Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Vijay N Yewale, Digant D Shastri, Abhay K Shah, Kheya Ghosh Uttam, Ritabrata Kundu, Jaydeep Choudhury, Dhanya Dharmapalan, A Parthasarathy, Shyam Kukreja, Ashok Rai, Sanjay Krishna Ghorpade, Vasant Khalatkar
Page numbers followed by, b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abacavir 374, 375, 377, 378, 612
Abscess 248, 267
amebic 411
cutaneous 439
formation 443, 555
parapharyngeal 164
peritoneal 219
peritonsillar 164
renal 435
retropharyngeal 157, 164
subdiaphragmatic 220f
subphrenic 219
Absolute neutrophil count 70, 106, 125
Acellular pertussis 471, 499
vaccine 488, 491, 494, 504, 517
Acholeplasma 266
Acid-base imbalances 638
Acid-fast bacilli 48f, 272, 283, 284
Acidosis 183
lactic 378
metabolic 216, 355, 361, 362, 384
Acinetobacter 109, 135, 215
baumannii 51, 62
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 12, 12t, 18, 206, 371, 515
Actinomycetemcomitans 189
Acyclovir 315, 316, 325, 603
Adenitis 548
mesenteric 213
Adenosine monophosphate, cyclic 262
Adenovirus 80, 157, 158, 161, 206, 267, 289, 310
Adolescent Friendly Health Services in India 552
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 422
Adverse drug reactions, severe cutaneous 86
Adverse event
following immunization 482
immunization, types of 483t
Adverse reactions following vaccination 346
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 326, 345
Aedes aegypti 306, 349, 349f, 364
Aedes albopictus 348
Agglutination tests 53, 433
control parameters 40
ventilation 40
infections 431
precautions 41
Alanine aminotransferase 352
Albendazole 404, 407
Albert stain 47
Alcohol 462
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 275, 393
Allergic reactions, severe 483
Allopurinol 86, 450
Alpha hemolytic streptococci 188
Alpha herpesvirus 323
Aluminum adjuvanted vaccines 500
Alveolar lavage, nonbronchoscopic 113
Amantadine 603
Amastigote 451
Amebiasis 410
pleuropulmonary 411, 414
Amebic colitis
chronic 410
complications of 413
fulminant 410
American Academy of Pediatrics 329
American Heart Association 132
American Thoracic Society 115
Amikacin 237, 574
Aminoglycosides 3336, 63, 68, 70, 97, 153, 217
Aminosidine 449
Amorolfine 631
Amoxicillin 35, 82, 106, 131133, 148, 160, 163, 170, 171, 199, 574, 583
Amphotericin B 126, 389, 448
Ampicillin 82, 131133, 148, 153, 170, 177, 248, 369, 456, 574
Amplification techniques 56
Amprenavir 375
Anaerobic infections 438, 439
diagnosis of 440
treatment of 440
Anaphylaxis, emergency management of 483b
Ancylostoma duodenale 407
Anemia 147, 295, 321, 378, 382, 423, 447
aplastic 308, 425
chronic 319
congenital 319
hemolytic 198, 267, 269
mild 412
persistent 319
severe normocytic 384
Angular cheilitis 372
Animal bite wounds, management of 462
Ankle joint 546
Annular petechial rash 353f
Anorexia 242
Anthrax 525
Antibiogram 198
Antibiotic 29, 31, 33, 160, 244, 264, 330, 488, 574
coated catheters 118
cycling 44
effect 35
fails 31
mechanism of action of 33
parenteral 217
postexposure 258
prophylaxis 128, 131
etiology of 43
multiple 36
prevention of 43
selection of 170
principles of 34
sensitive enteric gram-negative bacilli 116
therapy 36, 128, 160t, 162, 240
duration of 98
empirical 176
indications of 36
intravenous 170
treatment 191
duration of 245
Antibody 469
deficiencies 106
detection 388, 447
test 411
Anticonvulsants 86
Anti-Epstein-Barr nuclear antigens 368
agent 448
role of 126
systemic 230, 232
complexes 485
detection tests 244, 456
presenting cells 473
Antihelminthics 86
Antileprosy drugs, dosage of 285t
Antimeasles antibody 290
agent 33, 435
eye 628
prophylaxis 128, 200
resistance, dynamics of 43
sensitivity testing 454
susceptibility testing 51
therapy 44, 51, 434, 456
empirical 96
pathogen-specific 177
treatment 73, 160
use of 212
Antinuclear antibody 311
Antipseudomonal beta-lactam agent 106
antibody, protective level of 464
vaccines 464
Antiretroviral drugs 374, 378, 612
new classes of 375
Antiretroviral therapy 134, 146, 371, 372, 374, 376378
adverse effects of 378
response of 378
Antirickettsial therapy 423
Antiseptic, application of 462
Anti-smooth muscle antibody 311
Antitoxin, doses of 252t
Antituberculosis treatment, principles of 277b
Antituberculous drug 596
agents 330
capsid antigens 368
drugs 106
role of 126
therapy 185, 488
Aphasia 243
Aplastic crisis, transient 319, 321
Apnea 329
Appendicitis 98, 236
Aqueductal stenosis 298
Arboviruses 181
infection 181
Arrhythmias, cardiac 260
Artemisinin 599
Arterial blood gases, monitoring of 361
disease, coronary 337
hypoplasia, pulmonary 142
Artesunate 599
Arthralgia 267, 294, 321, 547
Arthritis 85, 238, 267, 296, 321, 396
autoimmune 213
dermatitis syndrome 239
idiopathic 369, 545
rheumatoid 239
monoarticular 432
peripheral 434
reactive 238, 239
rheumatoid 320
Arthropathy 147, 320
Arthropod borne viruses 180
Ascaris lumbricoides 404
treatment of 404t
Asexual blood-stage vaccine 526
Aspartate aminotransferase 308, 352, 449
Aspergillus 103, 104, 189
fumigatus 103
Aspiration 253, 412
cytology 273
pneumonia 144, 168
Asteroloplasma 266
Asthma 337
exacerbations of 269, 328
Atazanavir 375
Atelectasis 275
Auditory defects 295
Auto-disable syringes 570, 570f
Autoimmune diseases 320, 545
Autoimmune disorders 434, 534
Automatic voltage stabilizer 538
Axillary hairs 222f
Axiom 220
Azithromycin 132, 135, 163, 245, 268, 398, 425, 457, 556, 575
Azotemia 427
Aztreonam 65, 66, 217, 245, 457, 575
Bacillary index 284
bordetella pertussis 256
gram-negative 102, 438
gram-positive 438
Bacillus anthracis 39, 534
Bacillus calmette-guérin 6, 130, 280, 451, 471, 483, 484, 500, 536, 538
vaccine 501, 515
Bacillus cereus 207
Backache 314
Baclofen 260
Bacteremia 68, 91, 106, 149, 189, 206, 248, 440, 443
causes of 73t
complications of 440
occult 73, 75
pneumococcal 75
staphylococcal 33
Bacteria 48, 167, 207, 238
gram-negative 240
gram-positive 105
morphology of 48f
Bacterial culture, main limitation of 50
Bacterial diseases 423
Bacterial infection 31, 36, 69, 159t, 241, 553
acute 256
circumstantial evidence of 29
management of 33
recurrent severe presumed 372
serious 75
Bacterial meningitis 174, 177, 177t
complications 178
diagnosis 175
etiology 174
management 176
pathogenesis 174
prevention 179
Bacterial peritonitis, primary 98
Bacterial pneumonia, severe recurrent 372
Bacteriological index 281
Bacteriological media, types of 49
Bacteriuria 195
asymptomatic 195, 201
catheter associated 122
Bacteroides 234, 438
fragilis 49, 438
oralis 438
Barking cough 165
Basophils 102
Bat rabies 461
B-cell 472
defects 103, 107
Beef tapeworm 408
Behçet disease 545
Benzathine penicillin 132, 160, 252, 576
intramuscular 129
Benzoin 557
Benzylpenicillin 576, 591
Best injection techniques 565
Beta-lactam antibiotics 33, 35, 86, 193, 236
Beta-lactamase 62
classification of 62t
inhibitor combinations 68
producers 212
Bichloroacetic acid 557
Bilirubin, fractionation of 308
Bilophila 438
Biodegradable micro-and nano-particle vaccines 529
Bird flu 333
Bismuth sulfite 248
Black measles 289
Bladder dysfunction 302
Blastocystis hominis 206
Blastomyces dermatitidis 394
Blastomycosis 394
mild pulmonary 395
Bleachable erythematous flush 353f
conjunctival 354
diathesis 348
Blindness 137
agar 454
borne defection 46
crusts 222
culture 94, 176, 189, 243, 454
disorders 337
eosinophilia, peripheral 398
glucose disturbances 362
pressure, systolic 91t
stained cloths 222
tests, basic 308
Bloodstream infection
catheter related 108, 116
central line related 116
Blueberry muffin lesions 295
Body fluid cytology 273
Body louse infestation 222
Bone 248
and joint infection 233, 237t
fractures 260
infection, pediatric 237t
lesions, radiolucent 296
marrow 121
aspiration culture 243
culture 454
suppression 378
transplantation 104, 325
necrosis 238
pain 234
scan 235
tumors, primary 236
Borderline lepromatous 283
leprosy 283, 283f
Borderline tuberculoid 283
leprosy 282
Bordetella 49
pertussis 130, 256
infection 529
mutant strain 529
Borrelia burgdorferi 183, 239
Botulinum toxins 443
Botulism 443
differential diagnosis 444
pathogenesis 443
prognosis 445
treatment 444
Bowel bladder dysfunction 200
Bowel diseases, parasitic 404
Bradycardia 91t
abscess 413
hypoxemia 183
Brainstem encephalitis 444
Breastfeeding 213, 371
Breath, shortness of 335
British Human Immunodeficiency Virus Association 134
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents 153
Brodie abscess 234, 236
Bronchiectasis 271
Bronchiolitis 329, 330
acute 327
moderate 330
obliterans 267
obliterative organizing pneumonia 275
chronic 269
wheezy 328, 329
Bronchoalveolar lavage 113, 275
Bronchodilators 330
Bronchopneumonia 400
