Manual of Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Prashant Shah
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Acetazolamide 150
Acid-base management 86
Acidosis 16, 20, 21, 33, 66, 88, 94
metabolic 20, 44
Activated partial thromboplastin time 7, 104, 108
Adenosine 57, 62, 154
Administer local antibiotic therapy 108
Adrenaline 132, 139, 147, 158
nebulisation 79
Aerogenes 117
Airway 2, 4, 142
humidification of 113
Albumin 7
serum 77
Aldactone 150
Alpha-adrenergic agonists, administration of 88
Ambu bag 3
Amikacin 159
Amiloride 40
administration of 94
antipseudomonal 119
resist, high-level 117
Aminophylline 152
Amiodarone 57, 60, 62, 154
infusion 59
Amoxicillin 118
clavulanate 119
Ampicillin 117, 118, 160
sulbactam 119
Amrinone 98, 99
Analgesia 91
Analgesics 30, 93, 157
Anesthesia 143
local 72f
management 124
Antacids 155
Antiacetylcholine esterase drugs 94
Antiarrhythmics 154
administration of 94
Antibiotics 115
aminoglycosides 159
systemic 85
Anticoagulation, postoperative 103
Anticonvulsant 151
therapy 87
Antiemetics 156
Antihypertensives 155
Anti-inflammatory drugs 121
Antimicrobial 114
agent 117
Antipyretics 156
coarctation of 135, 135f
overriding of 133
Aortic stenosis 136, 136f
Aortoplasty, subclavian 135
Appropriate suction catheter, formula for selection of 113
Arrhythmia 54, 88, 97, 99, 101, 102, 112, 114
acute hemodynamically significant 62t
cardiac 42, 54
causes of 54
types of 54
ventricular 54, 97
Arterial blood gas 20
analysis 29
Arterial ducts, artificial 122
Arterial pressure monitoring 8
Arterial pulse pressure 17
Arterial switch procedure 10, 138
Arterial vasodilatation 99
Arterial waveform 9f, 18
forceps 72f
straight 105
high pulmonary 126
mean pulmonary 12
Ascites 18, 26
Aspiration 81
gastric 106
Aspirin 103, 137
Asthalin 158
Atelectasis 81, 110
Atenolol 57
Atracurium 95
Atrial contraction, loss of 20
Atrial fibrillation 58, 103
Atrial filling pressures 18
Atrial fixed pacing 67
Atrial flutter 57
Atrial premature beat 56
Atrial rate 57
Atrial rhythm, low 54
Atrial septal defect 56, 103, 128, 129f
Atrioventricular canal defect 130, 131f
Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia 54
Atrium 54
Atropine 62, 154
Augmentin 160
Avil 157
A-wave 11
Azithromycin 117, 118
Aztreonam 118
Bacteremia, primary 115
Bacteroides fragilis species 117
Balancing shunts
postoperatively 144
preoperatively 143
atrial septostomy 54
tipped pulmonary flotation catheter 11
Benzodiazepines 92
Beta-blocker 5759, 133
Betadine 106
Bilirubin, serum 7
Bipyridines 98
B-lactamase 117, 118
Bladder care 105
Blalock-Taussig shunt 80, 122, 122f
modified 36
Bleeding 47, 49
gastrointestinal 85
count, full 115
culture 115
film 115
excessive pulmonary 143, 144
low pulmonary 143, 144
pulmonary 23
systemic 23
gas targets, initial 142
glucose 7, 37
losses 38
pressure 4, 22
arterial 3, 9
lower arterial 33
mean arterial 12
normal 22t
systemic 37
systolic 22
products 38, 46, 47
replacement 38
sugar 37, 77
transfusion, excessive 44
urea 7
urea nitrogen 19, 26, 37
Bordetella pertussis 117
Bosentan 157
Bowel care 105
Bradycardia 18, 33
Breath sounds, bilateral 29
Bretylium 60
Bronchoconstriction 42, 101
Bronchodilator 94, 152
Bronchoscopy 91
Bronchospasm 81, 83
Budecort nebulizer 83
Bundle of His 54, 58, 63
Burns 11, 40, 41
Calcium 44, 77
chloride 44
