Diagnostic Radiology: Chest and Cardiovascular Imaging Niranjan Khandelwal, Arun Kumar Gupta, Sanjiv Sharma, Anju Garg, Rashmi Dixit
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abscess 11
drainage, mediastinal 375
Acid-fast bacilli 132f
Acinetobacter 106
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 126, 132, 248
Actinomyces israeli 111
Actinomycosis 111, 123, 347
Adenocarcinoma 230, 233f, 234f, 237, 239f
in situ 77, 122, 210, 230
invasive mucinous 65, 71, 78, 230, 237, 238f
lung, disseminated 244f
manifesting 205f
metastases 250
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 231, 267
Adenomas 231
Adenomatous hyperplasia, atypical 210
Adenovirus 104, 113, 114
syncitial virus 134
Adventitia 458
AIDS See Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
bronchiolograms 207
bronchogram 48, 77f-79f, 130, 143f, 247
crescent sign 115f, 135, 207
filled bronchus, tapered 297
fluid level 207
leak syndrome 138, 139
mediastinal 199f
outlining pulmonary artery 299
spaces, cystic 84fc
trapping 86
disease 47
nodules 70f
opacity 47
combination of 55
pneumonia 99, 100f
disease 218, 223
small 85, 277, 277t
invasive aspergillosis 72
pathology 258b
small 86, 255, 277
Akinesia 402f
Allergic aspergillosis 114, 116
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 72, 72f, 80, 116f, 259, 276, 276f
adenoma 231
compartments, combined involvement of 55
damage, diffuse 142, 148
edema 387
hemorrhage, diffuse 137, 137f, 141
microlithiasis 54
proteinosis 48, 78
sarcoidosis 154f
American College of Cardiology 410
American College of Radiology 300, 354
American Joint Committee on Cancer 239
American Thoracic Society 141, 210
Amodiarone 122
Amorphous tumoral calcifications 234f
Amyloidosis 54, 55, 65, 66, 261, 264, 266f, 416, 416f
cardiac 416
Anderson-Fabry disease 418
growth rates of 470
inflammatory 473
true 509
Angiocardiography 421, 442
Angiogram, left coronary 422f
Angiography 467
complications of 465
Angioplasty, technique of 521
Angiosarcoma 350, 426
Angiotensin converting enzyme 123
Anomalous pulmonary venous
drainage, partial 390
drainage, total 392
return with obstruction, total 389
Antihelminthic therapy 76f
Antiplatelet medicines 523
Antiretroviral therapy 126
Aorta 40f, 384, 388, 444, 459, 519f
abdominal 459, 472f
anatomy of 458f
arch of 458, 460f
ascending 41, 381f, 442f, 458, 459, 464
branches of 462f
circumferential invasion of 241f
coarctation of 389, 393, 394f, 465
complete occlusion of 493
descending 37f, 356f, 458
distal descending 459
evaluation of 20
interventions of 458
large 390, 391
measurement of 459
normal 390, 392
postoperative 494
segmentation anatomy of 458
severe coarctation of 389
small 392
treatment strategy for dissection of 485fc
wall of 509f
Aortic aneurysm 195, 469, 473f
abdominal 474, 474f, 522
classification 469
etiology 470
incidence 469
inflammatory 474f
management of 475
abdominal 476t
treatment of abdominal 476b
Aortic anomalies, congenital 465
Aortic arch 34, 41, 44f, 392f, 459
abnormalities 395
anomalies 465
double 394f, 466f
injury 300f
interrupted 395, 468
position of 255
Aortic coarctation 466f
balloon angioplasty of 467f
management of 468
Aortic contour, blurring of 300
Aortic diameter caliper 300
Aortic disease
acquired 469
atheromatous 493f
Aortic dissection 195, 300, 404f, 477, 478t
management for 482b
Aortic hiatus 335
Aortic injury 292, 300b
diagnosis of 491
grading of 491
Aortic obstruction 466
Aortic recess
inferior 445
superior 445
Aortic regurgitation 436
Aortic root 404f, 459
angiogram 442f
Aortic spindle 459
Aortic stenosis 395f, 435
Aortic syndrome, acute 477
Aortic trauma 490
Aortic ulcer, penetrating 486
Aortic valve 440, 441f, 442f
disease 477
Aortic valvular disease 435
Aortic wall irregularity 300
Aortitis 477, 486
Aortography 481
Aortoiliac system, occlusion of 493
Aortopulmonary window 390
region of 233f
Arch aneurysms 475
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 418
anatomy, relevant 357
hypertension, pulmonary 504
input function 27
rupture 528
complication of 530f
spin labeling techniques 30
fistula, coronary 390
malformation 224, 368
Arteritis 388, 520
abnormal bronchial 358f, 360f
coronary 404
hypertrophied bronchial 508f
inferior phrenic 362
intercostal 362
normal lower extremity 516f
radicular 359f, 360
transposition of great 389, 392f
ARVD See Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
Asbestosis 55, 81, 141, 158, 322
pseudotumor 322
Ascites 340t
Asian panbronchiolitis 277
Aspergilloma 114, 115, 115f, 354
Aspergillosis 114, 128, 261, 347
invasive 116
semi-invasive 114, 116
Aspergillus 114, 123, 129, 276
fumigatus antigens 276
infection 114, 134, 135
sign of 115
inhalation 116
Aspiration 65, 71, 72, 77, 123, 282
bronchiolitis 277
chronic 77
pneumonia 103, 142, 283f
pneumonitis 71f, 282, 293
recurrent 77
Asthma 278
Atelectasis 49, 282, 282f, 294, 294f
Atherosclerosis 492, 519
pathology 492
Atrial septal
aneurysm 430
defect 390
Atrium, right 433, 506f
Avian influenza 113
Axillary arteries, branches of 360
Azygoesophageal recess 194
Azygos vein 8, 35
BA See Balloon angioplasty
Bacilli, gram-negative 123
Bacteria 104
gram-negative 108f, 130
Bacterial infections 105
Bacteroides 108
angioplasty 468, 489f, 524, 525f
catheter 525f
Barcode sign 327, 327f
Bare area sign 314
Barotrauma 285
Bat's wing appearance 48, 388
Bayesian analysis 214
Bayonet’ sign 297
Beam equalization radiography 1, 2
Bedford's sign 437
Behçet's disease 354, 509
Berylliosis 54, 66
Bicuspid aortic valve 440f, 441f
Bicuspid calcified valve 441f
Biopsy technique 369
Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome 82, 170, 172, 173f
Blalock-Taussig shunt 388, 466
Blastomyces 117
clot 271, 272f
flow, cephalization of 387
vessels 103
Bochdalek hernia 198f, 341, 341f, 342f
Boerhaave's syndrome 298
Bone cyst, aneurysmal 348
Brachiocephalic vein
left 34, 36f, 40f, 41
right 36f, 40f
Bright blood imaging 463
Bronchial artery 357, 361
embolization 353, 361fc
hypertrophied 356f, 360f
Bronchial atresia, congenital 274, 275f
Bronchial carcinoma 235
Bronchial dilatation 79, 274
Bronchial diverticula 271, 273f
Bronchial situs 381
Bronchial tapering 79
Bronchial wall 299
shadows 56
thickening 143f, 273, 277
Bronchiectasis 55, 79, 80t, 93f, 120, 128f, 272, 273t, 274f, 274t, 275f, 277, 354
bilateral central 276f
bilateral cylindrical 273f
central 72f, 80
cystic 56f, 79, 80f, 273f
