Internship Textbook for General Nursing & Midwifery I Clement
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and fc refer to flowchart
Academic programs 26
Accidents and
emergency 337
infections in hospital, prevention of 345
injuries, prevention of 345
Administration 26, 293
elements of 296
functions of 297
nature/ features of 293
philosophy of 294
principles of 295
Advanced practice nurse 262
Advertisements 315
Allergens, freedom from 346
Ambulatory care nurse 257
American Nurses Association 141
Analysis styles 201
Analytical capacity 349
Anesthetics 337
Annual plans 385
reformation of 14
scale, types of 178
Audience 221
Audiovisual aids 97, 98, 100f
meaning of 97
preparation of 79
values of 98
Autocratic leadership 349
Automatic summarization 201
Auxiliary nurse midwives 279, 282
Awareness 373
Axial coding 202
Background literature review 154
reforms of 382
structural reorganization of 383
priority sector 382
nationalization of 383
starting up new 383
total autonomy to 383
Bar graph 108
Bedside clinic 87
advantages 88
disadvantages 89
meaning 87
preparation for 88
purposes 88
Benevolent autocrat 349
Biological cost 370
Biostatistics 211
Blackboard 104, 104f, 105
color of 105
effective use of 105
main uses of 104
types of 105
stream infections, prevent central line-associated 346
thinners safety 347
Book promotion, program of 256
Budget 327
classification of 328
features of 299, 327
importance of 328
principles of 328
purposes of 327
Bulletin board 112, 112f, 113, 114
characteristics of 113
purposes 112
uses of 113, 114
Cardiac rehabilitation nurse 257
Cardiology 337
plan 82
disadvantages of 85
meaning 82
resources of 83
standards of 272
healing touch 259
opportunities 256, 257
Cartoons 114, 114f
instructional advantages of 114
sources of 114
uses of 114
analysis 77
method, objectives of 77
data, sources of 81
phases of 78f
technique 77
method 77
advantages of 78
phases of 78
presentation 77–79
format for 80
study 77, 80
meaning 81
research 154
types of 81
Casual factors, diagnosis and identification of 81
Categories data 183f
sterile supply department 342
averages or measures of 216
characteristics of 214
meaning of 214
measures of 214
uses of 215
Certified nurse midwife 263
Chain charts 107
Chalk board 105
Change-of-shift reports 357
Charts 106
circular 311
organizational 31
left-to-right 311
purposes of 106
types of 106f, 107
vertical 310
Chemical injury, freedom from 346
Child health nursing 245
Christian Medical Association of India 284
Civil law 268
penalties 270
Client care 241
functions of 75
qualities of 76
researcher 229
specialist 229, 262
methods 74
purposes of 74
Code of ethics 237, 245
body of 246f
Collecting primary data, methods of 171
Colombo plan 289
objective 289
Column bar 108
Command, unity of 309, 322
Commercial banks 381
non-scheduled 381
Common legal issues 268
Common malpractices issues 275
Commonly used clinical teaching methods 74
Community health nursing 245
Comparative rating scale 179
Competition, education encourages spirit of 15
Computer 124
and its parts 125f
assisted instruction 124
programs, types of 68
assisted learning 67
advantages of 69
importance of 68
instructional uses of 69, 69f
Computing standard deviation, steps of 217
Conduct pilot study 153
nursing research, objectives of 145
rounds, ways of 86
Conference 89
advantages 90
disadvantages 90
planning and preparation 89
procedure 91
technique 89
major types of 91, 92f
meaning of 91
phases of 90f
Constructing care plan, principles for 83
analysis 154
selection of 32
Continuing education 254, 255, 260
objectives of 254
purpose of 255
Continuous frequency distribution 188
advantages of 327
always better 364
continuous process 325
forward looking 325
influence process 325
involves measurement 325
universal 325
steps in 325
span of 308
system, types of 326
Controlling, importance of 326
Coordination 324