gluconate 39, 77, 151
levels, low 42
low ionized 20
resonium 38
sensitizer 101
Campylobacter 117
Canon waves 11
Capillary hydrostatic pressure 81
Capillary leak 18
syndrome 52
abnormal 14f
normal 14f
Capnography 13
Captopril 155
Carbohydrates 77
Cardiac anomalies 164fc
Cardiac arrest 1
Cardiac catheterization 23
Cardiac decompression 20
Cardiac failure
chronic congestive 99
congestive 85
Cardiac index 19, 87
Cardiac intensive care unit 62t
Cardiac pacemakers 2
Cardiac surgery 86
Cardiac tamponade 20, 21, 45, 51
Cardiomyopathy 11, 58
dilated 97
Cardiopulmonary bypass 1, 23, 35, 48, 99, 114, 133
Cardiovascular function 16
Cardiovascular management 16
Cardioversion 91
Carotid artery 11
excessive 54
levels 93
Cavity, pleural 70
Cefadroxil 116
Cefazolin 116, 159
Cefepime 116, 159
Cefmetazole 116
Cefotamine 159
Cefotaxime 118
Cefotetan 116
Ceftazidime 119, 159
Ceftizoxime 159
Ceftriaxone 118, 159
Cefuroxime 116, 159
Central nervous system 2
issues, postoperative 86
Central O2 delivery 2
Central venous
catheter 115
oxygen saturation 19
pressure 10, 10f, 12, 37, 100
Cephalosporines 159
first-generation 116
fourth-generation 116
parental 119
second-generation 116
third-generation 116
Cephapirin 116
Cephradine 116
Cepirome 159
edema 86
embolization 86
hypoperfusion 86
perfusion 86
drain 70, 91
tubes 6
physiotherapy 83
radiography 121
tube 70
insertion of 72f, 80
wall expansion 29
X-ray 21, 123
pneumoniae 117
trachomatis 117
Chloramphenicol 118
Chloride 77
Chloroxylenol 105
Cholestasis 77
Choreiform movements 86
Chronic obstructive airways disease 11
Chronotropes 148
Chylothorax 81
diagnosis of 165fc
management of 165fc
medical management of 82
surgical management of 82
Cilastatin 119
Ciprofloxacin 118, 119, 160
Cisapride 76
Citrate toxicity 46
Citrobacter diversus 117
Clarithromycin 118
Clexane 153
Clindamycin 117, 119
Cloacae 117
difficile 117
tetani 117
Cold blood 46
Coma 40, 41
Combiflam 157
Conduction disorders 64
Congestion, hepatic 45
Conscious sedation 92
Coronary artery, anomalous left 7, 10, 139, 140f
Corticosteroids 121
Coumarin anticoagulation, emergency reversal of 49
Cramps, abdominal 101
C-reactive protein 114
Creatinine 37
Cryoprecipitate 46, 49
C-wave 11
Cyanide toxicity 99
Decadron 153
Decompression 80
Deep sedation 34
Delirium 41
Delta wave 59
Deriphylline 152
Desmopressin 47
Dexamethasone 32, 79
Dexmedetomidine 92
Dextran 37
Dextrose 101
Diabetes insipidus 40
Diarrhea 4042
Diazepam 86, 87, 92, 151
DiGeorge syndrome 44
Digoxin 57, 61, 154
Dilantin 60
Dipyridamole 103
Distention, abdominal 31
Dithromycin 118
Diuretic therapy 40, 42
Dizziness 63
Dobutamine 24, 26, 97, 147
Dolo drops 156
Domperidone 76
Domstal 156
Dopamine 24, 94, 147
high dose of 88
low dose of 26
Down's syndrome 131
Doxycycline 117, 118
Dressler's syndrome 120
Drowsiness 41
Drug 147
Dulcolax 158
Dysarhythmias 8
Ebstein's anomaly 58, 59
Ebstein's malformation 56
Echocardiography 19, 21
transesophageal 91
Ectopic tachycardia, junctional 22, 54, 58, 62
generalized 26
peripheral 26
pulmonary 81
Edrophonium 94
Eisenmenger syndrome 129
Ejection fraction 19
Electrocardiogram 3, 8, 8f
normal 55f
Electrolyte 77t, 151
abnormalities 77
disturbances 20
imbalances 66
Emboli, systemic 103
Embolism 86
Emeset 156
Enalapril 155
Endocarditis 117
Endotracheal suction 33, 110, 112, 166
hazards of 112
