Practical Workbook in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Somnath Das
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Practical Workbook in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Practical Workbook in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Practical Workbook in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
First Edition: 2019
Printed at
The students
The Bengal Academy of Forensic Medicine
President: Tapas Kumar Bose
Secretary: Debasish Som
Joint Secretary (N): Saurav Chattapadhyay
Joint Secretary (S): Somnath Das
Treasurer: Swaraj Haldar
Advisory Board Members
Editorial Board
Chief Editor: Somnath Das MD
Professor, Upgraded Department of Forensic and State Medicine, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
A problem-based workbook has been a long-felt need for the students pursuing the course of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. In order to bring the uniformity in the teaching and training throughout the Medical Colleges of the State, the book will be of great help.
It is confidently believed that the book will furnish the students with the necessary number and variety of exercises essential to master the application of the subject. Most of the exercises come up with a guideline at the beginning to make it more convenient for the students to do the exercise.
All the exercise pages are carefully designed to eliminate distraction and to focus the pupils' full attention on the work in hand. Hopefully, the workbook will be a book to be preserved for the future use by the students in their forthcoming days of medicine practice.
Tapas Kumar Bose
Somnath Das
This book must be submitted during 2nd Professional MBBS practical examination. Student will not be allowed to appear on non-submission.
Instructions to Students
  1. Punctually in attending practical classes should be maintained, as 80% attendance in practical is mandatory as per university rule.
  2. Silence and discipline should be observed during practical work.
  3. Clean apron should be worn before entering the practical hall.
  4. Every student should bring the practical record book, a piece of clean linen, a measuring tape, stethoscope, torch, hammer and a hand lens and colored pencils.
  5. Listen carefully to the instructions given by the teachers for the day's work.
  6. After finishing the practical work, complete them in the record book, get the record checked by the teachers before next class.
  7. Maintenance of cleanliness at the site of the practical work should be stressed.
  8. All students must appear and clear all the item examinations on the stipulated date during the course.
Certificate of Completion
This is to certify that ………………………………… has submitted this practical notebook during 5th Semester Examination held in the month of…………………………………, 20………………………………
           Associate/Assistant Professor
University Reg No.: ………………………………………
University Roll No.: ………………………………………
This is to certify that ………………………………… has submitted this practical notebook during University Practical Examination held in the month of…………………………………, 20……………………
Signature of Internal Examiner
                      Signature of External Examiner
2nd Professional Examination
                      2nd Professional Examination
Syllabus for 2nd Professional MBBS Examination
Legal procedure: Indian Penal Code (IPC), Cr.PC, The Indian Evidence Act (IEA), court, different offences, punishments, inquest, summons, conduct money, evidence, witness, chain of custody, recording of evidence in court, duties of doctor in witness box and scene of crime.
Identification: Definition, types, corpus delicti, race and ethnicity, sex with special emphasis on intersex, transgender, disorder of sexual development, intersex and sex determination, age with special emphasis on determination of age including that of fetus, medicolegal importance (MLI) of various age group, stature, scar, tattoo, anthropometry, hair, fingerprint and other prints including methods of biometric identification, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiling.
Death and postmortem changes: Definition and types of death, brain death, human organ transplantation act, cause, manner and mode of death, sudden death, suspended animation, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, anaphylactic death, medical certification of cause of death (MCCD), taphonomy, signs of death, algor mortis, livor mortis, muscular changes after death, putrefaction, autolysis, adiopocere, mummification, determination of pm interval, forensic entomology, presumption of death and survivorship, preservation of dead body with special emphasis on plastination.
Injury and its medicolegal Importance: Classification of mechanical injury, factors influencing mechanical injury, abrasion, bruise, lacerated injury, incised wound, stab wound, chop wound, defense wound, self-inflicted and fabricated wound, trauma, assault and battery, homicide, murder, dowry death, hurt, grievous hurt, shock, emboli, am and pm injury, firearm injury.
Regional and transportation injury: Skull fracture, coup and contrecoup injury, cerebral concussion, cerebral contusion, DIA, intracranial hemorrhage with special emphasis on their causes, signs and symptoms, clinical diagnosis and autopsy findings, brain herniation, overview of injuries to spinal cord, vertebral column, chest, abdomen, eyes, injuries to pedestrian and vehicular occupant, overview of motor cycle accident.