Brown dog tick 421f
Brucella 53, 104
abortus 430
canis 430
infection 430
culture 432
diagnosis 432
epidemiology 430
etiology 430
pathogenesis 431
treatment 434
melitensis 430
suis 430
Brucellosis 310, 430
etiology of 430t
treatment of 435t
Brudzinski sign 301
Bulbar palsy 144
Bulbar polio 301, 302
Bulbospinal polio 301
Bull neck 250
Bullous impetigo 224f
Bunyaviruses 180
Burkholderia cepacia 103
Burkitt lymphoma 368
Burns 101
Bush-Jacoby-Medeiros system 62
Butcher's wart 227
Butenafine 230
Butoconazole 557
Calcium gluconate 639
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 553
Campylobacter 207, 208, 212, 213, 239
jejuni 206
cervix uteri 5
chemotherapy 104
vaccines 534
Candida 119, 121
albicans 102, 103, 133, 189, 215, 394, 395, 553, 554
antigen despite chronic infection 103
endocrinopathy syndrome 395
pneumoniae 396
Candidemia 126
Candidiasis 133, 395
disseminated 396
Candiduria 397
Cantharidin 228
Capillaria philippinensis 407
Carbapenems 34, 6769, 106, 109, 217, 237, 576
Carbohydrates 536
Carcinoma 411
cervix 479f
hepatocellular 305
nasopharyngeal 368
Cardiobacterium hominis 189
Cardiomyopathy 378
Cardiovascular system 295
Caspofungin 126
Cat scratch disease 434
Cataract 294296
Catch-up vaccination 254, 491, 519, 519t
Catecholamines, levels of 181
Catheter, types of 118
Cefaclor 131, 163, 171, 577
Cefadroxil 131, 132, 224, 577
Cefazolin 132, 165
Cefdinir 163, 171, 198, 577
Cefepime 106, 177, 578
Cefixime 131, 198, 224, 244, 578
Cefoperazone 217, 457, 579
Cefotaxime 65, 66, 154, 177, 217, 237, 457, 579
Cefoxitin 557
Cefpodoxime 65, 66, 163, 170, 171, 244, 579
Ceftaroline fosamil 59
Ceftazidime 34, 6466, 106, 135, 177, 580
Ceftizoxime 557
Ceftriaxone 65, 66, 97, 129, 154, 177, 237, 245, 457, 556, 557, 580
parenteral 35
Cefuroxime 163, 165, 170, 171, 237, 580
migration 102
mononuclear 560
phagocytic 431
producing interferon 451
Cellular vaccine candidates 529
Cellulitis 106, 224, 225f
legs 225f
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 258, 297, 322
Central nervous system 93, 143, 151, 178, 180, 295, 267, 300, 314, 352, 398, 441, 547, 635
disease 269
infection 183, 248, 316, 438, 635
toxoplasmosis 373
Central venous catheters, non-tunneled 116
Cephalexin 131, 132, 171, 237, 581
Cephalic tetanus 259, 441
Cephalosporins 33, 62, 63, 68, 170, 457, 581
second-generation 34
third-generation 34, 128, 236
Cephamycins 109
ataxia 85, 243, 267, 298
hypoplasias 138
Cerebellum, dysfunction of 420
amebiasis 414
imaging 398
infarction 185
malaria 183
thrombophlebitis 290
thrombosis 243
Cerebrospinal fluid 47, 68, 81, 94, 101, 129, 151, 181, 243, 268, 272, 298, 301, 302, 314, 397, 633
abnormal 73
analysis 184
examination 175, 301, 315
shunts 101
transport 175
intraepithelial neoplasia 343, 344
lymphadenitis 289
Cervix, uncomplicated gonococcal infections of 556
Cetrimide solution 462
Chancroid 556
Chart recorders 541
Chediak-Higashi syndrome 103, 107
Chemoprophylaxis 254, 280, 280fc
Chemotherapy 325
pain 267
radiography 183
roentgenograph 274
X-ray 267, 335
Chick embryo cell vaccine, purified 465, 511
Chickenpox 84, 87f, 100, 323, 324, 326, 516
Chikungunya 136, 364, 365
fever 13, 20, 364, 366t
infection 365f
vaccines 531
virus 364
Chills 335
Chimeric live attenuated vaccines 530
Chimpanzee coryza virus 327
Chinese hamster ovary cells 464
Chlamydia 53, 169, 269
pneumoniae 167, 266, 401
infection 267
psittaci 266
trachomatis 150, 257, 554556
pneumonia 401
Chlamydial ophthalmitis 153
Chloramphenicol 171, 424, 425, 456, 581
Chlorhexidine 114, 118
gluconate 462
Chloroquine 599
Chloroxylenol 462
Cholangitis 311
Cholecystitis 98, 243, 434
Cholera 10, 210, 262, 263, 265, 490, 517
confirmation of 263
homeland of 262
toxin 262
vaccine 493, 509, 518, 530
Cholestasis 312
Chorea 243
Chorioamnionitis 150
Ciclopirox olamine 230
Cilastatin 106, 588
Ciprofloxacin 63, 106, 198, 217, 245, 248, 454, 455, 457, 556, 582
Cirrhosis 218, 305
Citrobacter 62, 150
Civil Society Organizations 22
Clarithromycin 34, 132, 135, 163, 268, 582
Clavulanate 65, 106, 199
Clavulanic acid 35, 65, 170, 171, 583
Clindamycin 132, 217, 237, 556, 557, 583
doses of 237
Clinical pulmonary infection score 112
Clofazimine 285, 286
Clostridium 234
botulinum 443
toxins 445
difficile 39, 108, 206, 212
difficile infection 442, 443
diagnosis 443
pathogenesis 443
prognosis 443
treatment 443
difficile toxin assay 209
perfringens 102, 438, 439
tetani 259, 440, 442
Clotrimazole 230, 231, 232, 631
application of 231
Cloxacillin 237, 583
plus cefotaxime 237
Coamoxiclav 198, 583
Coccidioides immitis 397
Coccidioidomycosis 373, 397
Codeine 265
agglutinin 267
boxes 538
chain 536
Colitis, amebic 412f, 413
Collagen vascular disease 298
Colloids 639
Colony stimulating factors 106
Combination therapy, basis of 275
Common cold 157
epidemiology 157
treatment 158
Complete blood count 94, 216, 335, 454
conjunctival 288
vascular 362
Conjunctiva 101, 288
Conjunctivitis 288
painful 547
Constipation 259, 300, 444
Contact infection 431
Continuation therapy 561
Continuous positive airway pressure 331
Convulsions 272
Coombs’ negative hemolytic anemia 145
Coombs’ test 267, 433
Cordocentesis 147
Coronaviruses 158, 310, 525
Corticosteroid 86, 177, 286
therapy 288, 434
use of 186
diphtheriae 48f, 129, 159, 249, 250f
ulcerans 249
Cotrimoxazole 131, 141, 163, 171, 218, 450, 456, 584
doses of 134t
Cough 28, 160, 169t, 242, 287, 288, 334, 335
paroxysmal nature of 256
Coxiella burnetii 190, 266
Coxsackievirus 310
A 157, 185
B 185
Cranial nerve 399
involvement 302
palsies 182, 267
C-reactive protein 75, 93, 94, 216, 235, 311, 428, 546, 560
Creatinine phosphokinase 311
Crohn's disease 411
Crotamiton 632
Croup syndrome 163
pathophysiology 163
Cryoglobulinemia 308
Cryotherapy 557
Cryptococcal disease 133
Cryptococcosis 398
extrapulmonary 373
Cryptococcus neoformans 54, 398
Cryptosporidiosis 47, 373
Cryptosporidium 105, 206
antigen 409
infections 103, 409
infestation 408
parvum 52, 408
Crystal violet-blood agar 49
Cyclosporin A inhibits 561
Cystic fibrosis 337
Cystitis 196, 267
hemorrhagic 196
Cystourethrogram, micturating 199
Cysts 209, 414
dermal 435
Cytokine 350, 470
production, defective 102
tsunami 350
Cytomegalovirus 88, 103, 133, 136, 137, 158, 168, 206, 305, 309, 371, 524
infection 83, 373
vaccines 532
Dapsone 134, 285, 450, 595
Daptomycin 59
Dark-field microscopy 427
Darunavir 375
Deafness 137, 243, 295, 296, 298
Decolonization therapy 60
Deep tendon reflex 302
Deep vein thrombosis 98
Dehydration 208, 208t, 356, 634
hyponatremic 634
physical signs of 634
severe 208, 210, 635
status 263
assessment of 263t
Dendritic cells 350, 472, 473, 474f
Dengue 20, 348, 349, 352, 354, 358, 360, 452
antiviral drugs 363
chimeric vaccine 524f
clinical management 356
diseases 348
facies 353f
fever 81, 88f, 310, 349, 351, 636
hemorrhagic fever 348351, 639
illness 12, 348
course of 354f
infection, primary 96
purpuric rash 353f
severe 352, 354, 358
shock 355, 358, 359, 362
syndrome 310, 348, 352, 639
vaccine 363, 530
virus 305, 310, 349, 350, 355, 364
multiple 348
Dental infections 439
Deoxycholate 126
citrate 49
Deoxyribonucleic acid 52, 126, 429
Dermal sinus 101
Dermatitis 405
Dermatophyte infections 393
Dexamethasone 240
Diabetes 92, 247
mellitus 337, 509, 636
Diaper dermatitis 395
Diarrhea 9f, 28, 205, 208t, 209, 211, 213t, 242, 289, 291, 366, 372, 414, 482, 634
acute 205, 207t, 211, 634
bloody 205
antibiotic associated 442
chronic 405
infective 205
management of 635
mild 210
osmotic 207
persistent 205, 210212
risk of 205
secretory 207
severe 210
small bowel 208
Diarrheal diseases 262, 634
control program 10
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 451
Didanosine 375, 604
Diethylcarbamazine 626
DiGeorge syndrome 102, 103, 514
Digestive tract 72
Digital thermometers 542, 542f
Digits, gangrene of 420f
Diloxanide furoate 623
Diltiazem 86
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 198, 199
Diphenoxylate 265
Diphtheria 2, 128, 249, 251f, 253, 504
and tetanus 484, 501, 536, 538, 539
toxoids and pertussis vaccine 491
vaccine 504
antitoxin 252
conjunctival 251
control of 253
cutaneous 251, 252
incidence of 14
mild 251
nasal 250
nasopharyngeal 252
pertussis and tetanus 483, 484, 501, 503, 536, 538, 539
signs of 250, 252
symptoms of 250
tonsillar 250, 250f
toxin 249
toxoid 475
Diphtheritic cervical lymphadenopathy, bull-neck appearance of 251f
Diphyllobothrium latum 407
Dipstick test 244
Direct agglutination test 447
Direct fluorescent antibody testing 257
Directly observed treatment short-course 277
Disaccharidase deficiency 414
Disease burden 149, 335, 446
Disk diffusion method 65
District Level Disease Surveillance 20
Donovanosis 553
