Systemic and Ophthalmic Management of Diabetes Mellitus Chris Steele
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Abdomen 33
Abortion, spontaneous 222
Acidosis 29, 63, 64
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 67
Addison's disease 30
diphosphate 77
triphosphate 76
Adipose tissue 28, 28b
Adrenaline 28
Aflibercept 143, 146, 147, 182, 201, 235
Age-related macular degeneration 111, 143, 198, 205, 245
Airway pressure, positive 219
Alcohol 213, 218
consumption 218
mexcessive 64
overuse 49
Aldose reductase 77
Alpha glucoside inhibitors 53
Amblyopia 111
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 17, 23, 43
American Diabetes Association 43
Amlodipine 216
Amputations 56
Anemia 162, 213, 217
pernicious 30, 210
peribulbar 174
retrobulbar 174
technique 174
Angiogram demonstrating temporal ischemia 125f
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 47, 215, 227
Angle closure glaucoma 189, 189f
Antenatal retinal screening 227
Antidiabetic drugs 51
Antiplatelet therapy 48
Antipsychotic therapy 2
Antivascular endothelial growth factor 94, 118
injections of 102
intravitreal 150, 150f, 182
injection 152f
medications 143
therapy 142
treatments 143
Antiviral therapy 2
Aphakia 178
absorption characteristics of 121f
ion laser 119, 120
Arterial bifurcation, inferior 203f
disease, coronary 68
occlusion 174
stenosis, ophthalmic 137
Aspirin 217
Atom's nucleus determines 79
Atorvastatin 50
Autoimmune diseases 30
Bacterial endocarditis, subacute 210
Bariatric surgery 41, 47
Basal human insulin 58
Best corrected visual acuity 107, 142, 199
Bevacizumab 143, 144, 155, 198
antibody 145
efficacy of 144
intravitreous 144
treatment trials 198
Biliary cirrhosis, primary 49
Biom systems 163
Bladder cancer 54
Blindness 1
causes of 1
Blood 165
cholesterol levels 115
flow, altered 141
glucose 19, 65, 115
control 218
during pregnancy 2
levels 33, 40, 115, 226, 228
management 32, 50
measurements 226
monitoring 225
random 197
regulation 28
targets 228
test 19, 37
pressure 40, 115
control 215
diastolic 47
managing 47
systolic 64, 213
sugar 36
vessels, small 73
Blot hemorrhages, multiple 109
Body tissues 26
Brainstem anesthesia 174
Branch retinal artery occlusion, inferior 203f
Branch retinal vein 196
occlusion 125f, 193, 196f, 197f
Calcium channel blocker 47
Canagliflozin 52
Capillary basement membrane thickening 75
Capsule opacity, posterior 183
Capsulorhexis 173, 179
Carbohydrate 75
metabolism 28
Carbon dioxide 76
Cardiac autonomic neuropathy 68
Cardiovascular disease 17, 68
risk factor for 42
Cardiovascular risk factors 69
Carotid artery
stenosis 68
unilateral 137
Carotid occlusive disease 99
Catabolism 30
Cataract 175, 181, 202
formation 175
accelerated 176
postoperative 173
increases, prevalence of 181
nuclear sclerotic 181f
posterior subcapsular 181f
surgery 173, 181, 182
incidence of 181
post 235, 235f
Celiac sprue 30
adhesion molecules 83
types 230
Cellophane maculopathy 243
Central macular
edema 182f
thickness 142, 147
analysis 237f
Central nervous system 80
Central retinal
artery 204f
thickness 106f
vein 174
occlusion 195f
Central vein occlusion study 195
Central visual acuity loss 136
Cerebral edema 64
Cerebrovascular disease 65, 162
Chemokines 83
Cherry red spot 204f
Chiropody 104
Chloramphenicol 152f
Cholesterol 18, 197
absorption inhibitors 50
Chorioretinal folds 207, 207f
Choroidal detachment 136
Choroidal neovascular membrane 128, 128f, 206f
Choroidal neovascularization 128, 207
development of 245
Choroidal nevi 204, 205f
Choroidal tumors 207
Cilioretinal artery 99
Circinate exudates 95f
multiple 141f
Cirrhosis, hepatic 2
Color vision 129, 136
defects 192
Complex metabolic disorder 43f
Conjunctiva 164
Connective tissue growth factor 81
Constipation 55
Contact lens 138f
intolerance, diagnostic 183
risk of 190
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion 33, 226
Core vitrectomy 172f
Corneal decompensation 176
Corneal epithelial problems 179
Corneal sensitivity 190
Corneal thickness 189
Corticosteroid 28, 194
treatment trials 200
Cotton wool spots 90, 90f92f, 108
multiple 109f
Creatinine 197
Cryotherapy 178
Cystoid macular edema 173, 186f, 237
postoperative 184
Cytokine 82
activation 141
multifunctional 82
role 82
Dapagliflozin 52
Dark adaptation 136
Dehydration 30, 59
Dense persistent premacular hemorrhage 169
Dexamethasone 154, 155, 155f, 200
intravitreal implant 194
Diabetes 1, 2, 5, 41, 52, 72, 80, 115, 162, 188, 210, 222
chemical-induced 15
chronic complications of 65f, 67
complications 66f
epidemiology of 213
Control and Complications Trial 18
corneal disorders in 190
diagnosis of 17
drug induced 15
duration of 213, 218
education 45
high risk of 20
history of 2
interventions, epidemiology of 213
mellitus 1, 15, 16, 49, 69, 94, 181, 192
classification 15
complications of 63
diagnostic criteria 16
epidemiology of 5
gestational 2, 13, 15, 20, 222, 223, 225
managing 226
non-insulin dependent 2
prevalence of 5, 10f
type 1 2, 6, 9, 15, 23, 24, 2931, 33, 35, 36, 63, 73, 85
type 2 2, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16, 16t, 23, 40, 41, 43, 45, 58, 60, 63, 65, 73, 85, 222
metabolic control of 18
monogenic 15
natural history 42f
ocular surface disorders in 190
prevalence of 68
prevention program 46
screening for 15
secondary 2
specific testing 224
treatment principles 43f
types of 3
Diabetic amyotrophy 67
Diabetic cardiomyopathy 67
Diabetic encephalopathy 67
Diabetic exudative maculopathy 95
Diabetic eye 103
disease 1, 3
screening program 102, 107, 235
Diabetic foot 68
Diabetic ketoacidosis 23, 29, 56, 63, 64, 227
Diabetic macrovascular disease 213
Diabetic macular edema 85, 93, 118, 141, 148f, 151, 181, 183, 216, 234, 237f
pharmacological treatments of 141
pretreatment 143f
treatment for 148f
Diabetic maculopathy 92, 94f, 95f, 99, 106, 106f, 107f, 123
classification of 93
ischemic 128f
post laser treatment for 127
prevalence of 85
risk factors of 85
treatment 142f
unresponsive 127
Diabetic microvascular disease 213
Diabetic myonecrosis 68
Diabetic nephropathy 67, 217
Diabetic neuropathy 67
Diabetic papillopathy 191, 192f
Diabetic retinal pigment epitheliopathy 99
Diabetic retinopathy 3, 65, 73, 8587, 92f, 98f, 101, 104f, 105f, 111f, 118, 119, 181, 182, 224
asymmetric 98
atypical features of 98
clinical features of 85
development of 222
grading 103
classification 104
management of 118
non-proliferative 87, 88f90f, 130, 131
pathogenesis of 73, 73f, 74
pathophysiology of 3
preproliferative 91, 92f
prevalence of 85
progression of 213
proliferative 3, 87, 95, 102, 118, 129, 130, 132f, 156, 160, 167, 182
risk factors of 85
screening 101
severe non-proliferative 187
sight-threatening 111
study 118
early treatment of 87, 104, 199, 216, 235
grading system 87t
treatment of 87, 141
surgical management of 160
treatment for 118, 121
Diabetic third nerve palsies 191
Diarrhea 55
Diastolic dysfunction 67
Digital healthcare optomize software 111
Diode laser 119, 121
absorption characteristics of 121f
Diplopia 174, 177
incidence of 177
Disciform macular degeneration 242f
Disk 103
diameter 95f
new vessels 96f, 109f
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 70
Drusen 244
Dry eye 190f
Dye laser 119, 121
Dyschromatopsia 192
Dyslipidemia 41, 48
etiology 49
primary causes 49
secondary causes 49
Electrolyte imbalance 64
Empagliflozin 52
Endocrinological disease 2
Endolaser probes 166
Endophthalmitis 178, 184, 187f
acute 185
risk of 185
Endothelial cell 75, 81
Endothelial growth factor treatment, post anti-vascular 197f
Enzymes 78
Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy 182
Epiretinal membrane 172, 206, 237, 243, 243f
bilateral 206f
dissection of 160
optical coherence tomography of 173f
Erectile dysfunction 65, 72
Erythrocyte 78
sedimentation rate 197
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 52
European Society of Retina Specialists guidelines 142
Exogenous insulin 15
Extracellular matrix, deposition of 75
Extraocular muscle dysfunction 177
disease 181
focusing, relaxes 113
movement, rapid 219
pain 202
redness 202
saccadic movements 123
tracking mechanisms 123
vitrectomized 149
Eylea packs 145f
Ezetimibe 50
Fasting glucose, impaired 16, 17
Fasting plasma glucose 16, 17
Fat 26
Fatigue 216
Fatty acid
non-essential 42
oxidation 77
Felodipine 216
Fenofibrate 217
Fetal anomalies 222
Fibrates 50
Fibroblast growth factor, basic 81
Fibrosis, subretinal 128
Fibrotic tissue
dissecting 166
peeling 166
removal 165
Fibrovascular tissue 97
Finger-pricking lancet devices 37
Finnish Diabetes Risk Score 16
balance 64
depletion 30
dynamics 163
plasma leaks 90
Fluocinolone 155
acetonide 153, 153f
Fluorescein angiography 134f, 148f, 246f
Focal laser treatment 124
post 128f
Focal maculopathy, treat 124
Foot ulcers 65
Full thickness macular hole 239f
Gallium-aluminum-arsenide 121
Generic calcium channel blocker 216
Genital itching 30
Ghost cell glaucoma 188, 189f
Glaucoma 98, 188, 245
drainage devices 188
late-onset 177
monitoring 188f
neovascular 188, 189f
optic nerve head analysis 241f
pre-existing 177
primary open angle 98, 188
secondary 177, 177f
open-angle 175
surgery 178
types of 98
Glial cell, type of 80
Glibenclamide 229
Gliptins 55
Glitazones 52, 54
Glomerular damage 67
Glucagon 26, 27
action of 27, 29
Glucocentric management 38
Glucose Awareness Training Program 31
homeostasis, imbalance of 42f
intolerance 1
lowering drugs, cardiovascular effects of 58
meters 227
molecules, active 28
monitoring 36
continuous 226
stimulated insulin release 27
tolerance 214
impaired 1, 16, 17
transport 28
Glucosidase inhibitors 53
Glutathione 79
end products 181
endproducts, advanced 74f
reduction in 192
Glycemic control 93, 223, 224, 227
Glycemic targets 44
Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase 52
Glycogen stores 27
Glycogenolysis 27
Glycosuria 28
Glycosylated haemoglobin, production of 75
Glycosylation, nonenzymatic 75b
Gonioscopy 190
Graves’ disease 30
Grid laser, modified 126f
Gross nasal retinal ischemia 134f
factors, role of 81
hormone 28
Gutte povidone iodine, instillation of 150f
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 30
Headache 54, 66
attack 68
disease 48
coronary 10
ischemic 162, 192
failure 11, 40, 67
Heidelberg engineering spectralis optical coherence tomography 231f
Helmholtz's development 160
Hematuria 54
Hemoglobin 121
glycosylated 16, 17, 19
Hemorrhage, blot 89, 89f, 106, 108, 125f
conjunctival 202
dot and blot 91
flame-shaped 88
intraretinal 88, 89
premacular 170f, 171
preretinal 96, 97f, 105f
suprachoroidal 178
Hepatitis, autoimmune 30
Hepatocyte growth factor 81
Hexokinase pathway 77
Higher refractive index 179
Histopathology 87
Hormone insulin 1
Hospital eye service 201
Human sequence insulin 33
Hyaloid, anterior 161
Hyaloidal traction, posterior 238
Hyalosis, asteroid 207, 208f
Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme 50
Hyperandrogenism, mild 68
Hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal 222
Hypercholesterolemia 192
Hyperglycemia 1, 15, 16, 28, 30, 40, 68, 74f, 77, 78, 78f, 81, 213
causes of 2
chemical-induced 15
chronic 73, 141
drug induced 15
fasting 29
persistent 73
severity of 181
symptoms of 18
Hyperlipidemia 69, 213, 216
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
state 63
syndrome 63
Hypertension 11, 69, 128, 162, 213, 214, 218
Hypertrophy, congenital 205f
Hypoglycemia 18, 53, 59, 66
frequency of 34
management of 66
neonatal 222
presentation of acute 66t
signs of 66
symptoms of 66
Hypothyroidism 49
Hypotony 165, 176, 207
Hypoxia 141
Iluvien pack 153f
Incretins 36
Indirect ophthalmoscope delivered laser 134
Indocyanine green angiography 234, 246
Infection 63
management 64
Infertility 68
Inflammation 207
subclinical 80
Inhibitor ruboxistaurin mesylate 156
Inner limiting membrane 162
Insulin 13, 26, 27, 33, 36
aspart 34
biphasic half-life of 27f
deficiency 24f, 29
effects of 29
permanent 24
degludec 34
detemir 34
dose of 35
effects of 28b, 28f
glargine 34
glulisine 34
subcutaneous 38
variable rate intravenous 65
intracellular production of 27f
like growth factor-1 74
lispro 34
long-acting 35
mixed 35
physiological effects 27
preparations 34t
principal actions of 28b
pump therapy 38
advantages of 38
disadvantages of 38
rapid-acting 35
receptors 28
regimen 33, 35, 37
replacement therapy 34
resistance 42
syndrome 41f
secretion, regulation of 27
structure and secretion 25
optimizing 36
side effects of 35
Insulinopenia 24
Interferon-gamma inducible protein 83
Internal limiting membrane 160, 233
International Diabetes Federation 1, 57, 16, 17, 43
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry 32
Interstitial tissue fluid glucose 226
Intracellular glucose deficiency, effects of 28
bipolar instruments 166
gas bubble 178
laser delivery 166
pressure 98, 144, 164
raised 175
surgery 207
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities 73f, 108f, 109
Intraretinal microvascular anomalies 76, 87, 91, 92f, 131, 131f, 135f
multiple 131f
contraceptive devices 224
fetal demise 222
Intravenous fluorescein angiography 124, 128f, 186f, 194, 246
Intravitreal dexamethasone implants 200
Intravitreal injections 150
Intravitreal lucentis treatment 106f
Intravitreal ranibizumab 183
Intravitreal steroid 151, 152, 182
treatment 157
Intravitreal triamcinolone 144
acetonide 200
injection 152f
Iridocorneal angle rubeosis 187
Iris 187
new vessels 168
Irvine-Gass cystoid macular edema 186f, 235f
Irvine-Gass syndrome 235
Ischemia 74, 128
Ischemic optic neuropathy, anterior 192f
Islets of Langerhans 26, 27f
cells 27f
structure of 26f
Isophane insulin 227
Ketoacidosis, management of 64
Ketone testing 277
strips 227
Ketosis 29
Ketostix 224
Kidney 55
disease 213
chronic 40, 68
injury, acute 55
Krebs cycle 76
Kussmaul's breathing 29
Lactose 228
Lamellar holes 244
instrumentation, modern 121
photocoagulation 118
therapy 194
power, titration of 126
room set-up 122f
scanning ophthalmoscope camera 232
scar expansion 128
treatment 123, 198
Latent autoimmune disease 24
Leber's disease 235
Leukemia 210
Leukocyte 80
adhesion 80
Lipohypertrophy 68
serum 89
very-low-density 49
Lisinopril 216
Liver 28, 28b
Low-glycemic index 32
Lucentis 182
packs 145f
Macroaneurysm 91f
Macrosomia 222
Macrovascular disease 65
Macula 103, 109
Macular drusen 242f
Macular edema 54, 67, 92, 173f, 198
causes of 235
clinically significant 93, 118
detection of 234
diffuse 141f
secondary 196f, 235f
Macular holes 238, 244
Macular volume 123
Maculopathy 104, 113
early 94f
hypotonic 176
laser 118t
treatment for 125
referable 93, 107
severe 135f
signs of 112
Meglitinides 54
indications 54
Mental health 72
Metabolic syndrome 17
Metamorphopsia 141
Metformin 36, 44, 51, 54, 58, 227, 229
hydrochloride 51
main action 52
Microaneurysms 88, 108
Microglia, role of 80
Micropigment epithelial defect 246f
Microvascular abnormalities, multiple 125f
Migraine, ophthalmoplegic 191
Mitomycin C 188
Molecules, group of 142
Monoclonal antibody inhibitors 50
Monocytes 80
Motion correction technology 232
Multifocal exudative maculopathy 127f
Multispot delivery systems 122
Multispot lasers 122
Muscle 26, 28, 28b
Myasthenia gravis 30
Mydriasis 113, 183
Myelinated nerve fibers 208, 208f
Myocardial infarction 10
Myopia, high 178
Nasopharyngeal tumor 191
National Health Service 32, 40, 69
National Health Systems 3
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 12, 17, 18, 43, 142, 222
National Screening Committee 87
Nausea 55, 66
Navilas system 123
Neovascular glaucoma, development of 195
Neovascularization, complications of 167
Nephropathy 65, 213
head neovascularization 195
palsy 191
sixth 191
third 191
peripheral 191
Neuroma, acoustic 191
Neuropathy 40, 56
peripheral autonomic 216
Neuroretina 82
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 77f
Nifedipine 216
Night vision, impaired 136
Nightmares 66
Nitrous oxide
anesthetic 178
use of 178
Non-enzymatic advanced glycation end-products, accelerated formation of 75
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy 89f
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 183
Non-vitrectomized eyes 149
Nuclear layer, outer 233
Nuisance bleeds 168
Obesity 11, 30, 41, 213, 219
abdominal 17
particularly 2
types of 219
Obstructive sleep apnea 218, 219
Ocular diseases 181
Ocular ischemic syndrome 192
Ocular motility defects 191
Oligomenorrhea 68
Ophthalmia, sympathetic 178
Ophthalmic lasers 119
Ophthalmoscopic signs, severity of 104
choroidopathy 176
disk 129
collateral vessels 196f
near 135f
neovascularization 95
pallor 178
nerve 178
head disease 205
hypoplasia 208
trauma 174
non-arteritic ischemic 192
progressive 188
Optical coherence tomography 4, 93, 106, 106f, 123, 125, 143f, 148f, 183, 230, 234, 234f, 241f, 244f
angiography 245
basic principles of 230
central macular thickness 237
retinal surface en face 245
Optimal screening intervals 112
Ora serrata 164f
Oral antidiabetic drugs 51
Oral glucose tolerance test 225
Oral therapy 51
Ozurdex 154, 155f
implant 154, 155, 202
packaging 200f
intravitreal implant 201
Pain, abdominal 55
Pan-retinal photocoagulation 95, 99f, 111f, 118, 129, 132, 132f, 135f, 138f, 182
burns 133f
distribution 133
treatment, pain during 133
treatment technique for 130, 131
Papilledema 207
Paracentral scotomata 128
Pars plana vitrectomy 149, 160, 162, 163f, 165f, 166
illumination system 163
operating microscope 162
Pegaptanib 143
sodium 143, 144
Perfluorocarbon 167
Perfluoroethane 167
Perfluoropropane 167, 178
Pericytes 76
Perindopril 216
Periodontal disease 67
Periorbital skin 151f
cataract surgery 182
surgery, modern 184
Phaco-vitrectomy surgery 179
Phakic eye 165f
Phimosis, anterior capsule 186
Photocoagulation 104
scars 109
Photophobia 183
Pigment epithelial
defect 239f
large 246f
detachment 240f, 242f, 245
Pioglitazone 54, 58, 59
Placental growth factor 81
glucose concentrations, control of 40
protein electrophoresis 197
Plateau iris 189
Plexiform layer, outer 231, 233
Plus ranibizumab 199
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 17, 52, 68
Polyol pathway 77, 77f
Polypeptide, pancreatic 26
Polyphagia 30
Polyuria 29
Porphyromonas gingivalis 67
Postprandial glucose 23
Potassium titanyl phosphate 119
Povidone iodine solution 151f
Pramlintide 36
Pravastatin 50
Prediabetes 16
states 17t
screening for 15, 17
Preeclampsia 222
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, laser treatment of 129
Proprotein convertase subtilisin 50
Protein 21
kinase 78
C 74f, 78, 78f, 155
metabolism 29
signal 142
Ptosis 174
reactions 197
size and focusing 177
Ranibizumab 143145, 147, 156, 194, 199, 201, 235
Rashes 55
Red blood cells 175, 217
Refractive changes 179
Regression, spontaneous 96
Renal disease and pregnancy 93
Renal failure 162
causes of 1
Renal impairment 53, 128
Resight systems 163
Respiratory distress syndrome 64
Respiratory infections 67
Restrictive lung defect 68
inferior 165
ischemic 76
sensory 237
superior 165
Retinal arterial macroaneurysm 235
Retinal artery
occlusion 204
superotemporal 210f
Retinal breaks 207
Retinal capillary
structure of 73f
walls 73
Retinal detachment 173
inferior chronic 210f
non-rhegmatogenous 160
rhegmatogenous 179
risk of 178
superotemporal 210f
tractional 87, 97, 97f, 160, 168f, 169f, 238
treatment of complicated 177, 177f
Retinal disease, treatment of 198
Retinal edema 232
Retinal emboli 203, 203f
Retinal exudates 244
Retinal image interpretation 233
Retinal layers 234f
Retinal leukostasis 80
Retinal microaneurysms, focal treatment of 122
Retinal morphology 123
Retinal neovascularization 120, 129
pathogenesis of 81
Retinal nerve fiber layer 233
Retinal photocoagulation 119
Retinal pigment epithelium 79, 82, 119, 166, 205, 205f, 230
congenital hypertrophy of 205
Retinal pucker beneath 243f
Retinal surgery, modern 160
Retinal tabulation, outer 245
Retinal tear, posterior 209f
Retinal thickening
diffuse 237
extension of 123
Retinal thickness 123, 124
Retinal tissue, normal 97
Retinal vascular pathophysiological mechanisms 74
Retinal vein 210, 235f
occlusion 193, 194
classification 194
clinical management 197
