Textbook of General Anatomy V Subhadra Devi
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abdomen 5, 47, 147, 216, 219, 222
anatomical regions of 217
divisions of 217
four quadrant of 221f, 221t
nine regions of 220f
quadrant 216, 221
regions of 220t
Abdominal bloating 216
Abduction 115
Abductor digiti minimi 94
Abductor hallucis 94
Abductor pollicis 94
Absorption 25
Accessory drainage system 140
Achilles bursa 108, 109
Achilles reflex 169
Achilles tendon 96
rupture of 96
Achondroplasia 71, 72f
Acne vulgaris 43
Acromegaly 71, 200
Acromial bursa 109
Acromioclavicular joint 110
Actin 84
Adductor brevis 94
Adductor longus 94
Adductor magnus 87, 91, 94
Adductor pollicis 94
Adenosine triphosphate 84
Adipose cells 28
Adipose tissue 30, 31
Adrenal cortex 198
Adrenal glands 6, 196, 198, 220
Adrenal medulla 198
Adventitious bursa 108
Albinism 43
Alopecia areata 43
Alopecia totalis 43, 44f
Alopecia universalis 43
Alveolar ducts 181, 184
Alveolar sacs 184
Alveoli 181, 184
Amphiarthrosis 101f
Anal canal 6
Androgens 198
Anesthesia 175
Angiography 135, 208
Angiology 122
Angle of Louis 219
Ankle 5, 114
jerk 169
Anserine bursa 109
Anterograde degeneration 174
Anterolateral sulci 163
biological 5
physical 5
Antibodies 144
production of 141
Antigen 144
presenting cells 144
Aorta 122, 134
Aperture, closure of 91
Apocrine 26
sweat glands 38, 40
modified 38
Aponeurosis 47, 76, 80, 89
Apoptosis 42
Appendages 36f
Appendicitis 10, 190, 216
Appendix 10, 220
Areolar tissue, loose 30
Arm 5, 114
Arrectores pilorum 42
muscle 41f
Arterial diseases, occlusive 135
Arterial pulse 218f
Arterioles 122, 127, 128, 132, 141
Arteriosclerosis 135
Arteriovenous anastomoses 132, 132f, 133
Artery 61, 69, 122, 124, 126t, 141, 233, 233f
elastic 127, 128, 134f
end-to-end meeting of 132
epiphyseal 62
large 124f
metaphyseal 62
muscular 127, 128
nutrient 61
palpable 135
periosteal 62
splenic 135
structure of 124
walls of 30
Arthritis 118
Arthrology 98
Arthroplasty 119
Arthroscopy 118
Articular disc 107
Articular surfaces, shape of 110
Articulation 98
Articulus 98
Ascites 50
Astrocytes 161
fibrous 161
Astroglia 161
Atavistic epiphysis 59
Atherosclerosis 135
Atmospheric pressure 105
Atoms 18
Atrium 122
Atrophy 94
Auscultation 4, 215, 216
Autonomic nervous system 153, 156, 176
Autonomic reflex arc 170
Avascular structures 129, 142
Axanotmesis 176f
Axilla 147
Axillary lines 216, 220f
Axolemma 156
Axon 154, 156
collaterals 156
Axonotmesis 175
Axoplasm 156
Azygos system 131
B lymphocyte 144
Bacteria killing 42
Baker's muscular dystrophy 95
Ball and socket joint 111f, 112
Balloon angioplasty 208
enema 208
meal 208
swallow 208
Basal cell carcinoma 43
Biceps brachii 76, 94
Biceps femoris 87, 94
Biliary system 208
Bipolar neurons 157
Bladder 6
Blastocoel 17
Blastocyst cavity 17
Blindness 135
brain barrier 163
capillaries 143, 143t
cells production 54
circulation, types 127f
purification of 6
stream 6
vascular system 121, 122
clinical application of 135
vessels 6, 121, 137, 208
classification of 127
major 216
nerve supply of 134
types of 123f
Blunt dissection 229
cavities of 48, 180f
donation awareness 14
dorsal aspects of 39f
movements 115
plane of 113
serous cavities of 48f
temperature 216
tissues of 21
Bone 5, 6, 55, 67, 68
appendicular 66
articulating 105
axial 66
cancellous 58, 68
cartilaginous 68
cells 63f
classification of 66
cutting forceps 227, 229f
destroying cells 60
fibrous 68
formation, process of 66
forming cells 60
functions of 54
growing end of 57, 69
lamellae, formation of 62, 64f
marrow 129
aspiration 61
biopsy 61
transplantation 61, 235
membranous 67
microscopic structure of 62
morphological classification of 66t, 67f
pneumatic 66
postnatal development of 70t
proximal end of 76
shape 66
spicule of 63f
structure of 62
Bony contour 105
Bowels 216
Brachial plexus 166
Brachialis 87
Brachioradialis 76
Brachium 94
Brain 5, 6, 152, 235
ventricles of 208
Brainstem 174f, 176
Breath sounds 216
Breathing 6
Bronchi 6, 181, 184, 208
Bronchial tree 184f
Bronchial veins 130
Bronchioles 184
Bronchography 208
Buck's fascia 47
Bulbourethral glands 194
Bunion 108, 109
Bursae 89, 107, 108f
Cadaver dissection 234, 236
benefits of 234
Canal 71
Cancellous bone, microscopic structure of 65
Capillaries 123, 127, 128, 141
types of 129
articular 106
fibrous 46, 106
Watchdog action of 106
Carbon 18
Cardiovascular system 121
Cartilage 54
articular 106
clinical application of 55
detachment of 55
elastic 55, 57
epiphyseal 56, 59, 207f
growth of 55
remnants of 72f
thining of 72f
transplantation 55
tumors of 55
types of 55, 57t
Cartilaginous joint 100, 101f, 103
primary 104
secondary 104
symphysis 104f
synchondroses 104f
Caval system 130
Cavernous tissues 123, 129
medullary 56
ventral 180
Cecum 220
Celiac ganglia 177
Cell 17, 18, 21, 2729, 57, 144
and intracellular organelles 20f
body 154
shape of 158f
components of 19
layers, number of 21
mediated immunity 144
membrane 17, 19, 154
nonepithelial 36
number of 26
of bone 63t
of superficial layer 23
parts of 17
shape of 21
Cementum 69
Central nervous system 152, 154, 170f, 171, 179
Centrioles 19
Cerebellar cortex 158f
artery 135
cortex 158f
Cervical enlargement 166
Chalice cells 26
Chest, front of 93
Chicken pox 51
Chisel 227, 229f
Cholecystitis 190
Cholecystography 208
Cholelithiasis 190
Chondrocytes 54
Chondrodystrophies 55
Chondrosternal joint 104
Cilia 21, 25
Ciliated columnar epithelium 22
Circulation of blood, types of 126
Circumferential lamellae 64, 65
Cisterna chyli 143
Clavicle 67, 94
Cleavage 17
Clitoris 123
Colitis 190
Collagen 29
Colon 208, 220
Columnar epithelium, simple 22
Compact bone
longitudinal section of 65f
microscopic structure of 62
structure of 64
transverse section of 65f
Computed tomography 3
scan 202, 214
scanner and image 209f
Computerized axial tomography 208
Condylar joint 111f, 112
Condyles 71
Connective tissue 18, 21, 27, 28t, 29t, 30, 31, 80f
classification of 30
clinical application of 32
components of 27
irregular 30, 31
regular 30, 31, 77
fibers of 27
layer, middle 36
loose 31
supportive 30
types of 31t
Contact lenses 226
Contractile proteins, arrangement of 83
Coracobrachialis 76
Cords, medullary 146
Cornea 235
Coronary artery 135
bypass surgery 214
disease 136
Coronary sinus 130
Cortex 38, 146
Costochondritis 55
Cowper's glands 194
Cranial nerves 6, 172, 173
functional components of 173, 174f
origin of 174f
Cruciate arrangement 91
Cubital fossa, dissection of 230f
Cuboidal epithelium, simple 22
Cushing's syndrome 200
Cuticle 38, 41
Cystitis 196
Cytoplasm 17, 19, 155
Cytoplasmic organelle 17, 75t
Cytosol 19
Dark band 84
Dartos muscle 45
Dead space 125
Decidua 20
Deep fascia 45, 47, 48, 97, 231, 231f, 233f
modification of 46, 47f
tight sleeve of 130
Deep infrapatellar bursa 110
Deep vein thrombosis 135, 208
Demyelination 175
Dendrites 154, 156
Dense lymphoid tissue 144
Denticulate suture 101, 102f
Dentine 68
Deoxyribonucleic acid 18, 19
Depressor labii inferioris 93
Dermatome 40, 40f, 51
Dermis 36, 37
Diabetes mellitus 200
Diagnostic radiology 202, 203
Diaphragm 6
Diaphysis 55, 56, 63f, 73
Diarthroses 105, 101f
Digestive system 5, 181, 185
clinical importance of 190
parts 186f
Digital flexor sheath, fibrous 47f
Diploic bone 65, 66f
kit 228f
safety measures 226
techniques 229
Dorsal cavities 180
Dorsal ramus 164
Dorsal root ganglia 162
Dorsal venous arch 132f
Dove-tail appearance 77, 80f
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 95
Duodenal ulcers 190
Duodenum 188f, 220
Dystrophy, muscular 95
Ear 5
inner 25
Eccrine sweat glands 38
Ectoderm 20
Edema 141
Ejaculatory ducts 194
Elbow 114
Electrical bone and body cutting machine 229f
Electromyography 95
Elephantiasis 149
Ellipsoid joint 111f, 112
Embalming fluids 225
Embryoblast 17
Emissary veins 130
Encephalon 152
End-arteries 133, 134f
Endochondral ossification 57, 68
Endocrine 6, 181
glands 25
system 196, 197f
clinical importance of 200
mechanism of action of 196
Endoderm 20
Endomysium 80, 97
Endoneurium 172
Endoskeleton 66
Endosteum 61, 63
inner 56
Enteritis 190
Enzymes 25
Eosinophils 29, 144
Ependymal cells 161, 162
Epicondyle 71
Epidermis 36, 37
layers of 39
Epididymis 21, 24, 25, 193, 194
Epigastrium 220
Epimysium 80, 97
Epineurium 172
Epiphyseal line 60
Epiphyseal plate 59f
Epiphysis 55, 58, 69, 73
aberrant 59
cartilaginous 57
cerebri 199
types of 58, 59f
Epitendineum 77
clinical application of 27
simple 22
Epithelial cells 36
surface specializations of 24, 25t
Epithelial tissue 18, 21
Epithelial tumors 27
columnar 22
surface layer of 36
transitional 24
Eponychium 38, 41
Esophagus 6, 186, 208
contrast X-ray of 3f
Estrogen 199
Ethmoid, cribriform plate of 182
Exchange vessels 127, 129
Exocrine glands 25
classification of 26
Exoskeleton 66
Eyeball, extraocular muscles of 81
Eyelids 38
Eyes 5
Face 5, 113
Fallopian tubes 6, 194
Fascia 35, 42, 51, 89
clinical importance of 47
colli 47
gerota 192
lata 47
muscular 232, 232f
superficial 45, 45f, 46, 47, 231, 231f
transversalis 47
Fat 25
absorption of 141
storage of 27, 54
Fatigue 178
Femur 68
sagittal section of 58f
Fetus in uterus 195f
Fibers 27, 91
elastic 30
surrounding orifice 91
types of 171
white 29
Fibroblasts 28
Fibrocartilage 57
Fibrosis 32
Fibrous dysplasia, fibrous 71
Fibrous joint 100, 101f, 102f
gomphosis 103f
subtypes of 101
syndesmosis 102f
Fibula 68
thick 83
thin 83
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 150
Fingers and toes, interphalangeal joints of 114
Fissures 185
Flask-shaped cell bodies 158f
Flat bones 66
Flexion 115
Flexor digiti minimi 94
Flexor digitorum
profundus 87, 93
superficialis 93
Flexor retinaculum 47f
Flexor sheath, fibrous 46
Flower spray 88
Fluid, synovial 107
Fluorodeoxyglucose 214
Fluoroscopy 206
Follicle stimulating hormone 197
Fontanel 103, 103f
Foot 5
Foramen 71
Forceps 227
toothed 228f
untoothed 228f
Forearm 5
and ankle, paired movements 117f
Fossa 71
Fovea 71
Fowler's position 8
Fundus 187
Fusiform 89
Gait, limping 216
Galen of pergamum 13
Gallbladder 190, 220
Gamma motor neuron endings 88
Ganglia 156, 176
autonomic 162, 163, 163f
Gastritis 190
lateral 109
medial 109
Gastrointestinal tract 25, 186, 208
organs of 185
parts of 185
structure of wall of 187f
wall of 186
Genital organs
external 193, 194
internal 193, 194
Genital system 181
Gigantism 200
Ginglymus 110
Glands 24, 46
ceruminous 38
classification of 25
mixed 27
multicellular 26
of Moll 38
parathyroid 6, 196, 198
secretions of 25
serous 26
sublingual 189
submandibular 189
unicellular 26
Glandular epithelia 21, 24
Glans penis 193
Glucocorticoids 198
Gluteus maximus 93
Gluteus medius 93
Gluteus minimus 93
Goblet cell 25, 26, 26f
Goiter 200
Golgi apparatus 18, 19
Golgi bodies 155
Golgi tendon organ 88, 88f, 167f, 168
Gomphosis 103
Gonads 193, 196, 199
Goose flesh appearance 42
Greater trochanteric bursa 109
Growth plate 60
Guillain-Barré syndrome 172
Gut arteries 135
H band 84
Hair 38, 41, 41f
bulb 38, 42
cells 168
follicle 38, 41, 42
papilla 42
Hammer 229, 229f
Haversian canals 63, 64
Hearing 25
Heart 5, 6, 121, 122, 122f, 216, 235
attack 135
beat 4f
sounds 216
boundaries of 4f
muscular wall of 10
Hemangioma 135, 136f
Hemiplegic hand 216
Hepatic portal system 131
Hepatitis 190
Herpes zoster 51
Hidradenitis suppurativa 43, 44f
Hinge joint 111f
Hip 5, 114
bone 68
Holocrine glands 42
Hormone 25
adrenocorticotropic 197
antidiuretic 197
parathyroid 198
Housemaids bursa 108
Howship's lacunae 63
Human chorionic gonadotropin 200
Human endocrine system, major glands of 196
Human growth hormone 197
Humerus 67
Hyaline cartilage 55, 57
Hydrogen 18
Hydronephrosis 196
Hydroureter 196
Hyperflexion 115
Hyperthyroidism 216
Hypertrophy 94
Hypochondrium 220
Hypodermis 36, 37, 40, 45
Hypogastrium 220
Hyponychium 38, 41
Hypophyseal portal system 131
Hypophysis cerebri 129
Hypothalamus 6
Hysterosalpingography 208
Ileum 220
Iliac fossa 220
Iliac spine, anterior superior 219
Iliopsoas bursa 109
Immune system 6, 138
Immunity, humoral 144
Immunoglobulins 144
Inguinal ligament, midpoint of 219
Injury, neuronal 174
Intermuscular septa 46, 48
Interneuron 159, 169
Internode 157
Interstitial fluid 138
excessive 141
Interstitial lamellae 64, 65
Intertubercular bursa 109
Interventional radiology 202, 207
Intervertebral disc, herniation of 55
Intestine 6, 21, 141
large 188
small 188
Intracranial venous sinuses 130
Intrafusal fibers 88
Intramuscular injection 95
sites of 95f
Ischial spine 219
Ischial tuberosity 219
Islets of Langerhans 199
Jejunum 220
Joints 5, 6, 53, 98, 115t, 120
atlantoaxial 110
biaxial 110
broad classification of 99fc
cavity 107
classification of 98, 99fc, 100t, 101f
clinical application of 118
dissection of 233
gliding 111f
hyaline cartilaginous 104
intercarpal 110
interior of 233
intertarsal 110
midline 104
movements in 112
neuropathic 119
normal 72f
of body, types of 113t
plane 110
polyaxial 112
radiological appearance of 206
radioulnar 110
space 72f
uniaxial 110
Jugular notch 219
Kidney 6, 18, 181, 191, 235
coverings of 192
macroscopic anatomy of 2f
marking 216
microscopic anatomy of 3f
position of 196
Knee 114
jerk 169
joint, osteoarthritis of 72f
Kyphosis 216
Lambdoid suture 102f
Lamellae, Haversian system of 64
Lamellar bone 68
Langer's line 39, 39f, 51
Langerhans cells 36
clinical importance of 37
Large vein, microscopic structure of 125f
Laryngitis 185
Laryngopharynx 183
Larynx 5, 6, 181, 183, 183f
Latissimus dorsi 91, 94
Leg 5, 114
lateral aspect of 93
Ligaments 6, 89, 105, 233
accessory 106, 107
extracapsular 107
intracapsular 107
sutural 101
Ligamentum nuchae 30
Limbs 5, 116f
paired movements 116f, 117f
upper 47, 147, 219
Lipofuscin 156
Lipomas 32
Liposarcoma 32
Lithotomy position 8
Liver 6, 18, 123, 129, 129f, 188, 189f, 190, 220, 235
lobule 142
topographic anatomy of 3f
Lobar bronchi 184
Locomotor system 53
Long bone 66
blood supply of 61, 61f
general features of 206
parts of 55, 58f
Longissimus capitis 94
Longus capitis 94
Lordosis 216
Lower limb 47, 147, 219
bone of 68t
Lumbar enlargement 166
Lumbar lymph trunk 147
Lumbosacral plexus 166
Lumps, subcutaneous 216
Lungs 5, 6, 18, 30, 184, 184f, 216, 235
lobes of 185
units 142
Lunula 38, 41
Luteinizing hormone 197
Lymph 138, 141
capillaries 141143
flow of 146f
node 6, 146, 147
biopsy 149
regional 147t
structure of 146
trunk, subclavian 147
vessel 6, 141, 147, 147t
Lymphadenitis 149
Lymphangiography 149
Lymphangitis 149
Lymphatic duct 142, 144
Lymphatic organs 141
Lymphatic system 121, 138, 139f, 151
clinical application of 149
components of 141
functions of 140
Lymphatic tissue 141, 145f
classification of 144
Lymphatic vessels 141, 142
Lymphedema 149, 149f
Lymphocyte 18, 29, 144
production of 141
Lymphoid organs
encapsulated 145
primary 145
secondary 145
Lymphoid system 138
Lymphoid tissue 18, 144
diffuse 144
mucosa-associated 144
Lymphoma 149
Lymphoscintigraphy 149
Lysosomes 18, 19, 156
M line 84
Macroglia 161
Macromolecules 18
Macrophages 28, 140, 144
Magnetic resonance imaging 3, 202, 209, 214
machine and image 210f
Malleolus, medial 219
Mallet 229
Mammary gland 6, 38, 194
major ducts of 23
Mammogram machine and image 213f
Mammography 203, 212, 214
Mandible, paired movements 117f
Manubriosternal joint 104
Marfan's syndrome 32, 33
Marrow cavity 56, 61
Mast cells 28, 144
Mastoid 94
Mature and hypertrophied cartilage, zone of 60
McBurney's point 216, 223
Meatus 71
Median fissure, anterior 163
Medulla 38, 146
Meissner's corpuscles 168
Melanocytes 36
stimulating hormone 197
Melanoma, malignant 43
Membrane, synovial 106
Meningocele 5f
Meniscus 107
Merkel cells 36, 37
Merkel discs 168
Merocrine 26
Mesentery 49
Mesocardium 49
Mesocolon 49
Mesoderm 20, 161
Mesogastrium 49
Metabolic waste products, removal of 107
Metacarpals 67
Metaphysis 56, 60, 73
Methylene diphosphonate 211
Microglia 161, 162
Microvilli 21, 22, 25
Midclavicular line 219
Midinguinal point 219
Mineral, storage of 54
Mineralocorticoids 198
Mitochondria 18, 19, 75, 156
Mitral valve 122
Molecular imaging 203
Molecules 18
Moles 43
Monosynaptic reflex 169
Morula 17
Motor end plate 86
Motor nerve 153, 173, 175
irritation of 175
Motor neuron 159
efferent 169
lower 159
presynaptic 86
upper 159
Motor point 85
Motor unit 86, 86f
Mouth 5
parts 186f
Mucocutaneous junction 35
Mucoid connective tissue 30
Mucous acinus 26f
Mucous glands 26
Mucous membrane 23, 185
Multiaxial movement 115
Muscle 5, 6, 46, 86, 93, 105
attachments 79
auricular 45
biopsy 95
bundle 81f
cardiac 7577
cell 18, 74
classification of 75fc, 89, 90t, 91f
connective tissue coverings of 80
contraction of 130
extent of 78
fascicles 81
fibers 75t, 81f, 82, 87
direction of 91f
gluteal 81
hybrid 86
intermediate 89, 90
involuntary 76
nonstriated 76
occipitofrontalis 45
parts of 79f
sensory innervation of 87
shunt 92
somatic 76
spindle 87, 88f, 167f, 168
spurt 92
stiffness 178
striated 75, 76
subcutaneous 45
types of 75, 77
visceral 76
voluntary 75
white 89, 90
Muscular system 53, 74, 97
Muscular tissue 21
general features of 74
types of 77t
Muscular tube 186
Myasthenia gravis 95, 200
composition of 171
sheath 170, 171
Myelinated fibers 156, 171
Myelination 171, 172
clinical importance of 172
process of 171
Myeloma, multiple 32
Myocardial infarction 135, 136
Myocardium 10
Myocyte 74, 82
cell membrane of 82
Myofibril 81f, 82
Myofilaments 82, 83f
types of 83
Myosin 83, 84
Myotendinous junction 80f
Myxedema 200
Naevi 43
Nail 38, 41, 41f
bed 38, 41
fold 41
groove 41
matrix 38, 41
plate 38, 41
Nasal cavity 181, 182
Nasopharynx 182
Natural killer cells 144
Neck 5, 47, 113
Nerve 5, 46, 62, 175, 231, 233, 233f, 235
afferent 153, 173
cell bodies, collections of 176, 179
efferent 153
endings, encapsulated 167
fibers 170
ganglia 162
inflammation of 175
injury 175
types of 176f
irritation 175
mixed 175
pain 175
plexus, formation of 165, 166f
Nervous system 152, 179
divisions of 153f, 153fc
parasympathetic 177, 178f
peripheral 152, 154, 162, 170f, 171, 179
somatic 153
subdivisions of 152
sympathetic 176, 177f
Nervous tissue 21, 153
classification of 154fc
Neuralgia 175
intercostal 175
trigeminal 175
Neurectoderm 161
Neurilemmal sheath 156
Neuritis 154, 175
Neurofibrils 156
Neuroglia 153, 159, 161, 162
types of 161t
Neuromuscular junction 86, 87f
Neurons 18, 153, 157
autonomic 159, 159f
classification of 157, 158f
intermediate 159
multipolar 158
neurosecretory 159
number of 169
preganglionic 159
pseudounipolar 158, 162, 169
structure of 154, 155f
types of 157t
unipolar 157
Neuropraxia 175, 176f
Neurotmesis 175, 176f
Neurovascular bundle 170f, 232f
Neutrophils 140, 144
Nipple 219
Nissl bodies 155
Node of Ranvier 157, 171
Nose 181
external 182
Notch 71
Nuclear bag 88
Nuclear chain 88
Nuclear medicine 203
scans 210
Nucleus 17, 19, 155
Nutrient foramen 69
direction of 70f
Olecranon bursa 108, 110
Olfactory cells 168
Oligodendrocytes 161, 171
Oligodendroglia 161
Onychmycosis 43
Onycholysis 43, 44f
Opponens pollicis 94
Oral cavity 185
Oral fissure 185
Orbicularis oculi 91
Orbicularis oris 91
Organ 18, 218
capsules of 30
donation 235
location of 220t
of Corti 168
system 6, 18, 208
Organelles 18, 19t
Oropharynx 183
Ossification 69
centers of 69
clinical application of 70
laws of 69
Osteoarthritis 71
Osteoblasts 60, 63
Osteocytes 63
Osteogenesis imperfecta 32
Osteology 53
importance of 230
Osteomalacia 71
Osteomyelitis 71
Osteon 53
Osteoporosis 71
Osteotomy 119
Ovary 6, 194, 196, 199
cut-section of 195f
Ovum 18
Oxygen 18
Oxytocin 197
Pacinian corpuscles 168
Palmar aponeurosis 47
Palmar fascia 47
Palmaris brevis 45, 93
Palmaris longus 93
Pancreas 6, 188, 188f, 190, 196, 199, 220, 235
Panniculus adiposus 45
Panniculus carnosus 45
Papilla 38
Papillary layer 38, 39
Paracrine 25
Paralysis 94, 175
Paranasal air sinuses 68, 181, 182, 182f
Parasternal line 219
Paravertebral veins of Batson 131
Paresthesia 175
Parotid gland 188, 189
Patella 68
Patellar reflex 169
Pectoral girdle bones 67
Pectoralis major 87, 91, 93
Pectoralis minor 93
fascia 47
girdle bones 68
Pelvis 5, 47, 193
sagittal section of 195f
Penis 6, 47, 123
Pennate fasciculi 91
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 208
Pericardial cavity 49f
Pericardium 24
Perichondrium 55, 57
Pericytes 28
Perikaryon 154
Perimysium 80, 97
Perinephric fat 192
Perineurium 172
Periodontal ligament 103
Periosteum 56, 60, 63, 71
Peripheral nerve 6, 172
classification of 172, 173
clinical importance of 175
Peripheral vascular diseases 208
Perirenal fat 192
Peritoneum 24
Peroneus brevis 93
Peroneus longus 93
Peroneus tertius 93
Phalanges 67, 68
Pharyngitis 185
Pharynx 5, 6, 181, 182
oral part of 186
subdivisions 182f
Phlebitis 135
Phlebotomy 135
Pilosebaceous unit 42
Pineal body 196, 199
Pineal gland 6, 199
tumors of 200
Pit 71
Pituitary gland 6, 185, 196
Pivot joint 111f
Placenta 200, 196
Plain radiography 203
aponeurosis 50
fascia 47, 50
fasciitis 50
flexion 115
cells 29
membrane 19, 75
Platelets 54
Platysma 45, 94
Pleural tap 51
Plexus around hair follicle 168
Pollicis longus, extensor 94
Polyarteritis nodosa 95
Polysynaptic reflex 169
Portal system 130
Portal vein 126
Positron emission tomography 203, 214
scan 210
machine and image 211f
Posterolateral sulci 163
Prepatellar bursa 108, 110
Pressure epiphysis 58
Primitive germ layers 20
development of 20f
Progesterone 199
Programmed cell death 42
Prolactin 197
Proliferating cartilage, zone of 60
Pronator quadratus 94
Pronator teres 76
Prostate 6, 193
gland 194
Protoplasm 75
Protoplasmic astrocytes 161
Psoas major 76
Psoriasis 43
Pubic symphysis 219
Pubic tubercle 219
Purkinje cells 158f
Pyelography 208
Pyelonephritis 196
Quadratus lumborum 94
Quadriceps femoris 94
Radial bursa 109
Radiological procedures, classification of 202
Radiology 202, 214
Radius 67
Receptors, classification of 167
Rectum 6
Rectus abdominis 94
Rectus femoris 94
Red blood cells 54
Red bone marrow 54
Red muscle 89, 90
arc 169, 169f
centers 152
types of 169
Renal fascia 192
Renal ganglia 177
Renal portal system 131
Renal stones 208
Reproductive system 5, 192
female 194, 195f, 208, 220
male 193, 193f
Reserve cartilage, zone of 60
Resistance vessels 128
Respiratory bronchioles 181
Respiratory system 181, 184f
clinical importance of 185
parts 181f
subdivisions of 181
Respiratory tract
lower 181
upper 24, 181
Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary 136
Reticular fibers 30
Reticulum, endoplasmic 18
central artery of 135
rods and cones of 168
Retinaculum 89
Retrocalcaneal bursa 109
Retrograde degeneration 174
Rhinitis 185
Rhinorrhea 185
Ribosomes 19
Rickets 71
Root sheath
external 38
internal 38
Rotation of joint, axis of 113
Rough endoplasmic reticulum 19
Ruffini endings 168
Saddle joint 111f, 112
Saliva 188
Salivary glands 188, 189f, 208
large 23
sublingual 190
Salpingitis 196
Sarcolemma 75, 82
Sarcoma 32
Sarcomere 81f, 83, 83f
bands of 83
Sarcoplasm 75, 82
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 75
Satellite cell 162
Scalpel 227
fixed blade 228f
removable blade 228f
Scapula 67
spine of 93
Schindylesis 101
Schwann cells 162, 170
Scissors 227
curved 228f
straight 228f
Scleroderma 32
Sclerosis, multiple 172
Scoliosis 216
Scrotum 38, 193
Sebaceous gland 25, 38, 41, 41f, 42
Sebum 42
Semicircular canals 168
Seminal vesicle 6, 193, 194
Sensory 35
nerve 153, 173, 175
endings 88
irritation of 175
neuron 157
afferent 169
receptors, types of 168t
Sentinel node biopsy 149
Septum 231
Serosa 24
Serous acinus 26f
Serous membrane 24, 49, 50, 51
clinical importance of 50
layers of 49
Serous sac 49f
Serrate suture 101, 102f
Serratus anterior 94
Sesamoid bones 66
Short bones 66
Shoulder 5, 114
circumduction movement 118f
Sialography 208
Sigmoid colon 220
Simple epithelia, types of 22t
Sims’ position 8
Single-photon emission computed tomography 203, 211, 213, 214
Sinuses, medullary 146
Sinusitis 185
Sinusoids 123, 127, 129
Skeletal maturation 206
Skeletal muscle 7577, 80f, 85, 89
actions of 92
blood supply of 84
classification of 85f
clinical application of 94
importance of 88
mechanism of contraction of 84f
parts of 76
structural components of 78f, 81
structure of 76, 81f
Skeletal system 53, 73
Skeleton 54f
appendicular 53, 54, 54f, 67t, 68t
axial 53, 67t
radiological anatomy of 206
Skin 35, 36f, 37t, 43, 45f, 51
appendages of 41
burns classification 43
grafting 235
incisions 221, 221f, 230, 230f
microscopic structure of 37f
reflection 230
structure of 36
thick 35
thin 35
Skull 53
base of 113
sagittal section of 66f
vault of 113
Slurred speech 178
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 19, 75
Smooth muscle 7577
Socket joint 103
Somatic reflex arc 170
Sounds, abnormal percussion 218
Spasm, muscular 94
Speech 181
Spermatic cord 194
part of 193
Spermatozoon 17
Sperms 18
Spheroidal joint 112
Spider veins 135
Spinal cord 6, 152, 158f, 163, 164, 164f, 176, 235
cross-section of 164
Spinal ganglia 162, 163f
Spinal nerves 172, 173
functional components of 173, 174f
Spinal segment 163, 164, 165f
Spine 71
Splanchnology 180, 201
Spleen 6, 123, 129, 148, 220
structure of 148
Spongy bone 58, 68
microscopic structure of 65
Sprain 119
Squamous cell carcinoma 43
Squamous epithelium, simple 22
Squamous suture 101, 102f
Stereocilia 21, 25
Sternocleidomastoid 91, 94
Sternotomy 221
Sternum 94
Stomach 6, 18, 181, 187, 208, 220
parts 187f
Stratified squamous epithelium
keratinized 23
nonkeratinized 23
Stratum basale 36, 37
Stratum corneum 36, 37
Stratum granulosum 36, 37
Stratum lucidum 36, 37
Stratum spinosum 36, 37
Students elbow 108
Subacromial bursa 109
Subcapsular sinus 146
Subcoracoid bursa 109
Subcutaneous bursa 108
Submuscular bursa 108
Subpopliteal bursa 109
Subscapularis 87
Subserous fascia 45, 47
Subtendinous bursa 108
Sulcus 71
Sun tanning 43
Suprapatellar bursa 110
Suprarenal glands 129
Surface epithelia 140
Sutures 101
Sweat glands 26, 41, 42
ducts of 23
Symphysis 104
pubis 104
Synapse 159
classification of 159, 160f
structure of 160f
Synaptic cleft 86, 159
Synarthroses 100, 101f
Synchondroses 104
Syndesmology 98
Syndesmosis 101
Synostosis 101
Synovial bursa 108
Synovial fluid, functions of 107
Synovial joint 100, 101f, 105, 111f
classification of 108, 110t
general structure of 105, 105f
T lymphocyte 144
Tamponade, cardiac 51
Tarsals 68
Taste cells 168
Telangiectasis 135
Temporal bone, squamous part of 102f
Tendon sheath 46, 51
inflammation 50
synovial 89
Tenosynovitis 50
Testes 6, 193, 196, 199
Thigh 5
Thoracic duct 142, 143, 151
Thoracolumbar fascia 47
Thoracotomy 221
Thorax 5, 147, 219, 221
anatomical lines of 216
Thromboangiitis obliterans 135
Thumb, opposition movement 118f
Thymus 6, 148, 196, 199
Thyroid gland 6, 196, 198
enlarged 4f
Thyroid stimulating hormone 197
Thyroiditis 200
Thyrotoxicosis 200
Tibia 68
anterior aspect of 93
Tissue 18
elastic 30
fluid 138, 141
mechanism of formation of 140
subcutaneous 30, 45
Tonsillitis 149
Toxoplasmosis 95
Trabeculae 146
Trabecular bone 68
Trachea 5, 6, 21, 181, 184, 184f, 208
Tracheostomy 185
Traction epiphysis 58
Transtubercular plane 218
Transversus abdominis 94
Trapezius 91, 94
Traumatic rupture 55
Trendelenburg position 7
reverse 8
Triceps 94
Tricuspid valve 122
Trigger finger 51
Trochanter 71
Trochlea 71
Trophoblast 17
Tropomyosin 84
Troponin 84
Trunk 5, 94, 113
and neck, movements of 118f
Tubercle 71
Tuberosity 71
Tunica adventitia 124, 125
Tunica intima 125
inner 124
Tunica media 125
middle 124
Typical spinal nerve, course of 164, 165f
Typical thoracic spinal nerve 165, 165f
Ulna 67
Ulnar bursa 109
Ultrasonography 203
Ultrasound 3, 203, 211
machine and image 212f
Umbilicus 219, 220
Upper limb, bone of 67t
Ureter 6, 24, 191, 192
Urethra 6
Urethritis 196
Urinary bladder 24, 191, 192, 192f, 220
interior of 192
Urinary system 5, 181, 191, 208
clinical importance of 196
developmental anatomy of 3f
parts 191f
Urothelium 24
Uterine 194
fibroids 208
tubes 194, 195
Uterus 6, 194, 195
Vagina 6, 194
Valves 125
venous 125f, 130
Varicella zoster 51
Varicose veins 135
Vas deferens 6, 25, 193
Vasa vasorum 124, 134, 134f
Vascular diseases 208
Vascular pedicle 85
Vascular shunts 132
Vascular system 121
Vascular tree
structure of 127
various vessels of 128
Veins 62, 123, 124, 126t, 127, 233
arrangement of 125
large 129, 141, 231
small 129, 231
structure of 124
superficial 126
Vena cava 134
superficial 124
Vena comitantes 130, 130f, 233
Venous flow, facilitate of 130
Ventriculography 208
Venules 123, 127
Vertebrae 53
articular processes of 110
bodies of 104
Vessels 5, 127, 231, 233
Viscera 180
Visceral afferent
general 174
special 174
Visceral efferent
general 174
special 174
Vision, blurring of 178
Vitiligo 43, 44f
Voice box 183
Volkmann's canals 65
Voluntary muscle, components of 79fc
Vulva 194
Waldeyer's lymphatic ring 145
Wallerian degeneration 174
White blood cells 54
Xiphisternal angle 219
Zwischen scheibe 82
Zygote 17
Chapter Notes

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Textbook of General Anatomy
Textbook of General Anatomy
with Systemic Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy, Dissection of Cadaver (Introduction) Case Scenarios & Clinical Applications
V Subhadra Devi MS (Anatomy) Professor and Head Department of Anatomy Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women (SPMC-W) Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS) University Ex-Vice Principal (Academic), Professor and Head Department of Anatomy Sri Venkateswara Medical College Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
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Textbook of General Anatomy
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My husband Dr VH Rao
who has been my inspiration and motivator
The prerequisite for understanding the patient is the strong basic fundamental concepts in the medical curriculum followed by its clinical application. Integration of basic and clinical sciences leads to contextual learning, active rather than passive involvement in the process of learning, which in turn, improves problem-solving skills of medical professionals, which is the single best approach to alleviate the suffering in the diseased.
The Textbook of General Anatomy is conceived with a strong belief to inspire the new entrants into the portals of medicine about the importance of learning basic skills, knowledge and attitude before they embark on reading the important branch of medicine the anatomy, that requires in-depth region-wise knowledge and skills.
This book provides basic knowledge required for understanding the dissection of cadaver and study of various regions of the body adopting integrated approach. This book was prepared as per the syllabus of anatomy recommended by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and other medical-related boards in Asia.
All possible care was taken to ensure that the information provided facilitates understanding of importance of each of the systems in the body and their clinical relevance to motivate the students of medicine on the importance of basics and its application in practicing the profession.
A simple language, easy-to-understand illustrations, flowcharts, tables and presentation in boxes are the unique adoptions in this book to drive the new age generation of students to make it student friendly. These are highly useful for the readers to recall and for competitive examination preparation.
The additional components that are included in this book to enrich the knowledge of readers is the gross anatomical, developmental, microscopic, radiological and clinical case insights in the form of author's own images, personal collections and collection from several clinicians/practitioners.
This book can be used as a self-study guide by students of medical, dental and allied health courses to understand the basic concepts of human anatomy.
As this is a single person's effort, there is every possibility of omissions and commissions that needs the feedback from the anatomists, medical and allied specialists of all generations and above all the students for whose benefit writing of this book is envisioned.
V Subhadra Devi
This book is prepared with the support of several organizations and individuals who were associated with me for a long time in my career. I thank Dr TS Ravi Kumar, Director-cum Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (SVIMS), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, and the faculty of my department, for their continuous support and constructive feedback during the preparation of this book.
I thank the radiologists at Sapthagiri Scan Center, Tirupati and Dr M Sreenivasulu, for facilitating me to obtain several radiological images. I am thankful to Dr T Ram Sharan, Professor, Department of Dermatology, for providing the images of several dermatological conditions. I am extremely thankful to Dr Ranadheer Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, SVIMS, Tirupati, for providing the necessary images.
I am thankful to Mr K Thyagaraju, Assistant Professor, for his continuous help and innovative views in preparing and labeling the figures and photographs. I am exceptionally thankful to Mr Ravindra Kumar Boddeti and Mr Kishore Naick, for their support in correcting the manuscript and for extending their views.
I am also thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), and MS Mani (Group President) for kindly agreeing to publish this book and the production team, especially Dr Madhu Choudhary (Publishing Head—Education), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Sunita Katla (Executive Assistant to Group Chairman and Publishing Manager), Mr Rajesh Sharma (Production Coordinator), Dr Sneha Kashyap (Development Editor), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer), Mr Laxmidhar Padhiary, Ms Geeta Rani and Ritika Ahuja (Proofreaders), Ms Uma Adhikari (DTP Operator), and Mr Ankush Sharma (Graphic Designer), for their dedicated work.
I thank all my students who are my continuous source of inspiration to organize the content that will be beneficial for them.
Anatomical Terms—Historical Derivation and Meaning
There are approximately 170,000 medical terms that include names of medicines, medical investigations, medical conditions, medical examination, surgical procedures, body parts, body functions, etc. There are about 8000 frequently used terms.
Learning anatomy is not memorizing the facts. It has to be learnt by understanding the underlying development, evolution, function, and its clinical application. The complexities in learning can be reduced if one understands the meaning of the terms used in describing the various parts, their actions, shapes and relations.
Most of the anatomical terms we use have their roots from Latin or Greek. Memorization without understanding the meaning can lead to stress for the new learners. To facilitate the students certain of the terms are given in alphabetical order.
Anatomical term and its
L- Latin
G- Greek
Fr - French
Abdomen (L)
Abdere = to hide, Belly
Part of trunk between thorax and perineum
Abducent nerve (L)
Ab = from; ducere = lead (movement)
6th cranial nerve that moves a muscle of eyeball (lateral rectus) that moves it away from midline
Abductor (L)
Ab = from; ducere = lead (movement)
A muscle that moves the part of body/limb away from midline
Aberrant (L)
Ab = from
Errare = to wander
Deviation from normal
Aberrant epiphysis
Accessory (L)
Accedere = to be added to
Accessory nerve: The 11th cranial nerve, functionally added to the vagus nerve (10th cranial nerve)
Acetum = vinegar
-bulum—suffix signifying instrument
Acetabulum of hip bone cup-shaped part of hip bone
Acromion (G)
Akron = tip or extremity omos = shoulder
Acromion process of scapula
Afferent (L)
Bringing towards
Afferent nerves bring information from the peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous system
Ala (L)
Ala of sacrum
Alba (L)
Albicare = white
Linea alba: The white linear fibrous structure that runs in the midline of the abdomen
Allas = a sausage
Edios = resemblance
Alveolus (L)
Alveus—hollowed out structure
Alveoli of lung
Amygdala (G)
Amygdale = almond
A structure in the temporal lobe of brain
Angio (G)
Angeion = a vessel
Angiography, angioplasty
Artery (G)
Aer = air, terein = to keep
Various arteries of the body
Articulation (L)
Articulus = joint, -atio, a suffix originally denoting action
Various joints between bones
Arytenoid (G)
Arytaina = a pitcher, eidos = resemblance
Arytenoid cartilage of larynx
Atavistic (L)
Atavus = ‘forefather’ + suffix -istic Reversion to something ancestral
Atavistic epiphysis
Atlas (G)
Atlas—the mythological
Titan who supported the world on his shoulders
First cervical vertebra, that supports the head
Atrium (L)
Atrium = a hall, or an entrance
Right and left atria of heart
Auditory (L)
Audire = to hear
Autonomic (G)
Autos = self, nomos = law
Autonomic nervous system which is self-controlled
Autopsy (G)
Autos = self, opsi = seen observations on the patient made by the physician himself
A post-mortem examination to find out the cause of death
Axilla (L)
Axilla = armpit
A region in the upper limb
Axis (L)
Axis = axle or pivot
Second cervical vertebra
Azygos (G)
a = not, zygos = a yoke (paired)
Any unpaired or unyoked structure
Azygos vein or azygos lobe of lung
Basilic (G)
Basileus, Basilikē = king, royal
Basilic vein—inner vein of fore arm
Bipennate (L)
Bis = two, pinna = feather
Bipennate muscle
Brachial (L)
Belonging to arm
Brachialis—a muscle in the arm
Branchia (G)
Branchial arches
Bregma (G)
Bregma = front of the head
Junction of sagittal and coronal sutures of skull
Bronchos = windpipe
Buccinator (L)
Buccinare = ‘blow a trumpet’
A muscle in the cheek
Bulla (L)
Ethmoid bulla—a convex bulge beneath the concha of middle meatus of nose
Bunion (Fr)
Buignon, from buigne = ‘bump on the head’
A bony bump at the base of great toe. Also called hallux valgus
Bursa (L)
Bursa = a purse
Any closed sac
Synovial bursa
Cadaver (L)
Cadere = to fall dead body
Cadaveric donor
Calcaneus (L)
Calcaneus = relating to the heel
A bone of the foot
Calcar (L)
Calcarine fissure on the medial surface of brain
Calyx (G)
Kalyx = husk or cup
Major and minor calyces of kidney—recesses in the pelvis of kidney.
Cancellous (L)
Cancelli = latticework
Cancellous bone
Canthus (G)
Kanthos = corner of the eye
Medial/lateral canthus
Capillary (L)
Capillaries = pertaining to hair
Capillaries—fine branching blood vessels that form a network between arterioles and venules
Capitulum (L) Caput
Caput = head
Capitulum of humerus
Caput succedaneum
Carina (L)
Carina of trachea—a point where the trachea divides into the two bronchi
Carotid (G)
Karoun = stupefy, drowsiness
Carotid arteries
Carpus (G)
Karpos = wrist
Carpal bones
Cauda (L)
Cauda = a tail, equina or “horse's tail”—spinal cord
Cauda, caudal (L)
Cauda equina
Caudate (L)
Caudatus = tail
Caudate nucleus in brain
Cerumen (L)
Ceruminous glands
Cervix (L)
Cervix = neck
Cervix of uterus
Chiasma (G)
Chiasma = two crossing lines
Optic chiasma
Chondros = cartilage
Endochondral ossification
Chorion = skin, eidos = resemblance
Cingulum (L)
Belt, gird
Curved bundle of nerve fibers in each hemisphere of the brain
Circumflex (L)
Circum = around + flexere = to bend
Circumflex humeral arteries, circumflex nerve
Cistern (L)
Cisterna = a reservoir or cistern
Subarachnoid cistern
Claustrum (L)
Lock, enclosed place
A layer of gray matter in cerebrum
Clavicle (L)
Clavis = a key. Resemblance to the shape
Collar bone
Clivus (L)
A slopping bony part at the skull base
Coccyx (G)
Kokkux = ‘cuckoo’
Resemblance to cuckoo's bill
Small triangular bone at the end of sacrum, formed of fused vestigial vertebrae
Cochlea (G)
A part of inner ear
Comitans (pl. comitantes) (L)
Comitari = to accompany
Venae comitantes
Commissure (L)
Commissura (cum + mittere) = connection
Commissures of brain
Condyle (G)
Kondulos = ‘knuckle’
Rounded protuberances at the ends of bones
Condyles of tibia/femur
Conjunctiva ()
Join together
The white of the eye
Conus (L)
Conus medullaris
Korax = Raven (Crow)
Korakoeidēs = ‘raven-like’
Resemblance to Raven's beak
Coracoid process of scapula
Corona (L)
Coronal suture
Corpus (pl. corpora) (L)
Corpus callosum
Corpora cavernosa
Corpus spongiosum
Corrugator (L)
Corrugare = to wrinkle very much
Corrugator supercilia muscle of the eye
Corrugator cutis ani—a thin involuntary muscle around the anus
Costal (L)
Costa = rib
Costal cartilage
Costal chondritis—inflammation of costal cartilage
Cranium (G), cranial
Kranion = skull, head
Cranial end
Cremaster (G)
Krema = hang
Cremater muscle of spermatic cord
Cribriform (L)
Cribrum = a sieve
Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone Cribriform fascia in thigh
Cricoid (G)
Krikos = ring + eidos = form, likeness
Cricoid cartilage of larynx
Crista (L)
Crista = crest
Crista terminalis
Crista galli (L)
Crista = crest + gallus = cock, cock's comb appearance, crest of the rooster
Crista galli—part of ethmoid bone
Cruciate (L)
Crux = cross
Cruciate anastomosis
Cruciate ligaments
Crypt (G)
Hidden, deep invagination
Tonsillar crypt
Cuboid (G)
Kuboeides = cube-shaped
Cuboid bone of tarsus
Cuneiform (L)
Cuneus = wedge, + forma = shape, likeness
Cuneiform bone of tarsus
Cyst (G)
Kystis = bag, bladder, pouch
Cholecystitis—inflammation of gallbladder
Dacryon (G)
Dacryon = tear
Dacryocystitis—inflammation of tear sac
Dartos (G)
Dartos = skinned
Dartos muscle of scrotum
Decidua, Deciduous (L)
Deciduus (de + cado) = falling off
Deciduous teeth
Decussate, decussation (L)
Decussation = intersection of two lines
Pyramidal decussation
Deltoid (G)
Delta = letter in Greek alphabet, triangular-shaped
Deltoid muscle
Demilune (Fr)
Serous demilunes
Dendrite (G)
Dendros = tree
Dendrites—short processes of neuron
Dens (L)
Dens of the axis vertebra
Tooth like or serrated edge
Dentate gyrus
Dense bony tissue of tooth
Dermis (G)
Derma = skin
Detrusor (L)
Detrudere = to push down
Detrusor muscle of urinary bladder
Diaphragm (G)
Dia = through + phragma = wall
Diaphragm—dome shaped muscular partition separating thoracic and abdominal cavities
Diaphysis (G)
Dia = between + physis = growth
Diaphysis of long bone
Diarthrosis (G)
Dia = through + arthroun = to fasten by a joint
Joint that permits free movement
Digastric (G)
Dis = double + gaster = belly
Digastric muscle
Diploe, diploid, diplopia (G)
Diploë = fold
Diploos = two-fold
Diploos = double + opsis + vision
Diploe of skull—two tables of compact bone with intervening spongy bone. Diploid number of chromosomes
Diverticulum (L)
Devertere = to turn aside
An abnormal pouch opening from a hollow organ like intestine or bladder like Meckel's diverticulum
Duct (L)
To lead or draw
Parotid duct
Duodenum (L)
Duodeni = twelve (twelve Finger breadths)
Part of small intestine
Ectoderm (G)
Ecto = outside + Derma = skin
A germ layer
Ectopia (G)
Ektopos = distant
Ectopia vesicae
Efferent (L)
Going away
Efferent nerves send information from the central nervous system to the peripheral structures for producing the desired effects
Effusion (L)
Effundere = ‘pour out’
Effusion in knee
Emboliformis (G)
Embolus = wedge + forma = shape
Emboliform nucleus of cerebellum
Emissary (L)
E = out + mittere = to send escape channels
Emissary veins connect intracranial dural venous sinuses with extracranial veins
Endo (prefix) (G)
Endoneurium, endoderm, endometrium
Ependyma (G)
Ependuein = ‘put on over’
Ependymal covering of neural tube
Epicondyle (G)
Upon a knob
Epicondyles of femur
Epidermis (G)
Upon dermis
Epidermis in relation to skin
Epididymis (G)
Upon testis
Epididymis is a male reproductive organ
Epigastrium (G)
Upon belly
Over the region of stomach
Epiglottis (G)
Upon tongue
Epiglottis is a cartilage of larynx
Epiphysis (G)
epi = ‘upon, in addition’ + phusis = ‘growth’
Epiphyseal plate of cartilage
Epithelium (G)
Upon nipple
Epithelial tissue
Erector (L)
To stand up
Erector spinae muscle
Ethmoid (G)
Ethmoid bone
Falciform (L)
Sickle shape
Falciform ligament
Fasciculus (L)
A passage
Fasciculus gracilis
Femur (L)
Femur is a thigh bone
Fenestra (L)
Fenestra vestibuli
Fetus (L)
Fetal medicine
Fibula (L)
Needle of brooch
A bone of the leg
Fimbria (L)
A fringe or border
Fimbria of uterine tube
Fissure (L)
A cleft
Fissures of cerebellum
Fistula (L)
A pipe
Anal fistula
Flocculus (L)
A tuft of wool
Flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum
Folium (L)
Cerebellar folia
Fontanelle (L)
Small fountain
Fontanelle of skull
Foramen (L)
Foramina of skull
Fornix (L)
Fornices of cerebrum
Fossa (L)
Cranial fossa
Fovea (L)
Fovea = small pit
Fovea centralis
Frenulum (L)
Fraenum = a little bridge
Frenulum of tongue
Frontal (L)
Frons, frontis = forehead, brow
Frontalis muscles, frontal bone
Fundus (L)
Fundus = bottom
Fundus of stomach, fundus of gallbladder, fundus of uterus
Funiculus (L)
Funiculus is a bundle of nerve fibers enclosed in connective tissue sheath and forming tracts of spinal cord
Fusiform (L)
Spindle shaped
Fusiform shaped muscle
Genu (L)
Genu = knee
Genu valgus (Knock knee), genu varum (Bowing at the knee)
Glottis (G)
Part of larynx between vocal cords
Glenoid (G)
Glene = socket + eidos = form, likeness
Glenoid cavity of scapula
Gracilis (L)
Gracilis = thin
Gracilis muscle
Glomerulus (L)
Glomus = a ball
Tuft of capillaries in relation to Bowman's capsule of nephron
Hepatic (L)
Hepar = liver
Hepatitis (inflammation of liver)
Hernia (L)
Inguinal hernia
Hydrocele, Hydrocele (G)
Hydor = water + koilos = hollow
Fluid-filled sac around testis
Hymen (G)
Hymen = membrane
Membrane covering the vaginal orifice partially
Ileum (L)
Final part of small intestine
Ileal arteries
Ilium (L)
Hip bone
Indusium (L)
A tunic
Indusium griseum—a gray tunic covering the corpus callosum of brain
Inguinal (L)
Inguinal canal, inguinal lymph nodes
Inion (G)
Nape of neck
Projecting part of occipital bone
Innominate (L)
In = ‘not’ + nominatus = ‘named’
Un named
Innominate bone—hip bone
Isthmus of fallopian tube
Jejunum (L)
Empty or fasting
Part of small intestine
Joint (L)
To join
Hip joint, knee joint
Jugular (L)
Jugular vein
Latissimus (L)
Latissimus dorsi—broadest muscle of the back
Lumbricals (L)
A worm (muscle)
Lumbrical muscles
Limbus (L)
Limbus fossa ovalis
Limen (L)
Limen insula
Lingual (L)
Lingua = tongue
Lingual tonsil
Lingula (L)
Small tongue
Lingula of cerebellum
Locus (L)
Locus ceruleus
Lunate (L)
Luna = moon
Lunate bone of carpus
Luteum (L)
Luteus = yellow
Corpus luteum—yellow body
Macula (L)
Macula = spot
Macular degeneration
Malleus (L)
Malleus—an ear ossicle
Mammary (L)
Mamma = breast
Mammary gland
Mammillary (L)
Mammillaris (mamma, -ae), little breast
Mammillary bodies
Mandible (L)
Mando = I chew
Mandible—bone of the chin
Manubrium (L)
Handle or hilt of a weapon
Manubrium of sternum
Meniscus (L)
Menis = crescent, half-moon
Menisci of knee joint
Merocrine (G)
Meros = portion + krinein = to separate
Merocrine gland
Mesentery (G)
Mesos = midway between + enteron = gut
Fold of peritoneum in relation with small intestine
Mesocolon (G)
Mesos = middle + kolon = great gut
Fold of peritoneum in relation with colon
Mesosalpinx (G)
Mesos = middle + salpinx = tube
Fold of peritoneum in relation with uterine tube
Metaphysis (G)
Meta = after + physis = growth
Metaphysis of a long bone
Neurenteric (G)
Neuron = nerve + enteron = gut
Neurenteric canal
Neurilemma (L)
Neuron = nerve + lemma = husk, sheath
Covering nerve
Obturator (L)
A stopper of
Obturator nerve, obturator foramen
Occiput (L)
Back of head
Occipital bone
Oculomotor (L)
Oculus = eye + moto = mover
Oculomotor nerve
Odontoid (G)
Odous = tooth + eidos = shape, likeness
Odontoid process of axis vertebra
Olecranon (G)
Point of elbow
Olecranon process of
Oligo (G)
Few (G)
Operculum (L)
Opercula of insula in brain
Otic (G)
Otitis (inflammation of ear)
Pachymeninx (G)
Thick covering
Dura mater covering the brain
Pallium (L)
Clock or mantle
Neopallium—cerebral cortex
Pampiniform (L)
Pampiniform plexus of veins
Panniculus (L)
A piece of cloth, a layer of membrane
Panniculus carnosus
Perforator (L)
To bore through
Perforating veins
Portal (L)
Porta = gate
Portal vein enters the gate of the liver
Perichondrium (L and G)
Peri = ‘around’ + Greek khondros = ‘cartilage’
Covering of cartilage
Perineum (G)
Swim around penis
It is an area between anus and scrotum in males and between anus and vulva in females
Periosteum (G)
Peri = ‘around’ + osteon = ‘bone’
Outer covering of bone
Phallus (G)
Phallos = penis
Male copulatory organ
Piriform (L)
Pear shaped
Piriform fossa in relation to larynx
Piriformis muscle
Pisiform (L)
Pisum = a pea + forma = form
Pisiform bone—carpal bone
Platysma (G)
Subcutaneous muscle in the neck
Pons (L)
Pons = a bridge
Part of brainstem
Porta (L)
porta = gate
Porta hepatis
Proctodeum (G)
Proktos = anus + hodaios = pertaining to a way
Profundus (L)
Pro = “before” + fundus = “the bottom”
Profunda femoris muscle—deep muscle
Promontory (L)
Sacral promontory
Pronation (L)
Pronus = leaning forwards
Pronator teres muscle
Prostate (G)
Pro = before, the root sta = stand, and the suffix -tes. In ancient Greece prostate means a guard or protector— one who stood before
The prostate gland is an accessory gland of male reproductive system and it stands in front of the urinary bladder.
Quadratus (L)
Quadratus = a square in shape
Quadratus muscle
Quadriceps (L)
Quattuor = four + caput = head
Quadriceps muscle
Retroversion (L)
Retro = backward + versio = turning
Turning backward
Rima (L)
Rima = cleft
Rima glottides
Risorius (L)
Risus = laughter
Muscle of face
Rotator (L)
Rotare = to whirl about
Rotator cuff of shoulder
Rugae (L)
Ruga = wrinkle
Gastric rugae
Saphenous (L)
Saphenes = clear or manifest
Saphenous vein
Sartorius (L)
Sartor = a tailor
Muscle: It is used in squatting position by old fashioned tailors, with the legs crossed
Scapula (L)
Scapula = shoulder blade. In ancient times it was used in the plural to mean “the back”
A bone at the back of shoulder
Sella turcica (L)
Sella = saddle and turcica = Turkish
Sella turcica of sphenoid bone—saddle-shaped prominence of the sphenoid bone
Sigmoid (G)
Sigma = the Greek letter S + eidos = resemblance. In earlier times the letter sigma was written as a single curve (now the letter C)
Sigmoid colon—curved part of large intestine
Sigmoid venous sinus—in skull
Sesamoid (L)
Sesamen = sesame plant, or seed + eidos = shape, likeness
Sesamoid bone—patella
Sphenoid (G)
Sphen = wedge, and eidos = resemblance
Sphenoid bone
Styloid (G)
Stylos = pillar + eidos = resemblance
Styloid process of temporal bone
Subcutaneous (L)
Adjacent to skin
Subcutaneous fat
Sural (L)
Sural nerve
Synarthrosis (G)
Sun=together+ arthrosis = joining
Immovable, fixed joints
Syndesmosis (G)
Sundesmos = binding, fastening
Tibiofibular syndesmosis
Taenia, Tenia (L)
Taenia = band, ribbon
Taenia coli
Talipes (L)
Talipes = club foot; from talus = ankle, and pes = foot
Talipes equinovarus of foot
Tarsus (G)
Tarsos = sole of the foot
Tarsal bones
Tegmen, Tegmentum (L)
Tegmen = covering
Tegmen tympani, tegmentum of midbrain
Tendon (L)
Tendere = to stretch
Biceps tendon
Tentorium (L)
Tentorium = tent
Tentorium cerebelli
Teres (L)
Tero = I grind, rub
Teres major muscle
Terminalis (L)
Terminare = to limit
Laminal terminalis
Theca (L)
Theca = envelope, sheath
Theca interna, theca externa in relation with ovarian follicle
Thyroid (G)
Thyreos = a shield+ eidos = resemblance
Thyroid gland
Trachea (G)
Tracheia = windpipe
Triceps (L)
Tres = three + caput = head
A muscle of arm with three heads
Trigeminus (L)
Trigeminus = born three together
Trigeminal nerve is the 5th cranial nerve
Triquetrum (L)
Triquetrus = three-cornered, triangular.
Bone of the hand
Trochanter (G)
Trochanter = a runner; derived from trochos = a wheel
A process below the neck of femur
Trochlea (L)
Trochlea = pulley
Trochlea of humerus
Trochlear nerve—4th cranial nerve that supplies the muscle that traverses through a pulley
Tuberosity (L)
Tuber = knob or localized collection + osity = condition
Tuberosity of tibia
Tunica (L)
Tunics of eye, blood vessel
Tympanic (L)
Tympanum = drum
Tympanic membrane
Umbilicus (L)
Umbilical hernia
Uncus (L)
Uncus = a hook
A structure in brain
Uterus (L)
Uterus = womb
Female reproductive organ
Uvea, Uvula (L)
Uva = grape
Uveal tract
Vagina (L)
Vagina = sheath
A muscular tube extending from the external genitalia to the cervix of the uterus
Vagus (L)
Vagus = wandering
Vagus nerve—the 10th cranial nerve
Vallate (L)
Vallum = rampart, walled.
Circumvallate papillae
Vallecula (L)
Vallus = fossa
Vas (L)
Blood vessels/lymph vessels
Vas deferens—male reproductive tube
Vasa vasorum (L)
Vessels of the vessels
Seen in the walls of aorta and inferior vena cava
vermis = worm, forma = form
Vermiform appendix
Vitelline (L)
Vitellus = yolk of egg
Vitelline arteries
Vitreous (L)
Vitreus = glassy/transparent
Vitreous humor of the eye in vitro, meaning in a glass receptacle, in contrast to in vivo, meaning in the living body
Volar (L)
Vola = palm
Palm of hand
Xiphoid (G)
Xiphos = sword, eidos = resemblance
Xiphoid process of sternum
Zona, Zonula (L)
Zona = belt, girdle.
Zona pellucida
Zygoma (G)
Zygoma = bolt or bar
Zygomatic bone—cheek bone
Zygote (G)
Zugōtos = ‘yoked’
A fertilized ovum