A Handbook of Emergencies Aspi F Golwalla, Sharukh A Golwalla
Abacavir hypersensitivity
reaction 391
Abdomen 372
Abdominal distension 181, 183
Abdominal pain 319, 363
acute 172
non-specific 173
Abdominal symptoms 513
Abortion, criminal 131
Acalculous cholecystitis,
acute 184
Accidental poisoning 46
ACE inhibitors 224, 413
Acetaminophen 443
poisoning, stages of 444
Acetylcholine receptor 279
Achalasia 164, 165
Acid burns of skin 426
Acid ingestion 426
Acid-base disturbances 28, 400
Acidemia 208
Acidosis 11, 200
correction of 373
Acquired aplastic anemia 305
Acute attack, management of 282
Acute stroke, management of 257
Addison's disease 42, 313
Adrenal crisis 42
Adrenal insufficiency, acute 313, 382
Adrenaline 169
Agranulocytosis 307
AIDS-related complex 488
Air embolism 304
Airline's medical adviser 514
Airsickness 514
Airway 375
breathing and circulation 2
maintenance 218
obstruction, upper 199
Alcohol 151, 152, 413
intoxication 152
withdrawal syndrome 153
Alcoholism 171
Alfapsin 72
Alkali 427
burns 110
ingestion 87
Alkaline diuresis 411
Alkalosis 200
Allergic episodes, acute 510
Allergic inflammations 97
Allergic reactions 51
anaphylaxis 66
Allopurinol 208
Alprazolam 150
Aluminum phosphate 446
Ambiguous external genitalia 20, 23
Ambu bag 5
Amebic liver abscess 346
Amebic meningoencephalitis 276
Amebomas 345
Amikacin 501
Aminogluthemide 313
Aminophylline 198, 376
Amiodarone 415
Ammonia 415, 506
Ampicillin 501
Ampullary stenosis 176
Analgesic 53, 75
therapy 223
Analytical toxicology 409
Anaphylactic reaction 67
Anaphylactic shock 374
Anaphylactoid purpura 57
Anaphylaxis 303
Anemia 295, 343
severe 91, 341
Angina, unstable 222
Angioedema 51, 66, 67, 215
Angiospasm 102
Angle closure glaucoma, acute 99
Anicteric leprospirosis 355
Aniline poisoning 505
Anorexia 319, 324
Anovulatory bleeding 115
Anoxia 302, 512
Anoxic spells 36
Antabuse syndrome 439
Anthrax 55
Antibiotic 32, 45, 53, 61, 75, 350, 354, 365, 487, 501
eye ointment 111
regimen 372, 373
Anticholinergic drugs 80, 183
Anticoagulants 256
Anticoagulation 239
Anticonvulsants 416
Antidepressants 417
trial of 404
use of 410
Antiepileptic drug 266
Antifungal therapy 488
Anti-ischemic therapy 223
Antimalarial chemotherapy 50
Antimalarial drugs 342
Antiphospholipid syndrome, severe primary 245
Antiplatelet agents 224, 255
Antiplatelet therapy 226
Antipsychotics 419
Antipyretics 53
Antiretroviral therapy 391
Antispasmodics 330
Antithrombotic therapy 226
Antitoxin 354
Antituberculous therapy 367
Antiviral therapy 488
Anxiety 148
Aortic dissection 237, 242
Aortic regurgitation, acute 242
Apgar score 4
Aplastic anemia 305
Aplastic crisis 299
Apnea 10, 36
Appendicitis, acute 173, 345
Arc 470
Argon plasma coagulation 169
Arrhythmias 246
Arrhythmic complications 228
Arseniuretted hydrogen 508
Arsine 508
Artemether 50
Arterial blood gas analysis 200
Arterial gas embolism 469
Arteriography 196
Artesunate 50
Ascorbic acid 506
Aseptic meningitis 274
Aspergilloma 194
Aspergillus spp. 486
Asphyxia 1, 11
acute 504
neonatorum 6
Asphyxiants, simple 504
Asphyxiating thoracic
dystrophy 5
Aspiration 11
accidental 86
simple 213
Aspirin 225, 255
clopidogrel 328
acute severe 196, 197
near-fatal 197
severe 198
uncontrolled 196
Atelectasis 5
sign 211
Atheromatous plaque 102
Atlanto-axial dislocation 381
Atopic dermatitis 60
Atrial fibrillation 231, 309
Atrial flutter 38, 231, 232
Atrioventricular block 235
Atropine 10, 96, 114
eye ointment 111
Attack, acute 80
Auditory canal, external 71, 72
Autoimmune 97
disease 190
disorders 51, 56
hemolytic anemia 297, 366
Autonomic circulatory
disturbances, management of 354
Autonomic dysfunction, signs of 277
Autonomic instability 353
Azathioprine 281
Bacillary dysentery, acute 347
Bacillus anthracis 55
Bacterial infection 64, 343, 494
Bacterial meningitis, acute 268
Bacterial pneumonia 389
Bacteroides fragilis 130
Bag and mask ventilation 8
Balloon tamponade 195
Barbiturates 152, 156
Barotrauma 3, 240, 469
types of 470
Bat's wing 237
Battle's sign 285
Bee and wasp stings 459
Behcet's disease 97
Benzodiazepines 143, 149, 152, 156, 421
Berlin's edema 112
Betamethasone 105
Betnesol-N 100
Bidanzen 72
Biliary colic 183, 184
Biliary tract, diseases of 183
Bilirubin, causes of unconjugated 48
Birth asphyxia 1
Birth trauma 11
Bleaches 433
Bleeding 304
arrest of 82
disorder 226, 299
duodenal ulcer 171
neonate 13
Blepharospasm 109
chemistry 528
culture 372
disease 102
primary 295
dyscrasias 102
gases, changes in 466
in anterior chamber 112
inspection of 407
acute 295
assessment of 166
transfusion 117, 168, 369, 481
tests, routine 176
Blunt trauma 212
Body cooling equipment 386
Bone marrow failure 304
Boric lotion 110
Botulism 280
Bowel and bladder function,
loss of 491
Bowel infarction 499
Bowel obstruction 496
Bradyarrhythmias 228, 234
Bradycardia 199
tachycardia syndrome 235
Brain injury
primary 289
secondary 289
Brainstem 287
Breastfeeding 27
Breath 285
Breathlessness 295
Bronchial asthma, acute 32, 510