Corporate hospitals 333
external 370
meaning of 369
of production, factors influencing 369
types of 369
Course planning
characteristics of 31
elements of 30
principles of 29
purposes of 29
teacher roles in 31
Creating conductive environment, principle of 23
Creativity, principle of 22
Criminal law 268
Critical care unit 337
Cross-section model 118
graph 108
negative slope of 372
analysis and
modeling 200
reporting 199
and collection, meaning of 169
classification of 183, 186
types of 187, 187f
collection 81, 155
method 173–175, 175f, 176
procedure for 172
process 169, 172, 172f
selection methods of 173, 174f
techniques of 164
communication 203
distribution 200
interpretation 203
method 206
need of 169
preparation 199
primary sources of 170
reduces complexity of 211
secondary sources of 170
sources of 170
summarization 198, 200
tabulation of 185
validity of 160
Decision-making power 348
Delegation 309, 324
advantages of 310
principles of 310
Delphi technique 182
concepts of 372
affecting 372
influencing 373
law of 372
Democratic leadership 350
Demographic statistics 211
characteristics of 41
disadvantages of 43
method 40
uses of 42
types of 41
Dental Council of India 276, 285
Depreciation 368
Descriptive research 147, 157, 166
importance of 166
Developing patient care plans 83
Developmental design 162
Dietetics 340
Diorama, types of 120
characteristics of 322
principles of 322
techniques of 323
Discipline 296
Discrete frequency distribution 187
forms of 39, 40f
general principles of 38
method 38
technique 38
Ear, nose and throat (ENT) 338
and business decision-making 371
and finance 371
average cost 370
fixed costs 370
meaning of 368
planning 380
in India, machinery for 380
social cost 371
Education 3, 237
agencies of 13
aims of 9, 12
characteristics of 6
chief characteristics of 6
concept of 3
formal agencies of 13
functions of 14
historical perspectives in 5
imparts values 15
importance of aims of 12
individual aims of 10
meaning of 4
nature of 4, 5f
nonformal 9
objectives of 9
on mass scale, spread of 99
principles of 12
purpose of 4
specific aims of 11
teaching methods in 33
trains 15
types of 9, 9f
agency, kinds of 13f
aims 4, 10
function 317
institutions 315
media 97
qualifications 317, 318
television 131
Eighth five year plan 387
Electricity, absence of 101
Eleventh five year plan 388
Emerging bioethical issues 265
Employee retention 316
Employment agencies 315
Endoscopy nurse 257
Energy and time, saving of 99
Enhances employee morale 326
Enrichment television 131
Enthusiasm courage, tact and devotion 349
Environment 345
basic components of 344
Epidemiological designs 162
Equilibrium 368
and supplies
location of 314
management of 360
condition of 362
Equivalence committee 280
consideration 160
issues 245
Ethnic and religious sensitivity 241
Ethnography 154
Evaluation study 148
Evolution chart 106f, 107
Execution 221
Exhibition 63
Experience, cone of 102, 103f
nature of 167
types of 167
research 157, 166
Explorative research 157, 166
characteristics of 166
data analysis 200
research 147
decentralization 326
decision-making 326
research-based practice 226
Factors affecting
research design 164
teaching-learning process 19
Factors influencing role play 51
improvement techniques 321
welfare, types of 321
Family nurse practitioner 263
Fertility statistics 211
Fetal surgery 265
Field trip 58, 61
advantages of 60
limitations of 61
objectives of 58
organization of 59
purposes of 58
types of 59
Fifth five year plan 386
Filmstrip 127
advantage 127
principles of 127
types of 127
Financial hurdles 101
First five year plan 384
Fixed blackboards 105
Flannel board 111, 112f
advantages of 112
disadvantage of 112
Flash cards 110, 111, 11
preparation of 111
uses of 110
Flexibility, principle of 23
Flight nurse 259
Focus groups and interviews 205
Food and Agriculture Organization 288
Ford foundation 289