severe 273
types of 79, 273, 273f, 273t
Bronchiolar disorders, primary 85
Bronchiolar impaction 70f
Bronchiolitis 277
cellular 85, 277, 277b
constrictive 85, 278b
infectious 277, 277f
inflammatory 277b
obliterans 138
organizing pneumonia 138
Bronchitis 354
chronic 279
Bronchoalveolar lavage 123, 127, 134f, 135f, 137, 165
demonstrated pneumocystis 127f
Bronchography 1
Broncholithiasis 261, 266
Bronchomalacia 262f
Bronchopneumonia 65, 70f, 71, 99, 100f, 101f
Bronchopulmonary segments 8, 9f
Bronchoscopy, fiberoptic 127, 215, 356
Bronchovascular thickening mimicking lymphangitis carcinomatosa 247
cardiac 259, 260f
intermedius 260f, 270f, 271f
narrowing of 262f
sign, positive 208
Bruton's disease 283f
Bulging fissure 109f
drainage 375
large thin wall cyst suggestive of 82f
Bullous emphysema 84
Calcified nodular opacities, multiple 59f
Candida 114, 129
Carcinoid tumor 218, 230, 248, 269, 269f, 270f
atypical 230
Carcinoma 231, 354
adenosquamous 231
breast 32f, 449
bronchoalveolar 48, 49, 82
invasive bronchoalveolar 238f
lung 233f, 449
lymphangitic spread of 55
lymphoepithelioma-like 231
lymphoma 449
melanoma 449
spread of 68
Carcinosarcoma 231
chambers, normal 21f
disease 381
failure, congestive 122
classification of 424t
evaluation of 421
sarcomas 427
signs 506
tamponade 451, 451b, 452
Cardiomyopathy 414
classification 414
dilated 414, 415f
hypertrophic 415, 415f
Cardiophrenic angle mass, right 197f
Carotid artery
common 482
left 460f
right 36f
Castlemans's disease 194
angiogram image 397f
angiography 464, 473
Cavitory nodule, malignant 376f
large 231, 238
lung 248, 250
small 230, 238f
lung cancer
non-small 235, 247, 376
small 238
lymphoma, diffuse large 231
neuroendocrine carcinoma, large 230, 248, 249
Central airway 255, 260
evaluation 259b
obstruction, etiology of 261t
Central chunky calcification 251f
Central pulmonary artery aneurysms 377
Centrilobular emphysema 83, 83f, 147f, 170
Centrilobular nodules 69, 72f, 131f, 277, 278f
attenuation of 69
distribution of 70, 71
multiple 143f
Centrilobular peribronchovascular nodules 67
Cerebral circulation 365
Cervical rib 346
Cervicothoracic sign 61
CFA See Common femoral artery
Chamber spin-echo cardiac 416f
Chemodectoma 192
Chemotherapy 135f
Chest 3
anteroposterior view of 5f
computed tomography of 63
lateral radiograph of 10f
normal 5f, 6f
pain 135f, 364
acute 404f
radiograph 1, 54b, 54f, 55b, 56f, 48f, 145-148, 159, 236f, 255, 255b, 263f, 274f, 281, 283f, 291, 354, 381f, 383f, 384, 385f, 389, 479
conventional 1
digital 1-3
normal 127
signs 300b
supine 295b
scanogram 324f
sonography of 10
structures of 13f
tube 288
ultrasound, anterolateral 11f
wall 33, 319f, 335, 345
anterior 316f
diseases 11
injury of 302
invasion 123, 241, 242f, 351
invasion, sign of 242f
posterolateral 11f
tuberculosis 347f
tumor of 347
X-ray 8f
evaluation 381
normal 4f
Chlamydia pneumoniae 104, 111
Chlamydophila pneumoniae 109, 111
Chondroma 231
Chondrosarcoma 250, 348, 349f
Churg-Strauss syndrome 508
Chyleform effusion 309
Chylothorax 308
Chylous effusion 308
CIA See Common iliac artery
Ciliary dyskinesia, primary 274, 275
Clavicle 5f, 346
fractures of 303
Clopidogrel 523
Clostridium 108
Coal workers pneumoconiosis 48, 55, 66, 68, 73, 75, 151
Coarctation of aorta, treatment of 468fc
Coccidiodomycosis 54
Coccidioides 117, 134
immitis 117
Coccidioidomycosis 117, 128
Coccidiomycosis 68
Coer-en sabot appearance 391
Collagen vascular disease 77, 141
Collapse 11
Collar’ sign 301, 302, 343
Colon 365
Color fluid sign 313f
Comet tail artefacts 13f
Common cold virus 114
infections 104
pneumonia 98, 104t
Computed tomography 1, 230, 281, 355, 441
Congenital disease 456
Conglomerate lymph nodes 372f
Connective tissue
disease 55, 81, 142, 151, 155, 278
disorders 48, 122
Contercoup injury 292
Corona radiata 205f, 232, 234f
Coronal multiplanar reconstruction 21f, 159f, 298f, 299f
Coronary artery
bypass surgery 402
disease 409
evaluation of 20
imaging 403
luminal obstruction 399
origin, abnormal 395
stenosis 409
right 400f
Coronary syndrome, acute 404
Costophrenic angles 149f
Cough 131f-132f, 373
recurrent episode of 76f
Criado classification 483f
Crura, diaphragmatic 338f
Cryptococcosis 54, 116
Cryptococcus infections 134
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia 122, 151
Cushing's syndrome 181, 196
Cyclophosphamide 81
Cylindrical bronchiectasis 80f
Cyst 80, 80f, 152, 171f
bronchogenic 188, 189f, 225f
cluster of 80
multilayered thin-walled 144f
multiple thick wall 82f
perivascular 149f
Cystic adventitial disease 520
Cystic bronchiectatic opacities, multiple 61f
Cytomegalovirus 55, 72, 77, 103, 113, 126
Cytoplasmic antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 123
Daughter cysts, multiple 432f
DeBakey classification 478
Deep costophrenic sulcus 295
Deep sulcus sign 287, 295, 295f, 325
Dense hilum sign 236
Dermatomyositis 156
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia 77, 141, 142, 147, 147f, 170
Diaphragm 10, 13, 13f, 33, 335
accessory 339
injury of 301
low lying 339
sign 314
tumors of 343
Diaphragmatic hernia
bilateral 342f
congenital 342f
Diaphragmatic injury, signs of 302b
Digital subtraction angiography 502, 515
Displaced crus sign 314
management of 484t
types of 478f
Double bronchial wall sign 286, 299
Double diaphragm sign 295, 325
Downhill varices 193
Dressler's syndrome 308
Dry cough 127f, 132f
Ductus diverticulum 459f
Dumb-bell tumor 190
Dynamic collimation diaphragms 24
Dyspnea 83f, 131f, 135f, 271f, 373
Dystrophic calcification 59
Ebstein's anomaly 392, 395f
Echinococcus cyst 58
Echinococcus granulosus 118, 220
Echinococcus infection 118
Echocardiography 398, 399, 422, 438
Ectopic origin, tumors of 231
hydrostatic 142
interstitial 387, 438
Egg shell calcification 59
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 509
EIA See External iliac artery
Embryology 335
Emphysema 31, 83, 152, 170, 171f, 279
types of 83, 83t
Emphysematous bullae, multiple 375f
Empyema 11, 93f, 120, 120f, 316, 317f, 318t, 319f
drainage of 318
multiple loculated 318f
necessitans 318, 319f
tube drainage of 318
infection 71
metastases 269
ultrasound 369
Endocarditis, infective 439
Endogenous lipoid pneumonia 166
Endoluminal tracheobronchial stenting 375
Endotracheal tube 282f, 287, 288f
embolization 353
treatment 521, 523f
Eosinophilic lung disease 165
Eosinophilic pneumonia 122
acute 77, 78, 142, 165, 166f