Bronchial biopsy 194
Bronchiolitis obliterans 380
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 6
Bronchoscopy 195
Bronchus 86
Budd-Chiari syndrome 190
Buerger's disease 102
Bulbar conjunctiva 94, 110
Bulbar paralysis 365
Bull's eye effect 63
Bullous eruptions 67, 68
Buprenorphine 195
assessment of depth of 476
causes of 473
chemical 474, 475
electrical 473, 475
emergency management
in 473
extensive 474
major 479
minor 478
patient, evaluation of 476
Burn injury 473, 476
assessment of depth of 478
treatment of 475
Butyrophenones 143, 386
Cadaveric heterograft
collagen membrane 483
Calcitriol vitamin D 320
Calcium 10, 398
channel blockers 421
Campylobacter enterocolitis
Cancer, emergencies in 491
Candida albicans 273
Candida spp. 486
Cannabinoids 152, 158
Cannabis 422
Capillary refill time 35
Carbamate 446
Carbamazepine 416
Carbon monoxide 423
Carcinoma 64, 115
cervix 120
Cardiac anoxia, symptoms of 295
Cardiac arrest 217
management of 218
Cardiac arrhythmias 37, 229, 365
Cardiac conditions 515
Cardiac emboli 102
Cardiac failure 365
Cardiac massage, external 219
Cardiac monitoring 430
Cardiac structural disease 246
Cardiac syncope 246
Cardiac tamponade 240, 492
Cardiocirculatory arrest, patients with 463
Cardiogenic shock 246, 369
Cardiomyopathy 369
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 471
Cardiovascular disorders 162
Cardiovascular disturbances 448
Cardiovascular emergencies 34, 217
Cardiovascular function 404
Cardiovascular system 190
Carotid angioplasty 255
Carotid artery 102
Carotid endarterectomy 254
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity 247
Carotid stenosis, management of severe 254
Catheter, change of 523
Cattle truck appearance 103
Causative disorder, signs of 295
Cavernous sinus thrombosis 101
Cefotaxime 45
Cefpirome 500
Ceftazidime 75, 501
Central nervous system
lymphoma, primary 390
stimulants 152, 159
Central obstructive atelectasis 211
Central retinal artery occlusion 102
Central venous line 239
Cephalosporins 75
Cerebellar hematoma 260
Cerebellar infarct, acute 258
Cerebellar tonsillar herniations 250
Cerebral anoxia, symptoms of 295
Cerebral edema 193 treatment of 467
Cerebral hemorrhage 387
Cerebral malaria 50, 276
Cerebral toxoplasmosis 389
Cerebrospinal fluid 84, 274
rhinorrhea 83
Cerebrovascular accidents 316
compression, signs of 290
spine fracture 285
swelling, diffuse 364
Cervix 122
Charcoal, activated 410, 430
Chemical asphyxiants 504
Chemical hazards 504
Chemical injury 109
Chemosis 92
Chemotherapy 347
crisis 299
pain 222, 238
stabbing 222
Chickenpox 361
Chikungunya fever 358
Chlamydia oculogenitalis 95
Chlamydia trachomatis 94, 127
Chloramphenicol 111
Chlorine 424
Chloromycetin 107
Chloroquine 447
Choanal atresia 5
Chocolate cyst of ovary, rupture of 135
Cholecystitis, acute 184
Cholera 348
Cholestatic hepatitis, medical management of 49
Cholinergic crisis 279
Choriocarcinoma 120
malignant 125
Choroid 112
Choroiditis 98
Chymotrypsin 72
Ciliary congestion 98
Ciliary injection 113
Cingulate herniation 250
Ciprofloxacin 75, 93, 208, 273, 501
Circulatory failure 365
Circulatory obstruction 92
Clarithromycin 208, 211
Classic shock 40
Clindamycin 75
Clobazam 150
Clonazepam 150
Clonidine 424
Clopidogrel 255
Clostridium botulinum 280
Clostridium difficile 390
infection 352
Clostridium tetani 352
Coagulation tests 525
Cocaine 428
toxicity 387
Coccidioides immitis 273
Codeine 441
Cold exposure 310
Cold-induced illness 461
Collagen disorders 162
Colloids, infusion of 369
Colpo puncture 124
Coma 45, 323, 448
Common emergency drugs, levels of 526
Community-acquired pneumonia 210
Congenital disorders of coagulation 300
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, causes of prolonged 49
Conjunctiva 107, 109
Conjunctival congestion 98
Conjunctival edema 95
Conjunctival swelling, severe 92
Conjunctivitis 99
acute 92
Contact dermatitis 60, 511
Contact injury 472
Contusions, effects of 111
Conversion disorder 150
Convulsions 12, 343, 410, 448
Copious irrigation 110
Copper 425
Cord prolapse 2
Cornea 107
burns of 109
hazy 113
Corneal abrasions 111
Corneal perforation 96
Corneal sensation, loss of 95
Corneal ulcer 63, 94, 95
perforated 93
Cornua 122
Coronary angiography, urgent 224
Coronary revascularization 224
Coronary syndrome, acute 222
Corpus luteum 125
hemorrhage 127
Corrosives 425
Corticosteroids 204, 297, 427
strict avoidance of 54
Cough 216
Cranial diabetes insipidus 321
Craniopharyngiomas 321
Croup 30
Cryptococcal meningitis 389
Cryptococcus neoformans 273
Cryptomenorrhea 131
Cushing's syndrome 162
Cyanide 428
Cyanosis, deepening of 36
Cyanotic spells 36
Cyclosporine 305
Cystourethroscopy 327
Cysts 6
Cytomegalovirus infection 390
Cytotoxic mushrooms 439
acute 101
chronic 95
Dacryocystorhinostomy 101
Danger symptoms 20
Dangerous cardiac arrhythmias 282
Deafness 448
Debakey's classification 243
Decadron eye drops 100
Decompression sickness 468
Deep vein thrombosis 515
