Short Textbook of Anesthesia Ajay Yadav
Abnormalities of chest movements 8
Abnormal pain responses 272
ABO incompatibility 77
Acetylcholine receptor 123, figures 13.2, 13.3
Acetylcholinesterase 123
Acid-base management
Metabolic 294
Respiratory 293
Metabolic 295
Respiratory 293
Diagnostic approach 293, flow chart 40.1 (page 294)
Interpretation of normal blood gas 293
Summary of changes in acid base disturbances, table 40.2 (page 295)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Anesthetic considerations 215
Transfusion related 78
Acromegaly, anesthetic considerations 209
Acupuncture 271
Acute lung injury (see ARDS)
Addison's disease 209
Adenotonsillectomy, anesthetic considerations 256
Adrenal dysfunctions, anesthetic management 208
Adrenaline (Epinephrine) 308, table 41.3 (page 309)
Intracardiac 307
Adductor pollicis 123
Adrenocortical suppression 110
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Causes 291
Diagnosis 291
Management 291
Management of refractory ARDS 292
Air 105
Cylinder 17, table 2.1 (page 18)
Embolism (see venous air embolism)
Anatomy 3
Assessment 53
Block 162
Definite 37
Difficult 52
Assessment 53
Causes 52
Management 54, flow chart 5.1 (page 54)
Guedel 32, figure 3.1
Infraglottic devices 37
Endotracheal tubes (also see intubation) 37, figures 3.17A, 3.17B (page 38)
Management for cervical spine injury 56, 300, flow chart 5.2 (page 55)
Management for foreign body 298
Pressure, flow and volume monitoring 65
Pediatric 236
Resistance 6
Supraglottic devices 35
Aladin cassette vaporizer 21
Albumin 72
Aldrete score 148
Alfentanil 117
Allen's test 58
Alpha 2 agonists 118
Alvimopan 114, 118
Alzheimer disease, anesthetic management 196
Ambu bag resuscitator 32, figures 3.3 and 3.4 (page 33)
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grading 48
Amethocaine (Tetracaine) 155
Aminoglycosides (preoperative) 50
Amiodarone 308
As component of balance anesthesia 87
Inadequate 142
Amsorb 28
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anesthetic management 197
Labor 233
Patient-controlled 271
Pre-emptive 271
Refrigeration 158
Analgesics, intravenous 268
Anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions 146
Anesthetic management 216
As complication of nitrous oxide 95
Balanced 87
Components 87
Dolorosa 272
For burn 260
For co-existing diseases (also see specific diseases)
Blood disorders 216
Cardiovascular diseases 183
Central nervous diseases 196
Electrolyte imbalances 204
Endocrinal diseases 206
Hepatic diseases 199
Immune-mediated diseases 214
Infectious diseases 214
Neuromuscular diseases 211
Psychiatric disorders 197
Renal diseases 202
Respiratory diseases 192
For day-care surgery (also see day care surgeries) 267
For ENT (also see ENT anesthesia) 255
For geriatrics (also see geriatric anesthesia) 242
For laparoscopy (also see laparoscopy) 248
For malignant hyperthermia 145
For neurosurgery (also see neurosurgical anesthesia) 223
For obese patients (also see bariatric anesthesia) 245
For obstetrics (also see obstetric anesthesia) 230
For ophthalmic surgeries (also see ophthalmic anesthesia) 252
For orthopedics (also see orthopedic anesthesia) 262
For pediatrics (also see pediatric anesthesia) 236
For remote locations 265
For trauma (also see anesthesia for trauma) 258
High altitude 265
History 83
Low flow 27
Machine 15 (also see anesthesia machine), figure 2.1 (page 15), 2.2 (page 16) and 2.3 (page 16)
Protocol (for normal patient) 87
Stages, table 9.1 (page 88)
Work station 15, figure 2.3 (page 16)
Anesthesia machine 15, figures 2.1 to 2.3 (pages 15, 16)
Checking of 29
Negative pressure test 30
Positive pressure test 30
High pressure system 15
Intermediate pressure system 19
Low pressure system 19
Mechanics of gas flow 22, figure 2.13 (page 23)
Safety features 30
Ventilators 22
Anesthetic tether 91
Anion gap 294
Ankle block 162
Ankylosing spondylitis, anesthetic management 214
For prophylaxis 51
Preoperative 50
Anticholinergics (as premedication) 51
For reversal of neuromuscular block 131
Mechanism of action 131
Preoperative 49
And central neuraxial blocks 177
Preoperative 48,49
Preoperative 49
For preoperative prophylaxis 51
For treatment of nausea and vomiting 143
Preoperative 49,190
And regional anesthesia 177
Preoperative 49
preoperative 50
Aortic regurgitation, anesthetic management 186
Aortic stenosis (AS), anesthetic management 186
Monitoring for non-intubated 64
Arterial cannulation
Complications 58
Uses 58
As complication 140
Management of non-shockable rhythms 302, flow chart 41.3 (page 304)
Management of shockable rhythms 301, flow chart 41.2 (page 302)
And regional anesthesia 177
Preoperative 49
Foreign body and segments involved 4
Management of high risk cases 137
Of gastric contents 136
Predisposing factors 137
Risk factors 137
Asthma, anesthetic management 193
Asystole 304
Atelectasis 139
Atracurium 129
As premedication 51
For bradycardia after spinal 170
Atypical pseudocholinesterase 126
Augmented inflow effect 91
Autologous blood transfusion 79
Autonomic dysfunction 197
Awareness 142
Ayre's T piece 26, figure 2.14, table 2.4
As complication of spinal anesthesia 173
Management 271
Bag and mask ventilation
Contraindications 137 (also see appendix 313)
Bain circuit 24, figures 2.14 and 2.17, table 2.4 (pages 2426)
Barbiturates 106
Bariatric anesthesia 245
Barotrauma 283
Barylime 27
Reaction with inhalational agents 28
Basic life support (BLS) 297, table 41.1(page 298), flow chart 41.1 (page 299)
Benzocaine 155
Antagonist (Flumazenil) 112
Metabolism 111
Pharmacokinetics, table 12.1 (page 111)
Systemic effects 111
Uses 111
Benzylisoquinoline compounds (also see individual agents) 128
