  • In an encysted/a large ovarian cyst—no shifting dullness.
Presence of hypoactive/hyperactive bowel sounds.
Pelvic Examination
Instruct the patient to empty her bladder before performing pelvic examination.
Various positions
Dorsal, lithotomy, Sims’ lateral (Figs 2 to 5)
  • Dorsal—patient lying supine with legs flexed at hip and knee with feet resting on examination couch
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Fig. 2: Dorsal position
  • Lithotomy—supine with patient's legs in stirrups
  • Sims’—left lateral position with left leg extended and right leg flexed at knee and hip and left arm by the side of patient
  • Lateral position.
  • Patient should have emptied the bladder
  • Female attendant should be present (in case of male examiner)
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Fig. 3: Lithotomy position
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Fig. 4: Sims’ position
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Fig. 5: Sims’ speculum and examination in left lateral position
  • A good light source
  • Sterile gloves, sterile lubricants and instruments
  • Consent from parent or guardian in case of examination of a minor or unmarried.
(In case of minor, it is better not to do digital vaginal examination if there is no absolute indication).
Vulvovaginal Examination
  • Vulva
    • Pubic hair distribution
    • Skin lesions—color changes, ulcer, swelling, growth
  • Introitus
  • Clitoris
  • Hymen
  • Descent of uterus or cervix—ask to strain to elicit stress incontinence, genital prolapse, perineal tears, hemorrhoids, anal fissures or anal fistula
  • Perineal body
  • Anus.
Urethral discharge, Bartholin's glands, levator ani tear.
Speculum Examination
Labia minora are separated first and then Cusco's or Sims’ speculum is introduced as follows (Figs 6 and 7):
  • Blade is introduced along the longitudinal axis of vagina, firstly.
  • Blade is then turned 90° and vagina and cervix are examined.
  • Presence of blood
  • Discharge to be collected to detect monilial, trichomonal, chlamydial and gonococcal infections
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Fig. 6: Cusco's speculum
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Fig. 7: Sims’ speculum
  • Dryness
  • Mucosal characteristics—color, vascularity, edema, etc.
  • Growth
  • Structural abnormalities (anterior vaginal wall cysts, vaginal septum).
  • Color—normally pink
  • External os—round in nulliparous, transversely slit in multiparous
  • Position—posterior/mid position, anterior
  • Discharge—s/o infections
  • Bleeding through os
  • Tears and lacerations
  • Nabothian follicles or cysts
  • Polyps/growths13
  • Erosions
  • Bleeding on touch.
Bimanual Examination (Abdominopelvic Examination)
  • Introduce well lubricated gloved index and middle fingers into the vagina
  • Place the other hand over the infraumbilical region of abdomen and gently press while sweeping the pelvic structures towards the fingers palpating the abdomen
  • Coordinate the activity of two hands to evaluate the following.
  • Position—anteverted/retroverted/midposition
  • Size—normal/enlarged
  • Shape—regular/irregular
  • Consistency—soft/firm
  • Mobility—mobile/fixed/restricted
  • Tenderness—absent/present
  • Tumors if found, size, location, number, shape, consistency, tenderness, mobility, relation with uterus, transmitted mobility.
Position, consistency, os open or closed.
Adnexa (Table 4)
  • Presence of mass
  • Normally tubes are not palpable and rarely normal ovaries are palpable.
  • Adnexal mass has to be evaluated for, size, shape, consistency, tenderness, mobility, nodularity relation with uterus and cervix, transmitted mobility.
Table 4   Differentiating features of uterine and adnexal masses
Not palpable
Groove between uterus and mass
Transmitted mobility
Bimanual Examination of Uterus (Fig. 8)
  • Soft—pregnancy, pyometra
  • Hard—malignancy, calcfied myomas.
  • Regular—pregnancy, adenomyosis, pyometra, hematometra, etc.
  • Irregular—myoma, endometriosis.
  • Mobile—myoma, adenomyosis, pregnancy
  • Fixed/restricted—PID, endometriosis, malignancy.
Per Rectal Examination
This is commonly not done.
It is done when Ca cervix, Ca endometrium, Ca ovary or endometriosis are being suspected clinically.
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Fig. 8: Bimanual examination
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Fig. 9: Rectovaginal examination
To look for any abnormalities in:
  • Rectal mucosa.
  • Parametrium.
  • Uterosacral ligaments (endometriosis).
Examination under anesthesia
It is done for the examination of carcinoma cervix and endometrium.
Other modern, advanced modes of diagnosis have replaced this examination.
Rectovaginal Examination (Fig. 9)
It is done in case of suspicion of fistulae and cancers.
  1. Bedside Obstetrics and gynaecology by Richa Saxena, 2nd edition.
  2. DC Dutta Textbook of Obstetrics.
  3. Practical Manual of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for PG Examination (Jaypee Publications).
  4. Practical Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Parulekar.
  5. Williams Obstetrics, 24th edition.
  1. Berek and Novak's Gynaecology.
  2. DC Dutta Textbook of Gynaecology.
  3. Jeffcoates Principles of Gynaecology.
  4. Lakshmi Sheshadri Textbook of Gynaecology.
  5. Practical Manual of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for PG Examination (Jaypee Publications).
  6. Shaws Textbook of Gynaecology.