Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 75
Adenoma, pituitary 32
Agraphia 25
Allodynia 126
Alpha adrenergic blocking agents 96
Alpha fetoprotein level 112
Alzheimer's disease 13
Amiodarone 33
Amphetamines 167
Amyloidopathy 11
Anita Harding's classification 110
Ankle jerk 72
Ankylosing spondylitis 84
Anomia agraphia 6
Antacids 162
Antiarrhythmics 162
Antibiotics 162
Anticholinergics 177
Anticonvulsants 162
Antiepileptics 102
Antihypertensives 162
Antiphospholipid antibodies 167
Antistreptolysin O titer 169
Anxiety 16
Apoplexy, pituitary 46
Appetite, loss of 60
Apraxic agraphia 22
Areflexia 127
Artery of Adamkiewicz 64
Arthritic leprosy 138
Astereognosia 24
chronic progressive 104
classification 117b
episodic 107
evaluation of 113
frontal 103t
hereditary causes of 119t
inherited of 119t
posterior column 119
types of 103t
Athetosis 168
Auscultation, cardiac 168
Autoantibodies 155
Autosomal dominant inheritance 150
Avellis syndrome 54
Azathioprine 156
Baclofen 177
Baer wave origin 191
Bancaud's phenomenon 193
Band-like sensation 74
Barrington's nucleus 91
Becker muscular dystrophy 149
Behçet's disease 135
Binocular vision 40
Binswanger's disease 186
incontinence 80
signs 61
symptoms 80
disturbance 125
dysfunction, types of 92
types of 94
Blepharospasm 15
Body image agnosia 24
Botulinum toxin 177
Brain iron 167
Brody disease 144
Broken pursuits 102
Buccofacial apraxia 18
Bulbar symptoms 115
Callosal apraxia 19
Calpainopathy 153
Carbidopa 9
Carotid dissection 46
Carpal tunnel syndrome 173
Castleman disease 131
Cavernous sinus 44
Celiac disease 113
Central cord syndrome 67
Central disk herniation 90
artery, anterior inferior 45
acquired 105t
causes of 105t
early onset 110
genetic causes of 104
nongenetic 105t
subtypes of 105t
cognitive affective dysfunction 111
cortical atrophy, parenchymatous 110
dysfunction, signs of 111
lesion, localization of 104
signs 144
system 79
Cerebellum 103
Cerebral cortex 92
cord, hemi-section of 69
dystonia 174
myelopathy 59
spinal cord 61f
lesions of 68
spine 61f
vertebra 62
Cestan-Chenais syndrome 54
Chemotherapeutic agents 33
Cherry red spot 113
Chloroquine 33
Choreoacanthocytosis 169
Clioquinol 33
Cold agglutinins 120
Collet-Sicard syndrome 54
Color agnosia 24
Color vision, reduced 30
Confusion 102
Copper studies 185
Coronary artery disease 78
Corpus cavernosum 96
Corticorubrospinal tracts 66
Corticospinal tract 66
Cranial fossa, posterior 44
Cranial neuropathy 43
Craniopharyngioma 32
C-reactive protein 35
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, essential 136
Cyanosis 78
Cyclophosphamide 156
Cyclosporine 156
Danon disease 148
Darting tongue sign 168
Deep-brain stimulation 177
Dejerine's medial medullary syndrome 54
diagnosis of 12
evaluation of 14
frontotemporal 13
progressive 9
pugilistica 17
symptoms of 10
vascular 182
Depression 16
Diastematomyelia 84
Disialosyl antibodies 120
Distal sensory neuropathy, human immunodeficiency virus -related 130
Disulfiram 33
Diuretics 102
Dorsal column disease 119b
Dorsal myelopathy 71
Dorsal spinocerebellar 65
Dorsal stream 23f
Double vision 143
Dry skin 113
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan 84
Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy 147
Duloxetine 137
Dyschromatopsia 33
Dysexecutive syndrome 10
Dysferlinopathy 153
Dyskinesia, orolingual 169
acute 177
childhood onset 175t
focal 174
heredodegenerative 175
idiopathic generalized 172
multifocal 173
musculorum deformans 173
orolingual 166
plus syndromes 174
Dystonic flexion 173
Dystonic tremor 172
Eagle syndrome 54
Edinburgh handedness inventory 6
Electromyogram 196
Electrophysiology, role of 85
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 33
Endocrinopathy 106
Energy metabolism 175
Epilepsy 17
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 35
Escitalopram 158
Ethambutol 33
Exner's writing area 6
Extraocular movements 132
Eyelids, drooping of 143
Fabry's disease 130
muscle 171
involvement 148
nerve involvement 129t
numbness, ipsilateral 51
palsy, bilateral 129
weakness 48
Fahr's syndrome 167
Fine needle aspiration cytology 84
Finger agnosia 24
Finger nose finger test 111
Finger nose test, abnormal 111
Folic acid deficiency 105
Frontal behavioral-spatial syndrome 12
Fukutin-related protein 144
Gabapentin 138