Bernoulli's law 11
Beta blockers 183
Bier's block (Intravenous regional block) 161
Biliary obstruction, anesthetic management 200
Bispectral index monitoring 69
Blocks (also see individual blocks)
Head and neck 162
Lower limb 162
Thorax and abdomen 162
Upper limb 160
Blood, artificial 79
Blood gas analysis 65 (also see acid base disturbances)
Blood gas partition coefficient (B/G Coeff,) 91, table 10.2 (page 91)
Blood loss
Allowable 216
Monitoring 69
Treatment (see management of shock 285)
Blood pressure
Invasive 58
Monitoring 57
Blood salvage and reinfusion 80
Blood transfusion
Autologous 79
Changes in stored blood 76
Complications 77
Infectious 78
Noninfectious 78
Transfusion reactions 77
Component therapy 76
Cryoprecipitate 77
Fresh frozen plasma 76
Frozen RBCs 76
Packed red blood cells 76
Platelets concentrate 77
Emergency 76
Grouping and compatibility 75, table 7.2 (page 75)
Indications 75
Massive 76
Storage 76
Boyle's law 11
Boyle's machine (see anesthesia machine)
Brachial plexus block
Axillary approach 161
Infraclavicular approach 161
Interscalene approach 160
Supraclavicular approach 160
Brain death 308
Breath holding time 47
Breathing (Ventilation) in CPR 300
Breathing bag 24, figure 2.16 (page 25)
Breathing circuits
Checking 30
Components 27, figure 2.19 (page 27)
Carbon dioxide absorbents
  Amsorb 28
  Barylime 27
  Lithium hydroxide 28
  Sodalime 27
Flow sensors 28
Oxygen analyzers 28
Valves 28
Comparison between closed and semiclosed circuits table 2.5 (page 29)
Factors affecting carbon dioxide absorption 29
Open 22
Semiclosed (Mapleson circuits) 23, figure 2.14 (page 24), table 2.4 (page 26)
Ayre's T piece 26, figure 2.14 (page 24), table 2.4 (page 26)
Hafina 26
Humprey ADE 26
Single limb (universal F) 29
Breuer Lockhart reflex 139
Intubation 63
Tree 4
Bronchopulmonary segments 4
Bronchoscopy, anesthetic management 256
As perioperative complication 139
Management of intraoperative bronchospasm 194
Bubble oxygenators 42
Bullard laryngoscope 34, figure 3.7 (page 34)
Bupivacaine (Sensoricaine, Marcaine) 156
Buprenorphine 117
Anesthetic management 260
Emergency management 260
Fluid management 260
Butorphanol 118
Disorders 204
In CPR 307
Cancer pain 272
Capnography 62
Nasal 64
Uses 62
Waveform 62, figures 6.1 (page 62) and 6.2 (pages 63, 64)
Capnothorax 248
Carbon dioxide 105
Absorbents 27
Cylinders, table 2.1 (page 18)
Dissociation curve 8
Transport in blood 8
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning 292
Cardiac arrest (also see Cardio pulmonary resuscitation)
As complication in perioperative period 141
Causes 297
Management 297
Cardiac failure, anesthetic considerations 188
Cardiac implanted electronic devices, anesthetic considerations 189
Cardiac massage
Open chest 307
Physiological considerations 301
Cardiac transplant patients, anesthetic considerations 189
Cardiomyopathies, anesthetic considerations 188
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Adrenaline in CPR 308, table 41.3 (page 309)
Advanced cardiovascular life support (ALS) 298, table 41.1 (page 298)
Airway management 298
Arrhythmia management
Nonshockable 302, flow chart 41.3 (page 304)
Basic life support (BLS) 297, table 41.1 (page 298), flow chart 41.1(page 299)
Breathing management 300
Circulation (cardiac massage) 300, figure 41.1 (page 300)
Complications 307
Comparison of 2010 and 2015 guidelines, table 41.2 (page 309)
Compression ventilation ratios 301
In pregnancy 307
Monitoring performance 301
Newborn 306
Newer techniques/variations 304
Open chest massage 307
Outcome 307
Pediatric 305
Postcardiac arrest care 305
Routes of drug administration 307
Summary, table 41.4 (page 309)
Caudaequina syndrome 172
Caudal block (Epidural sacral block) 176
Celiac plexus block 274
Cement implantation syndrome 263
Centrally acting muscle relaxants 133
Central neuraxial blocks (also see spinal and epidural anesthesia)
Advantages over GA 165
Applied anatomy 164
Contraindications 177
Systemic effects 166
Central supply of oxygen and nitrous oxide 19
Central venous pressure (CVP)
Complications 59
Indications 58
Monitoring 58
Technique 59
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) 223
Cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) 223
Cerebral protection 308
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 165
Cerebrovascular accident, anesthetic management 196, 227
Cervical plexus block 162
Cervical spine
Airway management 56, 300, flow chart 5.2 (page 55)
Cesarean section
Anesthetic management 231
For heart disease patients 233
For PIH patients 233
Charle's law 11
Chest movements
Abnormalities 8
Child-Pugh classification 199
Chloroform 102
Chloroprocaine 155
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Anesthetic considerations 194
Critical care management 292
Circuits (see breathing circuits)
Cis-atracurium 129
Clonidine 118
Preoperative 49
Closed circuits- see breathing systems
Co-oximeters 61
Coagulation disorders, anesthetic management 218
Coarctation of aorta, anesthetic considerations 187
Cocaine 155
Colloids 72
Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia (CSE) 176
Combitube 37
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 272
Complications (perioperative) of general anesthesia 136
Concentration effect 91
Congenital heart diseases, anesthetic considerations 187
Congestive heart failure (CHF), anesthetic management 188
Controlled hypotension 140
As complication of GA 141
Cotmack and Lehane classification for laryngoscopy 53, figure 5.2 (page 53)
Cranial nerve palsies
With spinal 172
With trielene 102, 142
Cricoid pressure 138
Cricothyrotomy 42
Critical care management (see Intensive care management)
Critical temperature 11