Deep venous thrombosis 497
Dehydration 11, 23
degree of 24
Delirium 158
tremens 153
Demyelinating diseases 104
Demyelination 292
Dengue 356
hemorrhagic fever 356
shock syndrome 356
Depressive disorder 150
Dermatitis venenata 64
Dermatomyositis 281
Dexamethasone 260, 310, 491
Dextropropoxyphene 151, 442
Dextrose 318
Diabetes 91, 102
mellitus 1
Diabetic ketoacidosis 41, 314
Dialysis 412
Diamorphine 441
Diaphragmatic hernia 5, 20, 21
Diarrhea, management of 349
Diarrheal diseases 390
Diazepam 150, 155, 163, 266, 448
Diazoxide 318
Diclofenac sodium 72
Diffuse spasm 164
Digitalization 36
Digoxin 429
fab 430
Dihydrocodeine 441
Dilantin 313
Diphenhydramine 376
Diphtheria 32, 215, 364
severe 364
types of 364
Diplopia 278, 318
Disaster, victims of 145
Disc batteries 434
Disc herniation 294
Disproportionate tachycardia 384
Disseminate intravascular coagulation 342
Disseminated miliary tuberculosis, acute 367
Dissociative disorders 142
Disturbed micturition 332
acute 174
right-sided 174
Diving emergency 468
Dizziness 133
Doll's eye response 287
Domperidone 386
Dopamine 3, 376
Double vision 91
Doxapram 12
Doxepin 201
Drowning sequence 465
rash 65
reactions 51, 64, 67
rush 69
second line 45
therapy 169, 371
withdrawal states 149
Drug-induced hyperthermia 386
Dry drowning 465
Dry parched tongue 358
Dull aching 329
Duodenal diverticulum 176
Dysbaric emergency 468
Dysmenorrhea 133
primary 133
secondary 133
Dyspepsia 171
Dysphagia 166
Dyspnea 216, 238, 492
absence of 227
Dysuria 327
Eale's disease 102, 292
causes, middle 470
drops 75
squeeze, external 470
trauma 469
Earache 78
acute 512
Eardrum, traumatic perforation of 75
Echinoderms 460
Eclampsia 237
Ecstasy 431
Ectopic gestation 115, 122
Ectopic pregnancies 117
Edrophonium test 279
Elapids 453
Electrical injury 470
types of 470
Electrolyte disturbances 263
Electrophysiological studies 277
Embolectomy 196
Embolic complications 229
Emesis 410
Empirical antimicrobial therapy 372
Encephalitis 162, 324, 360
Encephalopathy 341, 448
grades of 186
Endocarditis 102
disorders 148, 162
emergencies 41, 309
Endogenous infections 97, 105
Endometrial carcinoma 120
Endometrial hyperplasia 120
Endoscopy 168
diagnostic 427
Endotracheal access 5
Endotracheal intubation 430
Endotracheal tube, misplaced 211
Enteral feeding 482
Entropion 94
Eosinophilia 65, 69
Epidermal necrolysis 67, 68
Epididymitis 333
Epigastrium 329
Epiglottitis, acute 31, 215
Epinephrine 3
Episcleritis 98
Epistaxis 81
Erythema multiforme 51, 63, 67, 69
Erythematous skin rash 58, 281
Erythroderma 67
acute 51, 60
Erythroid precursors 308
Escharotomy 482
Escherichia coli 127, 270, 487
Esophageal atresia 20
Esophageal disorders 164
Esophageal spasm pain 164
Esophagus 88, 475
Esuscitative measures 475
Ethambutol 272
toxicity 105
Ethanol 413
Ethylene glycol 432
Ethynodiol diacetate 117
Euglucon 322
Eustachian tubes 512
Exacerbate myasthenia 280
Exanthematic eruptions, generalised 67
Exanthematous eruptions 67
Exertional heat
injury 359
stroke 385
Exfoliative dermatitis 60, 68
Exogenous infection 95, 97
Exophthalmos, malignant 106
Extradural abscess 293
Extrarenal water loss 61
Eye 109
splashed with acid 426
Falciparum malaria 297
Febrile emergencies 383, 384
Febrile neutropenia 383
Fecal impaction 278
Fetal distress 2
Fever 383, 384, 497
high 342
Fibrinolytic therapy 226
Fibroid of uterus, red degeneration of 137
First aid 471, 475
Fish stings 459
Flame burn 473
Flash burns 470
Flow rate 8
Fluconazole 274
Fluid 339, 342, 376, 475
and acid-base and
electrolyte balance 411
and electrolyte
and acid-base
disturbances 393
disturbances 393
replacement therapy 481
aspiration 214
loss 302, 323
replacement 373
retention, severe 340
Fluoxetine 386
Focal lesions 248
Folic acid 295
Follicular cyst 127
Food poisoning 350
Fresh frozen plasma 296
Frostbite 463
Fulminant amebic
colitis 345
infection 345
Fulminant hepatic failure 185
Fundus 104, 105, 109, 287
Fungal infections 64
Fungal meningitis 273
Furunculosis 72
G6PD deficiency 297
Gallium nitrate 319
Gallstone 183
ileus 184
Gas gangrene 500
Gasping respirations 36
Gastric aspiration 184
Gastric lavage 409, 430
Gastroenteritis, acute 350
Gastrointestinal bleeding 310
acute 165
upper 166
Gastrointestinal complications 496
Gastrointestinal emergencies 164
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
acute 167
lower 170
Gastrointestinal system emergencies 22
Gastrointestinal vascular disorders, acute 178
Gentamicin 501
drops 93
Gestational age 11
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasms 125
Giant cell arteritis 102
acute congestive 113
surgery 114
Glioma 103
Glucose test 84
Glue ear 77
Goiter 5
Gonococcal vulvovaginitis 131
stimulating factor 306
transfusion 307, 488
Granulomatous disorders 321
Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute 276
Gunshot wounds 212
Gut decontamination 448
Gut sterilization 192
Haemophilus influenzae 205, 270, 362
Hair dye poisoning 434
Hallucinogens 152, 160
Haloperidol 155
