acute 940
around joint 375
drainage of 933
Hilton's method of drainage of 68
pericoronal 949
vestibular 944f
Abutment healing cap 1115f
Acanthomatous ameloblastoma 764f
Acetaminophen 57
Acid 116
Acid-base balance 44
Acid-fast bacilli, sputum for 1004
Acidosis 250
Acidulated fluoride phosphate gel 56
Acitrom 38
Acquired coagulation factor disorders 1149
Acrylic splints 541
Actinomyces israelii 51
Acute extensive orofacial infection, management of 937
Acyclovir 160
Adam's wiring 549f
Addison's disease 48
Adeno-ameloblastoma 747
Adenocarcinoma 784
Adenosarcoma 784
Adenoviruses 130
Adrenal diseases 47
Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone 1146
Adson's tissue holding forceps 75f
Adverse drug reactions, management of 208
Agammaglobulinemia 939
Agenesis 898
Ageusia 1041
Aggressive lesions 797
Agitation 257
Airflow 122
examination 218
maintenance, treatment for 518
obstruction 1165
patency maintenance 517
preparation 276
Akinosi mandibular nerve block 206
Ala nasalis dissection 882f
Alar fascia 943f
Albumin 45
Alcoholism 928
Aldekol fumigation 121
Alfentanil 257
Alginic acid 1145
Alkaline phosphatase 27
Alligator forceps 67
Alpha-interferon, administration of 798
Alveolar artery, posterior superior 1031f
Alveolar compression alveoloplasty, simple 668
Alveolar neurovascular bundle, inferior 322
Alveolus, fractures of 298
Ambu bag 1156
Ambulation 263
Ambulatory surgery 215
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma 747
Ameloblastic odontoma 753
American Academy of Neurology 1024
American Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons classification, modified 313
Amides 171
Amphetamine 176
Ampicillin 153
Amrinone 1173
conduction 192
deep 269
duration of 172
endotracheal 268
evaluation of efficacy of 201
failure of 208
machine 231
maintenance of 268
prolonged 203
protocol 1033
reversal of 257
short 265
Anesthetic 231
equipment 231
face masks 233f
implications 939
machine diagram 232f
mask 233
technique 188
Angiography 25
Angioma 835
Angle fractures 606
Annulus of Zinn 577
Anorexia 829
Antacids 227
Anterograde amnesia 530
Antianabolic effect 157
Antianxiety drugs 260
Antiarrhythmic agents 40
adverse effects 150
classification of 166
indications for use of 938
guidelines for 164
resistance 151
mechanism of 151
response monitoring 152
selection of 938
choice of 932
principles of 149
Antibodies, development of 1148
Anticholinesterase 268
Anticonvulsants 229
Antidiabetic agents 229
Antiemetics 227
Anti-Koch's treatment 1005
Antimicrobial 905
mechanism of action of 148t
combinations 150
rational use of 1207
uses of 1208
mechanism of clearance of 149t
mouth rinse, uses of 133
plethora of 148
prophylaxis 150
Antimycotic agents 161
Antioxidation supplementary therapy 1014
Antiparkinsonism drugs 229
Anti-retraction valves 140
Antisepsis 104
Antituberculous therapy 229
Antiviral antimicrobials drugs 160
Antral approach 550
Antral lavage 906
Antral puncture-intranasal antrostomy 900
Antral regimen, classical 905
Antroliths 898
Antrum of Highmore 897
AO system 554
Apert syndromes 504
Apexo elevators 290
Apixaban 1150
Apnea 269
Aprons 134
Argon-beam coagulator 1144
Armamentarium 546
Arnold Chiari malformation 510
Aromatic ammonia 1160
Arrhythmias, cardiac 254
Arteriovenous malformation 703
Arthrocentesis 415
Arthrography 25
Arthroscopic examination 420
Artificial eyes 230
Artificial limbs 229
Asepsis 104
Ashley's operation 917
Ashley's palatal pedicled rotational advancement flap 918f
Asleep intubation 939
Aspergillosis 51
Atmospheric pressure 115
Atracurium 250
Atraumatic extractions 668
Atrial septal defect 165
Atrophic mandibular anterior ridge 690f
Atrophy, alveolar 664
Atypia 30
Auditory nerve 1059f
Auricular cartilage graft, use of 388f
Auriculotempora 1059f
Austin's retractor 62
Australia antigen test 28
Autoclavable instruments, procedure for 55
Autogenous costochondral graft 390
Autologous blood injection 361
Automatic blood pressure monitor, noninvasive 241
Avulsion 522
Axial computed tomography scan, acquisition of 16
Azole antifungal agents 162
Bacillocid rasant 121
Bacillol 122
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine 129
Baclofen 1026
Bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity tests 28
Bacterial filtration efficiency 136
Bactericidal solution 59
Bacteroides 933
Bag of Marbles appearance 772
Baillarger syndrome 398
Bain system 233
Ballistic injuries 522
Bard vigilon 135
Bardach two flap palatoplasty 886
Bartholin's gland 814
Barton bandage 359
Basic flap design 1123
Basic preauricular incision, modifications of 370
Basic subsigmoid ramus osteotomy 468
Basic traditional preprosthetic surgical procedures 667
Basophils 26
Bayonet forceps 289
Behavioral therapy 412
Behrman's bump 467
Bell's study 457f
Benign maxillofacial pathology, management of 1193
Benocaine 187
Benzalkonium chloride 121
Beriberi 375
Beta-lactam antibiotics 152
Bicortical screw system 554
Bilaminar zone, posterior 348
closure, techniques for 882
morphofunctional classification of 872
repair 884
Millard's technique for 882
Bilirubin 568
Bimaxillary protrusion 476f
Binder syndrome 865f
Binocular diplopia 578
Bioabsorbable nerve conduits 1056
Bioactive ceramics 1113
Biochemical tests 532
Biodegradable osteosynthetic devices 552
Biohazardous waste disposal 145f
aims of 29
data sheet 34
forceps 417
indications for 29
margins of 34
methods of 31
results 35
scissors 417
technique, selection of 750
Bioresonance hypothesis 1020
Biotransformation 172
Bipolar diathermy 86
Bird face 378
Bisbiguanide 116
Bisphosphonates, uses of 1005
Blair's four strips 1069
Blair's incision 365
Blanket suture 99
Blind nasotracheal intubation 276
Blindness 581
Blood 136
and blood products transfusion, indications for 49
bank 1148
metastasis 1090
transmission 49
brain barrier 159
count, complete 26
gases 28
glucose 28
group 531
spills of 137
supply, peripheral 605
transfusion 989
vessel 563
fragility of 360
types of 1139
Bloodstream 927
Blunt discrimination 1049f
craniofacial 778
crest 1132
cutter 71
hemorrhagic 736
density 327
detached fragments of 621
gouge 72
grafting 99
interpositional 683
primary 889
holding forceps 620f
implant contact 1110
causes of 664
edentulous 664
metabolic factors of 664
patterns of 664
margins, smoothening of 334
marrow 117
morphogenic proteins 1189
plate 79
regeneration 689
two ways of 330
scan 23f
machine 23f
scintigram 408
spreader 81
support, adequate 665
texture and density 321
thick 708
tuberculous osteomyelitis of 24f
types of 889
upper edge 1110
vascularity of 979
wax 1144
Bony tissue impaction 313
Border grafting, superior 682
Borrelia recurrentis 156
Botryoid odontogenic cyst 720
Bowl shaped defect 1133f
Brachytherapy 1094
Brainstem, ventral aspect of 1059f
Branchial efferent fibers 1058
Brånemark's theory 1108
Braun's transantral approach 1030
Breastfeeding 217
Breath holding 269
Breathlessness 217
Brittle diabetes 46
Brodie's abscess 980
Broken line 332f
Bronchitis 8
Brown's test 111
Bruise 523
Brush directional discrimination 1050
Buccal fat pad 914
Buccal flap advancement operation 915
Buccal mucoperiosteum, trimming of 917
Buccal nerve block 202f
Buccal pressure 296
Buccal vestibuloplasty 681
Bulla ethmoidalis 897f
Bullard laryngoscopic intubation 939
Bullard rigid fiberoptic laryngoscope 246
Bur technique 330
Butacaine 170
Café-au-lait skin macules 789
Calcitonin, systematic administration of 797
Calcium 1173
chloride 1173
displacement theory 170
metabolism, disorders of 630
phosphate 686
sulfate pellet 1145
Calculus formation 816
Caldwell technique 681
Caldwell-Letterman osteotomy procedure 468f
Callotasis 490
Callus, stretching of 490
Campylobacter fetus 156
fossa 900
infection 945f
involvement 944
space 945f
impaction, sequelae of 318
pillar 563
region fracture 605
Capnometer 242
Capsule tightening procedures 361
Capsulorrhaphy 361
Carbocaine 175
Carcinoembryonic antigen 724
Cardiac compression, external 1171
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, immediate 1168
Caries, severe 285
Catecholamines 176
Cat-scratch disease 51
Causative injury 522
Cefacetrile 154
Cefaclor 154
Cefadroxil 154
Cefalexin 154
Cefaloridine 154
Cefalotin 154
Cefamandole 154
Cefapirin 154
Cefatrizine 154
Cefazedone 154
Cefazolin 154
Cefdinir 154