preparing for 112
Endotracheal tube 2, 27, 107
aspiration 115
complications 79
size 113
selection of 28
End-tidal carbon dioxide 13, 19
monitoring 13
Enema 158
Enoxacin 119
Enteral feeds 75
Enteral nutrition 75
Enterococcus faecalis 117
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 85
Epiglottitis 118
Epinephrine 25, 32, 62, 96
Epoprostenol 100
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 114
Erythromycin 117-119
Escherichia coli 117
Esmolol 62
Exercise intolerance 63
Extracellular fluid volume 44
Extubation 31
failure 80
care of 108
drops 108
ointment 108
Facial pallor 101
Failure to thrive 130
Fatal tachycardia 91
Fatigue, diaphragmatic 31
Feeding 75
Fentanyl 34, 93, 149
Fever 114
Fexofenadine 158
Fick principle 11
Fistula, bronchopleural 81
Fits 42
Flucloxacillin prophylaxis 115
Fluconazole 160
Fluid 37
and electrolyte management 35
balance 90
intravenous 35
restriction 41
types of 37
Fluoroquinolones 119, 160
Foley's catheters 2, 105
Fontan procedure 36, 58, 103, 127
extracardiac 103, 127
Fresh frozen plasma 24, 37, 46, 48, 139
Furosemide 37, 88
Fungal organisms 85
Furoped 150
Furosemide, administration of 94
Garamycin 159
Gastrointestinal tract 135
Gentamicin 117, 118
Glenn flow 125
Glenn pressure 126
Glenn procedure 80
bi-directional 103
Glenn shunt, bi-directional 124, 126
Glucose D25 151
infusion rates 77
serum 87
Glycerine suppository 15, 84
Glyceryl trinitrate 148
Glycopyrrolate 156
Great artery, transposition of 137, 138f
Haemophilus influenzae 115, 118
Headache 100
block 16
complete 21, 134
second-degree 61
third-degree 19, 63
defect, congenital 122
acyanotic 129, 130
congenital 59, 61
cyanotic congenital 132
valvular 11
failure 41, 101
lesions, congenital 56
rate 21, 65
abnormalities of 18
average 21, 21t
sounds, fourth 19
closed 36
open 36, 45
valves, prosthetic 22
Hematinics 157
Hematocrit 35, 37, 47
Hemofiltration 90
Hemorrhage 86, 138
pulmonary 112
Heparin 123, 153
reversal of 47
Hepatic failure 49
Histamine-2-receptor antagonist 76
Hospital-acquired lower respiratory tract infection 115
Human albumin 50, 50t
solutions 50
Hydration, adequate 113, 123
Hydrocortisone 153
Hypercapnia 94
Hypercarbia 21, 80
Hyperglycemia 41, 77, 89
Hyperkalemia 21, 38
Hyperlipidemia 41
Hypernatremia 40, 41fc
Hyperproteinemia 41
Hyperpyrexia, malignant 114
Hypertension 112
pulmonary arterial 93, 97
severe systemic 99
venous 81
Hyperthermia 20, 54, 106, 107
malignant 15
Hyperthyroidism 61
Hypertriglyceridemia 77
Hypertrophy 16, 26
right ventricular 133
Hypocalcemia 21, 42, 44, 47
causes of 44
severe 44
Hypoglycemia 77, 88
Hypokalemia 21, 39, 42, 77, 84, 97, 101
Hyponatremia 41, 43fc
causes of 42fc
Hypophosphatemia 77
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 140
Hypotension 58, 60, 80, 97, 100, 101, 112
development of 16
mild-to-moderate 162fc
severe 163fc
systemic arterial 24
Hypothermia 45, 54, 88, 94
Hypoventilation 20
Hypovolemia 18, 23, 24
Hypoxemia 80, 81t, 97
Hypoxia 21, 54, 66, 81, 88, 112
Ibugesic plus 157
Icterus 84
Imipenem 119, 161
Immunoglobulin 157
Infarction, gastric 101
Infection 112
issues 114
prevention of 77
Inflammatory febrile condition 120
Infusion pumps 2
Inhalex 158
Inodilator 101
Inotropes 96, 102t
Intercostal catheters, insertion of 71
Intermittent mandatory ventilation mode 31
Intra-aortic balloon pump 139