Head 285
management of 289
severe 289
Headache 133, 248
Heart block 228
acute 235
complete 38
Heart disease, congenital 6
Heart failure 228
congestive 34, 302
Heart rate 4, 285
Heat energy 169
Heat illness 461
Heat stroke 359, 385
Heat syncope 359
Heimlich maneuver 216
Hematemesis 165
Hematochezia 14
Hematologic tests 124
Hematological values, normal 525
Hematology, emergencies in 295
Hematoma 285
in abdomen, large 498
in thorax, large 498
Hematuria 326, 327
painless 327
Hemidiaphragm 175
Hemiparesis 36
Hemoglobinuria 297, 298
Hemolytic disease 15
Hemolytic reaction, acute 303
Hemoperfusion 412
Hemopoietic stem cell transplantation 305
Hemoptysis, severe 196
Hemorrhage 120, 125, 495
antepartum 2
intracerebral 259
intracranial 11
profuse external 115
severe intraperitoneal 122
Hemorrhagic chickenpox 362
Hemorrhagic disease 13
Hemorrhagic effusion 240
Hemorrhagic measles 361
Henoch-Schonlein purpura 51, 57
Heparin 101, 278, 498
Hepatic encephalopathy 185
Hepatic necrosis 392
Hepatic vein thrombosis 190
Hepatitis 361
Herniation syndromes 249
Heroin 151
Herpes simplex serology 191
Herpes zoster 52
management of 52
rash of 52
Himalayan regions 461
Hirschsprung's disease 182
Histamine 322
Hodgkin's disease 308
Homan's sign 497
Homatropine 114
Hormonal therapy 117
Hospital acquired infection 373
Human immunodeficiency virus
infection 148, 388, 488
late phase of 489
Human milk fortifier 19
Huntington's disease 162
Hyaline membrane disease 5
Hydrocephalus 20, 22, 250, 263
acute 250
management of 251
Hydrochloric acid 506
Hydrocortisone 34, 105, 175, 298, 321, 376
Hydrogen sulphide 435, 509
fetalis 16
prevention of 16
Hydrosalpinx 134
Hypercalcemia 176, 399, 494
Hypercalcemic crisis 318
Hypercapnia 200
Hyperimmune vaccinial gamma globulin 54
Hyperkalemia 39, 61, 282, 339, 396, 462
uncontrolled 340
Hyperlactacidemia 342
Hypermagnesemia 400
Hypernatremia 394
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state 316
Hyperosmolar nonketotic hyperglycemic coma 316
Hyperosmolar therapy 251
primary 318
tertiary 318
Hyperpyrexia 343, 448
Hypertension 91, 259, 411
malignant 237, 380
Hypertensive crises 39, 237
in pheochromocytoma 322
emergencies 237
retinopathy 102
urgencies 238
Hyperthermia 61
malignant 386
Hypertriglyceridemia 176
Hyperventilation 448
Hypervolemia, induction of 263
Hyphema 111, 112
Hypnotic 156
drugs 151
Hypocalcemia 11, 398
Hypocalcemic tetany 320
Hypocapnia 202
Hypoglycemia 11, 43, 50, 317, 318, 342, 343, 411, 448, 495
Hypokalemia 185, 397
correction of 430
Hypomagnesemia 399, 430
Hyponatremia 61, 324, 395, 494
secondary 324
treatment of 312
Hypopyon ulcer 96
Hypotension 193, 203, 343
Hypothalamic fever 387
Hypothermia 11, 61, 171, 357, 410, 466
Hypothermic coma 311
Hypovolemic shock 176, 368
Hypoxemia 199
Hypoxia 204
severe 199
Hysterectomy 118
Hysteria 150
Ibuprofen 72
Ichthyosis 60
Icteric leptospirosis 355
Idinavir-induced nephrolithiasis 392
Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis 49
Immature thermoregulation 461
Immune stage 355
Immunocompromised patient, infections in 485
Immunodeficiency, primary 485
Immunoglobulins 531
Immunology 530
Immunosuppressive chemotherapy 486
Immunosuppressive therapy 281, 306
Imperforate anus 20
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator 233
Impulse control disorders 142
Indolent ulcers 97
Induced neuromuscular paralysis 354
Industrial medicine, emergencies in 504
Infections 49, 51, 52, 162, 193, 494
management of 487
secondary 97
source of 373
tests of 191
transmission of 304
Infectious diseases 341
Infectious mononucleosis 366
Infective emboli 102
Infective endocarditis 269
Infective myelitis 292
Inflammatory bowel disease 324
Infliximab injection 175
Inhalation injury 478
Injection adrenaline 375
Inner ear barotrauma 470
Inotropic support 373
Inspissated bile syndrome 49
Insulinoma 317
Intercurrent diseases 486
Interstitial nephritis, acute 337
Interventional therapies, emergency 371
Intestinal atresia 22
Intestinal obstruction 182
congenital 20
Intoxication 148, 156, 158, 159
acute 451
mild to moderate 448
severe 156, 448
Intra-abdominal sepsis 500
Intra-aortic balloon pump 227
Intracranial infections 268
Intracranial pressure 45
Intraocular foreign body 108
Intrapartum factors 2
Intrauterine fetal loss 16
Intrauterine growth
restriction 1
retardation 18
Intravascular hemolysis 342
Intravenous atropine and glucagon 376
Intravenous rehydration 349
Intrinsic renal disease 338
Invasive procedures 372
Invasive vesicular mole 125
Iodine 434
Ipratropium 198
Iridectomy 114
Iridocyclitis 97, 98
Iris 112
Iritis 99
Iron 436
overload syndrome 304
Irritant dermatitis, acute primary 51, 64
Irritant gases 506
Ischemic cerebrovascular disease 252
Ischemic complications 229
Ischemic heart disease 149
Ischemic neurologic deficits, reversible 253
Ischemic stroke 258
types of 252
Isolated sinus bradycardia 228
Isoniazid 272, 436
Isopropanol 437
Jaundice 342
severe 11
Jugular venous pressure 393
