A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets for BSc Nursing Students Darshan Sohi
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table, respectively.
Absorption 97, 99
Actinomycosis 132
Acupuncture 209
Additional trace elements 95
Aflatoxins 125, 135
Agmark standards 42
AIDS 253
Alanine 62
Alcohol content 139
Aldosterone 114
Allergy 182
Amenorrhea, lactational 175
Amino acid 61, 62
analyzer 250
classification of 62t
essential 61, 62t
non-essential 62t
semi-essential 62t
Anemia 182, 187
Control Project 254
nutritional 21
Prophylaxis Program 25
signs of 103
symptoms of 103
Anganwadi worker 235, 242, 253
Anorexia 197, 198
nervosa 183, 187, 190
Anthrax 132
Anthropometry 256, 257
Antioxidants 108
Anxiety 200
Arm circumference 69
Ascites, endemic 135
Ascorbic acid 72, 195
deficiency of 83
functions of 83
Aspartic acid 62
Atomic absorption spectrometry 249
Baking 125, 126
Balanced diet 142, 143t, 262
planning 144
Balwadi Nutrition Program 24
Basal metabolic rate 4, 9, 105, 121, 210
Beriberi 85
Bicycle ergometer 250
Bile salts 53
Biochemical tests 258
Biotin 71
Bitot's spot 76
Bland diet 202, 204
Blood sugar, regulation of 50
building foods 41, 145
composition 122, 184, 188, 199
fluids, composition of 112
mass index 117, 122, 220
water, regulation of 113
Bone development 74
Bottle mouth syndrome 182
Breast milk 177
nutritional contents of 178t
Breastfeeding 177, 179, 262
advantages of 177
contraindications of 179
exclusive 179
Budget 246
Bulimia 183, 188
nervosa 183
Bureau of Indian Standards 42
Calcium 97, 114, 140, 166, 178, 192, 195, 265
balance 114
deficiency of 98
functions of 97
important dietary sources of 98t
requirements of 98
sources of 97
Calf circumference 258
Calorie 140, 178
content 205
high 205, 207
low 205, 207
value, low 163
Calorimetry 120
Carbohydrates 40, 46, 120, 126, 140, 159, 164, 206, 211, 226, 264, 265
classification of 47
content 206
daily requirement of 49
high 206, 207
low 206, 207
digestion and absorption of 49
excessive 51
functions of 48
metabolism of 50
sources of 49
diseases 213t
nutrition for 212
system 199
Carotene 73, 271
Celiac disease 1, 27
Cellulose 165
Cereals 27, 127, 159, 217
exchange 155
list 149, 150t
grains and products 271
nutritive value of 159f
Ceruloplasmin 96
Chest circumference 176
Child survival project 254
Cholesterol 57
Choline 271
Chromium 109
Climate 9, 122
Cobalamin 71, 94
Codex alimentarius 42
Coenzyme B12 71
Cold storage 129
Colitis, chronic 27
Colostrum 175
Communication 17, 250
Compound lipids 56
Conjunctiva 75
Constipation 182, 228
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 44
Contraceptive, natural 178
Cooked food
storage of 133
weighment of 259
Cookery Rules and Preservation of Food 124
methods of 125
principles of 128
Copper 108
daily requirement 108
deficiency 108
excess 108
Corneal xerosis 76
Cretinism 105
Criticism 248
Cyanocobalamin 91, 192
Dehydration 116, 129
signs of 115
symptoms of 115
Dental caries 187, 190
Depression 200
Detoxification 231
Dextrin 48
maltose 212
Diabetes mellitus 46, 50, 222
Diarrhea 182, 227
acute 227
chronic 228
management of 244
and feeding pattern 177, 200, 223, 229
modification 8, 202
aims and objectives of 203
semisolid 204
therapy 209
aims of 213, 216
deficiency 226
fibers 48, 51, 211
intake, assessment of 259
management 210, 212, 223, 228, 229
Disaccharide 46, 47
Disaster management 254
Diverticulitis 1
beriberi 85
mouth 115
Dyspepsia 27
Education 253
and literacy 18
and training programs 250
nutritional 261
Electrolyte 110, 113
balance 114
high 207
regulation of 113
Endocrine factors 219
Energy 3, 58, 117, 118, 159, 166, 192, 195, 210, 212, 226, 264, 265
balance 122
requirements 117, 118
units of 118