Cefditoren 154
Cefepime 154
Cefetamet pivoxil 154
Cefixime 154
Cefmenoxime 154
Cefmetazole 154
Cefminox 154
Cefodizime 154
Cefonicid 154
Ceforanide 154
Cefotaxime 154
Cefotetan 154
Cefotiam 155
Cefoxitin 155
Cefpiramide 155
Cefpirome 155
Cefpodoxime 155
Cefprozil 155
Cefradine 155
Cefroxadine 155
Cefsulodin 155
Ceftazidime 155
Ceftezole 155
Ceftibuten 155
Ceftizoxime 155
Ceftriaxone 155
Cefuroxime 155
Cell rests of Malassez 700
Cell wall 998
Cementoenamel junction 287
Central ameloblastoma, types of 761
Cephalexin 154
Cephalogram tracing, preoperative 469f
Cephalometric prediction tracing 440
Cephaloridine 154
Cephalothin 154
Cephamandole 154
Cephapirin 154
Cephradine 155
Cerebellar artery, anomaly of superior 1020
Cerebrovascular accident 1167
cysts 742
examination 406
fascia 951f
organization of 942
lymphadenitis 837
lymphatic system 1090f
lymphoid tissues 965
plexus nerve graft 1068f
spine 218
Cervicofacial actinomycosis 931
Cervicofacial division 1060
Cetacaine 187
Cetpimizole 155
Champy's ideal osteosynthesis lines 556
Champy's principle 556
Cheek mucosa 1080f
Cheiloschisis 863
Chemical agents 115
Chemical Carnoy's solution application 713
Chemical disinfection regimens 141
Chemical sterilization box 115f
Chemical vapor sterilization 113
Chemoprophylaxis 141
Chemoradiation therapy, indications for postoperative 1102
Chemotherapy, role of 1102
Chest infection, acute 286
Chickenpox 130
Chisel and mallet technique 331
Chlamydia trachomatis 156
Chloral hydrate 266
Chloroform 726
Chloroquine 148
Chlorous acid 119
Chlorpromazine 224
Cholestatic hepatitis 158
Chondroblastoma 786
Chorda tympani 1059f
Christmas disease 1147
Chronic orofacial pain disorders management 4
Cimetidine 227
Ciprofloxacin 45
Circumzygomatic wiring 548
Clark's technique 680
Clark's vestibuloplasty procedure 680f
Classic trigeminal neuralgia, management of 1028fc
Clavulanic acid 153
alveolus 890f
cyst, branchial 742
deformity, hereditary 864f
formation, theories of 867
and palate, multidisciplinary 877f
bilateral complete 874f
bilateral incomplete 873f
classification of 869t
deformity, spectrum of 868
formation of 867f
management of 863m 876
microform 868
repair, protocol for 879
types of 868f
anatomy of 891
defect 891
isolated 868
raspatory 65
repair, techniques for 886b
spectrum of 868
surgical repair 886
rhinoplasty 893f
Cleidocranial dysostosis 310
Clonidine 224
Clot, fate of 910
Clotting time 27
Cloxacillin 969
Coagulopathies disorders, hereditary 1147
Cocaine 170
Codeine 57
Coffin's caps 56
Colman's sign 605
Colorimetric techniques 52
Comminuted fracture, simple 607f
Complex airway, surgical management of 4
Compression dressing over wound, placement of 306
Condylar agenesis 352
Condylar dislocations 633
diagnostic findings of 644
displacement of 643
incidence of 632
nonsurgical management of 647
open reduction of 650
prevalence of 632
repair of 602
surgical correction of 649
treatment of 646
Condylar overgrowth 398
Condylar region, neoplasms in 352
Conic dilators 824f
Consciousness restoration 519
Conservative alveoloplasty, simple 668
Conservative therapy 613
Constitute maxillary processes 866
Contact lenses 230
Continuous positive airway pressure 269
Contraceptive pills 229
Core needle biopsy 32
Coronal incision 589
Coronal synostosis, frontal distraction for 512f
Coronoid fractures 596
Corticotomy 490
Costen's syndrome 401
Costochondral graft 382
Co-trimoxazole 159
Cough 217
Coumarins 38
Coupland elevator 333
Coxiella 156
Coxsackie virus infections 131
Cranial distraction 510
Craniofacial malformations, congenital 4
Craniofacial maxillary trauma 273
Craniofacial syndromes 6
Craniomandibular articulation 346f
Craniomaxillofacial disorders, treatment of 6
Craniomaxillofacial region, trauma of 520
Crepitus 535
Crevicular incision 304
Cribriform plate 563f
Cricothyroidotomy under local anesthesia 939
Cricothyrotomy set 1158
Criminal negligence 1197
Critical airway obstruction 518f
Crouzon's syndrome 508f
Crowe sign 803
Crown locked under second molar, shape of 326
Crown size 321
Crush injuries 529
Cryoneurolysis 1032
C-shaped retractor 62
Cuboidal cells 741
Cuffed north pole tube 272f
Cuffed oral red rubber tube 272f
Culture sensitivity test, swabs for 141
Cuspid 289
Cyanosis 1163
Cyclovir 160
Cystectomy procedure 709
Cystic cavity, maintenance of 708
Cystic hygroma 743
Cystic lining specimen, removal of 708
Cystic teratoma 742
Cystotomy 706f
anterior median lingual 740
bilateral dentigerous 719f
cells of origin of 700
characteristic features of 697
congenital 699
developmental odontogenic 718
enlargement 701
hypothesis 700
process of 700
epithelium 723
extravasation 833
follicular 718
formation 698
pathogenesis of 700
phase of 715
fundamental classifications of 697
heterotopic 744
incisive canal 734
infected 703
inflammatory 698
odontogenic 714
intraglandular 22f
intraoral 743
branchial 742
lumen 697
management of 310
phenomenon of 699
prevention of 310
regression 701
signs of 702
size of 706
surgical treatments for 705fc
symptoms of 702
thin walled 743
true 697
Cytokeratin 724
Dabigatran 1150
Dean's technique 669
Deformity 535
Dehydration 989
Delaire's philosophy, principles of 881
Dellon and Mackinnon modification of Sunderland-grade 6 injury 1044
abscesses 218
aerosols and splatter 141
anesthesia 265
complications of 269
care, post-irradiation 1014
control of 828
prevention of 828
cartridge 182
angulation of 294
height of 294
complications 56
conscious sedation 259
defects 56
evaluation 406
extractions 285
contraindications for 286
indications for 285
techniques of 285
forceps, type of 287f
hard tissue formation 770
health records 1202
hygienist's role 1134
hypersensitivity 56
imaging 18
advantages of 1114
placement surgery 1187
natural history of 926
pathways of 928
lamina 699
management 57
model analysis 438
practice, part of 148
practitioner 128
procedures 165b
unit water systems 140
wiring techniques, types of 538
Dentin 1108
Dentinoma 747
Dentist's role 1134
Dentistry, sedation techniques for 258
Dentoalveolar fragment, avulsion of 611
Dentoalveolar surgery 4
Dentocaine 172
Dentofacial development 877t
Dentofacial skeletal deformity, severe 447
Deoxyribonucleic acid 160
Depression 350
Dermabond topical skin adhesive 103
Desmoplastic fibroma 787
Device operation function manipulator 1192
Dexmeditomide 224
Dextorse 1159
Diarrhea 217
Dibucaine 171
Diffuse sclerosis, progressive 988
Digestive system 8
Digitalis 40
Diguanides 116
Dilantin 1027
Diluted N-butyl-cyanoacrylate glue 739
Dingman's incision 365
Diphenhydramine 225
Direct arterial pressure 242f
Direct external skeletal fixation 537
Direct internal skeletal fixation 537
Disarticulated zygomatic bone 570
Discernible trauma 1148
Discharge card contents 1203b
Discharge scores, postoperative 263
Disinfectants, properties of 118t
Disposable portex set 78f
Distal papilla preservation 1123
Distinctive osseous lesion 803
devices classification 493
histiogenesis 490
biological aspects of 492
indications for 496
phases of 490
procedure, planning for 497
uses of 688
vector of 497
types of 513
Disuse atrophy 664
Dizziness 217
Dobutamine 1173
Dolutegravir 144
Donor site complications 392
Dopamine 1173
Double papilla preservation 1123
Double plate osteosynthesis 655
Doyen's mouth gag 70f
Drainage, Hilton's method of 933
Drilling speed and drilling procedure 1124
Droperidol 224
concentration and therapeutic index 107
effect of 1168
nature of 149
overdose reaction 1164
resistance 149
therapy 1172
multiple 1027
pre-existing 228
Ductal cannulation 831
Ducts of Rivinus 814
Ducts, accessory 827
Durbeck orthodontic theory 309
Dyclonine hydrochloride 187
Dyes 116
Dysphagia 969
Dysrhythmias, cardiac 270
Ectomesenchyme, idontogenic 774
Ectopic eruption 308
Edentulous atrophic mandible, bilateral fracture of 627
Edentulous mandible, fractures of 606
Edentulous mandibular fractures 626
Edentulous posterior ridge 687f
Edentulous spaces, classification of 1110
Edoxaban 1150
Elastic traction 647
Elastoplast 133
Electrical boiler fumigators 120
Electrocautery machine 85f
Electrogalvanic stimulation 412
Electrophoresis gel 52
Elephant foot deformity 629f
Elevation, lever principle of 291f
Embryology 898
Emergency kit, preparation of 1154
Emission tissue florescence, narrow 31