Junctional tachycardia 230
Kanamycin 501
Kaposi's varicelliform eruption 53
Kemicetine eye ointment 100
Keratitis 63, 98
Keratomalacia 95
Ketoconazole 190, 274, 313
Kidney failure 190, 382, 448
Klebsiella 487
Korsakoff's psychosis 153, 154
Labyrinthine vasodilators 80
Lacrimal sac
acute inflammation of 101
fibrosis of 94
Lacrimation 109
Lactic acidosis 50, 203, 391
Lacunar stroke 253
Lansoprazole 165
Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation 134
Laryngeal diphtheria 364
Laryngeal emergencies 85
Laryngeal obstruction, acute 214
Laryngeal web 5
Laryngospasm 465
Laryngotracheobronchitis 215, 360
Larynx, traumatic injury of 215
Latanoprost 113
Lateralising signs 283
Lead encephalopathy 508
Left ventricular failure, acute 236
Lens 112
Lepra reaction 54
reactions, acute 51, 54
treatment of 55
Leptospirosis 355
Lethargy 358
Leucocytosis 336
Leukemias 60, 115
Leukocytosis 174
Lid margin 94
Lidocaine 10
Lightning injury, mechanisms of 472
Limb ischemia, acute 243
Listeria monocytogenes 10
Listeria septicemia 486
Lithium 437
Liver and biliary tract emergencies 164
disease 185
chronic 185
disorders 185
dysfunction, signs of 190
acute 187, 189
causes of 191
transplantation 189, 193
Lobar right putaminal hematomas 261
Local fibrinolytic therapy 244
Localised abscess 501
Lomodex 258
Lorazepam 149, 155, 266
Low birth weight baby 17
Low flow system 8
Low molecular weight dextran 258
Loxapine 386
Lugol's iodine 310, 385
Lumbar puncture 262, 288, 519
Lund and Browder burn 477
Lung 382, 406
disease, history of 212
disorders 199
injury, acute 201, 203
involvement 52
malformations, congenital 11
small cell carcinoma of 324
water, reduction of 204
Lupus crisis 379
Lupus nephritis 337
Lupus pneumonitis, acute 379
Lymphadenopathy 61
Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute 308
Lymphocytes 294
Lymphocytic leukemia, chronic 308
Lysergic acid diethylamide 160
Macular hemorrhage 91
Magnesium 399, 431
sulphate 34
Malaria 341
complications of 50
management of 344
severe 341
treatment of severe 50
Malnutrition 486
Manometry 520
Marfan's syndrome 242
Mask 8
Massive hemoptysis 194
causes of 194
Massive pulmonary
collapse 211
embolism, acute 238
Mastoid abscess 77
Mastoid air cell 77
Mastoiditis, acute 73, 77
Maternal drug abuse 1
Maternal sedation, effects of 11
Measles 360
Mechanical hyperventilation 251, 260
Mechanical obstruction 182
Mechanical ventilation 5, 12, 201, 209
Meconium aspiration 5
Medical coma 283
diagnostic classification of 283
Medical emergencies
in air 512
postoperative 497
Medical fitness to fly 514
Medical procedures, emergency 517
Medullary infarct, lateral 258
Melena 14, 165
Meniere's disease 80
Meningeal irritation 283
Meningitis 11, 45, 162, 324
Meningococcal meningitis 269
Meningomyelocele 20
Meningovascular syphilis 275
Meprobamate 152
Mercury 438
thermometers 433
Mesalamine 175
Mesenteric ischemia
acute 178
nonocclusive 178, 179
Mesenteric lymphadenitis, acute non-specific 180
Mesenteric vein thrombosis 179
acute 178
Metabolic acidosis 401, 448
severe 266
Metabolic alkalosis 401
Metabolic changes 304
Metabolic complications 494
Metabolic disorders 49, 105, 151, 162
Metal fume fever 509
Metastatic panophthalmitis 93
Methadone 151, 441
Methanol 414
Methaqualone 152, 156
Methionine 444
Methyldopa 322
Methylene blue 506
Methylprednisolone 105, 215
Metronidazole 174, 188, 501
Metyrapone 313
Micturition syncope 247
Milk-alkali syndrome 319
Mimic nasal diphtheria 83
Mimic psychiatric disorders 162
Minocycline 55
Mitotane 313
Mitral regurgitation 228
Molluscs 460
Monday fever 510
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 418
Monocytogenes 271
Mood disorders 142
Moraxella catarrhalis 205
Morbilliform 67
Morphine 151, 441
Motor status epilepticus, partial 267
Mountain sickness, acute 464
Mouth-to-mouth respiration 219
Moxifloxacin 93
Multifocal atrial tachycardia 231
Multifocal leukoencephalopathy, progressive 390
dysfunction 204
failure 204
Multiple system organ failure 39
Multiple-dose activated charcoal 412
Mumps 363
Mural thrombus 102
absence of 36
loudness of 36
Murphy's sign 184
Muscarinic effects 445
paralysis of 6
relaxants 354
spasms 352
specific kinase antibodies 279
tone 4
Muscular pains 471
Mushrooms 439
Myasthenia 6
gravis 199, 278
Mycobacterium avium complex infection 489
Mycobacterium tuberculi 129
Mycoplasma hominis 127
Myelitis 294
Myeloid leukemia
acute 308
chronic 308
Myeloma, multiple 337
Myelopathy 292
compressive 292
Myocardial infarction 263, 498
Myocarditis 365, 366
acute 236
Myopathy 6
Myringotomy 77
Myxedema coma 311
N-acetylcysteine 444
Naloxone 3, 10
Nasal bone, fracture of 84
Nasal decongestants 77
Nasogastric feeds 19, 482
Nasogastric tube 183
insertion of 518
Nausea 133, 319, 324, 448
Necrotic araneism 458
Necrotic otitis media, acute 77
Necrotizing colitis 22
Necrotizing enterocolitis 14
Necrotizing fasciitis 499
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 127, 129
Neisseria meningitidis 270
Neomycin 188
Neonatal critical care 47
Neonatal emergencies 1
Neonatal jaundice 48
Neonatal resuscitation 2
Neoplasm 176
Neosporin drops 93
Neostigmine test 279
Nephritic syndrome, acute 335
Nerve head swelling 91
Nervous system 6
Neurogenic shock 474
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 386
Neuroleptic management syndrome 161
Neuroleptic for schizophrenia 145
Neurological affectation 331
Neurological disorders 151, 162
Neurological emergencies 22, 44, 248, 379
Neurological examination 286, 405
Neuromuscular emergencies, acute 276
Neurosyphilis 274, 294
Neurotoxic araneism 458
Neurotoxic mushrooms 439
Neutropenia 307, 373
Nevirapine 392
Nicotinic effects 445
Nicoumalone 452
Nimodipine 263
Nitrites 223
and nitrates 509
Nitrogen 440
Nitrous oxides 440
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema 448
Non-compressive myelopathies 292
Non-convulsive status epilepticus 267
Non-exertional heat stroke 385
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 308
Nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia 231
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 440
Norethindrone 117
Norfloxacin 93, 188
Nosocomial infections 204
Nutcracker esophagus 164
Nutrition 339, 354, 373
Nutritional deficiency, severe 295
Nutritional myelopathy 292
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 149
Occasional unconsciousness 36
Octreotide 318
emergencies 378, 390
movements 406
Oculocephalic reflexes, loss of 406
Oculovestibular reflexes, loss of 406
Ocupol-D 100
Ofloxacin 55, 111
Oligemic shock 474
Oligohydramnios 1
Oliguria 61
Omeprazole 165
Ophthalmia neonatorum 94
Ophthalmic emergencies 91
painful 92
Opiates 322
Opioids 151, 154, 441
analgesics 225
specific 441
withdrawal syndrome 155
Opportunistic infections 372, 388
Optic neuritis 104, 108
Oral anticoagulants 256
Oral anticoagulation therapy 226
Oral candidiasis 489
Oral rehydration solution 349
Orbital cellulitis, acute 100
Orchitis 333, 363
Organic acidemia 6
Organic brain disorders 142
Organophosphate 445
Oronasal resuscitation 219
Orthopnea 214
Orthostatic hypotension 247
Oscillatory ventilation, high frequency 48
Osteomyelitis 269
Otalgia 78
Otitis externa, malignant 74
Otitis media
acute 76
chronic suppurative 77
Otitis, external 78
Ovarian carcinoma 120
Ovarian cyst, infected 129
Ovarian tumor
rupture of 136
torsion of 134
Ovary, tumors of 120
Overhydration 393
Oxygen 8, 370, 375
delivery devices 8
lack 512
therapy 208
Packed cell transfusion 296
Pain 411
relief of 224, 241, 330
Palatal paralysis 364
Palpable abdominal tumor 138
Palpable pelvic tumor 138
Pancreatitis 392, 498
acute 176, 178, 204
mild 177
severe 177
Panic disorder 148, 149
Panic reaction 158
Panophthalmitis 93
Papillary serous cystadenoma 136
Papilledema 108
Papillitis 105
Paracetamol 443
poisoning 191
Paralytic ileus 183
Paraphimosis 335
Paraplegia 294
Paraquat 446
Parasites 176
Parenteral hyperalimentation 483
Parkinsonism 162
Paroxysm, part of 322
Paroxysmal cough, pressure effects of 362
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 230
Parvovirus B19 305
Pass nasogastric tube 167
Pathognomonic j-wave 462
Pediatric emergencies 1, 23
Pemphigus 51, 60
vulgaris 56
Penicillin 130
Pentazocine 174
Pentoxifyline 256
Peptic ulcer 226
perforated 175
Percutaneous aspiration 347
Pericardiocentesis, urgent 241
early 229
late 229
Pericolic abscess 174
Perineal toilet and meatal care 523
Perinephric abscess 502
Perineum, injuries of 119
Periodic paralysis 282
Perioral paresthesias 320
Peripheral joints and spine 380
Peripheral obstructive atelectasis 211
Peripheral vascular emergencies 242
signs of 135, 136
symptoms of 136
Peritonitis 500
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 47
Personality disorders 142
Pesticides 445
Pethidine 151
Petrolium distillates 433
Pharyngeal diphtheria 364
Pharyngeal pain 364
Pharynx 88
Phenelzine iproniazid 418
Phenothiazines 386
Phentolamine 323
Phenytoin 208, 417
Pheochromocytoma 385
Phosphates 319
Photophobia 109
Photosensitive dermatoses, severe 67
Photosensitive eruptions 68
Physical causes, emergencies to 461
Physical disorders 149, 151
Pilocarpine 113
Piracetam 258
apoplexy 321
crisis 323
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 60
Placental insufficiency 1
exchange 278, 280
glucose 314
Plasmodium falciparum infection 191
concentrates 296
defects 299
transfusions 297
Pleural and pericardial tapping 524
Plicamycin 319
Pneumococcal meningitis 268
Pneumocystis jiroveci 489
pneumonia 489
Pneumocystis pneumonia 388
Pneumonia 5, 11, 102, 209, 360, 373
severe 210
Pneumonitis 361
Pneumothorax 5, 205
acute 403
diagnosis of 404
management of 409
Poisonous snakes, common 453
Poisonous substances 413
Polyarteritis nodosa 378
Polyarthritis 58
Polycystic ovarian disease 115
Polyhydramnios 1
Polymyositis 281
Poor tissue perfusion 203
Positive pressure ventilation, noninvasive 208
Post-cardiotomy syndrome 498