yielding foods 41, 145
Epidemic dropsy 135
Epithelial tissues 74
Escherichia coli 178
Essential trace elements 95
Excessive fats, effects of 60
Excretory system 176
Exercises and relaxation techniques 231
Extracellular fluid 110, 113
composition 170
income 173
Fasciola hepatica 132
Fats 40, 53, 55, 57, 120, 126, 140, 159, 165167, 178, 195, 206, 211, 212, 217, 227, 265
animal 59
high 207
low 207
digestion and absorption of 59
functions of 58
metabolism 59
requirement 59
soluble vitamins 73, 80t
absorption of 58
sources of 59
vegetable 59
Fatty acid 53, 54
basis of 56
classification of 57
content 55t
essential 53, 55, 58
monounsaturated 55
polyunsaturated 55
saturated 54
unsaturated 54
natural method of 177
pattern 211, 227
problems 182, 187, 189
techniques 204
Ferritin 96
Fevers 122, 210, 211
acute 210
chronic 210
Fibers 265
content 206
high 207
low 206, 207
insoluble 51
soluble 51
sources of 52
Five food group system 145t, 146f
Fluids 211
interstitial 113
intracellular 110, 113
Fluorine 105
deficiency of 107
Fluorosis 107, 136
endemic 20, 22
prevention of 107
Folacin 94
Folate 90
deficiency of 91
functions 91
sources 90
Folic acid 90, 94, 163, 192, 195, 271
content 90t
daily requirement of 90t
Food 1, 2, 107, 193
additives 125, 137
classification of 137
adulteration 43
Adulteration Act, prevention of 44
and agriculture organization 246
and drug toxicology research centre 248
and food standard, adulteration of 138
animal 165
budgeting of 172
chemical composition of 41
classification of 41
different types of 127
distribution 12
energy 120
value of 118
exchange 225t
list 142, 222t
fads 1, 11
group 142, 144
plan 145
guide 144
pyramid 144
habits 171, 199
handlers 134
hygiene 131
items 185
laws 39
material 43
medicinal values of 27
nutritive values of 41, 158
poisoning 132
potential energy value of 120t
production 12
security 16
specific dynamic action of 10
standards 39, 41, 42
storage of 136
toxicants 134
Freeze drying 125
Fructose 47
Fruit exchange 154, 225
list 152, 152t, 222t
Galactose 47
Gastroferrin 96
disorders 227
system 176
tract 199
Gastrostomy feeding 202, 205
Gluconeogenesis 223
Glucose 47, 115, 212
Glutamic acid 62
Glycerophospholipid 53
Glycogen 48, 53
Glycogenolysis 223
Goiter 105
Goitrogens 105
Gomez's classification 68
Gout 209, 215, 216t
and body building 63
and development 5, 176, 184, 188
chart 259, 260, 260f, 261f
uses of 260
WHO 259
failure 76, 182, 187
Head circumference 176, 258
Health 1, 2
and family welfare 17
check-up 242
education 8, 235, 237, 244
promotion 7, 69
Heart disease, coronary 60, 167
Heme iron 103
Hemochromatosis 96
Hemoglobin estimations 258
Hemosiderin 96
Hepatitis 226
Hexose 46
Histidine 62
HIV 253
Hodgkin's disease 108
Holder method 131
Homeostasis, nutritional 209
Hormone 122
antidiuretic 114
synthesis of 58
Household methods 129
Hydrogenation 57
Hydroxyproline 62
Hypercholesterolemia 60
Hyperthyroidism 108
Hypervitaminosis 77, 79
Indian Council of Medical Research 191, 248
Indigestion 218
Integrated Child Development
Scheme 241
Services 24
International Alliance Against Hunger 247
Intrauterine growth retardation 194
Iodine 104
deficiency 20
diseases 106f
Disorder Program 235
functions of 104
monitoring 236, 237
requirements of 104
sources of 105
Iron 102, 166, 178, 192, 195, 265
absorption 102
daily requirement of 103
deficiency 20, 21, 103
functions of 102
losses 102
nonheme 103
recommended daily allowances of 103t
sources of 103
Irradiation 130
Islets of Langerhans 107
Isoleucine 62
Jejunostomy feeding 205
Keratomalacia 76
Kilocalories 3, 117
Kwashiorkor 62, 67, 67f
Lactation 143t, 119, 195
Lactose 48, 166, 178
Lathyrism 20, 22
Leucine 62
Leukemia 108
Lipases 53
Lipids 53, 54