Cryoprecipitate 77
Crystalloids 71
Cuff of endotracheal tube 37
Cushing syndrome, anesthetic considerations 209
Cyclodextrins (sugammadex) 132
Cyclopropane 102
Cylinders 15
Carbon dioxide table 2.1 (page 18)
Cyclopropane table 2.1 (page 18)
Heliox 17, table 2.1 (page 18)
Nitrous oxide, figure 2.5 (page 17), table 2.1 (page 18)
Valves 17
D-tubocurare 128
Day-care surgeries
Advantages 267
Anesthesia 268
Discharge criteria 269
Patient and procedure selection 267
Postoperative complications 268
Postoperative instructions 269
Preoperative assessment and premedication 267
Dead space 7
And anesthesia 7
Deep vein thrombosis, incidence with spinal 166
Defibrillation 301
Delirium 142
Depolarizing muscle relaxants 124
Depression, anesthetic management 197
Depth of anesthesia 69
Anesthetic properties 99
Metabolism 99
Physical properties 98
Systemic effects 99
Uses 99
Dexmedetomidine 118
Dextrans (Lomodex) 72
Dextrose normal saline (DNS) 72
Dezocine 118
Diabetes mellitus, anesthetic management 206
Diameter index safety system (DISS) 19
Diaphragmatic hernia, anesthetic management 240
Diazepam 111
Dibucaine (Cinchocaine) 157
Dibucaine number 126
Differential block 154
Difficult airway 52
Assessment 53
Causes 52
Management 54, flow chart 5.1 (page 54)
Diffusion hypoxia (Fink effect) 92
Discharge criteria
After day-care surgery 268
From postanesthesia care unit 148
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (transfusion related) 79
Dissociative anesthesia 112
Disulfiram 50
Diuretics 50
Double lumen tubes 39, figure 3.19 (page 40)
Complications 40
Confirmation of position 40
Indications 39
Down syndrome, anesthetic management 240
Doxacurium 129
Droperidol 120
Drug abuse, anesthetic management 198
Dual block 127
Duchenne's dystrophy (Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy), anesthetic management 212
Ear surgeries, anesthetic management 256
Echocardiography 60
Transesophageal 60
Transthoracic 60
Edrophonium 132
Electrical hazards 147
Precautions to prevent 147
Electrical impendence pulmonometry 64
Electrocardiography (ECG) 57
Electroconvulsive therapy 108, 198
Electroencephalogram (EEG) 68
Effect of anesthetic agents 68
To monitor depth of anesthesia 69
Electrolyte imbalances 204
Air 226
Fat 262
Pulmonary 139
Endogenous opioid 118
Endotracheal drug administration 307
Endotracheal tubes (also see intubation) 37, figures 3.17A and B (page 38)
And dead space 38
Confirmation of position 40
Cuff 37
Deciding length 39
Deciding size 38
Double lumen 39, figure 3.19 (page 40)
Microlaryngeal 39
RAE (Oxford) 39
Spiral embedded (flexometallic) 39
Enflurane 100
ENT anesthesia
Anesthesia for adenotonsillectomy 256
Anesthesia for bronchoscopy 256
Anesthesia for nasal surgeries 256
Anesthesia for panendoscopy (Microlaryngeal surgeries) 255
Laser concerns 256
Entonox 96
Entropy 69
Ephedrine 170
Epidural (Extradural, Peridural) anesthesia
Advantages over spinal 175
Comparison with spinal, table 17.1 (page 167)
Contraindications 177
Disadvantages over spinal 175
Local anesthetics 174, table 17.2 (page 174)
Opioids 174
Epidural needles 174
Factors effecting level of block 175
Indications 174
Technique 174
Site of action of drugs 174
Epidural space
Anatomy 165
Venous plexus (plexus of Batson) 165
Anesthetic management 196
Causative agents 144
Esters-local anesthetics 151
Ether 100
Advantages 100
Disadvantages 100
Etidocaine 157
Advantages 110
Disadvantages 110
Uses 110
Eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream 157
Evoked responses 68
Expiratory reserve volume 10
Expired gas analysis 62
Extracorporeal oxygen delivery devices 42
Extubation 41
Facemask 32, figure 3.2 (page 32)
Fail safe valve 19
Familial periodic paralysis, anesthetic considerations 212
Fascia iliaca block 162
Fasting instructions 50
Fat embolism 262
Febrile reactions, post-transfusion 78
Femoral block 162
Fentanyl 117
Fiberoptic laryngoscope 34, figure 3.9 (page 34)
Fibromyalgia 273
Filling ratio (Filling Density) 17
During laser surgery 256
Hazards 147
Precautions to prevent 147
Of gases 11
Laminar 11
Turbulent 11
Volume Loops 10
Colloids 72
Crystalloids 71
Difference between crystalloids and colloids, table 7.1 (page 71)
For burn 75
For cardiac patient 74
For cerebral edema 74
For liver failure 74
For pulmonary edema 74
For renal failure 74
For sepsis 75
For shock 75
Guiding parameters 74
In CPR 307
Management (for perioperative period) 73
Routes for administration 75
Flumazenil 112
Fluoride-induced nephrotoxicity 93, table 10.3 (page 93)
Foreign body
Aspiration 4
Segments involved 5
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) 76
Frozen RBCs 76
Functional residual capacity (FRC) 10
G6PD deficiency 218
Gallamine (Flexidil) 129
Gamma cyclodextrins 132
Ganglion impar block 274
Gantacurium 130
Gastric tonometry 60
Gelatins (Hemaccel) 72
General anesthesia
Complications 136
Anaphylactic 146
Cardiovascular 140
Gastrointestinal 142
Fires 147
Hepatic 143
Mortality 136
Neurological 141
Ocular 146
Occupational 147
Pain 143
Position related 146
Renal 143
Respiratory 136
Stages 88, table 9.1 (page 88)
Thermal 143
Components 87
Protocol 87
Geriatric anesthesia
Anesthetic management 242
Physiological changes 242
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction 243
Postoperative delirium 243
Glasgow coma scale 226
Global warming by inhalational agents 94
Glucose solutions 72
As component of reversal 132
As premedication 51
Goal directed therapy for fluids 74
Goldman vaporizer 21
Graham's law 11
Granulocyte precipitate 77
Guedel airway 32, figure 3.1 (page 32)
Guillain-Barré syndrome, anesthetic considerations 197
Hagen-Poiseuille law 11
Anesthetic properties 97