activities of 289
Forecasting 212
Forensic nurse 259
Formal education 9
Fosters participant democracy 15
Fourth five year plan 385
Freedom, principle of 46
Frequency distribution 187, 205
table 185
presentation of 185
Futuristic nursing 264
Gastroentrology 338
General price level, changes in 373
Genitourinary medicine 340
Goal setting, principle of 21
case study, criteria for 81
clinical instruction, essential of 76f, 75
control system, essentials of 326
orders, characteristics of 323
planning, essentials of 297
policy, characteristics of 336
research design 157
Samaritan laws 272
teaching, characteristics of 20
unit plan, criteria of 32
boards 105
rating scale 179
Graphs 107
types of 108, 108f
uses of 108
Gross national product 379
Ground theory analysis 202
Group conference 90
Group discussion 40, 43
advantages of 44
disadvantages of 45
advantages 39
disadvantages of 39
technique 39
dynamics, principle of 22
project 47
Grouped frequency distribution 188
Growth stage 382
Gynecology 338
Head nurse
in staff development, role of 320
responsibilities of 318
agency 225
cost of 369
demand 372, 373
financing of 367
in India, financing of 381
market 376, 377
services 376
supply of 374
classroom interaction 99
finance, sources of 381
information, confidentiality of 273
plans in India 384
statistics 211
Hematology 338
Henri Fayol principles 295
Higher faculties, development of 99
Historical research
considerations 166
importance of 165
nature of 165
Holistic nurse 259
acquired venous thromboembolism 346
classification of 332
departments of 336
design principles 347
functions of 332
general 333
isolation 333
objectives of 331
patient safety culture, measure 347
routine 315
bonds 17
needs 4
Humanistic existentialism 16
Hypothesis 152
evaluation of 148
formulation of 148, 155
Income 378
changes in 373
level of 373
method 380
Indian Nursing Council 276, 278
Committee, organizational structure of 279, 279f
objectives and functions of 279
Indian Red Cross 286
functions of 286
Inferential statistics 206, 210
Inflation 368
Information, collection of relevant 354
Injury 274
Input-output model 377
In-service education 260
components of 260
general 260
specific 260
In-service program, need for 260
Integration versus disintegration 308
Intensive care unit 245
Interest 368
rates, structure of 383
International Council of Nurses 280
Internet 122
communication 123f
uses of 124f
Interpretation, objectives of 203
Interpreting data, basic principles in 206
Interviews 177
advantages of 177
aims of 177
disadvantages of 177
semi-structured 177
structured 177
types of 177
Intravenous therapy nurse 258
advantages of 364
control 363
functions of 364
meaning of 364
steps in 364
techniques in 364
disadvantages of 364
management, principles of 364
objectives of 364
Job description 317
nursing superintendent 317
staff nurse 318
Job summary 317, 319
Journal articles 204
body of 237
focused triggers 224
level of 160
transfer models 224
Laissez-faire style 351
Language difficulty 101
Laws, types of 268
Leadership 324
autocratic style 349
characteristics of 348
democratic style 350
development 260
effective 323
importance of 348
Laissez-faire style 351
participation style 351
styles 347, 349
Leaflet 133
advantages of 134
categories of 134
concepts of 133
content of 134
disadvantages of 134
Learner 19
performance, automatic recording of 69
factors 19
modes of 30
process of 98f
purpose project 48
method 34, 35, 35f
criticism of 36, 37f
principles of 35
purposes of 35
uses of 35
provides little student activity 36
requires special skill 36
issues 270
perspectives 269
reports 358
Lesson plan 28
purpose of 27
License revocation 270
Likert scale 178, 180
advantage 181
disadvantages 181
procedure 181
Line graph 108
Liquid crystal display panel 125, 126f
cost of 368
standard of 368
Lowa model for research-based practice 223
application of 223
Macroeconomics 367