Doripenem 67
Double disk synergy 65
Doxycycline 268, 424, 425, 434, 435, 557
Drotrecogin alpha 98
Drug 43
allergy 80
resistance, multiple 108
resistant nosocomial infections, risk of 98
sensitivity testing 274
Duck embryo vaccine, purified 464, 511
Dwarf tapeworm 408
Dysarthria 444
Dyselectrolytemia 362, 633
Dyselimination syndrome 200
Dysentery 207
Dyspareunia 554
Dysphagia 158, 442, 444
Dysplasia, thymic 102
Dyspnea 253, 401
Dysrhythmias 441
Dysuria 441, 554
frequency syndrome 195
Ear infections 291
Earlobe, gangrene of 420f
Ebola viruses 310, 533
Echinacea purpurea 158
Echinococcosis 408
Echoviruses 185, 289
Econazole 631
Ecthyma 224, 224f
Ectoparasites 553
Eczema formation 221
periorbital 547
pulmonary 361, 384
Edematous areola 224
Edmonston-Zagreb strain 291
Efavirenz 375, 378, 614
Electrocardiography 251
Electrolytes 183, 638
disturbances, diarrhea-associated 211
Electronic vaccine intelligence network 23
Elek test 251
modified 251
Emergency vaccine retrieval and storage 543
Empiric antibiotic therapy, duration of 126
Empyema 372, 413
necessitans 272
Emtricitabine 375, 378
Encephalitis 6, 180, 182, 248, 267, 294, 297, 314, 325, 520
acute postinfectious 79
glomerulonephritis 321
postinfectious 297
rickettsial 420
sentinel surveillance 21
syndrome, acute 180
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 181
Encephalopathy 182
metabolic 182
Endemic infectious diseases 481
Endocarditis 435
culture-negative 193
diagnosis of 189
infective 131, 188190, 192t
management of 190
staphylococcal 193
streptococcal infective 191
Endocrine disorders 337
Endolimax nana 206
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 404
Endoscopy 412
Endothelial cells 418
Endotracheal tube 111, 113
suctioning 113
Endovascular infection 248
Entamoeba histolytica 206, 212, 219, 410
Enteric fever
diagnosis of 454
treatment of 456
Enterobacter 62, 215
Enterobacteriaceae 68, 109, 135
Enterobiosis 406
Enterobius vermicularis 406
Enterococcal endocarditis 193
Enterovirus 73, 80, 136, 157, 158, 185, 298
Enzyme immunoassay 81, 340, 411
test 244, 455
Enzyme labeled antihuman immunoglobulin 54
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay 54, 88, 275, 284, 329, 356, 373, 395, 405, 424, 425, 433
antigen capture 54
tests, antibody detecting 54
Eosinopenia 447, 454
Eosinophils 102, 398
Epidemic typhus 421
Epidermophyton floccosum 394
Epiglottitis 164, 164t
Epilepsy 137
Episodic therapy 316
Epistaxis 242, 254
Epstein-Barr virus 78, 82, 88, 104, 158, 267, 305, 309, 368, 559, 561
Equine rabies immunoglobulin 462, 511
Ertapenem 67
Erysipelas 224, 225f
Erythema 120
desensitization of 252b
infectiosum 78, 80, 82, 289, 319, 321
diagnosis of 321
rash of 321
marginatum 78
multiforme 78, 80, 84
nodosum 78, 267, 398
leprosum reactions 286
perianal 208
Erythematous popular lesions 435
membranes 266
sedimentation rate 81, 235, 267, 560
Erythromycin 34, 163, 268, 556, 586
Erythropoiesis, dermal 295
Erythrovirus 318
Escherichia coli 33, 62, 66, 66t, 73, 91, 104, 109, 116, 135, 150, 196, 203, 215, 433, 523, 634
vaccines, enterotoxigenic 529
Esophageal candidiasis 373
Essen schedule 464
Ethambutol 135, 276278, 596
Etravirine 375
European Society Medical Oncology 125
Exanthem 294
subitum 80, 289
Exanthematous pustulosis, acute generalized 86
Exotic viruses 310
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase 51, 62, 63, 66, 69, 70, 198
infections 64t
treatment of 68t
types of 63t
Extracellular fluid 633
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 329
Extrafollicular reaction 477
Eye 139, 143, 295, 314
problems 296
Fabricius, bursa of 472
Facial palsy 298
Faine's criteria, modified 428
Falciform ligament 215
Famciclovir 315, 316
Familial cold auto-inflammatory syndrome 549
Familial mediterranean fever 546, 546t
epidemiology 546
genetics 546
prognosis 547
treatment 546
Fasciitis, necrotizing 439
Fastvax vaccine 533
Fatigue 304, 334, 369
Fatty liver 378
Febrile neutropenia 105, 125
treatment of 105
Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India 344
hydrops 321
infection 140, 320
rubella-infection 296
Fetus 138, 140, 141
infection of 139, 141
Fever 73, 78, 88, 247, 272, 287, 300, 314, 328, 334, 335, 351, 369, 372, 382, 384, 387
enteric 241, 454
hemorrhagic 183
rickettsial 420, 423
Fibrinogen 560
Filaria 452
Filariasis, lymphatic 20, 452
Filatov-Dukes disease 319
Fine needle aspiration 273
Fish tapeworm 407
Flaccid paralysis, acute 19, 301, 303, 502
Flaviviruses 180
Fleroxacin 457
Flu 332, 334
Fluconazole 135, 203, 397, 557, 619
Flucytosine 397, 619
Fluid 329
amount of 639
and electrolyte imbalances 265
choice of 357, 639
filled bio-safe liquid thermometers 542
inside cells 633
management 209, 210
outside cells 633
overload 361
therapy 633636, 639
Flumazenil 620
leprosy antibody absorption test 284
polarization immunoassay 434
Fluoroquinolone 35, 68, 217, 245, 425, 456, 457
antibiotics, doses of 237
susceptibility testing 454
botulism 443
disease 148
infections 431
Forchheimer's sign 289, 290
Forchheimer's spots 294
Foscarnet sodium 605
Fosfomycin 68
Fournier gangrene 440
Framycetin sulfate 628, 630
Francisella tularensis 266
Freeze sensitive vaccines 536, 539
Fresh frozen plasma 639
Full blood count 359, 360
Fungal infections 381, 393, 400, 402
diagnosis of 402
invasive 402
opportunistic 372, 400, 401
systemic 393
Fungemia 399
Fungi 48, 167
infections 105
Furazolidone 587, 623
Furuncle over eyelid 223f
Furunculosis 223, 223f
Fusarium 104
Fusidic acid 226
Fusobacterium 234, 438
necrophorum 438
nucleatum 438
Gamma aminobutyric acid 440
Gamma benzene hexachloride 221, 627
Ganciclovir 138, 606
Gastric aspirate 273
acid-fast bacilli 146
Gastric lavage 272
Gastroenteritis 247
Gastroesophageal reflux 144
disturbances 300
fluid 639
symptoms 267
tract 101, 242, 267, 288
GAVI's health system strengthening grants 22
GAVI's strategy 22
blisters 556
herpes 314, 316, 556
ulcer 554
warts 343, 556, 557
complications 435
manifestations 432
Genotype tests 374
Gentamicin 34, 63, 133, 154, 177, 435, 587
dose of 557
loading dose 557
Geographical information system 452
German measles 83, 294
Ghon focus 270, 271
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 83, 369
Giardia 206
duodenalis 212
intestinalis 414
lamblia 49f, 206
life cycle 414
Giardiasis 410, 414
prevention of 415
Gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative 372
Gingivostomatitis 315
Glandular fever 368
Glatiramer acetate 534
Glaucoma 296
congenital 295, 296
Global influenza disease burden 333
Glomerulonephritis 85, 308, 435, 450
Gloves and socks syndrome 319, 320
Glucocorticoids 404
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 420
facilitated sodium 264
Gluteus medius 566
Glycogen storage disease 311
Glycosaminoglycans 350
Glycosuria 251
Gonococcal infection, disseminated 78
Graft versus host disease 514
Gram stain 47, 48f, 268
Granular casts 427
Granulocyte transfusions 106
Granulocytopenia 378
Granulomatous disease 107, 430
Gravis colonies 249
Gravis strains 253
Gray-white papules 79
Griseofulvin 620
failure 372
retardation 414
Guillain-Barré syndrome 85, 213, 267, 302, 308, 324, 337, 370, 444, 509
Guinea worm disease 18
Gum bleeding 354
Haemophilus ducreyi 553
Haemophilus influenzae 21, 24, 33, 3436, 42, 49, 73, 77, 91, 103, 104, 116, 150, 161, 162, 165, 167, 170, 172, 174, 234, 236, 290, 433, 439, 475, 505, 515, 516, 521, 539
disease, invasive 6
Hair growth 283
Hand hygiene 39, 110, 114
Hand rubs, alcohol-based 110
Hand washing 564
steps of 565f
Hand, foot and mouth disease 85
Hansen's disease 281, 366
Hantavirus 88
Hartley's blood agar 243
Hartley's media 454
Head louse infestation 222
Headache 242, 297, 314, 334, 335, 369
HEADSSSS screening 553b
Healthcare worker safety devices 570
Hearing loss 296
defects, congenital 142
disease 267, 294
congenital 296, 337
rheumatic 129, 132
failure 147, 267, 636
congestive 193, 337, 355
rate 91
and light sensitive vaccines 536
and moisture exchange 114
Hecht giant cell pneumonia 288
Helicobacter pylori 242
Helminths 404
inhibition assay 366
test 424
Hemaglutinin, tecombinant trivalent 528
Hematemesis 354
Hematocrit 352, 359, 360
faster, levels of 638
Hematological disorder 545
growth factors, role of 127
necrosis, infectious 523
stem cell transplantation 561
Hematuria 427
isolated 267
Hemiparesis 182
Hemiplegia 290
Hemoconcentration 351
Hemoglobinuria 267
Hemolysis, autoimmune 387
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 205, 209, 243, 267, 423
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
infection associated 559
types of 559
Hemophagocytic syndrome 368, 420, 559
infection associated 559
Hemorrhage 351
colonic 213