Contraindications 98
Drug interactions 98
Metabolism 97
Physical properties 96
Systemic effects 97
Halothane hepatitis 97
Anesthetic management 196
Post-spinal 171
Head injury
Anesthetic management 225, 226
Heart failure, anesthetic considerations 188
Heat and moisture exchanger 43, figure 3.20 (page 43)
Heidbrinkflowmeter 20
Heimlich maneuver 298
Heliox 105
Cylinder 17, table 2.1 (page 18)
Helium 105
Hematopoietic system and inhalational agents 93
Hemolytic reactions 77
Hemolytic reactions 77, 78
Hemophilia (see coagulation disorders)
Heparin (standard and low molecular weight)
And regional anesthesia 177
Preoperative 48
Anesthetic management for hepatic diseases 199
Blood flow and inhalational agents 93
As complications in perioperative period 143
Hepatitis (post-transfusion) 78
Herbal medications (preoperative) 50
Herpetic neuralgia 272
Hextend 73
Hiccup 8
High altitude, anesthetic considerations 265
High flow oxygen delivery devices 42
High pressure system (of anesthesia machine) 15
History of anesthesia 83
Hoffman degradation 129
Hudson mask 42
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Anesthetic considerations 215
As complication of transfusion 78
As occupational hazard 147
Humidification devices (humidifiers) 43, figure 3.20 (page 43)
Humprey (ADE) semiclosed circuit 26
Hydrodynamics of regurgitation 137
Hydroxyethyl starch 73
Hyperbaric oxygen 104
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, anesthetic considerations 265
Hypercalcemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypercarbia 140
Hyperkalemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypermagnesemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypernatremia, anesthetic considerations 204
Anesthetic management 189
As complication in perioperative period 140
Causes 143
Malignant 144
Hyperthyroidism, anesthetic management 207
Hypertonic Saline 72
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 188
Hypocalcemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypocapnia 140
Hypokalemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypomagnesemia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hyponatremia, anesthetic considerations 204
Hypotension (also see shock)
Anesthetic management 190
As complications in perioperative period 140
As complications of spinal anesthesia 169
Controlled 140
As complication in perioperative period 143
Definition 65
Induced 66
Systemic effects 66
Treatment 66
Hypothyroidism, anesthetic management 208
Hypoventilation 138
Causes 136
Classification 103
Systemic effects 103
Treatment 103
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) 9
I-gel LMA 36, figure 3.14 (page 37)
Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve block 162
Impedance plethysmography 64
Inflammability of inhalational agents 94
Inhalational agents (also see individual agents)
Absorption in circuits 92
Amnesia 94
Analgesia 94
Blood gas coefficient 91, table 10.2 (page 91)
Classification 89
CNS effects 93, 224
Effect on uterus 94
Factors effecting uptake 90, 91
Fluoride production, table 10.3 (page 93)
In common use 94
Inflammability 94
Mechanism of action 89
Metabolism 92
Not in current use 100
Ozone destruction 94
Physical properties, table 2.3 (page 22)
Potency 90
Reaction with sodalime and barylime 94
Summary of anesthetic properties, table 10.4 (page 100)
Summary of systemic effects, table 10.5 (page 101)
Systemic effects 92
Teratogenicity 94
Uptake and distribution 90
Inotropes 287
Insulin (dose adjustments before surgery) 206
Intensive care management
Mechanical ventilation (also see mechanical ventilation) 278
Nutritional therapy 287
Intercostal nerve block 274
Intermediate pressure system of anesthesia machine 19
Intra-arterial thiopentone injection 108
Intracardiac adrenaline 307
Intracranial tension (ICT)
Anesthetic management for raised ICT 225
Methods to decrease 223
Signs and symptoms 223
Intraocular pressure (lOP) 252
Intraosseous route for fluid administration 75, 307
Intravenous Anesthetics (also see individual agents)
Classification 106
Barbiturates 106
Nonbarbiturates 109
CNS effects 224
History 84
Summary of systemic effects, table 12.2 (page 119)
Summary of anesthetic effects, table 12.3 (page 120)
Uses 106
Intravenous regional block (Bier's block) 161
Intubating LMA (fastrach) 36, figure 3.11 (page 36)
Complications 41
Contraindications 40
Management 54, flow diagram 5.1 (page 54)
Nasal 40
Reflex response 39
Technique 37, figure 3.18 (page 39)
Invasive blood pressure (IBP) 58
Ischemic heart diseases (IHD), anesthetic management 183
Anesthetic properties 98
Physical properties 98
Systemic effects 98
Jackson Rees breathing circuit 26, figure 2.14 (page 24), table 2.4 (page 26)
Jet ventilation 255
Keratitis 146
Advantages 113
Anesthetic properties 112
Contraindications 113
Disadvantages 113
Pharmacokinetics 112
Physical properties 112
S-isomer 114
Site of action 112
Systemic effects 112
Uses 113
L-cysteine 132
Labor analgesia 233
Lack system 24
Laminar flow 11
Lamotrigine 49
Anesthetic management 250
Complications 248
Contraindications 250
Gases used for insufflation 248
Pathophysiological effects 248
Laryngeal mask airways (LMA)
Classical 35, figure 3.10 (page 35)
Complications 35
Contraindications 36
Indications 35
Second generation 36
Intubating (fastrach) 36, figure 3.11 (page 36)
Size 35
Direct rigid 33
Macintosh 33, figure 3.5 (page 33)
Magill 33
Miller 33
Flexible 34, figure 3.9 (page 34)
For infants and newborns 33
Indirect rigid 33
Bullard 34, figure 3.7 (page 34)
Complications 35
Grading 53
Reflex responses 39
Anatomy 3, figure 1.1 (page 3)
Pediatric (Anatomical differences from adults) 236