classification of 56
simple 56
Lipolysis 223
Lipoprotein 54
Liquid 218
diets 203
foods 111
diseases 225, 226
disorders 226
fluke 132
Loose motions 218
Lysine 62
Macroelements 95
Macronutrients 3, 39, 40
Magnesium 99
daily requirement of 100t
deficiency of 100
sources of 100
Malnutrition, burden of 14
Maltose 48
Manual healing methods 231
Marasmus 67
nutritional 67
Mass communication 236
Meal planning 169171
aims of 170
Meal schedule 172
Meat 167, 217, 280
exchange list 149t
hygiene 132
inspection 132
storage of 132
Mental development 176
Metabolic water 110, 111
Methionine 62
Micronutrient 3, 39, 40
deficiencies, control of 16
Microscopes 250
Mid-arm circumference 258
Mid-day meal
program 25, 238, 239
principles of 240
scheme 238
Milk 127, 165, 206, 211
and milk products 136, 217, 280
boiling of 131
born diseases 131
exchange 153
exchange list 149t
hygiene 131
products 166
Mineral 40, 95, 126, 159, 164, 166, 178, 211, 227
classification of 96
contents 206
high 207
low 207
minor 96
some general functions of 96
Monosaccharide 46, 47
Mouth, dryness of 217
Mukhya sevika 242
Multivitamin tablet 212
Myocardial infarction 108
National Centre for Laboratory Animal Sciences 248
National Diarrheal Diseases Control Program 26
National Goiter Control Programme 105
National Institute of Nutrition 248
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development 252
National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 248
National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Programme 237
National Nutritional Policy 13, 15
National Nutritional Programs 24, 233
National Program for Control of Blindness 233
National Program for Prevention of Nutritional Anemia 104
National Program for Vitamin A Deficiency 234
Natural immunity, source of 178
Naturopathy 209, 230
treatment methods of 231
Nausea 218
Nephrosis 108
Net protein utilization 158
Neurolathyrism 134
Niacin 72, 87, 93, 159, 192, 195, 265, 271
daily requirement of 87, 87t
deficiency of 88, 88f
functions of 88
sources of 87
Nicotinamide 93
Nicotinic acid 87
Night blindness 75
Nurse, role of 235, 237, 239, 243
Nutrients 3, 140
allowance 214
Nutrition 1, 2, 5, 191, 193, 210, 242
education 240
focuses of 262
elements of 39
intake 9
policy instrument 15
programs, monitoring of 17
situation, monitoring of 19
surveillance 17
therapeutic 208
Nutritional deficiency diseases 5
prevention of 7
Nutritional status 3, 9
assessment of 256
Nyctalopia 75
Obesity 60, 122, 182, 187, 190, 209, 218, 219
assessment of 122, 219
complications of 220
grading of 220t
Oligosaccharides 46, 48, 163
feeding 204
questionnaire method 259
solution 115t, 228
therapy 26
Osteomalacia 78
Osteoporosis 98
Overnutrition 23
Oxidation 128
Pantothenic acid 89, 94
daily requirement of 89t
sources of 90
Pellagra 88
Peptide 61
Phenylalanine 62
Phosphate 114
Phospholipid 54
Phosphorus 99, 140, 178
functions of 99
sources of 99
Phrynoderma 76
Phylloquinone 72, 80
Plasma 112
emission analyzer 250
Polypeptide 61
Polysaccharide 46, 48
Potassium 101, 178
balance, regulation of 114
chloride 115
daily requirements 102
deficiency 102
functions 101
sources 102
Potential energy value 117, 120
Pregnancy 119, 143t, 193
Proline 62
Prophylaxis program against blindness 26
Prostaglandins 54
precursors of 59
Proteins 40, 61, 62, 120, 126, 140, 159, 165, 166, 178, 192, 195, 206, 210, 212, 226, 264, 265
animal sources 64
biological value of 62, 66
classification of 63
complete 61, 63
conjugated 61, 63
content 205
daily requirement of 65t
high 205, 206t, 207
low 206, 206t, 207, 214t
energy malnutrition 20, 21, 28, 66, 184
excess of 66
exchange list 215t
first class 63
functions of 63
high calorie milk, high 218
incomplete 62, 63
metabolism 66