Magazines 137
Magna board 105
Managerial control, characteristics of 325
control, coordinating store keeping with 363
inadequate supply of 362
management 360
basic principles of 360
procedures 361
process of 361
purposes of 360
system, elements of 362
storage of 363
types of 361
Maternity nursing 245
functions of 214
levels of 213
properties of 214
scales of 212, 213ff
Mechanical injury, freedom from 345
Median calculation 217
Medical Council of India 276, 284
Members, role of 57f
Mental health nursing 245
Micro lesson plan, preparation of 72
Microeconomics 367
Microscope 128, 128f
Microteaching 70
advantages of 73
characteristics of 70
cycle, repetition of 72
phases of 71, 72f
setting, creation of 72
Military nurse 259
Mircobiology 339
Mock-ups 118
advantages 118
Mode calculation 217
demonstration lesson, presentation of 71
dialog 50
essential qualities of 117
functions of 117
lesson and criticism, observation of 71
types of 118
nursing 234
teaching, genesis of 6
Motion picture 130
education value of 130
uses of 130
Motivation 104, 324
principle of 21
Multi-sided and multiple needs 4
Narasimham Committee 382
Narrative chart 107
National income 378
methods of measuring 379
Negligence 270
avoiding claims of 274
Negligible selling costs 377
Neonatal unit 339
Nephrology unit 339
Net national product 379
Neurology unit 339
Neuroscience nurse 258
Newspaper 136
furnishes 136
Nightingale pledge 245
Ninth five year plan 387
Normal distribution and curve, uses of 218
Numerical data interpretation 205
administrator 263, 300, 301
responsibilities of 300
anesthetist 257, 259, 263
educator 257, 262
duties of 26
expanded role of 261
experience of 314
important responsibilities of 277
League of Christian Medical Association 284
responsibilities of 268, 269f
safeguarding of 272
manager 301
practice act 269, 269f
practitioner 263
qualities of 238f
researcher 222, 229, 264
responsibility 357
role 222
statistical study, role of 219
teaching responsibilities of 25
administration 245, 300
aides, availability of 314
care 145
plan, advantages of 84
standards 276
career 256
case study 81, 82f
advantages of 81
disadvantages of 82
diagnosis, steps of 84
education 61, 114, 245, 265, 279
aims of 12
ethics 245, 248f
international code of 247
examination board, functions of 284
history of 233
implementation, types of 84
informatics 259
management 245
negligence in 274f
practice 221, 264
accountability for 146
evidence-based 228
malpractice in 274
negligence in 274
standards of 275
procedures 245
process 81
new perspectives of 239
nursing, credibility of 146
registration 270
research 69, 141, 245, 266
characteristics of 145
evidence-based 228
importance of 145
reports, communication of 204
scope of 144
roles 229f
rounds 85
advantages of 87
disadvantages of 87
meaning of 85
purposes of 85
service management conferences 92
team conference
advantages of 91
objectives of 91
units 314
Nutrition 340
harmony of 322
selection and statements of 32
methods 178
procedures, types of 178
Observational methods 178
Obstetrics and gynecology unit 339
health nurse 258
therapy 341
Oncology 339
nurse 258
Opaque projector 120, 121f
advantages 120
disadvantages 121
promotes efficiency of 326
theater 245
Operational planning 305
Ophthalmic nurse 258
Ophthalmology 339
Opportunity cost 370
Oral report 357
Ordinal measurements 213
Organ transplantation 265
Organization 211
activity 283
aims of 306
chart 310, 311
advantages of 312
disadvantages of 313
principles of 310
purpose of 310
types of 310
importance of 307
learning experience, process of 30
nature of 306
principles of 307
Organizational chart
characteristics of effective 310
left-to-right 31
vertical 31
Organizing pamphlet, styles for 133
Orthopedic 339
nurse 258
Overhead projector 121, 122, 122f
advantages 122
disadvantages 122
Ownership control, classification to 332
Pain management clinic 340
