Textbook of Dental Materials
Textbook of Dental Materials
Vijay Prakash MDS (Manipal)
Professor Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ruchi Gupta MDS (Rohtak)
Professor Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences and Research Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Textbook of Dental Materials
First Edition: 2019
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My father late Shri CP Gupta who has always been my inspiration
Dhaanvi and Keshav for bringing immense joy in my life
All students who will continue to innovate, inspire and
practice in right spirit for the betterment of humanity.
—Vijay Prakash
My parents, children, teachers and students who have inspired me in the journey of life.
—Ruchi Gupta
The practice of dentistry is incomplete without thorough knowledge of dental materials. Being in the age of information, it is important for health professionals, clinicians or students in dentistry to keep themselves updated. Success in clinical practice demands not only intimate knowledge of dental materials but also the recent advances in this field. The study of dental materials involves basic sciences, applied aspect, manipulation, techniques and methods of testing.
Textbook of Dental Materials is inspired during teaching of dental materials for more than a decade to a number of students. During our interactions with students, we realized that there is a need for a simple, concise textbook on this subject. Hence, we tried to write this book in simple, short format which is easy to understand, comprehensive and at the same time covers the entire syllabus laid down by the Dental Council of India (DCI). The basic aim was to introduce and simplify the complex subject of dental materials to young graduate students. There are numerous line diagrams, flowcharts, tables and high quality illustrations to assist the students for better grasping of the subject.
This book contains 30 chapters which are written sequentially and divided into eight sections based on the purpose of each material. is on the General Properties of Dental Materials which includes three chapters, one chapter on biocompatibility of dental materials. contains five chapters which includes the Auxiliary Dental Materials such as Gypsum products, Dental waxes, Casting investments, Die and die materials and finishing and polishing materials. is dedicated to various Impression materials covered in four chapters. Special focus is on the chapter Elastomeric impression materials. is based on Denture Base Materials with a chapter each on Dental polymers and Denture base resins including the recent developments.
Next six chapters are covered in under the broad heading of Direct Restorative Materials. This section starts with a chapter on Dental Amalgam, its properties, mercury toxicity and hygiene. Next chapter is on Enamel and dentin bonding agents focusing on different generations of bonding. Aesthetic restorative materials such as composite resins is covered in detail in this chapter. Different composite restorative materials are discussed at length including methods of polymerization. The chapter also includes recent topics such as indirect composites, flowable, packable, nanocomposites among others. The next two chapters in this section are on Dental cements and Pulp protective agents. The chapter on dental cements includes various cements used in dentistry, their uses, composition, classification, properties, manipulation and recent advances. Pulp protecting agents are materials which are used in approximation of pulp. Focus here is on direct and indirect pulp capping agents. The last chapter in this section is on Direct filling gold, although this material is not commonly used in dentistry now but still students should learn about various aspects of this material.
of the book discusses various Indirect Restorative Materials such as Dental Ceramics, casting alloys and wrought alloys. The chapter on dental ceramics includes metal ceramic restorations and all ceramic restorations in detail. This chapter also highlights recent materials such as CAD–CAM ceramics and 3D printing. The next three chapters in this section are dedicated to nature of alloys, casting alloys, casting procedures and its defects. Casting alloys such as gold alloys, metal ceramic alloys and base metal alloys are discussed in detail in these chapters. A section of titanium and its casting is also included. Casting procedures and defects are sequentially explained with the help of numerous line diagrams and illustrations. Another chapter in this section is on Wrought alloys and its uses in dentistry. The last chapter is on Soldering and welding procedure and techniques.
is based on Endodontic and Preventive Materials. The chapter on Endodontic materials explores various materials which are used in the field of endodontics. There is a wide array of materials with recent developments discussed in this chapter. The chapter on preventive materials focuses on various materials dedicated to prevention of dental diseases. In this chapter, a complete section is on Bleaching materials which are widely used in the practice of dentistry.
includes the Recent Trends in Dental Materials with a chapter each on Dental implant materials and the latest trends in material science. The chapter on dental implant materials describes various implant materials, graft materials and special focus on bioceramics. One of the highlights of this book is the inclusion of this chapter which focuses on the materials which will be the future of dental practice. This chapter includes various materials such as smart materials, biomimetics, zirconia-based material, use of lasers, nanotechnology, tissue regeneration techniques, and oral cancer detection tests amongst various other materials.
In each chapter, ‘clinical significance of various materials’ are highlighted to assist students in understanding the clinical application of that material. At the end of each chapter, a section is dedicated to ‘Test Yourself’ which includes multiple choice questions, long questions and short notes. This section aims to help students to prepare for various competitive examinations and university examination. Another highlight of the book is ‘Quick Revision Chart’ which includes various materials which are commonly asked in examination for quick revision before the final examination. Additionally, online resources for both students and instructors are provided along with this book in the form of multiple choice questions including image-based questions, and power point presentations, respectively.
This book will not only help graduate students but also dental hygienists and dental technicians. It will be a quick reference book for the postgraduates and clinicians. In the long run, successful practice of dentistry will involve thorough knowledge of various materials, their correct manipulation and appropriate selection of material in a given clinical situation. Also, mutual understanding and respect between clinicians, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and patients will result in successful treatment outcome. We sincerely hope that young students will improve, innovate and practice dentistry and help in taking our profession to greater heights. We wish you all success in your career.
‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.
Vijay Prakash
Ruchi Gupta
First of all we bow down to the Almighty God for blessing us with his kindness and wisdom to accomplish this work. Any book written has contributions from a number of people directly or indirectly and this work is no different. We extend our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our teachers, who have always encouraged us to perform at the highest level and have shaped our careers. It will always be a privilege to be associated with them. Our deepest gratitude goes to our friends and our colleagues who have made learning a fun experience. We sincerely thank all our students over more than a decade who have always inspired us to excel in our field.
Our love, gratitude and respect to our parents, who have always been there during the test of time. They have been our pillars of strength and have always motivated us. Our deep appreciation goes to our family especially our brothers and sister, for their unconditional love and support. Lots of love to our children, who have adjusted to our work time in completing this book.
We are very grateful to the whole team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, who helped and guided us, especially Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Ritu Sharma (Director–Content Strategy), Ms Sunita Katla (Executive Assistant to Group Chairman and Publishing Manager), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Samina Khan (Executive Assistant to Director–Content Strategy), Dr Ambika Kapoor (Development Editor), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer), Mr Deep Kumar (DTP Operator), Mr Amit Mathur (Graphic Designer), Ms Geeta Rani (Proofreader), and their team members, for all their support and work on, this project and make it a success. Without their cooperation, we could not have completed this project.