requirements 65
second class 63
simple 63
sources of 64
sparing action 58
status, assessment of 65
supplementary action of 65
vegetable sources 64
Puberty 183
Public distribution system 16
Pulse exchange list 150t
Pyridoxal phosphate 71
Pyridoxine 88, 93, 192, 195
daily requirement of 89t
Radioactive isotope counters 250
Raw foods, weighment of 259
Regular training programs 253
Regurgitation 69, 175, 182
diseases, chronic 27
failure, chronic 213, 214t
function 199
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system 114
Retinal 71
Retinene 71
Retinoic acid 71
Retinol 71, 73, 80, 192, 195
Riboflavin 72, 86, 93, 163, 159, 192, 195, 265, 271
deficiency of 86
functions of 86
Rickets 78
Road-to-health card 256, 259, 260f
Saline water 133
Scanty urine 115
School Health Committee 238
Scurvy 83
infantile 83
Selenium 109
fluorosis 107
tissues 199
Smell, loss of 217
Sodium 178, 207
and potassium balance 114, 115
chloride 101, 115
functions of 101
diet, low 214t
excess intake of 101
regulation of 114
Solid foods, water content of 111
Sore mouth and throat 217
Special Nutrition Program 24
Starch exchange list 150t
Sterols 54, 56
Sucrose 48
Sunken and dry eyes 115
Supplementary nutrition 242
Taenia saginata 132
Taenia solium 132
Tapeworms 132
Taste, loss of 217
development 74
loss of 198
Tetrahydrofolate 71
Thermal insulation 58
Thiamine 72, 93, 84, 159, 192, 195, 265, 271
daily requirement of 84
deficiency of 85
dietary sources of 84t
Three food group classification 147f
Threonine 62
releasing hormone 104
stimulating hormone 104
Tocopherols 72, 80
Toxic agents 226
Trace elements 96
Transferrin 96
Triacylglycerol 54
Triceps skinfold thickness 258
Trisodium citrate dihydrate 115
Tryptophan 62
Tube feeding 202, 204
Tuberculosis 132
Ulcer, peptic 229
Ultra high temperature method 131
Underwater weighing system 250
Vegetable exchange list 151, 151t
Vision 2020 234
Vital organs, protection of 58
Vitamin 40, 71, 126, 164, 166, 178, 211, 227
A 73, 74, 75t, 80, 140, 178, 195
daily requirement of 75t
deficiency 20, 21, 26, 75, 76, 76f
excessive intake of 77
functions of 73
Prophylaxis Program 233, 235
sources of 74
anti-beriberi 93
antipellagra 93
antiscorbutic 93
B1 84
functions of 85
B12 91, 92t, 94, 195
deficiency of 92
functions of 92
B2 86
B6 88
deficiency 89
functions 89
sources 89
B-complex 84
C 82, 82t, 93, 166, 178, 192, 265, 271
daily requirements of 82
recommended allowances of 82t
sources of 82
classification of 72, 73t
content 206, 271
D 73, 77
contents 78t
deficiency of 78, 79f
food sources of 77
functions of 77
sources of 77
diet, high 207
E 79, 80
functions of 79
sources of 79
K 80, 81
absorption 81
daily requirements of 81
deficiency of 81
functions 81
sources of 81
storage 81
water soluble 73, 82, 93t
Waist circumference 258
Wastes, disposal of 132
Water 110, 166
balance 115
daily intake of 111
deficiency of 115
distribution of 110
functions of 112
loss 111, 112
insensible 110, 111
regulation of 114
requirements 111
retention of 115
supply 132, 134
Weaning 175, 262
principles of 181
Wernick's encephalopathy 85
Wet beriberi 85
Wilson's disease 108
World Hunger Campaign 253
Xerosis 75
Yoga 209
Zinc 107, 178, 244
deficiency 108
Chapter Notes

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A Comprehensive Textbook of NUTRITION AND THERAPEUTIC DIETS for BSc Nursing Students
A Comprehensive Textbook of NUTRITION AND THERAPEUTIC DIETS for BSc Nursing Students
(As per INC Syllabus)
Second Edition
Darshan Sohi MSc (Community Health Nursing) and PhD (Nursing) Professor/Principal CKD International Nursing College Amritsar, Punjab, India Foreword Indarjit Walia
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets for BSc Nursing Students