Pamphlets 132
criteria for 133
Panel discussion 40, 52
advantages of 53
concepts of 52
disadvantages of 53
method 53f
technique 53
Particular teaching skill, selection of 71
Pediatric nurse 259
practitioner 263
Pharmacy 341
Phenomenology 154
Philosophy 314
control, preparation of 100
environment 344, 345
facilities 314
Physiotherapy 341
Pie graph 109
Planning 303
characteristics of 304
compartment of 304
importance of 304
lesson, advantages of 27
methods of 305
nursing rounds 86
principle of 23, 303
steps of 84
types of 305
advantages of 334
externally imposed 335
formulation of 212
types of 334
Posters 109, 109f
advantages of 110
components of 109, 110f
uses of 109
Power, decentralization of 285
Powerpoint 125
advantages of 126
presentation, disadvantages of 126
Practice, attributes of 240
Prenatal nurse 258
Problem solving 351
cycle 352
scientific method of 353
skills of 352
strategies 354
abstraction 354
analogy 354
brain storming 354
divide and conquer 354
hypothesis testing 354
lateral thinking 355
means-end analysis 355
method of focal objects 355
morphological analysis 355
proof 355
reduction 355
research 355
root-cause analysis 355
trial and error 355
Process recording
phases of 94f
teaching 93
factors of 376
function 376, 378
Profession, criteria of 237, 239
bodies, functions of 278
development 241
equities 237
ethics 244
etiquettes for nurses 252
knowledge 83
nurse 242f
characteristics of 237
demands on 92
functions and responsibilities of 241
qualities of 237
role of 241
value of 240, 240f
practice 242
trends and adjustment 231
Programmed instruction 63
advantages of 66
application of 67
characteristics of 64, 67
development of 67
principles of 65, 66f
Project 45
method 45
advantages of 49
characteristics of 46
disadvantages of 49
principles of 46, 46f
types of 47
Promotion 315
Psychiatric nurse 258
Psychic cost 370
continuity 29
pressure 326
tests 181
hospitals 332
sector banks 381
trust, erosion of 271
Puppets 115
advantages of 117
disadvantages of 117
hand puppet 115
preparation 116f
principles of 116
procedure 115
types of 115, 115f
Q-methodology 182
Qualifying phrase 372
analysis process 201
data 183
management and organization 202
presentation 205
research 157, 167
characteristics of 168
methodology 154
process steps 153
types of 168
statement 372
Quality control, responsibility in 268
data 184
research process
advantages of 155
steps 155
Quasi-experimental design 162
Questionnaires, disadvantages of 177
Radiation, freedom from 346
Radiology 340
Radios, types of 130f
Radiotherapy 340
Rank order scale 179
Rapid response systems 347
Rating scale method 179
classification 179
Reality, principle of 46
importance of 355
store keeping of materials in storage 363
types of 356
writing, principles of 356
general rules for 356
nurse-patient interactions 95
Recruitment 315
methods of 315
Re-engineer hospital discharges 346
Registration, renewal of 283
nurse 259
stage 382
Religious bonds 17
Remedial teaching, principle of 23
Renal unit 340
Report types 357
Repugnancy costs 371
Research 141, 162
and designs 156
features of 157
types of 157
design 164
advantages of 164
characteristics of 159
components of 161
elements of 158
importance of 159
meaning of 156
need of 157
purpose of 158
selection of 159
types of 161
findings, evaluator of 150
limitations of 150
meaning of 142
methods 146, 146f
selection of 155
objectives of 142
process 151
meaning of 151
scheme of 155
purpose of 142
report presentation, method of 204, 204f
scope of 144
team, members of 150
types of 147
utilization 221, 223f, 226, 227
meaning of 220
process 226
purpose of 220
value of 225
Response, principle of 100
Responsibility 349
Rheumatology 340
Rockefeller foundation 289
activities of 289
Rod puppets 115
Role play 49
advantages of 52
characteristics of 50
method 50f
purposes of 50
steps of 50, 51f
uses of 51