Emporalis myotomy 359
Empyema 898
End tidal CO2 monitor 243
Endaural incision 383
Endocrine disturbances 788
Endoscopic sinus surgery 919
Enzyme 926
Eosinophils 26
Ephedrine 1159
Epidemic parotitis 837
Epidural catheter 279f
Epileptic seizures 217
Epistaxis 911
Epithelial membrane antigen 724
Epithelial proliferation 701
Epulis fissurata, excision of 674
Erich's classification 565f
Erysipelas 948
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 26
Esmolol 1159
Estrogen containing pills 229
Ethanol 117
Ether 251
Ethibond sutures 93
Ethyl alcohol 55
Ethylene oxide gas sterilization 113
European Federation of Neurological Societies 1024
Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics 268
Exfoliative cytology 30, 750751
Explantation, absolute indications for 1133
Extended neck dissection 1102
External distraction devices 494
Extra-articular origin 351
Extracapsular spread, clinical signs of 1099
Extracorporeal fixation 652
Extracranial facial nerve repair 1068
Extradural sensory root section 1038
Extraoral elastic traction 584
Extraoral local infiltration 184
Extraoral maxillary nerve block 197
Extraoral procedures 855
Extraoral submandibular Risdon's incision 617
Extraoral X-rays 318
Extrinsic disorders 351
Eyeball 454
Eyelets formation 540f
Face 9
and jaws
sensory disturbances of 1040
development of 866f
fractures of middle third of 900
lift approach 371
shields 134
soft tissue edema of 218
Facial bones, osteoradionecrosis of 1006
Facial development, abnormal 863
Facial disproportions 3
Facial expression, muscle of 605
Facial fractures 625
Facial height 601
Facial hypoglossal transfer 1069
branches 1060t
meticulous separation of 853
cervical branches of 853
checking integrity of 855
distribution of 1060t
disturbances 1061
extracranial course of 1058
functions, evaluation of 1063
ganglia associated with 1059
geniculate ganglion of 1059f
grafting, variations in 1068f
injury 858
intrapetrous part of 1059f
lower division of 853
main trunk of 853
palsy, causes of 1062
roots of 1059f
sacrifice 855
terminal branches of 1060f
upper division of 853
Facial neuropathology 1017
Facial pain 3
Facial reanimation 1067
Facial scarring 398
Facial space 298
Facial sphincters arrangement 881f
Facial trauma 909
Facial width, lateral 601
Facial wound management 525
Famciclovir 160
Famotidine 227
Fanconi's syndrome 939
Fasciitis, progress of 974
Faulty surgical technique 104
Feeding 878
Felypressin 178
Femoral artery 1143
Fergusson's lion jaw bone holding forceps 70
Fiberoptic laryngoscope 279f
Fiberoptic light source and cables 417
Fibrocartilaginous tissue 347
Fibro-osseous integration 1109
Fibro-osseous tumors 749
Fibrosis, extra-articular 351
Fibrous tissue bands, peripheral 665
Filtron 135
Fine needle cutting biopsy 32
Finger sweep method 1169
Fixed orthodontic appliance system 448
Flat dissection scissors, Metzenbaum curved on 61
Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia gigantiform cementoma 793
Fluctuant areas, incision and drainage of 997
Fluothane 252
Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia 791
Fogging method 121
Folinic acid 159
Follicles 324
Follicular sac, size of 322
Follicular space 326
Food and Drug Administration categories 57
Food intake, reduced 829
Forced duction test 580
Forming Risdon's wiring, steps in 539f
Fossa decompression, posterior 1037
anatomical location of 607
basic principles of 535
blow in 577
central region 566
classification of 534564
complex 607
complicated 607
comminuted 607f
depressed 534
direction of 608
fixation, types of 553f
floating 566
formula 610
fragments 585
condylar 651f
energy 573
level 568
intra-articular 642f
involving dentoalveolar component 566
lateral region 566
line 621b
mandible 603
mobility 558
multiple 534
relation of 607
segment displacement 657
stable 590
treatment of 535
types of 606
unilateral angle 608
Fragments, number of 608
Frazier's approach 1038
Free fibular osteocutaneous flap 1099f
Frenectomy 676
Frontal sinus fracture, repair of 602
Frontomaxillary sutures 560
Frontonasal suture 568
Frozen plasma 50
Fumigation 120
Fungi 107
Fungicide 175
Furan derviatives 116
Furuncle 375
Furunculosis 983
Gabapentin 1026
Gag reflex method 357
Gallium-67 citrate 823
Gamma knife radiosurgery 1028
Ganciclovir 160
Gap osteoarthrectomy 384
Gardener syndrome 310
Gardner syndrome 784
Gas plasma sterilization 114
Gastric content, aspiration of 217
Gastric disorders 8
Gastrointestinal system 217
Gastrokinetic drugs 227
Gauze pieces and antiseptic solution 1158
Gelatine sponge 1144
advantages of 188
indications for 265
induction of 272
intubation techniques for 383
purpose 248fc
shortfalls of 214
stages of 254
General stress reduction protocols 37
General visceral afferent fibers 1058
Genetic syndromes 46
Geniohyoid muscles 951f
Geobacillus stearothermophilus 111
German measles 130
Gigantiform cementoma 748
Gillies' method 593f
Gillies' temporal approach 591
Gingiva, laceration of 611
Gingival cuff 1114
Gingival epithelium 1108
Gingivobuccal cancers 1088
Gingivobuccal sulcus, leukoplakia of 1076f
Gingivostomatitis 130
Glabella 439
Glands of Serres 700
Glandular odontogenic cyst 721
Glasgow coma scale 530
Glossitis 47
Glossodynia, control of 54
Glucagon 1159
Glycerol injection, procedure for 1034
Glycolic acid, parts of 94
Glycolide 94
Goblet cells 742
Godwin's modification 680
Godwin-Kazanjian technique 680f
Goldenhar syndrome 871f
Gonococcal arthritis 375
Gow-Gates mandibular nerve block 204
Granular ameloblastoma 764f
Granuloma 278
Granulomatous diseases 899
Grave cardiovascular depression 269
Greater auricular nerve, hypoesthesia of 858
Greater petrosal nerve 1059f
Grinspan's syndrome 1086
Grodinsky and Holyoke's potential spaces 943f
Guedel's clinical signs 253
Guerin's fracture 566
Gum boil 948
Gummy smile 482f
Gunshot injuries 522
Haemaccel 246
Hairy leukoplakia 51
Half punch approach 1123
Halogens 116
Haloperidol 224
Hamartoma 748
articulation 454
care 133
cream 133
disinfection 123
instruments 417
sanitizers, alcohol-based 134
techniques 124
wash technique 133
Harrison's bone holding forceps 619
Hartel's three-point markings 1034f
Harvesting technique 389
Hayton-William's figure of eight 619f
Head injury 530
Hearing aids 230
Heat sterilization 109
Heidbrink valve 233
Hemangioma, intramedullary cavernous 703
Hematogenous infection 983
Hematologic system 217
Hematological disorders 8
Hematopoietic system 159
Hemicoronal incision 383
Hemimandibulectomy 1097
Hemoglobin 26
Hemostatic agents 1143
Hepatic diseases 44
Hepatic dysfunction 264
Hepatic system 217
Hepatotoxicity 254
Herpes virus infection 130
Herpetic stomatitis 130
Hess test 580
Hexachlorophene compounds 119
Hexilcaine 170
Hibitane 118
High velocity bullets 522
High-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma 846f
Histamine receptor blocking agents 226
Histoplasmosis 51
Hoffmann's elimination 250
Hormone replacement therapy 229
Host defense mechanisms 928t
Hot air oven 112
House-Brackmann classification 1062
Hudson's classification 982t
Human herpes virus 130
antibody assays 51
postexposure prophylaxis 144
pre-test counseling, goals of 52
seropositivity 939
status code, determination of 53
testing and counseling 51
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 131
Humidifying oxygen 243f
Hurler's syndrome 310
Hyaline cartilage 347
Hyaluronidase 926
Hydration 969
Hydrocodone 57
Hydrocortisone 1159
Hydrotherapy 970
Hydroxyamphetamine 176
Hyperalgesia 1041
Hyperdontia 308
Hyperesthesia 1041
Hyperglycemia 1163
Hyperkalemia 250
Hyperkeratosis 1077
Hypernatremia 27
Hypnotic combination 261
Hypoalgesia 1041
Hypocarbia 250
Hypogeusia 55
Hypoglycemic agents 229
Hypokalemia 250
Hypoplastic maxilla 506f
Hypothermia 250
Hypothyroidism, signs of 47
Iatrogenic occlusal disharmony 403
Iatrogenic odontogenic infections 925
Ibuprofen 57
Idiopathic neurologic disorder 1063
Iliac crest donor site 890f
Imidazoles 162
Immobilization 537
Immune status 43
Immunization 132
Immunologic disorders 840
Impacted maxillary canines, classification of 317
Impacted teeth 309
classification of 312
detection of 318f
radiological examination of 318
removal of 321
management of 307
removal of 325
Impaction, angulation of 326
dentures 910
failure of 1130
junctional epithelium 1108
materials 1113
surgical steps for 1126f
success criteria 1127b
armamentarium for 1120
basic factors in 1121
anatomy of 1114
parts of 1114
therapy, surgical complications of 1127
Incisors, lateral 289
Indandiones 38
Indirect fixation-internal skeletal wire suspension 585
Induction 248
Infected waste, disposal of 146
acute onset of 938
acute stage of 929
anatomical location of 938
control 128
diffuse 938
direct spread of 375
low-grade 701
prevention of 527
progression of 929f
recurrent 310
regional 417
severity of 938
signs of 935
transmission of 129
Infectious diseases 8
Inferior concha 897f
Inferior meatus 897f
Inflammation 351
Inflammatory lesions, chronic 8
Inflammatory radicular cyst formation 699f
Influenza 130
Infrahyoid muscles 407
Infraorbital space 944
Inhalation induction 939
Injections, peripheral 1028
Insulin dose 46
Intensive care unit management 974
Interactive computed tomography software 1118
Intermaxillary ligation 536
Intermittent positive pressure respiration 253
Internal bevel incision 304
Internal derangement, etiology of 409
International Headache Society 1019
Interocclusal wafer splints 453f
Intra-alveolar extraction 285
Intra-articular origin 351
Intra-articular pathologies 407
Intracapsular condylar head fracture 640
Intracranial procedures 1037
Intracranial tension 250
Intracranial vascular abnormalities 1020
Intradural root section 1038
Intralesional injections 739
Intraligamentary injection 192
Intramuscular administration 224
Intramuscular preparations 158
Intranasal administration 224
Intraoral approach, advantages of 754
Intraoral avulsion and suturing 526f
Intraoral circumvestibular incision 484
Intraoral dental occlusion 499f
Intraoral devices 495
Intraoral elastic traction 584
Intraoral fixation alone 545
Intraoral incisions, pen grasp for 303f
Intraoral intermaxillary elastic traction 584
Intraoral lesions 742
Intraoral modified sagittal split osteotomy 471
Intraoral sagittal split osteotomy 472f
Intraoral surgery 125
Intraoral traction method 536
Intraoral transbuccal incision 616
Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy 470
Intraosseous biopsy, indications for 35
Intraosseous giant cell granuloma 793
Intraosseous injection 192
Intraosseous lesions 35
Intraosseous odontogenic developmental cysts 718
Intrapulpal injection 192
Intraseptal alveoloplasty, Obwegeser's modification for 669
Intraseptal injection 192
Intravenous fluids 245
Intravenous induction agents 248
Intravenous sedation 260
Intrinsic disorders 351
Invasive aggressive surgical procedures 705
Invasive direct arterial blood pressure monitor 241
Invasive therapy 415
Involucrum 981
Iodine compounds 118
Iodophor compounds 119
Ionizing radiation 113
Itraconazole 163
Jackson's tube 76
Jansen-Middleton Rongeurs forceps 72f
Jaundice 217
actinomycotic osteomyelitis of 998
angle fracture, prevention of 311
assessing bone involvement of 1091
bones 749
benign tumors of 746
fractures of 534
multiple lesions of 778f
osteoradionecrosis of 979
schwannoma of 800
closure 350
disorders, developmental 328
fibrous dysplasia of 788
function, postoperative 614
immobilization 551
lesions, management of 749
monostotic fibrous dysplasia of 789
multiple cystic lesions of 733
nonodontogenic tumors of 749t
opening 350
osteomyelitis of 988
thrust 1169
tumors, surgical management of 751
Jet injector 179
artificial alloplastic replacement of 394
capsule, reinforcement of 361
diseases affecting 376
hypermobility of 360
infection 375
pain 217
palpation, posterior 406f
stabilization splint 413
Jug handle view 14
Jugulodigastric lymph node palpation 11f
Jump sign 402
Kazanjian and converse classification 609
Kazanjian technique 679
KCOT aspirate 726f
Keen's approach 593
Kelly's forceps 65
Keratocystic lesions 730
Ketoacidosis 46
Kissing molars 319f
Knot tying, principles of 98
Kocher's forceps 619
Kocher's type gland-holding forceps 67f
Kovanaze 187
Kruger's general classification 606
Labial alveolectomy 667
Labial cortical bone 668
Labial pressure 296
Labial vestibular procedures 679
Labiale inferius 440
Lacrimal probes 824f
Lactation 159
Lactic acid 94
Lag screw 654
Lagocheilos 863
Lahsal classification 871
Lamina papyracea 563f
Lamivudine 144
Lamotrigine 1026
Langenbeck's marking 887f
Langerhans cell disease 749
Langhan's giant cell granulomas 944
Laryngeal fibrosis 278
Laryngoscopic vision 235f
Laryngoscopy 235f
Laryngospasm 269
Laryngotracheal membranes 278
Lashal classification 872f
Latamoxef 155
Lateral orbital rim, anterior part of 571
Lateral trephination technique 335
Laughing gas 255
LeFort classification 565f
classification, Marciani's modification of 566
Legionellosis 130
Legionnaire's disease 130
Lemport's endaural approach 367f
anatomical location of 752
bony 310
characteristics of 299
examination of 750
closed 1002
consistency of 750
malignant 1089f
number of 800
Lesser petrosal nerve 1059f
erosive 1076f
histopathological features of 1077b
homogeneous 1077
management of 1078fc
subtypes of 1077t
surgical management of 1078
Levetiracetam 1027
Liesegang rings 768
Ligament interface 327
Ligating clips 103
Light-based detection systems 31
Lincoln's highway 942
Lincomycin 164
Lindhal's classification 641f
Linear gingival erythema 51
Linen 92
Linezolid 45
Lingual artery, ligation of 1146
Lingual cortex 329f
Lingual flap 102
Lingual frenectomy 676
Lingual frenum 677f
Lingual hematoma 524f
Lingual neurectomy 1032
Lingual pouch 298
Lingual pressure 297
Lioresal 1026
Lipstick sign 828
Liquid nitrogen therapy 713
Lisch nodules 803
Lisch spots 803
Lister's bandage cutting scissors 75
Lithotripsy, endoscopic 832
Load bearing osteosynthesis 553f
Load sharing osteosynthesis 553f
Lobe, superficial 811
Local anesthetic
administration of 265
classification of 170
duration of action of 172b
solution 182
techniques 276
toxicity 222b
Local hemostatic measures 1143
Local infiltration technique 189f
Local soft tissue swellings 218
Local toxicity 150
Local traumatic injuries 983
Local vasoconstrictor agents, uses of 306
Long edentulous posterior fragment 609
Long-acting anesthetic agents 1027
Long-standing oroantral fistula 912f
Loose teeth, extraction of 990
Loracarbef 155
Lorazepam 224
Low blood pressure 1166
Low condylar fractures 640
Low condylotomy 359
Low energy fracture 573
Low maxillary fracture 566
Low velocity projectiles 523
Lower motor neurons 1066
Lucas curettes 70f
Lumpy jaw 1002
Lymecycline 156
Lymphatic mapping, intraoperative 35
Lymphatic systems 9
Lymphocytes 26
Lymphoepithelial cysts 742
Lymphokine 701
Lysol 55
Macintosh laryngoscope 1157f
MacLennan's classification 641f
Macroglossia 47
Macrotrauma 409
Magnetic resonance angiography 1024
Malignant transformation 730
Mallampati grading 219f
Mallampati test 218
Malnutrition 928
anatomy of 603
applied surgical anatomy of 603
biomechanics of 553
blood supply of 980
body 603
fracture of 606
excess 426
fractures of 298
condylar process of 632
height of 324
involvement of 752
lateral oblique view of 14
segmental resection of 1097
transverse deficiency 504f
venous drainage of 981
Mandibular alveolar ridge 664
Mandibular bone, age changes in 603f
Mandibular component 345
Mandibular cowhorn forceps 289
Mandibular cyst, median 734
Mandibular defects, reconstruction of 1098
Mandibular excess 426
Mandibular extraction forceps 289f
Mandibular forceps 289
Mandibular fossa 345
bone plating in 623
etiology of 606
fixation of 613
incidence of 606
complications of 629
radiological assessment of 611
repair of 602
treatment protocols for 613
Mandibular infected buccal cyst 717
Mandibular involvement 1092
Mandibular lesions 712
Mandibular micrognathia 383
Mandibular retrognathia 383
Mandibular retrognathism 426
Mandibular ridge augmentation 682
Mandibular root forceps 289
Mandibular salivary gland depression 737
Mandibular second molar 309
Mandibular torus removal 673
Mandibulotomy 1094
Mannitol 977
Mantoux testing 1004
Marbus strangulatorius 964
Marcaine 175
Marcus Gunn test 532f
Marie-Strümpell disease 375
Masking procedures 1069
Masks and respirators 134
Masseter muscle 810f
Masticatory load 668
Masticatory system, physical examination of 404
Mattress suture 99
excess 426
fractures of 563
inferior positioning of 479
involvement of 752
leveling of 479
midline separation of 570
segmentalization of 482
Maxillary advancement 479
Maxillary and mandibular arch 665f
Maxillary anesthesia, techniques of 192
Maxillary augmentation 682
Maxillary cowhorn forceps 288
Maxillary edentulous ridge 543f
Maxillary excess 427
Maxillary growth 889
Maxillary panogram 903f
Maxillary posterior root forceps 289
bony floor of 900
cysts of 898
disorders of 4
endoscopy procedure of 920
growth of 898
infections of 904
inspection of 915
left 21f
lining of 900
opening of 897f
pathologies of 898
tumors of 898
Maxillary skeleton, horizontal pillars of 562
Maxillofacial complex 18
Maxillofacial distraction osteogenesis, devices for 493
Maxillofacial fractures 537
Maxillofacial injuries 518
basic principles of 517
causes of 529
etiology of 529
local clinical examination of 531
management of 517
treatment of severe 517
Maxillofacial pain 1029f
Maxillofacial region, applications in 20
Maxillofacial skeleton, injuries of 529
Maxillofacial structures 18
Mayo curved heavy duty dissecting scissors 61
McGrath laryngoscope 246
McLaughlin's tarsorrhaphy 1071
Meal time syndrome 830
Mechanical nerve injuries, classification of 1042
Mechanical obstacles, removal of 362
Mechanical open soft tissue injuries classification 521
Mechanical ventilation 257
Mechanical wound closure devices 103
Meclocycline 156
Medical health records 1202
Medical records, types of 1202
Medical supportive therapy 940
Medical waste, disposal procedure of 146
Medication-induced sialadenosis 840
Medicolegal considerations 1197
Medullary tractotomy 1038
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor 748
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome 1063
Membrane expansion theory 170
Mendel Nevin's method 191
Mendelian theory 309
Meningitis 971
Meniscectomy 362
Meniscus 347
Menstruation period 286
Meperidine 57
Mephenesin carbamate 1027
Mesenchymal connective tissue origin 746
Mesial papilla preservation 1123
Mesiodens 308
Mesoderm theory, migration of 868
Metabolism 172
Metal chelates, formation of 156
Metal mouth props 69f
Metal tracheostomy tube 76
Metallic halo frame 546f
Metallic tracheostomy tube, reusable 77f
Metaplasia 719
Metastatic oral cancers 1103
Methacycline 156
Methamphetamine 176
Methicillin 153
Methyl paraben 175
Meticulous presurgical orthodontics 448
Metoclopramide 227
Micognathia, severe 382
Miconazole 162
Microbial agent 149
Microfibrillar collagen 1145
Micropore tape 103
Microtrauma 409
Mid-crestal approach 1123
Middle concha 897f
Middle meatus 897f
Middle superior alveolar 898
Midfacial skeleton, physical characteristics of 560
Mikulicz's disease 841
Millard's rotation advancement operation 879f
Miller and Calburn bone file 71
Minibone plate osteosynthesis 623f
Minimal invasive surgery 1188
Minnesota retractor 62
Misch bone density classification 1111t
Misch prosthetic options 1112f
Model surgery, aims of 454
Modular sialendoscope 824f
Monks' pattern 593
Monoamine oxidase 228
Monocortical miniplate fixation, clinical application of 557
Monocortical noncompression plates and screws, types of 623f
Monocortical screw system 555
Monocryl-polyglecaprone 94
Monocular diplopia 578
Monocytes 26
Monofocal distraction 493
Monomaxillary fixation 585
Monopolar diathermy 85
Monostatic bone 603
Motion, range of 404
Mouth-to-airway breathing 1170
Mouth-to-nose breathing 1170
Mucoid cyst 740
Mucolytic agents 905
Mucoperiosteal tunneling 459f
Mucosa and skin, reconstruction of 1099f
Mucosal hypertrophy 902
Mucosal laceration 298
Mucosal trauma 56
Mucous extravasation cyst 833
Mucous retention cyst 833
Mucous saliva 809
Multicystic conventional ameloblastoma 765f
Multilocular lesions, large 727
Multiple teeth extractions, order of 301
Mumps 837
Mural growth theory 700
Murphy's chamber 245
accessory 345
dissection 882f
function 350
pains 250
palpation 406
sequence of 406
sites of 406
spasm of 605
transposition 1067
trigger points 402
Muscular examination 405
Muscular hyperfunction 402
Muscular neck, short 218
Musculoaponeurotic system, superficial 371
Musculoskeletal system 217
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 156
Mycotic infections 839
Myelinated peripheral nerve, structure of 1040f
Myocardium 176
Myofibrotic contractures 351
Myospasm 351
N2O sedation, purpose of 256
N95 respirator 136
Nalidixic acid 159
Naproxen 57
Narcotic agonists 260
Narrow-spectrum antibiotic, uses of 152
Nasal airway 238
Nasal catheter 244
Nasal decongestants 914
Nasal discharge, unilateral 911
Nasal endoscopy 920
Nasal infections 944
Nasal obstruction 262
Nasal processes, lateral 867
Nasal rasp 73
Nasal splint 600f
Nasal vestibule cyst 740
Nasal wing cyst 740
Nasoalveolar moulding appliances 878
Nasoextra-alveolar cyst 740
Nasolabial angle 437
Nasopalatine cyst 735f
Nasopalatine duct cyst 734
Nasopalatine nerve block 197
Nasopharyngeal tubes 239f
Nasopharynx 20
Natural collagen sponge 1145
Natural tooth and implant 1110f
N-butyl-cyanoacrylate 103
Near normal function, restoration of 411
Necrotic tooth germs, removal of 997
Necrotizing mediastinitis 972
Needle 179
bevel 181
body 96
breakage, prevention of 209
decompression 939
pathway during insertion 194
selection of 179
size selection of 182
stick injury 141
Neobone formation 491f
Neoplastic transformation 988
Neostigmine 268
Nephritis 286
anastomosis 1067
avulsion 1028
decompression 1067
dissection 850
guidance conduits 1057
hook 80
innervation 577
motor root of 1059
peripheral 1032
repair procedures 1053
sensory root of 1059
sheath, peripheral 799
surgical treatments, peripheral 1028
Neural injuries 580
Neurilemmoma 799
Neurolept analgesia 261
Neurolysis, external 1054
Neuromuscular diseases 217
Neuromuscular function 353
Neurontin 1026
Neuropathic events following nerve injury 1045
Neuropathic pain 1053b
Neuropathy 1041
Neurosurgical procedures, central 1037
Neutrophils 26
Nitroglycerin 1159
Nobel biocare X 1188f
Nodal metastasis 1100
Nomenclature Committee of American Association for Cleft Palate Rehabilitation 869b
Non-autoclavable instruments, procedure for 55
Nonbarbiturate hypnotics 260
Non-biohazardous material 145
Noncritical quaternary ammonium compounds 117
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular agents 250
Nondisplaced fracture 642f
Nondisposable metallic syringes 179
Nondominant hand, role of 295
Nonepithelial cysts 699
Nonepithelial pseudocysts, category of 697
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 51
Noniatrogenic odontogenic infections 925
Noninflammatory asymptomatic enlargement 840
Nonodontogenic benign tumors 746
Nonodontogenic fissural cysts 740
Nonodontogenic infections 925
Nonodontogenic nonepithelial lined bone cysts 736
Nonrebreathing valve 232
Nonsyndromic clefts 865
Noonan syndrome 724
Normal disk movement 409f
Nose 9
Nostrils, stricture of 278
Nuclear medicine 936
Nuclear paralysis 1062
Nucleic acid 30
Nutrition 349
Nutritional deficiency 630
Nutritional impairment 382
Nutritional problems 402
Nutritional status 91
Obesity 217
Oblique subsigmoid osteotomy 467f
Obstructive disorders 829
Obstructive pulmonary disease 8
Obwegeser's buccal 691f
Obwegeser's figure 619
Obwegeser's modification 670f
Obwegeser's ramus retractor 62
Obwegeser's skin grafting vestibuloplasty 681f
Obwegeser's technique 681
Occipitomandibular syndrome 310
Occipito-mental projection 14
Occlusal discrepancies, pretreatment 487f
Occlusal disharmony 403
Occlusal soft resilient splints 414f
Occlusal view maxilla 318
Octocaine 172
Ocular motion, range of 580f
Oculomotor nerve 577
Odontectomy, indications for 333
Odonto-ameloblastoma 747
Odontogenic abscess, general course of 931
Odontogenic epithelial remnants 700
chronic 931f
distant spread of 964
microbiology of 926
pathways of 926
surgical treatment for 933
types of 929
Odontogenic lesions, ghost cell family of 721
Odontogenic mixed tumors, classification of 770
Odontogenic sinusitis 904
Ogata classification 576fc
Oleuritis 8
Open biopsy 826
Open lesions 1002
Open procedures 1037
Open rhinoplasty procedure 892f
Open wounds 520
Operating room aseptic procedures 120
Ophthalmic nerve 1059
Ophthalmic vein 577
Ophthalmologic examination 935
Optic foramen 564
Optic glioma 803
applications in 18
indications in 84
local anesthesia in 167
principles of 1
procedures 1062
scope of 3
advanced 1097fc
composite resection for 1098f
management 1103
neoadjuvant chemotherapy in 1102
recurrent 1103
treatment of 1093
anatomical subsites of cancer in 1088
benign cysts of 704
cancer in 1089f
cysts of 704
epidermoid cysts of 742f
incision for 303
malignant pathology of 4
salivary glands of 809f
soft tissue 286
cysts of 720
squamous cell carcinoma of 1090
Oral CDx brush biopsy 31
Oral clindamycin 933
Oral commissure 328
Oral cuffed tube 236f
Oral cysts 744
Oral cytological procedures, disadvantages of 30
Oral dysplasia detection, clinical use for 30
Oral human papillomavirus 1090
Oral hypoglycemic drugs 1086f
Oral leukoplakia, treatment of 1077
Oral preparation salts 158
classification of 1081
histopathological features of 1081b
management of 1083
pathogenesis of 1081fc
signs of 1081b
staging of 1081
surgical management of 1085f
symptoms of 1081b
Orbital apex syndrome 577
Orbital fissure syndrome, superior 577
Organ failure, multiple 972f
Organ transplant therapy 938
Organisms, virulence of 979
Oroantral perforation 908
Orofacial digital syndrome 724
Orofacial granulomatosis 1063
Oromaxillofacial region 697
Oropharyngeal toilet 519
Oropharynx 912
Orthodontic appliance, selection of 448
Orthodontic camouflage 434
Orthodontics objectives, postsurgical 452
Orthognathic surgical procedures 286
Orthopantograph 903
Orthovoltage therapy 56
Osmotic pressure theory 700
Ostectomy, peripheral 713
Ostene 1145
Osteoclast-activating factor 701
Osteoclastic activity, failure of 1006
Osteogenic neoplasms 749
Osteogenic nonodontogenic tumors 781
Osteoinductive grafts 1189
pyogenic 982
suppurative 982
classification of 982
maxilla 991f
staging of 982
treatment plan 996t
types of 996
Osteosarcoma 1088
cuts 81
lateral 473f
horizontal 466
pedicled 686
subsigmoid 359
inverted L-shaped 359
posterior segmental 687
procedures 456
segmental 452f
Otic ganglion 1059
Otitis media 375
Ovarian cysts 217
Oxazepam 224
Oxcarbazepine 1025
Oxidizing agents 116
Oxycel 1144
Oxycodone 57
administration via face mask 1158f
equipments 243
supplement 257
nasal prongs for 244f
with mask 243f
Ozone gas sterilization 118
Pacemaker cells 177
acute 412
and discomfort assessment
questionnaire 1047
chronic 402
disorder 401
dysfunction syndrome 401
excruciating 911
rarely crosses midline 1021
reduction of 411
Painful dental surgery 261
Painful jerking 1019
Palatal abscess 946
Palatal anesthesia 195
Palatal approach 197
Palatal cyst, median 734
Palatal mucoperiosteal flap 917
Palatal papillary hyperplasia 674
Palatal pedicled flap 916
Palatal pressure 297
Palatal rotational-advancement flap 917f
Palatal subperiosteal abscess 946f
Palatal torus, excision of 672
Palatine nerves 1031f
Pancreatic disease 46
Pancreatitis 28
Pancuronium 250
Panfacial fractures 602f
Panfacial trauma 601
Papilla, tearing of 102
Paradental cysts 717
Paraform method 121
Paraformaldehyde method 121
Parafunctional habits 402
Paralysis 1061
Paramedian mandibulotomy osteotomy cuts 1097f
Paranasal sinuses, high-resolution computed tomographic examination of 919
Parant scale, modified 325
Paraperiosteal infiltration injection 189
Parapharyngeal spaces 961
Parasitic infection 129
Parasympathetic pathway 815
Parasympathetic secretomotor fibers 1058
Parasymphysis mandibular fracture, bilateral 518f
Parathyroid 310
Paresis 1061
Paris dental casts, plaster of 455f
Paris headcap, plaster of 546
Paris skull cap, plaster of 545f
Parotid and parapharyngeal spaces 821f
Parotid capsule 812
Parotid tail, dissection of 854
Parotid tissue, separation of 855
Parotid omasseteric fascia 371f
Paroxysmal pain, modifications of 1024
Patent ductus arteriosus 165
Pathologic tissues, removal of 338
Patil's test 220
Pediatric cardiac arrest management 1176fc
Pediatric oral uncuffed tube 236f
Pedicled augmentation 686
Penicillium notatum 153
Penrose drain 84
Pentobarbitone 224
Peralveolar wiring procedure 543
Percutaneous balloon microcompression 1037
Percutaneous intra-lesional calcitonin
injections 739
Percutaneous puncture instruments 417
Percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation 1034
Percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizolysis 1034
Periapical cementoma 791
Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia 791
Periapical fibrous dysplasia 748
Periapical infection 928f
Periapical involvement 900
Peri-implant mucosa, marginal portion of 1132
Periodontal membrane 327
Periodontitis, acute generalized 287
Periosteal elevators 65
Periosteal osteogenic power 399
Periosteum 928
Periostitis 998
Persistent tension relieving oral habits 403
Personal protective equipment, removal of 137
Petrous ridge compression 1020
Pfifer classification 871f
Phagocytosis 349
Pharmacotherapy 411b
Pharyngeal nerve, ascending 852f
Pharyngeal space, lateral 961
Phenergan 225
Pheniramine maleate 1159
Phenolic compounds 117
Phenytoin 1027
Pheochromocytoma 217
Photodynamic therapy 1133
Phylogenic theory 309
Physical disorders 402
Physiological stress 402
Pimozide 1026
Pindborg tumor 768
Piperacillin 153
Piperocaine 170
Pituitary glands 310
Plain conventional radiography, shortfalls of 14
Plastic coping 1116f
Plastic syringes 179
Platelet 1142
derived growth factors 492
dysfunction 1142
rich plasma 1145
transfusion indications 49
Pleuronic lecithin organogel 1053
Plexiform ameloblastoma 763f
Plunging ranula 835
Pneumocele 898
Pneumonia 8
Polarity gene patched 698
Polyamides 93
Polyarthritis 375
Polyclonal hyperglobulinemia 841
Polyenes 161
Polyesters 93
Polyethylene tube 706f
Polyglactin 94
Polyisoprene 137
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia 790
Polyp 278
Polypharmacy 1207
Polypropylene 93
Polytetrafluoroethylene 93
Popowich and Crane incision 371f
Porphyromonas endodontalis 926
Porphyromonas gingivalis 926
Post-accidental management 141
Postarthrocentesis medication 416
Postauricular incision 383
Postauricular lymph node palpation 11f
Postcardiac arrest complications 1173
Post-cleft lip and palate deformity 507f
Postconsolidation orthodontic management 497
Postextraction bleeding 4
Postextraction care 298
Postglenoid tubercle 345
Postnasal drip 911
Postponement pill 229
Post-radiation sarcoma 739
Potential fascial spaces, secondary 955
Preanesthetic considerations 266
Preanesthetic evaluation 216
Preauricular lymph node palpation 11f
Precancerous condition 1075
Precancerous lesion 1075
Prednisolone 58
Pre-extraction radiological evaluation 300
Pregabalin 1026
Pre-irradiation dental care 1014
Pre-leukoplakia 1077
Premaxilla 758f
Premedicant drugs 224
Pressure syringe 179
Presterilization cleaning 105
Presurgical data 438
Presurgical decompensation 447
Presurgical dentofacial orthopedics 878
Presurgical intra-arch objectives 448
Presurgical orthodontic 451f
Prevertebral fascia 943f
Prevertebral space 963
Prevotella intermedius 926
Primary teeth, ankylosis of 310
Proboscis lateralis 871f
Procaine penicillin 153
Progesterone pill 229
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia 1077
Prophylaxis against tetanus 527
Propoxyphene 57
Propulsive drugs 227
Prosthetic abutments 1116f
Prosthetic classification 1112
Prosthetic complications 1134
Prosthetic heart valves replacement 40
Protective eyewear 136
Protective muscle splinting 351
Protrusive movement 350
Prying motion 65
Pseudoarthrosis 656
Pseudohypoplasia 9
Pseudomonas 151
Psychosomatic origin 828
Psychosomatic trismus 351
Psychotropic drugs 228
Pterygoid canal, nerve of 1059
Pterygoid fovea 636
Pterygoid laminae 568
Pterygoid pillar 563
Pterygoid plates 563
Pterygopalatine fossae 955
Ptyalism 827
Pulmonary infection 129
Pulmonary tuberculosis 286
Pulsations, presence of 750
Pupils 1168
Pure blowout fracture 577
PVC cuffed endotracheal tube 272f
Pyrimethamine 148
Q-fever 156
Quick Ceph 10 measurement analysis 440
Quinalbarbitone 224
Quinoline 171
Quinolones 159
Quinsy 963
Radiation caries 56
Radical surgical treatment 713
Radical total parotidectomy 847
Radical treatment 1009
Radiograph interpretations 903
Radiograph orthopantomogram 432
Radioisotope scanning 986
Radionecrotic wounds, treatment of 1010t
Radionuclide 99m technetium labeled phosphate 24
Radionuclide salivary imaging 823
Radiopaque dyes 703
Rail traffic accidents 1203
Rail-road technique 277
Raltegravir 144
Rampley's sponge holder 59
Ramus retractor 80
Ramus stripper 80
Ranitidine 227
Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry 1192
Rational drug selection, process of 1208t
Rational pharmacotherapy 1207
Ratner's jaw bone cavities 1020
Raxatrigine 1027
Rectal administration 223
Recumbent technique 357
Red rubber reusable endotracheal tubes 236f
Redundant crestal soft tissue, removal of 674
Reef knotting method 98
Regional anesthesia, injection techniques for 183
Regional muscle transpositions 1069
Regurgitation 217
Rehabilitation 941
Rehrmann's buccal advancement flap, modified 916
Relaxation splints 415
Remodel foreign material 1111f
Removable dentures, cleaning of 54
Renal damage 159
Renal diseases 44
Renal disorders 45
Renal failure 250
Renal function tests 27
Renal pathologies 8
Renal system 217
Replacement therapy, level of 1148
Residual alveolar ridges, rate of resorption of 664
Resorbable osteosynthetic devices 552
Respiration 1168
Respiratory diseases 43
Respiratory gas monitor 243
Respiratory problems 614
Retrobulbar hemorrhage 581
Retrodiskal tissue 348
Retrognathia, severe 382
Retrograde amnesia 530
Retrograde facial nerve dissection, surgical technique for 851
Retrograde intubation 383
Retrograde method 277
Retrograde nasal intubation, steps of 278f
Retromolar gingiva 1089
Retromolar trigone 1089
Retropreparation 340
Retrozygomatic space 948
Retrusion 350
Rheumatic hypothesis 1064
Rhinoplasty 486
Rib cage picture 390f
Rickets 310
Rickettsia 156
Ridge augmentation procedures 682
Ridge extension procedures 677
Right angle fracture 618f
Right buccal mucosa 800f
Right eye, proptosis of 581f
Right parasymphysis fracture reduction 616f
Rigid external distractor 504f
Rigid internal fixation 613
Rilpivirine 144
Ring-Adair-Elwyn tubes 237
Ringer's solution 175
Risdon's wiring 538
Rivaroxaban 1150
Rocuronium 250
Rolitetracycline 156
Rongeurs forceps 71
Root canal beyond root apex 340f
Root end preparation 340
Root fractures 4
Root morphology 326
Root odontectomy 332
Root piece, removal of 901f
Root positioning 452
Root proximity 327
Root resorption and caries, prevention of 310
Root shape 324
Root size 321
Root tip, sectioning of 340
Rotational advancement flap operation 916
Rotational pressure 297
Routine sinus radiographs 919
Rowe and William classification 566
Rowe's disimpaction forceps 78f
Rubber mouth props 69f
Rubella 130
Salbutamol 1159
Saline, normal 1159
aberrant 827
anatomy 810
benign tumors of 842
classification 809
complications of surgery of 856
classification of 817
surgical management of major 847
dysfunction 827
endoscopy 824
function 841
infections of 836
lesions 818t
major 1006
physiology 815
region, enlargement in 818t
tumor 842
benign 842t
malignant 842t
surgery, goal of 847
Salivary solutes, crystallization of 830
Salivary stones 829
Sandwich grafting 683
Sarcoidosis 842
Sarcoma 1088
Saucerization 992
Scalp needle 244
Scalpel 60
Scarlet fever 375
Schneiderian membrane 898
Schuchardt's technique 478f
Schwann cells 799
Scleroderma 375
Sclerosing solution injections, uses of 361
Sclerosis, multiple 1020
Scopolamine 224
Sebaceous glands 742
Second-line medicinal therapy 1026
Secretomotor pathway 815
Seizure 1164
Selective neck dissection 1101
Semisynthetic penicillins 153
Semmes-Weinstein filaments 1050f
Sensation, loss of 858
Sensorcaine 175
Sepsis, development of 1152
Septal bone, interdental 669f
Septic arthritis 375
Septic foci 54
Septocaine 175
Sequestrum holding forceps 71
Seroma 858
albumin 27
calcium 28
creatinine 27
electrolytes 27
oxaloacetic transaminase 27
hepatitis vaccine 132
phosphorus 28
Settle plate method 123
Sharp infected hospital waste 145
cardiogenic 1152
classification of 1151
clinical manifestations of 1151t
hemorrhagic 1151
hypovolemic 1151
non-hemorrhagic 1151
Short edentulous posterior fragment 609
Short-acting agents 171
Sialendoscope 1188f
Sialoangiectasis 831
Sialocele 858
Sialochemistry 826
Sialodochitis 819
Sialosis 840
Siemen's scanners 17
Simple soft splint 414f
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome 724
Single photon emission computerized tomography 408
approximation 315
endoscopy 903
floor of 899
formation 931
grafting 686
lift procedure 686
problem 262
Skeletal analysis 439f
Skeletal anomalies 730
Skeletal assessment 441
Skeletal bimaxillary protrusion 429
Skeletal deep anterior overbite pattern 452
Skeletal disease 607
Skeletal morphology 665
closure 373
color 1168
and texture 9
anterior 854
posterior 854
fragility of 360
grafting vestibuloplasty 680
hook 64
hyperelasticity of 360
incision 368
lesions 730
protection 134
reactions 133
sensitivity test 222
sutures 102
Sleep disturbances 402
Sliding and reduction genioplasty 466f
Slip knot 98
Slit laceration 522
Smallpox 375
Smith's bone spreaders 82f
Snoring, surgical management of 4
Sodium 27
bicarbonate 1173
chloride 175
solution 245
fluoride mouthwash 56
hypochlorite 119
solution 141
pump 169
Soft and hard tissue trauma 4
Soft aqua splint 414f
Soft resilient splint 413
abscess 929fc
analysis 440f
anomalies 730
basic preprosthetic surgeries 667
complications 1131
components 636
contusion of 632
odontogenic developmental 720
defects 876
deficiency 1132
developmental cysts of 742
examination, supporting 666
glabella 440
handling 1123
hyperplasia 1131
lesions 800
menton 440
nonodontogenic cysts of 742
pathologies 407
planes 972f
pogonion 440
simulation 445
multiple 524f
Solitary neurofibroma 801
Solitary plexiform neurofibroma 802
Special dental imaging techniques 18
Spectrum 938
Spencer wells forceps 65
Sphenoid greater wing 576f
Sphenoid-zygomaticosphenoidal suture, greater wing of 571
Sphygmomanometer 1157
Spiekermann's classification 1133
Spondylitis, ankylosing 375
Spongiosa 603
Spontaneous bleeding 1140
Spontaneous circulation, return of 1168
Spontaneous fracture 534
Spot test strip 52f
Spray-wipe-spray technique 139
Sputum 217
S-shaped incision 335f
Stab incision 933
Stab wounds 522
Stabilization splint 413
Stannous fluoride gel 56
Starvation 28
Static air 111
Static infiltration 184
Steam sterilization 104
Steam sterilizers 110
Stellate neuroma 1045
Stereolithography 1183
Stereophotogrammetry 1183
Sterile abscess 980
Sterile drapes 104
Sterile gloves 104
Sterile goods, storage of 114
Sterile gowns 104
Sternoclavicular graft 392
Sternocleidomastoid 407
Steroids 229
Stethoscope 1157
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 1025
Stiff joint 375
Stobie technique 285
Stones, posterior 832
Stout's multiloop wiring 540f
Stratum spinosum 726
Streptomyces aureofaciens 155
Stress management 412
Stretch exercises, acute 412
Stretch laceration 522
Stump neuromas 1045
Stylohyoid ligament 952f
Stylohyoid muscle 852f
Stylomastoid foramen 850
Stylopharyngeus muscles 853
Subciliary incision 587
Subcutaneous tissue 521
Sublingual artery 1146
Sublingual sialadenitis 965
Subluxated teeth 611
Subluxation 352
Submandibular lymph node palpation 11f
Submandibular pleomorphic adenoma, left-side 821f
Submandibular Risdon's incision 617f
Submandibular sialadenitis 965
Submarginal envelope flap 339
Submasseteric space 959
Submental intubation 274
Submental oroendotracheal intubation 273
Submental procedures 486
Submental space 951
Submucosal vestibuloplasty technique 678
Subperiosteal implants 1108f
Subperiosteal infiltration 189
Subsigmoid ramus osteotomy 467f
Suchard and Pfeiffer's classification 870
Suction bottles, procedure for 55
Sugar levels 46
Sulfadiazine 159
Sulfonamides 159
Supernumerary maxillary sinus 898
Supplementary adjunct procedures 712
Supplementary adjunctive therapies 726
Supplementary infiltration techniques 191
Suppressing diseases 928
Suppressing drugs 928
Supraerupted tooth 286
Supraglottic airway devices 1157
Supranuclear facial paralysis 1061
Suprazygomatic fracture 568
Surface anesthesia 185
Surgical blades 60
Surgical bleeding 263
Surgical ciliated cyst of maxilla 739
Surgical cotton 93
Surgical curettes 68
Surgical drainage 939
Surgical emphysema 568
Surgical endodontics 338
Surgical extractions 301
Surgical gut 93
Surgical intensive care unit 257
Surgical knot tying 98
Surgical mallet 73
Surgical needle, anatomy of 96f
Surgical stents, types of 1122f
Surgical tissue adhesives 103
Surgicel 1144
Surgifoam 1144
absorption of 92
basic classification of 88
requisites for 91
selection of 91
tensile strength of 88
Suxamethonium 250
Sweat glands 742
Sweating, gustatory 398
Sympathomimetics 158
Symphysis fracture 605
Symptomatic bradycardia 1158
Syncope 1162
Syndromic association of clefts 864
Synkinesis 1067
Synovial cells, proliferation of 349
Synovial disease 417
Synovial sarcoma 352
Synovial tissue 349
Synovitis 349
Synovium 420
Synthetic bone graft 126f
Synthetic grafting 713
Syringes and needles 1157
Systemic antibiotics 1133
Systemic diseases 375
Systemic disorders 607
Systemic joint diseases 410
Systemic lupus erythematosus 840
Systemic toxicity 150
Systolic pressure 1166
Tachycardia 250
Tactile brush stroke directional discrimination 1048
Taenia solium 743
Tajima incision 892f
Tannic acid 1144
Tarsorrhaphy 1069
Taste, loss of 55
Tears 522
absence of 609
alignment 300
ankylosed 307
aspiration of 298
bud, ectopic position of 310
causes of impaction of 309
crown 300
lock under second molar 326
status 326
displaced 629
eruption of 706
complications of 298
impaction of 309
prevalence of 307
luxation of 611
multiple impacted 319f
neighboring 706f
occlusion of 345
partially impacted 307
prenatal 308
presence of 609
restoration of 1014
simple extraction of 295
splitting of 332
transmigration of 308
unerupted 307
Temporal artery, superficial 1147
Temporal fascia 388
Temporal fossa 633
Temporal muscle 388
Temporal space, anatomy of 956f
Temporalis fascia 362
Temporalis flap, advantages of 654
Temporalis myofascial flap 387
Temporalis myotomy 382
Temporary gingival cuff 1114
Temporofacial division 1060
Temporomandibular joint 3, 9, 18f, 218, 328, 345, 346f, 349, 349f, 355f, 375, 402, 413f, 419f, 434, 533, 603, 632, 633f, 645f, 1181
acute dislocation of 358b
management of 354
altered structural components of 354
anatomy of 345
classification of 381
diagnosis of 377
recurrence of 399
surgery 396
arthrocentesis 415
arthrography 407
autogenous interpositional materials for 387b
dislocation 298
classification of 352
applications in 19
dysfunction disorders, surgical treatment of 421
function and range of motion 404
hypermobility of 352
internal derangement of 409
intra-articular injection, technique of 412
irrigation, armamentarium required for 417
meta-arthrosis of 657f
normal 21f
pain dysfunction syndrome 401
prefabricated 414f
special features of 350
subluxation 298
syndrome 401
Tendonitis 351
Tensile strength 91
Tensor veli palatine 1059
Tessier classification 872
Tetany 351
Theophylline 158
Theory of Dursy 867
Thera-bite jaw rehabilitation system 398f
Therapeutic radiotherapy 1006
Thermal agents 1143
Thermal injury, avoidance of 1121
Thermal testing 1050
Thermocoagulation 1032
Thiopentone 260
Third-line medicinal therapy 1026
Thoma's incision 365
Throat, angle of 440
Thrombocytopenic purpura 51
Thrombosis, coronary 28
Thyroglossal duct cyst 743
condition, types of 47
oral manifestations of 47t
dysfunction 217
function, assessment of 47
hormone levels 47
metabolic disorders of 310
Tic douloureux 1019
Tinel's sign 1043
biocompatibility 91
contamination 91
cutting, advances in 1191
engineering 1189
grafts 99
handling 305
laceration 4
management system 1144
specimen, handling of 34
stabilization during biopsy 34
supported surgical stents 1122
Tomograms 407
Tomography 903
traction of 519
two-thirds of 1089
sign 828
test 534f
cancer 1097f
forceps 66
size 328
tie 677f
Tonsilitis 375
Topical agents, direction for use of 188
Topiramate 1026
Tori, excision of 672
Torn meniscus, removal of 362
Total intravenous anesthesia 249
Total joint replacements 363
Towel clip 60
Trabeculations, bony 719
Tracheal bifurcation 277
Tracheal dilator 78f
Tracheal stenosis 278
Tracheotomy under local anesthesia 939
Traditional minimum integration times 1127t
Traditional model surgery 454
Traditional orthognathic surgical planning 442b
Tragus of ear, post-aspect of 1060
Tranexamic acid 1145
Transalveolar surgical extraction, indications for 300
Transconjunctival incision 587
Transcranial radiographs 407
Transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulator 412
Transfixation methods 547
Transforming growth factors 492
Transfusion safety 52
Transient facial palsy-post pterygomandibular nerve block 1062
Transient ischemic attack 1167
Transient xerostomia 828
Transmitting infection, risk of 105
Transmucosal extension 1115f
Transoral sialolithotomy 824f
Transosteal implants 1108
Transport disk distraction osteogenesis 511f
Transtracheal jet ventilation 939
Transverse fracture 568
Transverse impaction 314
Transverse markings 455
Transverse plane 425
Trapped air pockets 110
Traumatic arthritis 351
Traumatic diseases 898
Traumatic extravasation bone cyst 736
Traumatic neuroma, excision of 1054
Trauner's technique 681
Trephination 994
Treponema pallidum 129
Triangular flap, two-sided 305f
Triazoles 162
Tricalcium phosphate 686
Trifocal distraction 493
Trigeminal gangliolysis 1034
Trigeminal ganglion 1059
Trigeminal nerve
injuries 1053
involvement, division of 1021
ophthalmic division of 577
peripheral branches of 1054
repairs of 1053
roots of 1059f
sensory root of 1037
Trigeminal root section 1038
Trigeminal tractotomy 1038
Trigger points, palpation of 402
Triple channel monitor 242f
Trochlear nerve 577
Tube, obstruction of 280
Tuberosity block 192
cartilage 781
exposure of 757f
formation of 902
inferior positioning of 765f
intracranial 1020
irradiation of 1007
presence of 417
swelling 746
Tympanic membrane 1059f
Tympanomastoid fissure 851
Tympanomastoid suture line 853
Typhoid 375
Tyramine 176
Ulcer, laryngeal 278
Ultra-short acting agents 171
Ultrasonic cleaners 116f
Ultrasonography, facial region for 22f
Unconsciousness, length of 531
Uncuffed endotracheal tube 272f
Unicystic ameloblastoma 761
incomplete 868
morphofunctional classification of 872
Pfeifer's incision for 880
repair, rationale of 879
type 872f
Unsaturated chemical vapor sterilization 113
Unstable fractures 590
Upper alveolar ridge 1089
Upper facial contour plane 440
Uremia 928
Uterus 255
Vagal reflex mechanism 1168
Vagolytic effects 226
Vagus nerve, rootlets of 1059f
Valacyclovir 160
Valproic acid 1027
Valvular septal defect 8
Van Der Woude syndrome 865
Vancomycin 161
Vapocoolant spray, uses of 412
Varicella-zoster virus 130
Vascular cyst walls 703
Vascular endothelial growth factors 492
agents 176
classification of 175
dilution of 176
infiltration of 368
selection of 178
uses of 178b
Vasomotor function-sympathetic innervation 815
Vasovagal syncope 1162
Vecuronium 250
Velopharyngeal insufficiency 888
Velscope 31
Venous hemorrhage 1139
Vertical distraction osteogenesis procedure 689
Vertical mucoperiosteal flap design 329f
Vertical subsigmoid osteotomy 467f
Vessel ligating clips 1144
Vessel sealing system 1144
Viable bone graft 23f
Vibrio cholerae 156
Vicryl rapide 94
Video laryngoscope 246
Videocamera and cable 417
Videorecorder 417
Vidian nerve 1031f
Viral attenuation 114
Viral hypothesis 1064
Viral origin, ulcers of 54
Virkon method 122
Visual examination 531
Vital sign monitor 1158
Vixotrigine 1027
Vocal cords, synechia of 278
Volatile anesthetic agents 251
Volatile inhalational anesthetic agents 251
von Ebner's lingual serous gland 815
von Langenbeck technique 886
Waldron's method 709
Walsham's disimpaction forceps 536f
Warfarin 158
Wassmund's technique 476f
Weakness, areas of 604
Weber-Ferguson incision 756f
Wedge principle 291
Weiss' theory 1109
Western blot 52
Whitehead's varnish 913
Whole blood 1145
Winter and Quek classification, combination of 315
Winter's crossbar elevators 291f
Winter's elevator 291
Wiring procedure, circumferential 544
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 939
Wolfe's bottle 243f
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome 865
Worm's eye 875f
crushed 523
risk of 657
extent of 521
focused examination of 524
healing 527
incised 522
initial examination of 524
repair 91
tailing of 522
Wrist pivot method 357
Zidovudine 144
Zovirax 160
Zygoma 757
body 571
lateral orbital rim 571
displaced 591
inferior orbital wall-part of 571
joins 571
part of 571
Zygomatic block 192
Zygomatic fracture, reduction of 591b
Zygomatic nerves 564
Zygomatic pillar 563
Zygomatic process 548f
Zygomaticomaxillary crest 571