First Edition: 2013
Second Edition: 2018
Printed at
Nursing Profession
My dear children, Prabh and Vansh
It is my pleasure to introduce the second edition of ‘A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets’ for BSc Nursing Students written by Prof Darshan Sohi (Professor, Community Health Nursing) who has years of experience of teaching undergraduate nursing students.
This book covers the whole syllabus of BSc Nursing students prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council. This book contain chapters on Nutrition, Dietetics, Nutrition Programs, Nutrition Education and Modifications of Diet. Each chapter starts with Learning Objectives, Introduction followed by the contents of specific chapters written in simple and easy-language to understand, supported by relevant tables, illustrations and figures. It would be very useful for diploma and undergraduate nursing students. It shall also serve as a source of information for nursing teachers and help them to impart training on nutrition and dietetics.
I congratulate her for bringing out scholarly literature useful for nursing practice and surely the readers will find it useful.
Indarjit Walia
Formerly Principal
National Institute of Nursing Education
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Preface to the Second Edition
If you can dream it, you can do it also
The second edition of A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets has a flavor of its own, both in scope and content distinctly different from the existing textbooks in the market. The major thrust has been to make the book more student-friendly catering to the recommendations of Indian Nursing Council for undergraduate teaching in Nutrition. This book is not only written for the undergraduate students of nutrition, but is expected to be valuable for all those who need basic training and introductory course in nutrition and dietetics. It is meant to illustrate mainly the general principles of nutrition and diet therapy as well as the practical aspects involved in nutrition; planning and management. Health conscious people with or without a background of science can gain an insight into this interesting subject related to our daily life. Topics have been explained according to the syllabus avoiding unnecessary details as per the requirements and structure of the question paper. Diagrammatic illustrations have been fully incorporated to make the concept clear in a more refined way. All chapters of this second edition are self-contained and serves a dual teaching function to highlight the basic concepts and to relate them to nutritional problems.
Each chapter includes introduction, definitions, comprehensive subject matter flowcharts, comprehensive nurses role in planning diet in various diseases and conclusions. Major points have been highlighted and boxed for a quick review or core concepts. Moreover, there are slew of changes that take place in the field of dietetics and nutrition owing to continuous research and innovations in the field of nutrition as well as emerging diseases related to dietary deficiencies. Therefore, the required amendments are made in the content of the book accordingly.
I humbly and generously call upon all my worthy colleagues to give due consideration to this piece of art. Thanks are also due to my energetic and dynamic publishers M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi for bringing out this quality based book well in time. I am also beholden to my husband and children to create a favorable environment and complete this project in time. Any suggestions for further improvement of the book will be highly appreciated.