conjunctival 354f
splenic subcapsular 370
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 320, 423
Hepatic dysfunction 91
Hepatitis 243, 294, 295, 310, 355, 378, 539
A 5, 305, 307, 312, 475, 490, 497, 499, 512, 517, 519
influenza 525
prevalence, geographic distribution of 5f
vaccine 492, 495, 507, 517
virus 4, 305, 306f, 308, 309
acute 267, 312
autoimmune 309, 311
influenza 471
monovalent vaccine 24
prevalence, geographic pattern of 4f
surface antigen 305
vaccine 4, 491, 495, 505, 517
virus 4, 88, 305, 306, 306f, 523, 525, 563
bacterial 309
C 136, 306, 307, 312, 377, 523
vaccines 532
virus 88, 305, 306f, 307, 309, 563, 568
chronic 305, 308
D 306, 308, 312
virus 306f, 308, 309
E 305, 307, 312
vaccine 532
virus 305
malarial 311
non-viral 310
vaccines 532
viruses 306
Hepatorenal syndrome 427
Hepatosplenic candidiasis 396, 397
Hepatotoxicity 378
Herpes 143
encephalitis 317
gladiatorum 316
labialis 315
simplex 105, 130, 181, 310
infection 133, 313, 372
viral focal infection 85
virus 88, 126, 137, 143, 158, 180, 310, 313, 314, 316, 317
zoster 85, 87f, 133, 323, 326, 372
maternal 324
Heterophile antibody test 369
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 134, 279, 312, 376
joint 546
pain, causes of 239
Histoplasma capsulatum 399
Histoplasmosis, extrapulmonary 373
Hodgkin disease 368
Hookworms 407
Hospital waste, management of 41
Host cell 417
invasion of 417
Host immune function 35
Human albumin 639
Human bocaviruses 318
Human bovine
pentavalent live vaccine 341, 507
rotavirus vaccine 508
Human cytomegalovirus 139, 532
infection 137
Human diploid cell vaccine 464, 511
Human herpesvirus 6, 73, 81, 82, 88, 310
Human hookworm vaccine 533
Human hyperimmune globulins, homologous 470
Human immunodeficiency virus 12, 55, 88, 133, 135t, 136, 298, 310, 371374, 471, 484, 515, 523, 525, 551, 563
clinical manifestations of 371
coinfection 450
diagnosis of 373
end-stage 372
progression, monitoring of 373
encephalopathy 373
infection 12, 12t, 19, 104, 270, 281, 288, 325, 372t, 376
global view of 13f
mother to child transmission of 134t
pathogenesis of 371
postexposure prophylaxis 568
acute 369
perinatal transmission of 371
transmission 371
prevention of 134
treatment of 377
vaccines 527
Human metapneumovirus 157
Human monocyte-derived macrophages 350
Human monovalent live vaccine 341, 507
Human papillomavirus 343, 471, 499, 533, 557
infection 5, 343, 344
vaccines 346, 493, 494, 509, 517, 518
Human parainfluenza virus 528
Human parvovirus B19 310
Human rabies immunoglobulin 462, 511
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 260
Hutchison teeth 145
Hyaline 427
Hybridization 285
Hydatid disease 408
Hydration 258
Hydrocephalus 178f, 399
Hydronephrosis 200
Hydrops fetalis 319
Hydroxycholoroquine 86
Hydroxyethyl starches 639
Hymenolepis nana 408
Hyperbilirubinemia 137, 218, 312
Hypercytokinemia 561
Hyperglycemia 378, 636
Hyper-IgD periodic fever syndrome 547, 548
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D 546
Hyperkalemia 639
Hyperlactatemia 59, 384
Hyperlipidemia 378
Hypermagnesemia 444
Hypernatremia 210, 213
Hyperparasitemia 384
Hyperpyrexia 28
Hypersensitivity syndrome, systemic 86
Hypersplenism 387
Hypertension 636
labile 441
Hyperthermia 242
Hyperthyroidism 295
Hypertonic solution 330
Hypoalbuminemia 218, 457
Hypocalcemia 442
Hypoglycemia 183, 213, 251, 384
Hypokalemia 213, 639
Hyponatremia 213, 423, 638
fatal 633
Hypoproteinemia 423
Hypotension 91t, 243, 356
orthostatic 444
Hypothermia 218
Hypotonia 137
Hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes 503
Hypovolemia 356
Hypoxemia 152, 401
Hypoxia 172
Icteric form 427
IDL TUBEX test 244, 456
IgM dipstick test 456
Imipenem 67, 69, 106, 217, 588
Imiquimod 557
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 378
Immunity 387, 418
acquire active 469
active 469
adaptive 472, 472t, 473f
cell mediated 284, 418, 470
cellular 469
flaviviral 182
herd 482
innate 472, 472t, 473f
nonspecific 472
passive 469
specific 472
vaccine induced 475t
Immunization 470
programs 536
schedule 501
Immunodeficiency syndrome, severe combined 103, 409, 513
antibody method 329
assay 81, 424, 425
Immunoglobulin 470, 515
use of 292
Immunoperoxidase assay 424, 425
Immunosuppressive therapy 107
Impetigo 223
contagiosa 224f
In situ hybridization 285
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 254, 292, 296, 325, 344, 568
Indian Association of Leprologists 282
Indian Council of Medical Research 21
Indian Data on Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course Strategy 277
Indian Medical Association 344
Indian Neonatal Rotavirus Live Vaccine 508
Indian tick typhus 421
Indinavir 375
Indirect fluorescent antibody tests 54
Indwelling catheters 123
Infection 90, 117, 207, 323
asymptomatic 399
chronic 534
congenital 136
committee 110
measures 71
team 71, 110
disseminated 314, 399
enteric 396
focus of 75
healthcare associated 38, 108
hospital-acquired 108
management of 69, 136
necrotic 223
neonatal 149
nosocomial 38, 92, 97, 108, 135
perinatal 314, 316
pleuropulmonary 439
primary 313, 316
reservoir of 430
systemic 131, 397
tuberculous 226
types of 51, 64, 438
Infectious Diseases Society of America 105, 125
Infectious Diseases Surveillance in India 16
Inflammatory bowel disease 439, 545
Influenza 14f, 105, 130, 158, 332, 471, 475, 490, 513, 519, 539
A virus, types of 334
complications of 335
burden of 333
Surveillance in India 333
infection, confirmation of 335
pediatric 332
seasonal vaccination 336
sentinel surveillance 21
vaccination 336
vaccine 493, 495, 509, 517
inactivated 336, 509, 509t
live attenuated 336, 488, 499, 509
newer 528
next generation of 528
virus 157159, 332, 333
Inguinal bubo 555
Inguinal lymph nodes, painful enlargement of 555
Inhalation therapy 101
reaction 483
route 500
waste, disposal of 569
Innate immune system 474
Insulin deficiency 295
Integrase strand transfer inhibitors 375, 377
Integrated disease surveillance project 4, 20, 21
Intensive care unit 62, 92, 169b
Intensive supportive care 330
Intercell intradermal vaccine patch 526f
Interferon gamma radioimmunoassay 275
International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus Conference 90t
Intestinal worms 404
Intra-abdominal infection 68, 215, 439
fluid 633
parasites 417
Intracranial pressure 174, 182
Intracranial tension 243
Intradermal injections 465, 487, 567, 567f
technique 466
Intradermal rabies vaccination 465
Intradermal vaccination 491
Intramuscular injection 301, 566, 566f
Intrauterine fetal death 318, 320
Intravascular coagulation, disseminated 243, 310, 314, 315, 324, 355, 559
Intravenous immunoglobulin 144, 321
Intravenous therapy 264
Intubation, nasal 113
Iodamoeba bütschlii 206
Iridocyclitis 366
Isoniazid 276279, 597
Isospora belli 206
Isosporiasis, chronic 373
Istamines 158
Itching, severe 222
Itraconazole 126, 397, 400, 620
Ivermectin 622, 627
paralyzes 405
Janeway lesions 189
Japanese encephalitis 2, 11, 20, 180, 490, 519
vaccine 493, 495, 510, 517, 530
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction 434
Jaundice 137, 242, 296, 305, 308
obstructive 311
Job syndrome 103, 107
Joint infection 372
pediatric 237t
Kala-azar 20, 386, 287, 390, 446, 448, 452
control of 451
elimination of 452
prevention of 451
refractory 448
transmission of 386, 386f, 452
treatment of 450, 452
vaccine 390
vector 386
Kanamycin 34
Kan-kapya disease 421
Kaposi sarcoma 372
Kawasaki disease 80, 84, 289
Keratitis, interstitial 145
Kernig sign 301
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 182
Ketoconazole 135, 230, 231, 232, 621
Kidney 104
disorders 337
Kingella kingae 189, 234236, 238240
Kirby-Bauer method 51
Kissing disease 368
Klebsiella 33, 68, 91, 104, 109, 135, 215
granulomatis 553
pneumoniae 33, 35, 62, 63, 66, 66t, 69, 92, 116, 150, 203
Knee joint 546
Kolar 821564XY strain vaccine 510
Köplik's spots 79, 287289
Kostmann syndrome 102
La Crosse virus 180
Lactate dehydrogenase 356
Lactobacillus 212, 265, 443
Lag phase 277
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 444
Lamivudine 134, 374, 375, 377, 378, 609, 614
Lamotrigine 86
Language disorder 420
Large bowel diarrhea 208
Laryngeal diphtheria 250, 252
Laryngeal obstruction 250
Laryngoscopes 39
Lassa viruses 310
Latex agglutination test 424
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease 239
Legionella pneumophila 53
Leishman-donovan bodies 386, 446
Leishmania 450, 451
amazonensis 451
donovani 386
parasites 451
stage of 53
Lemierre's syndrome 438
Lepromatous leprosy 283
Lepromin test 283, 284
Leprosy 131, 281, 452
clinical varieties of 282
drugs for 285t
elimination strategy 286
indeterminate 282
mid borderline 283