Paralysis of nerves 4
Laser in ENT surgeries 256
Left to right-shunts, anesthetic considerations 187
Levobupivacaine 157
Levodopa 49
Lignocaine (Xylocaine, Lidocaine) 155
Lithium 49
Lithotomy 146
Local anesthetics (also see individual agents)
Causes of failure 158
Classification 151
Commercial preparations 155
Differential block 154
Factors effecting duration 153
Factors effecting onset 153
Mechanism of action 152
Metabolism 154
Methods of local analgesia 157
Potency 153
Sensitivity to nerve fibers 152
Summary of properties, table 15.2 (page 158)
Systemic absorption 153
Systemic effects 154
Toxicity 154
Lorazepam 111
Low flow oxygen delivery devices 42
Low pressure system of anesthesia machine 30
Lumbar sympathetic block 274
Lung compliance 10
Lung function test (see pulmonary function test)
Lung volumes 9, figure 1.5 (page 9)
Macintosh laryngoscope 33, figure 3.5 (page 33)
Magill circuit 23, figure 2.15 (page 25), table 2.4 (page 26)
Magill laryngoscopes 33
Maintenance fluids (for perioperative period) 73
Malignant hyperthermia
Anesthetic management for susceptible patients 145
Causative agents 144
Clinical features 144
Management of 145
Screening for 145
Mallampati grading for airway assessment 53, figure 5.1 (page 53)
Mania, anesthetic considerations 198
Manual removal of placenta, anesthetic management 234
Mapleson circuits 23, figure 2.14 (page 24), table 2.4 (page 26)
Mary Carterall mask 42
Face 32
Non-rebreathing 42
Massive blood transfusion 76
Match test 9
McCoy laryngoscopes 33, figure 3.6 (page 34)
Mechanical ventilation
Complications 283
Indications 278
Modes of ventilation 279, figures 40.140.6 (pages 279282)
Monitoring 284
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 282
Ventilators 278
Weaning 283
Mechanics of gas flow in anesthesia machine 22, figure 2.13 (page 23)
Meninges 165
Mephentermine 170
Mepivacaine 156
Metabolic acidosis 294
Metabolic alkalosis 295
With local anesthetics 155
Methohexitone 108
Methoxyflurane 102
Metocurine 128
Meyer Overton Rule 89
Microlaryngeal surgeries (MLS), anesthetic management 255
Midazolam 111
Miller Laryngoscopes 33
Minimum alveolar concentration 90, table 10.1 (page 90)
Factors effecting 90
Minitracheostomy 42
Mitral regurgitation, anesthetic management 185
Mitral stenosis, anesthetic management 185
Mitral valve prolapse, anesthetic management 185
Mivacurium 129
Modification in pre-existing medical therapy 48
Monitored Anesthesia care 268
Advance 57
Airway pressure, flow and volume 65
Apnea 64
Blood loss 69
Cardiovascular 57
Central nervous system 68
Clinical 57
Depth of Anesthesia 69
Expiratory gases 62
In ICU 284
Neuromuscular 66
Respiratory 61
Temperature 65
Monitoring of CPR 301
Multiple sclerosis, anesthetic management 197
Muscle blockade sequence 123
Muscle relaxants (also see individual agents)
Altered response in diseases, table 13.2 (page 131)
Classification 124
Depolarizing 124
Mixed oniumchlorofumrate 130
Nondepolarizing 127
Centrally acting 133
Difference between depolarizers and nondepolarizers, table 13.1 (page 124)
Summary of pharmacology, table 13.3 (page 133)
Muscles of respiration 6
Muscular dystrophies
Anesthetic management 212
Response to muscle relaxants 211, table 13.2 (page 131)
Myasthenia gravis
Anesthetic management 211
Response to muscle relaxants 211, table 13.2 (page 131)
Myasthenic syndrome (Eaton-Lambert syndrome)
Anesthetic management 212
Response to muscle relaxants 212, table 13.2 (page 131)
Myocardial ischemia/infarction
Anesthetic management 183
As complication in perioperative period 141
Treatment of intraoperative infarction 184
Myofascial pain syndrome 273
Myotoniadystrophica, anesthetic management 213
Nalbuphine 118
Nalmefene 118
Naloxone 118
Naltrexone 118
Narcotrend 69
Nasal cannula 42
Nasal intubation 40
Contraindications 40
Indications 40
Nasal surgeries, anesthetic management 256
Nausea and vomiting
As complication of GA 142
As complication of spinal 170
Nebulizers 43
Needle cricothyrotomy 42
Neostigmine 132
Nephrotoxicity (fluoride induced) 93
Nerve blocks (also see individual blocks)
Contraindications 163
Of abdomen and thorax 162
Of head and neck 162
Of lower limb 162
Of upper limb 160
Neuroleptanalgesia 120
Neuroleptanesthesia 120
Neuromuscular block
Factors antagonizing 130
Factors prolonging 130
Reversal 131
Neuromuscular junction
Physiology 122, figure 13.1 (page 122)
Neuromuscular monitoring
Modalities 68
Sites 66
Neuropathic pain 272
As complication after general anesthesia 142
Neurosurgical anesthesia
Anesthetic management for awake craniotomies 228
Anesthetic management for conditions with raised ICT 225
Anesthetic management for head injury 225, 226
Anesthetic management for posterior fossa surgery 226
Anesthetic management for spine surgeries 228
Anesthetic management for stroke 227
Cerebral physiology and pharmacology 223
Fluids 224
Intracranial tension 223
Monitoring 225
Newborn CPR 306
Nitric oxide 105
For ARDS 292
Nitroglycerine for controlled hypotension 141
Nitrous oxide
And closed spaces 95
And ozone depletion 96
Anesthetic properties 94
Central supply 19
Impurities 96
Metabolism 95
Physical properties 94
Side effects 95
Systemic effects 95
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) 282
Nonbarbiturates 106
Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants (NDMR) 127
Classification 127
Reversal 131
Uses 127
Nonobstetric surgery during pregnancy 234
Noradrenaline for shock 287
Normal saline 72
Normovolemic hemodilution 80
Preoperative 49
Nutritional support in ICU 287
Complications, table 40.1 (page 288)
Enteral 287
Total parenteral (TPN) 287
Obesity, anesthetic management 245
Obstetric anesthesia
Anesthesia for cesarean section 232