Post-illness bradycardia 357
Postnatal pneumonia 6
Post-thrombolytic therapy 227
Potassium 396
Precipitating causes 316
Predisposing cause 499
Predisposing factors, management of 269
Prednisolone 105
Pre-existing disease 371
complications of 115
multiple 1
tests 124
Pregnancy-related syndromes 190
Premature labor 2
Premature ventricular beats 38
Probanthine 183
Procainamide 236
Procoagulant venoms, neutralization of 456
Profound hypothermia 461
causes of 461
Progressive glomerulonephritis, rapidly 380
Progressive renal failure, rapidly 336
Promyelocytic leukemia, acute 308
Propionibacterium acnes 93
Propylthiouracil 310
Prostate, benign enlarged 331
Protein, loss of 61
Pruritus, severe 51, 65
Pseudomonas 271
aeruginosa 270, 487
Psoriasis 60
Psychiatric disorder 142, 145, 150
concurrent 145
Psychiatric emergencies 140
Psychiatric management 162
Psychiatric manifestations of physical disorders 161
Psychiatry 141
Psychosis 142, 158
Psychotropic drugs 155
Ptosis 278
Pulmonary artery pressure 203
Pulmonary barotrauma 212
Pulmonary complications 493
Pulmonary contusion 194
Pulmonary edema 236, 342, 343
high altitude 465
Pulmonary embolectomy 240
Pulmonary emergencies 379, 388
Pulmonary hemorrhage 11
Pulmonary hypertension, acute 379
Pulmonary hypoplasia 5
Pupillary reactions 286
Pure red cell aplasia 308
Pyemia 101
Pyocyanea 93
Pyonephrosis abscess 502
Pyosalpinx 129
rupture of 129
Pyramidal tract signs 405
Pyrazinamide 272
Pyridoxine 13, 273
QRS complex, wide 232
Quinidine 236
Quinine 447
salt 50
Rabies 360
Radiation burn 474
Rape survivor 147
Rapid fluid replacement 369
Raynaud's disease 102
Recurrent furuncles 74
Red eye, painful 378
Referred pain 334
Reflex eye movement 287
Reflex response 4
Reflux esophagitis 164166
Refractory resuscitation 226
Refractory status 267
Regional febrile emergencies 387
Renal colic 329
Renal emergencies 380
Renal failure 193, 495
acute 337, 341
Renal hypoperfusion 337
Respiration 4, 403
acidosis 402
alkalosis 402, 448
distress, severity of 7
emergencies 29, 194
function 281
obstruction 365
paralysis 365
pump failure 199
stimulants 201, 208
system emergencies 21
Respiratory distress syndrome 11
acute 201
adult 341
Respiratory failure 190, 193
acute 199
Respiratory muscle
dysfunction 380
weakness 277
Respiratory tract infection
acute 506
upper 77
Restlessness 36
Reticuloses 60
Retina 112
detachment of 106
primary 106
secondary 106
Retinal blood vessels 106
Retinal holes 106
Retinal necrosis syndrome, progressive outer 391
Retinal tears 102, 106
Retinoblastoma 103
Retro-bulbar neuritis 91
Reye's syndrome 185
Rhabdomyolysis 282
Rheumatic diseases 377
Rheumatoid vasculitis 377
Rhythm, irregular 231
Rifampicin 55, 272, 313
Rifaximin 188
Rule of nines 476
Russell's viper 454
Ryle's tube 258, 277
Saddle embolus 245
Salicylates 448
Salmonellae food poisoning 350
Salpingo-oophorectomy 131
Salpingo-oophoritis, acute 127
Sarcoidosis 321
Sarcomas 115
Scalds 473
Scarlatiniform 67
Schizophrenia 150
Scleral tears 111
Scleritis 98
Scorpion bite 176
Scorpion stings 457
Scrotal pain 333
Sea snails 460
Sea urchin 460
Seafood poisoning 350
Seasonal febrile emergencies 387
Seborrheic dermatitis 60
Secretory otitis media 77
Sedation 155, 482
Sedatives 156, 354
Seizures 36, 44
Sensorium, abnormal 358
Sentinel hemorrhage 261
Sepsis 11
syndrome 383
joint 380
shock 371, 474
Septicemia 372
Septicemic stage 355
Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, selective 418
Serous otitis media 77
Serratiopeptidase 72
amylase/lipase 177
ketones 314
lipids 530
transaminases 530
Sexually transmitted disease 148
Shock 9, 39, 342, 343, 368, 448
early 40
late 40
obstructive 371
Sick sinus syndrome 38, 235
Sickle cell crisis 298
Sino-atrial dysfunction 235
bradycardia 38, 235
tachycardia 228, 230
Skin 58, 60, 285, 382, 406, 426
diseases 60
pinch, slow 358
turgor, reduced 358
Sodium 394
bicarbonate 3
valproate 417
Sofracort 100
Spasm 353
Spasmodic laryngitis 31
Spider bites 458
Spinal cord
compression 491
disturbance, acute 292
infarction 292
injury, acute 381
Splenic rupture 366
Splenic sequestration 299
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 188
Spontaneous epistaxis 81
Spontaneous eye movement 286
Spontaneous pneumothorax 212
ST elevation myocardial infarction 225
Stab wound 212
Staphylococcal food poisoning, acute 350
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 62
Staphylococcus aureus 72, 93, 129, 271, 360, 372
Staphylococcus epidermidis 93, 486, 488
Star fish 460
Statins 256
Status epilepticus 264
Stem cell transplantation 307
Sterile collection system 241
Sterile cotton swab 75
Steroids 34, 273, 281
high dose 280
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 63, 392
Stimulants 450
Stomach, acute dilatation of 502
Streptococcal shock syndrome 372
Streptococcus hemolyticus 93
Streptococcus pneumoniae 205, 270, 362
Streptococcus pyogenes 372
Streptococcus viridans 486
Streptokinase 498
Streptomycin 272
Stroke 299
completed 253