Roller blackboard 105
Safety organization 347
Savings, change in 373
Scale model 118
Scientific temper, promotion of 99
Second five year plan 385
Self-education, principle of 21
Self-rating scale 180
Semantic differential scale 178
Seminar 55
advantages of 57
disadvantages of 57
elements of 56
goals of 56
method 55f
objectives of 56
presentation, guidelines of 57
purposes of 56
Semivariable cost 371
Serial knowledge transfer model 224
Series, observations of 215
of banking, updating of 383
orientation 237
type of 314
Seventh five year plan 387
Sexual health 340
Shadow puppets 115
Sixth five year plan 386
Skill 301
practice of 72
training 260
Slide 126
advantages of 126, 127
projector 126, 126f
bonds 17
costs 370
cultural context 164
networking 124
personality, formation of 14
work 342
Sound slide film 127
Speak audibly 44
Specimens 119f
Sponge instrument and needles, counting of 273
development 320
importance of 320
meaning of 320
objectives of 320
functions of 315
importance of 314
nurse 257
objectives of 313
recruitment 383
welfare 321
activities 321
purpose of 321
characteristics of 276
deviation 217
uses of 218
purposes of 275
scales 180
State Nurses Registration Council, functions of 282
State Nursing Council 282
investigation, stages of 211
services, formation of 187
tests 206
use of 207
Statistics 208, 210, 219
characteristics of 209
functions of 211
meaning of 208
origin and growth of 209
types of 210
uses of 212
Status, conferring of 15
Statutory liquidity requirements 383
Stimulation, principle of 21
keeping 363
functions of 363
maintaining 363
String puppet 115, 116f
Student Nurse Association 283
knowledge limitation of 152
purpose of 152
Supervision 26, 60, 324
amount and quality of 314
Surface graph 109
Surgery, general 338
Surgical nursing 245
Surprise visits 285
Survey research design 162
Symposium 53
aims and objectives of 54
demerits of 55
meaning of 54
merits of 55
principles of 54
techniques of 55
uses of 54
Table, presentation of 185
Tabulation 184
chart 107
classifications of 185
meaning of 185
objectives of 185
Tally mark method 187
Tape recorder 128, 129f
educational uses of 128
functions of 129
Teacher 18, 262
apathy of 101
personality 19
role of 131
student conference 40
classifications of 101
use of 100, 100f
and learning process, elements of 18, 18f
cum-research hospital 333
function 314
general principles of 22
maxims of 23
methods 33
selection of 34
psychological principles of 21
session 72
discussion of 71
integration of 73
Television program
and teacher, utilization of 132
planning and preparation of 132
stages of 131
teacher in
evaluation of 132
presentation of 132
production of 132
Tenth five year plan 387
Testing hypothesis 212
Thermal injury, freedom from 346
Third five year plan 385
Trained Nurses Association of India 276, 281
Training senses, principle of 22
Transfer 315
reports 358
Transmit cultural heritage 14
Trauma nurse 259
T-test 205
Tutorial programs 69
Unit plan 31
characteristics of 31
United Nations
Development Program 288
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization 287
International Children's Emergency Fund 286
United States Agency for International Development 288
Utility, principles of 46
Utilization modelling, building blocks of 225
Variety, principle of 23
Venous thromboembolism, prevent 346
Verbal instruction, antidote to disease of 98
Verification 149
Video cassetess 132, 132f
advantages 132
disadvantages 132
Video tape recorder 125, 125f
Visual analog scale 182
Vital statistics 211
rounds, types of 85
unit management 319
Willingness and self-sacrifice 238
Work, division of 296
hours and shifts 315
model 118
advantages of 62
disadvantages of 62
principles of 62
purposes of 62
working methods of 62
World Bank 290
functions of 290
World Health Bank's 290
XYZ analysis 365
Chapter Notes

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