Anesthesia for manual removal of placenta 234
Anesthesia for nonobstetric surgery during pregnancy 234
Effect of anesthetic drugs/technique of uteroplacental circulation 231
Physiological changes of pregnancy 230
Transfer of anesthetic drugs to fetal circulation 231
Obstructive sleep apnea, anesthetic management 257
Occupational hazards 147
Anesthesia 252
Complications after GA 146
Oculocardiac reflex 252
Ondansetron 51
One lung ventilation 39
Ophthalmic anesthesia
General anesthesia 253
Regional blocks (peribulbar and retrobulbar) 252, 253
Opioids (also see individual agents)
Agonist-antagonist 117
Agonists 116
And receptor interaction 114
Antagonist 118
Peripheral 118
Classification 114
Endogenous 118
Epidural 174
For acute pain 270
For cancer pain 272
For pediatric pain 239
For thoracic pain 193
Intrathecal 168
Mechanism of action 115
Pharmacokinetics 116
Receptors 114
Systemic effects 115
Uses 114
Oral anticoagulants 48
Oral contraceptives 48
Oral hypoglycemics 48
Orthopedic surgery
Choice of anesthesia 263
Complications 262
Analysers 28, 65
Central supply 19
Checking accuracy 30
Concentrator 103
Deficiency 103
Delivery devices 42
Extracorporeal 42
High flow 42
Low flow 42
Dissociation curve 7, figure 1.3 (page 8)
Failure alarm 19
Flush 19
Hyperbaric 104
Hyperbaric 104
Liquid 16
Nitrous oxide proportioning system 20
Oxygen carrier, synthetic 79
Physical properties 103
Preparation 103
Arterial 61
Mixed venous 61
Storage 15, 103
Toxicity 104
Transport in blood 8
Regional 62
Oxygenators 42
Ozone destruction by inhalational agents 94
Pacemakers and anesthetic considerations 189
Packed cell volume (PCV) 76
Pain (also see individual conditions)
Acute pain management 270
As complication in perioperative period 143
Assessment 270
Chronic pain management 271
Painless labor 233
Pancuronium 128
Paracervical block 234
Paradoxical respiration 8
Paravertebral block 162
Parkinson's disease, anesthetic management 196
Parotid surgery, anesthetic management 257
Anesthesia 236
Anesthetic considerations for neonatal emergencies 240
Anesthetic considerations for prematures 240
Circuits 26
CPR 305
Fasting recommendations 238
Fluids 238
General anesthesia 238
Pain management 239
Physiological and anatomical differences from adults, table 29.1 (page 236)
Regional anesthesia 173, 239
Penile block 162
Pentazocine 117
Perfluorocarbon emulsions 79
Peribulbar block (Pericone block) 252
Pericardial diseases, anesthetic considerations 189
Peripheral (outside OT), anesthetic considerations 265
Peripheral nerve blocks (also see individual blocks) 160
Peripheral neuropathies 142
Peritonsillar abscess and Ludwig angina 256
Perivascular (3 in 1) block 162
Pethidine (Meperidine) 116
Phantom limb 272
Phase II block 127
Pheochromocytoma, anesthetic considerations 208
Phrenic nerve block 162
Physics related to anesthesia 11
Pin Index System 18, table 2.2 (page 18)
Pipecuronium 128
Piritamide 116
Plasmalyte 72
Platelet concentrates 77
Platelet disorders, anesthetic considerations 217
For apnea monitoring 64
For pulmonary function test 10
Pleural pressures 10
Plexus of Batson 165
Pneumonectomy, operative criteria 195
Pneumothorax, as complication of GA 140
Polycythemia, anesthetic management 217
Porphyria, anesthetic considerations 218
Position-related complications 146
Postanesthesia care unit (PACU)
Discharge criteria 148
Postanesthesia discharge scoring system (PADS) 148
Post cardiac arrest care (Post Resuscitation Life Support) 305
Posterior fossa surgery 226
Postherpetic neuralgia 272
Cognitive dysfunction 142
Pain management 270
Postspinal headache 171
Potassium disturbances 204
Poynting effect 11
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (Pre-eclampsia), anesthetic management 233
Prematures, anesthetic considerations 240
Premedication 50
Assessment (preanesthesia check up) 47
Fasting 50
Investigations 47
Modifications in drug therapy 48
Risk stratification 48
Preoxygenation 87
For rapid sequence induction 138
Gauge 18
Regulator/Reducing valves 19
Relief valve 24
Prilocaine 156
Procaine 155
Prolonged apnea after succinylcholine 126
Prone position 147
Advantages 110
Contraindications 110
Disadvantages 110
Metabolism 109
Pharmacokinetics 109
Physical properties 109
Systemic effects 109
Uses 109
Proseal LMA 36, figure 3.12 (page 36)
Prosthetic heart valves, anesthetic considerations 186
Atypical 126
Low levels 126
Psychiatric disorders, anesthetic considerations 197
Pudendal nerve block 234
Artery catheterization 59
Artery occlusion pressure (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) 60
Aspiration of gastric contents 136
Atelectasis 139
Cardiogenic (hemodynamic) 290
Noncardiogenic (ARDS) 290
Embolism 139, 263
Function test 9
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 302
Pulse oximetery 61
Pyloric stenosis, anesthetic management 240
Pyridostigmine 132
Rapacuronium 128
Recovery, delayed 141
Reflex response to laryngoscopy and intubation 39
Reflex sympathetic dystrophies 272
Remifentanil 117
Anesthetic management 202
Complications in perioperative period 143
Effect of inhalational agent 90
Replacement fluids (for perioperative period) 73
Reservoir (Breathing) bag, figure 2.16 (page 25)
Residual volume 10
Muscles of 6
Paradoxical 8
Regulation 6
Acidosis 293
Alkalosis 293
Bronchial tree 5
Respiratory failure
Classification 277
Management 278
Respiratory tract infection, anesthetic considerations 194
Restrictive lung disease, anesthetic considerations 194
Retrobulbar block 253
Retrolental fibroplasia 104
Reversal of neuromuscular block 132
Cause of inadequate reversal 133
Drugs 131, 132
Signs of adequate reversal 132
Rheumatoid arthritis, anesthetic management 214
Rhythms in cardiac arrest 297
Right to left shunts, anesthetic considerations 187
Ringer lactate solution 71
Rocuronium 128
Ropivacaine 157
Rotameter 19, figures 2.9 and 2.10 (page 20)
Safety features 20
Saddle block 173
Scavenging system 22
Schizophrenia, anesthetic management 198
Scleroderma, anesthetic considerations 214
Second gas effect 92
Segments of lungs involved in aspiration 4
Sellicks maneuver 138
Semiclosed circuits 23
Semon's law 4
Sepsis 290
Anesthetic properties 99
Disadvantages 99
Physical properties 99
Systemic effects 99
As complication after general anesthesia 143
As complication after spinal anesthesia 170
Shockable rhythms 301
Anesthetic management 190
Classification 285
Clinical features 285
Definition 284
Management 285
Prediction of outcome 287
Shock index/modified shock index 287
Left to right 187
Right to left 187
Sickle cell disease, anesthetic management 217
Sigh 8
Sitting position 146
Sleep apnea syndrome 245
Smoking 49
Sodalime 27
Reaction with inhalational agents 28
Sodium bicarbonate
For acidosis 295
For CPR 308
Sodium Disturbances 204
Sodium nitroprussid for controlled hypotension 141
Spinal Anesthesia (Subarachnoid block, Intrathecal block)
Comparison with epidural table 17.3 (page 178)
Complications 169
Hypotension 169
Meningitis 172
Post-spinal headache 171
Contraindications 177
Factors affecting the duration of block 169
Factors affecting the level of block 168
Indications 167
Level required for common surgeries 179
Procedure 167
Site of action of local anesthetics 167
Systemic effects 166
Spinal anesthesia in children 173
Spinal cord
Anatomy 165
Transection 197
Spinal needles 168
Spine surgery, anesthetic management 228, 264
Spirometry 10
Stages of anesthesia 88, table 9.1 (page 88)
Static current 43, 147
Stellate ganglion block 273
Stents (cardiac) and anesthetic considerations 183, 184
Stereotatic brain surgery, anesthetic considerations 228
Sterilization of anesthesia equipment 43
For adrenalectomy 209
Preoperative 49
Stroke, anesthetic management 196, 227
Subcutaneous route for fluid administration 75
Succinylcholine (see Suxamethonium) 133
Sufentanil 117
Sugammadex 132
Superior hypogastric block 274
Supraclavicular approach for brachial plexus block 160
Supraglottic airway devices 35
Combitube 37
Laryngeal mask airway 35
Peripharyngeal airway 37, figure 3.16 (page 37)
Supreme LMA 36, figure 3.13 (page 36)
Contraindications 125
Mechanism of action 124
Metabolism 124
Pharmacokinetics 124
Prolonged block 127
Systemic effects 125
Uses 124
Synera 152
Synthetic oxygen carriers (artificial blood) 79
Syringomyelia 197
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) anesthetic considerations 214
Tachycardia 140
Critical 11
Monitoring 65
Indications 66
Sites 66
Teratogenicity with inhalational agents 94
Tetralogy of Fallot, anesthetic considerations 187
Thalassemia, anesthetic management 217
Thermal perturbations after GA 143
Anesthetic properties 106
Complications 107
Intra-arterial injection 108
Contraindications 108
Pharmacokinetics 106
Physical properties 106
Systemic effects 107
Operative criteria 195
Pain management 193
Thrombocytopenia, anesthetic considerations 217
Thyroid dysfunctions 207
Thyromental distance 53
Tonsillar abscess 256
Tonsillectomy, anesthetic management 256
Analgesia 157
Preoperative medications 50
Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) 268
Tourniquet and related problems 262
Anatomy 4
Tracheal Tug 8
Tracheoesophageal fistula (TOF), anesthetic management 240
Care 42
Complications 41
Indications 41
Tubes 41
Train of four 67, figure 6.3 (page 67)
Tramadol 117
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) 60
Transfusion reactions 77
Allergic 78
Febrile 78
Hemolytic 77
Transthoracic impedance pulmonometry 64
Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)
Anesthetic management 203
Syndrome 203
Anesthetic management 258
Trendelenburg position 146
For spinal hypotension 170
Trichloroethylene (Trielene) 102
Trigeminal nerve block 273
Trigeminal neuralgia 272
Triple H therapy for stroke 228
Tuberculosis, anesthetic considerations 194
Tubocurare 128
Tumescent anesthesia 158
Tuohy needle 174, figure 17.2 (Page 174)
Turbulent flow 11
Tympanoplasties 95
Universal F, single limb closed circuit 29
Uteroplacental circulation and Anesthetic drugs 231
Valvular diseases 185
Vaporizers 21, figure 2.12 (page 21)
Safety features 22
Sequence 22
Vasodilators for controlled hypotension 141
For shock management 287
For spinal hypotension 170
Vecuronium 128
Venous air embolism (VAE) 226
Ventilation (see mechanical ventilation)
Anesthesia machine 22
Classification 278
Initial settings 279
Ventricular fibrillation 301
Mask 42
Principle 11
Viagra (preoperative) 50
Video laryngoscope 34, figure 3.8 (page 34)
Vital capacity 10
Reduction in different positions 146
Waters circuit 24, figure 2.14 (page 24), table 2.4 (page 26)
Weaning from ventilator 283
Wooden chest syndrome 116
Wrist block 161
Xenon 96
Advantages over nitrous oxide 96
Xylocaine 155
Xylocard 156
Yellow ligament 164
Yoke assembly 18, figure 2.7 (page 18)
Chapter Notes

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Medicine is an ever and rapidly changing science. The author has tried his best to obtain the information from the sources which he has believed to be the most reliable and in accordance with the latest guidelines and recommendations. However, there is always a possibility of error and change in guidelines. Therefore, author and publisher disclaim all the responsibilities arising from any act of commission or omission, because of the information used from the contents of this book.
Sixth Edition
Ajay Yadav MD (Anesthesiology) Senior Consultant and Head Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care W Pratiksha Hospital Gurugram, Haryana, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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Short Textbook of Anesthesia
Sixth Edition: 2018
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Preface to the Sixth Edition
As we know that medicine is ever changing, anesthesia has seen rapid changes in the last few years. In this edition, I have tried my best to incorporate the most recent advances in drugs, equipment and techniques; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines are based on American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 guidelines. All the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated with addition of few new chapters; there have been significant changes in almost all chapters.
This edition has been divided into nine sections providing a basic knowledge of physiology and pharmacology related to anesthesia, anesthesia machine and equipment, various anesthetic drugs and techniques in normal subjects and patients suffering from medical ailments and subspecialty management. I hope that chapters on intensive care management and cardiopulmonary resuscitation will be very useful to students.
To make the revision easier at the last time where a student does not get enough time to read the whole subject, the most important points are presented in italics, and moreover, key points are given at the end of each chapter. Wherever possible, a summary of topics has been presented in tabulated form. However, I will sincerely advise the students to go through the whole text at least once.
Although every effort has been made to minimize the scope of error, but still no one is perfect in this world. So, minor grammatical errors may be overlooked, but any major error or controversy may immediately be brought to the notice of author/publisher either through e-mail address or in writing. My e-mail address is We will be highly obliged and try to rectify the mistake or clear up the controversy as soon as possible.
I hope that this edition of the book would be of immense value in providing the basic knowledge of anesthesia to undergraduate students. I am sure that this book would not only help in solving the anesthesia questions, but also questions related to intensive care therapy, applied physiology and emergency medicine.
I thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India, for their efforts in bringing out this book in this elegant shape.
Ajay Yadav
Preface to the First Edition
Anesthesia is often the overlooked subject during undergraduation; however, the requirement of basic knowledge of anesthesia at undergraduate level has become necessary because of multiple reasons. Firstly, because of the increasing scope of this specialty which is not only restricted to operation theaters, but also to intensive care units, pain management and emergency medicine. Secondly, and also very importantly, the questions of anesthesiology asked in different postgraduate (PG) entrance examinations are not only increasing in number, but also getting tougher and can only be answered if the student is having reasonable knowledge of the subject.
To fulfill these requirements, I decided to write Short Textbook of Anesthesia.
In this book, I put my efforts to provide a comprehensive text keeping more focus on topics which are frequently asked in various pre-PG examinations.
One more point I kept in mind while writing this book was to take care of the controversies commonly encountered during preparation of pre-PG examination because of different values and criteria mentioned in different books. For example, the color of oxygen cylinder in India and in most of the countries is black, while in USA, it is green. A blood transfusion criterion in India is volume loss more than 20%, while in western countries, it is 25–30%. In my book, values and criteria which are applicable in India have been mentioned and wherever found necessary difference to western countries has also been mentioned. I would like to advise the students to abide by the Indian standards, at least in anesthesiology.
Any suggestions, criticisms and controversies which can really help in improving this book are most welcome.
I wish best of luck to all the students appearing for the various pre-PG examinations.
Ajay Yadav
First of all I would like to thank my teachers at PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India, who enabled me to do my undergraduation.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to my first teachers Dr Neelam and Dr Meenakshi, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, from whom I learned the ABC of anesthesia.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my gratitude to my eminent guide, Dr Vijender Sharma, under whom I not only did my thesis, but also learnt a lot about life. I have yet to come across a person gentler than him; whatever goodness I have, I owed it to him.
I would also like to thank my seniors, Dr Madhu Jain, Dr Madhu Dixit, Dr S Kumar, and my colleagues, at Hindu Rao Hospital, New Delhi, India, whose indispensable help led me to start this venture.
I feel pleasure in conveying my sincere thanks to Mr Nishant Bajaj, CEO and Dr Ragni Agrawal, Medical Director, W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurugram, Haryana, India, for providing such an excellent and encouraging academic atmosphere in the hospital.
I am very thankful to my department colleagues, at the W Pratiksha Hospital, the discussions with whom have really helped me in keeping update with recent advances.
I would like to pay my very special thanks to my wife Promila, who has been a constant source of inspiration for me every moment. I would also like to pay my thanks to my sons, Vasu and Eklavya, friends and family members, who always stood like pillars for me.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not express my thanks to all undergraduate students who have really inspired me to write this book.
And last but not least, I would like to thank M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India, for their technical help and kind support without which this venture would have not been possible.