chronic 77, 78, 165
Epidermal growth factor 230
Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma 231
Epithelial tumors 230
Epstein-Barr virus 113
Erdheim-Chester disease 231, 333
Escherichia coli 105, 106, 129
duplication cyst 188, 189f
involvement 94
lesions 190
Esophagus 41, 269f, 298f
posterior deviation of 437
European Respiratory Society Classification 141
Ewing sarcoma 349, 349f
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia, acute 166
Extranodal MALT lymphoma 231
Extrapleural fat
plane, loss of 242f
proliferation of 317f
Extrapleural sign 286
Fallen lung sign 297
Fallot's tetralogy 466
Fat 41, 206
abdominal 196
abnormalities of mediastinal 196
pads, normal 322
Feeding vessel sign 68f, 208, 209f, 219f, 251f
Femoral artery
common 522, 523
superficial 516f, 522, 523
Fever 131f-133f, 135f
Fibrobronchiectasis 355f
Fibroelastosis, idiopathic pulmonary 149
Fibroma 425, 456
Fibroparenchymal lesions 355f
Fibrosing idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, chronic 145
Fibrosing mediastinitis 199
Fibrosis 354
Fibrosis, cystic 33, 72, 80, 255f, 274, 354
drug related 81
endomyocardial 417, 417f
idiopathic pulmonary 54f, 55, 75, 81, 141, 145, 146f
mediastinal 200f
Fibrothorax 319f, 321
bronchiolitis 277
stricture 261
Fibrous dysplasia 348
Fibrous tumor
benign 333f
localized 333
Filariasis 117
Filtered back projection technique 26
Finger-in-glove appearance 276f
Fissure 42
horizontal 51f, 53f
invasion of 242f
lower part of oblique 52f
position of 57
major 8f
minor 8f
Fistula, bronchopleural 93f, 319, 320, 320f
Flail chest 302f
Flat waist sign 52
Fleischner Society, Nomenclature Committee of 63
Fluoro-2-deoxygluclose 399
Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography 214
Fluoroscopy 337
Focal diaphragmatic
discontinuity 302
thickening 302
Follicular bronchiolitis 65, 71, 85, 277
Fracture 57f
clavicle 303f
Friedlander's pneumonia 57, 106
Frozen mediastinum sign 329
ball 220
infections 72, 114, 134, 261, 347
Fungi 123
Funnel chest 345
Fusiform aneurysm 472f
Fusobacterium 108, 316
Gastric volvulus 339f
Gastroesophageal junction 298
Gastrointestinal treat 378
Genitourinary system 133
Germ cell
nonseminomatous 184
tumor 183, 231, 261
malignant 183, 184
GFR See Glomerular filtration rate
Giant cell
arteritis 470
carcinoma 231
tumor 348
Glenn shunt 388
Gliding sign 306
Glomerular filtration rate 521
Golden's s sign 51, 51f
Goodpasture disease 508
Graft-versus-host disease 138, 278
acute 138
chronic 138
Granulation tissue 261, 266
formation 261
Granuloma 220, 417f
calcified 53f, 59f
multiple 67f
sign, shifting 50
Granulomatosis 354
lymphomatoid 231
Granulomatous disease 151, 245
Great vessels 40f
attenuation 76f, 135f, 209, 211
nodule 235
density, homogenous 292f
nodule 169f, 209, 277
opacity 63, 65, 70, 74f, 75-77, 84, 87, 128, 137f, 143, 146f, 148f, 152, 235f, 376
bilateral areas of 139f
centrilobular nodules 69, 70fc
H1N1 virus 112
Haemophilus influenzae 104-106, 129, 316
Halo sign 248, 455f
Hampton's hump, symptoms of 224f
Hantavirus 113
Heart 10, 12f, 14, 41
catheterization, right 506
congenital 389
ischemic 398
left 507
severe congenital 389
failure 489f
congestive 308
neoplastic lesions of 424
size 438
Hemangioma 350, 425, 456
cardiac 425
Hematogenous metastasis 64f, 68
Hematoma 11
arterialized periarterial 469f
intramural 478f, 485
mediastinal 198f, 300
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 129
Hemidiaphragm 53f, 339
depression of 295
left 328f, 339f
Hemopericardium 301, 301f
Hemopoiesis, extramedullary 193
Hemoptysis 137f, 272f, 353, 354fc, 355f, 510
cryptogenic 354
massive 353
mild 353
moderate 353
Hemorrhage 272f
diffuse alveolar 164, 165f, 167
idiopathic pulmonary 56
mediastinal 197
Hemosiderosis 55
secondary 387f
Hemothorax 11, 296, 296f, 297f, 309, 510
left 300
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia 378, 509
congenital diaphragmatic 342f
diaphragmatic 341
hiatal 341, 341f
intrapericardial 343
traumatic right diaphragmatic 344f
Herpes simplex 134
virus 113
Herpes zoster 129
High-resolution computed tomography 18, 47, 63, 73, 142
enlargement 235
lymph nodes 59f
lymphadenopathy 153f
bilateral 54f
Hilum 177f
convergence sign 61
overlay sign 60, 60f
Histoplasma 117, 128, 134
capsulatum 117
Histoplasmosis 117
HIV See Human immunodeficiency virus
Hodgkin's lymphoma 219
calcification 177f, 206f
soft tissue density, triangular 40f
cysts 80f
significance of 81
Hookworm 117
Hughes-Stovin syndrome 509
immunodeficiency virus 126, 132
influenza A virus 112
Hydatid cyst 119f, 220, 354, 432
cardiac 432
unruptured 119f
Hydatid disease 118
Hydropneumothorax 120, 320f
Hydrostatic pulmonary edema 164, 165f, 167, 282, 283, 284f
Hygroma, cystic 186
Hyperplasia, atypical adenomatous 230
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 116, 151, 156
acute 76f, 157f
subacute 70f
Hypertension 70, 87
pulmonary 506
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 415
Hypertrophy 361
lipomatous 425
Hypoalbuminemia 307
Hypogammaglobinemia 80
Hypointense mural thrombus 408f
left heart 389
right pulmonary artery 512f
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome 165
Idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension 507
fibrosis 151
neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia, diffuse 230
syndrome 136
Iliac artery
common 474f, 522, 526
external 522
Iliac ostial stenosis, management of bilateral 526f
Immotile cilia syndrome 8
Infarction 48
Infection 65, 142, 151, 167, 260, 452, 456
atypical 71
bacterial 72, 130
endobronchial spread of 71
necrotizing 320
non-tubercular 354
Infectious diseases 346
Influenza 112
virus 104, 113
Infrarenal abdominal aorta, aneurysms of 476, 477f
Inguinal ligament 523
Inhalational disease 218
cardiac 301
diaphragmatic 302f, 343
esophageal 298, 298f
Intensity modulated radiation therapy 244
Intensity projection, minimum 21, 257, 258
Intensive care unit 281
Interface sign 314, 315f
Interlobular interstitial thickening 152
Interlobular septa, thickening of 137f
Interlobular septal thickening, smooth 74f
International Association for Study of Lung Cancer 37, 239
International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Classification 39, 41t
Interstitial compartments, combined involvement of 55
Interstitial lung disease 151, 155, 162, 170
Interstitial pneumonia 100, 141, 145, 162
acute 77, 138, 141, 142, 148, 149f