multibacillary 285t
neuritic 283
pediatric 281
surveillance 20
tuberculoid 282
types of 283t
Leptospirosis 80, 311, 427, 533
Society's criteria 428
Leptotrombidium deliense 422
Lethargy 137
Leucocyte adhesion deficiency 102
Leukemia 288, 369, 471
acute 368
lymphocytic 559
Leukocytes, polymorphonuclear 431
Leukocytosis 369, 412
neutrophilic 29
Leukoencephalitis, acute hemorrhagic 181
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 373
Leukopenia 335, 354, 447
Levamisole 622
Levofloxacin 268, 269
Ligase chain reaction 67
Lincosamides 34
Lineal gingival erythema 372
Linezolid 3335, 59, 177, 237, 588
Lipodystrophy 378
Lipopolysaccharide 433
antigen 244
Liposomal amphotericin 448
Liposomal vaccines, several 525
Liposome 525
Listeria 33, 104, 148
diagnosis 148
monocytogenes 73, 91
prevention 148
treatment 148
Liver 104, 182, 387
abscess, amebic 411
biopsy 310
cell failure, acute 429
disease 207, 309, 377
disorders 337
dysfunction 310
failure, acute 310
function tests 183, 412, 560
injury, drug induced 311
Loeffler's syndrome 405
Loperamide 265
Lopinavir 375
Louse infestation 222
Low ejection fraction 356
Low-birth-weight 136, 137, 142, 152
Lower respiratory tract infection 157
Lumbar puncture 94, 96, 175, 182
Lumefantrine 599
Lumens, number of 119
biopsy, transbronchial 275
disease, chronic 337
Lupus vulgaris 226, 227f
Lutzomyia 386
Lyme disease 183, 239
Lymph node 250, 394
mesenteric 243
regional 225
tuberculosis 372
Lymphadenopathy 294
persistent generalized 372
Lymphangitis 225f
over leg 226f
Lymphocryptovirus 82
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 298
Lymphocytosis 447
atypical 354
Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic 309, 559, 560b
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis 368, 372
Lymphopenia 335
MacConkey agar 49, 243, 454
Macrolides 33, 34, 171, 245
Macrophages 431
Maculae ceruleae 223
Maculopapular rashes 78, 353f, 369
Major histocompatibility complex 523
Malabsorption syndrome 414
Malaise 242, 335, 369, 482
Malaria 10, 136, 247, 311, 381, 383f, 452, 526
congenital 384
prophylaxis 130
severe 384b
surveillance 20
transmission 131t
drugs for 131t
types of 131, 131t
vaccine against 523, 526
Malassezia furfur 394, 400
Malnutrition 103, 213, 288
Mantoux test 146, 275, 398
Marburg virus disease 310
Marshall's syndrome 548
Maximal sterile barrier precaution 118
Measles 2, 3, 79, 80, 87f, 100, 287290, 297, 319, 475
complications of 79
containing vaccine 292
face 288f
mumps, pertussis, diphtheria 516
mumps, rubella 181, 293, 325
vaccine 291, 492, 495, 517
varicella 291, 499
prevention of 291
rubella 27, 293
and tetanus 470
and varicella vaccine 298
initiative plan 292
vaccine 291
severe 206
vaccine 291, 504
virus 88, 267, 309, 525
isolation of 289
Mebendazole 404, 406, 623
Mediterranean fever 546
Mefloquine 600
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis nephrotic syndrome 267
Memory B-cell 477, 478
Memory T cells 371
Meningitis 85, 178f, 248, 321, 373, 396, 398, 399
acute bacterial 174t
aseptic 267, 297, 301
basilar 398
causes of 73t
cryptococcal 399
meningococcal 6
neonatal 152
nosocomial 68
recurrent aseptic 314
tubercular 6, 183, 270, 272, 278
Meningococcal disease 471
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine 499
conjugated 510
Meningococcemia 86, 87f, 289
rash of 290
Meningoencephalitic syndrome 183
Meningoencephalitis 85, 267, 295298, 429
Mental retardation 296
Meropenem 6769, 106, 177, 217, 589
Metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemic 197
Metabolic disorders 337
Metallo-beta-lactamases 109
Methemoglobinemia 198, 450
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 57, 69, 97, 108, 116
Methotrexate 561
Metromenorrhagia 354
Metronidazole 217, 415, 556, 557, 624
Mevalonate kinase 547
deficiency 547
Miconazole 230232, 631
Microglial nodules 181
Microphthalmia 295
Microscopic agglutination test 311
Microsporum canis 393
Midazolam 260
Miliary tuberculosis 270, 272
Milk, pasteurization of 435
Miltefosine 390, 449
Minimum inhibitory concentration 44, 66
method 65
strip 66f
Minocycline 285, 589
Mitochondrial disorders 337
Modern tissue culture vaccines 511
Molecular amplification methods 55
application of 55
Molecular techniques 190
Molecular tests 96
Mollaret's meningitis 314
Molluscum contagiosum 46, 83, 228, 229f, 372
treatment 228
Monobactams 34, 63
Monocytes 431, 476
Monocytosis 447
Mononucleosis, infectious 251, 289, 368, 369
Monotherapy, empirical 97
Mop-up immunization 303, 502
Moraxella catarrhalis 161, 162
Morbilliform eruption 78
Morbilliform rash 287
Morphological index 281
Motor retardation 295
Mouse brain derived inactivated vaccine 510
Mouth disease 85, 143
Moxifloxacin 217
Muckle-Wells syndrome 549
Mucous membranes 101
Mulberry molars 145
Multidrug resistant 458
gram-negative bacteria 62
organism 198, 457
Plasmodium falciparum 56
salmonella 244
strains 59
tuberculosis 276
typhoid fever 241, 456
Multidrug therapy 285
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 90
Mumps 2, 297, 475
diagnosis of 298
incubation period of 297
infection 3
treatment of 298
vaccine 298, 299
virus 83, 297
Mupirocin 60, 226, 630
Murine typhus 421
Murmur, cardiac 432
Muscle 304
weakness 304
Myalgia 242, 267, 314, 369
Mycobacterial growth indicator tubes 274
avium complex 135
infections 135, 135t
avium-intracellulare 234
bovis 12, 270
fortuitum 234
gordonae 234
infection 47
isolates, rapid identification of 274
leprae 281
marinum 234
pneumoniae 181, 268
tuberculosis 104, 130, 167, 234, 238, 434, 476
bacilli 270
complex 270
Mycoplasma 84, 86, 170, 266, 269
extrapulmonary manifestations of 267b
genitalium 266
genome 183
hominis 150, 266
infection 78, 266, 268t
drugs for 268t
pulmonary complications of 267b
pneumoneae 42, 167, 183, 266, 268, 401
infection 266
Mycosis, disseminated endemic 373
Mydriasis 444
Myelitis, transverse 85, 243, 267, 298, 302, 324
Myelodysplastic syndrome 127
Myeloperoxidase deficiency 103
Myelosuppression 59
Myocarditis 85, 147, 253, 267, 290, 295, 308, 319, 321, 420, 429
Myoglobinuria 260
Myopathy 378
Nail infection, fungal 372
Nalidixic acid 131, 243, 455457
Napoleon's retreat 416
Nasogastric tube 217
National AIDS Control Organization 104, 134, 376
National Centre for Disease Control 460
National Childhood and Antenatal Immunization Programme 20
National Diarrhoeal Disease Control Programme 8
National Immunization Program 3
National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases 23
National Institute of Virology 21
National Malaria Control Programme 20
National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System 108
National Polio Surveillance Project 19
National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization 518
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme 20, 186, 389
Natural killer cells 470
Nausea 300, 305, 369
Necator americanus 407
Neck glands, scrofula of 227f
Needle insertion, subcutaneous 487f
Needlestick injuries 567
determinants of 568
immediate management of 568
prevention of 40
Neisseria 52
gonorrhoeae 46, 150, 159, 236, 238240, 553555
infection 239
meningitidis 6, 34, 54, 73, 103, 129, 150, 174, 176, 177, 523
Nelfinavir 375
Nematodes 404
Neomycin sulfate 629
Neonatal herpes 317
simplex virus infection 315
Neonatal intensive care units 108
Neonatal pneumonia, primary pathogens of 152
Neonatal sepsis, treatment of 154t
Nephritic syndrome 145, 324
Nephritis, acute interstitial 267
Nephronia, acute lobar 198, 203
Nephrotic syndrome 129, 170, 215, 216, 218, 220, 321, 324, 427
conduction velocity 302
tissue vaccine 467
Netilmicin 589
retrobulbar 290
traumatic 302
Neurogenic bladder 200
Neuropathy, peripheral 267, 378
Neutropenia 335
cyclic 545
mild 125
moderate 125
severe 125
Neutrophil 102, 428, 476
count 138
Neutrophilia 547
Nevirapine 86, 134, 374, 375, 378, 379, 609, 615
Niclosamide 627
Nipah virus 180, 181
Nitazoxanide 415, 624, 628
Nitric oxide, exogenous 327
Nitrofurantoin 68, 131, 590
Nitroimidazole 413
No touch technique 120
Nodule 78
Nonantimicrobial prevention strategies 44
Nonbacterial infections 31
Nonessential catheters, active removal of 120
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 373, 559
Nonintestinal infection 208
Non-leishmanial tests 447
Nonlive vaccines 472, 474, 476
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 374, 375, 378
Nonpolio Enteroviruses 157
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 311, 321, 366
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria infection, disseminated 373
Nontyphoidal salmonella
infections 246, 247
organisms 248
Norfloxacin 218, 457
Norwalk virus 206
Nucleic acid 536
amplification tests 55, 321