Thermal injury: Classification, injury due to cold, general effects of heat, burn, scald, electrical injury, lightning injury and explosion injury.
Asphyxia: Definition, types, hanging, strangulation, suffocation, drowning, sexual asphyxia, injury to hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage.
Impotence and sterility: Definition, causes, examination, diagnosis, artificial insemination, assisted reproductive technology (art), surrogacy.
Pregnancy and delivery: Signs of pregnancy, MLI, pseudocyesis, superfecundation, superfetation, legitimacy and paternity, stages of labor, signs of recent and remote delivery in living and dead.
Abortion: Definition, classification, causes, related IPC sec, criminal abortion, amniotic fluid embolism, medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) act.
Infanticide: Definition, postpartum depression, dead born, still born, live born, signs of live birth, causes of infant death, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), battered baby syndrome, child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, munchausen syndrome by proxy
Sex offences: Classification, Incest, Adultery, Rape—definition, punishment, examination of survivor and accused, rape trauma syndrome, sodomy, buccal coitus, lesbianism, bestiality, sexual perversions, stalking, sexual harassment, indecent assault, trafficking.
Forensic psychiatry: Definitions, classification of mental and behavioral disorders, illusion, hallucination, delusion, schizophrenia, criminal responsibility, impulse, organic mental disorder (Delirium), mood disorder, neurotic and somatoform disorder, eating disorder, sleep disorder, mental retardation, insanity and law with special emphasis on Mental Health Act.
Medical law and ethics: Oath of hippocrates, declaration of geneva, medical council of india (MCI), state medical council, professional secrecy, privileged communication, rights and privileges of doctor, red cross emblem, staff of asclepius and hermes, doctor-patient relationship, infamous conduct, medical malpractice, professional negligence, medical maloccurrence, misadventures, doctrines, contributory negligence, vicarious and product liability, consent, overview of medical records, euthanasia, Consumer Protection Act (CPA).
Medicolegal autopsy: Definitions, types, objectives, rules, external and internal examination, diagnosis of air, fat, amniotic fluid embolism and pneumothorax, preservation of viscera, obscure and negative autopsy, examination of decomposed body, mutilated body, bones, exhumation, second autopsy, autopsy room hazards, autopsy and disposal of radioactive corpse.
General toxicology: Definitions, acts, laws, IPCs, classification, factors influencing action of poison, PIC, diagnosis in living and dead, duties of a doctor in a suspected case of poisoning, management of an unknown poisoning case, ideal homicidal and suicidal poison.
Drug dependence and abuse: Definitions, withdrawal symptoms, management, psychotropic drugs, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), opioids, alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, benzodiazepines (BZD), barbiturate, anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, inhalant abuse, body packers, body stuffers, complications, pm findings.
Alcohol: Physical properties, mechanism of action (MOA), absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion. Acute and chronic poisoning, dependence, drunkenness, methyl alcohol, ethylene glycol.
Agricultural poison: Organophosphorus, chlorinated hydrocarbons, paraquat, naphthalene, carbamate.
Medicinal poison: MOA, signs and symptoms, management of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antipyretic, antihistaminic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, insulin, BZD, barbiturate, Al phosphide, Zn phosphide, corrosive, metal, non-metals, asphyxiants.
  1. Age estimation from bones
  2. Determination of sex and stature from bones
  3. Estimation of age from X-ray
  4. Study of injuries from bones, photographs and models
  5. Study of weapons
  6. Medical certification of cause of death
  7. Injury report writing
  8. Accused examination report of sexual assault cases
  9. Victim examination report of sexual assault cases
  10. Age estimation report
  11. Fitness and sickness certificates
  12. Written informed consent collection for medicolegal examination, medical and surgical intervention
  13. Postmortem demonstration class
  14. Management of suspected poisoning case
  15. Corrosive poisons
  16. Metallic and non-metallic irritants
  17. Vegetable irritants
  18. Snake
  19. Blood and seminal stain study
  20. Opium, Datura, Cannabis
  21. Organophosphorus compounds and medicinal poisons
  22. Postmortem demonstration class
Total Marks: 150
For further clarification of the syllabus, visit the official website of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS).