Administrative Aspects of Critical Care Abhinav Gupta, Nagarajan Ramakrishnan, Atul Prabhakar Kulkarni
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Acetyl salicylic acid 113
Acute renal failure, incidence of 102
Adjusting surrogate and physician roles 71
Adverse drug events 41
Advisory jurisdiction 84
Agreement 69
Alcohol abuse 76
Allocation 123
versus evidence-based medicine 123
American Association of Critical Care Nurses 2, 77
Analyzing current manpower inventory 16, 17
Anger 67
Appellate jurisdiction 84
Aspirin 113
Attitudes 67
in patient safety, role of 104
Authentic leadership 77
Autoanalyzer purchase business case 49
Automatic external defibrillation 42
Bargaining mix 68
Bloodstream infection
central line-associated 110
rate 22
Budgeting 136
Burnout syndrome 74
effects of 76
pathogenesis of 75f
prevention 76
treatment of 76
Business case 37
development 37
document 47t
need for 37
presentation 46
Calcium channel blocker 113
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 8
cost of 110
level of 17
Center for disease control and prevention 103
Central venous
access device infection 39
catheter 22
Civil cases 83
procedure in 84
Civil laws 82
Clinical support services 108
Competitive strategy 66
Computerized physician order entry business case, expected benefits of 41
Concurrent jurisdiction 84
and end-of-life care 60
contextual 59
de-escalation 60
emergence 59
escalation 59
hidden/latent 59
in ICU 58
management 60
organizational 59
personal 59
procedural 59
stagnation 59
Continuous quality improvement 135
Contracts, law of 81
Cooperative strategy 66
analysis perspective 119
and charge 28
benefit 45
analysis 121
method 30
effectiveness 45
minimization, short cycle improvement method for 122
Creativity, environment of 15
Criminal case 83
procedures in 86
Criminal laws 82
Criminal procedure code 86
Critical care
case, expansion of 40
medical ethics in 135
medicine 107
team 1, 2
unit 21
Critical incidence reporting system 97
Critically ill patients, treatment of 134
Data, collection and processing of 24
Decision maker and controller 134
Decubitus ulcer 102
Design training programs 16, 19
Developing quality improvement program 23
Developing recruitment plans 16, 18
Dietitian 4
Early goal directed therapy 126
Effective communication 99
Effective decision making 77
Emotional intelligence 14
Employee, satisfaction survey for 102
Environmental safety 102
anatomy of 93
classification of 93t
knowledge-based 93
medication 94, 102
prevention 93
rule-based 93
skill-based 93
First information report 86, 88
Frequency scale 17
Frustration 67
Generic substitution, evidence for 127
Growth 110
Healthcare associated infections 4
High performance teams, framework for 6t
Hospital acquired infections 110
Human capital
importance of 15
measurement of 14
Human resource 39t, 102
Iatrogenic pneumothorax 102
Iceberg phenomenon of failures 98f
budgeting 28
care, measuring cost of 29
communications and conflict management in 54
cost minimization in 119
day-to-day operations in 134
design and technology acquisition 137
director 133f
administrator 136
functions of 133, 134
qualities of 132, 133f
role of 132, 133
electrical and fire safety issues in 102
fixed versus variable costs in 108
human capital needs of 16
interpersonal relations in 134
multidisciplinary rounds in 9
organization of 136
predicting future manpower needs in 18
readmission rates 102
skills checklist 17t
team members, preventing burnout in 74
type of 17
understand human capital needs of 16
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine 18, 121
Infection control 102
nurse 4
program 40t
Intelligence 14
Intensive care
cost of 107, 120
economics of 107
unit 13, 28, 107, 119, 132
Intensivist and multidisciplinary team building 1
International Classification of Disease 33
Interpersonal skills 67
Interpretive strategy 67
Judgment, 14
Judicial system 83
Jurisdiction of
high court 84
supreme court 84
Knowledge 67
empowerment 134
Labor, specialization and division of 15
Law serves several purposes 80
Leadership 8
and teamwork 23
style 8
Legal remedy 82
Liaisons with hospital administration 137
Making foolproof system 97
Manpower planning 15
steps in 16, 16f
Maslach-Burnout inventory 75
Medical Council of India 107
Medical errors, increased risk of 76
Medical teaching 135
Mitigation plan 43
Monetary profit 45
Morbidity parameters 102
critical care team, members of 3
team, communication in 101
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers 22, 38
National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention 94
Needle stick injury 102, 103
Negotiate towards positive outcome 69
Nonclinical support services 107
Nosocomial infections, cost of 110
Organizational factors 76
Original jurisdiction 84
Post-traumatic stress disorder 76
Pressure ulcer 102
Procedural laws 80
Proficiency scale 17
Profit and loss sheet 30
Protocols, guidelines and checklists, role of 99
Psychological safety 6
cost of 26
improvement initiative 39t, 40t
in critical care, assessment of 22
Randomized controlled trial 114
Reintubation rate 102
Respiratory therapist 4
Right against
double jeopardy 88
ex post facto laws 87
self-incrimination 88
Root cause analyst 137
Safety, zone of 2
Scoring system based cost assumption 33
Sequential organ failure assessment score 33
skills 14
worker 4
Society of Critical Care Medicine 2
Staff, polarization of 67
Standardized mortality rate 101
Stick injury rate 22
Suicidal ideation 76
Summary trial 87
Summons trial 87
Supporting documents/appendices 49, 50t
Swiss cheese model of accident causation 98f
Target point 68
Technology in patient safety, role of 103
Tele-ICU business case, executive summary of 48
Tension 67
Therapeutic intervention scoring system 33, 110
Third party administrators 109
Transactive memory 8
United States Food and Drug Administration 113
catheter related infection 22, 102
tract infection, catheter-associated 110
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 22, 39, 102, 110, 114
Warrant trial 87
Waste segregation 103
Writing business
case 38
plan 24
Chapter Notes

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