Intracranial pressure, raised 112
Intubation 133
several days of 31
Invasive monitoring devices 8
Ipratropium 83
Ipravent 158
Ischemia 8, 11
myocardial 54, 97, 101, 138
postoperative 18
reperfusion injury 35
Isoproterenol 25, 62, 98
Isuprel 148
Itraconazole 160
Jaundice 84
Jugular vein
external 10
internal 10
Ketamine 94, 156
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 42
Kidney 2
Klebsiella pneumoniae 118
Lactate, serum 19
Lactulose 158
Lansoprazole 76
Laryngomalacia 79
Laryngoscope 2
Laryngospasm 112
Lasix 150
Leads 64
Left atrial
catheters 9
line 9
pressure 12, 37
Left atrium 17
Left bundle branch block 55
Left ventricular
stroke work index 12
volume 9, 12
Leptospira interrogans 118
Lethargy 40, 41
Leukocytosis 121
Levosalbutamol 158
Levosimendan 101
Lidocaine 60, 62
Lignocaine 73, 154
Linezolid 118, 161
Listeria monocytogenes 118
Lithium dilution 19
Liver 2
failure 41
function tests 7, 77
Lomefloxacin 119
Loop diuretics 150
Lorazepam 87, 92
Low cardiac output 20, 114
signs of 24
state 18t
assessment of 17
syndrome 101
Lymphangiography 82
Magnesium 77
deficiency 42
depletion, causes of 42
levels, low 42
sulfate 62, 154
Magnex 159
Mannitol 150
Massive air leak 80
Mechanical ventilation 30, 80
Mediastinal bleeding 45
management of 45
Mediastinitis 121
Mediastinum 70
Medium chain triglycerides formula 165
Meningitis 117, 118
Meningococcus 118
Mental status 18
Menthol 105
Meropenem 119, 161
Metaraminol 133
Metoclopramide 76, 156
Metrogyl 161
Metronidazole 117
Microvascular bleeding, treatment of 49
Midazolam 30, 87, 92, 151
Milliamperes 66
Milrinone 26, 33, 99, 132, 147
Minimal enteral nutrition 77
Mitral valve disease 11
Morphine 30, 93, 133, 149
Moxalactam 116
Mucomix 158
Multiorgan failure 85
Mumfer 157
Muscle relaxants 30, 94, 149
nondepolarizing 94
Mycoplasma 118
Myocardial dysfunction 18
Myocardial protection, suboptimal 16
Myocarditis 97
Myopyrolate 156
N-acetylcysteine 158
Naloxone 156
Narcotics 149
Nasal endotracheal tube, routine care of 107
Nasogastric feeding 75, 105
Nasogastric tube 2, 84, 106
Nausea 41, 101
Near-infrared spectroscopy regional oxygen saturation 19
Neisseria meningitidis 118
Neonatal cardiac transplantation 140
Neostigmine 94, 156
Nephritic syndrome 41
Netilmicin 159
Nitric oxide 34
Nitroglycerine 100
Nitroprusside 99
Nodal bradycardia 21
Noninvasive continuous positive airway pressure 79
Noradrenaline 147
infusion 133
Norcuron 149
Norepinephrine 97
Normothermia 32
Norwood stage, postoperative management of 144
Nutrition 75
Obstructive lesions 18
Ofloxacin 117119, 160
Oliguria 16, 20
Omeprazole 76
Opioids 30, 93
Oral antacids 84
Oral endotracheal tube, routine care of 107
Oral feeds 105
Oral glycerol 150
Orotracheal route 28
Osmotic diuretics 40, 150
Osteocalcium 157
Otitis media 115
Oxygen 20fc, 133
humidified 32
saturation, mixed venous 11, 19
supplemental 27
Oxygenation 12
criteria 30
P wave axis 56
Pacemaker 64
display 65f
epicardial 64
temporary 64
transcutaneous external 64
transvenous endocardial 64
Packed cell volume 51, 139
Packed red blood cells 47
Pain management 91
Pancuronium 30, 95
Pantaprozole 84, 155
Paracetamol 114, 156
Paralysis, diaphragmatic 80
Parenteral nutrition 76
Paresis 31, 80
Paresthesiae 42
Partial thromboplastin time 45
Patent ductus arteriosis 103
Pavulon 149
Pediatric cardiac