idiopathic 141, 145
nonspecific 75, 77, 78, 141, 142, 145, 146f
smoking-related 146
subacute 148
Intrathoracic abnormalities, stages of 153
Invasive adenocarcinoma, minimally 230
Invasive carcinoma, minimally 210
Iodinated contrast medium, use of 17
Ischemia 399
Ischemic heart disease, pathophysiology of 398
Isthmus 459
IVC See Inferior vena cava
Juxtadiaphragmatic disease 340
Kaposi's sarcoma 69, 129, 135, 136, 167, 248
Kartagener's syndrome 72, 276f
Kerley lines
A 56, 56f, 73
C 56
Kissing balloon technique 526f
Klebsiella 57, 105, 106
pneumoniae 48, 49f, 104, 106
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 65, 68, 71, 82, 82f, 84, 142, 151, 158, 171f
Legionella pneumonia 111
Legionella pneumophila 104, 109
Leriche syndrome 493
Lesions, malignant 204
Leukemia 69, 137f
Light's criteria 307
Lipoid pneumonia 166, 223
chronic exogenous 166
exogenous 167f
Lipoma 196, 345f, 349, 424, 456
Lipomatosis, mediastinal 196
Liposarcoma 350
abscess, subdiaphragmatic 117f
cirrhosis 307
Lobar atelectasis 50
Lobe, bilateral
lower 69f, 71f, 142f
upper 80, 144f, 145f
Lobe, right
lower 92f, 116f
upper 93f, 108f, 205f
Loeffier syndrome 76f
Lower limb arteries 519f
Lower lobe
collapse 51
distribution 80
Luer-Lock syringe 525
Luftsichel sign 51, 52f
Lung 7, 13, 169f, 245
abscess 110f, 208f, 222, 223f, 318f, 318t, 354, 374
anaerobic 110f
drainage 374
adenocarcinoma 243f
anatomy, normal segmental 44f
apex, evaluation of 12f
attenuation 144
bilateral 47f, 51f, 55b, 56f, 59f 143f, 144f, 149f
border 295f
cancer 31, 32f, 230, 234f, 235f, 239, 244
central 235f, 236, 236f
recurrent 246
staging of 239, 240
treatment of 244
capacity, total 4
collapse 255
cysts 82t, 169
incidental 82
damage 145
disease 63, 103
anterior paramidline 360
basal 360
basic patterns of 47, 63
cystic 81
diffuse 162, 169, 170
infiltrative 85
inflammatory 354
interstitial 33, 70, 141
field, bilateral 48f, 68f, 72f, 76f, 273f
infections 354
drug-induced 138
inhalational 78
involvement 68
left 219f
lesions, thermal ablation of 376
malignancies 218
mass, apical 369f
multiple 32f
ossified 251f
multiple irregular 248f
nodules 65t
multiple 270f
opacity 63, 79, 83, 84
parenchyma 114f, 213f, 297f
bilateral 64f, 81f, 82f
normal 80
perfusion 501f
normal 23f
pleura interface 306f
point sign 327
predominant, upper 142
right 171f, 205f, 330f
segments 42
sliding sign 291
loss of 295
sliding, absence of 326
structures 64
subtle lucency of distal 271f
transplantation 278
tumors, WHO classification of 230t
volume 273
white 164
window 508f
Lutembacher's syndrome 390
Lymhangioleiomyomatosis 326f
Lymph node 37, 41, 178, 369f
chains 305
enlargement 194
homogenous enlarged 248f
hypodense 128f
prevascular 372f
regional 240
Lymphadenopathy 11, 123, 128, 246
mediastinal 152, 193
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 82, 82f, 84, 142, 158, 170, 172, 172f, 231
Lymphangioma 186, 426
Lymphangioma, mediastinal 187f
Lymphangitis carcinomatosa 48, 56, 67f, 122, 167, 243f
Lymphatic nodules 66
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis 128, 136
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia 65, 66, 82, 82, 142, 148, 149f
Lymphoma 48, 49, 69, 78, 122, 136, 142, 167, 197, 219, 248, 248f, 261, 427
malignant 56
mediastinal 193f
Lymphoproliferative disorders 69
Macklin effect 298
MacLeod syndrome 278
Magnetic resonance imaging 1, 258
cardiac 394, 435, 439
cardiovascular 400
Malignant mesothelioma, diagnosis of 332
Malpositioned chest tube 297f
Marfan's disease 477, 509
cardiac 421, 423
extrapleural 305
heterogenous 237f
mediastinal 178, 238f
anterior 11, 60f, 177f
large 238f
Massive effusions 308
Maximum intensity projection 21, 257, 394
Measles virus 113
Mediastinal compartments 41t
Mediastinal lines 10
Mediastinal pleura 175, 330f
Mediastinal tumor, anterior 428f
Mediastinal varices 193
Mediastinal widening 255, 300
Mediastinitis, acute 199
Mediastinum 9, 31, 33, 175
anterior 178
divisions of 175
evaluation of 11
middle 188
miscellaneous lesions of 197
posterior 190
Medullary arteries, anterior 357, 359f
Meig's syndrome 308
Melanoma 231
Melting sign 224
Meniscus sign 296, 296f, 309f
Mesenchymal tumors 231
Mesenteric artery, superior 460
Mesothelioma 329, 330f
Metastases 195, 218, 332f, 455
Metastatic disease 328, 351
Metazoal infestations 117
Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus 105
Methotrexate 122
Micronodular beading 153f
Micronodule 63
fungal infections 68
infections 65
nodules 64f, 128f, 133f
pattern, causes of 54b
tuberculosis 54, 55f, 68, 92, 92f
regurgitation 436, 437
stenosis 59, 387f, 436
valve 442f
disease 56f
normal 440f
valvular disease 436
Morgagni's hernia 34f, 196f, 197f, 342, 342f
Mosaic attenuation, patchy areas of 85f
Mounier-Kuhn disease 274, 275f
Mucinous adenocarcinoma 142
Mucinous cystadenoma 231
Mucociliary clearance abnormalities 275
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 231, 267
impaction 56, 79, 80
pseudotumor 271
sign of 116f
gland adenoma 231
plug 271
Müller maneuvers 6
Multidetector computed tomography 256, 258, 292, 401
Multifocal airspace opacification, causes of 48b
Multiplanar reconstruction 258, 300
Multiplanar reformation 394
Multislice computed tomography 435
Muscles, intercostal 13
Mycetoma 220
in cavity 94f
Mycobacteria, atypical 128
Mycobacterial infection 72, 132
atypical 80
avium intracellulare 72, 133
kansasii 133
tuberculosis 48, 57, 72, 89, 94f, 123
Mycoplasma 55, 77, 167
pneumonia 104, 109, 111f, 123, 162, 163f
infection 100
Mycotic aneurysm 474f
Myeloid leukemia
acute 167
chronic 139f
Myeloma, multiple 349
diseases 419
dysfunction 409
function 409
infarction 398
ischemia 398
detection of 400, 407
perfusion imaging 399
tuberculosis 418
viability 398, 408
Myocarditis 410, 419
Myofibroblastic tumor, inflammatory 231
Myxoid sarcoma 246f
Myxoma 424
Myxosarcoma 427
Nasogastric tube 300
Neck, junction of 33
Necrotic mediastinal nodes 269f
Neisseria meningitidis 129
Neoplasm 11, 48, 55, 456
benign 218, 220
malignant 218
of tracheobronchial tree 266
secondary 428
Neoplastic disorders 122
Neuroendocrine tumors 230
Neuroenteric cyst 189, 190f
Neurogenic tumor 190, 191f
Newer reconstruction techniques 25
Nitrofurantoin 81, 122
Nocardia asteroides 129
Nocardia infection 130
Nocardiosis 54
air space opacities, multiple 47f
calcific opacities, multiple 51f
interlobular septal thickening 67f
lung disease 65t, 72