Gag reflex 51
Ganglionopathy 118
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 50
Gastrointestinal symptoms 183
Gaucher disease 175
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome 107
Gesture training 21
Glabellar tap 14
Global aphasia 6
Glycolytic enzyme defects 144
Glycoprotein, myelin-associated 120
Gottron sign 152
Gower's maneuver 149
Gradenigo syndrome 45
Graphesthesia 24
Grasping reflex 14
Hallervorden-Spatz disease 180
Hartnup's disease 175
Hematoma, acute extradural 90
Hemicerebellum 105
Hemichorea 169
Hemidystonia, orthostatic 174
Hemogram 112
Hepatic disease 75
Hepatic encephalopathy 17
Hepatitis C virus 120
Hexosaminidase deficiency 75
Homocysteinemia 175
Hyperalgesia 126
Hyperemesis gravidarum 101
Hyperflexion 171
Hyperintense intramedullary lesion 61f
Hypersensitivity vasculitis 135
Hypertrophy, mild 143
Hypocupremia myelopathy 75
Hypokalemia 147
Hypokinetic movement disorders, causes of 180
Hyponatremia 105
Hypoperfusion, extensive choroidal 35
Hypopigmented patches 78
Hypotension, nocturnal 34
Hypothyroid myopathy 144
Hypotonia 111
Ichthyosis 113
Icterus 78
In vitro fertilization 101
Infranuclear disorders 51
Inguinal region 83
Intervertebral disc, structures of 63
Intracranial pressure 46
Intracranial tension 5
Ischemia, choroidal 37f
Ischemic optic neuropathy, nonarteritic anterior 34
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 160
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy 36
Leigh's disease 169
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 175
auprasacral 96
extradural 74
intradural 74
infranuclear 50
site of 53
types of 61
Leukocytoclastic angitis, cutaneous 136
Leukodystrophies 113
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 106
Lewy body disease 186
Lhermitte's phenomenon 115
ataxia 51
muscular dystrophies 149
pattern 146
syndrome 160
hypotonia 168
lower 88f
numbness of 116
pain 160
weakness of 4
Lower spinal cord involvement 88
Lower urinary tract, innervations of 91f
Lumbosacral spine 85f
Lymphadenopathy 78
Lysosomal disorders 113
Macular nerve lesions 30t
Malabsorption syndrome 113
Mass lesions 106
Mayo clinic classification of dysarthria 7
McArdle's disease 147
Medial leg 83
Medial longitudinal fasciculus, rostral interstitial nucleus of 42
Medial reticulospinal tract 66
Mendell's criteria 136
Meningioma, suprasellar 32
Metaiidobenzjlguanidine 188
Metamorphosis 30
Methanol 33
Methotrexate 156
Methyl prednisolone 156
Methylmalonic academia 175
Methylprednisolone, intravenous 34
Milkmaid sign 168
Mitochondrial disease 112
Mitochondrial disorders 110
Mixed serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor 138
Miyoshi myopathy 151
Morphine 138
Motor examination 116
Motor memory 10
Motor predominant neuropathies 129t
Multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory 128
Multiple cranial neuropathy 51
Multiple nerve palsy 43
biopsy 154
symptoms of 144
hypertrophy 146
palpation of 146
percussion of 146
relaxants 177
small 143
stretch reflexes 146
Myasthenic syndromes, inherited 160
Mycophenolate mofetil 157
Myelomeningocele 84
Myoclonus 171
Myotonic dystrophy 55
Nailfold capillary density 152
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 182
Neck extensor, Predominant 147
Neck vessels, magnetic resonance angiography of 201f
Necrotizing myopathy, immune-mediated 155
Needle biopsy 154
Neisseria meningitidis 200
Nervous system examination 60
Neuroaxis 103
Neuroferritinopathy 187
Neurogenic disorders 50
Neuroleptics 102
Neuromuscular disorders 50
Neuromyelitis optica 33
Neuropathic pain medications 137t
Neurosyphilis 17
Niemann-Pick disease 175
Nodose ganglion 52
Nonaka myopathy 151
Nonarteritic central retinal artery occlusion 36f
Non-reflex bladder 92
Nutrition, total parenteral 106
Nutritional deficiency 17
Nyhan syndrome 169
Obsessive-compulsive disorders 16
Ocular eye movements 43
Ocular syndrome 160
Oculobulbar syndrome 160
Oculopharyngeal muscle dystrophy 55
Olanzapine 7
Opalski syndrome 54
Opioids 138
Oppenheim dystonia 173
Opsoclonus 114
atrophy 114
chiasma 31
chiasmal disorders 46
nerve 33
compression of 32
disc drusen 190
sheath meningioma, primary 32
acute 190
anterior 33
treatment trial 34
chronic relapsing inflammatory 33
compressive 32
infiltrative 32
ischemic 34
nonischemic 190
posterior ischemic 35
Optokinetic nystagmus 166
Oral prednisone 34
Orbital disease 32
Orbital fissure, superior 44
Orbital muscle disease 46
Orbitofrontal circuit 10
Overlap syndrome 153
Palmomental reflex 14
Pancerebellar syndrome 104
Pancerebellum 105
Pandysautonomia, acute 130
Parakinesia 170
Paramedian pontine reticular formation 42
Paraproteinemia 120
Parasellar region 44
Parasympathetic fibers 93
Parietal lobe dysfunction 9
Parkin mutation 180
Parkinsonism plus disorders 51
Paroxetine 7
Perineal sensory loss 93
Perineum, sensory dermatomes of 88f
Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges, causes of 191
Peroxisomal disorders 113
Petrosal ganglion 52
Pharyngeal weakness 151
Phenoxybenzamine 96
Phenytoin, antiepileptics like 41
Phosphenes 33
Photostress test 30
Polycythemia 169
Polyglutamine expansion 11
Polyneuropathy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating 129
Polyphasics 197
Postsynaptic membrane 159
Prazosin 96
Prednisone 156
Pregabalin 138
Primary young onset dystonia 174
Proptosis 43
Prosopagnosia 184
Proteins, monoclonal 127
Pseudodystonia 176
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 200
Ptosis 114
Pulse rate 49
Pupil dilatation 43
Pupillary reflex 31
Pure neuritic leprosy 138
Pyogenic meningitis 200
Radicular involvement, level of 82
Radiculopathy 118
Renal disease 75
Renal function test 121
Respiratory muscle involvement 148
Reticulospinal tract, lateral 66
Retinitis pigmentosa 114
Retrobulbar neuritis 33
Rheumatoid arthritis 84
Rheumatological disorders 133
Rippling muscle disease 150
Risperidone 7
Rituximab 157
Romberg's test 133
Root pain 74
Rooting reflex 14
Rostral pontine tegmentum 91
Saccade intrusions 109
Sacral dermatomes 79
Sacral plexopathy 82
Schmidt's syndrome 54
Sclerosis, multiple 75
Scotoma, central 30
Seizure 48
Sellar compressive lesions 32
Semantic dementia 13
Sensory neuron cell 122
Sensory neuropathy 119
Sensory pathways 103
Sensory signs 83
Sensory symptoms 183
Sialorrhea 15
Sicca symptoms 115
Simultagnosia 24
Single-photon emission computed tomography 188
Skeletal anomalies 146
Skew deviation 43
Sleep disorders 183
Snout reflex 14
Sodium oxybate 177
Somatic fibers 93
Somatosensory-evoked potentials 121
Sphenoid wing meningioma 32
Spike wave discharges, causes of 189
Spinal canal stenosis 85f
anatomy of 62
infarction syndrome 68
injury 87
patterns of 69f
major tracts of 65
posterior column 104
terminates 62
tracts 70f
Spinal muscular atrophy 67
Spinal nerves 63f
Spinal shock, bladder in 95
Spinal stenosis 90
Spinoreticulothalamic tract 65
Sporadic corticobasal degeneration 12
Staphylococcus aureus 75
Status migrainosus 198
Stiff person syndrome 112
Stimulus sensitive myoclonus 9
Straight leg raising 86
Straussler-Scheinker disease 181
Streptococcus pneumoniae 200
Stress incontinence 92
Striatal dapamine transporter 188
Stroke 104
Subthalamic nucleus 179
Suck reflex 14
Superficial reflexes 72
Supranuclear gaze palsy 114
Suprasellar compressive lesions 32
Swinging light test 30
Swollen disc 33
Synaptogenic disorders 44
Synucleinopathy 11
Syphilis 75
Syringobulbia 51
Syringomyelia 67
Tacrolimus 156
Tactile agnosia 24
Tangier disease 135
Tapia syndrome 54
Tay-Sachs disease 113
Telangiectasia 113
Temporal arteritis 135
Tethered cord syndrome 84
Tetrabenazine 177
Thiamine deficiency 105
Thoracic cord 69
Thoracic vertebra 62
Thrombolytics 38
Tibial muscular dystrophy 151
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome 46
Toxic chemotherapy 120
Tramadol 138
Transverse myelitis 75
Truncal ataxia 111
Tubercular meningitis 200
Tuberculosis 106
Unconsciousness 48
Uremia 17
Urinary frequency 16
Urinary symptoms, relation of 92
Urinary tract, lower 89
Vagus nerve stimulation 52
Vagus nucleus 52
Valley sign 149
Valsalva maneuver 87
Vascular endothelial growth factor 129
Venereal disease research laboratory 121
Venlafaxine 137
Verbal dissociation apraxia 19
Vernet syndrome 54
Vertebral deformity 74
Vertebral tenderness 74
Vertigo 51
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 42
Vestibulospinal tract 66
Villaret syndrome 54
Viral hepatitis A, acute 133
Visual agnosia 24
Visual cortex 23f
Visual disturbances 9
Visual field 31
Visuospatial agnosia 24
Visuospatial defects 9
Vocal cord 151
Voiding dysfunction 92
Vomiting 48