minor 253
prevention of 255
Stroke-in-evolution 253
Stupor 150
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, acute 261
Subaxial dislocation 381
Subclavian artery, left 243
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 91, 111
Subcutaneous emphysema 3
Subdural empyema 276
Subpleural bleb, rupture of 212
Subserous fibroid 134
Substance use disorders 142, 151
Sudden deafness 78, 79
Suicidal behavior 144
Sulphur dioxide 449
Sunken eyes 358
Supportive therapy 310
Suppurative cholangitis, acute 185
Supraventricular ectopics, multiple 232
Surgical emergencies 20
Swan-Ganz pressure 263
Sweating 448
Symblepharon 94, 110
Symptomatic esophageal peristalsis 164
Symptomatic hyponatremia 324
Syncope 245
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 324
Synovial rupture, acute 381
Systemic antibiotic therapy 270
Systemic corticosteroids 207
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 373
Systemic lupus erythematosus 51, 58, 378
acute 59
Systemic symptoms syndrome 65, 69
Systolic pressure, lowering of 243
Tachyarrhythmia 229, 309, 384
Tachycardia 309, 448, 465
supraventricular 37
Tachypnea 238, 465
Temporal arteritis 378
Temporomandibular joint dislocation 89
Tenecteplase 498
Tension pneumothorax 9
Terramycin 107
Testicular torsion 333
Tetanus 352
Tetany 448
Theophylline 208, 449
Thermal injury, secondary 470
Thermal radiation 474
Thiazide diuretics 319
Thioxanthenes 143
Thrombectomy 498
Thrombocytopenia 495
Thrombolysis 239, 258
Thrombosis 102
Thrombotic microangiopathy 337
Thumb, rule of 63
Thymectomy 280
crisis 309
hormone 312
storm 309, 384
surgery 309
Thyroxine 451
Tight cord around neck 2
Timolol maleate 113
Tinnitus 448
T-mycoplasma 127
T-O fistula 20, 21
Tobramycin 93
Tonic-clonic status epilepticus 265
management of 265
Torsade de pointes 233
Total abdominal hysterectomy 131
Total parenteral nutrition 49
Toxemia 1
of pregnancy 102
severe 364
Toxic disorders 51, 60, 162
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 51, 62
Toxic myelopathies 292
Toxic shock syndrome 372
Tracheostomy 354, 482, 523
Trachoma 94
Tramadol 442
Tranexamic acid 169
Transbronchial biopsy 194
reactions 302
therapy 296
Transient ischemic attacks 252, 253
Transient tachypnea 5
Transtentorial herniation 249
Trauma 91, 333
Traumatic cataract 111
Traumatic glaucoma 112
Traumatic injury 470
Traumatic iridocyclitis 112
Treat shock 302
Trichiasis 94
Tricyclic antidepressants 150, 417
Tri-iodothyronine 451
Trimethoprim plus sulphamethoxazole 490
Trismus 90
Trophoblastic disease 115
Tropical diseases 341
Tube thoracostomy 213
Tubercular meningitis 390
Tuberculous lymphadenitis 180
Tuberculous meningitis 272
Tubo-ovarian abscess 129
Tumors 6, 334
Tympanic membrane injury 78
Typhoid fever 344
Ulcer, cauterization of 96
Ulcerative colitis, acute severe 175
Uncal herniation 250
Ureteral obstruction, bilateral 338
Ureteric colic 329
Urethral negotiation 333
Urinalysis, routine 176
Urinary tract
infection 316, 384, 502
obstruction 338
Urine 277, 336, 531
acute retention of 138, 331
inspection of 407
ketones 314
Urogenital diseases, emergencies in 326
Urogenital emergencies 326
Urticaria 51, 67
Uterine sarcoma 120
perforation of 125
tumors of 120
Uveitis 63
Vagina, injuries of 119
Vaginal tear 119
Valdecoxib 72
Valsalva maneuver 37
Vancomycin 188
Varicella 52
management of 52
Varicella zoster
immune globulin 53
infection 391
Vascular disorders 299
Vascular malformations 168
Vasculitis 379
Vasodilatation 448
Vasovagal attack 246
Vena cava syndrome, s492
Venomous bites and stings 453
Venomous jellyfish 460
Venous infarct 259
Ventilation 354
Ventilatory support 376
Ventricular aneurysm 228
Ventricular assist device, left 227
Ventricular ectopics 234
Ventricular fibrillation 38
Ventricular filling, reduced 246
Ventricular septal rupture 227
Ventricular tachycardia 38, 232
Vertebrobasilar ischemia 247
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 287
Vibrio cholerae 348
Vigorous abdominal palpation 322
Violence 142
Vipers 454
first aid 454
Viral encephalitis, acute 274,275
Virus infections 52, 64, 189
severe 51
cessation of 91
sudden loss of 91
Visual field 91
Vitamin 105
A intoxication 319
C 102, 117
K 117
deficiency 13
supplements 57
Vitreous detachment, posterior 102
Vitreous hemorrhage 102, 111
Volatile substance abuse 451
Vomiting 17, 448, 324
Vulva, injuries of 119
Warfarin 256, 452
Water 393
and electrolyte
metabolism, disorders
of 393
deficiency 394
excess 393
in lungs 466
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 372
Weil's syndrome 355
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome 153
management of 154
Wheeze 216
White eye, painful 378
Whooping cough 362
Widal test 344
Wilson's disease 162, 190, 191
Wilson-Milky syndrome 6
Withdrawal syndrome 157, 158, 159, 160
care of 354, 355, 483
infection 499
Xalatan 113
Xylocaine 110
Xylometazoline 77
Zidovudine 391
Chapter Notes

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