opacities 63, 144
multiple 58f
pattern 54, 63
pleural masses 330f
septal thickening 74
Nodule 63, 69, 144
anatomic distribution of 65
appearance of 64, 65, 68
asymmetric distribution of 68
attenuation of 64, 65t, 208
craniocaudal distribution of 64
distribution of 66f
enhancement 212
inflammatory 223
localization of 372
margin, sharpness of 65t
multiple 69f, 135f
small 55f, 73fc, 74f
well-defined 251f
perilymphatic distribution of 66f, 67f, 74f
random distribution of 66f
size of 68
small 21f
solid 209
Nonbronchial systemic collaterals 360
Noncalcified plaque 406
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 284
Nonconstrictive pericarditis 452, 452b, 452f
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 183, 219, 247, 248f
Noninfectious disease 122
Noninfectious inflammatory 218
Nonneoplastic lesion 424, 429
Nonresolving pneumonia, causes of 122t
Nonvascular interventions 367
infections 104
pneumonia 105t
Nut carcinoma 231
Obliterative bronchiolitis 72, 277, 278, 278b, 278f
Obstructive airway disease, chronic 388
Obstructive bronchiolitis 279
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 31, 279, 279f, 354
patchy 103f
ground-glass 283
Opaque hemithorax
causes of 310t
evaluation of 11
Opaque left hemithorax 330f
Opportunistic invaders 114
Organ transplantation 129
Organic pulmonary arterial hypertension 437
Orodental hygiene 110f
Osseous tumors
benign 348
malignant 348
Osteochondroma 348, 348f
Osteosarcoma 250, 349
PA See Pulmonary artery
Pain, back 133f, 364
Panbronchiolitis 72
diffuse 85
Pancreatitis 308
Panlobular emphysema 83, 170
adenoma 231
fibroelastoma 425
thyroid carcinoma 250
Papillomas 231
Para-aortic location 52f
mass 34f
tumors 429
Paracoccidioides 117
Paraganglioma 192
Parainfluenza virus 112
Paralysis 340
Parapneumonic effusion
simple 316
with empyema 316
Paraseptal emphysema 81, 81f, 83, 84f, 170
Parasitic infections 117
Paraspinal infection 192
Parathyroid adenoma 186, 186f
Paratracheal lymphadenopathy, right 90f
intercostal veins 322
soft tissues 41
blush, abnormal 360f
destruction 279
disease 85
hemorrhage 371f
signs 505
Patchy airspace opacities, multiple 48f
Patchy alveolar opacities 283f
Patent ductus arteriosus 390
Pecomatous tumors 231
Pectoralis muscle 295f
carinatum 345
excavatum 345, 346f
Penetrating ulcer 478f
Peptococcus 108
Perianeurysmal fibrosis 474f
Periaortic hematoma 300
Periaortitis, inflammatory 475f
Peribronchial myofibroblastic tumor, congenital 231
Peribronchial regions 79f
nodules 67
thickening 243f
anomalies, congenital 447
cavity proper 445, 447
cyst 187, 188f, 447, 447b
disease 307, 308, 444
effusion 414, 448f, 449, 450f
drainage 375
injury 301
mesothelioma 428
metastases 455b
tumors 455
primary 456
Pericarditis 452
constrictive 452, 453b
effusive constrictive 454
Pericardium 433, 444, 444f
absence of 448
congenital absence of 448, 448b
recesses of 445b
Peridiaphragmatic collections 339
interstitium 68, 68t
nodules 66, 66t
Peripheral airway 255, 272
visualization of 79
Peripheral arterial
aneurysm 520
disease, management of 521
Peripheral branching nodular opacities 70f
Peripheral lung 360
mass 239f
parenchymal pathologies, evaluation of 11
Peripheral mass, large 369f
Peripheral muscular bundles of diaphragm 337f
Peripheral nerve
sheath tumors 350
tumors 190
Peripheral oligemia 388f, 391f, 392f, 505f
Peripheral subpleural location of cysts 80
Peripheral tumors 232
Peripheral vascular disease 515, 521
Peripheral vessels 86
Periphery-loculated fluid 312f
Pheochromocytoma 426
Photon emission computed tomography, single 399
arteries 360
nerve palsy 235f
Phtysis 90
Pig bronchus 259
Pigeon chest 345
adenoma 231
carcinoma 231
sarcoma, undifferentiated 350, 351f
Plethora, radiological signs of 385
Pleura 9, 33, 47, 305, 322
thick enhancing 120f
calcification 323
cavity, right 313f, 479f
effusion 120, 307, 309, 309f, 310, 311f, 314, 328
causes of 308
computed tomography of 313
right 340f
signs of 309
ultrasound of 312
inflammation 360
injuries 294
invasion 241
lymphoma 332
masses 305
mesothelioma, malignant 329, 330f
metastasis 332
neoplasm 328
pathology 307
plaques 152, 322
sclerotherapy 374
thickening 321, 321t, 329
mimics of 322
Pleuritic chest pain 373
Pleuritis, exudative 92
Pleurodesis 374
Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis 139
Pleuropericardial cyst 431
amebiasis 117, 118f
blastoma 231, 247
Plexiform neurofibroma 192
Pneumatocele 61f, 120, 375
formation 107f
Pneumococcal pneumonia 105, 105f
Pneumoconiosis 55, 56, 65, 77, 71, 142, 354
Pneumocystis infection 128
Pneumocystis jirovecii 55, 61, 77, 103, 126, 129, 131, 162, 163
pneumonia 55, 55f, 78, 82, 131, 162, 167, 170
subacute 163f
Pneumocystis pneumonia 131f
Pneumomediastinum 197, 199f, 286, 298, 299f
radiological signs of 299b
Pneumonia 78, 105, 122, 123t, 282, 283, 283f
anaerobic 108
atypical 77, 109, 167
bacterial 130f
cause of 113
complications of 120
cryptogenic organizing 141, 142, 148, 148f
delayed resolution of 121
diagnosis of 123fc
eosinophilic 48, 142
gram-negative 106
health care-associated 98
hospital-acquired 98, 105
infective 48
interstitial 81, 75, 141, 148
necrotizing 120, 121f
non-resolving 122f, 235f
organizing 48, 65, 75, 77, 78, 79f
pathogenesis of 102t
round 101, 101f, 220, 223f
types of 77
Pneumonitis 31
hypersensitivity 41, 55, 65, 65f, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 82, 87, 141, 142, 277
Pneumopericardium 301, 455, 455f
Pneumothorax 82f, 287, 292f, 294, 295b, 295f, 324,-326, 327f, 329f
catamenial 325
causes of 324t
diagnosis of 11
drainage 374
ex-vacuo 324
large right 328f
loculated left 103f
mild 246f
minimal 371f
right-sided 325f
signs of 295b, 326
size of 328
ultrasonography in 326
Poland syndrome 345
Polyangiitis 354
granulomatous 264
Polymyositis 156
Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome 520
Positron emission tomography 230, 399
Postcaval recess 447
Post-embolization syndrome 365
stenosis 264, 265f
stricture 261
Post-lobectomy appearance, normal 246f
Post-processing techniques 20
Post-renal transplant 135f
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder 136, 138, 248
Post-tubercular bronchostenosis 263f
Post-tuberculosis sequelae 354
Power slide sign 327
Pre-tricuspid shunt 390
Progressive systemic sclerosis 155, 156f
Prostaglandin 468
Prostate 245
Prosthetic valve 439, 441
Proteus mirabilis 106
Protozoal infections 117
Proximal aneurysm neck 476
Proximal descending aorta 459
Pseudoaneurysm 300f, 378, 469, 474f, 509
formation 300
Pseudocavitation 207
Pseudocoarctation 468
Pseudomonas 130
aeruginosa 106, 123, 129, 130f, 346
infection 130
Pseudotumor 333
abscess 120
acinus 143f, 152f
alveolar preteinosis 77, 160, 160f, 166, 167, 168f
amyloidosis 168, 169f
angiogram, multiphasic 30f
angiography 506
arterial hypertension 71, 386
arteriovenous malformations 377, 509
artery 40f, 67f, 86f, 169f, 385f, 386f, 388, 394f, 395f, 396, 444, 498, 509f
aneurysm 223, 224f, 509
atresia 466
branch atresia 388
embolization 377
enlarged 262f
hypertension 86f
intimal sarcoma 231
left 35, 40f, 44f, 503f, 505f
sarcoma 510, 512f
artery, right 35, 40f, 44f, 503f, 505f
descending 385
interlobar 224f
aspergilloma, secondary 375
atresia 389, 391
unilateral 388
blastoma 231, 247
blood flow 386
asymmetrical 388
bronchogenic cyst 225
hemangiomatosis 167, 169, 169f, 170, 507
wedge pressure 437
contusion 292, 292f
cysts, unruptured 118
cytolytic thrombi 138
disease 75
severe 368
edema 48, 48f, 55, 65, 66, 71, 74, 77, 78, 78f, 136, 137, 137f
emboli 23f, 48, 87
embolism, acute 499, 501f, 502f
fibrosis 170
postinfective 142
gangrene 120
hamartoma 207f, 220, 231, 251, 252
hemorrhage 48, 65, 71, 77, 78, 142
hypertension 31, 504, 505f
diagnosis of 505f
severe 505
infarction 78, 224, 224f
infections 126, 139
etiopathogenesis of 102
nontubercular 98
interstitial emphysema 285, 286f
interstitium 53, 286f
intralobar sequestration 225f
laceration 292, 293f
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 170, 231
leukostasis 167
lobule 143f
anatomy of secondary 143
secondary 66f, 152f
lymphangiomatosis, diffuse 231, 333
lymphatics 66
lymphoma 247
primary 247
secondary 247
malformation of tricuspid valve 389
metastases 250, 252f
neoplasms 230
neuroendocrine neoplasms 248
calculators 368
characterization of 31
detection of 31
multiple 128
oligemia 386, 466
opacification 30f
outflow tract 388
parenchyma 128f
parenchymal injuries 292
plethora 385, 385f
stenosis 381f, 391
thromboembolism 286f, 388, 499
chronic 508f
tuberculosis 89, 95
complications of 93
varix 368
disease 85, 498
pattern 437
vasculature 8, 384
normal 498f
vein 20, 360f, 396, 444, 447f
varix 223
veno-occlusive disease 138, 139, 167, 169
drainage, abnormal 395
enlargement of 137f
hypertension 385, 387, 436
recesses, left 447
recesses, right 447
Pulmonic recesses
left 445
right 445
Pulmonic stenosis, severe 389
PVD See Peripheral vascular disease
airways diseases 130
osteomyelitis 346
Radiation pneumonitis 78
Radiofrequency ablation 376
Radiological signs 386
Radiopaque foreign body 255
Ramus intermedius 405f
Random nodules 68, 68t
Rasmussen aneurysm 95f
Recesses 445
Relapsing polychondritis 261, 264
disease 307, 308
double curve 362
masses, right 173f
Residual pneumatoceles, multiple 107f
motion 26
papillomatosis, recurrent 269, 270f
syncytial virus 72, 104, 114, 134
syndrome, severe acute 114, 162, 167
viral infections 134
Respiratory bronchiolitis 65, 70, 71, 85, 141, 277, 278f
associated interstitial lung disease 142, 147
interstitial lung disease 77, 147f
Respiratory distress syndrome 136, 137
acute 49, 137, 163, 164f, 167, 285f, 292
adult 282
Restenosis 529
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 415
Reticular interstitial pulmonary pattern 55f
Reticular opacities 54f
Reticular pattern 53
Reticulonodular opacity 142f
causes of 55b
multiple 59f
Retroperitoneal hematoma, large 486f
Rhabdomyoma 425
heart disease 69f, 392
lung disease 55
arthritis 81, 155, 278f
lung disease 69
nodules 55, 223
Rhinoscleroma 264
Rib 5f
fracture 11, 302
fractures of multiple 302f
notching, causes of 466t
posterior 344f
Rib-bat sign 327f
Right ventricle 384, 433, 506f
Ring around artery sign 286, 299
Ring shadows 55
Rose thorn 310f
Roundworm 117
Rupture, risk of 470
Ruptured aneurysm 473
of sinus of Valsalva 390
Saddle pulmonary embolism, acute 503f
Salivary gland type tumors 231
Sand-Seashore sign 327f
Sarcoid granuloma 417f
Sarcoidosis 48, 54, 54f, 55, 56, 59f, 64f, 65, 66, 67f, 68, 74f, 78, 82, 141, 142, 151, 153, 153f, 154f, 195, 261, 264, 354, 416
Sarcoma 426
Sarcomatoid carcinomas 231
Satellite nodules 208, 243
Scapular fractures 303
Schwann cells 190
Scimitar syndrome 512f
Scleroderma 55
Sclerosing pneumocytoma 231
Seashore sign 326
Segmental bronchi, smaller 22f
Segmental stenosis 388
Septal amyloidosis, diffuse alveolar 167, 168
Septal lines 56, 56f
causes of 56b
Septal nodules, interlobular 67
Septal thickening
interlobular 73, 75fc, 145f
interstitial 132f
irregular interlobular 74, 74f
mild 81f
Septic emboli 69f, 102f, 108f
Sequestration 225
Serratia 105
SFA See Superficial femoral artery
Siderosis 54
Siderotic cardiomyopathy 417
Signet ring sign 79, 143f, 274f
Silhouette sign 60, 60f
Silicosis 48, 54, 55, 66, 67f, 68, 151, 157f
Sinus 445b
oblique 445
of Valsalva, aneurysm of 429
abnormalities of 259
inversus 276f
Sjögren syndrome 83f
Skeletal muscle 32f, 41f
Smooth septal thickening 73
Soft tissue 349f
attenuation centrilobular nodules 70, 70f, 71, 71t
mass 268f
nodule 70f, 251f
tumors 349
Solitary pulmonary
arteriovenous malformation 511f
nodule 128, 202, 218t, 368
management of 216
Spin echo sequences 423
artery 359f
cord ischemia 364
fractures 304
Spindle cell carcinoma 231
Split pleura sign 120f, 317, 317f
Spontaneous pneumothorax 324
primary 324
secondary 324
Squamous cell
carcinoma 230, 233f, 234f, 237, 250, 267
in situ 230
papilloma 269
Staphylococcal pneumonia 61, 61f, 106, 106f
Staphylococcus aureus 104, 106, 123, 129-131, 192, 316, 346
infections 126
Stent 527
related complications 529
types of 527
repair 476, 492f
treatment 483f, 484f
Sternal fracture 303f
Sternal osteomyelitis 347f
Sternoclavicular dislocations 303
herniation of 342f
intrathoracic herniation of 342f, 343f
Stratosphere sign 327, 327f
pneumoniae 48, 57, 104, 105, 123, 129, 316
pyogenes 104
viridians 129, 131f
Strongyloides infections 117
Subaortic ventricular septal defect 397f
Subclavian artery 362
branches of 360
left 36f
obstruction 466
right 36f, 465f
emphysema 287, 328f
tissue 13
Subdiaphragmatic abscess 320
Subendocardial perfusion defect 400f
Subintimal angioplasty 526
benefit of 526
Subpleural interstitial thickening 74f
Subpleural nodules 67, 72
Subpleural reticular opacities 171f
Subpulmonic effusions 309
Subsolid nodules 209
Sunburst appearance 205f
Superselective catheterization 361
Supraclavicular access 12
Supraglottic squamous cell cancer 251f
SVC See Superior vena cava
Swan-Ganz catheter 281, 289, 354
flu 112, 113f
influenza (H1N1) 162
origin influenza A 162
Swyer-James syndrome 278
Swyer-James-Macleod syndrome 114
Synovial sarcoma 231
Systemic artery 357t
embolization 353
Systemic lupus erythematosus 55, 155
Systemic vasculitis 122
Takayasu's arteritis 466, 470, 486, 487t, 488, 489, 508, 509f
types of 488f
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 419
TASC See Transatlantic inter-society consensus
Tension pneumothorax 287, 287f, 295, 296f, 328, 328f, 328t
signs of 295b
Teratoma 184f, 185f, 231
benign 456
Terminal bronchioles 80f
Tetralogy of Fallot 386, 389, 391, 391f
TEVAR See Thoracic endovascular aortic repair
aortogram 361
applications 22
disease 16
duct 41
endometriosis 333
endovascular aortic repair 485
injury 291
inlet 33
malignancy 351
meningocele, lateral 192
spine 41
splenosis 333
trauma 291
ultrasound 13f
Thoracic aorta 404, 404f
descending 41, 459, 475, 485f
Thoracis muscles
subcostalis 322
transversus 322
Thoracocentesis, diagnostic 372
Thoracoscopic surgery, video assisted 123, 239
Thorax 342f
components of 13f
junction of 33
lateral diameter of 295
Thromboembolic disease, chronic 504, 507
Thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, chronic 507f
Thrombosed aneurysm, partially 474f
Thrombus 429
carcinoid 181, 182f
cyst 183, 183f
epithelial neoplasms 181
hyperplasia 179, 179f
lymphoma 183
rebound 178
sail sign 286
Thymolipoma 181, 182f
Thymoma 180, 180f
intrapulmonary 231
invasive 181f
Thymus 35, 41
lesions of 178
normal 40f, 179f
mass 184, 185f
stimulating hormone 521
transcription factor 230
Tomosynthesis, digital 256, 256f
Trachea 7, 22f, 41, 257f, 269f
normal appearance of 262f
shift of 300
adenoid cystic carcinoma 268f
bronchus 260f
caliber 255
diverticulum 272f
injury 298f, 299f
lumen 238
mass 267f
lobulated 268f
narrowing, length of 255
squamous cell carcinoma 268f
stenosis 260, 261
inflammatory 260
tumors 268f
wall, posterior 265f
airway obstruction 375
division, major 7f
injury 297
radiological signs of 297b
invasion 241
lesions 354
papillomatosis 82
tree 39, 102, 255, 255b
pathologies 260
tuberculosis 93
Tracheobronchomalacia 257, 260, 261
Tracheoesophageal fistula 269f
Tracheomalacia 262f
osteochondroplastica 261
osteoplastica 264, 265f
Tracheostomy tube 287
Tracherachiocephalic artery 369f
Traction bronchiectasis 74f, 153
Tram track
lesions 274f
sign 274f
Trans-aortic valve replacement 17
Transatlantic inter-society consensus 522
lung biopsy 127
needle aspiration 258
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation 461
Transesophageal echocardiography 422, 460, 473, 479
Transglottic carcinoma 270f
Transmural infarct 401f, 408f
echocardiogram 505
aspiration biopsy 214
biopsy 367, 368, 371
Transverse cardiothoracic ratio 382
Transverse fissure 57
Transverse sinus 445
Trapped lung 319
Trauma, sonography in 326
Traumatic aortic
injury 300
signs of 300b
transection 492f
Traumatic lung herniation 294
Traumatic pneumatocele 293
Traumatic pneumothorax 324, 326f
appearance 131f, 133f, 293
nodules 277f
pattern 70, 72, 72f
atresia 389, 391, 392f
regurgitation 395f, 441f
valvular disease 437
Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole 126
Trivial hemoptysis 353
Tropical eosinophilia 118f
Truncus arteriosus 392
TSH See Thyroid stimulating hormone
Tube potential reduction 25
Tubercular stricture 263f
Tuberculoma 93, 94f, 206f, 432
Tuberculosis 80, 89, 132, 194, 194f, 260, 261, 266f, 346, 418
extrapulmonary 89
postprimary 90, 91f
primary 91f
Tuberculous pericarditis 96f
Tuberous sclerosis 170, 172
Tubular artery sign 286, 299
Tubular bronchiectasis 79, 276f
Tubular lesion 275f
Tubular shadows 56
Tumor 11, 441
benign 220, 261, 269, 424
cardiac 396, 423
central 235
extracardiac 429
from sympathetic ganglia 192
invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma 71
lymphangitic spread of 74
lymphohistiocytic 231
malignant 261, 266, 426, 510
metastatic 231
primary 240
solid 244
Typical carcinoid 249f
tumor 230
Ultrasound 281, 291
endoscopic 258
technique 11
Upper lobe, anterior segments of 7f
Valsalva maneuvers 6
endocarditis 441
leaflet morphology 440
calcification 437
heart disease 435, 442
regurgitation 439, 440, 443
stenosis 438, 440
vegetation 432
Varicella 114, 129
pneumonia 114, 114f
zoster 134
virus 113
Varicose bronchiectasis 71, 79, 80, 143f, 273f
access 523
injury 300
lesions 195, 218, 223
malformations 261
rings 395
signs 505
tumors 187
Vasculitis 142, 261, 264, 354, 508
Vena cava
inferior 335, 336, 381, 382, 444
obstruction, superior 196
superior 40f, 60, 367, 377, 379, 382, 390, 444
Veno-occlusive disease 507
Venous catheter 288
deep positions of 289f
Ventilation 500, 506
Ventilator-acquired pneumonia 98, 105
Ventricular septal defect 386
Ventricular volumes, quantification of 395
Viral 71
infection 71, 54, 72, 112, 134
childhood 80
disseminated 68
pneumonia 55, 112, 112f, 113t, 162
Virtual bronchoscopy 22, 258
Virus 104, 123
Viscera sign 344f
Visceral collateral network 493, 494f
Visceral pleural thickening 321
Visceroatrial situs 381
Volume rendering technique 517
von Recklinghausen's disease 190
Walking pneumonia 109
Water lily sign 59
Weakness, diaphragmatic 340
Wegener's granulomatosis 55, 69, 122, 135
Williams-Campbell syndrome 274
Winslow's pathway 494
Wuchereria bancrofti 117, 118
Yttrium tantalate 2
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Manorama Berry
Sudha Suri
Veena Chowdhury
Sima Mukhopadhyay
Sushma Vashisht
EDITORS Anju Garg MD Director Professor and Head Department of Radiodiagnosis Maulana Azad Medical Collage New Delhi, India Niranjan Khandelwal MD Dip NBE FICR FAMS Professor and Head Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh, India Arun Kumar Gupta MD FAMS Professor and Head Department of Radiodiagnosis All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India ASSOCIATE EDITORS Sanjiv Sharma MD Professor and Head Department of Cardiovascular Radiology and Endovascular Interventions All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India Rashmi Dixit MD Director Professor Department of Radiodiagnosis Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi, India
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Diagnostic Radiology: Chest and Cardiovascular Imaging