intensive care unit 1, 147
management, special features of 16
Pedicloryl 156
Pefloxacin 118, 119
antipseudomonal 119
G 117119
group 160
V 119
Penicillinase-resistant synthetic penicillins 119
Pericardial tamponade 22
Pericardiocentesis 91
Pericardium 70
Perinorm 156
Peritoneal dialysis 2, 88, 89
cycles 90
Peritonitis 41
Phenergan 156
Pheniramine 157
Phenobarbitone 87, 151
Phenoxybenzamine 33, 100, 148, 157
Phenylephrine 147
Phenytoin sodium 151
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 98
Phosphorus 77
Phrenic nerve lesions 80
Physiotherapy 110, 112
Piperacillin 119
Platelet 48
count 45
transfusion 46, 48
Pleural fluid
analysis 82
aspiration 73
Pleurectomy 81
surgical 83
Pleurodesis 81, 83
Pleuroperitoneal shunt 82
Pneumonia 118
Pneumothorax 80, 81
Polyuria 40
Positive end-expiratory pressure 4, 29, 31, 53
stridor, management of 163fc
subglottic edema 79
Postoperative pain, management of 91
Postpericardiotomy syndrome 120
Postural drainage 111, 111f
Potassium 37, 47, 77
chloride 37, 151
correction of 84
serum 39f
Prednisolone 153
control ventilator 28, 29
intracranial 100
suction, low 70
Procainamide 60, 62
Proctoclysis 158
Prokinetic agents 76
Propranolol 133
Prostacyclin 100
Prostaglandin E1 157
low dose 142
Prosthetic valve 137
replacement 103
Protamine sulfate 47, 152
Protein 7, 76
requirements, age-related 76t
Proteus mirabilis 118
Prothrombin time 7, 45, 108
Proton pump inhibitor 76
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 118
Pulmonary artery 7, 10, 19, 125, 139, 140f
banding 126, 126f
catheters 11
occlusion pressure 11
pressure 11, 33, 37, 100
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 100
Pulmonary hypertension 11, 18, 25, 33, 42, 129, 157
crisis 33
management 33
Pulmonary vascular resistance 12, 91, 97, 141
contour analysis 19
generator 64
oximeter oxygen saturations 3
oximetry 12
Pulsus paradoxus 51
Pyridazone dinitrile derivative 101
Pyridostigmine 94
QRS complex narrow 56
Radiofrequency ablation 57, 58
Ranitidine 76, 84, 155
Rapid atrial depolarization 57
Red cell, transfusion of 45
Regional oxygen saturation 19
Reintubation 79
Renal failure 44, 88
Renal function 19
Renal system 88
Renal tubular dysfunction 41
assessment 27
distress syndrome, acute 11, 81
infection 33
management 27
mechanics, alteration of 164fc
monitoring 12
rate 12, 29
spontaneous 27
status 18
tract infection, lower 115
Resuscitation, alveolar rupture 80
Rheumatic disease, severe 58
Rhythm, abnormalities of 18
Rifampin 117119
Right atrial pressure 10, 37
lowers 53
Right atrium 17
pressure 33
Right bundle branch block 54, 134
Right ventricle 25
Right ventricular
assist device 26
dysfunction 10, 12
failure 45
outflow tract 133
Right ventriculotomy incisions 26
Rocuronium 95
Ross procedure 137
Rule of ten 89
Salbutamol bolus 38
Saline bullets 109
Salmonella typhi 118
Sedation 91, 133
adequate 91
Sedatives 30, 92, 156
Seizure 40, 41, 86, 87
etiology 86
Seldinger technique 10
Sense indicator 66
Sepsis 11, 33, 85, 114
less common 114
line-related 115
Seroma 124
Serratia marcescens 118
Serum electrolytes 37, 82, 87
measurements 37
Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 7
Setting up synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 29, 30
cardiogenic 99
hyperdynamic septic 97
septic 99
Sildenafil 157
Sinus 21
arrhythmia 56