clinical presentation 195
treatment for 193
Retinal veno-occlusive disease, unilateral 137
Retinal visualization 186
Retinitis pigmentosa 98
Retinopathy 40, 104, 107, 167
advanced 186
asymmetrical 137
hypertensive 210
preclinical 87
pre-proliferative 3
proliferative 3, 135f
referable preproliferative 107
signs of background 112
Retinoschisis 208
inferotemporal 209f
optical coherence tomography of 209f
Rose bengal staining 190f
Roth's spots 210
Rubeosis iridis 97
Rubeotic glaucoma 195
Ruboxistaurin mesylate 157
Scleral buckle 207
Scleral depression 166
Scleral inflammation 207
Sclerotomy 164
Serous retinal detachment 237
Sick-day rules 36, 60
Simvastatin 50
Skin microvascularization 11
Sleep apnea 213
Slit lamp biomicroscopy 107f
Small chemotactic cytokines, group of 83
Sodium glucose cotransporter 55
Sorbitol dehydrogenase 77
Statins 49
Steroids, use of 155
Stitch remnant fibrosed 210f
Stress 64
mental 64
Stroke 68
embolic 192
ischemic 192
thrombotic 192
Subretinal fluid, external drainage of 178
Sub-Tenon anesthesia 174f
Subthreshold diode micropulse technique 121
Subtle iris rubeosis 187f
Sulfonylureas 51, 53
indications 53
side effects 53
Sulfur hexafluoride 167
Swelling 207
TAT system 103
Tenascin-C 81
Therapeutic drug, pregnancy category of 226
Thiazide diuretics 15
Thiazolidinediones 52, 54
Thrombosis predisposition 213, 217
eye disease 207
function tests 197
Tiredness 30
Transient neurological deficits 192
Triamcinolone 155
acetonide, intravitreous 152
Triglycerides, raised 17
Tumor necrosis factor α 82
Urea electrolytes 197
glucose levels 19
tests 18, 19
Urticaria 55
anterior 183f
postoperative 183
Valon multispot laser 122f, 138f
van Herick's method 189
Vascular disease 218
peripheral 68
Vascular endothelial growth factor 74, 78f, 141, 183
Vascular permeability 79
Venous beading 107, 108f, 109
Venous loops 109
Venous obstruction 128
Venous reduplication 107, 109
Venous thromboembolism, risk of 224
Vertigo 54
Vessel disk, new 130, 131
Viral infections 25
Vision 97
blurred 216
complete loss of 174
perfect 95
transient worsening of 128
Visual acuity 118, 130, 141, 237
measurement 197
Visual angle 124
Visual disturbances 54
Visual field 141
defects 192
Visual image, distortion of 141
Visual loss
development of 213
risk of severe 130t
severe 169
Visual prognosis post-vitrectomy 179
C 79
D 25
E 79
Vitiligo 30
Vitrectomy 163, 169
cataract formation, post 176f
completion of 167
development of 160
equipment, basic 165f
machine 163
modern sutureless 164
scissors and forceps 166f
set-up for 166f
small-gauge systems 161
surgery 162, 167, 175
potential complications of 173
visualization during 163
vitreous hemorrhage, post 175
adhesion 185f, 239f
traction 128, 160, 185f, 239f
attachments 172f
disorders 208
interface abnormalities 244
relationship 123
surgeons 160
surgery 167, 173
basics of 162
traction, potential 187f
Vitreous 165, 166
anatomy of 161, 161f
cavity 164f
detachment, posterior 97, 98, 207f, 243
hemorrhage 129, 130, 136, 160, 168, 168f, 169f, 183, 187, 187f, 207
infusion suction cutter 160
surgery, minimally invasive 161
Vomiting 55
Weight loss, acute 59
Weiss ring 207f
White blood cell 74, 80
World Health Organization 1, 16
Xanthophyll 120
Zeiss systems 163
Zinc transporter 30
Chapter Notes

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