use of 55
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 374, 378
Nutrition, parenteral 120
Nutritional deficiencies 387
Nystatin 557, 621
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 337
Obturator sign 239
Ocular infection 316
Ofloxacin 245, 285, 457, 590
sensitivity 454, 455
Oligoarthritis 546
Omenn syndrome 102
Omphalitis 153
Onychomycosis 394, 395
Oophoritis 297, 298
neonatorum 153
prevention of 153
Opisthotonus 260, 441
waves of 441
Optic neuritis 243
Optimal immunization schedules, determinants of 495
Oral acyclovir 85
Oral amoxicillin 129
Oral antibiotic 237
doses of 237, 237t
Oral candidiasis 395, 396
persistent 372
Oral care 127
Oral cefixime 457
Oral cephalosporins 171
Oral cholera 520
Oral fluconazole 394
Oral fluid requirements 264t
Oral fluoroquinolone 248
prophylaxis 126
Oral hairy leukoplakia 368, 372
Oral ingestion 207
Oral ivermectin 222
Oral polio vaccine 471, 483, 484, 486, 499, 501, 502
live attenuated 302
trivalent 19
Oral poliomyelitis vaccine 536, 538
Oral rehydration
salts 634
solution 10, 32, 264, 357
therapy 210, 211, 634
Oral steroids, use of 548
Oral typhoid vaccine 471, 488
Oral ulcerations, recurrent 372
Oral zinc supplementation 265
Orange peel 466
Orchiepididymitis 435
Orchitis 297299
Organ dysfunction 94
criteria 91t
signs of 93
Organ impairment 355, 362
Organ transplants 104
Orientia tsutsugamushi 311, 421, 422
Ornidazole 413
Orolabial infections 313
Orthotic devices 302
Oseltamivir 611
Osler's nodes 189
Osteomyelitis 233236, 238, 238t, 248, 434
acute 233
hematogenous 233, 234
causes of 240
chronic 236, 238
recurrent multifocal 234
classification 233
contiguous focus 235
epidemiology 233
hematogenous 233
microbiology 233
multifocal 236
pathogenesis 233
pathology 233
treatment of 236
Osteoporosis 378
Otitis media 162, 372, 439
acute 75, 161, 162, 163fc, 545
chronic 162
recurrent 162
Otorrhea 372
Overhydration 264
Oxiconazole 230, 231
Oxoplasmosis 625
Oxybutynin 200
Oxygen 329
supplementation 362
Oxymetazoline 160
Oxytetracycline 591
Pachygyria 138
Packed red blood cells 639
abdominal 208, 234, 242, 300, 366
frequency of 365f
hypochondrial 305
lower abdominal 554, 555
testicular 547
Palatal paralysis 250
Palivizumab 331, 470
Pallor 319
Palmoplantar pustulosis 234, 236
Palpable purpura 419f
Pancreas 182
Pancreatitis 243, 267, 298, 308, 378
Pancytopenia, features of 387
Pandemic virus 332
Panencephalitis, subacute sclerosing 288, 290
Papanicolaou test 344, 346
Papillomatosis, recurrent respiratory 344
Papular acrodermatitis 83, 369
Papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome 320
Papule 78
Para-amino-salicyclic-acid 597
Paracetamol 311
Parainfluenza 161
virus 83, 157, 158
vaccines 528
Paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine associated 303
Paralytic syndrome 438
Paramyxoviruses 288
Parasitemia 53, 91, 183
Parasites 206, 553
Parasitic bowel diseases, prevention of 409
Parasitic infections 105, 381
Paratyphoid vaccines 530
Parenchyma of brain, inflammation of 180
Parenteral antibiotic therapy, empirical 237t
Paromomycin 389, 390, 449
Paronychia 395
Parotid glands 297
Parotitis 297, 439
recurrent 298
Parvovirus 80, 318
B19 82, 83, 88, 289, 310, 318
infection 318, 319t
infection 147, 318
congenital 147, 147b
Patent ductus arteriosus 142, 295
Paul-Bunnell antibodies 369
Paul-Bunnell-Davidson test 369
Peau d'orange 466
infectious diseases 28
intensive care units 108
sepsis, management of 98
Pediculosis 222
capitis 222, 222f
corporis 222, 222f, 223f
pubis 223, 223f, 557
infection 236
inflammatory disease 551, 557
osteomyelitis 234, 236
Penicillin 33, 62, 129, 591
allergy 160
binding proteins 35
G 177, 576, 591
hydrolyzing 63, 109
V 160, 591
Pentamidine 134, 450
Pentavalent antimony drugs 448
Perfloxacin 457
Pericardial fluid 427
Pericarditis 248, 267, 278, 295, 413, 546
amebic 411, 414
Periodic acid-Schiff 311
reagent 398
Periodic fever 545, 546, 548
etiology of 545t
syndrome 545, 546, 546t, 549
Periodontitis 372
Peritoneal fluid 243
Peritonitis 216, 219, 413
acute secondary 215, 219
amebic 411
primary 215, 218
secondary 218
Permethrin 221, 223, 557, 628
Personal protective equipment, use of 39
Pertussis 2, 128, 168, 256, 257, 470
diagnosis of 257
epidemiology of 518
infection 2
risk of 488
outbreak 488
vaccination 518
vaccines, newer 529
Petechiae 78, 137
Petechial rash 353f
Peyer's patches 270, 339
Pfeiffer's disease 368
mononuclear 102
polymorphonuclear 102
system 102
disorders of 102
Phagocytic function 514
Pharyngeal diphtheria 250, 252
Pharyngeal swab 555
Pharyngitis 158, 548
acute 160fc
bacterial 160, 160t
complications 159
diagnosis 159
etiology 158
management 160
nonsuppurative complications 160
serology 159
severe 370
streptococcal 251, 369
suppurative complications 159
Pharyngotonsillitis, recurrent 438
Phenazopyridine hydrochloride 198
Phenol 228
Phenotypic confirmatory
methods 65
test 65f
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 591
Phenylbutazone thiouracil 298
Phlebotomus 386
argentipes 386, 452
Piperacillin 106, 135, 199, 217, 592
Piperazine citrate 404
Pityriasis rosea 228, 229f
natural history 230
treatment 230
Pityriasis versicolor 232, 232f
treatment 232
Pityrosporum orbiculare 78, 394
Plague 131
Plasma 633
long-lasting 478
primary 477
secreting 477
falciparum 10, 183, 311, 381, 384, 526
parasites 383f
species, life cycle of 381, 382f
infection 311, 526
malaria 384
Platelets 470
transfusion 361
Pleuritis, unilateral 546
Pluckability of hairs 231
Plus doxycycline 557
Pneumococcal conjugate 475
vaccine 8, 491, 508
Pneumococcal disease, invasive 8
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 492, 508
Pneumococcal surface protein
A 529
C 529
Pneumococcal vaccines, newer 529
Pneumocystis carinii 18, 92, 98
pneumonia prophylaxis
drugs for 134t
indications of 133
Pneumocystis infection 401
Pneumocystis jirovecii 103105, 167, 371
infection 401
pneumonia 275
pneumonitis 103
Pneumolysin 529
Pneumonia 7, 112, 167, 168, 169, 243, 248, 250, 291, 325, 327, 399, 525
apical lobe 168
atypical 167, 266
community-acquired 167, 172, 266
etiology of 172
healthcare associated 110, 112, 116
hospital-acquired 110, 116
incidence of 152
neonatal 152
nonresolving 275
nonsevere 171
nosocomial 116
pneumocystis 372, 401
prevention of 172
severe 169, 171
severity of 169t
treatment of 171
ventilator associated 108, 110, 111, 112t, 115, 116
Pneumonitis, necrotizing 267
Podofilox 557
Podophyllin resin 557
Polio 2, 452, 470, 490
encephalitis 301
eradication 303
sabin 475
salk 475
survivors 304
vaccination, injectable 499
vaccines 502
bivalent 502
inactivated 24, 253, 302, 502, 539
monovalent 502
types of 502
Poliomyelitis 3, 300, 302, 302t
abortive 300
nonparalytic 301
paralytic 301, 301b
Poliovirus 3, 19, 300, 303
circulating vaccine derived 303
strain 532
types 532
vaccines 491
Pollakiuria 196
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 339
nodosa 308, 320
papular acrodermatitis 308
Polyarthritis 267
incidence of 294
Polyarthropathy syndrome 319
Polyclonal B-cell activation 82
Polymerase chain reaction 52, 55, 67, 81, 88, 138, 140, 190, 244, 257, 263, 268, 274, 295, 308, 315, 325, 329, 366, 373, 402, 411, 425, 434, 456
reverse transcriptase 289, 334
testing 257
Polymicrobial infections 37
Polymicrogyria 138
Polymyxin 68, 98
Polyradiculitis 298
capsules 499
conjugate vaccine 506
vaccine 246, 471
Pork tapeworm 408
Porphyromonas 438
Postexposure prophylaxis 130, 134, 292, 326, 460, 461, 466, 467, 511, 567, 568, 568fc
Postnatal infection 294
Post-polio syndrome 304
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease 368
antimony tartrate 286
hydroxide 393
permanganate 629
Povidone iodine 462, 629
Praziquantel 407, 408
Prednisolone 561
Pre-existing antibodies, role of 351
Pre-exposure prophylaxis 511
Prevotella 438
Primaquine 601
Pristinamycin 86
Probiotics 212
Procalcitonin 94, 95
Proctitis 557
Proguanil 601
Prophylactic antifungals, role of 127
Prophylactic therapy 36
Prosector's wart 227
devices 192
valve 132
endocarditis 193
Protease inhibitors 375, 378
Protein 302, 536
energy malnutrition 639
nonstructural 340, 349
Proteinuria 202, 216, 427
transient massive 267
Proteus 33, 195
mirabilis 33
vulgaris antigen 424
Prothrombin time, activated partial 560
Protozoa 48, 404
Protozoal diseases 423
Protozoal infections 381
Pruritus 325
Pseudallescheria boydii 104
Pseudomembranous colitis 442, 443
Pseudomonas 34, 109, 135, 195
aeruginosa 36, 62, 68, 102, 104, 116, 177, 198, 203, 219, 246
exotoxin 506, 533
infection 36
Psychiatric sequelae 186
Psychosis 243, 378
Ptosis 444
Pubertal estrogens 553
Pubic hair 223f
Pulmonary disease
acute 399
chronic 397