First Edition: 1996
Second Edition: 2003
Third Edition: 2010
Fourth Edition: 2018
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Contributors Preface to the Fourth Edition
The first edition of Diagnostic Radiology: Chest and Cardiovascular Imaging was published in 1996. Subsequently the second and third editions were printed in 2003 and 2010, respectively. These books became immensely popular among the postgraduate students. Seven years later this fully updated fourth edition is being published to reflect the changes that have taken place in this continually evolving field.
Imaging of chest and cardiovascular diseases constitutes a major segment of any radiology practice. While conventional radiography continues to be an important initial diagnostic tool, the skills for interpretation of the same are declining. The result is an increasing and at times unwarranted use of computed tomography. While CT has no doubt revolutionized the understanding of thoracic disease, MR too has quietly made inroads into chest imaging. Technical advances in CT and MR have resulted in several new and exciting applications in hitherto uncharted territories. The present-day radiologists need to be familiar with both, the age old and time tested plain radiograph and the latest in cross-sectional imaging, so that they can choose the most appropriate modality to answer the clinical question at hand.
We hope that this fourth edition will serve as a comprehensive updated reference book for postgraduates, practising radiologists, and chest physicians.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank our faculty from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, and Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), New Delhi, for their contribution and active support without which this endeavor would not have been possible.
We would also like to thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director–Content Strategy), Ms Sheetal Arora Kapoor (Senior Development Editor), for their professional help and cooperation in publishing this book in the present form.
Anju Garg
Arun Kumar Gupta
Niranjan Khandelwal
Associate Editors
Sanjiv Sharma
Rashmi Dixit
Preface to the First Edition
It is with great pleasure the faculty of Department of Radiodiagnosis at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, and Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh present the second book in the series on Diagnostic Radiology . This book is devoted to Emergency and Chest Radiology and has been written to provide the radiologist in training, in practice or teaching, physician and surgeon, an integrated review of the role of various imaging modalities and roentgen features seen in diseases of the chest and in acute emergency situations, both medical and surgical, including trauma.
The plain chest radiograph remains the initial imaging modality for various chest diseases and its interpretation continues to be a great challenge. Importance of chest radiograph in the diagnosis of various diseases has been dealt with in depth in all the chapters. Technique of CT and its recent advances in the evaluation of chest diseases and potential of MRI for evaluation of thoracic lesions are covered in separate chapters. Detailed discussion on the clinicopathological aspects and radiology in common thoracic diseases like tuberculosis, nontubercular infections and malignancy, role of HRCT in specific conditions and infections in immunocompromised hosts are included. All the chapters provide information about the recent developments in various fields.
Importance of having diagnostic technical facilities and role of a radiologist in handling the patient in acute emergency are highlighted. The increasing use of US and CT as an initial examination in the assessment of acute abdominal conditions has tended to diminish awareness of the value of plain radiography. The role of plain radiograph, US and CT in nontraumatic acute abdomen are covered in separate chapters.
Trauma is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The incidence and severity have sharply increased during the past few decades, primarily because of the increased use of high speed travel. A disciplined approach to the assessment of trauma provides confident interpretation and avoids errors of misdiagnosis. Computed tomography has revolutionized evaluation of a patient with head injury and it remains the first modality of choice. The diagnostic evaluation of patient with craniofacial injury remains problematic because of anatomic complexity of this region, wide spectrum of fracture types, and diversity of soft tissue complication. The proper approach to radiographic diagnosis of appendicular trauma begins by obtaining the appropriate radiographs of each site. Awareness of the common, the often missed and the probable associated injuries improve interpretation and make assessment of radiographs much easier.
The role of the radiologist in the management of abdominal trauma has expanded considerably in the recent years. Earlier urography, scintigraphy and angiography played an important role in trauma care. The modalities of CT and interventional radiology have improved the assessment of an injured patient and facilitated nonoperative therapy for some injuries.
The proliferation of imaging modalities has increased the possibility of performing inappropriate and unnecessary investigations. The comprehensive discussion on the indications and importance of various imaging techniques in the practice of emergency and chest radiology, a systematic approach for imaging a patient with trauma affecting different organ system are covered in this book.
We hope that the reader may find this book both instructive and informative for the improved use of radiological resources which in turn will serve the common goal of good health care for the benefit of patients everywhere.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank our faculty colleagues from AIIMS, MAMC, and PGI for their active support, cooperation and timely submission of the manuscripts. We owe immense gratitude to Professor K Subbarao and Professor Ratni B Gujral, who have been kind enough to submit their contributions well in time.
Manorama Berry
Veena Chowdhury
Sudha Suri
Sima Mukhopadhyay