bradycardia 54, 55
rhythm 26
normal 54
tachycardia 54
Sinusitis 115
Skin care 108
Sodabicarb 88
Sodium 47, 77
bicarbonate 151
intake, high 40
nitroprusside 148
polystyrene sulfonate 38
Solumetrol 153
aureus 114, 118
epidermidis 114
Stenosis 33
infundibular 133
pulmonary 11
residual pulmonary 26
severe aortic 137
subglottic 79
Sterile disposable syringes 73
Steroid 153
role of 53
therapy, systemic 83
Stethoscope 2
Stoma care 109
milleri 119
pneumoniae 119
pyogenes 119
chronic 99
response 114
ulcers 84, 85
Stridor 79
Stroke volume index 12
Sucralfate 84, 85, 155
Suction catheter 2
size of 113
Sulfamethoxazole 119
Superior vena cava 19, 122
Supracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 132f
Surgery 143
timing of 143
Swan-Ganz catheter 17
Synchrony, atrioventricular 54
Syncope 63
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 29
Syringe pumps 2
Tachyarrhythmia 98
supraventricular 22
Tachycardia 18, 51, 56, 58, 80, 98, 129
atrial 54
supraventricular 56, 62
Tachypnea 129
Tazobactam 119
Teicoplanin 118
Temperature 106
management 86
Tension pneumothorax 80
Terbutaline 83, 152
nebulizer 83
Tetany 42
Tetralogy of Fallot 132, 133f
Thermodilution 19
Thermometer 2
Thiocyanate 99
Thoracic duct ligation 82
Thrombocytopenia 48, 99
Ticarcillin clavulanate 119
Ticloplanin 161
hypoperfusion 20
plasminogen activator 165
Tonoferon 157
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 12, 131
Total parenteral nutrition 76, 90, 165
complications of 77
Trace elements 77
Tracheomalacia 79
Tracheostomy 108
care 108
tube 110, 113
care of 109
cuffed 109
fenestrated 110
Tramadol 157
Tranexamic acid 47
Transfusion therapy 45
Transthoracic thoracic pacemaker 64
Trauma 11
surgical 61
Tremor 101
Triclofos 156
atresia 58
insufficiency 26
stenosis 11
Triglycerides 77
Trimethoprim 119
Truncus arteriosus 134, 134f
Tubes, removal of 70
Tumor, atrial 58
Upper airways obstructions 79
Upper gastrointestinal bleed 84
Urinalysis 37
Urinary catheter 6
care of 106
Urinary sodium 88
collection system 2
osmolarity 88
output 17, 22
Vagal maneuvers 57
Vagal tone, high-level of 61
repair 103
stenosis, persistent 16
Valvuloplasty 137
Vancomycin 117-119, 161
Vascular resistance, systemic 12, 17
Vasoconstriction, peripheral 99
Vasodilatation 114
pulmonary 98
venous 99
Vasodilators 99, 148
Vasopressin 100
Vecuronium 30, 95
Velocity time integral method 19
Ventilation 53, 133, 142
alveolar 15
dead space 15
high-frequency oscillation 30
noninvasive 131
setting up volume-controlled 29
Ventilator 2, 4, 29
connections 6
setting 29
time-cycled 28
dysfunction 22
fibrillation 54, 60, 62
premature beat 56, 59
rate 56, 57, 63
septal defect 54, 103, 129, 130
murmur 18
synchronous pacing 67
tachycardia 54, 60, 62
Ventriculotomy 133
incisions 16
Verapamil 57
Vertigo 101
Vital signs 4
Vitamin 77
Vocal cord
dysfunction 79
paralysis, permanent left 79
Volume controlled syndronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 29
Vomiting 40, 41, 101
von Willebrand's disease 51
von Willebrand's factor 51
V-wave 11
Warfarin sodium 153
Weaning 31, 34
Wheeze 83
White blood cell counts, regular 114
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 59
X-descent 11
X-ray, abdominal 84
Y-descent 11
Yersinia enterocolitica 119
Zosyn 161
Chapter Notes

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