immunization 502
peripheral 360
pressure 360
narrowing 358
Pure red cell aplasia 319
Purpura 78, 296, 435
fulminans 85
Pyelitis 434
Pyelonephritis 195
acute 195
focal 203
severe 198
Pyogenic arthritis 238
causes of 240
complications of 240
epidemiology 238
management of 240
pathogenesis 238
Pyogenic infection, superficial 223
Pyomyositis 372
Pyrantel pamoate 404
Pyrazinamide 276278, 598
Pyrethroids 452
Pyrexia unknown origin 243
Pyridoxine, indications of 278
Pyrimethamine 141, 601, 602, 625
Pyuria 195
Q fever 266, 420
Quadrivalent vaccines 336
Quinine 602
Quinolones 35, 36, 63, 68, 86, 109, 455
Rabies 181, 470, 475, 490, 517, 519
exposure, categories of 511t
immunoglobulin 462, 511
administration of 463
dose of 462
infiltration of 463f
local infiltration of 462
monoclonal antibody 464, 511
problem of 460
prophylaxis 460
vaccine 494, 511, 518
virus 525
Radionuclide bone 235
Raised intracranial pressure, control of 185
Raltegravir 376
Randomized controlled trials 115
Rapid antigen detection tests 159
Rapid diagnostic test 388
Rapid malarial antigen tests 94
Rapid streptococcal antigen test 159
Rash 80t, 88, 147, 378
hemorrhagic 86
necrotic 419f
petechial 419f
polymorphous 84
vesicular 84, 267
Rational antibiotic therapy 29
Rational drug
selection 28
therapy 28, 32
Rational injection therapy 565
Rectal swab 555
Rectum, uncomplicated gonococcal infections of 556
Recurrent infections, management of 316
Red blood cell 88, 320, 470
Red-flag signs 209
Reflux nephropathy 202
Regurgitation 253
Rehabilitation 186
prevention 186
prognosis 186
Rehydration 210
salts solution 264
Renal disease 377
Renal dysfunction 91
Renal failure 260, 429, 636
acute 427
chronic 267
Renal function tests 183
Renal infection 396, 397
distress syndrome, acute 267, 334, 361, 429, 635
dysfunction 91
failure 144, 267
infection 13, 28, 157
isolation 258
rate 91, 91t
syncytial virus 83, 157, 327, 528
infection 327, 329
treatment 127
vaccines 528
syndrome 420
tract 101, 288
infection 327, 372, 635
obstruction of 253
transmission 318
viruses 371
Restriction fragment length polymorphism 52, 67
Reticuloendothelial system 431, 446
Retinitis 366, 373
Retinopathy, pigmentary 296
Revised National Tuberculosis Program 12, 273
Reye's syndrome 182, 324, 503
Rhabdomyolysis 260
Rheumatologic disease 239
Rheumatologic disorders 247
Rhinitis medicamentosa 158
Rhinorrhea 157, 160, 335
Rhinosinusitis 160
Rhinovirus 157, 158, 161
Rhipicephalus 421
sanguineus 421
Ribavirin 366
Ribonucleic acid 349
ribosomal 52
Rickets infection, diagnosis of 424
Rickettsia 417, 418, 423
isolation of 423
movement of 418f
pathophysiology of 418
prowazekii 418
typhi 418
Rickettsial diseases 416, 420, 421, 423, 424
classification of 416, 417t
Rickettsial illness, diagnosis of 423
Rickettsial infections 183, 290, 369, 416, 418, 422, 422b, 423, 425fc
classification 416
epidemiology of 416
etiology 417
method of transmission 417
microbiology 417
pathophysiology 417
Rickettsial microorganisms 418
Rickettsial organisms 417
Rickettsial pathogenesis 417
Rickettsialpox 422
diagnosis 422
Rickettsioses, laboratory diagnosis of 423
Rifabutin 135
Rifampicin 177, 276279, 285, 377, 425, 450, 592, 598
Rifampin 129, 435
Ringer's lactate 264, 357, 639
Ritonavir 375
Robertson's cooked meat broth 49
Rochester criteria 74t
Rocky mountain spotted fever 80, 84, 416, 421
Romanowsky stains 47
Roseola 78, 80
erythema infectiosum 319
infantum 78, 82, 289
Rose-pink macules 83
Rotadiarrheas 634
Rotavirus 83, 100, 206, 207, 339, 340, 471, 475, 490, 499
disease 339
infections 340
natural 340
replication 339
sentinel surveillance 21
vaccine 340, 342, 492, 507, 513
development 342
interchangeability of 342
Roth spots 189
Roundworms 404
Routine cervical cancer screening 346
Roxithromycin 450, 592
Rubella 2, 81, 83, 136, 141, 289, 294, 297, 319, 475
infection 3, 83, 294, 295
vaccination 142
virus 88, 294, 297
classical congenital 142
management of 296
syndrome, congenital 3, 24, 83, 141, 142, 143b, 292, 294, 295, 295t, 296
Ruiz-Castañeda system 432
Sabin-inactivated poliovirus 532
development of 532
Sabouraud's agar 49
Saccharomyces boulardii 212, 443
Sacroiliitis 434
Saddle back fever curve 365
Saddle nose 145
Safe injection practices, specifics of 564
Salivary duct calculi 298
Salivary glands 297
Salmeterol multicenter asthma research trial 109
Salmonella 100, 103, 104, 207, 208, 212, 310, 454
bacilli 241
bacteremia 248
infection 212, 241, 244, 247
organisms 247, 248
paratyphi 91, 454
infection 456
shigella agar 248
typhi 91, 241, 310, 471, 454
typhimurium infections 51
Salt and pepper appearance 295
Saponins 525
Saquinavir 375
Sarcoidosis 275
Sarcoptes scabiei 221
Scabies 557
burrows penis 221f
lesions 221f
over soles 221f
treatment of 221
Scalp hairs, infection of 231
Scarlet fever 78, 289, 319, 369
staphylococcal 81
streptococcal 81
Schick test 251
Schistosoma haematobium 533
Schistosoma mansoni 533
Schistosomiasis 533
Scrofuloderma 228f
scars 228f
Scrub typhus 311, 417, 421, 422
Seasonal flu, vaccinated against 337
Seasonal human influenza 333
Secnidazole 413
Seizures 137, 242
Selective decontamination of digestive tract 115
Sensation 283, 302
Sensitivity test 252
Sentinel surveillance 19
Sepsis 90, 90t
bacterial 310
diagnosis of 96, 151
early-onset 149
late-onset 149
neonatal 149, 151
pathogenesis of 93fc
pathophysiology of 92
pediatric 98, 99, 99fc, 100
prevalence 99
severe 90, 98
Septic arthritis 238, 238t, 240, 251
bacterial 238
diagnosis of 50
gram-negative 34
meningococcal 86
mimicking 73
Serological tests 244, 308, 455
Serology 53, 138, 301
Serratia 103
marcescens 116
Serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase 243, 356
pyruvic transaminase 243, 356
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 306, 310
Sexually transmitted diseases 525, 550, 551, 556
Sexually transmitted infections 551, 551b, 552, 552b, 553, 555, 558
complications of 557
etiology of 552
prevalence of 550
prevention of 557
Sharp waste minimization 569
Shigella 205208, 213
flexneri 52
vaccines 529
Shock 218, 348, 356
compensated 358, 359fc
decompensated 360fc
hypotensive 359
septic 90, 94t, 98, 639
severe 361
treatment of 637
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome 102
Sickle cell
anemia 107, 234
disease 206, 212, 319, 337
Sickle erythrocytes 383
Silver nitrate 228
Simple drug reaction 82
Sinopulmonary infections 545
Sinus aspiration 161
Sinusitis 372
acute 160
chronic 439
Sitamaquine 449
Skin 101, 143, 221, 282, 314, 439
care 127
disease 267, 325, 397
fungal infections of 393
infection 397
lesion 394
congenital 395
neck 251f
manifestations 432
preparation 118
sensitivity test 463
snip cultures 243
swab 251
testing 447
Small particle aerosol generator 330
Sodium stibogluconate 448, 625
Soft tissue infections 221, 439
Solid organ transplant 121, 514
Sore throat 300, 334, 335
Speech disturbance 182
Spherocytosis, hereditary 319
Spinal dysraphism 200
Spinal polio 301
Spiramycin 140, 593
Spirochete denticola 158
Splenectomy 450
Spondylitis 434
Sporothrix schenckii 400
Sporotrichoid infection 400
Sporotrichosis 400
Spotted fever 417, 423
disease 416
group 417
rickettsiae 418
SSHADDESS tool 554b
St. Louis encephalitis virus 180
Standard disk diffusion method 65
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 81, 86, 87
Staphylococcus aureus 34, 36, 42, 51, 58, 59, 73, 87, 89, 91, 97, 102104, 150, 165, 170, 203, 215, 219, 223, 233, 236, 238, 240, 298, 323
bacteremia 57
disease 533
vancomycin-intermediate 35
Staphylococcus epidermidis 36, 215
Stavudine 375
Sterile technique 500
indications of 278
role of 186
therapy 325
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 81, 86, 88f, 267, 432, 435
Stomatitis, aphthous 548
Streptococcal antibody testing 159
Streptococcal vaccine 533
Streptococcus agalactiae 177, 234, 236, 238
Streptococcus faecium 265
Streptococcus pneumoniae 34, 53, 73, 77, 91, 100, 103, 104, 116, 129, 150, 152, 161, 162, 165, 167, 170, 174, 175, 177, 217, 236, 238, 240, 475, 508
disease 174
drug resistant 162
strains of 51
Streptococcus pyogenes 51, 97, 150, 234, 236, 238, 240, 289, 290, 323, 369
Streptomyces nodosus 448
Streptomycin 34, 276, 434, 435, 593
Strongyloides stercoralis 52, 206, 405
Strongyloidosis 405
Subcutaneous injection 487, 567, 567f
Sudden infant death syndrome 503
Sulbactam 35, 217
Sulfadiazine 594, 630
Sulfadoxine 141, 602
Sulfamethoxazole 134, 248
Sulfonamide 33, 86
treatment 420
Swabs, nasopharyngeal 257
Swelling 120
inguinal 554
scrotal 554, 555
Swine flu 13
virus 333
Swollen gland 297
Sycosis barbae 226, 226f
etiology 226
management 226
Syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone 183, 636