Darshan Sohi
Preface to the First Edition
If you can dream it, you can do it also
A Comprehensive Textbook of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets has a flavor of its own, both in scope and content distinctly different from the existing textbooks in the market. The major thrust has been to make the book more student-friendly catering to the recommendations of Indian Nursing Council for undergraduate teaching in Nutrition. This book is not only written for the undergraduate students of nutrition, but is expected to be valuable for all those who need basic training and introductory course in nutrition and dietetics. It is meant to illustrate mainly the general principles of nutrition and diet therapy as well as the practical aspects involved in nutrition; planning and management. Health conscious people with or without a background of science can gain an insight into this interesting subject related to our daily life. Topics have been explained according to the syllabus avoiding unnecessary details as per the requirements and structure of the question paper. Diagrammatic illustrations have been fully incorporated to make the concept clear in a more refined way. All chapters in the book are self-contained and serves a dual teaching function to highlight the basic concepts and to relate them to nutritional problems.
Each chapter includes introduction, definitions, comprehensive subject matter flowcharts, comprehensive nurses role in planning diet in various diseases and conclusions. Major points have been highlighted and boxed for a quick review or core concepts.
I humbly and generously call upon all my worthy colleagues to give due consideration to this piece of art. Thanks are also due to my energetic and dynamic publishers M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi for bringing out this quality based book well in time. I am also beholden to my husband and children to create a favorable environment and complete this project in time. Any suggestions for further improvement of the book will be highly appreciated.
Darshan Sohi
INC Syllabus
  • Nutrition:
    • History
    • Concepts
  • Role of nutrition in maintaining health
    • Nutritional problems in India
    • National nutritional policy
  • Factors affecting food and nutrition: socioeconomic, cultural, traditional, production, system of distribution, lifestyle and food habits, etc.
    • Role of food and its medicinal value
  • Classification of foods
    • Food standards
  • Elements of nutrition: macro and micro
  • Calorie, BMR
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Classification
  • Caloric value
  • Recommended daily allowances
  • Dietary sources
  • Functions
  • Digestion, absorption and storage, metabolism of carbohydrates
  • Malnutrition: Deficiencies and Over consumption
  • Classification
  • Caloric value
  • Recommended daily allowances
  • Dietary sources
  • Functions
  • Digestion, absorption and storage, metabolism
  • Malnutrition: Deficiencies and Over consumption
  • Classification
  • Caloric value
  • Recommended daily allowances
  • Dietary sources
  • Functions
  • Digestion, absorption, metabolism and storage
  • Malnutrition: Deficiencies and Over consumption
  • Unit of energy—Kcal
  • Energy requirements of different categories of people
  • Measurements of energy
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) and basic metabolism
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)—Determination and factors affecting
  • Classification
  • Recommended daily allowances
  • Dietary sources
  • Functions
  • Absorption, synthesis, metabolism storage and excretion
  • Deficiencies
  • Hypervitaminosis
  • Classification
  • Recommended daily allowances
  • Dietary sources
  • Functions
  • Absorption, synthesis, metabolism storage and excretion
  • Deficiencies
  • Over consumption and toxicity
Water and Electrolytes
  • Water: Daily requirement, regulation of water metabolism, distribution of body water
  • Electrolytes: Types, sources, composition of body fluids
  • Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Over hydration, dehydration and water intoxication
  • Electrolyte imbalances
Cookery Rules and Preservation of Nutrients
  • Principles, methods of cooking and serving
  • Preservation of nutrients
  • Safe food handling-toxicity
  • Storage of food
  • Food preservation, food additives and its principles
  • Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
  • Food standards
  • Preparation of simple beverages and different types of food
Balance Diet
  • Elements
  • Food groups
  • Recommended daily allowance
    • Nutritive value of foods
    • Calculation of balanced diet for different categories of people
    • Planning menu
    • Budgeting of food
    • Introduction to therapeutic diets: Naturopathy diet
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Role of Nurse in Nutritional Programs
  • National programs related to nutrition
  • Vitamin A deficiency programs
  • National Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) programs
  • Mid-day meal programs
  • Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
  • National and International agencies working towards food/nutrition NIPCCD, CARE, FAO, NIN, Central Food Technology and Research Institute (CFTRI), etc.
    • Assessment of nutritional status
  • Nutrition education and role of nurse
23, 24, 25