diuretic syndrome 329
Syphilis 523
congenital 144, 145b, 251
early congenital 145
late congenital 145
primary 556
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 90
Systemic lupus erythematosus 83, 298, 320
Tachycardia 91t, 243, 253, 319, 441
Tachypnea 91t, 328
saginata 408
solium 408
Tanner stages 377
Tapeworms 404
Tazobactam 35, 106, 135, 199, 217, 592
T-cell 472
activation defects 102
defects 102, 103
dependent antigens, immune responses of 477
immune pathology 350
independent antigens
immune responses of 477
responses 474
receptor, defective 102
Technical advisory committee 351
Teicoplanin 106, 594
Temocillin 68
Temoniera 63
Temperature monitoring devices, types of 541
Tenckhoff catheter 218
Tenofovir 374, 375, 378
Terbinafine 86, 230, 232, 621
Tetanus 3, 259, 261, 440, 470, 484, 504
clinical manifestations 441
diagnosis of 442
diphtheria 130
acellular pertussis 258
pertussis vaccine 256
toxoids 491, 494, 517
vaccine 504
epidemiology of 441
immunoglobulin 442
localized 259, 260
neonatal 2, 153, 259
neonatorum 442
pathogenesis of 440
toxoid 253, 475, 484, 503, 504, 506, 536, 538, 539
doses 260, 504
injection 462
treatment 442
Tetracycline 33, 63, 268, 424, 425, 594
Tetravalent yellow fever, construction of 524f
Thalassemia 319
Thalidomide 286
Therapeutic cancer, types of 534
Therapeutic vaccines 527, 533
Thermometer placement 542
Three-dimensional test 65
Throat swab culture 159
Thrombocytopenia 85, 145, 147, 294, 351, 423, 447
Thrombocytosis 547
Thromboplastin time, activated partial 243
Thyroid deficiency 295
Thyroiditis, suppurative 439
Tigecycline 68, 98
capitis 231, 231f, 393
corporis 230, 230f, 393, 394
cruris 230, 230f, 394
faciei 230f
manuum 230, 231f
pedis 230, 231f, 394
unguium 394
versicolor 394
Tinidazole 415, 626
Tipranavir 375
Tissue anoxia 382
T-lymphocyte 350, 514
Tobramycin 34, 63, 594
Tolnaftate 632
Tonsillectomy 301
Tonsillitis 372
Tonsillopharyngitis 75, 158
Tourniquet test 351
Toxemia 91
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 86
Toxic megacolon 213, 443
Toxic shock syndrome 81, 87, 144, 423, 501
Toxicity, signs of 75
Toxoid 477, 536
Toxoplasma 139
gondii 135, 140, 368
serology 140t
infection, primary 139
Toxoplasmosis 135, 136, 139
Toxoplasmosis, congenital 141, 141b
epidemiology 139
etiopathogenesis 139
rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpis (TORCH) 137
Tracheitis, bacterial 165
Transcellular fluid 633
Transthoracic echo 190
Trauma 239
Traveler's diarrhea 207
Treponema pallidum 553
Trichinella spiralis 406
Trichloroacetic acid 228, 557
Trichomonas vaginalis 553, 554
Trichomoniasis 557
mentagrophytes 393
rubrum 394
tonsurans 393
Trichuriasis 405
Trichuris trichiura 206, 405
Trimethoprim 134, 248
sulfamethoxazole 63, 248, 401, 435, 457
doses of 237
Tropheryma whippelei 55
Tube agglutination 53
Tubercle bacilli 270
Tuberculosis 11, 20, 31, 136, 146, 147b, 270, 310, 377, 411, 475, 476, 523, 525, 526
chemoprophylaxis 130
congenital 146
cutaneous 227
etiopathogenesis 146
extrapulmonary 270, 271, 372
fibrocavitary 271
forms of 271
hepatitis 310
immunodiagnosis of 275
infection, latent 270
investigation of neonate 146
lymphadenitis 273fc
mortality of 11
pediatric pulmonary 273fc
prognosis 146
pulmonary 270, 372
skeletal 234
symptomatic baby 146
therapeutic response 146
treatment 146
regimens 278
vaccines 527, 527t, 528
newer 527
postexposure 527
pre-exposure 527
verrucosa cutis 227, 228f
treatment 227
Tumor necrosis factor 547, 560
receptor associated periodic syndrome 546
Tympanostomy tube insertion 163
Typhidot test 244, 455
Typhlitis 218, 439
Typhoid 6, 242, 490, 512, 517, 519
hepatitis 310
hepatotropic viruses 312
paratyphoid A and B 455
prevention of 6
severe 458t
tuberculosis 434
uncomplicated 458t
vaccine 246t, 247t, 492, 495, 506, 517, 530
conjugate 506
Typhus fever 417
Tzanck method 325
Ulcers 556
decubitus 439
United Nations Children's Fund 22
United States Public Health Service 18
Universal Immunization Program 2, 19, 20, 292, 501
Universal vaccines 529
Upper respiratory tract 266
infection 157, 239
Ureaplasma 266
urealyticum 168, 266
Urethra, uncomplicated gonococcal infections of 556
Urethral discharge 554, 555
Urethral valves, posterior 201
Urethritis 267
nongonococcal 556
Urinary catheter 101
removing 123
Urinary retention 441, 444
Urinary tract infection 29, 68, 195, 199, 236, 545
catheter associated 108, 121, 122
diagnostic features 197
epidemiology 195
etiology 195
fungal 203
initial febrile 199fc
pathogenesis 195
recurrent 200
culture 75, 243
output 360
sample 555
Urogram, intravenous 200
Urosepsis 196
Urticaria 78, 267, 308
pre-exposure 467
primary 344, 345
principles of 469
schedule of 467
Vaccines 213, 245, 291, 331, 367, 464, 465, 499, 501, 502, 521, 536
against malaria, classification of 526
bacillus Calmette–Guérin 536
carriers 538
culture 460, 464
killed 246
composition 336
conjugated 513
derived polio viruses 303
and tetanus 536
pertussis and tetanus 536
effectiveness 481
handling personnel 544
hepatitis B 536
immunogenicity 481, 505
immunology of 472
inactivated 470, 471, 507
injectable 486
live 476, 477, 513, 528
attenuated 470, 471, 507, 529, 530
recombinant 530, 531
lyophilized 464
maintenance of 466
measles 536
meningococcal 493, 495, 510, 517
oral poliomyelitis vaccine 536
pneumococcal 495, 508, 517, 518
pre-erythrocytic 526
preventable diseases 1, 2t, 25
reaction 482, 483, 484t
serious 482
refrigerator, maintenance of 540
regurgitation of 342
safety 292
schedule 336
sensitivities 536t
staphylococcal 533
and handling 536
equipment supplied under immunization program 536
pattern 540f
tetanus toxoid 536
types of 186, 470
vial monitor 542, 543f
Vaginal discharge 554, 556
Vaginal infection 395, 397
Vaginosis, bacterial 556
Valacyclovir 186, 315, 316, 488
Valganciclovir 138
Vancomycin 34, 36, 98, 106, 133, 135, 165, 237, 443, 595
therapy, indications of 126
Varicella 84, 105, 130, 136, 143, 144, 324, 470, 475, 490, 497, 512, 513, 517, 519
diagnosis 144
epidemiology 143
gangrenosa 323
infection 5, 143
pneumonia 324
prevalence 5
prevention 144
prophylaxis 128
syndrome, congenital 143, 144
treatment 144
vaccine 492, 495, 506, 516, 517
zoster 168, 310, 323, 326
immunoglobulin 144, 326, 506
infection 84
virus 88, 104, 126, 180, 310, 323, 488
Vasculitis 423
Vastus lateralis 566
Vector-borne Disease Programs 452
Venereal disease research laboratory 145
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus 180
Venous blood gases, monitoring of 361
Vero cell rabies vaccine, purified 464, 465, 511
Vesicle 78
Vesicoureteral reflux 195, 201
Vesicular impetigo 85
Vibrio cholerae 10, 206, 262, 433, 525, 530
Vincent's angina 439
Viral bronchiolitis, acute 327
Viral croup 164, 164t
severity, classification of 165
Viral disease 287, 423
Viral encephalitis 180182, 185
clinical features 182
diagnosis 183
epidemiology of 180
etiology 180
investigations 183
diagnosis 184
treatment 185
Viral fever 364
Viral hepatitis
alanine aminotransferase 308
acute 305, 307, 308, 311
Viral infection 88t, 130, 133, 159t, 287, 553
acute systemic 297
wheeze-associated 328
Viral pneumonia 328
Viral respiratory illness, contagious 332
Viral vectors 529
Viremia 91, 318
Virosomes 525
Virus 48, 207, 294, 306, 332, 348
adeno-associated 318
hepatotropic 305
isolation of 138, 301
neutralization 53
nonhepatotropic 309, 312
spread 297
Visceral leishmaniasis 386, 446
Vitamins 158, 211, 288, 291
Vitek ESBL test 66
Voiding dysfunctions 195
Vomiting 242, 297, 300, 305, 366, 482
Voriconazole 126, 397
Vulvovaginal candidiasis 397, 557
Vulvovaginitis 553
War and natural disaster 222
Wart virus infection 372
final disposal of 41t
handling of 41
Water poison 348
Water soluble vitamins 312
Watery diarrhea 262
Wegener's granulomatosis 275
Weil's syndrome 427
Weil-Felix test 424
West Nile virus 180
Wheeze 328
Whipple's disease 55
Whipworm 405
White blood cell 176, 235, 257, 302, 319, 454
count 197, 235
peripheral 267
scans 235
Widal test 96, 244, 455
Wild poliovirus 19, 502
transmission 19
Wilson's disease 309, 311
Wimberger's sign 145
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 102, 103, 514
Wound management 260, 260t, 462t
X-linked immunodeficiency syndrome 103
Xylometazoline 160
Yeast 49f
Yellow fever 471, 475, 520
vaccine 510
virus 306
Yersinia 206, 208, 212
enterocolitica 239, 433
Zidovudine 134, 374, 375, 378, 379, 611, 617
Ziehl-Neelsen method 281
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 47, 48f, 272, 284, 284f
Kinyoun method of 47
Zikavirus 533
Zinc 211
deficiency 211, 414
Zoonotic disease 421, 430
Zoster vaccines 488
Chapter Notes

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